[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/IOError.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ToString/Macro.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/FilePath.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Control/Reader.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/String.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/ST.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ByteArray.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Ord.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "IO.RealWorld", "code": "def IO.RealWorld : Type := Unit", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO", "code": "def EIO (ε : Type) : Type → Type := EStateM ε IO.RealWorld", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BaseIO", "code": "def BaseIO := EIO Empty", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BaseIO.toEIO", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef BaseIO.toEIO (act : BaseIO α) : EIO ε α :=\n fun s => match act s with\n | EStateM.Result.ok a s => EStateM.Result.ok a s", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.toBaseIO", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef EIO.toBaseIO (act : EIO ε α) : BaseIO (Except ε α) :=\n fun s => match act s with\n | EStateM.Result.ok a s => EStateM.Result.ok (Except.ok a) s\n | EStateM.Result.error ex s => EStateM.Result.ok (Except.error ex) s", "start": [ 52, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.catchExceptions", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef EIO.catchExceptions (act : EIO ε α) (h : ε → BaseIO α) : BaseIO α :=\n fun s => match act s with\n | EStateM.Result.ok a s => EStateM.Result.ok a s\n | EStateM.Result.error ex s => h ex s", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 62, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO", "code": "abbrev IO : Type → Type := EIO Error", "start": [ 65, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BaseIO.toIO", "code": "@[inline] def BaseIO.toIO (act : BaseIO α) : IO α :=\n act", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.toIO", "code": "@[inline] def EIO.toIO (f : ε → IO.Error) (act : EIO ε α) : IO α :=\n act.adaptExcept f", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.toIO'", "code": "@[inline] def EIO.toIO' (act : EIO ε α) : IO (Except ε α) :=\n act.toBaseIO", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.toEIO", "code": "@[inline] def IO.toEIO (f : IO.Error → ε) (act : IO α) : EIO ε α :=\n act.adaptExcept f", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "unsafeBaseIO", "code": "@[inline] unsafe def unsafeBaseIO (fn : BaseIO α) : α :=\n match () with\n | EStateM.Result.ok a _ => a", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "unsafeEIO", "code": "@[inline] unsafe def unsafeEIO (fn : EIO ε α) : Except ε α :=\n unsafeBaseIO fn.toBaseIO", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 88, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "unsafeIO", "code": "@[inline] unsafe def unsafeIO (fn : IO α) : Except IO.Error α :=\n unsafeEIO fn", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 91, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "timeit", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_timeit\"] opaque timeit (msg : @& String) (fn : IO α) : IO α", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "allocprof", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_allocprof\"] opaque allocprof (msg : @& String) (fn : IO α) : IO α", "start": [ 94, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.initializing", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_initializing\"] opaque IO.initializing : BaseIO Bool", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BaseIO.asTask", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_as_task\"]\nopaque asTask (act : BaseIO α) (prio := Task.Priority.default) : BaseIO (Task α) :=\n Task.pure <$> act", "start": [ 105, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BaseIO.mapTask", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_map_task\"]\nopaque mapTask (f : α → BaseIO β) (t : Task α) (prio := Task.Priority.default) (sync := false) :\n BaseIO (Task β) :=\n Task.pure <$> f t.get", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BaseIO.bindTask", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_bind_task\"]\nopaque bindTask (t : Task α) (f : α → BaseIO (Task β)) (prio := Task.Priority.default)\n (sync := false) : BaseIO (Task β) :=\n f t.get", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BaseIO.mapTasks", "code": "def mapTasks (f : List α → BaseIO β) (tasks : List (Task α)) (prio := Task.Priority.default)\n (sync := false) : BaseIO (Task β) :=\n go tasks []\nwhere\n go\n | t::ts, as =>\n BaseIO.bindTask t (fun a => go ts (a :: as)) prio sync\n | [], as => f as.reverse |>.asTask prio", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.asTask", "code": "@[inline] def asTask (act : EIO ε α) (prio := Task.Priority.default) : BaseIO (Task (Except ε α)) :=\n act.toBaseIO.asTask prio", "start": [ 142, 1 ], "end": [ 144, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.mapTask", "code": "@[inline] def mapTask (f : α → EIO ε β) (t : Task α) (prio := Task.Priority.default)\n (sync := false) : BaseIO (Task (Except ε β)) :=\n BaseIO.mapTask (fun a => f a |>.toBaseIO) t prio sync", "start": [ 146, 1 ], "end": [ 149, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.bindTask", "code": "@[inline] def bindTask (t : Task α) (f : α → EIO ε (Task (Except ε β)))\n (prio := Task.Priority.default) (sync := false) : BaseIO (Task (Except ε β)) :=\n BaseIO.bindTask t (fun a => f a |>.catchExceptions fun e => return Task.pure <| Except.error e)\n prio sync", "start": [ 151, 1 ], "end": [ 155, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "EIO.mapTasks", "code": "@[inline] def mapTasks (f : List α → EIO ε β) (tasks : List (Task α))\n (prio := Task.Priority.default) (sync := false) : BaseIO (Task (Except ε β)) :=\n BaseIO.mapTasks (fun as => f as |>.toBaseIO) tasks prio sync", "start": [ 157, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.ofExcept", "code": "def ofExcept [ToString ε] (e : Except ε α) : IO α :=\n match e with\n | Except.ok a => pure a\n | Except.error e => throw (IO.userError (toString e))", "start": [ 166, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.lazyPure", "code": "def lazyPure (fn : Unit → α) : IO α :=\n pure (fn ())", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 172, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.monoMsNow", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_mono_ms_now\"] opaque monoMsNow : BaseIO Nat", "start": [ 174, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.monoNanosNow", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_mono_nanos_now\"] opaque monoNanosNow : BaseIO Nat", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 178, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.getRandomBytes", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_get_random_bytes\"] opaque getRandomBytes (nBytes : USize) : IO ByteArray", "start": [ 180, 1 ], "end": [ 182, 91 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.sleep", "code": "def sleep (ms : UInt32) : BaseIO Unit :=\n fun s => dbgSleep ms fun _ => EStateM.Result.ok () s", "start": [ 184, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.asTask", "code": "@[inline] def asTask (act : IO α) (prio := Task.Priority.default) : BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error α)) :=\n EIO.asTask act prio", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 190, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.mapTask", "code": "@[inline] def mapTask (f : α → IO β) (t : Task α) (prio := Task.Priority.default) (sync := false) :\n BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error β)) :=\n EIO.mapTask f t prio sync", "start": [ 192, 1 ], "end": [ 195, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.bindTask", "code": "@[inline] def bindTask (t : Task α) (f : α → IO (Task (Except IO.Error β)))\n (prio := Task.Priority.default) (sync := false) : BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error β)) :=\n EIO.bindTask t f prio sync", "start": [ 197, 1 ], "end": [ 200, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.mapTasks", "code": "@[inline] def mapTasks (f : List α → IO β) (tasks : List (Task α)) (prio := Task.Priority.default)\n (sync := false) : BaseIO (Task (Except IO.Error β)) :=\n EIO.mapTasks f tasks prio sync", "start": [ 202, 1 ], "end": [ 205, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.checkCanceled", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_check_canceled\"] opaque checkCanceled : BaseIO Bool", "start": [ 207, 1 ], "end": [ 208, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.cancel", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_cancel\"] opaque cancel : @& Task α → BaseIO Unit", "start": [ 210, 1 ], "end": [ 211, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.TaskState", "code": "inductive TaskState\n \n | waiting\n \n | running\n \n | finished\n deriving Inhabited, Repr, DecidableEq, Ord", "start": [ 213, 1 ], "end": [ 231, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.TaskState.toString", "code": "protected def TaskState.toString : TaskState → String\n | .waiting => \"waiting\"\n | .running => \"running\"\n | .finished => \"finished\"", "start": [ 238, 1 ], "end": [ 241, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.getTaskState", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_get_task_state\"] opaque getTaskState : @& Task α → BaseIO TaskState", "start": [ 245, 1 ], "end": [ 246, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.hasFinished", "code": "@[inline] def hasFinished (task : Task α) : BaseIO Bool := do\n return (← getTaskState task) matches .finished", "start": [ 248, 1 ], "end": [ 250, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.wait", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_wait\"] opaque wait (t : Task α) : BaseIO α :=\n return t.get", "start": [ 252, 1 ], "end": [ 254, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.waitAny", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_wait_any\"] opaque waitAny (tasks : @& List (Task α))\n (h : tasks.length > 0 := by exact Nat.zero_lt_succ _) : BaseIO α :=\n return tasks[0].get", "start": [ 256, 1 ], "end": [ 259, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.getNumHeartbeats", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_get_num_heartbeats\"] opaque getNumHeartbeats : BaseIO Nat", "start": [ 261, 1 ], "end": [ 262, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.addHeartbeats", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_add_heartbeats\"] opaque addHeartbeats (count : UInt64) : BaseIO Unit", "start": [ 264, 1 ], "end": [ 269, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Mode", "code": "inductive FS.Mode where\n \n | read\n \n | write\n \n | writeNew\n \n | readWrite\n \n | append", "start": [ 271, 1 ], "end": [ 331, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle", "code": "opaque FS.Handle : Type := Unit", "start": [ 333, 1 ], "end": [ 333, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Stream", "code": "structure FS.Stream where\n flush : IO Unit\n \n read : USize → IO ByteArray\n write : ByteArray → IO Unit\n \n getLine : IO String\n putStr : String → IO Unit\n \n isTty : BaseIO Bool\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 335, 1 ], "end": [ 356, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.getStdin", "code": "@[extern \"lean_get_stdin\"] opaque getStdin : BaseIO FS.Stream", "start": [ 360, 1 ], "end": [ 360, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.getStdout", "code": "@[extern \"lean_get_stdout\"] opaque getStdout : BaseIO FS.Stream", "start": [ 361, 1 ], "end": [ 361, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.getStderr", "code": "@[extern \"lean_get_stderr\"] opaque getStderr : BaseIO FS.Stream", "start": [ 362, 1 ], "end": [ 362, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.setStdin", "code": "@[extern \"lean_get_set_stdin\"] opaque setStdin : FS.Stream → BaseIO FS.Stream", "start": [ 364, 1 ], "end": [ 365, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.setStdout", "code": "@[extern \"lean_get_set_stdout\"] opaque setStdout : FS.Stream → BaseIO FS.Stream", "start": [ 366, 1 ], "end": [ 367, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.setStderr", "code": "@[extern \"lean_get_set_stderr\"] opaque setStderr : FS.Stream → BaseIO FS.Stream", "start": [ 368, 1 ], "end": [ 369, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.iterate", "code": "@[specialize] partial def iterate (a : α) (f : α → IO (Sum α β)) : IO β := do\n let v ← f a\n match v with\n | Sum.inl a => iterate a f\n | Sum.inr b => pure b", "start": [ 371, 1 ], "end": [ 375, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_mk\"] opaque mk (fn : @& FilePath) (mode : FS.Mode) : IO Handle", "start": [ 381, 1 ], "end": [ 381, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.lock", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_lock\"] opaque lock (h : @& Handle) (exclusive := true) : IO Unit", "start": [ 383, 1 ], "end": [ 390, 95 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.tryLock", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_try_lock\"] opaque tryLock (h : @& Handle) (exclusive := true) : IO Bool", "start": [ 391, 1 ], "end": [ 398, 102 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.unlock", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_unlock\"] opaque unlock (h : @& Handle) : IO Unit", "start": [ 399, 1 ], "end": [ 403, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.isTty", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_is_tty\"] opaque isTty (h : @& Handle) : BaseIO Bool", "start": [ 405, 1 ], "end": [ 406, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.flush", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_flush\"] opaque flush (h : @& Handle) : IO Unit", "start": [ 408, 1 ], "end": [ 408, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.rewind", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_rewind\"] opaque rewind (h : @& Handle) : IO Unit", "start": [ 409, 1 ], "end": [ 410, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.truncate", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_truncate\"] opaque truncate (h : @& Handle) : IO Unit", "start": [ 411, 1 ], "end": [ 419, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_read\"] opaque read (h : @& Handle) (bytes : USize) : IO ByteArray", "start": [ 420, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.write", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_write\"] opaque write (h : @& Handle) (buffer : @& ByteArray) : IO Unit", "start": [ 426, 1 ], "end": [ 426, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.getLine", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_get_line\"] opaque getLine (h : @& Handle) : IO String", "start": [ 428, 1 ], "end": [ 433, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.putStr", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_prim_handle_put_str\"] opaque putStr (h : @& Handle) (s : @& String) : IO Unit", "start": [ 434, 1 ], "end": [ 434, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.realPath", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_realpath\"] opaque realPath (fname : FilePath) : IO FilePath", "start": [ 438, 1 ], "end": [ 438, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.removeFile", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_remove_file\"] opaque removeFile (fname : @& FilePath) : IO Unit", "start": [ 439, 1 ], "end": [ 439, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.removeDir", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_remove_dir\"] opaque removeDir : @& FilePath → IO Unit", "start": [ 440, 1 ], "end": [ 441, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.createDir", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_create_dir\"] opaque createDir : @& FilePath → IO Unit", "start": [ 442, 1 ], "end": [ 442, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.rename", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_rename\"] opaque rename (old new : @& FilePath) : IO Unit", "start": [ 444, 1 ], "end": [ 450, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.getEnv", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_getenv\"] opaque getEnv (var : @& String) : BaseIO (Option String)", "start": [ 454, 1 ], "end": [ 454, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.appPath", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_app_path\"] opaque appPath : IO FilePath", "start": [ 455, 1 ], "end": [ 455, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.currentDir", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_current_dir\"] opaque currentDir : IO FilePath", "start": [ 456, 1 ], "end": [ 456, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.withFile", "code": "@[inline]\ndef withFile (fn : FilePath) (mode : Mode) (f : Handle → IO α) : IO α :=\n fn mode >>= f", "start": [ 460, 1 ], "end": [ 462, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.putStrLn", "code": "def Handle.putStrLn (h : Handle) (s : String) : IO Unit :=\n h.putStr (s.push '\\n')", "start": [ 464, 1 ], "end": [ 465, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.readBinToEnd", "code": "partial def Handle.readBinToEnd (h : Handle) : IO ByteArray := do\n let rec loop (acc : ByteArray) : IO ByteArray := do\n let buf ← 1024\n if buf.isEmpty then\n return acc\n else\n loop (acc ++ buf)\n loop ByteArray.empty", "start": [ 467, 1 ], "end": [ 474, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Handle.readToEnd", "code": "partial def Handle.readToEnd (h : Handle) : IO String := do\n let rec loop (s : String) := do\n let line ← h.getLine\n if line.isEmpty then\n return s\n else\n loop (s ++ line)\n loop \"\"", "start": [ 476, 1 ], "end": [ 483, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.readBinFile", "code": "def readBinFile (fname : FilePath) : IO ByteArray := do\n let h ← fname\n h.readBinToEnd", "start": [ 485, 1 ], "end": [ 487, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.readFile", "code": "def readFile (fname : FilePath) : IO String := do\n let h ← fname\n h.readToEnd", "start": [ 489, 1 ], "end": [ 491, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.lines", "code": "partial def lines (fname : FilePath) : IO (Array String) := do\n let h ← fname\n let rec read (lines : Array String) := do\n let line ← h.getLine\n if line.length == 0 then\n pure lines\n else if line.back == '\\n' then\n let line := line.dropRight 1\n let line := if System.Platform.isWindows && line.back == '\\x0d' then line.dropRight 1 else line\n read <| lines.push line\n else\n pure <| lines.push line\n read #[]", "start": [ 493, 1 ], "end": [ 505, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.writeBinFile", "code": "def writeBinFile (fname : FilePath) (content : ByteArray) : IO Unit := do\n let h ← fname Mode.write\n h.write content", "start": [ 507, 1 ], "end": [ 509, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.writeFile", "code": "def writeFile (fname : FilePath) (content : String) : IO Unit := do\n let h ← fname Mode.write\n h.putStr content", "start": [ 511, 1 ], "end": [ 513, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Stream.putStrLn", "code": "def Stream.putStrLn (strm : FS.Stream) (s : String) : IO Unit :=\n strm.putStr (s.push '\\n')", "start": [ 515, 1 ], "end": [ 516, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.DirEntry", "code": "structure DirEntry where\n root : FilePath\n fileName : String\n deriving Repr", "start": [ 518, 1 ], "end": [ 521, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.DirEntry.path", "code": "def DirEntry.path (entry : DirEntry) : FilePath :=\n entry.root / entry.fileName", "start": [ 523, 1 ], "end": [ 524, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.FileType", "code": "inductive FileType where\n | dir\n | file\n | symlink\n | other\n deriving Repr, BEq", "start": [ 526, 1 ], "end": [ 531, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.SystemTime", "code": "structure SystemTime where\n sec : Int\n nsec : UInt32\n deriving Repr, BEq, Ord, Inhabited", "start": [ 533, 1 ], "end": [ 536, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Metadata", "code": "structure Metadata where\n accessed : SystemTime\n modified : SystemTime\n byteSize : UInt64\n type : FileType\n deriving Repr", "start": [ 541, 1 ], "end": [ 547, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "System.FilePath.readDir", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_read_dir\"]\nopaque readDir : @& FilePath → IO (Array IO.FS.DirEntry)", "start": [ 555, 1 ], "end": [ 556, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "System.FilePath.metadata", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_metadata\"]\nopaque metadata : @& FilePath → IO IO.FS.Metadata", "start": [ 558, 1 ], "end": [ 559, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "System.FilePath.isDir", "code": "def isDir (p : FilePath) : BaseIO Bool := do\n match (← p.metadata.toBaseIO) with\n | Except.ok m => return m.type == IO.FS.FileType.dir\n | Except.error _ => return false", "start": [ 561, 1 ], "end": [ 564, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "System.FilePath.pathExists", "code": "def pathExists (p : FilePath) : BaseIO Bool :=\n return (← p.metadata.toBaseIO).toBool", "start": [ 566, 1 ], "end": [ 567, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "System.FilePath.walkDir", "code": "partial def walkDir (p : FilePath) (enter : FilePath → IO Bool := fun _ => pure true) : IO (Array FilePath) :=\n Prod.snd <$> (go p) #[]\nwhere\n go p := do\n if !(← enter p) then\n return ()\n for d in (← p.readDir) do\n modify (·.push d.path)\n match (← d.path.metadata.toBaseIO) with\n | .ok { type := .symlink, .. } =>\n let p' ← FS.realPath d.path\n if (← p'.isDir) then\n if (← enter p) then\n go p'\n | .ok { type := .dir, .. } => go d.path\n | .ok _ => pure ()\n | .error (.noFileOrDirectory ..) => pure ()\n | .error e => throw e", "start": [ 569, 1 ], "end": [ 591, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.withStdin", "code": "def withStdin [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (h : FS.Stream) (x : m α) : m α := do\n let prev ← setStdin h\n try x finally discard <| setStdin prev", "start": [ 597, 1 ], "end": [ 599, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.withStdout", "code": "def withStdout [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (h : FS.Stream) (x : m α) : m α := do\n let prev ← setStdout h\n try\n x\n finally\n discard <| setStdout prev", "start": [ 601, 1 ], "end": [ 606, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.withStderr", "code": "def withStderr [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (h : FS.Stream) (x : m α) : m α := do\n let prev ← setStderr h\n try x finally discard <| setStderr prev", "start": [ 608, 1 ], "end": [ 610, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.print", "code": "def print [ToString α] (s : α) : IO Unit := do\n let out ← getStdout\n out.putStr <| toString s", "start": [ 612, 1 ], "end": [ 614, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.println", "code": "def println [ToString α] (s : α) : IO Unit :=\n print ((toString s).push '\\n')", "start": [ 616, 1 ], "end": [ 617, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.eprint", "code": "def eprint [ToString α] (s : α) : IO Unit := do\n let out ← getStderr\n out.putStr <| toString s", "start": [ 619, 1 ], "end": [ 621, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.eprintln", "code": "def eprintln [ToString α] (s : α) : IO Unit :=\n eprint <| toString s |>.push '\\n'", "start": [ 623, 1 ], "end": [ 624, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.eprintAux", "code": "@[export lean_io_eprint]\nprivate def eprintAux (s : String) : IO Unit :=\n eprint s", "start": [ 626, 1 ], "end": [ 628, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.eprintlnAux", "code": "@[export lean_io_eprintln]\nprivate def eprintlnAux (s : String) : IO Unit :=\n eprintln s", "start": [ 630, 1 ], "end": [ 632, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.appDir", "code": "def appDir : IO FilePath := do\n let p ← appPath\n let some p ← pure p.parent\n | throw <| IO.userError s!\"System.IO.appDir: unexpected filename '{p}'\"\n FS.realPath p", "start": [ 634, 1 ], "end": [ 638, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.createDirAll", "code": "partial def FS.createDirAll (p : FilePath) : IO Unit := do\n if ← p.isDir then\n return ()\n if let some parent := p.parent then\n createDirAll parent\n try\n createDir p\n catch\n | e =>\n if ← p.isDir then\n pure () else\n throw e", "start": [ 640, 1 ], "end": [ 653, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.removeDirAll", "code": "partial def FS.removeDirAll (p : FilePath) : IO Unit := do\n for ent in (← p.readDir) do\n if (← ent.path.isDir : Bool) then\n removeDirAll ent.path\n else\n removeFile ent.path\n removeDir p", "start": [ 655, 1 ], "end": [ 664, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.getCurrentDir", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_process_get_current_dir\"] opaque getCurrentDir : IO FilePath", "start": [ 668, 1 ], "end": [ 669, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.setCurrentDir", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_process_set_current_dir\"] opaque setCurrentDir (path : @& FilePath) : IO Unit", "start": [ 671, 1 ], "end": [ 672, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.getPID", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_process_get_pid\"] opaque getPID : BaseIO UInt32", "start": [ 674, 1 ], "end": [ 675, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.Stdio", "code": "inductive Stdio where\n | piped\n | inherit\n | null", "start": [ 677, 1 ], "end": [ 680, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.Stdio.toHandleType", "code": "def Stdio.toHandleType : Stdio → Type\n | Stdio.piped => FS.Handle\n | Stdio.inherit => Unit\n | Stdio.null => Unit", "start": [ 682, 1 ], "end": [ 685, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.StdioConfig", "code": "structure StdioConfig where\n \n stdin := Stdio.inherit\n \n stdout := Stdio.inherit\n \n stderr := Stdio.inherit", "start": [ 687, 1 ], "end": [ 693, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.SpawnArgs", "code": "structure SpawnArgs extends StdioConfig where\n \n cmd : String\n \n args : Array String := #[]\n \n cwd : Option FilePath := none\n \n env : Array (String × Option String) := #[]\n \n setsid : Bool := false", "start": [ 695, 1 ], "end": [ 705, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.Child", "code": "structure Child (cfg : StdioConfig) where\n stdin : cfg.stdin.toHandleType\n stdout : cfg.stdout.toHandleType\n stderr : cfg.stderr.toHandleType", "start": [ 708, 1 ], "end": [ 711, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.spawn", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_process_spawn\"] opaque spawn (args : SpawnArgs) : IO (Child args.toStdioConfig)", "start": [ 713, 1 ], "end": [ 713, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.Child.wait", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_process_child_wait\"] opaque Child.wait {cfg : @& StdioConfig} : @& Child cfg → IO UInt32", "start": [ 715, 1 ], "end": [ 715, 107 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.Child.kill", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_process_child_kill\"] opaque Child.kill {cfg : @& StdioConfig} : @& Child cfg → IO Unit", "start": [ 717, 1 ], "end": [ 719, 105 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.Child.takeStdin", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_process_child_take_stdin\"] opaque Child.takeStdin {cfg : @& StdioConfig} : Child cfg →\n IO (cfg.stdin.toHandleType × Child { cfg with stdin := Stdio.null })", "start": [ 721, 1 ], "end": [ 728, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.Output", "code": "structure Output where\n exitCode : UInt32\n stdout : String\n stderr : String", "start": [ 730, 1 ], "end": [ 733, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.output", "code": "def output (args : SpawnArgs) : IO Output := do\n let child ← spawn { args with stdout := .piped, stderr := .piped, stdin := .null }\n let stdout ← IO.asTask child.stdout.readToEnd Task.Priority.dedicated\n let stderr ← child.stderr.readToEnd\n let exitCode ← child.wait\n let stdout ← IO.ofExcept stdout.get\n pure { exitCode := exitCode, stdout := stdout, stderr := stderr }", "start": [ 735, 1 ], "end": [ 745, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def run (args : SpawnArgs) : IO String := do\n let out ← output args\n if out.exitCode != 0 then\n throw <| IO.userError <| \"process '\" ++ args.cmd ++ \"' exited with code \" ++ toString out.exitCode\n pure out.stdout", "start": [ 747, 1 ], "end": [ 752, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Process.exit", "code": "@[extern \"lean_io_exit\"] opaque exit : UInt8 → IO α", "start": [ 754, 1 ], "end": [ 754, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.AccessRight", "code": "structure AccessRight where\n read : Bool := false\n write : Bool := false\n execution : Bool := false", "start": [ 758, 1 ], "end": [ 761, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.AccessRight.flags", "code": "def AccessRight.flags (acc : AccessRight) : UInt32 :=\n let r : UInt32 := if then 0x4 else 0\n let w : UInt32 := if acc.write then 0x2 else 0\n let x : UInt32 := if acc.execution then 0x1 else 0\n r.lor <| w.lor x", "start": [ 763, 1 ], "end": [ 767, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FileRight", "code": "structure FileRight where\n user : AccessRight := {}\n group : AccessRight := {}\n other : AccessRight := {}", "start": [ 769, 1 ], "end": [ 772, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FileRight.flags", "code": "def FileRight.flags (acc : FileRight) : UInt32 :=\n let u : UInt32 := acc.user.flags.shiftLeft 6\n let g : UInt32 := 3\n let o : UInt32 := acc.other.flags\n u.lor <| g.lor o", "start": [ 774, 1 ], "end": [ 778, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Prim.setAccessRights", "code": "@[extern \"lean_chmod\"] opaque Prim.setAccessRights (filename : @& FilePath) (mode : UInt32) : IO Unit", "start": [ 780, 1 ], "end": [ 780, 102 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.setAccessRights", "code": "def setAccessRights (filename : FilePath) (mode : FileRight) : IO Unit :=\n Prim.setAccessRights filename mode.flags", "start": [ 782, 1 ], "end": [ 783, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.Ref", "code": "abbrev Ref (α : Type) := ST.Ref IO.RealWorld α", "start": [ 785, 1 ], "end": [ 786, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.mkRef", "code": "def mkRef (a : α) : BaseIO (IO.Ref α) :=\n ST.mkRef a", "start": [ 790, 1 ], "end": [ 791, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.CancelToken", "code": "structure CancelToken where\n private ref : IO.Ref Bool", "start": [ 793, 1 ], "end": [ 801, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def new : BaseIO CancelToken :=\n <$> IO.mkRef false", "start": [ 805, 1 ], "end": [ 807, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.CancelToken.set", "code": "def set (tk : CancelToken) : BaseIO Unit :=\n tk.ref.set true", "start": [ 809, 1 ], "end": [ 811, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.CancelToken.isSet", "code": "def isSet (tk : CancelToken) : BaseIO Bool :=\n tk.ref.get", "start": [ 813, 1 ], "end": [ 815, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Stream.ofHandle", "code": "@[export lean_stream_of_handle]\ndef ofHandle (h : Handle) : Stream where\n flush := Handle.flush h\n read := h\n write := Handle.write h\n getLine := Handle.getLine h\n putStr := Handle.putStr h\n isTty := Handle.isTty h", "start": [ 822, 1 ], "end": [ 829, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Stream.Buffer", "code": "structure Buffer where\n data : ByteArray := ByteArray.empty\n pos : Nat := 0", "start": [ 831, 1 ], "end": [ 833, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Stream.ofBuffer", "code": "def ofBuffer (r : Ref Buffer) : Stream where\n flush := pure ()\n read := fun n => r.modifyGet fun b =>\n let data := b.pos (b.pos + n.toNat)\n (data, { b with pos := b.pos + data.size })\n write := fun data => r.modify fun b =>\n { b with data := data.copySlice 0 b.pos data.size false, pos := b.pos + data.size }\n getLine := do\n let buf ← r.modifyGet fun b =>\n let pos := match (start := b.pos) fun u => u == 0 || u = '\\n'.toNat.toUInt8 with\n | some pos => if! pos == 0 then pos else pos + 1\n | none =>\n ( b.pos pos, { b with pos := pos })\n match String.fromUTF8? buf with\n | some str => pure str\n | none => throw (.userError \"invalid UTF-8\")\n putStr := fun s => r.modify fun b =>\n let data := s.toUTF8\n { b with data := data.copySlice 0 b.pos data.size false, pos := b.pos + data.size }\n isTty := pure false", "start": [ 835, 1 ], "end": [ 856, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams", "code": "def withIsolatedStreams [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (x : m α)\n (isolateStderr := true) : m (String × α) := do\n let bIn ← mkRef { : Stream.Buffer }\n let bOut ← mkRef { : Stream.Buffer }\n let r ← withStdin (Stream.ofBuffer bIn) <|\n withStdout (Stream.ofBuffer bOut) <|\n (if isolateStderr then withStderr (Stream.ofBuffer bOut) else id) <|\n x\n let bOut ← liftM (m := BaseIO) bOut.get\n let out := String.fromUTF8!\n pure (out, r)", "start": [ 860, 1 ], "end": [ 871, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Eval", "code": "class Eval (α : Type u) where\n eval : (Unit → α) → (hideUnit : Bool := true) → IO Unit", "start": [ 880, 1 ], "end": [ 885, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instEval", "code": "instance instEval [ToString α] : Eval α where\n eval a _ := IO.println (toString (a ()))", "start": [ 887, 1 ], "end": [ 888, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.runEval", "code": "def runEval [Eval α] (a : Unit → α) : IO (String × Except IO.Error Unit) :=\n IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams (Eval.eval a false |>.toBaseIO)", "start": [ 906, 1 ], "end": [ 907, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Format/Instances.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Format/Macro.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Meta.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.formatInfo", "code": "private def formatInfo (showInfo : Bool) (info : SourceInfo) (f : Format) : Format :=\n match showInfo, info with\n | true, SourceInfo.original lead pos trail endPos => f!\"{repr lead.toString}:{pos}:{f}:{endPos}:{repr trail.toString}\"\n | true, SourceInfo.synthetic pos endPos true => f!\"{pos}!:{f}:{endPos}\"\n | true, SourceInfo.synthetic pos endPos false => f!\"{pos}:{f}:{endPos}\"\n | _, _ => f", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.formatStxAux", "code": "partial def formatStxAux (maxDepth : Option Nat) (showInfo : Bool) (depth : Nat) : Syntax → Format\n | atom info val => formatInfo showInfo info <| format (repr val)\n | ident info _ val _ => formatInfo showInfo info <| format \"`\" ++ format val\n | missing => \"<missing>\"\n | node info kind args =>\n let depth := depth + 1;\n if kind == nullKind then\n sbracket <|\n if args.size > 0 && depth > maxDepth.getD depth then\n \"..\"\n else\n joinSep ( (formatStxAux maxDepth showInfo depth)) line\n else\n let shorterName := kind.replacePrefix `Lean.Parser Name.anonymous\n let header := formatInfo showInfo info <| format shorterName\n let body : List Format :=\n if args.size > 0 && depth > maxDepth.getD depth then\n [\"..\"]\n else\n (formatStxAux maxDepth showInfo depth)\n paren <| joinSep (header :: body) line", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.formatStx", "code": "def formatStx (stx : Syntax) (maxDepth : Option Nat := none) (showInfo := false) : Format :=\n formatStxAux maxDepth showInfo 0 stx", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/RBMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Name.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/HashSet.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/RBTree.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/SSet.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.NameMap", "code": "def NameMap (α : Type) := RBMap Name α Name.quickCmp", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNameMap", "code": "@[inline] def mkNameMap (α : Type) : NameMap α := mkRBMap Name α Name.quickCmp", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameMap.insert", "code": "def insert (m : NameMap α) (n : Name) (a : α) := RBMap.insert m n a", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameMap.contains", "code": "def contains (m : NameMap α) (n : Name) : Bool := RBMap.contains m n", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameMap.find?", "code": "def find? (m : NameMap α) (n : Name) : Option α := RBMap.find? m n", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSet", "code": "def NameSet := RBTree Name Name.quickCmp", "start": [ 37, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSet.empty", "code": "def empty : NameSet := mkRBTree Name Name.quickCmp", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSet.insert", "code": "def insert (s : NameSet) (n : Name) : NameSet := RBTree.insert s n", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSet.contains", "code": "def contains (s : NameSet) (n : Name) : Bool := RBMap.contains s n", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSet.append", "code": "def append (s t : NameSet) : NameSet :=\n s.mergeBy (fun _ _ _ => .unit) t", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 50, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSSet", "code": "def NameSSet := SSet Name", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSSet.empty", "code": "abbrev empty : NameSSet := SSet.empty", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSSet.insert", "code": "abbrev insert (s : NameSSet) (n : Name) : NameSSet := SSet.insert s n", "start": [ 63, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSSet.contains", "code": "abbrev contains (s : NameSSet) (n : Name) : Bool := SSet.contains s n", "start": [ 64, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameHashSet", "code": "def NameHashSet := HashSet Name", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameHashSet.empty", "code": "@[inline] def empty : NameHashSet := HashSet.empty", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 70, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameHashSet.insert", "code": "def insert (s : NameHashSet) (n : Name) := HashSet.insert s n", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 73, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameHashSet.contains", "code": "def contains (s : NameHashSet) (n : Name) : Bool := HashSet.contains s n", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MacroScopesView.isPrefixOf", "code": "def MacroScopesView.isPrefixOf (v₁ v₂ : MacroScopesView) : Bool :=\n v₁.name.isPrefixOf v₂.name &&\n v₁.scopes == v₂.scopes &&\n v₁.mainModule == v₂.mainModule &&\n v₁.imported == v₂.imported", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MacroScopesView.isSuffixOf", "code": "def MacroScopesView.isSuffixOf (v₁ v₂ : MacroScopesView) : Bool :=\n v₁.name.isSuffixOf v₂.name &&\n v₁.scopes == v₂.scopes &&\n v₁.mainModule == v₂.mainModule &&\n v₁.imported == v₂.imported", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/IO.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.enableInitializersExecution", "code": "@[export lean_enable_initializer_execution]\nunsafe def enableInitializersExecution : IO Unit :=\n runInitializersRef.set true", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isInitializerExecutionEnabled", "code": "def isInitializerExecutionEnabled : IO Bool :=\n runInitializersRef.get", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.initializing", "code": "def initializing : IO Bool :=\n IO.initializing <||> importingRef.get", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withImporting", "code": "def withImporting (x : IO α) : IO α :=\n try\n importingRef.set true\n x\n finally\n importingRef.set false\n runInitializersRef.set false", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Format/Syntax.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/List/Control.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.DataValue", "code": "inductive DataValue where\n | ofString (v : String)\n | ofBool (v : Bool)\n | ofName (v : Name)\n | ofNat (v : Nat)\n | ofInt (v : Int)\n | ofSyntax (v : Syntax)\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Repr", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DataValue.beqExp", "code": "@[export lean_data_value_beq]\ndef DataValue.beqExp (a b : DataValue) : Bool :=\n a == b", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkBoolDataValueEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_bool_data_value] def mkBoolDataValueEx (b : Bool) : DataValue := DataValue.ofBool b", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DataValue.getBoolEx", "code": "@[export lean_data_value_bool] def DataValue.getBoolEx : DataValue → Bool\n | DataValue.ofBool b => b\n | _ => false", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DataValue.sameCtor", "code": "def DataValue.sameCtor : DataValue → DataValue → Bool\n | .ofString _, .ofString _ => true\n | .ofBool _, .ofBool _ => true\n | .ofName _, .ofName _ => true\n | .ofNat _, .ofNat _ => true\n | .ofInt _, .ofInt _ => true\n | .ofSyntax _, .ofSyntax _ => true\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DataValue.str", "code": "@[export lean_data_value_to_string]\ndef DataValue.str : DataValue → String\n | .ofString v => v\n | .ofBool v => toString v\n | .ofName v => toString v\n | .ofNat v => toString v\n | .ofInt v => toString v\n | .ofSyntax v => toString v", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap", "code": "structure KVMap where\n entries : List (Name × DataValue) := []\n deriving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.empty", "code": "def empty : KVMap :=\n {}", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 5 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.isEmpty", "code": "def isEmpty : KVMap → Bool\n | ⟨m⟩ => m.isEmpty", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.size", "code": "def size (m : KVMap) : Nat :=\n m.entries.length", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 80, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.findCore", "code": "def findCore : List (Name × DataValue) → Name → Option DataValue\n | [], _ => none\n | (k,v)::m, k' => if k == k' then some v else findCore m k'", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.find", "code": "def find : KVMap → Name → Option DataValue\n | ⟨m⟩, k => findCore m k", "start": [ 86, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.findD", "code": "def findD (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (d₀ : DataValue) : DataValue :=\n (m.find k).getD d₀", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.insertCore", "code": "def insertCore : List (Name × DataValue) → Name → DataValue → List (Name × DataValue)\n | [], k', v' => [(k',v')]\n | (k,v)::m, k', v' => if k == k' then (k, v') :: m else (k, v) :: insertCore m k' v'", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.insert", "code": "def insert : KVMap → Name → DataValue → KVMap\n | ⟨m⟩, k, v => ⟨insertCore m k v⟩", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 97, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.contains", "code": "def contains (m : KVMap) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n (m.find n).isSome", "start": [ 99, 1 ], "end": [ 100, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.erase", "code": "def erase : KVMap → Name → KVMap\n | ⟨m⟩, k => ⟨m.filter fun a => a.1 ≠ k⟩", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 104, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.getString", "code": "def getString (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (defVal := \"\") : String :=\n match m.find k with\n | some (DataValue.ofString v) => v\n | _ => defVal", "start": [ 106, 1 ], "end": [ 109, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.getNat", "code": "def getNat (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (defVal := 0) : Nat :=\n match m.find k with\n | some (DataValue.ofNat v) => v\n | _ => defVal", "start": [ 111, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.getInt", "code": "def getInt (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (defVal : Int := 0) : Int :=\n match m.find k with\n | some (DataValue.ofInt v) => v\n | _ => defVal", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 119, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.getBool", "code": "def getBool (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (defVal := false) : Bool :=\n match m.find k with\n | some (DataValue.ofBool v) => v\n | _ => defVal", "start": [ 121, 1 ], "end": [ 124, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.getName", "code": "def getName (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (defVal := Name.anonymous) : Name :=\n match m.find k with\n | some (DataValue.ofName v) => v\n | _ => defVal", "start": [ 126, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.getSyntax", "code": "def getSyntax (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (defVal := Syntax.missing) : Syntax :=\n match m.find k with\n | some (DataValue.ofSyntax v) => v\n | _ => defVal", "start": [ 131, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.setString", "code": "def setString (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (v : String) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k (DataValue.ofString v)", "start": [ 136, 1 ], "end": [ 137, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.setNat", "code": "def setNat (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (v : Nat) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k (DataValue.ofNat v)", "start": [ 139, 1 ], "end": [ 140, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.setInt", "code": "def setInt (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (v : Int) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k (DataValue.ofInt v)", "start": [ 142, 1 ], "end": [ 143, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.setBool", "code": "def setBool (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (v : Bool) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k (DataValue.ofBool v)", "start": [ 145, 1 ], "end": [ 146, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.setName", "code": "def setName (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (v : Name) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k (DataValue.ofName v)", "start": [ 148, 1 ], "end": [ 149, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.setSyntax", "code": "def setSyntax (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (v : Syntax) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k (DataValue.ofSyntax v)", "start": [ 151, 1 ], "end": [ 152, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.updateString", "code": "def updateString (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (f : String → String) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k <| DataValue.ofString <| f <| m.getString k", "start": [ 154, 1 ], "end": [ 156, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.updateNat", "code": "def updateNat (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (f : Nat → Nat) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k <| DataValue.ofNat <| f <| m.getNat k", "start": [ 158, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.updateInt", "code": "def updateInt (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (f : Int → Int) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k <| DataValue.ofInt <| f <| m.getInt k", "start": [ 162, 1 ], "end": [ 164, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.updateBool", "code": "def updateBool (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (f : Bool → Bool) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k <| DataValue.ofBool <| f <| m.getBool k", "start": [ 166, 1 ], "end": [ 168, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.updateName", "code": "def updateName (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (f : Name → Name) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k <| DataValue.ofName <| f <| m.getName k", "start": [ 170, 1 ], "end": [ 172, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.updateSyntax", "code": "def updateSyntax (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (f : Syntax → Syntax) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k <| DataValue.ofSyntax <| f <| m.getSyntax k", "start": [ 174, 1 ], "end": [ 176, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.forIn", "code": "@[inline] protected def forIn.{w, w'} {δ : Type w} {m : Type w → Type w'} [Monad m]\n (kv : KVMap) (init : δ) (f : Name × DataValue → δ → m (ForInStep δ)) : m δ :=\n kv.entries.forIn init f", "start": [ 178, 1 ], "end": [ 180, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.subsetAux", "code": "def subsetAux : List (Name × DataValue) → KVMap → Bool\n | [], _ => true\n | (k, v₁)::m₁, m₂ =>\n match m₂.find k with\n | some v₂ => v₁ == v₂ && subsetAux m₁ m₂\n | none => false", "start": [ 185, 1 ], "end": [ 190, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.subset", "code": "def subset : KVMap → KVMap → Bool\n | ⟨m₁⟩, m₂ => subsetAux m₁ m₂", "start": [ 192, 1 ], "end": [ 193, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.mergeBy", "code": "def mergeBy (mergeFn : Name → DataValue → DataValue → DataValue) (l r : KVMap)\n : KVMap := do\n let mut result := l\n for ⟨k, vᵣ⟩ in r do\n if let some vₗ := result.find k then\n result := result.insert k (mergeFn k vₗ vᵣ)\n else\n result := result.insert k vᵣ\n return result", "start": [ 195, 1 ], "end": [ 203, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.eqv", "code": "def eqv (m₁ m₂ : KVMap) : Bool :=\n subset m₁ m₂ && subset m₂ m₁", "start": [ 205, 1 ], "end": [ 206, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.Value", "code": "class Value (α : Type) where\n toDataValue : α → DataValue\n ofDataValue? : DataValue → Option α", "start": [ 211, 1 ], "end": [ 213, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.get?", "code": "@[inline] def get? {α : Type} [Value α] (m : KVMap) (k : Name) : Option α :=\n m.find k |>.bind Value.ofDataValue?", "start": [ 215, 1 ], "end": [ 216, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.get", "code": "@[inline] def get {α : Type} [Value α] (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (defVal : α) : α :=\n m.get? k |>.getD defVal", "start": [ 218, 1 ], "end": [ 219, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.set", "code": "@[inline] def set {α : Type} [Value α] (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (v : α) : KVMap :=\n m.insert k (Value.toDataValue v)", "start": [ 221, 1 ], "end": [ 222, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KVMap.update", "code": "@[inline] def update {α : Type} [Value α] (m : KVMap) (k : Name) (f : Option α → Option α) : KVMap :=\n match f (m.get? k) with\n | some a => m.set k a\n | none => m.erase k", "start": [ 224, 1 ], "end": [ 227, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Int/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ToString/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Core.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "FloatSpec", "code": "structure FloatSpec where\n float : Type\n val : float\n lt : float → float → Prop\n le : float → float → Prop\n decLt : DecidableRel lt\n decLe : DecidableRel le", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "floatSpec", "code": "opaque floatSpec : FloatSpec := {\n float := Unit,\n val := (),\n lt := fun _ _ => True,\n le := fun _ _ => True,\n decLt := fun _ _ => inferInstanceAs (Decidable True),\n decLe := fun _ _ => inferInstanceAs (Decidable True)\n}", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float", "code": "structure Float where\n val : floatSpec.float", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.add", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_add\"] opaque Float.add : Float → Float → Float", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.sub", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_sub\"] opaque Float.sub : Float → Float → Float", "start": [ 37, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.mul", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_mul\"] opaque Float.mul : Float → Float → Float", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.div", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_div\"] opaque Float.div : Float → Float → Float", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.neg", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_negate\"] opaque Float.neg : Float → Float", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def : Float → Float → Prop := fun a b =>\n match a, b with\n | ⟨a⟩, ⟨b⟩ => a b", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.le", "code": "def Float.le : Float → Float → Prop := fun a b =>\n floatSpec.le a.val b.val", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.beq", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_beq\"] opaque Float.beq (a b : Float) : Bool", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.decLt", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_decLt\"] opaque Float.decLt (a b : Float) : Decidable (a < b) :=\n match a, b with\n | ⟨a⟩, ⟨b⟩ => floatSpec.decLt a b", "start": [ 63, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.decLe", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_decLe\"] opaque Float.decLe (a b : Float) : Decidable (a ≤ b) :=\n match a, b with\n | ⟨a⟩, ⟨b⟩ => floatSpec.decLe a b", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "floatDecLt", "code": "instance floatDecLt (a b : Float) : Decidable (a < b) := Float.decLt a b", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "floatDecLe", "code": "instance floatDecLe (a b : Float) : Decidable (a ≤ b) := Float.decLe a b", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.toString", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_to_string\"] opaque Float.toString : Float → String", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.toUInt8", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_to_uint8\"] opaque Float.toUInt8 : Float → UInt8", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.toUInt16", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_to_uint16\"] opaque Float.toUInt16 : Float → UInt16", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.toUInt32", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_to_uint32\"] opaque Float.toUInt32 : Float → UInt32", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.toUInt64", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_to_uint64\"] opaque Float.toUInt64 : Float → UInt64", "start": [ 85, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.toUSize", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_to_usize\"] opaque Float.toUSize : Float → USize", "start": [ 88, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.isNaN", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_isnan\"] opaque Float.isNaN : Float → Bool", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 92, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.isFinite", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_isfinite\"] opaque Float.isFinite : Float → Bool", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.isInf", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_isinf\"] opaque Float.isInf : Float → Bool", "start": [ 94, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.frExp", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_frexp\"] opaque Float.frExp : Float → Float × Int", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "UInt64.toFloat", "code": "@[extern \"lean_uint64_to_float\"] opaque UInt64.toFloat (n : UInt64) : Float", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 109, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.sin", "code": "@[extern \"sin\"] opaque Float.sin : Float → Float", "start": [ 111, 1 ], "end": [ 111, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.cos", "code": "@[extern \"cos\"] opaque Float.cos : Float → Float", "start": [ 112, 1 ], "end": [ 112, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.tan", "code": "@[extern \"tan\"] opaque Float.tan : Float → Float", "start": [ 113, 1 ], "end": [ 113, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.asin", "code": "@[extern \"asin\"] opaque Float.asin : Float → Float", "start": [ 114, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.acos", "code": "@[extern \"acos\"] opaque Float.acos : Float → Float", "start": [ 115, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.atan", "code": "@[extern \"atan\"] opaque Float.atan : Float → Float", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 116, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.atan2", "code": "@[extern \"atan2\"] opaque Float.atan2 : Float → Float → Float", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 117, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.sinh", "code": "@[extern \"sinh\"] opaque Float.sinh : Float → Float", "start": [ 118, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.cosh", "code": "@[extern \"cosh\"] opaque Float.cosh : Float → Float", "start": [ 119, 1 ], "end": [ 119, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.tanh", "code": "@[extern \"tanh\"] opaque Float.tanh : Float → Float", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 120, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.asinh", "code": "@[extern \"asinh\"] opaque Float.asinh : Float → Float", "start": [ 121, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.acosh", "code": "@[extern \"acosh\"] opaque Float.acosh : Float → Float", "start": [ 122, 1 ], "end": [ 122, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.atanh", "code": "@[extern \"atanh\"] opaque Float.atanh : Float → Float", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 123, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.exp", "code": "@[extern \"exp\"] opaque Float.exp : Float → Float", "start": [ 124, 1 ], "end": [ 124, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.exp2", "code": "@[extern \"exp2\"] opaque Float.exp2 : Float → Float", "start": [ 125, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.log", "code": "@[extern \"log\"] opaque Float.log : Float → Float", "start": [ 126, 1 ], "end": [ 126, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.log2", "code": "@[extern \"log2\"] opaque Float.log2 : Float → Float", "start": [ 127, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.log10", "code": "@[extern \"log10\"] opaque Float.log10 : Float → Float", "start": [ 128, 1 ], "end": [ 128, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.pow", "code": "@[extern \"pow\"] opaque Float.pow : Float → Float → Float", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.sqrt", "code": "@[extern \"sqrt\"] opaque Float.sqrt : Float → Float", "start": [ 130, 1 ], "end": [ 130, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.cbrt", "code": "@[extern \"cbrt\"] opaque Float.cbrt : Float → Float", "start": [ 131, 1 ], "end": [ 131, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.ceil", "code": "@[extern \"ceil\"] opaque Float.ceil : Float → Float", "start": [ 132, 1 ], "end": [ 132, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.floor", "code": "@[extern \"floor\"] opaque Float.floor : Float → Float", "start": [ 133, 1 ], "end": [ 133, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.round", "code": "@[extern \"round\"] opaque Float.round : Float → Float", "start": [ 134, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.abs", "code": "@[extern \"fabs\"] opaque Float.abs : Float → Float", "start": [ 135, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.scaleB", "code": "@[extern \"lean_float_scaleb\"]\nopaque Float.scaleB (x : Float) (i : @& Int) : Float", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 147, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/KVMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ImportingFlag.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/NameMap.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Options", "code": "def Options := KVMap", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Options.empty", "code": "def Options.empty : Options := {}", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.OptionDecl", "code": "structure OptionDecl where\n declName : Name := by exact decl_name%\n defValue : DataValue\n group : String := \"\"\n descr : String := \"\"\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.OptionDecls", "code": "def OptionDecls := NameMap OptionDecl", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerOption", "code": "@[export lean_register_option]\ndef registerOption (name : Name) (decl : OptionDecl) : IO Unit := do\n unless (← initializing) do\n throw (IO.userError \"failed to register option, options can only be registered during initialization\")\n let decls ← optionDeclsRef.get\n if decls.contains name then\n throw $ IO.userError s!\"invalid option declaration '{name}', option already exists\"\n optionDeclsRef.set $ decls.insert name decl", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getOptionDecls", "code": "def getOptionDecls : IO OptionDecls := optionDeclsRef.get", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getOptionDeclsArray", "code": "@[export lean_get_option_decls_array]\ndef getOptionDeclsArray : IO (Array (Name × OptionDecl)) := do\n let decls ← getOptionDecls\n pure $ decls.fold\n (fun (r : Array (Name × OptionDecl)) k v => r.push (k, v))\n #[]", "start": [ 46, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 7 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getOptionDecl", "code": "def getOptionDecl (name : Name) : IO OptionDecl := do\n let decls ← getOptionDecls\n let (some decl) ← pure (decls.find? name) | throw $ IO.userError s!\"unknown option '{name}'\"\n pure decl", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getOptionDefaultValue", "code": "def getOptionDefaultValue (name : Name) : IO DataValue := do\n let decl ← getOptionDecl name\n pure decl.defValue", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getOptionDescr", "code": "def getOptionDescr (name : Name) : IO String := do\n let decl ← getOptionDecl name\n pure decl.descr", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadOptions", "code": "class MonadOptions (m : Type → Type) where\n getOptions : m Options", "start": [ 66, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getBoolOption", "code": "def getBoolOption (k : Name) (defValue := false) : m Bool := do\n let opts ← getOptions\n return opts.getBool k defValue", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getNatOption", "code": "def getNatOption (k : Name) (defValue := 0) : m Nat := do\n let opts ← getOptions\n return opts.getNat k defValue", "start": [ 80, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadWithOptions", "code": "class MonadWithOptions (m : Type → Type) where\n withOptions (f : Options → Options) (x : m α) : m α", "start": [ 84, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withInPattern", "code": "def withInPattern [MonadWithOptions m] (x : m α) : m α :=\n withOptions (fun o => o.setBool `_inPattern true) x", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Options.getInPattern", "code": "def Options.getInPattern (o : Options) : Bool :=\n o.getBool `_inPattern", "start": [ 98, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Option", "code": "protected structure Option (α : Type) where\n name : Name\n defValue : α\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 101, 1 ], "end": [ 105, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Option.Decl", "code": "protected structure Decl (α : Type) where\n defValue : α\n group : String := \"\"\n descr : String := \"\"", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 112, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Option.get?", "code": "protected def get? [KVMap.Value α] (opts : Options) (opt : Lean.Option α) : Option α :=\n opts.get?", "start": [ 114, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Option.get", "code": "protected def get [KVMap.Value α] (opts : Options) (opt : Lean.Option α) : α :=\n opts.get opt.defValue", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Option.set", "code": "protected def set [KVMap.Value α] (opts : Options) (opt : Lean.Option α) (val : α) : Options :=\n opts.set val", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Option.setIfNotSet", "code": "protected def setIfNotSet [KVMap.Value α] (opts : Options) (opt : Lean.Option α) (val : α) : Options :=\n if opts.contains then opts else opt.set opts val", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Option.register", "code": "protected def register [KVMap.Value α] (name : Name) (decl : Lean.Option.Decl α) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO (Lean.Option α) := do\n registerOption name {\n declName := ref\n defValue := KVMap.Value.toDataValue decl.defValue\n group :=\n descr := decl.descr\n }\n return { name := name, defValue := decl.defValue }", "start": [ 127, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Meta.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Std.Range", "code": "structure Range where\n start : Nat := 0\n stop : Nat\n step : Nat := 1", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Std.Range.forIn", "code": "@[inline] protected def forIn {β : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] (range : Range) (init : β) (f : Nat → β → m (ForInStep β)) : m β :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop (fuel i stop step : Nat) (b : β) : m β := do\n if i ≥ stop then\n return b\n else match fuel with\n | 0 => pure b\n | fuel+1 => match (← f i b) with\n | ForInStep.done b => pure b\n | ForInStep.yield b => loop fuel (i + step) stop step b\n loop range.stop range.start range.stop range.step init", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Std.Range.forIn'", "code": "@[inline] protected def forIn' {β : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] (range : Range) (init : β) (f : (i : Nat) → i ∈ range → β → m (ForInStep β)) : m β :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop (start stop step : Nat) (f : (i : Nat) → start ≤ i ∧ i < stop → β → m (ForInStep β)) (fuel i : Nat) (hl : start ≤ i) (b : β) : m β := do\n if hu : i < stop then\n match fuel with\n | 0 => pure b\n | fuel+1 => match (← f i ⟨hl, hu⟩ b) with\n | ForInStep.done b => pure b\n | ForInStep.yield b => loop start stop step f fuel (i + step) (Nat.le_trans hl (Nat.le_add_right ..)) b\n else\n return b\n loop range.start range.stop range.step f range.stop range.start (Nat.le_refl ..) init", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Std.Range.forM", "code": "@[inline] protected def forM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] (range : Range) (f : Nat → m PUnit) : m PUnit :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop (fuel i stop step : Nat) : m PUnit := do\n if i ≥ stop then\n pure ⟨⟩\n else match fuel with\n | 0 => pure ⟨⟩\n | fuel+1 => f i; loop fuel (i + step) stop step\n loop range.stop range.start range.stop range.step", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Membership.mem.upper", "code": "theorem Membership.mem.upper {i : Nat} {r : Std.Range} (h : i ∈ r) : i < r.stop", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 79, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Membership.mem.lower", "code": "theorem Membership.mem.lower {i : Nat} {r : Std.Range} (h : i ∈ r) : r.start ≤ i", "start": [ 81, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Membership.get_elem_helper", "code": "theorem Membership.get_elem_helper {i n : Nat} {r : Std.Range} (h₁ : i ∈ r) (h₂ : r.stop = n) :\n i < n", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/String.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/UInt/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "hash64", "code": "@[always_inline, inline] def hash64 (u : UInt64) : UInt64 :=\n mixHash u 11", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Log2.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Float.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Meta.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "OfScientific", "code": "class OfScientific (α : Type u) where\n ofScientific (mantissa : Nat) (exponentSign : Bool) (decimalExponent : Nat) : α", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.ofBinaryScientific", "code": "def Float.ofBinaryScientific (m : Nat) (e : Int) : Float :=\n let s := m.log2 - 63\n let m := (m >>> s).toUInt64\n let e := e + s\n m.toFloat.scaleB e", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.ofScientific", "code": "protected opaque Float.ofScientific (m : Nat) (s : Bool) (e : Nat) : Float :=\n if s then\n let s := 64 - m.log2 let m := (m <<< (3 * e + s)) / 5^e\n Float.ofBinaryScientific m (-4 * e - s)\n else\n Float.ofBinaryScientific (m * 5^e) e", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.ofNat", "code": "@[export lean_float_of_nat]\ndef Float.ofNat (n : Nat) : Float :=\n OfScientific.ofScientific n false 0", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Float.ofInt", "code": "def Float.ofInt : Int → Float\n | Int.ofNat n => Float.ofNat n\n | Int.negSucc n => Float.neg (Float.ofNat (Nat.succ n))", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.toFloat", "code": "abbrev Nat.toFloat (n : Nat) : Float :=\n Float.ofNat n", "start": [ 55, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Options.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Std.Format.getWidth", "code": "def getWidth (o : Options) : Nat := o.get `format.width defWidth", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Std.Format.getIndent", "code": "def getIndent (o : Options) : Nat := o.get `format.indent defIndent", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Std.Format.getUnicode", "code": "def getUnicode (o : Options) : Bool := o.get `format.unicode defUnicode", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Std.Format.pretty'", "code": "def pretty' (f : Format) (o : Options := {}) : String :=\n pretty f (format.width.get o)", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.formatKVMap", "code": "def formatKVMap (m : KVMap) : Format :=\n sbracket (Format.joinSep m.entries \", \")", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ToString/Macro.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/OfScientific.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Hashable.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/List/Control.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/RBMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Range.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber", "code": "structure JsonNumber where\n mantissa : Int\n exponent : Nat\n deriving DecidableEq, Hashable", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.fromNat", "code": "protected def fromNat (n : Nat) : JsonNumber := ⟨n, 0⟩", "start": [ 25, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.fromInt", "code": "protected def fromInt (n : Int) : JsonNumber := ⟨n, 0⟩", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.countDigits", "code": "private partial def countDigits (n : Nat) : Nat :=\n let rec loop (n digits : Nat) : Nat :=\n if n ≤ 9 then\n digits\n else\n loop (n/10) (digits+1)\n loop n 1", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.normalize", "code": "protected def normalize : JsonNumber → Int × Nat × Int\n | ⟨m, e⟩ => do\n if m = 0 then (0, 0, 0)\n else\n let sign : Int := if m > 0 then 1 else -1\n let mut mAbs := m.natAbs\n let nDigits := countDigits mAbs\n for _ in [0:nDigits] do\n if mAbs % 10 = 0 then\n mAbs := mAbs / 10\n else\n break\n (sign, mAbs, -(e : Int) + nDigits)", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def lt (a b : JsonNumber) : Bool :=\n let (as, am, ae) := a.normalize\n let (bs, bm, be) := b.normalize\n match (as, bs) with\n | (-1, 1) => true\n | (1, -1) => false\n | _ =>\n let ((am, ae), (bm, be)) :=\n if as = -1 && bs = -1 then\n ((bm, be), (am, ae))\n else\n ((am, ae), (bm, be))\n let amDigits := countDigits am\n let bmDigits := countDigits bm\n let (am, bm) :=\n if amDigits < bmDigits then\n (am * 10^(bmDigits - amDigits), bm)\n else\n (am, bm * 10^(amDigits - bmDigits))\n if ae < be then true\n else if ae > be then false\n else am < bm", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 79, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.ltProp", "code": "def ltProp : LT JsonNumber :=\n ⟨fun a b => lt a b = true⟩", "start": [ 81, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.toString", "code": "protected def toString : JsonNumber → String\n | ⟨m, 0⟩ => m.repr\n | ⟨m, e⟩ =>\n let sign := if m ≥ 0 then \"\" else \"-\"\n let m := m.natAbs\n let exp : Int := 9 + countDigits m - (e : Int)\n let exp := if exp < 0 then exp else 0\n let e' := 10 ^ (e - exp.natAbs)\n let left := (m / e').repr\n if m % e' = 0 && exp = 0 then\n s!\"{sign}{left}\"\n else\n let right := e' + m % e'\n |>.repr.toSubstring.drop 1\n |>.dropRightWhile (fun c => c = '0')\n |>.toString\n let exp := if exp = 0 then \"\" else \"e\" ++ exp.repr\n s!\"{sign}{left}.{right}{exp}\"", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.shiftl", "code": "protected def shiftl : JsonNumber → Nat → JsonNumber\n | ⟨m, e⟩, s => ⟨m * (10 ^ (s - e) : Nat), e - s⟩", "start": [ 121, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.shiftr", "code": "protected def shiftr : JsonNumber → Nat → JsonNumber\n | ⟨m, e⟩, s => ⟨m, e + s⟩", "start": [ 128, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.toFloat", "code": "def toFloat : JsonNumber → Float\n | ⟨m, e⟩ => (if m >= 0 then 1.0 else -1.0) * OfScientific.ofScientific m.natAbs true e", "start": [ 148, 1 ], "end": [ 149, 89 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.fromPositiveFloat!", "code": "private def fromPositiveFloat! (x : Float) : JsonNumber :=\n match Lean.Syntax.decodeScientificLitVal? (toString x) with\n | none => panic! s!\"Failed to parse {toString x}\"\n | some (m, sign, e) => OfScientific.ofScientific m sign e", "start": [ 151, 1 ], "end": [ 157, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.JsonNumber.fromFloat?", "code": "def fromFloat? (x : Float): Sum String JsonNumber :=\n if x.isNaN then Sum.inl \"NaN\"\n else if x.isInf then\n Sum.inl <| if x > 0 then \"Infinity\" else \"-Infinity\"\n else if x == 0.0 then\n Sum.inr 0 else if x < 0.0 then\n Sum.inr <| Neg.neg <| fromPositiveFloat! <| Neg.neg <| x\n else\n Sum.inr <| fromPositiveFloat! <| x", "start": [ 159, 1 ], "end": [ 170, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.strLt", "code": "def strLt (a b : String) := Decidable.decide (a < b)", "start": [ 174, 1 ], "end": [ 174, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json", "code": "inductive Json where\n | null\n | bool (b : Bool)\n | num (n : JsonNumber)\n | str (s : String)\n | arr (elems : Array Json)\n | obj (kvPairs : RBNode String (fun _ => Json))\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 176, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.beq'", "code": "private partial def beq' : Json → Json → Bool\n | null, null => true\n | bool a, bool b => a == b\n | num a, num b => a == b\n | str a, str b => a == b\n | arr a, arr b =>\n let _ : BEq Json := ⟨beq'⟩\n a == b\n | obj a, obj b =>\n let _ : BEq Json := ⟨beq'⟩\n let szA := a.fold (init := 0) (fun a _ _ => a + 1)\n let szB := b.fold (init := 0) (fun a _ _ => a + 1)\n szA == szB && a.all fun field fa =>\n match b.find compare field with\n | none => false\n | some fb => fa == fb\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 190, 1 ], "end": [ 206, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.hash'", "code": "private partial def hash' : Json → UInt64\n | null => 11\n | bool b => mixHash 13 <| hash b\n | num n => mixHash 17 <| hash n\n | str s => mixHash 19 <| hash s\n | arr elems =>\n mixHash 23 <| elems.foldl (init := 7) fun r a => mixHash r (hash' a)\n | obj kvPairs =>\n mixHash 29 <| kvPairs.fold (init := 7) fun r k v => mixHash r <| mixHash (hash k) (hash' v)", "start": [ 211, 1 ], "end": [ 219, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.mkObj", "code": "def mkObj (o : List (String × Json)) : Json :=\n obj <| do\n let mut kvPairs := RBNode.leaf\n for ⟨k, v⟩ in o do\n kvPairs := kvPairs.insert compare k v\n kvPairs", "start": [ 225, 1 ], "end": [ 230, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.isNull", "code": "def isNull : Json -> Bool\n | null => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 238, 1 ], "end": [ 240, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getObj?", "code": "def getObj? : Json → Except String (RBNode String (fun _ => Json))\n | obj kvs => return kvs\n | _ => throw \"object expected\"", "start": [ 242, 1 ], "end": [ 244, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getArr?", "code": "def getArr? : Json → Except String (Array Json)\n | arr a => return a\n | _ => throw \"array expected\"", "start": [ 246, 1 ], "end": [ 248, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getStr?", "code": "def getStr? : Json → Except String String\n | str s => return s\n | _ => throw \"String expected\"", "start": [ 250, 1 ], "end": [ 252, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getNat?", "code": "def getNat? : Json → Except String Nat\n | (n : Nat) => return n\n | _ => throw \"Natural number expected\"", "start": [ 254, 1 ], "end": [ 256, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getInt?", "code": "def getInt? : Json → Except String Int\n | (i : Int) => return i\n | _ => throw \"Integer expected\"", "start": [ 258, 1 ], "end": [ 260, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getBool?", "code": "def getBool? : Json → Except String Bool\n | (b : Bool) => return b\n | _ => throw \"Bool expected\"", "start": [ 262, 1 ], "end": [ 264, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getNum?", "code": "def getNum? : Json → Except String JsonNumber\n | num n => return n\n | _ => throw \"number expected\"", "start": [ 266, 1 ], "end": [ 268, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getObjVal?", "code": "def getObjVal? : Json → String → Except String Json\n | obj kvs, k =>\n match kvs.find compare k with\n | some v => return v\n | none => throw s!\"property not found: {k}\"\n | _ , _ => throw \"object expected\"", "start": [ 270, 1 ], "end": [ 275, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getArrVal?", "code": "def getArrVal? : Json → Nat → Except String Json\n | arr a, i =>\n match a.get? i with\n | some v => return v\n | none => throw s!\"index out of bounds: {i}\"\n | _ , _ => throw \"array expected\"", "start": [ 277, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getObjValD", "code": "def getObjValD (j : Json) (k : String) : Json :=\n (j.getObjVal? k).toOption.getD null", "start": [ 284, 1 ], "end": [ 285, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.setObjVal!", "code": "def setObjVal! : Json → String → Json → Json\n | obj kvs, k, v => obj <| kvs.insert compare k v\n | _ , _, _ => panic! \"Json.setObjVal!: not an object: {j}\"", "start": [ 287, 1 ], "end": [ 289, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.mergeObj", "code": "def mergeObj : Json → Json → Json\n | obj kvs₁, obj kvs₂ =>\n obj <| fold (insert compare) kvs₁ kvs₂\n | _, j₂ => j₂", "start": [ 292, 1 ], "end": [ 298, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Structured", "code": "inductive Structured where\n | arr (elems : Array Json)\n | obj (kvPairs : RBNode String (fun _ => Json))", "start": [ 300, 1 ], "end": [ 302, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Name.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Options.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Format.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Unhygienic.Context", "code": "structure Unhygienic.Context where\n ref : Syntax\n scope : MacroScope", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Unhygienic", "code": "abbrev Unhygienic := ReaderT Lean.Unhygienic.Context <| StateM MacroScope", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline]\nprotected def run {α : Type} (x : Unhygienic α) : α := (x ⟨Syntax.missing, firstFrontendMacroScope⟩).run' (firstFrontendMacroScope+1)", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 134 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkInaccessibleUserNameAux", "code": "private def mkInaccessibleUserNameAux (unicode : Bool) (name : Name) (idx : Nat) : Name :=\n if unicode then\n if idx == 0 then\n name.appendAfter \"✝\"\n else\n name.appendAfter (\"✝\" ++ idx.toSuperscriptString)\n else\n name ++ Name.num `_inaccessible idx", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkInaccessibleUserName", "code": "private def mkInaccessibleUserName (unicode : Bool) : Name → Name\n | .num p@(.str ..) idx =>\n mkInaccessibleUserNameAux unicode p idx\n | .num .anonymous idx =>\n mkInaccessibleUserNameAux unicode Name.anonymous idx\n | .num p idx =>\n if unicode then\n (mkInaccessibleUserName unicode p).appendAfter (\"⁻\" ++ idx.toSuperscriptString)\n else\n Name.mkNum (mkInaccessibleUserName unicode p) idx\n | n => n", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getSanitizeNames", "code": "def getSanitizeNames (o : Options) : Bool := pp.sanitizeNames.get o", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameSanitizerState", "code": "structure NameSanitizerState where\n options : Options\n \n nameStem2Idx : NameMap Nat := {}\n \n userName2Sanitized : NameMap Name := {}", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkFreshInaccessibleUserName", "code": "private partial def mkFreshInaccessibleUserName (userName : Name) (idx : Nat) : StateM NameSanitizerState Name := do\n let s ← get\n let userNameNew := mkInaccessibleUserName (Std.Format.getUnicode s.options) (Name.mkNum userName idx)\n if s.nameStem2Idx.contains userNameNew then\n mkFreshInaccessibleUserName userName (idx+1)\n else do\n modify fun s => { s with nameStem2Idx := s.nameStem2Idx.insert userName (idx+1) }\n pure userNameNew", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.sanitizeName", "code": "def sanitizeName (userName : Name) : StateM NameSanitizerState Name := do\n let stem := userName.eraseMacroScopes;\n let idx := (← get).nameStem2Idx.find? stem |>.getD 0\n let san ← mkFreshInaccessibleUserName stem idx\n modify fun s => { s with userName2Sanitized := s.userName2Sanitized.insert userName san }\n pure san", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 98, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.sanitizeSyntaxAux", "code": "private partial def sanitizeSyntaxAux : Syntax → StateM NameSanitizerState Syntax\n | stx@(Syntax.ident _ _ n _) => do\n let n ← match (← get).userName2Sanitized.find? n with\n | some n' => pure n'\n | none => if n.hasMacroScopes then sanitizeName n else pure n\n return mkIdentFrom stx n\n | Syntax.node info k args => Syntax.node info k <$> args.mapM sanitizeSyntaxAux\n | stx => pure stx", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 107, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.sanitizeSyntax", "code": "def sanitizeSyntax (stx : Syntax) : StateM NameSanitizerState Syntax := do\n if getSanitizeNames (← get).options then\n sanitizeSyntaxAux stx\n else\n pure stx", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 113, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Array/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Array.qpartition", "code": "def qpartition (as : Array α) (lt : α → α → Bool) (lo hi : Nat) : Nat × Array α :=\n if h : as.size = 0 then (0, as) else have : Inhabited α := ⟨as[0]'(by revert h; cases as.size <;> simp)⟩ let mid := (lo + hi) / 2\n let as := if lt (as.get! mid) (as.get! lo) then as.swap! lo mid else as\n let as := if lt (as.get! hi) (as.get! lo) then as.swap! lo hi else as\n let as := if lt (as.get! mid) (as.get! hi) then as.swap! mid hi else as\n let pivot := as.get! hi\n let rec loop (as : Array α) (i j : Nat) :=\n if h : j < hi then\n if lt (as.get! j) pivot then\n let as := as.swap! i j\n loop as (i+1) (j+1)\n else\n loop as i (j+1)\n else\n let as := as.swap! i hi\n (i, as)\n termination_by hi - j\n decreasing_by all_goals simp_wf; decreasing_trivial_pre_omega\n loop as lo lo", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Array.qsort", "code": "@[inline] partial def qsort (as : Array α) (lt : α → α → Bool) (low := 0) (high := as.size - 1) : Array α :=\n let rec @[specialize] sort (as : Array α) (low high : Nat) :=\n if low < high then\n let p := qpartition as lt low high;\n let mid := p.1\n let as := p.2\n if mid >= high then as\n else\n let as := sort as low mid\n sort as (mid+1) high\n else as\n sort as low high", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/PersistentHashMap.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet", "code": "structure PersistentHashSet (α : Type u) [BEq α] [Hashable α] where\n (set : PersistentHashMap α Unit)", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PHashSet", "code": "abbrev PHashSet (α : Type u) [BEq α] [Hashable α] := PersistentHashSet α", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.empty", "code": "@[inline] def empty [BEq α] [Hashable α] : PersistentHashSet α :=\n { set := PersistentHashMap.empty }", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.isEmpty", "code": "@[inline] def isEmpty (s : PersistentHashSet α) : Bool :=\n s.set.isEmpty", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.insert", "code": "@[inline] def insert (s : PersistentHashSet α) (a : α) : PersistentHashSet α :=\n { set := s.set.insert a () }", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.erase", "code": "@[inline] def erase (s : PersistentHashSet α) (a : α) : PersistentHashSet α :=\n { set := s.set.erase a }", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.find?", "code": "@[inline] def find? (s : PersistentHashSet α) (a : α) : Option α :=\n match s.set.findEntry? a with\n | some (a, _) => some a\n | none => none", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.contains", "code": "@[inline] def contains (s : PersistentHashSet α) (a : α) : Bool :=\n s.set.contains a", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.foldM", "code": "@[inline] def foldM {β : Type v} {m : Type v → Type v} [Monad m] (f : β → α → m β) (init : β) (s : PersistentHashSet α) : m β :=\n s.set.foldlM (init := init) fun d a _ => f d a", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentHashSet.fold", "code": "@[inline] def fold {β : Type v} (f : β → α → β) (init : β) (s : PersistentHashSet α) : β :=\n $ s.foldM f init", "start": [ 50, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Format.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Json.escapeAux", "code": "private def escapeAux (acc : String) (c : Char) : String :=\n if c = '\"' then acc ++ \"\\\\\\\"\"\n else if c = '\\\\' then\n acc ++ \"\\\\\\\\\"\n else if c = '\\n' then\n acc ++ \"\\\\n\"\n else if c = '\\x0d' then\n acc ++ \"\\\\r\"\n else if 0x0020 ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x10ffff then\n acc ++ String.singleton c\n else\n let n := c.toNat;\n acc ++ \"\\\\u\" ++\n [ Nat.digitChar (n / 4096),\n Nat.digitChar ((n % 4096) / 256),\n Nat.digitChar ((n % 256) / 16),\n Nat.digitChar (n % 16) ].asString", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.escape", "code": "def escape (s : String) : String :=\n s.foldl escapeAux \"\"", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.renderString", "code": "def renderString (s : String) : String :=\n \"\\\"\" ++ escape s ++ \"\\\"\"", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.render", "code": "partial def render : Json → Format\n | null => \"null\"\n | bool true => \"true\"\n | bool false => \"false\"\n | num s => s.toString\n | str s => renderString s\n | arr elems =>\n let elems := Format.joinSep ( render).toList (\",\" ++ Format.line);\n Format.bracket \"[\" elems \"]\"\n | obj kvs =>\n let renderKV : String → Json → Format := fun k v =>\n (renderString k ++ \":\" ++ Format.line ++ render v);\n let kvs := Format.joinSep (kvs.fold (fun acc k j => renderKV k j :: acc) []) (\",\" ++ Format.line);\n Format.bracket \"{\" kvs \"}\"", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 62, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.pretty", "code": "def pretty (j : Json) (lineWidth := 80) : String :=\n Format.pretty (render j) lineWidth", "start": [ 65, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.CompressWorkItem", "code": "protected inductive CompressWorkItem\n | json (j : Json)\n | arrayElem (j : Json)\n | arrayEnd\n | objectField (k : String) (j : Json)\n | objectEnd\n | comma", "start": [ 68, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.compress", "code": "partial def compress (j : Json) : String :=\n go \"\" [json j]\nwhere go (acc : String) : List Json.CompressWorkItem → String\n | [] => acc\n | json j :: is =>\n match j with\n | null => go (acc ++ \"null\") is\n | bool true => go (acc ++ \"true\") is\n | bool false => go (acc ++ \"false\") is\n | num s => go (acc ++ s.toString) is\n | str s => go (acc ++ renderString s) is\n | arr elems => go (acc ++ \"[\") ( arrayElem ++ [arrayEnd] ++ is)\n | obj kvs => go (acc ++ \"{\") (kvs.fold (init := []) (fun acc k j => objectField k j :: acc) ++ [objectEnd] ++ is)\n | arrayElem j :: arrayEnd :: is => go acc (json j :: arrayEnd :: is)\n | arrayElem j :: is => go acc (json j :: comma :: is)\n | arrayEnd :: is => go (acc ++ \"]\") is\n | objectField k j :: objectEnd :: is => go (acc ++ renderString k ++ \":\") (json j :: objectEnd :: is)\n | objectField k j :: is => go (acc ++ renderString k ++ \":\") (json j :: comma :: is)\n | objectEnd :: is => go (acc ++ \"}\") is\n | comma :: is => go (acc ++ \",\") is", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ToString/Macro.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/NotationExtra.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.ParseResult", "code": "inductive ParseResult (α : Type) where\n | success (pos : String.Iterator) (res : α)\n | error (pos : String.Iterator) (err : String)\n deriving Repr", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec", "code": "def Parsec (α : Type) : Type := String.Iterator → Lean.Parsec.ParseResult α", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 19, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.pure", "code": "@[inline]\nprotected def pure (a : α) : Parsec α := λ it =>\n success it a", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.bind", "code": "@[inline]\ndef bind {α β : Type} (f : Parsec α) (g : α → Parsec β) : Parsec β := λ it =>\n match f it with\n | success rem a => g a rem\n | error pos msg => error pos msg", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline]\ndef fail (msg : String) : Parsec α := fun it =>\n error it msg", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.tryCatch", "code": "@[inline]\ndef tryCatch (p : Parsec α)\n (csuccess : α → Parsec β)\n (cerror : Unit → Parsec β)\n : Parsec β := fun it =>\n match p it with\n | .success rem a => csuccess a rem\n | .error rem err =>\n if it.pos = rem.pos then cerror () rem else .error rem err", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.orElse", "code": "@[inline]\ndef orElse (p : Parsec α) (q : Unit → Parsec α) : Parsec α :=\n tryCatch p pure q", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.attempt", "code": "@[inline]\ndef attempt (p : Parsec α) : Parsec α := λ it =>\n match p it with\n | success rem res => success rem res\n | error _ err => error it err", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "protected def run (p : Parsec α) (s : String) : Except String α :=\n match p s.mkIterator with\n | Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => Except.ok res\n | Parsec.ParseResult.error it err => Except.error s!\"offset {repr it.i.byteIdx}: {err}\"", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 91 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.expectedEndOfInput", "code": "def expectedEndOfInput := \"expected end of input\"", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.eof", "code": "@[inline]\ndef eof : Parsec Unit := fun it =>\n if it.hasNext then\n error it expectedEndOfInput\n else\n success it ()", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.manyCore", "code": "@[specialize]\npartial def manyCore (p : Parsec α) (acc : Array α) : Parsec $ Array α :=\n tryCatch p (manyCore p <| acc.push ·) (fun _ => pure acc)", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.many", "code": "@[inline]\ndef many (p : Parsec α) : Parsec $ Array α := manyCore p #[]", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 88, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.many1", "code": "@[inline]\ndef many1 (p : Parsec α) : Parsec $ Array α := do manyCore p #[←p]", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 91, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.manyCharsCore", "code": "@[specialize]\npartial def manyCharsCore (p : Parsec Char) (acc : String) : Parsec String :=\n tryCatch p (manyCharsCore p <| acc.push ·) (fun _ => pure acc)", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.manyChars", "code": "@[inline]\ndef manyChars (p : Parsec Char) : Parsec String := manyCharsCore p \"\"", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 98, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.many1Chars", "code": "@[inline]\ndef many1Chars (p : Parsec Char) : Parsec String := do manyCharsCore p (←p).toString", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.pstring", "code": "def pstring (s : String) : Parsec String := λ it =>\n let substr := it.extract (it.forward s.length)\n if substr = s then\n success (it.forward s.length) substr\n else\n error it s!\"expected: {s}\"", "start": [ 103, 1 ], "end": [ 109, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.skipString", "code": "@[inline]\ndef skipString (s : String) : Parsec Unit := pstring s *> pure ()", "start": [ 111, 1 ], "end": [ 112, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.unexpectedEndOfInput", "code": "def unexpectedEndOfInput := \"unexpected end of input\"", "start": [ 114, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.anyChar", "code": "@[inline]\ndef anyChar : Parsec Char := λ it =>\n if it.hasNext then success it.curr else error it unexpectedEndOfInput", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.pchar", "code": "@[inline]\ndef pchar (c : Char) : Parsec Char := attempt do\n if (←anyChar) = c then pure c else fail s!\"expected: '{c}'\"", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 122, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.skipChar", "code": "@[inline]\ndef skipChar (c : Char) : Parsec Unit := pchar c *> pure ()", "start": [ 124, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.digit", "code": "@[inline]\ndef digit : Parsec Char := attempt do\n let c ← anyChar\n if '0' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9' then return c else fail s!\"digit expected\"", "start": [ 127, 1 ], "end": [ 130, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.hexDigit", "code": "@[inline]\ndef hexDigit : Parsec Char := attempt do\n let c ← anyChar\n if ('0' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9')\n ∨ ('a' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ 'f')\n ∨ ('A' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ 'F') then return c else fail s!\"hex digit expected\"", "start": [ 132, 1 ], "end": [ 137, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.asciiLetter", "code": "@[inline]\ndef asciiLetter : Parsec Char := attempt do\n let c ← anyChar\n if ('A' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ 'Z') ∨ ('a' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ 'z') then return c else fail s!\"ASCII letter expected\"", "start": [ 139, 1 ], "end": [ 142, 97 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.satisfy", "code": "@[inline]\ndef satisfy (p : Char → Bool) : Parsec Char := attempt do\n let c ← anyChar\n if p c then return c else fail \"condition not satisfied\"", "start": [ 144, 1 ], "end": [ 147, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.notFollowedBy", "code": "@[inline]\ndef notFollowedBy (p : Parsec α) : Parsec Unit := λ it =>\n match p it with\n | success _ _ => error it \"\"\n | error _ _ => success it ()", "start": [ 149, 1 ], "end": [ 153, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.skipWs", "code": "partial def skipWs (it : String.Iterator) : String.Iterator :=\n if it.hasNext then\n let c := it.curr\n if c = '\\u0009' ∨ c = '\\u000a' ∨ c = '\\u000d' ∨ c = '\\u0020' then\n skipWs\n else\n it\n else\n it", "start": [ 155, 1 ], "end": [ 163, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.peek?", "code": "@[inline]\ndef peek? : Parsec (Option Char) := fun it =>\n if it.hasNext then\n success it it.curr\n else\n success it none", "start": [ 165, 1 ], "end": [ 170, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.peek!", "code": "@[inline]\ndef peek! : Parsec Char := do\n let some c ← peek? | fail unexpectedEndOfInput\n return c", "start": [ 172, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parsec.skip", "code": "@[inline]\ndef skip : Parsec Unit := fun it =>\n success ()", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 179, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline]\ndef ws : Parsec Unit := fun it =>\n success (skipWs it) ()", "start": [ 181, 1 ], "end": [ 183, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/PersistentHashSet.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Array/QSort.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/HashMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Name.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/HashSet.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Format.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Hygiene.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/PersistentHashMap.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Nat.imax", "code": "def Nat.imax (n m : Nat) : Nat :=\n if m = 0 then 0 else Nat.max n m", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.Data", "code": "def Level.Data := UInt64", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.Data.hash", "code": "def Level.Data.hash (c : Level.Data) : UInt64 :=\n c.toUInt32.toUInt64", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.Data.depth", "code": "def Level.Data.depth (c : Level.Data) : UInt32 :=\n (c.shiftRight 40).toUInt32", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.Data.hasMVar", "code": "def Level.Data.hasMVar (c : Level.Data) : Bool :=\n ((c.shiftRight 32).land 1) == 1", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.Data.hasParam", "code": "def Level.Data.hasParam (c : Level.Data) : Bool :=\n ((c.shiftRight 33).land 1) == 1", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.mkData", "code": "def Level.mkData (h : UInt64) (depth : Nat := 0) (hasMVar hasParam : Bool := false) : Level.Data :=\n if depth > Nat.pow 2 24 - 1 then panic! \"universe level depth is too big\"\n else\n let r : UInt64 := h.toUInt32.toUInt64 + hasMVar.toUInt64.shiftLeft 32 + hasParam.toUInt64.shiftLeft 33 + depth.toUInt64.shiftLeft 40\n r", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LevelMVarId", "code": "structure LevelMVarId where\n name : Name\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Hashable, Repr", "start": [ 66, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LMVarId", "code": "abbrev LMVarId := LevelMVarId", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LMVarIdSet", "code": "def LMVarIdSet := RBTree LMVarId (Name.quickCmp ·.name ·.name)\n deriving Inhabited, EmptyCollection", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LMVarIdMap", "code": "def LMVarIdMap (α : Type) := RBMap LMVarId α (Name.quickCmp ·.name ·.name)", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level", "code": "inductive Level where\n | zero : Level\n | succ : Level → Level\n | max : Level → Level → Level\n | imax : Level → Level → Level\n | param : Name → Level\n | mvar : LMVarId → Level\nwith\n @[computed_field] data : Level → Data\n | .zero => mkData 2221 0 false false\n | .mvar mvarId => mkData (mixHash 2237 <| hash mvarId) 0 true false\n | .param name => mkData (mixHash 2239 <| hash name) 0 false true\n | .succ u => mkData (mixHash 2243 <| ( + 1)\n | .max u v => mkData (mixHash 2251 <| mixHash ( ( (Nat.max + 1)\n ( || ( ||\n | .imax u v => mkData (mixHash 2267 <| mixHash ( ( (Nat.max + 1)\n ( || ( ||\n\nderiving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 91, 1 ], "end": [ 109, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.hash", "code": "protected def hash (u : Level) : UInt64 :=\n", "start": [ 113, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.depth", "code": "def depth (u : Level) : Nat :=\n", "start": [ 118, 1 ], "end": [ 119, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.hasMVar", "code": "def hasMVar (u : Level) : Bool :=\n", "start": [ 121, 1 ], "end": [ 122, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.hasParam", "code": "def hasParam (u : Level) : Bool :=\n", "start": [ 124, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.hashEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_hash] def hashEx (u : Level) : UInt32 := hash u |>.toUInt32", "start": [ 127, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.hasMVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_has_mvar] def hasMVarEx : Level → Bool := hasMVar", "start": [ 128, 1 ], "end": [ 128, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.hasParamEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_has_param] def hasParamEx : Level → Bool := hasParam", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.depthEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_depth] def depthEx (u : Level) : UInt32 :=", "start": [ 130, 1 ], "end": [ 130, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.levelZero", "code": "def levelZero :=\n", "start": [ 134, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelMVar", "code": "def mkLevelMVar (mvarId : LMVarId) :=\n Level.mvar mvarId", "start": [ 137, 1 ], "end": [ 138, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelParam", "code": "def mkLevelParam (name : Name) :=\n Level.param name", "start": [ 140, 1 ], "end": [ 141, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelSucc", "code": "def mkLevelSucc (u : Level) :=\n Level.succ u", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 144, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelMax", "code": "def mkLevelMax (u v : Level) :=\n Level.max u v", "start": [ 146, 1 ], "end": [ 147, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelIMax", "code": "def mkLevelIMax (u v : Level) :=\n Level.imax u v", "start": [ 149, 1 ], "end": [ 150, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.levelOne", "code": "def levelOne := mkLevelSucc levelZero", "start": [ 152, 1 ], "end": [ 152, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelZeroEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_mk_zero] def mkLevelZeroEx : Unit → Level := fun _ => levelZero", "start": [ 154, 1 ], "end": [ 154, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelSuccEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_mk_succ] def mkLevelSuccEx : Level → Level := mkLevelSucc", "start": [ 155, 1 ], "end": [ 155, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelMVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_mk_mvar] def mkLevelMVarEx : LMVarId → Level := mkLevelMVar", "start": [ 156, 1 ], "end": [ 156, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelParamEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_mk_param] def mkLevelParamEx : Name → Level := mkLevelParam", "start": [ 157, 1 ], "end": [ 157, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelMaxEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_mk_max] def mkLevelMaxEx : Level → Level → Level := mkLevelMax", "start": [ 158, 1 ], "end": [ 158, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelIMaxEx", "code": "@[export lean_level_mk_imax] def mkLevelIMaxEx : Level → Level → Level := mkLevelIMax", "start": [ 159, 1 ], "end": [ 159, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isZero", "code": "def isZero : Level → Bool\n | zero => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 163, 1 ], "end": [ 165, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isSucc", "code": "def isSucc : Level → Bool\n | succ .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 167, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isMax", "code": "def isMax : Level → Bool\n | max .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 173, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isIMax", "code": "def isIMax : Level → Bool\n | imax .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 175, 1 ], "end": [ 177, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isMaxIMax", "code": "def isMaxIMax : Level → Bool\n | max .. => true\n | imax .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 179, 1 ], "end": [ 182, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isParam", "code": "def isParam : Level → Bool\n | param .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 184, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isMVar", "code": "def isMVar : Level → Bool\n | mvar .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 190, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.mvarId!", "code": "def mvarId! : Level → LMVarId\n | mvar mvarId => mvarId\n | _ => panic! \"metavariable expected\"", "start": [ 192, 1 ], "end": [ 194, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isNeverZero", "code": "def isNeverZero : Level → Bool\n | zero => false\n | param .. => false\n | mvar .. => false\n | succ .. => true\n | max l₁ l₂ => isNeverZero l₁ || isNeverZero l₂\n | imax _ l₂ => isNeverZero l₂", "start": [ 196, 1 ], "end": [ 204, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.ofNat", "code": "def ofNat : Nat → Level\n | 0 => levelZero\n | n+1 => mkLevelSucc (ofNat n)", "start": [ 206, 1 ], "end": [ 208, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.instOfNat", "code": "instance instOfNat (n : Nat) : OfNat Level n where\n ofNat := ofNat n", "start": [ 210, 1 ], "end": [ 211, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.addOffsetAux", "code": "def addOffsetAux : Nat → Level → Level\n | 0, u => u\n | (n+1), u => addOffsetAux n (mkLevelSucc u)", "start": [ 213, 1 ], "end": [ 215, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.addOffset", "code": "def addOffset (u : Level) (n : Nat) : Level :=\n u.addOffsetAux n", "start": [ 217, 1 ], "end": [ 218, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isExplicit", "code": "def isExplicit : Level → Bool\n | zero => true\n | succ u => !u.hasMVar && !u.hasParam && isExplicit u\n | _ => false", "start": [ 220, 1 ], "end": [ 223, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.getOffsetAux", "code": "def getOffsetAux : Level → Nat → Nat\n | succ u , r => getOffsetAux u (r+1)\n | _, r => r", "start": [ 225, 1 ], "end": [ 227, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.getOffset", "code": "def getOffset (lvl : Level) : Nat :=\n getOffsetAux lvl 0", "start": [ 229, 1 ], "end": [ 230, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.getLevelOffset", "code": "def getLevelOffset : Level → Level\n | succ u => getLevelOffset u\n | u => u", "start": [ 232, 1 ], "end": [ 234, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.toNat", "code": "def toNat (lvl : Level) : Option Nat :=\n match lvl.getLevelOffset with\n | zero => lvl.getOffset\n | _ => none", "start": [ 236, 1 ], "end": [ 239, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.beq", "code": "@[extern \"lean_level_eq\"]\nprotected opaque beq (a : @& Level) (b : @& Level) : Bool", "start": [ 241, 1 ], "end": [ 242, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.occurs", "code": "def occurs : Level → Level → Bool\n | u, v@(succ v₁ ) => u == v || occurs u v₁\n | u, v@(max v₁ v₂ ) => u == v || occurs u v₁ || occurs u v₂\n | u, v@(imax v₁ v₂ ) => u == v || occurs u v₁ || occurs u v₂\n | u, v => u == v", "start": [ 246, 1 ], "end": [ 251, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.ctorToNat", "code": "def ctorToNat : Level → Nat\n | zero .. => 0\n | param .. => 1\n | mvar .. => 2\n | succ .. => 3\n | max .. => 4\n | imax .. => 5", "start": [ 253, 1 ], "end": [ 259, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.normLtAux", "code": "def normLtAux : Level → Nat → Level → Nat → Bool\n | succ l₁, k₁, l₂, k₂ => normLtAux l₁ (k₁+1) l₂ k₂\n | l₁, k₁, succ l₂, k₂ => normLtAux l₁ k₁ l₂ (k₂+1)\n | l₁@(max l₁₁ l₁₂), k₁, l₂@(max l₂₁ l₂₂), k₂ =>\n if l₁ == l₂ then k₁ < k₂\n else if l₁₁ != l₂₁ then normLtAux l₁₁ 0 l₂₁ 0\n else normLtAux l₁₂ 0 l₂₂ 0\n | l₁@(imax l₁₁ l₁₂), k₁, l₂@(imax l₂₁ l₂₂), k₂ =>\n if l₁ == l₂ then k₁ < k₂\n else if l₁₁ != l₂₁ then normLtAux l₁₁ 0 l₂₁ 0\n else normLtAux l₁₂ 0 l₂₂ 0\n | param n₁, k₁, param n₂, k₂ => if n₁ == n₂ then k₁ < k₂ else n₁ n₂ | mvar n₁, k₁, mvar n₂, k₂ => if n₁ == n₂ then k₁ < k₂ else n₁.name n₂.name\n | l₁, k₁, l₂, k₂ => if l₁ == l₂ then k₁ < k₂ else ctorToNat l₁ < ctorToNat l₂", "start": [ 261, 1 ], "end": [ 280, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.normLt", "code": "def normLt (l₁ l₂ : Level) : Bool :=\n normLtAux l₁ 0 l₂ 0", "start": [ 282, 1 ], "end": [ 288, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isAlreadyNormalizedCheap", "code": "private def isAlreadyNormalizedCheap : Level → Bool\n | zero => true\n | param _ => true\n | mvar _ => true\n | succ u => isAlreadyNormalizedCheap u\n | _ => false", "start": [ 290, 1 ], "end": [ 295, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.mkIMaxAux", "code": "private def mkIMaxAux : Level → Level → Level\n | _, zero => zero\n | zero, u => u\n | u₁, u₂ => if u₁ == u₂ then u₁ else mkLevelIMax u₁ u₂", "start": [ 298, 1 ], "end": [ 301, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.getMaxArgsAux", "code": "@[specialize] private partial def getMaxArgsAux (normalize : Level → Level) : Level → Bool → Array Level → Array Level\n | max l₁ l₂, alreadyNormalized, lvls => getMaxArgsAux normalize l₂ alreadyNormalized (getMaxArgsAux normalize l₁ alreadyNormalized lvls)\n | l, false, lvls => getMaxArgsAux normalize (normalize l) true lvls\n | l, true, lvls => lvls.push l", "start": [ 304, 1 ], "end": [ 307, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.accMax", "code": "private def accMax (result : Level) (prev : Level) (offset : Nat) : Level :=\n if result.isZero then prev.addOffset offset\n else mkLevelMax result (prev.addOffset offset)", "start": [ 309, 1 ], "end": [ 311, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.mkMaxAux", "code": "private partial def mkMaxAux (lvls : Array Level) (extraK : Nat) (i : Nat) (prev : Level) (prevK : Nat) (result : Level) : Level :=\n if h : i < lvls.size then\n let lvl := lvls.get ⟨i, h⟩\n let curr := lvl.getLevelOffset\n let currK := lvl.getOffset\n if curr == prev then\n mkMaxAux lvls extraK (i+1) curr currK result\n else\n mkMaxAux lvls extraK (i+1) curr currK (accMax result prev (extraK + prevK))\n else\n accMax result prev (extraK + prevK)", "start": [ 321, 1 ], "end": [ 331, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.skipExplicit", "code": "private partial def skipExplicit (lvls : Array Level) (i : Nat) : Nat :=\n if h : i < lvls.size then\n let lvl := lvls.get ⟨i, h⟩\n if lvl.getLevelOffset.isZero then skipExplicit lvls (i+1) else i\n else\n i", "start": [ 336, 1 ], "end": [ 341, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isExplicitSubsumedAux", "code": "private partial def isExplicitSubsumedAux (lvls : Array Level) (maxExplicit : Nat) (i : Nat) : Bool :=\n if h : i < lvls.size then\n let lvl := lvls.get ⟨i, h⟩\n if lvl.getOffset ≥ maxExplicit then true\n else isExplicitSubsumedAux lvls maxExplicit (i+1)\n else\n false", "start": [ 343, 1 ], "end": [ 356, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isExplicitSubsumed", "code": "private def isExplicitSubsumed (lvls : Array Level) (firstNonExplicit : Nat) : Bool :=\n if firstNonExplicit == 0 then false\n else\n let max := (lvls.get! (firstNonExplicit - 1)).getOffset;\n isExplicitSubsumedAux lvls max firstNonExplicit", "start": [ 359, 1 ], "end": [ 363, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.normalize", "code": "partial def normalize (l : Level) : Level :=\n if isAlreadyNormalizedCheap l then l\n else\n let k := l.getOffset\n let u := l.getLevelOffset\n match u with\n | max l₁ l₂ =>\n let lvls := getMaxArgsAux normalize l₁ false #[]\n let lvls := getMaxArgsAux normalize l₂ false lvls\n let lvls := lvls.qsort normLt\n let firstNonExplicit := skipExplicit lvls 0\n let i := if isExplicitSubsumed lvls firstNonExplicit then firstNonExplicit else firstNonExplicit - 1\n let lvl₁ := lvls[i]!\n let prev := lvl₁.getLevelOffset\n let prevK := lvl₁.getOffset\n mkMaxAux lvls k (i+1) prev prevK levelZero\n | imax l₁ l₂ =>\n if l₂.isNeverZero then addOffset (normalize (mkLevelMax l₁ l₂)) k\n else\n let l₁ := normalize l₁\n let l₂ := normalize l₂\n addOffset (mkIMaxAux l₁ l₂) k\n | _ => unreachable!", "start": [ 365, 1 ], "end": [ 387, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.isEquiv", "code": "def isEquiv (u v : Level) : Bool :=\n u == v || u.normalize == v.normalize", "start": [ 389, 1 ], "end": [ 394, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.dec", "code": "def dec : Level → Option Level\n | zero => none\n | param _ => none\n | mvar _ => none\n | succ l => l\n | max l₁ l₂ => return mkLevelMax (← dec l₁) (← dec l₂)\n \n | imax l₁ l₂ => return mkLevelMax (← dec l₁) (← dec l₂)", "start": [ 396, 1 ], "end": [ 405, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.Result", "code": "inductive Result where\n | leaf : Name → Result\n | num : Nat → Result\n | offset : Result → Nat → Result\n | maxNode : List Result → Result\n | imaxNode : List Result → Result", "start": [ 410, 1 ], "end": [ 415, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.Result.succ", "code": "def Result.succ : Result → Result\n | Result.offset f k => Result.offset f (k+1)\n | Result.num k => Result.num (k+1)\n | f => Result.offset f 1", "start": [ 417, 1 ], "end": [ 420, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.Result.max", "code": "def Result.max : Result → Result → Result\n | f, Result.maxNode Fs => Result.maxNode (f::Fs)\n | f₁, f₂ => Result.maxNode [f₁, f₂]", "start": [ 422, 1 ], "end": [ 424, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.Result.imax", "code": "def Result.imax : Result → Result → Result\n | f, Result.imaxNode Fs => Result.imaxNode (f::Fs)\n | f₁, f₂ => Result.imaxNode [f₁, f₂]", "start": [ 426, 1 ], "end": [ 428, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.toResult", "code": "def toResult (l : Level) (mvars : Bool) : Result :=\n match l with\n | zero => Result.num 0\n | succ l => Result.succ (toResult l mvars)\n | max l₁ l₂ => Result.max (toResult l₁ mvars) (toResult l₂ mvars)\n | imax l₁ l₂ => Result.imax (toResult l₁ mvars) (toResult l₂ mvars)\n | param n => Result.leaf n\n | mvar n =>\n if mvars then\n Result.leaf <| `_uniq (Name.mkSimple \"?u\")\n else\n Result.leaf `_", "start": [ 430, 1 ], "end": [ 441, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.parenIfFalse", "code": "private def parenIfFalse : Format → Bool → Format\n | f, true => f\n | f, false => f.paren", "start": [ 443, 1 ], "end": [ 445, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.Result.formatLst", "code": "private partial def Result.formatLst : List Result → Format\n | [] => Format.nil\n | r::rs => Format.line ++ format r false ++ formatLst rs", "start": [ 448, 3 ], "end": [ 450, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.Result.format", "code": "partial def Result.format : Result → Bool → Format\n | Result.leaf n, _ => Std.format n\n | Result.num k, _ => toString k\n | Result.offset f 0, r => format f r\n | Result.offset f (k+1), r =>\n let f' := format f false;\n parenIfFalse (f' ++ \"+\" ++ Std.format (k+1)) r\n | Result.maxNode fs, r => parenIfFalse ( <| \"max\" ++ formatLst fs) r\n | Result.imaxNode fs, r => parenIfFalse ( <| \"imax\" ++ formatLst fs) r", "start": [ 452, 3 ], "end": [ 460, 89 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.PP.Result.quote", "code": "protected partial def Result.quote (r : Result) (prec : Nat) : Syntax.Level :=\n let addParen (s : Syntax.Level) :=\n if prec > 0 then `(level| ( $s )) else s\n match r with\n | Result.leaf n => `(level| $(mkIdent n):ident)\n | Result.num k => `(level| $(quote k):num)\n | Result.offset r 0 => Result.quote r prec\n | Result.offset r (k+1) => addParen <| `(level| $(Result.quote r 65) + $(quote (k+1)):num)\n | Result.maxNode rs => addParen <| `(level| max $( (Result.quote · max_prec))*)\n | Result.imaxNode rs => addParen <| `(level| imax $( (Result.quote · max_prec))*)", "start": [ 463, 1 ], "end": [ 472, 116 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.format", "code": "protected def format (u : Level) (mvars : Bool) : Format :=\n (PP.toResult u mvars).format true", "start": [ 476, 1 ], "end": [ 477, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.quote", "code": "protected def quote (u : Level) (prec : Nat := 0) (mvars : Bool := true) : Syntax.Level :=\n (PP.toResult u (mvars := mvars)).quote prec", "start": [ 485, 1 ], "end": [ 486, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelMaxCore", "code": "@[inline] private def mkLevelMaxCore (u v : Level) (elseK : Unit → Level) : Level :=\n let subsumes (u v : Level) : Bool :=\n if v.isExplicit && u.getOffset ≥ v.getOffset then true\n else match u with\n | Level.max u₁ u₂ => v == u₁ || v == u₂\n | _ => false\n if u == v then u\n else if u.isZero then v\n else if v.isZero then u\n else if subsumes u v then u\n else if subsumes v u then v\n else if u.getLevelOffset == v.getLevelOffset then\n if u.getOffset ≥ v.getOffset then u else v\n else\n elseK ()", "start": [ 493, 1 ], "end": [ 507, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelMax'", "code": "def mkLevelMax' (u v : Level) : Level :=\n mkLevelMaxCore u v fun _ => mkLevelMax u v", "start": [ 510, 1 ], "end": [ 511, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.simpLevelMax'", "code": "def simpLevelMax' (u v : Level) (d : Level) : Level :=\n mkLevelMaxCore u v fun _ => d", "start": [ 513, 1 ], "end": [ 514, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelIMaxCore", "code": "@[inline] private def mkLevelIMaxCore (u v : Level) (elseK : Unit → Level) : Level :=\n if v.isNeverZero then mkLevelMax' u v\n else if v.isZero then v\n else if u.isZero then v\n else if u == v then u\n else elseK ()", "start": [ 516, 1 ], "end": [ 521, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLevelIMax'", "code": "def mkLevelIMax' (u v : Level) : Level :=\n mkLevelIMaxCore u v fun _ => mkLevelIMax u v", "start": [ 524, 1 ], "end": [ 525, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.simpLevelIMax'", "code": "def simpLevelIMax' (u v : Level) (d : Level) :=\n mkLevelIMaxCore u v fun _ => d", "start": [ 527, 1 ], "end": [ 528, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.updateSucc!