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もう一つの誰かが誰か間違った歌をしました " 、 "感情に夢中になった " 、 マルチグラミー賞受賞者、肺癌。 | [
] | Someone else did someone wrong song ", "I was obsessed with emotions", Multigrammy Award winner, lung cancer. | Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song", "Hooked on a Feeling"), multi-Grammy winner, lung cancer. |
マイノットは、時速70マイルまでの風を報告しました。 | [
] | Minot reported winds up to 70 miles per hour. | Minot reported winds up to 70 mph. |
多くのアメリカ人は、連邦憲法の下で、彼らの政府は彼らまたは彼らの権利を保護することができなかったことに気づき始めました。 | [
] | Many Americans began to realize that under the federal constitution, their government could not protect them or their rights. | Many Americans began to realize that under the Articles of Confederation, their government was unable to protect them or their rights. |
Disraeliは保守党を大英帝国とそれに伴う軍事行動を支持する党にしました。 | [
] | Disraeli made the Conservative Party a party that supports the British Empire and its accompanying military actions. | Disraeli made the Conservatives the party that supported the British Empire and the military action to go with it. |
ビデオクリップは14人の可能な歌手を示しました。 | [
] | The video clip showed 14 possible singers. | The videoclip showed fourteen possible singers. |
北アイルランド紛争とも呼ばれ 、 「 非正規戦争」や「低レベル戦争」と呼ばれることもあります。 | [
] | It is also referred to as the Northern Ireland conflict and is sometimes referred to as the “unofficial war” or “low-level war.” | It is also known as the Northern Ireland conflict, it is sometimes described as an "irregular war" or "low-level war". |
この畑の名前は、この地域のいくつかの活火山の中で最大のケイリー山に由来しています。 | [
] | The name of the field comes from Mount Kayley, the largest of several active volcanoes in the region. | The field gets its name from Mount Cayley, the biggest of several active volcanos in the area. |
農家は、農家が栽培した野菜を食べるため、硫黄クレスのコカトゥーが好きではありません。 | [
] | Farmers do not like sulfur cress cocatoos because they eat vegetables grown by farmers. | Farmers do not like sulphur-crested cockatoos because the cockatoos eat vegetables that the farmers have grown. |
親は子供が手当の有無にかかわらず家事をするのを手伝ってほしいと思うかもしれません。 | [
] | Parents may want to help their children do household chores with or without allowance. | The parent might want the child to help him/her to do chores with or without allowance. |
西暦196年、ビザンチウムはローマ人によって損傷を受け、その後ローマ皇帝セプティミウス・セヴェルスによって再建されました。 | [
] | In 196 AD, Byzantium was damaged by the Romans and was subsequently rebuilt by the Roman emperor Septimius Severus. | In 196 AD, Byzantium was damaged by the Romans, then rebuilt by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. |
修士号取得後、ヌルルル・イスラム教授とレーマン・ソバーン教授の研究助手として経済局に入局。 | [
] | After completing his master's degree, he joined the Department of Economics as a research assistant to Professor Nurulur Islam and Professor Rehman Soban. | After his MA studies, Yunus became part of the Bureau of Economics as a research assistant for Professor Nurul Islam and Rehman Sobhan. |
オックスフォード市議会は、近くに住む人々にとって安全ではなかったため、サメを家から連れ出すことを望んでいました。 | [
] | Oxford City Council wanted to take sharks out of their homes because they were not safe for people living nearby. | Oxford City Council wanted the shark removed from the house because it was not safe for the people living near. |
ローラーリンクは通常、内側にある場合は床に木があり、外側にある場合は地面にあります。 | [
] | Roller links usually have trees on the floor if they are inside, and on the ground if they are outside. | Roller rinks usually have wood on the floor if they are inside, and on the ground if they are outside. |
13歳の時、同級生のピエール・ブーヴィエとチャック・コモーがバンド「リセット」を結成。 | [
] | At the age of 13, his classmates Pierre Bouvier and Chuck Como formed the band Reset. | When they were 13, schoolmates Pierre Bouvier and Chuck Comeau founded the band Reset. |
Valve Gabe Newellのマネージングディレクターは、同社の目標は「最高の見た目と最高のプレイングクラスベースのマルチプレイヤーゲーム」を作成することであると述べました。 | [
] | Valve Gabe Newell's Managing Director said the company's goal is to create "the best looking and best playing class-based multiplayer games". | Managing director of Valve Gabe Newell said that the company's goal was to create "the best looking and best-playing class-based multiplayer game". |
