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Pretend I'm a #tree and #save me. -babies everywhereyouthgen #SemST | 1 | against |
Your life is worth a lot. Don't believe any "compassionate" politicians or doctors or friends who tell you otherwise. You matter. #SemST | 1 | against |
I'm so glad this is Not My Home! #NMH #SCOTUSMarriage #ACA #SemST | 0 | none |
Spent the WHOLE day on my highlight film from my Israel trip...I'll post the link and Instagram the link to it #ballislife #SemST | 0 | none |
Peer pressure is real! Parents also need to get real! Lay the facts right on sex! To those who are misleading shame on u! #SemST | 0 | none |
RT @user Yes I will be at @user Counting down to it. Looking forward to standing up for the right to life #... #SemST | 1 | against |
You know what's best for you You know what's best for your happiness You know what's best for your well being #SemST | 2 | favor |
Please pray for mercy for #AndrewChan & #MyuranSukumaran #IStandForMercy #KeepHopeAlive #Bali9 #SemST | 0 | none |
Re Last: I can't get past this...why must abortion providers dismember a fetus alive? That just sounds...hideously inhumane. #SemST | 1 | against |
Selfish men everywhere: "#BirthControlHelpedMe cheat on my wife! But she found out anyway & our marriage was destroyed. #SemST | 0 | none |
How Ohio is secretly as restrictive as Texas with their #antichoice laws #TRAPlaws #SemST | 1 | against |
We are people who believe every child is entitled to life and liberty.... -@BarackObama Yet abortion is still legal. #SemST | 1 | against |
Happy to hear the #SCOTUS blocked closing of 10 abortion clinics in TX until an appeal can be heard #safelegalrare #thinkprogress #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user Yup. The women in the womb are as precious as those who are outside of it. #ProLifeYouth #AllLivesMatter #SemST | 1 | against |
Ok now how about we handle up on something just a little more important.....like MURDER #SemST | 1 | against |
Both Democrats and #IslamicState murder by dismemberment. The only difference is the age of their victims. #ISIS #SemST | 1 | against |
Now the matter of abortion comes next. #SemST | 0 | none |
Legalized tweeting-instead-of-procreating discriminates against the unconceived child. #worstargumentever #lolanti #SemST | 1 | against |
Abortion is legal all nine months in Canada and in some parts of the USA. #ProLifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
On Manila TV,Monday: #Pacquiao appeals to @user -don't execute #MaryJaneVeloso #deathRow #drugTrafficking #Christian | 0 | none |
We must provide demonstrated sexual training as a preparation for marriage. From THE COMING WOMAN #sexed #marriage #books #SemST | 0 | none |
RT alvedaking: The most disturbing thing we to this planet is to flood our streets with the #blood of #children from #HappyEarthD... #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user #Obama cares more about deserters than unborn babies #ProtectTheUnprotected #AntiAbortion #SemST | 1 | against |
@user It's not Monday on Twitter until some right wing troll sends me a video of an abortion #ReproRights #SemST | 2 | favor |
RT @user Why doesn't anyone congratulate me for NOT getting knocked up? Throw me a damn shower #ReproJustice #SemST | 0 | none |
@user Its not only safe but contrally to the ten commandments... Thy shall not kill #ItsNotonItsNotSafe #SemST | 1 | against |
@user But adoption chooses to let them live. Obviously a huge difference. You can see that, right? #Adoption #SemST | 1 | against |
RT @user Government has exceeded its necessary size, scope and reach into the lives of its citizens. #Armenia... #SemST | 0 | none |
if we can accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? #SemST | 1 | against |
RT @user #SCOTUS says they support equality for all. Well what about equality for the unborn? #SemST | 1 | against |
@user goes along with the world is the law of God and not of men #SemST | 1 | against |
Every human person - is a being of inestimable worth created in the image and likeness of God. -St. JPII #SemST | 1 | against |
The day that love will truly win is the day that the injustice known as abortion is abolished. #AllLivesMatter #SemST | 1 | against |
