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外縁のイナバウアーはやるのが難しいです。 | [
] | Inabauer on the outer edge is difficult to do. | An outside edge Ina Bauer is harder to do. |
セルドンは、異常な精神力を持つ孫娘のワンダに、秘密のセカンドファンデーションの作成を手伝ってほしいと頼みます。 | [
] | Seldon asks his granddaughter Wanda, who has extraordinary mental strength, to help him create a secret second foundation. | Seldon asks his grand-daughter Wanda, who has unusual mental powers, to help create a secret Second Foundation. |
1991年以前は、CONCACAFチャンピオンシップは地域の代表チームのための最初の組織されたトーナメントでした。 | [
] | Prior to 1991, the CONCACAF Championship was the first organized tournament for regional national teams. | Before 1991, the CONCACAF Championship was the first organized tournament for national teams in the region. |
近世英語では、BrettとBrittの形式が使用されました。 | [
] | In early modern English, the Brett and Britt formats were used. | In Early Modern English, the forms Brett and Britt were used. |
国立台北教育大学女子バレーボール部に所属。 | [
] | She is a member of the Women's Volleyball Club of the National Taipei University of Education. | She played for National Taipei University of Education's women's volleyball team. |
中世についてのフィクションでは、アーサーはキャメロットからスコットランドを支配し、彼のラウンドテーブルでごちそうを保持しています。 | [
] | In fiction about the Middle Ages, Arthur dominates Scotland from Camelot and holds a feast on his round table. | In fiction about the Middle Ages, Arthur rules scotland from Camelot and holds feasts at his round table. |
その後、ガマル・アブデル・ナセルの外交顧問を務めた。 | [
] | After that, he served as a diplomatic advisor to Gamar Abdel Nasser. | After that, he was an advisor to Gamal Abdel Nasser for foreign affairs. |
大西洋のセイルフィッシュはマーリンに関連しています。 | [
] | Atlantic sailfish is associated with Merlin. | The Atlantic sailfish is related to the marlin. |
Gale, 2004. | [
] | In Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Computer Science, 2004. | Gale, 2004.Biography in Context. |
イルミンスターはイル川沿いにあり、大きな教会があります。 | [
] | Ilminster is located along the Il River and has a large church. | Ilminster is on the River Ile and has a large church. |
これにより、スーダンではハライブ、エジプトではビル・タウィルが置かれた。 | [
] | As a result, Halive was placed in Sudan and Bill Tawir in Egypt. | This would put Hala'ib within Sudan, and Bir Tawil within Egypt. |
ロサンゼルスのダウンタウンから東にあります。 | [
] | It is located east of downtown Los Angeles. | It is east of downtown Los Angeles. |
イベロは、2003年までパンプローナ連邦の大統領でした 2007. | [
] | Ibero was president of the Federation of Pamplona until 2003. 2007. | Ibero was President of the Commonwealth of Pamplona 2003 until 2007. |
先駆的な効果は、登山では、グループをリードしている人が他のすべての人よりも疲れていることです。 | [
] | A pioneering effect is that people who lead the group in mountaineering are more tired than all others. | The pioneer effect is when in mountain climbing, the person who is leading the group will be more tired than all the others. |
オリジナルのデザインは、試掘で示された岩盤の上にレンガ造りの桟橋で支えられた格子桁が川の下に大きな深さに横たわっていないためでした。 | [
] | The original design was due to the fact that the lattice girders supported by brick piers on the bedrock shown in the prospectus did not lie at great depths under the river. | The original design was for lattice girders supported by brick piers resting on bedrock shown by trial borings to lie at no great depth under the river. |
アイダーダックはドナルドの叔父です。 | [
] | Eider duck is Donald's uncle. | Eider Duck is Donald's uncle. |
ライダースバッハは、シュペッサートのアシャッフェンブルクから南へ約10kmの場所にあります。 | [
] | Rydersbach is located about 10 km south of Aschaffenburg in Spessart. | Leidersbach is about 10 km south of Aschaffenburg in the Spessart. |