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateSucc!Impl (lvl : Level) (newLvl : Level) : Level :=\n match lvl with\n | succ l => if ptrEq l newLvl then lvl else mkLevelSucc newLvl\n | _ => panic! \"succ level expected\"", "start": [ 538, 1 ], "end": [ 541, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.updateSucc!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateSucc!Impl]\ndef updateSucc! (lvl : Level) (newLvl : Level) : Level :=\n match lvl with\n | succ _ => mkLevelSucc newLvl\n | _ => panic! \"succ level expected\"", "start": [ 543, 1 ], "end": [ 547, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.updateMax!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateMax!Impl (lvl : Level) (newLhs : Level) (newRhs : Level) : Level :=\n match lvl with\n | max lhs rhs => if ptrEq lhs newLhs && ptrEq rhs newRhs then simpLevelMax' newLhs newRhs lvl else mkLevelMax' newLhs newRhs\n | _ => panic! \"max level expected\"", "start": [ 549, 1 ], "end": [ 552, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.updateMax!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateMax!Impl]\ndef updateMax! (lvl : Level) (newLhs : Level) (newRhs : Level) : Level :=\n match lvl with\n | max _ _ => mkLevelMax' newLhs newRhs\n | _ => panic! \"max level expected\"", "start": [ 554, 1 ], "end": [ 558, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.updateIMax!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateIMax!Impl (lvl : Level) (newLhs : Level) (newRhs : Level) : Level :=\n match lvl with\n | imax lhs rhs => if ptrEq lhs newLhs && ptrEq rhs newRhs then simpLevelIMax' newLhs newRhs lvl else mkLevelIMax' newLhs newRhs\n | _ => panic! \"imax level expected\"", "start": [ 560, 1 ], "end": [ 563, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.updateIMax!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateIMax!Impl]\ndef updateIMax! (lvl : Level) (newLhs : Level) (newRhs : Level) : Level :=\n match lvl with\n | imax _ _ => mkLevelIMax' newLhs newRhs\n | _ => panic! \"imax level expected\"", "start": [ 565, 1 ], "end": [ 569, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.mkNaryMax", "code": "def mkNaryMax : List Level → Level\n | [] => levelZero\n | [u] => u\n | u::us => mkLevelMax' u (mkNaryMax us)", "start": [ 571, 1 ], "end": [ 574, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.substParams", "code": "@[specialize] def substParams (u : Level) (s : Name → Option Level) : Level :=\n go u\nwhere\n go (u : Level) : Level :=\n match u with\n | .zero => u\n | .succ v => if u.hasParam then u.updateSucc! (go v) else u\n | .max v₁ v₂ => if u.hasParam then u.updateMax! (go v₁) (go v₂) else u\n | .imax v₁ v₂ => if u.hasParam then u.updateIMax! (go v₁) (go v₂) else u\n | .param n => match s n with\n | some u' => u'\n | none => u\n | u => u", "start": [ 576, 1 ], "end": [ 588, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.getParamSubst", "code": "def getParamSubst : List Name → List Level → Name → Option Level\n | p::ps, u::us, p' => if p == p' then some u else getParamSubst ps us p'\n | _, _, _ => none", "start": [ 590, 1 ], "end": [ 592, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.instantiateParams", "code": "def instantiateParams (u : Level) (paramNames : List Name) (vs : List Level) : Level :=\n u.substParams (getParamSubst paramNames vs)", "start": [ 594, 1 ], "end": [ 595, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.geq", "code": "def geq (u v : Level) : Bool :=\n go u.normalize v.normalize\nwhere\n go (u v : Level) : Bool :=\n u == v ||\n match u, v with\n | _, zero => true\n | u, max v₁ v₂ => go u v₁ && go u v₂\n | max u₁ u₂, v => go u₁ v || go u₂ v\n | u, imax v₁ v₂ => go u v₁ && go u v₂\n | imax _ u₂, v => go u₂ v\n | succ u, succ v => go u v\n | _, _ =>\n let v' := v.getLevelOffset\n (u.getLevelOffset == v' || v'.isZero)\n && u.getOffset ≥ v.getOffset\n termination_by (u, v)", "start": [ 597, 1 ], "end": [ 613, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LevelMap", "code": "abbrev LevelMap (α : Type) := HashMap Level α", "start": [ 617, 1 ], "end": [ 617, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentLevelMap", "code": "abbrev PersistentLevelMap (α : Type) := PHashMap Level α", "start": [ 618, 1 ], "end": [ 618, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LevelSet", "code": "abbrev LevelSet := HashSet Level", "start": [ 619, 1 ], "end": [ 619, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentLevelSet", "code": "abbrev PersistentLevelSet := PHashSet Level", "start": [ 620, 1 ], "end": [ 620, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PLevelSet", "code": "abbrev PLevelSet := PersistentLevelSet", "start": [ 621, 1 ], "end": [ 621, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.collectMVars", "code": "def Level.collectMVars (u : Level) (s : LMVarIdSet := {}) : LMVarIdSet :=\n match u with\n | succ v => collectMVars v s\n | max u v => collectMVars u (collectMVars v s)\n | imax u v => collectMVars u (collectMVars v s)\n | mvar n => s.insert n\n | _ => s", "start": [ 623, 1 ], "end": [ 629, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.find?", "code": "def Level.find? (u : Level) (p : Level → Bool) : Option Level :=\n let rec visit (u : Level) : Option Level :=\n if p u then\n return u\n else match u with\n | succ v => visit v\n | max u v => visit u <|> visit v\n | imax u v => visit u <|> visit v\n | _ => failure\n visit u", "start": [ 631, 1 ], "end": [ 640, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Level.any", "code": "def Level.any (u : Level) (p : Level → Bool) : Bool :=\n u.find? p |>.isSome", "start": [ 642, 1 ], "end": [ 643, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.toLevel", "code": "abbrev Nat.toLevel (n : Nat) : Lean.Level :=\n Lean.Level.ofNat n", "start": [ 647, 1 ], "end": [ 648, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Printer.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.FromJson", "code": "class FromJson (α : Type u) where\n fromJson? : Json → Except String α", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ToJson", "code": "class ToJson (α : Type u) where\n toJson : α → Json", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.bignumFromJson?", "code": "def bignumFromJson? (j : Json) : Except String Nat := do\n let s ← j.getStr?\n let some v := Syntax.decodeNatLitVal? s | throw s!\"expected a string-encoded number, got '{j}'\"\n return v", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 98, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.bignumToJson", "code": "def bignumToJson (n : Nat) : Json :=\n toString n", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.toStructured?", "code": "def toStructured? [ToJson α] (v : α) : Except String Structured :=\n fromJson? (toJson v)", "start": [ 156, 1 ], "end": [ 157, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.getObjValAs?", "code": "def getObjValAs? (j : Json) (α : Type u) [FromJson α] (k : String) : Except String α :=\n fromJson? <| j.getObjValD k", "start": [ 159, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.setObjValAs!", "code": "def setObjValAs! (j : Json) {α : Type u} [ToJson α] (k : String) (v : α) : Json :=\n j.setObjVal! k <| toJson v", "start": [ 162, 1 ], "end": [ 163, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.opt", "code": "def opt [ToJson α] (k : String) : Option α → List (String × Json)\n | none => []\n | some o => [⟨k, toJson o⟩]", "start": [ 165, 1 ], "end": [ 167, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.parseTagged", "code": "def parseTagged\n (json : Json)\n (tag : String)\n (nFields : Nat)\n (fieldNames? : Option (Array Name)) : Except String (Array Json) :=\n if nFields == 0 then\n match getStr? json with\n | Except.ok s => if s == tag then Except.ok #[] else throw s!\"incorrect tag: {s} ≟ {tag}\"\n | Except.error err => Except.error err\n else\n match getObjVal? json tag with\n | Except.ok payload =>\n match fieldNames? with\n | some fieldNames =>\n do\n let mut fields := #[]\n for fieldName in fieldNames do\n fields := fields.push (←getObjVal? payload fieldName.getString!)\n Except.ok fields\n | none =>\n if nFields == 1 then\n Except.ok #[payload]\n else\n match getArr? payload with\n | Except.ok fields =>\n if fields.size == nFields then\n Except.ok fields\n else\n Except.error s!\"incorrect number of fields: {fields.size} ≟ {nFields}\"\n | Except.error err => Except.error err\n | Except.error err => Except.error err", "start": [ 169, 1 ], "end": [ 200, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Parsec.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/RBMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.hexChar", "code": "@[inline]\ndef hexChar : Parsec Nat := do\n let c ← anyChar\n if '0' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9' then\n pure $ c.val.toNat - '0'.val.toNat\n else if 'a' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ 'f' then\n pure $ c.val.toNat - 'a'.val.toNat + 10\n else if 'A' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ 'F' then\n pure $ c.val.toNat - 'A'.val.toNat + 10\n else\n fail \"invalid hex character\"", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.escapedChar", "code": "def escapedChar : Parsec Char := do\n let c ← anyChar\n match c with\n | '\\\\' => return '\\\\'\n | '\"' => return '\"'\n | '/' => return '/'\n | 'b' => return '\\x08'\n | 'f' => return '\\x0c'\n | 'n' => return '\\n'\n | 'r' => return '\\x0d'\n | 't' => return '\\t'\n | 'u' =>\n let u1 ← hexChar; let u2 ← hexChar; let u3 ← hexChar; let u4 ← hexChar\n return Char.ofNat $ 4096*u1 + 256*u2 + 16*u3 + u4\n | _ => fail \"illegal \\\\u escape\"", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.strCore", "code": "partial def strCore (acc : String) : Parsec String := do\n let c ← peek!\n if c = '\"' then skip\n return acc\n else\n let c ← anyChar\n if c = '\\\\' then\n strCore (acc.push (← escapedChar))\n else if 0x0020 ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x10ffff then\n strCore (acc.push c)\n else\n fail \"unexpected character in string\"", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.str", "code": "def str : Parsec String := strCore \"\"", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 61, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.natCore", "code": "partial def natCore (acc digits : Nat) : Parsec (Nat × Nat) := do\n let some c ← peek? | return (acc, digits)\n if '0' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9' then\n skip\n let acc' := 10*acc + (c.val.toNat - '0'.val.toNat)\n natCore acc' (digits+1)\n else\n return (acc, digits)", "start": [ 63, 1 ], "end": [ 70, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.lookahead", "code": "@[inline]\ndef lookahead (p : Char → Prop) (desc : String) [DecidablePred p] : Parsec Unit := do\n let c ← peek!\n if p c then\n return ()\n else\n fail <| \"expected \" ++ desc", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.natNonZero", "code": "@[inline]\ndef natNonZero : Parsec Nat := do\n lookahead (fun c => '1' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9') \"1-9\"\n let (n, _) ← natCore 0 0\n return n", "start": [ 80, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.natNumDigits", "code": "@[inline]\ndef natNumDigits : Parsec (Nat × Nat) := do\n lookahead (fun c => '0' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9') \"digit\"\n natCore 0 0", "start": [ 86, 1 ], "end": [ 89, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.natMaybeZero", "code": "@[inline]\ndef natMaybeZero : Parsec Nat := do\n let (n, _) ← natNumDigits\n return n", "start": [ 91, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.num", "code": "def num : Parsec JsonNumber := do\n let c ← peek!\n let sign ← if c = '-' then\n skip\n pure (-1 : Int)\n else\n pure 1\n let c ← peek!\n let res ← if c = '0' then\n skip\n pure 0\n else\n natNonZero\n let c? ← peek?\n let res : JsonNumber ← if c? = some '.' then\n skip\n let (n, d) ← natNumDigits\n if d > USize.size then fail \"too many decimals\"\n let mantissa' := sign * (res * (10^d : Nat) + n)\n let exponent' := d\n pure <| mantissa' exponent'\n else\n pure <| JsonNumber.fromInt (sign * res)\n let c? ← peek?\n if c? = some 'e' ∨ c? = some 'E' then\n skip\n let c ← peek!\n if c = '-' then\n skip\n let n ← natMaybeZero\n return res.shiftr n\n else\n if c = '+' then skip\n let n ← natMaybeZero\n if n > USize.size then fail \"exp too large\"\n return res.shiftl n\n else\n return res", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 133, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.arrayCore", "code": "partial def arrayCore (anyCore : Parsec Json) (acc : Array Json) : Parsec (Array Json) := do\n let hd ← anyCore\n let acc' := acc.push hd\n let c ← anyChar\n if c = ']' then\n ws\n return acc'\n else if c = ',' then\n ws\n arrayCore anyCore acc'\n else\n fail \"unexpected character in array\"", "start": [ 135, 1 ], "end": [ 146, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.objectCore", "code": "partial def objectCore (anyCore : Parsec Json) : Parsec (RBNode String (fun _ => Json)) := do\n lookahead (fun c => c = '\"') \"\\\"\"; skip; let k ← strCore \"\"; ws\n lookahead (fun c => c = ':') \":\"; skip; ws\n let v ← anyCore\n let c ← anyChar\n if c = '}' then\n ws\n return RBNode.singleton k v\n else if c = ',' then\n ws\n let kvs ← objectCore anyCore\n return kvs.insert compare k v\n else\n fail \"unexpected character in object\"", "start": [ 148, 1 ], "end": [ 162, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.anyCore", "code": "partial def anyCore : Parsec Json := do\n let c ← peek!\n if c = '[' then\n skip; ws\n let c ← peek!\n if c = ']' then\n skip; ws\n return Json.arr (Array.mkEmpty 0)\n else\n let a ← arrayCore anyCore (Array.mkEmpty 4)\n return Json.arr a\n else if c = '{' then\n skip; ws\n let c ← peek!\n if c = '}' then\n skip; ws\n return Json.obj (RBNode.leaf)\n else\n let kvs ← objectCore anyCore\n return Json.obj kvs\n else if c = '\\\"' then\n skip\n let s ← strCore \"\"\n ws\n return Json.str s\n else if c = 'f' then\n skipString \"false\"; ws\n return Json.bool false\n else if c = 't' then\n skipString \"true\"; ws\n return Json.bool true\n else if c = 'n' then\n skipString \"null\"; ws\n return Json.null\n else if c = '-' ∨ ('0' ≤ c ∧ c ≤ '9') then\n let n ← num\n ws\n return Json.num n\n else\n fail \"unexpected input\"", "start": [ 164, 1 ], "end": [ 203, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Json.Parser.any", "code": "def any : Parsec Json := do\n ws\n let res ← anyCore\n eof\n return res", "start": [ 206, 1 ], "end": [ 210, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Json.parse", "code": "def parse (s : String) : Except String Lean.Json :=\n match Json.Parser.any s.mkIterator with\n | Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => Except.ok res\n | Parsec.ParseResult.error it err => Except.error s!\"offset {repr it.i.byteIdx}: {err}\"", "start": [ 216, 1 ], "end": [ 219, 91 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Name.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Hashable.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Range.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Format.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "String.Range", "code": "protected structure String.Range where\n start : String.Pos\n stop : String.Pos\n deriving Inhabited, Repr, BEq, Hashable", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 19, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "String.Range.contains", "code": "def String.Range.contains (r : String.Range) (pos : String.Pos) (includeStop := false) : Bool :=\n r.start <= pos && (if includeStop then pos <= r.stop else pos < r.stop)", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "String.Range.includes", "code": "def String.Range.includes (super sub : String.Range) : Bool :=\n super.start <= sub.start && super.stop >= sub.stop", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SourceInfo.updateTrailing", "code": "def SourceInfo.updateTrailing (trailing : Substring) : SourceInfo → SourceInfo\n | SourceInfo.original leading pos _ endPos => SourceInfo.original leading pos trailing endPos\n | info => info", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SourceInfo.getRange?", "code": "def SourceInfo.getRange? (canonicalOnly := false) (info : SourceInfo) : Option String.Range :=\n return ⟨(← info.getPos? canonicalOnly), (← info.getTailPos? canonicalOnly)⟩", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IsNode", "code": "inductive IsNode : Syntax → Prop where\n | mk (info : SourceInfo) (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (args : Array Syntax) : IsNode (Syntax.node info kind args)", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 111 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode", "code": "def SyntaxNode : Type := {s : Syntax // IsNode s }", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.unreachIsNodeMissing", "code": "def unreachIsNodeMissing {β} : IsNode Syntax.missing → β := nofun", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.unreachIsNodeAtom", "code": "def unreachIsNodeAtom {β} {info val} : IsNode (Syntax.atom info val) → β := nofun", "start": [ 46, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.unreachIsNodeIdent", "code": "def unreachIsNodeIdent {β info rawVal val preresolved} : IsNode (Syntax.ident info rawVal val preresolved) → β := nofun", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 120 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isLitKind", "code": "def isLitKind (k : SyntaxNodeKind) : Bool :=\n k == strLitKind || k == numLitKind || k == charLitKind || k == nameLitKind || k == scientificLitKind", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 50, 103 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode.getKind", "code": "@[inline] def getKind (n : SyntaxNode) : SyntaxNodeKind :=\n match n with\n | ⟨Syntax.node _ k _, _⟩ => k\n | ⟨Syntax.missing, h⟩ => unreachIsNodeMissing h\n | ⟨Syntax.atom .., h⟩ => unreachIsNodeAtom h\n | ⟨Syntax.ident .., h⟩ => unreachIsNodeIdent h", "start": [ 54, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode.withArgs", "code": "@[inline] def withArgs {β} (n : SyntaxNode) (fn : Array Syntax → β) : β :=\n match n with\n | ⟨Syntax.node _ _ args, _⟩ => fn args\n | ⟨Syntax.missing, h⟩ => unreachIsNodeMissing h\n | ⟨Syntax.atom _ _, h⟩ => unreachIsNodeAtom h\n | ⟨Syntax.ident _ _ _ _, h⟩ => unreachIsNodeIdent h", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode.getNumArgs", "code": "@[inline] def getNumArgs (n : SyntaxNode) : Nat :=\n withArgs n fun args => args.size", "start": [ 68, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode.getArg", "code": "@[inline] def getArg (n : SyntaxNode) (i : Nat) : Syntax :=\n withArgs n fun args => args.get! i", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode.getArgs", "code": "@[inline] def getArgs (n : SyntaxNode) : Array Syntax :=\n withArgs n fun args => args", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 75, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode.modifyArgs", "code": "@[inline] def modifyArgs (n : SyntaxNode) (fn : Array Syntax → Array Syntax) : Syntax :=\n match n with\n | ⟨Syntax.node i k args, _⟩ => Syntax.node i k (fn args)\n | ⟨Syntax.missing, h⟩ => unreachIsNodeMissing h\n | ⟨Syntax.atom _ _, h⟩ => unreachIsNodeAtom h\n | ⟨Syntax.ident _ _ _ _, h⟩ => unreachIsNodeIdent h", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.structRangeEq", "code": "partial def structRangeEq : Syntax → Syntax → Bool\n | .missing, .missing => true\n | .node info k args, .node info' k' args' =>\n info.getRange? == info'.getRange? && k == k' && args.isEqv args' structRangeEq\n | .atom info val, .atom info' val' => info.getRange? == info'.getRange? && val == val'\n | .ident info rawVal val preresolved, .ident info' rawVal' val' preresolved' =>\n info.getRange? == info'.getRange? && rawVal == rawVal' && val == val' &&\n preresolved == preresolved'\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 88, 1 ], "end": [ 103, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.structRangeEqWithTraceReuse", "code": "def structRangeEqWithTraceReuse (opts : Options) (stx1 stx2 : Syntax) : Bool :=\n if stx1.structRangeEq stx2 then\n true\n else\n if opts.getBool `trace.Elab.reuse then\n dbg_trace \"reuse stopped:\n{stx1.formatStx (showInfo := true)} !=\n{stx2.formatStx (showInfo := true)}\"\n false\n else\n false", "start": [ 105, 1 ], "end": [ 116, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.eqWithInfo", "code": "partial def eqWithInfo : Syntax → Syntax → Bool\n | .missing, .missing => true\n | .node info k args, .node info' k' args' =>\n info == info' && k == k' && args.isEqv args' eqWithInfo\n | .atom info val, .atom info' val' => info == info' && val == val'\n | .ident info rawVal val preresolved, .ident info' rawVal' val' preresolved' =>\n info == info' && rawVal == rawVal' && val == val' && preresolved == preresolved'\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 119, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.eqWithInfoAndTraceReuse", "code": "def eqWithInfoAndTraceReuse (opts : Options) (stx1 stx2 : Syntax) : Bool :=\n if stx1.eqWithInfo stx2 then\n true\n else\n if opts.getBool `trace.Elab.reuse then\n dbg_trace \"reuse stopped:\n{stx1.formatStx (showInfo := true)} !=\n{stx2.formatStx (showInfo := true)}\"\n false\n else\n false", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 140, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getAtomVal", "code": "def getAtomVal : Syntax → String\n | atom _ val => val\n | _ => \"\"", "start": [ 142, 1 ], "end": [ 144, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.setAtomVal", "code": "def setAtomVal : Syntax → String → Syntax\n | atom info _, v => (atom info v)\n | stx, _ => stx", "start": [ 146, 1 ], "end": [ 148, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.ifNode", "code": "@[inline] def ifNode {β} (stx : Syntax) (hyes : SyntaxNode → β) (hno : Unit → β) : β :=\n match stx with\n | Syntax.node i k args => hyes ⟨Syntax.node i k args, i k args⟩\n | _ => hno ()", "start": [ 150, 1 ], "end": [ 153, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.ifNodeKind", "code": "@[inline] def ifNodeKind {β} (stx : Syntax) (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (hyes : SyntaxNode → β) (hno : Unit → β) : β :=\n match stx with\n | Syntax.node i k args => if k == kind then hyes ⟨Syntax.node i k args, i k args⟩ else hno ()\n | _ => hno ()", "start": [ 155, 1 ], "end": [ 158, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.asNode", "code": "def asNode : Syntax → SyntaxNode\n | Syntax.node info kind args => ⟨Syntax.node info kind args, info kind args⟩\n | _ => ⟨mkNullNode, _ _ _⟩", "start": [ 160, 1 ], "end": [ 162, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getIdAt", "code": "def getIdAt (stx : Syntax) (i : Nat) : Name :=\n (stx.getArg i).getId", "start": [ 164, 1 ], "end": [ 165, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.modifyArgs", "code": "@[inline] def modifyArgs (stx : Syntax) (fn : Array Syntax → Array Syntax) : Syntax :=\n match stx with\n | node i k args => node i k (fn args)\n | stx => stx", "start": [ 167, 1 ], "end": [ 170, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.modifyArg", "code": "@[inline] def modifyArg (stx : Syntax) (i : Nat) (fn : Syntax → Syntax) : Syntax :=\n match stx with\n | node info k args => node info k (args.modify i fn)\n | stx => stx", "start": [ 172, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.replaceM", "code": "@[specialize] partial def replaceM {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (fn : Syntax → m (Option Syntax)) : Syntax → m (Syntax)\n | stx@(node info kind args) => do\n match (← fn stx) with\n | some stx => return stx\n | none => return node info kind (← args.mapM (replaceM fn))\n | stx => do\n let o ← fn stx\n return o.getD stx", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 184, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.rewriteBottomUpM", "code": "@[specialize] partial def rewriteBottomUpM {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (fn : Syntax → m (Syntax)) : Syntax → m (Syntax)\n | node info kind args => do\n let args ← args.mapM (rewriteBottomUpM fn)\n fn (node info kind args)\n | stx => fn stx", "start": [ 186, 1 ], "end": [ 190, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.rewriteBottomUp", "code": "@[inline] def rewriteBottomUp (fn : Syntax → Syntax) (stx : Syntax) : Syntax :=\n <| stx.rewriteBottomUpM fn", "start": [ 192, 1 ], "end": [ 193, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.updateInfo", "code": "private def updateInfo : SourceInfo → String.Pos → String.Pos → SourceInfo\n | SourceInfo.original lead pos trail endPos, leadStart, trailStop =>\n SourceInfo.original { lead with startPos := leadStart } pos { trail with stopPos := trailStop } endPos\n | info, _, _ => info", "start": [ 195, 1 ], "end": [ 198, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.chooseNiceTrailStop", "code": "private def chooseNiceTrailStop (trail : Substring) : String.Pos :=\ntrail.startPos + trail.posOf '\\n'", "start": [ 200, 1 ], "end": [ 201, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.updateLeadingAux", "code": "@[inline]\nprivate def updateLeadingAux : Syntax → StateM String.Pos (Option Syntax)\n | atom info@(SourceInfo.original _ _ trail _) val => do\n let trailStop := chooseNiceTrailStop trail\n let newInfo := updateInfo info (← get) trailStop\n set trailStop\n return some (atom newInfo val)\n | ident info@(SourceInfo.original _ _ trail _) rawVal val pre => do\n let trailStop := chooseNiceTrailStop trail\n let newInfo := updateInfo info (← get) trailStop\n set trailStop\n return some (ident newInfo rawVal val pre)\n | _ => pure none", "start": [ 203, 1 ], "end": [ 217, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.updateLeading", "code": "def updateLeading : Syntax → Syntax :=\n fun stx => (replaceM updateLeadingAux stx).run' 0", "start": [ 219, 1 ], "end": [ 235, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.updateTrailing", "code": "partial def updateTrailing (trailing : Substring) : Syntax → Syntax\n | Syntax.atom info val => Syntax.atom (info.updateTrailing trailing) val\n | Syntax.ident info rawVal val pre => Syntax.ident (info.updateTrailing trailing) rawVal val pre\n | n@(Syntax.node info k args) =>\n if args.size == 0 then n\n else\n let i := args.size - 1\n let last := updateTrailing trailing args[i]!\n let args := args.set! i last;\n Syntax.node info k args\n | s => s", "start": [ 237, 1 ], "end": [ 247, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.identComponents", "code": "def identComponents (stx : Syntax) (nFields? : Option Nat := none) : List Syntax :=\n match stx with\n | ident si@(SourceInfo.original lead pos trail _) rawStr val _ => do\n let val := val.eraseMacroScopes\n let nameComps := nameComps val nFields?\n let rawComps := splitNameLit rawStr\n if !rawComps.isEmpty then\n let rawComps :=\n if let some nFields := nFields? then\n let nPrefix := rawComps.length - nFields\n let prefixSz := rawComps.take nPrefix |>.foldl (init := 0) fun acc (ss : Substring) => acc + ss.bsize + 1\n let prefixSz := prefixSz - 1 rawStr.extract 0 ⟨prefixSz⟩ :: rawComps.drop nPrefix\n else\n rawComps\n if nameComps.length == rawComps.length then\n return rawComps |>.map fun (id, ss) =>\n let off := ss.startPos - rawStr.startPos\n let lead := if off == 0 then lead else \"\".toSubstring\n let trail := if ss.stopPos == rawStr.stopPos then trail else \"\".toSubstring\n let info := original lead (pos + off) trail (pos + off + ⟨ss.bsize⟩)\n ident info ss id []\n fun n => ident si n.toString.toSubstring n []\n | ident si _ val _ =>\n let val := val.eraseMacroScopes\n \n nameComps val nFields? |>.map fun n => ident si n.toString.toSubstring n []\n | _ => unreachable!\n where\n nameComps (n : Name) (nFields? : Option Nat) : List Name :=\n if let some nFields := nFields? then\n let nameComps := n.components\n let nPrefix := nameComps.length - nFields\n let namePrefix := nameComps.take nPrefix |>.foldl (init := Name.anonymous) fun acc n => acc ++ n\n namePrefix :: nameComps.drop nPrefix\n else\n n.components", "start": [ 250, 1 ], "end": [ 294, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.TopDown", "code": "structure TopDown where\n firstChoiceOnly : Bool\n stx : Syntax", "start": [ 296, 1 ], "end": [ 298, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.topDown", "code": "def topDown (stx : Syntax) (firstChoiceOnly := false) : TopDown := ⟨firstChoiceOnly, stx⟩", "start": [ 300, 1 ], "end": [ 304, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.reprint", "code": "partial def reprint (stx : Syntax) : Option String := do\n let mut s := \"\"\n for stx in stx.topDown (firstChoiceOnly := true) do\n match stx with\n | atom info val => s := s ++ reprintLeaf info val\n | ident info rawVal _ _ => s := s ++ reprintLeaf info rawVal.toString\n | node _ kind args =>\n if kind == choiceKind then\n let s0 ← reprint args[0]!\n for arg in args[1:] do\n let s' ← reprint arg\n guard (s0 == s')\n | _ => pure ()\n return s\nwhere\n reprintLeaf (info : SourceInfo) (val : String) : String :=\n match info with\n | SourceInfo.original lead _ trail _ => s!\"{lead}{val}{trail}\"\n | _ => s!\" {val} \"", "start": [ 326, 1 ], "end": [ 350, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.hasMissing", "code": "def hasMissing (stx : Syntax) : Bool := do\n for stx in stx.topDown do\n if stx.isMissing then\n return true\n return false", "start": [ 352, 1 ], "end": [ 356, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getRange?", "code": "def getRange? (stx : Syntax) (canonicalOnly := false) : Option String.Range :=\n match stx.getPos? canonicalOnly, stx.getTailPos? canonicalOnly with\n | some start, some stop => some { start, stop }\n | _, _ => none", "start": [ 358, 1 ], "end": [ 361, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.ofRange", "code": "def ofRange (range : String.Range) (canonical := true) : Lean.Syntax :=\n .atom (.synthetic range.start range.stop canonical) \"\"", "start": [ 363, 1 ], "end": [ 365, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Traverser", "code": "structure Traverser where\n cur : Syntax\n parents : Array Syntax\n idxs : Array Nat", "start": [ 367, 1 ], "end": [ 375, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Traverser.fromSyntax", "code": "def fromSyntax (stx : Syntax) : Traverser :=\n ⟨stx, #[], #[]⟩", "start": [ 379, 1 ], "end": [ 380, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Traverser.setCur", "code": "def setCur (t : Traverser) (stx : Syntax) : Traverser :=\n { t with cur := stx }", "start": [ 382, 1 ], "end": [ 383, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Traverser.down", "code": "def down (t : Traverser) (idx : Nat) : Traverser :=\n if idx < t.cur.getNumArgs then\n { cur := t.cur.getArg idx, parents := t.parents.push <| t.cur.setArg idx default, idxs := t.idxs.push idx }\n else\n { cur := Syntax.missing, parents := t.parents.push t.cur, idxs := t.idxs.push idx }", "start": [ 385, 1 ], "end": [ 390, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Traverser.up", "code": "def up (t : Traverser) : Traverser :=\n if t.parents.size > 0 then\n let cur := if t.idxs.back < t.parents.back.getNumArgs then t.parents.back.setArg t.idxs.back t.cur else t.parents.back\n { cur := cur, parents := t.parents.pop, idxs := t.idxs.pop }\n else\n t", "start": [ 392, 1 ], "end": [ 398, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Traverser.left", "code": "def left (t : Traverser) : Traverser :=\n if t.parents.size > 0 then\n t.up.down (t.idxs.back - 1)\n else\n t", "start": [ 400, 1 ], "end": [ 405, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Traverser.right", "code": "def right (t : Traverser) : Traverser :=\n if t.parents.size > 0 then\n t.up.down (t.idxs.back + 1)\n else\n t", "start": [ 407, 1 ], "end": [ 412, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser", "code": "class MonadTraverser (m : Type → Type) where\n st : MonadState Traverser m", "start": [ 416, 1 ], "end": [ 418, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser.getCur", "code": "def getCur : m Syntax := Traverser.cur <$>", "start": [ 424, 1 ], "end": [ 424, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser.setCur", "code": "def setCur (stx : Syntax) : m Unit := @modify _ _ (fun t => t.setCur stx)", "start": [ 425, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser.goDown", "code": "def goDown (idx : Nat) : m Unit := @modify _ _ (fun t => t.down idx)", "start": [ 426, 1 ], "end": [ 426, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser.goUp", "code": "def goUp : m Unit := @modify _ _ (fun t => t.up)", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 427, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser.goLeft", "code": "def goLeft : m Unit := @modify _ _ (fun t => t.left)", "start": [ 428, 1 ], "end": [ 428, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser.goRight", "code": "def goRight : m Unit := @modify _ _ (fun t => t.right)", "start": [ 429, 1 ], "end": [ 429, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.MonadTraverser.getIdx", "code": "def getIdx : m Nat := do\n let st ←\n return st.idxs.back?.getD 0", "start": [ 431, 1 ], "end": [ 433, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SyntaxNode.getIdAt", "code": "@[inline] def getIdAt (n : SyntaxNode) (i : Nat) : Name :=\n (n.getArg i).getId", "start": [ 440, 1 ], "end": [ 441, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkListNode", "code": "def mkListNode (args : Array Syntax) : Syntax :=\n mkNullNode args", "start": [ 445, 1 ], "end": [ 446, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isQuot", "code": "def isQuot : Syntax → Bool\n | Syntax.node _ (Name.str _ \"quot\") _ => true\n | Syntax.node _ `Lean.Parser.Term.dynamicQuot _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 451, 1 ], "end": [ 454, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getQuotContent", "code": "def getQuotContent (stx : Syntax) : Syntax :=\n let stx := if stx.getNumArgs == 1 then stx[0] else stx\n if stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.dynamicQuot then\n stx[3]\n else\n stx[1]", "start": [ 456, 1 ], "end": [ 461, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isAntiquot", "code": "def isAntiquot : Syntax → Bool\n | .node _ (.str _ \"antiquot\") _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 464, 1 ], "end": [ 466, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isAntiquots", "code": "def isAntiquots (stx : Syntax) : Bool :=\n stx.isAntiquot || (stx.isOfKind choiceKind && stx.getNumArgs > 0 && stx.getArgs.all isAntiquot)", "start": [ 468, 1 ], "end": [ 469, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getCanonicalAntiquot", "code": "def getCanonicalAntiquot (stx : Syntax) : Syntax :=\n if stx.isOfKind choiceKind then\n stx[0]\n else\n stx", "start": [ 471, 1 ], "end": [ 475, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.mkAntiquotNode", "code": "def mkAntiquotNode (kind : Name) (term : Syntax) (nesting := 0) (name : Option String := none) (isPseudoKind := false) : Syntax :=\n let nesting := mkNullNode (mkArray nesting (mkAtom \"$\"))\n let term :=\n if term.isIdent then term\n else if term.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.hole then term[0]\n else mkNode `antiquotNestedExpr #[mkAtom \"(\", term, mkAtom \")\"]\n let name := match name with\n | some name => mkNode `antiquotName #[mkAtom \":\", mkAtom name]\n | none => mkNullNode\n mkNode (kind ++ (if isPseudoKind then `pseudo else Name.anonymous) ++ `antiquot) #[mkAtom \"$\", nesting, term, name]", "start": [ 477, 1 ], "end": [ 486, 118 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isEscapedAntiquot", "code": "def isEscapedAntiquot (stx : Syntax) : Bool :=\n !stx[1].getArgs.isEmpty", "start": [ 489, 1 ], "end": [ 490, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.unescapeAntiquot", "code": "def unescapeAntiquot (stx : Syntax) : Syntax :=\n if isAntiquot stx then\n stx.setArg 1 <| mkNullNode stx[1].getArgs.pop\n else\n stx", "start": [ 493, 1 ], "end": [ 497, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getAntiquotTerm", "code": "def getAntiquotTerm (stx : Syntax) : Syntax :=\n let e := if stx.isAntiquot then stx[2] else stx[3]\n if e.isIdent then e\n else if e.isAtom then mkNode `Lean.Parser.Term.hole #[e]\n else\n e[1]", "start": [ 500, 1 ], "end": [ 506, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.antiquotKind?", "code": "def antiquotKind? : Syntax → Option (SyntaxNodeKind × Bool)\n | .node _ (.str (.str k \"pseudo\") \"antiquot\") _ => (k, true)\n | .node _ (.str k \"antiquot\") _ => (k, false)\n | _ => none", "start": [ 508, 1 ], "end": [ 512, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.antiquotKinds", "code": "def antiquotKinds (stx : Syntax) : List (SyntaxNodeKind × Bool) :=\n if stx.isOfKind choiceKind then\n stx.getArgs.filterMap antiquotKind? |>.toList\n else\n match antiquotKind? stx with\n | some stx => [stx]\n | none => []", "start": [ 514, 1 ], "end": [ 520, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.antiquotSpliceKind?", "code": "def antiquotSpliceKind? : Syntax → Option SyntaxNodeKind\n | .node _ (.str k \"antiquot_scope\") _ => some k\n | _ => none", "start": [ 523, 1 ], "end": [ 525, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isAntiquotSplice", "code": "def isAntiquotSplice (stx : Syntax) : Bool :=\n antiquotSpliceKind? stx |>.isSome", "start": [ 527, 1 ], "end": [ 528, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getAntiquotSpliceContents", "code": "def getAntiquotSpliceContents (stx : Syntax) : Array Syntax :=\n stx[3].getArgs", "start": [ 530, 1 ], "end": [ 531, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getAntiquotSpliceSuffix", "code": "def getAntiquotSpliceSuffix (stx : Syntax) : Syntax :=\n if stx.isAntiquotSplice then\n stx[5]\n else\n stx[1]", "start": [ 534, 1 ], "end": [ 538, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.mkAntiquotSpliceNode", "code": "def mkAntiquotSpliceNode (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (contents : Array Syntax) (suffix : String) (nesting := 0) : Syntax :=\n let nesting := mkNullNode (mkArray nesting (mkAtom \"$\"))\n mkNode (kind ++ `antiquot_splice) #[mkAtom \"$\", nesting, mkAtom \"[\", mkNullNode contents, mkAtom \"]\", mkAtom suffix]", "start": [ 540, 1 ], "end": [ 542, 119 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.antiquotSuffixSplice?", "code": "def antiquotSuffixSplice? : Syntax → Option SyntaxNodeKind\n | .node _ (.str k \"antiquot_suffix_splice\") _ => some k\n | _ => none", "start": [ 545, 1 ], "end": [ 547, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isAntiquotSuffixSplice", "code": "def isAntiquotSuffixSplice (stx : Syntax) : Bool :=\n antiquotSuffixSplice? stx |>.isSome", "start": [ 549, 1 ], "end": [ 550, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.getAntiquotSuffixSpliceInner", "code": "def getAntiquotSuffixSpliceInner (stx : Syntax) : Syntax :=\n stx[0]", "start": [ 553, 1 ], "end": [ 554, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.mkAntiquotSuffixSpliceNode", "code": "def mkAntiquotSuffixSpliceNode (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (inner : Syntax) (suffix : String) : Syntax :=\n mkNode (kind ++ `antiquot_suffix_splice) #[inner, mkAtom suffix]", "start": [ 556, 1 ], "end": [ 557, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isTokenAntiquot", "code": "def isTokenAntiquot (stx : Syntax) : Bool :=\n stx.isOfKind `token_antiquot", "start": [ 559, 1 ], "end": [ 560, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.isAnyAntiquot", "code": "def isAnyAntiquot (stx : Syntax) : Bool :=\n stx.isAntiquot || stx.isAntiquotSplice || stx.isAntiquotSuffixSplice || stx.isTokenAntiquot", "start": [ 562, 1 ], "end": [ 563, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Stack", "code": "protected abbrev Stack := List (Syntax × Nat)", "start": [ 565, 1 ], "end": [ 568, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.findStack?", "code": "partial def findStack? (root : Syntax) (visit : Syntax → Bool) (accept : Syntax → Bool := fun stx => !stx.hasArgs) : Option Syntax.Stack :=\n if visit root then go [] root else none\nwhere\n go (stack : Syntax.Stack) (stx : Syntax) : Option Syntax.Stack := do\n if accept stx then\n return (stx, 0) :: stack for i in [0:stx.getNumArgs] do\n if visit stx[i] then\n if let some stack := go ((stx, i) :: stack) stx[i] then\n return stack\n return none", "start": [ 570, 1 ], "end": [ 581, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Syntax.Stack.matches", "code": "def Stack.matches (stack : Syntax.Stack) (pattern : List $ Option SyntaxNodeKind) : Bool :=\n stack.length >= pattern.length &&\n (stack\n |>.zipWith (fun (s, _) p => p |>.map (s.isOfKind ·) |>.getD true) pattern\n |>.all id)", "start": [ 583, 1 ], "end": [ 589, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Int/Lemmas.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Int.pow_zero", "code": "protected theorem pow_zero (b : Int) : b^0 = 1", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Int.pow_succ", "code": "protected theorem pow_succ (b : Int) (e : Nat) : b ^ (e+1) = (b ^ e) * b", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Int.pow_succ'", "code": "protected theorem pow_succ' (b : Int) (e : Nat) : b ^ (e+1) = b * (b ^ e)", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Int.pow_le_pow_of_le_left", "code": "theorem pow_le_pow_of_le_left {n m : Nat} (h : n ≤ m) : ∀ (i : Nat), n^i ≤ m^i", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Int.pow_le_pow_of_le_right", "code": "theorem pow_le_pow_of_le_right {n : Nat} (hx : n > 0) {i : Nat} : ∀ {j}, i ≤ j → n^i ≤ n^j", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Int.pos_pow_of_pos", "code": "theorem pos_pow_of_pos {n : Nat} (m : Nat) (h : 0 < n) : 0 < n^m", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Int.natCast_pow", "code": "theorem natCast_pow (b n : Nat) : ((b^n : Nat) : Int) = (b : Int) ^ n", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Bool.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Lemmas.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.sub_add_eq_comm", "code": "theorem sub_add_eq_comm (a b c : Nat) : a - (b + c) = a - c - b", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_sub_add_le", "code": "theorem add_sub_add_le (a c : Nat) {b d : Nat} (h : b ≤ d) : a + b - (c + d) = a - (c + (d-b))", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_sub_add_ge", "code": "theorem add_sub_add_ge (a c : Nat) {b d : Nat} (h : b ≥ d) : a + b - (c + d) = a + (b - d) - c", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_sub_le", "code": "theorem add_sub_le (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : b ≤ c) : a + b - c = a - (c - b)", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_eq_gt", "code": "theorem add_eq_gt (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : b > c) : (a + b = c) = False", "start": [ 46, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.eq_add_gt", "code": "theorem eq_add_gt (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : c > a) : (a = b + c) = False", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_eq_add_le", "code": "theorem add_eq_add_le (a c : Nat) {b d : Nat} (h : b ≤ d) : (a + b = c + d) = (a = c + (d - b))", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_eq_add_ge", "code": "theorem add_eq_add_ge (a c : Nat) {b d : Nat} (h : b ≥ d) : (a + b = c + d) = (a + (b - d) = c)", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_eq_le", "code": "theorem add_eq_le (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : b ≤ c) : (a + b = c) = (a = c - b)", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.eq_add_le", "code": "theorem eq_add_le {a : Nat} (b : Nat) {c : Nat} (h : c ≤ a) : (a = b + c) = (b = a - c)", "start": [ 65, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.beqEqOfEqEq", "code": "theorem beqEqOfEqEq {a b c d : Nat} (p : (a = b) = (c = d)) : (a == b) = (c == d)", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.beqFalseOfEqFalse", "code": "theorem beqFalseOfEqFalse {a b : Nat} (p : (a = b) = False) : (a == b) = false", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 75, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.bneEqOfEqEq", "code": "theorem bneEqOfEqEq {a b c d : Nat} (p : (a = b) = (c = d)) : (a != b) = (c != d)", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.bneTrueOfEqFalse", "code": "theorem bneTrueOfEqFalse {a b : Nat} (p : (a = b) = False) : (a != b) = true", "start": [ 80, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_le_add_le", "code": "theorem add_le_add_le (a c : Nat) {b d : Nat} (h : b ≤ d) : (a + b ≤ c + d) = (a ≤ c + (d - b))", "start": [ 85, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_le_add_ge", "code": "theorem add_le_add_ge (a c : Nat) {b d : Nat} (h : b ≥ d) : (a + b ≤ c + d) = (a + (b - d) ≤ c)", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_le_le", "code": "theorem add_le_le (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : b ≤ c) : (a + b ≤ c) = (a ≤ c - b)", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.add_le_gt", "code": "theorem add_le_gt (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : b > c) : (a + b ≤ c) = False", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 98, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.le_add_le", "code": "theorem le_add_le (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : a ≤ c) : (a ≤ b + c) = True", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.Simproc.le_add_ge", "code": "theorem le_add_ge (a : Nat) {b c : Nat} (h : a ≥ c) : (a ≤ b + c) = (a - c ≤ b)", "start": [ 103, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/KVMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Hashable.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Level.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/SMap.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Literal", "code": "inductive Literal where\n \n | natVal (val : Nat)\n \n | strVal (val : String)\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Repr", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Literal.hash", "code": "protected def Literal.hash : Literal → UInt64\n | .natVal v => hash v\n | .strVal v => hash v", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def : Literal → Literal → Bool\n | .natVal _, .strVal _ => true\n | .natVal v₁, .natVal v₂ => v₁ < v₂\n | .strVal v₁, .strVal v₂ => v₁ < v₂\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BinderInfo", "code": "inductive BinderInfo where\n \n | default\n \n | implicit\n \n | strictImplicit\n \n | instImplicit\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Repr", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BinderInfo.hash", "code": "def BinderInfo.hash : BinderInfo → UInt64\n | .default => 947\n | .implicit => 1019\n | .strictImplicit => 1087\n | .instImplicit => 1153", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 83, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BinderInfo.isExplicit", "code": "def BinderInfo.isExplicit : BinderInfo → Bool\n | .implicit => false\n | .strictImplicit => false\n | .instImplicit => false\n | _ => true", "start": [ 85, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BinderInfo.isInstImplicit", "code": "def BinderInfo.isInstImplicit : BinderInfo → Bool\n | BinderInfo.instImplicit => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 100, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BinderInfo.isImplicit", "code": "def BinderInfo.isImplicit : BinderInfo → Bool\n | BinderInfo.implicit => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 105, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BinderInfo.isStrictImplicit", "code": "def BinderInfo.isStrictImplicit : BinderInfo → Bool\n | BinderInfo.strictImplicit => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 107, 1 ], "end": [ 110, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MData", "code": "abbrev MData := KVMap", "start": [ 112, 1 ], "end": [ 113, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MData.empty", "code": "abbrev MData.empty : MData := {}", "start": [ 114, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data", "code": "def Expr.Data := UInt64", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data.hash", "code": "def Expr.Data.hash (c : Expr.Data) : UInt64 :=\n c.toUInt32.toUInt64", "start": [ 134, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data.approxDepth", "code": "def Expr.Data.approxDepth (c : Expr.Data) : UInt8 :=\n ((c.shiftRight 32).land 255).toUInt8", "start": [ 140, 1 ], "end": [ 141, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data.looseBVarRange", "code": "def Expr.Data.looseBVarRange (c : Expr.Data) : UInt32 :=\n (c.shiftRight 44).toUInt32", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 144, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data.hasFVar", "code": "def Expr.Data.hasFVar (c : Expr.Data) : Bool :=\n ((c.shiftRight 40).land 1) == 1", "start": [ 146, 1 ], "end": [ 147, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data.hasExprMVar", "code": "def Expr.Data.hasExprMVar (c : Expr.Data) : Bool :=\n ((c.shiftRight 41).land 1) == 1", "start": [ 149, 1 ], "end": [ 150, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data.hasLevelMVar", "code": "def Expr.Data.hasLevelMVar (c : Expr.Data) : Bool :=\n ((c.shiftRight 42).land 1) == 1", "start": [ 152, 1 ], "end": [ 153, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.Data.hasLevelParam", "code": "def Expr.Data.hasLevelParam (c : Expr.Data) : Bool :=\n ((c.shiftRight 43).land 1) == 1", "start": [ 155, 1 ], "end": [ 156, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BinderInfo.toUInt64", "code": "@[extern \"lean_uint8_to_uint64\"]\ndef BinderInfo.toUInt64 : BinderInfo → UInt64\n | .default => 0\n | .implicit => 1\n | .strictImplicit => 2\n | .instImplicit => 3", "start": [ 160, 1 ], "end": [ 165, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mkData", "code": "def Expr.mkData\n (h : UInt64) (looseBVarRange : Nat := 0) (approxDepth : UInt32 := 0)\n (hasFVar hasExprMVar hasLevelMVar hasLevelParam : Bool := false)\n : Expr.Data :=\n let approxDepth : UInt8 := if approxDepth > 255 then 255 else approxDepth.toUInt8\n assert! (looseBVarRange ≤ Nat.pow 2 20 - 1)\n let r : UInt64 :=\n h.toUInt32.toUInt64 +\n approxDepth.toUInt64.shiftLeft 32 +\n hasFVar.toUInt64.shiftLeft 40 +\n hasExprMVar.toUInt64.shiftLeft 41 +\n hasLevelMVar.toUInt64.shiftLeft 42 +\n hasLevelParam.toUInt64.shiftLeft 43 +\n looseBVarRange.toUInt64.shiftLeft 44\n r", "start": [ 167, 1 ], "end": [ 181, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mkAppData", "code": "@[inline] def Expr.mkAppData (fData : Data) (aData : Data) : Data :=\n let depth := (max fData.approxDepth.toUInt16 aData.approxDepth.toUInt16) + 1\n let approxDepth := if depth > 255 then 255 else depth.toUInt8\n let looseBVarRange := max fData.looseBVarRange aData.looseBVarRange\n let hash := mixHash fData aData\n let fData : UInt64 := fData\n let aData : UInt64 := aData\n assert! (looseBVarRange ≤ (Nat.pow 2 20 - 1).toUInt32)\n ((fData ||| aData) &&& ((15 : UInt64) <<< (40 : UInt64))) ||| hash.toUInt32.toUInt64 ||| (approxDepth.toUInt64 <<< (32 : UInt64)) ||| (looseBVarRange.toUInt64 <<< (44 : UInt64))", "start": [ 183, 1 ], "end": [ 192, 180 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mkDataForBinder", "code": "@[inline] def Expr.mkDataForBinder (h : UInt64) (looseBVarRange : Nat) (approxDepth : UInt32) (hasFVar hasExprMVar hasLevelMVar hasLevelParam : Bool) : Expr.Data :=\n Expr.mkData h looseBVarRange approxDepth hasFVar hasExprMVar hasLevelMVar hasLevelParam", "start": [ 194, 1 ], "end": [ 195, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mkDataForLet", "code": "@[inline] def Expr.mkDataForLet (h : UInt64) (looseBVarRange : Nat) (approxDepth : UInt32) (hasFVar hasExprMVar hasLevelMVar hasLevelParam : Bool) : Expr.Data :=\n Expr.mkData h looseBVarRange approxDepth hasFVar hasExprMVar hasLevelMVar hasLevelParam", "start": [ 197, 1 ], "end": [ 198, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId", "code": "structure FVarId where\n name : Name\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Hashable", "start": [ 217, 1 ], "end": [ 227, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarIdSet", "code": "def FVarIdSet := RBTree FVarId (Name.quickCmp ·.name ·.name)\n deriving Inhabited, EmptyCollection", "start": [ 232, 1 ], "end": [ 236, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarIdSet.insert", "code": "def FVarIdSet.insert (s : FVarIdSet) (fvarId : FVarId) : FVarIdSet :=\n RBTree.insert s fvarId", "start": [ 240, 1 ], "end": [ 241, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarIdHashSet", "code": "def FVarIdHashSet := HashSet FVarId\n deriving Inhabited, EmptyCollection", "start": [ 243, 1 ], "end": [ 248, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarIdMap", "code": "def FVarIdMap (α : Type) := RBMap FVarId α (Name.quickCmp ·.name ·.name)", "start": [ 250, 1 ], "end": [ 253, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarIdMap.insert", "code": "def FVarIdMap.insert (s : FVarIdMap α) (fvarId : FVarId) (a : α) : FVarIdMap α :=\n RBMap.insert s fvarId a", "start": [ 255, 1 ], "end": [ 256, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId", "code": "structure MVarId where\n name : Name\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Hashable, Repr", "start": [ 263, 1 ], "end": [ 266, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarIdSet", "code": "def MVarIdSet := RBTree MVarId (Name.quickCmp ·.name ·.name)\n deriving Inhabited, EmptyCollection", "start": [ 271, 1 ], "end": [ 272, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarIdSet.insert", "code": "def MVarIdSet.insert (s : MVarIdSet) (mvarId : MVarId) : MVarIdSet :=\n RBTree.insert s mvarId", "start": [ 274, 1 ], "end": [ 275, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarIdMap", "code": "def MVarIdMap (α : Type) := RBMap MVarId α (Name.quickCmp ·.name ·.name)", "start": [ 279, 1 ], "end": [ 279, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarIdMap.insert", "code": "def MVarIdMap.insert (s : MVarIdMap α) (mvarId : MVarId) (a : α) : MVarIdMap α :=\n RBMap.insert s mvarId a", "start": [ 281, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr", "code": "inductive Expr where\n \n | bvar (deBruijnIndex : Nat)\n\n \n | fvar (fvarId : FVarId)\n\n \n | mvar (mvarId : MVarId)\n\n \n | sort (u : Level)\n\n \n | const (declName : Name) (us : List Level)\n\n \n | app (fn : Expr) (arg : Expr)\n\n \n | lam (binderName : Name) (binderType : Expr) (body : Expr) (binderInfo : BinderInfo)\n\n \n | forallE (binderName : Name) (binderType : Expr) (body : Expr) (binderInfo : BinderInfo)\n\n \n | letE (declName : Name) (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (body : Expr) (nonDep : Bool)\n\n \n | lit : Literal → Expr\n\n \n | mdata (data : MData) (expr : Expr)\n\n \n | proj (typeName : Name) (idx : Nat) (struct : Expr)\nwith\n @[computed_field, extern \"lean_expr_data\"]\n data : @& Expr → Data\n | .const n lvls => mkData (mixHash 5 <| mixHash (hash n) (hash lvls)) 0 0 false false (lvls.any Level.hasMVar) (lvls.any Level.hasParam)\n | .bvar idx => mkData (mixHash 7 <| hash idx) (idx+1)\n | .sort lvl => mkData (mixHash 11 <| hash lvl) 0 0 false false lvl.hasMVar lvl.hasParam\n | .fvar fvarId => mkData (mixHash 13 <| hash fvarId) 0 0 true\n | .mvar fvarId => mkData (mixHash 17 <| hash fvarId) 0 0 false true\n | .mdata _m e =>\n let d :=\n mkData (mixHash d.toUInt64 <| d\n | .proj s i e =>\n let d :=\n mkData (mixHash d.toUInt64 <| mixHash (hash s) <| mixHash (hash i)\n d\n | .app f a => mkAppData\n | .lam _ t b _ =>\n let d := (max + 1\n mkDataForBinder (mixHash d.toUInt64 <| mixHash\n (max ( - 1))\n d\n ( ||\n ( ||\n ( ||\n ( ||\n | .forallE _ t b _ =>\n let d := (max + 1\n mkDataForBinder (mixHash d.toUInt64 <| mixHash\n (max ( - 1))\n d\n ( ||\n ( ||\n ( ||\n ( ||\n | .letE _ t v b _ =>\n let d := (max (max + 1\n mkDataForLet (mixHash d.toUInt64 <| mixHash <| mixHash\n (max (max ( - 1))\n d\n ( || ||\n ( || ||\n ( || ||\n ( || ||\n | .lit l => mkData (mixHash 3 (hash l))\nderiving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 291, 1 ], "end": [ 510, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ctorName", "code": "def ctorName : Expr → String\n | bvar .. => \"bvar\"\n | fvar .. => \"fvar\"\n | mvar .. => \"mvar\"\n | sort .. => \"sort\"\n | const .. => \"const\"\n | app .. => \"app\"\n | lam .. => \"lam\"\n | forallE .. => \"forallE\"\n | letE .. => \"letE\"\n | lit .. => \"lit\"\n | mdata .. => \"mdata\"\n | proj .. => \"proj\"", "start": [ 514, 1 ], "end": [ 527, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hash", "code": "protected def hash (e : Expr) : UInt64 :=\n", "start": [ 529, 1 ], "end": [ 530, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasFVar", "code": "def hasFVar (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n", "start": [ 534, 1 ], "end": [ 539, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasExprMVar", "code": "def hasExprMVar (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n", "start": [ 541, 1 ], "end": [ 546, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasLevelMVar", "code": "def hasLevelMVar (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n", "start": [ 548, 1 ], "end": [ 553, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasMVar", "code": "def hasMVar (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n let d :=\n d.hasExprMVar || d.hasLevelMVar", "start": [ 555, 1 ], "end": [ 561, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasLevelParam", "code": "def hasLevelParam (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n", "start": [ 563, 1 ], "end": [ 568, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.approxDepth", "code": "def approxDepth (e : Expr) : UInt32 :=\n", "start": [ 570, 1 ], "end": [ 576, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.looseBVarRange", "code": "def looseBVarRange (e : Expr) : Nat :=\n", "start": [ 578, 1 ], "end": [ 585, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.binderInfo", "code": "def binderInfo (e : Expr) : BinderInfo :=\n match e with\n | .forallE _ _ _ bi => bi\n | .lam _ _ _ bi => bi\n | _ => .default", "start": [ 587, 1 ], "end": [ 594, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hashEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_hash] def hashEx : Expr → UInt64 := hash", "start": [ 599, 1 ], "end": [ 599, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasFVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_has_fvar] def hasFVarEx : Expr → Bool := hasFVar", "start": [ 600, 1 ], "end": [ 600, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasExprMVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_has_expr_mvar] def hasExprMVarEx : Expr → Bool := hasExprMVar", "start": [ 601, 1 ], "end": [ 601, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasLevelMVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_has_level_mvar] def hasLevelMVarEx : Expr → Bool := hasLevelMVar", "start": [ 602, 1 ], "end": [ 602, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasMVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_has_mvar] def hasMVarEx : Expr → Bool := hasMVar", "start": [ 603, 1 ], "end": [ 603, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasLevelParamEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_has_level_param] def hasLevelParamEx : Expr → Bool := hasLevelParam", "start": [ 604, 1 ], "end": [ 604, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.looseBVarRangeEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_loose_bvar_range] def looseBVarRangeEx (e : Expr) : UInt32 :=", "start": [ 605, 1 ], "end": [ 605, 103 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.binderInfoEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_binder_info] def binderInfoEx : Expr → BinderInfo := binderInfo", "start": [ 606, 1 ], "end": [ 606, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkConst", "code": "def mkConst (declName : Name) (us : List Level := []) : Expr :=\n .const declName us", "start": [ 610, 1 ], "end": [ 612, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Literal.type", "code": "def Literal.type : Literal → Expr\n | .natVal _ => mkConst `Nat\n | .strVal _ => mkConst `String", "start": [ 614, 1 ], "end": [ 617, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Literal.typeEx", "code": "@[export lean_lit_type]\ndef Literal.typeEx : Literal → Expr := Literal.type", "start": [ 619, 1 ], "end": [ 620, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkBVar", "code": "def mkBVar (idx : Nat) : Expr :=\n .bvar idx", "start": [ 622, 1 ], "end": [ 624, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkSort", "code": "def mkSort (u : Level) : Expr :=\n .sort u", "start": [ 626, 1 ], "end": [ 628, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkFVar", "code": "def mkFVar (fvarId : FVarId) : Expr :=\n .fvar fvarId", "start": [ 630, 1 ], "end": [ 636, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkMVar", "code": "def mkMVar (mvarId : MVarId) : Expr :=\n .mvar mvarId", "start": [ 638, 1 ], "end": [ 644, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkMData", "code": "def mkMData (m : MData) (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n .mdata m e", "start": [ 646, 1 ], "end": [ 650, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkProj", "code": "def mkProj (structName : Name) (idx : Nat) (struct : Expr) : Expr :=\n .proj structName idx struct", "start": [ 652, 1 ], "end": [ 656, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp (f a : Expr) : Expr :=\n .app f a", "start": [ 658, 1 ], "end": [ 662, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLambda", "code": "def mkLambda (x : Name) (bi : BinderInfo) (t : Expr) (b : Expr) : Expr :=\n .lam x t b bi", "start": [ 664, 1 ], "end": [ 668, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkForall", "code": "def mkForall (x : Name) (bi : BinderInfo) (t : Expr) (b : Expr) : Expr :=\n .forallE x t b bi", "start": [ 670, 1 ], "end": [ 674, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkSimpleThunkType", "code": "def mkSimpleThunkType (type : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkForall Name.anonymous .default (mkConst `Unit) type", "start": [ 676, 1 ], "end": [ 678, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkSimpleThunk", "code": "def mkSimpleThunk (type : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkLambda `_ BinderInfo.default (mkConst `Unit) type", "start": [ 680, 1 ], "end": [ 682, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLet", "code": "def mkLet (x : Name) (t : Expr) (v : Expr) (b : Expr) (nonDep : Bool := false) : Expr :=\n .letE x t v b nonDep", "start": [ 684, 1 ], "end": [ 688, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAppB", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkAppB (f a b : Expr) := mkApp (mkApp f a) b", "start": [ 690, 1 ], "end": [ 690, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp2", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp2 (f a b : Expr) := mkAppB f a b", "start": [ 691, 1 ], "end": [ 691, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp3", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp3 (f a b c : Expr) := mkApp (mkAppB f a b) c", "start": [ 692, 1 ], "end": [ 692, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp4", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp4 (f a b c d : Expr) := mkAppB (mkAppB f a b) c d", "start": [ 693, 1 ], "end": [ 693, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp5", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp5 (f a b c d e : Expr) := mkApp (mkApp4 f a b c d) e", "start": [ 694, 1 ], "end": [ 694, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp6", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp6 (f a b c d e₁ e₂ : Expr) := mkAppB (mkApp4 f a b c d) e₁ e₂", "start": [ 695, 1 ], "end": [ 695, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp7", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp7 (f a b c d e₁ e₂ e₃ : Expr) := mkApp3 (mkApp4 f a b c d) e₁ e₂ e₃", "start": [ 696, 1 ], "end": [ 696, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp8", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp8 (f a b c d e₁ e₂ e₃ e₄ : Expr) := mkApp4 (mkApp4 f a b c d) e₁ e₂ e₃ e₄", "start": [ 697, 1 ], "end": [ 697, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp9", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp9 (f a b c d e₁ e₂ e₃ e₄ e₅ : Expr) := mkApp5 (mkApp4 f a b c d) e₁ e₂ e₃ e₄ e₅", "start": [ 698, 1 ], "end": [ 698, 106 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkApp10", "code": "@[match_pattern] def mkApp10 (f a b c d e₁ e₂ e₃ e₄ e₅ e₆ : Expr) := mkApp6 (mkApp4 f a b c d) e₁ e₂ e₃ e₄ e₅ e₆", "start": [ 699, 1 ], "end": [ 699, 113 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLit", "code": "def mkLit (l : Literal) : Expr :=\n .lit l", "start": [ 701, 1 ], "end": [ 705, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkRawNatLit", "code": "def mkRawNatLit (n : Nat) : Expr :=\n mkLit (.natVal n)", "start": [ 707, 1 ], "end": [ 713, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNatLit", "code": "def mkNatLit (n : Nat) : Expr :=\n let r := mkRawNatLit n\n mkApp3 (mkConst ``OfNat.ofNat [levelZero]) (mkConst ``Nat) r (mkApp (mkConst ``instOfNatNat) r)", "start": [ 715, 1 ], "end": [ 722, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkStrLit", "code": "def mkStrLit (s : String) : Expr :=\n mkLit (.strVal s)", "start": [ 724, 1 ], "end": [ 726, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkBVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_bvar] def mkBVarEx : Nat → Expr := mkBVar", "start": [ 728, 1 ], "end": [ 728, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkFVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_fvar] def mkFVarEx : FVarId → Expr := mkFVar", "start": [ 729, 1 ], "end": [ 729, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkMVarEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_mvar] def mkMVarEx : MVarId → Expr := mkMVar", "start": [ 730, 1 ], "end": [ 730, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkSortEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_sort] def mkSortEx : Level → Expr := mkSort", "start": [ 731, 1 ], "end": [ 731, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkConstEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_const] def mkConstEx (c : Name) (lvls : List Level) : Expr := mkConst c lvls", "start": [ 732, 1 ], "end": [ 732, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAppEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_app] def mkAppEx : Expr → Expr → Expr := mkApp", "start": [ 733, 1 ], "end": [ 733, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLambdaEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_lambda] def mkLambdaEx (n : Name) (d b : Expr) (bi : BinderInfo) : Expr := mkLambda n bi d b", "start": [ 734, 1 ], "end": [ 734, 115 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkForallEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_forall] def mkForallEx (n : Name) (d b : Expr) (bi : BinderInfo) : Expr := mkForall n bi d b", "start": [ 735, 1 ], "end": [ 735, 115 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLetEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_let] def mkLetEx (n : Name) (t v b : Expr) : Expr := mkLet n t v b", "start": [ 736, 1 ], "end": [ 736, 89 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLitEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_lit] def mkLitEx : Literal → Expr := mkLit", "start": [ 737, 1 ], "end": [ 737, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkMDataEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_mdata] def mkMDataEx : MData → Expr → Expr := mkMData", "start": [ 738, 1 ], "end": [ 738, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkProjEx", "code": "@[export lean_expr_mk_proj] def mkProjEx : Name → Nat → Expr → Expr := mkProj", "start": [ 739, 1 ], "end": [ 739, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAppN", "code": "def mkAppN (f : Expr) (args : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n args.foldl mkApp f", "start": [ 741, 1 ], "end": [ 745, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAppRangeAux", "code": "private partial def mkAppRangeAux (n : Nat) (args : Array Expr) (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n if i < n then mkAppRangeAux n args (i+1) (mkApp e (args.get! i)) else e", "start": [ 747, 1 ], "end": [ 748, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAppRange", "code": "def mkAppRange (f : Expr) (i j : Nat) (args : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n mkAppRangeAux j args i f", "start": [ 750, 1 ], "end": [ 752, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAppRev", "code": "def mkAppRev (fn : Expr) (revArgs : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n revArgs.foldr (fun a r => mkApp r a) fn", "start": [ 754, 1 ], "end": [ 756, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.dbgToString", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_dbg_to_string\"]\nopaque dbgToString (e : @& Expr) : String", "start": [ 760, 1 ], "end": [ 761, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.quickLt", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_quick_lt\"]\nopaque quickLt (a : @& Expr) (b : @& Expr) : Bool", "start": [ 763, 1 ], "end": [ 765, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_lt\"]\nopaque lt (a : @& Expr) (b : @& Expr) : Bool", "start": [ 767, 1 ], "end": [ 769, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.eqv", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_eqv\"]\nopaque eqv (a : @& Expr) (b : @& Expr) : Bool", "start": [ 771, 1 ], "end": [ 776, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.equal", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_equal\"]\nopaque equal (a : @& Expr) (b : @& Expr) : Bool", "start": [ 781, 1 ], "end": [ 786, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isSort", "code": "def isSort : Expr → Bool\n | sort .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 788, 1 ], "end": [ 791, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isType", "code": "def isType : Expr → Bool\n | sort (.succ ..) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 793, 1 ], "end": [ 796, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isType0", "code": "def isType0 : Expr → Bool\n | sort (.succ .zero) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 798, 1 ], "end": [ 801, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isProp", "code": "def isProp : Expr → Bool\n | sort .zero => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 803, 1 ], "end": [ 806, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isBVar", "code": "def isBVar : Expr → Bool\n | bvar .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 808, 1 ], "end": [ 811, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isMVar", "code": "def isMVar : Expr → Bool\n | mvar .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 813, 1 ], "end": [ 816, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isFVar", "code": "def isFVar : Expr → Bool\n | fvar .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 818, 1 ], "end": [ 821, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isApp", "code": "def isApp : Expr → Bool\n | app .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 823, 1 ], "end": [ 826, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isProj", "code": "def isProj : Expr → Bool\n | proj .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 828, 1 ], "end": [ 831, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isConst", "code": "def isConst : Expr → Bool\n | const .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 833, 1 ], "end": [ 836, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isConstOf", "code": "def isConstOf : Expr → Name → Bool\n | const n .., m => n == m\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 838, 1 ], "end": [ 846, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isFVarOf", "code": "def isFVarOf : Expr → FVarId → Bool\n | .fvar fvarId, fvarId' => fvarId == fvarId'\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 848, 1 ], "end": [ 857, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isForall", "code": "def isForall : Expr → Bool\n | forallE .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 859, 1 ], "end": [ 862, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isLambda", "code": "def isLambda : Expr → Bool\n | lam .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 864, 1 ], "end": [ 867, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isBinding", "code": "def isBinding : Expr → Bool\n | lam .. => true\n | forallE .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 869, 1 ], "end": [ 873, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isLet", "code": "def isLet : Expr → Bool\n | letE .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 875, 1 ], "end": [ 878, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isMData", "code": "def isMData : Expr → Bool\n | mdata .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 880, 1 ], "end": [ 883, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isLit", "code": "def isLit : Expr → Bool\n | lit .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 885, 1 ], "end": [ 888, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.appFn!", "code": "def appFn! : Expr → Expr\n | app f _ => f\n | _ => panic! \"application expected\"", "start": [ 890, 1 ], "end": [ 892, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.appArg!", "code": "def appArg! : Expr → Expr\n | app _ a => a\n | _ => panic! \"application expected\"", "start": [ 894, 1 ], "end": [ 896, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.appFn!'", "code": "def appFn!' : Expr → Expr\n | mdata _ b => appFn!' b\n | app f _ => f\n | _ => panic! \"application expected\"", "start": [ 898, 1 ], "end": [ 901, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.appArg!'", "code": "def appArg!' : Expr → Expr\n | mdata _ b => appArg!' b\n | app _ a => a\n | _ => panic! \"application expected\"", "start": [ 903, 1 ], "end": [ 906, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.appArg", "code": "def appArg (e : Expr) (h : e.isApp) : Expr :=\n match e, h with\n | .app _ a, _ => a", "start": [ 908, 1 ], "end": [ 910, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.appFn", "code": "def appFn (e : Expr) (h : e.isApp) : Expr :=\n match e, h with\n | .app f _, _ => f", "start": [ 912, 1 ], "end": [ 914, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.sortLevel!", "code": "def sortLevel! : Expr → Level\n | sort u => u\n | _ => panic! \"sort expected\"", "start": [ 916, 1 ], "end": [ 918, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.litValue!", "code": "def litValue! : Expr → Literal\n | lit v => v\n | _ => panic! \"literal expected\"", "start": [ 920, 1 ], "end": [ 922, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isRawNatLit", "code": "def isRawNatLit : Expr → Bool\n | lit (Literal.natVal _) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 924, 1 ], "end": [ 926, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.rawNatLit?", "code": "def rawNatLit? : Expr → Option Nat\n | lit (Literal.natVal v) => v\n | _ => none", "start": [ 928, 1 ], "end": [ 930, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isStringLit", "code": "def isStringLit : Expr → Bool\n | lit (Literal.strVal _) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 932, 1 ], "end": [ 934, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isCharLit", "code": "def isCharLit : Expr → Bool\n | app (const c _) a => c == ``Char.ofNat && a.isRawNatLit\n | _ => false", "start": [ 936, 1 ], "end": [ 938, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.constName!", "code": "def constName! : Expr → Name\n | const n _ => n\n | _ => panic! \"constant expected\"", "start": [ 940, 1 ], "end": [ 942, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.constName?", "code": "def constName? : Expr → Option Name\n | const n _ => some n\n | _ => none", "start": [ 944, 1 ], "end": [ 946, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.constName", "code": "def constName (e : Expr) : Name :=\n e.constName?.getD Name.anonymous", "start": [ 948, 1 ], "end": [ 950, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.constLevels!", "code": "def constLevels! : Expr → List Level\n | const _ ls => ls\n | _ => panic! \"constant expected\"", "start": [ 952, 1 ], "end": [ 954, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.bvarIdx!", "code": "def bvarIdx! : Expr → Nat\n | bvar idx => idx\n | _ => panic! \"bvar expected\"", "start": [ 956, 1 ], "end": [ 958, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.fvarId!", "code": "def fvarId! : Expr → FVarId\n | fvar n => n\n | _ => panic! \"fvar expected\"", "start": [ 960, 1 ], "end": [ 962, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mvarId!", "code": "def mvarId! : Expr → MVarId\n | mvar n => n\n | _ => panic! \"mvar expected\"", "start": [ 964, 1 ], "end": [ 966, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.bindingName!", "code": "def bindingName! : Expr → Name\n | forallE n _ _ _ => n\n | lam n _ _ _ => n\n | _ => panic! \"binding expected\"", "start": [ 968, 1 ], "end": [ 971, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.bindingDomain!", "code": "def bindingDomain! : Expr → Expr\n | forallE _ d _ _ => d\n | lam _ d _ _ => d\n | _ => panic! \"binding expected\"", "start": [ 973, 1 ], "end": [ 976, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.bindingBody!", "code": "def bindingBody! : Expr → Expr\n | forallE _ _ b _ => b\n | lam _ _ b _ => b\n | _ => panic! \"binding expected\"", "start": [ 978, 1 ], "end": [ 981, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.bindingInfo!", "code": "def bindingInfo! : Expr → BinderInfo\n | forallE _ _ _ bi => bi\n | lam _ _ _ bi => bi\n | _ => panic! \"binding expected\"", "start": [ 983, 1 ], "end": [ 986, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.letName!", "code": "def letName! : Expr → Name\n | letE n .. => n\n | _ => panic! \"let expression expected\"", "start": [ 988, 1 ], "end": [ 990, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.letType!", "code": "def letType! : Expr → Expr\n | letE _ t .. => t\n | _ => panic! \"let expression expected\"", "start": [ 992, 1 ], "end": [ 994, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.letValue!", "code": "def letValue! : Expr → Expr\n | letE _ _ v .. => v\n | _ => panic! \"let expression expected\"", "start": [ 996, 1 ], "end": [ 998, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.letBody!", "code": "def letBody! : Expr → Expr\n | letE _ _ _ b .. => b\n | _ => panic! \"let expression expected\"", "start": [ 1000, 1 ], "end": [ 1002, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.consumeMData", "code": "def consumeMData : Expr → Expr\n | mdata _ e => consumeMData e\n | e => e", "start": [ 1004, 1 ], "end": [ 1006, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mdataExpr!", "code": "def mdataExpr! : Expr → Expr\n | mdata _ e => e\n | _ => panic! \"mdata expression expected\"", "start": [ 1008, 1 ], "end": [ 1010, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.projExpr!", "code": "def projExpr! : Expr → Expr\n | proj _ _ e => e\n | _ => panic! \"proj expression expected\"", "start": [ 1012, 1 ], "end": [ 1014, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.projIdx!", "code": "def projIdx! : Expr → Nat\n | proj _ i _ => i\n | _ => panic! \"proj expression expected\"", "start": [ 1016, 1 ], "end": [ 1018, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getForallBody", "code": "def getForallBody : Expr → Expr\n | forallE _ _ b .. => getForallBody b\n | e => e", "start": [ 1020, 1 ], "end": [ 1027, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getForallBodyMaxDepth", "code": "def getForallBodyMaxDepth : (maxDepth : Nat) → Expr → Expr\n | (n+1), forallE _ _ b _ => getForallBodyMaxDepth n b\n | 0, e => e\n | _, e => e", "start": [ 1029, 1 ], "end": [ 1032, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getForallBinderNames", "code": "def getForallBinderNames : Expr → List Name\n | forallE n _ b _ => n :: getForallBinderNames b\n | _ => []", "start": [ 1034, 1 ], "end": [ 1038, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppFn", "code": "def getAppFn : Expr → Expr\n | app f _ => getAppFn f\n | e => e", "start": [ 1040, 1 ], "end": [ 1047, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppFn'", "code": "def getAppFn' : Expr → Expr\n | app f _ => getAppFn' f\n | mdata _ a => getAppFn' a\n | e => e", "start": [ 1049, 1 ], "end": [ 1055, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isAppOf", "code": "def isAppOf (e : Expr) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n match e.getAppFn with\n | const c _ => c == n\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1057, 1 ], "end": [ 1061, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isAppOfArity", "code": "def isAppOfArity : Expr → Name → Nat → Bool\n | const c _, n, 0 => c == n\n | app f _, n, a+1 => isAppOfArity f n a\n | _, _, _ => false", "start": [ 1063, 1 ], "end": [ 1070, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isAppOfArity'", "code": "def isAppOfArity' : Expr → Name → Nat → Bool\n | mdata _ b , n, a => isAppOfArity' b n a\n | const c _, n, 0 => c == n\n | app f _, n, a+1 => isAppOfArity' f n a\n | _, _, _ => false", "start": [ 1072, 1 ], "end": [ 1077, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppNumArgsAux", "code": "private def getAppNumArgsAux : Expr → Nat → Nat\n | app f _, n => getAppNumArgsAux f (n+1)\n | _, n => n", "start": [ 1079, 1 ], "end": [ 1081, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppNumArgs", "code": "def getAppNumArgs (e : Expr) : Nat :=\n getAppNumArgsAux e 0", "start": [ 1083, 1 ], "end": [ 1085, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getBoundedAppFn", "code": "def getBoundedAppFn : (maxArgs : Nat) → Expr → Expr\n | maxArgs' + 1, .app f _ => getBoundedAppFn maxArgs' f\n | _, e => e", "start": [ 1087, 1 ], "end": [ 1096, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppArgsAux", "code": "private def getAppArgsAux : Expr → Array Expr → Nat → Array Expr\n | app f a, as, i => getAppArgsAux f (as.set! i a) (i-1)\n | _, as, _ => as", "start": [ 1098, 1 ], "end": [ 1100, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppArgs", "code": "@[inline] def getAppArgs (e : Expr) : Array Expr :=\n let dummy := mkSort levelZero\n let nargs := e.getAppNumArgs\n getAppArgsAux e (mkArray nargs dummy) (nargs-1)", "start": [ 1102, 1 ], "end": [ 1106, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getBoundedAppArgsAux", "code": "private def getBoundedAppArgsAux : Expr → Array Expr → Nat → Array Expr\n | app f a, as, i + 1 => getBoundedAppArgsAux f (as.set! i a) i\n | _, as, _ => as", "start": [ 1108, 1 ], "end": [ 1110, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getBoundedAppArgs", "code": "@[inline] def getBoundedAppArgs (maxArgs : Nat) (e : Expr) : Array Expr :=\n let dummy := mkSort levelZero\n let nargs := min maxArgs e.getAppNumArgs\n getBoundedAppArgsAux e (mkArray nargs dummy) nargs", "start": [ 1112, 1 ], "end": [ 1121, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppRevArgsAux", "code": "private def getAppRevArgsAux : Expr → Array Expr → Array Expr\n | app f a, as => getAppRevArgsAux f (as.push a)\n | _, as => as", "start": [ 1123, 1 ], "end": [ 1125, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppRevArgs", "code": "@[inline] def getAppRevArgs (e : Expr) : Array Expr :=\n getAppRevArgsAux e (Array.mkEmpty e.getAppNumArgs)", "start": [ 1127, 1 ], "end": [ 1129, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.withAppAux", "code": "@[specialize] def withAppAux (k : Expr → Array Expr → α) : Expr → Array Expr → Nat → α\n | app f a, as, i => withAppAux k f (as.set! i a) (i-1)\n | f, as, _ => k f as", "start": [ 1131, 1 ], "end": [ 1133, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.withApp", "code": "@[inline] def withApp (e : Expr) (k : Expr → Array Expr → α) : α :=\n let dummy := mkSort levelZero\n let nargs := e.getAppNumArgs\n withAppAux k e (mkArray nargs dummy) (nargs-1)", "start": [ 1135, 1 ], "end": [ 1139, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppFnArgs", "code": "def getAppFnArgs (e : Expr) : Name × Array Expr :=\n withApp e λ e a => (e.constName, a)", "start": [ 1141, 1 ], "end": [ 1143, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppArgsN", "code": "@[inline] def getAppArgsN (e : Expr) (n : Nat) : Array Expr :=\n let dummy := mkSort levelZero\n loop n e (mkArray n dummy)\nwhere\n loop : Nat → Expr → Array Expr → Array Expr\n | 0, _, as => as\n | i+1, .app f a, as => loop i f (as.set! i a)\n | _, _, _ => panic! \"too few arguments at\"", "start": [ 1145, 1 ], "end": [ 1157, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.stripArgsN", "code": "def stripArgsN (e : Expr) (n : Nat) : Expr :=\n match n, e with\n | 0, _ => e\n | n+1, .app f _ => stripArgsN f n\n | _, _ => e", "start": [ 1159, 1 ], "end": [ 1167, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAppPrefix", "code": "def getAppPrefix (e : Expr) (n : Nat) : Expr :=\n e.stripArgsN (e.getAppNumArgs - n)", "start": [ 1169, 1 ], "end": [ 1174, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.traverseApp", "code": "def traverseApp {M} [Monad M]\n (f : Expr → M Expr) (e : Expr) : M Expr :=\n e.withApp fun fn args => mkAppN <$> f fn <*> args.mapM f", "start": [ 1176, 1 ], "end": [ 1180, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.withAppRevAux", "code": "@[specialize] private def withAppRevAux (k : Expr → Array Expr → α) : Expr → Array Expr → α\n | app f a, as => withAppRevAux k f (as.push a)\n | f, as => k f as", "start": [ 1182, 1 ], "end": [ 1184, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.withAppRev", "code": "@[inline] def withAppRev (e : Expr) (k : Expr → Array Expr → α) : α :=\n withAppRevAux k e (Array.mkEmpty e.getAppNumArgs)", "start": [ 1186, 1 ], "end": [ 1188, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getRevArgD", "code": "def getRevArgD : Expr → Nat → Expr → Expr\n | app _ a, 0, _ => a\n | app f _, i+1, v => getRevArgD f i v\n | _, _, v => v", "start": [ 1190, 1 ], "end": [ 1193, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getRevArg!", "code": "def getRevArg! : Expr → Nat → Expr\n | app _ a, 0 => a\n | app f _, i+1 => getRevArg! f i\n | _, _ => panic! \"invalid index\"", "start": [ 1195, 1 ], "end": [ 1198, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getRevArg!'", "code": "def getRevArg!' : Expr → Nat → Expr\n | mdata _ a, i => getRevArg!' a i\n | app _ a, 0 => a\n | app f _, i+1 => getRevArg!' f i\n | _, _ => panic! \"invalid index\"", "start": [ 1200, 1 ], "end": [ 1205, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getArg!", "code": "@[inline] def getArg! (e : Expr) (i : Nat) (n := e.getAppNumArgs) : Expr :=\n getRevArg! e (n - i - 1)", "start": [ 1207, 1 ], "end": [ 1209, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getArg!'", "code": "@[inline] def getArg!' (e : Expr) (i : Nat) (n := e.getAppNumArgs) : Expr :=\n getRevArg!' e (n - i - 1)", "start": [ 1211, 1 ], "end": [ 1213, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getArgD", "code": "@[inline] def getArgD (e : Expr) (i : Nat) (v₀ : Expr) (n := e.getAppNumArgs) : Expr :=\n getRevArgD e (n - i - 1) v₀", "start": [ 1215, 1 ], "end": [ 1217, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasLooseBVars", "code": "def hasLooseBVars (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n e.looseBVarRange > 0", "start": [ 1219, 1 ], "end": [ 1220, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isArrow", "code": "def isArrow (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n match e with\n | forallE _ _ b _ => !b.hasLooseBVars\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1222, 1 ], "end": [ 1229, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasLooseBVar", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_has_loose_bvar\"]\nopaque hasLooseBVar (e : @& Expr) (bvarIdx : @& Nat) : Bool", "start": [ 1231, 1 ], "end": [ 1232, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasLooseBVarInExplicitDomain", "code": "def hasLooseBVarInExplicitDomain : Expr → Nat → Bool → Bool\n | Expr.forallE _ d b bi, bvarIdx, tryRange =>\n (bi.isExplicit && hasLooseBVar d bvarIdx) || hasLooseBVarInExplicitDomain b (bvarIdx+1) tryRange\n | e, bvarIdx, tryRange => tryRange && hasLooseBVar e bvarIdx", "start": [ 1234, 1 ], "end": [ 1238, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.lowerLooseBVars", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_lower_loose_bvars\"]\nopaque lowerLooseBVars (e : @& Expr) (s d : @& Nat) : Expr", "start": [ 1240, 1 ], "end": [ 1247, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.liftLooseBVars", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_lift_loose_bvars\"]\nopaque liftLooseBVars (e : @& Expr) (s d : @& Nat) : Expr", "start": [ 1249, 1 ], "end": [ 1252, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.inferImplicit", "code": "def inferImplicit : Expr → Nat → Bool → Expr\n | Expr.forallE n d b bi, i+1, considerRange =>\n let b := inferImplicit b i considerRange\n let newInfo := if bi.isExplicit && hasLooseBVarInExplicitDomain b 0 considerRange then BinderInfo.implicit else bi\n mkForall n newInfo d b\n | e, 0, _ => e\n | e, _, _ => e", "start": [ 1254, 1 ], "end": [ 1268, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiate", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_instantiate\"]\nopaque instantiate (e : @& Expr) (subst : @& Array Expr) : Expr", "start": [ 1270, 1 ], "end": [ 1293, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiate1", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_instantiate1\"]\nopaque instantiate1 (e : @& Expr) (subst : @& Expr) : Expr", "start": [ 1295, 1 ], "end": [ 1310, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateRev", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_instantiate_rev\"]\nopaque instantiateRev (e : @& Expr) (subst : @& Array Expr) : Expr", "start": [ 1312, 1 ], "end": [ 1324, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateRange", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_instantiate_range\"]\nopaque instantiateRange (e : @& Expr) (beginIdx endIdx : @& Nat) (subst : @& Array Expr) : Expr", "start": [ 1326, 1 ], "end": [ 1336, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateRevRange", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_instantiate_rev_range\"]\nopaque instantiateRevRange (e : @& Expr) (beginIdx endIdx : @& Nat) (subst : @& Array Expr) : Expr", "start": [ 1338, 1 ], "end": [ 1348, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.abstract", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_abstract\"]\nopaque abstract (e : @& Expr) (xs : @& Array Expr) : Expr", "start": [ 1350, 1 ], "end": [ 1352, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.abstractRange", "code": "@[extern \"lean_expr_abstract_range\"]\nopaque abstractRange (e : @& Expr) (n : @& Nat) (xs : @& Array Expr) : Expr", "start": [ 1354, 1 ], "end": [ 1356, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.replaceFVar", "code": "def replaceFVar (e : Expr) (fvar : Expr) (v : Expr) : Expr :=\n (e.abstract #[fvar]).instantiate1 v", "start": [ 1358, 1 ], "end": [ 1360, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.replaceFVarId", "code": "def replaceFVarId (e : Expr) (fvarId : FVarId) (v : Expr) : Expr :=\n replaceFVar e (mkFVar fvarId) v", "start": [ 1362, 1 ], "end": [ 1364, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.replaceFVars", "code": "def replaceFVars (e : Expr) (fvars : Array Expr) (vs : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n (e.abstract fvars).instantiateRev vs", "start": [ 1366, 1 ], "end": [ 1368, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isAtomic", "code": "def isAtomic : Expr → Bool\n | Expr.const .. => true\n | Expr.sort .. => true\n | Expr.bvar .. => true\n | Expr.lit .. => true\n | Expr.mvar .. => true\n | Expr.fvar .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1373, 1 ], "end": [ 1381, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkDecIsTrue", "code": "def mkDecIsTrue (pred proof : Expr) :=\n mkAppB (mkConst `Decidable.isTrue) pred proof", "start": [ 1385, 1 ], "end": [ 1386, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkDecIsFalse", "code": "def mkDecIsFalse (pred proof : Expr) :=\n mkAppB (mkConst `Decidable.isFalse) pred proof", "start": [ 1388, 1 ], "end": [ 1389, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExprMap", "code": "abbrev ExprMap (α : Type) := HashMap Expr α", "start": [ 1391, 1 ], "end": [ 1391, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentExprMap", "code": "abbrev PersistentExprMap (α : Type) := PHashMap Expr α", "start": [ 1392, 1 ], "end": [ 1392, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SExprMap", "code": "abbrev SExprMap (α : Type) := SMap Expr α", "start": [ 1393, 1 ], "end": [ 1393, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExprSet", "code": "abbrev ExprSet := HashSet Expr", "start": [ 1395, 1 ], "end": [ 1395, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentExprSet", "code": "abbrev PersistentExprSet := PHashSet Expr", "start": [ 1396, 1 ], "end": [ 1396, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PExprSet", "code": "abbrev PExprSet := PersistentExprSet", "start": [ 1397, 1 ], "end": [ 1397, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExprStructEq", "code": "structure ExprStructEq where\n val : Expr\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 1399, 1 ], "end": [ 1402, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExprStructEq.beq", "code": "protected def beq : ExprStructEq → ExprStructEq → Bool\n | ⟨e₁⟩, ⟨e₂⟩ => Expr.equal e₁ e₂", "start": [ 1408, 1 ], "end": [ 1409, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExprStructEq.hash", "code": "protected def hash : ExprStructEq → UInt64\n | ⟨e⟩ => e.hash", "start": [ 1411, 1 ], "end": [ 1412, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExprStructMap", "code": "abbrev ExprStructMap (α : Type) := HashMap ExprStructEq α", "start": [ 1420, 1 ], "end": [ 1420, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentExprStructMap", "code": "abbrev PersistentExprStructMap (α : Type) := PHashMap ExprStructEq α", "start": [ 1421, 1 ], "end": [ 1421, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mkAppRevRangeAux", "code": "private partial def mkAppRevRangeAux (revArgs : Array Expr) (start : Nat) (b : Expr) (i : Nat) : Expr :=\n if i == start then b\n else\n let i := i - 1\n mkAppRevRangeAux revArgs start (mkApp b (revArgs.get! i)) i", "start": [ 1425, 1 ], "end": [ 1429, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.mkAppRevRange", "code": "def mkAppRevRange (f : Expr) (beginIdx endIdx : Nat) (revArgs : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n mkAppRevRangeAux revArgs beginIdx f endIdx", "start": [ 1431, 1 ], "end": [ 1433, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.betaRev", "code": "partial def betaRev (f : Expr) (revArgs : Array Expr) (useZeta := false) (preserveMData := false) : Expr :=\n if revArgs.size == 0 then f\n else\n let sz := revArgs.size\n let rec go (e : Expr) (i : Nat) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | Expr.lam _ _ b _ =>\n if i + 1 < sz then\n go b (i+1)\n else\n let n := sz - (i + 1)\n mkAppRevRange (b.instantiateRange n sz revArgs) 0 n revArgs\n | Expr.letE _ _ v b _ =>\n if useZeta && i < sz then\n go (b.instantiate1 v) i\n else\n let n := sz - i\n mkAppRevRange (e.instantiateRange n sz revArgs) 0 n revArgs\n | Expr.mdata k b =>\n if preserveMData then\n let n := sz - i\n mkMData k (mkAppRevRange (b.instantiateRange n sz revArgs) 0 n revArgs)\n else\n go b i\n | b =>\n let n := sz - i\n mkAppRevRange (b.instantiateRange n sz revArgs) 0 n revArgs\n go f 0", "start": [ 1435, 1 ], "end": [ 1477, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.beta", "code": "def beta (f : Expr) (args : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n betaRev f args.reverse", "start": [ 1479, 1 ], "end": [ 1484, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getNumHeadLambdas", "code": "def getNumHeadLambdas : Expr → Nat\n | .lam _ _ b _ => getNumHeadLambdas b + 1\n | .mdata _ b => getNumHeadLambdas b\n | _ => 0", "start": [ 1486, 1 ], "end": [ 1492, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isHeadBetaTargetFn", "code": "def isHeadBetaTargetFn (useZeta : Bool) : Expr → Bool\n | Expr.lam .. => true\n | Expr.letE _ _ _ b _ => useZeta && isHeadBetaTargetFn useZeta b\n | Expr.mdata _ b => isHeadBetaTargetFn useZeta b\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1494, 1 ], "end": [ 1505, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.headBeta", "code": "def headBeta (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n let f := e.getAppFn\n if f.isHeadBetaTargetFn false then betaRev f e.getAppRevArgs else e", "start": [ 1507, 1 ], "end": [ 1510, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isHeadBetaTarget", "code": "def isHeadBetaTarget (e : Expr) (useZeta := false) : Bool :=\n e.isApp && e.getAppFn.isHeadBetaTargetFn useZeta", "start": [ 1512, 1 ], "end": [ 1518, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.etaExpandedBody", "code": "private def etaExpandedBody : Expr → Nat → Nat → Option Expr\n | app f (bvar j), n+1, i => if j == i then etaExpandedBody f n (i+1) else none\n | _, _+1, _ => none\n | f, 0, _ => if f.hasLooseBVars then none else some f", "start": [ 1520, 1 ], "end": [ 1523, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.etaExpandedAux", "code": "private def etaExpandedAux : Expr → Nat → Option Expr\n | lam _ _ b _, n => etaExpandedAux b (n+1)\n | e, n => etaExpandedBody e n 0", "start": [ 1525, 1 ], "end": [ 1527, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.etaExpanded?", "code": "def etaExpanded? (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n etaExpandedAux e 0", "start": [ 1529, 1 ], "end": [ 1538, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.etaExpandedStrict?", "code": "def etaExpandedStrict? : Expr → Option Expr\n | lam _ _ b _ => etaExpandedAux b 1\n | _ => none", "start": [ 1540, 1 ], "end": [ 1543, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getOptParamDefault?", "code": "def getOptParamDefault? (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n if e.isAppOfArity ``optParam 2 then\n some e.appArg!\n else\n none", "start": [ 1545, 1 ], "end": [ 1550, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getAutoParamTactic?", "code": "def getAutoParamTactic? (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n if e.isAppOfArity ``autoParam 2 then\n some e.appArg!\n else\n none", "start": [ 1552, 1 ], "end": [ 1557, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isOutParam", "code": "@[export lean_is_out_param]\ndef isOutParam (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n e.isAppOfArity ``outParam 1", "start": [ 1559, 1 ], "end": [ 1562, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isSemiOutParam", "code": "def isSemiOutParam (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n e.isAppOfArity ``semiOutParam 1", "start": [ 1564, 1 ], "end": [ 1566, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isOptParam", "code": "def isOptParam (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n e.isAppOfArity ``optParam 2", "start": [ 1568, 1 ], "end": [ 1570, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isAutoParam", "code": "def isAutoParam (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n e.isAppOfArity ``autoParam 2", "start": [ 1572, 1 ], "end": [ 1574, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.consumeTypeAnnotations", "code": "@[export lean_expr_consume_type_annotations]\npartial def consumeTypeAnnotations (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n if e.isOptParam || e.isAutoParam then\n consumeTypeAnnotations e.appFn!.appArg!\n else if e.isOutParam || e.isSemiOutParam then\n consumeTypeAnnotations e.appArg!\n else\n e", "start": [ 1576, 1 ], "end": [ 1590, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.cleanupAnnotations", "code": "partial def cleanupAnnotations (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n let e' := e.consumeMData.consumeTypeAnnotations\n if e' == e then e else cleanupAnnotations e'", "start": [ 1592, 1 ], "end": [ 1601, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.appFnCleanup", "code": "def appFnCleanup (e : Expr) (h : e.isApp) : Expr :=\n match e, h with\n | .app f _, _ => f.cleanupAnnotations", "start": [ 1603, 1 ], "end": [ 1609, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isFalse", "code": "def isFalse (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n e.cleanupAnnotations.isConstOf ``False", "start": [ 1611, 1 ], "end": [ 1612, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isTrue", "code": "def isTrue (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n e.cleanupAnnotations.isConstOf ``True", "start": [ 1614, 1 ], "end": [ 1615, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.nat?", "code": "def nat? (e : Expr) : Option Nat := do\n let_expr OfNat.ofNat _ n _ := e | failure\n let lit (.natVal n) := n | failure\n n", "start": [ 1617, 1 ], "end": [ 1627, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def int? (e : Expr) : Option Int :=\n let_expr Neg.neg _ _ a := e | e.nat?\n match a.nat? with\n | none => none\n | some 0 => none\n | some n => some (-n)", "start": [ 1629, 1 ], "end": [ 1640, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasAnyFVar", "code": "@[inline] def hasAnyFVar (e : Expr) (p : FVarId → Bool) : Bool :=\n let rec @[specialize] visit (e : Expr) := if !e.hasFVar then false else\n match e with\n | Expr.forallE _ d b _ => visit d || visit b\n | Expr.lam _ d b _ => visit d || visit b\n | Expr.mdata _ e => visit e\n | Expr.letE _ t v b _ => visit t || visit v || visit b\n | f a => visit f || visit a\n | Expr.proj _ _ e => visit e\n | Expr.fvar fvarId => p fvarId\n | _ => false\n visit e", "start": [ 1642, 1 ], "end": [ 1654, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.containsFVar", "code": "def containsFVar (e : Expr) (fvarId : FVarId) : Bool :=\n e.hasAnyFVar (· == fvarId)", "start": [ 1656, 1 ], "end": [ 1658, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateApp!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateApp!Impl (e : Expr) (newFn : Expr) (newArg : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | app fn arg => if ptrEq fn newFn && ptrEq arg newArg then e else mkApp newFn newArg\n | _ => panic! \"application expected\"", "start": [ 1666, 1 ], "end": [ 1669, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateApp!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateApp!Impl]\ndef updateApp! (e : Expr) (newFn : Expr) (newArg : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | app _ _ => mkApp newFn newArg\n | _ => panic! \"application expected\"", "start": [ 1671, 1 ], "end": [ 1675, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateFVar!", "code": "@[inline] def updateFVar! (e : Expr) (fvarIdNew : FVarId) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | .fvar fvarId => if fvarId == fvarIdNew then e else .fvar fvarIdNew\n | _ => panic! \"fvar expected\"", "start": [ 1677, 1 ], "end": [ 1680, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateConst!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateConst!Impl (e : Expr) (newLevels : List Level) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | const n ls => if ptrEqList ls newLevels then e else mkConst n newLevels\n | _ => panic! \"constant expected\"", "start": [ 1682, 1 ], "end": [ 1685, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateConst!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateConst!Impl]\ndef updateConst! (e : Expr) (newLevels : List Level) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | const n _ => mkConst n newLevels\n | _ => panic! \"constant expected\"", "start": [ 1687, 1 ], "end": [ 1691, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateSort!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateSort!Impl (e : Expr) (u' : Level) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | sort u => if ptrEq u u' then e else mkSort u'\n | _ => panic! \"level expected\"", "start": [ 1693, 1 ], "end": [ 1696, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateSort!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateSort!Impl]\ndef updateSort! (e : Expr) (newLevel : Level) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | sort _ => mkSort newLevel\n | _ => panic! \"level expected\"", "start": [ 1698, 1 ], "end": [ 1702, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateMData!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateMData!Impl (e : Expr) (newExpr : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | mdata d a => if ptrEq a newExpr then e else mkMData d newExpr\n | _ => panic! \"mdata expected\"", "start": [ 1704, 1 ], "end": [ 1707, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateMData!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateMData!Impl]\ndef updateMData! (e : Expr) (newExpr : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | mdata d _ => mkMData d newExpr\n | _ => panic! \"mdata expected\"", "start": [ 1709, 1 ], "end": [ 1713, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateProj!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateProj!Impl (e : Expr) (newExpr : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | proj s i a => if ptrEq a newExpr then e else mkProj s i newExpr\n | _ => panic! \"proj expected\"", "start": [ 1715, 1 ], "end": [ 1718, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateProj!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateProj!Impl]\ndef updateProj! (e : Expr) (newExpr : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | proj s i _ => mkProj s i newExpr\n | _ => panic! \"proj expected\"", "start": [ 1720, 1 ], "end": [ 1724, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateForall!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateForall!Impl (e : Expr) (newBinfo : BinderInfo) (newDomain : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | forallE n d b bi =>\n if ptrEq d newDomain && ptrEq b newBody && bi == newBinfo then\n e\n else\n mkForall n newBinfo newDomain newBody\n | _ => panic! \"forall expected\"", "start": [ 1726, 1 ], "end": [ 1733, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateForall!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateForall!Impl]\ndef updateForall! (e : Expr) (newBinfo : BinderInfo) (newDomain : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | forallE n _ _ _ => mkForall n newBinfo newDomain newBody\n | _ => panic! \"forall expected\"", "start": [ 1735, 1 ], "end": [ 1739, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateForallE!", "code": "@[inline] def updateForallE! (e : Expr) (newDomain : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | forallE n d b bi => updateForall! (forallE n d b bi) bi newDomain newBody\n | _ => panic! \"forall expected\"", "start": [ 1741, 1 ], "end": [ 1744, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateLambda!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateLambda!Impl (e : Expr) (newBinfo : BinderInfo) (newDomain : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | lam n d b bi =>\n if ptrEq d newDomain && ptrEq b newBody && bi == newBinfo then\n e\n else\n mkLambda n newBinfo newDomain newBody\n | _ => panic! \"lambda expected\"", "start": [ 1746, 1 ], "end": [ 1753, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateLambda!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateLambda!Impl]\ndef updateLambda! (e : Expr) (newBinfo : BinderInfo) (newDomain : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | lam n _ _ _ => mkLambda n newBinfo newDomain newBody\n | _ => panic! \"lambda expected\"", "start": [ 1755, 1 ], "end": [ 1759, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateLambdaE!", "code": "@[inline] def updateLambdaE! (e : Expr) (newDomain : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | lam n d b bi => updateLambda! (lam n d b bi) bi newDomain newBody\n | _ => panic! \"lambda expected\"", "start": [ 1761, 1 ], "end": [ 1764, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateLet!Impl", "code": "@[inline] private unsafe def updateLet!Impl (e : Expr) (newType : Expr) (newVal : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | letE n t v b nonDep =>\n if ptrEq t newType && ptrEq v newVal && ptrEq b newBody then\n e\n else\n letE n newType newVal newBody nonDep\n | _ => panic! \"let expression expected\"", "start": [ 1766, 1 ], "end": [ 1773, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateLet!", "code": "@[implemented_by updateLet!Impl]\ndef updateLet! (e : Expr) (newType : Expr) (newVal : Expr) (newBody : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | letE n _ _ _ c => letE n newType newVal newBody c\n | _ => panic! \"let expression expected\"", "start": [ 1775, 1 ], "end": [ 1779, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.updateFn", "code": "def updateFn : Expr → Expr → Expr\n | e@(app f a), g => e.updateApp! (updateFn f g) a\n | _, g => g", "start": [ 1781, 1 ], "end": [ 1783, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.eta", "code": "partial def eta (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | Expr.lam _ d b _ =>\n let b' := b.eta\n match b' with\n | .app f (.bvar 0) =>\n if !f.hasLooseBVar 0 then\n f.lowerLooseBVars 1 1\n else\n e.updateLambdaE! d b'\n | _ => e.updateLambdaE! d b'\n | _ => e", "start": [ 1785, 1 ], "end": [ 1799, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.setOption", "code": "def setOption (e : Expr) (optionName : Name) [KVMap.Value α] (val : α) : Expr :=\n mkMData (MData.empty.set optionName val) e", "start": [ 1801, 1 ], "end": [ 1806, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.setPPExplicit", "code": "def setPPExplicit (e : Expr) (flag : Bool) :=\n e.setOption `pp.explicit flag", "start": [ 1808, 1 ], "end": [ 1813, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.setPPUniverses", "code": "def setPPUniverses (e : Expr) (flag : Bool) :=\n e.setOption `pp.universes flag", "start": [ 1815, 1 ], "end": [ 1820, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.setAppPPExplicit", "code": "def setAppPPExplicit (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | app .. =>\n let f := e.getAppFn.setPPExplicit false\n let args := (·.setPPExplicit false)\n mkAppN f args |>.setPPExplicit true\n | _ => e", "start": [ 1822, 1 ], "end": [ 1832, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.setAppPPExplicitForExposingMVars", "code": "def setAppPPExplicitForExposingMVars (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n match e with\n | app .. =>\n let f := e.getAppFn.setPPExplicit false\n let args := fun arg => if arg.hasMVar then arg else arg.setPPExplicit false\n mkAppN f args |>.setPPExplicit true\n | _ => e", "start": [ 1834, 1 ], "end": [ 1844, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isLetFun", "code": "def isLetFun (e : Expr) : Bool := e.isAppOfArity ``letFun 4", "start": [ 1846, 1 ], "end": [ 1851, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.letFun?", "code": "def letFun? (e : Expr) : Option (Name × Expr × Expr × Expr) :=\n match e with\n | .app (.app (.app (.app (.const ``letFun _) t) _β) v) f =>\n match f with\n | .lam n _ b _ => some (n, t, v, b)\n | _ => some (.anonymous, t, v, .app f (.bvar 0))\n | _ => none", "start": [ 1853, 1 ], "end": [ 1869, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.letFunAppArgs?", "code": "def letFunAppArgs? (e : Expr) : Option (Array Expr × Name × Expr × Expr × Expr) := do\n guard <| 4 ≤ e.getAppNumArgs\n guard <| e.isAppOf ``letFun\n let args := e.getAppArgs\n let t := args[0]!\n let v := args[2]!\n let f := args[3]!\n let rest := args.extract 4 args.size\n match f with\n | .lam n _ b _ => some (rest, n, t, v, b)\n | _ => some (rest, .anonymous, t, v, .app f (.bvar 0))", "start": [ 1871, 1 ], "end": [ 1885, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.traverseChildren", "code": "@[specialize]\ndef traverseChildren [Applicative M] (f : Expr → M Expr) : Expr → M Expr\n | e@(forallE _ d b _) => pure e.updateForallE! <*> f d <*> f b\n | e@(lam _ d b _) => pure e.updateLambdaE! <*> f d <*> f b\n | e@(mdata _ b) => e.updateMData! <$> f b\n | e@(letE _ t v b _) => pure e.updateLet! <*> f t <*> f v <*> f b\n | e@(app l r) => pure e.updateApp! <*> f l <*> f r\n | e@(proj _ _ b) => e.updateProj! <$> f b\n | e => pure e", "start": [ 1887, 1 ], "end": [ 1896, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.foldlM", "code": "def foldlM {α : Type} {m} [Monad m] (f : α → Expr → m α) (init : α) (e : Expr) : m α :=\n Prod.snd <$> (e.traverseChildren (fun e' => fun a => e' <$> f a e')) init", "start": [ 1898, 1 ], "end": [ 1901, 95 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAnnotation", "code": "def mkAnnotation (kind : Name) (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkMData (KVMap.empty.insert kind (DataValue.ofBool true)) e", "start": [ 1905, 1 ], "end": [ 1910, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.annotation?", "code": "def annotation? (kind : Name) (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n match e with\n | .mdata d b => if d.size == 1 && d.getBool kind false then some b else none\n | _ => none", "start": [ 1912, 1 ], "end": [ 1918, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkInaccessible", "code": "def mkInaccessible (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkAnnotation `_inaccessible e", "start": [ 1920, 1 ], "end": [ 1925, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.inaccessible?", "code": "def inaccessible? (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n annotation? `_inaccessible e", "start": [ 1927, 1 ], "end": [ 1929, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.patternRefAnnotationKey", "code": "private def patternRefAnnotationKey := `_patWithRef", "start": [ 1931, 1 ], "end": [ 1931, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.patternWithRef?", "code": "def patternWithRef? (p : Expr) : Option (Syntax × Expr) :=\n match p with\n | .mdata d _ =>\n match d.find patternRefAnnotationKey with\n | some (DataValue.ofSyntax stx) => some (stx, p.mdataExpr!)\n | _ => none\n | _ => none", "start": [ 1933, 1 ], "end": [ 1944, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isPatternWithRef", "code": "def isPatternWithRef (p : Expr) : Bool :=\n patternWithRef? p |>.isSome", "start": [ 1946, 1 ], "end": [ 1947, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkPatternWithRef", "code": "def mkPatternWithRef (p : Expr) (stx : Syntax) : Expr :=\n if patternWithRef? p |>.isSome then\n p\n else\n mkMData (KVMap.empty.insert patternRefAnnotationKey (DataValue.ofSyntax stx)) p", "start": [ 1949, 1 ], "end": [ 1957, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.patternAnnotation?", "code": "def patternAnnotation? (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n if let some e := inaccessible? e then\n some e\n else if let some (_, e) := patternWithRef? e then\n some e\n else\n none", "start": [ 1959, 1 ], "end": [ 1966, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLHSGoalRaw", "code": "def mkLHSGoalRaw (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkAnnotation `_lhsGoal e", "start": [ 1968, 1 ], "end": [ 1976, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isLHSGoal?", "code": "def isLHSGoal? (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n match annotation? `_lhsGoal e with\n | none => none\n | some e =>\n if e.isAppOfArity `Eq 3 then\n some e.appFn!.appArg!