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@user Keeping pregnant people safe is a great reason for abortion, though. | 2 | favor |
@user @user - Sent mine two days ago. Expect it back in two days. Quick turnaround and great customer service! #SemST | 0 | none |
It's great that same-sex marriage has been made legal, but how long will it take to make abortion illegal? #SemST | 1 | against |
We are the #prolifegen and we will abolish abortion in our lifetime! #prolifefuture #tcot #SemST | 1 | against |
People who have never had an abortion can be prochoice. People with a uterus can be prochoice. People who never want kids can be #SemST | 2 | favor |
Do nothing at all unless you begin with prayer. -St Ephraem the Syrian #SemST | 1 | against |
Tip for protesters everywhere: your goal is to change the minds of rational adults, not to scar the minds of little kids. #PGH #SemST | 0 | none |
In #scotus majority opinion, substitute abortion for capital punishment, and you have the opinion for the Texas clinic case. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user #Americans have the right to #life #liberty and the #pursuitofhappiness, so why dont #unborn Americans? #SemST | 1 | against |
Canada's legal definition of "human being" is based on 17th century science. It's time for an update. #ProLifeYouth #cdnpoli #SemST | 1 | against |
If abortion is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. Powerful words from Blessed Mother Teresa. #SemST | 1 | against |
True progressives work toward greater inclusion and protections for the marginalized. Standing up for the unborn is progressive! | 1 | against |
Changing the cis-nomative atmosphere is difficult. #SemST | 0 | none |
Can we make sure #lovewins for babies too? Or nah... #SemST | 1 | against |
Just remember, there is a living family out there just waiting to #adopt your aborted baby. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user I doubt she was clothed with anything when that pregnancy occurred. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user only if u want me to smash ur head through a solid wall made of steel each time u say it then shore honay #urchoice #SemST | 0 | none |
#ProLifeYouth know that human life = human life, inside the womb or out. #SemST | 1 | against |
EVERYONE has a right and choice of either HEAVEN or HELL. #ProMarriage #ProFaith #EternalLifeMatters #SemST | 1 | against |
@user thank you for the way you beautifully communicate the pro-life message. You all consistently blow me away. #SemST | 1 | against |
Is there a gas that increases self-mutilation (tattoos, piercing, drugging, over-eating, & suicide) & violence? #waleg #SemST | 0 | none |
@user No, I can't explain why you would consider a medical procedure that leaves the patient healthy & happy as killing. #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user You would force a woman to risk her health, sanity, and life, to continue a doomed pregnancy. Against her will. No. | 2 | favor |
SCOTUS at it again! Blocks Texas from enforcing part of new abortion law! We have to stop killing babies! #SemST | 1 | against |
Women's rights are a joke. Omg I can't even. Lol go thank your mom for keeping you. #SemST | 1 | against |
Lol it's no ones choice but the woman's when it comes to abortion. Men shouldn't even be able to vote on the issue. #SemST | 2 | favor |
Lmao my school thinks giving women the right to an abortion is against feminism. They don't know feminism #wtf | 2 | favor |
Life, what a beautiful choice. Adoption. Not abortion. | 1 | against |
RT @user "We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving." -J.K. Rowling #... #SemST | 1 | against |
@user No one is advocating "punishment". Would you force ppl to give birth against their wills? #rapeculture #SemST | 2 | favor |
So prolifers are against health rights? #SemST | 2 | favor |
U know what isn't funny? Male politicians deciding what women should do with their body's. | 2 | favor |
everyone should have the right to make their own reproductive choices & recieve safe medical treatment without stigma. #SemST | 1 | against |
Abortion is not contraception. Contraception is about preventing pregnancy. Abortion is terminating a life. #CCOT #SemST | 1 | against |
Assaulting & manipulating pregnant people doesn't reduce #SemST | 2 | favor |
.@DRUDGE_REPORT not sure I agree with her decision but, it is her decision.I wonder how many of the critics would support abortion? #SemST | 2 | favor |
Are the same people who are red faced and frothing over abortion also against the death penalty? Just wondering... #deathpenalty #SemST | 2 | favor |
#SB724 passes Sen. Judiciary Cmte.This bill is an effort to shame women out of their personal, private medical decision to have an #SemST | 2 | favor |
Planned Parenthood lines its pockets while sacrificing women and children in need at the altar of abortion. | 1 | against |
Will you be my #voice? -unborn babiesyouthgen #SemST | 1 | against |
If you planted a garden you don't pull out the plants before they have a chance to bear fruit. #SemST | 1 | against |
We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child. --Ronald Reagan #ccot #gop #SemST | 1 | against |
The causes & circumstances of pregnancies vary, but one thing is unwavering: a human with a right to life. #ProLifeYouth #SemST | 1 | against |
Abortionists refused to comply with these constitutional, common-sense standards. #NARAL #SemST | 1 | against |
Meme on like it's the last Reddit thread on Earth. #AgeofUltron #lifeadvice #protip #propeller #propane #andpropaneaccessories #SemST | 0 | none |
Put into perspective: Est 32,000 rape-caused pregnancies/yr = 22x less than est 730,000 abortions/yr. #StrawMan #WarOnWomen #SemST | 1 | against |
wow all these people r so upset over 1 Black Man killed, what would they do if they knew about BlackKids killed by #BaltimoreRiots #SemST | 0 | none |
As long as they are allowed to show medically correct photos of contraception use at the family planning table #StopAbortion #SemST | 1 | against |
Pro-choice is pro-murder couched in liberal rhetoric. #SemST | 1 | against |
Today catch me at @user basketball camp.... #work #youthbuilding #thejourney42 #SemST | 0 | none |