Paulieは1998年の家族映画で 、 「 Paulie」という名前のトーキングオウムについてです。 | [
] | Paulie is a family film of 1998, about a talking parrot named "Paulie". | Paulie is a 1998 family movie about a talking parrot named "Paulie". |
ファーガス、1月ジェーンオースティンと教訓小説。 | [
] | Fergus, a lesson novel with Jane Austin in January. | Fergus, Jan. Jane Austen and the Didactic Novel. |
審問会は、人々にそれらの考えを守るように強制しようとしました。 | [
] | The hearings tried to force people to defend those thoughts. | The Inquisition tried to force people to keep those ideas. |
次の親族の目的のために、採用された子供たちは血液親戚として扱われます。 | [
] | For the purpose of the next kinship, adopted children are treated as blood relatives. | For the purposes of next of kin, adopted children are treated as blood relatives. |
彼はジェームズ・キャメロンの映画「深淵」と漫画「マーベル・ユニバース」シリーズのための究極のアイアンマンについての小説を書きました。 | [
] | He wrote novels about the ultimate iron man for James Cameron's films "Abyss" and the cartoon "Marvel Universe" series. | He wrote a novel about the James Cameron film The Abyss and the comic book Ultimate Iron Man for a Marvel Universe series. |
リバーパレットは、サマセットの国土面積の約50%を占める オーバー の面積を排水します。 | [
] | The River Palette drains the area of Over , which accounts for about 50% of the Somerset’s land area. | The River Parrett drains an area of over , making up around 50% of the land area of Somerset. |
Readerz.Net / シェリー・ロング シェリー・ロング(Shelley Long、1949年8月23日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国のテレビ女優。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Shelley Long Shelley Long (born August 23, 1949) is an American television actress. | Shelley Long (born on August 23, 1949 in Fort Wayne, Indiana) is an American television actress. |
Diff'rent Strokesはニューヨーク市にあります。 | [
] | Diff'rent Strokes is located in New York City. | Diff'rent Strokes is set in New York City. |
今日、この地域にはビンガムトン大学があります。 | [
] | Today, the region is home to the University of Binghamton. | Today, the area is home to Binghamton University. |
インストールは、コンピュータが実行できるようにコンピュータにプログラムを置くことを意味します。 | [
] | Installation implies putting a program on a computer so that the computer can run. | Installation means to put a program on a computer so that the computer can run it. |
Klymaxxは2003年に再び集まりました。 | [
] | Klymaxx gathered again in 2003. | Klymaxx got together again in 2003. |
1889年、島の実際の運営はナヴァッサリン酸会社に渡されました。 | [
] | In 1889, the actual operation of the island was handed over to the Navassarinic acid company. | In 1889 the island's actual operation passed to the Navassa Phosphate Company. |
また、奇数のオレの倍音数がないと推測されています。 | [
] | In addition, it is estimated that there is no odd overtone of me. | Also, it has been conjectured that there are no odd Ore's harmonic numbers. |
航空機に搭乗した91人の乗客と8人の乗組員のうち、97人が死亡し、2人の乗客が負傷して生き残った。 | [
] | Of the 91 passengers and 8 crew members who boarded the aircraft, 97 died and two passengers were injured and survived. | Of the 91 passengers and 8 crew on board the aircraft, 97 were killed, and two passengers survived with injuries. |
現在の大統領(現在のラム・ナス・コビンド)はそこにとどまります。 | [
] | The current president (now Ram Nas Covind) will stay there. | The present president (now Ram Nath Kovind) stays there. |
この時、風は時速150マイル以上で報告され、それは横に約500マイルでした。 | [
] | At this time, the wind was reported at more than 150 miles per hour, which was about 500 miles to the side. | At this time the winds were reported at over 150 mph and it was about 500 miles across. |
ハンブルクのセントパウリ地区には、ドイツの重要なサッカークラブ(Fußball-Club St. Pauli)がありました。 | [
