stringclasses 432
values | output
stringlengths 4
| input
stringlengths 3
Convert from English to Italian | Tu sei un tale bugiardo. | You're such a liar. |
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian? | È stata molto difficile. | It's been very hard. |
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian. | Dubito che Tom sarà sorpreso. | I doubt Tom will be surprised. |
Can you switch the message from English to Italian? | Mi piace la sua maglia. | I like your shirt. |
Can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian | È andato al concerto di Tom lunedì scorso? | Did you go to Tom's concert last Monday? |
Please translate this input sentence from English to Italian | Abita qui completamente da solo. | He lives here all alone. |
can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian? | È pronto. | You're ready. |
please switch the message from English to Italian? | Tom ha detto che vi piaceva il baseball. | Tom said you liked baseball. |
translate this input sentence from English to Italian. | Io sto sperando in uno sconto davvero grande. | I'm hoping for a really big discount. |
communicate this text from English to Italian? | Noi eravamo preoccupati da star male. | We were worried sick. |
please switch the text from English to Italian? | "Non è così!" "È certamente così." | "That's not so!" "It certainly is so." |
Please can you translate this message from English to Italian? | Lo metta in freezer. | Put it in the freezer. |
can you translate this sentence from English to Italian? | Perché non è venuto al mio matrimonio? | Why didn't you come to my wedding? |
Please translate this input text from English to Italian? | Voglio che lei segua Tom. | I want you to follow Tom. |
Please can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian | Cosa state imparando dalla professoressa? | What are you learning from the teacher? |
please communicate this message from English to Italian. | Io non posso credere che tu abbia veramente venduto quella spazzatura a un prezzo così alto. | I can't believe that you really sold that junk for such a high price. |
Translate this input sentence from English to Italian. | Tu sei molto aggressiva. | You're very aggressive. |
Please translate this sentence from English to Italian | Tom è zoppicante. | Tom's limping. |
Please can you switch the message from English to Italian. | Andammo a vedere un film. | We went to see a movie. |
Can you please switch the text from English to Italian? | Il mio papà ama la mia mamma. | My dad loves my mom. |
Please can you switch the message from English to Italian? | Tom è una persona caotica, vero? | Tom is a messy person, isn't he? |
Can you translate this text from English to Italian. | Non è sicuro la sera da queste parti. | It's not safe at night around here. |
please communicate this message from English to Italian. | Vostro fratello riesce a guidare? | Can your brother drive? |
Can you please convert from English to Italian. | Sei brava a mantenere i segreti? | Are you good at keeping secrets? |
Please translate this message from English to Italian | Dovete riavviare il vostro computer. | You need to restart your computer. |
convert the following message from English to Italian. | È la vostra giornata speciale. | It's your special day. |
Can you switch the message from English to Italian? | Lo so che avevi paura. | I know you were afraid. |
switch the text from English to Italian? | Per favore, guarda questo. | Please look at this. |
Please can you translate from English to Italian? | Tutti erano così affamati. | Everyone was so hungry. |
Please translate this message from English to Italian | Tom deve avere pianto. | Tom must've cried. |
Can you switch the message from English to Italian? | Io apprezzo davvero il vostro consiglio. | I really appreciate your advice. |
please can you switch the message from English to Italian | La polizia ti metterà dietro le sbarre. | The police will put you behind bars. |
Can you translate this message from English to Italian? | Tutti pensano che io impazzirò. | Everyone thinks I'm going mad. |
Can you switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Voi siete canadesi, vero? | You're Canadians, aren't you? |
Translate from English to Italian | Mio nonno ama leggere. | My grandfather loves to read. |
please translate this message from English to Italian? | Non volevo mettermi nei guai ancora. | I didn't want to get in trouble again. |
can you switch the message from English to Italian? | Io sono convinta che Tom sia colpevole. | I'm convinced Tom is guilty. |
please can you communicate this text from English to Italian? | Pensavo che Tom non si sarebbe arreso. | I thought Tom wouldn't give up. |
Can you please switch the message from English to Italian. | Potrebbe funzionare? | Could it work? |
Please translate this input sentence from English to Italian | Non te l'ho data. | I didn't give it to you. |
Can you translate this input message from English to Italian? | Quando avete comprato questo latte? | When did you buy this milk? |
Can you translate this message from English to Italian. | Tom e Mary sono entrambi adulti. | Tom and Mary are both adults. |
Can you please communicate this text from English to Italian? | Io non mi posso permettere un avvocato. | I can't afford a lawyer. |
please can you convert from English to Italian | Stai a distanza. | Keep back. |
Can you switch the text from English to Italian. | A che ora è il checkout? | What time is checkout? |
translate this input text from English to Italian. | Lei ha ricevuto il messaggio di Tom? | Did you get Tom's message? |
please translate this message from English to Italian? | La mia auto è parcheggiata nel vicolo. | My car is parked in the alley. |
Can you translate this input text from English to Italian? | Stiamo lavorando insieme. | We're working together. |
please can you translate this input message from English to Italian. | Questo è piuttosto costoso. | This is rather expensive. |