\n else\n none", "start": [ 1978, 1 ], "end": [ 1986, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkFreshFVarId", "code": "def mkFreshFVarId [Monad m] [MonadNameGenerator m] : m FVarId :=\n return { name := (← mkFreshId) }", "start": [ 1988, 1 ], "end": [ 1993, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkFreshMVarId", "code": "def mkFreshMVarId [Monad m] [MonadNameGenerator m] : m MVarId :=\n return { name := (← mkFreshId) }", "start": [ 1995, 1 ], "end": [ 2000, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkFreshLMVarId", "code": "def mkFreshLMVarId [Monad m] [MonadNameGenerator m] : m LMVarId :=\n return { name := (← mkFreshId) }", "start": [ 2002, 1 ], "end": [ 2007, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNot", "code": "def mkNot (p : Expr) : Expr := mkApp (mkConst ``Not) p", "start": [ 2009, 1 ], "end": [ 2010, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkOr", "code": "def mkOr (p q : Expr) : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``Or) p q", "start": [ 2011, 1 ], "end": [ 2012, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAnd", "code": "def mkAnd (p q : Expr) : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``And) p q", "start": [ 2013, 1 ], "end": [ 2014, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAndN", "code": "def mkAndN : List Expr → Expr\n | [] => mkConst ``True\n | [p] => p\n | p :: ps => mkAnd p (mkAndN ps)", "start": [ 2015, 1 ], "end": [ 2019, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkEM", "code": "def mkEM (p : Expr) : Expr := mkApp (mkConst ``Classical.em) p", "start": [ 2020, 1 ], "end": [ 2021, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkIff", "code": "def mkIff (p q : Expr) : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``Iff) p q", "start": [ 2022, 1 ], "end": [ 2023, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkType", "code": "protected def mkType : Expr := mkConst ``Nat", "start": [ 2028, 1 ], "end": [ 2028, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstAdd", "code": "def mkInstAdd : Expr := mkConst ``instAddNat", "start": [ 2030, 1 ], "end": [ 2030, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstHAdd", "code": "def mkInstHAdd : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``instHAdd [levelZero]) Nat.mkType mkInstAdd", "start": [ 2031, 1 ], "end": [ 2031, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstSub", "code": "def mkInstSub : Expr := mkConst ``instSubNat", "start": [ 2033, 1 ], "end": [ 2033, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstHSub", "code": "def mkInstHSub : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``instHSub [levelZero]) Nat.mkType mkInstSub", "start": [ 2034, 1 ], "end": [ 2034, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstMul", "code": "def mkInstMul : Expr := mkConst ``instMulNat", "start": [ 2036, 1 ], "end": [ 2036, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstHMul", "code": "def mkInstHMul : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``instHMul [levelZero]) Nat.mkType mkInstMul", "start": [ 2037, 1 ], "end": [ 2037, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstDiv", "code": "def mkInstDiv : Expr := mkConst ``Nat.instDiv", "start": [ 2039, 1 ], "end": [ 2039, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstHDiv", "code": "def mkInstHDiv : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``instHDiv [levelZero]) Nat.mkType mkInstDiv", "start": [ 2040, 1 ], "end": [ 2040, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstMod", "code": "def mkInstMod : Expr := mkConst ``Nat.instMod", "start": [ 2042, 1 ], "end": [ 2042, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstHMod", "code": "def mkInstHMod : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``instHMod [levelZero]) Nat.mkType mkInstMod", "start": [ 2043, 1 ], "end": [ 2043, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstNatPow", "code": "def mkInstNatPow : Expr := mkConst ``instNatPowNat", "start": [ 2045, 1 ], "end": [ 2045, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstPow", "code": "def mkInstPow : Expr := mkApp2 (mkConst ``instPowNat [levelZero]) Nat.mkType mkInstNatPow", "start": [ 2046, 1 ], "end": [ 2046, 91 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstHPow", "code": "def mkInstHPow : Expr := mkApp3 (mkConst ``instHPow [levelZero, levelZero]) Nat.mkType Nat.mkType mkInstPow", "start": [ 2047, 1 ], "end": [ 2047, 108 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstLT", "code": "def mkInstLT : Expr := mkConst ``instLTNat", "start": [ 2049, 1 ], "end": [ 2049, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Nat.mkInstLE", "code": "def mkInstLE : Expr := mkConst ``instLENat", "start": [ 2050, 1 ], "end": [ 2050, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.natAddFn", "code": "private def natAddFn : Expr :=\n let nat := mkConst ``Nat\n mkApp4 (mkConst ``HAdd.hAdd [0, 0, 0]) nat nat nat Nat.mkInstHAdd", "start": [ 2054, 1 ], "end": [ 2056, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.natSubFn", "code": "private def natSubFn : Expr :=\n let nat := mkConst ``Nat\n mkApp4 (mkConst ``HSub.hSub [0, 0, 0]) nat nat nat Nat.mkInstHSub", "start": [ 2058, 1 ], "end": [ 2060, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.natMulFn", "code": "private def natMulFn : Expr :=\n let nat := mkConst ``Nat\n mkApp4 (mkConst ``HMul.hMul [0, 0, 0]) nat nat nat Nat.mkInstHMul", "start": [ 2062, 1 ], "end": [ 2064, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNatSucc", "code": "def mkNatSucc (a : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkApp (mkConst ``Nat.succ) a", "start": [ 2066, 1 ], "end": [ 2068, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNatAdd", "code": "def mkNatAdd (a b : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkApp2 natAddFn a b", "start": [ 2070, 1 ], "end": [ 2072, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNatSub", "code": "def mkNatSub (a b : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkApp2 natSubFn a b", "start": [ 2074, 1 ], "end": [ 2076, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNatMul", "code": "def mkNatMul (a b : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkApp2 natMulFn a b", "start": [ 2078, 1 ], "end": [ 2080, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.natLEPred", "code": "private def natLEPred : Expr :=\n mkApp2 (mkConst ``LE.le [0]) (mkConst ``Nat) Nat.mkInstLE", "start": [ 2082, 1 ], "end": [ 2083, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNatLE", "code": "def mkNatLE (a b : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkApp2 natLEPred a b", "start": [ 2085, 1 ], "end": [ 2087, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.natEqPred", "code": "private def natEqPred : Expr :=\n mkApp (mkConst ``Eq [1]) (mkConst ``Nat)", "start": [ 2089, 1 ], "end": [ 2090, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkNatEq", "code": "def mkNatEq (a b : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkApp2 natEqPred a b", "start": [ 2092, 1 ], "end": [ 2094, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Parser.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/IO.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/FromToJson.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Printer.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "IO.FS.Stream.readJson", "code": "def readJson (h : FS.Stream) (nBytes : Nat) : IO Json := do\n let bytes ← (USize.ofNat nBytes)\n let some s := String.fromUTF8? bytes | throw (IO.userError \"invalid UTF-8\")\n ofExcept (Json.parse s)", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "IO.FS.Stream.writeJson", "code": "def writeJson (h : FS.Stream) (j : Json) : IO Unit := do\n h.putStr j.compress\n h.flush", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/FromToJson.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Syntax.lean" ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Bitwise/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Int/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Int.not", "code": "protected def not : Int -> Int\n | Int.ofNat n => Int.negSucc n\n | Int.negSucc n => Int.ofNat n", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Int.shiftRight", "code": "protected def shiftRight : Int → Nat → Int\n | Int.ofNat n, s => Int.ofNat (n >>> s)\n | Int.negSucc n, s => Int.negSucc (n >>> s)", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Omega.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/TacticsExtra.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Simproc.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Bool.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Int/Pow.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Bitwise/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Lemmas.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Nat.one_div_two", "code": "@[local simp]\nprivate theorem one_div_two : 1/2 = 0", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.two_pow_succ_sub_succ_div_two", "code": "private theorem two_pow_succ_sub_succ_div_two : (2 ^ (n+1) - (x + 1)) / 2 = 2^n - (x/2 + 1)", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.two_pow_succ_sub_one_div_two", "code": "private theorem two_pow_succ_sub_one_div_two : (2 ^ (n+1) - 1) / 2 = 2^n - 1", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.two_mul_sub_one", "code": "private theorem two_mul_sub_one {n : Nat} (n_pos : n > 0) : (2*n - 1) % 2 = 1", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.div2Induction", "code": "noncomputable def div2Induction {motive : Nat → Sort u}\n (n : Nat) (ind : ∀(n : Nat), (n > 0 → motive (n/2)) → motive n) : motive n := by\n induction n using Nat.strongInductionOn with\n | ind n hyp =>\n apply ind\n intro n_pos\n if n_eq : n = 0 then\n simp [n_eq] at n_pos\n else\n apply hyp\n exact Nat.div_lt_self n_pos (Nat.le_refl _)", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.zero_and", "code": "@[simp] theorem zero_and (x : Nat) : 0 &&& x = 0", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 7 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.and_zero", "code": "@[simp] theorem and_zero (x : Nat) : x &&& 0 = 0", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 61, 7 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.one_and_eq_mod_two", "code": "@[simp] theorem one_and_eq_mod_two (n : Nat) : 1 &&& n = n % 2", "start": [ 63, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.and_one_is_mod", "code": "@[simp] theorem and_one_is_mod (x : Nat) : x &&& 1 = x % 2", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 79, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.zero_testBit", "code": "@[simp] theorem zero_testBit (i : Nat) : testBit 0 i = false", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_zero", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_zero (x : Nat) : testBit x 0 = decide (x % 2 = 1)", "start": [ 86, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_succ", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_succ (x i : Nat) : testBit x (succ i) = testBit (x/2) i", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 91, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_add_one", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_add_one (x i : Nat) : testBit x (i + 1) = testBit (x/2) i", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_to_div_mod", "code": "theorem testBit_to_div_mod {x : Nat} : testBit x i = decide (x / 2^i % 2 = 1)", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 103, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.toNat_testBit", "code": "theorem toNat_testBit (x i : Nat) :\n (x.testBit i).toNat = x / 2 ^ i % 2", "start": [ 105, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.ne_zero_implies_bit_true", "code": "theorem ne_zero_implies_bit_true {x : Nat} (xnz : x ≠ 0) : ∃ i, testBit x i", "start": [ 110, 1 ], "end": [ 123, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.ne_implies_bit_diff", "code": "theorem ne_implies_bit_diff {x y : Nat} (p : x ≠ y) : ∃ i, testBit x i ≠ testBit y i", "start": [ 125, 1 ], "end": [ 149, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.eq_of_testBit_eq", "code": "theorem eq_of_testBit_eq {x y : Nat} (pred : ∀i, testBit x i = testBit y i) : x = y", "start": [ 151, 1 ], "end": [ 161, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.ge_two_pow_implies_high_bit_true", "code": "theorem ge_two_pow_implies_high_bit_true {x : Nat} (p : x ≥ 2^n) : ∃ i, i ≥ n ∧ testBit x i", "start": [ 163, 1 ], "end": [ 181, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_implies_ge", "code": "theorem testBit_implies_ge {x : Nat} (p : testBit x i = true) : x ≥ 2^i", "start": [ 183, 1 ], "end": [ 188, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_lt_two_pow", "code": "theorem testBit_lt_two_pow {x i : Nat} (lt : x < 2^i) : x.testBit i = false", "start": [ 190, 1 ], "end": [ 195, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.lt_pow_two_of_testBit", "code": "theorem lt_pow_two_of_testBit (x : Nat) (p : ∀i, i ≥ n → testBit x i = false) : x < 2^n", "start": [ 197, 1 ], "end": [ 203, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.succ_mod_two", "code": "private theorem succ_mod_two : succ x % 2 = 1 - x % 2", "start": [ 205, 1 ], "end": [ 212, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_succ_zero", "code": "private theorem testBit_succ_zero : testBit (x + 1) 0 = not (testBit x 0)", "start": [ 214, 1 ], "end": [ 217, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_two_pow_add_eq", "code": "theorem testBit_two_pow_add_eq (x i : Nat) : testBit (2^i + x) i = not (testBit x i)", "start": [ 219, 1 ], "end": [ 222, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_mul_two_pow_add_eq", "code": "theorem testBit_mul_two_pow_add_eq (a b i : Nat) :\n testBit (2^i*a + b) i = Bool.xor (a%2 = 1) (testBit b i)", "start": [ 224, 1 ], "end": [ 234, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_two_pow_add_gt", "code": "theorem testBit_two_pow_add_gt {i j : Nat} (j_lt_i : j < i) (x : Nat) :\n testBit (2^i + x) j = testBit x j", "start": [ 236, 1 ], "end": [ 248, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_mod_two_pow", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_mod_two_pow (x j i : Nat) :\n testBit (x % 2^j) i = (decide (i < j) && testBit x i)", "start": [ 250, 1 ], "end": [ 274, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_one_zero", "code": "theorem testBit_one_zero : testBit 1 0 = true", "start": [ 276, 1 ], "end": [ 276, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.not_decide_mod_two_eq_one", "code": "theorem not_decide_mod_two_eq_one (x : Nat)\n : (!decide (x % 2 = 1)) = decide (x % 2 = 0)", "start": [ 278, 1 ], "end": [ 280, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_two_pow_sub_succ", "code": "theorem testBit_two_pow_sub_succ (h₂ : x < 2 ^ n) (i : Nat) :\n testBit (2^n - (x + 1)) i = (decide (i < n) && ! testBit x i)", "start": [ 282, 1 ], "end": [ 299, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_two_pow_sub_one", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_two_pow_sub_one (n i : Nat) : testBit (2^n-1) i = decide (i < n)", "start": [ 301, 1 ], "end": [ 304, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_bool_to_nat", "code": "theorem testBit_bool_to_nat (b : Bool) (i : Nat) :\n testBit (Bool.toNat b) i = (decide (i = 0) && b)", "start": [ 306, 1 ], "end": [ 311, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_one_eq_true_iff_self_eq_zero", "code": "theorem testBit_one_eq_true_iff_self_eq_zero {i : Nat} :\n Nat.testBit 1 i = true ↔ i = 0", "start": [ 313, 1 ], "end": [ 316, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_bitwise", "code": "theorem testBit_bitwise\n (false_false_axiom : f false false = false) (x y i : Nat)\n: (bitwise f x y).testBit i = f (x.testBit i) (y.testBit i)", "start": [ 320, 1 ], "end": [ 344, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.eq_0_of_lt_one", "code": "@[local simp]\nprivate theorem eq_0_of_lt_one (x : Nat) : x < 1 ↔ x = 0", "start": [ 348, 1 ], "end": [ 355, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.eq_0_of_lt", "code": "private theorem eq_0_of_lt (x : Nat) : x < 2^ 0 ↔ x = 0", "start": [ 357, 1 ], "end": [ 357, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.zero_lt_pow", "code": "@[local simp]\nprivate theorem zero_lt_pow (n : Nat) : 0 < 2^n", "start": [ 359, 1 ], "end": [ 363, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.div_two_le_of_lt_two", "code": "private theorem div_two_le_of_lt_two {m n : Nat} (p : m < 2 ^ succ n) : m / 2 < 2^n", "start": [ 365, 1 ], "end": [ 367, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.bitwise_lt_two_pow", "code": "theorem bitwise_lt_two_pow (left : x < 2^n) (right : y < 2^n) : (Nat.bitwise f x y) < 2^n", "start": [ 369, 1 ], "end": [ 394, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_and", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_and (x y i : Nat) : (x &&& y).testBit i = (x.testBit i && y.testBit i)", "start": [ 398, 1 ], "end": [ 399, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.and_lt_two_pow", "code": "theorem and_lt_two_pow (x : Nat) {y n : Nat} (right : y < 2^n) : (x &&& y) < 2^n", "start": [ 401, 1 ], "end": [ 408, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.and_pow_two_is_mod", "code": "@[simp] theorem and_pow_two_is_mod (x n : Nat) : x &&& (2^n-1) = x % 2^n", "start": [ 410, 1 ], "end": [ 414, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.and_pow_two_identity", "code": "theorem and_pow_two_identity {x : Nat} (lt : x < 2^n) : x &&& 2^n-1 = x", "start": [ 416, 1 ], "end": [ 418, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.zero_or", "code": "@[simp] theorem zero_or (x : Nat) : 0 ||| x = x", "start": [ 422, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.or_zero", "code": "@[simp] theorem or_zero (x : Nat) : x ||| 0 = x", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 430, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_or", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_or (x y i : Nat) : (x ||| y).testBit i = (x.testBit i || y.testBit i)", "start": [ 432, 1 ], "end": [ 433, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.or_lt_two_pow", "code": "theorem or_lt_two_pow {x y n : Nat} (left : x < 2^n) (right : y < 2^n) : x ||| y < 2^n", "start": [ 435, 1 ], "end": [ 436, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_xor", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_xor (x y i : Nat) :\n (x ^^^ y).testBit i = Bool.xor (x.testBit i) (y.testBit i)", "start": [ 440, 1 ], "end": [ 442, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.xor_lt_two_pow", "code": "theorem xor_lt_two_pow {x y n : Nat} (left : x < 2^n) (right : y < 2^n) : x ^^^ y < 2^n", "start": [ 444, 1 ], "end": [ 445, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_mul_pow_two_add", "code": "theorem testBit_mul_pow_two_add (a : Nat) {b i : Nat} (b_lt : b < 2^i) (j : Nat) :\n testBit (2 ^ i * a + b) j =\n if j < i then\n testBit b j\n else\n testBit a (j - i)", "start": [ 449, 1 ], "end": [ 475, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_mul_pow_two", "code": "theorem testBit_mul_pow_two :\n testBit (2 ^ i * a) j = (decide (j ≥ i) && testBit a (j-i))", "start": [ 477, 1 ], "end": [ 483, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.mul_add_lt_is_or", "code": "theorem mul_add_lt_is_or {b : Nat} (b_lt : b < 2^i) (a : Nat) : 2^i * a + b = 2^i * a ||| b", "start": [ 485, 1 ], "end": [ 497, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_shiftLeft", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_shiftLeft (x : Nat) : testBit (x <<< i) j =\n (decide (j ≥ i) && testBit x (j-i))", "start": [ 501, 1 ], "end": [ 503, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.testBit_shiftRight", "code": "@[simp] theorem testBit_shiftRight (x : Nat) : testBit (x >>> i) j = testBit x (i+j)", "start": [ 505, 1 ], "end": [ 506, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Hashable.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/HashSet.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Ptr", "code": "structure Ptr (α : Type u) where\n value : α", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PtrSet", "code": "unsafe def PtrSet (α : Type) :=\n HashSet (Ptr α)", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkPtrSet", "code": "unsafe def mkPtrSet {α : Type} (capacity : Nat := 64) : PtrSet α :=\n mkHashSet capacity", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PtrSet.insert", "code": "unsafe abbrev PtrSet.insert (s : PtrSet α) (a : α) : PtrSet α :=\n HashSet.insert s { value := a }", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PtrSet.contains", "code": "unsafe abbrev PtrSet.contains (s : PtrSet α) (a : α) : Bool :=\n HashSet.contains s { value := a }", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Expr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.Cache", "code": "structure Cache where\n size : USize\n keysResults : Array NonScalar", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 18, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "unsafe def (e : Expr) : Cache :=\n let size := (1 <<< min (max e.approxDepth.toUSize 1) 13) - 1\n { size, keysResults := mkArray (2 * size).toNat (unsafeCast ()) }", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.Cache.keyIdx", "code": "@[inline]\nunsafe def Cache.keyIdx (c : Cache) (key : Expr) : USize :=\n ptrAddrUnsafe key % c.size", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.Cache.resultIdx", "code": "@[inline]\nunsafe def Cache.resultIdx (c : Cache) (key : Expr) : USize :=\n c.keyIdx key + c.size", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.Cache.hasResultFor", "code": "@[inline]\nunsafe def Cache.hasResultFor (c : Cache) (key : Expr) : Bool :=\n have : (c.keyIdx key).toNat < c.keysResults.size := lcProof\n ptrEq (unsafeCast key) c.keysResults[c.keyIdx key]", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.Cache.getResultFor", "code": "@[inline]\nunsafe def Cache.getResultFor (c : Cache) (key : Expr) : Expr :=\n have : (c.resultIdx key).toNat < c.keysResults.size := lcProof\n unsafeCast c.keysResults[c.resultIdx key]", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "unsafe def (c : Cache) (key result : Expr) : Cache :=\n { c with keysResults := c.keysResults\n |>.uset (c.keyIdx key) (unsafeCast key) lcProof\n |>.uset (c.resultIdx key) (unsafeCast result) lcProof }", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.ReplaceM", "code": "abbrev ReplaceM := StateM Cache", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.cache", "code": "@[inline]\nunsafe def cache (key : Expr) (result : Expr) : ReplaceM Expr := do\n modify (·.store key result)\n pure result", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.replaceUnsafeM", "code": "@[specialize]\nunsafe def replaceUnsafeM (f? : Expr → Option Expr) (e : Expr) : ReplaceM Expr := do\n let rec @[specialize] visit (e : Expr) := do\n if (← get).hasResultFor e then\n return (← get).getResultFor e\n else match f? e with\n | some eNew => cache e eNew\n | none => match e with\n | Expr.forallE _ d b _ => cache e <| e.updateForallE! (← visit d) (← visit b)\n | Expr.lam _ d b _ => cache e <| e.updateLambdaE! (← visit d) (← visit b)\n | Expr.mdata _ b => cache e <| e.updateMData! (← visit b)\n | Expr.letE _ t v b _ => cache e <| e.updateLet! (← visit t) (← visit v) (← visit b)\n | f a => cache e <| e.updateApp! (← visit f) (← visit a)\n | Expr.proj _ _ b => cache e <| e.updateProj! (← visit b)\n | e => pure e\n visit e", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.ReplaceImpl.replaceUnsafe", "code": "@[inline]\nunsafe def replaceUnsafe (f? : Expr → Option Expr) (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n (replaceUnsafeM f? e).run' ( e)", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 75, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.replaceNoCache", "code": "@[specialize]\ndef replaceNoCache (f? : Expr → Option Expr) (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n match f? e with\n | some eNew => eNew\n | none => match e with\n | .forallE _ d b _ => let d := replaceNoCache f? d; let b := replaceNoCache f? b; e.updateForallE! d b\n | .lam _ d b _ => let d := replaceNoCache f? d; let b := replaceNoCache f? b; e.updateLambdaE! d b\n | .mdata _ b => let b := replaceNoCache f? b; e.updateMData! b\n | .letE _ t v b _ => let t := replaceNoCache f? t; let v := replaceNoCache f? v; let b := replaceNoCache f? b; e.updateLet! t v b\n | .app f a => let f := replaceNoCache f? f; let a := replaceNoCache f? a; e.updateApp! f a\n | .proj _ _ b => let b := replaceNoCache f? b; e.updateProj! b\n | e => e", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.replace", "code": "@[implemented_by ReplaceImpl.replaceUnsafe]\npartial def replace (f? : Expr → Option Expr) (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n e.replaceNoCache f?", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 97, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Array/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/NotationExtra.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ToString/Macro.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArrayNode", "code": "inductive PersistentArrayNode (α : Type u) where\n | node (cs : Array (PersistentArrayNode α)) : PersistentArrayNode α\n | leaf (vs : Array α) : PersistentArrayNode α\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 18, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArrayNode.isNode", "code": "def isNode {α} : PersistentArrayNode α → Bool\n | node _ => true\n | leaf _ => false", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.initShift", "code": "abbrev PersistentArray.initShift : USize := 5", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.branching", "code": "abbrev PersistentArray.branching : USize := USize.ofNat (2 ^ PersistentArray.initShift.toNat)", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray", "code": "structure PersistentArray (α : Type u) where\n \n root : PersistentArrayNode α := PersistentArrayNode.node (Array.mkEmpty PersistentArray.branching.toNat)\n tail : Array α := Array.mkEmpty PersistentArray.branching.toNat\n size : Nat := 0\n shift : USize := PersistentArray.initShift\n tailOff : Nat := 0\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PArray", "code": "abbrev PArray (α : Type u) := PersistentArray α", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.empty", "code": "def empty : PersistentArray α := {}", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.isEmpty", "code": "def isEmpty (a : PersistentArray α) : Bool := a.size == 0", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.mkEmptyArray", "code": "def mkEmptyArray : Array α := Array.mkEmpty branching.toNat", "start": [ 55, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.mul2Shift", "code": "abbrev mul2Shift (i : USize) (shift : USize) : USize := i.shiftLeft shift", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.div2Shift", "code": "abbrev div2Shift (i : USize) (shift : USize) : USize := i.shiftRight shift", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.mod2Shift", "code": "abbrev mod2Shift (i : USize) (shift : USize) : USize := i ((USize.shiftLeft 1 shift) - 1)", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.getAux", "code": "partial def getAux [Inhabited α] : PersistentArrayNode α → USize → USize → α\n | node cs, i, shift => getAux cs[(div2Shift i shift).toNat]! (mod2Shift i shift) (shift - initShift)\n | leaf cs, i, _ => cs[i.toNat]!", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.get!", "code": "def get! [Inhabited α] (t : PersistentArray α) (i : Nat) : α :=\n if i >= t.tailOff then\n t.tail.get! (i - t.tailOff)\n else\n getAux t.root (USize.ofNat i) t.shift", "start": [ 65, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.setAux", "code": "partial def setAux : PersistentArrayNode α → USize → USize → α → PersistentArrayNode α\n | node cs, i, shift, a =>\n let j := div2Shift i shift\n let i := mod2Shift i shift\n let shift := shift - initShift\n node <| cs.modify j.toNat fun c => setAux c i shift a\n | leaf cs, i, _, a => leaf (cs.set! i.toNat a)", "start": [ 75, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.set", "code": "def set (t : PersistentArray α) (i : Nat) (a : α) : PersistentArray α :=\n if i >= t.tailOff then\n { t with tail := t.tail.set! (i - t.tailOff) a }\n else\n { t with root := setAux t.root (USize.ofNat i) t.shift a }", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.modifyAux", "code": "@[specialize] partial def modifyAux [Inhabited α] (f : α → α) : PersistentArrayNode α → USize → USize → PersistentArrayNode α\n | node cs, i, shift =>\n let j := div2Shift i shift\n let i := mod2Shift i shift\n let shift := shift - initShift\n node <| cs.modify j.toNat fun c => modifyAux f c i shift\n | leaf cs, i, _ => leaf (cs.modify i.toNat f)", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.modify", "code": "@[specialize] def modify [Inhabited α] (t : PersistentArray α) (i : Nat) (f : α → α) : PersistentArray α :=\n if i >= t.tailOff then\n { t with tail := t.tail.modify (i - t.tailOff) f }\n else\n { t with root := modifyAux f t.root (USize.ofNat i) t.shift }", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.mkNewPath", "code": "partial def mkNewPath (shift : USize) (a : Array α) : PersistentArrayNode α :=\n if shift == 0 then\n leaf a\n else\n node (mkEmptyArray.push (mkNewPath (shift - initShift) a))", "start": [ 103, 1 ], "end": [ 107, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.insertNewLeaf", "code": "partial def insertNewLeaf : PersistentArrayNode α → USize → USize → Array α → PersistentArrayNode α\n | node cs, i, shift, a =>\n if i < branching then\n node (cs.push (leaf a))\n else\n let j := div2Shift i shift\n let i := mod2Shift i shift\n let shift := shift - initShift\n if j.toNat < cs.size then\n node <| cs.modify j.toNat fun c => insertNewLeaf c i shift a\n else\n node <| cs.push <| mkNewPath shift a\n | n, _, _, _ => n", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.mkNewTail", "code": "def mkNewTail (t : PersistentArray α) : PersistentArray α :=\n if t.size <= (mul2Shift 1 (t.shift + initShift)).toNat then\n { t with\n tail := mkEmptyArray, root := insertNewLeaf t.root (USize.ofNat (t.size - 1)) t.shift t.tail,\n tailOff := t.size }\n else\n { t with\n tail := #[],\n root := let n := mkEmptyArray.push t.root;\n node (n.push (mkNewPath t.shift t.tail)),\n shift := t.shift + initShift,\n tailOff := t.size }", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.tooBig", "code": "def tooBig : Nat := USize.size / 8", "start": [ 136, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.push", "code": "def push (t : PersistentArray α) (a : α) : PersistentArray α :=\n let r := { t with tail := t.tail.push a, size := t.size + 1 }\n if r.tail.size < branching.toNat || t.size >= tooBig then\n r\n else\n mkNewTail r", "start": [ 138, 1 ], "end": [ 143, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.emptyArray", "code": "private def emptyArray {α : Type u} : Array (PersistentArrayNode α) :=\n Array.mkEmpty PersistentArray.branching.toNat", "start": [ 145, 1 ], "end": [ 146, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.popLeaf", "code": "partial def popLeaf : PersistentArrayNode α → Option (Array α) × Array (PersistentArrayNode α)\n | node cs =>\n if h : cs.size ≠ 0 then\n let idx : Fin cs.size := ⟨cs.size - 1, by exact Nat.pred_lt h⟩\n let last := cs.get idx\n let cs' := cs.set idx default\n match popLeaf last with\n | (none, _) => (none, emptyArray)\n | (some l, newLast) =>\n if newLast.size == 0 then\n let cs' := cs'.pop\n if cs'.isEmpty then (some l, emptyArray) else (some l, cs')\n else\n (some l, cs'.set (Array.size_set cs idx _ ▸ idx) (node newLast))\n else\n (none, emptyArray)\n | leaf vs => (some vs, emptyArray)", "start": [ 148, 1 ], "end": [ 164, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.pop", "code": "def pop (t : PersistentArray α) : PersistentArray α :=\n if t.tail.size > 0 then\n { t with tail := t.tail.pop, size := t.size - 1 }\n else\n match popLeaf t.root with\n | (none, _) => t\n | (some last, newRoots) =>\n let last := last.pop\n let newSize := t.size - 1\n let newTailOff := newSize - last.size\n if newRoots.size == 1 && (newRoots.get! 0).isNode then\n { root := newRoots.get! 0,\n shift := t.shift - initShift,\n size := newSize,\n tail := last,\n tailOff := newTailOff }\n else\n { t with\n root := node newRoots,\n size := newSize,\n tail := last,\n tailOff := newTailOff }", "start": [ 166, 1 ], "end": [ 187, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.foldlMAux", "code": "@[specialize] private partial def foldlMAux (f : β → α → m β) : PersistentArrayNode α → β → m β\n | node cs, b => cs.foldlM (fun b c => foldlMAux f c b) b\n | leaf vs, b => vs.foldlM f b", "start": [ 193, 1 ], "end": [ 195, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.foldlFromMAux", "code": "@[specialize] private partial def foldlFromMAux (f : β → α → m β) : PersistentArrayNode α → USize → USize → β → m β\n | node cs, i, shift, b => do\n let j := (div2Shift i shift).toNat\n let b ← foldlFromMAux f (cs.get! j) (mod2Shift i shift) (shift - initShift) b\n cs.foldlM (init := b) (start := j+1) fun b c => foldlMAux f c b\n | leaf vs, i, _, b => vs.foldlM (init := b) (start := i.toNat) f", "start": [ 197, 1 ], "end": [ 202, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.foldlM", "code": "@[specialize] def foldlM (t : PersistentArray α) (f : β → α → m β) (init : β) (start : Nat := 0) : m β := do\n if start == 0 then\n let b ← foldlMAux f t.root init\n t.tail.foldlM f b\n else if start >= t.tailOff then\n t.tail.foldlM (init := init) (start := start - t.tailOff) f\n else do\n let b ← foldlFromMAux f t.root (USize.ofNat start) t.shift init\n t.tail.foldlM f b", "start": [ 204, 1 ], "end": [ 212, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.foldrMAux", "code": "@[specialize] private partial def foldrMAux [Monad m] (f : α → β → m β) : PersistentArrayNode α → β → m β\n | node cs, b => cs.foldrM (fun c b => foldrMAux f c b) b\n | leaf vs, b => vs.foldrM f b", "start": [ 214, 1 ], "end": [ 216, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.foldrM", "code": "@[specialize] def foldrM [Monad m] (t : PersistentArray α) (f : α → β → m β) (init : β) : m β := do\n foldrMAux f t.root (← t.tail.foldrM f init)", "start": [ 218, 1 ], "end": [ 219, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.forInAux", "code": "@[specialize]\npartial def forInAux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {m : Type v → Type w} [Monad m] [inh : Inhabited β]\n (f : α → β → m (ForInStep β)) (n : PersistentArrayNode α) (b : β) : m (ForInStep β) := do\n let mut b := b\n match n with\n | leaf vs =>\n for v in vs do\n match (← f v b) with\n | r@(ForInStep.done _) => return r\n | ForInStep.yield bNew => b := bNew\n return ForInStep.yield b\n | node cs =>\n for c in cs do\n match (← forInAux f c b) with\n | r@(ForInStep.done _) => return r\n | ForInStep.yield bNew => b := bNew\n return ForInStep.yield b", "start": [ 222, 1 ], "end": [ 238, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.forIn", "code": "@[specialize] protected def forIn (t : PersistentArray α) (init : β) (f : α → β → m (ForInStep β)) : m β := do\n match (← forInAux (inh := ⟨init⟩) f t.root init) with\n | ForInStep.done b => pure b\n | ForInStep.yield b =>\n let mut b := b\n for v in t.tail do\n match (← f v b) with\n | ForInStep.done r => return r\n | ForInStep.yield bNew => b := bNew\n return b", "start": [ 240, 1 ], "end": [ 249, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.findSomeMAux", "code": "@[specialize] partial def findSomeMAux (f : α → m (Option β)) : PersistentArrayNode α → m (Option β)\n | node cs => cs.findSomeM? (fun c => findSomeMAux f c)\n | leaf vs => vs.findSomeM? f", "start": [ 254, 1 ], "end": [ 256, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.findSomeM?", "code": "@[specialize] def findSomeM? (t : PersistentArray α) (f : α → m (Option β)) : m (Option β) := do\n match (← findSomeMAux f t.root) with\n | none => t.tail.findSomeM? f\n | some b => pure (some b)", "start": [ 258, 1 ], "end": [ 261, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.findSomeRevMAux", "code": "@[specialize] partial def findSomeRevMAux (f : α → m (Option β)) : PersistentArrayNode α → m (Option β)\n | node cs => cs.findSomeRevM? (fun c => findSomeRevMAux f c)\n | leaf vs => vs.findSomeRevM? f", "start": [ 263, 1 ], "end": [ 265, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.findSomeRevM?", "code": "@[specialize] def findSomeRevM? (t : PersistentArray α) (f : α → m (Option β)) : m (Option β) := do\n match (← t.tail.findSomeRevM? f) with\n | none => findSomeRevMAux f t.root\n | some b => pure (some b)", "start": [ 267, 1 ], "end": [ 270, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.forMAux", "code": "@[specialize] partial def forMAux (f : α → m PUnit) : PersistentArrayNode α → m PUnit\n | node cs => cs.forM (fun c => forMAux f c)\n | leaf vs => vs.forM f", "start": [ 272, 1 ], "end": [ 274, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.forM", "code": "@[specialize] def forM (t : PersistentArray α) (f : α → m PUnit) : m PUnit :=\n forMAux f t.root *> t.tail.forM f", "start": [ 276, 1 ], "end": [ 277, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.foldl", "code": "@[inline] def foldl (t : PersistentArray α) (f : β → α → β) (init : β) (start : Nat := 0) : β :=\n <| t.foldlM f init start", "start": [ 281, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.foldr", "code": "@[inline] def foldr (t : PersistentArray α) (f : α → β → β) (init : β) : β :=\n <| t.foldrM f init", "start": [ 284, 1 ], "end": [ 285, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.filter", "code": "@[inline] def filter (as : PersistentArray α) (p : α → Bool) : PersistentArray α :=\n as.foldl (init := {}) fun asNew a => if p a then asNew.push a else asNew", "start": [ 287, 1 ], "end": [ 288, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.toArray", "code": "def toArray (t : PersistentArray α) : Array α :=\n t.foldl Array.push #[]", "start": [ 290, 1 ], "end": [ 291, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.append", "code": "def append (t₁ t₂ : PersistentArray α) : PersistentArray α :=\n if t₁.isEmpty then\n t₂\n else\n t₂.foldl PersistentArray.push t₁", "start": [ 293, 1 ], "end": [ 297, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.findSome?", "code": "@[inline] def findSome? {β} (t : PersistentArray α) (f : α → (Option β)) : Option β :=\n $ t.findSomeM? f", "start": [ 301, 1 ], "end": [ 302, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.findSomeRev?", "code": "@[inline] def findSomeRev? {β} (t : PersistentArray α) (f : α → (Option β)) : Option β :=\n $ t.findSomeRevM? f", "start": [ 304, 1 ], "end": [ 305, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.toList", "code": "def toList (t : PersistentArray α) : List α :=\n (t.foldl (init := []) fun xs x => x :: xs).reverse", "start": [ 307, 1 ], "end": [ 308, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.anyMAux", "code": "@[specialize] partial def anyMAux (p : α → m Bool) : PersistentArrayNode α → m Bool\n | node cs => cs.anyM fun c => anyMAux p c\n | leaf vs => vs.anyM p", "start": [ 312, 1 ], "end": [ 314, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.anyM", "code": "@[specialize] def anyM (t : PersistentArray α) (p : α → m Bool) : m Bool :=\n anyMAux p t.root <||> t.tail.anyM p", "start": [ 316, 1 ], "end": [ 317, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.allM", "code": "@[inline] def allM (a : PersistentArray α) (p : α → m Bool) : m Bool := do\n let b ← anyM a (fun v => do let b ← p v; pure (not b))\n pure (not b)", "start": [ 319, 1 ], "end": [ 321, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.any", "code": "@[inline] def any (a : PersistentArray α) (p : α → Bool) : Bool :=\n $ anyM a p", "start": [ 325, 1 ], "end": [ 326, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.all", "code": "@[inline] def all (a : PersistentArray α) (p : α → Bool) : Bool :=\n !any a fun v => !p v", "start": [ 328, 1 ], "end": [ 329, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.mapMAux", "code": "@[specialize] partial def mapMAux (f : α → m β) : PersistentArrayNode α → m (PersistentArrayNode β)\n | node cs => node <$> cs.mapM (fun c => mapMAux f c)\n | leaf vs => leaf <$> vs.mapM f", "start": [ 335, 1 ], "end": [ 337, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.mapM", "code": "@[specialize] def mapM (f : α → m β) (t : PersistentArray α) : m (PersistentArray β) := do\n let root ← mapMAux f t.root\n let tail ← t.tail.mapM f\n pure { t with tail := tail, root := root }", "start": [ 339, 1 ], "end": [ 342, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline] def map {β} (f : α → β) (t : PersistentArray α) : PersistentArray β :=\n $ t.mapM f", "start": [ 346, 1 ], "end": [ 347, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.Stats", "code": "structure Stats where\n numNodes : Nat\n depth : Nat\n tailSize : Nat", "start": [ 349, 1 ], "end": [ 352, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.collectStats", "code": "partial def collectStats : PersistentArrayNode α → Stats → Nat → Stats\n | node cs, s, d =>\n cs.foldl (fun s c => collectStats c s (d+1))\n { s with\n numNodes := s.numNodes + 1,\n depth := Nat.max d s.depth }\n | leaf _, s, d => { s with numNodes := s.numNodes + 1, depth := Nat.max d s.depth }", "start": [ 354, 1 ], "end": [ 360, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.stats", "code": "def stats (r : PersistentArray α) : Stats :=\n collectStats r.root { numNodes := 0, depth := 0, tailSize := r.tail.size } 0", "start": [ 362, 1 ], "end": [ 363, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentArray.Stats.toString", "code": "def Stats.toString (s : Stats) : String :=\n s!\"\\{nodes := {s.numNodes}, depth := {s.depth}, tail size := {s.tailSize}}\"", "start": [ 365, 1 ], "end": [ 366, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkPersistentArray", "code": "def mkPersistentArray {α : Type u} (n : Nat) (v : α) : PArray α :=\n n.fold (init := PersistentArray.empty) fun _ p => p.push v", "start": [ 372, 1 ], "end": [ 373, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkPArray", "code": "@[inline] def mkPArray {α : Type u} (n : Nat) (v : α) : PArray α :=\n mkPersistentArray n v", "start": [ 375, 1 ], "end": [ 376, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "List.toPArray'", "code": "def List.toPArray' {α : Type u} (xs : List α) : PersistentArray α :=\n let rec loop : List α → PersistentArray α → PersistentArray α\n | [], t => t\n | x::xs, t => loop xs (t.push x)\n loop xs {}", "start": [ 382, 1 ], "end": [ 386, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Array.toPArray'", "code": "def Array.toPArray' {α : Type u} (xs : Array α) : PersistentArray α :=\n xs.foldl (init := .empty) fun p x => p.push x", "start": [ 388, 1 ], "end": [ 389, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Control/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Nat.forM", "code": "@[inline] def forM {m} [Monad m] (n : Nat) (f : Nat → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop\n | 0 => pure ()\n | i+1 => do f (n-i-1); loop i\n loop n", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.forRevM", "code": "@[inline] def forRevM {m} [Monad m] (n : Nat) (f : Nat → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop\n | 0 => pure ()\n | i+1 => do f i; loop i\n loop n", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.foldM", "code": "@[inline] def foldM {α : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] (f : Nat → α → m α) (init : α) (n : Nat) : m α :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop\n | 0, a => pure a\n | i+1, a => f (n-i-1) a >>= loop i\n loop n init", "start": [ 25, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.foldRevM", "code": "@[inline] def foldRevM {α : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] (f : Nat → α → m α) (init : α) (n : Nat) : m α :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop\n | 0, a => pure a\n | i+1, a => f i a >>= loop i\n loop n init", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 35, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.allM", "code": "@[inline] def allM {m} [Monad m] (n : Nat) (p : Nat → m Bool) : m Bool :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop\n | 0 => pure true\n | i+1 => do\n match (← p (n-i-1)) with\n | true => loop i\n | false => pure false\n loop n", "start": [ 37, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Nat.anyM", "code": "@[inline] def anyM {m} [Monad m] (n : Nat) (p : Nat → m Bool) : m Bool :=\n let rec @[specialize] loop\n | 0 => pure false\n | i+1 => do\n match (← p (n-i-1)) with\n | true => pure true\n | false => loop i\n loop n", "start": [ 46, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Core.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "TypeNameData", "code": "private opaque TypeNameData (α : Type u) : NonemptyType.{0} :=\n ⟨Name, inferInstance⟩", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "TypeName", "code": "@[nospecialize]\nclass TypeName (α : Type u) where private mk' ::\n private data : (TypeNameData α).type", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "unsafe def (α : Type u) (typeName : Name) : TypeName α :=\n ⟨unsafeCast typeName⟩", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "TypeName.typeNameImpl", "code": "private unsafe def TypeName.typeNameImpl (α) [TypeName α] : Name :=\n unsafeCast ( α _)", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "TypeName.typeName", "code": "@[implemented_by TypeName.typeNameImpl]\nopaque TypeName.typeName (α) [TypeName α] : Name", "start": [ 50, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "DynamicPointed", "code": "private opaque DynamicPointed : NonemptyType.{0} :=\n ⟨Name × NonScalar, inferInstance⟩", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Dynamic", "code": "def Dynamic : Type := DynamicPointed.type", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Dynamic.typeNameImpl", "code": "private unsafe def Dynamic.typeNameImpl (any : Dynamic) : Name :=\n (unsafeCast any : Name × NonScalar).1", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 70, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Dynamic.typeName", "code": "@[implemented_by Dynamic.typeNameImpl]\nopaque Dynamic.typeName (any : Dynamic) : Name", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 76, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Dynamic.get?Impl", "code": "private unsafe def Dynamic.get?Impl (α) (any : Dynamic) [TypeName α] : Option α :=\n let ((typeName, obj) : Name × NonScalar) := unsafeCast any\n if typeName == TypeName.typeName α then\n some (unsafeCast obj)\n else\n none", "start": [ 78, 1 ], "end": [ 83, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Dynamic.get?", "code": "@[implemented_by Dynamic.get?Impl]\nopaque Dynamic.get? (α) (any : Dynamic) [TypeName α] : Option α", "start": [ 85, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Dynamic.mkImpl", "code": "private unsafe def Dynamic.mkImpl [TypeName α] (obj : α) : Dynamic :=\n unsafeCast (TypeName.typeName α, (unsafeCast obj : NonScalar))", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[implemented_by Dynamic.mkImpl]\nopaque [TypeName α] (obj : α) : Dynamic", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/FromToJson.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Printer.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Parser.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Elab.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json/Stream.lean" ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Bitwise/Lemmas.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Int/Bitwise.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Power2.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Fin/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "BitVec", "code": "structure BitVec (w : Nat) where\n \n ofFin ::\n \n toFin : Fin (2^w)", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 35, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Std.BitVec", "code": "@[deprecated (since := \"2024-04-12\")]\nprotected abbrev Std.BitVec := _root_.BitVec", "start": [ 37, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.decEq", "code": "def BitVec.decEq (a b : BitVec n) : Decidable (a = b) :=\n match a, b with\n | ⟨n⟩, ⟨m⟩ =>\n if h : n = m then\n isTrue (h ▸ rfl)\n else\n isFalse (fun h' => BitVec.noConfusion h' (fun h' => absurd h' h))", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofNatLt", "code": "@[match_pattern]\nprotected def ofNatLt {n : Nat} (i : Nat) (p : i < 2^n) : BitVec n where\n toFin := ⟨i, p⟩", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofNat", "code": "@[match_pattern]\nprotected def ofNat (n : Nat) (i : Nat) : BitVec n where\n toFin := Fin.ofNat' i (Nat.two_pow_pos n)", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.instOfNat", "code": "instance instOfNat : OfNat (BitVec n) i where ofNat := .ofNat n i", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.natCastInst", "code": "instance natCastInst : NatCast (BitVec w) := ⟨BitVec.ofNat w⟩", "start": [ 68, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.toNat", "code": "protected def toNat (a : BitVec n) : Nat := a.toFin.val", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.isLt", "code": "theorem isLt (x : BitVec w) : x.toNat < 2^w", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 75, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.toNat_lt", "code": "@[deprecated isLt (since := \"2024-03-12\")]\ntheorem toNat_lt (x : BitVec n) : x.toNat < 2^n", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofNat_eq_ofNat", "code": "@[simp, bv_toNat] theorem ofNat_eq_ofNat : @OfNat.ofNat (BitVec n) i _ = .ofNat n i", "start": [ 80, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 91 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.natCast_eq_ofNat", "code": "@[simp] theorem natCast_eq_ofNat (w x : Nat) : @Nat.cast (BitVec w) _ x = .ofNat w x", "start": [ 85, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.nil", "code": "abbrev nil : BitVec 0 := 0", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.eq_nil", "code": "theorem eq_nil (x : BitVec 0) : x = nil", "start": [ 98, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "protected def zero (n : Nat) : BitVec n := .ofNatLt 0 (Nat.two_pow_pos n)", "start": [ 105, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.allOnes", "code": "def allOnes (n : Nat) : BitVec n :=\n .ofNatLt (2^n - 1) (Nat.le_of_eq (Nat.sub_add_cancel (Nat.two_pow_pos n)))", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 111, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.getLsb", "code": "@[inline] def getLsb (x : BitVec w) (i : Nat) : Bool := x.toNat.testBit i", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.getMsb", "code": "@[inline] def getMsb (x : BitVec w) (i : Nat) : Bool := i < w && getLsb x (w-1-i)", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.msb", "code": "@[inline] protected def msb (a : BitVec n) : Bool := getMsb a 0", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 124, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.toInt", "code": "protected def toInt (a : BitVec n) : Int :=\n if 2 * a.toNat < 2^n then\n a.toNat\n else\n (a.toNat : Int) - (2^n : Nat)", "start": [ 130, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofInt", "code": "protected def ofInt (n : Nat) (i : Int) : BitVec n := .ofNatLt (i % (Int.ofNat (2^n))).toNat (by\n apply (Int.toNat_lt _).mpr\n · apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos\n exact Int.ofNat_pos.mpr (Nat.two_pow_pos _)\n · apply Int.emod_nonneg\n intro eq\n apply Nat.ne_of_gt (Nat.two_pow_pos n)\n exact eq)", "start": [ 137, 1 ], "end": [ 145, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.unexpandBitVecOfNat", "code": "@[app_unexpander BitVec.ofNat] def unexpandBitVecOfNat : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander\n | `($(_) $n $i:num) => `($i:num#$n)\n | _ => throw ()", "start": [ 157, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.unexpandBitVecOfNatLt", "code": "@[app_unexpander BitVec.ofNatLt] def unexpandBitVecOfNatLt : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander\n | `($(_) $i $p) => `($i#'$p)\n | _ => throw ()", "start": [ 166, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.toHex", "code": "protected def toHex {n : Nat} (x : BitVec n) : String :=\n let s := (Nat.toDigits 16 x.toNat).asString\n let t := (List.replicate ((n+3) / 4 - s.length) '0').asString\n t ++ s", "start": [ 175, 1 ], "end": [ 179, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.add", "code": "protected def add (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n := .ofNat n (x.toNat + y.toNat)", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 194, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.sub", "code": "protected def sub (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n := .ofNat n ((2^n - y.toNat) + x.toNat)", "start": [ 197, 1 ], "end": [ 201, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.neg", "code": "protected def neg (x : BitVec n) : BitVec n := .ofNat n (2^n - x.toNat)", "start": [ 204, 1 ], "end": [ 210, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.abs", "code": "protected def abs (s : BitVec n) : BitVec n := if s.msb then .neg s else s", "start": [ 213, 1 ], "end": [ 216, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.mul", "code": "protected def mul (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n := BitVec.ofNat n (x.toNat * y.toNat)", "start": [ 218, 1 ], "end": [ 224, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.udiv", "code": "def udiv (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n (x.toNat / y.toNat)#'(Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.div_le_self _ _) x.isLt)", "start": [ 227, 1 ], "end": [ 231, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.umod", "code": "def umod (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n (x.toNat % y.toNat)#'(Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.mod_le _ _) x.isLt)", "start": [ 234, 1 ], "end": [ 240, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.smtUDiv", "code": "def smtUDiv (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n := if y = 0 then allOnes n else udiv x y", "start": [ 243, 1 ], "end": [ 250, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.sdiv", "code": "def sdiv (s t : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n match s.msb, t.msb with\n | false, false => udiv s t\n | false, true => .neg (udiv s (.neg t))\n | true, false => .neg (udiv (.neg s) t)\n | true, true => udiv (.neg s) (.neg t)", "start": [ 252, 1 ], "end": [ 268, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.smtSDiv", "code": "def smtSDiv (s t : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n match s.msb, t.msb with\n | false, false => smtUDiv s t\n | false, true => .neg (smtUDiv s (.neg t))\n | true, false => .neg (smtUDiv (.neg s) t)\n | true, true => smtUDiv (.neg s) (.neg t)", "start": [ 270, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.srem", "code": "def srem (s t : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n match s.msb, t.msb with\n | false, false => umod s t\n | false, true => umod s (.neg t)\n | true, false => .neg (umod (.neg s) t)\n | true, true => .neg (umod (.neg s) (.neg t))", "start": [ 284, 1 ], "end": [ 294, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.smod", "code": "def smod (s t : BitVec m) : BitVec m :=\n match s.msb, t.msb with\n | false, false => umod s t\n | false, true =>\n let u := umod s (.neg t)\n (if u = .zero m then u else .add u t)\n | true, false =>\n let u := umod (.neg s) t\n (if u = .zero m then u else .sub t u)\n | true, true => .neg (umod (.neg s) (.neg t))", "start": [ 296, 1 ], "end": [ 310, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofBool", "code": "def ofBool (b : Bool) : BitVec 1 := cond b 1 0", "start": [ 317, 1 ], "end": [ 318, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofBool_false", "code": "@[simp] theorem ofBool_false : ofBool false = 0", "start": [ 320, 1 ], "end": [ 320, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofBool_true", "code": "@[simp] theorem ofBool_true : ofBool true = 1", "start": [ 321, 1 ], "end": [ 321, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.fill", "code": "def fill (w : Nat) (b : Bool) : BitVec w := bif b then -1 else 0", "start": [ 323, 1 ], "end": [ 324, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ult", "code": "protected def ult (x y : BitVec n) : Bool := x.toNat < y.toNat", "start": [ 330, 1 ], "end": [ 335, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ule", "code": "protected def ule (x y : BitVec n) : Bool := x.toNat ≤ y.toNat", "start": [ 341, 1 ], "end": [ 346, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.slt", "code": "protected def slt (x y : BitVec n) : Bool := x.toInt < y.toInt", "start": [ 352, 1 ], "end": [ 361, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.sle", "code": "protected def sle (x y : BitVec n) : Bool := x.toInt ≤ y.toInt", "start": [ 363, 1 ], "end": [ 368, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.cast", "code": "@[inline] def cast (eq : n = m) (i : BitVec n) : BitVec m := .ofNatLt i.toNat (eq ▸ i.isLt)", "start": [ 374, 1 ], "end": [ 375, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.cast_ofNat", "code": "@[simp] theorem cast_ofNat {n m : Nat} (h : n = m) (x : Nat) :\n cast h (BitVec.ofNat n x) = BitVec.ofNat m x", "start": [ 377, 1 ], "end": [ 379, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.cast_cast", "code": "@[simp] theorem cast_cast {n m k : Nat} (h₁ : n = m) (h₂ : m = k) (x : BitVec n) :\n cast h₂ (cast h₁ x) = cast (h₁ ▸ h₂) x", "start": [ 381, 1 ], "end": [ 383, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.cast_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem cast_eq {n : Nat} (h : n = n) (x : BitVec n) : cast h x = x", "start": [ 385, 1 ], "end": [ 385, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.extractLsb'", "code": "def extractLsb' (start len : Nat) (a : BitVec n) : BitVec len := .ofNat _ (a.toNat >>> start)", "start": [ 387, 1 ], "end": [ 392, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.extractLsb", "code": "def extractLsb (hi lo : Nat) (a : BitVec n) : BitVec (hi - lo + 1) := extractLsb' lo _ a", "start": [ 394, 1 ], "end": [ 400, 89 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.zeroExtend'", "code": "def zeroExtend' {n w : Nat} (le : n ≤ w) (x : BitVec n) : BitVec w :=\n x.toNat#'(by\n apply Nat.lt_of_lt_of_le x.isLt\n exact Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right (by trivial) le)", "start": [ 402, 1 ], "end": [ 408, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.shiftLeftZeroExtend", "code": "def shiftLeftZeroExtend (msbs : BitVec w) (m : Nat) : BitVec (w+m) :=\n let shiftLeftLt {x : Nat} (p : x < 2^w) (m : Nat) : x <<< m < 2^(w+m) := by\n simp [Nat.shiftLeft_eq, Nat.pow_add]\n apply Nat.mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right p\n exact (Nat.two_pow_pos m)\n (msbs.toNat <<< m)#'(shiftLeftLt msbs.isLt m)", "start": [ 410, 1 ], "end": [ 419, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.zeroExtend", "code": "def zeroExtend (v : Nat) (x : BitVec w) : BitVec v :=\n if h : w ≤ v then\n zeroExtend' h x\n else\n .ofNat v x.toNat", "start": [ 421, 1 ], "end": [ 431, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.truncate", "code": "abbrev truncate := @zeroExtend", "start": [ 433, 1 ], "end": [ 437, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.signExtend", "code": "def signExtend (v : Nat) (x : BitVec w) : BitVec v := .ofInt v x.toInt", "start": [ 439, 1 ], "end": [ 445, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.and", "code": "protected def and (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n (x.toNat &&& y.toNat)#'(Nat.and_lt_two_pow x.toNat y.isLt)", "start": [ 451, 1 ], "end": [ 461, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.or", "code": "protected def or (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n (x.toNat ||| y.toNat)#'(Nat.or_lt_two_pow x.isLt y.isLt)", "start": [ 464, 1 ], "end": [ 474, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.xor", "code": "protected def xor (x y : BitVec n) : BitVec n :=\n (x.toNat ^^^ y.toNat)#'(Nat.xor_lt_two_pow x.isLt y.isLt)", "start": [ 477, 1 ], "end": [ 487, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.not", "code": "protected def not (x : BitVec n) : BitVec n := allOnes n ^^^ x", "start": [ 490, 1 ], "end": [ 498, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.shiftLeft", "code": "protected def shiftLeft (a : BitVec n) (s : Nat) : BitVec n := BitVec.ofNat n (a.toNat <<< s)", "start": [ 501, 1 ], "end": [ 507, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ushiftRight", "code": "def ushiftRight (a : BitVec n) (s : Nat) : BitVec n :=\n (a.toNat >>> s)#'(by\n let ⟨a, lt⟩ := a\n simp only [BitVec.toNat, Nat.shiftRight_eq_div_pow, Nat.div_lt_iff_lt_mul (Nat.two_pow_pos s)]\n rw [←Nat.mul_one a]\n exact Nat.mul_lt_mul_of_lt_of_le' lt (Nat.two_pow_pos s) (Nat.le_refl 1))", "start": [ 510, 1 ], "end": [ 521, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.sshiftRight", "code": "def sshiftRight (a : BitVec n) (s : Nat) : BitVec n := .ofInt n (a.toInt >>> s)", "start": [ 525, 1 ], "end": [ 532, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.rotateLeftAux", "code": "def rotateLeftAux (x : BitVec w) (n : Nat) : BitVec w :=\n x <<< n ||| x >>> (w - n)", "start": [ 537, 1 ], "end": [ 540, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.rotateLeft", "code": "def rotateLeft (x : BitVec w) (n : Nat) : BitVec w := rotateLeftAux x (n % w)", "start": [ 542, 1 ], "end": [ 551, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.rotateRightAux", "code": "def rotateRightAux (x : BitVec w) (n : Nat) : BitVec w :=\n x >>> n ||| x <<< (w - n)", "start": [ 554, 1 ], "end": [ 559, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.rotateRight", "code": "def rotateRight (x : BitVec w) (n : Nat) : BitVec w := rotateRightAux x (n % w)", "start": [ 561, 1 ], "end": [ 570, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.append", "code": "def append (msbs : BitVec n) (lsbs : BitVec m) : BitVec (n+m) :=\n shiftLeftZeroExtend msbs m ||| zeroExtend' (Nat.le_add_left m n) lsbs", "start": [ 572, 1 ], "end": [ 579, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.replicate", "code": "def replicate : (i : Nat) → BitVec w → BitVec (w*i)\n | 0, _ => 0\n | n+1, x =>\n have hEq : w + w*n = w*(n + 1) := by\n rw [Nat.mul_add, Nat.add_comm, Nat.mul_one]\n hEq ▸ (x ++ replicate n x)", "start": [ 584, 1 ], "end": [ 590, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.concat", "code": "def concat {n} (msbs : BitVec n) (lsb : Bool) : BitVec (n+1) := msbs ++ (ofBool lsb)", "start": [ 600, 1 ], "end": [ 602, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.cons", "code": "def cons {n} (msb : Bool) (lsbs : BitVec n) : BitVec (n+1) :=\n ((ofBool msb) ++ lsbs).cast (Nat.add_comm ..)", "start": [ 604, 1 ], "end": [ 607, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.append_ofBool", "code": "theorem append_ofBool (msbs : BitVec w) (lsb : Bool) :\n msbs ++ ofBool lsb = concat msbs lsb", "start": [ 609, 1 ], "end": [ 611, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofBool_append", "code": "theorem ofBool_append (msb : Bool) (lsbs : BitVec w) :\n ofBool msb ++ lsbs = (cons msb lsbs).cast (Nat.add_comm ..)", "start": [ 613, 1 ], "end": [ 615, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.twoPow", "code": "def twoPow (w : Nat) (i : Nat) : BitVec w := 1#w <<< i", "start": [ 617, 1 ], "end": [ 622, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.append_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem append_eq (x : BitVec w) (y : BitVec v) : BitVec.append x y = x ++ y", "start": [ 628, 1 ], "end": [ 628, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.shiftLeft_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem shiftLeft_eq (x : BitVec w) (n : Nat) : BitVec.shiftLeft x n = x <<< n", "start": [ 629, 1 ], "end": [ 629, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ushiftRight_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem ushiftRight_eq (x : BitVec w) (n : Nat) : BitVec.ushiftRight x n = x >>> n", "start": [ 630, 1 ], "end": [ 630, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.not_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem not_eq (x : BitVec w) : BitVec.not x = ~~~x", "start": [ 631, 1 ], "end": [ 631, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.and_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem and_eq (x y : BitVec w) : BitVec.and x y = x &&& y", "start": [ 632, 1 ], "end": [ 632, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.or_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem or_eq (x y : BitVec w) : BitVec.or x y = x ||| y", "start": [ 633, 1 ], "end": [ 633, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.xor_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem xor_eq (x y : BitVec w) : BitVec.xor x y = x ^^^ y", "start": [ 634, 1 ], "end": [ 634, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.neg_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem neg_eq (x : BitVec w) : BitVec.neg x = -x", "start": [ 635, 1 ], "end": [ 635, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.add_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem add_eq (x y : BitVec w) : BitVec.add x y = x + y", "start": [ 636, 1 ], "end": [ 636, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.sub_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem sub_eq (x y : BitVec w) : BitVec.sub x y = x - y", "start": [ 637, 1 ], "end": [ 637, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.mul_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem mul_eq (x y : BitVec w) : BitVec.mul x y = x * y", "start": [ 638, 1 ], "end": [ 638, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.zero_eq", "code": "@[simp] theorem zero_eq : n = 0#n", "start": [ 639, 1 ], "end": [ 639, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofBoolListBE", "code": "def ofBoolListBE : (bs : List Bool) → BitVec bs.length\n| [] => 0#0\n| b :: bs => cons b (ofBoolListBE bs)", "start": [ 642, 1 ], "end": [ 645, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "BitVec.ofBoolListLE", "code": "def ofBoolListLE : (bs : List Bool) → BitVec bs.length\n| [] => 0#0\n| b :: bs => concat (ofBoolListLE bs) b", "start": [ 647, 1 ], "end": [ 650, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/IO.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Control/State.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "StateRefT'", "code": "def StateRefT' (ω : Type) (σ : Type) (m : Type → Type) (α : Type) : Type := ReaderT (ST.Ref ω σ) m α", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 12, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "StateRefT'.run", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef StateRefT'.run {ω σ : Type} {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadLiftT (ST ω) m] {α : Type} (x : StateRefT' ω σ m α) (s : σ) : m (α × σ) := do\n let ref ← ST.mkRef s\n let a ← x ref\n let s ← ref.get\n pure (a, s)", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "StateRefT'.run'", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef StateRefT'.run' {ω σ : Type} {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadLiftT (ST ω) m] {α : Type} (x : StateRefT' ω σ m α) (s : σ) : m α := do\n let (a, _) ← s\n pure a", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "StateRefT'.lift", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\nprotected def lift (x : m α) : StateRefT' ω σ m α :=\n fun _ => x", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "StateRefT'.get", "code": "@[inline]\nprotected def get [MonadLiftT (ST ω) m] : StateRefT' ω σ m σ :=\n fun ref => ref.get", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "StateRefT'.set", "code": "@[inline]\nprotected def set [MonadLiftT (ST ω) m] (s : σ) : StateRefT' ω σ m PUnit :=\n fun ref => ref.set s", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "StateRefT'.modifyGet", "code": "@[inline]\nprotected def modifyGet [MonadLiftT (ST ω) m] (f : σ → α × σ) : StateRefT' ω σ m α :=\n fun ref => ref.modifyGet f", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 50, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/PtrSet.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Expr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.FindImpl.FindM", "code": "unsafe abbrev FindM := StateT (PtrSet Expr) Id", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.FindImpl.checkVisited", "code": "@[inline] unsafe def checkVisited (e : Expr) : OptionT FindM Unit := do\n if (← get).contains e then\n failure\n modify fun s => s.insert e", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 19, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.FindImpl.findM?", "code": "unsafe def findM? (p : Expr → Bool) (e : Expr) : OptionT FindM Expr :=\n let rec visit (e : Expr) := do\n checkVisited e\n if p e then\n pure e\n else match e with\n | .forallE _ d b _ => visit d <|> visit b\n | .lam _ d b _ => visit d <|> visit b\n | .mdata _ b => visit b\n | .letE _ t v b _ => visit t <|> visit v <|> visit b\n | .app f a => visit f <|> visit a\n | .proj _ _ b => visit b\n | _ => failure\n visit e", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.FindImpl.findUnsafe?", "code": "unsafe def findUnsafe? (p : Expr → Bool) (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n <| findM? p e |>.run' mkPtrSet", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.find?", "code": "@[implemented_by FindImpl.findUnsafe?]\ndef find? (p : Expr → Bool) (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n \n if p e then\n some e\n else match e with\n | .forallE _ d b _ => find? p d <|> find? p b\n | .lam _ d b _ => find? p d <|> find? p b\n | .mdata _ b => find? p b\n | .letE _ t v b _ => find? p t <|> find? p v <|> find? p b\n | .app f a => find? p f <|> find? p a\n | .proj _ _ b => find? p b\n | _ => none", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.occurs", "code": "def occurs (e : Expr) (t : Expr) : Bool :=\n (t.find? fun s => s == e).isSome", "start": [ 55, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.FindStep", "code": "inductive FindStep where\n | found\n | visit\n | done", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.FindExtImpl.findM?", "code": "unsafe def findM? (p : Expr → FindStep) (e : Expr) : OptionT FindImpl.FindM Expr :=\n visit e\nwhere\n visitApp (e : Expr) :=\n match e with\n | .app f a .. => visitApp f <|> visit a\n | e => visit e\n\n visit (e : Expr) := do\n FindImpl.checkVisited e\n match p e with\n | .done => failure\n | .found => pure e\n | .visit =>\n match e with\n | .forallE _ d b _ => visit d <|> visit b\n | .lam _ d b _ => visit d <|> visit b\n | .mdata _ b => visit b\n | .letE _ t v b _ => visit t <|> visit v <|> visit b\n | .app .. => visitApp e\n | .proj _ _ b => visit b\n | _ => failure", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.FindExtImpl.findUnsafe?", "code": "unsafe def findUnsafe? (p : Expr → FindStep) (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n <| findM? p e |>.run' mkPtrSet", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.findExt?", "code": "@[implemented_by FindExtImpl.findUnsafe?]\nopaque findExt? (p : Expr → FindStep) (e : Expr) : Option Expr", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/IO.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/List/Control.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.forEachModuleInDir", "code": "partial def forEachModuleInDir [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m]\n (dir : FilePath) (f : Lean.Name → m PUnit) : m PUnit := do\n for entry in (← dir.readDir) do\n if (← liftM (m := IO) <| entry.path.isDir) then\n let n := Lean.Name.mkSimple entry.fileName\n forEachModuleInDir entry.path (f <| n ++ ·)\n else if entry.path.extension == some \"lean\" then\n f <| Lean.Name.mkSimple <| FilePath.withExtension entry.fileName \"\" |>.toString", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.realPathNormalized", "code": "def realPathNormalized (p : FilePath) : IO FilePath :=\n return (← IO.FS.realPath p).normalize", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.modToFilePath", "code": "def modToFilePath (base : FilePath) (mod : Name) (ext : String) : FilePath :=\n go mod |>.addExtension ext\nwhere\n go : Name → FilePath\n | Name.str p h => go p / h\n | Name.anonymous => base\n | Name.num _ _ => panic! \"ill-formed import\"", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SearchPath", "code": "abbrev SearchPath := System.SearchPath", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SearchPath.findWithExt", "code": "def findWithExt (sp : SearchPath) (ext : String) (mod : Name) : IO (Option FilePath) := do\n let pkg := mod.getRoot.toString (escape := false)\n let root? ← sp.findM? fun p =>\n (p / pkg).isDir <||> ((p / pkg).addExtension ext).pathExists\n return root?.map (modToFilePath · mod ext)", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SearchPath.findModuleWithExt", "code": "def findModuleWithExt (sp : SearchPath) (ext : String) (mod : Name) : IO (Option FilePath) := do\n if let some path ← findWithExt sp ext mod then\n if ← path.pathExists then\n return some path\n return none", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 62, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SearchPath.findAllWithExt", "code": "def findAllWithExt (sp : SearchPath) (ext : String) : IO (Array FilePath) := do\n let mut paths := #[]\n for p in sp do\n if (← p.isDir) then\n paths := paths ++ (← p.walkDir).filter (·.extension == some ext)\n return paths", "start": [ 64, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getBuildDir", "code": "@[export lean_get_prefix]\ndef getBuildDir : IO FilePath := do\n return (← IO.appDir).parent |>.get!", "start": [ 75, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getLibDir", "code": "@[export lean_get_libdir]\ndef getLibDir (leanSysroot : FilePath) : IO FilePath := do\n let mut buildDir := leanSysroot\n if Internal.isStage0 () then\n buildDir := buildDir / \"..\" / \"stage1\"\n return buildDir / \"lib\" / \"lean\"", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getBuiltinSearchPath", "code": "def getBuiltinSearchPath (leanSysroot : FilePath) : IO SearchPath :=\n return [← getLibDir leanSysroot]", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 88, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addSearchPathFromEnv", "code": "def addSearchPathFromEnv (sp : SearchPath) : IO SearchPath := do\n let val ← IO.getEnv \"LEAN_PATH\"\n match val with\n | none => pure sp\n | some val => pure <| SearchPath.parse val ++ sp", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.initSearchPath", "code": "def initSearchPath (leanSysroot : FilePath) (sp : SearchPath := ∅) : IO Unit := do\n let sp := sp ++ (← addSearchPathFromEnv (← getBuiltinSearchPath leanSysroot))\n searchPathRef.set sp", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 102, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.initSearchPathInternal", "code": "@[export lean_init_search_path]\nprivate def initSearchPathInternal : IO Unit := do\n initSearchPath (← getBuildDir)", "start": [ 104, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findOLean", "code": "partial def findOLean (mod : Name) : IO FilePath := do\n let sp ← searchPathRef.get\n if let some fname ← sp.findWithExt \"olean\" mod then\n return fname\n else\n let pkg := <| mod.getRoot.toString (escape := false)\n let mut msg := s!\"unknown module prefix '{pkg}'\n\nNo directory '{pkg}' or file '{pkg}.lean' in the search path entries:\n{\"\\n\".intercalate <| (·.toString)}\"\n throw <| IO.userError msg", "start": [ 108, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.moduleNameOfFileName", "code": "@[export lean_module_name_of_file]\ndef moduleNameOfFileName (fname : FilePath) (rootDir : Option FilePath) : IO Name := do\n let fname ← IO.FS.realPath fname\n let rootDir ← match rootDir with\n | some rootDir => pure rootDir\n | none => IO.currentDir\n let mut rootDir ← realPathNormalized rootDir\n if !rootDir.toString.endsWith System.FilePath.pathSeparator.toString then\n rootDir := ⟨rootDir.toString ++ System.FilePath.pathSeparator.toString⟩\n if !rootDir.toString.isPrefixOf fname.normalize.toString then\n throw $ IO.userError s!\"input file '{fname}' must be contained in root directory ({rootDir})\"\n let fnameSuffix := fname.toString.drop rootDir.toString.length\n let modNameStr := fnameSuffix |>.withExtension \"\"\n let modName := modNameStr.components.foldl Name.mkStr Name.anonymous\n pure modName", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.searchModuleNameOfFileName", "code": "def searchModuleNameOfFileName (fname : FilePath) (rootDirs : SearchPath) : IO (Option Name) := do\n for rootDir in rootDirs do\n try\n return some <| ← moduleNameOfFileName fname <| some rootDir\n catch\n | _ => pure ()\n return none", "start": [ 138, 1 ], "end": [ 145, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findSysroot", "code": "def findSysroot (lean := \"lean\") : IO FilePath := do\n if let some root ← IO.getEnv \"LEAN_SYSROOT\" then\n return root\n let out ← {\n cmd := lean\n args := #[\" }\n return out.trim", "start": [ 147, 1 ], "end": [ 163, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/ReplaceExpr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateLevelParamsCore", "code": "@[specialize] def instantiateLevelParamsCore (s : Name → Option Level) (e : Expr) : Expr :=\n e.replace replaceFn\nwhere\n @[specialize] replaceFn (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=\n if !e.hasLevelParam then e else match e with\n | const _ us => e.updateConst! ( fun u => u.substParams s)\n | sort u => e.updateSort! (u.substParams s)\n | _ => none", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getParamSubst", "code": "private def getParamSubst : List Name → List Level → Name → Option Level\n | p::ps, u::us, p' => if p == p' then some u else getParamSubst ps us p'\n | _, _, _ => none", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateLevelParams", "code": "def instantiateLevelParams (e : Expr) (paramNames : List Name) (lvls : List Level) : Expr :=\n if paramNames.isEmpty || lvls.isEmpty then e else\n instantiateLevelParamsCore (getParamSubst paramNames lvls) e", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateLevelParamsNoCache", "code": "def instantiateLevelParamsNoCache (e : Expr) (paramNames : List Name) (lvls : List Level) : Expr :=\n if paramNames.isEmpty || lvls.isEmpty then e else\n e.replaceNoCache (instantiateLevelParamsCore.replaceFn (getParamSubst paramNames lvls))", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.getParamSubstArray", "code": "private partial def getParamSubstArray (ps : Array Name) (us : Array Level) (p' : Name) (i : Nat) : Option Level :=\n if h : i < ps.size then\n let p := ps.get ⟨i, h⟩\n if h : i < us.size then\n let u := us.get ⟨i, h⟩\n if p == p' then some u else getParamSubstArray ps us p' (i+1)\n else none\n else none", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateLevelParamsArray", "code": "def instantiateLevelParamsArray (e : Expr) (paramNames : Array Name) (lvls : Array Level) : Expr :=\n if paramNames.isEmpty || lvls.isEmpty then e else\n e.instantiateLevelParamsCore fun p =>\n getParamSubstArray paramNames lvls p 0", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Expr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ReducibilityHints", "code": "inductive ReducibilityHints where\n | opaque : ReducibilityHints\n | abbrev : ReducibilityHints\n | regular : UInt32 → ReducibilityHints\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 10, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkReducibilityHintsRegularEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_reducibility_hints_regular]\ndef mkReducibilityHintsRegularEx (h : UInt32) : ReducibilityHints :=\n ReducibilityHints.regular h", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ReducibilityHints.getHeightEx", "code": "@[export lean_reducibility_hints_get_height]\ndef ReducibilityHints.getHeightEx (h : ReducibilityHints) : UInt32 :=\n match h with\n | ReducibilityHints.regular h => h\n | _ => 0", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def lt : ReducibilityHints → ReducibilityHints → Bool\n | .abbrev, .abbrev => false\n | .abbrev, _ => true\n | .regular d₁, .regular d₂ => d₁ > d₂\n | .regular _, .opaque => true\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "protected def compare : ReducibilityHints → ReducibilityHints → Ordering\n | .abbrev, .abbrev => .eq\n | .abbrev, _ => .lt\n | .regular _, .abbrev => .gt\n | .regular d₁, .regular d₂ => d₂ d₁\n | .regular _, .opaque => .lt\n | .opaque, .opaque => .eq\n | .opaque, _ => .gt", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ReducibilityHints.isAbbrev", "code": "def isAbbrev : ReducibilityHints → Bool\n | .abbrev => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ReducibilityHints.isRegular", "code": "def isRegular : ReducibilityHints → Bool\n | regular .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantVal", "code": "structure ConstantVal where\n name : Name\n levelParams : List Name\n type : Expr\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AxiomVal", "code": "structure AxiomVal extends ConstantVal where\n isUnsafe : Bool\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 91, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAxiomValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_axiom_val]\ndef mkAxiomValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (isUnsafe : Bool) : AxiomVal := {\n name := name,\n levelParams := levelParams,\n type := type,\n isUnsafe := isUnsafe\n}", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AxiomVal.isUnsafeEx", "code": "@[export lean_axiom_val_is_unsafe] def AxiomVal.isUnsafeEx (v : AxiomVal) : Bool :=\n v.isUnsafe", "start": [ 101, 1 ], "end": [ 102, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DefinitionSafety", "code": "inductive DefinitionSafety where\n | «unsafe» | safe | «partial»\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Repr", "start": [ 104, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DefinitionVal", "code": "structure DefinitionVal extends ConstantVal where\n value : Expr\n hints : ReducibilityHints\n safety : DefinitionSafety\n \n all : List Name := [name]\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 108, 1 ], "end": [ 120, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkDefinitionValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_definition_val]\ndef mkDefinitionValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (hints : ReducibilityHints) (safety : DefinitionSafety) (all : List Name) : DefinitionVal := {\n name, levelParams, type, hints, safety, value, all\n}", "start": [ 122, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DefinitionVal.getSafetyEx", "code": "@[export lean_definition_val_get_safety] def DefinitionVal.getSafetyEx (v : DefinitionVal) : DefinitionSafety :=\n", "start": [ 127, 1 ], "end": [ 128, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TheoremVal", "code": "structure TheoremVal extends ConstantVal where\n value : Expr\n \n all : List Name := [name]\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 130, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkTheoremValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_theorem_val]\ndef mkTheoremValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (all : List Name) : TheoremVal := {\n name, levelParams, type, value, all\n}", "start": [ 138, 1 ], "end": [ 141, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.OpaqueVal", "code": "structure OpaqueVal extends ConstantVal where\n value : Expr\n isUnsafe : Bool\n \n all : List Name := [name]\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 151, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkOpaqueValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_opaque_val]\ndef mkOpaqueValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (isUnsafe : Bool) (all : List Name) : OpaqueVal := {\n name, levelParams, type, value, isUnsafe, all\n}", "start": [ 153, 1 ], "end": [ 156, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.OpaqueVal.isUnsafeEx", "code": "@[export lean_opaque_val_is_unsafe] def OpaqueVal.isUnsafeEx (v : OpaqueVal) : Bool :=\n v.isUnsafe", "start": [ 158, 1 ], "end": [ 159, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Constructor", "code": "structure Constructor where\n name : Name\n type : Expr\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 161, 1 ], "end": [ 164, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InductiveType", "code": "structure InductiveType where\n name : Name\n type : Expr\n ctors : List Constructor\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 166, 1 ], "end": [ 170, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Declaration", "code": "inductive Declaration where\n | axiomDecl (val : AxiomVal)\n | defnDecl (val : DefinitionVal)\n | thmDecl (val : TheoremVal)\n | opaqueDecl (val : OpaqueVal)\n | quotDecl\n | mutualDefnDecl (defns : List DefinitionVal) | inductDecl (lparams : List Name) (nparams : Nat) (types : List InductiveType) (isUnsafe : Bool)\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 172, 1 ], "end": [ 181, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkInductiveDeclEs", "code": "@[export lean_mk_inductive_decl]\ndef mkInductiveDeclEs (lparams : List Name) (nparams : Nat) (types : List InductiveType) (isUnsafe : Bool) : Declaration :=\n Declaration.inductDecl lparams nparams types isUnsafe", "start": [ 183, 1 ], "end": [ 185, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Declaration.isUnsafeInductiveDeclEx", "code": "@[export lean_is_unsafe_inductive_decl]\ndef Declaration.isUnsafeInductiveDeclEx : Declaration → Bool\n | Declaration.inductDecl _ _ _ isUnsafe => isUnsafe\n | _ => false", "start": [ 187, 1 ], "end": [ 190, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Declaration.definitionVal!", "code": "def Declaration.definitionVal! : Declaration → DefinitionVal\n | .defnDecl val => val\n | _ => panic! \"Expected a `Declaration.defnDecl`.\"", "start": [ 192, 1 ], "end": [ 194, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Declaration.foldExprM", "code": "@[specialize] def Declaration.foldExprM {α} {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (d : Declaration) (f : α → Expr → m α) (a : α) : m α :=\n match d with\n | Declaration.quotDecl => pure a\n | Declaration.axiomDecl { type := type, .. } => f a type\n | Declaration.defnDecl { type := type, value := value, .. } => do let a ← f a type; f a value\n | Declaration.opaqueDecl { type := type, value := value, .. } => do let a ← f a type; f a value\n | Declaration.thmDecl { type := type, value := value, .. } => do let a ← f a type; f a value\n | Declaration.mutualDefnDecl vals => vals.foldlM (fun a v => do let a ← f a v.type; f a v.value) a\n | Declaration.inductDecl _ _ inductTypes _ =>\n inductTypes.foldlM\n (fun a inductType => do\n let a ← f a inductType.type\n inductType.ctors.foldlM (fun a ctor => f a ctor.type) a)\n a", "start": [ 196, 1 ], "end": [ 209, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Declaration.forExprM", "code": "@[inline] def Declaration.forExprM {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (d : Declaration) (f : Expr → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n d.foldExprM (fun _ a => f a) ()", "start": [ 211, 1 ], "end": [ 212, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InductiveVal", "code": "structure InductiveVal extends ConstantVal where\n \n numParams : Nat\n \n numIndices : Nat\n \n all : List Name\n \n ctors : List Name\n \n isRec : Bool\n \n isUnsafe : Bool\n \n isReflexive : Bool\n \n isNested : Bool\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 214, 1 ], "end": [ 263, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkInductiveValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_inductive_val]\ndef mkInductiveValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (numParams numIndices : Nat)\n (all ctors : List Name) (isRec isUnsafe isReflexive isNested : Bool) : InductiveVal := {\n name := name\n levelParams := levelParams\n type := type\n numParams := numParams\n numIndices := numIndices\n all := all\n ctors := ctors\n isRec := isRec\n isUnsafe := isUnsafe\n isReflexive := isReflexive\n isNested := isNested\n}", "start": [ 265, 1 ], "end": [ 279, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InductiveVal.isRecEx", "code": "@[export lean_inductive_val_is_rec] def InductiveVal.isRecEx (v : InductiveVal) : Bool := v.isRec", "start": [ 281, 1 ], "end": [ 281, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InductiveVal.isUnsafeEx", "code": "@[export lean_inductive_val_is_unsafe] def InductiveVal.isUnsafeEx (v : InductiveVal) : Bool := v.isUnsafe", "start": [ 282, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 107 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InductiveVal.isReflexiveEx", "code": "@[export lean_inductive_val_is_reflexive] def InductiveVal.isReflexiveEx (v : InductiveVal) : Bool := v.isReflexive", "start": [ 283, 1 ], "end": [ 283, 116 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InductiveVal.isNestedEx", "code": "@[export lean_inductive_val_is_nested] def InductiveVal.isNestedEx (v : InductiveVal) : Bool := v.isNested", "start": [ 284, 1 ], "end": [ 284, 107 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InductiveVal.numCtors", "code": "def InductiveVal.numCtors (v : InductiveVal) : Nat := v.ctors.length", "start": [ 286, 1 ], "end": [ 286, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstructorVal", "code": "structure ConstructorVal extends ConstantVal where\n \n induct : Name\n \n cidx : Nat\n \n numParams : Nat\n \n numFields : Nat\n isUnsafe : Bool\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 288, 1 ], "end": [ 298, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkConstructorValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_constructor_val]\ndef mkConstructorValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (induct : Name) (cidx numParams numFields : Nat) (isUnsafe : Bool) : ConstructorVal := {\n name := name,\n levelParams := levelParams,\n type := type,\n induct := induct,\n cidx := cidx,\n numParams := numParams,\n numFields := numFields,\n isUnsafe := isUnsafe\n}", "start": [ 300, 1 ], "end": [ 310, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstructorVal.isUnsafeEx", "code": "@[export lean_constructor_val_is_unsafe] def ConstructorVal.isUnsafeEx (v : ConstructorVal) : Bool := v.isUnsafe", "start": [ 312, 1 ], "end": [ 312, 113 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorRule", "code": "structure RecursorRule where\n \n ctor : Name\n \n nfields : Nat\n \n rhs : Expr\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 314, 1 ], "end": [ 322, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorVal", "code": "structure RecursorVal extends ConstantVal where\n \n all : List Name\n \n numParams : Nat\n \n numIndices : Nat\n \n numMotives : Nat\n \n numMinors : Nat\n \n rules : List RecursorRule\n \n k : Bool\n isUnsafe : Bool\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 324, 1 ], "end": [ 348, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkRecursorValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_recursor_val]\ndef mkRecursorValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (all : List Name) (numParams numIndices numMotives numMinors : Nat)\n (rules : List RecursorRule) (k isUnsafe : Bool) : RecursorVal := {\n name := name, levelParams := levelParams, type := type, all := all, numParams := numParams, numIndices := numIndices,\n numMotives := numMotives, numMinors := numMinors, rules := rules, k := k, isUnsafe := isUnsafe\n}", "start": [ 350, 1 ], "end": [ 355, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorVal.kEx", "code": "@[export lean_recursor_k] def RecursorVal.kEx (v : RecursorVal) : Bool := v.k", "start": [ 357, 1 ], "end": [ 357, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorVal.isUnsafeEx", "code": "@[export lean_recursor_is_unsafe] def RecursorVal.isUnsafeEx (v : RecursorVal) : Bool := v.isUnsafe", "start": [ 358, 1 ], "end": [ 358, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorVal.getMajorIdx", "code": "def RecursorVal.getMajorIdx (v : RecursorVal) : Nat :=\n v.numParams + v.numMotives + v.numMinors + v.numIndices", "start": [ 360, 1 ], "end": [ 361, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorVal.getFirstIndexIdx", "code": "def RecursorVal.getFirstIndexIdx (v : RecursorVal) : Nat :=\n v.numParams + v.numMotives + v.numMinors", "start": [ 363, 1 ], "end": [ 364, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorVal.getFirstMinorIdx", "code": "def RecursorVal.getFirstMinorIdx (v : RecursorVal) : Nat :=\n v.numParams + v.numMotives", "start": [ 366, 1 ], "end": [ 367, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.RecursorVal.getInduct", "code": "def RecursorVal.getInduct (v : RecursorVal) : Name :=\n", "start": [ 369, 1 ], "end": [ 370, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.QuotKind", "code": "inductive QuotKind where\n | type | ctor | lift | ind deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 372, 1 ], "end": [ 377, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.QuotVal", "code": "structure QuotVal extends ConstantVal where\n kind : QuotKind\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 379, 1 ], "end": [ 381, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkQuotValEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_quot_val]\ndef mkQuotValEx (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name) (type : Expr) (kind : QuotKind) : QuotVal := {\n name := name, levelParams := levelParams, type := type, kind := kind\n}", "start": [ 383, 1 ], "end": [ 386, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.QuotVal.kindEx", "code": "@[export lean_quot_val_kind] def QuotVal.kindEx (v : QuotVal) : QuotKind := v.kind", "start": [ 388, 1 ], "end": [ 388, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo", "code": "inductive ConstantInfo where\n | axiomInfo (val : AxiomVal)\n | defnInfo (val : DefinitionVal)\n | thmInfo (val : TheoremVal)\n | opaqueInfo (val : OpaqueVal)\n | quotInfo (val : QuotVal)\n | inductInfo (val : InductiveVal)\n | ctorInfo (val : ConstructorVal)\n | recInfo (val : RecursorVal)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 390, 1 ], "end": [ 400, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.toConstantVal", "code": "def toConstantVal : ConstantInfo → ConstantVal\n | defnInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d\n | axiomInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d\n | thmInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d\n | opaqueInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d\n | quotInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d\n | inductInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d\n | ctorInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d\n | recInfo {toConstantVal := d, ..} => d", "start": [ 404, 1 ], "end": [ 412, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.isUnsafe", "code": "def isUnsafe : ConstantInfo → Bool\n | defnInfo v => == .unsafe\n | axiomInfo v => v.isUnsafe\n | thmInfo _ => false\n | opaqueInfo v => v.isUnsafe\n | quotInfo _ => false\n | inductInfo v => v.isUnsafe\n | ctorInfo v => v.isUnsafe\n | recInfo v => v.isUnsafe", "start": [ 414, 1 ], "end": [ 422, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.isPartial", "code": "def isPartial : ConstantInfo → Bool\n | defnInfo v => == .partial\n | _ => false", "start": [ 424, 1 ], "end": [ 426, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def name (d : ConstantInfo) : Name :=\n", "start": [ 428, 1 ], "end": [ 429, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.levelParams", "code": "def levelParams (d : ConstantInfo) : List Name :=\n d.toConstantVal.levelParams", "start": [ 431, 1 ], "end": [ 432, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.numLevelParams", "code": "def numLevelParams (d : ConstantInfo) : Nat :=\n d.levelParams.length", "start": [ 434, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.type", "code": "def type (d : ConstantInfo) : Expr :=\n d.toConstantVal.type", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 438, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.value?", "code": "def value? : ConstantInfo → Option Expr\n | defnInfo {value := r, ..} => some r\n | thmInfo {value := r, ..} => some r\n | _ => none", "start": [ 440, 1 ], "end": [ 443, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.hasValue", "code": "def hasValue : ConstantInfo → Bool\n | defnInfo _ => true\n | thmInfo _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 445, 1 ], "end": [ 448, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.value!", "code": "def value! : ConstantInfo → Expr\n | defnInfo {value := r, ..} => r\n | thmInfo {value := r, ..} => r\n | _ => panic! \"declaration with value expected\"", "start": [ 450, 1 ], "end": [ 453, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.hints", "code": "def hints : ConstantInfo → ReducibilityHints\n | defnInfo {hints := r, ..} => r\n | _ => ReducibilityHints.opaque", "start": [ 455, 1 ], "end": [ 457, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.isCtor", "code": "def isCtor : ConstantInfo → Bool\n | ctorInfo _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 459, 1 ], "end": [ 461, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.isInductive", "code": "def isInductive : ConstantInfo → Bool\n | inductInfo _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 463, 1 ], "end": [ 465, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.inductiveVal!", "code": "def inductiveVal! : ConstantInfo → InductiveVal\n | .inductInfo val => val\n | _ => panic! \"Expected a `ConstantInfo.inductInfo`.\"", "start": [ 467, 1 ], "end": [ 469, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.all", "code": "def all : ConstantInfo → List Name\n | inductInfo val => val.all\n | defnInfo val => val.all\n | thmInfo val => val.all\n | opaqueInfo val => val.all\n | info => []", "start": [ 471, 1 ], "end": [ 479, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkRecName", "code": "def mkRecName (declName : Name) : Name :=\n Name.mkStr declName \"rec\"", "start": [ 483, 1 ], "end": [ 484, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Array/Subarray.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Range.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "ToStream", "code": "class ToStream (collection : Type u) (stream : outParam (Type u)) : Type u where\n toStream : collection → stream", "start": [ 25, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Stream", "code": "class Stream (stream : Type u) (value : outParam (Type v)) : Type (max u v) where\n next? : stream → Option (value × stream)", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Stream.forIn", "code": "protected partial def Stream.forIn [Stream ρ α] [Monad m] (s : ρ) (b : β) (f : α → β → m (ForInStep β)) : m β := do\n let _ : Inhabited (m β) := ⟨pure b⟩\n let rec visit (s : ρ) (b : β) : m β := do\n match s with\n | some (a, s) => match (← f a b) with\n | ForInStep.done b => return b\n | ForInStep.yield b => visit s b\n | none => return b\n visit s b", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/OfScientific.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Options.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.get_profiler", "code": "@[export lean_get_profiler]\nprivate def get_profiler (o : Options) : Bool :=\n profiler.get o", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.profiler.threshold.getSecs", "code": "@[export lean_get_profiler_threshold]\ndef profiler.threshold.getSecs (o : Options) : Float :=\n (profiler.threshold.get o).toFloat / 1000", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.profileit", "code": "@[extern \"lean_profileit\"]\ndef profileit {α : Type} (category : @& String) (opts : @& Options) (fn : Unit → α) (decl := Name.anonymous) : α := fn ()", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 122 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.profileitIOUnsafe", "code": "unsafe def profileitIOUnsafe {ε α : Type} (category : String) (opts : Options) (act : EIO ε α) (decl := Name.anonymous) : EIO ε α :=\n match profileit (decl := decl) category opts fun _ => unsafeEIO act with\n | Except.ok a => pure a\n | Except.error e => throw e", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.profileitIO", "code": "@[implemented_by profileitIOUnsafe]\ndef profileitIO {ε α : Type} (category : String) (opts : Options) (act : EIO ε α) (decl := Name.anonymous) : EIO ε α := act", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 124 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.profileitM", "code": "def profileitM {m : Type → Type} (ε : Type) [MonadFunctorT (EIO ε) m] {α : Type} (category : String) (opts : Options) (act : m α) (decl := Name.anonymous) : m α :=\n monadMap (fun {β} => profileitIO (ε := ε) (α := β) (decl := decl) category opts) act", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Array/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Array.binSearchAux", "code": "@[specialize] partial def binSearchAux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Inhabited β] (lt : α → α → Bool) (found : Option α → β) (as : Array α) (k : α) : Nat → Nat → β\n | lo, hi =>\n if lo <= hi then\n let _ := k\n let m := (lo + hi)/2\n let a := as.get! m\n if lt a k then binSearchAux lt found as k (m+1) hi\n else if lt k a then\n if m == 0 then found none\n else binSearchAux lt found as k lo (m-1)\n else found (some a)\n else found none", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Array.binSearch", "code": "@[inline] def binSearch {α : Type} (as : Array α) (k : α) (lt : α → α → Bool) (lo := 0) (hi := as.size - 1) : Option α :=\n if lo < as.size then\n let hi := if hi < as.size then hi else as.size - 1\n binSearchAux lt id as k lo hi\n else\n none", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Array.binSearchContains", "code": "@[inline] def binSearchContains {α : Type} (as : Array α) (k : α) (lt : α → α → Bool) (lo := 0) (hi := as.size - 1) : Bool :=\n if lo < as.size then\n let hi := if hi < as.size then hi else as.size - 1\n binSearchAux lt Option.isSome as k lo hi\n else\n false", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Array.binInsertAux", "code": "@[specialize] private partial def binInsertAux {α : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m]\n (lt : α → α → Bool)\n (merge : α → m α)\n (add : Unit → m α)\n (as : Array α)\n (k : α) : Nat → Nat → m (Array α)\n | lo, hi =>\n let _ := k\n let mid := (lo + hi)/2\n let midVal := as.get! mid\n if lt midVal k then\n if mid == lo then do let v ← add (); pure <| as.insertAt! (lo+1) v\n else binInsertAux lt merge add as k mid hi\n else if lt k midVal then\n binInsertAux lt merge add as k lo mid\n else do\n as.modifyM mid <| fun v => merge v", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Array.binInsertM", "code": "@[specialize] def binInsertM {α : Type u} {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m]\n (lt : α → α → Bool)\n (merge : α → m α)\n (add : Unit → m α)\n (as : Array α)\n (k : α) : m (Array α) :=\n let _ := k\n if as.isEmpty then do let v ← add (); pure <| as.push v\n else if lt k (as.get! 0) then do let v ← add (); pure <| as.insertAt! 0 v\n else if !lt (as.get! 0) k then as.modifyM 0 <| merge\n else if lt as.back k then do let v ← add (); pure <| as.push v\n else if !lt k as.back then as.modifyM (as.size - 1) <| merge\n else binInsertAux lt merge add as k 0 (as.size - 1)", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Array.binInsert", "code": "@[inline] def binInsert {α : Type u} (lt : α → α → Bool) (as : Array α) (k : α) : Array α :=\n <| binInsertM lt (fun _ => k) (fun _ => k) as k", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Nat/Control.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Expr.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/PersistentArray.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Hygiene.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDeclKind", "code": "inductive LocalDeclKind\n \n | default\n \n | implDetail\n \n | auxDecl\n deriving Inhabited, Repr, DecidableEq, Hashable", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl", "code": "inductive LocalDecl where\n | cdecl (index : Nat) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (bi : BinderInfo) (kind : LocalDeclKind)\n | ldecl (index : Nat) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (nonDep : Bool) (kind : LocalDeclKind)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLocalDeclEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_local_decl]\ndef mkLocalDeclEx (index : Nat) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (bi : BinderInfo) : LocalDecl :=\n .cdecl index fvarId userName type bi .default", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkLetDeclEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_let_decl]\ndef mkLetDeclEx (index : Nat) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (val : Expr) : LocalDecl :=\n .ldecl index fvarId userName type val false .default", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.binderInfoEx", "code": "@[export lean_local_decl_binder_info]\ndef LocalDecl.binderInfoEx : LocalDecl → BinderInfo\n | .cdecl _ _ _ _ bi _ => bi\n | _ => BinderInfo.default", "start": [ 64, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.isLet", "code": "def isLet : LocalDecl → Bool\n | cdecl .. => false\n | ldecl .. => true", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.index", "code": "def index : LocalDecl → Nat\n | cdecl (index := i) .. => i\n | ldecl (index := i) .. => i", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 76, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.setIndex", "code": "def setIndex : LocalDecl → Nat → LocalDecl\n | cdecl _ id n t bi k, idx => cdecl idx id n t bi k\n | ldecl _ id n t v nd k, idx => ldecl idx id n t v nd k", "start": [ 78, 1 ], "end": [ 80, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.fvarId", "code": "def fvarId : LocalDecl → FVarId\n | cdecl (fvarId := id) .. => id\n | ldecl (fvarId := id) .. => id", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.userName", "code": "def userName : LocalDecl → Name\n | cdecl (userName := n) .. => n\n | ldecl (userName := n) .. => n", "start": [ 86, 1 ], "end": [ 88, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.type", "code": "def type : LocalDecl → Expr\n | cdecl (type := t) .. => t\n | ldecl (type := t) .. => t", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 92, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.setType", "code": "def setType : LocalDecl → Expr → LocalDecl\n | cdecl idx id n _ bi k, t => cdecl idx id n t bi k\n | ldecl idx id n _ v nd k, t => ldecl idx id n t v nd k", "start": [ 94, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.binderInfo", "code": "def binderInfo : LocalDecl → BinderInfo\n | cdecl (bi := bi) .. => bi\n | ldecl .. => BinderInfo.default", "start": [ 98, 1 ], "end": [ 100, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.kind", "code": "def kind : LocalDecl → LocalDeclKind\n | cdecl .. | ldecl .. => ‹_›", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 103, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.isAuxDecl", "code": "def isAuxDecl (d : LocalDecl) : Bool :=\n d.kind = .auxDecl", "start": [ 105, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.isImplementationDetail", "code": "def isImplementationDetail (d : LocalDecl) : Bool :=\n d.kind != .default", "start": [ 108, 1 ], "end": [ 113, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.value?", "code": "def value? : LocalDecl → Option Expr\n | cdecl .. => none\n | ldecl (value := v) .. => some v", "start": [ 115, 1 ], "end": [ 117, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.value", "code": "def value : LocalDecl → Expr\n | cdecl .. => panic! \"let declaration expected\"\n | ldecl (value := v) .. => v", "start": [ 119, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.hasValue", "code": "def hasValue : LocalDecl → Bool\n | cdecl .. => false\n | ldecl .. => true", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.setValue", "code": "def setValue : LocalDecl → Expr → LocalDecl\n | ldecl idx id n t _ nd k, v => ldecl idx id n t v nd k\n | d, _ => d", "start": [ 127, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.setUserName", "code": "def setUserName : LocalDecl → Name → LocalDecl\n | cdecl index id _ type bi k, userName => cdecl index id userName type bi k\n | ldecl index id _ type val nd k, userName => ldecl index id userName type val nd k", "start": [ 131, 1 ], "end": [ 133, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.setBinderInfo", "code": "def setBinderInfo : LocalDecl → BinderInfo → LocalDecl\n | cdecl index id n type _ k, bi => cdecl index id n type bi k\n | ldecl .., _ => panic! \"unexpected let declaration\"", "start": [ 135, 1 ], "end": [ 137, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.toExpr", "code": "def toExpr (decl : LocalDecl) : Expr :=\n mkFVar decl.fvarId", "start": [ 139, 1 ], "end": [ 140, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.hasExprMVar", "code": "def hasExprMVar : LocalDecl → Bool\n | cdecl (type := t) .. => t.hasExprMVar\n | ldecl (type := t) (value := v) .. => t.hasExprMVar || v.hasExprMVar", "start": [ 142, 1 ], "end": [ 144, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.setKind", "code": "def setKind : LocalDecl → LocalDeclKind → LocalDecl\n | cdecl index fvarId userName type bi _, kind =>\n cdecl index fvarId userName type bi kind\n | ldecl index fvarId userName type value nonDep _, kind =>\n ldecl index fvarId userName type value nonDep kind", "start": [ 146, 1 ], "end": [ 153, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext", "code": "structure LocalContext where\n fvarIdToDecl : PersistentHashMap FVarId LocalDecl := {}\n decls : PersistentArray (Option LocalDecl) := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 157, 1 ], "end": [ 167, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkEmpty", "code": "@[export lean_mk_empty_local_ctx]\ndef mkEmpty : Unit → LocalContext := fun _ => {}", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 172, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.empty", "code": "def empty : LocalContext := {}", "start": [ 174, 1 ], "end": [ 174, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.isEmpty", "code": "@[export lean_local_ctx_is_empty]\ndef isEmpty (lctx : LocalContext) : Bool :=\n lctx.fvarIdToDecl.isEmpty", "start": [ 176, 1 ], "end": [ 178, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkLocalDecl", "code": "def mkLocalDecl (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (bi : BinderInfo := BinderInfo.default) (kind : LocalDeclKind := .default) : LocalContext :=\n match lctx with\n | { fvarIdToDecl := map, decls := decls } =>\n let idx := decls.size\n let decl := LocalDecl.cdecl idx fvarId userName type bi kind\n { fvarIdToDecl := map.insert fvarId decl, decls := decls.push decl }", "start": [ 180, 1 ], "end": [ 189, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkLocalDeclExported", "code": "@[export lean_local_ctx_mk_local_decl]\nprivate def mkLocalDeclExported (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (bi : BinderInfo) : LocalContext :=\n mkLocalDecl lctx fvarId userName type bi", "start": [ 192, 1 ], "end": [ 194, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkLetDecl", "code": "def mkLetDecl (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (nonDep := false) (kind : LocalDeclKind := default) : LocalContext :=\n match lctx with\n | { fvarIdToDecl := map, decls := decls } =>\n let idx := decls.size\n let decl := LocalDecl.ldecl idx fvarId userName type value nonDep kind\n { fvarIdToDecl := map.insert fvarId decl, decls := decls.push decl }", "start": [ 196, 1 ], "end": [ 202, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkLetDeclExported", "code": "@[export lean_local_ctx_mk_let_decl]\nprivate def mkLetDeclExported (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (nonDep : Bool) : LocalContext :=\n mkLetDecl lctx fvarId userName type value nonDep", "start": [ 204, 1 ], "end": [ 206, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.addDecl", "code": "def addDecl (lctx : LocalContext) (newDecl : LocalDecl) : LocalContext :=\n match lctx with\n | { fvarIdToDecl := map, decls := decls } =>\n let idx := decls.size\n let newDecl := newDecl.setIndex idx\n { fvarIdToDecl := map.insert newDecl.fvarId newDecl, decls := decls.push newDecl }", "start": [ 208, 1 ], "end": [ 215, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.find?", "code": "@[export lean_local_ctx_find]\ndef find? (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) : Option LocalDecl :=\n lctx.fvarIdToDecl.find? fvarId", "start": [ 217, 1 ], "end": [ 219, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.findFVar?", "code": "def findFVar? (lctx : LocalContext) (e : Expr) : Option LocalDecl :=\n lctx.find? e.fvarId!", "start": [ 221, 1 ], "end": [ 222, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.get!", "code": "def get! (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) : LocalDecl :=\n match lctx.find? fvarId with\n | some d => d\n | none => panic! \"unknown free variable\"", "start": [ 224, 1 ], "end": [ 227, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.getFVar!", "code": "def getFVar! (lctx : LocalContext) (e : Expr) : LocalDecl :=\n lctx.get! e.fvarId!", "start": [ 229, 1 ], "end": [ 232, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.contains", "code": "def contains (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) : Bool :=\n lctx.fvarIdToDecl.contains fvarId", "start": [ 234, 1 ], "end": [ 235, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.containsFVar", "code": "def containsFVar (lctx : LocalContext) (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n lctx.contains e.fvarId!", "start": [ 237, 1 ], "end": [ 240, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.getFVarIds", "code": "def getFVarIds (lctx : LocalContext) : Array FVarId :=\n lctx.decls.foldl (init := #[]) fun r decl? => match decl? with\n | some decl => r.push decl.fvarId\n | none => r", "start": [ 242, 1 ], "end": [ 245, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.getFVars", "code": "def getFVars (lctx : LocalContext) : Array Expr :=\n mkFVar", "start": [ 247, 1 ], "end": [ 249, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.popTailNoneAux", "code": "private partial def popTailNoneAux (a : PArray (Option LocalDecl)) : PArray (Option LocalDecl) :=\n if a.size == 0 then a\n else match a.get! (a.size - 1) with\n | none => popTailNoneAux a.pop\n | some _ => a", "start": [ 251, 1 ], "end": [ 255, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.erase", "code": "@[export lean_local_ctx_erase]\ndef erase (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) : LocalContext :=\n match lctx with\n | { fvarIdToDecl := map, decls := decls } =>\n match map.find? fvarId with\n | none => lctx\n | some decl => { fvarIdToDecl := map.erase fvarId, decls := popTailNoneAux (decls.set decl.index none) }", "start": [ 257, 1 ], "end": [ 263, 109 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.pop", "code": "def pop (lctx : LocalContext): LocalContext :=\n match lctx with\n | { fvarIdToDecl := map, decls := decls } =>\n if decls.size == 0 then lctx\n else match decls.get! (decls.size - 1) with\n | none => lctx | some decl => { fvarIdToDecl := map.erase decl.fvarId, decls := popTailNoneAux decls.pop }", "start": [ 265, 1 ], "end": [ 271, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.findFromUserName?", "code": "def findFromUserName? (lctx : LocalContext) (userName : Name) : Option LocalDecl :=\n lctx.decls.findSomeRev? fun decl =>\n match decl with\n | none => none\n | some decl => if decl.userName == userName then some decl else none", "start": [ 273, 1 ], "end": [ 277, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.usesUserName", "code": "def usesUserName (lctx : LocalContext) (userName : Name) : Bool :=\n (lctx.findFromUserName? userName).isSome", "start": [ 279, 1 ], "end": [ 280, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.getUnusedNameAux", "code": "private partial def getUnusedNameAux (lctx : LocalContext) (suggestion : Name) (i : Nat) : Name × Nat :=\n let curr := suggestion.appendIndexAfter i\n if lctx.usesUserName curr then getUnusedNameAux lctx suggestion (i + 1)\n else (curr, i + 1)", "start": [ 282, 1 ], "end": [ 285, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.getUnusedName", "code": "def getUnusedName (lctx : LocalContext) (suggestion : Name) : Name :=\n let suggestion := suggestion.eraseMacroScopes\n if lctx.usesUserName suggestion then (getUnusedNameAux lctx suggestion 1).1\n else suggestion", "start": [ 287, 1 ], "end": [ 290, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.lastDecl", "code": "def lastDecl (lctx : LocalContext) : Option LocalDecl :=\n lctx.decls.get! (lctx.decls.size - 1)", "start": [ 292, 1 ], "end": [ 293, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.setUserName", "code": "def setUserName (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) (userName : Name) : LocalContext :=\n let decl := lctx.get! fvarId\n let decl := decl.setUserName userName\n { fvarIdToDecl := lctx.fvarIdToDecl.insert decl.fvarId decl,\n decls := lctx.decls.set decl.index decl }", "start": [ 295, 1 ], "end": [ 299, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.renameUserName", "code": "def renameUserName (lctx : LocalContext) (fromName : Name) (toName : Name) : LocalContext :=\n match lctx with\n | { fvarIdToDecl := map, decls := decls } =>\n match lctx.findFromUserName? fromName with\n | none => lctx\n | some decl =>\n let decl := decl.setUserName toName;\n { fvarIdToDecl := map.insert decl.fvarId decl,\n decls := decls.set decl.index decl }", "start": [ 301, 1 ], "end": [ 309, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.modifyLocalDecl", "code": "@[inline] def modifyLocalDecl (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) (f : LocalDecl → LocalDecl) : LocalContext :=\n match lctx with\n | { fvarIdToDecl := map, decls := decls } =>\n match lctx.find? fvarId with\n | none => lctx\n | some decl =>\n let decl := f decl\n { fvarIdToDecl := map.insert decl.fvarId decl\n decls := decls.set decl.index decl }", "start": [ 311, 1 ], "end": [ 323, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.setKind", "code": "def setKind (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId)\n (kind : LocalDeclKind) : LocalContext :=\n lctx.modifyLocalDecl fvarId (·.setKind kind)", "start": [ 325, 1 ], "end": [ 330, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.setBinderInfo", "code": "def setBinderInfo (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) (bi : BinderInfo) : LocalContext :=\n modifyLocalDecl lctx fvarId fun decl => decl.setBinderInfo bi", "start": [ 332, 1 ], "end": [ 333, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.numIndices", "code": "@[export lean_local_ctx_num_indices]\ndef numIndices (lctx : LocalContext) : Nat :=\n lctx.decls.size", "start": [ 335, 1 ], "end": [ 337, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.getAt?", "code": "def getAt? (lctx : LocalContext) (i : Nat) : Option LocalDecl :=\n lctx.decls.get! i", "start": [ 339, 1 ], "end": [ 340, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.foldlM", "code": "@[specialize] def foldlM [Monad m] (lctx : LocalContext) (f : β → LocalDecl → m β) (init : β) (start : Nat := 0) : m β :=\n lctx.decls.foldlM (init := init) (start := start) fun b decl => match decl with\n | none => pure b\n | some decl => f b decl", "start": [ 342, 1 ], "end": [ 345, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.foldrM", "code": "@[specialize] def foldrM [Monad m] (lctx : LocalContext) (f : LocalDecl → β → m β) (init : β) : m β :=\n lctx.decls.foldrM (init := init) fun decl b => match decl with\n | none => pure b\n | some decl => f decl b", "start": [ 347, 1 ], "end": [ 350, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.forM", "code": "@[specialize] def forM [Monad m] (lctx : LocalContext) (f : LocalDecl → m PUnit) : m PUnit :=\n lctx.decls.forM fun decl => match decl with\n | none => pure PUnit.unit\n | some decl => f decl", "start": [ 352, 1 ], "end": [ 355, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.findDeclM?", "code": "@[specialize] def findDeclM? [Monad m] (lctx : LocalContext) (f : LocalDecl → m (Option β)) : m (Option β) :=\n lctx.decls.findSomeM? fun decl => match decl with\n | none => pure none\n | some decl => f decl", "start": [ 357, 1 ], "end": [ 360, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.findDeclRevM?", "code": "@[specialize] def findDeclRevM? [Monad m] (lctx : LocalContext) (f : LocalDecl → m (Option β)) : m (Option β) :=\n lctx.decls.findSomeRevM? fun decl => match decl with\n | none => pure none\n | some decl => f decl", "start": [ 362, 1 ], "end": [ 365, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.foldl", "code": "@[inline] def foldl (lctx : LocalContext) (f : β → LocalDecl → β) (init : β) (start : Nat := 0) : β :=\n <| lctx.foldlM f init start", "start": [ 372, 1 ], "end": [ 373, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.foldr", "code": "@[inline] def foldr (lctx : LocalContext) (f : LocalDecl → β → β) (init : β) : β :=\n <| lctx.foldrM f init", "start": [ 375, 1 ], "end": [ 376, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.size", "code": "def size (lctx : LocalContext) : Nat :=\n lctx.foldl (fun n _ => n+1) 0", "start": [ 378, 1 ], "end": [ 379, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.findDecl?", "code": "@[inline] def findDecl? (lctx : LocalContext) (f : LocalDecl → Option β) : Option β :=\n <| lctx.findDeclM? f", "start": [ 381, 1 ], "end": [ 382, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.findDeclRev?", "code": "@[inline] def findDeclRev? (lctx : LocalContext) (f : LocalDecl → Option β) : Option β :=\n <| lctx.findDeclRevM? f", "start": [ 384, 1 ], "end": [ 385, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.isSubPrefixOfAux", "code": "partial def isSubPrefixOfAux (a₁ a₂ : PArray (Option LocalDecl)) (exceptFVars : Array Expr) (i j : Nat) : Bool :=\n if i < a₁.size then\n match a₁[i]! with\n | none => isSubPrefixOfAux a₁ a₂ exceptFVars (i+1) j\n | some decl₁ =>\n if exceptFVars.any fun fvar => fvar.fvarId! == decl₁.fvarId then\n isSubPrefixOfAux a₁ a₂ exceptFVars (i+1) j\n else if j < a₂.size then\n match a₂[j]! with\n | none => isSubPrefixOfAux a₁ a₂ exceptFVars i (j+1)\n | some decl₂ => if decl₁.fvarId == decl₂.fvarId then isSubPrefixOfAux a₁ a₂ exceptFVars (i+1) (j+1) else isSubPrefixOfAux a₁ a₂ exceptFVars i (j+1)\n else false\n else true", "start": [ 387, 1 ], "end": [ 399, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.isSubPrefixOf", "code": "def isSubPrefixOf (lctx₁ lctx₂ : LocalContext) (exceptFVars : Array Expr := #[]) : Bool :=\n isSubPrefixOfAux lctx₁.decls lctx₂.decls exceptFVars 0 0", "start": [ 401, 1 ], "end": [ 405, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkBinding", "code": "@[inline] def mkBinding (isLambda : Bool) (lctx : LocalContext) (xs : Array Expr) (b : Expr) : Expr :=\n let b := b.abstract xs\n xs.size.foldRev (init := b) fun i b =>\n let x := xs[i]!