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Watching teen mom and watching Farrah be a bitch makes me believe in abortion that much more. #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user @user is a seven pound baby murderer. Too bad her Mom didn't have the same operation. #Baby #Democrats #Losers #SemST | 1 | against |
Well that's a win for women in Texas. Thank you SCOTUS! #texas #SemST | 2 | favor |
Jesus loves the children of the world, the born and the unborn.Youth #SemST | 1 | against |
because it is settled that [abortion] is constitutional, it necessarily follows that there must be a means of carrying it out. #SemST | 1 | against |
Inching toward diabetes while supporting @user at #ChocolateMadness 2015. #mapoli #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user And I explained that they are in the keep your baby business, as they helped me get Medicaid and WIC. #SemST | 1 | against |
Ever notice how ppl like Cruz who say they love the Constitution are always the ones who want to change it? #ACA #GayMarriage #SemST | 0 | none |
#Liberals don't realize they conceded the debate. Now - per Shaw - we are just going to haggle over price. #Idiots #SemST | 0 | none |
If men could get pregnant, abortion clinics would be like Starbucks #SemST | 1 | against |
people in the government care more about words in a bible than women and their bodies #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user how do you plan 2 endorse @user @user who'd not b able 2 run 4 fed @user #peipoli #SemST | 0 | none |
@user if every child matters regardless of skin color? why do we as a nation continuously keep aborting them? #AllLivesMatter #SemST | 1 | against |
Hillary wants to be a champion for women, unless they're unborn. #SemST | 1 | against |
When you abort a baby, you don't just abort one person ...you abort generations. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user because it's not your baby, body or decision, nor does it effect your life in any way. So it's none of your business. #SemST | 2 | favor |
Mary, Help of Christians persecuted everywhere, pray for us! #HolyLove #UnitedHearts #MaranathaSnS #profamily #1m1w #marriage #SemST | 1 | against |
@user I also support Men's wrongs as well as Women's rights #Standforchoice #womensrights #SemST | 2 | favor |
If the fetus isn't inside you, than shut up love #SemST | 2 | favor |
All of this has nothing to do w providing medical care - @user on TRAP regulations #scraptrap #SemST | 1 | against |
On my way to Sweden! @user #womangolf #letsgooo #SemST | 0 | none |
Time to make a change in my boxing style can u say @user style but still be great on my defense #beastmode #boxing #ximenez #SemST | 0 | none |
@user that much more oppressive for women #SemST | 0 | none |
A nation that kills it's own children is a nation without hope. -Pope Saint John Paul II #ProLifeYouth #AllLivesMatter #SemST | 1 | against |
pro-life? no you're more pro-birth then after that the baby can support itself!!! #makesnosense #prowomen | 2 | favor |
#POTUS seals his legacy w/ 1/2 doz wins. The #GOP agenda? STILL!! Repeal #Gun laws & #Obamacare Ban Access 2 #TotalLosers #NoIdeas #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user @user you know what massively reduces abortion? Sex education and access to birth control. #SemST | 2 | favor |
A woman who deliberately destroys a fetus is answerable for murder.-St. Basil the Great #SemST | 1 | against |
Never during a pregnancy does a pregnant person's body cease being their own. Support bodily autonomy. Be #SemST | 1 | against |
#SCOTUS blocking part of our Texas Anti-Abortion law. Maybe we should call them the Supreme Tyrant. #tcot #tgdn #SemST | 1 | against |
She* knows what's best for her* happiness & her* body #SemST | 2 | favor |
Why do we think we can outsmart #satan when he has been at it for over thousands of years? #scotus #marriage #isis #LoveWins #SemST | 0 | none |
@user @user @user Abortion Workers Charged with Manslaughter After Another Woman Dies From #SemST | 1 | against |
Let's agree that it's not ok to kill a 7lbs baby in the uterus @user #DNC #Clinton2016 @user #ProCompromise #SemST | 1 | against |
@user putting abortion in with choices for women just won my heart over. Yaaaaaas! #shahs | 2 | favor |
@user because that 9% utilized that wonderful gift of choice (#proChoice). #SemST | 1 | against |
I am 1 in 3... I have had an abortion #AbortionOnDemand #MenstruationMatters #SemST | 1 | against |
Bodily autonomy is a human right. A person's access to abortion is a human right. #reprojustice #reprorights #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user When we #PrayTheRosary lest we forget to #Prayforpersecutedchurch #PrayForIsrael #PrayForUkraine | 0 | none |
How can a kingdom founded in violence long control the vice that brought it n2 existence? <-- commentary on Judges9 @user #SemST | 0 | none |
RT @user The single most important factor for women's advancement in society is our ability to control our fertility. #SemST | 2 | favor |
Parents have left their role to the teachers! Parents need to have skills to reach out to their own children it's important! #SemST | 0 | none |
Bigger problems 4 #Christians than same sex #marriage: #worldhunger #cleanwater #sextrafficking #slavelabor #womensrights #thelost #SemST | 0 | none |
Help your friend figure out how they're going to get there and where to stay if they need to spend the night | 0 | none |
Equality in the states is a nice step forward to a better America. #ProudToLove #SemST | 0 | none |
If Doctors used guns to perform abortions, would liberals then be opposed? #2A #liberallogic #SemST | 1 | against |
Life Fact: At just 9 weeks into a pregnancy, a baby begins to sigh and yawn. #LifeFact #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Keep up the good work! They are nutters #SemST | 0 | none |
They know what's best for their health They know what's best for their happiness They know what's best for their well being.. #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user You're a historian? Of what , malice? Your hatred of her child is astonishing. #palin #SemST | 0 | none |
