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@user @user No guarantee she will be destroyed I trust God. #SemST | 0 | none |
I am a man, but I feel most qualified to make healthcare decisions for women. #ThingsYouDontSayAsAPolitician #SemST | 1 | against |
What about the equal rights of unborn humans in which about 1% could grow up to be LGBT? @user #LoveWins #SemST | 1 | against |
On my bday I'm always so grateful to my bio parents who gave me up for #adoption #nochoiceisevereasy #SemST | 1 | against |
The world is waking up to the fact that killing babies is wrong. No matter what. #ProLifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
Took God, discipline & tobacco out, made ^airtight & filled homes w/^CO2 cuz of energy & climate lies. Evil & energy use soared. #SemST | 0 | none |
Part of our celebration will be dancing our butts off to a LGBTQIA pride inspired playlist. What songs should we add to our list? #SemST | 0 | none |
RT @user When is abortion a responsible choice? When a woman chooses it to be #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user we may disagree but I love ya man I don't want hard feelings #SemST | 0 | none |
Americans clearly support family planning. Cutting Title X is wrong #ProtectPrevention #savetitleX #SemST | 2 | favor |
How can you be "against abortion" and also want to take away all the free birth control clinics for the poor? How? #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user of course we want the Feds to puff puff pass! #TeamBuck #warondrugs #SemST | 0 | none |
@user @user @user @user /gags Dat face. #SemST | 1 | against |
The #right to #life should be the #first among #humanrights -Pope Francisyouthgen #SemST | 1 | against |
Equal pay for equal work? YES. Freedom from the fear of rape and sexual objectification? YES. The 'right' to abort? NO. | 1 | against |
The Supreme Court justices are on fire this week #LoveWins #SemST | 0 | none |
@user "if u had been my wife I would have blow your head off." Yep, that sound like #ElSalvador #SemST | 0 | none |
Manipulation, Disguise, & Evil is always seen by the out-come. The Ugly Doors of Satan appear in all forms when it's Fake Love. #SemST | 0 | none |
Good reminder that over 57 million children have never been granted the opportunity to share the air we breath. #Equality #SemST | 1 | against |
I refuse 2comply w/Bad laws. Just Because #SCOTUS forced laws on us does NOT make them right. They force bad laws on us: #SemST | 0 | none |
Just like abortion, even though SCOTUS says gay marriage is legal doesn't make it moral. #SCOTUSMarriage #FreedomOfReligion #SemST | 1 | against |
Abortion does not prevent rape. Kittington #SemST | 1 | against |
Of mothers advising their daughter's to abort are insane! It's unacceptable!! #Condoms #ItsNotOnItsNotSafe #SemST | 1 | against |
People who want kids can b prochoice. U don't have to want an abortion to b prochoice. People who had a miscarriage can b prochoice #SemST | 2 | favor |
You can't kill someone cause you claim you made a mistake. If true nobody would go to jail for killing their spouse. | 1 | against |
Praise to District Court Judge Larry Hendricks for blocking that ridiculous anti-abortion law in Kansas #SemST | 2 | favor |
How can I continue to say "God bless America" when this country continues to approve and glorify things in opposition to Him? #SSM #SemST | 1 | against |
@user just a reminder that you are awful in every way and do not represent me. #prolove #proeducation #prohealthcare #SemST | 0 | none |
Good morning Patriots, let us continue to Pray for this great Nation and the #UnBorn on this great day God has given us!! #ccot #SemST | 1 | against |
Had a great meeting today with two guys who I know are reading this tweet... Welcome to the team! Excited to expand Team Sobhy!! #SemST | 0 | none |
@user @user @user you Cora ignore that IRE export the 'problem',to UK @user #itwontgoaway #repealthe8th #SemST | 0 | none |
It's a good day to be alive :) everyone deserves to have the choice to marry the person they love! #LoveWins #EqualityForAll #SemST | 0 | none |
They know what's best for their safety. #SemST | 2 | favor |
Why do you cry when a dog dies in a movie, but it doesn't seem to phase you that so many babies die because of abortion? #SemST | 1 | against |
Hadn't seen October Baby until the other night. Had me crying thru the whole thing...I don't cry at movies. So touching! #adoption #SemST | 1 | against |
Off to the #clinic this morning. 2015 and we still have to chase away anti-choice nutters harassing our patients. #SemST | 2 | favor |
if it wasn't for harry all my favorite characters would still be alive #SemST | 0 | none |
Well now that marriage is out of the way we can focus on abolishing abortion, stoping the murders of unborn children #SemST | 1 | against |
It's not #yourbody, so it's not your #choice.youthgen #SemST | 2 | favor |
Without #life, the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness aren't possible. #ProLifeYouth #AllLivesMatter #SemST | 1 | against |
#PeoplesDebate Juvenile hysterics from that woman. Killing babies is bodily autonomy? People dying of neglect but lets have #VinB #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user @user @user @user Hypocrisy: saying #LoveWins while supporting #QuitKillingGirls #SemST | 0 | none |
Thanks for gently spoken truth, @user ! How DO we as a nation "protect the innocent"? #TheFive #CCOT #DNC #RNC #SemST | 1 | against |
#Love does not delight in #evil, but #rejoices in the #truth ~1 Cor 3:6 #Loving requires always speaking truth #ProtestChildKilling #SemST | 1 | against |