\n match lctx.findFVar? x with\n | some (.cdecl _ _ n ty bi _) =>\n let ty := ty.abstractRange i xs;\n if isLambda then\n Lean.mkLambda n bi ty b\n else\n Lean.mkForall n bi ty b\n | some (.ldecl _ _ n ty val nonDep _) =>\n if b.hasLooseBVar 0 then\n let ty := ty.abstractRange i xs\n let val := val.abstractRange i xs\n mkLet n ty val b nonDep\n else\n b.lowerLooseBVars 1 1\n | none => panic! \"unknown free variable\"", "start": [ 407, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkLambda", "code": "def mkLambda (lctx : LocalContext) (xs : Array Expr) (b : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkBinding true lctx xs b", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 430, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.mkForall", "code": "def mkForall (lctx : LocalContext) (xs : Array Expr) (b : Expr) : Expr :=\n mkBinding false lctx xs b", "start": [ 432, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.anyM", "code": "@[inline] def anyM [Monad m] (lctx : LocalContext) (p : LocalDecl → m Bool) : m Bool :=\n lctx.decls.anyM fun d => match d with\n | some decl => p decl\n | none => pure false", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 440, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.allM", "code": "@[inline] def allM [Monad m] (lctx : LocalContext) (p : LocalDecl → m Bool) : m Bool :=\n lctx.decls.allM fun d => match d with\n | some decl => p decl\n | none => pure true", "start": [ 442, 1 ], "end": [ 445, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.any", "code": "@[inline] def any (lctx : LocalContext) (p : LocalDecl → Bool) : Bool :=\n <| lctx.anyM p", "start": [ 447, 1 ], "end": [ 449, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.all", "code": "@[inline] def all (lctx : LocalContext) (p : LocalDecl → Bool) : Bool :=\n <| lctx.allM p", "start": [ 451, 1 ], "end": [ 453, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.sanitizeNames", "code": "def sanitizeNames (lctx : LocalContext) : StateM NameSanitizerState LocalContext := do\n let st ← get\n if !getSanitizeNames st.options then pure lctx else\n' (s := ({} : NameSet)) <|\n lctx.decls.size.foldRevM (init := lctx) fun i lctx => do\n match lctx.decls[i]! with\n | none => pure lctx\n | some decl =>\n if decl.userName.hasMacroScopes || (← get).contains decl.userName then do\n modify fun s => s.insert decl.userName\n let userNameNew ← liftM <| sanitizeName decl.userName\n pure <| lctx.setUserName decl.fvarId userNameNew\n else\n modify fun s => s.insert decl.userName\n pure lctx", "start": [ 455, 1 ], "end": [ 470, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.getRoundtrippingUserName?", "code": "def getRoundtrippingUserName? (lctx : LocalContext) (fvarId : FVarId) : Option Name := do\n let ldecl₁ ← lctx.find? fvarId\n let ldecl₂ ← lctx.findFromUserName? ldecl₁.userName\n guard <| ldecl₁.fvarId == ldecl₂.fvarId\n some ldecl₁.userName", "start": [ 472, 1 ], "end": [ 480, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.sortFVarsByContextOrder", "code": "def sortFVarsByContextOrder (lctx : LocalContext) (hyps : Array FVarId) : Array FVarId :=\n let hyps := fun fvarId =>\n match lctx.fvarIdToDecl.find? fvarId with\n | none => (0, fvarId)\n | some ldecl => (ldecl.index, fvarId)\n hyps.qsort (fun h i => h.fst < i.fst) |>.map (·.snd)", "start": [ 482, 1 ], "end": [ 491, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadLCtx", "code": "class MonadLCtx (m : Type → Type) where\n getLCtx : m LocalContext", "start": [ 495, 1 ], "end": [ 497, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getLocalHyps", "code": "def getLocalHyps [Monad m] [MonadLCtx m] : m (Array Expr) := do\n let mut hs := #[]\n for d in ← getLCtx do\n if !d.isImplementationDetail then hs := hs.push d.toExpr\n return hs", "start": [ 504, 1 ], "end": [ 509, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalDecl.replaceFVarId", "code": "def LocalDecl.replaceFVarId (fvarId : FVarId) (e : Expr) (d : LocalDecl) : LocalDecl :=\n if d.fvarId == fvarId then d\n else match d with\n | .cdecl idx id n type bi k => .cdecl idx id n (type.replaceFVarId fvarId e) bi k\n | .ldecl idx id n type val nonDep k => .ldecl idx id n (type.replaceFVarId fvarId e) (val.replaceFVarId fvarId e) nonDep k", "start": [ 511, 1 ], "end": [ 515, 127 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalContext.replaceFVarId", "code": "def LocalContext.replaceFVarId (fvarId : FVarId) (e : Expr) (lctx : LocalContext) : LocalContext :=\n let lctx := lctx.erase fvarId\n { fvarIdToDecl := (·.replaceFVarId fvarId e)\n decls := fun localDecl? => localDecl?.map (·.replaceFVarId fvarId e) }", "start": [ 517, 1 ], "end": [ 520, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Dynamic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Lsp.RpcRef", "code": "structure RpcRef where\n \n p : USize\n deriving BEq, Hashable, FromJson, ToJson", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Server.RpcObjectStore", "code": "structure RpcObjectStore : Type where\n \n aliveRefs : PersistentHashMap Lsp.RpcRef Dynamic := {}\n \n nextRef : USize := 0", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Server.rpcStoreRef", "code": "def rpcStoreRef (any : Dynamic) : StateM RpcObjectStore Lsp.RpcRef := do\n let st ← get\n set { st with\n aliveRefs := st.aliveRefs.insert ⟨st.nextRef⟩ any\n nextRef := st.nextRef + 1\n }\n return ⟨st.nextRef⟩", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Server.rpcGetRef", "code": "def rpcGetRef (r : Lsp.RpcRef) : ReaderT RpcObjectStore Id (Option Dynamic) :=\n return (← read).aliveRefs.find? r", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Server.rpcReleaseRef", "code": "def rpcReleaseRef (r : Lsp.RpcRef) : StateM RpcObjectStore Bool := do\n let st ← get\n if st.aliveRefs.contains r then\n set { st with aliveRefs := st.aliveRefs.erase r }\n return true\n else\n return false", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Server.RpcEncodable", "code": "class RpcEncodable (α : Type) where\n rpcEncode : α → StateM RpcObjectStore Json\n rpcDecode : Json → ExceptT String (ReaderT RpcObjectStore Id) α", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 92, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Server.WithRpcRef", "code": "structure WithRpcRef (α : Type u) where\n val : α\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 124, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/BitVec/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Expr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ToExpr", "code": "class ToExpr (α : Type u) where\n \n toExpr : α → Expr\n \n toTypeExpr : Expr", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Name.toExprAux", "code": "private def Name.toExprAux (n : Name) : Expr :=\n if isSimple n 0 then\n mkStr n 0 #[]\n else\n go n\nwhere\n isSimple (n : Name) (sz : Nat) : Bool :=\n match n with\n | .anonymous => 0 < sz && sz <= 8\n | .str p _ => isSimple p (sz+1)\n | _ => false\n\n mkStr (n : Name) (sz : Nat) (args : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n match n with\n | .anonymous => mkAppN (mkConst (.str ``Lean.Name (\"mkStr\" ++ toString sz))) args.reverse\n | .str p s => mkStr p (sz+1) (args.push (toExpr s))\n | _ => unreachable!\n\n go : Name → Expr\n | .anonymous => mkConst ``Lean.Name.anonymous\n | .str p s ..=> mkApp2 (mkConst ``Lean.Name.str) (go p) (toExpr s)\n | .num p n ..=> mkApp2 (mkConst ``Lean.Name.num) (go p) (toExpr n)", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 130, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.List.toExprAux", "code": "private def List.toExprAux [ToExpr α] (nilFn : Expr) (consFn : Expr) : List α → Expr\n | [] => nilFn\n | a::as => mkApp2 consFn (toExpr a) (toExprAux nilFn consFn as)", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 145, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.toCtorIfLit", "code": "def Expr.toCtorIfLit : Expr → Expr\n | .lit (.natVal v) =>\n if v == 0 then mkConst ``\n else mkApp (mkConst ``Nat.succ) (mkRawNatLit (v-1))\n | .lit (.strVal v) =>\n mkApp (mkConst `` (toExpr v.toList)\n | e => e", "start": [ 181, 1 ], "end": [ 187, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/HashMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Control/StateRef.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.MonadCache", "code": "class MonadCache (α β : Type) (m : Type → Type) where\n findCached? : α → m (Option β)\n cache : α → β → m Unit", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.checkCache", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef checkCache {α β : Type} {m : Type → Type} [MonadCache α β m] [Monad m] (a : α) (f : Unit → m β) : m β := do\n match (← MonadCache.findCached? a) with\n | some b => pure b\n | none => do\n let b ← f ()\n MonadCache.cache a b\n pure b", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadHashMapCacheAdapter", "code": "class MonadHashMapCacheAdapter (α β : Type) (m : Type → Type) [BEq α] [Hashable α] where\n getCache : m (HashMap α β)\n modifyCache : (HashMap α β → HashMap α β) → m Unit", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadHashMapCacheAdapter.findCached?", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef findCached? {α β : Type} {m : Type → Type} [BEq α] [Hashable α] [Monad m] [MonadHashMapCacheAdapter α β m] (a : α) : m (Option β) := do\n let c ← getCache\n pure (c.find? a)", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadHashMapCacheAdapter.cache", "code": "@[always_inline, inline]\ndef cache {α β : Type} {m : Type → Type} [BEq α] [Hashable α] [MonadHashMapCacheAdapter α β m] (a : α) (b : β) : m Unit :=\n modifyCache fun s => s.insert a b", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadCacheT", "code": "def MonadCacheT {ω} (α β : Type) (m : Type → Type) [STWorld ω m] [BEq α] [Hashable α] := StateRefT (HashMap α β) m", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 115 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline] def run {σ} (x : MonadCacheT α β m σ) : m σ :=\n' mkHashMap", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 70, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadStateCacheT", "code": "def MonadStateCacheT (α β : Type) (m : Type → Type) [BEq α] [Hashable α] := StateT (HashMap α β) m", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 83, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[always_inline, inline] def run {σ} (x : MonadStateCacheT α β m σ) : m σ :=\n' mkHashMap", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/LocalContext.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ImportingFlag.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Control/StateRef.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Array/BinSearch.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/Profile.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/HashMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/Stream.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Declaration.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/InstantiateLevelParams.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/Path.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/SMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/FindExpr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionStateSpec", "code": "opaque EnvExtensionStateSpec : (α : Type) × Inhabited α := ⟨Unit, ⟨()⟩⟩", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionState", "code": "def EnvExtensionState : Type := EnvExtensionStateSpec.fst", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ModuleIdx", "code": "def ModuleIdx := Nat\n deriving BEq, ToString", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ModuleIdx.toNat", "code": "abbrev ModuleIdx.toNat (midx : ModuleIdx) : Nat := midx", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstMap", "code": "abbrev ConstMap := SMap Name ConstantInfo", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Import", "code": "structure Import where\n module : Name\n runtimeOnly : Bool := false\n deriving Repr, Inhabited", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.CompactedRegion", "code": "def CompactedRegion := USize", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.CompactedRegion.isMemoryMapped", "code": "@[extern \"lean_compacted_region_is_memory_mapped\"]\nopaque CompactedRegion.isMemoryMapped : CompactedRegion → Bool", "start": [ 50, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[extern \"lean_compacted_region_free\"]\nunsafe opaque : CompactedRegion → IO Unit", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionEntrySpec", "code": "opaque EnvExtensionEntrySpec : NonemptyType.{0}", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionEntry", "code": "def EnvExtensionEntry : Type := EnvExtensionEntrySpec.type", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ModuleData", "code": "structure ModuleData where\n imports : Array Import\n \n constNames : Array Name\n constants : Array ConstantInfo\n \n extraConstNames : Array Name\n entries : Array (Name × Array EnvExtensionEntry)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvironmentHeader", "code": "structure EnvironmentHeader where\n \n trustLevel : UInt32 := 0\n \n quotInit : Bool := false\n \n mainModule : Name := default\n \n imports : Array Import := #[]\n \n regions : Array CompactedRegion := #[]\n \n moduleNames : Array Name := #[]\n \n moduleData : Array ModuleData := #[]\n deriving Nonempty", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 107, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment", "code": "structure Environment where\n \n private mk ::\n \n const2ModIdx : HashMap Name ModuleIdx\n \n constants : ConstMap\n \n extensions : Array EnvExtensionState\n \n extraConstNames : NameSet\n \n header : EnvironmentHeader := {}\n deriving Nonempty", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 155, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.addAux", "code": "private def addAux (env : Environment) (cinfo : ConstantInfo) : Environment :=\n { env with constants := env.constants.insert cinfo }", "start": [ 159, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.addExtraName", "code": "def addExtraName (env : Environment) (name : Name) : Environment :=\n if env.constants.contains name then\n env\n else\n { env with extraConstNames := env.extraConstNames.insert name }", "start": [ 162, 1 ], "end": [ 171, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.find?", "code": "@[export lean_environment_find]\ndef find? (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Option ConstantInfo :=\n \n env.constants.find?' n", "start": [ 173, 1 ], "end": [ 176, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.contains", "code": "def contains (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n env.constants.contains n", "start": [ 178, 1 ], "end": [ 179, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.imports", "code": "def imports (env : Environment) : Array Import :=\n env.header.imports", "start": [ 181, 1 ], "end": [ 182, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.allImportedModuleNames", "code": "def allImportedModuleNames (env : Environment) : Array Name :=\n env.header.moduleNames", "start": [ 184, 1 ], "end": [ 185, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.setMainModule", "code": "@[export lean_environment_set_main_module]\ndef setMainModule (env : Environment) (m : Name) : Environment :=\n { env with header := { env.header with mainModule := m } }", "start": [ 187, 1 ], "end": [ 189, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.mainModule", "code": "@[export lean_environment_main_module]\ndef mainModule (env : Environment) : Name :=\n env.header.mainModule", "start": [ 191, 1 ], "end": [ 193, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.markQuotInit", "code": "@[export lean_environment_mark_quot_init]\nprivate def markQuotInit (env : Environment) : Environment :=\n { env with header := { env.header with quotInit := true } }", "start": [ 195, 1 ], "end": [ 197, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.isQuotInit", "code": "@[export lean_environment_quot_init]\nprivate def isQuotInit (env : Environment) : Bool :=\n env.header.quotInit", "start": [ 199, 1 ], "end": [ 201, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.getTrustLevel", "code": "@[export lean_environment_trust_level]\nprivate def getTrustLevel (env : Environment) : UInt32 :=\n env.header.trustLevel", "start": [ 203, 1 ], "end": [ 205, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.getModuleIdxFor?", "code": "def getModuleIdxFor? (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Option ModuleIdx :=\n env.const2ModIdx.find? declName", "start": [ 207, 1 ], "end": [ 208, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.isConstructor", "code": "def isConstructor (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n match env.find? declName with\n | some (.ctorInfo _) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 210, 1 ], "end": [ 213, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.isSafeDefinition", "code": "def isSafeDefinition (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n match env.find? declName with\n | some (.defnInfo { safety := .safe, .. }) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 215, 1 ], "end": [ 218, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.getModuleIdx?", "code": "def getModuleIdx? (env : Environment) (moduleName : Name) : Option ModuleIdx :=\n env.header.moduleNames.findIdx? (· == moduleName)", "start": [ 220, 1 ], "end": [ 221, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KernelException", "code": "inductive KernelException where\n | unknownConstant (env : Environment) (name : Name)\n | alreadyDeclared (env : Environment) (name : Name)\n | declTypeMismatch (env : Environment) (decl : Declaration) (givenType : Expr)\n | declHasMVars (env : Environment) (name : Name) (expr : Expr)\n | declHasFVars (env : Environment) (name : Name) (expr : Expr)\n | funExpected (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (expr : Expr)\n | typeExpected (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (expr : Expr)\n | letTypeMismatch (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (name : Name) (givenType : Expr) (expectedType : Expr)\n | exprTypeMismatch (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (expr : Expr) (expectedType : Expr)\n | appTypeMismatch (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (app : Expr) (funType : Expr) (argType : Expr)\n | invalidProj (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (proj : Expr)\n | thmTypeIsNotProp (env : Environment) (name : Name) (type : Expr)\n | other (msg : String)\n | deterministicTimeout\n | excessiveMemory\n | deepRecursion\n | interrupted", "start": [ 225, 1 ], "end": [ 243, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.addDeclCore", "code": "@[extern \"lean_add_decl\"]\nopaque addDeclCore (env : Environment) (maxHeartbeats : USize) (decl : @& Declaration) : Except KernelException Environment", "start": [ 247, 1 ], "end": [ 251, 124 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.addDeclWithoutChecking", "code": "@[extern \"lean_add_decl_without_checking\"]\nopaque addDeclWithoutChecking (env : Environment) (decl : @& Declaration) : Except KernelException Environment", "start": [ 253, 1 ], "end": [ 260, 111 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.instantiateTypeLevelParams", "code": "def instantiateTypeLevelParams (c : ConstantInfo) (ls : List Level) : Expr :=\n c.type.instantiateLevelParams c.levelParams ls", "start": [ 266, 1 ], "end": [ 267, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ConstantInfo.instantiateValueLevelParams!", "code": "def instantiateValueLevelParams! (c : ConstantInfo) (ls : List Level) : Expr :=\n c.value!.instantiateLevelParams c.levelParams ls", "start": [ 269, 1 ], "end": [ 270, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterface", "code": "structure EnvExtensionInterface where\n ext : Type → Type\n inhabitedExt : Inhabited σ → Inhabited (ext σ)\n registerExt (mkInitial : IO σ) : IO (ext σ)\n setState (e : ext σ) (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) : σ → Array EnvExtensionState\n modifyState (e : ext σ) (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) : (σ → σ) → Array EnvExtensionState\n getState [Inhabited σ] (e : ext σ) (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) : σ\n mkInitialExtStates : IO (Array EnvExtensionState)\n ensureExtensionsSize : Array EnvExtensionState → IO (Array EnvExtensionState)", "start": [ 274, 1 ], "end": [ 283, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.Ext", "code": "structure Ext (σ : Type) where\n idx : Nat\n mkInitial : IO σ\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 300, 1 ], "end": [ 303, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.ensureExtensionsArraySize", "code": "partial def ensureExtensionsArraySize (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) : IO (Array EnvExtensionState) := do\n loop exts.size exts\nwhere\n loop (i : Nat) (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) : IO (Array EnvExtensionState) := do\n let envExtensions ← envExtensionsRef.get\n if i < envExtensions.size then\n let s ← envExtensions[i]!.mkInitial\n let exts := exts.push s\n loop (i + 1) exts\n else\n return exts", "start": [ 307, 1 ], "end": [ 324, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.invalidExtMsg", "code": "private def invalidExtMsg := \"invalid environment extension has been accessed\"", "start": [ 326, 1 ], "end": [ 326, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.setState", "code": "unsafe def setState {σ} (ext : Ext σ) (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) (s : σ) : Array EnvExtensionState :=\n if h : ext.idx < exts.size then\n exts.set ⟨ext.idx, h⟩ (unsafeCast s)\n else\n have : Inhabited (Array EnvExtensionState) := ⟨exts⟩\n panic! invalidExtMsg", "start": [ 328, 1 ], "end": [ 333, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.modifyState", "code": "@[inline] unsafe def modifyState {σ : Type} (ext : Ext σ) (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) (f : σ → σ) : Array EnvExtensionState :=\n if ext.idx < exts.size then\n exts.modify ext.idx fun s =>\n let s : σ := unsafeCast s\n let s : σ := f s\n unsafeCast s\n else\n have : Inhabited (Array EnvExtensionState) := ⟨exts⟩\n panic! invalidExtMsg", "start": [ 335, 1 ], "end": [ 343, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.getState", "code": "unsafe def getState {σ} [Inhabited σ] (ext : Ext σ) (exts : Array EnvExtensionState) : σ :=\n if h : ext.idx < exts.size then\n let s : EnvExtensionState := exts.get ⟨ext.idx, h⟩\n unsafeCast s\n else\n panic! invalidExtMsg", "start": [ 345, 1 ], "end": [ 350, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.registerExt", "code": "unsafe def registerExt {σ} (mkInitial : IO σ) : IO (Ext σ) := do\n unless (← initializing) do\n throw (IO.userError \"failed to register environment, extensions can only be registered during initialization\")\n let exts ← envExtensionsRef.get\n let idx := exts.size\n let ext : Ext σ := {\n idx := idx,\n mkInitial := mkInitial,\n }\n envExtensionsRef.modify fun exts => exts.push (unsafeCast ext)\n pure ext", "start": [ 352, 1 ], "end": [ 362, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.mkInitialExtStates", "code": "def mkInitialExtStates : IO (Array EnvExtensionState) := do\n let exts ← envExtensionsRef.get\n exts.mapM fun ext => ext.mkInitial", "start": [ 364, 1 ], "end": [ 366, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.imp", "code": "unsafe def imp : EnvExtensionInterface := {\n ext := Ext\n ensureExtensionsSize := ensureExtensionsArraySize\n inhabitedExt := fun _ => ⟨default⟩\n registerExt := registerExt\n setState := setState\n modifyState := modifyState\n getState := getState\n mkInitialExtStates := mkInitialExtStates\n}", "start": [ 368, 1 ], "end": [ 377, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtensionInterfaceImp", "code": "@[implemented_by EnvExtensionInterfaceUnsafe.imp]\nopaque EnvExtensionInterfaceImp : EnvExtensionInterface", "start": [ 381, 1 ], "end": [ 382, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtension", "code": "def EnvExtension (σ : Type) : Type := EnvExtensionInterfaceImp.ext σ", "start": [ 384, 1 ], "end": [ 384, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ensureExtensionsArraySize", "code": "private def ensureExtensionsArraySize (env : Environment) : IO Environment := do\n let exts ← EnvExtensionInterfaceImp.ensureExtensionsSize env.extensions\n return { env with extensions := exts }", "start": [ 386, 1 ], "end": [ 388, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtension.setState", "code": "def setState {σ : Type} (ext : EnvExtension σ) (env : Environment) (s : σ) : Environment :=\n { env with extensions := EnvExtensionInterfaceImp.setState ext env.extensions s }", "start": [ 393, 1 ], "end": [ 394, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtension.modifyState", "code": "def modifyState {σ : Type} (ext : EnvExtension σ) (env : Environment) (f : σ → σ) : Environment :=\n { env with extensions := EnvExtensionInterfaceImp.modifyState ext env.extensions f }", "start": [ 396, 1 ], "end": [ 397, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnvExtension.getState", "code": "def getState {σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (ext : EnvExtension σ) (env : Environment) : σ :=\n EnvExtensionInterfaceImp.getState ext env.extensions", "start": [ 399, 1 ], "end": [ 400, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerEnvExtension", "code": "def registerEnvExtension {σ : Type} (mkInitial : IO σ) : IO (EnvExtension σ) := EnvExtensionInterfaceImp.registerExt mkInitial", "start": [ 404, 1 ], "end": [ 411, 127 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkInitialExtensionStates", "code": "private def mkInitialExtensionStates : IO (Array EnvExtensionState) := EnvExtensionInterfaceImp.mkInitialExtStates", "start": [ 412, 1 ], "end": [ 412, 115 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkEmptyEnvironment", "code": "@[export lean_mk_empty_environment]\ndef mkEmptyEnvironment (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0) : IO Environment := do\n let initializing ← IO.initializing\n if initializing then throw (IO.userError \"environment objects cannot be created during initialization\")\n let exts ← mkInitialExtensionStates\n pure {\n const2ModIdx := {}\n constants := {}\n header := { trustLevel := trustLevel }\n extraConstNames := {}\n extensions := exts\n }", "start": [ 414, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtensionState", "code": "structure PersistentEnvExtensionState (α : Type) (σ : Type) where\n importedEntries : Array (Array α) state : σ", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 429, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ImportM.Context", "code": "structure ImportM.Context where\n env : Environment\n opts : Options", "start": [ 431, 1 ], "end": [ 433, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ImportM", "code": "abbrev ImportM := ReaderT Lean.ImportM.Context IO", "start": [ 435, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtension", "code": "structure PersistentEnvExtension (α : Type) (β : Type) (σ : Type) where\n toEnvExtension : EnvExtension (PersistentEnvExtensionState α σ)\n name : Name\n addImportedFn : Array (Array α) → ImportM σ\n addEntryFn : σ → β → σ\n exportEntriesFn : σ → Array α\n statsFn : σ → Format", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 488, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtension.getModuleEntries", "code": "def getModuleEntries {α β σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (ext : PersistentEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (m : ModuleIdx) : Array α :=\n (ext.toEnvExtension.getState env).importedEntries.get! m", "start": [ 505, 1 ], "end": [ 506, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtension.addEntry", "code": "def addEntry {α β σ : Type} (ext : PersistentEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (b : β) : Environment :=\n ext.toEnvExtension.modifyState env fun s =>\n let state := ext.addEntryFn s.state b;\n { s with state := state }", "start": [ 508, 1 ], "end": [ 511, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtension.getState", "code": "def getState {α β σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (ext : PersistentEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) : σ :=\n (ext.toEnvExtension.getState env).state", "start": [ 513, 1 ], "end": [ 515, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtension.setState", "code": "def setState {α β σ : Type} (ext : PersistentEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (s : σ) : Environment :=\n ext.toEnvExtension.modifyState env fun ps => { ps with state := s }", "start": [ 517, 1 ], "end": [ 519, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtension.modifyState", "code": "def modifyState {α β σ : Type} (ext : PersistentEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (f : σ → σ) : Environment :=\n ext.toEnvExtension.modifyState env fun ps => { ps with state := f (ps.state) }", "start": [ 521, 1 ], "end": [ 523, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PersistentEnvExtensionDescr", "code": "structure PersistentEnvExtensionDescr (α β σ : Type) where\n name : Name := by exact decl_name%\n mkInitial : IO σ\n addImportedFn : Array (Array α) → ImportM σ\n addEntryFn : σ → β → σ\n exportEntriesFn : σ → Array α\n statsFn : σ → Format := fun _ => Format.nil", "start": [ 529, 1 ], "end": [ 535, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerPersistentEnvExtensionUnsafe", "code": "unsafe def registerPersistentEnvExtensionUnsafe {α β σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (descr : PersistentEnvExtensionDescr α β σ) : IO (PersistentEnvExtension α β σ) := do\n let pExts ← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get\n if pExts.any (fun ext => == then throw (IO.userError s!\"invalid environment extension, '{}' has already been used\")\n let ext ← registerEnvExtension do\n let initial ← descr.mkInitial\n let s : PersistentEnvExtensionState α σ := {\n importedEntries := #[],\n state := initial\n }\n pure s\n let pExt : PersistentEnvExtension α β σ := {\n toEnvExtension := ext,\n name :=,\n addImportedFn := descr.addImportedFn,\n addEntryFn := descr.addEntryFn,\n exportEntriesFn := descr.exportEntriesFn,\n statsFn := descr.statsFn\n }\n persistentEnvExtensionsRef.modify fun pExts => pExts.push (unsafeCast pExt)\n return pExt", "start": [ 537, 1 ], "end": [ 556, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerPersistentEnvExtension", "code": "@[implemented_by registerPersistentEnvExtensionUnsafe]\nopaque registerPersistentEnvExtension {α β σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (descr : PersistentEnvExtensionDescr α β σ) : IO (PersistentEnvExtension α β σ)", "start": [ 558, 1 ], "end": [ 559, 147 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimplePersistentEnvExtension", "code": "def SimplePersistentEnvExtension (α σ : Type) := PersistentEnvExtension α α (List α × σ)", "start": [ 561, 1 ], "end": [ 562, 89 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkStateFromImportedEntries", "code": "@[specialize] def mkStateFromImportedEntries {α σ : Type} (addEntryFn : σ → α → σ) (initState : σ) (as : Array (Array α)) : σ :=\n as.foldl (fun r es => es.foldl (fun r e => addEntryFn r e) r) initState", "start": [ 564, 1 ], "end": [ 565, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimplePersistentEnvExtensionDescr", "code": "structure SimplePersistentEnvExtensionDescr (α σ : Type) where\n name : Name := by exact decl_name%\n addEntryFn : σ → α → σ\n addImportedFn : Array (Array α) → σ\n toArrayFn : List α → Array α := fun es => es.toArray", "start": [ 567, 1 ], "end": [ 571, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension", "code": "def registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {α σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (descr : SimplePersistentEnvExtensionDescr α σ) : IO (SimplePersistentEnvExtension α σ) :=\n registerPersistentEnvExtension {\n name :=,\n mkInitial := pure ([], descr.addImportedFn #[]),\n addImportedFn := fun as => pure ([], descr.addImportedFn as),\n addEntryFn := fun s e => match s with\n | (entries, s) => (e::entries, descr.addEntryFn s e),\n exportEntriesFn := fun s => descr.toArrayFn s.1.reverse,\n statsFn := fun s => format \"number of local entries: \" ++ format s.1.length\n }", "start": [ 573, 1 ], "end": [ 582, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimplePersistentEnvExtension.getEntries", "code": "def getEntries {α σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (ext : SimplePersistentEnvExtension α σ) (env : Environment) : List α :=\n (PersistentEnvExtension.getState ext env).1", "start": [ 589, 1 ], "end": [ 592, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimplePersistentEnvExtension.getState", "code": "def getState {α σ : Type} [Inhabited σ] (ext : SimplePersistentEnvExtension α σ) (env : Environment) : σ :=\n (PersistentEnvExtension.getState ext env).2", "start": [ 594, 1 ], "end": [ 596, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimplePersistentEnvExtension.setState", "code": "def setState {α σ : Type} (ext : SimplePersistentEnvExtension α σ) (env : Environment) (s : σ) : Environment :=\n PersistentEnvExtension.modifyState ext env (fun ⟨entries, _⟩ => (entries, s))", "start": [ 598, 1 ], "end": [ 600, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimplePersistentEnvExtension.modifyState", "code": "def modifyState {α σ : Type} (ext : SimplePersistentEnvExtension α σ) (env : Environment) (f : σ → σ) : Environment :=\n PersistentEnvExtension.modifyState ext env (fun ⟨entries, s⟩ => (entries, f s))", "start": [ 602, 1 ], "end": [ 604, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TagDeclarationExtension", "code": "def TagDeclarationExtension := SimplePersistentEnvExtension Name NameSet", "start": [ 608, 1 ], "end": [ 610, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkTagDeclarationExtension", "code": "def mkTagDeclarationExtension (name : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO TagDeclarationExtension :=\n registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {\n name := name,\n addImportedFn := fun _ => {},\n addEntryFn := fun s n => s.insert n,\n toArrayFn := fun es => es.toArray.qsort Name.quickLt\n }", "start": [ 612, 1 ], "end": [ 618, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TagDeclarationExtension.tag", "code": "def tag (ext : TagDeclarationExtension) (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Environment :=\n have : Inhabited Environment := ⟨env⟩\n assert! env.getModuleIdxFor? declName |>.isNone ext.addEntry env declName", "start": [ 625, 1 ], "end": [ 628, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TagDeclarationExtension.isTagged", "code": "def isTagged (ext : TagDeclarationExtension) (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? declName with\n | some modIdx => (ext.getModuleEntries env modIdx).binSearchContains declName Name.quickLt\n | none => (ext.getState env).contains declName", "start": [ 630, 1 ], "end": [ 633, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MapDeclarationExtension", "code": "def MapDeclarationExtension (α : Type) := SimplePersistentEnvExtension (Name × α) (NameMap α)", "start": [ 637, 1 ], "end": [ 640, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkMapDeclarationExtension", "code": "def mkMapDeclarationExtension (name : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO (MapDeclarationExtension α) :=\n registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {\n name := name,\n addImportedFn := fun _ => {},\n addEntryFn := fun s n => s.insert n.1 n.2 ,\n toArrayFn := fun es => es.toArray.qsort (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1)\n }", "start": [ 642, 1 ], "end": [ 648, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MapDeclarationExtension.insert", "code": "def insert (ext : MapDeclarationExtension α) (env : Environment) (declName : Name) (val : α) : Environment :=\n have : Inhabited Environment := ⟨env⟩\n assert! env.getModuleIdxFor? declName |>.isNone ext.addEntry env (declName, val)", "start": [ 655, 1 ], "end": [ 658, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MapDeclarationExtension.find?", "code": "def find? [Inhabited α] (ext : MapDeclarationExtension α) (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Option α :=\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? declName with\n | some modIdx =>\n match (ext.getModuleEntries env modIdx).binSearch (declName, default) (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1) with\n | some e => some e.2\n | none => none\n | none => (ext.getState env).find? declName", "start": [ 660, 1 ], "end": [ 666, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MapDeclarationExtension.contains", "code": "def contains [Inhabited α] (ext : MapDeclarationExtension α) (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? declName with\n | some modIdx => (ext.getModuleEntries env modIdx).binSearchContains (declName, default) (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1)\n | none => (ext.getState env).contains declName", "start": [ 668, 1 ], "end": [ 671, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.saveModuleData", "code": "@[extern \"lean_save_module_data\"]\nopaque saveModuleData (fname : @& System.FilePath) (mod : @& Name) (data : @& ModuleData) : IO Unit", "start": [ 675, 1 ], "end": [ 676, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.readModuleData", "code": "@[extern \"lean_read_module_data\"]\nopaque readModuleData (fname : @& System.FilePath) : IO (ModuleData × CompactedRegion)", "start": [ 677, 1 ], "end": [ 678, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.freeRegions", "code": "@[noinline, export lean_environment_free_regions]\nunsafe def Environment.freeRegions (env : Environment) : IO Unit :=\n \n env.header.regions.forM", "start": [ 680, 1 ], "end": [ 700, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkModuleData", "code": "def mkModuleData (env : Environment) : IO ModuleData := do\n let pExts ← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get\n let entries := fun pExt =>\n let state := pExt.getState env\n (, pExt.exportEntriesFn state)\n let constNames := env.constants.foldStage2 (fun names name _ => names.push name) #[]\n let constants := env.constants.foldStage2 (fun cs _ c => cs.push c) #[]\n return {\n imports := env.header.imports\n extraConstNames := env.extraConstNames.toArray\n constNames, constants, entries\n }", "start": [ 702, 1 ], "end": [ 713, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.writeModule", "code": "@[export lean_write_module]\ndef writeModule (env : Environment) (fname : System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do\n saveModuleData fname env.mainModule (← mkModuleData env)", "start": [ 715, 1 ], "end": [ 717, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkExtNameMap", "code": "def mkExtNameMap (startingAt : Nat) : IO (HashMap Name Nat) := do\n let descrs ← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get\n let mut result := {}\n for h : i in [startingAt : descrs.size] do\n have : i < descrs.size := h.upper\n let descr := descrs[i]\n result := result.insert i\n return result", "start": [ 719, 1 ], "end": [ 730, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setImportedEntries", "code": "private def setImportedEntries (env : Environment) (mods : Array ModuleData) (startingAt : Nat := 0) : IO Environment := do\n let mut env := env\n let extDescrs ← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get\n \n for extDescr in extDescrs[startingAt:] do\n env := extDescr.toEnvExtension.modifyState env fun s => { s with importedEntries := mkArray mods.size #[] }\n \n let extNameIdx ← mkExtNameMap startingAt\n for h : modIdx in [:mods.size] do\n have : modIdx < mods.size := h.upper\n let mod := mods[modIdx]\n for (extName, entries) in mod.entries do\n if let some entryIdx := extNameIdx.find? extName then\n env := extDescrs[entryIdx]!.toEnvExtension.modifyState env fun s => { s with importedEntries := s.importedEntries.set! modIdx entries }\n return env", "start": [ 732, 1 ], "end": [ 746, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.updateEnvAttributes", "code": "@[extern 2 \"lean_update_env_attributes\"] opaque updateEnvAttributes : Environment → IO Environment", "start": [ 748, 1 ], "end": [ 757, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getNumBuiltinAttributes", "code": "@[extern 1 \"lean_get_num_attributes\"] opaque getNumBuiltinAttributes : IO Nat", "start": [ 758, 1 ], "end": [ 759, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.finalizePersistentExtensions", "code": "private partial def finalizePersistentExtensions (env : Environment) (mods : Array ModuleData) (opts : Options) : IO Environment := do\n loop 0 env\nwhere\n loop (i : Nat) (env : Environment) : IO Environment := do\n let pExtDescrs ← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get\n if i < pExtDescrs.size then\n let extDescr := pExtDescrs[i]!\n let s := extDescr.toEnvExtension.getState env\n let prevSize := (← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get).size\n let prevAttrSize ← getNumBuiltinAttributes\n let newState ← extDescr.addImportedFn s.importedEntries { env := env, opts := opts }\n let mut env := extDescr.toEnvExtension.setState env { s with state := newState }\n env ← ensureExtensionsArraySize env\n if (← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get).size > prevSize || (← getNumBuiltinAttributes) > prevAttrSize then\n env ← setImportedEntries env mods prevSize\n env ← updateEnvAttributes env\n loop (i + 1) env\n else\n return env", "start": [ 761, 1 ], "end": [ 784, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ImportState", "code": "structure ImportState where\n moduleNameSet : NameHashSet := {}\n moduleNames : Array Name := #[]\n moduleData : Array ModuleData := #[]\n regions : Array CompactedRegion := #[]", "start": [ 786, 1 ], "end": [ 790, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.throwAlreadyImported", "code": "def throwAlreadyImported (s : ImportState) (const2ModIdx : HashMap Name ModuleIdx) (modIdx : Nat) (cname : Name) : IO α := do\n let modName := s.moduleNames[modIdx]!\n let constModName := s.moduleNames[const2ModIdx[cname].get!.toNat]!\n throw <| IO.userError s!\"import {modName} failed, environment already contains '{cname}' from {constModName}\"", "start": [ 792, 1 ], "end": [ 795, 112 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ImportStateM", "code": "abbrev ImportStateM := StateRefT ImportState IO", "start": [ 797, 1 ], "end": [ 797, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline] nonrec def (x : ImportStateM α) (s : ImportState := {}) : IO (α × ImportState) :=\n s", "start": [ 799, 1 ], "end": [ 800, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.importModulesCore", "code": "partial def importModulesCore (imports : Array Import) : ImportStateM Unit := do\n for i in imports do\n if i.runtimeOnly || (← get).moduleNameSet.contains i.module then\n continue\n modify fun s => { s with moduleNameSet := s.moduleNameSet.insert i.module }\n let mFile ← findOLean i.module\n unless (← mFile.pathExists) do\n throw <| IO.userError s!\"object file '{mFile}' of module {i.module} does not exist\"\n let (mod, region) ← readModuleData mFile\n importModulesCore mod.imports\n modify fun s => { s with\n moduleData := s.moduleData.push mod\n regions := s.regions.push region\n moduleNames := s.moduleNames.push i.module\n }", "start": [ 802, 1 ], "end": [ 816, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.equivInfo", "code": "private def equivInfo (cinfo₁ cinfo₂ : ConstantInfo) : Bool := do\n let .thmInfo tval₁ := cinfo₁ | false\n let .thmInfo tval₂ := cinfo₂ | false\n return tval₁.name == tval₂.name\n && tval₁.type == tval₂.type\n && tval₁.levelParams == tval₂.levelParams\n && tval₁.all == tval₂.all", "start": [ 818, 1 ], "end": [ 843, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.finalizeImport", "code": "def finalizeImport (s : ImportState) (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0)\n (leakEnv := false) : IO Environment := do\n let numConsts := s.moduleData.foldl (init := 0) fun numConsts mod =>\n numConsts + mod.constants.size + mod.extraConstNames.size\n let mut const2ModIdx : HashMap Name ModuleIdx := mkHashMap (capacity := numConsts)\n let mut constantMap : HashMap Name ConstantInfo := mkHashMap (capacity := numConsts)\n for h:modIdx in [0:s.moduleData.size] do\n let mod := s.moduleData[modIdx]'h.upper\n for cname in mod.constNames, cinfo in mod.constants do\n match constantMap.insertIfNew cname cinfo with\n | (constantMap', cinfoPrev?) =>\n constantMap := constantMap'\n if let some cinfoPrev := cinfoPrev? then\n unless equivInfo cinfoPrev cinfo do\n throwAlreadyImported s const2ModIdx modIdx cname\n const2ModIdx := const2ModIdx.insert cname modIdx\n for cname in mod.extraConstNames do\n const2ModIdx := const2ModIdx.insert cname modIdx\n let constants : ConstMap := SMap.fromHashMap constantMap false\n let exts ← mkInitialExtensionStates\n let mut env : Environment := {\n const2ModIdx := const2ModIdx\n constants := constants\n extraConstNames := {}\n extensions := exts\n header := {\n quotInit := !imports.isEmpty trustLevel := trustLevel\n imports := imports\n regions := s.regions\n moduleNames := s.moduleNames\n moduleData := s.moduleData\n }\n }\n env ← setImportedEntries env s.moduleData\n if leakEnv then\n \n env := Runtime.markPersistent env\n env ← finalizePersistentExtensions env s.moduleData opts\n if leakEnv then\n \n env := Runtime.markPersistent env\n pure env", "start": [ 845, 1 ], "end": [ 907, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.importModules", "code": "@[export lean_import_modules]\ndef importModules (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0)\n (leakEnv := false) : IO Environment := profileitIO \"import\" opts do\n for imp in imports do\n if imp.module matches .anonymous then\n throw <| IO.userError \"import failed, trying to import module with anonymous name\"\n withImporting do\n let (_, s) ← importModulesCore imports |>.run\n finalizeImport (leakEnv := leakEnv) s imports opts trustLevel", "start": [ 909, 1 ], "end": [ 917, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withImportModules", "code": "unsafe def withImportModules {α : Type} (imports : Array Import) (opts : Options) (trustLevel : UInt32 := 0) (act : Environment → IO α) : IO α := do\n let env ← importModules imports opts trustLevel\n try act env finally env.freeRegions", "start": [ 919, 1 ], "end": [ 924, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.Diagnostics", "code": "structure Kernel.Diagnostics where\n \n unfoldCounter : PHashMap Name Nat := {}\n \n enabled : Bool := false\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 944, 1 ], "end": [ 949, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.Diagnostics.isEnabled", "code": "@[export lean_kernel_diag_is_enabled]\ndef Kernel.Diagnostics.isEnabled (d : Diagnostics) : Bool :=\n d.enabled", "start": [ 963, 1 ], "end": [ 965, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.enableDiag", "code": "def Kernel.enableDiag (env : Environment) (flag : Bool) : Environment :=\n diagExt.modifyState env fun s => { s with enabled := flag }", "start": [ 967, 1 ], "end": [ 969, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.isDiagnosticsEnabled", "code": "def Kernel.isDiagnosticsEnabled (env : Environment) : Bool :=\n diagExt.getState env |>.enabled", "start": [ 971, 1 ], "end": [ 972, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.resetDiag", "code": "def Kernel.resetDiag (env : Environment) : Environment :=\n diagExt.modifyState env fun s => { s with unfoldCounter := {} }", "start": [ 974, 1 ], "end": [ 975, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.Diagnostics.recordUnfold", "code": "@[export lean_kernel_record_unfold]\ndef Kernel.Diagnostics.recordUnfold (d : Diagnostics) (declName : Name) : Diagnostics :=\n if d.enabled then\n let cNew := if let some c := d.unfoldCounter.find? declName then c + 1 else 1\n { d with unfoldCounter := d.unfoldCounter.insert declName cNew }\n else\n d", "start": [ 977, 1 ], "end": [ 983, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.getDiagnostics", "code": "@[export lean_kernel_get_diag]\ndef Kernel.getDiagnostics (env : Environment) : Diagnostics :=\n diagExt.getState env", "start": [ 985, 1 ], "end": [ 987, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.setDiagnostics", "code": "@[export lean_kernel_set_diag]\ndef Kernel.setDiagnostics (env : Environment) (diag : Diagnostics) : Environment :=\n diagExt.setState env diag", "start": [ 989, 1 ], "end": [ 991, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.registerNamespace", "code": "def registerNamespace (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Environment :=\n if (namespacesExt.getState env).contains n then env else namespacesExt.addEntry env n", "start": [ 995, 1 ], "end": [ 997, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.isNamespace", "code": "def isNamespace (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n (namespacesExt.getState env).contains n", "start": [ 999, 1 ], "end": [ 1001, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.getNamespaceSet", "code": "def getNamespaceSet (env : Environment) : NameSSet :=\n namespacesExt.getState env", "start": [ 1003, 1 ], "end": [ 1005, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.isNamespaceName", "code": "private def isNamespaceName : Name → Bool\n | .str .anonymous _ => true\n | .str p _ => isNamespaceName p\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1007, 1 ], "end": [ 1010, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.registerNamePrefixes", "code": "private def registerNamePrefixes : Environment → Name → Environment\n | env, .str p _ => if isNamespaceName p then registerNamePrefixes (registerNamespace env p) p else env\n | env, _ => env", "start": [ 1012, 1 ], "end": [ 1014, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.add", "code": "@[export lean_environment_add]\nprivate def add (env : Environment) (cinfo : ConstantInfo) : Environment :=\n let env := registerNamePrefixes env\n env.addAux cinfo", "start": [ 1016, 1 ], "end": [ 1019, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.displayStats", "code": "@[export lean_display_stats]\ndef displayStats (env : Environment) : IO Unit := do\n let pExtDescrs ← persistentEnvExtensionsRef.get\n IO.println (\"direct imports: \" ++ toString env.header.imports);\n IO.println (\"number of imported modules: \" ++ toString env.header.regions.size);\n IO.println (\"number of memory-mapped modules: \" ++ toString (env.header.regions.filter (·.isMemoryMapped) |>.size));\n IO.println (\"number of buckets for imported consts: \" ++ toString env.constants.numBuckets);\n IO.println (\"trust level: \" ++ toString env.header.trustLevel);\n IO.println (\"number of extensions: \" ++ toString env.extensions.size);\n pExtDescrs.forM fun extDescr => do\n IO.println (\"extension '\" ++ toString ++ \"'\")\n let s := extDescr.toEnvExtension.getState env\n let fmt := extDescr.statsFn s.state\n unless fmt.isNil do IO.println (\" \" ++ toString (Format.nest 2 (extDescr.statsFn s.state)))\n IO.println (\" number of imported entries: \" ++ toString (s.importedEntries.foldl (fun sum es => sum + es.size) 0))", "start": [ 1021, 1 ], "end": [ 1035, 120 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.evalConst", "code": "@[extern \"lean_eval_const\"]\nunsafe opaque evalConst (α) (env : @& Environment) (opts : @& Options) (constName : @& Name) : Except String α", "start": [ 1037, 1 ], "end": [ 1042, 111 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.throwUnexpectedType", "code": "private def throwUnexpectedType {α} (typeName : Name) (constName : Name) : ExceptT String Id α :=\n throw (\"unexpected type at '\" ++ toString constName ++ \"', `\" ++ toString typeName ++ \"` expected\")", "start": [ 1044, 1 ], "end": [ 1045, 102 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.evalConstCheck", "code": "unsafe def evalConstCheck (α) (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (typeName : Name) (constName : Name) : ExceptT String Id α :=\n match env.find? constName with\n | none => throw (\"unknown constant '\" ++ toString constName ++ \"'\")\n | some info =>\n match info.type with\n | Expr.const c _ =>\n if c != typeName then throwUnexpectedType typeName constName\n else env.evalConst α opts constName\n | _ => throwUnexpectedType typeName constName", "start": [ 1047, 1 ], "end": [ 1057, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.hasUnsafe", "code": "def hasUnsafe (env : Environment) (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n let c? := e.find? fun e => match e with\n | Expr.const c _ =>\n match env.find? c with\n | some cinfo => cinfo.isUnsafe\n | none => false\n | _ => false;\n c?.isSome", "start": [ 1059, 1 ], "end": [ 1066, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.isDefEq", "code": "@[extern \"lean_kernel_is_def_eq\"]\nopaque isDefEq (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (a b : Expr) : Except KernelException Bool", "start": [ 1073, 1 ], "end": [ 1078, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.isDefEqGuarded", "code": "def isDefEqGuarded (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (a b : Expr) : Bool :=\n if let .ok result := isDefEq env lctx a b then result else false", "start": [ 1080, 1 ], "end": [ 1081, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Kernel.whnf", "code": "@[extern \"lean_kernel_whnf\"]\nopaque whnf (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (a : Expr) : Except KernelException Expr", "start": [ 1083, 1 ], "end": [ 1088, 95 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadEnv", "code": "class MonadEnv (m : Type → Type) where\n getEnv : m Environment\n modifyEnv : (Environment → Environment) → m Unit", "start": [ 1092, 1 ], "end": [ 1094, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkDefinitionValInferrringUnsafe", "code": "def mkDefinitionValInferrringUnsafe [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (name : Name) (levelParams : List Name)\n (type : Expr) (value : Expr) (hints : ReducibilityHints) : m DefinitionVal := do\n let env ← getEnv\n let safety := if env.hasUnsafe type || env.hasUnsafe value then DefinitionSafety.unsafe else\n return { name, levelParams, type, value, hints, safety }", "start": [ 1103, 1 ], "end": [ 1108, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Server/Rpc/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Widget.WidgetInstance", "code": "structure WidgetInstance where\n \n id : Name\n \n javascriptHash : UInt64\n \n props : StateM Server.RpcObjectStore Json\n deriving Server.RpcEncodable", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Format.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ToExpr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Position", "code": "structure Position where\n line : Nat\n column : Nat\n deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq, Repr, ToJson, FromJson", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "protected def lt : Position → Position → Bool\n | ⟨l₁, c₁⟩, ⟨l₂, c₂⟩ => Prod.lexLt (l₁, c₁) (l₂, c₂)", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FileMap", "code": "structure FileMap where\n \n source : String\n \n positions : Array String.Pos\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadFileMap", "code": "class MonadFileMap (m : Type → Type) where\n getFileMap : m FileMap", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FileMap.getLastLine", "code": "def getLastLine (fmap : FileMap) : Nat :=\n fmap.positions.size - 1", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FileMap.getLine", "code": "def getLine (fmap : FileMap) (x : Nat) : Nat :=\n min (x + 1) fmap.getLastLine", "start": [ 55, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FileMap.ofString", "code": "partial def ofString (s : String) : FileMap :=\n let rec loop (i : String.Pos) (line : Nat) (ps : Array String.Pos) : FileMap :=\n if s.atEnd i then { source := s, positions := ps.push i }\n else\n let c := s.get i\n let i := i\n if c == '\\n' then loop i (line+1) (ps.push i)\n else loop i line ps\n loop 0 1 (#[0])", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FileMap.toPosition", "code": "partial def toPosition (fmap : FileMap) (pos : String.Pos) : Position :=\n match fmap with\n | { source := str, positions := ps } =>\n if ps.size >= 2 && pos <= ps.back then\n let rec toColumn (i : String.Pos) (c : Nat) : Nat :=\n if i == pos || str.atEnd i then c\n else toColumn ( i) (c+1)\n let rec loop (b e : Nat) :=\n let posB := ps[b]!\n if e == b + 1 then { line := fmap.getLine b, column := toColumn posB 0 }\n else\n let m := (b + e) / 2;\n let posM := ps.get! m;\n if pos == posM then { line := fmap.getLine m, column := 0 }\n else if pos > posM then loop m e\n else loop b m\n loop 0 (ps.size -1)\n else if ps.isEmpty then\n ⟨0, 0⟩\n else\n ⟨fmap.getLastLine, (pos - ps.back).byteIdx⟩", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FileMap.ofPosition", "code": "def ofPosition (text : FileMap) (pos : Position) : String.Pos :=\n let colPos :=\n if h : pos.line - 1 < text.positions.size then\n text.positions.get ⟨pos.line - 1, h⟩\n else if text.positions.isEmpty then\n 0\n else\n text.positions.back\n String.Iterator.nextn ⟨text.source, colPos⟩ pos.column |>.pos", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 105, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FileMap.lineStart", "code": "def lineStart (map : FileMap) (line : Nat) : String.Pos :=\n if h : line - 1 < map.positions.size then\n map.positions.get ⟨line - 1, h⟩\n else map.positions.back?.getD 0", "start": [ 107, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "String.toFileMap", "code": "def String.toFileMap (s : String) : Lean.FileMap :=\n Lean.FileMap.ofString s", "start": [ 119, 1 ], "end": [ 120, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Meta.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.OpenDecl", "code": "inductive OpenDecl where\n | simple (ns : Name) (except : List Name)\n | explicit (id : Name) (declName : Name)\n deriving BEq", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.rootNamespace", "code": "def rootNamespace := `_root_", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.removeRoot", "code": "def removeRoot (n : Name) : Name :=\n n.replacePrefix rootNamespace Name.anonymous", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/LocalContext.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/MonadCache.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.LocalInstance", "code": "structure LocalInstance where\n className : Name\n fvar : Expr\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 229, 1 ], "end": [ 238, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalInstances", "code": "abbrev LocalInstances := Array LocalInstance", "start": [ 240, 1 ], "end": [ 240, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LocalInstances.erase", "code": "def LocalInstances.erase (localInsts : LocalInstances) (fvarId : FVarId) : LocalInstances :=\n match localInsts.findIdx? (fun inst => inst.fvar.fvarId! == fvarId) with\n | some idx => localInsts.eraseIdx idx\n | _ => localInsts", "start": [ 248, 1 ], "end": [ 252, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarKind", "code": "inductive MetavarKind where\n \n | natural\n \n | synthetic\n \n | syntheticOpaque\n deriving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 254, 1 ], "end": [ 263, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarKind.isSyntheticOpaque", "code": "def MetavarKind.isSyntheticOpaque : MetavarKind → Bool\n | MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 265, 1 ], "end": [ 267, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarKind.isNatural", "code": "def MetavarKind.isNatural : MetavarKind → Bool\n | MetavarKind.natural => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 269, 1 ], "end": [ 271, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarDecl", "code": "structure MetavarDecl where\n \n userName : Name := Name.anonymous\n \n lctx : LocalContext\n \n type : Expr\n \n depth : Nat\n localInstances : LocalInstances\n kind : MetavarKind\n \n numScopeArgs : Nat := 0\n \n index : Nat\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 273, 1 ], "end": [ 295, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DelayedMetavarAssignment", "code": "structure DelayedMetavarAssignment where\n fvars : Array Expr\n mvarIdPending : MVarId", "start": [ 297, 1 ], "end": [ 313, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext", "code": "structure MetavarContext where\n \n depth : Nat := 0\n \n levelAssignDepth : Nat := 0\n \n mvarCounter : Nat := 0\n lDepth : PersistentHashMap LMVarId Nat := {}\n \n decls : PersistentHashMap MVarId MetavarDecl := {}\n \n userNames : PersistentHashMap Name MVarId := {}\n \n lAssignment : PersistentHashMap LMVarId Level := {}\n \n eAssignment : PersistentHashMap MVarId Expr := {}\n \n dAssignment : PersistentHashMap MVarId DelayedMetavarAssignment := {}", "start": [ 315, 1 ], "end": [ 337, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadMCtx", "code": "class MonadMCtx (m : Type → Type) where\n getMCtx : m MetavarContext\n modifyMCtx : (MetavarContext → MetavarContext) → m Unit", "start": [ 339, 1 ], "end": [ 342, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setMCtx", "code": "abbrev setMCtx [MonadMCtx m] (mctx : MetavarContext) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx fun _ => mctx", "start": [ 355, 1 ], "end": [ 356, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getLevelMVarAssignment?", "code": "abbrev getLevelMVarAssignment? [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : LMVarId) : m (Option Level) :=\n return (← getMCtx).lAssignment.find? mvarId", "start": [ 358, 1 ], "end": [ 359, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.getExprAssignmentCore?", "code": "def MetavarContext.getExprAssignmentCore? (m : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) : Option Expr :=\n m.eAssignment.find? mvarId", "start": [ 361, 1 ], "end": [ 362, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getExprMVarAssignment?", "code": "def getExprMVarAssignment? [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m (Option Expr) :=\n return (← getMCtx).getExprAssignmentCore? mvarId", "start": [ 364, 1 ], "end": [ 365, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.getDelayedMVarAssignmentCore?", "code": "def MetavarContext.getDelayedMVarAssignmentCore? (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) : Option DelayedMetavarAssignment :=\n mctx.dAssignment.find? mvarId", "start": [ 367, 1 ], "end": [ 368, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getDelayedMVarAssignment?", "code": "def getDelayedMVarAssignment? [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m (Option DelayedMetavarAssignment) :=\n return (← getMCtx).getDelayedMVarAssignmentCore? mvarId", "start": [ 370, 1 ], "end": [ 371, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getDelayedMVarRoot", "code": "partial def getDelayedMVarRoot [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m MVarId := do\n match (← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | some d => getDelayedMVarRoot d.mvarIdPending\n | none => return mvarId", "start": [ 373, 1 ], "end": [ 384, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isLevelMVarAssigned", "code": "def isLevelMVarAssigned [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : LMVarId) : m Bool :=\n return (← getMCtx).lAssignment.contains mvarId", "start": [ 386, 1 ], "end": [ 387, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.isAssigned", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.isAssigned [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m Bool :=\n return (← getMCtx).eAssignment.contains mvarId", "start": [ 389, 1 ], "end": [ 391, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isExprMVarAssigned", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.isAssigned (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef isExprMVarAssigned [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m Bool := do\n mvarId.isAssigned", "start": [ 393, 1 ], "end": [ 395, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.isDelayedAssigned", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.isDelayedAssigned [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m Bool :=\n return (← getMCtx).dAssignment.contains mvarId", "start": [ 397, 1 ], "end": [ 398, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isMVarDelayedAssigned", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.isDelayedAssigned (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef isMVarDelayedAssigned [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m Bool := do\n mvarId.isDelayedAssigned", "start": [ 400, 1 ], "end": [ 402, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.isAssignedOrDelayedAssigned", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.isAssignedOrDelayedAssigned [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) :\n m Bool := do\n let mctx ← getMCtx\n return mctx.eAssignment.contains mvarId || mctx.dAssignment.contains mvarId", "start": [ 404, 1 ], "end": [ 414, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isLevelMVarAssignable", "code": "def isLevelMVarAssignable [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : LMVarId) : m Bool := do\n let mctx ← getMCtx\n match mctx.lDepth.find? mvarId with\n | some d => return d >= mctx.levelAssignDepth\n | _ => panic! \"unknown universe metavariable\"", "start": [ 416, 1 ], "end": [ 420, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.getDecl", "code": "def MetavarContext.getDecl (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) : MetavarDecl :=\n match mctx.decls.find? mvarId with\n | some decl => decl\n | none => panic! \"unknown metavariable\"", "start": [ 422, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.isAssignable", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.isAssignable [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m Bool := do\n let mctx ← getMCtx\n let decl := mctx.getDecl mvarId\n return decl.depth == mctx.depth", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 430, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isExprMVarAssignable", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.isAssignable (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef isExprMVarAssignable [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m Bool := do\n mvarId.isAssignable", "start": [ 432, 1 ], "end": [ 434, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.hasAssignedLevelMVar", "code": "def hasAssignedLevelMVar [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] : Level → m Bool\n | .succ lvl => pure lvl.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedLevelMVar lvl\n | .max lvl₁ lvl₂ => (pure lvl₁.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedLevelMVar lvl₁) <||> (pure lvl₂.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedLevelMVar lvl₂)\n | .imax lvl₁ lvl₂ => (pure lvl₁.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedLevelMVar lvl₁) <||> (pure lvl₂.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedLevelMVar lvl₂)\n | .mvar mvarId => isLevelMVarAssigned mvarId\n | .zero => pure false\n | .param _ => pure false", "start": [ 436, 1 ], "end": [ 443, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.hasAssignedMVar", "code": "def hasAssignedMVar [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] : Expr → m Bool\n | .const _ lvls => lvls.anyM hasAssignedLevelMVar\n | .sort lvl => hasAssignedLevelMVar lvl\n | .app f a => (pure f.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar f) <||> (pure a.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar a)\n | .letE _ t v b _ => (pure t.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar t) <||> (pure v.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar v) <||> (pure b.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar b)\n | .forallE _ d b _ => (pure d.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar d) <||> (pure b.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar b)\n | .lam _ d b _ => (pure d.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar d) <||> (pure b.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar b)\n | .fvar _ => return false\n | .bvar _ => return false\n | .lit _ => return false\n | .mdata _ e => pure e.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar e\n | .proj _ _ e => pure e.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignedMVar e\n | .mvar mvarId => mvarId.isAssigned <||> mvarId.isDelayedAssigned", "start": [ 445, 1 ], "end": [ 458, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.hasAssignableLevelMVar", "code": "def hasAssignableLevelMVar [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] : Level → m Bool\n | .succ lvl => pure lvl.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableLevelMVar lvl\n | .max lvl₁ lvl₂ => (pure lvl₁.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableLevelMVar lvl₁) <||> (pure lvl₂.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableLevelMVar lvl₂)\n | .imax lvl₁ lvl₂ => (pure lvl₁.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableLevelMVar lvl₁) <||> (pure lvl₂.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableLevelMVar lvl₂)\n | .mvar mvarId => isLevelMVarAssignable mvarId\n | .zero => return false\n | .param _ => return false", "start": [ 460, 1 ], "end": [ 467, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.hasAssignableMVar", "code": "def hasAssignableMVar [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] : Expr → m Bool\n | .const _ lvls => lvls.anyM hasAssignableLevelMVar\n | .sort lvl => hasAssignableLevelMVar lvl\n | .app f a => (pure f.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar f) <||> (pure a.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar a)\n | .letE _ t v b _ => (pure t.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar t) <||> (pure v.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar v) <||> (pure b.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar b)\n | .forallE _ d b _ => (pure d.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar d) <||> (pure b.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar b)\n | .lam _ d b _ => (pure d.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar d) <||> (pure b.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar b)\n | .fvar _ => return false\n | .bvar _ => return false\n | .lit _ => return false\n | .mdata _ e => pure e.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar e\n | .proj _ _ e => pure e.hasMVar <&&> hasAssignableMVar e\n | .mvar mvarId => mvarId.isAssignable", "start": [ 469, 1 ], "end": [ 482, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.assignLevelMVar", "code": "def assignLevelMVar [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : LMVarId) (val : Level) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx fun m => { m with lAssignment := m.lAssignment.insert mvarId val }", "start": [ 484, 1 ], "end": [ 491, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.assign", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.assign [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) (val : Expr) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx fun m => { m with eAssignment := m.eAssignment.insert mvarId val }", "start": [ 493, 1 ], "end": [ 500, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.assignExprMVar", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.assign (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef assignExprMVar [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) (val : Expr) : m Unit :=\n mvarId.assign val", "start": [ 502, 1 ], "end": [ 504, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.assignDelayedMVar", "code": "def assignDelayedMVar [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) (fvars : Array Expr) (mvarIdPending : MVarId) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx fun m => { m with dAssignment := m.dAssignment.insert mvarId { fvars, mvarIdPending } }", "start": [ 506, 1 ], "end": [ 511, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instantiateLevelMVars", "code": "partial def instantiateLevelMVars [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] : Level → m Level\n | lvl@(Level.succ lvl₁) => return Level.updateSucc! lvl (← instantiateLevelMVars lvl₁)\n | lvl@(Level.max lvl₁ lvl₂) => return Level.updateMax! lvl (← instantiateLevelMVars lvl₁) (← instantiateLevelMVars lvl₂)\n | lvl@(Level.imax lvl₁ lvl₂) => return Level.updateIMax! lvl (← instantiateLevelMVars lvl₁) (← instantiateLevelMVars lvl₂)\n | lvl@(Level.mvar mvarId) => do\n match (← getLevelMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | some newLvl =>\n if !newLvl.hasMVar then pure newLvl\n else do\n let newLvl' ← instantiateLevelMVars newLvl\n assignLevelMVar mvarId newLvl'\n pure newLvl'\n | none => pure lvl\n | lvl => pure lvl", "start": [ 535, 1 ], "end": [ 548, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instantiateExprMVars", "code": "partial def instantiateExprMVars [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] [STWorld ω m] [MonadLiftT (ST ω) m] (e : Expr) : MonadCacheT ExprStructEq Expr m Expr :=\n if !e.hasMVar then\n pure e\n else checkCache { val := e : ExprStructEq } fun _ => do match e with\n | .proj _ _ s => return e.updateProj! (← instantiateExprMVars s)\n | .forallE _ d b _ => return e.updateForallE! (← instantiateExprMVars d) (← instantiateExprMVars b)\n | .lam _ d b _ => return e.updateLambdaE! (← instantiateExprMVars d) (← instantiateExprMVars b)\n | .letE _ t v b _ => return e.updateLet! (← instantiateExprMVars t) (← instantiateExprMVars v) (← instantiateExprMVars b)\n | .const _ lvls => return e.updateConst! (← lvls.mapM instantiateLevelMVars)\n | .sort lvl => return e.updateSort! (← instantiateLevelMVars lvl)\n | .mdata _ b => return e.updateMData! (← instantiateExprMVars b)\n | .app .. => e.withApp fun f args => do\n let instArgs (f : Expr) : MonadCacheT ExprStructEq Expr m Expr := do\n let args ← args.mapM instantiateExprMVars\n pure (mkAppN f args)\n let instApp : MonadCacheT ExprStructEq Expr m Expr := do\n let wasMVar := f.isMVar\n let f ← instantiateExprMVars f\n if wasMVar && f.isLambda then\n \n instantiateExprMVars (f.betaRev args.reverse (useZeta := true))\n else\n instArgs f\n match f with\n | .mvar mvarId =>\n match (← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | none => instApp\n | some { fvars, mvarIdPending } =>\n \n if fvars.size > args.size then\n \n instArgs f\n else\n let newVal ← instantiateExprMVars (mkMVar mvarIdPending)\n if newVal.hasExprMVar then\n instArgs f\n else do\n let args ← args.mapM instantiateExprMVars\n \n let newVal := newVal.abstract fvars\n let result := newVal.instantiateRevRange 0 fvars.size args\n let result := mkAppRange result fvars.size args.size args\n pure result\n | _ => instApp\n | e@(.mvar mvarId) => checkCache { val := e : ExprStructEq } fun _ => do\n match (← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | some newE => do\n let newE' ← instantiateExprMVars newE\n mvarId.assign newE'\n pure newE'\n | none => pure e\n | e => pure e", "start": [ 550, 1 ], "end": [ 623, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instantiateMVarsCore", "code": "def instantiateMVarsCore (mctx : MetavarContext) (e : Expr) : Expr × MetavarContext :=\n let instantiate {ω} (e : Expr) : (MonadCacheT ExprStructEq Expr <| StateRefT MetavarContext (ST ω)) Expr :=\n instantiateExprMVars e\n runST fun _ => instantiate e |>.run |>.run mctx", "start": [ 629, 1 ], "end": [ 632, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instantiateMVars", "code": "def instantiateMVars [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (e : Expr) : m Expr := do\n if !e.hasMVar then\n return e\n else\n let (r, mctx) := instantiateMVarsCore (← getMCtx) e\n modifyMCtx fun _ => mctx\n return r", "start": [ 650, 1 ], "end": [ 656, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instantiateLCtxMVars", "code": "def instantiateLCtxMVars [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (lctx : LocalContext) : m LocalContext :=\n lctx.foldlM (init := {}) fun lctx ldecl => do\n match ldecl with\n | .cdecl _ fvarId userName type bi k =>\n let type ← instantiateMVars type\n return lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId userName type bi k\n | .ldecl _ fvarId userName type value nonDep k =>\n let type ← instantiateMVars type\n let value ← instantiateMVars value\n return lctx.mkLetDecl fvarId userName type value nonDep k", "start": [ 658, 1 ], "end": [ 667, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instantiateMVarDeclMVars", "code": "def instantiateMVarDeclMVars [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) : m Unit := do\n let mvarDecl := (← getMCtx).getDecl mvarId\n let lctx ← instantiateLCtxMVars mvarDecl.lctx\n let type ← instantiateMVars mvarDecl.type\n modifyMCtx fun mctx => { mctx with decls := mctx.decls.insert mvarId { mvarDecl with lctx, type } }", "start": [ 669, 1 ], "end": [ 673, 102 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.instantiateLocalDeclMVars", "code": "def instantiateLocalDeclMVars [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (localDecl : LocalDecl) : m LocalDecl := do\n match localDecl with\n | .cdecl idx id n type bi k =>\n return .cdecl idx id n (← instantiateMVars type) bi k\n | .ldecl idx id n type val nonDep k =>\n return .ldecl idx id n (← instantiateMVars type) (← instantiateMVars val) nonDep k", "start": [ 675, 1 ], "end": [ 680, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DependsOn.State", "code": "structure State where\n visited : ExprSet := {}\n mctx : MetavarContext", "start": [ 684, 1 ], "end": [ 686, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DependsOn.M", "code": "private abbrev M := StateM State", "start": [ 688, 1 ], "end": [ 688, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DependsOn.shouldVisit", "code": "private def shouldVisit (e : Expr) : M Bool := do\n if !e.hasMVar && !e.hasFVar then\n return false\n else if (← get).visited.contains e then\n return false\n else\n modify fun s => { s with visited := s.visited.insert e }\n return true", "start": [ 694, 1 ], "end": [ 701, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DependsOn.dep", "code": "@[specialize] private partial def dep (pf : FVarId → Bool) (pm : MVarId → Bool) (e : Expr) : M Bool :=\n let rec\n visit (e : Expr) : M Bool := do\n if !(← shouldVisit e) then\n pure false\n else\n visitMain e,\n visitApp : Expr → M Bool\n | .app f a .. => visitApp f <||> visit a\n | e => visit e,\n visitMain : Expr → M Bool\n | .proj _ _ s => visit s\n | .forallE _ d b _ => visit d <||> visit b\n | .lam _ d b _ => visit d <||> visit b\n | .letE _ t v b _ => visit t <||> visit v <||> visit b\n | .mdata _ b => visit b\n | e@(.app ..) => do\n let f := e.getAppFn\n if f.isMVar then\n let e' ← instantiateMVars e\n if e'.getAppFn != f then\n visitMain e'\n else if pm f.mvarId! then\n return true\n else\n visitApp e\n else\n visitApp e\n | .mvar mvarId => do\n match (← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | some a => visit a\n | none =>\n if pm mvarId then\n return true\n else\n let lctx := (← getMCtx).getDecl mvarId |>.lctx\n return lctx.any fun decl => pf decl.fvarId\n | .fvar fvarId => return pf fvarId\n | _ => pure false\n visit e", "start": [ 703, 1 ], "end": [ 742, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DependsOn.main", "code": "@[inline] partial def main (pf : FVarId → Bool) (pm : MVarId → Bool) (e : Expr) : M Bool :=\n if !e.hasFVar && !e.hasMVar then pure false else dep pf pm e", "start": [ 744, 1 ], "end": [ 745, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findExprDependsOn", "code": "@[inline] def findExprDependsOn [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (e : Expr) (pf : FVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) (pm : MVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) : m Bool := do\n let (result, { mctx, .. }) := DependsOn.main pf pm e |>.run { mctx := (← getMCtx) }\n setMCtx mctx\n return result", "start": [ 749, 1 ], "end": [ 758, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findLocalDeclDependsOn", "code": "@[inline] def findLocalDeclDependsOn [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (localDecl : LocalDecl) (pf : FVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) (pm : MVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) : m Bool := do\n match localDecl with\n | .cdecl (type := t) .. => findExprDependsOn t pf pm\n | .ldecl (type := t) (value := v) .. =>\n let (result, { mctx, .. }) := (DependsOn.main pf pm t <||> DependsOn.main pf pm v).run { mctx := (← getMCtx) }\n setMCtx mctx\n return result", "start": [ 760, 1 ], "end": [ 769, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.exprDependsOn", "code": "def exprDependsOn [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (e : Expr) (fvarId : FVarId) : m Bool :=\n findExprDependsOn e (fvarId == ·)", "start": [ 771, 1 ], "end": [ 772, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.dependsOn", "code": "def dependsOn [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (e : Expr) (fvarId : FVarId) : m Bool :=\n exprDependsOn e fvarId", "start": [ 774, 1 ], "end": [ 776, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.localDeclDependsOn", "code": "def localDeclDependsOn [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (localDecl : LocalDecl) (fvarId : FVarId) : m Bool :=\n findLocalDeclDependsOn localDecl (fvarId == ·)", "start": [ 778, 1 ], "end": [ 780, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.exprDependsOn'", "code": "def exprDependsOn' [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (e : Expr) (x : Expr) : m Bool :=\n if x.isFVar then\n findExprDependsOn e (x.fvarId! == ·)\n else if x.isMVar then\n findExprDependsOn e (pm := (x.mvarId! == ·))\n else\n return false", "start": [ 782, 1 ], "end": [ 789, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.localDeclDependsOn'", "code": "def localDeclDependsOn' [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (localDecl : LocalDecl) (x : Expr) : m Bool :=\n if x.isFVar then\n findLocalDeclDependsOn localDecl (x.fvarId! == ·)\n else if x.isMVar then\n findLocalDeclDependsOn localDecl (pm := (x.mvarId! == ·))\n else\n return false", "start": [ 791, 1 ], "end": [ 798, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.dependsOnPred", "code": "def dependsOnPred [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (e : Expr) (pf : FVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) (pm : MVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) : m Bool :=\n findExprDependsOn e pf pm", "start": [ 800, 1 ], "end": [ 802, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.localDeclDependsOnPred", "code": "def localDeclDependsOnPred [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (localDecl : LocalDecl) (pf : FVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) (pm : MVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) : m Bool := do\n findLocalDeclDependsOn localDecl pf pm", "start": [ 804, 1 ], "end": [ 806, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.mkMetavarContext", "code": "@[export lean_mk_metavar_ctx]\ndef mkMetavarContext : Unit → MetavarContext := fun _ => {}", "start": [ 813, 1 ], "end": [ 814, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.addExprMVarDecl", "code": "def addExprMVarDecl (mctx : MetavarContext)\n (mvarId : MVarId)\n (userName : Name)\n (lctx : LocalContext)\n (localInstances : LocalInstances)\n (type : Expr)\n (kind : MetavarKind := MetavarKind.natural)\n (numScopeArgs : Nat := 0) : MetavarContext :=\n { mctx with\n mvarCounter := mctx.mvarCounter + 1\n decls := mctx.decls.insert mvarId {\n depth := mctx.depth\n index := mctx.mvarCounter\n userName\n lctx\n localInstances\n type\n kind\n numScopeArgs }\n userNames := if userName.isAnonymous then mctx.userNames else mctx.userNames.insert userName mvarId }", "start": [ 816, 1 ], "end": [ 838, 106 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.addExprMVarDeclExp", "code": "def addExprMVarDeclExp (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) (userName : Name) (lctx : LocalContext) (localInstances : LocalInstances)\n (type : Expr) (kind : MetavarKind) : MetavarContext :=\n addExprMVarDecl mctx mvarId userName lctx localInstances type kind", "start": [ 840, 1 ], "end": [ 842, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.addLevelMVarDecl", "code": "def addLevelMVarDecl (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : LMVarId) : MetavarContext :=\n { mctx with lDepth := mctx.lDepth.insert mvarId mctx.depth }", "start": [ 844, 1 ], "end": [ 848, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.findDecl?", "code": "def findDecl? (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) : Option MetavarDecl :=\n mctx.decls.find? mvarId", "start": [ 850, 1 ], "end": [ 851, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.findUserName?", "code": "def findUserName? (mctx : MetavarContext) (userName : Name) : Option MVarId :=\n mctx.userNames.find? userName", "start": [ 853, 1 ], "end": [ 854, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.modifyExprMVarDecl", "code": "def modifyExprMVarDecl (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId)\n (f : MetavarDecl → MetavarDecl) : MetavarContext :=\n if let some mdecl := mctx.decls.find? mvarId then\n { mctx with decls := mctx.decls.insert mvarId (f mdecl) }\n else\n mctx", "start": [ 856, 1 ], "end": [ 868, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.setMVarKind", "code": "def setMVarKind (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) (kind : MetavarKind) : MetavarContext :=\n let decl := mctx.getDecl mvarId\n { mctx with decls := mctx.decls.insert mvarId { decl with kind := kind } }", "start": [ 870, 1 ], "end": [ 872, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.setMVarUserName", "code": "def setMVarUserName (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) (userName : Name) : MetavarContext :=\n let decl := mctx.getDecl mvarId\n { mctx with\n decls := mctx.decls.insert mvarId { decl with userName := userName }\n userNames :=\n let userNames := mctx.userNames.erase decl.userName\n if userName.isAnonymous then userNames else userNames.insert userName mvarId }", "start": [ 874, 1 ], "end": [ 883, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.setMVarUserNameTemporarily", "code": "def setMVarUserNameTemporarily (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) (userName : Name) : MetavarContext :=\n let decl := mctx.getDecl mvarId\n { mctx with decls := mctx.decls.insert mvarId { decl with userName := userName } }", "start": [ 885, 1 ], "end": [ 893, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.setMVarType", "code": "def setMVarType (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) (type : Expr) : MetavarContext :=\n let decl := mctx.getDecl mvarId\n { mctx with decls := mctx.decls.insert mvarId { decl with type := type } }", "start": [ 895, 1 ], "end": [ 899, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.modifyExprMVarLCtx", "code": "def modifyExprMVarLCtx (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId)\n (f : LocalContext → LocalContext) : MetavarContext :=\n mctx.modifyExprMVarDecl mvarId fun mdecl => { mdecl with lctx := f mdecl.lctx }", "start": [ 901, 1 ], "end": [ 910, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.setFVarKind", "code": "def setFVarKind (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) (fvarId : FVarId)\n (kind : LocalDeclKind) : MetavarContext :=\n mctx.modifyExprMVarLCtx mvarId (·.setKind fvarId kind)", "start": [ 912, 1 ], "end": [ 919, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.setFVarBinderInfo", "code": "def setFVarBinderInfo (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId)\n (fvarId : FVarId) (bi : BinderInfo) : MetavarContext :=\n mctx.modifyExprMVarLCtx mvarId (·.setBinderInfo fvarId bi)", "start": [ 921, 1 ], "end": [ 928, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.findLevelDepth?", "code": "def findLevelDepth? (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : LMVarId) : Option Nat :=\n mctx.lDepth.find? mvarId", "start": [ 930, 1 ], "end": [ 931, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.getLevelDepth", "code": "def getLevelDepth (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : LMVarId) : Nat :=\n match mctx.findLevelDepth? mvarId with\n | some d => d\n | none => panic! \"unknown metavariable\"", "start": [ 933, 1 ], "end": [ 936, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.isAnonymousMVar", "code": "def isAnonymousMVar (mctx : MetavarContext) (mvarId : MVarId) : Bool :=\n match mctx.findDecl? mvarId with\n | none => false\n | some mvarDecl => mvarDecl.userName.isAnonymous", "start": [ 938, 1 ], "end": [ 941, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.incDepth", "code": "def incDepth (mctx : MetavarContext) (allowLevelAssignments := false) : MetavarContext :=\n let depth := mctx.depth + 1\n let levelAssignDepth :=\n if allowLevelAssignments then mctx.levelAssignDepth else depth\n { mctx with depth, levelAssignDepth }", "start": [ 943, 1 ], "end": [ 947, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.Exception", "code": "inductive Exception where\n | revertFailure (mctx : MetavarContext) (lctx : LocalContext) (toRevert : Array Expr) (varName : String)", "start": [ 955, 1 ], "end": [ 956, 107 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.State", "code": "structure State where\n mctx : MetavarContext\n nextMacroScope : MacroScope\n ngen : NameGenerator\n cache : HashMap ExprStructEq Expr := {}", "start": [ 966, 1 ], "end": [ 975, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.Context", "code": "structure Context where\n mainModule : Name\n preserveOrder : Bool\n \n binderInfoForMVars : BinderInfo := BinderInfo.implicit\n \n mvarIdsToAbstract : MVarIdSet := {}", "start": [ 977, 1 ], "end": [ 983, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.MCore", "code": "abbrev MCore := EStateM Exception State", "start": [ 985, 1 ], "end": [ 985, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.M", "code": "abbrev M := ReaderT Context MCore", "start": [ 986, 1 ], "end": [ 986, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.mkFreshBinderName", "code": "private def mkFreshBinderName (n : Name := `x) : M Name := do\n let fresh ← modifyGet fun s => (s.nextMacroScope, { s with nextMacroScope := s.nextMacroScope + 1 })\n return addMacroScope (← read).mainModule n fresh", "start": [ 992, 1 ], "end": [ 994, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.preserveOrder", "code": "def preserveOrder : M Bool :=\n return (← read).preserveOrder", "start": [ 996, 1 ], "end": [ 997, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.getLocalDeclWithSmallestIdx", "code": "private def getLocalDeclWithSmallestIdx (lctx : LocalContext) (xs : Array Expr) : LocalDecl := do\n let mut d : LocalDecl := lctx.getFVar! xs[0]!\n for x in xs[1:] do\n if x.isFVar then\n let curr := lctx.getFVar! x\n if curr.index < d.index then\n d := curr\n return d", "start": [ 1003, 1 ], "end": [ 1011, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.collectForwardDeps", "code": "def collectForwardDeps (lctx : LocalContext) (toRevert : Array Expr) : M (Array Expr) := do\n if toRevert.size == 0 then\n pure toRevert\n else\n if (← preserveOrder) then\n toRevert.size.forM fun i => do\n let fvar := toRevert[i]!\n i.forM fun j => do\n let prevFVar := toRevert[j]!\n let prevDecl := lctx.getFVar! prevFVar\n if (← localDeclDependsOn prevDecl fvar.fvarId!) then\n throw (Exception.revertFailure (← getMCtx) lctx toRevert prevDecl.userName.toString)\n let newToRevert := if (← preserveOrder) then toRevert else Array.mkEmpty toRevert.size\n let firstDeclToVisit := getLocalDeclWithSmallestIdx lctx toRevert\n let initSize := newToRevert.size\n lctx.foldlM (init := newToRevert) (start := firstDeclToVisit.index) fun (newToRevert : Array Expr) decl => do\n if initSize.any fun i => decl.fvarId == newToRevert[i]!.fvarId! then\n return newToRevert\n else if toRevert.any fun x => decl.fvarId == x.fvarId! then\n return newToRevert.push decl.toExpr\n else if (← findLocalDeclDependsOn decl (newToRevert.any fun x => x.fvarId! == ·)) then\n return newToRevert.push decl.toExpr\n else\n return newToRevert", "start": [ 1013, 1 ], "end": [ 1073, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.reduceLocalContext", "code": "def reduceLocalContext (lctx : LocalContext) (toRevert : Array Expr) : LocalContext :=\n toRevert.foldr (init := lctx) fun x lctx =>\n if x.isFVar then lctx.erase x.fvarId! else lctx", "start": [ 1075, 1 ], "end": [ 1079, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.getInScope", "code": "private def getInScope (lctx : LocalContext) (xs : Array Expr) : Array Expr :=\n xs.foldl (init := #[]) fun scope x =>\n if !x.isFVar then\n scope\n else if lctx.contains x.fvarId! then\n scope.push x\n else\n scope", "start": [ 1081, 1 ], "end": [ 1089, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.withFreshCache", "code": "@[inline] private def withFreshCache (x : M α) : M α := do\n let cache ← modifyGet fun s => (s.cache, { s with cache := {} })\n let a ← x\n modify fun s => { s with cache := cache }\n pure a", "start": [ 1091, 1 ], "end": [ 1096, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.mkMVarApp", "code": "private def mkMVarApp (lctx : LocalContext) (mvar : Expr) (xs : Array Expr) (kind : MetavarKind) : Expr :=\n xs.foldl (init := mvar) fun e x =>\n if !x.isFVar then\n e\n else\n match kind with\n | MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque => mkApp e x\n | _ => if (lctx.getFVar! x).isLet then e else mkApp e x", "start": [ 1098, 1 ], "end": [ 1109, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.visit", "code": "private partial def visit (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) : M Expr :=\n if !e.hasMVar then pure e else checkCache { val := e : ExprStructEq } fun _ => elim xs e", "start": [ 1113, 3 ], "end": [ 1114, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.elim", "code": "private partial def elim (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) : M Expr :=\n match e with\n | .proj _ _ s => return e.updateProj! (← visit xs s)\n | .forallE _ d b _ => return e.updateForallE! (← visit xs d) (← visit xs b)\n | .lam _ d b _ => return e.updateLambdaE! (← visit xs d) (← visit xs b)\n | .letE _ t v b _ => return e.updateLet! (← visit xs t) (← visit xs v) (← visit xs b)\n | .mdata _ b => return e.updateMData! (← visit xs b)\n | .app .. => e.withApp fun f args => elimApp xs f args\n | .mvar _ => elimApp xs e #[]\n | e => return e", "start": [ 1116, 3 ], "end": [ 1125, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.mkAuxMVarType", "code": "private partial def mkAuxMVarType (lctx : LocalContext) (xs : Array Expr) (kind : MetavarKind) (e : Expr) : M Expr := do\n let e ← abstractRangeAux xs xs.size e\n xs.size.foldRevM (init := e) fun i e => do\n let x := xs[i]!\n if x.isFVar then\n match lctx.getFVar! x with\n | LocalDecl.cdecl _ _ n type bi _ =>\n let type := type.headBeta\n let type ← abstractRangeAux xs i type\n return Lean.mkForall n bi type e\n | LocalDecl.ldecl _ _ n type value nonDep _ =>\n let type := type.headBeta\n let type ← abstractRangeAux xs i type\n let value ← abstractRangeAux xs i value\n let e := mkLet n type value e nonDep\n match kind with\n | MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque =>\n let e := e.liftLooseBVars 0 1\n return mkForall n BinderInfo.default type e\n | _ => pure e\n else\n let mvarDecl := (← get).mctx.getDecl x.mvarId!\n let type := mvarDecl.type.headBeta\n let type ← abstractRangeAux xs i type\n let id ← if mvarDecl.userName.isAnonymous then mkFreshBinderName else pure mvarDecl.userName\n return Lean.mkForall id (← read).binderInfoForMVars type e\n where\n abstractRangeAux (xs : Array Expr) (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : M Expr := do\n let e ← elim xs e\n pure (e.abstractRange i xs)", "start": [ 1127, 3 ], "end": [ 1166, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.elimMVar", "code": "private partial def elimMVar (xs : Array Expr) (mvarId : MVarId) (args : Array Expr) : M (Expr × Array Expr) := do\n let mvarDecl := (← getMCtx).getDecl mvarId\n let mvarLCtx := mvarDecl.lctx\n let toRevert := getInScope mvarLCtx xs\n if toRevert.size == 0 then\n let args ← args.mapM (visit xs)\n return (mkAppN (mkMVar mvarId) args, #[])\n else\n \n let newMVarKind := if !(← mvarId.isAssignable) then MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque else mvarDecl.kind\n let args ← args.mapM (visit xs)\n let toRevert ← collectForwardDeps mvarLCtx toRevert\n let newMVarLCtx := reduceLocalContext mvarLCtx toRevert\n let newLocalInsts := mvarDecl.localInstances.filter fun inst => toRevert.all fun x => inst.fvar != x\n let newMVarType ← withFreshCache do mkAuxMVarType mvarLCtx toRevert newMVarKind mvarDecl.type\n let newMVarId := { name := (← get).ngen.curr }\n let newMVar := mkMVar newMVarId\n let result := mkMVarApp mvarLCtx newMVar toRevert newMVarKind\n let numScopeArgs := mvarDecl.numScopeArgs + result.getAppNumArgs\n modify fun s => { s with\n mctx := s.mctx.addExprMVarDecl newMVarId Name.anonymous newMVarLCtx newLocalInsts newMVarType newMVarKind numScopeArgs,\n ngen :=\n }\n if !mvarDecl.kind.isSyntheticOpaque then\n mvarId.assign result\n else\n \n let (mvarIdPending, nestedFVars) ← match (← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | none => pure (mvarId, #[])\n | some { fvars, mvarIdPending } => pure (mvarIdPending, fvars)\n assignDelayedMVar newMVarId (toRevert ++ nestedFVars) mvarIdPending\n return (mkAppN result args, toRevert)", "start": [ 1168, 3 ], "end": [ 1227, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.elimApp", "code": "private partial def elimApp (xs : Array Expr) (f : Expr) (args : Array Expr) : M Expr := do\n match f with\n | Expr.mvar mvarId =>\n match (← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | some newF =>\n if newF.isLambda then\n let args ← args.mapM (visit xs)\n \n elim xs <| newF.betaRev args.reverse\n else\n elimApp xs newF args\n | none =>\n if (← read).mvarIdsToAbstract.contains mvarId then\n return mkAppN f (← args.mapM (visit xs))\n else\n return (← elimMVar xs mvarId args).1\n | _ =>\n return mkAppN (← visit xs f) (← args.mapM (visit xs))", "start": [ 1229, 3 ], "end": [ 1246, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.elimMVarDeps", "code": "partial def elimMVarDeps (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) : M Expr :=\n if !e.hasMVar then\n return e\n else\n withFreshCache do\n elim xs e", "start": [ 1250, 1 ], "end": [ 1255, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.revert", "code": "partial def revert (xs : Array Expr) (mvarId : MVarId) : M (Expr × Array Expr) :=\n withFreshCache do\n elimMVar xs mvarId #[]", "start": [ 1257, 1 ], "end": [ 1266, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.abstractRange", "code": "@[inline] def abstractRange (xs : Array Expr) (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : M Expr := do\n let e ← elimMVarDeps xs e\n pure (e.abstractRange i xs)", "start": [ 1268, 1 ], "end": [ 1275, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.mkLambda'", "code": "private def mkLambda' (x : Name) (bi : BinderInfo) (t : Expr) (b : Expr) (etaReduce : Bool) : Expr :=\n if etaReduce then\n match b with\n | .app f (.bvar 0) =>\n if !f.hasLooseBVar 0 then\n f.lowerLooseBVars 1 1\n else\n mkLambda x bi t b\n | _ => mkLambda x bi t b\n else\n mkLambda x bi t b", "start": [ 1277, 1 ], "end": [ 1287, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBinding.mkBinding", "code": "@[specialize] def mkBinding (isLambda : Bool) (lctx : LocalContext) (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (usedOnly : Bool) (usedLetOnly : Bool) (etaReduce : Bool) : M Expr := do\n let e ← abstractRange xs xs.size e\n xs.size.foldRevM (init := e) fun i e => do\n let x := xs[i]!\n if x.isFVar then\n match lctx.getFVar! x with\n | LocalDecl.cdecl _ _ n type bi _ =>\n if !usedOnly || e.hasLooseBVar 0 then\n let type := type.headBeta;\n let type ← abstractRange xs i type\n if isLambda then\n return mkLambda' n bi type e etaReduce\n else\n return Lean.mkForall n bi type e\n else\n return e.lowerLooseBVars 1 1\n | LocalDecl.ldecl _ _ n type value nonDep _ =>\n if !usedLetOnly || e.hasLooseBVar 0 then\n let type ← abstractRange xs i type\n let value ← abstractRange xs i value\n return mkLet n type value e nonDep\n else\n return e.lowerLooseBVars 1 1\n else\n let mvarDecl := (← get).mctx.getDecl x.mvarId!\n let type := mvarDecl.type.headBeta\n let type ← abstractRange xs i type\n let id ← if mvarDecl.userName.isAnonymous then mkFreshBinderName else pure mvarDecl.userName\n if isLambda then\n return mkLambda' id (← read).binderInfoForMVars type e etaReduce\n else\n return Lean.mkForall id (← read).binderInfoForMVars type e", "start": [ 1289, 1 ], "end": [ 1324, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBindingM.Context", "code": "structure MkBindingM.Context where\n mainModule : Name\n lctx : LocalContext", "start": [ 1328, 1 ], "end": [ 1330, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.MkBindingM", "code": "abbrev MkBindingM := ReaderT MkBindingM.Context MkBinding.MCore", "start": [ 1332, 1 ], "end": [ 1332, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.elimMVarDeps", "code": "def elimMVarDeps (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (preserveOrder : Bool) : MkBindingM Expr := fun ctx =>\n MkBinding.elimMVarDeps xs e { preserveOrder, mainModule := ctx.mainModule }", "start": [ 1334, 1 ], "end": [ 1335, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.revert", "code": "def revert (xs : Array Expr) (mvarId : MVarId) (preserveOrder : Bool) : MkBindingM (Expr × Array Expr) := fun ctx =>\n MkBinding.revert xs mvarId { preserveOrder, mainModule := ctx.mainModule }", "start": [ 1337, 1 ], "end": [ 1338, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.mkBinding", "code": "def mkBinding (isLambda : Bool) (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (usedOnly : Bool := false) (usedLetOnly : Bool := true) (etaReduce := false) (binderInfoForMVars := BinderInfo.implicit) : MkBindingM Expr := fun ctx =>\n let mvarIdsToAbstract := xs.foldl (init := {}) fun s x => if x.isMVar then s.insert x.mvarId! else s\n MkBinding.mkBinding isLambda ctx.lctx xs e usedOnly usedLetOnly etaReduce { preserveOrder := false, binderInfoForMVars, mvarIdsToAbstract, mainModule := ctx.mainModule }", "start": [ 1340, 1 ], "end": [ 1342, 172 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.mkLambda", "code": "@[inline] def mkLambda (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (usedOnly : Bool := false) (usedLetOnly : Bool := true) (etaReduce := false) (binderInfoForMVars := BinderInfo.implicit) : MkBindingM Expr :=\n return ← mkBinding (isLambda := true) xs e usedOnly usedLetOnly etaReduce binderInfoForMVars", "start": [ 1344, 1 ], "end": [ 1345, 95 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.mkForall", "code": "@[inline] def mkForall (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (usedOnly : Bool := false) (usedLetOnly : Bool := true) (binderInfoForMVars := BinderInfo.implicit) : MkBindingM Expr :=\n return ← mkBinding (isLambda := false) xs e usedOnly usedLetOnly false binderInfoForMVars", "start": [ 1347, 1 ], "end": [ 1348, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.abstractRange", "code": "@[inline] def abstractRange (e : Expr) (n : Nat) (xs : Array Expr) : MkBindingM Expr := fun ctx =>\n MkBinding.abstractRange xs n e { preserveOrder := false, mainModule := ctx.mainModule }", "start": [ 1350, 1 ], "end": [ 1351, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.collectForwardDeps", "code": "@[inline] def collectForwardDeps (toRevert : Array Expr) (preserveOrder : Bool) : MkBindingM (Array Expr) := fun ctx =>\n MkBinding.collectForwardDeps ctx.lctx toRevert { preserveOrder, mainModule := ctx.mainModule }", "start": [ 1353, 1 ], "end": [ 1354, 97 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.isWellFormed", "code": "partial def isWellFormed [Monad m] [MonadMCtx m] (lctx : LocalContext) : Expr → m Bool\n | .mdata _ e => isWellFormed lctx e\n | .proj _ _ e => isWellFormed lctx e\n | e@(.app f a) => pure (!e.hasExprMVar && !e.hasFVar) <||> (isWellFormed lctx f <&&> isWellFormed lctx a)\n | e@(.lam _ d b _) => pure (!e.hasExprMVar && !e.hasFVar) <||> (isWellFormed lctx d <&&> isWellFormed lctx b)\n | e@(.forallE _ d b _) => pure (!e.hasExprMVar && !e.hasFVar) <||> (isWellFormed lctx d <&&> isWellFormed lctx b)\n | e@(.letE _ t v b _) => pure (!e.hasExprMVar && !e.hasFVar) <||> (isWellFormed lctx t <&&> isWellFormed lctx v <&&> isWellFormed lctx b)\n | .const .. => return true\n | .bvar .. => return true\n | .sort .. => return true\n | .lit .. => return true\n | .mvar mvarId => do\n let mvarDecl := (← getMCtx).getDecl mvarId;\n if mvarDecl.lctx.isSubPrefixOf lctx then\n return true\n else match (← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | none => return false\n | some v => isWellFormed lctx v\n | .fvar fvarId => return lctx.contains fvarId", "start": [ 1356, 1 ], "end": [ 1378, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.LevelMVarToParam.Context", "code": "structure Context where\n paramNamePrefix : Name\n alreadyUsedPred : Name → Bool\n except : LMVarId → Bool", "start": [ 1382, 1 ], "end": [ 1385, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.LevelMVarToParam.State", "code": "structure State where\n mctx : MetavarContext\n paramNames : Array Name := #[]\n nextParamIdx : Nat\n cache : HashMap ExprStructEq Expr := {}", "start": [ 1387, 1 ], "end": [ 1391, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.LevelMVarToParam.M", "code": "abbrev M := ReaderT Context <| StateM State", "start": [ 1393, 1 ], "end": [ 1393, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.LevelMVarToParam.mkParamName", "code": "partial def mkParamName : M Name := do\n let ctx ← read\n let s ← get\n let newParamName := ctx.paramNamePrefix.appendIndexAfter s.nextParamIdx\n if ctx.alreadyUsedPred newParamName then\n modify fun s => { s with nextParamIdx := s.nextParamIdx + 1 }\n mkParamName\n else do\n modify fun s => { s with nextParamIdx := s.nextParamIdx + 1, paramNames := s.paramNames.push newParamName }\n pure newParamName", "start": [ 1403, 1 ], "end": [ 1412, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.LevelMVarToParam.visitLevel", "code": "partial def visitLevel (u : Level) : M Level := do\n match u with\n | .succ v => return u.updateSucc! (← visitLevel v)\n | .max v₁ v₂ => return u.updateMax! (← visitLevel v₁) (← visitLevel v₂)\n | .imax v₁ v₂ => return u.updateIMax! (← visitLevel v₁) (← visitLevel v₂)\n | .zero => return u\n | .param .. => return u\n | .mvar mvarId =>\n match (← getLevelMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | some v => visitLevel v\n | none =>\n if (← read).except mvarId then\n return u\n else\n let p ← mkParamName\n let p := mkLevelParam p\n assignLevelMVar mvarId p\n return p", "start": [ 1414, 1 ], "end": [ 1431, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.LevelMVarToParam.main", "code": "partial def main (e : Expr) : M Expr :=\n if !e.hasMVar then\n return e\n else\n checkCache { val := e : ExprStructEq } fun _ => do\n match e with\n | .proj _ _ s => return e.updateProj! (← main s)\n | .forallE _ d b _ => return e.updateForallE! (← main d) (← main b)\n | .lam _ d b _ => return e.updateLambdaE! (← main d) (← main b)\n | .letE _ t v b _ => return e.updateLet! (← main t) (← main v) (← main b)\n | .app .. => e.withApp fun f args => visitApp f args\n | .mdata _ b => return e.updateMData! (← main b)\n | .const _ us => return e.updateConst! (← us.mapM visitLevel)\n | .sort u => return e.updateSort! (← visitLevel u)\n | .mvar .. => visitApp e #[]\n | e => return e\nwhere\n visitApp (f : Expr) (args : Array Expr) : M Expr := do\n match f with\n | .mvar mvarId .. =>\n match (← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId) with\n | some v => return (← visitApp v args).headBeta\n | none => return mkAppN f (← args.mapM main)\n | _ => return mkAppN (← main f) (← args.mapM main)", "start": [ 1433, 1 ], "end": [ 1456, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.UnivMVarParamResult", "code": "structure UnivMVarParamResult where\n mctx : MetavarContext\n newParamNames : Array Name\n nextParamIdx : Nat\n expr : Expr", "start": [ 1460, 1 ], "end": [ 1464, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.levelMVarToParam", "code": "def levelMVarToParam (mctx : MetavarContext) (alreadyUsedPred : Name → Bool) (except : LMVarId → Bool) (e : Expr) (paramNamePrefix : Name := `u) (nextParamIdx : Nat := 1)\n : UnivMVarParamResult :=\n let (e, s) := LevelMVarToParam.main e { except, paramNamePrefix, alreadyUsedPred } { mctx, nextParamIdx }\n { mctx := s.mctx\n newParamNames := s.paramNames\n nextParamIdx := s.nextParamIdx\n expr := e }", "start": [ 1466, 1 ], "end": [ 1472, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MetavarContext.getExprAssignmentDomain", "code": "def getExprAssignmentDomain (mctx : MetavarContext) : Array MVarId :=\n mctx.eAssignment.foldl (init := #[]) fun a mvarId _ => Array.push a mvarId", "start": [ 1474, 1 ], "end": [ 1475, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.modifyDecl", "code": "def modifyDecl [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId)\n (f : MetavarDecl → MetavarDecl) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx (·.modifyExprMVarDecl mvarId f)", "start": [ 1481, 1 ], "end": [ 1490, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.modifyLCtx", "code": "def modifyLCtx [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId)\n (f : LocalContext → LocalContext) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx (·.modifyExprMVarLCtx mvarId f)", "start": [ 1492, 1 ], "end": [ 1501, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.setFVarKind", "code": "def setFVarKind [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) (fvarId : FVarId)\n (kind : LocalDeclKind) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx (·.setFVarKind mvarId fvarId kind)", "start": [ 1503, 1 ], "end": [ 1509, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.setFVarBinderInfo", "code": "def setFVarBinderInfo [MonadMCtx m] (mvarId : MVarId) (fvarId : FVarId)\n (bi : BinderInfo) : m Unit :=\n modifyMCtx (·.setFVarBinderInfo mvarId fvarId bi)", "start": [ 1511, 1 ], "end": [ 1517, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MetavarContext.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/OpenDecl.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Json.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Position.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Server/Rpc/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Widget/Types.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.CommandContextInfo", "code": "structure CommandContextInfo where\n env : Environment\n fileMap : FileMap\n mctx : MetavarContext := {}\n options : Options := {}\n currNamespace : Name := Name.anonymous\n openDecls : List OpenDecl := []\n ngen : NameGenerator", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.ContextInfo", "code": "structure ContextInfo extends CommandContextInfo where\n parentDecl? : Option Name := none", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.PartialContextInfo", "code": "inductive PartialContextInfo where\n | commandCtx (info : CommandContextInfo)\n \n | parentDeclCtx (parentDecl : Name)", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.ElabInfo", "code": "structure ElabInfo where\n \n elaborator : Name\n \n stx : Syntax\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.TermInfo", "code": "structure TermInfo extends ElabInfo where\n lctx : LocalContext expectedType? : Option Expr\n expr : Expr\n isBinder : Bool := false\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 66, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.CommandInfo", "code": "structure CommandInfo extends ElabInfo where\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.CompletionInfo", "code": "inductive CompletionInfo where\n | dot (termInfo : TermInfo) (expectedType? : Option Expr)\n | id (stx : Syntax) (id : Name) (danglingDot : Bool) (lctx : LocalContext) (expectedType? : Option Expr)\n | dotId (stx : Syntax) (id : Name) (lctx : LocalContext) (expectedType? : Option Expr)\n | fieldId (stx : Syntax) (id : Name) (lctx : LocalContext) (structName : Name)\n | namespaceId (stx : Syntax)\n | option (stx : Syntax)\n | endSection (stx : Syntax) (scopeNames : List String)\n | tactic (stx : Syntax) (goals : List MVarId)", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 86, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.OptionInfo", "code": "structure OptionInfo where\n stx : Syntax\n optionName : Name\n declName : Name", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.FieldInfo", "code": "structure FieldInfo where\n \n projName : Name\n \n fieldName : Name\n lctx : LocalContext\n val : Expr\n stx : Syntax\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 103, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.TacticInfo", "code": "structure TacticInfo extends ElabInfo where\n mctxBefore : MetavarContext\n goalsBefore : List MVarId\n mctxAfter : MetavarContext\n goalsAfter : List MVarId\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 105, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.MacroExpansionInfo", "code": "structure MacroExpansionInfo where\n lctx : LocalContext stx : Syntax\n output : Syntax\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.CustomInfo", "code": "structure CustomInfo where\n stx : Syntax\n value : Dynamic", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 126, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.UserWidgetInfo", "code": "structure UserWidgetInfo extends Widget.WidgetInstance where\n stx : Syntax", "start": [ 128, 1 ], "end": [ 133, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.FVarAliasInfo", "code": "structure FVarAliasInfo where\n userName : Name\n id : FVarId\n baseId : FVarId", "start": [ 135, 1 ], "end": [ 144, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.FieldRedeclInfo", "code": "structure FieldRedeclInfo where\n stx : Syntax", "start": [ 146, 1 ], "end": [ 156, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.OmissionInfo", "code": "structure OmissionInfo extends TermInfo where\n reason : String", "start": [ 158, 1 ], "end": [ 166, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.Info", "code": "inductive Info where\n | ofTacticInfo (i : TacticInfo)\n | ofTermInfo (i : TermInfo)\n | ofCommandInfo (i : CommandInfo)\n | ofMacroExpansionInfo (i : MacroExpansionInfo)\n | ofOptionInfo (i : OptionInfo)\n | ofFieldInfo (i : FieldInfo)\n | ofCompletionInfo (i : CompletionInfo)\n | ofUserWidgetInfo (i : UserWidgetInfo)\n | ofCustomInfo (i : CustomInfo)\n | ofFVarAliasInfo (i : FVarAliasInfo)\n | ofFieldRedeclInfo (i : FieldRedeclInfo)\n | ofOmissionInfo (i : OmissionInfo)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 168, 1 ], "end": [ 182, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.InfoTree", "code": "inductive InfoTree where\n \n | context (i : PartialContextInfo) (t : InfoTree)\n \n | node (i : Info) (children : PersistentArray InfoTree)\n \n | hole (mvarId : MVarId)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 184, 1 ], "end": [ 212, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.InfoState", "code": "structure InfoState where\n \n enabled : Bool := true\n \n assignment : PersistentHashMap MVarId InfoTree := {}\n \n trees : PersistentArray InfoTree := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 214, 1 ], "end": [ 231, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.MonadInfoTree", "code": "class MonadInfoTree (m : Type → Type) where\n getInfoState : m InfoState\n modifyInfoState : (InfoState → InfoState) → m Unit", "start": [ 233, 1 ], "end": [ 235, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.setInfoState", "code": "def setInfoState [MonadInfoTree m] (s : InfoState) : m Unit :=\n modifyInfoState fun _ => s", "start": [ 243, 1 ], "end": [ 244, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.MonadParentDecl", "code": "class MonadParentDecl (m : Type → Type) where\n getParentDeclName? : m (Option Name)", "start": [ 246, 1 ], "end": [ 247, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/OpenDecl.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MetavarContext.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Elab/InfoTree/Types.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.PPContext", "code": "structure PPContext where\n env : Environment\n mctx : MetavarContext := {}\n lctx : LocalContext := {}\n opts : Options := {}\n currNamespace : Name := Name.anonymous\n openDecls : List OpenDecl := []", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.InfoPerPos", "code": "abbrev PrettyPrinter.InfoPerPos := RBMap Nat Elab.Info compare", "start": [ 42, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FormatWithInfos", "code": "structure FormatWithInfos where\n fmt : Format\n infos : PrettyPrinter.InfoPerPos", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PPFns", "code": "structure PPFns where\n ppExprWithInfos : PPContext → Expr → IO FormatWithInfos\n ppTerm : PPContext → Term → IO Format\n ppLevel : PPContext → Level → IO Format\n ppGoal : PPContext → MVarId → IO Format\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ppExprWithInfos", "code": "def ppExprWithInfos (ctx : PPContext) (e : Expr) : IO FormatWithInfos := do\n let e := instantiateMVarsCore ctx.mctx e |>.1\n if pp.raw.get ctx.opts then\n return format (toString e)\n else\n try\n ppExt.getState ctx.env |>.ppExprWithInfos ctx e\n catch ex =>\n if pp.rawOnError.get ctx.opts then\n pure f!