ジェロニモ、8、ニュージーランド生まれのアルパカ、安楽死。 | [
] | Geronimo, 8, New Zealand-born Alpaca, euthanasia. | Geronimo, 8, New Zealand-born alpaca, euthanised. |
ルーカス・クラナッハは早くから絵画と関係のある仕事を試みていました。 | [
] | Lucas Cranach was an early adopter of painting. | Early on, Lucas Cranach tried jobs that had something to do with painting. |
コロニーは、いくつかの木にまたがる100以上の巣で構成できます。 | [
] | The colony can consist of more than 100 nests spanning several trees. | The colonies can be made up of more than a hundred nests across several trees. |
これらには、ニューサウスウェールズ州のオーストラリア下院の連邦選挙部門である銀行部門が含まれます。 | [
] | These include the banking sector, the federal election arm of the Australian House of Representatives in New South Wales. | These include the Division of Banks, a Federal Electoral Division for the Australian House of Representatives in the state of New South Wales. |
これらのサービスは、米国、オーストラリア、カナダ、サウジアラビア、英国の政府の保健および福祉機関を対象としています。 | [
] | These services are targeted at government health and welfare agencies in the United States, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. | These services are for government health and human services agencies in the United States, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. |
この新しい使い方は、現在の使い方と似ていました。 | [
] | This new usage was similar to the current one. | This new way of using it was similar to how it is used now. |
英語版は1945年です。 | [
] | The English version was published in 1945. | The English edition was 1945. |
Baltazar-Padillaは2021年8月27日にマニラで63歳で亡くなりました。 | [
] | Baltazar-Padilla passed away on August 27, 2021 at the age of 63 in Manila. | Baltazar-Padilla died on August 27, 2021 in Manila at the age of 63. |
1941年4月、ギリシャとユーゴスラビアの征服後にのみ、ムッソリーニはイタリアの支配的な地中海について話し始めました。 | [
] | Only in April 1941, after the conquest of Greece and Yugoslavia, Mussolini began to talk about the dominant Mediterranean Sea in Italy. | Only after the conquest of Greece and Yugoslavia, in April 1941, Mussolini started to talk about an Italian dominated Mediterranean sea. |
Richard Adjei、30、ドイツのサッカー選手(Rhein Fire、Berlin Thunder)とボブスレーダー、オリンピック銀メダリスト(2010 ) 、 心臓発作。 | [
] | Richard Adjei, 30, German footballer (Rhein Fire, Berlin Thunder) and Bobsrador, Olympic silver medalist (2010), heart attack. | Richard Adjei, 30, German football player (Rhein Fire, Berlin Thunder) and bobsledder, Olympic silver medalist (2010), heart attack. |
宇宙にあるすべての小惑星のうち約1,200個はアモール小惑星で、そのうち約200個が番号付けまたは番号が付けられています。 | [
] | Of all the asteroids in the universe, about 1,200 are Amor asteroids, of which about 200 are numbered or numbered. | About 1,200 of all the asteroids in space are amor asteroids, with about 200 of them numbered, or given a number. |
Castelsarrasinは、1809年以来、Tarn-et-Garonne部門のサブ県です。 | [
] | Castelsarrasin is a sub-prefecture of the Tarn-et-Garonne department since 1809. | Castelsarrasin is a subprefecture of the Tarn-et-Garonne department since 1809. |
それは主にアイルランドのカトリック教徒によってイギリスの国会議員、スコットランドのコベナンター、そしてアイルランドのプロテスタント入植者の軍隊と戦った。 | [
] | It was fought mainly by Irish Catholics against the army of British parliamentarians, Scottish Covenants and Protestant settlers in Ireland. | It was mainly fought by Irish Catholics against armies of the English Parliamentarians, Scottish Covenantors and Protestant settlers in Ireland. |
アンデルスの映画はカンヌ映画祭やサンダンス映画祭で上映されている。 | [
] | Anders' films have been shown at the Cannes Film Festival and the Sundance Film Festival. | Anders' movies have been shown at Cannes Film Festival and at Sundance Film Festival. |
1349年に地震が起こりました。 | [
] | An earthquake occurred in 1349. | An earthquake struck it in 1349. |
国を統治するために憲法を制定するという挑戦も果たされました。 | [
] | The challenge of enacting a constitution to govern the country was also fulfilled. | Even the challenge of framing a constitution in order to enable govern the country was also fulfilled. |
同年、パク・ジンヨン率いるJYPエンターテインメントのトレーニングのために雨が降った。 | [
