432 values
Can you switch the text from English to Italian?
Voglio restare per qualche giorno.
I want to stay a few days.
Please communicate this text from English to Italian
Chiederò a Tom perché Mary è andata a Boston.
I'll ask Tom why Mary went to Boston.
can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian?
Non dovevate portare un ombrello con voi.
You needn't have taken an umbrella with you.
communicate this message from English to Italian.
Felice Natale!
Merry Christmas!
Can you translate this sentence from English to Italian.
Voi non potete incolpare lui.
You can't blame him.
Can you please communicate this sentence from English to Italian.
Ho dormito tutto il giorno ieri.
I slept all day yesterday.
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian?
Sono andata in biblioteca lunedì.
I went to the library on Monday.
please can you communicate this message from English to Italian
Hai mai visitato l'Australia?
Have you ever visited Australia?
can you please translate this input text from English to Italian?
Non farmi ripetere!
Don't make me repeat myself.
Please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian
È ferito, vero?
You're hurt, aren't you?
I need a translation from English to Italian.
Lei è intrappolato.
You're trapped.
can you please switch the text from English to Italian?
Tom non ha parlato troppo.
Tom didn't talk too much.
Please communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
La tua vita è in pericolo.
Your life is in danger.
Please translate this sentence from English to Italian?
Come dovrei chiamarla?
What should I name it?
Please translate this input text from English to Italian?
Vedo la ragazza.
I see the girl.
Communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Non penso che sia a casa.
I do not think that she is at home.
Can you please translate this input message from English to Italian?
Lo comprammo in Australia.
We bought it in Australia.
Communicate this message from English to Italian
Eri emozionata?
Were you excited?
Can you translate this text from English to Italian?
Voi dovreste conoscerlo.
You should know it.
please can you translate from English to Italian?
La vita in prigione è dura.
Life in jail is tough.
Can you switch the message from English to Italian?
Io ero perfettamente felice di essere completamente solo.
I was perfectly happy being all alone.
Can you please translate this text from English to Italian
Io ho sentito dire che siete bravi a suonare il banjo.
I hear you're good at playing the banjo.
can you communicate this message from English to Italian
Non sei perfetto.
You aren't perfect.
please translate this input message from English to Italian
Non stava aiutando sua madre.
She wasn't helping her mother.
please can you translate this input message from English to Italian.
Questa situazione è divertente.
This situation is funny.
Communicate this message from English to Italian?
Mi passa il sale, per favore?
Could you pass the salt?
please can you translate this input text from English to Italian
In caso di emergenza, chiami il 110.
In case of an emergency, dial 110.
Please can you communicate this message from English to Italian?
Se suona l'allarme, camminate, non correte.
If the alarm rings, walk, don't run.
Please translate this message from English to Italian?
Tom piantò nel suo cortile tre alberi di mele.
Tom planted three apple trees in his yard.
can you please translate this message from English to Italian?
Che cosa vi piace fare la domenica?
What do you like to do on Sundays?
Can you please translate this input message from English to Italian?
Penso che Tom sia ancora curioso.
I think Tom is still curious.
can you please switch the message from English to Italian
Avrebbe fatto male.
That would've hurt.
Please can you translate this sentence from English to Italian?
Ora abito in una casa molto piccola.
I now live in a very small house.
Can you translate this input message from English to Italian.
Noi non abbiamo avuto l'occasione.
We didn't have the chance.
Please convert from English to Italian
Noi non vi abbiamo visti negli ultimi quattro anni.
We haven't seen you in the past four years.
can you translate this text from English to Italian?
Sembrate preoccupati.
You seem worried.
Please can you communicate this text from English to Italian?
Il mio amico ha una famiglia numerosa.
My friend has a large family.
Can you translate this input text from English to Italian?
Chi sta mangiando adesso?
Who's eating now?
Can you please communicate this message from English to Italian.
È il mio lavoro.
That's my job.
Can you please translate this input text from English to Italian?
Non so come rivolgermi a te.
I don't know how to address you.
Translate from English to Italian.
Sono sicura che voi siete molto occupati.
I'm sure you're very busy.
Please can you switch the message from English to Italian?
Per favore, dammi un'altra tazza di caffè.
Please give me another cup of coffee.
Convert the following text from English to Italian?
Io pensavo davvero che Tom fosse morto.
I really thought Tom was dead.
convert the following message from English to Italian?
Penso che sarò molto occupato questa settimana.
I think I'll be very busy this week.
can you communicate this text from English to Italian?
A me piacerebbe, però non posso.
I'd like to, but I can't.
Can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Tom chiese a Mary di preparargli qualcosa da fare.
Tom asked Mary to make him something to eat.
Can you please switch the text from English to Italian.
Lei è favorevole o contraria al progetto?
Are you for or against the project?
Convert the following text from English to Italian.
Guardate questa immagine.
Look at this picture.
Can you please switch the message from English to Italian
Si sposò due volte ed ebbe più di 20 figli.
He married twice and had more than 20 children.
Please can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Noi siamo onesti.
We're honest.
can you translate this input text from English to Italian.
Tom sarà occupato.
Tom will be busy.
Please translate this text from English to Italian.
Lo faccio tre volte all'anno.
I do that three times a year.
can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Sai danzare?
Do you know how to dance?
Please convert from English to Italian?
Io sono scioccata.
I'm upset.
Please communicate this message from English to Italian.
Il suo inglese è eccellente.
His English is excellent.
please can you translate this sentence from English to Italian
Tom non ha detto a nessuno che aveva comprato un anello di diamanti per Mary.
Tom didn't tell anyone that he'd bought a diamond ring for Mary.
Translate this sentence from English to Italian.
È sempre a casa il lunedì.
He's always at home on Mondays.
please can you translate from English to Italian?
Posso dare un'occhiata in giro?
Can I look around?
Please can you switch the text from English to Italian
Non vada.
Don't go.
Please switch the text from English to Italian?
Dovresti essere a casa con Tom.
You should be at home with Tom.
switch the message from English to Italian?
Perché non beviamo un po' di vino?
Why don't we drink some wine?
Translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Ti senti stanca?
Are you feeling tired?
can you please communicate this message from English to Italian?
Io non voglio discutere dei problemi di Tom con lei.
I don't want to discuss Tom's problems with you.
can you please convert from English to Italian?
Contenga Tom.
Hold Tom down.
Please translate this sentence from English to Italian.
Tom merita di morire?
Does Tom deserve to die?
translate this text from English to Italian?
Tom ha una lesione cerebrale.
Tom is brain damaged.
please can you switch the text from English to Italian.
Ha detto che sarebbe andato negli Stati Uniti.
He said he would go to the United States.
Can you please translate this message from English to Italian?
A te piace il purè?
Do you like mashed potatoes?
can you please communicate this message from English to Italian
Io mi alzo alle sei.
I get up at six.
can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian?
Ho pensato al futuro.
I thought about the future.
Please switch the sentence from English to Italian
Non sembri così forte.
You don't seem so strong.
can you please translate this input text from English to Italian
Sa molto bene cosa vuole Tom.
You know very well what Tom wants.