\"[Error pretty printing expression: {ex}. Falling back to raw printer.]{Format.line}{e}\"\n else\n pure f!\"failed to pretty print expression (use 'set_option pp.rawOnError true' for raw representation)\"", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 112 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ppTerm", "code": "def ppTerm (ctx : PPContext) (stx : Term) : IO Format :=\n let fmtRaw := fun () => stx.raw.formatStx (some <| pp.raw.maxDepth.get ctx.opts) (pp.raw.showInfo.get ctx.opts)\n if pp.raw.get ctx.opts then\n return fmtRaw ()\n else\n try\n ppExt.getState ctx.env |>.ppTerm ctx stx\n catch ex =>\n if pp.rawOnError.get ctx.opts then\n pure f!\"[Error pretty printing syntax: {ex}. Falling back to raw printer.]{Format.line}{fmtRaw ()}\"\n else\n pure f!\"failed to pretty print term (use 'set_option pp.rawOnError true' for raw representation)\"", "start": [ 84, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 106 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ppLevel", "code": "def ppLevel (ctx : PPContext) (l : Level) : IO Format :=\n ppExt.getState ctx.env |>.ppLevel ctx l", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 98, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ppGoal", "code": "def ppGoal (ctx : PPContext) (mvarId : MVarId) : IO Format :=\n ppExt.getState ctx.env |>.ppGoal ctx mvarId", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/FindExpr.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Declaration.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isSorry", "code": "def Expr.isSorry : Expr → Bool\n | app (app (.const ``sorryAx ..) ..) .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isSyntheticSorry", "code": "def Expr.isSyntheticSorry : Expr → Bool\n | app (app (const ``sorryAx ..) ..) (const ``Bool.true ..) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 18, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.isNonSyntheticSorry", "code": "def Expr.isNonSyntheticSorry : Expr → Bool\n | app (app (const ``sorryAx ..) ..) (const ``Bool.false ..) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasSorry", "code": "def Expr.hasSorry (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n Option.isSome <| e.find? (·.isConstOf ``sorryAx)", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasSyntheticSorry", "code": "def Expr.hasSyntheticSorry (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n Option.isSome <| e.find? (·.isSyntheticSorry)", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.hasNonSyntheticSorry", "code": "def Expr.hasNonSyntheticSorry (e : Expr) : Bool :=\n Option.isSome <| e.find? (·.isNonSyntheticSorry)", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Declaration.hasSorry", "code": "def Declaration.hasSorry (d : Declaration) : Bool := do\n d.foldExprM (fun r e => r || e.hasSorry) false", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Declaration.hasNonSyntheticSorry", "code": "def Declaration.hasNonSyntheticSorry (d : Declaration) : Bool := do\n d.foldExprM (fun r e => r || e.hasNonSyntheticSorry) false", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/System/IO.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.InternalExceptionId", "code": "structure InternalExceptionId where\n idx : Nat := 0\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 10, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerInternalExceptionId", "code": "def registerInternalExceptionId (name : Name) : IO InternalExceptionId := do\n let exs ← internalExceptionsRef.get\n if exs.contains name then throw <| IO.userError s!\"invalid internal exception id, '{name}' has already been used\"\n let nextIdx := exs.size\n internalExceptionsRef.modify fun a => a.push name\n pure { idx := nextIdx }", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InternalExceptionId.toString", "code": "def InternalExceptionId.toString (id : InternalExceptionId) : String :=\n s!\"internal exception #{id.idx}\"", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.InternalExceptionId.getName", "code": "def InternalExceptionId.getName (id : InternalExceptionId) : IO Name := do\n let exs ← internalExceptionsRef.get\n let i := id.idx;\n if h : i < exs.size then\n return exs.get ⟨i, h⟩\n else\n throw <| IO.userError \"invalid internal exception id\"", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MetavarContext.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/Sorry.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/OpenDecl.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Position.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/PPExt.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.mkErrorStringWithPos", "code": "def mkErrorStringWithPos (fileName : String) (pos : Position) (msg : String) (endPos : Option Position := none) : String :=\n let endPos := match endPos with\n | some endPos => s!\"-{endPos.line}:{endPos.column}\"\n | none => \"\"\n s!\"{fileName}:{pos.line}:{pos.column}{endPos}: {msg}\"", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageSeverity", "code": "inductive MessageSeverity where\n | information | warning | error\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, ToJson, FromJson", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageDataContext", "code": "structure MessageDataContext where\n env : Environment\n mctx : MetavarContext\n lctx : LocalContext\n opts : Options", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NamingContext", "code": "structure NamingContext where\n currNamespace : Name\n openDecls : List OpenDecl", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TraceData", "code": "structure TraceData where\n \n cls : Name\n \n startTime : Float := 0\n \n stopTime : Float := startTime\n \n collapsed : Bool := true\n \n tag : String := \"\"", "start": [ 42, 1 ], "end": [ 52, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData", "code": "inductive MessageData where\n \n | ofFormatWithInfos : FormatWithInfos → MessageData\n | ofGoal : MVarId → MessageData\n \n | ofWidget : Widget.WidgetInstance → MessageData → MessageData\n \n | withContext : MessageDataContext → MessageData → MessageData\n | withNamingContext : NamingContext → MessageData → MessageData\n \n | nest : Nat → MessageData → MessageData\n \n | group : MessageData → MessageData\n \n | compose : MessageData → MessageData → MessageData\n \n | tagged : Name → MessageData → MessageData\n | trace (data : TraceData) (msg : MessageData) (children : Array MessageData)\n \n | ofLazy (f : Option PPContext → IO Dynamic) (hasSyntheticSorry : MetavarContext → Bool)\n deriving Inhabited, TypeName", "start": [ 54, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.ofFormat", "code": "def ofFormat (fmt : Format) : MessageData := .ofFormatWithInfos ⟨fmt, .empty⟩", "start": [ 99, 1 ], "end": [ 100, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.lazy", "code": "def lazy (f : PPContext → IO MessageData)\n (hasSyntheticSorry : MetavarContext → Bool := fun _ => false) : MessageData :=\n .ofLazy (hasSyntheticSorry := hasSyntheticSorry) fun ctx? => do\n let msg ← match ctx? with\n | .none =>\n pure (.ofFormat \"(invalid MessageData.lazy, missing context)\") | .some ctx => f ctx\n return msg", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 113, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.hasTag", "code": "partial def hasTag : MessageData → Bool\n | withContext _ msg => hasTag msg\n | withNamingContext _ msg => hasTag msg\n | nest _ msg => hasTag msg\n | group msg => hasTag msg\n | compose msg₁ msg₂ => hasTag msg₁ || hasTag msg₂\n | tagged n msg => p n || hasTag msg\n | trace data msg msgs => p data.cls || hasTag msg || msgs.any hasTag\n | _ => false", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 131, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.nil", "code": "def nil : MessageData :=\n ofFormat Format.nil", "start": [ 133, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.mkPPContext", "code": "def mkPPContext (nCtx : NamingContext) (ctx : MessageDataContext) : PPContext := {\n env := ctx.env, mctx := ctx.mctx, lctx := ctx.lctx, opts := ctx.opts,\n currNamespace := nCtx.currNamespace, openDecls := nCtx.openDecls\n}", "start": [ 137, 1 ], "end": [ 140, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.ofSyntax", "code": "def ofSyntax (stx : Syntax) : MessageData :=\n let stx := stx.copyHeadTailInfoFrom .missing\n .ofLazy\n (fun ctx? => do\n let msg ← ofFormat <$> match ctx? with\n | .none => pure stx.formatStx\n | .some ctx => ppTerm ctx ⟨stx⟩ return msg)\n (fun _ => false)", "start": [ 142, 1 ], "end": [ 151, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.ofExpr", "code": "def ofExpr (e : Expr) : MessageData :=\n .ofLazy\n (fun ctx? => do\n let msg ← ofFormatWithInfos <$> match ctx? with\n | .none => pure (format (toString e))\n | .some ctx => ppExprWithInfos ctx e\n return msg)\n (fun mctx => instantiateMVarsCore mctx e |>.1.hasSyntheticSorry)", "start": [ 153, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.ofLevel", "code": "def ofLevel (l : Level) : MessageData :=\n .ofLazy\n (fun ctx? => do\n let msg ← ofFormat <$> match ctx? with\n | .none => pure (format l)\n | .some ctx => ppLevel ctx l\n return msg)\n (fun _ => false)", "start": [ 162, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.ofName", "code": "def ofName (n : Name) : MessageData := ofFormat (format n)", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 171, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.hasSyntheticSorry", "code": "partial def hasSyntheticSorry (msg : MessageData) : Bool :=\n visit none msg\nwhere\n visit (mctx? : Option MetavarContext) : MessageData → Bool\n | ofLazy _ f => f (mctx?.getD {})\n | withContext ctx msg => visit ctx.mctx msg\n | withNamingContext _ msg => visit mctx? msg\n | nest _ msg => visit mctx? msg\n | group msg => visit mctx? msg\n | compose msg₁ msg₂ => visit mctx? msg₁ || visit mctx? msg₂\n | tagged _ msg => visit mctx? msg\n | trace _ msg msgs => visit mctx? msg || msgs.any (visit mctx?)\n | _ => false", "start": [ 173, 1 ], "end": [ 185, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.formatAux", "code": "partial def formatAux : NamingContext → Option MessageDataContext → MessageData → IO Format\n | _, _, ofFormatWithInfos fmt => return fmt.1\n | _, none, ofGoal mvarId => return \"goal \" ++ format (mkMVar mvarId)\n | nCtx, some ctx, ofGoal mvarId => ppGoal (mkPPContext nCtx ctx) mvarId\n | nCtx, ctx, ofWidget _ d => formatAux nCtx ctx d\n | nCtx, _, withContext ctx d => formatAux nCtx ctx d\n | _, ctx, withNamingContext nCtx d => formatAux nCtx ctx d\n | nCtx, ctx, tagged _ d => formatAux nCtx ctx d\n | nCtx, ctx, nest n d => Format.nest n <$> formatAux nCtx ctx d\n | nCtx, ctx, compose d₁ d₂ => return (← formatAux nCtx ctx d₁) ++ (← formatAux nCtx ctx d₂)\n | nCtx, ctx, group d => <$> formatAux nCtx ctx d\n | nCtx, ctx, trace data header children => do\n let mut msg := f!\"[{data.cls}]\"\n if data.startTime != 0 then\n msg := f!\"{msg} [{data.stopTime - data.startTime}]\"\n msg := f!\"{msg} {(← formatAux nCtx ctx header).nest 2}\"\n let children ← children.mapM (formatAux nCtx ctx)\n return .nest 2 (.joinSep (msg::children.toList) \"\\n\")\n | nCtx, ctx?, ofLazy pp _ => do\n let dyn ← pp (ctx?.map (mkPPContext nCtx))\n let some msg := dyn.get? MessageData\n | panic! s!\"MessageData.ofLazy: expected MessageData in Dynamic, got {dyn.typeName}\"\n formatAux nCtx ctx? msg", "start": [ 187, 1 ], "end": [ 209, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.format", "code": "protected def format (msgData : MessageData) : IO Format :=\n formatAux { currNamespace := Name.anonymous, openDecls := [] } none msgData", "start": [ 211, 1 ], "end": [ 212, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.toString", "code": "protected def toString (msgData : MessageData) : IO String := do\n return toString (← msgData.format)", "start": [ 214, 1 ], "end": [ 215, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.arrayExpr.toMessageData", "code": "partial def arrayExpr.toMessageData (es : Array Expr) (i : Nat) (acc : MessageData) : MessageData :=\n if h : i < es.size then\n let e := es.get ⟨i, h⟩;\n let acc := if i == 0 then acc ++ ofExpr e else acc ++ \", \" ++ ofExpr e;\n toMessageData es (i+1) acc\n else\n acc ++ \"]\"", "start": [ 228, 1 ], "end": [ 234, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.bracket", "code": "def bracket (l : String) (f : MessageData) (r : String) : MessageData := group (nest l.length <| l ++ f ++ r)", "start": [ 238, 1 ], "end": [ 239, 110 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.paren", "code": "def paren (f : MessageData) : MessageData := bracket \"(\" f \")\"", "start": [ 240, 1 ], "end": [ 241, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.sbracket", "code": "def sbracket (f : MessageData) : MessageData := bracket \"[\" f \"]\"", "start": [ 242, 1 ], "end": [ 243, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.joinSep", "code": "def joinSep : List MessageData → MessageData → MessageData\n | [], _ => Format.nil\n | [a], _ => a\n | a::as, sep => a ++ sep ++ joinSep as sep", "start": [ 244, 1 ], "end": [ 248, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.ofList", "code": "def ofList : List MessageData → MessageData\n | [] => \"[]\"\n | xs => sbracket <| joinSep xs (ofFormat \",\" ++ Format.line)", "start": [ 250, 1 ], "end": [ 253, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.ofArray", "code": "def ofArray (msgs : Array MessageData) : MessageData :=\n ofList msgs.toList", "start": [ 255, 1 ], "end": [ 257, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.BaseMessage", "code": "structure BaseMessage (α : Type u) where\n fileName : String\n pos : Position\n endPos : Option Position := none\n \n keepFullRange : Bool := false\n severity : MessageSeverity := MessageSeverity.error\n caption : String := \"\"\n \n data : α\n deriving Inhabited, ToJson, FromJson", "start": [ 264, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Message", "code": "abbrev Message := BaseMessage MessageData", "start": [ 284, 1 ], "end": [ 286, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SerialMessage", "code": "abbrev SerialMessage := BaseMessage String", "start": [ 288, 1 ], "end": [ 291, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SerialMessage.toMessage", "code": "@[inline] def toMessage (msg : SerialMessage) : Message :=\n {msg with data :=}", "start": [ 295, 1 ], "end": [ 296, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SerialMessage.toString", "code": "protected def toString (msg : SerialMessage) (includeEndPos := false) : String := do\n let mut str :=\n let endPos := if includeEndPos then msg.endPos else none\n unless msg.caption == \"\" do\n str := msg.caption ++ \":\\n\" ++ str\n match msg.severity with\n | .information => pure ()\n | .warning => str := mkErrorStringWithPos msg.fileName msg.pos (endPos := endPos) \"warning: \" ++ str\n | .error => str := mkErrorStringWithPos msg.fileName msg.pos (endPos := endPos) \"error: \" ++ str\n if str.isEmpty || str.back != '\\n' then\n str := str ++ \"\\n\"\n return str", "start": [ 298, 1 ], "end": [ 309, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Message.serialize", "code": "@[inline] def serialize (msg : Message) : IO SerialMessage := do\n return {msg with data := ←}", "start": [ 317, 1 ], "end": [ 318, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Message.toString", "code": "protected def toString (msg : Message) (includeEndPos := false) : IO String := do\n return inline <| (← msg.serialize).toString includeEndPos", "start": [ 320, 1 ], "end": [ 322, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Message.toJson", "code": "protected def toJson (msg : Message) : IO Json := do\n return inline <| toJson (← msg.serialize)", "start": [ 324, 1 ], "end": [ 326, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog", "code": "structure MessageLog where\n \n \n hadErrors : Bool := false\n \n unreported : PersistentArray Message := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 330, 1 ], "end": [ 353, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.empty", "code": "def empty : MessageLog := {}", "start": [ 356, 1 ], "end": [ 356, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.msgs", "code": "@[deprecated \"renamed to `unreported`; direct access should in general be avoided in favor of \\\nusing `MessageLog.toList/toArray`\"]\ndef msgs : MessageLog → PersistentArray Message := unreported", "start": [ 358, 1 ], "end": [ 360, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.hasUnreported", "code": "def hasUnreported (log : MessageLog) : Bool :=\n !log.unreported.isEmpty", "start": [ 362, 1 ], "end": [ 363, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.add", "code": "def add (msg : Message) (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=\n { log with unreported := log.unreported.push msg }", "start": [ 365, 1 ], "end": [ 366, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.append", "code": "protected def append (l₁ l₂ : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=\n { hadErrors := l₁.hadErrors || l₂.hadErrors, unreported := l₁.unreported ++ l₂.unreported }", "start": [ 368, 1 ], "end": [ 369, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.hasErrors", "code": "def hasErrors (log : MessageLog) : Bool :=\n log.hadErrors || log.unreported.any (·.severity matches .error)", "start": [ 374, 1 ], "end": [ 375, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.errorsToWarnings", "code": "def errorsToWarnings (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=\n { unreported := (fun m => match m.severity with | MessageSeverity.error => { m with severity := MessageSeverity.warning } | _ => m) }", "start": [ 377, 1 ], "end": [ 378, 155 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.getInfoMessages", "code": "def getInfoMessages (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=\n { unreported := log.unreported.filter fun m => match m.severity with | MessageSeverity.information => true | _ => false }", "start": [ 380, 1 ], "end": [ 381, 124 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.forM", "code": "def forM {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (log : MessageLog) (f : Message → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n log.unreported.forM f", "start": [ 383, 1 ], "end": [ 384, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.toList", "code": "def toList (log : MessageLog) : List Message :=\n log.unreported.toList", "start": [ 386, 1 ], "end": [ 388, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageLog.toArray", "code": "def toArray (log : MessageLog) : Array Message :=\n log.unreported.toArray", "start": [ 390, 1 ], "end": [ 392, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MessageData.nestD", "code": "def MessageData.nestD (msg : MessageData) : MessageData :=\n MessageData.nest 2 msg", "start": [ 396, 1 ], "end": [ 397, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.indentD", "code": "def indentD (msg : MessageData) : MessageData :=\n MessageData.nestD (Format.line ++ msg)", "start": [ 399, 1 ], "end": [ 400, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.indentExpr", "code": "def indentExpr (e : Expr) : MessageData :=\n indentD e", "start": [ 402, 1 ], "end": [ 403, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AddMessageContext", "code": "class AddMessageContext (m : Type → Type) where\n \n addMessageContext : MessageData → m MessageData", "start": [ 405, 1 ], "end": [ 413, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addMessageContextPartial", "code": "def addMessageContextPartial {m} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadOptions m] (msgData : MessageData) : m MessageData := do\n let env ← getEnv\n let opts ← getOptions\n return MessageData.withContext { env := env, mctx := {}, lctx := {}, opts := opts } msgData", "start": [ 420, 1 ], "end": [ 423, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addMessageContextFull", "code": "def addMessageContextFull {m} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadLCtx m] [MonadOptions m] (msgData : MessageData) : m MessageData := do\n let env ← getEnv\n let mctx ← getMCtx\n let lctx ← getLCtx\n let opts ← getOptions\n return MessageData.withContext { env := env, mctx := mctx, lctx := lctx, opts := opts } msgData", "start": [ 425, 1 ], "end": [ 430, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ToMessageData", "code": "class ToMessageData (α : Type) where\n toMessageData : α → MessageData", "start": [ 432, 1 ], "end": [ 433, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.stringToMessageData", "code": "def stringToMessageData (str : String) : MessageData :=\n let lines := str.split (· == '\\n')\n let lines := (MessageData.ofFormat ∘ format)\n MessageData.joinSep lines (MessageData.ofFormat Format.line)", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 440, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.toMessageList", "code": "def toMessageList (msgs : Array MessageData) : MessageData :=\n indentD (MessageData.joinSep msgs.toList m!\"\\n\\n\")", "start": [ 465, 1 ], "end": [ 466, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KernelException.mkCtx", "code": "private def mkCtx (env : Environment) (lctx : LocalContext) (opts : Options) (msg : MessageData) : MessageData :=\n MessageData.withContext { env := env, mctx := {}, lctx := lctx, opts := opts } msg", "start": [ 470, 1 ], "end": [ 471, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KernelException.toMessageData", "code": "def toMessageData (e : KernelException) (opts : Options) : MessageData :=\n match e with\n | unknownConstant env constName => mkCtx env {} opts m!\"(kernel) unknown constant '{constName}'\"\n | alreadyDeclared env constName => mkCtx env {} opts m!\"(kernel) constant has already been declared '{constName}'\"\n | declTypeMismatch env decl givenType =>\n mkCtx env {} opts <|\n let process (n : Name) (expectedType : Expr) : MessageData :=\n m!\"(kernel) declaration type mismatch, '{n}' has type{indentExpr givenType}\\nbut it is expected to have type{indentExpr expectedType}\";\n match decl with\n | Declaration.defnDecl { name := n, type := type, .. } => process n type\n | Declaration.thmDecl { name := n, type := type, .. } => process n type\n | _ => \"(kernel) declaration type mismatch\" | declHasMVars env constName _ => mkCtx env {} opts m!\"(kernel) declaration has metavariables '{constName}'\"\n | declHasFVars env constName _ => mkCtx env {} opts m!\"(kernel) declaration has free variables '{constName}'\"\n | funExpected env lctx e => mkCtx env lctx opts m!\"(kernel) function expected{indentExpr e}\"\n | typeExpected env lctx e => mkCtx env lctx opts m!\"(kernel) type expected{indentExpr e}\"\n | letTypeMismatch env lctx n _ _ => mkCtx env lctx opts m!\"(kernel) let-declaration type mismatch '{n}'\"\n | exprTypeMismatch env lctx e _ => mkCtx env lctx opts m!\"(kernel) type mismatch at{indentExpr e}\"\n | appTypeMismatch env lctx e fnType argType =>\n mkCtx env lctx opts m!\"application type mismatch{indentExpr e}\\nargument has type{indentExpr argType}\\nbut function has type{indentExpr fnType}\"\n | invalidProj env lctx e => mkCtx env lctx opts m!\"(kernel) invalid projection{indentExpr e}\"\n | thmTypeIsNotProp env constName type => mkCtx env {} opts m!\"(kernel) type of theorem '{constName}' is not a proposition{indentExpr type}\"\n | other msg => m!\"(kernel) {msg}\"\n | deterministicTimeout => \"(kernel) deterministic timeout\"\n | excessiveMemory => \"(kernel) excessive memory consumption detected\"\n | deepRecursion => \"(kernel) deep recursion detected\"\n | interrupted => \"(kernel) interrupted\"", "start": [ 473, 1 ], "end": [ 499, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Options.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Message.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/MonadCache.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/InternalExceptionId.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Exception", "code": "inductive Exception where\n \n | error (ref : Syntax) (msg : MessageData)\n \n | internal (id : InternalExceptionId) (extra : KVMap := {})", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Exception.toMessageData", "code": "def Exception.toMessageData : Exception → MessageData\n | .error _ msg => msg\n | .internal id _ => id.toString", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Exception.hasSyntheticSorry", "code": "def Exception.hasSyntheticSorry : Exception → Bool\n | Exception.error _ msg => msg.hasSyntheticSorry\n | _ => false", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Exception.getRef", "code": "def Exception.getRef : Exception → Syntax\n | .error ref _ => ref\n | .internal _ _ => Syntax.missing", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AddErrorMessageContext", "code": "class AddErrorMessageContext (m : Type → Type) where\n add : Syntax → MessageData → m (Syntax × MessageData)", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.throwError", "code": "protected def throwError [Monad m] [MonadError m] (msg : MessageData) : m α := do\n let ref ← getRef\n let (ref, msg) ← AddErrorMessageContext.add ref msg\n throw <| Exception.error ref msg", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 70, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.throwUnknownConstant", "code": "def throwUnknownConstant [Monad m] [MonadError m] (constName : Name) : m α :=\n Lean.throwError m!\"unknown constant '{mkConst constName}'\"", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.throwErrorAt", "code": "protected def throwErrorAt [Monad m] [MonadError m] (ref : Syntax) (msg : MessageData) : m α := do\n withRef ref <| Lean.throwError msg", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ofExcept", "code": "def ofExcept [Monad m] [MonadError m] [ToString ε] (x : Except ε α) : m α :=\n match x with\n | .ok a => return a\n | .error e => Lean.throwError <| toString e", "start": [ 80, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.throwKernelException", "code": "def throwKernelException [Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadOptions m] (ex : KernelException) : m α := do\n Lean.throwError <| ex.toMessageData (← getOptions)", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ofExceptKernelException", "code": "def ofExceptKernelException [Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadOptions m] (x : Except KernelException α) : m α :=\n match x with\n | .ok a => return a\n | .error e => throwKernelException e", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadRecDepth", "code": "class MonadRecDepth (m : Type → Type) where\n withRecDepth {α} : Nat → m α → m α\n getRecDepth : m Nat\n getMaxRecDepth : m Nat", "start": [ 103, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.throwMaxRecDepthAt", "code": "def throwMaxRecDepthAt [MonadError m] (ref : Syntax) : m α :=\n throw <| .error ref (MessageData.ofFormat (Std.Format.text maxRecDepthErrorMessage))", "start": [ 119, 1 ], "end": [ 123, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Exception.isMaxRecDepth", "code": "def Exception.isMaxRecDepth (ex : Exception) : Bool :=\n match ex with\n | error _ (MessageData.ofFormatWithInfos ⟨Std.Format.text msg, _⟩) => msg == maxRecDepthErrorMessage\n | _ => false", "start": [ 125, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withIncRecDepth", "code": "@[inline] def withIncRecDepth [Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadRecDepth m] (x : m α) : m α := do\n let curr ← MonadRecDepth.getRecDepth\n let max ← MonadRecDepth.getMaxRecDepth\n if curr == max then\n throwMaxRecDepthAt (← getRef)\n else\n MonadRecDepth.withRecDepth (curr+1) x", "start": [ 136, 1 ], "end": [ 147, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.addProtected", "code": "def addProtected (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Environment :=\n protectedExt.tag env n", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isProtected", "code": "def isProtected (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n protectedExt.isTagged env n", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.privateHeader", "code": "def privateHeader : Name := `_private", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkPrivateName", "code": "def mkPrivateName (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Name :=\n Name.mkNum (privateHeader ++ env.mainModule) 0 ++ n", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isPrivateName", "code": "def isPrivateName : Name → Bool\n | n@(.str p _) => n == privateHeader || isPrivateName p\n | .num p _ => isPrivateName p\n | _ => false", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isPrivateNameExport", "code": "@[export lean_is_private_name]\ndef isPrivateNameExport (n : Name) : Bool :=\n isPrivateName n", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isPrivatePrefix", "code": "def isPrivatePrefix (n : Name) : Bool :=\n match n with\n | .num p 0 => go p\n | _ => false\nwhere\n go (n : Name) : Bool :=\n n == privateHeader ||\n match n with\n | .str p _ => go p\n | _ => false", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.privateToUserNameAux", "code": "private def privateToUserNameAux (n : Name) : Name :=\n match n with\n | .str p s => .str (privateToUserNameAux p) s\n | .num p i => if isPrivatePrefix n then .anonymous else .num (privateToUserNameAux p) i\n | _ => .anonymous", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.privateToUserName?", "code": "@[export lean_private_to_user_name]\ndef privateToUserName? (n : Name) : Option Name :=\n if isPrivateName n then privateToUserNameAux n\n else none", "start": [ 65, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isPrivateNameFromImportedModule", "code": "def isPrivateNameFromImportedModule (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n match privateToUserName? n with\n | some userName => mkPrivateName env userName != n\n | _ => false", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 73, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.privatePrefixAux", "code": "private def privatePrefixAux : Name → Name\n | .str p _ => privatePrefixAux p\n | n => n", "start": [ 75, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.privatePrefix?", "code": "@[export lean_private_prefix]\ndef privatePrefix? (n : Name) : Option Name :=\n if isPrivateName n then privatePrefixAux n\n else none", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Message.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/Sorry.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.MonadLog", "code": "class MonadLog (m : Type → Type) extends MonadFileMap m where\n \n getRef : m Syntax\n \n getFileName : m String\n \n hasErrors : m Bool\n \n logMessage : Message → m Unit", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getRefPos", "code": "def getRefPos : m String.Pos := do\n let ref ← MonadLog.getRef\n return ref.getPos?.getD 0", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getRefPosition", "code": "def getRefPosition : m Position := do\n let fileMap ← getFileMap\n return fileMap.toPosition (← getRefPos)", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logAt", "code": "def logAt (ref : Syntax) (msgData : MessageData) (severity : MessageSeverity := MessageSeverity.error) : m Unit :=\n unless severity == .error && msgData.hasSyntheticSorry do\n let severity := if severity == .warning && warningAsError.get (← getOptions) then .error else severity\n let ref := replaceRef ref (← MonadLog.getRef)\n let pos := ref.getPos?.getD 0\n let endPos := ref.getTailPos?.getD pos\n let fileMap ← getFileMap\n let msgData ← addMessageContext msgData\n logMessage { fileName := (← getFileName), pos := fileMap.toPosition pos, endPos := fileMap.toPosition endPos, data := msgData, severity := severity }", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 154 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logErrorAt", "code": "def logErrorAt (ref : Syntax) (msgData : MessageData) : m Unit :=\n logAt ref msgData MessageSeverity.error", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 73, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logWarningAt", "code": "def logWarningAt [MonadOptions m] (ref : Syntax) (msgData : MessageData) : m Unit := do\n logAt ref msgData .warning", "start": [ 75, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logInfoAt", "code": "def logInfoAt (ref : Syntax) (msgData : MessageData) : m Unit :=\n logAt ref msgData MessageSeverity.information", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.log", "code": "def log (msgData : MessageData) (severity : MessageSeverity := MessageSeverity.error): m Unit := do\n let ref ← MonadLog.getRef\n logAt ref msgData severity", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 86, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logError", "code": "def logError (msgData : MessageData) : m Unit :=\n log msgData MessageSeverity.error", "start": [ 88, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logWarning", "code": "def logWarning [MonadOptions m] (msgData : MessageData) : m Unit := do\n log msgData (if warningAsError.get (← getOptions) then .error else .warning)", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logInfo", "code": "def logInfo (msgData : MessageData) : m Unit :=\n log msgData MessageSeverity.information", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 98, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.logUnknownDecl", "code": "def logUnknownDecl (declName : Name) : m Unit :=\n logError m!\"unknown declaration '{declName}'\"", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 102, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.casesOnSuffix", "code": "def casesOnSuffix := \"casesOn\"", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 11, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.recOnSuffix", "code": "def recOnSuffix := \"recOn\"", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 12, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.brecOnSuffix", "code": "def brecOnSuffix := \"brecOn\"", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.binductionOnSuffix", "code": "def binductionOnSuffix := \"binductionOn\"", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.belowSuffix", "code": "def belowSuffix := \"below\"", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ibelowSuffix", "code": "def ibelowSuffix := \"ibelow\"", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkCasesOnName", "code": "def mkCasesOnName (indDeclName : Name) : Name := Name.mkStr indDeclName casesOnSuffix", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 18, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkRecOnName", "code": "def mkRecOnName (indDeclName : Name) : Name := Name.mkStr indDeclName recOnSuffix", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 19, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkBRecOnName", "code": "def mkBRecOnName (indDeclName : Name) : Name := Name.mkStr indDeclName brecOnSuffix", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkBInductionOnName", "code": "def mkBInductionOnName (indDeclName : Name) : Name := Name.mkStr indDeclName binductionOnSuffix", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 97 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkBelowName", "code": "def mkBelowName (indDeclName : Name) : Name := Name.mkStr indDeclName belowSuffix", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkIBelowName", "code": "def mkIBelowName (indDeclName : Name) : Name := Name.mkStr indDeclName ibelowSuffix", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.markAuxRecursor", "code": "def markAuxRecursor (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Environment :=\n auxRecExt.tag env declName", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isAuxRecursor", "code": "@[export lean_is_aux_recursor]\ndef isAuxRecursor (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n auxRecExt.isTagged env declName\n || declName == ``Eq.ndrec\n || declName == ``Eq.ndrecOn", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isAuxRecursorWithSuffix", "code": "def isAuxRecursorWithSuffix (env : Environment) (declName : Name) (suffix : String) : Bool :=\n match declName with\n | .str _ s => s == suffix && isAuxRecursor env declName\n | _ => false", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isCasesOnRecursor", "code": "def isCasesOnRecursor (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n isAuxRecursorWithSuffix env declName casesOnSuffix", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isRecOnRecursor", "code": "def isRecOnRecursor (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n isAuxRecursorWithSuffix env declName recOnSuffix", "start": [ 46, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isBRecOnRecursor", "code": "def isBRecOnRecursor (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n isAuxRecursorWithSuffix env declName brecOnSuffix", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 50, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.markNoConfusion", "code": "def markNoConfusion (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Environment :=\n noConfusionExt.tag env n", "start": [ 54, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isNoConfusion", "code": "@[export lean_is_no_confusion]\ndef isNoConfusion (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n noConfusionExt.isTagged env n", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.mkEagerLambdaLiftingName", "code": "@[export lean_mk_eager_lambda_lifting_name]\ndef mkEagerLambdaLiftingName (n : Name) (idx : Nat) : Name :=\n Name.mkStr n (\"_elambda_\" ++ toString idx)", "start": [ 14, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.isEagerLambdaLiftingName", "code": "@[export lean_is_eager_lambda_lifting_name]\ndef isEagerLambdaLiftingName : Name → Bool\n | .str p s => \"_elambda\".isPrefixOf s || isEagerLambdaLiftingName p\n | .num p _ => isEagerLambdaLiftingName p\n | _ => false", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.getDeclNamesForCodeGen", "code": "def getDeclNamesForCodeGen : Declaration → List Name\n | Declaration.defnDecl { name := n, .. } => [n]\n | Declaration.mutualDefnDecl defs => fun d =>\n | Declaration.opaqueDecl { name := n, .. } => [n]\n | Declaration.axiomDecl { name := n, .. } => [n] | _ => []", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.checkIsDefinition", "code": "def checkIsDefinition (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Except String Unit :=\nmatch env.find? n with\n | (some (ConstantInfo.defnInfo _)) => Except.ok ()\n | (some (ConstantInfo.opaqueInfo _)) => Except.ok ()\n | none => Except.error s!\"unknow declaration '{n}'\"\n | _ => Except.error s!\"declaration is not a definition '{n}'\"", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.mkUnsafeRecName", "code": "@[export lean_mk_unsafe_rec_name]\ndef mkUnsafeRecName (declName : Name) : Name :=\n Name.mkStr declName \"_unsafe_rec\"", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.isUnsafeRecName?", "code": "@[export lean_is_unsafe_rec_name]\ndef isUnsafeRecName? : Name → Option Name\n | .str n \"_unsafe_rec\" => some n\n | _ => none", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.compileDecls", "code": "@[extern \"lean_compile_decls\"]\nopaque compileDecls (env : Environment) (opt : @& Options) (decls : @& List Name) : Except KernelException Environment", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 119 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.compileDecl", "code": "def compileDecl (env : Environment) (opt : @& Options) (decl : @& Declaration) : Except KernelException Environment :=\n compileDecls env opt (Compiler.getDeclNamesForCodeGen decl)", "start": [ 66, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Exception.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.TraceElem", "code": "structure TraceElem where\n ref : Syntax\n msg : MessageData\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TraceState", "code": "structure TraceState where\n traces : PersistentArray TraceElem := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 66, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadTrace", "code": "class MonadTrace (m : Type → Type) where\n modifyTraceState : (TraceState → TraceState) → m Unit\n getTraceState : m TraceState", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.printTraces", "code": "def printTraces : m Unit := do\n for {msg, ..} in (← getTraceState).traces do\n IO.println (← msg.format)", "start": [ 84, 1 ], "end": [ 86, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resetTraceState", "code": "def resetTraceState : m Unit :=\n modifyTraceState (fun _ => {})", "start": [ 88, 1 ], "end": [ 89, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.checkTraceOption", "code": "private def checkTraceOption (inherited : HashSet Name) (opts : Options) (cls : Name) : Bool :=\n !opts.isEmpty && go (`trace ++ cls)\nwhere\n go (opt : Name) : Bool :=\n if let some enabled := opts.get? opt then\n enabled\n else if let .str parent _ := opt then\n inherited.contains opt && go parent\n else\n false", "start": [ 91, 1 ], "end": [ 100, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isTracingEnabledFor", "code": "def isTracingEnabledFor (cls : Name) : m Bool := do\n let inherited ← (inheritedTraceOptions.get : IO _)\n pure (checkTraceOption inherited (← getOptions) cls)", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 104, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getTraces", "code": "@[inline] def getTraces : m (PersistentArray TraceElem) := do\n let s ← getTraceState\n pure s.traces", "start": [ 106, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.modifyTraces", "code": "@[inline] def modifyTraces (f : PersistentArray TraceElem → PersistentArray TraceElem) : m Unit :=\n modifyTraceState fun s => { s with traces := f s.traces }", "start": [ 110, 1 ], "end": [ 111, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setTraceState", "code": "@[inline] def setTraceState (s : TraceState) : m Unit :=\n modifyTraceState fun _ => s", "start": [ 113, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getResetTraces", "code": "private def getResetTraces : m (PersistentArray TraceElem) := do\n let oldTraces ← getTraces\n modifyTraces fun _ => {}\n pure oldTraces", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 119, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addRawTrace", "code": "def addRawTrace (msg : MessageData) : m Unit := do\n let ref ← getRef\n let msg ← addMessageContext msg\n modifyTraces (·.push { ref, msg })", "start": [ 124, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addTrace", "code": "def addTrace (cls : Name) (msg : MessageData) : m Unit := do\n let ref ← getRef\n let msg ← addMessageContext msg\n modifyTraces (·.push { ref, msg := .trace { collapsed := false, cls } msg #[] })", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 132, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.trace", "code": "@[inline] def trace (cls : Name) (msg : Unit → MessageData) : m Unit := do\n if (← isTracingEnabledFor cls) then\n addTrace cls (msg ())", "start": [ 134, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.traceM", "code": "@[inline] def traceM (cls : Name) (mkMsg : m MessageData) : m Unit := do\n if (← isTracingEnabledFor cls) then\n let msg ← mkMsg\n addTrace cls msg", "start": [ 138, 1 ], "end": [ 141, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addTraceNode", "code": "private def addTraceNode (oldTraces : PersistentArray TraceElem)\n (data : TraceData) (ref : Syntax) (msg : MessageData) : m Unit :=\n withRef ref do\n let msg := .trace data msg ((← getTraces) (·.msg))\n let msg ← addMessageContext msg\n modifyTraces fun _ =>\n oldTraces.push { ref, msg }", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 149, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withStartStop", "code": "@[inline] private def withStartStop [Monad m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (opts : Options) (act : m α) :\n m (α × Float × Float) := do\n if trace.profiler.useHearbeats.get opts then\n let start ← IO.getNumHeartbeats\n let a ← act\n let stop ← IO.getNumHeartbeats\n return (a, start.toFloat, stop.toFloat)\n else\n let start ← IO.monoNanosNow\n let a ← act\n let stop ← IO.monoNanosNow\n return (a, start.toFloat / 1000000000, stop.toFloat / 1000000000)", "start": [ 191, 1 ], "end": [ 202, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.trace.profiler.threshold.unitAdjusted", "code": "@[inline] def trace.profiler.threshold.unitAdjusted (o : Options) : Float :=\n if trace.profiler.useHearbeats.get o then\n (trace.profiler.threshold.get o).toFloat\n else\n (trace.profiler.threshold.get o).toFloat / 1000", "start": [ 204, 1 ], "end": [ 209, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadAlwaysExcept", "code": "class MonadAlwaysExcept (ε : outParam (Type u)) (m : Type u → Type v) where\n except : MonadExceptOf ε m", "start": [ 211, 1 ], "end": [ 220, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withTraceNode", "code": "def withTraceNode [always : MonadAlwaysExcept ε m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (cls : Name)\n (msg : Except ε α → m MessageData) (k : m α) (collapsed := true) (tag := \"\") : m α := do\n let _ := always.except\n let opts ← getOptions\n let clsEnabled ← isTracingEnabledFor cls\n unless clsEnabled || trace.profiler.get opts do\n return (← k)\n let oldTraces ← getResetTraces\n let (res, start, stop) ← withStartStop opts <| observing k\n let aboveThresh := trace.profiler.get opts &&\n stop - start > trace.profiler.threshold.unitAdjusted opts\n unless clsEnabled || aboveThresh do\n modifyTraces (oldTraces ++ ·)\n return (← MonadExcept.ofExcept res)\n let ref ← getRef\n let mut m ← try msg res catch _ => pure m!\"<exception thrown while producing trace node message>\"\n let mut data := { cls, collapsed, tag }\n if profiler.get opts || aboveThresh then\n data := { data with startTime := start, stopTime := stop }\n addTraceNode oldTraces data ref m\n MonadExcept.ofExcept res", "start": [ 240, 1 ], "end": [ 260, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withTraceNode'", "code": "def withTraceNode' [MonadAlwaysExcept Exception m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (cls : Name)\n (k : m (α × MessageData)) (collapsed := true) (tag := \"\") : m α :=\n let msg := fun\n | .ok (_, msg) => return msg\n | .error err => return err.toMessageData\n Prod.fst <$> withTraceNode cls msg k collapsed tag", "start": [ 262, 1 ], "end": [ 267, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerTraceClass", "code": "def registerTraceClass (traceClassName : Name) (inherited := false) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO Unit := do\n let optionName := `trace ++ traceClassName\n registerOption optionName {\n declName := ref\n group := \"trace\"\n defValue := false\n descr := \"enable/disable tracing for the given module and submodules\"\n }\n if inherited then\n inheritedTraceOptions.modify (·.insert optionName)", "start": [ 271, 1 ], "end": [ 288, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.bombEmoji", "code": "def bombEmoji := \"💥\"", "start": [ 297, 1 ], "end": [ 297, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.checkEmoji", "code": "def checkEmoji := \"✅\"", "start": [ 298, 1 ], "end": [ 298, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.crossEmoji", "code": "def crossEmoji := \"❌\"", "start": [ 299, 1 ], "end": [ 299, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.exceptBoolEmoji", "code": "def exceptBoolEmoji : Except ε Bool → String\n | .error _ => bombEmoji\n | .ok true => checkEmoji\n | .ok false => crossEmoji", "start": [ 301, 1 ], "end": [ 304, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.exceptOptionEmoji", "code": "def exceptOptionEmoji : Except ε (Option α) → String\n | .error _ => bombEmoji\n | .ok (some _) => checkEmoji\n | .ok none => crossEmoji", "start": [ 306, 1 ], "end": [ 309, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.exceptEmoji", "code": "def exceptEmoji : Except ε α → String\n | .error _ => crossEmoji\n | .ok _ => checkEmoji", "start": [ 311, 1 ], "end": [ 314, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExceptToEmoji", "code": "class ExceptToEmoji (ε α : Type) where\n toEmoji : Except ε α → String", "start": [ 316, 1 ], "end": [ 317, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withTraceNodeBefore", "code": "def withTraceNodeBefore [MonadRef m] [AddMessageContext m] [MonadOptions m]\n [always : MonadAlwaysExcept ε m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] [ExceptToEmoji ε α] (cls : Name)\n (msg : m MessageData) (k : m α) (collapsed := true) (tag := \"\") : m α := do\n let _ := always.except\n let opts ← getOptions\n let clsEnabled ← isTracingEnabledFor cls\n unless clsEnabled || trace.profiler.get opts do\n return (← k)\n let oldTraces ← getResetTraces\n let ref ← getRef\n let msg ← withRef ref do addMessageContext (← msg)\n let (res, start, stop) ← withStartStop opts <| observing k\n let aboveThresh := trace.profiler.get opts &&\n stop - start > trace.profiler.threshold.unitAdjusted opts\n unless clsEnabled || aboveThresh do\n modifyTraces (oldTraces ++ ·)\n return (← MonadExcept.ofExcept res)\n let mut msg := m!\"{ExceptToEmoji.toEmoji res} {msg}\"\n let mut data := { cls, collapsed, tag }\n if profiler.get opts || aboveThresh then\n data := { data with startTime := start, stopTime := stop }\n addTraceNode oldTraces data ref msg\n MonadExcept.ofExcept res", "start": [ 325, 1 ], "end": [ 356, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Options.lean" ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.MetaEval", "code": "class MetaEval (α : Type u) where\n eval : Environment → Options → α → (hideUnit : Bool) → IO Environment", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 19, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.runMetaEval", "code": "def runMetaEval {α : Type u} [MetaEval α] (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (a : α) : IO (String × Except IO.Error Environment) :=\n IO.FS.withIsolatedStreams (MetaEval.eval env opts a false |>.toBaseIO)", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Hygiene.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/OpenDecl.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Modifiers.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Exception.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.throwReservedNameNotAvailable", "code": "def throwReservedNameNotAvailable [Monad m] [MonadError m] (declName : Name) (reservedName : Name) : m Unit := do\n throwError \"failed to declare `{declName}` because `{reservedName}` has already been declared\"", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 97 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ensureReservedNameAvailable", "code": "def ensureReservedNameAvailable [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (declName : Name) (suffix : String) : m Unit := do\n let reservedName := .str declName suffix\n if (← getEnv).contains reservedName then\n throwReservedNameNotAvailable declName reservedName", "start": [ 25, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerReservedNamePredicate", "code": "def registerReservedNamePredicate (p : Environment → Name → Bool) : IO Unit := do\n unless (← initializing) do\n throw (IO.userError \"failed to register reserved name suffix predicate, this operation can only be performed during initialization\")\n reservedNamePredicatesRef.modify fun ps => ps.push p", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isReservedName", "code": "def isReservedName (env : Environment) (name : Name) : Bool :=\n reservedNamePredicatesExt.getState env |>.any (· env name)", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AliasState", "code": "abbrev AliasState := SMap Name (List Name)", "start": [ 55, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AliasEntry", "code": "abbrev AliasEntry := Name × Name", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addAliasEntry", "code": "def addAliasEntry (s : AliasState) (e : AliasEntry) : AliasState :=\n match s.find? e.1 with\n | none => s.insert e.1 [e.2]\n | some es => if es.contains e.2 then s else s.insert e.1 (e.2 :: es)", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 61, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addAlias", "code": "@[export lean_add_alias] def addAlias (env : Environment) (a : Name) (e : Name) : Environment :=\n aliasExtension.addEntry env (a, e)", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getAliasState", "code": "def getAliasState (env : Environment) : AliasState :=\n aliasExtension.getState env", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getAliases", "code": "def getAliases (env : Environment) (a : Name) (skipProtected : Bool) : List Name :=\n match aliasExtension.getState env |>.find? a with\n | none => []\n | some es =>\n if skipProtected then\n es.filter (!isProtected env ·)\n else\n es", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getRevAliases", "code": "def getRevAliases (env : Environment) (e : Name) : List Name :=\n (aliasExtension.getState env).fold (fun as a es => if List.contains es e then a :: as else as) []", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 91, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.containsDeclOrReserved", "code": "private def containsDeclOrReserved (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n env.contains declName || isReservedName env declName", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 97, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveQualifiedName", "code": "private def resolveQualifiedName (env : Environment) (ns : Name) (id : Name) : List Name :=\n let resolvedId := ns ++ id\n let resolvedIds := getAliases env resolvedId (skipProtected := id.isAtomic)\n if (containsDeclOrReserved env resolvedId && (!id.isAtomic || !isProtected env resolvedId)) then\n resolvedId :: resolvedIds\n else\n let resolvedIdPrv := mkPrivateName env resolvedId\n if containsDeclOrReserved env resolvedIdPrv then resolvedIdPrv :: resolvedIds\n else resolvedIds", "start": [ 99, 1 ], "end": [ 110, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveUsingNamespace", "code": "private def resolveUsingNamespace (env : Environment) (id : Name) : Name → List Name\n | ns@(.str p _) =>\n match resolveQualifiedName env ns id with\n | [] => resolveUsingNamespace env id p\n | resolvedIds => resolvedIds\n | _ => []", "start": [ 112, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveExact", "code": "private def resolveExact (env : Environment) (id : Name) : Option Name :=\n if id.isAtomic then none\n else\n let resolvedId := id.replacePrefix rootNamespace Name.anonymous\n if containsDeclOrReserved env resolvedId then some resolvedId\n else\n let resolvedIdPrv := mkPrivateName env resolvedId\n if containsDeclOrReserved env resolvedIdPrv then some resolvedIdPrv\n else none", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 131, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveOpenDecls", "code": "private def resolveOpenDecls (env : Environment) (id : Name) : List OpenDecl → List Name → List Name\n | [], resolvedIds => resolvedIds\n | OpenDecl.simple ns exs :: openDecls, resolvedIds =>\n if exs.contains id then\n resolveOpenDecls env id openDecls resolvedIds\n else\n let newResolvedIds := resolveQualifiedName env ns id\n resolveOpenDecls env id openDecls (newResolvedIds ++ resolvedIds)\n | OpenDecl.explicit openedId resolvedId :: openDecls, resolvedIds =>\n let resolvedIds :=\n if openedId == id then\n resolvedId :: resolvedIds\n else if openedId.isPrefixOf id then\n let candidate := id.replacePrefix openedId resolvedId\n if env.contains candidate then\n candidate :: resolvedIds\n else\n resolvedIds\n else\n resolvedIds\n resolveOpenDecls env id openDecls resolvedIds", "start": [ 133, 1 ], "end": [ 154, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveGlobalName", "code": "def resolveGlobalName (env : Environment) (ns : Name) (openDecls : List OpenDecl) (id : Name) : List (Name × List String) :=\n let extractionResult := extractMacroScopes id\n let rec loop (id : Name) (projs : List String) : List (Name × List String) :=\n match id with\n | .str p s =>\n let id := { extractionResult with name := id }.review\n match resolveUsingNamespace env id ns with\n | resolvedIds@(_ :: _) => fun id => (id, projs)\n | [] =>\n match resolveExact env id with\n | some newId => [(newId, projs)]\n | none =>\n let resolvedIds := if containsDeclOrReserved env id then [id] else []\n let idPrv := mkPrivateName env id\n let resolvedIds := if containsDeclOrReserved env idPrv then [idPrv] ++ resolvedIds else resolvedIds\n let resolvedIds := resolveOpenDecls env id openDecls resolvedIds\n let resolvedIds := getAliases env id (skipProtected := id.isAtomic) ++ resolvedIds\n match resolvedIds with\n | _ :: _ => fun id => (id, projs)\n | [] => loop p (s::projs)\n | _ => []\n loop []", "start": [ 156, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveNamespaceUsingScope?", "code": "def resolveNamespaceUsingScope? (env : Environment) (n : Name) (ns : Name) : Option Name :=\n match ns with\n | .str p _ =>\n if env.isNamespace (ns ++ n) then\n some (ns ++ n)\n else\n resolveNamespaceUsingScope? env n p\n | .anonymous =>\n let n := n.replacePrefix rootNamespace .anonymous\n if env.isNamespace n then some n else none\n | _ => unreachable!", "start": [ 190, 1 ], "end": [ 200, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveNamespaceUsingOpenDecls", "code": "def resolveNamespaceUsingOpenDecls (env : Environment) (n : Name) : List OpenDecl → List Name\n | [] => []\n | OpenDecl.simple ns exs :: ds =>\n if env.isNamespace (ns ++ n) && !exs.contains n then\n (ns ++ n) :: resolveNamespaceUsingOpenDecls env n ds\n else\n resolveNamespaceUsingOpenDecls env n ds\n | _ :: ds => resolveNamespaceUsingOpenDecls env n ds", "start": [ 202, 1 ], "end": [ 209, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ResolveName.resolveNamespace", "code": "def resolveNamespace (env : Environment) (ns : Name) (openDecls : List OpenDecl) (id : Name) : List Name :=\n match resolveNamespaceUsingScope? env id ns with\n | some ns => ns :: resolveNamespaceUsingOpenDecls env id openDecls\n | none => resolveNamespaceUsingOpenDecls env id openDecls", "start": [ 211, 1 ], "end": [ 225, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadResolveName", "code": "class MonadResolveName (m : Type → Type) where\n getCurrNamespace : m Name\n getOpenDecls : m (List OpenDecl)", "start": [ 229, 1 ], "end": [ 231, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveGlobalName", "code": "def resolveGlobalName [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] (id : Name) : m (List (Name × List String)) := do\n return ResolveName.resolveGlobalName (← getEnv) (← getCurrNamespace) (← getOpenDecls) id", "start": [ 239, 1 ], "end": [ 263, 91 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveNamespaceCore", "code": "def resolveNamespaceCore [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (id : Name) (allowEmpty := false) : m (List Name) := do\n let nss := ResolveName.resolveNamespace (← getEnv) (← getCurrNamespace) (← getOpenDecls) id\n if !allowEmpty && nss.isEmpty then\n throwError s!\"unknown namespace '{id}'\"\n return nss", "start": [ 265, 1 ], "end": [ 273, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveNamespace", "code": "def resolveNamespace [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] : Ident → m (List Name)\n | stx@⟨Syntax.ident _ _ n pre⟩ => do\n let pre := pre.filterMap fun\n | .namespace ns => some ns\n | _ => none\n if pre.isEmpty then\n withRef stx <| resolveNamespaceCore n\n else\n return pre\n | stx => throwErrorAt stx s!\"expected identifier\"", "start": [ 275, 1 ], "end": [ 285, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveUniqueNamespace", "code": "def resolveUniqueNamespace [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (id : Ident) : m Name := do\n match (← resolveNamespace id) with\n | [ns] => return ns\n | nss => throwError s!\"ambiguous namespace '{id.getId}', possible interpretations: '{nss}'\"", "start": [ 287, 1 ], "end": [ 291, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.filterFieldList", "code": "def filterFieldList [Monad m] [MonadError m] (n : Name) (cs : List (Name × List String)) : m (List Name) := do\n let cs := cs.filter fun (_, fieldList) => fieldList.isEmpty\n if cs.isEmpty then throwUnknownConstant n\n return (·.1)", "start": [ 293, 1 ], "end": [ 297, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveGlobalConstCore", "code": "private def resolveGlobalConstCore [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (n : Name) : m (List Name) := do\n let cs ← resolveGlobalName n\n filterFieldList n cs", "start": [ 299, 1 ], "end": [ 305, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ensureNoOverload", "code": "def ensureNoOverload [Monad m] [MonadError m] (n : Name) (cs : List Name) : m Name := do\n match cs with\n | [c] => pure c\n | _ => throwError s!\"ambiguous identifier '{mkConst n}', possible interpretations: { mkConst}\"", "start": [ 307, 1 ], "end": [ 311, 105 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveGlobalConstNoOverloadCore", "code": "def resolveGlobalConstNoOverloadCore [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (n : Name) : m Name := do\n ensureNoOverload n (← resolveGlobalConstCore n)", "start": [ 313, 1 ], "end": [ 315, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.preprocessSyntaxAndResolve", "code": "def preprocessSyntaxAndResolve [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (stx : Syntax) (k : Name → m (List Name)) : m (List Name) := do\n match stx with\n | .ident _ _ n pre => do\n let pre := pre.filterMap fun\n | .decl n [] => some n\n | _ => none\n if pre.isEmpty then\n withRef stx <| k n\n else\n return pre\n | _ => throwErrorAt stx s!\"expected identifier\"", "start": [ 317, 1 ], "end": [ 327, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveGlobalConst", "code": "def resolveGlobalConst [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (stx : Syntax) : m (List Name) :=\n preprocessSyntaxAndResolve stx resolveGlobalConstCore", "start": [ 329, 1 ], "end": [ 355, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ensureNonAmbiguous", "code": "def ensureNonAmbiguous [Monad m] [MonadError m] (id : Syntax) (cs : List Name) : m Name := do\n match cs with\n | [] => unreachable!\n | [c] => pure c\n | _ => throwErrorAt id s!\"ambiguous identifier '{id}', possible interpretations: { mkConst}\"", "start": [ 357, 1 ], "end": [ 366, 103 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.resolveGlobalConstNoOverload", "code": "def resolveGlobalConstNoOverload [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (id : Syntax) : m Name := do\n ensureNonAmbiguous id (← resolveGlobalConst id)", "start": [ 368, 1 ], "end": [ 392, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.unresolveNameGlobal", "code": "def unresolveNameGlobal [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] (n₀ : Name) (fullNames := false) : m Name := do\n if n₀.hasMacroScopes then return n₀\n if fullNames then\n match (← resolveGlobalName n₀) with\n | [(potentialMatch, _)] => if (privateToUserName? potentialMatch).getD potentialMatch == n₀ then return n₀ else return rootNamespace ++ n₀\n | _ => return n₀ let mut initialNames := (getRevAliases (← getEnv) n₀).toArray\n initialNames := initialNames.push (rootNamespace ++ n₀)\n for initialName in initialNames do\n if let some n ← unresolveNameCore initialName then\n return n\n return n₀ where\n unresolveNameCore (n : Name) : m (Option Name) := do\n if n.hasMacroScopes then return none\n let mut revComponents := n.componentsRev\n let mut candidate := Name.anonymous\n for cmpt in revComponents do\n candidate := Name.appendCore cmpt candidate\n if let [(potentialMatch, _)] ← resolveGlobalName candidate then\n if potentialMatch == n₀ then\n return some candidate\n return none", "start": [ 394, 1 ], "end": [ 426, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/InternalExceptionId.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Exception.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwPostpone", "code": "def throwPostpone [MonadExceptOf Exception m] : m α :=\n throw $ Exception.internal postponeExceptionId", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax", "code": "def throwUnsupportedSyntax [MonadExceptOf Exception m] : m α :=\n throw $ Exception.internal unsupportedSyntaxExceptionId", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwIllFormedSyntax", "code": "def throwIllFormedSyntax [Monad m] [MonadError m] : m α :=\n throwError \"ill-formed syntax\"", "start": [ 25, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwAutoBoundImplicitLocal", "code": "def throwAutoBoundImplicitLocal [MonadExceptOf Exception m] (n : Name) : m α :=\n throw $ Exception.internal autoBoundImplicitExceptionId <| KVMap.empty.insert `localId n", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 91 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.isAutoBoundImplicitLocalException?", "code": "def isAutoBoundImplicitLocalException? (ex : Exception) : Option Name :=\n match ex with\n | Exception.internal id k =>\n if id == autoBoundImplicitExceptionId then\n some <| k.getName `localId `x\n else\n none\n | _ => none", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwAlreadyDeclaredUniverseLevel", "code": "def throwAlreadyDeclaredUniverseLevel [Monad m] [MonadError m] (u : Name) : m α :=\n throwError \"a universe level named '{u}' has already been declared\"", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwAbortCommand", "code": "def throwAbortCommand {α m} [MonadExcept Exception m] : m α :=\n throw <| Exception.internal abortCommandExceptionId", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwAbortTerm", "code": "def throwAbortTerm {α m} [MonadExcept Exception m] : m α :=\n throw <| Exception.internal abortTermExceptionId", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.throwAbortTactic", "code": "def throwAbortTactic {α m} [MonadExcept Exception m] : m α :=\n throw <| Exception.internal abortTacticExceptionId", "start": [ 52, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.isAbortTacticException", "code": "def isAbortTacticException (ex : Exception) : Bool :=\n match ex with\n | Exception.internal id .. => id == abortTacticExceptionId\n | _ => false", "start": [ 55, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.isAbortExceptionId", "code": "def isAbortExceptionId (id : InternalExceptionId) : Bool :=\n id == abortCommandExceptionId || id == abortTermExceptionId || id == abortTacticExceptionId", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 61, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.mkMessageCore", "code": "def mkMessageCore (fileName : String) (fileMap : FileMap) (data : MessageData) (severity : MessageSeverity) (pos : String.Pos) (endPos : String.Pos) : Message :=\n let pos := fileMap.toPosition pos\n let endPos := fileMap.toPosition endPos\n { fileName, pos, endPos, data, severity }", "start": [ 63, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Exception.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Declaration.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/Old.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/AuxRecursor.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Log.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.setEnv", "code": "def setEnv [MonadEnv m] (env : Environment) : m Unit :=\n modifyEnv fun _ => env", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withEnv", "code": "def withEnv [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadEnv m] (env : Environment) (x : m α) : m α := do\n let saved ← getEnv\n try\n setEnv env\n x\n finally\n setEnv saved", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isInductive", "code": "def isInductive [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m Bool := do\n match (← getEnv).find? declName with\n | some (ConstantInfo.inductInfo ..) => return true\n | _ => return false", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isRecCore", "code": "def isRecCore (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n match env.find? declName with\n | some (ConstantInfo.recInfo ..) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 35, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isRec", "code": "def isRec [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m Bool :=\n return isRecCore (← getEnv) declName", "start": [ 37, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withoutModifyingEnv", "code": "@[inline] def withoutModifyingEnv [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadFinally m] {α : Type} (x : m α) : m α := do\n let env ← getEnv\n try x finally setEnv env", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withoutModifyingEnv'", "code": "@[inline] def withoutModifyingEnv' [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadFinally m] {α : Type} (x : m α) : m (α × Environment) := do\n let env ← getEnv\n try\n let a ← x\n return (a, ← getEnv)\n finally\n setEnv env", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.matchConst", "code": "@[inline] def matchConst [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (e : Expr) (failK : Unit → m α) (k : ConstantInfo → List Level → m α) : m α := do\n match e with\n | Expr.const constName us => do\n match (← getEnv).find? constName with\n | some cinfo => k cinfo us\n | none => failK ()\n | _ => failK ()", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.matchConstInduct", "code": "@[inline] def matchConstInduct [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (e : Expr) (failK : Unit → m α) (k : InductiveVal → List Level → m α) : m α :=\n matchConst e failK fun cinfo us =>\n match cinfo with\n | ConstantInfo.inductInfo val => k val us\n | _ => failK ()", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.matchConstCtor", "code": "@[inline] def matchConstCtor [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (e : Expr) (failK : Unit → m α) (k : ConstructorVal → List Level → m α) : m α :=\n matchConst e failK fun cinfo us =>\n match cinfo with\n | ConstantInfo.ctorInfo val => k val us\n | _ => failK ()", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.matchConstRec", "code": "@[inline] def matchConstRec [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (e : Expr) (failK : Unit → m α) (k : RecursorVal → List Level → m α) : m α :=\n matchConst e failK fun cinfo us =>\n match cinfo with\n | ConstantInfo.recInfo val => k val us\n | _ => failK ()", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.hasConst", "code": "def hasConst [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (constName : Name) : m Bool := do\n return (← getEnv).contains constName", "start": [ 79, 1 ], "end": [ 80, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAuxNameAux", "code": "private partial def mkAuxNameAux (env : Environment) (base : Name) (i : Nat) : Name :=\n let candidate := base.appendIndexAfter i\n if env.contains candidate then\n mkAuxNameAux env base (i+1)\n else\n candidate", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 87, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAuxName", "code": "def mkAuxName [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (baseName : Name) (idx : Nat) : m Name := do\n return mkAuxNameAux (← getEnv) baseName idx", "start": [ 89, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getConstInfo", "code": "def getConstInfo [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (constName : Name) : m ConstantInfo := do\n match (← getEnv).find? constName with\n | some info => pure info\n | none => throwError \"unknown constant '{mkConst constName}'\"", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkConstWithLevelParams", "code": "def mkConstWithLevelParams [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (constName : Name) : m Expr := do\n let info ← getConstInfo constName\n return mkConst constName ( mkLevelParam)", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getConstInfoDefn", "code": "def getConstInfoDefn [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (constName : Name) : m DefinitionVal := do\n match (← getConstInfo constName) with\n | ConstantInfo.defnInfo v => pure v\n | _ => throwError \"'{mkConst constName}' is not a definition\"", "start": [ 101, 1 ], "end": [ 104, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getConstInfoInduct", "code": "def getConstInfoInduct [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (constName : Name) : m InductiveVal := do\n match (← getConstInfo constName) with\n | ConstantInfo.inductInfo v => pure v\n | _ => throwError \"'{mkConst constName}' is not a inductive type\"", "start": [ 106, 1 ], "end": [ 109, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getConstInfoCtor", "code": "def getConstInfoCtor [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (constName : Name) : m ConstructorVal := do\n match (← getConstInfo constName) with\n | ConstantInfo.ctorInfo v => pure v\n | _ => throwError \"'{mkConst constName}' is not a constructor\"", "start": [ 111, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getConstInfoRec", "code": "def getConstInfoRec [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (constName : Name) : m RecursorVal := do\n match (← getConstInfo constName) with\n | ConstantInfo.recInfo v => pure v\n | _ => throwError \"'{mkConst constName}' is not a recursor\"", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 119, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.matchConstStruct", "code": "@[inline] def matchConstStruct [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (e : Expr) (failK : Unit → m α) (k : InductiveVal → List Level → ConstructorVal → m α) : m α :=\n matchConstInduct e failK fun ival us => do\n if ival.isRec || ival.numIndices != 0 then failK ()\n else match ival.ctors with\n | [ctor] =>\n match (← getConstInfo ctor) with\n | ConstantInfo.ctorInfo cval => k ival us cval\n | _ => failK ()\n | _ => failK ()", "start": [ 121, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.evalConst", "code": "unsafe def evalConst [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] [MonadOptions m] (α) (constName : Name) : m α := do\n ofExcept <| (← getEnv).evalConst α (← getOptions) constName", "start": [ 131, 1 ], "end": [ 132, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.evalConstCheck", "code": "unsafe def evalConstCheck [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] [MonadOptions m] (α) (typeName : Name) (constName : Name) : m α := do\n ofExcept <| (← getEnv).evalConstCheck α (← getOptions) typeName constName", "start": [ 134, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findModuleOf?", "code": "def findModuleOf? [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (declName : Name) : m (Option Name) := do\n discard <| getConstInfo declName match (← getEnv).getModuleIdxFor? declName with\n | none => return none\n | some modIdx => return some ((← getEnv).allImportedModuleNames[modIdx.toNat]!)", "start": [ 137, 1 ], "end": [ 141, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isEnumType", "code": "def isEnumType [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (declName : Name) : m Bool := do\n if let ConstantInfo.inductInfo info ← getConstInfo declName then\n if !info.type.isProp && info.all.length == 1 && info.numIndices == 0 && info.numParams == 0\n && !info.ctors.isEmpty && !info.isRec && !info.isNested && !info.isUnsafe then\n info.ctors.allM fun ctorName => do\n let ConstantInfo.ctorInfo info ← getConstInfo ctorName | return false\n return info.numFields == 0\n else\n return false\n else\n return false", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 153, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/RBMap.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTreeNode", "code": "inductive PrefixTreeNode (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where\n | Node : Option β → RBNode α (fun _ => PrefixTreeNode α β) → PrefixTreeNode α β", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTreeNode.empty", "code": "def empty : PrefixTreeNode α β :=\n PrefixTreeNode.Node none RBNode.leaf", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTreeNode.insert", "code": "@[specialize]\npartial def insert (t : PrefixTreeNode α β) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) (k : List α) (val : β) : PrefixTreeNode α β :=\n let rec insertEmpty (k : List α) : PrefixTreeNode α β :=\n match k with\n | [] => PrefixTreeNode.Node (some val) RBNode.leaf\n | k :: ks =>\n let t := insertEmpty ks\n PrefixTreeNode.Node none (RBNode.singleton k t)\n let rec loop\n | PrefixTreeNode.Node _ m, [] =>\n PrefixTreeNode.Node (some val) m | PrefixTreeNode.Node v m, k :: ks =>\n let t := match RBNode.find cmp m k with\n | none => insertEmpty ks\n | some t => loop t ks\n PrefixTreeNode.Node v (RBNode.insert cmp m k t)\n loop t k", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTreeNode.find?", "code": "@[specialize]\npartial def find? (t : PrefixTreeNode α β) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) (k : List α) : Option β :=\n let rec loop\n | PrefixTreeNode.Node val _, [] => val\n | PrefixTreeNode.Node _ m, k :: ks =>\n match RBNode.find cmp m k with\n | none => none\n | some t => loop t ks\n loop t k", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTreeNode.foldMatchingM", "code": "@[specialize]\npartial def foldMatchingM [Monad m] (t : PrefixTreeNode α β) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) (k : List α) (init : σ) (f : β → σ → m σ) : m σ :=\n let rec fold : PrefixTreeNode α β → σ → m σ\n | PrefixTreeNode.Node b? n, d => do\n let d ← match b? with\n | none => pure d\n | some b => f b d\n n.foldM (init := d) fun d _ t => fold t d\n let rec find : List α → PrefixTreeNode α β → σ → m σ\n | [], t, d => fold t d\n | k::ks, PrefixTreeNode.Node _ m, d =>\n match RBNode.find cmp m k with\n | none => pure init\n | some t => find ks t d\n find k t init", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTreeNode.WellFormed", "code": "inductive WellFormed (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : PrefixTreeNode α β → Prop where\n | emptyWff : WellFormed cmp empty\n | insertWff : WellFormed cmp t → WellFormed cmp (insert t cmp k val)", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree", "code": "def PrefixTree (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : Type (max u v) :=\n { t : PrefixTreeNode α β // t.WellFormed cmp }", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree.empty", "code": "def PrefixTree.empty : PrefixTree α β p :=\n ⟨PrefixTreeNode.empty, WellFormed.emptyWff⟩", "start": [ 78, 1 ], "end": [ 79, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree.insert", "code": "@[inline]\ndef PrefixTree.insert (t : PrefixTree α β p) (k : List α) (v : β) : PrefixTree α β p :=\n ⟨t.val.insert p k v, WellFormed.insertWff⟩", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 89, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree.find?", "code": "@[inline]\ndef PrefixTree.find? (t : PrefixTree α β p) (k : List α) : Option β :=\n t.val.find? p k", "start": [ 91, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree.foldMatchingM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef PrefixTree.foldMatchingM [Monad m] (t : PrefixTree α β p) (k : List α) (init : σ) (f : β → σ → m σ) : m σ :=\n t.val.foldMatchingM p k init f", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 97, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree.foldM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef PrefixTree.foldM [Monad m] (t : PrefixTree α β p) (init : σ) (f : β → σ → m σ) : m σ :=\n t.foldMatchingM [] init f", "start": [ 99, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree.forMatchingM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef PrefixTree.forMatchingM [Monad m] (t : PrefixTree α β p) (k : List α) (f : β → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n t.val.foldMatchingM p k () (fun b _ => f b)", "start": [ 103, 1 ], "end": [ 105, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.PrefixTree.forM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef PrefixTree.forM [Monad m] (t : PrefixTree α β p) (f : β → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n t.forMatchingM [] f", "start": [ 107, 1 ], "end": [ 109, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MonadEnv.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Elab/Exception.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ResolveName.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Eval.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/RecDepth.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Elab/InfoTree/Types.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/Trace.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Log.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.useDiagnosticMsg", "code": "def useDiagnosticMsg := s!\"use `set_option {} true` to get diagnostic information\"", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.getMaxHeartbeats", "code": "def getMaxHeartbeats (opts : Options) : Nat :=\n maxHeartbeats.get opts * 1000", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.InstantiateLevelCache", "code": "abbrev InstantiateLevelCache := PersistentHashMap Name (List Level × Expr)", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.Cache", "code": "structure Cache where\n instLevelType : InstantiateLevelCache := {}\n instLevelValue : InstantiateLevelCache := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.State", "code": "structure State where\n \n env : Environment\n \n nextMacroScope : MacroScope := firstFrontendMacroScope + 1\n \n ngen : NameGenerator := {}\n \n traceState : TraceState := {}\n \n cache : Cache := {}\n \n messages : MessageLog := {}\n \n infoState : Elab.InfoState := {}\n deriving Nonempty", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.Context", "code": "structure Context where\n \n fileName : String\n \n fileMap : FileMap\n options : Options := {}\n currRecDepth : Nat := 0\n maxRecDepth : Nat := 1000\n ref : Syntax := Syntax.missing\n currNamespace : Name := Name.anonymous\n openDecls : List OpenDecl := []\n initHeartbeats : Nat := 0\n maxHeartbeats : Nat := getMaxHeartbeats options\n currMacroScope : MacroScope := firstFrontendMacroScope\n \n diag : Bool := false\n \n cancelTk? : Option IO.CancelToken := none\n \n suppressElabErrors : Bool := false\n deriving Nonempty", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.CoreM", "code": "abbrev CoreM := ReaderT Context <| StateRefT State (EIO Exception)", "start": [ 98, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.withConsistentCtx", "code": "@[inline] private def withConsistentCtx (x : CoreM α) : CoreM α := do\n withOptions id x", "start": [ 142, 1 ], "end": [ 143, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.withFreshMacroScope", "code": "protected def withFreshMacroScope (x : CoreM α) : CoreM α := do\n let fresh ← modifyGetThe Core.State (fun st => (st.nextMacroScope, { st with nextMacroScope := st.nextMacroScope + 1 }))\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with currMacroScope := fresh }) x", "start": [ 161, 1 ], "end": [ 163, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.modifyCache", "code": "@[inline] def modifyCache (f : Cache → Cache) : CoreM Unit :=\n modify fun ⟨env, next, ngen, trace, cache, messages, infoState⟩ => ⟨env, next, ngen, trace, f cache, messages, infoState⟩", "start": [ 174, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 124 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.modifyInstLevelTypeCache", "code": "@[inline] def modifyInstLevelTypeCache (f : InstantiateLevelCache → InstantiateLevelCache) : CoreM Unit :=\n modifyCache fun ⟨c₁, c₂⟩ => ⟨f c₁, c₂⟩", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 178, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.modifyInstLevelValueCache", "code": "@[inline] def modifyInstLevelValueCache (f : InstantiateLevelCache → InstantiateLevelCache) : CoreM Unit :=\n modifyCache fun ⟨c₁, c₂⟩ => ⟨c₁, f c₂⟩", "start": [ 180, 1 ], "end": [ 181, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.instantiateTypeLevelParams", "code": "def instantiateTypeLevelParams (c : ConstantInfo) (us : List Level) : CoreM Expr := do\n if let some (us', r) := (← get).cache.instLevelType.find? then\n if us == us' then\n return r\n let r := c.instantiateTypeLevelParams us\n modifyInstLevelTypeCache fun s => s.insert (us, r)\n return r", "start": [ 183, 1 ], "end": [ 189, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.instantiateValueLevelParams", "code": "def instantiateValueLevelParams (c : ConstantInfo) (us : List Level) : CoreM Expr := do\n if let some (us', r) := (← get).cache.instLevelValue.find? then\n if us == us' then\n return r\n unless c.hasValue do\n throwError \"Not a definition or theorem: {}\"\n let r := c.instantiateValueLevelParams! us\n modifyInstLevelValueCache fun s => s.insert (us, r)\n return r", "start": [ 191, 1 ], "end": [ 199, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.liftIOCore", "code": "@[inline] def liftIOCore (x : IO α) : CoreM α := do\n let ref ← getRef\n IO.toEIO (fun (err : IO.Error) => Exception.error ref (toString err)) x", "start": [ 201, 1 ], "end": [ 203, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.SavedState", "code": "structure SavedState extends State where\n \n passedHearbeats : Nat\nderiving Nonempty", "start": [ 212, 1 ], "end": [ 215, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.saveState", "code": "def saveState : CoreM SavedState := do\n let s ← get\n return { toState := s, passedHearbeats := 0 }", "start": [ 217, 1 ], "end": [ 219, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.withRestoreOrSaveFull", "code": "@[specialize] def withRestoreOrSaveFull (reusableResult? : Option (α × SavedState))\n (act : CoreM α) : CoreM (α × SavedState) := do\n if let some (val, state) := reusableResult? then\n set state.toState\n IO.addHeartbeats state.passedHearbeats.toUInt64\n return (val, state)\n\n let startHeartbeats ← IO.getNumHeartbeats\n let a ← act\n let s ← get\n let stopHeartbeats ← IO.getNumHeartbeats\n return (a, { toState := s, passedHearbeats := stopHeartbeats - startHeartbeats })", "start": [ 221, 1 ], "end": [ 246, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.SavedState.restore", "code": "def SavedState.restore (b : SavedState) : CoreM Unit :=\n modify fun s => { s with env := b.env, messages := b.messages, infoState := b.infoState }", "start": [ 248, 1 ], "end": [ 250, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.mkFreshNameImp", "code": "private def mkFreshNameImp (n : Name) : CoreM Name := do\n let fresh ← modifyGet fun s => (s.nextMacroScope, { s with nextMacroScope := s.nextMacroScope + 1 })\n return addMacroScope (← getEnv).mainModule n fresh", "start": [ 252, 1 ], "end": [ 254, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.mkFreshUserName", "code": "def mkFreshUserName (n : Name) : CoreM Name :=\n mkFreshNameImp n", "start": [ 256, 1 ], "end": [ 257, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline] def (x : CoreM α) (ctx : Context) (s : State) : EIO Exception (α × State) :=\n ((withConsistentCtx x) ctx).run s", "start": [ 259, 1 ], "end": [ 260, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "'", "code": "@[inline] def' (x : CoreM α) (ctx : Context) (s : State) : EIO Exception α :=\n Prod.fst <$> ctx s", "start": [ 262, 1 ], "end": [ 263, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.CoreM.toIO", "code": "@[inline] def CoreM.toIO (x : CoreM α) (ctx : Context) (s : State) : IO (α × State) := do\n match (← ( { ctx with initHeartbeats := (← IO.getNumHeartbeats) } s).toIO') with\n | Except.error (Exception.error _ msg) => throw <| IO.userError (← msg.toString)\n | Except.error (Exception.internal id _) => throw <| IO.userError <| \"internal exception #\" ++ toString id.idx\n | Except.ok a => return a", "start": [ 265, 1 ], "end": [ 269, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.withIncRecDepth", "code": "protected def withIncRecDepth [Monad m] [MonadControlT CoreM m] (x : m α) : m α :=\n controlAt CoreM fun runInBase => withIncRecDepth (runInBase x)", "start": [ 278, 1 ], "end": [ 279, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.checkInterrupted", "code": "@[inline] def checkInterrupted : CoreM Unit := do\n if let some tk := (← read).cancelTk? then\n if (← tk.isSet) then\n throw <| .internal interruptExceptionId", "start": [ 283, 1 ], "end": [ 292, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.throwMaxHeartbeat", "code": "def throwMaxHeartbeat (moduleName : Name) (optionName : Name) (max : Nat) : CoreM Unit := do\n let includeModuleName := debug.moduleNameAtTimeout.get (← getOptions)\n let atModuleName := if includeModuleName then s!\" at `{moduleName}`\" else \"\"\n let msg := s!\"(deterministic) timeout{atModuleName}, maximum number of heartbeats ({max/1000}) has been reached\\nuse `set_option {optionName} <num>` to set the limit\\n{useDiagnosticMsg}\"\n throw <| Exception.error (← getRef) (MessageData.ofFormat (Std.Format.text msg))", "start": [ 300, 1 ], "end": [ 304, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.checkMaxHeartbeatsCore", "code": "def checkMaxHeartbeatsCore (moduleName : String) (optionName : Name) (max : Nat) : CoreM Unit := do\n unless max == 0 do\n let numHeartbeats ← IO.getNumHeartbeats\n if numHeartbeats - (← read).initHeartbeats > max then\n throwMaxHeartbeat (.mkSimple moduleName) optionName max", "start": [ 306, 1 ], "end": [ 310, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.checkMaxHeartbeats", "code": "def checkMaxHeartbeats (moduleName : String) : CoreM Unit := do\n checkMaxHeartbeatsCore moduleName `maxHeartbeats (← read).maxHeartbeats", "start": [ 312, 1 ], "end": [ 313, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.checkSystem", "code": "def checkSystem (moduleName : String) : CoreM Unit := do\n checkInterrupted\n checkMaxHeartbeats moduleName", "start": [ 315, 1 ], "end": [ 318, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.withCurrHeartbeatsImp", "code": "private def withCurrHeartbeatsImp (x : CoreM α) : CoreM α := do\n let heartbeats ← IO.getNumHeartbeats\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with initHeartbeats := heartbeats }) x", "start": [ 320, 1 ], "end": [ 322, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.withCurrHeartbeats", "code": "def withCurrHeartbeats [Monad m] [MonadControlT CoreM m] (x : m α) : m α :=\n controlAt CoreM fun runInBase => withCurrHeartbeatsImp (runInBase x)", "start": [ 324, 1 ], "end": [ 325, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.setMessageLog", "code": "def setMessageLog (messages : MessageLog) : CoreM Unit :=\n modify fun s => { s with messages := messages }", "start": [ 327, 1 ], "end": [ 328, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.resetMessageLog", "code": "def resetMessageLog : CoreM Unit :=\n setMessageLog {}", "start": [ 330, 1 ], "end": [ 331, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.getMessageLog", "code": "def getMessageLog : CoreM MessageLog :=\n return (← get).messages", "start": [ 333, 1 ], "end": [ 334, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.getAndEmptyMessageLog", "code": "def getAndEmptyMessageLog : CoreM MessageLog :=\n modifyGet fun s => (s.messages, { s with\n messages.unreported := {}\n messages.hadErrors := s.messages.hasErrors })", "start": [ 336, 1 ], "end": [ 343, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withAtLeastMaxRecDepth", "code": "@[inline] def withAtLeastMaxRecDepth [MonadFunctorT CoreM m] (max : Nat) : m α → m α :=\n monadMap (m := CoreM) <| withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with maxRecDepth := Nat.max max ctx.maxRecDepth })", "start": [ 365, 1 ], "end": [ 366, 107 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.catchInternalId", "code": "@[inline] def catchInternalId [Monad m] [MonadExcept Exception m] (id : InternalExceptionId) (x : m α) (h : Exception → m α) : m α := do\n try\n x\n catch ex => match ex with\n | .error .. => throw ex\n | .internal id' _ => if id == id' then h ex else throw ex", "start": [ 368, 1 ], "end": [ 373, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.catchInternalIds", "code": "@[inline] def catchInternalIds [Monad m] [MonadExcept Exception m] (ids : List InternalExceptionId) (x : m α) (h : Exception → m α) : m α := do\n try\n x\n catch ex => match ex with\n | .error .. => throw ex\n | .internal id _ => if ids.contains id then h ex else throw ex", "start": [ 375, 1 ], "end": [ 380, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Exception.isMaxHeartbeat", "code": "def Exception.isMaxHeartbeat (ex : Exception) : Bool :=\n match ex with\n | Exception.error _ (MessageData.ofFormatWithInfos ⟨Std.Format.text msg, _⟩) =>\n \"(deterministic) timeout\".isPrefixOf msg\n | _ => false", "start": [ 382, 1 ], "end": [ 390, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkArrow", "code": "def mkArrow (d b : Expr) : CoreM Expr :=\n return Lean.mkForall (← mkFreshUserName `x) BinderInfo.default d b", "start": [ 392, 1 ], "end": [ 394, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkArrowN", "code": "def mkArrowN (ds : Array Expr) (e : Expr) : CoreM Expr := ds.foldrM mkArrow e", "start": [ 396, 1 ], "end": [ 397, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.supportedRecursors", "code": "private def supportedRecursors :=\n #[``Empty.rec, ``False.rec, ``Eq.ndrec, ``Eq.rec, ``Eq.recOn, ``Eq.casesOn, ``False.casesOn, ``Empty.casesOn, ``And.rec, ``And.casesOn]", "start": [ 399, 1 ], "end": [ 400, 138 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.checkUnsupported", "code": "private def checkUnsupported [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] (decl : Declaration) : m Unit := do\n let env ← getEnv\n decl.forExprM fun e =>\n let unsupportedRecursor? := e.find? fun\n | Expr.const declName .. =>\n ((isAuxRecursor env declName && !isCasesOnRecursor env declName) || isRecCore env declName)\n && !supportedRecursors.contains declName\n | _ => false\n match unsupportedRecursor? with\n | some (Expr.const declName ..) => throwError \"code generator does not support recursor '{declName}' yet, consider using 'match ... with' and/or structural recursion\"\n | _ => pure ()", "start": [ 402, 1 ], "end": [ 414, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.compileDeclsNew", "code": "@[extern \"lean_lcnf_compile_decls\"]\nopaque compileDeclsNew (declNames : List Name) : CoreM Unit", "start": [ 423, 1 ], "end": [ 424, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.compileDecl", "code": "def compileDecl (decl : Declaration) : CoreM Unit := do\n let opts ← getOptions\n let decls := Compiler.getDeclNamesForCodeGen decl\n if compiler.enableNew.get opts then\n compileDeclsNew decls\n let res ← withTraceNode `compiler (fun _ => return m!\"compiling old: {decls}\") do\n return (← getEnv).compileDecl opts decl\n match res with\n | Except.ok env => setEnv env\n | Except.error (KernelException.other msg) =>\n checkUnsupported decl throwError msg\n | Except.error ex =>\n throwKernelException ex", "start": [ 426, 1 ], "end": [ 439, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.compileDecls", "code": "def compileDecls (decls : List Name) : CoreM Unit := do\n let opts ← getOptions\n if compiler.enableNew.get opts then\n compileDeclsNew decls\n match (← getEnv).compileDecls opts decls with\n | Except.ok env => setEnv env\n | Except.error (KernelException.other msg) =>\n throwError msg\n | Except.error ex =>\n throwKernelException ex", "start": [ 441, 1 ], "end": [ 450, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getDiag", "code": "def getDiag (opts : Options) : Bool :=\n diagnostics.get opts", "start": [ 452, 1 ], "end": [ 453, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isDiagnosticsEnabled", "code": "def isDiagnosticsEnabled : CoreM Bool :=\n return (← read).diag", "start": [ 455, 1 ], "end": [ 457, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ImportM.runCoreM", "code": "def ImportM.runCoreM (x : CoreM α) : ImportM α := do\n let ctx ← read\n let (a, _) ← (withOptions (fun _ => ctx.opts) x).toIO { fileName := \"<ImportM>\", fileMap := default } { env := ctx.env }\n return a", "start": [ 459, 1 ], "end": [ 462, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Exception.isRuntime", "code": "def Exception.isRuntime (ex : Exception) : Bool :=\n ex.isMaxHeartbeat || ex.isMaxRecDepth", "start": [ 464, 1 ], "end": [ 466, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Exception.isInterrupt", "code": "def Exception.isInterrupt : Exception → Bool\n | Exception.internal id _ => id == Core.interruptExceptionId\n | _ => false", "start": [ 468, 1 ], "end": [ 471, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.tryCatch", "code": "@[inline] protected def Core.tryCatch (x : CoreM α) (h : Exception → CoreM α) : CoreM α := do\n try\n x\n catch ex =>\n if ex.isInterrupt || ex.isRuntime then\n throw ex\n else\n h ex", "start": [ 473, 1 ], "end": [ 486, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Core.tryCatchRuntimeEx", "code": "@[inline] protected def Core.tryCatchRuntimeEx (x : CoreM α) (h : Exception → CoreM α) : CoreM α := do\n try\n x\n catch ex =>\n if ex.isInterrupt then\n throw ex\n h ex", "start": [ 488, 1 ], "end": [ 499, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MonadRuntimeException", "code": "class MonadRuntimeException (m : Type → Type) where\n tryCatchRuntimeEx (body : m α) (handler : Exception → m α) : m α", "start": [ 505, 1 ], "end": [ 506, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mapCoreM", "code": "@[inline] def mapCoreM [MonadControlT CoreM m] [Monad m] (f : forall {α}, CoreM α → CoreM α) {α} (x : m α) : m α :=\n controlAt CoreM fun runInBase => f <| runInBase x", "start": [ 519, 1 ], "end": [ 520, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/PrefixTree.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.NamePart", "code": "inductive NamePart\n | str (s : String)\n | num (n : Nat)", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 13, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NamePart.cmp", "code": "def NamePart.cmp : NamePart → NamePart → Ordering\n | NamePart.str a, NamePart.str b => compare a b\n | NamePart.num a, NamePart.num b => compare a b\n | NamePart.num _, NamePart.str _ =>\n | _, _ =>", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def : NamePart → NamePart → Bool\n | NamePart.str a, NamePart.str b => a < b\n | NamePart.num a, NamePart.num b => a < b\n | NamePart.num _, NamePart.str _ => true\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie", "code": "def NameTrie (β : Type u) := PrefixTree NamePart β NamePart.cmp", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.toKey", "code": "private def toKey (n : Name) : List NamePart :=\n loop n []\nwhere\n loop\n | Name.str p s, parts => loop p (NamePart.str s :: parts)\n | Name.num p n, parts => loop p (NamePart.num n :: parts)\n | Name.anonymous, parts => parts", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.insert", "code": "def NameTrie.insert (t : NameTrie β) (n : Name) (b : β) : NameTrie β :=\n PrefixTree.insert t (toKey n) b", "start": [ 42, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.empty", "code": "def NameTrie.empty : NameTrie β :=\n PrefixTree.empty", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.find?", "code": "def NameTrie.find? (t : NameTrie β) (k : Name) : Option β :=\n PrefixTree.find? t (toKey k)", "start": [ 54, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.foldMatchingM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef NameTrie.foldMatchingM [Monad m] (t : NameTrie β) (k : Name) (init : σ) (f : β → σ → m σ) : m σ :=\n PrefixTree.foldMatchingM t (toKey k) init f", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.foldM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef NameTrie.foldM [Monad m] (t : NameTrie β) (init : σ) (f : β → σ → m σ) : m σ :=\n t.foldMatchingM Name.anonymous init f", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.forMatchingM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef NameTrie.forMatchingM [Monad m] (t : NameTrie β) (k : Name) (f : β → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n PrefixTree.forMatchingM t (toKey k) f", "start": [ 65, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.forM", "code": "@[inline]\ndef NameTrie.forM [Monad m] (t : NameTrie β) (f : β → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n t.forMatchingM Name.anonymous f", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.matchingToArray", "code": "def NameTrie.matchingToArray (t : NameTrie β) (k : Name) : Array β :=\n <| t.foldMatchingM k #[] fun v acc => acc.push v", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.NameTrie.toArray", "code": "def NameTrie.toArray (t : NameTrie β) : Array β :=\n <| t.foldM #[] fun v acc => acc.push v", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MonadEnv.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/CoreM.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeApplicationTime", "code": "inductive AttributeApplicationTime where\n | afterTypeChecking | afterCompilation | beforeElaboration\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttrM", "code": "abbrev AttrM := CoreM", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeImplCore", "code": "structure AttributeImplCore where\n \n ref : Name := by exact decl_name%\n name : Name\n descr : String\n applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterTypeChecking\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeKind", "code": "inductive AttributeKind\n | global | local | scoped\n deriving BEq, Inhabited", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeImpl", "code": "structure AttributeImpl extends AttributeImplCore where\n \n add (decl : Name) (stx : Syntax) (kind : AttributeKind) : AttrM Unit\n erase (decl : Name) : AttrM Unit := throwError \"attribute cannot be erased\"\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 50, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerBuiltinAttribute", "code": "def registerBuiltinAttribute (attr : AttributeImpl) : IO Unit := do\n let m ← attributeMapRef.get\n if m.contains then throw (IO.userError (\"invalid builtin attribute declaration, '\" ++ toString ++ \"' has already been used\"))\n unless (← initializing) do\n throw (IO.userError \"failed to register attribute, attributes can only be registered during initialization\")\n attributeMapRef.modify fun m => m.insert attr", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.Builtin.ensureNoArgs", "code": "def Attribute.Builtin.ensureNoArgs (stx : Syntax) : AttrM Unit := do\n if stx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Attr.simple && stx[1].isNone && stx[2].isNone then\n return ()\n else if stx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Attr.«class» then\n return ()\n else match stx with\n | Syntax.missing => return () | _ => throwErrorAt stx \"unexpected attribute argument\"", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.Builtin.getIdent?", "code": "def Attribute.Builtin.getIdent? (stx : Syntax) : AttrM (Option Syntax) := do\n if stx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Attr.simple then\n if !stx[1].isNone && stx[1][0].isIdent then\n return some stx[1][0]\n else\n return none\n \n else if stx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Attr.«macro» || stx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Attr.«export» then\n return some stx[1]\n else\n throwErrorAt stx \"unexpected attribute argument\"", "start": [ 86, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.Builtin.getIdent", "code": "def Attribute.Builtin.getIdent (stx : Syntax) : AttrM Syntax := do\n match (← getIdent? stx) with\n | some id => return id\n | none => throwErrorAt stx \"unexpected attribute argument, identifier expected\"", "start": [ 98, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.Builtin.getId?", "code": "def Attribute.Builtin.getId? (stx : Syntax) : AttrM (Option Name) := do\n let ident? ← getIdent? stx\n return Syntax.getId <$> ident?", "start": [ 103, 1 ], "end": [ 105, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.Builtin.getId", "code": "def Attribute.Builtin.getId (stx : Syntax) : AttrM Name := do\n return (← getIdent stx).getId", "start": [ 107, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getAttrParamOptPrio", "code": "def getAttrParamOptPrio (optPrioStx : Syntax) : AttrM Nat :=\n if optPrioStx.isNone then\n return eval_prio default\n else match optPrioStx[0].isNatLit? with\n | some prio => return prio\n | none => throwErrorAt optPrioStx \"priority expected\"", "start": [ 110, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.Builtin.getPrio", "code": "def Attribute.Builtin.getPrio (stx : Syntax) : AttrM Nat := do\n if stx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Attr.simple then\n getAttrParamOptPrio stx[1]\n else\n throwErrorAt stx \"unexpected attribute argument, optional priority expected\"", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TagAttribute", "code": "structure TagAttribute where\n attr : AttributeImpl\n ext : PersistentEnvExtension Name Name NameSet\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 124, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerTagAttribute", "code": "def registerTagAttribute (name : Name) (descr : String)\n (validate : Name → AttrM Unit := fun _ => pure ()) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) (applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterTypeChecking) : IO TagAttribute := do\n let ext : PersistentEnvExtension Name Name NameSet ← registerPersistentEnvExtension {\n name := ref\n mkInitial := pure {}\n addImportedFn := fun _ _ => pure {}\n addEntryFn := fun (s : NameSet) n => s.insert n\n exportEntriesFn := fun es =>\n let r : Array Name := es.fold (fun a e => a.push e) #[]\n r.qsort Name.quickLt\n statsFn := fun s => \"tag attribute\" ++ Format.line ++ \"number of local entries: \" ++ format s.size\n }\n let attrImpl : AttributeImpl := {\n ref, name, descr, applicationTime\n add := fun decl stx kind => do\n Attribute.Builtin.ensureNoArgs stx\n unless kind == do throwError \"invalid attribute '{name}', must be global\"\n let env ← getEnv\n unless (env.getModuleIdxFor? decl).isNone do\n throwError \"invalid attribute '{name}', declaration is in an imported module\"\n validate decl\n modifyEnv fun env => ext.addEntry env decl\n }\n registerBuiltinAttribute attrImpl\n return { attr := attrImpl, ext := ext }", "start": [ 137, 1 ], "end": [ 161, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.TagAttribute.hasTag", "code": "def hasTag (attr : TagAttribute) (env : Environment) (decl : Name) : Bool :=\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? decl with\n | some modIdx => (attr.ext.getModuleEntries env modIdx).binSearchContains decl Name.quickLt\n | none => (attr.ext.getState env).contains decl", "start": [ 165, 1 ], "end": [ 168, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ParametricAttribute", "code": "structure ParametricAttribute (α : Type) where\n attr : AttributeImpl\n ext : PersistentEnvExtension (Name × α) (Name × α) (NameMap α)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 172, 1 ], "end": [ 181, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ParametricAttributeImpl", "code": "structure ParametricAttributeImpl (α : Type) extends AttributeImplCore where\n getParam : Name → Syntax → AttrM α\n afterSet : Name → α → AttrM Unit := fun _ _ _ => pure ()\n afterImport : Array (Array (Name × α)) → ImportM Unit := fun _ => pure ()", "start": [ 183, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerParametricAttribute", "code": "def registerParametricAttribute (impl : ParametricAttributeImpl α) : IO (ParametricAttribute α) := do\n let ext : PersistentEnvExtension (Name × α) (Name × α) (NameMap α) ← registerPersistentEnvExtension {\n name := impl.ref\n mkInitial := pure {}\n addImportedFn := fun s => impl.afterImport s *> pure {}\n addEntryFn := fun (s : NameMap α) (p : Name × α) => s.insert p.1 p.2\n exportEntriesFn := fun m =>\n let r : Array (Name × α) := m.fold (fun a n p => a.push (n, p)) #[]\n r.qsort (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1)\n statsFn := fun s => \"parametric attribute\" ++ Format.line ++ \"number of local entries: \" ++ format s.size\n }\n let attrImpl : AttributeImpl := {\n impl.toAttributeImplCore with\n add := fun decl stx kind => do\n unless kind == do throwError \"invalid attribute '{}', must be global\"\n let env ← getEnv\n unless (env.getModuleIdxFor? decl).isNone do\n throwError \"invalid attribute '{}', declaration is in an imported module\"\n let val ← impl.getParam decl stx\n modifyEnv fun env => ext.addEntry env (decl, val)\n try impl.afterSet decl val catch _ => setEnv env\n }\n registerBuiltinAttribute attrImpl\n pure { attr := attrImpl, ext := ext }", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 211, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ParametricAttribute.getParam?", "code": "def getParam? [Inhabited α] (attr : ParametricAttribute α) (env : Environment) (decl : Name) : Option α :=\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? decl with\n | some modIdx =>\n match (attr.ext.getModuleEntries env modIdx).binSearch (decl, default) (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1) with\n | some (_, val) => some val\n | none => none\n | none => (attr.ext.getState env).find? decl", "start": [ 215, 1 ], "end": [ 221, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ParametricAttribute.setParam", "code": "def setParam (attr : ParametricAttribute α) (env : Environment) (decl : Name) (param : α) : Except String Environment :=\n if (env.getModuleIdxFor? decl).isSome then\n Except.error (\"invalid '\" ++ toString ++ \"'.setParam, declaration is in an imported module\")\n else if ((attr.ext.getState env).find? decl).isSome then\n Except.error (\"invalid '\" ++ toString ++ \"'.setParam, attribute has already been set\")\n else\n Except.ok (attr.ext.addEntry env (decl, param))", "start": [ 223, 1 ], "end": [ 229, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnumAttributes", "code": "structure EnumAttributes (α : Type) where\n attrs : List AttributeImpl\n ext : PersistentEnvExtension (Name × α) (Name × α) (NameMap α)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 233, 1 ], "end": [ 240, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerEnumAttributes", "code": "def registerEnumAttributes (attrDescrs : List (Name × String × α))\n (validate : Name → α → AttrM Unit := fun _ _ => pure ())\n (applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterTypeChecking)\n (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO (EnumAttributes α) := do\n let ext : PersistentEnvExtension (Name × α) (Name × α) (NameMap α) ← registerPersistentEnvExtension {\n name := ref\n mkInitial := pure {}\n addImportedFn := fun _ _ => pure {}\n addEntryFn := fun (s : NameMap α) (p : Name × α) => s.insert p.1 p.2\n exportEntriesFn := fun m =>\n let r : Array (Name × α) := m.fold (fun a n p => a.push (n, p)) #[]\n r.qsort (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1)\n statsFn := fun s => \"enumeration attribute extension\" ++ Format.line ++ \"number of local entries: \" ++ format s.size\n }\n let attrs := fun (name, descr, val) => {\n ref := ref\n name := name\n descr := descr\n add := fun decl stx kind => do\n Attribute.Builtin.ensureNoArgs stx\n unless kind == do throwError \"invalid attribute '{name}', must be global\"\n let env ← getEnv\n unless (env.getModuleIdxFor? decl).isNone do\n throwError \"invalid attribute '{name}', declaration is in an imported module\"\n validate decl val\n modifyEnv fun env => ext.addEntry env (decl, val)\n applicationTime := applicationTime\n : AttributeImpl\n }\n attrs.forM registerBuiltinAttribute\n pure { ext := ext, attrs := attrs }", "start": [ 242, 1 ], "end": [ 272, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnumAttributes.getValue", "code": "def getValue [Inhabited α] (attr : EnumAttributes α) (env : Environment) (decl : Name) : Option α :=\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? decl with\n | some modIdx =>\n match (attr.ext.getModuleEntries env modIdx).binSearch (decl, default) (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1) with\n | some (_, val) => some val\n | none => none\n | none => (attr.ext.getState env).find? decl", "start": [ 276, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.EnumAttributes.setValue", "code": "def setValue (attrs : EnumAttributes α) (env : Environment) (decl : Name) (val : α) : Except String Environment :=\n if (env.getModuleIdxFor? decl).isSome then\n Except.error (\"invalid '\" ++ toString ++ \"'.setValue, declaration is in an imported module\")\n else if ((attrs.ext.getState env).find? decl).isSome then\n Except.error (\"invalid '\" ++ toString ++ \"'.setValue, attribute has already been set\")\n else\n Except.ok (attrs.ext.addEntry env (decl, val))", "start": [ 284, 1 ], "end": [ 290, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeImplBuilder", "code": "abbrev AttributeImplBuilder := Name → List DataValue → Except String AttributeImpl", "start": [ 298, 1 ], "end": [ 298, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeImplBuilderTable", "code": "abbrev AttributeImplBuilderTable := HashMap Name AttributeImplBuilder", "start": [ 299, 1 ], "end": [ 299, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerAttributeImplBuilder", "code": "def registerAttributeImplBuilder (builderId : Name) (builder : AttributeImplBuilder) : IO Unit := do\n let table ← attributeImplBuilderTableRef.get\n if table.contains builderId then throw (IO.userError (\"attribute implementation builder '\" ++ toString builderId ++ \"' has already been declared\"))\n attributeImplBuilderTableRef.modify fun table => table.insert builderId builder", "start": [ 303, 1 ], "end": [ 306, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAttributeImplOfBuilder", "code": "def mkAttributeImplOfBuilder (builderId ref : Name) (args : List DataValue) : IO AttributeImpl := do\n let table ← attributeImplBuilderTableRef.get\n match table.find? builderId with\n | none => throw (IO.userError (\"unknown attribute implementation builder '\" ++ toString builderId ++ \"'\"))\n | some builder => IO.ofExcept <| builder ref args", "start": [ 308, 1 ], "end": [ 312, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry", "code": "inductive AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry where\n | decl (declName : Name) | builder (builderId ref : Name) (args : List DataValue)", "start": [ 314, 1 ], "end": [ 316, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeExtensionState", "code": "structure AttributeExtensionState where\n newEntries : List AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry := []\n map : HashMap Name AttributeImpl\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 318, 1 ], "end": [ 321, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeExtension", "code": "abbrev AttributeExtension := PersistentEnvExtension AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry (AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry × AttributeImpl) AttributeExtensionState", "start": [ 323, 1 ], "end": [ 323, 152 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeExtension.mkInitial", "code": "private def AttributeExtension.mkInitial : IO AttributeExtensionState := do\n let map ← attributeMapRef.get\n pure { map := map }", "start": [ 325, 1 ], "end": [ 327, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAttributeImplOfConstantUnsafe", "code": "unsafe def mkAttributeImplOfConstantUnsafe (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (declName : Name) : Except String AttributeImpl :=\n match env.find? declName with\n | none => throw (\"unknown constant '\" ++ toString declName ++ \"'\")\n | some info =>\n match info.type with\n | Expr.const `Lean.AttributeImpl _ => env.evalConst AttributeImpl opts declName\n | _ => throw (\"unexpected attribute implementation type at '\" ++ toString declName ++ \"' (`AttributeImpl` expected\")", "start": [ 329, 1 ], "end": [ 335, 121 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAttributeImplOfConstant", "code": "@[implemented_by mkAttributeImplOfConstantUnsafe]\nopaque mkAttributeImplOfConstant (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (declName : Name) : Except String AttributeImpl", "start": [ 337, 1 ], "end": [ 338, 118 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkAttributeImplOfEntry", "code": "def mkAttributeImplOfEntry (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (e : AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry) : IO AttributeImpl :=\n match e with\n | .decl declName => IO.ofExcept <| mkAttributeImplOfConstant env opts declName\n | .builder builderId ref args => mkAttributeImplOfBuilder builderId ref args", "start": [ 340, 1 ], "end": [ 343, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.AttributeExtension.addImported", "code": "private def AttributeExtension.addImported (es : Array (Array AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry)) : ImportM AttributeExtensionState := do\n let ctx ← read\n let map ← attributeMapRef.get\n let map ← es.foldlM\n (fun map entries =>\n entries.foldlM\n (fun (map : HashMap Name AttributeImpl) entry => do\n let attrImpl ← mkAttributeImplOfEntry ctx.env ctx.opts entry\n return map.insert attrImpl)\n map)\n map\n pure { map := map }", "start": [ 345, 1 ], "end": [ 356, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addAttrEntry", "code": "private def addAttrEntry (s : AttributeExtensionState) (e : AttributeExtensionOLeanEntry × AttributeImpl) : AttributeExtensionState :=\n { s with map := e.2, newEntries := e.1 :: s.newEntries }", "start": [ 358, 1 ], "end": [ 359, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isBuiltinAttribute", "code": "@[export lean_is_attribute]\ndef isBuiltinAttribute (n : Name) : IO Bool := do\n let m ← attributeMapRef.get; pure (m.contains n)", "start": [ 370, 1 ], "end": [ 373, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getBuiltinAttributeNames", "code": "def getBuiltinAttributeNames : IO (List Name) :=\n return (← attributeMapRef.get).fold (init := []) fun r n _ => n::r", "start": [ 375, 1 ], "end": [ 377, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getBuiltinAttributeImpl", "code": "def getBuiltinAttributeImpl (attrName : Name) : IO AttributeImpl := do\n let m ← attributeMapRef.get\n match m.find? attrName with\n | some attr => pure attr\n | none => throw (IO.userError (\"unknown attribute '\" ++ toString attrName ++ \"'\"))", "start": [ 379, 1 ], "end": [ 383, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getBuiltinAttributeApplicationTime", "code": "@[export lean_attribute_application_time]\ndef getBuiltinAttributeApplicationTime (n : Name) : IO AttributeApplicationTime := do\n let attr ← getBuiltinAttributeImpl n\n pure attr.applicationTime", "start": [ 385, 1 ], "end": [ 388, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isAttribute", "code": "def isAttribute (env : Environment) (attrName : Name) : Bool :=\n (attributeExtension.getState env).map.contains attrName", "start": [ 390, 1 ], "end": [ 391, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getAttributeNames", "code": "def getAttributeNames (env : Environment) : List Name :=\n let m := (attributeExtension.getState env).map\n m.fold (fun r n _ => n::r) []", "start": [ 393, 1 ], "end": [ 395, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getAttributeImpl", "code": "def getAttributeImpl (env : Environment) (attrName : Name) : Except String AttributeImpl :=\n let m := (attributeExtension.getState env).map\n match m.find? attrName with\n | some attr => pure attr\n | none => throw (\"unknown attribute '\" ++ toString attrName ++ \"'\")", "start": [ 397, 1 ], "end": [ 401, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerAttributeOfDecl", "code": "def registerAttributeOfDecl (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (attrDeclName : Name) : Except String Environment := do\n let attrImpl ← mkAttributeImplOfConstant env opts attrDeclName\n if isAttribute env then\n throw (\"invalid builtin attribute declaration, '\" ++ toString ++ \"' has already been used\")\n else\n return attributeExtension.addEntry env (.decl attrDeclName, attrImpl)", "start": [ 403, 1 ], "end": [ 408, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerAttributeOfBuilder", "code": "def registerAttributeOfBuilder (env : Environment) (builderId ref : Name) (args : List DataValue) : IO Environment := do\n let attrImpl ← mkAttributeImplOfBuilder builderId ref args\n if isAttribute env then\n throw (IO.userError (\"invalid builtin attribute declaration, '\" ++ toString ++ \"' has already been used\"))\n else\n return attributeExtension.addEntry env (.builder builderId ref args, attrImpl)", "start": [ 410, 1 ], "end": [ 415, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.add", "code": "def Attribute.add (declName : Name) (attrName : Name) (stx : Syntax) (kind := : AttrM Unit := do\n let attr ← ofExcept <| getAttributeImpl (← getEnv) attrName\n attr.add declName stx kind", "start": [ 417, 1 ], "end": [ 419, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Attribute.erase", "code": "def Attribute.erase (declName : Name) (attrName : Name) : AttrM Unit := do\n let attr ← ofExcept <| getAttributeImpl (← getEnv) attrName\n attr.erase declName", "start": [ 421, 1 ], "end": [ 423, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.updateEnvAttributesImpl", "code": "@[export lean_update_env_attributes]\ndef updateEnvAttributesImpl (env : Environment) : IO Environment := do\n let map ← attributeMapRef.get\n let s := attributeExtension.getState env\n let s := map.fold (init := s) fun s attrName attrImpl =>\n if attrName then\n s\n else\n { s with map := attrName attrImpl }\n return attributeExtension.setState env s", "start": [ 425, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getNumBuiltinAttributesImpl", "code": "@[export lean_get_num_attributes] def getNumBuiltinAttributesImpl : IO Nat :=\n return (← attributeMapRef.get).size", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 439, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Attributes.