] | In the St. Pauli district of Hamburg there was an important German football club (Fußball-Club St. Pauli). | In the St. Pauli quarter of Hamburg based an important German football club (Fußball-Club St. Pauli). |
園内の木々からさくらんぼを摘んでいきます。 | [
] | We will pick cherries from the trees in the park. | All the children pick cherries from the trees in the garden. |
大学は1897年にオープンしました。 | [
] | The university opened in 1897. | The college opened in 1897. |
グラスは2013年5月24日に副社長に就任しました。 | [
] | Mr. Glass assumed the position of Vice President on May 24, 2013. | Glas started his time as Vice President on 24 May 2013. |
彼の死の時に彼はまだPrimrose船頭と結婚していました。 | [
] | At the time of his death he was still married to Primrose boatman. | At the time of his death he was still married to Primrose Shipman. |
2002年にvirt-xクロスボーダー電子取引所を買収し、後にSWX Europeと改名。 | [
] | In 2002, it acquired the virt-x cross-border electronic exchange and later changed its name to SWX Europe. | Purchased virt-x cross-border electronic exchange in 2002, which it later renamed SWX Europe. |
彼は2015年11月に100歳になりました。 | [
] | He turned 100 years old in November 2015. | He turned 100 in November 2015. |
プリンとピリミジンは窒素塩基の2つのグループ、およびヌクレオチド塩基の2つのグループです。 | [
] | Pudding and pyrimidine are two groups of nitrogen bases, and nucleotide bases. | Purines and pyrimidines are the two groups of nitrogenous bases, and the two groups of nucleotide bases. |
バンドには、ガイ・マニュエル・ド・ホームム=クリスト(1974年2月8日生まれ)とトーマス・バンガルター(1975年1月3日生まれ)の2人がいます。 | [
] | The band consists of Guy Manuel de Homem-Christ (born February 8, 1974) and Thomas Bangalter (born January 3, 1975). | There are two people in the band, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo (born February 8, 1974) and Thomas Bangalter (born January 3, 1975). |
Readerz.Net / ゾーイ・サルダナ ゾーイ・サルダナ(Zoe Saldana、1978年6月19日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の女優。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Zoe Saldana Zoe Saldana (born June 19, 1978) is an American actress. | Zoe Saldana (born 19 June 1978) is an American actress. |
彼女はエルムストリートの悪夢でクリス・ファウルズを演じました (映画 2010). | [
] | She played Chris Fowls in the nightmare of Elm Street (film 2010). | She played Kris Fowles in A Nightmare on Elm Street (the 2010 movie). |
2014年にFXで初公開されました。 | [
] | It was first released on Forex in 2014. | It was first shown on FX in 2014. |
彼らは、フッ素ガスを放出する様々な化合物を用いてマンガン(IV)フッ化物を製造した。 | [
] | They produced manganese (IV) fluoride using various compounds that release fluorine gas. | They produced manganese(IV) fluoride by using various chemical compounds, which released fluorine gas. |
パッフルには、ゲームで購入できる食べ物、帽子、おもちゃがありました。 | [
] | Paffle had food, hats, and toys that could be purchased in the game. | Puffles had food, hats, and toys which could be bought in the game. |
ブリッキンリッジは彼の男性に前進し、新しい胸像を建てるように命じました。 | [
] | Brickingridge ordered his man to move forward and build a new bust. | Breckinridge ordered his men to move forward and build new breastworks. |
1996年から1998年まで最高司法長官を務めた。 | [
] | He served as Chief Justice from 1996 to 1998. | He was Chief Justice from 1996 until 1998. |
他の2つの投票以来、免疫投票を持つ人だけがお互いをキャンセルします。 | [
] | Since the other two votes, only those who have immune votes cancel each other. | Only the person with Immunity votes since the other two votes would cancel each other out. |
ウガンダの大統領はYoweri Kaguta Museveniです。 | [
] | The president of Uganda is Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. | The President of Uganda is Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. |
ノミ(Siphonaptera)は、多くの動物や時には人間に生息する昆虫です。 | [