] | In the same year, it rained for the training of JYP Entertainment led by Park Jin-yong. | In the same year, Rain was picked up to train for JYP Entertainment, led by Park Jin-Young. |
2021年8月にカブールが崩壊した際、ほとんどの都市はタリバンに陥り、アシュラフ・ガニ大統領はアフガニスタンから脱出した。 | [
] | When Kabul collapsed in August 2021, most cities fell into the Taliban and President Ashraf Ghani fled Afghanistan. | In August 2021 during the Fall of Kabul, most of the city fell to the Taliban, and president Ashraf Ghani escaped from Afghanistan. |
彼らはインフィニティからの侵略者(キャプテンマーベル(DCコミック)の敵のリストを参照)に加わり、敗北後に太陽系を破壊しようとしますが、侵略者が投獄されて破壊されている間、殴られて火星に送り返されます。 | [
] | They join the invaders from Infiniti (see the list of Captain Marvel (DC Comics) enemies) and try to destroy the solar system after defeat, but are beaten and sent back to Mars while the invaders are imprisoned and destroyed. | They join the Invaders from Infinity (see List of Captain Marvel (DC Comics) enemies) in their attempt to destroy the Solar System after being defeated, but are beaten and sent back to Mars while the Invaders are imprisoned and destroyed. |
学校は国際ホスピタリティマネジメントの学士号を提供しています。 | [
] | The school offers a bachelor's degree in international hospitality management. | The school offers a Bachelor's degree in International Hospitality Management. |
古代の伝承では、70人のユダヤ人学者がヘブライ語からギリシャ語にトーラーを翻訳したとき、別の部屋にいたと言われていますが、彼らはすべてまったく同じテキストを書き留めました。 | [
] | In ancient lore, it is said that 70 Jewish scholars were in a separate room when they translated the Torah from Hebrew to Greek, but they all wrote down exactly the same text. | An ancient tradition says that 70 Jewish scholars were in a different room when they translated the Torah from Hebrew into Greek, yet they all wrote down exactly the same text. |
Readerz.Net / マルゴ・ヒールシャー マルゴ・ヒールシャー(Margot Hielscher、1919年9月29日 - 2017年8月20日)は、ドイツの歌手・女優。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Margot Hielscher Margot Hielscher (; September 29, 1919 – August 20, 2017) was a German singer and actress. | Margot Hielscher (29 September 1919 – 20 August 2017) was a German singer and actress. |
それは、テトラグラマトンを発音しないようにするための代替品以上のものであることを意味していませんでした。 | [
] | It did not mean that it is more than an alternative to try not to pronounce tetragrammaton. | It was never meant to be anything more than a substitute to avoid pronouncing the tetragrammaton. |
その後、ハーディがパンクを攻撃したのは、ハーディがパンクが意図的に審判を蹴ったと思ったからです。 | [
] | Later, Hardy attacked the punk because Hardy thought the punk deliberately kicked the referee. | Then, Hardy attacked Punk because Hardy thought Punk kicked the referee on purpose. |
中央アフリカの細長いワニは中央アフリカ(カメルーン、赤道ギニア、ガボン、北アンゴラ、中央アフリカ共和国、コンゴ共和国、コンゴ民主共和国)に生息し、東アフリカの南スーダンにも広がっています。 | [
] | Central African elongated crocodiles inhabit Central Africa (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, North Angola, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo) and also spread to South Sudan in East Africa. | The Central African slender-snouted crocodile lives in Central Africa (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, northern Angola, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo) and extends into South Sudan in East Africa. |
LövgrensはスウェーデンのBillesholmからのダンバンドです。 | [
] | Lövgrens is a dungeon band from Billesholm, Sweden. | Lövgrens is a dansband from Billesholm in Sweden. |
彼は1988年から2002年までビクトリア州立法評議会の国民党員でした。 | [
] | He was a Nationalist member of the Victorian Legislative Council from 1988 to 2002. | He was a National Party member of the Victorian Legislative Council from 1988 to 2002. |
1984年、ノーベル文学賞を受賞。 | [
] | In 1984, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. | In 1984, Seifert won the Nobel Prize in Literature. |
次の王様はフランスのアンリ4世で、ブルボン王朝の一員でした。 | [
] | The next king was Henry IV of France, a member of the Bourbon dynasty. | The next King was Henry IV of France, who was a member of the Bourbon Dynasty. |
12-13シリーズのすべてのエピソードはもともと20分の長さでしたが、2004年にBBCはスケジュールに合わせて15分の長さに短縮しました。 | [