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/NameTrie.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.Entry", "code": "inductive Entry (α : Type) where\n | global : α → Entry α\n | scoped : Name → α → Entry α", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.State", "code": "structure State (σ : Type) where\n state : σ\n activeScopes : NameSet := {}", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.ScopedEntries", "code": "structure ScopedEntries (β : Type) where\n map : SMap Name (PArray β) := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.StateStack", "code": "structure StateStack (α : Type) (β : Type) (σ : Type) where\n stateStack : List (State σ) := {}\n scopedEntries : ScopedEntries β := {}\n newEntries : List (Entry α) := []\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.Descr", "code": "structure Descr (α : Type) (β : Type) (σ : Type) where\n name : Name := by exact decl_name%\n mkInitial : IO σ\n ofOLeanEntry : σ → α → ImportM β\n toOLeanEntry : β → α\n addEntry : σ → β → σ\n finalizeImport : σ → σ := id", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.mkInitial", "code": "def mkInitial (descr : Descr α β σ) : IO (StateStack α β σ) :=\n return { stateStack := [ { state := (← descr.mkInitial ) } ] }", "start": [ 50, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.ScopedEntries.insert", "code": "def ScopedEntries.insert (scopedEntries : ScopedEntries β) (ns : Name) (b : β) : ScopedEntries β :=\n match ns with\n | none => { map := ns <| ({} : PArray β).push b }\n | some bs => { map := ns <| bs.push b }", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 56, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.addImportedFn", "code": "def addImportedFn (descr : Descr α β σ) (as : Array (Array (Entry α))) : ImportM (StateStack α β σ) := do\n let mut s ← descr.mkInitial\n let mut scopedEntries : ScopedEntries β := {}\n for a in as do\n for e in a do\n match e with\n | a =>\n let b ← descr.ofOLeanEntry s a\n s := descr.addEntry s b\n | Entry.scoped ns a =>\n let b ← descr.ofOLeanEntry s a\n scopedEntries := scopedEntries.insert ns b\n s := descr.finalizeImport s\n return { stateStack := [ { state := s } ], scopedEntries := scopedEntries }", "start": [ 58, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.addEntryFn", "code": "def addEntryFn (descr : Descr α β σ) (s : StateStack α β σ) (e : Entry β) : StateStack α β σ :=\n match s with\n | { stateStack := stateStack, scopedEntries := scopedEntries, newEntries := newEntries } =>\n match e with\n | b => {\n scopedEntries := scopedEntries\n newEntries := ( (descr.toOLeanEntry b)) :: newEntries\n stateStack := fun s => { s with state := descr.addEntry s.state b }\n }\n | Entry.«scoped» ns b =>\n {\n scopedEntries := scopedEntries.insert ns b\n newEntries := (Entry.«scoped» ns (descr.toOLeanEntry b)) :: newEntries\n stateStack := fun s =>\n if s.activeScopes.contains ns then\n { s with state := descr.addEntry s.state b }\n else\n s\n }", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 91, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.exportEntriesFn", "code": "def exportEntriesFn (s : StateStack α β σ) : Array (Entry α) :=\n s.newEntries.toArray.reverse", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension", "code": "structure ScopedEnvExtension (α : Type) (β : Type) (σ : Type) where\n descr : Descr α β σ\n ext : PersistentEnvExtension (Entry α) (Entry β) (StateStack α β σ)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 103, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerScopedEnvExtensionUnsafe", "code": "unsafe def registerScopedEnvExtensionUnsafe (descr : Descr α β σ) : IO (ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) := do\n let ext ← registerPersistentEnvExtension {\n name :=\n mkInitial := mkInitial descr\n addImportedFn := addImportedFn descr\n addEntryFn := addEntryFn descr\n exportEntriesFn := exportEntriesFn\n statsFn := fun s => format \"number of local entries: \" ++ format s.newEntries.length\n }\n let ext := { descr := descr, ext := ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ }\n scopedEnvExtensionsRef.modify fun exts => exts.push (unsafeCast ext)\n return ext", "start": [ 107, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerScopedEnvExtension", "code": "@[implemented_by registerScopedEnvExtensionUnsafe]\nopaque registerScopedEnvExtension (descr : Descr α β σ) : IO (ScopedEnvExtension α β σ)", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.pushScope", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.pushScope (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) : Environment :=\n let s := ext.ext.getState env\n match s.stateStack with\n | [] => env\n | state :: stack => ext.ext.setState env { s with stateStack := state :: state :: stack }", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.popScope", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.popScope (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) : Environment :=\n let s := ext.ext.getState env\n match s.stateStack with\n | _ :: state₂ :: stack => ext.ext.setState env { s with stateStack := state₂ :: stack }\n | _ => env", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 133, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.addEntry", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.addEntry (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (b : β) : Environment :=\n ext.ext.addEntry env ( b)", "start": [ 135, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.addScopedEntry", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.addScopedEntry (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (namespaceName : Name) (b : β) : Environment :=\n ext.ext.addEntry env (Entry.«scoped» namespaceName b)", "start": [ 138, 1 ], "end": [ 139, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.addLocalEntry", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.addLocalEntry (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (b : β) : Environment :=\n let s := ext.ext.getState env\n match s.stateStack with\n | [] => env\n | top :: states =>\n let top := { top with state := ext.descr.addEntry top.state b }\n ext.ext.setState env { s with stateStack := top :: states }", "start": [ 141, 1 ], "end": [ 147, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.addCore", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.addCore (env : Environment) (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (b : β) (kind : AttributeKind) (namespaceName : Name) : Environment :=\n match kind with\n | => ext.addEntry env b\n | AttributeKind.local => ext.addLocalEntry env b\n | AttributeKind.scoped => ext.addScopedEntry env namespaceName b", "start": [ 149, 1 ], "end": [ 153, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.add", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.add [Monad m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadEnv m] (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (b : β) (kind := : m Unit := do\n let ns ← getCurrNamespace\n modifyEnv (ext.addCore · b kind ns)", "start": [ 155, 1 ], "end": [ 157, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.getState", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.getState [Inhabited σ] (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) : σ :=\n match ext.ext.getState env |>.stateStack with\n | top :: _ => top.state\n | _ => unreachable!", "start": [ 159, 1 ], "end": [ 162, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.activateScoped", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.activateScoped (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (namespaceName : Name) : Environment :=\n let s := ext.ext.getState env\n match s.stateStack with\n | top :: stack =>\n if top.activeScopes.contains namespaceName then\n env\n else\n let activeScopes := top.activeScopes.insert namespaceName\n let top :=\n match namespaceName with\n | none =>\n { top with activeScopes := activeScopes }\n | some bs => do\n let mut state := top.state\n for b in bs do\n state := ext.descr.addEntry state b\n { state := state, activeScopes := activeScopes }\n ext.ext.setState env { s with stateStack := top :: stack }\n | _ => env", "start": [ 164, 1 ], "end": [ 182, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ScopedEnvExtension.modifyState", "code": "def ScopedEnvExtension.modifyState (ext : ScopedEnvExtension α β σ) (env : Environment) (f : σ → σ) : Environment :=\n let s := ext.ext.getState env\n match s.stateStack with\n | top :: stack => ext.ext.setState env { s with stateStack := { top with state := f top.state } :: stack }\n | _ => env", "start": [ 184, 1 ], "end": [ 188, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.pushScope", "code": "def pushScope [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadLiftT (ST IO.RealWorld) m] : m Unit := do\n for ext in (← scopedEnvExtensionsRef.get) do\n modifyEnv ext.pushScope", "start": [ 190, 1 ], "end": [ 192, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.popScope", "code": "def popScope [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadLiftT (ST IO.RealWorld) m] : m Unit := do\n for ext in (← scopedEnvExtensionsRef.get) do\n modifyEnv ext.popScope", "start": [ 194, 1 ], "end": [ 196, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.activateScoped", "code": "def activateScoped [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadLiftT (ST IO.RealWorld) m] (namespaceName : Name) : m Unit := do\n for ext in (← scopedEnvExtensionsRef.get) do\n modifyEnv (ext.activateScoped · namespaceName)", "start": [ 198, 1 ], "end": [ 200, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimpleScopedEnvExtension", "code": "abbrev SimpleScopedEnvExtension (α : Type) (σ : Type) := ScopedEnvExtension α α σ", "start": [ 202, 1 ], "end": [ 202, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.SimpleScopedEnvExtension.Descr", "code": "structure SimpleScopedEnvExtension.Descr (α : Type) (σ : Type) where\n name : Name := by exact decl_name%\n addEntry : σ → α → σ\n initial : σ\n finalizeImport : σ → σ := id", "start": [ 204, 1 ], "end": [ 208, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerSimpleScopedEnvExtension", "code": "def registerSimpleScopedEnvExtension (descr : SimpleScopedEnvExtension.Descr α σ) : IO (SimpleScopedEnvExtension α σ) := do\n registerScopedEnvExtension {\n name :=\n mkInitial := return descr.initial\n addEntry := descr.addEntry\n toOLeanEntry := id\n ofOLeanEntry := fun _ a => return a\n finalizeImport := descr.finalizeImport\n }", "start": [ 210, 1 ], "end": [ 218, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Attributes.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.InlineAttributeKind", "code": "inductive InlineAttributeKind where\n | inline | noinline | macroInline | inlineIfReduce | alwaysInline\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Hashable", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.isValidMacroInline", "code": "private def isValidMacroInline (declName : Name) : CoreM Bool := do\n let .defnInfo info ← getConstInfo declName\n | return false\n unless info.all.length = 1 do\n return false\n let env ← getEnv\n let isRec (declName' : Name) : Bool :=\n isBRecOnRecursor env declName' ||\n declName' == ``WellFounded.fix ||\n declName' == declName ++ `_unary if Option.isSome <| info.value.find? fun e => e.isConst && isRec e.constName! then\n return false\n return true", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.setInlineAttribute", "code": "def setInlineAttribute (env : Environment) (declName : Name) (kind : InlineAttributeKind) : Except String Environment :=\n inlineAttrs.setValue env declName kind", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.getInlineAttribute?", "code": "def getInlineAttribute? (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Option InlineAttributeKind :=\n inlineAttrs.getValue env declName", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 52, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasInlineAttrCore", "code": "private def hasInlineAttrCore (env : Environment) (kind : InlineAttributeKind) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n match inlineAttrs.getValue env declName with\n | some k => kind == k\n | _ => false", "start": [ 54, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasInlineAttribute", "code": "abbrev hasInlineAttribute (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrCore env .inline declName", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasInlineIfReduceAttribute", "code": "def hasInlineIfReduceAttribute (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrCore env .inlineIfReduce declName", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasNoInlineAttribute", "code": "def hasNoInlineAttribute (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrCore env .noinline declName", "start": [ 65, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasMacroInlineAttribute", "code": "def hasMacroInlineAttribute (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrCore env .macroInline declName", "start": [ 68, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasAlwaysInlineAttribute", "code": "abbrev hasAlwaysInlineAttribute (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrCore env .alwaysInline declName", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasInlineAttrAux", "code": "private partial def hasInlineAttrAux (env : Environment) (kind : InlineAttributeKind) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n \n if isEagerLambdaLiftingName n then false\n else match inlineAttrs.getValue env n with\n | some k => kind == k\n | none => if n.isInternal then hasInlineAttrAux env kind n.getPrefix else false", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 81, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasInlineAttributeOld", "code": "@[export lean_has_inline_attribute]\ndef hasInlineAttributeOld (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrAux env InlineAttributeKind.inline n", "start": [ 83, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasInlineIfReduceAttributeOld", "code": "@[export lean_has_inline_if_reduce_attribute]\ndef hasInlineIfReduceAttributeOld (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrAux env InlineAttributeKind.inlineIfReduce n", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 89, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasNoInlineAttributeOld", "code": "@[export lean_has_noinline_attribute]\ndef hasNoInlineAttributeOld (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrAux env InlineAttributeKind.noinline n", "start": [ 91, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Compiler.hasMacroInlineAttributeOld", "code": "@[export lean_has_macro_inline_attribute]\ndef hasMacroInlineAttributeOld (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n hasInlineAttrAux env InlineAttributeKind.macroInline n", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 97, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Attributes.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ClassEntry", "code": "structure ClassEntry where\n \n name : Name\n \n outParams : Array Nat", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def lt (a b : ClassEntry) : Bool :=\n Name.quickLt", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ClassState", "code": "structure ClassState where\n outParamMap : SMap Name (Array Nat) := SMap.empty\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 32, 1 ], "end": [ 35, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ClassState.addEntry", "code": "def addEntry (s : ClassState) (entry : ClassEntry) : ClassState :=\n { s with outParamMap := s.outParamMap.insert entry.outParams }", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ClassState.switch", "code": "def switch (s : ClassState) : ClassState :=\n { s with outParamMap := s.outParamMap.switch }", "start": [ 42, 1 ], "end": [ 48, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isClass", "code": "@[export lean_is_class]\ndef isClass (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Bool :=\n (classExtension.getState env).outParamMap.contains n", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getOutParamPositions?", "code": "def getOutParamPositions? (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Option (Array Nat) :=\n (classExtension.getState env).outParamMap.find? declName", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.hasOutParams", "code": "@[export lean_has_out_params]\ndef hasOutParams (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n match getOutParamPositions? env declName with\n | some outParams => !outParams.isEmpty\n | none => false", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 76, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.checkOutParam", "code": "private partial def checkOutParam (i : Nat) (outParamFVarIds : Array FVarId) (outParams : Array Nat) (type : Expr) : Except String (Array Nat) :=\n match type with\n | .forallE _ d b bi =>\n let addOutParam (_ : Unit) :=\n let fvarId := { name := Name.mkNum `_fvar outParamFVarIds.size }\n let fvar := mkFVar fvarId\n let b := b.instantiate1 fvar\n checkOutParam (i+1) (outParamFVarIds.push fvarId) (outParams.push i) b\n if d.isOutParam then\n addOutParam ()\n else if d.hasAnyFVar fun fvarId => outParamFVarIds.contains fvarId then\n if bi.isInstImplicit then\n \n addOutParam ()\n else\n Except.error s!\"invalid class, parameter #{i+1} depends on `outParam`, but it is not an `outParam`\"\n else\n checkOutParam (i+1) outParamFVarIds outParams b\n | _ => return outParams", "start": [ 78, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkOutParamArgsImplicit", "code": "@[export lean_mk_outparam_args_implicit]\npartial def mkOutParamArgsImplicit (type : Expr) : Expr :=\n go type type #[]\nwhere\n go (type : Expr) (typeAux : Expr) (outParamFVarIds : Array FVarId) : Expr :=\n match typeAux with\n | .forallE _ d b bi =>\n let mkOutParamImplicit (dNew : Expr) :=\n let fvarId := { name := Name.mkNum `_fvar outParamFVarIds.size }\n let fvar := mkFVar fvarId\n let b := b.instantiate1 fvar\n let bNew := go type.bindingBody! b (outParamFVarIds.push fvarId)\n type.updateForall! .implicit dNew bNew\n let keepBinderInfo (_ : Unit) :=\n let bNew := go type.bindingBody! b outParamFVarIds\n type.updateForallE! type.bindingDomain! bNew\n if d.isOutParam then\n mkOutParamImplicit type.bindingDomain!.appArg! else if d.hasAnyFVar fun fvarId => outParamFVarIds.contains fvarId then\n if bi.isInstImplicit then\n mkOutParamImplicit type.bindingDomain!\n else\n keepBinderInfo ()\n else\n keepBinderInfo ()\n | _ => type", "start": [ 110, 1 ], "end": [ 143, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addClass", "code": "def addClass (env : Environment) (clsName : Name) : Except String Environment := do\n if isClass env clsName then\n throw s!\"class has already been declared '{clsName}'\"\n let some decl := env.find? clsName\n | throw s!\"unknown declaration '{clsName}'\"\n unless decl matches .inductInfo .. | .axiomInfo .. do\n throw s!\"invalid 'class', declaration '{clsName}' must be inductive datatype, structure, or constant\"\n let outParams ← checkOutParam 0 #[] #[] decl.type\n return classExtension.addEntry env { name := clsName, outParams }", "start": [ 145, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Control/Except.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.MonadBacktrack", "code": "class MonadBacktrack (s : outParam Type) (m : Type → Type) where\n saveState : m s\n restoreState : s → m Unit", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.commitWhenSome?", "code": "def commitWhenSome? [Monad m] [MonadBacktrack s m] [MonadExcept ε m] (x? : m (Option α)) : m (Option α) := do\n let s ← saveState\n try\n match (← x?) with\n | some a => return some a\n | none =>\n restoreState s\n return none\n catch ex =>\n restoreState s\n throw ex", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.commitWhenSomeNoEx?", "code": "def commitWhenSomeNoEx? [Monad m] [MonadBacktrack s m] [MonadExcept ε m] (x? : m (Option α)) : m (Option α) :=\n try\n commitWhenSome? x?\n catch _ =>\n return none", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.commitWhen", "code": "def commitWhen [Monad m] [MonadBacktrack s m] [MonadExcept ε m] (x : m Bool) : m Bool := do\n let s ← saveState\n try\n match (← x) with\n | true => pure true\n | false =>\n restoreState s\n pure false\n catch ex =>\n restoreState s\n throw ex", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.commitIfNoEx", "code": "def commitIfNoEx [Monad m] [MonadBacktrack s m] [MonadExcept ε m] (x : m α) : m α := do\n let s ← saveState\n try\n x\n catch ex =>\n restoreState s\n throw ex", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 62, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.withoutModifyingState", "code": "def withoutModifyingState [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadBacktrack s m] (x : m α) : m α := do\n let s ← saveState\n try\n x\n finally\n restoreState s", "start": [ 64, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.observing?", "code": "def observing? [Monad m] [MonadBacktrack s m] [MonadExcept ε m] (x : m α) : m (Option α) := do\n let s ← saveState\n try\n x\n catch _ =>\n restoreState s\n return none", "start": [ 71, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Attributes.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ScopedEnvExtension.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ReducibilityStatus", "code": "inductive ReducibilityStatus where\n | reducible | semireducible | irreducible\n deriving Inhabited, Repr, BEq", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ReducibilityStatus.toAttrString", "code": "def ReducibilityStatus.toAttrString : ReducibilityStatus → String\n | .reducible => \"[reducible]\"\n | .irreducible => \"[irreducible]\"\n | .semireducible => \"[semireducible]\"", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getReducibilityStatusCore", "code": "@[export lean_get_reducibility_status]\ndef getReducibilityStatusCore (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : ReducibilityStatus :=\n let m := reducibilityExtraExt.getState env\n if let some status := m.find? declName then\n status\n else match env.getModuleIdxFor? declName with\n | some modIdx =>\n match (reducibilityCoreExt.getModuleEntries env modIdx).binSearch (declName, .semireducible) (fun a b => Name.quickLt a.1 b.1) with\n | some (_, status) => status\n | none => .semireducible\n | none => (reducibilityCoreExt.getState env).find? declName |>.getD .semireducible", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setReducibilityStatusCore", "code": "private def setReducibilityStatusCore (env : Environment) (declName : Name) (status : ReducibilityStatus) (attrKind : AttributeKind) (currNamespace : Name) : Environment :=\n if attrKind matches .global then\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? declName with\n | some _ =>\n reducibilityExtraExt.addEntry env (declName, status)\n | none =>\n reducibilityCoreExt.addEntry env (declName, status)\n else\n reducibilityExtraExt.addCore env (declName, status) attrKind currNamespace", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setReducibilityStatusImp", "code": "@[export lean_set_reducibility_status]\nprivate def setReducibilityStatusImp (env : Environment) (declName : Name) (status : ReducibilityStatus) : Environment :=\n setReducibilityStatusCore env declName status .global .anonymous", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.validate", "code": "private def validate (declName : Name) (status : ReducibilityStatus) (attrKind : AttributeKind) : CoreM Unit := do\n let suffix := \"use `set_option allowUnsafeReducibility true` to override reducibility status validation\"\n unless allowUnsafeReducibility.get (← getOptions) do\n match (← getConstInfo declName) with\n | .defnInfo _ =>\n let statusOld := getReducibilityStatusCore (← getEnv) declName\n match attrKind with\n | .scoped =>\n throwError \"failed to set reducibility status for `{declName}`, the `scoped` modifier is not recommended for this kind of attribute\\n{suffix}\"\n | .global =>\n if (← getEnv).getModuleIdxFor? declName matches some _ then\n throwError \"failed to set reducibility status, `{declName}` has not been defined in this file, consider using the `local` modifier\\n{suffix}\"\n match status with\n | .reducible =>\n unless statusOld matches .semireducible do\n throwError \"failed to set `[reducible]`, `{declName}` is not currently `[semireducible]`, but `{statusOld.toAttrString}`\\n{suffix}\"\n | .irreducible =>\n unless statusOld matches .semireducible do\n throwError \"failed to set `[irreducible]`, `{declName}` is not currently `[semireducible]`, but `{statusOld.toAttrString}`\\n{suffix}\"\n | .semireducible =>\n throwError \"failed to set `[semireducible]` for `{declName}`, declarations are `[semireducible]` by default\\n{suffix}\"\n | .local =>\n match status with\n | .reducible =>\n throwError \"failed to set `[local reducible]` for `{declName}`, recall that `[reducible]` affects the term indexing datastructures used by `simp` and type class resolution\\n{suffix}\"\n | .irreducible =>\n unless statusOld matches .semireducible do\n throwError \"failed to set `[local irreducible]`, `{declName}` is currently `{statusOld.toAttrString}`, `[semireducible]` expected\\n{suffix}\"\n | .semireducible =>\n unless statusOld matches .irreducible do\n throwError \"failed to set `[local semireducible]`, `{declName}` is currently `{statusOld.toAttrString}`, `[irreducible]` expected\\n{suffix}\"\n | _ => throwError \"failed to set reducibility status, `{declName}` is not a definition\\n{suffix}\"", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 128, 102 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addAttr", "code": "private def addAttr (status : ReducibilityStatus) (declName : Name) (stx : Syntax) (attrKind : AttributeKind) : AttrM Unit := do\n Attribute.Builtin.ensureNoArgs stx\n validate declName status attrKind\n let ns ← getCurrNamespace\n modifyEnv fun env => setReducibilityStatusCore env declName status attrKind ns", "start": [ 130, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getReducibilityStatus", "code": "def getReducibilityStatus [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m ReducibilityStatus := do\n return getReducibilityStatusCore (← getEnv) declName", "start": [ 163, 1 ], "end": [ 165, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setReducibilityStatus", "code": "def setReducibilityStatus [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) (s : ReducibilityStatus) : m Unit :=\n modifyEnv fun env => setReducibilityStatusCore env declName s .global .anonymous", "start": [ 167, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setReducibleAttribute", "code": "def setReducibleAttribute [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m Unit :=\n setReducibilityStatus declName ReducibilityStatus.reducible", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 173, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isReducible", "code": "def isReducible [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m Bool := do\n match (← getReducibilityStatus declName) with\n | .reducible => return true\n | _ => return false", "start": [ 175, 1 ], "end": [ 179, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isIrreducible", "code": "def isIrreducible [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m Bool := do\n match (← getReducibilityStatus declName) with\n | .irreducible => return true\n | _ => return false", "start": [ 181, 1 ], "end": [ 185, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setIrreducibleAttribute", "code": "def setIrreducibleAttribute [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m Unit :=\n setReducibilityStatus declName ReducibilityStatus.irreducible", "start": [ 187, 1 ], "end": [ 189, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/UInt/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.TransparencyMode.hash", "code": "def hash : TransparencyMode → UInt64\n | all => 7\n | default => 11\n | reducible => 13\n | instances => 17", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def lt : TransparencyMode → TransparencyMode → Bool\n | reducible, default => true\n | reducible, all => true\n | reducible, instances => true\n | instances, default => true\n | instances, all => true\n | default, all => true\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 20, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ToString/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.LOption", "code": "inductive LOption (α : Type u) where\n | none : LOption α\n | some : α → LOption α\n | undef : LOption α\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Option.toLOption", "code": "def Option.toLOption {α : Type u} : Option α → Lean.LOption α\n | none => .none\n | some a => .some a", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "toLOptionM", "code": "@[inline] def toLOptionM {α} {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (x : m (Option α)) : m (Lean.LOption α) := do\n let b ← x\n return b.toLOption", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/ToString/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.LBool", "code": "inductive LBool where\n | false\n | true\n | undef\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LBool.neg", "code": "def neg : LBool → LBool\n | true => false\n | false => true\n | undef => undef", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LBool.and", "code": "def and : LBool → LBool → LBool\n | true, b => b\n | a, _ => a", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 26, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LBool.toString", "code": "def toString : LBool → String\n | true => \"true\"\n | false => \"false\"\n | undef => \"undef\"", "start": [ 28, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Bool.toLBool", "code": "def Bool.toLBool : Bool → Lean.LBool\n | true => Lean.LBool.true\n | false => Lean.LBool.false", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 41, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "toLBoolM", "code": "@[inline] def toLBoolM {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (x : m Bool) : m Lean.LBool := do\n let b ← x\n pure b.toLBool", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/LOption.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/ReplaceExpr.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Meta/TransparencyMode.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ReducibilityAttrs.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Util/MonadBacktrack.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Class.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/InlineAttrs.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.Config", "code": "structure Config where\n \n foApprox : Bool := false\n \n ctxApprox : Bool := false\n \n quasiPatternApprox : Bool := false\n \n constApprox : Bool := false\n \n isDefEqStuckEx : Bool := false\n \n unificationHints : Bool := true\n \n proofIrrelevance : Bool := true\n \n assignSyntheticOpaque : Bool := false\n \n offsetCnstrs : Bool := true\n \n transparency : TransparencyMode := TransparencyMode.default\n \n trackZetaDelta : Bool := false\n \n etaStruct : EtaStructMode := .all\n \n univApprox : Bool := true", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 120, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ParamInfo", "code": "structure ParamInfo where\n \n binderInfo : BinderInfo := BinderInfo.default\n \n hasFwdDeps : Bool := false\n \n backDeps : Array Nat := #[]\n \n isProp : Bool := false\n \n isDecInst : Bool := false\n \n higherOrderOutParam : Bool := false\n \n dependsOnHigherOrderOutParam : Bool := false\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 122, 1 ], "end": [ 167, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ParamInfo.isImplicit", "code": "def ParamInfo.isImplicit (p : ParamInfo) : Bool :=\n p.binderInfo == BinderInfo.implicit", "start": [ 169, 1 ], "end": [ 170, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ParamInfo.isInstImplicit", "code": "def ParamInfo.isInstImplicit (p : ParamInfo) : Bool :=\n p.binderInfo == BinderInfo.instImplicit", "start": [ 172, 1 ], "end": [ 173, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ParamInfo.isStrictImplicit", "code": "def ParamInfo.isStrictImplicit (p : ParamInfo) : Bool :=\n p.binderInfo == BinderInfo.strictImplicit", "start": [ 175, 1 ], "end": [ 176, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ParamInfo.isExplicit", "code": "def ParamInfo.isExplicit (p : ParamInfo) : Bool :=\n p.binderInfo == BinderInfo.default", "start": [ 178, 1 ], "end": [ 179, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.FunInfo", "code": "structure FunInfo where\n \n paramInfo : Array ParamInfo := #[]\n \n resultDeps : Array Nat := #[]", "start": [ 182, 1 ], "end": [ 192, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.InfoCacheKey", "code": "structure InfoCacheKey where\n \n transparency : TransparencyMode\n \n expr : Expr\n \n nargs? : Option Nat\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 194, 1 ], "end": [ 208, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.SynthInstanceCacheKey", "code": "structure SynthInstanceCacheKey where\n localInsts : LocalInstances\n type : Expr\n \n synthPendingDepth : Nat\n deriving Hashable, BEq", "start": [ 215, 1 ], "end": [ 223, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.AbstractMVarsResult", "code": "structure AbstractMVarsResult where\n paramNames : Array Name\n numMVars : Nat\n expr : Expr\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 225, 1 ], "end": [ 230, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.SynthInstanceCache", "code": "abbrev SynthInstanceCache := PersistentHashMap SynthInstanceCacheKey (Option AbstractMVarsResult)", "start": [ 232, 1 ], "end": [ 232, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.InferTypeCache", "code": "abbrev InferTypeCache := PersistentExprStructMap Expr", "start": [ 234, 1 ], "end": [ 234, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.FunInfoCache", "code": "abbrev FunInfoCache := PersistentHashMap InfoCacheKey FunInfo", "start": [ 235, 1 ], "end": [ 235, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.WhnfCache", "code": "abbrev WhnfCache := PersistentExprStructMap Expr", "start": [ 236, 1 ], "end": [ 236, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.DefEqCache", "code": "structure DefEqCache where\n reducible : PersistentHashMap (Expr × Expr) Bool := {}\n instances : PersistentHashMap (Expr × Expr) Bool := {}\n default : PersistentHashMap (Expr × Expr) Bool := {}\n all : PersistentHashMap (Expr × Expr) Bool := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 238, 1 ], "end": [ 247, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.Cache", "code": "structure Cache where\n inferType : InferTypeCache := {}\n funInfo : FunInfoCache := {}\n synthInstance : SynthInstanceCache := {}\n whnfDefault : WhnfCache := {} whnfAll : WhnfCache := {} defEqTrans : DefEqCache := {} defEqPerm : DefEqCache := {} deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 249, 1 ], "end": [ 260, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.DefEqContext", "code": "structure DefEqContext where\n lhs : Expr\n rhs : Expr\n lctx : LocalContext\n localInstances : LocalInstances", "start": [ 262, 1 ], "end": [ 270, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.PostponedEntry", "code": "structure PostponedEntry where\n \n ref : Syntax\n lhs : Level\n rhs : Level\n \n ctx? : Option DefEqContext\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 272, 1 ], "end": [ 284, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.Diagnostics", "code": "structure Diagnostics where\n \n unfoldCounter : PHashMap Name Nat := {}\n \n heuristicCounter : PHashMap Name Nat := {}\n \n instanceCounter : PHashMap Name Nat := {}\n \n synthPendingFailures : PHashMap Expr MessageData := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 286, 1 ], "end": [ 295, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.State", "code": "structure State where\n mctx : MetavarContext := {}\n cache : Cache := {}\n \n zetaDeltaFVarIds : FVarIdSet := {}\n \n postponed : PersistentArray PostponedEntry := {}\n diag : Diagnostics := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 297, 1 ], "end": [ 308, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.SavedState", "code": "structure SavedState where\n core : Core.SavedState\n meta : State\n deriving Nonempty", "start": [ 310, 1 ], "end": [ 316, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.Context", "code": "structure Context where\n config : Config := {}\n \n lctx : LocalContext := {}\n \n localInstances : LocalInstances := #[]\n \n defEqCtx? : Option DefEqContext := none\n \n synthPendingDepth : Nat := 0\n \n canUnfold? : Option (Config → ConstantInfo → CoreM Bool) := none\n \n univApprox : Bool := false\n \n inTypeClassResolution : Bool := false", "start": [ 323, 1 ], "end": [ 355, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.MetaM", "code": "abbrev MetaM := ReaderT Context $ StateRefT State CoreM", "start": [ 357, 1 ], "end": [ 395, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.saveState", "code": "protected def saveState : MetaM SavedState :=\n return { core := (← Core.saveState), meta := (← get) }", "start": [ 419, 1 ], "end": [ 420, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.SavedState.restore", "code": "def SavedState.restore (b : SavedState) : MetaM Unit := do\n b.core.restore\n modify fun s => { s with mctx := b.meta.mctx, zetaDeltaFVarIds := b.meta.zetaDeltaFVarIds, postponed := b.meta.postponed }", "start": [ 422, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 125 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withRestoreOrSaveFull", "code": "@[specialize, inherit_doc Core.withRestoreOrSaveFull]\ndef withRestoreOrSaveFull (reusableResult? : Option (α × SavedState)) (act : MetaM α) :\n MetaM (α × SavedState) := do\n if let some (_, state) := reusableResult? then\n set state.meta\n let reusableResult? := reusableResult?.map (fun (val, state) => (val, state.core))\n let (a, core) ← controlAt CoreM fun runInBase => do\n Core.withRestoreOrSaveFull reusableResult? <| runInBase act\n return (a, { core, meta := (← get) })", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "@[inline] def (x : MetaM α) (ctx : Context := {}) (s : State := {}) : CoreM (α × State) :=\n x ctx |>.run s", "start": [ 441, 1 ], "end": [ 442, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "'", "code": "@[inline] def' (x : MetaM α) (ctx : Context := {}) (s : State := {}) : CoreM α :=\n Prod.fst <$> ctx s", "start": [ 444, 1 ], "end": [ 445, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.MetaM.toIO", "code": "@[inline] def MetaM.toIO (x : MetaM α) (ctxCore : Core.Context) (sCore : Core.State) (ctx : Context := {}) (s : State := {}) : IO (α × Core.State × State) := do\n let ((a, s), sCore) ← ( ctx s).toIO ctxCore sCore\n pure (a, sCore, s)", "start": [ 447, 1 ], "end": [ 449, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.throwIsDefEqStuck", "code": "protected def throwIsDefEqStuck : MetaM α :=\n throw <| Exception.internal isDefEqStuckExceptionId", "start": [ 454, 1 ], "end": [ 455, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.liftMetaM", "code": "@[inline] def liftMetaM [MonadLiftT MetaM m] (x : MetaM α) : m α :=\n liftM x", "start": [ 463, 1 ], "end": [ 464, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mapMetaM", "code": "@[inline] def mapMetaM [MonadControlT MetaM m] [Monad m] (f : forall {α}, MetaM α → MetaM α) {α} (x : m α) : m α :=\n controlAt MetaM fun runInBase => f <| runInBase x", "start": [ 466, 1 ], "end": [ 467, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.map1MetaM", "code": "@[inline] def map1MetaM [MonadControlT MetaM m] [Monad m] (f : forall {α}, (β → MetaM α) → MetaM α) {α} (k : β → m α) : m α :=\n controlAt MetaM fun runInBase => f fun b => runInBase <| k b", "start": [ 469, 1 ], "end": [ 470, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.map2MetaM", "code": "@[inline] def map2MetaM [MonadControlT MetaM m] [Monad m] (f : forall {α}, (β → γ → MetaM α) → MetaM α) {α} (k : β → γ → m α) : m α :=\n controlAt MetaM fun runInBase => f fun b c => runInBase <| k b c", "start": [ 472, 1 ], "end": [ 473, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.modifyCache", "code": "@[inline] def modifyCache (f : Cache → Cache) : MetaM Unit :=\n modify fun { mctx, cache, zetaDeltaFVarIds, postponed, diag } => { mctx, cache := f cache, zetaDeltaFVarIds, postponed, diag }", "start": [ 478, 1 ], "end": [ 479, 129 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.modifyInferTypeCache", "code": "@[inline] def modifyInferTypeCache (f : InferTypeCache → InferTypeCache) : MetaM Unit :=\n modifyCache fun ⟨ic, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6⟩ => ⟨f ic, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6⟩", "start": [ 481, 1 ], "end": [ 482, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.modifyDefEqTransientCache", "code": "@[inline] def modifyDefEqTransientCache (f : DefEqCache → DefEqCache) : MetaM Unit :=\n modifyCache fun ⟨c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, defeqTrans, c6⟩ => ⟨c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, f defeqTrans, c6⟩", "start": [ 484, 1 ], "end": [ 485, 97 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.modifyDefEqPermCache", "code": "@[inline] def modifyDefEqPermCache (f : DefEqCache → DefEqCache) : MetaM Unit :=\n modifyCache fun ⟨c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, defeqPerm⟩ => ⟨c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, f defeqPerm⟩", "start": [ 487, 1 ], "end": [ 488, 95 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.resetDefEqPermCaches", "code": "@[inline] def resetDefEqPermCaches : MetaM Unit :=\n modifyDefEqPermCache fun _ => {}", "start": [ 490, 1 ], "end": [ 491, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.modifyDiag", "code": "@[inline] def modifyDiag (f : Diagnostics → Diagnostics) : MetaM Unit := do\n if (← isDiagnosticsEnabled) then\n modify fun { mctx, cache, zetaDeltaFVarIds, postponed, diag } => { mctx, cache, zetaDeltaFVarIds, postponed, diag := f diag }", "start": [ 493, 1 ], "end": [ 495, 130 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.recordUnfold", "code": "def recordUnfold (declName : Name) : MetaM Unit := do\n modifyDiag fun { unfoldCounter, heuristicCounter, instanceCounter, synthPendingFailures } =>\n let newC := if let some c := unfoldCounter.find? declName then c + 1 else 1\n { unfoldCounter := unfoldCounter.insert declName newC, heuristicCounter, instanceCounter, synthPendingFailures }", "start": [ 497, 1 ], "end": [ 501, 117 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.recordDefEqHeuristic", "code": "def recordDefEqHeuristic (declName : Name) : MetaM Unit := do\n modifyDiag fun { unfoldCounter, heuristicCounter, instanceCounter, synthPendingFailures } =>\n let newC := if let some c := heuristicCounter.find? declName then c + 1 else 1\n { unfoldCounter, heuristicCounter := heuristicCounter.insert declName newC, instanceCounter, synthPendingFailures }", "start": [ 503, 1 ], "end": [ 507, 120 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.recordInstance", "code": "def recordInstance (declName : Name) : MetaM Unit := do\n modifyDiag fun { unfoldCounter, heuristicCounter, instanceCounter, synthPendingFailures } =>\n let newC := if let some c := instanceCounter.find? declName then c + 1 else 1\n { unfoldCounter, heuristicCounter, instanceCounter := instanceCounter.insert declName newC, synthPendingFailures }", "start": [ 509, 1 ], "end": [ 513, 119 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.recordSynthPendingFailure", "code": "def recordSynthPendingFailure (type : Expr) : MetaM Unit := do\n if (← isDiagnosticsEnabled) then\n unless (← get).diag.synthPendingFailures.contains type do\n let msg ← addMessageContextFull m!\"{type}\"\n modifyDiag fun { unfoldCounter, heuristicCounter, instanceCounter, synthPendingFailures } =>\n { unfoldCounter, heuristicCounter, instanceCounter, synthPendingFailures := synthPendingFailures.insert type msg }", "start": [ 515, 1 ], "end": [ 522, 123 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getLocalInstances", "code": "def getLocalInstances : MetaM LocalInstances :=\n return (← read).localInstances", "start": [ 524, 1 ], "end": [ 525, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getConfig", "code": "def getConfig : MetaM Config :=\n return (← read).config", "start": [ 527, 1 ], "end": [ 528, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.resetZetaDeltaFVarIds", "code": "def resetZetaDeltaFVarIds : MetaM Unit :=\n modify fun s => { s with zetaDeltaFVarIds := {} }", "start": [ 530, 1 ], "end": [ 531, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getZetaDeltaFVarIds", "code": "def getZetaDeltaFVarIds : MetaM FVarIdSet :=\n return (← get).zetaDeltaFVarIds", "start": [ 533, 1 ], "end": [ 534, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getPostponed", "code": "def getPostponed : MetaM (PersistentArray PostponedEntry) :=\n return (← get).postponed", "start": [ 536, 1 ], "end": [ 538, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.setPostponed", "code": "def setPostponed (postponed : PersistentArray PostponedEntry) : MetaM Unit :=\n modify fun s => { s with postponed := postponed }", "start": [ 540, 1 ], "end": [ 542, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.modifyPostponed", "code": "@[inline] def modifyPostponed (f : PersistentArray PostponedEntry → PersistentArray PostponedEntry) : MetaM Unit :=\n modify fun s => { s with postponed := f s.postponed }", "start": [ 544, 1 ], "end": [ 546, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.useEtaStruct", "code": "def useEtaStruct (inductName : Name) : MetaM Bool := do\n match (← getConfig).etaStruct with\n | .none => return false\n | .all => return true\n | .notClasses => return !isClass (← getEnv) inductName", "start": [ 548, 1 ], "end": [ 561, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.whnf", "code": "@[extern 6 \"lean_whnf\"] opaque whnf : Expr → MetaM Expr", "start": [ 568, 1 ], "end": [ 571, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferType", "code": "@[extern 6 \"lean_infer_type\"] opaque inferType : Expr → MetaM Expr", "start": [ 572, 1 ], "end": [ 573, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isExprDefEqAux", "code": "@[extern 7 \"lean_is_expr_def_eq\"] opaque isExprDefEqAux : Expr → Expr → MetaM Bool", "start": [ 574, 1 ], "end": [ 574, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isLevelDefEqAux", "code": "@[extern 7 \"lean_is_level_def_eq\"] opaque isLevelDefEqAux : Level → Level → MetaM Bool", "start": [ 575, 1 ], "end": [ 575, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.synthPending", "code": "@[extern 6 \"lean_synth_pending\"] protected opaque synthPending : MVarId → MetaM Bool", "start": [ 576, 1 ], "end": [ 576, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.whnfForall", "code": "def whnfForall (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n let e' ← whnf e\n if e'.isForall then pure e' else pure e", "start": [ 578, 1 ], "end": [ 580, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withIncRecDepth", "code": "protected def withIncRecDepth (x : n α) : n α :=\n mapMetaM (withIncRecDepth (m := MetaM)) x", "start": [ 583, 1 ], "end": [ 584, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAtCore", "code": "private def mkFreshExprMVarAtCore\n (mvarId : MVarId) (lctx : LocalContext) (localInsts : LocalInstances) (type : Expr) (kind : MetavarKind) (userName : Name) (numScopeArgs : Nat) : MetaM Expr := do\n modifyMCtx fun mctx => mctx.addExprMVarDecl mvarId userName lctx localInsts type kind numScopeArgs;\n return mkMVar mvarId", "start": [ 586, 1 ], "end": [ 589, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAt", "code": "def mkFreshExprMVarAt\n (lctx : LocalContext) (localInsts : LocalInstances) (type : Expr)\n (kind : MetavarKind := MetavarKind.natural) (userName : Name := Name.anonymous) (numScopeArgs : Nat := 0)\n : MetaM Expr := do\n mkFreshExprMVarAtCore (← mkFreshMVarId) lctx localInsts type kind userName numScopeArgs", "start": [ 591, 1 ], "end": [ 595, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshLevelMVar", "code": "def mkFreshLevelMVar : MetaM Level := do\n let mvarId ← mkFreshLMVarId\n modifyMCtx fun mctx => mctx.addLevelMVarDecl mvarId;\n return mkLevelMVar mvarId", "start": [ 597, 1 ], "end": [ 600, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVarCore", "code": "private def mkFreshExprMVarCore (type : Expr) (kind : MetavarKind) (userName : Name) : MetaM Expr := do\n mkFreshExprMVarAt (← getLCtx) (← getLocalInstances) type kind userName", "start": [ 602, 1 ], "end": [ 603, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVarImpl", "code": "private def mkFreshExprMVarImpl (type? : Option Expr) (kind : MetavarKind) (userName : Name) : MetaM Expr :=\n match type? with\n | some type => mkFreshExprMVarCore type kind userName\n | none => do\n let u ← mkFreshLevelMVar\n let type ← mkFreshExprMVarCore (mkSort u) MetavarKind.natural Name.anonymous\n mkFreshExprMVarCore type kind userName", "start": [ 605, 1 ], "end": [ 611, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVar", "code": "def mkFreshExprMVar (type? : Option Expr) (kind := MetavarKind.natural) (userName := Name.anonymous) : MetaM Expr :=\n mkFreshExprMVarImpl type? kind userName", "start": [ 613, 1 ], "end": [ 614, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshTypeMVar", "code": "def mkFreshTypeMVar (kind := MetavarKind.natural) (userName := Name.anonymous) : MetaM Expr := do\n let u ← mkFreshLevelMVar\n mkFreshExprMVar (mkSort u) kind userName", "start": [ 616, 1 ], "end": [ 618, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVarWithIdCore", "code": "private def mkFreshExprMVarWithIdCore (mvarId : MVarId) (type : Expr)\n (kind : MetavarKind := MetavarKind.natural) (userName : Name := Name.anonymous) (numScopeArgs : Nat := 0)\n : MetaM Expr := do\n mkFreshExprMVarAtCore mvarId (← getLCtx) (← getLocalInstances) type kind userName numScopeArgs", "start": [ 620, 1 ], "end": [ 625, 97 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshExprMVarWithId", "code": "def mkFreshExprMVarWithId (mvarId : MVarId) (type? : Option Expr := none) (kind : MetavarKind := MetavarKind.natural) (userName := Name.anonymous) : MetaM Expr :=\n match type? with\n | some type => mkFreshExprMVarWithIdCore mvarId type kind userName\n | none => do\n let u ← mkFreshLevelMVar\n let type ← mkFreshExprMVar (mkSort u)\n mkFreshExprMVarWithIdCore mvarId type kind userName", "start": [ 627, 1 ], "end": [ 633, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshLevelMVars", "code": "def mkFreshLevelMVars (num : Nat) : MetaM (List Level) :=\n num.foldM (init := []) fun _ us =>\n return (← mkFreshLevelMVar)::us", "start": [ 635, 1 ], "end": [ 637, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFreshLevelMVarsFor", "code": "def mkFreshLevelMVarsFor (info : ConstantInfo) : MetaM (List Level) :=\n mkFreshLevelMVars info.numLevelParams", "start": [ 639, 1 ], "end": [ 640, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels", "code": "def mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels (declName : Name) : MetaM Expr := do\n let info ← getConstInfo declName\n return mkConst declName (← mkFreshLevelMVarsFor info)", "start": [ 642, 1 ], "end": [ 648, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getTransparency", "code": "def getTransparency : MetaM TransparencyMode :=\n return (← getConfig).transparency", "start": [ 650, 1 ], "end": [ 652, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.shouldReduceAll", "code": "def shouldReduceAll : MetaM Bool :=\n return (← getTransparency) == TransparencyMode.all", "start": [ 654, 1 ], "end": [ 655, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.shouldReduceReducibleOnly", "code": "def shouldReduceReducibleOnly : MetaM Bool :=\n return (← getTransparency) == TransparencyMode.reducible", "start": [ 657, 1 ], "end": [ 658, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.findDecl?", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.findDecl? (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Option MetavarDecl) :=\n return (← getMCtx).findDecl? mvarId", "start": [ 660, 1 ], "end": [ 665, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.findMVarDecl?", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.findDecl? (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef findMVarDecl? (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Option MetavarDecl) :=\n mvarId.findDecl?", "start": [ 667, 1 ], "end": [ 669, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.getDecl", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.getDecl (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM MetavarDecl := do\n match (← mvarId.findDecl?) with\n | some d => pure d\n | none => throwError \"unknown metavariable '?{}'\"", "start": [ 671, 1 ], "end": [ 678, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getMVarDecl", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.getDecl (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef getMVarDecl (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM MetavarDecl := do\n mvarId.getDecl", "start": [ 680, 1 ], "end": [ 682, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.getKind", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.getKind (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM MetavarKind :=\n return (← mvarId.getDecl).kind", "start": [ 684, 1 ], "end": [ 688, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getMVarDeclKind", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.getKind (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef getMVarDeclKind (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM MetavarKind :=\n mvarId.getKind", "start": [ 690, 1 ], "end": [ 692, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isSyntheticMVar", "code": "def isSyntheticMVar (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n if e.isMVar then\n return (← e.mvarId!.getKind) matches .synthetic | .syntheticOpaque\n else\n return false", "start": [ 694, 1 ], "end": [ 699, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.setKind", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.setKind (mvarId : MVarId) (kind : MetavarKind) : MetaM Unit :=\n modifyMCtx fun mctx => mctx.setMVarKind mvarId kind", "start": [ 701, 1 ], "end": [ 705, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.setMVarKind", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.setKind (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef setMVarKind (mvarId : MVarId) (kind : MetavarKind) : MetaM Unit :=\n mvarId.setKind kind", "start": [ 707, 1 ], "end": [ 709, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.setType", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.setType (mvarId : MVarId) (type : Expr) : MetaM Unit := do\n modifyMCtx fun mctx => mctx.setMVarType mvarId type", "start": [ 711, 1 ], "end": [ 714, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.setMVarType", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.setType (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef setMVarType (mvarId : MVarId) (type : Expr) : MetaM Unit := do\n mvarId.setType type", "start": [ 716, 1 ], "end": [ 718, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.isReadOnly", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.isReadOnly (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do\n return (← mvarId.getDecl).depth != (← getMCtx).depth", "start": [ 720, 1 ], "end": [ 725, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isReadOnlyExprMVar", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.isReadOnly (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef isReadOnlyExprMVar (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do\n mvarId.isReadOnly", "start": [ 727, 1 ], "end": [ 729, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaque", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaque (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do\n let mvarDecl ← mvarId.getDecl\n if mvarDecl.depth != (← getMCtx).depth then\n return true\n else\n match mvarDecl.kind with\n | MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque => return !(← getConfig).assignSyntheticOpaque\n | _ => return false", "start": [ 731, 1 ], "end": [ 743, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaqueExprMVar", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaque (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaqueExprMVar (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Bool := do\n mvarId.isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaque", "start": [ 745, 1 ], "end": [ 747, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LMVarId.getLevel", "code": "def _root_.Lean.LMVarId.getLevel (mvarId : LMVarId) : MetaM Nat := do\n match (← getMCtx).findLevelDepth? mvarId with\n | some depth => return depth\n | _ => throwError \"unknown universe metavariable '?{}'\"", "start": [ 749, 1 ], "end": [ 755, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getLevelMVarDepth", "code": "@[deprecated LMVarId.getLevel (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef getLevelMVarDepth (mvarId : LMVarId) : MetaM Nat :=\n mvarId.getLevel", "start": [ 757, 1 ], "end": [ 759, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.LMVarId.isReadOnly", "code": "def _root_.Lean.LMVarId.isReadOnly (mvarId : LMVarId) : MetaM Bool :=\n return (← mvarId.getLevel) < (← getMCtx).levelAssignDepth", "start": [ 761, 1 ], "end": [ 766, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isReadOnlyLevelMVar", "code": "@[deprecated LMVarId.isReadOnly (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef isReadOnlyLevelMVar (mvarId : LMVarId) : MetaM Bool := do\n mvarId.isReadOnly", "start": [ 768, 1 ], "end": [ 770, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.setUserName", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.setUserName (mvarId : MVarId) (newUserName : Name) : MetaM Unit :=\n modifyMCtx fun mctx => mctx.setMVarUserName mvarId newUserName", "start": [ 772, 1 ], "end": [ 776, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.setMVarUserName", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.setUserName (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef setMVarUserName (mvarId : MVarId) (userNameNew : Name) : MetaM Unit :=\n mvarId.setUserName userNameNew", "start": [ 778, 1 ], "end": [ 780, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.throwUnknown", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.throwUnknown (fvarId : FVarId) : CoreM α :=\n throwError \"unknown free variable '{mkFVar fvarId}'\"", "start": [ 782, 1 ], "end": [ 786, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.throwUnknownFVar", "code": "@[deprecated FVarId.throwUnknown (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef throwUnknownFVar (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM α :=\n fvarId.throwUnknown", "start": [ 788, 1 ], "end": [ 790, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.findDecl?", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.findDecl? (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM (Option LocalDecl) :=\n return (← getLCtx).find? fvarId", "start": [ 792, 1 ], "end": [ 796, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.findLocalDecl?", "code": "@[deprecated FVarId.findDecl? (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef findLocalDecl? (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM (Option LocalDecl) :=\n fvarId.findDecl?", "start": [ 798, 1 ], "end": [ 800, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.getDecl", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.getDecl (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM LocalDecl := do\n match (← getLCtx).find? fvarId with\n | some d => return d\n | none => fvarId.throwUnknown", "start": [ 802, 1 ], "end": [ 809, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getLocalDecl", "code": "@[deprecated FVarId.getDecl (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef getLocalDecl (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM LocalDecl := do\n fvarId.getDecl", "start": [ 811, 1 ], "end": [ 813, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.getType", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.getType (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM Expr :=\n return (← fvarId.getDecl).type", "start": [ 815, 1 ], "end": [ 817, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.getBinderInfo", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.getBinderInfo (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM BinderInfo :=\n return (← fvarId.getDecl).binderInfo", "start": [ 819, 1 ], "end": [ 821, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.getValue?", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.getValue? (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM (Option Expr) :=\n return (← fvarId.getDecl).value?", "start": [ 823, 1 ], "end": [ 825, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.getUserName", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.getUserName (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM Name :=\n return (← fvarId.getDecl).userName", "start": [ 827, 1 ], "end": [ 829, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.isLetVar", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.isLetVar (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM Bool :=\n return (← fvarId.getDecl).isLet", "start": [ 831, 1 ], "end": [ 833, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getFVarLocalDecl", "code": "def getFVarLocalDecl (fvar : Expr) : MetaM LocalDecl :=\n fvar.fvarId!.getDecl", "start": [ 835, 1 ], "end": [ 838, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.FVarId.hasForwardDeps", "code": "def _root_.Lean.FVarId.hasForwardDeps (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM Bool := do\n let decl ← fvarId.getDecl\n (← getLCtx).foldlM (init := false) (start := decl.index + 1) fun found other =>\n if found then\n return true\n else\n localDeclDependsOn other fvarId", "start": [ 840, 1 ], "end": [ 849, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getLocalDeclFromUserName", "code": "def getLocalDeclFromUserName (userName : Name) : MetaM LocalDecl := do\n match (← getLCtx).findFromUserName? userName with\n | some d => pure d\n | none => throwError \"unknown local declaration '{userName}'\"", "start": [ 851, 1 ], "end": [ 858, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getFVarFromUserName", "code": "def getFVarFromUserName (userName : Name) : MetaM Expr := do\n let d ← getLocalDeclFromUserName userName\n return Expr.fvar d.fvarId", "start": [ 860, 1 ], "end": [ 863, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.liftMkBindingM", "code": "@[inline] def liftMkBindingM (x : MetavarContext.MkBindingM α) : MetaM α := do\n match x { lctx := (← getLCtx), mainModule := (← getEnv).mainModule } { mctx := (← getMCtx), ngen := (← getNGen), nextMacroScope := (← getThe Core.State).nextMacroScope } with\n | .ok e sNew => do\n setMCtx sNew.mctx\n modifyThe Core.State fun s => { s with ngen := sNew.ngen, nextMacroScope := sNew.nextMacroScope }\n pure e\n | .error (.revertFailure ..) sNew => do\n setMCtx sNew.mctx\n modifyThe Core.State fun s => { s with ngen := sNew.ngen, nextMacroScope := sNew.nextMacroScope }\n throwError \"failed to create binder due to failure when reverting variable dependencies\"", "start": [ 865, 1 ], "end": [ 877, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.abstractRangeM", "code": "def _root_.Lean.Expr.abstractRangeM (e : Expr) (n : Nat) (xs : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n liftMkBindingM <| MetavarContext.abstractRange e n xs", "start": [ 879, 1 ], "end": [ 887, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.abstractRange", "code": "@[deprecated Expr.abstractRangeM (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef abstractRange (e : Expr) (n : Nat) (xs : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n e.abstractRangeM n xs", "start": [ 889, 1 ], "end": [ 891, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.abstractM", "code": "def _root_.Lean.Expr.abstractM (e : Expr) (xs : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n e.abstractRangeM xs.size xs", "start": [ 893, 1 ], "end": [ 898, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.abstract", "code": "@[deprecated Expr.abstractM (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef abstract (e : Expr) (xs : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n e.abstractM xs", "start": [ 900, 1 ], "end": [ 902, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.collectForwardDeps", "code": "def collectForwardDeps (toRevert : Array Expr) (preserveOrder : Bool) : MetaM (Array Expr) := do\n liftMkBindingM <| MetavarContext.collectForwardDeps toRevert preserveOrder", "start": [ 904, 1 ], "end": [ 909, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkForallFVars", "code": "def mkForallFVars (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (usedOnly : Bool := false) (usedLetOnly : Bool := true) (binderInfoForMVars := BinderInfo.implicit) : MetaM Expr :=\n if xs.isEmpty then return e else liftMkBindingM <| MetavarContext.mkForall xs e usedOnly usedLetOnly binderInfoForMVars", "start": [ 911, 1 ], "end": [ 917, 122 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkLambdaFVars", "code": "def mkLambdaFVars (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (usedOnly : Bool := false) (usedLetOnly : Bool := true) (etaReduce : Bool := false) (binderInfoForMVars := BinderInfo.implicit) : MetaM Expr :=\n if xs.isEmpty then return e else liftMkBindingM <| MetavarContext.mkLambda xs e usedOnly usedLetOnly etaReduce binderInfoForMVars", "start": [ 919, 1 ], "end": [ 923, 132 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkLetFVars", "code": "def mkLetFVars (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (usedLetOnly := true) (binderInfoForMVars := BinderInfo.implicit) : MetaM Expr :=\n mkLambdaFVars xs e (usedLetOnly := usedLetOnly) (binderInfoForMVars := binderInfoForMVars)", "start": [ 925, 1 ], "end": [ 926, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkFunUnit", "code": "def mkFunUnit (a : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n return Lean.mkLambda (← mkFreshUserName `x) BinderInfo.default (mkConst ``Unit) a", "start": [ 928, 1 ], "end": [ 930, 84 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.elimMVarDeps", "code": "def elimMVarDeps (xs : Array Expr) (e : Expr) (preserveOrder : Bool := false) : MetaM Expr :=\n if xs.isEmpty then pure e else liftMkBindingM <| MetavarContext.elimMVarDeps xs e preserveOrder", "start": [ 932, 1 ], "end": [ 933, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withConfig", "code": "@[inline] def withConfig (f : Config → Config) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with config := f ctx.config })", "start": [ 935, 1 ], "end": [ 937, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withTrackingZetaDelta", "code": "@[inline] def withTrackingZetaDelta (x : n α) : n α :=\n withConfig (fun cfg => { cfg with trackZetaDelta := true }) x", "start": [ 939, 1 ], "end": [ 943, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withoutProofIrrelevance", "code": "@[inline] def withoutProofIrrelevance (x : n α) : n α :=\n withConfig (fun cfg => { cfg with proofIrrelevance := false }) x", "start": [ 945, 1 ], "end": [ 946, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withTransparency", "code": "@[inline] def withTransparency (mode : TransparencyMode) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withConfig (fun config => { config with transparency := mode })", "start": [ 948, 1 ], "end": [ 949, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withDefault", "code": "@[inline] def withDefault (x : n α) : n α :=\n withTransparency TransparencyMode.default x", "start": [ 951, 1 ], "end": [ 953, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withReducible", "code": "@[inline] def withReducible (x : n α) : n α :=\n withTransparency TransparencyMode.reducible x", "start": [ 955, 1 ], "end": [ 957, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withReducibleAndInstances", "code": "@[inline] def withReducibleAndInstances (x : n α) : n α :=\n withTransparency TransparencyMode.instances x", "start": [ 959, 1 ], "end": [ 964, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withAtLeastTransparency", "code": "@[inline] def withAtLeastTransparency (mode : TransparencyMode) (x : n α) : n α :=\n withConfig\n (fun config =>\n let oldMode := config.transparency\n let mode := if mode then mode else oldMode\n { config with transparency := mode })\n x", "start": [ 966, 1 ], "end": [ 976, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withAssignableSyntheticOpaque", "code": "@[inline] def withAssignableSyntheticOpaque (x : n α) : n α :=\n withConfig (fun config => { config with assignSyntheticOpaque := true }) x", "start": [ 978, 1 ], "end": [ 980, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.savingCacheImpl", "code": "@[inline] private def savingCacheImpl (x : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let savedCache := (← get).cache\n try x finally modify fun s => { s with cache := savedCache }", "start": [ 982, 1 ], "end": [ 985, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.savingCache", "code": "@[inline] def savingCache : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM savingCacheImpl", "start": [ 987, 1 ], "end": [ 988, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getTheoremInfo", "code": "def getTheoremInfo (info : ConstantInfo) : MetaM (Option ConstantInfo) := do\n if (← shouldReduceAll) then\n return some info\n else\n return none", "start": [ 990, 1 ], "end": [ 994, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getDefInfoTemp", "code": "private def getDefInfoTemp (info : ConstantInfo) : MetaM (Option ConstantInfo) := do\n match (← getTransparency) with\n | TransparencyMode.all => return some info\n | TransparencyMode.default => return some info\n | _ =>\n if (← isReducible then\n return some info\n else\n return none", "start": [ 996, 1 ], "end": [ 1004, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getConstTemp?", "code": "private def getConstTemp? (constName : Name) : MetaM (Option ConstantInfo) := do\n match (← getEnv).find? constName with\n | some (info@(ConstantInfo.thmInfo _)) => getTheoremInfo info\n | some (info@(ConstantInfo.defnInfo _)) => getDefInfoTemp info\n | some info => pure (some info)\n | none => throwUnknownConstant constName", "start": [ 1006, 1 ], "end": [ 1015, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isClassQuickConst?", "code": "private def isClassQuickConst? (constName : Name) : MetaM (LOption Name) := do\n if isClass (← getEnv) constName then\n return .some constName\n else\n match (← getConstTemp? constName) with\n | some (.defnInfo ..) => return .undef | _ => return .none", "start": [ 1017, 1 ], "end": [ 1023, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isClassQuick?", "code": "private partial def isClassQuick? : Expr → MetaM (LOption Name)\n | .bvar .. => return .none\n | .lit .. => return .none\n | .fvar .. => return .none\n | .sort .. => return .none\n | .lam .. => return .none\n | .letE .. => return .undef\n | .proj .. => return .undef\n | .forallE _ _ b _ => isClassQuick? b\n | .mdata _ e => isClassQuick? e\n | .const n _ => isClassQuickConst? n\n | .mvar mvarId => do\n let some val ← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId | return .none\n isClassQuick? val\n | .app f _ => do\n match f.getAppFn with\n | .const n .. => isClassQuickConst? n\n | .lam .. => return .undef\n | .mvar mvarId =>\n let some val ← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId | return .none\n match val.getAppFn with\n | .const n .. => isClassQuickConst? n\n | _ => return .undef\n | _ => return .none", "start": [ 1025, 1 ], "end": [ 1048, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewLocalInstanceImp", "code": "private def withNewLocalInstanceImp (className : Name) (fvar : Expr) (k : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let localDecl ← getFVarLocalDecl fvar\n if localDecl.isImplementationDetail then\n k\n else\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with localInstances := ctx.localInstances.push { className := className, fvar := fvar } }) k", "start": [ 1050, 1 ], "end": [ 1055, 126 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewLocalInstance", "code": "def withNewLocalInstance (className : Name) (fvar : Expr) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withNewLocalInstanceImp className fvar", "start": [ 1057, 1 ], "end": [ 1060, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.fvarsSizeLtMaxFVars", "code": "private def fvarsSizeLtMaxFVars (fvars : Array Expr) (maxFVars? : Option Nat) : Bool :=\n match maxFVars? with\n | some maxFVars => fvars.size < maxFVars\n | none => true", "start": [ 1062, 1 ], "end": [ 1065, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewLocalInstancesImp", "code": "private partial def withNewLocalInstancesImp\n (fvars : Array Expr) (i : Nat) (k : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n if h : i < fvars.size then\n let fvar := fvars.get ⟨i, h⟩\n let decl ← getFVarLocalDecl fvar\n match (← isClassQuick? decl.type) with\n | .none => withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars (i+1) k\n | .undef =>\n match (← isClassExpensive? decl.type) with\n | none => withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars (i+1) k\n | some c => withNewLocalInstance c fvar <| withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars (i+1) k\n | .some c => withNewLocalInstance c fvar <| withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars (i+1) k\n else\n k", "start": [ 1068, 3 ], "end": [ 1087, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeReducingAuxAux", "code": "private partial def forallTelescopeReducingAuxAux\n (reducing : Bool) (maxFVars? : Option Nat)\n (type : Expr)\n (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) (cleanupAnnotations : Bool) : MetaM α := do\n let rec process (lctx : LocalContext) (fvars : Array Expr) (j : Nat) (type : Expr) : MetaM α := do\n match type with\n | .forallE n d b bi =>\n if fvarsSizeLtMaxFVars fvars maxFVars? then\n let d := d.instantiateRevRange j fvars.size fvars\n let d := if cleanupAnnotations then d.cleanupAnnotations else d\n let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId\n let lctx := lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId n d bi\n let fvar := mkFVar fvarId\n let fvars := fvars.push fvar\n process lctx fvars j b\n else\n let type := type.instantiateRevRange j fvars.size fvars;\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx }) do\n withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars j do\n k fvars type\n | _ =>\n let type := type.instantiateRevRange j fvars.size fvars;\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx }) do\n withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars j do\n if reducing && fvarsSizeLtMaxFVars fvars maxFVars? then\n let newType ← whnf type\n if newType.isForall then\n process lctx fvars fvars.size newType\n else\n k fvars type\n else\n k fvars type\n process (← getLCtx) #[] 0 type", "start": [ 1089, 3 ], "end": [ 1149, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeReducingAux", "code": "private partial def forallTelescopeReducingAux (type : Expr) (maxFVars? : Option Nat) (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) (cleanupAnnotations : Bool) : MetaM α := do\n match maxFVars? with\n | some 0 => k #[] type\n | _ => do\n let newType ← whnf type\n if newType.isForall then\n forallTelescopeReducingAuxAux true maxFVars? newType k cleanupAnnotations\n else\n k #[] type", "start": [ 1151, 3 ], "end": [ 1159, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isClassApp?", "code": "private partial def isClassApp? (type : Expr) (instantiated := false) : MetaM (Option Name) := do\n match type.getAppFn with\n | .const c _ =>\n let env ← getEnv\n if isClass env c then\n return some c\n else\n match (← whnf type).getAppFn with\n | .const c _ => if isClass env c then return some c else return none\n | _ => return none\n | .mvar .. =>\n if instantiated then return none\n isClassApp? (← instantiateMVars type) true\n | _ => return none", "start": [ 1163, 3 ], "end": [ 1177, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isClassExpensive?", "code": "private partial def isClassExpensive? (type : Expr) : MetaM (Option Name) :=\n withReducible do forallTelescopeReducingAux type none (cleanupAnnotations := false) fun _ type => isClassApp? type", "start": [ 1179, 3 ], "end": [ 1181, 104 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isClassImp?", "code": "private partial def isClassImp? (type : Expr) : MetaM (Option Name) := do\n match (← isClassQuick? type) with\n | .none => return none\n | .some c => return (some c)\n | .undef => isClassExpensive? type", "start": [ 1183, 3 ], "end": [ 1187, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isClass?", "code": "def isClass? (type : Expr) : MetaM (Option Name) :=\n try isClassImp? type catch _ => return none", "start": [ 1191, 1 ], "end": [ 1202, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewLocalInstancesImpAux", "code": "private def withNewLocalInstancesImpAux (fvars : Array Expr) (j : Nat) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars j", "start": [ 1204, 1 ], "end": [ 1205, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewLocalInstances", "code": "partial def withNewLocalInstances (fvars : Array Expr) (j : Nat) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withNewLocalInstancesImpAux fvars j", "start": [ 1207, 1 ], "end": [ 1208, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeImp", "code": "@[inline] private def forallTelescopeImp (type : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) (cleanupAnnotations : Bool) : MetaM α := do\n forallTelescopeReducingAuxAux (reducing := false) (maxFVars? := none) type k cleanupAnnotations", "start": [ 1210, 1 ], "end": [ 1211, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallTelescope", "code": "def forallTelescope (type : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → n α) (cleanupAnnotations := false) : n α :=\n map2MetaM (fun k => forallTelescopeImp type k cleanupAnnotations) k", "start": [ 1213, 1 ], "end": [ 1221, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mapForallTelescope'", "code": "def mapForallTelescope' (f : Expr → Expr → MetaM Expr) (forallTerm : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n forallTelescope (← inferType forallTerm) fun xs ty => do\n mkLambdaFVars xs (← f ty (mkAppN forallTerm xs))", "start": [ 1223, 1 ], "end": [ 1230, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mapForallTelescope", "code": "def mapForallTelescope (f : Expr → MetaM Expr) (forallTerm : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n mapForallTelescope' (fun _ e => f e) forallTerm", "start": [ 1232, 1 ], "end": [ 1238, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeReducingImp", "code": "private def forallTelescopeReducingImp (type : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) (cleanupAnnotations : Bool) : MetaM α :=\n forallTelescopeReducingAux type (maxFVars? := none) k cleanupAnnotations", "start": [ 1240, 1 ], "end": [ 1241, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallTelescopeReducing", "code": "def forallTelescopeReducing (type : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → n α) (cleanupAnnotations := false) : n α :=\n map2MetaM (fun k => forallTelescopeReducingImp type k cleanupAnnotations) k", "start": [ 1243, 1 ], "end": [ 1250, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallBoundedTelescopeImp", "code": "private def forallBoundedTelescopeImp (type : Expr) (maxFVars? : Option Nat) (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) (cleanupAnnotations : Bool) : MetaM α :=\n forallTelescopeReducingAux type maxFVars? k cleanupAnnotations", "start": [ 1252, 1 ], "end": [ 1253, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallBoundedTelescope", "code": "def forallBoundedTelescope (type : Expr) (maxFVars? : Option Nat) (k : Array Expr → Expr → n α) (cleanupAnnotations := false) : n α :=\n map2MetaM (fun k => forallBoundedTelescopeImp type maxFVars? k cleanupAnnotations) k", "start": [ 1255, 1 ], "end": [ 1262, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.lambdaTelescopeImp", "code": "private partial def lambdaTelescopeImp (e : Expr) (consumeLet : Bool) (k : Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) (cleanupAnnotations := false) : MetaM α := do\n process consumeLet (← getLCtx) #[] 0 e\nwhere\n process (consumeLet : Bool) (lctx : LocalContext) (fvars : Array Expr) (j : Nat) (e : Expr) : MetaM α := do\n match consumeLet, e with\n | _, .lam n d b bi =>\n let d := d.instantiateRevRange j fvars.size fvars\n let d := if cleanupAnnotations then d.cleanupAnnotations else d\n let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId\n let lctx := lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId n d bi\n let fvar := mkFVar fvarId\n process consumeLet lctx (fvars.push fvar) j b\n | true, .letE n t v b _ => do\n let t := t.instantiateRevRange j fvars.size fvars\n let t := if cleanupAnnotations then t.cleanupAnnotations else t\n let v := v.instantiateRevRange j fvars.size fvars\n let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId\n let lctx := lctx.mkLetDecl fvarId n t v\n let fvar := mkFVar fvarId\n process true lctx (fvars.push fvar) j b\n | _, e =>\n let e := e.instantiateRevRange j fvars.size fvars\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx }) do\n withNewLocalInstancesImp fvars j do\n k fvars e", "start": [ 1264, 1 ], "end": [ 1288, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.lambdaLetTelescope", "code": "def lambdaLetTelescope (e : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → n α) (cleanupAnnotations := false) : n α :=\n map2MetaM (fun k => lambdaTelescopeImp e true k (cleanupAnnotations := cleanupAnnotations)) k", "start": [ 1290, 1 ], "end": [ 1296, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.lambdaTelescope", "code": "def lambdaTelescope (e : Expr) (k : Array Expr → Expr → n α) (cleanupAnnotations := false) : n α :=\n map2MetaM (fun k => lambdaTelescopeImp e false k (cleanupAnnotations := cleanupAnnotations)) k", "start": [ 1298, 1 ], "end": [ 1306, 97 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getParamNames", "code": "def getParamNames (declName : Name) : MetaM (Array Name) := do\n forallTelescopeReducing (← getConstInfo declName).type fun xs _ => do\n xs.mapM fun x => do\n let localDecl ← x.fvarId!.getDecl\n return localDecl.userName", "start": [ 1308, 1 ], "end": [ 1313, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallMetaTelescopeReducingAux", "code": "private partial def forallMetaTelescopeReducingAux\n (e : Expr) (reducing : Bool) (maxMVars? : Option Nat) (kind : MetavarKind) : MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) :=\n process #[] #[] 0 e\nwhere\n process (mvars : Array Expr) (bis : Array BinderInfo) (j : Nat) (type : Expr) : MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) := do\n if maxMVars?.isEqSome mvars.size then\n let type := type.instantiateRevRange j mvars.size mvars;\n return (mvars, bis, type)\n else\n match type with\n | .forallE n d b bi =>\n let d := d.instantiateRevRange j mvars.size mvars\n let k := if bi.isInstImplicit then MetavarKind.synthetic else kind\n let mvar ← mkFreshExprMVar d k n\n let mvars := mvars.push mvar\n let bis := bis.push bi\n process mvars bis j b\n | _ =>\n let type := type.instantiateRevRange j mvars.size mvars;\n if reducing then do\n let newType ← whnf type;\n if newType.isForall then\n process mvars bis mvars.size newType\n else\n return (mvars, bis, type)\n else\n return (mvars, bis, type)", "start": [ 1316, 1 ], "end": [ 1342, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallMetaTelescope", "code": "def forallMetaTelescope (e : Expr) (kind := MetavarKind.natural) : MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) :=\n forallMetaTelescopeReducingAux e (reducing := false) (maxMVars? := none) kind", "start": [ 1344, 1 ], "end": [ 1352, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallMetaTelescopeReducing", "code": "def forallMetaTelescopeReducing (e : Expr) (maxMVars? : Option Nat := none) (kind := MetavarKind.natural) : MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) :=\n forallMetaTelescopeReducingAux e (reducing := true) maxMVars? kind", "start": [ 1354, 1 ], "end": [ 1357, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.forallMetaBoundedTelescope", "code": "def forallMetaBoundedTelescope (e : Expr) (maxMVars : Nat) (kind : MetavarKind := MetavarKind.natural) : MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) :=\n forallMetaTelescopeReducingAux e (reducing := true) (maxMVars? := some maxMVars) (kind := kind)", "start": [ 1359, 1 ], "end": [ 1362, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.lambdaMetaTelescope", "code": "partial def lambdaMetaTelescope (e : Expr) (maxMVars? : Option Nat := none) : MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) :=\n process #[] #[] 0 e\nwhere\n process (mvars : Array Expr) (bis : Array BinderInfo) (j : Nat) (type : Expr) : MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) := do\n let finalize : Unit → MetaM (Array Expr × Array BinderInfo × Expr) := fun _ => do\n let type := type.instantiateRevRange j mvars.size mvars\n return (mvars, bis, type)\n if maxMVars?.isEqSome mvars.size then\n finalize ()\n else\n match type with\n | .lam _ d b bi =>\n let d := d.instantiateRevRange j mvars.size mvars\n let mvar ← mkFreshExprMVar d\n let mvars := mvars.push mvar\n let bis := bis.push bi\n process mvars bis j b\n | _ => finalize ()", "start": [ 1364, 1 ], "end": [ 1382, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewFVar", "code": "private def withNewFVar (fvar fvarType : Expr) (k : Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n if let some c ← isClass? fvarType then\n withNewLocalInstance c fvar <| k fvar\n else\n k fvar", "start": [ 1384, 1 ], "end": [ 1388, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalDeclImp", "code": "private def withLocalDeclImp (n : Name) (bi : BinderInfo) (type : Expr) (k : Expr → MetaM α) (kind : LocalDeclKind) : MetaM α := do\n let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId\n let ctx ← read\n let lctx := ctx.lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId n type bi kind\n let fvar := mkFVar fvarId\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx }) do\n withNewFVar fvar type k", "start": [ 1390, 1 ], "end": [ 1396, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalDecl", "code": "def withLocalDecl (name : Name) (bi : BinderInfo) (type : Expr) (k : Expr → n α) (kind : LocalDeclKind := .default) : n α :=\n map1MetaM (fun k => withLocalDeclImp name bi type k kind) k", "start": [ 1398, 1 ], "end": [ 1401, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalDeclD", "code": "def withLocalDeclD (name : Name) (type : Expr) (k : Expr → n α) : n α :=\n withLocalDecl name BinderInfo.default type k", "start": [ 1403, 1 ], "end": [ 1404, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalDecls", "code": "partial def withLocalDecls\n [Inhabited α]\n (declInfos : Array (Name × BinderInfo × (Array Expr → n Expr)))\n (k : (xs : Array Expr) → n α)\n : n α :=\n loop #[]\nwhere\n loop [Inhabited α] (acc : Array Expr) : n α := do\n if acc.size < declInfos.size then\n let (name, bi, typeCtor) := declInfos[acc.size]!\n withLocalDecl name bi (←typeCtor acc) fun x => loop (acc.push x)\n else\n k acc", "start": [ 1406, 1 ], "end": [ 1425, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalDeclsD", "code": "def withLocalDeclsD [Inhabited α] (declInfos : Array (Name × (Array Expr → n Expr))) (k : (xs : Array Expr) → n α) : n α :=\n withLocalDecls\n ( (fun (name, typeCtor) => (name, BinderInfo.default, typeCtor))) k", "start": [ 1427, 1 ], "end": [ 1429, 85 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewBinderInfosImp", "code": "private def withNewBinderInfosImp (bs : Array (FVarId × BinderInfo)) (k : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let lctx := bs.foldl (init := (← getLCtx)) fun lctx (fvarId, bi) =>\n lctx.setBinderInfo fvarId bi\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx }) k", "start": [ 1431, 1 ], "end": [ 1434, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewBinderInfos", "code": "def withNewBinderInfos (bs : Array (FVarId × BinderInfo)) (k : n α) : n α :=\n mapMetaM (fun k => withNewBinderInfosImp bs k) k", "start": [ 1436, 1 ], "end": [ 1437, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withInstImplicitAsImplict", "code": "def withInstImplicitAsImplict (xs : Array Expr) (k : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let newBinderInfos ← xs.filterMapM fun x => do\n let bi ← x.fvarId!.getBinderInfo\n if bi == .instImplicit then\n return some (x.fvarId!, .implicit)\n else\n return none\n withNewBinderInfos newBinderInfos k", "start": [ 1439, 1 ], "end": [ 1449, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLetDeclImp", "code": "private def withLetDeclImp (n : Name) (type : Expr) (val : Expr) (k : Expr → MetaM α) (kind : LocalDeclKind) : MetaM α := do\n let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId\n let ctx ← read\n let lctx := ctx.lctx.mkLetDecl fvarId n type val (nonDep := false) kind\n let fvar := mkFVar fvarId\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx }) do\n withNewFVar fvar type k", "start": [ 1451, 1 ], "end": [ 1457, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLetDecl", "code": "def withLetDecl (name : Name) (type : Expr) (val : Expr) (k : Expr → n α) (kind : LocalDeclKind := .default) : n α :=\n map1MetaM (fun k => withLetDeclImp name type val k kind) k", "start": [ 1459, 1 ], "end": [ 1464, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalInstancesImp", "code": "def withLocalInstancesImp (decls : List LocalDecl) (k : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let mut localInsts := (← read).localInstances\n let size := localInsts.size\n for decl in decls do\n unless decl.isImplementationDetail do\n if let some className ← isClass? decl.type then\n unless localInsts.any fun localInst => localInst.fvar.fvarId! == decl.fvarId do\n localInsts := localInsts.push { className, fvar := decl.toExpr }\n if localInsts.size == size then\n k\n else\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with localInstances := localInsts }) k", "start": [ 1466, 1 ], "end": [ 1478, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalInstances", "code": "def withLocalInstances (decls : List LocalDecl) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withLocalInstancesImp decls", "start": [ 1480, 1 ], "end": [ 1482, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withExistingLocalDeclsImp", "code": "private def withExistingLocalDeclsImp (decls : List LocalDecl) (k : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let ctx ← read\n let lctx := decls.foldl (fun (lctx : LocalContext) decl => lctx.addDecl decl) ctx.lctx\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx }) do\n withLocalInstancesImp decls k", "start": [ 1484, 1 ], "end": [ 1488, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withExistingLocalDecls", "code": "def withExistingLocalDecls (decls : List LocalDecl) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withExistingLocalDeclsImp decls", "start": [ 1490, 1 ], "end": [ 1501, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepthImp", "code": "private def withNewMCtxDepthImp (allowLevelAssignments : Bool) (x : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let saved ← get\n modify fun s => { s with mctx := s.mctx.incDepth allowLevelAssignments, postponed := {} }\n try\n x\n finally\n modify fun s => { s with mctx := saved.mctx, postponed := saved.postponed }", "start": [ 1503, 1 ], "end": [ 1509, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withReplaceFVarId", "code": "def withReplaceFVarId {α} (fvarId : FVarId) (e : Expr) : MetaM α → MetaM α :=\n withReader fun ctx => { ctx with\n lctx := ctx.lctx.replaceFVarId fvarId e\n localInstances := ctx.localInstances.erase fvarId }", "start": [ 1511, 1 ], "end": [ 1519, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepth", "code": "def withNewMCtxDepth (k : n α) (allowLevelAssignments := false) : n α :=\n mapMetaM (withNewMCtxDepthImp allowLevelAssignments) k", "start": [ 1521, 1 ], "end": [ 1529, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalContextImp", "code": "private def withLocalContextImp (lctx : LocalContext) (localInsts : LocalInstances) (x : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctx, localInstances := localInsts }) do\n x", "start": [ 1531, 1 ], "end": [ 1533, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLCtx", "code": "def withLCtx (lctx : LocalContext) (localInsts : LocalInstances) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withLocalContextImp lctx localInsts", "start": [ 1535, 1 ], "end": [ 1541, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withMVarContextImp", "code": "private def withMVarContextImp (mvarId : MVarId) (x : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let mvarDecl ← mvarId.getDecl\n withLocalContextImp mvarDecl.lctx mvarDecl.localInstances x", "start": [ 1543, 1 ], "end": [ 1545, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.withContext", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.withContext (mvarId : MVarId) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withMVarContextImp mvarId", "start": [ 1547, 1 ], "end": [ 1552, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withMVarContext", "code": "@[deprecated MVarId.withContext (since := \"2022-07-15\")]\ndef withMVarContext (mvarId : MVarId) : n α → n α :=\n mvarId.withContext", "start": [ 1554, 1 ], "end": [ 1556, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withMCtxImp", "code": "private def withMCtxImp (mctx : MetavarContext) (x : MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let mctx' ← getMCtx\n setMCtx mctx\n try x finally setMCtx mctx'", "start": [ 1558, 1 ], "end": [ 1561, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withMCtx", "code": "def withMCtx (mctx : MetavarContext) : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM <| withMCtxImp mctx", "start": [ 1563, 1 ], "end": [ 1569, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.approxDefEqImp", "code": "@[inline] private def approxDefEqImp (x : MetaM α) : MetaM α :=\n withConfig (fun config => { config with foApprox := true, ctxApprox := true, quasiPatternApprox := true}) x", "start": [ 1571, 1 ], "end": [ 1572, 110 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.approxDefEq", "code": "@[inline] def approxDefEq : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM approxDefEqImp", "start": [ 1574, 1 ], "end": [ 1576, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.fullApproxDefEqImp", "code": "@[inline] private def fullApproxDefEqImp (x : MetaM α) : MetaM α :=\n withConfig (fun config => { config with foApprox := true, ctxApprox := true, quasiPatternApprox := true, constApprox := true }) x", "start": [ 1578, 1 ], "end": [ 1579, 132 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.fullApproxDefEq", "code": "@[inline] def fullApproxDefEq : n α → n α :=\n mapMetaM fullApproxDefEqImp", "start": [ 1581, 1 ], "end": [ 1589, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.normalizeLevel", "code": "def normalizeLevel (u : Level) : MetaM Level := do\n let u ← instantiateLevelMVars u\n pure u.normalize", "start": [ 1591, 1 ], "end": [ 1594, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.whnfR", "code": "def whnfR (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n withTransparency TransparencyMode.reducible <| whnf e", "start": [ 1596, 1 ], "end": [ 1598, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.whnfD", "code": "def whnfD (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n withTransparency TransparencyMode.default <| whnf e", "start": [ 1600, 1 ], "end": [ 1602, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.whnfI", "code": "def whnfI (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n withTransparency TransparencyMode.instances <| whnf e", "start": [ 1604, 1 ], "end": [ 1606, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.whnfAtMostI", "code": "def whnfAtMostI (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n match (← getTransparency) with\n | .all | .default => withTransparency TransparencyMode.instances <| whnf e\n | _ => whnf e", "start": [ 1608, 1 ], "end": [ 1612, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.setInlineAttribute", "code": "def setInlineAttribute (declName : Name) (kind := Compiler.InlineAttributeKind.inline): MetaM Unit := do\n let env ← getEnv\n match Compiler.setInlineAttribute env declName kind with\n | .ok env => setEnv env\n | .error msg => throwError msg", "start": [ 1614, 1 ], "end": [ 1624, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.instantiateForallAux", "code": "private partial def instantiateForallAux (ps : Array Expr) (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n if h : i < ps.size then\n let p := ps.get ⟨i, h⟩\n match (← whnf e) with\n | .forallE _ _ b _ => instantiateForallAux ps (i+1) (b.instantiate1 p)\n | _ => throwError \"invalid instantiateForall, too many parameters\"\n else\n return e", "start": [ 1626, 1 ], "end": [ 1633, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.instantiateForall", "code": "def instantiateForall (e : Expr) (ps : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n instantiateForallAux ps 0 e", "start": [ 1635, 1 ], "end": [ 1637, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.instantiateLambdaAux", "code": "private partial def instantiateLambdaAux (ps : Array Expr) (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n if h : i < ps.size then\n let p := ps.get ⟨i, h⟩\n match (← whnf e) with\n | .lam _ _ b _ => instantiateLambdaAux ps (i+1) (b.instantiate1 p)\n | _ => throwError \"invalid instantiateLambda, too many parameters\"\n else\n return e", "start": [ 1639, 1 ], "end": [ 1646, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.instantiateLambda", "code": "def instantiateLambda (e : Expr) (ps : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n instantiateLambdaAux ps 0 e", "start": [ 1648, 1 ], "end": [ 1651, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ppExprWithInfos", "code": "def ppExprWithInfos (e : Expr) : MetaM FormatWithInfos := do\n let ctxCore ← readThe Core.Context\n Lean.ppExprWithInfos { env := (← getEnv), mctx := (← getMCtx), lctx := (← getLCtx), opts := (← getOptions), currNamespace := ctxCore.currNamespace, openDecls := ctxCore.openDecls } e", "start": [ 1653, 1 ], "end": [ 1656, 185 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ppExpr", "code": "def ppExpr (e : Expr) : MetaM Format := (·.fmt) <$> ppExprWithInfos e", "start": [ 1658, 1 ], "end": [ 1659, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.orElse", "code": "@[inline] protected def orElse (x : MetaM α) (y : Unit → MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let s ← saveState\n try x catch _ => s.restore; y ()", "start": [ 1661, 1 ], "end": [ 1663, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.orelseMergeErrorsImp", "code": "@[inline] private def orelseMergeErrorsImp (x y : MetaM α)\n (mergeRef : Syntax → Syntax → Syntax := fun r₁ _ => r₁)\n (mergeMsg : MessageData → MessageData → MessageData := fun m₁ m₂ => m₁ ++ Format.line ++ m₂) : MetaM α := do\n let env ← getEnv\n let mctx ← getMCtx\n try\n x\n catch ex =>\n setEnv env\n setMCtx mctx\n match ex with\n | Exception.error ref₁ m₁ =>\n try\n y\n catch\n | Exception.error ref₂ m₂ => throw <| Exception.error (mergeRef ref₁ ref₂) (mergeMsg m₁ m₂)\n | ex => throw ex\n | ex => throw ex", "start": [ 1671, 1 ], "end": [ 1688, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.orelseMergeErrors", "code": "@[inline] def orelseMergeErrors [MonadControlT MetaM m] [Monad m] (x y : m α)\n (mergeRef : Syntax → Syntax → Syntax := fun r₁ _ => r₁)\n (mergeMsg : MessageData → MessageData → MessageData := fun m₁ m₂ => m₁ ++ Format.line ++ Format.line ++ m₂) : m α := do\n controlAt MetaM fun runInBase => orelseMergeErrorsImp (runInBase x) (runInBase y) mergeRef mergeMsg", "start": [ 1690, 1 ], "end": [ 1697, 102 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mapErrorImp", "code": "def mapErrorImp (x : MetaM α) (f : MessageData → MessageData) : MetaM α := do\n try\n x\n catch\n | Exception.error ref msg => throw <| Exception.error ref <| f msg\n | ex => throw ex", "start": [ 1699, 1 ], "end": [ 1705, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mapError", "code": "@[inline] def mapError [MonadControlT MetaM m] [Monad m] (x : m α) (f : MessageData → MessageData) : m α :=\n controlAt MetaM fun runInBase => mapErrorImp (runInBase x) f", "start": [ 1707, 1 ], "end": [ 1708, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.sortFVarIds", "code": "def sortFVarIds (fvarIds : Array FVarId) : MetaM (Array FVarId) := do\n let lctx ← getLCtx\n return fvarIds.qsort fun fvarId₁ fvarId₂ =>\n match lctx.find? fvarId₁, lctx.find? fvarId₂ with\n | some d₁, some d₂ => d₁.index < d₂.index\n | some _, none => false\n | none, some _ => true\n | none, none => Name.quickLt fvarId₁.name fvarId₂.name", "start": [ 1710, 1 ], "end": [ 1720, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isInductivePredicate", "code": "def isInductivePredicate (declName : Name) : MetaM Bool := do\n match (← getEnv).find? declName with\n | some (.inductInfo { type := type, ..}) =>\n forallTelescopeReducing type fun _ type => do\n match (← whnfD type) with\n | .sort u .. => return u == levelZero\n | _ => return false\n | _ => return false", "start": [ 1724, 1 ], "end": [ 1732, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isListLevelDefEqAux", "code": "def isListLevelDefEqAux : List Level → List Level → MetaM Bool\n | [], [] => return true\n | u::us, v::vs => isLevelDefEqAux u v <&&> isListLevelDefEqAux us vs\n | _, _ => return false", "start": [ 1734, 1 ], "end": [ 1737, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getNumPostponed", "code": "def getNumPostponed : MetaM Nat := do\n return (← getPostponed).size", "start": [ 1739, 1 ], "end": [ 1740, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getResetPostponed", "code": "def getResetPostponed : MetaM (PersistentArray PostponedEntry) := do\n let ps ← getPostponed\n setPostponed {}\n return ps", "start": [ 1742, 1 ], "end": [ 1745, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.exposeRelevantUniverses", "code": "private def exposeRelevantUniverses (e : Expr) (p : Level → Bool) : Expr :=\n e.replace fun e =>\n match e with\n | .const _ us => if us.any p then some (e.setPPUniverses true) else none\n | .sort u => if p u then some (e.setPPUniverses true) else none\n | _ => none", "start": [ 1747, 1 ], "end": [ 1753, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkLeveErrorMessageCore", "code": "private def mkLeveErrorMessageCore (header : String) (entry : PostponedEntry) : MetaM MessageData := do\n match entry.ctx? with\n | none =>\n return m!\"{header}{indentD m!\"{entry.lhs} =?= {entry.rhs}\"}\"\n | some ctx =>\n withLCtx ctx.lctx ctx.localInstances do\n let s := entry.lhs.collectMVars entry.rhs.collectMVars\n \n let p (u : Level) := u.any fun | .mvar m => s.contains m | _ => false\n let lhs := exposeRelevantUniverses (← instantiateMVars ctx.lhs) p\n let rhs := exposeRelevantUniverses (← instantiateMVars ctx.rhs) p\n try\n addMessageContext m!\"{header}{indentD m!\"{entry.lhs} =?= {entry.rhs}\"}\\nwhile trying to unify{indentD m!\"{lhs} : {← inferType lhs}\"}\\nwith{indentD m!\"{rhs} : {← inferType rhs}\"}\"\n catch _ =>\n addMessageContext m!\"{header}{indentD m!\"{entry.lhs} =?= {entry.rhs}\"}\\nwhile trying to unify{indentD lhs}\\nwith{indentD rhs}\"", "start": [ 1755, 1 ], "end": [ 1769, 135 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkLevelStuckErrorMessage", "code": "def mkLevelStuckErrorMessage (entry : PostponedEntry) : MetaM MessageData := do\n mkLeveErrorMessageCore \"stuck at solving universe constraint\" entry", "start": [ 1771, 1 ], "end": [ 1772, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.mkLevelErrorMessage", "code": "def mkLevelErrorMessage (entry : PostponedEntry) : MetaM MessageData := do\n mkLeveErrorMessageCore \"failed to solve universe constraint\" entry", "start": [ 1774, 1 ], "end": [ 1775, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.processPostponedStep", "code": "private def processPostponedStep (exceptionOnFailure : Bool) : MetaM Bool := do\n let ps ← getResetPostponed\n for p in ps do\n unless (← withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with defEqCtx? := p.ctx? }) <| isLevelDefEqAux p.lhs p.rhs) do\n if exceptionOnFailure then\n withRef p.ref do\n throwError (← mkLevelErrorMessage p)\n else\n return false\n return true", "start": [ 1777, 1 ], "end": [ 1786, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.processPostponed", "code": "partial def processPostponed (mayPostpone : Bool := true) (exceptionOnFailure := false) : MetaM Bool := do\n if (← getNumPostponed) == 0 then\n return true\n else\n let numPostponedBegin ← getNumPostponed\n withTraceNode `Meta.isLevelDefEq.postponed\n (fun _ => return m!\"processing #{numPostponedBegin} postponed is-def-eq level constraints\") do\n let rec loop : MetaM Bool := do\n let numPostponed ← getNumPostponed\n if numPostponed == 0 then\n return true\n else\n if !(← processPostponedStep exceptionOnFailure) then\n return false\n else\n let numPostponed' ← getNumPostponed\n if numPostponed' == 0 then\n return true\n else if numPostponed' < numPostponed then\n loop\n else if !mayPostpone && (← getConfig).univApprox && !(← read).univApprox then\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with univApprox := true }) loop\n else\n trace[Meta.isLevelDefEq.postponed] \"no progress solving pending is-def-eq level constraints\"\n return mayPostpone\n loop", "start": [ 1788, 1 ], "end": [ 1815, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.checkpointDefEq", "code": "@[specialize] def checkpointDefEq (x : MetaM Bool) (mayPostpone : Bool := true) : MetaM Bool := do\n let s ← saveState\n \n modifyDefEqTransientCache fun _ => {}\n let postponed ← getResetPostponed\n try\n if (← x) then\n if (← processPostponed mayPostpone) then\n let newPostponed ← getPostponed\n setPostponed (postponed ++ newPostponed)\n return true\n else\n s.restore\n return false\n else\n s.restore\n return false\n catch ex =>\n s.restore\n throw ex", "start": [ 1817, 1 ], "end": [ 1852, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isLevelDefEq", "code": "def isLevelDefEq (u v : Level) : MetaM Bool :=\n checkpointDefEq (mayPostpone := true) <| Meta.isLevelDefEqAux u v", "start": [ 1854, 1 ], "end": [ 1858, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isExprDefEq", "code": "def isExprDefEq (t s : Expr) : MetaM Bool :=\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with defEqCtx? := some { lhs := t, rhs := s, lctx := ctx.lctx, localInstances := ctx.localInstances } }) do\n \n resetDefEqPermCaches\n checkpointDefEq (mayPostpone := true) <| Meta.isExprDefEqAux t s", "start": [ 1860, 1 ], "end": [ 1883, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isDefEq", "code": "abbrev isDefEq (t s : Expr) : MetaM Bool :=\n isExprDefEq t s", "start": [ 1885, 1 ], "end": [ 1898, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isExprDefEqGuarded", "code": "def isExprDefEqGuarded (a b : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n try isExprDefEq a b catch _ => return false", "start": [ 1900, 1 ], "end": [ 1901, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isDefEqGuarded", "code": "abbrev isDefEqGuarded (t s : Expr) : MetaM Bool :=\n isExprDefEqGuarded t s", "start": [ 1903, 1 ], "end": [ 1905, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isDefEqNoConstantApprox", "code": "def isDefEqNoConstantApprox (t s : Expr) : MetaM Bool :=\n approxDefEq <| isDefEq t s", "start": [ 1907, 1 ], "end": [ 1908, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.MVarId.checkedAssign", "code": "def _root_.Lean.MVarId.checkedAssign (mvarId : MVarId) (val : Expr) : MetaM Bool :=\n isDefEq (mkMVar mvarId) val", "start": [ 1910, 1 ], "end": [ 1912, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.etaExpand", "code": "def etaExpand (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n withDefault do forallTelescopeReducing (← inferType e) fun xs _ => mkLambdaFVars xs (mkAppN e xs)", "start": [ 1914, 1 ], "end": [ 1923, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.instantiateMVarsIfMVarApp", "code": "def instantiateMVarsIfMVarApp (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n if e.getAppFn.isMVar then\n instantiateMVars e\n else\n return e", "start": [ 1925, 1 ], "end": [ 1932, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ProjectionFunctionInfo", "code": "structure ProjectionFunctionInfo where\n \n ctorName : Name\n \n numParams : Nat\n \n i : Nat\n \n fromClass : Bool\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkProjectionInfoEx", "code": "@[export lean_mk_projection_info]\ndef mkProjectionInfoEx (ctorName : Name) (numParams : Nat) (i : Nat) (fromClass : Bool) : ProjectionFunctionInfo :=\n { ctorName, numParams, i, fromClass }", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ProjectionFunctionInfo.fromClassEx", "code": "@[export lean_projection_info_from_class]\ndef ProjectionFunctionInfo.fromClassEx (info : ProjectionFunctionInfo) : Bool :=\n info.fromClass", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addProjectionFnInfo", "code": "@[export lean_add_projection_info]\ndef addProjectionFnInfo (env : Environment) (projName : Name) (ctorName : Name) (numParams : Nat) (i : Nat) (fromClass : Bool) : Environment :=\n projectionFnInfoExt.insert env projName { ctorName, numParams, i, fromClass }", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.getProjectionFnInfo?", "code": "@[export lean_get_projection_info]\ndef getProjectionFnInfo? (env : Environment) (projName : Name) : Option ProjectionFunctionInfo :=\n projectionFnInfoExt.find? env projName", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.isProjectionFn", "code": "def isProjectionFn (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=\n projectionFnInfoExt.contains env declName", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.getProjectionStructureName?", "code": "def getProjectionStructureName? (env : Environment) (projName : Name) : Option Name :=\n match env.getProjectionFnInfo? projName with\n | none => none\n | some projInfo =>\n match env.find? projInfo.ctorName with\n | some (ConstantInfo.ctorInfo val) => some val.induct\n | _ => none", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 55, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isProjectionFn", "code": "def isProjectionFn [MonadEnv m] [Monad m] (declName : Name) : m Bool :=\n return (← getEnv).isProjectionFn declName", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getProjectionFnInfo?", "code": "def getProjectionFnInfo? [MonadEnv m] [Monad m] (declName : Name) : m (Option ProjectionFunctionInfo) :=\n return (← getEnv).getProjectionFnInfo? declName", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 63, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Meta/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/LBool.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Expr.instantiateBetaRevRange", "code": "partial def Expr.instantiateBetaRevRange (e : Expr) (start : Nat) (stop : Nat) (args : Array Expr) : Expr :=\n if e.hasLooseBVars && stop > start then\n assert! stop ≤ args.size\n visit e 0 |>.run\n else\n e\nwhere\n visit (e : Expr) (offset : Nat) : MonadStateCacheT (ExprStructEq × Nat) Expr Id Expr :=\n if offset >= e.looseBVarRange then\n return e\n else checkCache ({ val := e : ExprStructEq }, offset) fun _ => do\n match e with\n | .forallE _ d b _ => return e.updateForallE! (← visit d offset) (← visit b (offset+1))\n | .lam _ d b _ => return e.updateLambdaE! (← visit d offset) (← visit b (offset+1))\n | .letE _ t v b _ => return e.updateLet! (← visit t offset) (← visit v offset) (← visit b (offset+1))\n | .mdata _ b => return e.updateMData! (← visit b offset)\n | .proj _ _ b => return e.updateProj! (← visit b offset)\n | .app .. =>\n e.withAppRev fun f revArgs => do\n let fNew ← visit f offset\n let revArgs ← revArgs.mapM (visit · offset)\n if f.isBVar then\n return fNew.betaRev revArgs\n else\n return mkAppRev fNew revArgs\n | Expr.bvar vidx =>\n let n := stop - start\n if vidx < offset + n then\n return args[stop - (vidx - offset) - 1]!.liftLooseBVars 0 offset\n else\n return mkBVar (vidx - n)\n | .const .. => unreachable!\n | .fvar .. => unreachable!\n | .mvar .. => unreachable!\n | .sort .. => unreachable!\n | .lit .. => unreachable!", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.throwFunctionExpected", "code": "def throwFunctionExpected {α} (f : Expr) : MetaM α :=\n throwError \"function expected{indentExpr f}\"", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferAppType", "code": "private def inferAppType (f : Expr) (args : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n let mut fType ← inferType f\n let mut j := 0\n \n for i in [:args.size] do\n match fType with\n | Expr.forallE _ _ b _ => fType := b\n | _ =>\n match (← whnf <| fType.instantiateBetaRevRange j i args) with\n | Expr.forallE _ _ b _ => j := i; fType := b\n | _ => throwFunctionExpected <| mkAppRange f 0 (i+1) args\n return fType.instantiateBetaRevRange j args.size args", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.throwIncorrectNumberOfLevels", "code": "def throwIncorrectNumberOfLevels {α} (constName : Name) (us : List Level) : MetaM α :=\n throwError \"incorrect number of universe levels {mkConst constName us}\"", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 88, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferConstType", "code": "private def inferConstType (c : Name) (us : List Level) : MetaM Expr := do\n let cinfo ← getConstInfo c\n if cinfo.levelParams.length == us.length then\n instantiateTypeLevelParams cinfo us\n else\n throwIncorrectNumberOfLevels c us", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferProjType", "code": "private def inferProjType (structName : Name) (idx : Nat) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n let failed {α} : Unit → MetaM α := fun _ =>\n throwError \"invalid projection{indentExpr (mkProj structName idx e)}\"\n let structType ← inferType e\n let structType ← whnf structType\n matchConstStruct structType.getAppFn failed fun structVal structLvls ctorVal =>\n let n := structVal.numParams\n let structParams := structType.getAppArgs\n if n != structParams.size then\n failed ()\n else do\n let mut ctorType ← inferAppType (mkConst structLvls) structParams\n for i in [:idx] do\n ctorType ← whnf ctorType\n match ctorType with\n | Expr.forallE _ _ body _ =>\n if body.hasLooseBVars then\n ctorType := body.instantiate1 <| mkProj structName i e\n else\n ctorType := body\n | _ => failed ()\n ctorType ← whnf ctorType\n match ctorType with\n | Expr.forallE _ d _ _ => return d.consumeTypeAnnotations\n | _ => failed ()", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.throwTypeExcepted", "code": "def throwTypeExcepted {α} (type : Expr) : MetaM α :=\n throwError \"type expected{indentExpr type}\"", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 124, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getLevel", "code": "def getLevel (type : Expr) : MetaM Level := do\n let typeType ← inferType type\n let typeType ← whnfD typeType\n match typeType with\n | Expr.sort lvl => return lvl\n | Expr.mvar mvarId =>\n if (← mvarId.isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaque) then\n throwTypeExcepted type\n else\n let lvl ← mkFreshLevelMVar\n mvarId.assign (mkSort lvl)\n return lvl\n | _ => throwTypeExcepted type", "start": [ 126, 1 ], "end": [ 138, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferForallType", "code": "private def inferForallType (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n forallTelescope e fun xs e => do\n let lvl ← getLevel e\n let lvl ← xs.foldrM (init := lvl) fun x lvl => do\n let xType ← inferType x\n let xTypeLvl ← getLevel xType\n return mkLevelIMax' xTypeLvl lvl\n return mkSort lvl.normalize", "start": [ 140, 1 ], "end": [ 147, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferLambdaType", "code": "private def inferLambdaType (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n lambdaLetTelescope e fun xs e => do\n let type ← inferType e\n mkForallFVars xs type", "start": [ 149, 1 ], "end": [ 153, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.throwUnknownMVar", "code": "def throwUnknownMVar {α} (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM α :=\n throwError \"unknown metavariable '?