432 values
I need a translation from English to Italian?
Il cane di Tom odia i gatti.
Tom's dog hates cats.
please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian?
Voi siete fidate.
You're dependable.
Please translate this input message from English to Italian?
Quell'abito rosso le sta bene.
That red dress looks good on her.
can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Tom è un ingegnere adesso, vero?
Tom is an engineer now, isn't he?
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian
Ho detto buongiorno.
I said good morning.
can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Tuo figlio è diventato maggiorenne.
Your son has come of age.
Can you translate this input message from English to Italian?
Lei ha spostato questo?
Did you move this?
Can you switch the message from English to Italian?
Io ho fatto un pupazzo di neve.
I made a snowman.
Can you please translate this input message from English to Italian.
Sicuramente non sarà facile.
That certainly won't be easy.
can you communicate this text from English to Italian.
Il film era terribile.
The movie was awful.
Can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian.
Arriveremo in orario?
Will we arrive in time?
Please communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Non credo che Tom sia una spia.
I don't believe Tom is a spy.
please communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Quindi che cosa vuole sapere?
So what do you want to know?
switch the text from English to Italian?
Tendo a dubitarlo.
I tend to doubt it.
convert from English to Italian
Pensi che Tom sia colpevole?
Do you think Tom is guilty?
please translate this message from English to Italian
È troppo lento.
He's too slow.
please translate this sentence from English to Italian.
Perché siete così motivate?
Why are you so motivated?
please can you translate this input message from English to Italian?
Questo non è soddisfacente.
This is not satisfactory.
Translate this input sentence from English to Italian.
Tom ha acconsentito di testimoniare contro Mary.
Tom agreed to testify against Mary.
can you please communicate this message from English to Italian.
La nave è affondata.
The boat sank to the bottom.
Can you please convert from English to Italian?
Io non sono occupata ora.
I'm not busy now.
I need a translation from English to Italian
Perché non giochiamo a tennis lunedì?
Why don't we play tennis on Monday?
Communicate this text from English to Italian?
Io vorrei avere la risposta.
I wish I had the answer.
Translate this message from English to Italian?
A Tom è piaciuta?
Did Tom like it?
can you translate this input text from English to Italian
A me piace rispondere a questi tipi di domande.
I like to answer these kind of questions.
Please translate this sentence from English to Italian
Tom ha un piccolo giardino.
Tom has a small garden.
can you please translate this text from English to Italian?
Sono diretto al lavoro.
I'm headed to work.
can you communicate this message from English to Italian?
Qualcuno ha dato un biglietto a Tom.
Someone gave Tom a ticket.
can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian
Le piace il suo nuovo lavoro?
Do you like your new job?
Please can you translate from English to Italian?
Vi siete persi?
Are you lost?
convert the following text from English to Italian
Tom ha tolto le forbici a Mary.
Tom took the scissors away from Mary.
please can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian.
Ha qualche commento?
Do you have any comment?
Please translate this input sentence from English to Italian
Con chi preferiresti uscire, Tom o John?
Who would you rather go out with, Tom or John?
please switch the sentence from English to Italian
Ha un problema con Tom?
Do you have a problem with Tom?
Please can you translate from English to Italian.
Tom è al telefono.
Tom is on the phone.
please can you translate this input text from English to Italian?
Mia madre era molto debole per via di una lunga malattia.
My mother was very weak from a long illness.
can you please switch the text from English to Italian?
Non usiamo mai uno zucchero qualsiasi.
We never use any sugar.
please can you translate this message from English to Italian
Feci degli esempi.
I gave examples.
Switch the message from English to Italian.
I ventilatori muovono l'aria dentro e fuori dai polmoni di un paziente.
Ventilators move air in and out of a patient's lungs.
Please switch the message from English to Italian?
Avete mangiato del sushi ieri, vero?
You ate sushi yesterday, didn't you?
Can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian
Non erano per nulla coraggiosi.
They were not brave at all.
Please switch the sentence from English to Italian
Non avete bisogno di una pistola.
You don't need a gun.
Please convert from English to Italian
Avreste potuto prendere appunti.
You could've taken notes.
Can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian.
Avete letto questo?
Did you read this?
Can you please communicate this text from English to Italian?
La sto innervosendo?
Am I making you nervous?
translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Io non le ho comprate.
I didn't buy them.
Can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Vorrei poter capire come disattivare i commenti sul mio blog.
I wish I could figure out how to disable comments on my blog.
Can you please switch the text from English to Italian.
Sarò qua fino a circa le due e mezza.
I'll be here until about 2:30.
can you switch the text from English to Italian?
Tom non vuole vederti.
Tom doesn't want to see you.
please can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian
Io non posso lavorare con lei.
I can't work with you.
Please can you translate this message from English to Italian.