] | Fleas (Siphonaptera) are insects that inhabit many animals and sometimes humans. | The flea (Siphonaptera) is an insect which lives on many animals and sometimes humans. |
松本貴大(ギター)と稲葉コシ(歌手)で構成されています。 | [
] | It consists of Takahiro Matsumoto (guitar) and Koshi Inaba (singer). | It is made up of Takahiro Matsumoto (guitar) and Koshi Inaba (singer). |
これは、党に反対した人が、すべての市民の記憶、さらには友人や家族から消えてしまうためです。 | [
] | This is because those who oppose the party will disappear from the memory of all citizens, and even friends and family. | This was so that a person who defied the Party would be gone from all citizens' memories, even friends and family. |
キャロルはハーフタイムの後に代替として来ました。 | [
] | Carol came as an alternative after half-time. | Carroll came as a substitute after half-time. |
グレースは、10月4日にアゾレス諸島上空で始まり、時速65マイル(100km/h)の風速がありました。 | [
] | Grace started over the Azores on October 4 and had wind speeds of 65 miles per hour. | Grace began over the Azores on October 4, and had wind speeds of 65 mph (100 km/h). |
禁止されているフクロウは、米国東部、カナダ南部、アラスカの森に住んでいます。 | [
] | Prohibited owls live in forests in the eastern United States, southern Canada and Alaska. | The barred owl lives in the woods across the eastern United States, southern Canada and Alaska. |
TitusはServiliaの真実さのために神々に感謝し、すぐに彼女とアニウスの間に来るという考えをあきらめることを約束します。 | [
] | Titus appreciates the gods for the truthfulness of Servilia and promises to immediately give up the idea of coming between her and Anius. | Titus thanks the gods for Servilia's truthfulness and immediately promises to give up the idea of coming between her and Annius. |
彼はバロック時代と呼ばれる時代に住んでいました。 | [
] | He lived in an era called the Baroque period. | He lived in the time called the Baroque period. |
Readerz.Net / フォンデル・ダラー・ウィルソン フォンデル・ダラー・ウィルソン(Vondell Darr Wilson、1919年4月18日 - 2012年9月10日)は、アメリカ合衆国の女優。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Vondel Darr Wilson Vondel Darr Wilson (18 April 1919 – 10 September 2012) was an American actress. | Vondell Darr Wilson (April 18, 1919 – September 10, 2012) was an American actress. |
Blasは1965年にポートランド大学で経営学の学士号を取得しました。 | [
] | Blas received his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Portland in 1965. | Blas graduated from the University of Portland with a Bachelor of Business Administration in 1965. |
サウジアラビア王国は何世紀にもわたって首をはねられてきたが、2013年には、執行の代替手段として射撃隊を検討している。 | [
] | The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been beheaded for centuries, but in 2013 it is considering shooting squads as an alternative to executions. | The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has had centuries of public beheadings, but in 2013 is considering firing squads as an alternative means of execution. |
議会の3番目の部分は王冠、エリザベス2世です。 | [
] | The third part of the parliament is the crown, Elizabeth II. | The third part of the Parliament is the Crown, Queen Elizabeth II. |
. ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン(Ludwig van Beethoven)は、ベートーヴェンが作曲したピアノ・ソナタ第8番ハ短調。 | [
] | Ludwig van Beethoven is a piano sonata by Beethoven. | The Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor ("Pathetique"), Op. 13 is a work for solo piano written by Ludwig van Beethoven. |
一部の社会では、ダンスは音楽だけでなく歌も伴います。 | [
] | In some societies, dance is accompanied not only by music, but also songs. | In some societies, dance goes with song as well as music. |
1970年の最高人口は約30万人で、1995年には最低人口は25万人未満でした。 | [
] | The highest population in 1970 was about 300,000, and in 1995 the minimum population was less than 250,000. | The high was almost 300,000 people in 1970, and the low was under 250,000 in 1995. |