{}'\"", "start": [ 155, 1 ], "end": [ 156, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferMVarType", "code": "private def inferMVarType (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Expr := do\n match (← getMCtx).findDecl? mvarId with\n | some d => return d.type\n | none => throwUnknownMVar mvarId", "start": [ 158, 1 ], "end": [ 161, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferFVarType", "code": "private def inferFVarType (fvarId : FVarId) : MetaM Expr := do\n match (← getLCtx).find? fvarId with\n | some d => return d.type\n | none => fvarId.throwUnknown", "start": [ 163, 1 ], "end": [ 166, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.checkInferTypeCache", "code": "@[inline] private def checkInferTypeCache (e : Expr) (inferType : MetaM Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n match (← get).cache.inferType.find? e with\n | some type => return type\n | none =>\n let type ← inferType\n unless e.hasMVar || type.hasMVar do\n modifyInferTypeCache fun c => c.insert e type\n return type", "start": [ 168, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.inferTypeImp", "code": "@[export lean_infer_type]\ndef inferTypeImp (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr :=\n let rec infer (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do\n match e with\n | .const c [] => inferConstType c []\n | .const c us => checkInferTypeCache e (inferConstType c us)\n | .proj n i s => checkInferTypeCache e (inferProjType n i s)\n | .app f .. => checkInferTypeCache e (inferAppType f.getAppFn e.getAppArgs)\n | .mvar mvarId => inferMVarType mvarId\n | .fvar fvarId => inferFVarType fvarId\n | .bvar bidx => throwError \"unexpected bound variable {mkBVar bidx}\"\n | .mdata _ e => infer e\n | .lit v => return v.type\n | .sort lvl => return mkSort (mkLevelSucc lvl)\n | .forallE .. => checkInferTypeCache e (inferForallType e)\n | .lam .. => checkInferTypeCache e (inferLambdaType e)\n | .letE .. => checkInferTypeCache e (inferLambdaType e)\n withIncRecDepth <| withTransparency TransparencyMode.default (infer e)", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 194, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isAlwaysZero", "code": "private def isAlwaysZero : Level → Bool\n | .zero .. => true\n | .mvar .. => false\n | .param .. => false\n | .succ .. => false\n | .max u v => isAlwaysZero u && isAlwaysZero v\n | .imax _ u => isAlwaysZero u", "start": [ 196, 1 ], "end": [ 205, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isArrowProp", "code": "private partial def isArrowProp : Expr → Nat → MetaM LBool\n | .sort u, 0 => return isAlwaysZero (← instantiateLevelMVars u) |>.toLBool\n | .forallE .., 0 => return LBool.false\n | .forallE _ _ b _, n+1 => isArrowProp b n\n | .letE _ _ _ b _, n => isArrowProp b n\n | .mdata _ e, n => isArrowProp e n\n | _, _ => return LBool.undef", "start": [ 207, 1 ], "end": [ 217, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isPropQuickApp", "code": "private partial def isPropQuickApp : Expr → Nat → MetaM LBool\n | .const c lvls, arity => do let constType ← inferConstType c lvls; isArrowProp constType arity\n | .fvar fvarId, arity => do let fvarType ← inferFVarType fvarId; isArrowProp fvarType arity\n | .mvar mvarId, arity => do let mvarType ← inferMVarType mvarId; isArrowProp mvarType arity\n | .app f .., arity => isPropQuickApp f (arity+1)\n | .mdata _ e, arity => isPropQuickApp e arity\n | .letE _ _ _ b _, arity => isPropQuickApp b arity\n | .lam .., 0 => return LBool.false\n | .lam _ _ b _, arity+1 => isPropQuickApp b arity\n | _, _ => return LBool.undef", "start": [ 219, 1 ], "end": [ 231, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isPropQuick", "code": "partial def isPropQuick : Expr → MetaM LBool\n | .bvar .. => return LBool.undef\n | .lit .. => return LBool.false\n | .sort .. => return LBool.false\n | .lam .. => return LBool.false\n | .letE _ _ _ b _ => isPropQuick b\n | .proj .. => return LBool.undef\n | .forallE _ _ b _ => isPropQuick b\n | .mdata _ e => isPropQuick e\n | .const c lvls => do let constType ← inferConstType c lvls; isArrowProp constType 0\n | .fvar fvarId => do let fvarType ← inferFVarType fvarId; isArrowProp fvarType 0\n | .mvar mvarId => do let mvarType ← inferMVarType mvarId; isArrowProp mvarType 0\n | .app f .. => isPropQuickApp f 1", "start": [ 233, 1 ], "end": [ 248, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isProp", "code": "def isProp (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n match (← isPropQuick e) with\n | .true => return true\n | .false => return false\n | .undef =>\n let type ← inferType e\n let type ← whnfD type\n match type with\n | Expr.sort u => return isAlwaysZero (← instantiateLevelMVars u)\n | _ => return false", "start": [ 250, 1 ], "end": [ 265, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isArrowProposition", "code": "private partial def isArrowProposition : Expr → Nat → MetaM LBool\n | .forallE _ _ b _, n+1 => isArrowProposition b n\n | .letE _ _ _ b _, n => isArrowProposition b n\n | .mdata _ e, n => isArrowProposition e n\n | type, 0 => isPropQuick type\n | _, _ => return LBool.undef", "start": [ 267, 1 ], "end": [ 276, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isProofQuickApp", "code": "private partial def isProofQuickApp : Expr → Nat → MetaM LBool\n | .const c lvls, arity => do let constType ← inferConstType c lvls; isArrowProposition constType arity\n | .fvar fvarId, arity => do let fvarType ← inferFVarType fvarId; isArrowProposition fvarType arity\n | .mvar mvarId, arity => do let mvarType ← inferMVarType mvarId; isArrowProposition mvarType arity\n | .app f _, arity => isProofQuickApp f (arity+1)\n | .mdata _ e, arity => isProofQuickApp e arity\n | .letE _ _ _ b _, arity => isProofQuickApp b arity\n | .lam _ _ b _, 0 => isProofQuick b\n | .lam _ _ b _, arity+1 => isProofQuickApp b arity\n | _, _ => return LBool.undef", "start": [ 279, 1 ], "end": [ 291, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isProofQuick", "code": "partial def isProofQuick : Expr → MetaM LBool\n | .bvar .. => return LBool.undef\n | .lit .. => return LBool.false\n | .sort .. => return LBool.false\n | .lam _ _ b _ => isProofQuick b\n | .letE _ _ _ b _ => isProofQuick b\n | .proj .. => return LBool.undef\n | .forallE .. => return LBool.false\n | .mdata _ e => isProofQuick e\n | .const c lvls => do let constType ← inferConstType c lvls; isArrowProposition constType 0\n | .fvar fvarId => do let fvarType ← inferFVarType fvarId; isArrowProposition fvarType 0\n | .mvar mvarId => do let mvarType ← inferMVarType mvarId; isArrowProposition mvarType 0\n | .app f .. => isProofQuickApp f 1", "start": [ 293, 1 ], "end": [ 308, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isProof", "code": "def isProof (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n match (← isProofQuick e) with\n | .true => return true\n | .false => return false\n | .undef => Meta.isProp (← inferType e)", "start": [ 312, 1 ], "end": [ 316, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isArrowType", "code": "private partial def isArrowType : Expr → Nat → MetaM LBool\n | .sort .., 0 => return LBool.true\n | .forallE .., 0 => return LBool.false\n | .forallE _ _ b _, n+1 => isArrowType b n\n | .letE _ _ _ b _, n => isArrowType b n\n | .mdata _ e, n => isArrowType e n\n | _, _ => return LBool.undef", "start": [ 318, 1 ], "end": [ 328, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isTypeQuickApp", "code": "private partial def isTypeQuickApp : Expr → Nat → MetaM LBool\n | .const c lvls, arity => do let constType ← inferConstType c lvls; isArrowType constType arity\n | .fvar fvarId, arity => do let fvarType ← inferFVarType fvarId; isArrowType fvarType arity\n | .mvar mvarId, arity => do let mvarType ← inferMVarType mvarId; isArrowType mvarType arity\n | .app f _, arity => isTypeQuickApp f (arity+1)\n | .mdata _ e, arity => isTypeQuickApp e arity\n | .letE _ _ _ b _, arity => isTypeQuickApp b arity\n | .lam .., 0 => return LBool.false\n | .lam _ _ b _, arity+1 => isTypeQuickApp b arity\n | _, _ => return LBool.undef", "start": [ 330, 1 ], "end": [ 342, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isTypeQuick", "code": "partial def isTypeQuick : Expr → MetaM LBool\n | .bvar .. => return LBool.undef\n | .lit .. => return LBool.false\n | .sort .. => return LBool.true\n | .lam .. => return LBool.false\n | .letE _ _ _ b _ => isTypeQuick b\n | .proj .. => return LBool.undef\n | .forallE .. => return LBool.true\n | .mdata _ e => isTypeQuick e\n | .const c lvls => do let constType ← inferConstType c lvls; isArrowType constType 0\n | .fvar fvarId => do let fvarType ← inferFVarType fvarId; isArrowType fvarType 0\n | .mvar mvarId => do let mvarType ← inferMVarType mvarId; isArrowType mvarType 0\n | .app f .. => isTypeQuickApp f 1", "start": [ 344, 1 ], "end": [ 359, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isType", "code": "def isType (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n match (← isTypeQuick e) with\n | .true => return true\n | .false => return false\n | .undef =>\n let type ← inferType e\n let type ← whnfD type\n match type with\n | .sort .. => return true\n | _ => return false", "start": [ 361, 1 ], "end": [ 373, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.withLocalDecl'", "code": "@[inline] private def withLocalDecl' {α} (name : Name) (bi : BinderInfo) (type : Expr) (x : Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α := do\n let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId\n withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := ctx.lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId name type bi }) do\n x (mkFVar fvarId)", "start": [ 375, 1 ], "end": [ 378, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.typeFormerTypeLevelQuick", "code": "def typeFormerTypeLevelQuick : Expr → Option Level\n | .forallE _ _ b _ => typeFormerTypeLevelQuick b\n | .sort l => some l\n | _ => none", "start": [ 380, 1 ], "end": [ 383, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.typeFormerTypeLevel", "code": "partial def typeFormerTypeLevel (type : Expr) : MetaM (Option Level) := do\n match typeFormerTypeLevelQuick type with\n | .some l => return .some l\n | .none => savingCache <| go type #[]\nwhere\n go (type : Expr) (xs : Array Expr) : MetaM (Option Level) := do\n match type with\n | .sort l => return some l\n | .forallE n d b c => withLocalDecl' n c (d.instantiateRev xs) fun x => go b (xs.push x)\n | _ =>\n let type ← whnfD (type.instantiateRev xs)\n match type with\n | .sort l => return some l\n | .forallE .. => go type #[]\n | _ => return none", "start": [ 385, 1 ], "end": [ 402, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isTypeFormerType", "code": "partial def isTypeFormerType (type : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n return (← typeFormerTypeLevel type).isSome", "start": [ 404, 1 ], "end": [ 408, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isPropFormerType", "code": "partial def isPropFormerType (type : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n return (← typeFormerTypeLevel type) == .some .zero", "start": [ 410, 1 ], "end": [ 414, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.isTypeFormer", "code": "def isTypeFormer (e : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do\n isTypeFormerType (← inferType e)", "start": [ 416, 1 ], "end": [ 421, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ProjFns.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/List/BasicAux.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Meta/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Expr.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Attributes.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ExternEntry", "code": "inductive ExternEntry where\n | adhoc (backend : Name)\n | inline (backend : Name) (pattern : String)\n | standard (backend : Name) (fn : String)\n | foreign (backend : Name) (fn : String)", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExternAttrData", "code": "structure ExternAttrData where\n arity? : Option Nat := none\n entries : List ExternEntry\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 22, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.syntaxToExternAttrData", "code": "private def syntaxToExternAttrData (stx : Syntax) : AttrM ExternAttrData := do\n let arity? := if stx[1].isNone then none else some <| stx[1][0].isNatLit?.getD 0\n let entriesStx := stx[2].getArgs\n if entriesStx.size == 0 && arity? == none then\n return { entries := [ ExternEntry.adhoc `all ] }\n let mut entries := #[]\n for entryStx in entriesStx do\n let backend := if entryStx[0].isNone then `all else entryStx[0][0].getId\n let str ← match entryStx[2].isStrLit? with\n | none => throwErrorAt entryStx[2] \"string literal expected\"\n | some str => pure str\n if entryStx[1].isNone then\n entries := entries.push <| ExternEntry.standard backend str\n else\n entries := entries.push <| ExternEntry.inline backend str\n return { arity? := arity?, entries := entries.toList }", "start": [ 43, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addExtern", "code": "@[extern \"lean_add_extern\"]\nopaque addExtern (env : Environment) (n : Name) : ExceptT String Id Environment", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 61, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getExternAttrData?", "code": "@[export lean_get_extern_attr_data]\ndef getExternAttrData? (env : Environment) (n : Name) : Option ExternAttrData :=\n externAttr.getParam? env n", "start": [ 78, 1 ], "end": [ 80, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.parseOptNum", "code": "private def parseOptNum : Nat → String.Iterator → Nat → String.Iterator × Nat\n | 0, it, r => (it, r)\n | n+1, it, r =>\n if !it.hasNext then (it, r)\n else\n let c := it.curr\n if '0' <= c && c <= '9'\n then parseOptNum n (r*10 + (c.toNat - '0'.toNat))\n else (it, r)", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.expandExternPatternAux", "code": "def expandExternPatternAux (args : List String) : Nat → String.Iterator → String → String\n | 0, _, r => r\n | i+1, it, r =>\n if ¬ it.hasNext then r\n else let c := it.curr\n if c ≠ '#' then expandExternPatternAux args i (r.push c)\n else\n let it :=\n let (it, j) := parseOptNum it.remainingBytes it 0\n let j := j-1\n expandExternPatternAux args i it (r ++ args.getD j \"\")", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 102, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.expandExternPattern", "code": "def expandExternPattern (pattern : String) (args : List String) : String :=\n expandExternPatternAux args pattern.length pattern.mkIterator \"\"", "start": [ 104, 1 ], "end": [ 105, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.mkSimpleFnCall", "code": "def mkSimpleFnCall (fn : String) (args : List String) : String :=\n fn ++ \"(\" ++ ((args.intersperse \", \").foldl (·++·) \"\") ++ \")\"", "start": [ 107, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ExternEntry.backend", "code": "def ExternEntry.backend : ExternEntry → Name\n | ExternEntry.adhoc n => n\n | ExternEntry.inline n _ => n\n | ExternEntry.standard n _ => n\n | ExternEntry.foreign n _ => n", "start": [ 110, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getExternEntryForAux", "code": "def getExternEntryForAux (backend : Name) : List ExternEntry → Option ExternEntry\n | [] => none\n | e::es =>\n if e.backend == `all then some e\n else if e.backend == backend then some e\n else getExternEntryForAux backend es", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getExternEntryFor", "code": "def getExternEntryFor (d : ExternAttrData) (backend : Name) : Option ExternEntry :=\n getExternEntryForAux backend d.entries", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 124, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isExtern", "code": "def isExtern (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Bool :=\n getExternAttrData? env fn |>.isSome", "start": [ 126, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isExternC", "code": "def isExternC (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Bool :=\n match getExternAttrData? env fn with\n | some { entries := [ ExternEntry.standard `all _ ], .. } => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getExternNameFor", "code": "def getExternNameFor (env : Environment) (backend : Name) (fn : Name) : Option String := do\n let data? ← getExternAttrData? env fn\n let entry ← getExternEntryFor data? backend\n match entry with\n | ExternEntry.standard _ n => pure n\n | ExternEntry.foreign _ n => pure n\n | _ => failure", "start": [ 136, 1 ], "end": [ 142, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getExternConstArity", "code": "private def getExternConstArity (declName : Name) : CoreM Nat := do\n let fromSignature : Unit → CoreM Nat := fun _ => do\n let cinfo ← getConstInfo declName\n let (arity, _) ← (Meta.forallTelescopeReducing cinfo.type fun xs _ => pure xs.size : MetaM Nat).run\n return arity\n let env ← getEnv\n match getExternAttrData? env declName with\n | none => fromSignature ()\n | some data => match data.arity? with\n | some arity => return arity\n | none => fromSignature ()", "start": [ 144, 1 ], "end": [ 154, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getExternConstArityExport", "code": "@[export lean_get_extern_const_arity]\ndef getExternConstArityExport (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : IO (Option Nat) := do\n try\n let (arity, _) ← (getExternConstArity declName).toIO { fileName := \"<compiler>\", fileMap := default } { env := env }\n return some arity\n catch\n | IO.Error.userError _ => return none\n | _ => return none", "start": [ 156, 1 ], "end": [ 163, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/CoreM.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.ReservedNameAction", "code": "def ReservedNameAction := Name → CoreM Bool", "start": [ 11, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerReservedNameAction", "code": "def registerReservedNameAction (act : ReservedNameAction) : IO Unit := do\n unless (← initializing) do\n throw (IO.userError \"failed to register reserved name action, this kind of extension can only be registered during initialization\")\n reservedNameActionsRef.modify (·.push act)", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.executeReservedNameAction", "code": "def executeReservedNameAction (name : Name) : CoreM Unit := do\n for act in (← reservedNameActionsRef.get) do\n if (← act name) then\n return ()", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.realizeGlobalName", "code": "def realizeGlobalName (id : Name) : CoreM (List (Name × List String)) := do\n let cs ← resolveGlobalName id\n cs.filterM fun (c, _) => do\n if (← getEnv).contains c then\n return true\n else\n try\n executeReservedNameAction c\n return (← getEnv).contains c\n catch ex =>\n logError m!\"Failed to realize constant {id}:{indentD ex.toMessageData}\"\n return false", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 53, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.realizeGlobalConstCore", "code": "def realizeGlobalConstCore (n : Name) : CoreM (List Name) := do\n let cs ← realizeGlobalName n\n filterFieldList n cs", "start": [ 55, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadCore", "code": "def realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadCore (n : Name) : CoreM Name := do\n ensureNoOverload n (← realizeGlobalConstCore n)", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.realizeGlobalConst", "code": "def realizeGlobalConst (stx : Syntax) : CoreM (List Name) :=\n withRef stx do preprocessSyntaxAndResolve stx realizeGlobalConstCore", "start": [ 68, 1 ], "end": [ 75, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.realizeGlobalConstNoOverload", "code": "def realizeGlobalConstNoOverload (id : Syntax) : CoreM Name := do\n ensureNonAmbiguous id (← realizeGlobalConst id)", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Meta/InferType.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.addLine", "code": "private def addLine (fmt : Format) : Format :=\n if fmt.isNil then fmt else fmt ++ Format.line", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.getGoalPrefix", "code": "def getGoalPrefix (mvarDecl : MetavarDecl) : String :=\n if isLHSGoal? mvarDecl.type |>.isSome then\n \"| \"\n else\n \"⊢ \"", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Meta.ppGoal", "code": "def ppGoal (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM Format := do\n match (← getMCtx).findDecl? mvarId with\n | none => return \"unknown goal\"\n | some mvarDecl =>\n let indent := 2 let showLetValues := pp.showLetValues.get (← getOptions)\n let ppAuxDecls := pp.auxDecls.get (← getOptions)\n let ppImplDetailHyps := pp.implementationDetailHyps.get (← getOptions)\n let lctx := mvarDecl.lctx\n let lctx :=' { options := (← getOptions) }\n withLCtx lctx mvarDecl.localInstances do\n let rec pushPending (ids : List Name) (type? : Option Expr) (fmt : Format) : MetaM Format := do\n if ids.isEmpty then\n return fmt\n else\n let fmt := addLine fmt\n match type? with\n | none => return fmt\n | some type =>\n let typeFmt ← ppExpr type\n return fmt ++ (Format.joinSep ids.reverse (format \" \") ++ \" :\" ++ Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ typeFmt)).group\n let rec ppVars (varNames : List Name) (prevType? : Option Expr) (fmt : Format) (localDecl : LocalDecl) : MetaM (List Name × Option Expr × Format) := do\n match localDecl with\n | .cdecl _ _ varName type _ _ =>\n let varName := varName.simpMacroScopes\n let type ← instantiateMVars type\n if prevType? == none || prevType? == some type then\n return (varName :: varNames, some type, fmt)\n else do\n let fmt ← pushPending varNames prevType? fmt\n return ([varName], some type, fmt)\n | .ldecl _ _ varName type val _ _ => do\n let varName := varName.simpMacroScopes\n let fmt ← pushPending varNames prevType? fmt\n let fmt := addLine fmt\n let type ← instantiateMVars type\n let typeFmt ← ppExpr type\n let mut fmtElem := format varName ++ \" : \" ++ typeFmt\n if showLetValues then\n let val ← instantiateMVars val\n let valFmt ← ppExpr val\n fmtElem := fmtElem ++ \" :=\" ++ Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ valFmt)\n let fmt := fmt ++\n return ([], none, fmt)\n let (varNames, type?, fmt) ← lctx.foldlM (init := ([], none, Format.nil)) fun (varNames, prevType?, fmt) (localDecl : LocalDecl) =>\n if !ppAuxDecls && localDecl.isAuxDecl || !ppImplDetailHyps && localDecl.isImplementationDetail then\n return (varNames, prevType?, fmt)\n else\n ppVars varNames prevType? fmt localDecl\n let fmt ← pushPending varNames type? fmt\n let fmt := addLine fmt\n let typeFmt ← ppExpr (← instantiateMVars mvarDecl.type)\n let fmt := fmt ++ getGoalPrefix mvarDecl ++ Format.nest indent typeFmt\n match mvarDecl.userName with\n | Name.anonymous => return fmt\n | name => return \"case \" ++ format name.eraseMacroScopes ++ Format.line ++ fmt", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 102, 95 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/KVMap.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Name.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/ExternAttr.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Format.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FunId", "code": "abbrev FunId := Name", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Index", "code": "abbrev Index := Nat", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.VarId", "code": "structure VarId where\n idx : Index\n deriving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.JoinPointId", "code": "structure JoinPointId where\n idx : Index\n deriving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "abbrev (a b : Index) : Bool := a < b", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.MData", "code": "abbrev MData := KVMap", "start": [ 46, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.MData.empty", "code": "abbrev MData.empty : MData := {}", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 47, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IRType", "code": "inductive IRType where\n | float | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | usize\n | irrelevant | object | tobject\n | struct (leanTypeName : Option Name) (types : Array IRType) : IRType\n | union (leanTypeName : Name) (types : Array IRType) : IRType\n deriving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 49, 1 ], "end": [ 86, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IRType.beq", "code": "partial def beq : IRType → IRType → Bool\n | float, float => true\n | uint8, uint8 => true\n | uint16, uint16 => true\n | uint32, uint32 => true\n | uint64, uint64 => true\n | usize, usize => true\n | irrelevant, irrelevant => true\n | object, object => true\n | tobject, tobject => true\n | struct n₁ tys₁, struct n₂ tys₂ => n₁ == n₂ && Array.isEqv tys₁ tys₂ beq\n | union n₁ tys₁, union n₂ tys₂ => n₁ == n₂ && Array.isEqv tys₁ tys₂ beq\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 102, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IRType.isScalar", "code": "def isScalar : IRType → Bool\n | float => true\n | uint8 => true\n | uint16 => true\n | uint32 => true\n | uint64 => true\n | usize => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 106, 1 ], "end": [ 113, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IRType.isObj", "code": "def isObj : IRType → Bool\n | object => true\n | tobject => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 115, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IRType.isIrrelevant", "code": "def isIrrelevant : IRType → Bool\n | irrelevant => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 122, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IRType.isStruct", "code": "def isStruct : IRType → Bool\n | struct _ _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 124, 1 ], "end": [ 126, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IRType.isUnion", "code": "def isUnion : IRType → Bool\n | union _ _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 128, 1 ], "end": [ 130, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Arg", "code": "inductive Arg where\n | var (id : VarId)\n | irrelevant\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 134, 1 ], "end": [ 141, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Arg.beq", "code": "protected def Arg.beq : Arg → Arg → Bool\n | var x, var y => x == y\n | irrelevant, irrelevant => true\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 146, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkVarArg", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_var_arg] def mkVarArg (id : VarId) : Arg := Arg.var id", "start": [ 150, 1 ], "end": [ 150, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LitVal", "code": "inductive LitVal where\n | num (v : Nat)\n | str (v : String)", "start": [ 152, 1 ], "end": [ 154, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LitVal.beq", "code": "def LitVal.beq : LitVal → LitVal → Bool\n | num v₁, num v₂ => v₁ == v₂\n | str v₁, str v₂ => v₁ == v₂\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 156, 1 ], "end": [ 159, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.CtorInfo", "code": "structure CtorInfo where\n name : Name\n cidx : Nat\n size : Nat\n usize : Nat\n ssize : Nat\n deriving Repr", "start": [ 163, 1 ], "end": [ 180, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.CtorInfo.beq", "code": "def CtorInfo.beq : CtorInfo → CtorInfo → Bool\n | ⟨n₁, cidx₁, size₁, usize₁, ssize₁⟩, ⟨n₂, cidx₂, size₂, usize₂, ssize₂⟩ =>\n n₁ == n₂ && cidx₁ == cidx₂ && size₁ == size₂ && usize₁ == usize₂ && ssize₁ == ssize₂", "start": [ 182, 1 ], "end": [ 184, 89 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.CtorInfo.isRef", "code": "def CtorInfo.isRef (info : CtorInfo) : Bool :=\n info.size > 0 || info.usize > 0 || info.ssize > 0", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 189, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.CtorInfo.isScalar", "code": "def CtorInfo.isScalar (info : CtorInfo) : Bool :=\n !info.isRef", "start": [ 191, 1 ], "end": [ 192, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Expr", "code": "inductive Expr where\n \n | ctor (i : CtorInfo) (ys : Array Arg)\n | reset (n : Nat) (x : VarId)\n \n | reuse (x : VarId) (i : CtorInfo) (updtHeader : Bool) (ys : Array Arg)\n \n | proj (i : Nat) (x : VarId)\n \n | uproj (i : Nat) (x : VarId)\n \n | sproj (n : Nat) (offset : Nat) (x : VarId)\n \n | fap (c : FunId) (ys : Array Arg)\n \n | pap (c : FunId) (ys : Array Arg)\n \n | ap (x : VarId) (ys : Array Arg)\n \n | box (ty : IRType) (x : VarId)\n \n | unbox (x : VarId)\n | lit (v : LitVal)\n \n | isShared (x : VarId)", "start": [ 194, 1 ], "end": [ 222, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkCtorExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_ctor_expr] def mkCtorExpr (n : Name) (cidx : Nat) (size : Nat) (usize : Nat) (ssize : Nat) (ys : Array Arg) : Expr :=\n Expr.ctor ⟨n, cidx, size, usize, ssize⟩ ys", "start": [ 224, 1 ], "end": [ 225, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkProjExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_proj_expr] def mkProjExpr (i : Nat) (x : VarId) : Expr := Expr.proj i x", "start": [ 226, 1 ], "end": [ 226, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkUProjExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_uproj_expr] def mkUProjExpr (i : Nat) (x : VarId) : Expr := Expr.uproj i x", "start": [ 227, 1 ], "end": [ 227, 95 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkSProjExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_sproj_expr] def mkSProjExpr (n : Nat) (offset : Nat) (x : VarId) : Expr := Expr.sproj n offset x", "start": [ 228, 1 ], "end": [ 228, 117 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkFAppExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_fapp_expr] def mkFAppExpr (c : FunId) (ys : Array Arg) : Expr := Expr.fap c ys", "start": [ 229, 1 ], "end": [ 229, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkPAppExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_papp_expr] def mkPAppExpr (c : FunId) (ys : Array Arg) : Expr := Expr.pap c ys", "start": [ 230, 1 ], "end": [ 230, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkAppExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_app_expr] def mkAppExpr (x : VarId) (ys : Array Arg) : Expr := Expr.ap x ys", "start": [ 231, 1 ], "end": [ 231, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkNumExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_num_expr] def mkNumExpr (v : Nat) : Expr := Expr.lit (LitVal.num v)", "start": [ 232, 1 ], "end": [ 232, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkStrExpr", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_str_expr] def mkStrExpr (v : String) : Expr := Expr.lit (LitVal.str v)", "start": [ 233, 1 ], "end": [ 233, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Param", "code": "structure Param where\n x : VarId\n borrow : Bool\n ty : IRType\n deriving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 235, 1 ], "end": [ 239, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkParam", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_param]\ndef mkParam (x : VarId) (borrow : Bool) (ty : IRType) : Param := ⟨x, borrow, ty⟩", "start": [ 241, 1 ], "end": [ 242, 81 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.AltCore", "code": "inductive AltCore (FnBody : Type) : Type where\n | ctor (info : CtorInfo) (b : FnBody) : AltCore FnBody\n | default (b : FnBody) : AltCore FnBody", "start": [ 244, 1 ], "end": [ 246, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody", "code": "inductive FnBody where\n \n | vdecl (x : VarId) (ty : IRType) (e : Expr) (b : FnBody)\n \n | jdecl (j : JoinPointId) (xs : Array Param) (v : FnBody) (b : FnBody)\n \n | set (x : VarId) (i : Nat) (y : Arg) (b : FnBody)\n | setTag (x : VarId) (cidx : Nat) (b : FnBody)\n \n | uset (x : VarId) (i : Nat) (y : VarId) (b : FnBody)\n \n | sset (x : VarId) (i : Nat) (offset : Nat) (y : VarId) (ty : IRType) (b : FnBody)\n \n | inc (x : VarId) (n : Nat) (c : Bool) (persistent : Bool) (b : FnBody)\n \n | dec (x : VarId) (n : Nat) (c : Bool) (persistent : Bool) (b : FnBody)\n | del (x : VarId) (b : FnBody)\n | mdata (d : MData) (b : FnBody)\n | case (tid : Name) (x : VarId) (xType : IRType) (cs : Array (AltCore FnBody))\n | ret (x : Arg)\n \n | jmp (j : JoinPointId) (ys : Array Arg)\n | unreachable", "start": [ 248, 1 ], "end": [ 274, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.nil", "code": "abbrev FnBody.nil := FnBody.unreachable", "start": [ 278, 1 ], "end": [ 278, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkVDecl", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_vdecl] def mkVDecl (x : VarId) (ty : IRType) (e : Expr) (b : FnBody) : FnBody := FnBody.vdecl x ty e b", "start": [ 280, 1 ], "end": [ 280, 123 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkJDecl", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_jdecl] def mkJDecl (j : JoinPointId) (xs : Array Param) (v : FnBody) (b : FnBody) : FnBody := FnBody.jdecl j xs v b", "start": [ 281, 1 ], "end": [ 281, 136 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkUSet", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_uset] def mkUSet (x : VarId) (i : Nat) (y : VarId) (b : FnBody) : FnBody := FnBody.uset x i y b", "start": [ 282, 1 ], "end": [ 282, 116 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkSSet", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_sset] def mkSSet (x : VarId) (i : Nat) (offset : Nat) (y : VarId) (ty : IRType) (b : FnBody) : FnBody := FnBody.sset x i offset y ty b", "start": [ 283, 1 ], "end": [ 283, 155 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkCase", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_case] def mkCase (tid : Name) (x : VarId) (cs : Array (AltCore FnBody)) : FnBody :=\n tid x IRType.object cs", "start": [ 284, 1 ], "end": [ 286, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkRet", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_ret] def mkRet (x : Arg) : FnBody := FnBody.ret x", "start": [ 287, 1 ], "end": [ 287, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkJmp", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_jmp] def mkJmp (j : JoinPointId) (ys : Array Arg) : FnBody := j ys", "start": [ 288, 1 ], "end": [ 288, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkUnreachable", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_unreachable] def mkUnreachable : Unit → FnBody := fun _ => FnBody.unreachable", "start": [ 289, 1 ], "end": [ 289, 98 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Alt", "code": "abbrev Alt := AltCore FnBody", "start": [ 291, 1 ], "end": [ 291, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Alt.ctor", "code": "@[match_pattern] abbrev Alt.ctor := @AltCore.ctor FnBody", "start": [ 292, 1 ], "end": [ 292, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Alt.default", "code": "@[match_pattern] abbrev Alt.default := @AltCore.default FnBody", "start": [ 293, 1 ], "end": [ 293, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.isTerminal", "code": "def FnBody.isTerminal : FnBody → Bool\n | _ _ _ _ => true\n | FnBody.ret _ => true\n | _ _ => true\n | FnBody.unreachable => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 297, 1 ], "end": [ 302, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.body", "code": "def FnBody.body : FnBody → FnBody\n | FnBody.vdecl _ _ _ b => b\n | FnBody.jdecl _ _ _ b => b\n | FnBody.set _ _ _ b => b\n | FnBody.uset _ _ _ b => b\n | FnBody.sset _ _ _ _ _ b => b\n | FnBody.setTag _ _ b => b\n | _ _ _ _ b => b\n | FnBody.dec _ _ _ _ b => b\n | FnBody.del _ b => b\n | FnBody.mdata _ b => b\n | other => other", "start": [ 304, 1 ], "end": [ 315, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.setBody", "code": "def FnBody.setBody : FnBody → FnBody → FnBody\n | FnBody.vdecl x t v _, b => FnBody.vdecl x t v b\n | FnBody.jdecl j xs v _, b => FnBody.jdecl j xs v b\n | FnBody.set x i y _, b => FnBody.set x i y b\n | FnBody.uset x i y _, b => FnBody.uset x i y b\n | FnBody.sset x i o y t _, b => FnBody.sset x i o y t b\n | FnBody.setTag x i _, b => FnBody.setTag x i b\n | x n c p _, b => x n c p b\n | FnBody.dec x n c p _, b => FnBody.dec x n c p b\n | FnBody.del x _, b => FnBody.del x b\n | FnBody.mdata d _, b => FnBody.mdata d b\n | other, _ => other", "start": [ 317, 1 ], "end": [ 328, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.resetBody", "code": "@[inline] def FnBody.resetBody (b : FnBody) : FnBody :=\n b.setBody FnBody.nil", "start": [ 330, 1 ], "end": [ 331, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.split", "code": "@[inline] def FnBody.split (b : FnBody) : FnBody × FnBody :=\n let b' := b.body\n let c := b.resetBody\n (c, b')", "start": [ 333, 1 ], "end": [ 338, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.AltCore.body", "code": "def AltCore.body : Alt → FnBody\n | Alt.ctor _ b => b\n | Alt.default b => b", "start": [ 340, 1 ], "end": [ 342, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.AltCore.setBody", "code": "def AltCore.setBody : Alt → FnBody → Alt\n | Alt.ctor c _, b => Alt.ctor c b\n | Alt.default _, b => Alt.default b", "start": [ 344, 1 ], "end": [ 346, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.AltCore.modifyBody", "code": "@[inline] def AltCore.modifyBody (f : FnBody → FnBody) : AltCore FnBody → Alt\n | Alt.ctor c b => Alt.ctor c (f b)\n | Alt.default b => Alt.default (f b)", "start": [ 348, 1 ], "end": [ 350, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.AltCore.mmodifyBody", "code": "@[inline] def AltCore.mmodifyBody {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (f : FnBody → m FnBody) : AltCore FnBody → m Alt\n | Alt.ctor c b => Alt.ctor c <$> f b\n | Alt.default b => Alt.default <$> f b", "start": [ 352, 1 ], "end": [ 354, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Alt.isDefault", "code": "def Alt.isDefault : Alt → Bool\n | Alt.ctor _ _ => false\n | Alt.default _ => true", "start": [ 356, 1 ], "end": [ 358, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.push", "code": "def push (bs : Array FnBody) (b : FnBody) : Array FnBody :=\n let b := b.resetBody\n bs.push b", "start": [ 360, 1 ], "end": [ 362, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.flattenAux", "code": "partial def flattenAux (b : FnBody) (r : Array FnBody) : (Array FnBody) × FnBody :=\n if b.isTerminal then (r, b)\n else flattenAux b.body (push r b)", "start": [ 364, 1 ], "end": [ 366, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.flatten", "code": "def FnBody.flatten (b : FnBody) : (Array FnBody) × FnBody :=\n flattenAux b #[]", "start": [ 368, 1 ], "end": [ 369, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.reshapeAux", "code": "partial def reshapeAux (a : Array FnBody) (i : Nat) (b : FnBody) : FnBody :=\n if i == 0 then b\n else\n let i := i - 1\n let (curr, a) := a.swapAt! i default\n let b := curr.setBody b\n reshapeAux a i b", "start": [ 371, 1 ], "end": [ 377, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.reshape", "code": "def reshape (bs : Array FnBody) (term : FnBody) : FnBody :=\n reshapeAux bs bs.size term", "start": [ 379, 1 ], "end": [ 380, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.modifyJPs", "code": "@[inline] def modifyJPs (bs : Array FnBody) (f : FnBody → FnBody) : Array FnBody :=\n fun b => match b with\n | FnBody.jdecl j xs v k => FnBody.jdecl j xs (f v) k\n | other => other", "start": [ 382, 1 ], "end": [ 385, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mmodifyJPs", "code": "@[inline] def mmodifyJPs {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] (bs : Array FnBody) (f : FnBody → m FnBody) : m (Array FnBody) :=\n bs.mapM fun b => match b with\n | FnBody.jdecl j xs v k => return FnBody.jdecl j xs (← f v) k\n | other => return other", "start": [ 387, 1 ], "end": [ 390, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkAlt", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_alt] def mkAlt (n : Name) (cidx : Nat) (size : Nat) (usize : Nat) (ssize : Nat) (b : FnBody) : Alt :=\n Alt.ctor ⟨n, cidx, size, usize, ssize⟩ b", "start": [ 392, 1 ], "end": [ 393, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.DeclInfo", "code": "structure DeclInfo where\n \n sorryDep? : Option Name := none", "start": [ 395, 1 ], "end": [ 398, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Decl", "code": "inductive Decl where\n | fdecl (f : FunId) (xs : Array Param) (type : IRType) (body : FnBody) (info : DeclInfo)\n | extern (f : FunId) (xs : Array Param) (type : IRType) (ext : ExternAttrData)\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 400, 1 ], "end": [ 403, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def name : Decl → FunId\n | .fdecl f .. => f\n | .extern f .. => f", "start": [ 407, 1 ], "end": [ 409, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Decl.params", "code": "def params : Decl → Array Param\n | .fdecl (xs := xs) .. => xs\n | .extern (xs := xs) .. => xs", "start": [ 411, 1 ], "end": [ 413, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Decl.resultType", "code": "def resultType : Decl → IRType\n | .fdecl (type := t) .. => t\n | .extern (type := t) .. => t", "start": [ 415, 1 ], "end": [ 417, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Decl.isExtern", "code": "def isExtern : Decl → Bool\n | .extern .. => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 419, 1 ], "end": [ 421, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Decl.getInfo", "code": "def getInfo : Decl → DeclInfo\n | .fdecl (info := info) .. => info\n | _ => {}", "start": [ 423, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Decl.updateBody!", "code": "def updateBody! (d : Decl) (bNew : FnBody) : Decl :=\n match d with\n | Decl.fdecl f xs t _ info => Decl.fdecl f xs t bNew info\n | _ => panic! \"expected definition\"", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 430, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkDecl", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_decl] def mkDecl (f : FunId) (xs : Array Param) (ty : IRType) (b : FnBody) : Decl :=\n Decl.fdecl f xs ty b {}", "start": [ 434, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkExternDecl", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_extern_decl] def mkExternDecl (f : FunId) (xs : Array Param) (ty : IRType) (e : ExternAttrData) : Decl :=\n Decl.extern f xs ty e", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 438, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkDummyExternDecl", "code": "@[export lean_ir_mk_dummy_extern_decl] def mkDummyExternDecl (f : FunId) (xs : Array Param) (ty : IRType) : Decl :=\n Decl.fdecl f xs ty FnBody.unreachable {}", "start": [ 441, 1 ], "end": [ 442, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IndexSet", "code": "abbrev IndexSet := RBTree Index compare", "start": [ 444, 1 ], "end": [ 445, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkIndexSet", "code": "def mkIndexSet (idx : Index) : IndexSet :=\n RBTree.empty.insert idx", "start": [ 448, 1 ], "end": [ 449, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContextEntry", "code": "inductive LocalContextEntry where\n | param : IRType → LocalContextEntry\n | localVar : IRType → Expr → LocalContextEntry\n | joinPoint : Array Param → FnBody → LocalContextEntry", "start": [ 451, 1 ], "end": [ 454, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext", "code": "abbrev LocalContext := RBMap Index LocalContextEntry compare", "start": [ 456, 1 ], "end": [ 456, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.addLocal", "code": "def LocalContext.addLocal (ctx : LocalContext) (x : VarId) (t : IRType) (v : Expr) : LocalContext :=\n ctx.insert x.idx (LocalContextEntry.localVar t v)", "start": [ 458, 1 ], "end": [ 459, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.addJP", "code": "def LocalContext.addJP (ctx : LocalContext) (j : JoinPointId) (xs : Array Param) (b : FnBody) : LocalContext :=\n ctx.insert j.idx (LocalContextEntry.joinPoint xs b)", "start": [ 461, 1 ], "end": [ 462, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.addParam", "code": "def LocalContext.addParam (ctx : LocalContext) (p : Param) : LocalContext :=\n ctx.insert p.x.idx (LocalContextEntry.param p.ty)", "start": [ 464, 1 ], "end": [ 465, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.addParams", "code": "def LocalContext.addParams (ctx : LocalContext) (ps : Array Param) : LocalContext :=\n ps.foldl LocalContext.addParam ctx", "start": [ 467, 1 ], "end": [ 468, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.isJP", "code": "def LocalContext.isJP (ctx : LocalContext) (idx : Index) : Bool :=\n match ctx.find? idx with\n | some (LocalContextEntry.joinPoint _ _) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 470, 1 ], "end": [ 473, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.getJPBody", "code": "def LocalContext.getJPBody (ctx : LocalContext) (j : JoinPointId) : Option FnBody :=\n match ctx.find? j.idx with\n | some (LocalContextEntry.joinPoint _ b) => some b\n | _ => none", "start": [ 475, 1 ], "end": [ 478, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.getJPParams", "code": "def LocalContext.getJPParams (ctx : LocalContext) (j : JoinPointId) : Option (Array Param) :=\n match ctx.find? j.idx with\n | some (LocalContextEntry.joinPoint ys _) => some ys\n | _ => none", "start": [ 480, 1 ], "end": [ 483, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.isParam", "code": "def LocalContext.isParam (ctx : LocalContext) (idx : Index) : Bool :=\n match ctx.find? idx with\n | some (LocalContextEntry.param _) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 485, 1 ], "end": [ 488, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.isLocalVar", "code": "def LocalContext.isLocalVar (ctx : LocalContext) (idx : Index) : Bool :=\n match ctx.find? idx with\n | some (LocalContextEntry.localVar _ _) => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 490, 1 ], "end": [ 493, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.contains", "code": "def LocalContext.contains (ctx : LocalContext) (idx : Index) : Bool :=\n RBMap.contains ctx idx", "start": [ 495, 1 ], "end": [ 496, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.eraseJoinPointDecl", "code": "def LocalContext.eraseJoinPointDecl (ctx : LocalContext) (j : JoinPointId) : LocalContext :=\n ctx.erase j.idx", "start": [ 498, 1 ], "end": [ 499, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.getType", "code": "def LocalContext.getType (ctx : LocalContext) (x : VarId) : Option IRType :=\n match ctx.find? x.idx with\n | some (LocalContextEntry.param t) => some t\n | some (LocalContextEntry.localVar t _) => some t\n | _ => none", "start": [ 501, 1 ], "end": [ 505, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LocalContext.getValue", "code": "def LocalContext.getValue (ctx : LocalContext) (x : VarId) : Option Expr :=\n match ctx.find? x.idx with\n | some (LocalContextEntry.localVar _ v) => some v\n | _ => none", "start": [ 507, 1 ], "end": [ 510, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.IndexRenaming", "code": "abbrev IndexRenaming := RBMap Index Index compare", "start": [ 512, 1 ], "end": [ 512, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.AlphaEqv", "code": "class AlphaEqv (α : Type) where\n aeqv : IndexRenaming → α → α → Bool", "start": [ 514, 1 ], "end": [ 515, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.VarId.alphaEqv", "code": "def VarId.alphaEqv (ρ : IndexRenaming) (v₁ v₂ : VarId) : Bool :=\n match ρ.find? v₁.idx with\n | some v => v == v₂.idx\n | none => v₁ == v₂", "start": [ 519, 1 ], "end": [ 522, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Arg.alphaEqv", "code": "def Arg.alphaEqv (ρ : IndexRenaming) : Arg → Arg → Bool\n | Arg.var v₁, Arg.var v₂ => aeqv ρ v₁ v₂\n | Arg.irrelevant, Arg.irrelevant => true\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 526, 1 ], "end": [ 529, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.args.alphaEqv", "code": "def args.alphaEqv (ρ : IndexRenaming) (args₁ args₂ : Array Arg) : Bool :=\n Array.isEqv args₁ args₂ (fun a b => aeqv ρ a b)", "start": [ 533, 1 ], "end": [ 534, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Expr.alphaEqv", "code": "def Expr.alphaEqv (ρ : IndexRenaming) : Expr → Expr → Bool\n | Expr.ctor i₁ ys₁, Expr.ctor i₂ ys₂ => i₁ == i₂ && aeqv ρ ys₁ ys₂\n | Expr.reset n₁ x₁, Expr.reset n₂ x₂ => n₁ == n₂ && aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | Expr.reuse x₁ i₁ u₁ ys₁, Expr.reuse x₂ i₂ u₂ ys₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && i₁ == i₂ && u₁ == u₂ && aeqv ρ ys₁ ys₂\n | Expr.proj i₁ x₁, Expr.proj i₂ x₂ => i₁ == i₂ && aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | Expr.uproj i₁ x₁, Expr.uproj i₂ x₂ => i₁ == i₂ && aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | Expr.sproj n₁ o₁ x₁, Expr.sproj n₂ o₂ x₂ => n₁ == n₂ && o₁ == o₂ && aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | Expr.fap c₁ ys₁, Expr.fap c₂ ys₂ => c₁ == c₂ && aeqv ρ ys₁ ys₂\n | Expr.pap c₁ ys₁, Expr.pap c₂ ys₂ => c₁ == c₂ && aeqv ρ ys₁ ys₂\n | Expr.ap x₁ ys₁, Expr.ap x₂ ys₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && aeqv ρ ys₁ ys₂\n | ty₁ x₁, ty₂ x₂ => ty₁ == ty₂ && aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | Expr.unbox x₁, Expr.unbox x₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | Expr.lit v₁, Expr.lit v₂ => v₁ == v₂\n | Expr.isShared x₁, Expr.isShared x₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | _, _ => false", "start": [ 538, 1 ], "end": [ 552, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.addVarRename", "code": "def addVarRename (ρ : IndexRenaming) (x₁ x₂ : Nat) :=\n if x₁ == x₂ then ρ else ρ.insert x₁ x₂", "start": [ 556, 1 ], "end": [ 557, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.addParamRename", "code": "def addParamRename (ρ : IndexRenaming) (p₁ p₂ : Param) : Option IndexRenaming :=\n if p₁.ty == p₂.ty && p₁.borrow = p₂.borrow then\n some (addVarRename ρ p₁.x.idx p₂.x.idx)\n else\n none", "start": [ 559, 1 ], "end": [ 563, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.addParamsRename", "code": "def addParamsRename (ρ : IndexRenaming) (ps₁ ps₂ : Array Param) : Option IndexRenaming := do\n if ps₁.size != ps₂.size then\n failure\n else\n let mut ρ := ρ\n for i in [:ps₁.size] do\n ρ ← addParamRename ρ ps₁[i]! ps₂[i]!\n pure ρ", "start": [ 565, 1 ], "end": [ 572, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.alphaEqv", "code": "partial def FnBody.alphaEqv : IndexRenaming → FnBody → FnBody → Bool\n | ρ, FnBody.vdecl x₁ t₁ v₁ b₁, FnBody.vdecl x₂ t₂ v₂ b₂ => t₁ == t₂ && aeqv ρ v₁ v₂ && alphaEqv (addVarRename ρ x₁.idx x₂.idx) b₁ b₂\n | ρ, FnBody.jdecl j₁ ys₁ v₁ b₁, FnBody.jdecl j₂ ys₂ v₂ b₂ => match addParamsRename ρ ys₁ ys₂ with\n | some ρ' => alphaEqv ρ' v₁ v₂ && alphaEqv (addVarRename ρ j₁.idx j₂.idx) b₁ b₂\n | none => false\n | ρ, FnBody.set x₁ i₁ y₁ b₁, FnBody.set x₂ i₂ y₂ b₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && i₁ == i₂ && aeqv ρ y₁ y₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, FnBody.uset x₁ i₁ y₁ b₁, FnBody.uset x₂ i₂ y₂ b₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && i₁ == i₂ && aeqv ρ y₁ y₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, FnBody.sset x₁ i₁ o₁ y₁ t₁ b₁, FnBody.sset x₂ i₂ o₂ y₂ t₂ b₂ =>\n aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && i₁ = i₂ && o₁ = o₂ && aeqv ρ y₁ y₂ && t₁ == t₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, FnBody.setTag x₁ i₁ b₁, FnBody.setTag x₂ i₂ b₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && i₁ == i₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, x₁ n₁ c₁ p₁ b₁, x₂ n₂ c₂ p₂ b₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && n₁ == n₂ && c₁ == c₂ && p₁ == p₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, FnBody.dec x₁ n₁ c₁ p₁ b₁, FnBody.dec x₂ n₂ c₂ p₂ b₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && n₁ == n₂ && c₁ == c₂ && p₁ == p₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, FnBody.del x₁ b₁, FnBody.del x₂ b₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, FnBody.mdata m₁ b₁, FnBody.mdata m₂ b₂ => m₁ == m₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | ρ, n₁ x₁ _ alts₁, n₂ x₂ _ alts₂ => n₁ == n₂ && aeqv ρ x₁ x₂ && Array.isEqv alts₁ alts₂ (fun alt₁ alt₂ =>\n match alt₁, alt₂ with\n | Alt.ctor i₁ b₁, Alt.ctor i₂ b₂ => i₁ == i₂ && alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | Alt.default b₁, Alt.default b₂ => alphaEqv ρ b₁ b₂\n | _, _ => false)\n | ρ, j₁ ys₁, j₂ ys₂ => j₁ == j₂ && aeqv ρ ys₁ ys₂\n | ρ, FnBody.ret x₁, FnBody.ret x₂ => aeqv ρ x₁ x₂\n | _, FnBody.unreachable, FnBody.unreachable => true\n | _, _, _ => false", "start": [ 574, 1 ], "end": [ 596, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.FnBody.beq", "code": "def FnBody.beq (b₁ b₂ : FnBody) : Bool :=\n FnBody.alphaEqv ∅ b₁ b₂", "start": [ 598, 1 ], "end": [ 599, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.VarIdSet", "code": "abbrev VarIdSet := RBTree VarId (fun x y => compare x.idx y.idx)", "start": [ 603, 1 ], "end": [ 603, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.mkIf", "code": "def mkIf (x : VarId) (t e : FnBody) : FnBody :=\n `Bool x IRType.uint8 #[\n Alt.ctor {name := ``Bool.false, cidx := 0, size := 0, usize := 0, ssize := 0} e,\n Alt.ctor {name := ``Bool.true, cidx := 1, size := 0, usize := 0, ssize := 0} t\n ]", "start": [ 606, 1 ], "end": [ 610, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.getUnboxOpName", "code": "def getUnboxOpName (t : IRType) : String :=\n match t with\n | IRType.usize => \"lean_unbox_usize\"\n | IRType.uint32 => \"lean_unbox_uint32\"\n | IRType.uint64 => \"lean_unbox_uint64\"\n | IRType.float => \"lean_unbox_float\"\n | _ => \"lean_unbox\"", "start": [ 612, 1 ], "end": [ 618, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Meta/PPGoal.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ReservedNameAction.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Elab.CommandContextInfo.saveNoFileMap", "code": "def saveNoFileMap : m CommandContextInfo := return {\n env := (← getEnv)\n fileMap := default\n mctx := (← getMCtx)\n options := (← getOptions)\n currNamespace := (← getCurrNamespace)\n openDecls := (← getOpenDecls)\n ngen := (← getNGen)\n }", "start": [ 15, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def save [MonadFileMap m] : m CommandContextInfo := do\n let ctx ← saveNoFileMap\n return { ctx with fileMap := (← getFileMap) }", "start": [ 25, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "PartialContextInfo.mergeIntoOuter?", "code": "def PartialContextInfo.mergeIntoOuter?\n : (inner : PartialContextInfo) → (outer? : Option ContextInfo) → Option ContextInfo\n | .commandCtx info, none =>\n some { info with }\n | .parentDeclCtx _, none =>\n panic! \"Unexpected incomplete InfoTree context info.\"\n | .commandCtx innerInfo, some outer =>\n some { outer with toCommandContextInfo := innerInfo }\n | .parentDeclCtx innerParentDecl, some outer =>\n some { outer with parentDecl? := innerParentDecl }", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 50, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "CompletionInfo.stx", "code": "def CompletionInfo.stx : CompletionInfo → Syntax\n | dot i .. => i.stx\n | id stx .. => stx\n | dotId stx .. => stx\n | fieldId stx .. => stx\n | namespaceId stx => stx\n | option stx => stx\n | endSection stx .. => stx\n | tactic stx .. => stx", "start": [ 52, 1 ], "end": [ 60, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "CompletionInfo.lctx", "code": "def CompletionInfo.lctx : CompletionInfo → LocalContext\n | dot i .. => i.lctx\n | id _ _ _ lctx .. => lctx\n | dotId _ _ lctx .. => lctx\n | fieldId _ _ lctx .. => lctx\n | _ => .empty", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "CustomInfo.format", "code": "def CustomInfo.format : CustomInfo → Format\n | i => f!\"CustomInfo({i.value.typeName})\"", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "InfoTree.findInfo?", "code": "partial def InfoTree.findInfo? (p : Info → Bool) (t : InfoTree) : Option Info :=\n match t with\n | context _ t => findInfo? p t\n | node i ts =>\n if p i then\n some i\n else\n ts.findSome? (findInfo? p)\n | _ => none", "start": [ 78, 1 ], "end": [ 86, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "InfoTree.substitute", "code": "partial def InfoTree.substitute (tree : InfoTree) (assignment : PersistentHashMap MVarId InfoTree) : InfoTree :=\n match tree with\n | node i c => node i <| (substitute · assignment)\n | context i t => context i (substitute t assignment)\n | hole id => match assignment.find? id with\n | none => hole id\n | some tree => substitute tree assignment", "start": [ 88, 1 ], "end": [ 96, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "ContextInfo.runCoreM", "code": "def ContextInfo.runCoreM (info : ContextInfo) (x : CoreM α) : IO α := do\n \n (·.1) <$>\n (withOptions (fun _ => info.options) x).toIO\n { currNamespace := info.currNamespace, openDecls := info.openDecls\n fileName := \"<InfoTree>\", fileMap := default }\n { env := info.env, ngen := info.ngen }", "start": [ 98, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "ContextInfo.runMetaM", "code": "def ContextInfo.runMetaM (info : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) (x : MetaM α) : IO α := do\n (·.1) <$> info.runCoreM ( { lctx := lctx } { mctx := info.mctx })", "start": [ 110, 1 ], "end": [ 111, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "ContextInfo.toPPContext", "code": "def ContextInfo.toPPContext (info : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) : PPContext :=\n { env := info.env, mctx := info.mctx, lctx := lctx,\n opts := info.options, currNamespace := info.currNamespace, openDecls := info.openDecls }", "start": [ 113, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "ContextInfo.ppSyntax", "code": "def ContextInfo.ppSyntax (info : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) (stx : Syntax) : IO Format := do\n ppTerm (info.toPPContext lctx) ⟨stx⟩", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "formatStxRange", "code": "private def formatStxRange (ctx : ContextInfo) (stx : Syntax) : Format :=\n let pos := stx.getPos?.getD 0\n let endPos := stx.getTailPos?.getD pos\n f!\"{fmtPos pos stx.getHeadInfo}-{fmtPos endPos stx.getTailInfo}\"\nwhere fmtPos pos info :=\n let pos := format <| ctx.fileMap.toPosition pos\n match info with\n | .original .. => pos\n | .synthetic (canonical := true) .. => f!\"{pos}†!\"\n | _ => f!\"{pos}†\"", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "formatElabInfo", "code": "private def formatElabInfo (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : ElabInfo) : Format :=\n if info.elaborator.isAnonymous then\n formatStxRange ctx info.stx\n else\n f!\"{formatStxRange ctx info.stx} @ {info.elaborator}\"", "start": [ 131, 1 ], "end": [ 135, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "TermInfo.runMetaM", "code": "def TermInfo.runMetaM (info : TermInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) (x : MetaM α) : IO α :=\n ctx.runMetaM info.lctx x", "start": [ 137, 1 ], "end": [ 138, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "TermInfo.format", "code": "def TermInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : TermInfo) : IO Format := do\n info.runMetaM ctx do\n let ty : Format ← try\n Meta.ppExpr (← Meta.inferType info.expr)\n catch _ =>\n pure \"<failed-to-infer-type>\"\n return f!\"{← Meta.ppExpr info.expr} {if info.isBinder then \"(isBinder := true) \" else \"\"}: {ty} @ {formatElabInfo ctx info.toElabInfo}\"", "start": [ 140, 1 ], "end": [ 146, 140 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "CompletionInfo.format", "code": "def CompletionInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : CompletionInfo) : IO Format :=\n match info with\n | .dot i (expectedType? := expectedType?) .. => return f!\"[.] {← i.format ctx} : {expectedType?}\"\n | .id stx _ _ lctx expectedType? => ctx.runMetaM lctx do return f!\"[.] {← ctx.ppSyntax lctx stx} : {expectedType?} @ {formatStxRange ctx info.stx}\"\n | _ => return f!\"[.] {info.stx} @ {formatStxRange ctx info.stx}\"", "start": [ 148, 1 ], "end": [ 152, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "CommandInfo.format", "code": "def CommandInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : CommandInfo) : IO Format := do\n return f!\"command @ {formatElabInfo ctx info.toElabInfo}\"", "start": [ 154, 1 ], "end": [ 155, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "OptionInfo.format", "code": "def OptionInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : OptionInfo) : IO Format := do\n return f!\"option {info.optionName} @ {formatStxRange ctx info.stx}\"", "start": [ 157, 1 ], "end": [ 158, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "FieldInfo.format", "code": "def FieldInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : FieldInfo) : IO Format := do\n ctx.runMetaM info.lctx do\n return f!\"{info.fieldName} : {← Meta.ppExpr (← Meta.inferType info.val)} := {← Meta.ppExpr info.val} @ {formatStxRange ctx info.stx}\"", "start": [ 160, 1 ], "end": [ 162, 138 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "ContextInfo.ppGoals", "code": "def ContextInfo.ppGoals (ctx : ContextInfo) (goals : List MVarId) : IO Format :=\n if goals.isEmpty then\n return \"no goals\"\n else\n ctx.runMetaM {} (return Std.Format.prefixJoin \"\\n\" (← goals.mapM (Meta.ppGoal ·)))", "start": [ 164, 1 ], "end": [ 168, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "TacticInfo.format", "code": "def TacticInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : TacticInfo) : IO Format := do\n let ctxB := { ctx with mctx := info.mctxBefore }\n let ctxA := { ctx with mctx := info.mctxAfter }\n let goalsBefore ← ctxB.ppGoals info.goalsBefore\n let goalsAfter ← ctxA.ppGoals info.goalsAfter\n return f!\"Tactic @ {formatElabInfo ctx info.toElabInfo}\\n{info.stx}\\nbefore {goalsBefore}\\nafter {goalsAfter}\"", "start": [ 170, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 113 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "MacroExpansionInfo.format", "code": "def MacroExpansionInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : MacroExpansionInfo) : IO Format := do\n let stx ← ctx.ppSyntax info.lctx info.stx\n let output ← ctx.ppSyntax info.lctx info.output\n return f!\"Macro expansion\\n{stx}\\n===>\\n{output}\"", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 180, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "UserWidgetInfo.format", "code": "def UserWidgetInfo.format (info : UserWidgetInfo) : Format :=\n f!\"UserWidget {}\\n{Std.ToFormat.format <|' {}}\"", "start": [ 182, 1 ], "end": [ 183, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "FVarAliasInfo.format", "code": "def FVarAliasInfo.format (info : FVarAliasInfo) : Format :=\n f!\"FVarAlias {info.userName.eraseMacroScopes}\"", "start": [ 185, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "FieldRedeclInfo.format", "code": "def FieldRedeclInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : FieldRedeclInfo) : Format :=\n f!\"FieldRedecl @ {formatStxRange ctx info.stx}\"", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 189, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "OmissionInfo.format", "code": "def OmissionInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : OmissionInfo) : IO Format := do\n return f!\"Omission @ {← TermInfo.format ctx info.toTermInfo}\\nReason: {info.reason}\"", "start": [ 191, 1 ], "end": [ 192, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Info.format", "code": "def Info.format (ctx : ContextInfo) : Info → IO Format\n | ofTacticInfo i => i.format ctx\n | ofTermInfo i => i.format ctx\n | ofCommandInfo i => i.format ctx\n | ofMacroExpansionInfo i => i.format ctx\n | ofOptionInfo i => i.format ctx\n | ofFieldInfo i => i.format ctx\n | ofCompletionInfo i => i.format ctx\n | ofUserWidgetInfo i => pure <| i.format\n | ofCustomInfo i => pure <| Std.ToFormat.format i\n | ofFVarAliasInfo i => pure <| i.format\n | ofFieldRedeclInfo i => pure <| i.format ctx\n | ofOmissionInfo i => i.format ctx", "start": [ 194, 1 ], "end": [ 206, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Info.toElabInfo?", "code": "def Info.toElabInfo? : Info → Option ElabInfo\n | ofTacticInfo i => some i.toElabInfo\n | ofTermInfo i => some i.toElabInfo\n | ofCommandInfo i => some i.toElabInfo\n | ofMacroExpansionInfo _ => none\n | ofOptionInfo _ => none\n | ofFieldInfo _ => none\n | ofCompletionInfo _ => none\n | ofUserWidgetInfo _ => none\n | ofCustomInfo _ => none\n | ofFVarAliasInfo _ => none\n | ofFieldRedeclInfo _ => none\n | ofOmissionInfo i => some i.toElabInfo", "start": [ 208, 1 ], "end": [ 220, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Info.updateContext?", "code": "def Info.updateContext? : Option ContextInfo → Info → Option ContextInfo\n | some ctx, ofTacticInfo i => some { ctx with mctx := i.mctxAfter }\n | ctx?, _ => ctx?", "start": [ 222, 1 ], "end": [ 238, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "InfoTree.format", "code": "partial def InfoTree.format (tree : InfoTree) (ctx? : Option ContextInfo := none) : IO Format := do\n match tree with\n | hole id => return .nestD f!\"• ?{toString}\"\n | context i t => format t <| i.mergeIntoOuter? ctx?\n | node i cs => match ctx? with\n | none => return \"• <context-not-available>\"\n | some ctx =>\n let fmt ← i.format ctx\n if cs.size == 0 then\n return .nestD f!\"• {fmt}\"\n else\n let ctx? := i.updateContext? ctx?\n return .nestD f!\"• {fmt}{Std.Format.prefixJoin .line (← cs.toList.mapM fun c => format c ctx?)}\"", "start": [ 240, 1 ], "end": [ 252, 105 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "modifyInfoTrees", "code": "@[inline] private def modifyInfoTrees (f : PersistentArray InfoTree → PersistentArray InfoTree) : m Unit :=\n modifyInfoState fun s => { s with trees := f s.trees }", "start": [ 257, 1 ], "end": [ 258, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "getResetInfoTrees", "code": "def getResetInfoTrees : m (PersistentArray InfoTree) := do\n let trees := (← getInfoState).trees\n modifyInfoTrees fun _ => {}\n return trees", "start": [ 260, 1 ], "end": [ 264, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "pushInfoTree", "code": "def pushInfoTree (t : InfoTree) : m Unit := do\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n modifyInfoTrees fun ts => ts.push t", "start": [ 266, 1 ], "end": [ 268, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "pushInfoLeaf", "code": "def pushInfoLeaf (t : Info) : m Unit := do\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n pushInfoTree <| InfoTree.node (children := {}) t", "start": [ 270, 1 ], "end": [ 272, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "addCompletionInfo", "code": "def addCompletionInfo (info : CompletionInfo) : m Unit := do\n pushInfoLeaf <| Info.ofCompletionInfo info", "start": [ 274, 1 ], "end": [ 275, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "addConstInfo", "code": "def addConstInfo [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m]\n (stx : Syntax) (n : Name) (expectedType? : Option Expr := none) : m Unit := do\n pushInfoLeaf <| .ofTermInfo {\n elaborator := .anonymous\n lctx := .empty\n expr := (← mkConstWithLevelParams n)\n stx\n expectedType?\n }", "start": [ 277, 1 ], "end": [ 285, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo", "code": "def realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo (id : Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr := none) : CoreM Name := do\n let n ← realizeGlobalConstNoOverload id\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n addConstInfo id n expectedType?\n return n", "start": [ 287, 1 ], "end": [ 296, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "realizeGlobalConstWithInfos", "code": "def realizeGlobalConstWithInfos (id : Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr := none) : CoreM (List Name) := do\n let ns ← realizeGlobalConst id\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n for n in ns do\n addConstInfo id n expectedType?\n return ns", "start": [ 298, 1 ], "end": [ 304, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "realizeGlobalNameWithInfos", "code": "def realizeGlobalNameWithInfos (ref : Syntax) (id : Name) : CoreM (List (Name × List String)) := do\n let ns ← realizeGlobalName id\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n for (n, _) in ns do\n addConstInfo ref n\n return ns", "start": [ 306, 1 ], "end": [ 312, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withInfoContext'", "code": "def withInfoContext' [MonadFinally m] (x : m α) (mkInfo : α → m (Sum Info MVarId)) : m α := do\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n let treesSaved ← getResetInfoTrees\n Prod.fst <$> MonadFinally.tryFinally' x fun a? => do\n match a? with\n | none => modifyInfoTrees fun _ => treesSaved\n | some a =>\n let info ← mkInfo a\n modifyInfoTrees fun trees =>\n match info with\n | Sum.inl info => treesSaved.push <| InfoTree.node info trees\n | Sum.inr mvarId => treesSaved.push <| InfoTree.hole mvarId\n else\n x", "start": [ 314, 1 ], "end": [ 333, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withInfoTreeContext", "code": "def withInfoTreeContext [MonadFinally m] (x : m α) (mkInfoTree : PersistentArray InfoTree → m InfoTree) : m α := do\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n let treesSaved ← getResetInfoTrees\n Prod.fst <$> MonadFinally.tryFinally' x fun _ => do\n let st ← getInfoState\n let tree ← mkInfoTree st.trees\n modifyInfoTrees fun _ => treesSaved.push tree\n else\n x", "start": [ 335, 1 ], "end": [ 345, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withInfoContext", "code": "@[inline] def withInfoContext [MonadFinally m] (x : m α) (mkInfo : m Info) : m α := do\n withInfoTreeContext x (fun trees => do return InfoTree.node (← mkInfo) trees)", "start": [ 347, 1 ], "end": [ 349, 80 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withSavedPartialInfoContext", "code": "private def withSavedPartialInfoContext [MonadFinally m]\n (x : m α)\n (ctx? : m (Option PartialContextInfo))\n : m α := do\n if !(← getInfoState).enabled then\n return ← x\n let treesSaved ← getResetInfoTrees\n Prod.fst <$> MonadFinally.tryFinally' x fun _ => do\n let st ← getInfoState\n let trees ← st.trees.mapM fun tree => do\n let tree := tree.substitute st.assignment\n match (← ctx?) with\n | none =>\n pure tree\n | some ctx =>\n pure <| InfoTree.context ctx tree\n modifyInfoTrees fun _ => treesSaved ++ trees", "start": [ 351, 1 ], "end": [ 367, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withSaveInfoContext", "code": "def withSaveInfoContext\n [MonadNameGenerator m]\n [MonadFinally m]\n [MonadEnv m]\n [MonadOptions m]\n [MonadMCtx m]\n [MonadResolveName m]\n [MonadFileMap m]\n (x : m α)\n : m α := do\n withSavedPartialInfoContext x do\n return some <| .commandCtx (←", "start": [ 369, 1 ], "end": [ 385, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withSaveParentDeclInfoContext", "code": "def withSaveParentDeclInfoContext [MonadFinally m] [MonadParentDecl m] (x : m α) : m α := do\n withSavedPartialInfoContext x do\n let some declName ← getParentDeclName?\n | return none\n return some <| .parentDeclCtx declName", "start": [ 387, 1 ], "end": [ 396, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "getInfoHoleIdAssignment?", "code": "def getInfoHoleIdAssignment? (mvarId : MVarId) : m (Option InfoTree) :=\n return (← getInfoState).assignment[mvarId]", "start": [ 398, 1 ], "end": [ 399, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "assignInfoHoleId", "code": "def assignInfoHoleId (mvarId : MVarId) (infoTree : InfoTree) : m Unit := do\n assert! (← getInfoHoleIdAssignment? mvarId).isNone\n modifyInfoState fun s => { s with assignment := s.assignment.insert mvarId infoTree }", "start": [ 401, 1 ], "end": [ 403, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withMacroExpansionInfo", "code": "def withMacroExpansionInfo [MonadFinally m] [Monad m] [MonadInfoTree m] [MonadLCtx m] (stx output : Syntax) (x : m α) : m α :=\n let mkInfo : m Info := do\n return Info.ofMacroExpansionInfo {\n lctx := (← getLCtx)\n stx, output\n }\n withInfoContext x mkInfo", "start": [ 406, 1 ], "end": [ 412, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withInfoHole", "code": "@[inline] def withInfoHole [MonadFinally m] [Monad m] [MonadInfoTree m] (mvarId : MVarId) (x : m α) : m α := do\n if (← getInfoState).enabled then\n let treesSaved ← getResetInfoTrees\n Prod.fst <$> MonadFinally.tryFinally' x fun _ => modifyInfoState fun s =>\n if h : s.trees.size > 0 then\n have : s.trees.size - 1 < s.trees.size := Nat.sub_lt h (by decide)\n { s with trees := treesSaved, assignment := s.assignment.insert mvarId s.trees[s.trees.size - 1] }\n else\n { s with trees := treesSaved }\n else\n x", "start": [ 414, 1 ], "end": [ 424, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "enableInfoTree", "code": "def enableInfoTree [MonadInfoTree m] (flag := true) : m Unit :=\n modifyInfoState fun s => { s with enabled := flag }", "start": [ 426, 1 ], "end": [ 427, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "withEnableInfoTree", "code": "def withEnableInfoTree [Monad m] [MonadInfoTree m] [MonadFinally m] (flag : Bool) (x : m α) : m α := do\n let saved := (← getInfoState).enabled\n try\n enableInfoTree flag\n x\n finally\n enableInfoTree saved", "start": [ 429, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "getInfoTrees", "code": "def getInfoTrees [MonadInfoTree m] [Monad m] : m (PersistentArray InfoTree) :=\n return (← getInfoState).trees", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 438, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/CoreM.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.addDecl", "code": "def Environment.addDecl (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (decl : Declaration) : Except KernelException Environment :=\n if debug.skipKernelTC.get opts then\n addDeclWithoutChecking env decl\n else\n addDeclCore env (Core.getMaxHeartbeats opts).toUSize decl", "start": [ 17, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Environment.addAndCompile", "code": "def Environment.addAndCompile (env : Environment) (opts : Options) (decl : Declaration) : Except KernelException Environment := do\n let env ← addDecl env opts decl\n compileDecl env opts decl", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addDecl", "code": "def addDecl (decl : Declaration) : CoreM Unit := do\n profileitM Exception \"type checking\" (← getOptions) do\n withTraceNode `Kernel (fun _ => return m!\"typechecking declaration\") do\n if !(← MonadLog.hasErrors) && decl.hasSorry then\n logWarning \"declaration uses 'sorry'\"\n match (← getEnv).addDecl (← getOptions) decl with\n | .ok env => setEnv env\n | .error ex => throwKernelException ex", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addAndCompile", "code": "def addAndCompile (decl : Declaration) : CoreM Unit := do\n addDecl decl\n compileDecl decl", "start": [ 36, 1 ], "end": [ 38, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/AuxRecursor.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MonadEnv.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ToExpr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.DeclarationRange", "code": "structure DeclarationRange where\n pos : Position\n \n charUtf16 : Nat\n endPos : Position\n \n endCharUtf16 : Nat\n deriving Inhabited, DecidableEq, Repr", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.DeclarationRanges", "code": "structure DeclarationRanges where\n range : DeclarationRange\n selectionRange : DeclarationRange\n deriving Inhabited, Repr", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addBuiltinDeclarationRanges", "code": "def addBuiltinDeclarationRanges (declName : Name) (declRanges : DeclarationRanges) : IO Unit :=\n builtinDeclRanges.modify (·.insert declName declRanges)", "start": [ 42, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addDeclarationRanges", "code": "def addDeclarationRanges [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) (declRanges : DeclarationRanges) : m Unit :=\n modifyEnv fun env => declRangeExt.insert env declName declRanges", "start": [ 45, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findDeclarationRangesCore?", "code": "def findDeclarationRangesCore? [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) : m (Option DeclarationRanges) :=\n return declRangeExt.find? (← getEnv) declName", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findDeclarationRanges?", "code": "def findDeclarationRanges? [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (declName : Name) : m (Option DeclarationRanges) := do\n let env ← getEnv\n let ranges ← if isAuxRecursor env declName || isNoConfusion env declName || (← isRec declName) then\n findDeclarationRangesCore? declName.getPrefix\n else\n findDeclarationRangesCore? declName\n match ranges with\n | none => return (← builtinDeclRanges.get (m := BaseIO)).find? declName\n | some _ => return ranges", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Format.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie", "code": "inductive Trie (α : Type) where\n | leaf : Option α → Trie α\n | node1 : Option α → UInt8 → Trie α → Trie α\n | node : Option α → ByteArray → Array (Trie α) → Trie α", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 43, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.empty", "code": "def empty : Trie α := leaf none", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.upsert", "code": "partial def upsert (t : Trie α) (s : String) (f : Option α → α) : Trie α :=\n let rec insertEmpty (i : Nat) : Trie α :=\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n let t := insertEmpty (i + 1)\n node1 none c t\n else\n leaf (f .none)\n let rec loop\n | i, leaf v =>\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n let t := insertEmpty (i + 1)\n node1 v c t\n else\n leaf (f v)\n | i, node1 v c' t' =>\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n if c == c'\n then node1 v c' (loop (i + 1) t')\n else \n let t := insertEmpty (i + 1)\n node v (.mk #[c, c']) #[t, t']\n else\n node1 (f v) c' t'\n | i, node v cs ts =>\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n match cs.findIdx? (· == c) with\n | none =>\n let t := insertEmpty (i + 1)\n node v (cs.push c) (ts.push t)\n | some idx =>\n node v cs (ts.modify idx (loop (i + 1)))\n else\n node (f v) cs ts\n loop 0 t", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.insert", "code": "partial def insert (t : Trie α) (s : String) (val : α) : Trie α :=\n upsert t s (fun _ => val)", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.find?", "code": "partial def find? (t : Trie α) (s : String) : Option α :=\n let rec loop\n | i, leaf val =>\n if i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n none\n else\n val\n | i, node1 val c' t' =>\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n if c == c'\n then loop (i + 1) t'\n else none\n else\n val\n | i, node val cs ts =>\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n match cs.findIdx? (· == c) with\n | none => none\n | some idx => loop (i + 1) (ts.get! idx)\n else\n val\n loop 0 t", "start": [ 101, 1 ], "end": [ 125, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.values", "code": "partial def values (t : Trie α) : Array α := go t |>.run #[] |>.2\n where\n go : Trie α → StateM (Array α) Unit\n | leaf a? => do\n if let some a := a? then\n modify (·.push a)\n | node1 a? _ t' => do\n if let some a := a? then\n modify (·.push a)\n go t'\n | node a? _ ts => do\n if let some a := a? then\n modify (·.push a)\n ts.forM fun t' => go t'", "start": [ 127, 1 ], "end": [ 141, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.findPrefix", "code": "partial def findPrefix (t : Trie α) (pre : String) : Array α := go t 0\n where\n go (t : Trie α) (i : Nat) : Array α :=\n if h : i < pre.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := pre.getUtf8Byte i h\n match t with\n | leaf _val => .empty\n | node1 _val c' t' =>\n if c == c'\n then go t' (i + 1)\n else .empty\n | node _val cs ts =>\n match cs.findIdx? (· == c) with\n | none => .empty\n | some idx => go (ts.get! idx) (i + 1)\n else\n t.values", "start": [ 143, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.matchPrefix", "code": "partial def matchPrefix (s : String) (t : Trie α) (i : String.Pos) : Option α :=\n let rec loop\n | leaf v, _, res =>\n if v.isSome then v else res\n | node1 v c' t', i, res =>\n let res := if v.isSome then v else res\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n if c == c'\n then loop t' (i + 1) res\n else res\n else\n res\n | node v cs ts, i, res =>\n let res := if v.isSome then v else res\n if h : i < s.utf8ByteSize then\n let c := s.getUtf8Byte i h\n match cs.findIdx? (· == c) with\n | none => res\n | some idx => loop (ts.get! idx) (i + 1) res\n else\n res\n loop t i.byteIdx none", "start": [ 162, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Data.Trie.toStringAux", "code": "private partial def toStringAux {α : Type} : Trie α → List Format\n | leaf _ => []\n | node1 _ c t =>\n [ format (repr c), $ Format.nest 4 $ flip Format.joinSep Format.line $ toStringAux t ]\n | node _ cs ts =>\n List.join $ List.zipWith (fun c t =>\n [ format (repr c), ( $ Format.nest 4 $ flip Format.joinSep Format.line $ toStringAux t) ]\n ) cs.toList ts.toList", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 195, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/IR/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatArg", "code": "private def formatArg : Arg → Format\n | Arg.var id => format id\n | Arg.irrelevant => \"◾\"", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatArray", "code": "def formatArray {α : Type} [ToFormat α] (args : Array α) : Format :=\n args.foldl (fun r a => r ++ \" \" ++ format a) Format.nil", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 19, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatLitVal", "code": "private def formatLitVal : LitVal → Format\n | LitVal.num v => format v\n | LitVal.str v => format (repr v)", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 23, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatCtorInfo", "code": "private def formatCtorInfo : CtorInfo → Format\n | { name := name, cidx := cidx, usize := usize, ssize := ssize, .. } => do\n let mut r := f!\"ctor_{cidx}\"\n if usize > 0 || ssize > 0 then\n r := f!\"{r}.{usize}.{ssize}\"\n if name != Name.anonymous then\n r := f!\"{r}[{name}]\"\n r", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 34, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatExpr", "code": "private def formatExpr : Expr → Format\n | Expr.ctor i ys => format i ++ formatArray ys\n | Expr.reset n x => \"reset[\" ++ format n ++ \"] \" ++ format x\n | Expr.reuse x i u ys => \"reuse\" ++ (if u then \"!\" else \"\") ++ \" \" ++ format x ++ \" in \" ++ format i ++ formatArray ys\n | Expr.proj i x => \"proj[\" ++ format i ++ \"] \" ++ format x\n | Expr.uproj i x => \"uproj[\" ++ format i ++ \"] \" ++ format x\n | Expr.sproj n o x => \"sproj[\" ++ format n ++ \", \" ++ format o ++ \"] \" ++ format x\n | Expr.fap c ys => format c ++ formatArray ys\n | Expr.pap c ys => \"pap \" ++ format c ++ formatArray ys\n | Expr.ap x ys => \"app \" ++ format x ++ formatArray ys\n | _ x => \"box \" ++ format x\n | Expr.unbox x => \"unbox \" ++ format x\n | Expr.lit v => format v\n | Expr.isShared x => \"isShared \" ++ format x", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 51, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatIRType", "code": "private partial def formatIRType : IRType → Format\n | IRType.float => \"float\"\n | IRType.uint8 => \"u8\"\n | IRType.uint16 => \"u16\"\n | IRType.uint32 => \"u32\"\n | IRType.uint64 => \"u64\"\n | IRType.usize => \"usize\"\n | IRType.irrelevant => \"◾\"\n | IRType.object => \"obj\"\n | IRType.tobject => \"tobj\"\n | IRType.struct _ tys =>\n let _ : ToFormat IRType := ⟨formatIRType⟩\n \"struct \" ++ Format.bracket \"{\" (Format.joinSep tys.toList \", \") \"}\"\n | IRType.union _ tys =>\n let _ : ToFormat IRType := ⟨formatIRType⟩\n \"union \" ++ Format.bracket \"{\" (Format.joinSep tys.toList \", \") \"}\"", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatParam", "code": "private def formatParam : Param → Format\n | { x := name, borrow := b, ty := ty } => \"(\" ++ format name ++ \" : \" ++ (if b then \"@& \" else \"\") ++ format ty ++ \")\"", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 121 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatAlt", "code": "def formatAlt (fmt : FnBody → Format) (indent : Nat) : Alt → Format\n | Alt.ctor i b => format ++ \" →\" ++ Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ fmt b)\n | Alt.default b => \"default →\" ++ Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ fmt b)", "start": [ 81, 1 ], "end": [ 83, 78 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatParams", "code": "def formatParams (ps : Array Param) : Format :=\n formatArray ps", "start": [ 85, 1 ], "end": [ 86, 17 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatFnBodyHead", "code": "def formatFnBodyHead : FnBody → Format\n | FnBody.vdecl x ty e _ => \"let \" ++ format x ++ \" : \" ++ format ty ++ \" := \" ++ format e\n | FnBody.jdecl j xs _ _ => format j ++ formatParams xs ++ \" := ...\"\n | FnBody.set x i y _ => \"set \" ++ format x ++ \"[\" ++ format i ++ \"] := \" ++ format y\n | FnBody.uset x i y _ => \"uset \" ++ format x ++ \"[\" ++ format i ++ \"] := \" ++ format y\n | FnBody.sset x i o y ty _ => \"sset \" ++ format x ++ \"[\" ++ format i ++ \", \" ++ format o ++ \"] : \" ++ format ty ++ \" := \" ++ format y\n | FnBody.setTag x cidx _ => \"setTag \" ++ format x ++ \" := \" ++ format cidx\n | x n _ _ _ => \"inc\" ++ (if n != 1 then Format.sbracket (format n) else \"\") ++ \" \" ++ format x\n | FnBody.dec x n _ _ _ => \"dec\" ++ (if n != 1 then Format.sbracket (format n) else \"\") ++ \" \" ++ format x\n | FnBody.del x _ => \"del \" ++ format x\n | FnBody.mdata d _ => \"mdata \" ++ format d\n | _ x _ _ => \"case \" ++ format x ++ \" of ...\"\n | j ys => \"jmp \" ++ format j ++ formatArray ys\n | FnBody.ret x => \"ret \" ++ format x\n | FnBody.unreachable => \"⊥\"", "start": [ 88, 1 ], "end": [ 102, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatFnBodyHead'", "code": "@[export lean_ir_format_fn_body_head]\nprivate def formatFnBodyHead' (fn : FnBody) : String :=\n formatFnBodyHead fn |>.pretty", "start": [ 104, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatFnBody", "code": "partial def formatFnBody (fnBody : FnBody) (indent : Nat := 2) : Format :=\n let rec loop : FnBody → Format\n | FnBody.vdecl x ty e b => \"let \" ++ format x ++ \" : \" ++ format ty ++ \" := \" ++ format e ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.jdecl j xs v b => format j ++ formatParams xs ++ \" :=\" ++ Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ loop v) ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.set x i y b => \"set \" ++ format x ++ \"[\" ++ format i ++ \"] := \" ++ format y ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.uset x i y b => \"uset \" ++ format x ++ \"[\" ++ format i ++ \"] := \" ++ format y ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.sset x i o y ty b => \"sset \" ++ format x ++ \"[\" ++ format i ++ \", \" ++ format o ++ \"] : \" ++ format ty ++ \" := \" ++ format y ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.setTag x cidx b => \"setTag \" ++ format x ++ \" := \" ++ format cidx ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | x n _ _ b => \"inc\" ++ (if n != 1 then Format.sbracket (format n) else \"\") ++ \" \" ++ format x ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.dec x n _ _ b => \"dec\" ++ (if n != 1 then Format.sbracket (format n) else \"\") ++ \" \" ++ format x ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.del x b => \"del \" ++ format x ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | FnBody.mdata d b => \"mdata \" ++ format d ++ \";\" ++ Format.line ++ loop b\n | _ x xType cs => \"case \" ++ format x ++ \" : \" ++ format xType ++ \" of\" ++ cs.foldl (fun r c => r ++ Format.line ++ formatAlt loop indent c) Format.nil\n | j ys => \"jmp \" ++ format j ++ formatArray ys\n | FnBody.ret x => \"ret \" ++ format x\n | FnBody.unreachable => \"⊥\"\n loop fnBody", "start": [ 108, 1 ], "end": [ 124, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.formatDecl", "code": "def formatDecl (decl : Decl) (indent : Nat := 2) : Format :=\n match decl with\n | Decl.fdecl f xs ty b _ => \"def \" ++ format f ++ formatParams xs ++ format \" : \" ++ format ty ++ \" :=\" ++ Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ formatFnBody b indent)\n | Decl.extern f xs ty _ => \"extern \" ++ format f ++ formatParams xs ++ format \" : \" ++ format ty", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 132, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.declToString", "code": "@[export lean_ir_decl_to_string]\ndef declToString (d : Decl) : String :=\n (format d).pretty", "start": [ 136, 1 ], "end": [ 138, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/AddDecl.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Elab/InfoTree/Main.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MonadEnv.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.getIOTypeArg", "code": "private def getIOTypeArg : Expr → Option Expr\n | (Expr.const `IO _) arg => some arg\n | _ => none", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isUnitType", "code": "private def isUnitType : Expr → Bool\n | Expr.const `Unit _ => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 17, 1 ], "end": [ 19, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isIOUnit", "code": "private def isIOUnit (type : Expr) : Bool :=\n match getIOTypeArg type with\n | some type => isUnitType type\n | _ => false", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.runModInit", "code": "@[extern \"lean_run_mod_init\"]\nunsafe opaque runModInit (mod : Name) : IO Bool", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.runInit", "code": "@[extern \"lean_run_init\"]\nunsafe opaque runInit (env : @& Environment) (opts : @& Options) (decl initDecl : @& Name) : IO Unit", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 35, 101 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerInitAttrUnsafe", "code": "unsafe def registerInitAttrUnsafe (attrName : Name) (runAfterImport : Bool) (ref : Name) : IO (ParametricAttribute Name) :=\n registerParametricAttribute {\n ref := ref\n name := attrName\n descr := \"initialization procedure for global references\"\n getParam := fun declName stx => do\n let decl ← getConstInfo declName\n match (← Attribute.Builtin.getIdent? stx) with\n | some initFnName =>\n let initFnName ← Elab.realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo initFnName\n let initDecl ← getConstInfo initFnName\n match getIOTypeArg initDecl.type with\n | none => throwError \"initialization function '{initFnName}' must have type of the form `IO <type>`\"\n | some initTypeArg =>\n if decl.type == initTypeArg then pure initFnName\n else throwError \"initialization function '{initFnName}' type mismatch\"\n | none =>\n if isIOUnit decl.type then pure Name.anonymous\n else throwError \"initialization function must have type `IO Unit`\"\n afterImport := fun entries => do\n let ctx ← read\n if runAfterImport && (← isInitializerExecutionEnabled) then\n for mod in ctx.env.header.moduleNames,\n modData in ctx.env.header.moduleData,\n modEntries in entries do\n if (← runModInit mod) then\n continue\n if modEntries.isEmpty then\n continue\n if (← interpretedModInits.get).contains mod then\n continue\n interpretedModInits.modify (·.insert mod)\n for c in modData.constNames do\n if let some (decl, initDecl) := modEntries.binSearch (c, default) (Name.quickLt ·.1 ·.1) then\n if initDecl.isAnonymous then\n let initFn ← IO.ofExcept <| ctx.env.evalConst (IO Unit) ctx.opts decl\n initFn\n else\n runInit ctx.env ctx.opts decl initDecl\n }", "start": [ 40, 1 ], "end": [ 90, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerInitAttrInner", "code": "@[implemented_by registerInitAttrUnsafe]\nprivate opaque registerInitAttrInner (attrName : Name) (runAfterImport : Bool) (ref : Name) : IO (ParametricAttribute Name)", "start": [ 92, 1 ], "end": [ 93, 124 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.registerInitAttr", "code": "@[inline]\ndef registerInitAttr (attrName : Name) (runAfterImport : Bool) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO (ParametricAttribute Name) :=\n registerInitAttrInner attrName runAfterImport ref", "start": [ 95, 1 ], "end": [ 97, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getInitFnNameForCore?", "code": "def getInitFnNameForCore? (env : Environment) (attr : ParametricAttribute Name) (fn : Name) : Option Name :=\n match attr.getParam? env fn with\n | some Name.anonymous => none\n | some n => some n\n | _ => none", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 106, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getBuiltinInitFnNameFor?", "code": "@[export lean_get_builtin_init_fn_name_for]\ndef getBuiltinInitFnNameFor? (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Option Name :=\n getInitFnNameForCore? env builtinInitAttr fn", "start": [ 108, 1 ], "end": [ 110, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getRegularInitFnNameFor?", "code": "@[export lean_get_regular_init_fn_name_for]\ndef getRegularInitFnNameFor? (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Option Name :=\n getInitFnNameForCore? env regularInitAttr fn", "start": [ 112, 1 ], "end": [ 114, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getInitFnNameFor?", "code": "@[export lean_get_init_fn_name_for]\ndef getInitFnNameFor? (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Option Name :=\n getBuiltinInitFnNameFor? env fn <|> getRegularInitFnNameFor? env fn", "start": [ 116, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isIOUnitInitFnCore", "code": "def isIOUnitInitFnCore (env : Environment) (attr : ParametricAttribute Name) (fn : Name) : Bool :=\n match attr.getParam? env fn with\n | some Name.anonymous => true\n | _ => false", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 123, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isIOUnitRegularInitFn", "code": "@[export lean_is_io_unit_regular_init_fn]\ndef isIOUnitRegularInitFn (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Bool :=\n isIOUnitInitFnCore env regularInitAttr fn", "start": [ 125, 1 ], "end": [ 127, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isIOUnitBuiltinInitFn", "code": "@[export lean_is_io_unit_builtin_init_fn]\ndef isIOUnitBuiltinInitFn (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Bool :=\n isIOUnitInitFnCore env builtinInitAttr fn", "start": [ 129, 1 ], "end": [ 131, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.isIOUnitInitFn", "code": "def isIOUnitInitFn (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Bool :=\n isIOUnitBuiltinInitFn env fn || isIOUnitRegularInitFn env fn", "start": [ 133, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.hasInitAttr", "code": "def hasInitAttr (env : Environment) (fn : Name) : Bool :=\n (getInitFnNameFor? env fn).isSome", "start": [ 136, 1 ], "end": [ 137, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.setBuiltinInitAttr", "code": "def setBuiltinInitAttr (env : Environment) (declName : Name) (initFnName : Name := Name.anonymous) : Except String Environment :=\n builtinInitAttr.setParam env declName initFnName", "start": [ 139, 1 ], "end": [ 140, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.declareBuiltin", "code": "def declareBuiltin (forDecl : Name) (value : Expr) : CoreM Unit := do\n let name ← mkAuxName (`_regBuiltin ++ forDecl) 1\n let type := mkApp (mkConst `IO) (mkConst `Unit)\n let decl := Declaration.defnDecl { name, levelParams := [], type, value, hints := ReducibilityHints.opaque,\n safety := }\n match (← getEnv).addAndCompile {} decl with\n | Except.error e => do\n let msg ← (e.toMessageData {}).toString\n throwError \"failed to emit registration code for builtin '{forDecl}': {msg}\"\n | Except.ok env => IO.ofExcept (setBuiltinInitAttr env name) >>= setEnv", "start": [ 142, 1 ], "end": [ 152, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/MonadEnv.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/DeclarationRange.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Init/Data/String/Extra.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.addBuiltinDocString", "code": "def addBuiltinDocString (declName : Name) (docString : String) : IO Unit :=\n builtinDocStrings.modify (·.insert declName docString.removeLeadingSpaces)", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addDocString", "code": "def addDocString [Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) (docString : String) : m Unit := do\n unless (← getEnv).getModuleIdxFor? declName |>.isNone do\n throwError s!\"invalid doc string, declaration '{declName}' is in an imported module\"\n modifyEnv fun env => docStringExt.insert env declName docString.removeLeadingSpaces", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 27, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addDocString'", "code": "def addDocString' [Monad m] [MonadError m] [MonadEnv m] (declName : Name) (docString? : Option String) : m Unit :=\n match docString? with\n | some docString => addDocString declName docString\n | none => return ()", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 32, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.findSimpleDocString?", "code": "def findSimpleDocString? (env : Environment) (declName : Name) (includeBuiltin := true) : IO (Option String) :=\n if let some docStr := docStringExt.find? env declName then\n return some docStr\n else if includeBuiltin then\n return (← builtinDocStrings.get).find? declName\n else\n return none", "start": [ 34, 1 ], "end": [ 45, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.ModuleDoc", "code": "structure ModuleDoc where\n doc : String\n declarationRange : DeclarationRange", "start": [ 47, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.addMainModuleDoc", "code": "def addMainModuleDoc (env : Environment) (doc : ModuleDoc) : Environment :=\n moduleDocExt.addEntry env doc", "start": [ 57, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getMainModuleDoc", "code": "def getMainModuleDoc (env : Environment) : PersistentArray ModuleDoc :=\n moduleDocExt.getState env", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 61, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getModuleDoc?", "code": "def getModuleDoc? (env : Environment) (moduleName : Name) : Option (Array ModuleDoc) :=\n env.getModuleIdx? moduleName |>.map fun modIdx => moduleDocExt.getModuleEntries env modIdx", "start": [ 63, 1 ], "end": [ 64, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.getDocStringText", "code": "def getDocStringText [Monad m] [MonadError m] (stx : TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.docComment) : m String :=\n match stx.raw[1] with\n | Syntax.atom _ val => return val.extract 0 (val.endPos - ⟨2⟩)\n | _ => throwErrorAt stx \"unexpected doc string{indentD stx.raw[1]}\"", "start": [ 66, 1 ], "end": [ 69, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Data/Trie.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Message.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Syntax.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkAtom", "code": "abbrev mkAtom (info : SourceInfo) (val : String) : Syntax :=\n Syntax.atom info val", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 14, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkIdent", "code": "abbrev mkIdent (info : SourceInfo) (rawVal : Substring) (val : Name) : Syntax :=\n Syntax.ident info rawVal val []", "start": [ 16, 1 ], "end": [ 17, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getNext", "code": "def getNext (input : String) (pos : String.Pos) : Char :=\n input.get ( pos)", "start": [ 19, 1 ], "end": [ 21, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.maxPrec", "code": "def maxPrec : Nat := eval_prec max", "start": [ 23, 1 ], "end": [ 28, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.argPrec", "code": "def argPrec : Nat := eval_prec arg", "start": [ 29, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.leadPrec", "code": "def leadPrec : Nat := eval_prec lead", "start": [ 30, 1 ], "end": [ 30, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.minPrec", "code": "def minPrec : Nat := eval_prec min", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 31, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.Token", "code": "abbrev Token := String", "start": [ 33, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 23 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.TokenTable", "code": "abbrev TokenTable := Lean.Data.Trie Token", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 35, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxNodeKindSet", "code": "abbrev SyntaxNodeKindSet := PersistentHashMap SyntaxNodeKind Unit", "start": [ 37, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxNodeKindSet.insert", "code": "def SyntaxNodeKindSet.insert (s : SyntaxNodeKindSet) (k : SyntaxNodeKind) : SyntaxNodeKindSet :=\n PersistentHashMap.insert s k ()", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 40, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.InputContext", "code": "structure InputContext where\n input : String\n fileName : String\n fileMap : FileMap\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 42, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserModuleContext", "code": "structure ParserModuleContext where\n env : Environment\n options : Options\n currNamespace : Name := .anonymous\n openDecls : List OpenDecl := []", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.CacheableParserContext", "code": "structure CacheableParserContext where\n prec : Nat\n quotDepth : Nat := 0\n suppressInsideQuot : Bool := false\n savedPos? : Option String.Pos := none\n forbiddenTk? : Option Token := none\n deriving BEq", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 67, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserContextCore", "code": "structure ParserContextCore extends InputContext, ParserModuleContext, CacheableParserContext where\n tokens : TokenTable", "start": [ 69, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserContext", "code": "structure ParserContext extends ParserContextCore where private mk ::", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 74, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.Error", "code": "structure Error where\n \n unexpectedTk : Syntax := .missing\n unexpected : String := \"\"\n expected : List String := []\n deriving Inhabited, BEq", "start": [ 76, 1 ], "end": [ 83, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.Error.expectedToString", "code": "private def expectedToString : List String → String\n | [] => \"\"\n | [e] => e\n | [e1, e2] => e1 ++ \" or \" ++ e2\n | e::es => e ++ \", \" ++ expectedToString es", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 91, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.Error.toString", "code": "protected def toString (e : Error) : String :=\n let unexpected := if e.unexpected == \"\" then [] else [e.unexpected]\n let expected := if e.expected == [] then [] else\n let expected := e.expected.toArray.qsort (fun e e' => e < e')\n let expected := expected.toList.eraseReps\n [\"expected \" ++ expectedToString expected]\n \"; \".intercalate $ unexpected ++ expected", "start": [ 93, 1 ], "end": [ 99, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.Error.merge", "code": "def merge (e₁ e₂ : Error) : Error :=\n match e₂ with\n | { unexpectedTk, unexpected := u, .. } =>\n { unexpectedTk, unexpected := if u == \"\" then e₁.unexpected else u, expected := e₁.expected ++ e₂.expected }", "start": [ 104, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 113 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.TokenCacheEntry", "code": "structure TokenCacheEntry where\n startPos : String.Pos := 0\n stopPos : String.Pos := 0\n token : Syntax := Syntax.missing", "start": [ 112, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserCacheKey", "code": "structure ParserCacheKey extends CacheableParserContext where\n parserName : Name\n pos : String.Pos\n deriving BEq", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 120, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserCacheEntry", "code": "structure ParserCacheEntry where\n stx : Syntax\n lhsPrec : Nat\n newPos : String.Pos\n errorMsg : Option Error", "start": [ 126, 1 ], "end": [ 130, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserCache", "code": "structure ParserCache where\n tokenCache : TokenCacheEntry\n parserCache : HashMap ParserCacheKey ParserCacheEntry", "start": [ 132, 1 ], "end": [ 134, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.initCacheForInput", "code": "def initCacheForInput (input : String) : ParserCache where\n tokenCache := { startPos := input.endPos + ' ' }\n parserCache := {}", "start": [ 136, 1 ], "end": [ 138, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack", "code": "structure SyntaxStack where\n private raw : Array Syntax\n private drop : Nat", "start": [ 140, 1 ], "end": [ 143, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.toSubarray", "code": "def toSubarray (stack : SyntaxStack) : Subarray Syntax :=\n stack.raw.toSubarray stack.drop", "start": [ 147, 1 ], "end": [ 148, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.empty", "code": "def empty : SyntaxStack where\n raw := #[]\n drop := 0", "start": [ 150, 1 ], "end": [ 152, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.size", "code": "def size (stack : SyntaxStack) : Nat :=\n stack.raw.size - stack.drop", "start": [ 154, 1 ], "end": [ 155, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.isEmpty", "code": "def isEmpty (stack : SyntaxStack) : Bool :=\n stack.size == 0", "start": [ 157, 1 ], "end": [ 158, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.shrink", "code": "def shrink (stack : SyntaxStack) (n : Nat) : SyntaxStack :=\n { stack with raw := stack.raw.shrink (stack.drop + n) }", "start": [ 160, 1 ], "end": [ 161, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.push", "code": "def push (stack : SyntaxStack) (a : Syntax) : SyntaxStack :=\n { stack with raw := stack.raw.push a }", "start": [ 163, 1 ], "end": [ 164, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.pop", "code": "def pop (stack : SyntaxStack) : SyntaxStack :=\n if stack.size > 0 then\n { stack with raw := stack.raw.pop }\n else stack", "start": [ 166, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.back", "code": "def back (stack : SyntaxStack) : Syntax :=\n if stack.size > 0 then\n stack.raw.back\n else\n panic! \"SyntaxStack.back: element is inaccessible\"", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.get!", "code": "def get! (stack : SyntaxStack) (i : Nat) : Syntax :=\n if i < stack.size then\n stack.raw.get! (stack.drop + i)\n else\n panic! \"SyntaxStack.get!: element is inaccessible\"", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 181, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.SyntaxStack.extract", "code": "def extract (stack : SyntaxStack) (start stop : Nat) : Array Syntax :=\n stack.raw.extract (stack.drop + start) (stack.drop + stop)", "start": [ 183, 1 ], "end": [ 184, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState", "code": "structure ParserState where\n stxStack : SyntaxStack := .empty\n \n lhsPrec : Nat := 0\n pos : String.Pos := 0\n cache : ParserCache\n errorMsg : Option Error := none\n recoveredErrors : Array (String.Pos × SyntaxStack × Error) := #[]", "start": [ 191, 1 ], "end": [ 202, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.hasError", "code": "@[inline]\ndef hasError (s : ParserState) : Bool :=\n s.errorMsg != none", "start": [ 206, 1 ], "end": [ 208, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.stackSize", "code": "def stackSize (s : ParserState) : Nat :=\n s.stxStack.size", "start": [ 210, 1 ], "end": [ 211, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.restore", "code": "def restore (s : ParserState) (iniStackSz : Nat) (iniPos : String.Pos) : ParserState :=\n { s with stxStack := s.stxStack.shrink iniStackSz, errorMsg := none, pos := iniPos }", "start": [ 213, 1 ], "end": [ 214, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.setPos", "code": "def setPos (s : ParserState) (pos : String.Pos) : ParserState :=\n { s with pos := pos }", "start": [ 216, 1 ], "end": [ 217, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.setCache", "code": "def setCache (s : ParserState) (cache : ParserCache) : ParserState :=\n { s with cache := cache }", "start": [ 219, 1 ], "end": [ 220, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.pushSyntax", "code": "def pushSyntax (s : ParserState) (n : Syntax) : ParserState :=\n { s with stxStack := s.stxStack.push n }", "start": [ 222, 1 ], "end": [ 223, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.popSyntax", "code": "def popSyntax (s : ParserState) : ParserState :=\n { s with stxStack := s.stxStack.pop }", "start": [ 225, 1 ], "end": [ 226, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.shrinkStack", "code": "def shrinkStack (s : ParserState) (iniStackSz : Nat) : ParserState :=\n { s with stxStack := s.stxStack.shrink iniStackSz }", "start": [ 228, 1 ], "end": [ 229, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def next (s : ParserState) (input : String) (pos : String.Pos) : ParserState :=\n { s with pos := pos }", "start": [ 231, 1 ], "end": [ 232, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "'", "code": "def next' (s : ParserState) (input : String) (pos : String.Pos) (h : ¬ input.atEnd pos) : ParserState :=\n { s with pos :=' pos h }", "start": [ 234, 1 ], "end": [ 235, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkNode", "code": "def mkNode (s : ParserState) (k : SyntaxNodeKind) (iniStackSz : Nat) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, err, recovered⟩ =>\n if err != none && stack.size == iniStackSz then\n let stack := stack.push Syntax.missing\n ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, err, recovered⟩\n else\n let newNode := Syntax.node SourceInfo.none k (stack.extract iniStackSz stack.size)\n let stack := stack.shrink iniStackSz\n let stack := stack.push newNode\n ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, err, recovered⟩", "start": [ 237, 1 ], "end": [ 254, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkTrailingNode", "code": "def mkTrailingNode (s : ParserState) (k : SyntaxNodeKind) (iniStackSz : Nat) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, err, errs⟩ =>\n let newNode := Syntax.node SourceInfo.none k (stack.extract (iniStackSz - 1) stack.size)\n let stack := stack.shrink (iniStackSz - 1)\n let stack := stack.push newNode\n ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, err, errs⟩", "start": [ 256, 1 ], "end": [ 262, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.allErrors", "code": "def allErrors (s : ParserState) : Array (String.Pos × SyntaxStack × Error) :=\n s.recoveredErrors ++ ( (fun e => #[(s.pos, s.stxStack, e)])).getD #[]", "start": [ 264, 1 ], "end": [ 265, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.setError", "code": "@[inline]\ndef setError (s : ParserState) (e : Error) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, _, errs⟩ => ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, some e, errs⟩", "start": [ 267, 1 ], "end": [ 270, 88 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkError", "code": "def mkError (s : ParserState) (msg : String) : ParserState :=\n s.setError { expected := [msg] } |>.pushSyntax .missing", "start": [ 272, 1 ], "end": [ 273, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkUnexpectedError", "code": "def mkUnexpectedError (s : ParserState) (msg : String) (expected : List String := []) (pushMissing := true) : ParserState :=\n let s := s.setError { unexpected := msg, expected }\n if pushMissing then s.pushSyntax .missing else s", "start": [ 275, 1 ], "end": [ 277, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkEOIError", "code": "def mkEOIError (s : ParserState) (expected : List String := []) : ParserState :=\n s.mkUnexpectedError \"unexpected end of input\" expected", "start": [ 279, 1 ], "end": [ 280, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkErrorsAt", "code": "def mkErrorsAt (s : ParserState) (ex : List String) (pos : String.Pos) (initStackSz? : Option Nat := none) : ParserState := do\n let mut s := s.setPos pos\n if let some sz := initStackSz? then\n s := s.shrinkStack sz\n s := s.setError { expected := ex }\n s.pushSyntax .missing", "start": [ 282, 1 ], "end": [ 287, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkErrorAt", "code": "def mkErrorAt (s : ParserState) (msg : String) (pos : String.Pos) (initStackSz? : Option Nat := none) : ParserState :=\n s.mkErrorsAt [msg] pos initStackSz?", "start": [ 289, 1 ], "end": [ 290, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkUnexpectedTokenErrors", "code": "def mkUnexpectedTokenErrors (s : ParserState) (ex : List String) (iniPos : String.Pos := 0) : ParserState :=\n let tk := s.stxStack.back\n let s := s.setPos (if iniPos > 0 then iniPos else tk.getPos?.get!)\n let s := s.setError { unexpectedTk := tk, expected := ex }\n s.popSyntax.pushSyntax .missing", "start": [ 292, 1 ], "end": [ 302, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkUnexpectedTokenError", "code": "def mkUnexpectedTokenError (s : ParserState) (msg : String) (iniPos : String.Pos := 0) : ParserState :=\n s.mkUnexpectedTokenErrors [msg] iniPos", "start": [ 304, 1 ], "end": [ 309, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mkUnexpectedErrorAt", "code": "def mkUnexpectedErrorAt (s : ParserState) (msg : String) (pos : String.Pos) : ParserState :=\n s.setPos pos |>.mkUnexpectedError msg", "start": [ 311, 1 ], "end": [ 312, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.toErrorMsg", "code": "def toErrorMsg (ctx : InputContext) (s : ParserState) : String := do\n let mut errStr := \"\"\n for (pos, _stk, err) in s.allErrors do\n if errStr != \"\" then errStr := errStr ++ \"\\n\"\n let pos := ctx.fileMap.toPosition pos\n errStr := errStr ++ mkErrorStringWithPos ctx.fileName pos (toString err)\n errStr", "start": [ 314, 1 ], "end": [ 320, 9 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserFn", "code": "def ParserFn := ParserContext → ParserState → ParserState", "start": [ 324, 1 ], "end": [ 324, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.FirstTokens", "code": "inductive FirstTokens where\n | epsilon : FirstTokens\n | unknown : FirstTokens\n | tokens : List Token → FirstTokens\n | optTokens : List Token → FirstTokens\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 329, 1 ], "end": [ 334, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.FirstTokens.seq", "code": "def seq : FirstTokens → FirstTokens → FirstTokens\n | epsilon, tks => tks\n | optTokens s₁, optTokens s₂ => optTokens (s₁ ++ s₂)\n | optTokens s₁, tokens s₂ => tokens (s₁ ++ s₂)\n | tks, _ => tks", "start": [ 338, 1 ], "end": [ 342, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.FirstTokens.toOptional", "code": "def toOptional : FirstTokens → FirstTokens\n | tokens tks => optTokens tks\n | tks => tks", "start": [ 344, 1 ], "end": [ 346, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.FirstTokens.merge", "code": "def merge : FirstTokens → FirstTokens → FirstTokens\n | epsilon, tks => toOptional tks\n | tks, epsilon => toOptional tks\n | tokens s₁, tokens s₂ => tokens (s₁ ++ s₂)\n | optTokens s₁, optTokens s₂ => optTokens (s₁ ++ s₂)\n | tokens s₁, optTokens s₂ => optTokens (s₁ ++ s₂)\n | optTokens s₁, tokens s₂ => optTokens (s₁ ++ s₂)\n | _, _ => unknown", "start": [ 348, 1 ], "end": [ 355, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.FirstTokens.toStr", "code": "def toStr : FirstTokens → String\n | epsilon => \"epsilon\"\n | unknown => \"unknown\"\n | tokens tks => toString tks\n | optTokens tks => \"?\" ++ toString tks", "start": [ 357, 1 ], "end": [ 361, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserInfo", "code": "structure ParserInfo where\n collectTokens : List Token → List Token := id\n collectKinds : SyntaxNodeKindSet → SyntaxNodeKindSet := id\n firstTokens : FirstTokens := FirstTokens.unknown\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 368, 1 ], "end": [ 372, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.Parser", "code": "structure Parser where\n info : ParserInfo := {}\n fn : ParserFn\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 374, 1 ], "end": [ 377, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.TrailingParser", "code": "abbrev TrailingParser := Parser", "start": [ 379, 1 ], "end": [ 379, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withFn", "code": "@[inline]\ndef withFn (f : ParserFn → ParserFn) (p : Parser) : Parser := { p with fn := f p.fn }", "start": [ 381, 1 ], "end": [ 383, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.adaptCacheableContextFn", "code": "def adaptCacheableContextFn (f : CacheableParserContext → CacheableParserContext) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n p { c with toCacheableParserContext := f c.toCacheableParserContext } s", "start": [ 385, 1 ], "end": [ 386, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.adaptCacheableContext", "code": "def adaptCacheableContext (f : CacheableParserContext → CacheableParserContext) : Parser → Parser :=\n withFn (adaptCacheableContextFn f)", "start": [ 388, 1 ], "end": [ 389, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withStackDrop", "code": "private def withStackDrop (drop : Nat) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let initDrop := s.stxStack.drop\n let s := p c { s with stxStack.drop := drop }\n { s with stxStack.drop := initDrop }", "start": [ 391, 1 ], "end": [ 394, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withResetCacheFn", "code": "def withResetCacheFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := withStackDrop 0 fun c s =>\n let parserCache := s.cache.parserCache\n let s' := p c { s with cache.parserCache := {} }\n { s' with cache.parserCache := parserCache }", "start": [ 396, 1 ], "end": [ 403, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withResetCache", "code": "@[inherit_doc withResetCacheFn]\ndef withResetCache : Parser → Parser := withFn withResetCacheFn", "start": [ 405, 1 ], "end": [ 406, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.adaptUncacheableContextFn", "code": "def adaptUncacheableContextFn (f : ParserContextCore → ParserContextCore) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn :=\n withResetCacheFn (fun c s => p ⟨f c.toParserContextCore⟩ s)", "start": [ 408, 1 ], "end": [ 410, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withCacheFn", "code": "def withCacheFn (parserName : Name) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let key := ⟨c.toCacheableParserContext, parserName, s.pos⟩\n if let some r := s.cache.parserCache.find? key then\n return ⟨s.stxStack.push r.stx, r.lhsPrec, r.newPos, s.cache, r.errorMsg, s.recoveredErrors⟩\n let initStackSz := s.stxStack.raw.size\n let s := withStackDrop initStackSz p c { s with lhsPrec := 0, errorMsg := none }\n if s.stxStack.raw.size != initStackSz + 1 then\n panic! s!