Tom sembra che sia malato.
Tom seems to be sick.
can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian.
Tom è in ottima salute.
Tom is in very good health.
convert the following sentence from English to Italian
Lei si sta lavando correttamente i denti?
Are you brushing your teeth properly?
please communicate this text from English to Italian?
Odio mia sorella.
I hate my sister.
Communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Hai trascorso molto tempo a Boston?
Have you spent a lot of time in Boston?
please can you translate this message from English to Italian.
Riesco a incontrarvi alle 2:30.
I can meet you at 2:30.
Switch the message from English to Italian?
Noi dobbiamo investire nel nostro futuro.
We must invest in our future.
Can you translate this sentence from English to Italian
Niente di questo è buono.
None of this is good.
Please communicate this sentence from English to Italian.
La notizia è troppo bella per essere vera.
The news is too good to be true.
please can you communicate this message from English to Italian
Tutto questo sarà suo un giorno.
All of this will be yours someday.
Can you switch the text from English to Italian?
Avete una foto di Tom?
Do you have a picture of Tom?
Switch the sentence from English to Italian.
Tutti i cani hanno bisogno di tanto amore.
All dogs need lots of love.
please switch the sentence from English to Italian.
Tom è stato preso.
Tom has been caught.
can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Comprai del pane.
I bought some bread.
Translate this input text from English to Italian
Non è per niente divertente.
That isn't funny at all.
Please switch the message from English to Italian
Tom non aveva denaro.
Tom had no money.
please can you communicate this message from English to Italian.
L'intera città era senza elettricità.
The entire city was without electricity.
Communicate this text from English to Italian?
Io non volevo farne una tragedia.
I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
can you please translate this input text from English to Italian?
Io sospetto che Tom e Mary debbano partire domani.
I suspect Tom and Mary have to leave tomorrow.
please switch the message from English to Italian
Firmi qui.
Sign here.
Can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Lei non è di Boston?
Aren't you from Boston?
Translate this text from English to Italian?
Tu sei interessata al Buddhismo?
Are you interested in Buddhism?
can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian.
Tom sembra preoccupato.
Tom seems worried.
I need a translation from English to Italian
Tom probabilmente lo sa.
Tom probably knows.
Can you translate this input text from English to Italian?
Tom ha detto di non essere pronto ad andare.
Tom said that he's not ready to go.
Can you please translate this message from English to Italian?
Dopo che la scuola è finita ho giocato a tennis.
I played tennis after school was over.
please can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian.
Pensa che sarà qui domani?
Do you think you'll be here tomorrow?
convert the following sentence from English to Italian?
Io non riuscivo quasi a sentirvi.
I couldn't quite hear you.
can you communicate this text from English to Italian?
Io sono calmo adesso.
I'm calm now.
please can you switch the text from English to Italian?
Alzi un po' il volume della radio.
Turn the radio up a little.
can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian?
Perché sei riluttante a farlo?
Why are you reluctant to do that?
please can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian?
Butti fuori Tom.
Throw Tom out.
Convert from English to Italian?
L'Australia non è differente.
Australia is no different.
translate this input message from English to Italian
Io posso darti qualche informazione utile.
I can give you some useful information.
Please translate from English to Italian
Tom meritava il premio.
Tom deserved the prize.
please can you convert from English to Italian?
Io conoscevo bene sua madre.
I knew your mother well.
Please translate this text from English to Italian.
Ho finito di leggere il libro.
I finished reading the book.
Please translate this input message from English to Italian
Noi abbiamo suonato eccezionalmente bene.
We played exceptionally well.
Please can you translate from English to Italian
Dubito che Tom canterà.
I doubt Tom will sing.
convert the following text from English to Italian?
Io sarò fuori tra un secondo.
I'll be out in a second.
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian?
Come sta andando il suo nuovo lavoro?
How's your new job going?
can you switch the message from English to Italian?
Io non ho molta fame.
I'm not very hungry.
can you please translate this text from English to Italian?
Tom è un buon golfista.
Tom is a good golfer.
Please can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian
Tom non andrà da solo.
Tom won't go alone.
translate from English to Italian?
Io non dovevo ancora mangiare?
Was I not supposed to eat yet?
Can you please translate this input sentence from English to Italian
Vi preparai la colazione.
I made you breakfast.
Communicate this text from English to Italian.
Non è facile imparare una lingua straniera.
It's not easy to learn a foreign language.
can you translate this text from English to Italian
Chiedetelo a Tom.
Ask Tom about it.
Can you please translate this input message from English to Italian?
Io non sono un'esperta, quindi la mia risposta alla sua domanda è solo una stima ragionata.
I'm not an expert, so my answer to your question is just an educated guess.
please translate this message from English to Italian.
Questo è l'uomo di cui le ho parlato.
This is the man I told you about. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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