この映画は、カークとFunicelloの両方の最後のディズニー映画の隣にありました。 | [
] | The film was next to the last Disney movies, both Kirk and Funicello. | This movie was the next to last Disney movie for both Kirk and Funicello. |
ハリーの才能は、他の生徒のほとんどを彼を疑っています。 | [
] | Harry's talent doubts him most of the other students. | Harry's talent makes most of the other students suspicious of him. |
ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人では、双子はハリー・ザ・マローダーの地図を見せて、それが多くの有用で役立つことにつながることを発見しました。 | [
] | In the prisoners of Harry Potter and Azkaban, the twins showed the map of Harry the Maroder and found that it leads to many useful and useful things. | In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the twins show Harry the Marauder's Map that they found that leads to many useful and helpful things. |
代表チーム「バファナ・バファナ」が優勝しました。 | [
] | The national team "Bafana Baffana" won the championship. | It had the national team, 'Bafana Bafana,' going on to win the tournament. |
彼はプランテーションで木材作業を行いました。 | [
] | He performed woodwork on plantations. | He did the timber work on a plantation. |
マンドゥ・モハメド・ガド・エルダマティ(Mamdouh Mohamed Gad Eldamaty、1961年12月6日カイロ生まれ)は、カイロのアイン・シャムス大学芸術学部考古学科教授。 | [
] | Mandouh Mohamed Gad Eldamaty (born 6 December 1961 in Cairo) is a professor of archaeology at Ain Siams University in Cairo. | Mamdouh Mohamed Gad Eldamaty (; born December 6, 1961 in Cairo) is Professor of Egyptology at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University in Cairo. |
Puzzler はパズルの泡の中にNumberjacks をトラップするか、または他の問題を引き起こし、問題がなくなる前に解決しなければならない数学的なパズルを設定します。 | [
] | Puzzler traps Numberjacks in puzzle bubbles or sets up mathematical puzzles that cause other problems and must be solved before the problem disappears. | The Puzzler traps the Numberjacks inside a puzzle bubble or causes other problems and sets mathematical puzzles that must be solved before the problems will go away. |
LiteraturとGraphik。 | [
] | Literatur and Graphik. | Literatur und Graphik. |
それは太平洋の残りの部分から部分的に遮断されている塩水の広い地域です。 | [
] | It is a large area of brine that is partially blocked from the rest of the Pacific Ocean. | It is a large area of salt water that is partially cut off from the rest of the Pacific Ocean. |
正しい努力。 | [
] | Right effort. | Right Effort. |
現在、ヨーロッパの3つの「グランドツアー」の1つであり、世界で3番目に重要なロードサイクリングステージレースです。 | [
] | Currently, it is one of the three "grand tours" in Europe and the third most important road cycling stage race in the world. | It is now one of the three "Grand Tours" of Europe and, after the and the , is the third most important road cycling stage race in the world. |
Are You There, Chelsea ? — 2012年5月11日にキャンセルされました。 | [
] | Are You There, Chelsea? — Canceled on May 11, 2012. | Are You There, Chelsea?—Canceled on May 11, 2012. |
彼は、特に1971年以降、彼の政府の残虐行為のために厳しく批判されています。 | [
] | He has been severely criticized for his government’s atrocities, especially since 1971. | He has been severely criticized for his government's brutality, especially after 1971. |
2011年には、その数はわずか8.9%に減少しました。 | [
] | In 2011, its number decreased to only 8.9%. | In 2011, the number had falled to just 8.9%. |
オーストリアのエリザベート(1437–1505 ) 、 ポーランドの女王のコンソーシアム:聖ローマ皇帝アルバート2世の娘、ポーランドのカシミール4世の妻、聖カシミールの母。 | [
] | Elisabeth, Austria (1437–1505), a consortium of queens of Poland: the daughter of St. Roman Emperor Albert II, the wife of Kashmir IV of Poland, the mother of St. Kashmir. | Elisabeth of Austria (1437–1505), queen consort of Poland: daughter of Albert II, Holy Roman Emperor; wife of Casimir IV of Poland; mother of Saint Casimir. |