One, we are pro life Two, a little bit louder Three, I still can't hear you Four, more more moreYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
It is not progressive to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life. - #PopeFrancis | 1 | against |
you have to live with that murder I am speechless with rage , hurt and complete disgust.Finding it V.hard to hold my tongue here #SemST | 1 | against |
Sadly, most health insurance plans don't cover abortions, so the price can be quite high.... | 2 | favor |
What is the difference between a baby and a onion? No one cries when you chop up the baby. Hahahahaha! Love dead babies! #Babies #SemST | 2 | favor |
So unfortunate #thebriefcase @user Adoption isn't always the answer. #SemST | 2 | favor |
Great college training in Stevens Point today!gen #WRTLCollege #SemST | 0 | none |
FACT: 17% of today's population is equivalent to residents in New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Where's the outrage for this? | 0 | none |
RT @user ...anything that destroys God's gift of motherhood destroys His most precious gift to women #motherteresa #SemST | 1 | against |
@user I would like to see poll: How many abortion doctors have told a woman "No, an abortion is not required in your case. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user actually noone said they dont consider it life, and an abortion is between a woman and her doctor #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user As a former fetus I oppose #ProlifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
Some Bitches be scared to kill a little cockroach in their house but quick to kill a baby... #SemST | 1 | against |
Roe v Wade prevented the biggest crime spree predicted in U.S. history. The guns were there; the criminals weren't. #gunsense #SemST | 0 | none |
#ProLifeYouth if you are truly a feminist you would be fighting for the woman's life that is in the womb. #AllLivesMatter #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Oops she did it again Bristol is PREGNANT. Candies is a waste. U paid her 400,000 for WHAT? PPL Send ur $ to #SemST | 0 | none |
I know what's best, for my health. You don't know anything about me. #SemST | 2 | favor |
I think Marcus is slightly scared of my radical liberal side #feministally #SemST | 0 | none |
@user @user @user I despair! I want grandchildren or are they a 'luxury item' #Catholic #SemST | 1 | against |
#SignsYoureInTheUSA Doc can pull baby 3/4 way out of the womb, stick a knife in its head 2 kill the child & @user says its OK #SemST | 1 | against |
@user 100,000 (estimated) ozzie abortions of vulnerable, unwanted "unlife" right there. Value & Respect life. #deathpenalty #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user duh.... Planned pregnancy around election date, new fad. Get with the times. #SemST | 0 | none |
Call me an #extremist, but I think #dismembering babies is wrong.youthgen #SemST | 1 | against |
@user don't need your input but thanks. #womanschoice #controlyourownbody #SemST | 2 | favor |
. . . abortion is not self-defense, shooting the rapist is Kittington #PJNET #TCOT #SemST | 1 | against |
SCOTUS has caused more repression and racism in this nation that any other group of people in America. #DredScott #Marriage #SemST | 0 | none |
@user Plenty of reasons for Christians not to support Hillary. Not the least of which in my mind is her stand (w/Dems) on | 1 | against |
RT @user .@giannaberettamo @user @user Happy feast of St. Gianna Beretta Molla! May she pray for us! #SemST | 0 | none |
Also, abortion is wrong biblically and morally. Imagine never getting a chance to live your life. Think about where you are now. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Complications come with all types of medical procedures, doesn't mean procedure itself should be banned. #DealWithIt #SemST | 2 | favor |
What doesn't reduce abortions: -Making it illegal What does: -Sex education -Caring about the pregnant person... #SemST | 2 | favor |
RT @user @user try joining the millions of slaughtered unborn CHILDREN robbed of their right to choose. #cdnpoli #SemST | 1 | against |
#ProLifeYouth have no chill, and we're dang proud of it. Human rights injustices should never be treated lightly. #prolifegen #SemST | 1 | against |
#bristolpalin is more proof that #abstinence only education doesn't work. Affordable access to contraception #SemST | 0 | none |
Oh look!!! So not only are antichoice strongly against pregnant people's human rights, they're also homophobic. Shocker. (Not) #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user I don't think I have a right to use someone else's body without consent. Do you? #rapeculture #SemST | 2 | favor |
#BlackLivesMatter unless they are pre born black lives then they don't matter #AbortionIsMurder #LiberalLogic #SemST | 1 | against |
People aren't 'pro-life' they're 'pro-birth'. When a mother can't provide what happens then? #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user i don't follow the news, is there a new law that ALL gay people have to get married? I'm against that! #SemST | 0 | none |
@user The Gods #Law, the #Truth, is being #supressed! They thing they are eternal! #gaymarriage #LoveWins #SemST | 0 | none |
@user Great job on @user #Scotus should have been eliminated 41 years ago when they called for the murder of children. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user More #blacks killed by abortion than during #slavery #ConfederateFlag #SemST | 1 | against |
@user No, U want 2 limit the doctor's choice & force him/her to help w/ abortions. I want to protect life & human dignity. #SemST | 1 | against |
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