] | All episodes of the 12-13 series were originally 20-minute lengths, but in 2004 the BBC shortened them to 15-minute lengths to fit the schedule. | All the episodes in Series 12-13 were originally 20 minutes in length, but in 2004 the BBC cut them down to 15 minutes in length to suit their schedule. |
チャタムウォーターフロントバスステーションは、ケント州チャタムにあるバスステーションです。 | [
] | Chatham Waterfront Bus Station is a bus station located in Chatham, Kent. | Chatham Waterfront bus station is a bus station in Chatham, Kent. |
2018年9月、最初の医学士MBChBコースが始まりました。 | [
] | In September 2018, the first medical doctor MBChB course began. | In September 2018 the first Bachelor of Medicine MBChB course started. |
彼らはヤギのようなまたはカモシカのような外観を持つ小さなアンギュレートです。 | [
] | They are small angular with a goat-like or antelope-like appearance. | They are small ungulates with a goat-like or antelope-like appearance. |
これは、タバコの煙が空中に入り、他の人が息を吸うことができるからです。 | [
] | This is because tobacco smoke enters the air and allows others to breathe. | This is because the smoke from the cigarette goes into the air, and can be breathed in by other people. |
ヘッドライトは、車の前の空間を照らすためのものです。 | [
] | The headlights are intended to illuminate the space in front of the car. | Headlights are for lighting the space in front of the vehicle. |
女神イモイヌの崇拝方法には多くの変化があります。 | [
] | There are many changes in the way the goddess Imoo is worshipped. | There are a lot of changes in the way of worshipping Goddess Imoinu. |
フェローシップがアモンヘンで休憩するとき、サムはモルドールへの旅でフロドと一緒に行く唯一の人です。 | [
] | When the fellowship breaks in the opium, Sam is the only one who goes with Frodo on a journey to Mordor. | When the Fellowship breaks at Amon Hen, Sam is the only one who goes on with Frodo on their journey to Mordor. |
数学では、代数多様体(多様体とも呼ばれます)は代数幾何学における研究の中心的オブジェクトの1つです。 | [
] | In mathematics, algebraic manifolds (also called manifolds) are one of the central objects of research in algebraic geometry. | In mathematics, algebraic varieties (also called varieties) are one of the central objects of study in algebraic geometry. |
9歳で、ティツィアーノはヴェネツィアに行きました。 | [
] | At the age of nine, Titian went to Venice. | Aged nine, Titian went to Venice. |
この映画は、アメリカ史上最も強力な副大統領になりたいというチェイニーについてのものです。 | [
] | This film is about Cheney, who wants to be the most powerful vice president in American history. | The movie is about Cheney in his desire to become the most powerful Vice President in America's history. |
フランクリンは、最も有名なサンタフェトレイルの始まりでした。 | [
] | Franklin was the beginning of the most famous Santa Fe trail. | Franklin was the start of the better-known Santa Fe Trail. |
Kavanaughは、第3巡回区控訴裁判所のWalter King Stapleton判事の法律事務員として働いていました。 | [
] | Kavanaught worked as a legal clerk for Judge Walter King Stapleton of the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. | Kavanaugh first worked as a law clerk for Judge Walter King Stapleton of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. |
また、光線のように、彼らが底に落ち着くとき、彼らは目を鳴らす2つのスピラクルを通して水を取り入れます。 | [
] | Also, as in the rays, when they settle on the bottom, they take water through two spirals that ring their eyes. | Also like rays, when they settle on the bottom, they take in water through two spiracles just behing the eyes. |
2005年にはシカゴ・トリビューン誌の「ベスト・マガジン50」に21位にランクイン。 | [
] | In 2005, it was ranked 21st in the Chicago Tribune's 50 Best Magazines. | In 2005, Paste was listed at #21 on The Chicago Tribune's list of "50 Best Magazines". |
2012年6月、DhanjaniはワイルドカードエントリーとしてJhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5に入り、3位になりました。 | [
] | In June 2012, Dhanjani entered Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5 as a wildcard entry and came in third place. | In June 2012, Dhanjani entered Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5 as Wild Card entry and came in third place. |
アサワリの家がロックされると、誰もがプラドニャの家に行きます。 | [
] | When the house of the clams is locked, everyone goes to the house of Pradoña. | Everyone goes to Pradnya's house as Asawari's house gets locked. |
他の機能は高度です ( ' 派生 ' ) 。 | [
] | Other features are advanced ('derivative'). | Other features are advanced ('derived'). |