Coming from a female that was taken away the ability to have children. I still believe women should have the ability to choose. #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user @user @user Where did we get that right? When did we get that right- at conception? #antichoice #SemST | 1 | against |
@user That lady needs help, mental illness is a serious issue. #SemST | 0 | none |
#SupremeCourt is on a roll this week, did they just discover #coffee or something?? #MarriageEquaility #SemST | 0 | none |
Abortion does not make you un-pregnant, it makes you the mother of a dead child.isright #SemST | 1 | against |
What a great day to argue the benefits of making abortion legal #SemST | 2 | favor |
#Humans have taken over the role of #God - #RachelDolezal #CaitlynJenner #SCOTUSMarriage #SemST | 1 | against |
Today I am grateful to have the right to control my body without govt influence. #antichoice leaders want to stop this. #abvote | 2 | favor |
Forced reproduction is a human rights violation. #feminism #abortionrights #SemST | 2 | favor |
I love how #liberals only accuse #conservatives of war on women when we don't want to fund | 1 | against |
@user he is still waiting for an answer, instead of wealding his authority to put a stop to it and disobey the government. #SemST | 0 | none |
@user Good point but Our heart starts beating 22 days after conception we are alive at conception. #SemST | 1 | against |
Last meeting of the year tonight! 7:00 pm in Case Hall room 334A. Come one come all! Pizza and pop will be provided! | 0 | none |
I'm a woman who cannot conceive, and I proudly beg you to reconsider killing what I'd die for. #ProLifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
U.S. Fed law does nothing to prevent killing of pre-born children even up til sec of birth or seriously address root causes of #SemST | 1 | against |
@user "If you don't draw the line where I've arbitrarily drawn it, you can't draw it anywhere." Nonsense. #SemST | 0 | none |
@user Pressure? It's their job and they are failing miserably at keeping the promises they made. #GOP #PJNET #Amnesty #Obamacare | 0 | none |
Why is bacteria considered life on Mars, but a heartbeat is not considered life on earth? #heartbeat #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Are you OK with #GOP males telling you what you can and can't do with your own body? | 2 | favor |
@user Precisely! In God's eyes, ALL life is precious. Let's make this generation the one who ends abortion! #ProLifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
It is so much fun having younger friends who are expecting babies. #beentheredonethat #chooselife | 1 | against |
I've noticed that everybody that is for Abortion has already been born-Ronald Reagan #LetthemLive #AllLivesMatter #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Exactly, no apologies needed to any #fundamentalist of any kind. Stop apologies for rights. #p2 #SemST | 2 | favor |
I'm gonna fuck @user Next weekend #SemST | 0 | none |
#Florida AttorneyGeneralBondi files appeal after Judge grants ACLU request to temporarily halt new law requiring 24hr wait before #SemST | 1 | against |
Good morning @user Do you plan to tell @user that women on PEI deserve the right to choose? #cdnpoli #peipoli #SemST | 2 | favor |
So happy that America is making it possible for ALL of its people to be married to the ones they love! #MarriageEquaility #SemST | 0 | none |
Govt cannot force you to get chemo but if you're a fetus, you must live! #JulieBorowski #reproductiverights #SemST | 2 | favor |
How the fuNk is Chris Christy a Republican? Oh Yeah hes a RINO #1A #2A #NRA #COS #CCOT #TGDN #PJNET #WAKEUPAMERICA #SemST | 1 | against |
@user because a good percent utilized that wonderful gift of choice (#proChoice). #SemST | 1 | against |
RT @user @user @user Everybody but the unborn, right? #SemST | 1 | against |
@user it was her choice Mark! #profeminist #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user 22wks is too late to be able to have a termination in my opinion, these triplets are babies not a bunch of cells. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user love is only love if it's on her terms. Keep your faith in Jesus, He is your Anchor in this storm. Hebrews 6:19 #SemST | 0 | none |
Now we just need to give women everywhere their rightful choice #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user you want the freedom to murder a baby. Rip them limb by limb. No change in subject by me.Libertarian #SemST | 1 | against |
