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my abdominal muscles have great pain since i was at gym | 20muscle pain
fell skull is cracked like nuts | 12head ache
my knee doesn't want to bend well. | 9knee pain
when i do hard exercises i feel great pain in my muscles. | 20muscle pain
i feel pain in my ears with tinnitus | 23ear ache
it itches inside my ears. | 23ear ache
i get terrible headaches every few months and when i get them my vision is affected. | 12head ache
i cannot bear this squeezing sensation i have in my chest. | 2heart hurts
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning. | 13body feels weak
fell skull is cracked like nuts | 12head ache
my heart is pumping fast and i'm having a hard time to breath. | 11hard to breath
i have a sharp pain in my lower stomach. | 8stomach ache
i broke my ankle while doing rock climbing in the carpathians. | 6injury from sports
i was injured during football match, i was diagnosed with cruciate ligament | 6injury from sports
i have a blurry vision since i woke up this morning, what could be the reason? | 18blurry vision
my wound opened up again | 16open wound
my knees ache on cold and rainy days. | 9knee pain
when i wake up in the morning i feel dizzy | 14feeling dizzy
i fell through a window while i was cleaning it and i have a shard of glass stuck in my left eye, i think it is pretty serious, please help! | 16open wound
i feel like the room is spinning | 14feeling dizzy
my body feels weak and i tried to make it relax but it stills pain me | 13body feels weak
oh my heart hurts me i tried to be calm and i can't | 2heart hurts
i had a pain in my knee when i was swimming | 9knee pain
the nerves were so damaged during the operation on my ankle that i cannot stand being touched on the scar. | 4foot ache
i have shooting pain in my kneecap after working out. | 9knee pain
my knees ache on cold and rainy days. | 9knee pain
my hair isn't well | 1hair falling out
i often get a stomach ache after i eat. i haven't been able to pinpoint which foods might be the trigger. | 8stomach ache
oh my heart hurts me i tried to be calm and i can't | 2heart hurts
there's swelling in my neck and it hurts. | 21neck pain
heavy breath with fatigue | 0emotional pain
my head hurts when i'm doing this. | 12head ache
my hair is falling out in bunches. | 1hair falling out
my stomach has been sore since yesterday. | 8stomach ache
it hurts when i raise my arm up | 5shoulder pain
i often get a stomach ache after i eat. i haven't been able to pinpoint which foods might be the trigger. | 8stomach ache
using hair tonic | 1hair falling out
i cut my hand a couple of days ago and although i didn't think i needed it stitches it hasn't closed up. | 16open wound
i felt my heart hurts when i ran for along distance | 2heart hurts
i'm having a hard time hearing. | 23ear ache
itch at front and center of scalp | 1hair falling out
i'm in need for a treatment for my hair fall | 1hair falling out
i have a cut that has become red and oozes puss. | 3infected wound
i've noticed my hair falling out a lot lately. | 1hair falling out
i had a cold the last time i travelled by plane and i still have a discomfort in my ears. | 23ear ache
i can't stand up or sit down i have a pain in my back that annoys me | 15back pain
i have a dry throat | 22cough
when i'm driving my eyes see in double | 18blurry vision
i have issue with my skin | 7skin issue
i get an ear ache when it is cold | 23ear ache
is there a cure for acne? | 19acne
my knee is hurting so badly. | 10joint pain
everything looks like beeing in a smoky area. | 18blurry vision
it feels like someone stuck a knife into my shoulder | 5shoulder pain
i have a blurry vision after my head was hit yesterday. | 18blurry vision
my son had a root canal and the dentist accidentally cut the inside of his cheek and now it will not heal. | 3infected wound
every time i look to left i feel a sharp pain in my neck. | 21neck pain
heavy breath with fatigue | 0emotional pain
my hair is falling out in huge amount | 1hair falling out
i feel like i can hardly breathe unless i get what's in my lungs out | 22cough
every morning when i wake up my neck feels like i slept on in wrong. | 20muscle pain
when i carry heavy things i feel like breaking my back | 15back pain
my muscles feel tired | 13body feels weak
when i play football i have joint pain. | 10joint pain
i can't really jump on my left foot because my triple fracture of the ankle left me with neverending pains. | 4foot ache
it itches inside my ears. | 23ear ache
i am having running nose | 24feeling cold
i hve cut my finger because of playing football and i to apply pain relief cream but it does not help | 6injury from sports
i feel pain when parting loved ones | 0emotional pain
my entire body is freezing. | 24feeling cold
i feel congestion in my chest | 22cough
my skin is very dry and peeling. | 7skin issue
i feel chilly, like an ice cube. my sister said that she needs several blankets to cover her so that she is warm enough. | 24feeling cold
feels like there are pins and needles sticking in my joints | 10joint pain
my muscles in my lower back are aching. | 20muscle pain
my joints feel swollen | 10joint pain
i don't know why i'm constantly sad. | 0emotional pain
i have the impression of having no strength in my body | 13body feels weak
after an hard working day i have foot ache | 4foot ache
i've noticed my hair falling out a lot lately. | 1hair falling out
i have pimples on my back. | 19acne
i carried a heavy bag yesterday and when i get up today i felt a great shoulder pain. | 5shoulder pain
i have a foot ache in winter, or when it feels cold, why? | 4foot ache
i have pain in my stomach | 8stomach ache
i have this strange rash on my arm. | 7skin issue
when i walk it's hard to breath. | 11hard to breath
i hit the ground when trying to shoot a basketball | 6injury from sports
there is a sharp pain in my calve. | 20muscle pain
my biceps started aching after i went to the gym | 20muscle pain
i have shoulder pain after doing any home work. | 5shoulder pain
i can't move my leg, there is pain in the joint | 10joint pain
my left ear is ok, but the right one feels like it's being stabbed with a nail. | 23ear ache
i feel fluid trying to come up when i cough. | 22cough
i feel severe itching in the skin with redness | 7skin issue
the arches of my feet hurt when i wear heels | 4foot ache
it hurts when i bent my arm | 10joint pain
i can't turn my neck to the left without feeling a stabbing pain | 21neck pain
when i eat i feel my stomach hurts | 8stomach ache
i cut my hand a couple of days ago and although i didn't think i needed it stitches it hasn't closed up. | 16open wound
i have a sharp pain and clicking sound in my ankle joint when i try to stand on it and walk. | 10joint pain
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