class label
25 classes
i feel pain in the knee
9knee pain
need to scratch my skin every minute
7skin issue
i get terrible headaches every few months and when i get them my vision is affected.
12head ache
my neck hurts me and i can't stand with this pain
21neck pain
i have a blurry vision and i can't see in the darkness , what is the reason doctor ?
18blurry vision
i visited many doctors but they can't find the right treatment toget my hair back
1hair falling out
after playing football, i have muscle pain with my both legs.
20muscle pain
there is a sharp pain in my calve.
20muscle pain
my lungs feel heavy like they are filled with mucus
it hurts when i raise my arm up
5shoulder pain
there are lots of hairs on my pillow in the morning.
1hair falling out
i feel sad
0emotional pain
i feel lightheaded when i stand up
14feeling dizzy
i feel a sharp pain in my stomach
17internal pain
my abdominal muscles have great pain since i was at gym
20muscle pain
i have a cold and it makes me cough alot
discomfort or pain that is felt at some point along the front of the body between the neck and upper abdomen.
17internal pain
i'm having a hard time hearing.
23ear ache
laceration, rupture or opening in the skin
16open wound
my heart is pumping fast and i'm having a hard time to breath.
11hard to breath
my neck feels stiff
21neck pain
i have this strange rash on my arm.
7skin issue
my sore isn't healing well and it's been like this for two weeks.
16open wound
there are lots of hairs on my pillow in the morning.
1hair falling out
i can't stop coughing
i can't stand up, i feel my brain is moving inside my skull.
12head ache
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation.
23ear ache
i must see a doctor i have an open wound
16open wound
my body feels weak after my first day in the gym, why?
13body feels weak
i cut my finger opening a can, it won't stop bleeding and the wound is gaping and open
16open wound
my neck is annoying me i can't sleep bacause of it
21neck pain
i feel discomfort throughout the body in general
13body feels weak
surgical wounds red, firing pus, painful and hot to the touch
3infected wound
my hair is falling out after i take a shower.
1hair falling out
i have pain in my chest that saddens me.
2heart hurts
i have a pain in my joint
10joint pain
i had a sharp pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
my back hurts a lot when i bend
15back pain
i have a pain internal
17internal pain
i have an indigestion
8stomach ache
these red spots on my cheeks are new. what is it?
7skin issue
i have a back pain since i fell on the floor.
15back pain
i have a dry throat
i cut my finger opening a can, it won't stop bleeding and the wound is gaping and open
16open wound
my infected wound caused a fever
3infected wound
i have a problem in my back i cannot extend it
15back pain
my foot hurts me a lot of playing football
4foot ache
i notice a lot more hair coming out than usual when i brush my hair
1hair falling out
i complain alot with my neck pain and i really need to be better
21neck pain
i have a hard pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
i have a foot ache after running 500m with my running shoes.
4foot ache
i was playing soccer and i twisted my ankle
6injury from sports
i'm having a hard time reading because the letters are all fuzzy
18blurry vision
when i'm doing sport i have pain under my skin
20muscle pain
every time i make an effort, i felt dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i feel head ache
12head ache
i got acne when i ate chili
my nose is congested all the time and there's this gluey secretion in my throat that makes it impossible for me to sleep. i often have to nap sitting down.
11hard to breath
i have a head pain every single day.
17internal pain
my chest hurts when i go to take a breath
11hard to breath
my television and computer seem out of focus even though i have new glasses.
18blurry vision
my ear hurts me badly
23ear ache
i must see a doctor i have an open wound
16open wound
there is a sharp pain in my bicep. i have tried to apply pain relief cream but it does not help.
20muscle pain
i feel a great pain in my shoulder when i try to lift something heavy
5shoulder pain
i have a sharp pain in my lower stomach.
8stomach ache
i have tried to make massage on my foot but they still pain me
4foot ache
my chest acne breaks out and never clears up.
i have eruptions on my face that come and go .
i feel a strange and powerful pain inside my rib cage
2heart hurts
i had a sharp pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
after a breakup i feel something strange in me.
0emotional pain
when i eat too much sugar my body gets weak and dizzy.
13body feels weak
my knee feels weak and it gave way the other day at the top of the stairs. luckily there was a rail to hold on to.
9knee pain
my chest acne breaks out and never clears up.
my ear is ringing.
23ear ache
i am having problems seeing things feel like a cloud on my eyes everything is blurry
18blurry vision
the severe pain in the stomach i feel
8stomach ache
it hurts when i bent my arm
10joint pain
i walked a long for 3 km, i feel pain in my foot like foot ache
4foot ache
i have a problem in my middle ear made by infection
23ear ache
i have a migrain and i took panadol but it doesnÕt help
12head ache
i can't stand up or sit down i have a pain in my back that annoys me
15back pain
having difficulty moving my knee
9knee pain
i have blurred vision.
18blurry vision
it is like i have a needle pushing through my heart.
2heart hurts
i travelled by plane a few days ago and this time during landing my ears remained clogged and painful.
23ear ache
i have a blurry vision and i can't see in the darkness , what is the reason doctor ?
18blurry vision
my skin is very dry and peeling.
7skin issue
sterilizer for the eye
18blurry vision
when i force my eyes to view i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
i have a neck pain when i sit in-front of my laptop.
21neck pain
i have a skin rash after eating an ice-cream.
7skin issue
i have a strong shoulder pain
5shoulder pain
i am having problems seeing things feel like a cloud on my eyes everything is blurry
18blurry vision
i can't move my head up and down.
21neck pain
mr hair is falling out just by combing it.
1hair falling out
the area around my heart doesn't feel good.
2heart hurts
i had an accident and my wound was open when i arrived to hospital
16open wound
i was diagnosed with b12-deficiency anemia, which explains why i always felt cold.
24feeling cold