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redness, swelling, and difficulty walking | 9knee pain
i feel a burning sensation in my shoulder muscle. | 20muscle pain
my hair is coming out in chunks, especially when i wash it | 1hair falling out
i'm not good i feel dizzy | 14feeling dizzy
there is pain in my joints. i can not bear pain | 10joint pain
my stomach feels full and upset and bloating after big meals. | 8stomach ache
i feel pain when parting loved ones | 0emotional pain
my sore looks like its not healing well. | 3infected wound
my left side aches much | 17internal pain
my heart hurts me | 2heart hurts
i don't have problems taking in breath but out breath is so heavy | 11hard to breath
my skin is itching. | 7skin issue
i must see a doctor i have an open wound | 16open wound
these red spots on my cheeks are new. what is it? | 7skin issue
i've got a hard time to breath- am i having a heart attack? | 11hard to breath
i feel a sharp pain in my ankle joint when i stand. | 10joint pain
is there a cure for acne? | 19acne
when i play football i have muscle pain. | 20muscle pain
i feel depressed when i see my hair falling out | 1hair falling out
it hurts when i bent my arm | 10joint pain
my daughter had her eyebrows threaded and it pulled an opening of skin in one of her brows that is now puffy and oozing. | 3infected wound
my shoulder is hurting me | 5shoulder pain
i feel pain in my joint after an injury in the last football match i played. | 10joint pain
every time it rains i get hives on my belly and sides. | 7skin issue
i feel weak | 13body feels weak
my knees hurt so bad to walk that i stay sitting more than i should. | 9knee pain
every time i look to left i feel a sharp pain in my neck. | 21neck pain
my back hurts me and i can't bend it or walk | 15back pain
i have a back pain since i fell on the floor. | 15back pain
stomach pain after drinking milk | 8stomach ache
i was kicked in the head playing soccer last night. | 6injury from sports
stiffness inability to look right or left except by moving the whole body | 21neck pain
my head is spinning when i get up. | 14feeling dizzy
laceration, rupture or opening in the skin | 16open wound
i feel back pain when i carry heavy things | 15back pain
i have a pain in my elbow joint | 10joint pain
my right shoulder clicks when i move my arm. | 5shoulder pain
i feel dizzy after doing a muscular effort. | 14feeling dizzy
the knee feels like it rusted and i suddenly cannot bend it anymore. | 9knee pain
i have a pain in my head | 12head ache
sometimes when it is cold outside, my face hurts, especially around the pimples that are ready to pop. | 19acne
i'm having a hard time hearing. | 23ear ache
the feeling of coughing increases in winter's reach | 22cough
i feel emotionally crushed | 0emotional pain
i cannot bear this squeezing sensation i have in my chest. | 2heart hurts
my throught is so sore. | 21neck pain
i get big patches of irritated pimples on my back and they hurt. | 19acne
i can't walk because i have a great foot ache | 4foot ache
i have whooping cough with excess mucous, need mucolytic. | 22cough
i had a cold the last time i travelled by plane and i still have a discomfort in my ears. | 23ear ache
i feel a pain in my back when i sit on a chair for long. | 15back pain
my back got injured while i was lifting at the gym | 6injury from sports
i have a headache almost every day | 12head ache
i don't do anything at home and still i feel exhausted. | 13body feels weak
i was kicked in the head playing soccer last night. | 6injury from sports
i complain alot with my neck pain and i really need to be better | 21neck pain
it feels like someone is hitting my head with a hammer. i feel pain on the top of my head and it throbs. | 12head ache
i feel that is great pain in my left shoulder | 5shoulder pain
my ear hurts when i touch it. | 23ear ache
i have a cut on my foot that became infected from using the showers at the gym. | 3infected wound
i feel dizzy and out of sight | 14feeling dizzy
my body feels weak and i tried to make it relax but it stills pain me | 13body feels weak
my son got a tattoo several weeks ago and the skin around it is raised and hot and it looks infected. | 3infected wound
need to scratch my skin every minute | 7skin issue
i used to have acne when i was 15 years old | 19acne
my right shoulder clicks when i move my arm. | 5shoulder pain
i feel like something is squeezing my lungs. | 11hard to breath
i can't see well | 18blurry vision
i had alot of exercise yesterday so i feel sharp muscle pains | 20muscle pain
stomach pain after drinking milk | 8stomach ache
my foot hurts me a lot of playing football | 4foot ache
my acne is really embarassing. it's so read. | 19acne
i feel pain inside and i can not identify it | 17internal pain
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation. | 23ear ache
my right shoulder clicks when i move my arm. | 5shoulder pain
i feel pain in my joint after an injury in the last football match i played. | 10joint pain
my hair always falls out and i have lost a lot of hair lately | 1hair falling out
i have eruptions on my face that come and go . | 19acne
i'm disappointed | 0emotional pain
when i'm tired i feel my head heavy | 12head ache
my grandmother last year went to hospital because she was having a hard time breathing | 11hard to breath
i have pain in my stomach | 8stomach ache
i'm not feeling good i get infection wound | 3infected wound
it hurts when i raise my arm up | 5shoulder pain
i can't ride my car at night because i have blurry vision. | 18blurry vision
i don't have problems taking in breath but out breath is so heavy | 11hard to breath
need to scratch my skin every minute | 7skin issue
i feel like something is squeezing my lungs. | 11hard to breath
mr hair is falling out just by combing it. | 1hair falling out
sometimes my body feels week without reason | 13body feels weak
i was diagnosed with pneumonia, i can't breath easily. | 11hard to breath
i get chills and aches all over. | 24feeling cold
there are lots of hairs on my pillow in the morning. | 1hair falling out
i cut my hand a couple of weeks ago and even though i keep using an antibiotic cream it's not getting better. | 3infected wound
sterilizer for the eye | 18blurry vision
i feel like something is squeezing my lungs. | 11hard to breath
i feel pain in my knee when i climb the stairs. | 10joint pain
when i'm doing sport i have pain under my skin | 20muscle pain
i can't walk, my knee hurts me | 9knee pain
i feel a great amount of pressure on the sides of my neck | 5shoulder pain
Subsets and Splits