彼は後にノーフォーク島の副知事になりました。 | [
] | He later became the vice governor of Norfolk Island. | He later became the Lieutenant-Governor of Norfolk Island. |
DNA配列は、種分化を理解するための好ましいアプローチとなっています。 | [
] | DNA sequencing is a preferred approach to understanding species differentiation. | DNA sequences have become the preferred approach to understanding speciation. |
2012-13シーズンのマンチェスター・シティF.C.は、マンチェスター・シティの111シーズン目、イングランド・プレミアリーグの11シーズン連続、そしてチームが創設されて以来21シーズン目のプレミアリーグ戦でした。 | [
] | Manchester City F.C. in 2012-13 was the 111th season of Manchester City, the 11th consecutive season of the English Premier League, and the 21st season of the Premier League since the team was created. | The 2012–13 Manchester City F.C. season was Manchester City's 111th season, 11th English Premier League season in a row, and their 21st season in the Premier League since the team was created. |
彼らはキーウエストの西、そしてマーケサスキーの西、最も近い島々にあります。 | [
] | They are located in the west of Key West, and in the west of Marquesasski, on the nearest islands. | They are about west of Key West, and west of the Marquesas Keys, at , the closest islands. |
島は熱帯湿潤で、高度に応じて平均18〜31°Cです。 | [
] | The island is tropical wet, with an average temperature of 18-31 degrees Celsius, depending on the altitude. | The island is tropical humid, with an average of between 18 and 31 °C depending on the altitude. |
彼は強力な議会のリーダーでした。 | [
] | He was a powerful parliamentary leader. | He was a strong Congress leader. |
1993年8月、松田は1993年U-17世界選手権日本代表に選出された。 | [
] | In August 1993, Matsuda was selected to represent Japan in the 1993 U-17 World Championships. | In August 1993, Matsuda was selected the Japan U-17 national team for 1993 U-17 World Championship. |
一般的に、検察官は証拠の負担があり、この基準に照らして証拠を提出する必要があります。 | [
] | In general, prosecutors are burdened with evidence and need to submit evidence in light of this criterion. | Generally, the prosecutor has the burden of proof and is required to prove their case to this standard. |
エミール・テオドール・コッヘル(Emil Theodor Kocher, 1841年8月25日 - 1917年7月27日)はスイスの医師でした。 | [
] | Emil Theodor Kocher (25 August 1841 – 27 July 1917) was a Swiss physician. | Emil Theodor Kocher (August 25, 1841 – July 27, 1917) was a Swiss doctor. |
マンチェスター・ユナイテッドがワトフォードに2-1で勝利した2015年11月21日、ラシュフォードはベンチにいました。 | [
] | Rushford was on the bench on November 21, 2015, when Manchester United defeated Watford 2-1. | Rashford was on the bench on 21 November 2015 when Manchester United won 2-1 against Watford. |
天体光学(レンズとミラー)望遠鏡は、望遠鏡の前に特別なレンズを置くことによってこれを修正します。 | [
] | Astro-optical (lenses and mirrors) telescopes correct this by placing a special lens in front of the telescope. | Catadioptric (lens and mirror) telescopes fix this by putting a special lens in front of the telescope. |
ブレイクは、多くの貧困と悲惨さがあった初期の産業革命の時代に生きました。 | [
] | Blake lived in the era of the early industrial revolution, when there was much poverty and misery. | Blake lived in the time of the early Industrial Revolution when there was a lot of poverty and misery. |
彼は東サクソンの司教でした。 | [
] | He was the bishop of East Saxon. | He was Bishop of the East Saxons. |
1989年ソロアルバムに出演。 | [
] | Performed on a solo album in 1989. | In 1989 he went to work on a solo album. |
ヴィングーカー市の所在地です。 | [
] | It is the location of the city of Vingukha. | It is the seat of Vingåker Municipality. |
ドイツの学術機関はほとんどエルゼビアに加入していません。 | [
] | Most German academic institutions are not affiliated with Elsevier. | Almost no academic institution in Germany is subscribed to Elsevier. |
Junction City は (33.019174, -92.722915) にあります。 | [
] | Junction City is located at (33.019174, -92.722915). | Junction City is found at (33.019174, -92.722915). |
キャニオンの火災は、主にマリブキャニオンで、カリフォルニア州マリブの近くで燃えています。 | [
] | Canyon fires are burning near Malibu, California, mainly in Malibu Canyon. | The Canyon Fire has burned close to Malibu, California, mostly in Malibu Canyon. |
溶岩クリーク凝灰岩は、セントヘレンズ山の1980年5月18日の噴火の沈殿物の少なくとも1000倍の大きさでした。 | [