RT @user Children are the greatest blessing which God has bestowed on man and woman. -Pope Francis #SemST | 1 | against |
Pro-Choice is meaningless. Say what you mean. You stand for the right to choose to kill. #SemST | 1 | against |
Size,Level of development, Environment,Degree of dependency do not affect a human's value. . A fetus is a human being #ProLifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
I'll always put all my focus and energy toward keeping people alive instead of deciding who gets to marry. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user My @user is it 1973 already? #SemST | 0 | none |
Pro-Life Legislative Day Party in Lansing today! See y'all there! #sopumpedgen #SemST | 1 | against |
Children are the greatest blessing which God has bestowed on man and woman. -Pope Francis #LifeisaGift #SemST | 1 | against |
@user @user But the Mayor of Baltimore said to give rioters to rioters. #BlackLivesMatter #Except2Democrats #Sanger | 0 | none |
Okay so how about declaring and protecting equality for the unborn now? #SCOTUS #Murder #SemST | 1 | against |
True equality" allows all to be born. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Don't you mean to say (all children deserve the same chances) except the UNBORN CHILDREN? #SemST | 1 | against |
@user "In check" is putting it nicely. #MargaretSanger #SemST | 0 | none |
@user And where is @user ? Nowhere to be seen - cause they only care about #SemST | 0 | none |
People go nuts on the #Onepercent, yet their fine with 0.0000023% of the population deciding their fate on #obamacare, #marriage, #SemST | 1 | against |
@user No, it shows that liberals should start thinking about the consequences of their actions #polygamy #gaymarriage #SemST | 0 | none |
Some people are not ready for a child or they were even raped, and theres already too many kids who need adopting anyway #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user I have no problem with birth control but their you go with that free thing again. So your solution is murder good idea #SemST | 1 | against |
Do you know anything about the right of bodily autonomy? Describe it then if you don't think the fetus takes it away from her #SemST | 2 | favor |
Findin budget compromise a 'process' #Brownback says #income #thestate #SemST | 0 | none |
Now that the govt and The Supremes have saved the gays, maybe they will save the babies next. #SemST | 1 | against |
The only solution I see against the #POTUS #SCOTUS #Tyranny is #ArticleV #FederalistPapers #SCOTUScare #GayMarriage #wtf #SemST | 0 | none |
@user its morally wrong. Life is sacred and only the giver and its onlyHim alone that should take it#HaveYourSay is on #SemST | 1 | against |
It should never ever be legal to have an abortion because murder is wrong & #AbortionIsMurder not #healthcare . We Must . #SemST | 1 | against |
Why is it illegal to kill an unhatched eagle egg but its legal to kill an unborn human baby?isright | 1 | against |
#SoProLife they want to force Texans to carry pregnancies that WON'T EVEN PRODUCE LIFE. #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user @user Thank goodness politicians saw sense and recognised women's rights over their own bodies. #SemST | 2 | favor |
RT @user NEW video: "I'm not seeing it as a human being." @user @user @user @user #prolife... #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Typo - I meant to say "dies" - With every abortion @ least one human dies. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user whoa whoa whoa. I don't care about you having sex, but when you're pregnant, there's another life involved. | 1 | against |
@user @user @user Very important to #PrayTheRosary to #PrayforthePersecutedChurch & to #SemST | 1 | against |
Abstinence spokesmodel and brawler, Bristol Palin is pregnant and not at all happy about it. Poor little rich girl! #Hypocrite #SemST | 0 | none |
I'm killing my baby tonight, I don't care if it's wrong or right! #SemST | 2 | favor |
I really don't understand how some people are Pro-Choice. A life is a life no matter if it's 2 weeks old or 20 years old. #SemST | 1 | against |
When you bring up the 50 million black babies aborted in the past 30 years people get offended... #SemST | 1 | against |
Abortion IS NOT a political issue it is a MORAL issue. #Catholic #Christian #Conservative #SemST | 1 | against |
Woe to those who call evil good & good evil. Isaiah 5:20 #SCOTUSMarriage #SemST | 0 | none |
If your agonist abortion get a vasectomy #SemST | 1 | against |
Please join us as we pray to end the global holocaust of abortion! #SemST | 1 | against |
A little VAN action before work #datadatadata #SemST | 0 | none |
@user but it's ok. at least it's only yo your hand that smells like dick #SemST | 0 | none |
It is a poverty to decided that a child must die so that you may live as you wish. -Mother Teresa #SemST | 1 | against |
Abortion laws should be designed to make it harder to get an abortion. Abortion is murder! #SemST | 1 | against |
@user did u become a lib before or after u made it in Hollywood? #BlackLivesDontMatter #whitebrunch #SemST | 0 | none |
Breda O'Brien strikes again, why can't people just allow the woman who is carrying the 'child' to make her own decisions #Amnesty #SemST | 2 | favor |
During an abortion, something alive must become dead to be considered a successful abortion... #p2 #tcot #ChooseLife #Choice #SemST | 1 | against |
So can unborn children have rights now? #SemST | 1 | against |
So mint! Listening to @user LIVE & he s talking about #MargaretSanger being total Evil. Even if you're pro-#Abortion! #SemST | 1 | against |
Idiot: how would you feel if your mom aborted you? Me: nothing cause I would be fucking dead. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Abortion Workers Charged with Manslaughter After Another Woman Dies From #SemST | 1 | against |
Every good Christian wants to make sure the unworthy "those people" don't have health insurance. Because Jesus. #RedState #tcot #SemST | 0 | none |
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