If we ever forget we're one Nation under GOD, then we will be a Nation gone under. #Reagan #Christian #2A #DogLover #Conservative #SemST | 0 | none |
It is a #poverty to decide that a #child must #die so you may live as you wish. -Mother Teresa #prolifeyouth #prolifegen #SemST | 1 | against |
Today the proverbial straw broke the back of America It's just a matter of time We've gone too far... #LoveWins #SemST | 0 | none |
We all have a duty to protect the sanctity of life...from the first cell division, to the last. #ProtectLife #pjnet #ctot #ccot #SemST | 1 | against |
I refuse to stop praying for an end to abortion. #SemST | 1 | against |
Pregnancy is not a crisis. It's a gift. Whether they be wanted by you or someone else, no child is unwanted. #ChooseLife #Adoption #SemST | 1 | against |
We are thrilled to announce that we will be opening a satellite office! We'll be right across the street from #ASU ! #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user And gov't $ should never go to the largest corporation that murders little babies. Defund #SemST | 1 | against |
Messed up: Being outraged that it's legal to distribute images of abortion, but being fine with abortion being legal. #No2Trudeau #SemST | 1 | against |
Like the govt. is literally taking away your right to live your own life by defunding right now #SemST | 2 | favor |
Abortion is on the wrong side of history: healers, inventors, artists, your wife, your husband, your best friend, all eliminated. #SemST | 1 | against |
Someone snitched on the mom having sex with and playing naked twister with teens. I bet it was her Cock blocking ass children. #SemST | 0 | none |
I will believe the narrative that "black lives matter" when ALL black lives matter, all the time. #BlackOnBlackViolence #SemST | 0 | none |
RT @user The most disturbing thing we to this planet is to flood our streets with the #blood of #children from #HappyEarth... #SemST | 1 | against |
Why are we all here? Because all of our mothers granted us the gift of life and did not abort us. All life has value. #ProLifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
Abortion has nothing to do with feminism. Its about the BABYS body, not yours.isright #SemST | 1 | against |
lifeboatcoffee Thanks for the follow! Done with SB and other companies on the left. All about #1M1W #CCOT #SemST | 0 | none |
In Ireland the unborn child has constitutional protection. Long may this continued.Youth #SemST | 1 | against |
Today I am grateful for the #reproductiverights that allow so many families to escape poverty. #abvote #SemST | 2 | favor |
Since now the LGBT community received equal rights now it's time to give equal rights to the unborn community! #SemST | 1 | against |
Why would a mother advice her daughter to abort?? Shame, responsibility, but truly is that the best advice?? #ItsNotOnItsNotSafe #SemST | 1 | against |
...and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, & forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mk 10:14 #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Large parts of it were difficult to write so I can't imagine having to read the fucking thing. #SemST | 0 | none |
@user do you have influence on policy on how the info is presented as a whole, given that you are listed as a Partner. #SemST | 0 | none |
The Democrats just gave the most chilling reply when asked if they support aborting 7-pound babies #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user @user Ginsburg already supports the death penalty..i.e. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user I am in favor of women's rights and their right to choose. How I chose is irrelevant to others #SemST | 1 | against |
RT @user Dear Religious Right: I keep my uterus out of your church, so keep your church out my uterus. #SemST | 2 | favor |
Unthinkable, shameful, acceptable, encouraged, desirable ...the evolution of killing the defenseless. @user @user #SemST | 1 | against |
RT @user #DebbieWashermanSchultz the woman has a voice the doctor has a voice. Who speaks for the baby? I'm just askin. #SemST | 1 | against |
Sweat, killed and cut up his victim, extreme deadbeat parents do the same to innocent babies by abortion, #scotusabortion #SemST | 1 | against |
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