石原慎太郎さんのように、移民を減らしたいという人もいます。 | [
] | Some people, like Shintaro Ishihara, want to reduce immigration. | Some like Shintaro Ishihara want fewer immigrants. |
ニヨンとダイのサブ県には、それぞれ6,641と4,516の住民がいます。 | [
] | The sub-prefectures of Nyon and Dai have 6,641 and 4,516 inhabitants, respectively. | The subprefectures of Nyons and Die have, respectively, 6,641 and 4,516 inhabitants. |
米国海軍は、彼の名前で3隻のUSSバックと名付けました。 | [
] | The US Navy named three USS-backs under his name. | The United States Navy named three ships USS Buck in his name. |
Readerz.Net / メリッサ・スー・アンダーソン メリッサ・スー・アンダーソン(Melissa Sue Anderson、1962年9月26日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の女優。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Melissa Sue Anderson Melissa Sue Anderson (born September 26, 1962) is an American actress. | Melissa Sue Anderson (born September 26, 1962) is an American actress. |
ピコバシレ国立公園の一部はBioko Norteにあります。 | [
] | Part of Pico Vassile National Park is located in Bioko Norte. | Part of the Pico Basilé National Park is in Bioko Norte. |
ニュルンベルクの最初の国会。 | [
] | The first parliament in Nuremberg. | First Diet of Nuremberg. |
コミックは1900年代に始まりました。 | [
] | The comic began in the 1900s. | Comics were started in the 1900s. |
2012年グラミー賞受賞。 | [
] | Received the Grammy Award in 2012. | He won 4 Grammy Awards in 2012. |
Lane County LibraryはDightonにあります。 | [
] | The Lane County Library is located in Lighton. | The Lane County Library is in Dighton. |
フェイドはアレクサンドリアのロシュディで生まれました。 | [
] | Fade was born in Roshdi, Alexandria. | Fayed was born in Roshdy, Alexandria. |
水鳥とは、水の上またはその周辺に住む鳥のことです。 | [
] | A waterfowl is a bird that lives on or around water. | A water bird is one who lives on or around water. |
シジ・シュミット、65歳、ドイツ系アメリカ人の殿堂入りサッカーコーチ(LAギャラクシー、コロンバスクルーSC、シアトルサウンダーFC ) 。 | [
] | Siji Schmidt, 65, German-American Hall of Fame inducted soccer coach (LA Galaxy, Columbus Crew SC, Seattle Sounder FC). | Sigi Schmid, 65, German-American Hall of Fame soccer coach (LA Galaxy, Columbus Crew SC, Seattle Sounders FC). |
シャーコット(Shahkot)は、パキスタンの南カナサヒブ郡のテヒシル(Tehsil)である。 | [
] | Shahkot is located in Tehsil, South Kanasahib District, Pakistan. | Shahkot is a Tehsil of Nankana Sahib District, Pakistan. |
彼は1940年代のラスベガスの台頭における重要な人物の一人でした。 | [
] | He was one of the key figures in the rise of Las Vegas in the 1940s. | He was one of the key people in the rise of Las Vegas in the 1940s. |
最寄りの地下鉄と鉄道駅はウォータールー駅です。 | [
] | The nearest metro and railway station is Waterloo station. | The nearest tube and train station is Waterloo Station. |
金属繊維、金属箔、金属線は、金の布やジュエリーの製造など、多くの用途があります。 | [
] | Metal fibers, metal foils, and metal wires have many applications, including the production of gold cloth and jewelry. | Metal fibre, metal foil, and metal wire have lots of uses including making cloth-of-gold and jewellery. |
ハイノーは1948年5月31日に初めて出されました。 | [
] | Highnaud was first released on May 31, 1948. | Hainault, first served 31 May 1948. |
2003年11月9日、フロリダ州パームベイで開催されたプエルトリコの日パレードのグランドマーシャルに選ばれました。 | [
] | It was selected as the Grand Marshall of Puerto Rico Day Parade held in Palm Bay, Florida on November 9, 2003. | On November 9, 2003, Soto Toro was named the Grand Marshal of the Puerto Rican Day Parade held in Palm Bay, Florida. |
1959年、パンアムは最初のジェット機であるボーイング707を購入しました。 | [
] | In 1959, Pan Am purchased the Boeing 707, the first jet. | In 1959, Pan Am bought its first jet - the Boeing 707. |
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