You were alive for up to 9 months before you were bornKills #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Any pregnancy can turn deadly at any time, without warning. I can't force that on someone. #SemST | 1 | against |
At the Mass. State House again tomorrow for Planned Parenthood's Sexual Health Lobby Day #ReproductiveJustice #Feminism #SemST | 2 | favor |
Since 1973 the USA has killed (via abortion) over 5 times the number of ppl Hitler is considered responsible for killing #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Prayers & best wishes for St Catherine of Sienna on Wednesday. Will say #Eastertide Glorious Mysteries as usual. #SemST | 0 | none |
There is something very sinister, NAZI-esque, about folks who support killing babies. #qanda #auspol #SemST | 1 | against |
@user I am all for focusing on things that matter. #ISIS #Racism #Immigration #ChiefsKingdom #SemST | 0 | none |
@user Every sperm is apparently sacred, and entitled to use of someone's body. #rapeculture #worstargumentever #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user same but I got hated for it. #progod #progun #SemST | 0 | none |
words are meant to trigger strong emotional responses as well as to the medical inaccuracies & misogyny.. #SemST | 0 | none |
My teacher today basically said that embroyo's are nothing but skin + blood & that abortion was fine. #smartlady | 2 | favor |
So, sorry Bernie Sanders. There are a lot of people that won't get a chance to be people. I had that chance and would like to share #SemST | 1 | against |
Undergirding every important issue today is this: what is truth? #marriage #racism #gender #SemST | 0 | none |
And do not kill ur children for fear of poverty. We provide for them & for u. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin. #Quran #SemST | 1 | against |
Equal rights for all @user Except for the unborn?? #ycot #overturnRoe #SemST | 1 | against |
RT @user Say it again for me one time! Anti-abortion laws only lead to unsafe, illegal abortions! #SemST | 2 | favor |
They made same sex marriage legal but they won't make abortion illegal. What is wrong with this world? #adamandevenotadamandsteve #SemST | 1 | against |
Listening to @user speak about her work leading #WomensRights Without Frontiers. So inspiring! @user @user #SemST | 0 | none |
Your life, your body, your choice. #womenshealth #womensrights #SemST | 2 | favor |
This is a debate about our understanding of human dignity/what it means to be a member 0 the human family/even tho tiny, powerless. #SemST | 1 | against |
@user did you know #wrp @user tried to get personhood going via federal #motion312. #SemST | 0 | none |
@user @user @user women being independent and making their own CHOICES #SemST | 2 | favor |
Alright #SCOTUS your next order of business should be overturning #roevwade #SemST | 1 | against |
@user good thing is that #DUP have consistently said ALL murder was + is wrong. SF were pro murder...still are. #SemST | 1 | against |
I can tell women what to do with their bodies #ThingsYouDontSayAsAPolitician #SemST | 1 | against |
remember the gates of Hell will not prevail. #GayMarriage #SemST | 0 | none |
@user Charged with Manslaughter After Another Woman Dies From #SemST | 1 | against |
Gay Marriage & Murdering the Unborn will always be a SIN in GODS eyes. #ccot #tcot #jesus #bible. #SemST | 1 | against |
#BlackLivesMatter Protesters wd'rather spray paint #Confederate symbols than concern themselves w/ Millions of Black Lives Lost to #SemST | 0 | none |
@user we discussed how Business calculates risk factors. Drew was attacking #SpaceX inferring life is at risk. I invoked #SemST | 1 | against |
What a great 7 days to be an American, especially a Texan. #SCOTUS #LoveWins #Obamacare #SemST | 2 | favor |
@user it is legal bro and its #SemST | 0 | none |
@user @user @user Jesus says to trust him in ALL things not to put trust in men or the world. #SemST | 0 | none |
@user He said he would do it if he weren't a Christian. So he's also a coward.#RepKevinCalvey #p2 #LibCrib #UniteBlue #SemST | 0 | none |
If you don't want your kid, put it up for adoption. #sorrynotsorry | 1 | against |
I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is 'Abortion',... Mother Teresa #SemST | 1 | against |
MT @user Senate vote on SC Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act could come as early as Wed. Contact your senators! | 1 | against |
@user @user @user @user I don't think most women enjoy the experience. #SemST | 1 | against |
Yo if you decide to set yourself on fire cause gays are allowed to be married, that is 100% your choice and I am in support of it #SemST | 0 | none |
RT @user "A nation that kills its own children has no future.(On Abortion) ~Bl. John Paul II #SemST | 1 | against |
Bernadette Smyth is an ignorant thunder cunt. Not her life. Not her body. Not her business. #ItsABallOfCellsNotABaby #NewsNI #SemST | 2 | favor |
You support #abortion? Never had an abortion? You'll still have to give account to your Creator for the taking of innocent life. #SemST | 1 | against |
Woah the hashtag puts the rainbow heart itself there that's weird #butimnotgay #SemST | 0 | none |
@user @user @user if men could get pregnant things would change pretty quickly! #BackOff #SemST | 2 | favor |
I am just as much a feminist as any pro-choicer. I simply carry my beliefs to their logical conclusion. #faminism #YesAllWomen #SemST | 1 | against |
@user do you mean Bristol? She was just being honest about her feelings - many can relate - hope they choose life too! #SemST | 1 | against |
@user Once again, whose body do you have a "right" to use w/out consent? Still waiting. #rapeculture #SemST | 2 | favor |
Before we go looking for #life on other #planets we should #stop #killing life on this one. #prolifeyouth #prolifegen #SemST | 1 | against |
If you believe in its power; then pray. #Nepal #Baltimore #ISIS #Kenya #GenderChange #Injustice #Slavery #Racism #MiddleEast | 0 | none |
#ThingsYouDontSayAsAPolitician: "I'm personally opposed to #abortion, but..." Abortion is WRONG. Period. youth #SemST | 1 | against |
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