] | Lava Creek tuff was at least 1,000 times larger than the precipitate of the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. | Lava Creek Tuff was at least 1000 times as large as the deposits of the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. |
ポケットはシャツの左側にあります。 | [
] | Pockets are located on the left side of the shirt. | The pocket is on the left side of the shirt. |
コネチカット州は郡で構成されていますが、1960年の廃止後、地方自治体の役割はコネチカット州の169の市町村によって個別に行われてきました。 | [
] | Connecticut is made up of counties, but after its abolition in 1960, the role of local authorities has been played individually by 169 municipalities in Connecticut. | Although Connecticut is comprised of counties, after their abolishment in 1960, the roles of local government have been performed individually by Connecticut's 169 cities and towns. |
彼女のキャラクターは、短期記憶の問題に基づいて皮肉なジョークを作ります。 | [
] | Her character makes ironic jokes based on problems with short-term memory. | Her character makes sarcastic jokes based on her short term memory problems. |
彼女は児童サービスに連れて行かれました。 | [
] | She was taken to a children's service. | She was taken to Children's Services. |
ユネスコのプログラムは1992年に始まりました。 | [
] | The UNESCO program began in 1992. | The UNESCO programme began in 1992. |
トレーニング中、彼は十字軍の靭帯の裂け目に苦しみ、1年間プレーしません。 | [
] | During training, he suffers from the rift of crusade ligaments and does not play for a year. | During the trainig he suffered a Cruciate ligament tear and will not play for a year. |
彼らは南オーストラリア州のはるか北西にあり、国境を越えて北方領土に走っている小さなセクションがあります。 | [
] | They are located far northwest of South Australia and have a small section running across the border to the northern territories. | They are in the far northwest of South Australia, with a small section running over the border into the Northern Territory. |
Laurence Fishburne、Sam Neill、Kathleen Quinlan、Joely Richardsonが出演しています。 | [
] | Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan and Joely Richardson appear. | It stars Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan and Joely Richardson. |
ビルまたはランスのいずれかが選択されます。 | [
] | Either building or lance is selected. | Either Bill or Lance is chosen. |
水に塩を加えると、水の凝固点が低下します。 | [
] | Adding salt to the water reduces the freezing point of the water. | Adding salt to water lowers the freezing point of the water. |
クレメンテはラテンアメリカ人として初めて全米野球殿堂入りを果たした。 | [
] | Clemente was the first Latin American to be inducted into the U.S. Baseball Hall of Fame. | Clemente was the first Latin American elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. |
また、パリのシャルル・ド・ゴール空港の隣にあります。 | [
] | It is also located next to the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. | It also passes next to Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport. |
David Strathairn - おやすみなさい、そして幸運。 | [
] | David Strathairn - Good night and good luck. | David Strathairn - Good Night, and Good Luck. |
その他の音には、泣き声、うなり声、叫び声、おしゃべり、泣き声などがあります。 | [
] | Other sounds include crying, groaning, screaming, chatting, and crying. | Other sounds include whines, growls, screams, chatterings and yapping cries. |
2010年に首相に就任。 | [
] | He was appointed Prime Minister in 2010. | He began his term as Prime Minister in 2010. |
癌は世界中で最も一般的な死因の1つです。 | [
] | Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. | Cancer is one of the most common causes of death around the world. |
彼は2004年から2008年までイラン議会議員を務め、テヘラン、レイ、シェミラナト、エスラムシャールの地区を代表しました。 | [
] | He served as a member of the Iranian parliament from 2004 to 2008 and represented the districts of Tehran, Ray, Shemilanat and Esramshaar. | He served as member of the Parliament of Iran from 2004 to 2008, representing the districts of Tehran, Rey, Shemiranat and Eslamshahr. |
ベラルーシとの国境近くのキエフ州にあります。 | [
] | It is located in Kiev, near the border with Belarus. | It lies in Kyiv Oblast, near the border with Belarus. |
彼らは人々を送るのに適した場所を決めるでしょう。 | [
] | They will decide on a suitable place to send people. | They would decide a good place to send people. |
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