please can you convert from English to Italian? | Aspettate fino a domattina. | Wait until tomorrow morning. |
please translate from English to Italian? | Pensavo non conoscesse Tom. | I thought you didn't know Tom. |
Please translate from English to Italian. | Immagino che Tom cenerà con noi stasera. | I assume that Tom will eat dinner with us this evening. |
Can you switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Amo l'estate. | I love summer. |
can you please convert from English to Italian? | Sappiamo tutte che Tom avrà bisogno di aiuto. | We all know Tom will need help. |
Can you translate this input message from English to Italian | Io non posso dirvi niente. | I can't tell you anything. |
Can you please switch the text from English to Italian. | Lui mostrerà loro i documenti. | He's going to show them the documents. |
Please can you switch the text from English to Italian. | E se poi te ne penti? | What if you regret it? |
Can you translate this text from English to Italian | Non scordatevi di passare il filo interdentale. | Don't forget to floss. |
translate this input message from English to Italian | Sapevo che qualcosa del genere sarebbe successo. | I knew something like this would happen. |
please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Ecco una lettera per te. | Here is a letter for you. |
switch the message from English to Italian. | Tom è stato esonerato. | Tom has been exonerated. |
can you please communicate this sentence from English to Italian. | Tu lavori davvero molto. | You do work a lot. |
Please can you translate this text from English to Italian | Fatela immediatamente. | Do it right now. |
Can you translate this input message from English to Italian. | Tom sembra scettico. | Tom seems skeptical. |
translate this text from English to Italian? | Tom non fece niente per aiutare. | Tom did nothing to help. |
Convert from English to Italian? | Mi spiegheresti quel diagramma? | Would you explain that graph to me? |
please translate this message from English to Italian? | La buona notizia è che non morirete. | The good news is that you're not going to die. |
I need a translation from English to Italian. | È cambiato qualcosa? | Has anything changed? |
Please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Tom non sapeva come farlo. | Tom didn't know how to do it. |
can you translate this text from English to Italian? | Tom viene qui quasi tutti i giorni. | Tom comes here nearly every day. |
Communicate this sentence from English to Italian. | Io pensavo che fosse meglio rimanere in silenzio. | I thought that it best to remain silent. |
Please switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Lei ha ancora tempo? | Do you still have time? |
Can you switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Io ero da solo. | I was alone. |
can you translate this sentence from English to Italian? | Molti alberi sono stati abbattuti. | A lot of trees were cut down. |
please can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian? | Nessuno riesce a vedere. | No one can see. |
Translate this text from English to Italian | Io sono una solitaria. | I'm a loner. |
Please translate this input sentence from English to Italian. | La tua offerta è ragionevole. | Your offer is reasonable. |
Please translate this message from English to Italian? | Traccia una linea da A a B. | Draw a line from A to B. |
please translate this text from English to Italian | Sta facendo qualcosa di speciale? | Are you doing anything special? |
Please can you translate this input text from English to Italian? | Dal momento che lui mente spesso, nessuno crede a ciò che dice. | Since he often tells lies, nobody believes what he says. |
Can you communicate this message from English to Italian. | Non ho mai ascoltato Tom. | I never listened to Tom. |
please communicate this sentence from English to Italian? | Mancano i file. | The files are missing. |
can you translate this input text from English to Italian? | Aiuterò Tom se vuole che lo faccia. | I'll help Tom if he wants me to. |
Can you communicate this text from English to Italian? | Io sono uno straniero qui. | I'm a stranger here. |
Please can you translate this input text from English to Italian. | Io lavo i vestiti ogni giorno. | I wash clothes every day. |
Please can you communicate this message from English to Italian | Teniamoci in contatto. | Let's keep in touch. |
can you please switch the text from English to Italian. | Io lo vidi uscire. | I saw him go out. |
Please translate this input message from English to Italian. | Qualcuno lo deve fare. | Someone has to do that. |
Can you translate this input message from English to Italian. | Sembra che Tom stia vincendo. | It looks like Tom is winning. |
please can you switch the message from English to Italian? | Io vengo dall'America. | I'm from America. |
can you translate this input message from English to Italian? | Non era un gran ponte. | It wasn't much of a bridge. |
Can you please translate this input message from English to Italian? | C'è una falla nella vostra logica. | There's a flaw in your logic. |
please switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Io voglio un po' di carta. | I want some paper. |
Can you translate this sentence from English to Italian? | Tom e Mary erano seduti in fondo. | Tom and Mary sat way in the back. |
Translate this sentence from English to Italian. | Ve lo potete tenere. | You can keep it. |
Can you translate this sentence from English to Italian? | Perché non vuoi farlo adesso? | Why don't you want to do that now? |
Can you switch the sentence from English to Italian | Le proibisco di parlare con Tom. | I forbid you to talk to Tom. |
please communicate this sentence from English to Italian? | Casa mia è vicino alla scuola. | My house is near the school. |
Switch the text from English to Italian? | Traduca questa frase in francese. | Translate this sentence into French. |
Translate this input text from English to Italian. | Non mi stuzzicate. | Don't tantalize me. |