\"withCacheFn: unexpected stack growth {s.stxStack.raw}\"\n { s with cache.parserCache := s.cache.parserCache.insert key ⟨s.stxStack.back, s.lhsPrec, s.pos, s.errorMsg⟩ }", "start": [ 412, 1 ], "end": [ 429, 113 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withCache", "code": "@[inherit_doc withCacheFn]\ndef withCache (parserName : Name) : Parser → Parser := withFn (withCacheFn parserName)", "start": [ 431, 1 ], "end": [ 432, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "", "code": "def (p : ParserFn) (ictx : InputContext) (pmctx : ParserModuleContext) (tokens : TokenTable) (s : ParserState) : ParserState :=\n p { pmctx with\n prec := 0\n toInputContext := ictx\n tokens\n } s", "start": [ 434, 1 ], "end": [ 439, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/IR/Format.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Environment.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/IR/Basic.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LogEntry", "code": "inductive LogEntry where\n | step (cls : Name) (decls : Array Decl)\n | message (msg : Format)", "start": [ 13, 1 ], "end": [ 15, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.LogEntry.fmt", "code": "protected def fmt : LogEntry → Format\n | step cls decls => Format.bracket \"[\" (format cls) \"]\" ++ decls.foldl (fun fmt decl => fmt ++ Format.line ++ format decl) Format.nil\n | message msg => msg", "start": [ 18, 1 ], "end": [ 20, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Log", "code": "abbrev Log := Array LogEntry", "start": [ 25, 1 ], "end": [ 25, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Log.format", "code": "def Log.format (log : Log) : Format :=\n log.foldl (init := Format.nil) fun fmt entry =>\n f!\"{fmt}{Format.line}{entry}\"", "start": [ 27, 1 ], "end": [ 29, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.Log.toString", "code": "@[export lean_ir_log_to_string]\ndef Log.toString (log : Log) : String :=\n log.format.pretty", "start": [ 31, 1 ], "end": [ 33, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.CompilerState", "code": "structure CompilerState where\n env : Environment\n log : Log := #[]", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 37, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.CompilerM", "code": "abbrev CompilerM := ReaderT Options (EStateM String CompilerState)", "start": [ 39, 1 ], "end": [ 39, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.log", "code": "def log (entry : LogEntry) : CompilerM Unit :=\n modify fun s => { s with log := s.log.push entry }", "start": [ 41, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.tracePrefixOptionName", "code": "def tracePrefixOptionName := `", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 44, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.isLogEnabledFor", "code": "private def isLogEnabledFor (opts : Options) (optName : Name) : Bool :=\n match opts.find optName with\n | some (DataValue.ofBool v) => v\n | _ => opts.getBool tracePrefixOptionName", "start": [ 46, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.logDeclsAux", "code": "private def logDeclsAux (optName : Name) (cls : Name) (decls : Array Decl) : CompilerM Unit := do\n let opts ← read\n if isLogEnabledFor opts optName then\n log (LogEntry.step cls decls)", "start": [ 51, 1 ], "end": [ 54, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.logDecls", "code": "@[inline] def logDecls (cls : Name) (decl : Array Decl) : CompilerM Unit :=\n logDeclsAux (tracePrefixOptionName ++ cls) cls decl", "start": [ 56, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.logMessageIfAux", "code": "private def logMessageIfAux {α : Type} [ToFormat α] (optName : Name) (a : α) : CompilerM Unit := do\n let opts ← read\n if isLogEnabledFor opts optName then\n log (LogEntry.message (format a))", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 62, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.logMessageIf", "code": "@[inline] def logMessageIf {α : Type} [ToFormat α] (cls : Name) (a : α) : CompilerM Unit :=\n logMessageIfAux (tracePrefixOptionName ++ cls) a", "start": [ 64, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.logMessage", "code": "@[inline] def logMessage {α : Type} [ToFormat α] (a : α) : CompilerM Unit :=\n logMessageIfAux tracePrefixOptionName a", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.modifyEnv", "code": "@[inline] def modifyEnv (f : Environment → Environment) : CompilerM Unit :=\n modify fun s => { s with env := f s.env }", "start": [ 70, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.DeclMap", "code": "abbrev DeclMap := PHashMap Name Decl", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 73, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.declLt", "code": "private abbrev declLt (a b : Decl) :=\n Name.quickLt", "start": [ 75, 1 ], "end": [ 76, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.sortDecls", "code": "private abbrev sortDecls (decls : Array Decl) : Array Decl :=\n decls.qsort declLt", "start": [ 78, 1 ], "end": [ 79, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.findAtSorted?", "code": "private abbrev findAtSorted? (decls : Array Decl) (declName : Name) : Option Decl :=\n let tmpDecl := Decl.extern declName #[] default default\n decls.binSearch tmpDecl declLt", "start": [ 81, 1 ], "end": [ 83, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.findEnvDecl", "code": "@[export lean_ir_find_env_decl]\ndef findEnvDecl (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Option Decl :=\n match env.getModuleIdxFor? declName with\n | some modIdx => findAtSorted? (declMapExt.getModuleEntries env modIdx) declName\n | none => declMapExt.getState env |>.find? declName", "start": [ 94, 1 ], "end": [ 98, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.findDecl", "code": "def findDecl (n : Name) : CompilerM (Option Decl) :=\n return findEnvDecl (← get).env n", "start": [ 100, 1 ], "end": [ 101, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.containsDecl", "code": "def containsDecl (n : Name) : CompilerM Bool :=\n return (← findDecl n).isSome", "start": [ 103, 1 ], "end": [ 104, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.getDecl", "code": "def getDecl (n : Name) : CompilerM Decl := do\n let (some decl) ← findDecl n | throw s!\"unknown declaration '{n}'\"\n return decl", "start": [ 106, 1 ], "end": [ 108, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.addDeclAux", "code": "@[export lean_ir_add_decl]\ndef addDeclAux (env : Environment) (decl : Decl) : Environment :=\n declMapExt.addEntry (env.addExtraName decl", "start": [ 110, 1 ], "end": [ 112, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.getDecls", "code": "def getDecls (env : Environment) : List Decl :=\n declMapExt.getEntries env", "start": [ 114, 1 ], "end": [ 115, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.getEnv", "code": "def getEnv : CompilerM Environment := do\n let s ← get; pure s.env", "start": [ 117, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.addDecl", "code": "def addDecl (decl : Decl) : CompilerM Unit :=\n modifyEnv fun env => declMapExt.addEntry (env.addExtraName decl", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 121, 77 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.addDecls", "code": "def addDecls (decls : Array Decl) : CompilerM Unit :=\n decls.forM addDecl", "start": [ 123, 1 ], "end": [ 124, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.findEnvDecl'", "code": "def findEnvDecl' (env : Environment) (n : Name) (decls : Array Decl) : Option Decl :=\n match decls.find? (fun decl => == n) with\n | some decl => some decl\n | none => findEnvDecl env n", "start": [ 126, 1 ], "end": [ 129, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.findDecl'", "code": "def findDecl' (n : Name) (decls : Array Decl) : CompilerM (Option Decl) :=\n return findEnvDecl' (← get).env n decls", "start": [ 131, 1 ], "end": [ 132, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.containsDecl'", "code": "def containsDecl' (n : Name) (decls : Array Decl) : CompilerM Bool := do\n if decls.any fun decl => == n then\n return true\n else\n containsDecl n", "start": [ 134, 1 ], "end": [ 138, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.getDecl'", "code": "def getDecl' (n : Name) (decls : Array Decl) : CompilerM Decl := do\n let (some decl) ← findDecl' n decls | throw s!\"unknown declaration '{n}'\"\n return decl", "start": [ 140, 1 ], "end": [ 142, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.IR.getSorryDep", "code": "@[export lean_decl_get_sorry_dep]\ndef getSorryDep (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Option Name :=\n match findEnvDecl env declName with\n | some (.fdecl (info := { sorryDep? := dep?, .. }) ..) => dep?\n | _ => none", "start": [ 144, 1 ], "end": [ 148, 14 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/DocString/Extension.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/InitAttr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.declareBuiltinDocStringAndRanges", "code": "def declareBuiltinDocStringAndRanges (declName : Name) : AttrM Unit := do\n if let some doc ← findSimpleDocString? (← getEnv) declName (includeBuiltin := false) then\n declareBuiltin (declName ++ `docString) (mkAppN (mkConst ``addBuiltinDocString) #[toExpr declName, toExpr doc])\n if let some declRanges ← findDeclarationRanges? declName then\n declareBuiltin (declName ++ `declRange) (mkAppN (mkConst ``addBuiltinDeclarationRanges) #[toExpr declName, toExpr declRanges])", "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 16, 131 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Parser/Types.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.dbgTraceStateFn", "code": "def dbgTraceStateFn (label : String) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn :=\n fun c s =>\n let sz := s.stxStack.size\n let s' := p c s\n dbg_trace \"{label}\n pos: {s'.pos}\n err: {s'.errorMsg}\n out: {s'.stxStack.extract sz s'.stxStack.size}\"\n s'", "start": [ 62, 1 ], "end": [ 70, 7 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.dbgTraceState", "code": "def dbgTraceState (label : String) : Parser → Parser := withFn (dbgTraceStateFn label)", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 72, 87 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.epsilonInfo", "code": "@[noinline]def epsilonInfo : ParserInfo :=\n { firstTokens := FirstTokens.epsilon }", "start": [ 74, 1 ], "end": [ 75, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkStackTopFn", "code": "def checkStackTopFn (p : Syntax → Bool) (msg : String) : ParserFn := fun _ s =>\n if p s.stxStack.back then s\n else s.mkUnexpectedError msg", "start": [ 77, 1 ], "end": [ 79, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkStackTop", "code": "def checkStackTop (p : Syntax → Bool) (msg : String) : Parser := {\n info := epsilonInfo,\n fn := checkStackTopFn p msg\n}", "start": [ 81, 1 ], "end": [ 84, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.andthenFn", "code": "def andthenFn (p q : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := p c s\n if s.hasError then s else q c s", "start": [ 86, 1 ], "end": [ 88, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.andthenInfo", "code": "@[noinline] def andthenInfo (p q : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := p.collectTokens ∘ q.collectTokens,\n collectKinds := p.collectKinds ∘ q.collectKinds,\n firstTokens := p.firstTokens.seq q.firstTokens\n}", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.andthen", "code": "def andthen (p q : Parser) : Parser where\n info := andthenInfo\n fn := andthenFn p.fn q.fn", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 104, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nodeFn", "code": "def nodeFn (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let s := p c s\n s.mkNode n iniSz", "start": [ 109, 1 ], "end": [ 112, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.trailingNodeFn", "code": "def trailingNodeFn (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let s := p c s\n s.mkTrailingNode n iniSz", "start": [ 114, 1 ], "end": [ 117, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nodeInfo", "code": "@[noinline] def nodeInfo (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (p : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := p.collectTokens,\n collectKinds := fun s => (p.collectKinds s).insert n,\n firstTokens := p.firstTokens\n}", "start": [ 119, 1 ], "end": [ 123, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.node", "code": "def node (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (p : Parser) : Parser := {\n info := nodeInfo n,\n fn := nodeFn n p.fn\n}", "start": [ 125, 1 ], "end": [ 128, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.errorFn", "code": "def errorFn (msg : String) : ParserFn := fun _ s =>\n s.mkUnexpectedError msg", "start": [ 130, 1 ], "end": [ 131, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.error", "code": "def error (msg : String) : Parser := {\n info := epsilonInfo,\n fn := errorFn msg\n}", "start": [ 133, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.errorAtSavedPosFn", "code": "def errorAtSavedPosFn (msg : String) (delta : Bool) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n match c.savedPos? with\n | none => s\n | some pos =>\n let pos := if delta then pos else pos\n s.mkUnexpectedErrorAt msg pos", "start": [ 138, 1 ], "end": [ 143, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.errorAtSavedPos", "code": "def errorAtSavedPos (msg : String) (delta : Bool) : Parser := {\n fn := errorAtSavedPosFn msg delta\n}", "start": [ 145, 1 ], "end": [ 150, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkPrecFn", "code": "def checkPrecFn (prec : Nat) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n if c.prec <= prec then s\n else s.mkUnexpectedError \"unexpected token at this precedence level; consider parenthesizing the term\"", "start": [ 152, 1 ], "end": [ 155, 105 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkPrec", "code": "def checkPrec (prec : Nat) : Parser := {\n info := epsilonInfo\n fn := checkPrecFn prec\n}", "start": [ 157, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkLhsPrecFn", "code": "def checkLhsPrecFn (prec : Nat) : ParserFn := fun _ s =>\n if s.lhsPrec >= prec then s\n else s.mkUnexpectedError \"unexpected token at this precedence level; consider parenthesizing the term\"", "start": [ 162, 1 ], "end": [ 165, 105 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkLhsPrec", "code": "def checkLhsPrec (prec : Nat) : Parser := {\n info := epsilonInfo\n fn := checkLhsPrecFn prec\n}", "start": [ 167, 1 ], "end": [ 170, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.setLhsPrecFn", "code": "def setLhsPrecFn (prec : Nat) : ParserFn := fun _ s =>\n if s.hasError then s\n else { s with lhsPrec := prec }", "start": [ 172, 1 ], "end": [ 174, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.setLhsPrec", "code": "def setLhsPrec (prec : Nat) : Parser := {\n info := epsilonInfo\n fn := setLhsPrecFn prec\n}", "start": [ 176, 1 ], "end": [ 179, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addQuotDepth", "code": "private def addQuotDepth (i : Int) (p : Parser) : Parser :=\n adaptCacheableContext (fun c => { c with quotDepth := c.quotDepth + i |>.toNat }) p", "start": [ 181, 1 ], "end": [ 182, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.incQuotDepth", "code": "def incQuotDepth (p : Parser) : Parser := addQuotDepth 1 p", "start": [ 184, 1 ], "end": [ 184, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.decQuotDepth", "code": "def decQuotDepth (p : Parser) : Parser := addQuotDepth (-1) p", "start": [ 186, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.suppressInsideQuot", "code": "def suppressInsideQuot : Parser → Parser :=\n adaptCacheableContext fun c =>\n if c.quotDepth == 0 then { c with suppressInsideQuot := true } else c", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 191, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.leadingNode", "code": "def leadingNode (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (prec : Nat) (p : Parser) : Parser :=\n checkPrec prec >> node n p >> setLhsPrec prec", "start": [ 193, 1 ], "end": [ 194, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.trailingNodeAux", "code": "def trailingNodeAux (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (p : Parser) : TrailingParser := {\n info := nodeInfo n\n fn := trailingNodeFn n p.fn\n}", "start": [ 196, 1 ], "end": [ 199, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.trailingNode", "code": "def trailingNode (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (prec lhsPrec : Nat) (p : Parser) : TrailingParser :=\n checkPrec prec >> checkLhsPrec lhsPrec >> trailingNodeAux n p >> setLhsPrec prec", "start": [ 201, 1 ], "end": [ 202, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mergeOrElseErrors", "code": "def mergeOrElseErrors (s : ParserState) (error1 : Error) (iniPos : String.Pos) (mergeErrors : Bool) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, some error2, errs⟩ =>\n if pos == iniPos then\n ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, some (if mergeErrors then error1.merge error2 else error2), errs⟩\n else s\n | other => other", "start": [ 204, 1 ], "end": [ 210, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.OrElseOnAntiquotBehavior", "code": "inductive OrElseOnAntiquotBehavior where\n | acceptLhs | takeLongest | merge deriving BEq", "start": [ 213, 1 ], "end": [ 217, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.orelseFnCore", "code": "def orelseFnCore (p q : ParserFn) (antiquotBehavior := OrElseOnAntiquotBehavior.merge) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let mut s := p c s\n match s.errorMsg with\n | some errorMsg =>\n if s.pos == iniPos then\n mergeOrElseErrors (q c (s.restore iniSz iniPos)) errorMsg iniPos true\n else\n s\n | none =>\n let pBack := s.stxStack.back\n if antiquotBehavior == .acceptLhs || s.stackSize != iniSz + 1 || !pBack.isAntiquots then\n return s\n let pPos := s.pos\n s := s.restore iniSz iniPos\n s := q c s\n if s.hasError then\n return s.restore iniSz pPos |>.pushSyntax pBack\n if s.pos > pPos then\n return s\n if s.pos < pPos || antiquotBehavior != .merge || s.stackSize != iniSz + 1 || !s.stxStack.back.isAntiquots then\n return s.restore iniSz pPos |>.pushSyntax pBack\n let qBack := s.stxStack.back\n s := s.popSyntax\n let pushAntiquots stx s :=\n if stx.isOfKind choiceKind then\n { s with stxStack := s.stxStack ++ stx.getArgs }\n else\n s.pushSyntax stx\n s := pushAntiquots pBack s\n s := pushAntiquots qBack s\n s.mkNode choiceKind iniSz", "start": [ 219, 1 ], "end": [ 257, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.orelseFn", "code": "def orelseFn (p q : ParserFn) : ParserFn :=\n orelseFnCore p q", "start": [ 259, 1 ], "end": [ 260, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.orelseInfo", "code": "@[noinline] def orelseInfo (p q : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := p.collectTokens ∘ q.collectTokens\n collectKinds := p.collectKinds ∘ q.collectKinds\n firstTokens := p.firstTokens.merge q.firstTokens\n}", "start": [ 262, 1 ], "end": [ 266, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.orelse", "code": "def orelse (p q : Parser) : Parser where\n info := orelseInfo\n fn := orelseFn p.fn q.fn", "start": [ 268, 1 ], "end": [ 276, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.noFirstTokenInfo", "code": "@[noinline] def noFirstTokenInfo (info : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := info.collectTokens\n collectKinds := info.collectKinds\n}", "start": [ 281, 1 ], "end": [ 284, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.atomicFn", "code": "def atomicFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniPos := s.pos\n match p c s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, _, cache, some msg, errs⟩ => ⟨stack, lhsPrec, iniPos, cache, some msg, errs⟩\n | other => other", "start": [ 286, 1 ], "end": [ 290, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.atomic", "code": "def atomic : Parser → Parser := withFn atomicFn", "start": [ 292, 1 ], "end": [ 298, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.RecoveryContext", "code": "structure RecoveryContext where\n \n initialPos : String.Pos\n \n initialSize : Nat\nderiving BEq, DecidableEq, Repr", "start": [ 300, 1 ], "end": [ 306, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.recoverFn", "code": "def recoverFn (p : ParserFn) (recover : RecoveryContext → ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let iniSz := s.stxStack.size\n let s' := p c s\n if let some msg := s'.errorMsg then\n let s' := recover ⟨iniPos, iniSz⟩ c {s' with errorMsg := none}\n if s'.hasError then s'\n else {s' with\n pos := s'.pos,\n lhsPrec := s'.lhsPrec,\n cache := s'.cache,\n errorMsg := none,\n recoveredErrors := s'.recoveredErrors.push (s'.pos, s'.stxStack, msg) }\n else s'", "start": [ 308, 1 ], "end": [ 327, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.recover'", "code": "def recover' (parser : Parser) (handler : RecoveryContext → Parser) : Parser where\n info :=\n fn := recoverFn parser.fn fun s => handler s |>.fn", "start": [ 329, 1 ], "end": [ 340, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.recover", "code": "def recover (parser handler : Parser) : Parser := recover' parser fun _ => handler", "start": [ 342, 1 ], "end": [ 350, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.optionalFn", "code": "def optionalFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let s := p c s\n let s := if s.hasError && s.pos == iniPos then s.restore iniSz iniPos else s\n s.mkNode nullKind iniSz", "start": [ 352, 1 ], "end": [ 357, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.optionaInfo", "code": "@[noinline] def optionaInfo (p : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := p.collectTokens\n collectKinds := p.collectKinds\n firstTokens := p.firstTokens.toOptional\n}", "start": [ 359, 1 ], "end": [ 363, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.optionalNoAntiquot", "code": "def optionalNoAntiquot (p : Parser) : Parser := {\n info := optionaInfo\n fn := optionalFn p.fn\n}", "start": [ 365, 1 ], "end": [ 368, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.lookaheadFn", "code": "def lookaheadFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let s := p c s\n if s.hasError then s else s.restore iniSz iniPos", "start": [ 370, 1 ], "end": [ 374, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.lookahead", "code": "def lookahead : Parser → Parser := withFn lookaheadFn", "start": [ 376, 1 ], "end": [ 381, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.notFollowedByFn", "code": "def notFollowedByFn (p : ParserFn) (msg : String) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let s := p c s\n if s.hasError then\n s.restore iniSz iniPos\n else\n let s := s.restore iniSz iniPos\n s.mkUnexpectedError s!\"unexpected {msg}\"", "start": [ 383, 1 ], "end": [ 391, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.notFollowedBy", "code": "def notFollowedBy (p : Parser) (msg : String) : Parser where\n fn := notFollowedByFn p.fn msg", "start": [ 393, 1 ], "end": [ 398, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.manyAux", "code": "partial def manyAux (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let mut s := p c s\n if s.hasError then\n return if iniPos == s.pos then s.restore iniSz iniPos else s\n if iniPos == s.pos then\n return s.mkUnexpectedError \"invalid 'many' parser combinator application, parser did not consume anything\"\n if s.stackSize > iniSz + 1 then\n s := s.mkNode nullKind iniSz\n manyAux p c s", "start": [ 400, 1 ], "end": [ 410, 16 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.manyFn", "code": "def manyFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let s := manyAux p c s\n s.mkNode nullKind iniSz", "start": [ 412, 1 ], "end": [ 415, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.manyNoAntiquot", "code": "def manyNoAntiquot (p : Parser) : Parser := {\n info := noFirstTokenInfo\n fn := manyFn p.fn\n}", "start": [ 417, 1 ], "end": [ 420, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.many1Fn", "code": "def many1Fn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let s := andthenFn p (manyAux p) c s\n s.mkNode nullKind iniSz", "start": [ 422, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.many1NoAntiquot", "code": "def many1NoAntiquot : Parser → Parser := withFn many1Fn", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 427, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepByFnAux", "code": "private partial def sepByFnAux (p : ParserFn) (sep : ParserFn) (allowTrailingSep : Bool) (iniSz : Nat) (pOpt : Bool) : ParserFn :=\n let rec parse (pOpt : Bool) (c s) := do\n let sz := s.stackSize\n let pos := s.pos\n let mut s := p c s\n if s.hasError then\n if s.pos > pos then\n return s.mkNode nullKind iniSz\n else if pOpt then\n s := s.restore sz pos\n return s.mkNode nullKind iniSz\n else\n s := s.pushSyntax Syntax.missing\n return s.mkNode nullKind iniSz\n if s.stackSize > sz + 1 then\n s := s.mkNode nullKind sz\n let sz := s.stackSize\n let pos := s.pos\n s := sep c s\n if s.hasError then\n s := s.restore sz pos\n return s.mkNode nullKind iniSz\n if s.stackSize > sz + 1 then\n s := s.mkNode nullKind sz\n parse allowTrailingSep c s\n parse pOpt", "start": [ 429, 1 ], "end": [ 455, 13 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepByFn", "code": "def sepByFn (allowTrailingSep : Bool) (p : ParserFn) (sep : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n sepByFnAux p sep allowTrailingSep iniSz true c s", "start": [ 457, 1 ], "end": [ 459, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepBy1Fn", "code": "def sepBy1Fn (allowTrailingSep : Bool) (p : ParserFn) (sep : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n sepByFnAux p sep allowTrailingSep iniSz false c s", "start": [ 461, 1 ], "end": [ 463, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepByInfo", "code": "@[noinline] def sepByInfo (p sep : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := p.collectTokens ∘ sep.collectTokens\n collectKinds := p.collectKinds ∘ sep.collectKinds\n}", "start": [ 465, 1 ], "end": [ 468, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepBy1Info", "code": "@[noinline] def sepBy1Info (p sep : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := p.collectTokens ∘ sep.collectTokens\n collectKinds := p.collectKinds ∘ sep.collectKinds\n firstTokens := p.firstTokens\n}", "start": [ 470, 1 ], "end": [ 474, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepByNoAntiquot", "code": "def sepByNoAntiquot (p sep : Parser) (allowTrailingSep : Bool := false) : Parser := {\n info := sepByInfo\n fn := sepByFn allowTrailingSep p.fn sep.fn\n}", "start": [ 476, 1 ], "end": [ 479, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepBy1NoAntiquot", "code": "def sepBy1NoAntiquot (p sep : Parser) (allowTrailingSep : Bool := false) : Parser := {\n info := sepBy1Info\n fn := sepBy1Fn allowTrailingSep p.fn sep.fn\n}", "start": [ 481, 1 ], "end": [ 484, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withResultOfFn", "code": "def withResultOfFn (p : ParserFn) (f : Syntax → Syntax) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := p c s\n if s.hasError then s\n else\n let stx := s.stxStack.back\n s.popSyntax.pushSyntax (f stx)", "start": [ 486, 1 ], "end": [ 492, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withResultOfInfo", "code": "@[noinline] def withResultOfInfo (p : ParserInfo) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := p.collectTokens\n collectKinds := p.collectKinds\n}", "start": [ 494, 1 ], "end": [ 497, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withResultOf", "code": "def withResultOf (p : Parser) (f : Syntax → Syntax) : Parser := {\n info := withResultOfInfo\n fn := withResultOfFn p.fn f\n}", "start": [ 499, 1 ], "end": [ 502, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.many1Unbox", "code": "def many1Unbox (p : Parser) : Parser :=\n withResultOf (many1NoAntiquot p) fun stx => if stx.getNumArgs == 1 then stx.getArg 0 else stx", "start": [ 504, 1 ], "end": [ 505, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.satisfyFn", "code": "partial def satisfyFn (p : Char → Bool) (errorMsg : String := \"unexpected character\") : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let i := s.pos\n if h : c.input.atEnd i then s.mkEOIError\n else if p (c.input.get' i h) then' c.input i h\n else s.mkUnexpectedError errorMsg", "start": [ 507, 1 ], "end": [ 511, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.takeUntilFn", "code": "partial def takeUntilFn (p : Char → Bool) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let i := s.pos\n if h : c.input.atEnd i then s\n else if p (c.input.get' i h) then s\n else takeUntilFn p c (' c.input i h)", "start": [ 513, 1 ], "end": [ 517, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.takeWhileFn", "code": "def takeWhileFn (p : Char → Bool) : ParserFn :=\n takeUntilFn (fun c => !p c)", "start": [ 519, 1 ], "end": [ 520, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.takeWhile1Fn", "code": "def takeWhile1Fn (p : Char → Bool) (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn :=\n andthenFn (satisfyFn p errorMsg) (takeWhileFn p)", "start": [ 522, 1 ], "end": [ 523, 51 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.finishCommentBlock", "code": "partial def finishCommentBlock (nesting : Nat) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then eoi s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n let i :=' i h\n if curr == '-' then\n if h : input.atEnd i then eoi s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n if curr == '/' then if nesting == 1 then' input i h\n else finishCommentBlock (nesting-1) c (' input i h)\n else\n finishCommentBlock nesting c (s.setPos i)\n else if curr == '/' then\n if h : input.atEnd i then eoi s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n if curr == '-' then finishCommentBlock (nesting+1) c (' input i h)\n else finishCommentBlock nesting c (s.setPos i)\n else finishCommentBlock nesting c (s.setPos i)\nwhere\n eoi s := s.mkUnexpectedError (pushMissing := pushMissingOnError) \"unterminated comment\"", "start": [ 526, 1 ], "end": [ 550, 90 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.whitespace", "code": "partial def whitespace : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n if curr == '\\t' then\n s.mkUnexpectedError (pushMissing := false) \"tabs are not allowed; please configure your editor to expand them\"\n else if curr == '\\r' then\n s.mkUnexpectedError (pushMissing := false) \"isolated carriage returns are not allowed\"\n else if curr.isWhitespace then whitespace c (' input i h)\n else if curr == '-' then\n let i :=' i h\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == '-' then andthenFn (takeUntilFn (fun c => c = '\\n')) whitespace c ( input i)\n else s\n else if curr == '/' then\n let i :=' i h\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == '-' then\n let i := i\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == '-' || curr == '!' then s else andthenFn (finishCommentBlock (pushMissingOnError := false) 1) whitespace c ( input i)\n else s\n else s", "start": [ 552, 1 ], "end": [ 578, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkEmptySubstringAt", "code": "def mkEmptySubstringAt (s : String) (p : String.Pos) : Substring := {\n str := s, startPos := p, stopPos := p\n}", "start": [ 580, 1 ], "end": [ 582, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.rawAux", "code": "private def rawAux (startPos : String.Pos) (trailingWs : Bool) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let stopPos := s.pos\n let leading := mkEmptySubstringAt input startPos\n let val := input.extract startPos stopPos\n if trailingWs then\n let s := whitespace c s\n let stopPos' := s.pos\n let trailing := { str := input, startPos := stopPos, stopPos := stopPos' : Substring }\n let atom := mkAtom (SourceInfo.original leading startPos trailing (startPos + val)) val\n s.pushSyntax atom\n else\n let trailing := mkEmptySubstringAt input stopPos\n let atom := mkAtom (SourceInfo.original leading startPos trailing (startPos + val)) val\n s.pushSyntax atom", "start": [ 584, 1 ], "end": [ 598, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.rawFn", "code": "def rawFn (p : ParserFn) (trailingWs := false) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let startPos := s.pos\n let s := p c s\n if s.hasError then s else rawAux startPos trailingWs c s", "start": [ 600, 1 ], "end": [ 604, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.chFn", "code": "def chFn (c : Char) (trailingWs := false) : ParserFn :=\n rawFn (satisfyFn (fun d => c == d) (\"'\" ++ toString c ++ \"'\")) trailingWs", "start": [ 606, 1 ], "end": [ 607, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.rawCh", "code": "def rawCh (c : Char) (trailingWs := false) : Parser := {\n fn := chFn c trailingWs\n}", "start": [ 609, 1 ], "end": [ 611, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.hexDigitFn", "code": "def hexDigitFn : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then s.mkEOIError\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n let i :=' i h\n if curr.isDigit || ('a' <= curr && curr <= 'f') || ('A' <= curr && curr <= 'F') then s.setPos i\n else s.mkUnexpectedError \"invalid hexadecimal numeral\"", "start": [ 613, 1 ], "end": [ 621, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.stringGapFn", "code": "partial def stringGapFn (seenNewline : Bool) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let i := s.pos\n if h : c.input.atEnd i then s else\n let curr := c.input.get' i h\n if curr == '\\n' then\n if seenNewline then\n s.mkUnexpectedError \"unexpected additional newline in string gap\"\n else\n stringGapFn true c (' c.input i h)\n else if curr.isWhitespace then\n stringGapFn seenNewline c (' c.input i h)\n else if seenNewline then\n s\n else\n s.mkUnexpectedError \"expecting newline in string gap\"", "start": [ 623, 1 ], "end": [ 643, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.quotedCharCoreFn", "code": "def quotedCharCoreFn (isQuotable : Char → Bool) (inString : Bool) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then s.mkEOIError\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n if isQuotable curr then\n' input i h\n else if curr == 'x' then\n andthenFn hexDigitFn hexDigitFn c (' input i h)\n else if curr == 'u' then\n andthenFn hexDigitFn (andthenFn hexDigitFn (andthenFn hexDigitFn hexDigitFn)) c (' input i h)\n else if inString && curr == '\\n' then\n stringGapFn false c s\n else\n s.mkUnexpectedError \"invalid escape sequence\"", "start": [ 645, 1 ], "end": [ 666, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isQuotableCharDefault", "code": "def isQuotableCharDefault (c : Char) : Bool :=\n c == '\\\\' || c == '\\\"' || c == '\\'' || c == 'r' || c == 'n' || c == 't'", "start": [ 668, 1 ], "end": [ 669, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.quotedCharFn", "code": "def quotedCharFn : ParserFn :=\n quotedCharCoreFn isQuotableCharDefault false", "start": [ 671, 1 ], "end": [ 672, 47 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.quotedStringFn", "code": "def quotedStringFn : ParserFn :=\n quotedCharCoreFn isQuotableCharDefault true", "start": [ 674, 1 ], "end": [ 679, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkNodeToken", "code": "def mkNodeToken (n : SyntaxNodeKind) (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n if s.hasError then\n return s\n let input := c.input\n let stopPos := s.pos\n let leading := mkEmptySubstringAt input startPos\n let val := input.extract startPos stopPos\n let s := whitespace c s\n let wsStopPos := s.pos\n let trailing := { str := input, startPos := stopPos, stopPos := wsStopPos : Substring }\n let info := SourceInfo.original leading startPos trailing stopPos\n s.pushSyntax (Syntax.mkLit n val info)", "start": [ 681, 1 ], "end": [ 693, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.charLitFnAux", "code": "def charLitFnAux (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then s.mkEOIError\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n let s := s.setPos (' i h)\n let s := if curr == '\\\\' then quotedCharFn c s else s\n if s.hasError then s\n else\n let i := s.pos\n let curr := input.get i\n let s := s.setPos ( i)\n if curr == '\\'' then mkNodeToken charLitKind startPos c s\n else s.mkUnexpectedError \"missing end of character literal\"", "start": [ 695, 1 ], "end": [ 709, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.strLitFnAux", "code": "partial def strLitFnAux (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then s.mkUnexpectedErrorAt \"unterminated string literal\" startPos\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n let s := s.setPos (' i h)\n if curr == '\\\"' then\n mkNodeToken strLitKind startPos c s\n else if curr == '\\\\' then andthenFn quotedStringFn (strLitFnAux startPos) c s\n else strLitFnAux startPos c s", "start": [ 711, 1 ], "end": [ 721, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isRawStrLitStart", "code": "partial def isRawStrLitStart (input : String) (i : String.Pos) : Bool :=\n if h : input.atEnd i then false\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n if curr == '#' then\n isRawStrLitStart input (' i h)\n else\n curr == '\"'", "start": [ 723, 1 ], "end": [ 736, 18 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.rawStrLitFnAux", "code": "partial def rawStrLitFnAux (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := initState 0\nwhere\n \n errorUnterminated (s : ParserState) := s.mkUnexpectedErrorAt \"unterminated raw string literal\" startPos\n \n initState (num : Nat) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then errorUnterminated s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n let s := s.setPos (' i h)\n if curr == '#' then\n initState (num + 1) c s\n else if curr == '\"' then\n normalState num c s\n else\n errorUnterminated s\n \n normalState (num : Nat) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then errorUnterminated s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n let s := s.setPos (' i h)\n if curr == '\\\"' then\n if num == 0 then\n mkNodeToken strLitKind startPos c s\n else\n closingState num 0 c s\n else\n normalState num c s\n \n closingState (num : Nat) (closingNum : Nat) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then errorUnterminated s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n let s := s.setPos (' i h)\n if curr == '#' then\n if closingNum + 1 == num then\n mkNodeToken strLitKind startPos c s\n else\n closingState num (closingNum + 1) c s\n else if curr == '\\\"' then\n closingState num 0 c s\n else\n normalState num c s", "start": [ 738, 1 ], "end": [ 805, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.decimalNumberFn", "code": "def decimalNumberFn (startPos : String.Pos) (c : ParserContext) : ParserState → ParserState := fun s =>\n let s := takeWhileFn (fun c => c.isDigit) c s\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == '.' || curr == 'e' || curr == 'E' then\n let s := parseOptDot s\n let s := parseOptExp s\n mkNodeToken scientificLitKind startPos c s\n else\n mkNodeToken numLitKind startPos c s\nwhere\n parseOptDot s :=\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == '.' then\n let i := i\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr.isDigit then\n takeWhileFn (fun c => c.isDigit) c (s.setPos i)\n else\n s.setPos i\n else\n s\n\n parseOptExp s :=\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == 'e' || curr == 'E' then\n let i := i\n let i := if input.get i == '-' || input.get i == '+' then i else i\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr.isDigit then\n takeWhileFn (fun c => c.isDigit) c (s.setPos i)\n else\n s.mkUnexpectedError \"missing exponent digits in scientific literal\"\n else\n s", "start": [ 807, 1 ], "end": [ 846, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.binNumberFn", "code": "def binNumberFn (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := takeWhile1Fn (fun c => c == '0' || c == '1') \"binary number\" c s\n mkNodeToken numLitKind startPos c s", "start": [ 848, 1 ], "end": [ 850, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.octalNumberFn", "code": "def octalNumberFn (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := takeWhile1Fn (fun c => '0' ≤ c && c ≤ '7') \"octal number\" c s\n mkNodeToken numLitKind startPos c s", "start": [ 852, 1 ], "end": [ 854, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.hexNumberFn", "code": "def hexNumberFn (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := takeWhile1Fn (fun c => ('0' ≤ c && c ≤ '9') || ('a' ≤ c && c ≤ 'f') || ('A' ≤ c && c ≤ 'F')) \"hexadecimal number\" c s\n mkNodeToken numLitKind startPos c s", "start": [ 856, 1 ], "end": [ 858, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.numberFnAux", "code": "def numberFnAux : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let startPos := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd startPos then s.mkEOIError\n else\n let curr := input.get' startPos h\n if curr == '0' then\n let i :=' startPos h\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == 'b' || curr == 'B' then\n binNumberFn startPos c ( input i)\n else if curr == 'o' || curr == 'O' then\n octalNumberFn startPos c ( input i)\n else if curr == 'x' || curr == 'X' then\n hexNumberFn startPos c ( input i)\n else\n decimalNumberFn startPos c (s.setPos i)\n else if curr.isDigit then\n decimalNumberFn startPos c ( input startPos)\n else\n s.mkError \"numeral\"", "start": [ 860, 1 ], "end": [ 880, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isIdCont", "code": "def isIdCont : String → ParserState → Bool := fun input s =>\n let i := s.pos\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == '.' then\n let i := i\n if input.atEnd i then\n false\n else\n let curr := input.get i\n isIdFirst curr || isIdBeginEscape curr\n else\n false", "start": [ 882, 1 ], "end": [ 893, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isToken", "code": "private def isToken (idStartPos idStopPos : String.Pos) (tk : Option Token) : Bool :=\n match tk with\n | none => false\n | some tk =>\n tk.endPos ≥ idStopPos - idStartPos", "start": [ 895, 1 ], "end": [ 901, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkTokenAndFixPos", "code": "def mkTokenAndFixPos (startPos : String.Pos) (tk : Option Token) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n match tk with\n | none => s.mkErrorAt \"token\" startPos\n | some tk =>\n if c.forbiddenTk? == some tk then\n s.mkErrorAt \"forbidden token\" startPos\n else\n let input := c.input\n let leading := mkEmptySubstringAt input startPos\n let stopPos := startPos + tk\n let s := s.setPos stopPos\n let s := whitespace c s\n let wsStopPos := s.pos\n let trailing := { str := input, startPos := stopPos, stopPos := wsStopPos : Substring }\n let atom := mkAtom (SourceInfo.original leading startPos trailing stopPos) tk\n s.pushSyntax atom", "start": [ 904, 1 ], "end": [ 919, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkIdResult", "code": "def mkIdResult (startPos : String.Pos) (tk : Option Token) (val : Name) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let stopPos := s.pos\n if isToken startPos stopPos tk then\n mkTokenAndFixPos startPos tk c s\n else\n let input := c.input\n let rawVal := { str := input, startPos := startPos, stopPos := stopPos : Substring }\n let s := whitespace c s\n let trailingStopPos := s.pos\n let leading := mkEmptySubstringAt input startPos\n let trailing := { str := input, startPos := stopPos, stopPos := trailingStopPos : Substring }\n let info := SourceInfo.original leading startPos trailing stopPos\n let atom := mkIdent info rawVal val\n s.pushSyntax atom", "start": [ 921, 1 ], "end": [ 934, 22 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.identFnAux", "code": "partial def identFnAux (startPos : String.Pos) (tk : Option Token) (r : Name) : ParserFn :=\n let rec parse (r : Name) (c s) :=\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then\n s.mkEOIError\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n if isIdBeginEscape curr then\n let startPart :=' i h\n let s := takeUntilFn isIdEndEscape c (s.setPos startPart)\n if h : input.atEnd s.pos then\n s.mkUnexpectedErrorAt \"unterminated identifier escape\" startPart\n else\n let stopPart := s.pos\n let s :=' c.input s.pos h\n let r := .str r (input.extract startPart stopPart)\n if isIdCont input s then\n let s := input s.pos\n parse r c s\n else\n mkIdResult startPos tk r c s\n else if isIdFirst curr then\n let startPart := i\n let s := takeWhileFn isIdRest c ( input i)\n let stopPart := s.pos\n let r := .str r (input.extract startPart stopPart)\n if isIdCont input s then\n let s := input s.pos\n parse r c s\n else\n mkIdResult startPos tk r c s\n else\n mkTokenAndFixPos startPos tk c s\n parse r", "start": [ 936, 1 ], "end": [ 970, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isIdFirstOrBeginEscape", "code": "private def isIdFirstOrBeginEscape (c : Char) : Bool :=\n isIdFirst c || isIdBeginEscape c", "start": [ 972, 1 ], "end": [ 973, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nameLitAux", "code": "private def nameLitAux (startPos : String.Pos) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let s := identFnAux startPos none .anonymous c ( input startPos)\n if s.hasError then\n s\n else\n let stx := s.stxStack.back\n match stx with\n | .ident info rawStr _ _ =>\n let s := s.popSyntax\n s.pushSyntax (Syntax.mkNameLit rawStr.toString info)\n | _ => s.mkError \"invalid Name literal\"", "start": [ 975, 1 ], "end": [ 986, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.tokenFnAux", "code": "private def tokenFnAux : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n let curr := input.get i\n if curr == '\\\"' then\n strLitFnAux i c ( input i)\n else if curr == '\\'' && getNext input i != '\\'' then\n charLitFnAux i c ( input i)\n else if curr.isDigit then\n numberFnAux c s\n else if curr == '`' && isIdFirstOrBeginEscape (getNext input i) then\n nameLitAux i c s\n else if curr == 'r' && isRawStrLitStart input ( i) then\n rawStrLitFnAux i c ( input i)\n else\n let tk := c.tokens.matchPrefix input i\n identFnAux i tk .anonymous c s", "start": [ 988, 1 ], "end": [ 1004, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.updateTokenCache", "code": "private def updateTokenCache (startPos : String.Pos) (s : ParserState) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, ⟨_, catCache⟩, none, errs⟩ =>\n if stack.size == 0 then s\n else\n let tk := stack.back\n ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, ⟨{ startPos := startPos, stopPos := pos, token := tk }, catCache⟩, none, errs⟩\n | other => other", "start": [ 1006, 1 ], "end": [ 1014, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.tokenFn", "code": "def tokenFn (expected : List String := []) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if input.atEnd i then s.mkEOIError expected\n else\n let tkc := s.cache.tokenCache\n if tkc.startPos == i then\n let s := s.pushSyntax tkc.token\n s.setPos tkc.stopPos\n else\n let s := tokenFnAux c s\n updateTokenCache i s", "start": [ 1016, 1 ], "end": [ 1027, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.peekTokenAux", "code": "def peekTokenAux (c : ParserContext) (s : ParserState) : ParserState × Except ParserState Syntax :=\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let s := tokenFn [] c s\n if let some _ := s.errorMsg then (s.restore iniSz iniPos, .error s)\n else\n let stx := s.stxStack.back\n (s.restore iniSz iniPos, .ok stx)", "start": [ 1029, 1 ], "end": [ 1036, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.peekToken", "code": "def peekToken (c : ParserContext) (s : ParserState) : ParserState × Except ParserState Syntax :=\n let tkc := s.cache.tokenCache\n if tkc.startPos == s.pos then\n (s, .ok tkc.token)\n else\n peekTokenAux c s", "start": [ 1038, 1 ], "end": [ 1043, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.rawIdentFn", "code": "def rawIdentFn : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if input.atEnd i then s.mkEOIError\n else identFnAux i none .anonymous c s", "start": [ 1045, 1 ], "end": [ 1050, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.satisfySymbolFn", "code": "def satisfySymbolFn (p : String → Bool) (expected : List String) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let s := tokenFn expected c s\n if s.hasError then\n return s\n if let .atom _ sym := s.stxStack.back then\n if p sym then\n return s\n s.mkUnexpectedTokenErrors expected iniPos", "start": [ 1052, 1 ], "end": [ 1061, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.symbolFnAux", "code": "def symbolFnAux (sym : String) (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn :=\n satisfySymbolFn (fun s => s == sym) [errorMsg]", "start": [ 1063, 1 ], "end": [ 1064, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.symbolInfo", "code": "def symbolInfo (sym : String) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := fun tks => sym :: tks\n firstTokens := FirstTokens.tokens [ sym ]\n}", "start": [ 1066, 1 ], "end": [ 1069, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.symbolFn", "code": "def symbolFn (sym : String) : ParserFn :=\n symbolFnAux sym (\"'\" ++ sym ++ \"'\")", "start": [ 1071, 1 ], "end": [ 1072, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.symbolNoAntiquot", "code": "def symbolNoAntiquot (sym : String) : Parser :=\n let sym := sym.trim\n { info := symbolInfo sym\n fn := symbolFn sym }", "start": [ 1074, 1 ], "end": [ 1077, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkTailNoWs", "code": "def checkTailNoWs (prev : Syntax) : Bool :=\n match prev.getTailInfo with\n | .original _ _ trailing _ => trailing.stopPos == trailing.startPos\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1079, 1 ], "end": [ 1082, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nonReservedSymbolFnAux", "code": "def nonReservedSymbolFnAux (sym : String) (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let s := tokenFn [errorMsg] c s\n if s.hasError then\n return s\n match s.stxStack.back with\n | .atom _ sym' =>\n if sym == sym' then\n return s\n | .ident info rawVal _ _ =>\n if sym == rawVal.toString then\n let s := s.popSyntax\n return s.pushSyntax (Syntax.atom info sym)\n | _ => ()\n s.mkUnexpectedTokenError errorMsg", "start": [ 1084, 1 ], "end": [ 1104, 36 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nonReservedSymbolFn", "code": "def nonReservedSymbolFn (sym : String) : ParserFn :=\n nonReservedSymbolFnAux sym (\"'\" ++ sym ++ \"'\")", "start": [ 1106, 1 ], "end": [ 1107, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nonReservedSymbolInfo", "code": "def nonReservedSymbolInfo (sym : String) (includeIdent : Bool) : ParserInfo := {\n firstTokens :=\n if includeIdent then\n .tokens [ sym, \"ident\" ]\n else\n .tokens [ sym ]\n}", "start": [ 1109, 1 ], "end": [ 1115, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nonReservedSymbolNoAntiquot", "code": "def nonReservedSymbolNoAntiquot (sym : String) (includeIdent := false) : Parser :=\n let sym := sym.trim\n { info := nonReservedSymbolInfo sym includeIdent,\n fn := nonReservedSymbolFn sym }", "start": [ 1117, 1 ], "end": [ 1120, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.strAux", "code": "partial def strAux (sym : String) (errorMsg : String) (j : String.Pos) :ParserFn :=\n let rec parse (j c s) :=\n if h₁ : sym.atEnd j then s\n else\n let i := s.pos\n let input := c.input\n if h₂ : input.atEnd i then s.mkError errorMsg\n else if sym.get' j h₁ != input.get' i h₂ then s.mkError errorMsg\n else parse (' j h₁) c (' input i h₂)\n parse j", "start": [ 1122, 1 ], "end": [ 1131, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkTailWs", "code": "def checkTailWs (prev : Syntax) : Bool :=\n match prev.getTailInfo with\n | .original _ _ trailing _ => trailing.stopPos > trailing.startPos\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1133, 1 ], "end": [ 1136, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkWsBeforeFn", "code": "def checkWsBeforeFn (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun _ s =>\n let prev := s.stxStack.back\n if checkTailWs prev then s else s.mkError errorMsg", "start": [ 1138, 1 ], "end": [ 1140, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkWsBefore", "code": "def checkWsBefore (errorMsg : String := \"space before\") : Parser where\n info := epsilonInfo\n fn := checkWsBeforeFn errorMsg", "start": [ 1142, 1 ], "end": [ 1148, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkTailLinebreak", "code": "def checkTailLinebreak (prev : Syntax) : Bool :=\n match prev.getTailInfo with\n | .original _ _ trailing _ => trailing.contains '\\n'\n | _ => false", "start": [ 1150, 1 ], "end": [ 1153, 15 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkLinebreakBeforeFn", "code": "def checkLinebreakBeforeFn (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun _ s =>\n let prev := s.stxStack.back\n if checkTailLinebreak prev then s else s.mkError errorMsg", "start": [ 1155, 1 ], "end": [ 1157, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkLinebreakBefore", "code": "def checkLinebreakBefore (errorMsg : String := \"line break\") : Parser where\n info := epsilonInfo\n fn := checkLinebreakBeforeFn errorMsg", "start": [ 1159, 1 ], "end": [ 1165, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.pickNonNone", "code": "private def pickNonNone (stack : SyntaxStack) : Syntax :=\n match stack.toSubarray.findRev? fun stx => !stx.isNone with\n | none => Syntax.missing\n | some stx => stx", "start": [ 1167, 1 ], "end": [ 1170, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkNoWsBeforeFn", "code": "def checkNoWsBeforeFn (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun _ s =>\n let prev := pickNonNone s.stxStack\n if checkTailNoWs prev then s else s.mkError errorMsg", "start": [ 1172, 1 ], "end": [ 1174, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkNoWsBefore", "code": "def checkNoWsBefore (errorMsg : String := \"no space before\") : Parser := {\n info := epsilonInfo\n fn := checkNoWsBeforeFn errorMsg\n}", "start": [ 1176, 1 ], "end": [ 1186, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.unicodeSymbolFnAux", "code": "def unicodeSymbolFnAux (sym asciiSym : String) (expected : List String) : ParserFn :=\n satisfySymbolFn (fun s => s == sym || s == asciiSym) expected", "start": [ 1188, 1 ], "end": [ 1189, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.unicodeSymbolInfo", "code": "def unicodeSymbolInfo (sym asciiSym : String) : ParserInfo := {\n collectTokens := fun tks => sym :: asciiSym :: tks\n firstTokens := FirstTokens.tokens [ sym, asciiSym ]\n}", "start": [ 1191, 1 ], "end": [ 1194, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.unicodeSymbolFn", "code": "def unicodeSymbolFn (sym asciiSym : String) : ParserFn :=\n unicodeSymbolFnAux sym asciiSym [\"'\" ++ sym ++ \"', '\" ++ asciiSym ++ \"'\"]", "start": [ 1196, 1 ], "end": [ 1197, 76 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.unicodeSymbolNoAntiquot", "code": "def unicodeSymbolNoAntiquot (sym asciiSym : String) : Parser :=\n let sym := sym.trim\n let asciiSym := asciiSym.trim\n { info := unicodeSymbolInfo sym asciiSym\n fn := unicodeSymbolFn sym asciiSym }", "start": [ 1199, 1 ], "end": [ 1203, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkAtomicInfo", "code": "def mkAtomicInfo (k : String) : ParserInfo :=\n { firstTokens := FirstTokens.tokens [ k ] }", "start": [ 1205, 1 ], "end": [ 1206, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.expectTokenFn", "code": "def expectTokenFn (k : SyntaxNodeKind) (desc : String) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := tokenFn [desc] c s\n if !s.hasError && !(s.stxStack.back.isOfKind k) then s.mkUnexpectedTokenError desc else s", "start": [ 1208, 1 ], "end": [ 1213, 92 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.numLitFn", "code": "def numLitFn : ParserFn := expectTokenFn numLitKind \"numeral\"", "start": [ 1215, 1 ], "end": [ 1215, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.numLitNoAntiquot", "code": "def numLitNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := numLitFn\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"num\"\n}", "start": [ 1217, 1 ], "end": [ 1220, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.scientificLitFn", "code": "def scientificLitFn : ParserFn := expectTokenFn scientificLitKind \"scientific number\"", "start": [ 1222, 1 ], "end": [ 1222, 86 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.scientificLitNoAntiquot", "code": "def scientificLitNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := scientificLitFn\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"scientific\"\n}", "start": [ 1224, 1 ], "end": [ 1227, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.strLitFn", "code": "def strLitFn : ParserFn := expectTokenFn strLitKind \"string literal\"", "start": [ 1229, 1 ], "end": [ 1229, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.strLitNoAntiquot", "code": "def strLitNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := strLitFn\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"str\"\n}", "start": [ 1231, 1 ], "end": [ 1234, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.charLitFn", "code": "def charLitFn : ParserFn := expectTokenFn charLitKind \"character literal\"", "start": [ 1236, 1 ], "end": [ 1236, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.charLitNoAntiquot", "code": "def charLitNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := charLitFn\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"char\"\n}", "start": [ 1238, 1 ], "end": [ 1241, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nameLitFn", "code": "def nameLitFn : ParserFn := expectTokenFn nameLitKind \"Name literal\"", "start": [ 1243, 1 ], "end": [ 1243, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nameLitNoAntiquot", "code": "def nameLitNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := nameLitFn\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"name\"\n}", "start": [ 1245, 1 ], "end": [ 1248, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.identFn", "code": "def identFn : ParserFn := expectTokenFn identKind \"identifier\"", "start": [ 1250, 1 ], "end": [ 1250, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.identNoAntiquot", "code": "def identNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := identFn\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"ident\"\n}", "start": [ 1252, 1 ], "end": [ 1255, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.rawIdentNoAntiquot", "code": "def rawIdentNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := rawIdentFn\n}", "start": [ 1257, 1 ], "end": [ 1259, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.identEqFn", "code": "def identEqFn (id : Name) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := tokenFn [\"identifier\"] c s\n if s.hasError then\n s\n else match s.stxStack.back with\n | .ident _ _ val _ => if val != id then s.mkUnexpectedTokenError s!\"identifier '{id}'\" else s\n | _ => s.mkUnexpectedTokenError \"identifier\"", "start": [ 1261, 1 ], "end": [ 1267, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.identEq", "code": "def identEq (id : Name) : Parser := {\n fn := identEqFn id\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"ident\"\n}", "start": [ 1269, 1 ], "end": [ 1272, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.hygieneInfoFn", "code": "def hygieneInfoFn : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let input := c.input\n let finish pos str trailing s :=\n let info := SourceInfo.original str pos trailing pos\n let ident := mkIdent info str .anonymous\n let stx := mkNode hygieneInfoKind #[ident]\n s.pushSyntax stx\n if !s.stxStack.isEmpty then\n let prev := s.stxStack.back\n if let .original leading pos trailing endPos := prev.getTailInfo then\n let str := mkEmptySubstringAt input endPos\n let s := s.popSyntax.pushSyntax <| prev.setTailInfo (.original leading pos str endPos)\n return finish endPos str trailing s\n let str := mkEmptySubstringAt input s.pos\n finish s.pos str str s", "start": [ 1274, 1 ], "end": [ 1297, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.hygieneInfoNoAntiquot", "code": "def hygieneInfoNoAntiquot : Parser := {\n fn := hygieneInfoFn\n info := nodeInfo hygieneInfoKind epsilonInfo\n}", "start": [ 1299, 1 ], "end": [ 1302, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.keepTop", "code": "def keepTop (s : SyntaxStack) (startStackSize : Nat) : SyntaxStack :=\n let node := s.back\n s.shrink startStackSize |>.push node", "start": [ 1306, 1 ], "end": [ 1308, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.keepNewError", "code": "def keepNewError (s : ParserState) (oldStackSize : Nat) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, err, errs⟩ => ⟨keepTop stack oldStackSize, lhsPrec, pos, cache, err, errs⟩", "start": [ 1310, 1 ], "end": [ 1312, 108 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.keepPrevError", "code": "def keepPrevError (s : ParserState) (oldStackSize : Nat) (oldStopPos : String.Pos) (oldError : Option Error) (oldLhsPrec : Nat) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, _, _, cache, _, errs⟩ =>\n ⟨stack.shrink oldStackSize, oldLhsPrec, oldStopPos, cache, oldError, errs⟩", "start": [ 1314, 1 ], "end": [ 1317, 79 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.mergeErrors", "code": "def mergeErrors (s : ParserState) (oldStackSize : Nat) (oldError : Error) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, some err, errs⟩ =>\n let newError := if oldError == err then err else oldError.merge err\n ⟨stack.shrink oldStackSize, lhsPrec, pos, cache, some newError, errs⟩\n | other => other", "start": [ 1319, 1 ], "end": [ 1324, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.keepLatest", "code": "def keepLatest (s : ParserState) (startStackSize : Nat) : ParserState :=\n match s with\n | ⟨stack, lhsPrec, pos, cache, _, errs⟩ =>\n ⟨keepTop stack startStackSize, lhsPrec, pos, cache, none, errs⟩", "start": [ 1326, 1 ], "end": [ 1329, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserState.replaceLongest", "code": "def replaceLongest (s : ParserState) (startStackSize : Nat) : ParserState :=\n s.keepLatest startStackSize", "start": [ 1331, 1 ], "end": [ 1332, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.invalidLongestMatchParser", "code": "def invalidLongestMatchParser (s : ParserState) : ParserState :=\n s.mkError \"longestMatch parsers must generate exactly one Syntax node\"", "start": [ 1336, 1 ], "end": [ 1337, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.runLongestMatchParser", "code": "def runLongestMatchParser (left? : Option Syntax) (startLhsPrec : Nat) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n \n let mut s := { s with lhsPrec := if left?.isSome then startLhsPrec else maxPrec }\n let startSize := s.stackSize\n if let some left := left? then\n s := s.pushSyntax left\n s := p c s\n if s.stackSize == startSize + 1 then\n s else if s.hasError then\n s.shrinkStack startSize |>.pushSyntax Syntax.missing\n else\n invalidLongestMatchParser s", "start": [ 1339, 1 ], "end": [ 1369, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.longestMatchStep", "code": "def longestMatchStep (left? : Option Syntax) (startSize startLhsPrec : Nat) (startPos : String.Pos) (prevPrio : Nat) (prio : Nat) (p : ParserFn)\n : ParserContext → ParserState → ParserState × Nat := fun c s =>\n let score (s : ParserState) (prio : Nat) :=\n (s.pos.byteIdx, if s.errorMsg.isSome then (0 : Nat) else 1, prio)\n let previousScore := score s prevPrio\n let prevErrorMsg := s.errorMsg\n let prevStopPos := s.pos\n let prevSize := s.stackSize\n let prevLhsPrec := s.lhsPrec\n let s := s.restore prevSize startPos\n let s := runLongestMatchParser left? startLhsPrec p c s\n match (let _ := @lexOrd; compare previousScore (score s prio)) with\n | .lt => (s.keepNewError startSize, prio)\n | .gt => (s.keepPrevError prevSize prevStopPos prevErrorMsg prevLhsPrec, prevPrio)\n | .eq =>\n match prevErrorMsg with\n | none =>\n ({s with lhsPrec := s.lhsPrec.min prevLhsPrec }, prio)\n | some oldError => (s.mergeErrors prevSize oldError, prio)", "start": [ 1371, 1 ], "end": [ 1390, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.longestMatchMkResult", "code": "def longestMatchMkResult (startSize : Nat) (s : ParserState) : ParserState :=\n if s.stackSize > startSize + 1 then s.mkNode choiceKind startSize else s", "start": [ 1392, 1 ], "end": [ 1393, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.longestMatchFnAux", "code": "def longestMatchFnAux (left? : Option Syntax) (startSize startLhsPrec : Nat) (startPos : String.Pos) (prevPrio : Nat) (ps : List (Parser × Nat)) : ParserFn :=\n let rec parse (prevPrio : Nat) (ps : List (Parser × Nat)) :=\n match ps with\n | [] => fun _ s => longestMatchMkResult startSize s\n | p::ps => fun c s =>\n let (s, prevPrio) := longestMatchStep left? startSize startLhsPrec startPos prevPrio p.2 p.1.fn c s\n parse prevPrio ps c s\n parse prevPrio ps", "start": [ 1395, 1 ], "end": [ 1402, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.longestMatchFn", "code": "def longestMatchFn (left? : Option Syntax) : List (Parser × Nat) → ParserFn\n | [] => fun _ s => s.mkError \"longestMatch: empty list\"\n | [p] => fun c s => runLongestMatchParser left? s.lhsPrec p.1.fn c s\n | p::ps => fun c s =>\n let startSize := s.stackSize\n let startLhsPrec := s.lhsPrec\n let startPos := s.pos\n let s := runLongestMatchParser left? s.lhsPrec p.1.fn c s\n longestMatchFnAux left? startSize startLhsPrec startPos p.2 ps c s", "start": [ 1404, 1 ], "end": [ 1412, 71 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.anyOfFn", "code": "def anyOfFn : List Parser → ParserFn\n | [], _, s => s.mkError \"anyOf: empty list\"\n | [p], c, s => p.fn c s\n | p::ps, c, s => orelseFn p.fn (anyOfFn ps) c s", "start": [ 1414, 1 ], "end": [ 1417, 50 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkColEqFn", "code": "def checkColEqFn (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n match c.savedPos? with\n | none => s\n | some savedPos =>\n let savedPos := c.fileMap.toPosition savedPos\n let pos := c.fileMap.toPosition s.pos\n if pos.column = savedPos.column then s\n else s.mkError errorMsg", "start": [ 1419, 1 ], "end": [ 1426, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkColEq", "code": "def checkColEq (errorMsg : String := \"checkColEq\") : Parser where\n fn := checkColEqFn errorMsg", "start": [ 1428, 1 ], "end": [ 1434, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkColGeFn", "code": "def checkColGeFn (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n match c.savedPos? with\n | none => s\n | some savedPos =>\n let savedPos := c.fileMap.toPosition savedPos\n let pos := c.fileMap.toPosition s.pos\n if pos.column ≥ savedPos.column then s\n else s.mkError errorMsg", "start": [ 1436, 1 ], "end": [ 1443, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkColGe", "code": "def checkColGe (errorMsg : String := \"checkColGe\") : Parser where\n fn := checkColGeFn errorMsg", "start": [ 1445, 1 ], "end": [ 1453, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkColGtFn", "code": "def checkColGtFn (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n match c.savedPos? with\n | none => s\n | some savedPos =>\n let savedPos := c.fileMap.toPosition savedPos\n let pos := c.fileMap.toPosition s.pos\n if pos.column > savedPos.column then s\n else s.mkError errorMsg", "start": [ 1455, 1 ], "end": [ 1462, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkColGt", "code": "def checkColGt (errorMsg : String := \"checkColGt\") : Parser where\n fn := checkColGtFn errorMsg", "start": [ 1464, 1 ], "end": [ 1477, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkLineEqFn", "code": "def checkLineEqFn (errorMsg : String) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n match c.savedPos? with\n | none => s\n | some savedPos =>\n let savedPos := c.fileMap.toPosition savedPos\n let pos := c.fileMap.toPosition s.pos\n if pos.line == savedPos.line then s\n else s.mkError errorMsg", "start": [ 1479, 1 ], "end": [ 1486, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkLineEq", "code": "def checkLineEq (errorMsg : String := \"checkLineEq\") : Parser where\n fn := checkLineEqFn errorMsg", "start": [ 1488, 1 ], "end": [ 1495, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withPosition", "code": "def withPosition : Parser → Parser := withFn fun f c s =>\n adaptCacheableContextFn ({ · with savedPos? := s.pos }) f c s", "start": [ 1497, 1 ], "end": [ 1511, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withPositionAfterLinebreak", "code": "def withPositionAfterLinebreak : Parser → Parser := withFn fun f c s =>\n let prev := s.stxStack.back\n adaptCacheableContextFn (fun c => if checkTailLinebreak prev then { c with savedPos? := s.pos } else c) f c s", "start": [ 1513, 1 ], "end": [ 1515, 112 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withoutPosition", "code": "def withoutPosition (p : Parser) : Parser :=\n adaptCacheableContext ({ · with savedPos? := none }) p", "start": [ 1517, 1 ], "end": [ 1523, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withForbidden", "code": "def withForbidden (tk : Token) (p : Parser) : Parser :=\n adaptCacheableContext ({ · with forbiddenTk? := tk }) p", "start": [ 1525, 1 ], "end": [ 1533, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withoutForbidden", "code": "def withoutForbidden (p : Parser) : Parser :=\n adaptCacheableContext ({ · with forbiddenTk? := none }) p", "start": [ 1535, 1 ], "end": [ 1541, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.eoiFn", "code": "def eoiFn : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let i := s.pos\n if c.input.atEnd i then s\n else s.mkError \"expected end of file\"", "start": [ 1543, 1 ], "end": [ 1546, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.eoi", "code": "def eoi : Parser := {\n fn := eoiFn\n}", "start": [ 1548, 1 ], "end": [ 1550, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.TokenMap", "code": "def TokenMap (α : Type) := RBMap Name (List α) Name.quickCmp", "start": [ 1552, 1 ], "end": [ 1553, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.TokenMap.insert", "code": "def insert (map : TokenMap α) (k : Name) (v : α) : TokenMap α :=\n match map.find? k with\n | none => .insert map k [v]\n | some vs => .insert map k (v::vs)", "start": [ 1557, 1 ], "end": [ 1560, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.PrattParsingTables", "code": "structure PrattParsingTables where\n leadingTable : TokenMap (Parser × Nat) := {}\n leadingParsers : List (Parser × Nat) := [] trailingTable : TokenMap (Parser × Nat) := {}\n trailingParsers : List (Parser × Nat) := []", "start": [ 1571, 1 ], "end": [ 1575, 46 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.LeadingIdentBehavior", "code": "inductive LeadingIdentBehavior where\n \n | default\n \n | symbol\n \n | both\n deriving Inhabited, BEq, Repr", "start": [ 1580, 1 ], "end": [ 1608, 32 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserCategory", "code": "structure ParserCategory where\n \n declName : Name\n \n kinds : SyntaxNodeKindSet := {}\n \n tables : PrattParsingTables := {}\n \n behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 1610, 1 ], "end": [ 1641, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserCategories", "code": "abbrev ParserCategories := PersistentHashMap Name ParserCategory", "start": [ 1643, 1 ], "end": [ 1643, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.indexed", "code": "def indexed {α : Type} (map : TokenMap α) (c : ParserContext) (s : ParserState) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior) : ParserState × List α :=\n let (s, stx) := peekToken c s\n let find (n : Name) : ParserState × List α :=\n match map.find? n with\n | some as => (s, as)\n | _ => (s, [])\n match stx with\n | .ok (.atom _ sym) => find (.mkSimple sym)\n | .ok (.ident _ _ val _) =>\n match behavior with\n | .default => find identKind\n | .symbol =>\n match map.find? val with\n | some as => (s, as)\n | none => find identKind\n | .both =>\n match map.find? val with\n | some as =>\n if val == identKind then\n (s, as) else\n match map.find? identKind with\n | some as' => (s, as ++ as')\n | _ => (s, as)\n | none => find identKind\n | .ok (.node _ k _) => find k\n | .ok _ => (s, [])\n | .error s' => (s', [])", "start": [ 1645, 1 ], "end": [ 1672, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.CategoryParserFn", "code": "abbrev CategoryParserFn := Name → ParserFn", "start": [ 1674, 1 ], "end": [ 1674, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.categoryParserFn", "code": "def categoryParserFn (catName : Name) : ParserFn := fun ctx s =>\n categoryParserFnExtension.getState ctx.env catName ctx s", "start": [ 1680, 1 ], "end": [ 1681, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.categoryParser", "code": "def categoryParser (catName : Name) (prec : Nat) : Parser where\n fn := adaptCacheableContextFn ({ · with prec }) (withCacheFn catName (categoryParserFn catName))", "start": [ 1683, 1 ], "end": [ 1684, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.termParser", "code": "def termParser (prec : Nat := 0) : Parser :=\n categoryParser `term prec", "start": [ 1687, 1 ], "end": [ 1688, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.checkNoImmediateColon", "code": "def checkNoImmediateColon : Parser := {\n fn := fun c s =>\n let prev := s.stxStack.back\n if checkTailNoWs prev then\n let input := c.input\n let i := s.pos\n if h : input.atEnd i then s\n else\n let curr := input.get' i h\n if curr == ':' then\n s.mkUnexpectedError \"unexpected ':'\"\n else s\n else s\n}", "start": [ 1694, 1 ], "end": [ 1708, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.setExpectedFn", "code": "def setExpectedFn (expected : List String) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n match p c s with\n | s'@{ errorMsg := some msg, .. } => { s' with errorMsg := some { msg with expected } }\n | s' => s'", "start": [ 1710, 1 ], "end": [ 1713, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.setExpected", "code": "def setExpected (expected : List String) : Parser → Parser := withFn (setExpectedFn expected)", "start": [ 1715, 1 ], "end": [ 1715, 94 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.pushNone", "code": "def pushNone : Parser := {\n fn := fun _ s => s.pushSyntax mkNullNode\n}", "start": [ 1717, 1 ], "end": [ 1719, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.antiquotNestedExpr", "code": "def antiquotNestedExpr : Parser := node `antiquotNestedExpr (symbolNoAntiquot \"(\" >> decQuotDepth termParser >> symbolNoAntiquot \")\")", "start": [ 1722, 1 ], "end": [ 1722, 134 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.antiquotExpr", "code": "def antiquotExpr : Parser := identNoAntiquot <|> symbolNoAntiquot \"_\" <|> antiquotNestedExpr", "start": [ 1723, 1 ], "end": [ 1723, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.tokenAntiquotFn", "code": "def tokenAntiquotFn : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n if s.hasError then\n return s\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let s := (checkNoWsBefore >> symbolNoAntiquot \"%\" >> symbolNoAntiquot \"$\" >> checkNoWsBefore >> antiquotExpr).fn c s\n if s.hasError then\n return s.restore iniSz iniPos\n s.mkNode (`token_antiquot) (iniSz - 1)", "start": [ 1725, 1 ], "end": [ 1733, 41 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.tokenWithAntiquot", "code": "def tokenWithAntiquot : Parser → Parser := withFn fun f c s =>\n let s := f c s\n if c.input.get s.pos == '%' then\n tokenAntiquotFn c s\n else\n s", "start": [ 1735, 1 ], "end": [ 1741, 6 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.symbol", "code": "def symbol (sym : String) : Parser :=\n tokenWithAntiquot (symbolNoAntiquot sym)", "start": [ 1743, 1 ], "end": [ 1744, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nonReservedSymbol", "code": "def nonReservedSymbol (sym : String) (includeIdent := false) : Parser :=\n tokenWithAntiquot (nonReservedSymbolNoAntiquot sym includeIdent)", "start": [ 1749, 1 ], "end": [ 1750, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.unicodeSymbol", "code": "def unicodeSymbol (sym asciiSym : String) : Parser :=\n tokenWithAntiquot (unicodeSymbolNoAntiquot sym asciiSym)", "start": [ 1752, 1 ], "end": [ 1753, 59 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkAntiquot", "code": "def mkAntiquot (name : String) (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (anonymous := true) (isPseudoKind := false) : Parser :=\n let kind := kind ++ (if isPseudoKind then `pseudo else .anonymous) ++ `antiquot\n let nameP := node `antiquotName <| checkNoWsBefore (\"no space before ':\" ++ name ++ \"'\") >> symbol \":\" >> nonReservedSymbol name\n let nameP := if anonymous then nameP <|> checkNoImmediateColon >> pushNone else nameP\n leadingNode kind maxPrec <| atomic <|\n setExpected [] \"$\" >>\n manyNoAntiquot (checkNoWsBefore \"\" >> \"$\") >>\n checkNoWsBefore \"no space before spliced term\" >> antiquotExpr >>\n nameP", "start": [ 1755, 1 ], "end": [ 1770, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withAntiquotFn", "code": "def withAntiquotFn (antiquotP p : ParserFn) (isCatAntiquot := false) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n if c.input.get s.pos == '$' then\n orelseFnCore (antiquotBehavior := if isCatAntiquot then .acceptLhs else .takeLongest) antiquotP p c s\n else\n p c s", "start": [ 1772, 1 ], "end": [ 1781, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withAntiquot", "code": "def withAntiquot (antiquotP p : Parser) : Parser := {\n fn := withAntiquotFn antiquotP.fn p.fn\n info := orelseInfo\n}", "start": [ 1783, 1 ], "end": [ 1787, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withoutInfo", "code": "def withoutInfo (p : Parser) : Parser := {\n fn := p.fn\n}", "start": [ 1789, 1 ], "end": [ 1791, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkAntiquotSplice", "code": "def mkAntiquotSplice (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (p suffix : Parser) : Parser :=\n let kind := kind ++ `antiquot_scope\n leadingNode kind maxPrec <| atomic <|\n setExpected [] \"$\" >>\n manyNoAntiquot (checkNoWsBefore \"\" >> \"$\") >>\n checkNoWsBefore \"no space before spliced term\" >> symbol \"[\" >> node nullKind p >> symbol \"]\" >>\n suffix", "start": [ 1793, 1 ], "end": [ 1800, 11 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withAntiquotSuffixSpliceFn", "code": "private def withAntiquotSuffixSpliceFn (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (suffix : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let s := suffix c s\n if s.hasError then\n return s.restore iniSz iniPos\n s.mkNode (kind ++ `antiquot_suffix_splice) (s.stxStack.size - 2)", "start": [ 1802, 1 ], "end": [ 1808, 67 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withAntiquotSuffixSplice", "code": "def withAntiquotSuffixSplice (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (p suffix : Parser) : Parser where\n info := andthenInfo\n fn c s :=\n let s := p.fn c s\n if !s.hasError && s.stxStack.back.isAntiquots then\n withAntiquotSuffixSpliceFn kind suffix.fn c s\n else\n s", "start": [ 1810, 1 ], "end": [ 1819, 8 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withAntiquotSpliceAndSuffix", "code": "def withAntiquotSpliceAndSuffix (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (p suffix : Parser) :=\n withAntiquot (mkAntiquotSplice kind (withoutInfo p) suffix) (withAntiquotSuffixSplice kind p suffix)", "start": [ 1821, 1 ], "end": [ 1823, 103 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.nodeWithAntiquot", "code": "def nodeWithAntiquot (name : String) (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) (p : Parser) (anonymous := false) : Parser :=\n withAntiquot (mkAntiquot name kind anonymous) $ node kind p", "start": [ 1825, 1 ], "end": [ 1826, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepByElemParser", "code": "def sepByElemParser (p : Parser) (sep : String) : Parser :=\n withAntiquotSpliceAndSuffix `sepBy p (symbol (sep.trim ++ \"*\"))", "start": [ 1832, 1 ], "end": [ 1833, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepBy", "code": "def sepBy (p : Parser) (sep : String) (psep : Parser := symbol sep) (allowTrailingSep : Bool := false) : Parser :=\n sepByNoAntiquot (sepByElemParser p sep) psep allowTrailingSep", "start": [ 1835, 1 ], "end": [ 1836, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.sepBy1", "code": "def sepBy1 (p : Parser) (sep : String) (psep : Parser := symbol sep) (allowTrailingSep : Bool := false) : Parser :=\n sepBy1NoAntiquot (sepByElemParser p sep) psep allowTrailingSep", "start": [ 1838, 1 ], "end": [ 1839, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkResult", "code": "private def mkResult (s : ParserState) (iniSz : Nat) : ParserState :=\n if s.stackSize == iniSz + 1 then s\n else s.mkNode nullKind iniSz", "start": [ 1841, 1 ], "end": [ 1843, 31 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.leadingParserAux", "code": "def leadingParserAux (kind : Name) (tables : PrattParsingTables) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior) : ParserFn := fun c s => do\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let (s, ps) := indexed tables.leadingTable c s behavior\n if s.hasError then\n return s\n let ps := tables.leadingParsers ++ ps\n if ps.isEmpty then\n let s := tokenFn [toString kind] c s\n if s.hasError then\n return s\n return s.mkUnexpectedTokenError (toString kind)\n let s := longestMatchFn none ps c s\n mkResult s iniSz", "start": [ 1845, 1 ], "end": [ 1858, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.leadingParser", "code": "def leadingParser (kind : Name) (tables : PrattParsingTables) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior) (antiquotParser : ParserFn) : ParserFn :=\n withAntiquotFn (isCatAntiquot := true) antiquotParser (leadingParserAux kind tables behavior)", "start": [ 1860, 1 ], "end": [ 1861, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.trailingLoopStep", "code": "def trailingLoopStep (tables : PrattParsingTables) (left : Syntax) (ps : List (Parser × Nat)) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n longestMatchFn left (ps ++ tables.trailingParsers) c s", "start": [ 1863, 1 ], "end": [ 1864, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.trailingLoop", "code": "partial def trailingLoop (tables : PrattParsingTables) (c : ParserContext) (s : ParserState) : ParserState := do\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let (s, ps) := indexed tables.trailingTable c s LeadingIdentBehavior.default\n if s.hasError then\n return s.restore iniSz iniPos\n if ps.isEmpty && tables.trailingParsers.isEmpty then\n return s let left := s.stxStack.back\n let s := s.popSyntax\n let s := trailingLoopStep tables left ps c s\n if s.hasError then\n return if s.pos == iniPos then s.restore (iniSz - 1) iniPos |>.pushSyntax left else s\n trailingLoop tables c s", "start": [ 1866, 1 ], "end": [ 1884, 26 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.prattParser", "code": "def prattParser (kind : Name) (tables : PrattParsingTables) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior) (antiquotParser : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let s := leadingParser kind tables behavior antiquotParser c s\n if s.hasError then\n s\n else\n trailingLoop tables c s", "start": [ 1886, 1 ], "end": [ 1912, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.fieldIdxFn", "code": "def fieldIdxFn : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n let initStackSz := s.stackSize\n let iniPos := s.pos\n let curr := c.input.get iniPos\n if curr.isDigit && curr != '0' then\n let s := takeWhileFn (fun c => c.isDigit) c s\n mkNodeToken fieldIdxKind iniPos c s\n else\n s.mkErrorAt \"field index\" iniPos initStackSz", "start": [ 1914, 1 ], "end": [ 1922, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.fieldIdx", "code": "def fieldIdx : Parser :=\n withAntiquot (mkAntiquot \"fieldIdx\" `fieldIdx) {\n fn := fieldIdxFn\n info := mkAtomicInfo \"fieldIdx\"\n }", "start": [ 1924, 1 ], "end": [ 1928, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.skip", "code": "def skip : Parser := {\n fn := fun _ s => s\n info := epsilonInfo\n}", "start": [ 1930, 1 ], "end": [ 1933, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Syntax.foldArgsM", "code": "def foldArgsM (s : Syntax) (f : Syntax → β → m β) (b : β) : m β :=\n s.getArgs.foldlM (flip f) b", "start": [ 1942, 1 ], "end": [ 1943, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Syntax.foldArgs", "code": "def foldArgs (s : Syntax) (f : Syntax → β → β) (b : β) : β :=\n (s.foldArgsM f b)", "start": [ 1945, 1 ], "end": [ 1946, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Syntax.forArgsM", "code": "def forArgsM (s : Syntax) (f : Syntax → m Unit) : m Unit :=\n s.foldArgsM (fun s _ => f s) ()", "start": [ 1948, 1 ], "end": [ 1949, 34 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ScopedEnvExtension.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/IR/CompilerM.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Compiler/InitAttr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.Key", "code": "abbrev Key := Name", "start": [ 24, 1 ], "end": [ 24, 19 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.Def", "code": "structure Def (γ : Type) where\n \n builtinName : Name := Name.anonymous\n \n name : Name\n \n descr : String\n valueTypeName : Name\n \n evalKey (builtin : Bool) (stx : Syntax) : AttrM Key := do\n let stx ← Attribute.Builtin.getIdent stx\n let kind := stx.getId\n if (← getEnv).contains kind && (← Elab.getInfoState).enabled then\n Elab.addConstInfo stx kind none\n pure kind\n onAdded (builtin : Bool) (declName : Name) : AttrM Unit := pure ()\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 26, 1 ], "end": [ 46, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.OLeanEntry", "code": "structure OLeanEntry where\n key : Key\n \n declName : Name\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 48, 1 ], "end": [ 52, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.AttributeEntry", "code": "structure AttributeEntry (γ : Type) extends OLeanEntry where\n \n value : γ", "start": [ 54, 1 ], "end": [ 57, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.Table", "code": "abbrev Table (γ : Type) := SMap Key (List (AttributeEntry γ))", "start": [ 59, 1 ], "end": [ 59, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.ExtensionState", "code": "structure ExtensionState (γ : Type) where\n newEntries : List OLeanEntry := []\n table : Table γ := {}\n declNames : PHashSet Name := {}\n erased : PHashSet Name := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 61, 1 ], "end": [ 66, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.Extension", "code": "abbrev Extension (γ : Type) := ScopedEnvExtension OLeanEntry (AttributeEntry γ) (ExtensionState γ)", "start": [ 68, 1 ], "end": [ 68, 99 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute", "code": "structure KeyedDeclsAttribute (γ : Type) where\n defn : KeyedDeclsAttribute.Def γ\n tableRef : IO.Ref (KeyedDeclsAttribute.Table γ)\n ext : KeyedDeclsAttribute.Extension γ\n deriving Nonempty", "start": [ 72, 1 ], "end": [ 78, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.Table.insert", "code": "private def Table.insert (table : Table γ) (v : AttributeEntry γ) : Table γ :=\n match table.find? v.key with\n | some vs => SMap.insert table v.key (v::vs)\n | none => SMap.insert table v.key [v]", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 85, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.ExtensionState.insert", "code": "def ExtensionState.insert (s : ExtensionState γ) (v : AttributeEntry γ) : ExtensionState γ := {\n table := s.table.insert v\n newEntries := v.toOLeanEntry :: s.newEntries\n declNames := s.declNames.insert v.declName\n erased := s.erased.erase v.declName\n}", "start": [ 87, 1 ], "end": [ 92, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.addBuiltin", "code": "def addBuiltin (attr : KeyedDeclsAttribute γ) (key : Key) (declName : Name) (value : γ) : IO Unit :=\n attr.tableRef.modify fun m => m.insert { key, declName, value }", "start": [ 94, 1 ], "end": [ 95, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.mkStateOfTable", "code": "def mkStateOfTable (table : Table γ) : ExtensionState γ := {\n table\n declNames := table.fold (init := {}) fun s _ es => es.foldl (init := s) fun s e => s.insert e.declName\n}", "start": [ 97, 1 ], "end": [ 100, 2 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.ExtensionState.erase", "code": "def ExtensionState.erase (s : ExtensionState γ) (attrName : Name) (declName : Name) : CoreM (ExtensionState γ) := do\n unless s.declNames.contains declName do\n throwError \"'{declName}' does not have [{attrName}] attribute\"\n return { s with erased := s.erased.insert declName, declNames := s.declNames.erase declName }", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 105, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.init", "code": "protected unsafe def init {γ} (df : Def γ) (attrDeclName : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO (KeyedDeclsAttribute γ) := do\n let tableRef ← IO.mkRef ({} : Table γ)\n let ext : Extension γ ← registerScopedEnvExtension {\n name := attrDeclName\n mkInitial := return mkStateOfTable (← tableRef.get)\n ofOLeanEntry := fun _ entry => do\n let ctx ← read\n match ctx.env.evalConstCheck γ ctx.opts df.valueTypeName entry.declName with\n | Except.ok f => return { toOLeanEntry := entry, value := f }\n | Except.error ex => throw (IO.userError ex)\n addEntry := fun s e => s.insert e\n toOLeanEntry := (·.toOLeanEntry)\n }\n unless df.builtinName.isAnonymous do\n registerBuiltinAttribute {\n ref := attrDeclName\n name := df.builtinName\n descr := \"(builtin) \" ++ df.descr\n add := fun declName stx kind => do\n unless kind == do throwError \"invalid attribute '{df.builtinName}', must be global\"\n let key ← df.evalKey true stx\n let decl ← getConstInfo declName\n match decl.type with\n | Expr.const c _ =>\n if c != df.valueTypeName then throwError \"unexpected type at '{declName}', '{df.valueTypeName}' expected\"\n else\n \n let val := mkAppN (mkConst ``addBuiltin) #[mkConst df.valueTypeName, mkConst attrDeclName, toExpr key, toExpr declName, mkConst declName]\n declareBuiltin declName val\n df.onAdded true declName\n | _ => throwError \"unexpected type at '{declName}', '{df.valueTypeName}' expected\"\n applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterCompilation\n }\n registerBuiltinAttribute {\n ref := attrDeclName\n name :=\n descr := df.descr\n erase := fun declName => do\n let s := ext.getState (← getEnv)\n let s ← s.erase declName\n modifyEnv fun env => ext.modifyState env fun _ => s\n add := fun declName stx attrKind => do\n let key ← df.evalKey false stx\n match IR.getSorryDep (← getEnv) declName with\n | none =>\n let val ← evalConstCheck γ df.valueTypeName declName\n ext.add { key := key, declName := declName, value := val } attrKind\n df.onAdded false declName\n | _ =>\n pure ()\n applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterCompilation\n }\n pure { defn := df, tableRef := tableRef, ext := ext }", "start": [ 107, 1 ], "end": [ 160, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.getEntries", "code": "def getEntries {γ} (attr : KeyedDeclsAttribute γ) (env : Environment) (key : Name) : List (AttributeEntry γ) :=\n let s := attr.ext.getState env\n let attrs := s.table.findD key []\n if s.erased.isEmpty then\n attrs\n else\n attrs.filter fun attr => !s.erased.contains attr.declName", "start": [ 162, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.KeyedDeclsAttribute.getValues", "code": "def getValues {γ} (attr : KeyedDeclsAttribute γ) (env : Environment) (key : Name) : List γ :=\n (getEntries attr env key).map AttributeEntry.value", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 173, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]
[ ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/ScopedEnvExtension.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/Parser/Basic.lean", ".lake/packages/lean4/src/lean/Lean/BuiltinDocAttr.lean" ]
[ { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.registerBuiltinNodeKind", "code": "def registerBuiltinNodeKind (k : SyntaxNodeKind) : IO Unit :=\n builtinSyntaxNodeKindSetRef.modify fun s => s.insert k", "start": [ 21, 1 ], "end": [ 22, 57 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.throwParserCategoryAlreadyDefined", "code": "private def throwParserCategoryAlreadyDefined {α} (catName : Name) : ExceptT String Id α :=\n throw s!\"parser category '{catName}' has already been defined\"", "start": [ 35, 1 ], "end": [ 36, 65 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addParserCategoryCore", "code": "private def addParserCategoryCore (categories : ParserCategories) (catName : Name) (initial : ParserCategory) : Except String ParserCategories :=\n if categories.contains catName then\n throwParserCategoryAlreadyDefined catName\n else\n pure $ categories.insert catName initial", "start": [ 38, 1 ], "end": [ 42, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addBuiltinParserCategory", "code": "private def addBuiltinParserCategory (catName declName : Name) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior) : IO Unit := do\n let categories ← builtinParserCategoriesRef.get\n let categories ← IO.ofExcept $ addParserCategoryCore categories catName { declName, behavior }\n builtinParserCategoriesRef.set categories", "start": [ 44, 1 ], "end": [ 49, 44 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension.OLeanEntry", "code": "inductive OLeanEntry where\n | token (val : Token) : OLeanEntry\n | kind (val : SyntaxNodeKind) : OLeanEntry\n | category (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior)\n | parser (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (prio : Nat) : OLeanEntry\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 53, 1 ], "end": [ 58, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension.Entry", "code": "inductive Entry where\n | token (val : Token) : Entry\n | kind (val : SyntaxNodeKind) : Entry\n | category (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior)\n | parser (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (leading : Bool) (p : Parser) (prio : Nat) : Entry\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 60, 1 ], "end": [ 65, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension.Entry.toOLeanEntry", "code": "def Entry.toOLeanEntry : Entry → OLeanEntry\n | token v => OLeanEntry.token v\n | kind v => OLeanEntry.kind v\n | category c d b => OLeanEntry.category c d b\n | parser c d _ _ prio => OLeanEntry.parser c d prio", "start": [ 67, 1 ], "end": [ 71, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension.State", "code": "structure State where\n tokens : TokenTable := {}\n kinds : SyntaxNodeKindSet := {}\n categories : ParserCategories := {}\n deriving Inhabited", "start": [ 73, 1 ], "end": [ 77, 21 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension", "code": "abbrev ParserExtension := ScopedEnvExtension OLeanEntry Entry State", "start": [ 82, 1 ], "end": [ 82, 68 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension.mkInitial", "code": "private def ParserExtension.mkInitial : IO ParserExtension.State := do\n let tokens ← builtinTokenTable.get\n let kinds ← builtinSyntaxNodeKindSetRef.get\n let categories ← builtinParserCategoriesRef.get\n pure { tokens := tokens, kinds := kinds, categories := categories }", "start": [ 84, 1 ], "end": [ 88, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addTokenConfig", "code": "private def addTokenConfig (tokens : TokenTable) (tk : Token) : Except String TokenTable := do\n if tk == \"\" then throw \"invalid empty symbol\"\n else match tokens.find? tk with\n | none => pure $ tokens.insert tk tk\n | some _ => pure tokens", "start": [ 90, 1 ], "end": [ 94, 28 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.throwUnknownParserCategory", "code": "def throwUnknownParserCategory {α} (catName : Name) : ExceptT String Id α :=\n throw s!\"unknown parser category '{catName}'\"", "start": [ 96, 1 ], "end": [ 97, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getCategory", "code": "abbrev getCategory (categories : ParserCategories) (catName : Name) : Option ParserCategory :=\n categories.find? catName", "start": [ 99, 1 ], "end": [ 100, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addLeadingParser", "code": "def addLeadingParser (categories : ParserCategories) (catName declName : Name) (p : Parser) (prio : Nat) : Except String ParserCategories :=\n match getCategory categories catName with\n | none =>\n throwUnknownParserCategory catName\n | some cat =>\n let kinds := cat.kinds.insert declName\n let addTokens (tks : List Token) : Except String ParserCategories :=\n let tks := Name.mkSimple\n let tables := tks.eraseDups.foldl (init := cat.tables) fun tables tk =>\n { tables with leadingTable := tables.leadingTable.insert tk (p, prio) }\n pure $ categories.insert catName { cat with kinds, tables }\n match with\n | FirstTokens.tokens tks => addTokens tks\n | FirstTokens.optTokens tks => addTokens tks\n | _ =>\n let tables := { cat.tables with leadingParsers := (p, prio) :: cat.tables.leadingParsers }\n pure $ categories.insert catName { cat with kinds, tables }", "start": [ 102, 1 ], "end": [ 118, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addTrailingParserAux", "code": "private def addTrailingParserAux (tables : PrattParsingTables) (p : TrailingParser) (prio : Nat) : PrattParsingTables :=\n let addTokens (tks : List Token) : PrattParsingTables :=\n let tks := fun tk => Name.mkSimple tk\n tks.eraseDups.foldl (init := tables) fun tables tk =>\n { tables with trailingTable := tables.trailingTable.insert tk (p, prio) }\n match with\n | FirstTokens.tokens tks => addTokens tks\n | FirstTokens.optTokens tks => addTokens tks\n | _ => { tables with trailingParsers := (p, prio) :: tables.trailingParsers }", "start": [ 120, 1 ], "end": [ 128, 104 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addTrailingParser", "code": "def addTrailingParser (categories : ParserCategories) (catName declName : Name) (p : TrailingParser) (prio : Nat) : Except String ParserCategories :=\n match getCategory categories catName with\n | none => throwUnknownParserCategory catName\n | some cat =>\n let kinds := cat.kinds.insert declName\n let tables := addTrailingParserAux cat.tables p prio\n pure $ categories.insert catName { cat with kinds, tables }", "start": [ 130, 1 ], "end": [ 136, 64 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addParser", "code": "def addParser (categories : ParserCategories) (catName declName : Name)\n (leading : Bool) (p : Parser) (prio : Nat) : Except String ParserCategories := do\n match leading, p with\n | true, p => addLeadingParser categories catName declName p prio\n | false, p => addTrailingParser categories catName declName p prio", "start": [ 138, 1 ], "end": [ 142, 69 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addParserTokens", "code": "def addParserTokens (tokenTable : TokenTable) (info : ParserInfo) : Except String TokenTable :=\n let newTokens := info.collectTokens []\n newTokens.foldlM addTokenConfig tokenTable", "start": [ 144, 1 ], "end": [ 146, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.updateBuiltinTokens", "code": "private def updateBuiltinTokens (info : ParserInfo) (declName : Name) : IO Unit := do\n let tokenTable ← builtinTokenTable.swap {}\n match addParserTokens tokenTable info with\n | Except.ok tokenTable => builtinTokenTable.set tokenTable\n | Except.error msg => throw (IO.userError s!\"invalid builtin parser '{declName}', {msg}\")", "start": [ 148, 1 ], "end": [ 152, 96 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension.addEntryImpl", "code": "def ParserExtension.addEntryImpl (s : State) (e : Entry) : State :=\n match e with\n | Entry.token tk =>\n match addTokenConfig s.tokens tk with\n | Except.ok tokens => { s with tokens }\n | _ => unreachable!\n | Entry.kind k =>\n { s with kinds := s.kinds.insert k }\n | Entry.category catName declName behavior =>\n if s.categories.contains catName then s\n else { s with\n categories := s.categories.insert catName { declName, behavior } }\n | Entry.parser catName declName leading parser prio =>\n match addParser s.categories catName declName leading parser prio with\n | Except.ok categories => { s with categories }\n | _ => unreachable!", "start": [ 154, 1 ], "end": [ 169, 24 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.AliasValue", "code": "inductive AliasValue (α : Type) where\n | const (p : α)\n | unary (p : α → α)\n | binary (p : α → α → α)", "start": [ 171, 1 ], "end": [ 175, 27 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.AliasTable", "code": "abbrev AliasTable (α) := NameMap (AliasValue α)", "start": [ 177, 1 ], "end": [ 177, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.registerAliasCore", "code": "def registerAliasCore {α} (mapRef : IO.Ref (AliasTable α)) (aliasName : Name) (value : AliasValue α) : IO Unit := do\n unless (← initializing) do throw ↑\"aliases can only be registered during initialization\"\n if (← mapRef.get).contains aliasName then\n throw ↑s!\"alias '{aliasName}' has already been declared\"\n mapRef.modify (·.insert aliasName value)", "start": [ 179, 1 ], "end": [ 183, 43 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getAlias", "code": "def getAlias {α} (mapRef : IO.Ref (AliasTable α)) (aliasName : Name) : IO (Option (AliasValue α)) := do\n return (← mapRef.get).find? aliasName", "start": [ 185, 1 ], "end": [ 186, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getConstAlias", "code": "def getConstAlias {α} (mapRef : IO.Ref (AliasTable α)) (aliasName : Name) : IO α := do\n match (← getAlias mapRef aliasName) with\n | some (AliasValue.const v) => pure v\n | some (AliasValue.unary _) => throw ↑s!\"parser '{aliasName}' is not a constant, it takes one argument\"\n | some (AliasValue.binary _) => throw ↑s!\"parser '{aliasName}' is not a constant, it takes two arguments\"\n | none => throw ↑s!\"parser '{aliasName}' was not found\"", "start": [ 188, 1 ], "end": [ 193, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getUnaryAlias", "code": "def getUnaryAlias {α} (mapRef : IO.Ref (AliasTable α)) (aliasName : Name) : IO (α → α) := do\n match (← getAlias mapRef aliasName) with\n | some (AliasValue.unary v) => pure v\n | some _ => throw ↑s!\"parser '{aliasName}' does not take one argument\"\n | none => throw ↑s!\"parser '{aliasName}' was not found\"", "start": [ 195, 1 ], "end": [ 199, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getBinaryAlias", "code": "def getBinaryAlias {α} (mapRef : IO.Ref (AliasTable α)) (aliasName : Name) : IO (α → α → α) := do\n match (← getAlias mapRef aliasName) with\n | some (AliasValue.binary v) => pure v\n | some _ => throw ↑s!\"parser '{aliasName}' does not take two arguments\"\n | none => throw ↑s!\"parser '{aliasName}' was not found\"", "start": [ 201, 1 ], "end": [ 205, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserAliasValue", "code": "abbrev ParserAliasValue := AliasValue Parser", "start": [ 207, 1 ], "end": [ 207, 45 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserAliasInfo", "code": "structure ParserAliasInfo where\n declName : Name := .anonymous\n \n stackSz? : Option Nat := some 1\n \n autoGroupArgs : Bool := stackSz?.isSome", "start": [ 209, 1 ], "end": [ 214, 42 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getParserAliasInfo", "code": "def getParserAliasInfo (aliasName : Name) : IO ParserAliasInfo := do\n return (← parserAliases2infoRef.get).findD aliasName {}", "start": [ 220, 1 ], "end": [ 221, 58 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.registerAlias", "code": "def registerAlias (aliasName declName : Name) (p : ParserAliasValue) (kind? : Option SyntaxNodeKind := none) (info : ParserAliasInfo := {}) : IO Unit := do\n registerAliasCore parserAliasesRef aliasName p\n if let some kind := kind? then\n parserAlias2kindRef.modify (·.insert aliasName kind)\n parserAliases2infoRef.modify (·.insert aliasName { info with declName })", "start": [ 224, 1 ], "end": [ 228, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isParserAlias", "code": "def isParserAlias (aliasName : Name) : IO Bool := do\n match (← getAlias parserAliasesRef aliasName) with\n | some _ => pure true\n | _ => pure false", "start": [ 234, 1 ], "end": [ 237, 25 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getSyntaxKindOfParserAlias?", "code": "def getSyntaxKindOfParserAlias? (aliasName : Name) : IO (Option SyntaxNodeKind) :=\n return (← parserAlias2kindRef.get).find? aliasName", "start": [ 239, 1 ], "end": [ 240, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ensureUnaryParserAlias", "code": "def ensureUnaryParserAlias (aliasName : Name) : IO Unit :=\n discard $ getUnaryAlias parserAliasesRef aliasName", "start": [ 242, 1 ], "end": [ 243, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ensureBinaryParserAlias", "code": "def ensureBinaryParserAlias (aliasName : Name) : IO Unit :=\n discard $ getBinaryAlias parserAliasesRef aliasName", "start": [ 245, 1 ], "end": [ 246, 54 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ensureConstantParserAlias", "code": "def ensureConstantParserAlias (aliasName : Name) : IO Unit :=\n discard $ getConstAlias parserAliasesRef aliasName", "start": [ 248, 1 ], "end": [ 249, 53 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkParserOfConstantUnsafe", "code": "unsafe def mkParserOfConstantUnsafe (constName : Name) (compileParserDescr : ParserDescr → ImportM Parser) : ImportM (Bool × Parser) := do\n let env := (← read).env\n let opts := (← read).opts\n match env.find? constName with\n | none => throw ↑s!\"unknown constant '{constName}'\"\n | some info =>\n match info.type with\n | Expr.const `Lean.Parser.TrailingParser _ =>\n let p ← IO.ofExcept $ env.evalConst Parser opts constName\n pure ⟨false, p⟩\n | Expr.const `Lean.Parser.Parser _ =>\n let p ← IO.ofExcept $ env.evalConst Parser opts constName\n pure ⟨true, p⟩\n | Expr.const `Lean.ParserDescr _ =>\n let d ← IO.ofExcept $ env.evalConst ParserDescr opts constName\n let p ← compileParserDescr d\n pure ⟨true, p⟩\n | Expr.const `Lean.TrailingParserDescr _ =>\n let d ← IO.ofExcept $ env.evalConst TrailingParserDescr opts constName\n let p ← compileParserDescr d\n pure ⟨false, p⟩\n | _ => throw ↑s!\"unexpected parser type at '{constName}' (`ParserDescr`, `TrailingParserDescr`, `Parser` or `TrailingParser` expected)\"", "start": [ 251, 1 ], "end": [ 272, 140 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkParserOfConstantAux", "code": "@[implemented_by mkParserOfConstantUnsafe]\nopaque mkParserOfConstantAux (constName : Name) (compileParserDescr : ParserDescr → ImportM Parser) : ImportM (Bool × Parser)", "start": [ 274, 1 ], "end": [ 275, 126 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.compileParserDescr", "code": "partial def compileParserDescr (categories : ParserCategories) (d : ParserDescr) : ImportM Parser :=\n let rec visit : ParserDescr → ImportM Parser\n | ParserDescr.const n => getConstAlias parserAliasesRef n\n | ParserDescr.unary n d => return (← getUnaryAlias parserAliasesRef n) (← visit d)\n | ParserDescr.binary n d₁ d₂ => return (← getBinaryAlias parserAliasesRef n) (← visit d₁) (← visit d₂)\n | ParserDescr.node k prec d => return leadingNode k prec (← visit d)\n | ParserDescr.nodeWithAntiquot n k d => return withCache k (nodeWithAntiquot n k (← visit d) (anonymous := true))\n | ParserDescr.sepBy p sep psep trail => return sepBy (← visit p) sep (← visit psep) trail\n | ParserDescr.sepBy1 p sep psep trail => return sepBy1 (← visit p) sep (← visit psep) trail\n | ParserDescr.trailingNode k prec lhsPrec d => return trailingNode k prec lhsPrec (← visit d)\n | ParserDescr.symbol tk => return symbol tk\n | ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol tk includeIdent => return nonReservedSymbol tk includeIdent\n | ParserDescr.parser constName => do\n let (_, p) ← mkParserOfConstantAux constName visit;\n pure p\n | catName prec =>\n match getCategory categories catName with\n | some _ => pure $ categoryParser catName prec\n | none => IO.ofExcept $ throwUnknownParserCategory catName\n visit d", "start": [ 277, 1 ], "end": [ 296, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkParserOfConstant", "code": "def mkParserOfConstant (categories : ParserCategories) (constName : Name) : ImportM (Bool × Parser) :=\n mkParserOfConstantAux constName (compileParserDescr categories)", "start": [ 298, 1 ], "end": [ 299, 66 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserAttributeHook", "code": "structure ParserAttributeHook where\n \n postAdd (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (builtin : Bool) : AttrM Unit", "start": [ 301, 1 ], "end": [ 303, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.registerParserAttributeHook", "code": "def registerParserAttributeHook (hook : ParserAttributeHook) : IO Unit := do\n parserAttributeHooks.modify fun hooks => hook::hooks", "start": [ 307, 1 ], "end": [ 308, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.runParserAttributeHooks", "code": "def runParserAttributeHooks (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (builtin : Bool) : AttrM Unit := do\n let hooks ← parserAttributeHooks.get\n hooks.forM fun hook => hook.postAdd catName declName builtin", "start": [ 310, 1 ], "end": [ 312, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserExtension.OLeanEntry.toEntry", "code": "private def ParserExtension.OLeanEntry.toEntry (s : State) : OLeanEntry → ImportM Entry\n | token tk => return Entry.token tk\n | kind k => return Entry.kind k\n | category c d l => return Entry.category c d l\n | parser catName declName prio => do\n let (leading, p) ← mkParserOfConstant s.categories declName\n return Entry.parser catName declName leading p prio", "start": [ 332, 1 ], "end": [ 338, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isParserCategory", "code": "def isParserCategory (env : Environment) (catName : Name) : Bool :=\n (parserExtension.getState env).categories.contains catName", "start": [ 348, 1 ], "end": [ 349, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addParserCategory", "code": "def addParserCategory (env : Environment) (catName declName : Name) (behavior : LeadingIdentBehavior) : Except String Environment := do\n if isParserCategory env catName then\n throwParserCategoryAlreadyDefined catName\n else\n return parserExtension.addEntry env <| ParserExtension.Entry.category catName declName behavior", "start": [ 351, 1 ], "end": [ 355, 100 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.leadingIdentBehavior", "code": "def leadingIdentBehavior (env : Environment) (catName : Name) : LeadingIdentBehavior :=\n match getCategory (parserExtension.getState env).categories catName with\n | none => LeadingIdentBehavior.default\n | some cat => cat.behavior", "start": [ 357, 1 ], "end": [ 360, 29 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.evalParserConstUnsafe", "code": "unsafe def evalParserConstUnsafe (declName : Name) : ParserFn := fun ctx s => unsafeBaseIO do\n let categories := (parserExtension.getState ctx.env).categories\n match (← (mkParserOfConstant categories declName { env := ctx.env, opts := ctx.options }).toBaseIO) with\n | .ok (_, p) =>\n return adaptUncacheableContextFn (fun ctx => { ctx with tokens := [] |>.foldl (fun tks tk => tks.insert tk tk) ctx.tokens }) p.fn ctx s\n | .error e => return s.mkUnexpectedError e.toString", "start": [ 362, 1 ], "end": [ 368, 56 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.evalParserConst", "code": "@[implemented_by evalParserConstUnsafe]\nopaque evalParserConst (declName : Name) : ParserFn", "start": [ 370, 1 ], "end": [ 371, 52 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.evalInsideQuot", "code": "def evalInsideQuot (declName : Name) : Parser → Parser := withFn fun f c s =>\n if c.quotDepth > 0 && !c.suppressInsideQuot && internal.parseQuotWithCurrentStage.get c.options && c.env.contains declName then\n evalParserConst declName c s\n else\n f c s", "start": [ 379, 1 ], "end": [ 384, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addBuiltinParser", "code": "def addBuiltinParser (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (leading : Bool) (p : Parser) (prio : Nat) : IO Unit := do\n let p := evalInsideQuot declName p\n let categories ← builtinParserCategoriesRef.get\n let categories ← IO.ofExcept $ addParser categories catName declName leading p prio\n builtinParserCategoriesRef.set categories\n builtinSyntaxNodeKindSetRef.modify\n updateBuiltinTokens declName", "start": [ 386, 1 ], "end": [ 392, 38 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addBuiltinLeadingParser", "code": "def addBuiltinLeadingParser (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (p : Parser) (prio : Nat) : IO Unit :=\n addBuiltinParser catName declName true p prio", "start": [ 394, 1 ], "end": [ 395, 48 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addBuiltinTrailingParser", "code": "def addBuiltinTrailingParser (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (p : TrailingParser) (prio : Nat) : IO Unit :=\n addBuiltinParser catName declName false p prio", "start": [ 397, 1 ], "end": [ 398, 49 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkCategoryAntiquotParser", "code": "def mkCategoryAntiquotParser (kind : Name) : Parser :=\n mkAntiquot kind.toString kind (isPseudoKind := true)", "start": [ 400, 1 ], "end": [ 401, 55 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkCategoryAntiquotParserFn", "code": "@[inline] private def mkCategoryAntiquotParserFn (kind : Name) : ParserFn :=\n (mkCategoryAntiquotParser kind).fn", "start": [ 404, 1 ], "end": [ 405, 37 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.categoryParserFnImpl", "code": "def categoryParserFnImpl (catName : Name) : ParserFn := fun ctx s =>\n let catName := if catName == `syntax then `stx else catName let categories := (parserExtension.getState ctx.env).categories\n match getCategory categories catName with\n | some cat =>\n prattParser catName cat.tables cat.behavior (mkCategoryAntiquotParserFn catName) ctx s\n | none => s.mkUnexpectedError (\"unknown parser category '\" ++ toString catName ++ \"'\")", "start": [ 407, 1 ], "end": [ 413, 93 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addToken", "code": "def addToken (tk : Token) (kind : AttributeKind) : AttrM Unit := do\n discard <| ofExcept <| addTokenConfig (parserExtension.getState (← getEnv)).tokens tk\n parserExtension.add (ParserExtension.Entry.token tk) kind", "start": [ 418, 1 ], "end": [ 422, 60 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.addSyntaxNodeKind", "code": "def addSyntaxNodeKind (env : Environment) (k : SyntaxNodeKind) : Environment :=\n parserExtension.addEntry env <| ParserExtension.Entry.kind k", "start": [ 424, 1 ], "end": [ 425, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.isValidSyntaxNodeKind", "code": "def isValidSyntaxNodeKind (env : Environment) (k : SyntaxNodeKind) : Bool :=\n let kinds := (parserExtension.getState env).kinds\n kinds.contains k || (Internal.isStage0 () && env.contains k)", "start": [ 427, 1 ], "end": [ 431, 63 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getSyntaxNodeKinds", "code": "def getSyntaxNodeKinds (env : Environment) : List SyntaxNodeKind :=\n let kinds := (parserExtension.getState env).kinds\n kinds.foldl (fun ks k _ => k::ks) []", "start": [ 433, 1 ], "end": [ 435, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getTokenTable", "code": "def getTokenTable (env : Environment) : TokenTable :=\n (parserExtension.getState env).tokens", "start": [ 437, 1 ], "end": [ 438, 40 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkInputContext", "code": "def mkInputContext (input : String) (fileName : String) (normalizeLineEndings := true) : InputContext :=\n let input' := if normalizeLineEndings then input.crlfToLf else input\n { input := input',\n fileName := fileName,\n fileMap := input'.toFileMap }", "start": [ 441, 1 ], "end": [ 445, 35 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkParserState", "code": "def mkParserState (input : String) : ParserState :=\n { cache := initCacheForInput input }", "start": [ 447, 1 ], "end": [ 448, 39 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.runParserCategory", "code": "def runParserCategory (env : Environment) (catName : Name) (input : String) (fileName := \"<input>\") : Except String Syntax :=\n let p := andthenFn whitespace (categoryParserFnImpl catName)\n let ictx := mkInputContext input fileName\n let s := ictx { env, options := {} } (getTokenTable env) (mkParserState input)\n if !s.allErrors.isEmpty then\n Except.error (s.toErrorMsg ictx)\n else if ictx.input.atEnd s.pos then\n Except.ok s.stxStack.back\n else\n Except.error ((s.mkError \"end of input\").toErrorMsg ictx)", "start": [ 450, 1 ], "end": [ 460, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.declareBuiltinParser", "code": "def declareBuiltinParser (addFnName : Name) (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (prio : Nat) : CoreM Unit :=\n let val := mkAppN (mkConst addFnName) #[toExpr catName, toExpr declName, mkConst declName, mkRawNatLit prio]\n declareBuiltin declName val", "start": [ 462, 1 ], "end": [ 464, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.declareLeadingBuiltinParser", "code": "def declareLeadingBuiltinParser (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (prio : Nat) : CoreM Unit :=\n declareBuiltinParser `Lean.Parser.addBuiltinLeadingParser catName declName prio", "start": [ 466, 1 ], "end": [ 467, 82 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.declareTrailingBuiltinParser", "code": "def declareTrailingBuiltinParser (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (prio : Nat) : CoreM Unit :=\n declareBuiltinParser `Lean.Parser.addBuiltinTrailingParser catName declName prio", "start": [ 469, 1 ], "end": [ 470, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.getParserPriority", "code": "def getParserPriority (args : Syntax) : Except String Nat :=\n match args.getNumArgs with\n | 0 => pure 0\n | 1 => match (args.getArg 0).isNatLit? with\n | some prio => pure prio\n | none => throw \"invalid parser attribute, numeral expected\"\n | _ => throw \"invalid parser attribute, no argument or numeral expected\"", "start": [ 472, 1 ], "end": [ 478, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.BuiltinParserAttribute.add", "code": "private def BuiltinParserAttribute.add (attrName : Name) (catName : Name)\n (declName : Name) (stx : Syntax) (kind : AttributeKind) : AttrM Unit := do\n let prio ← Attribute.Builtin.getPrio stx\n unless kind == do throwError \"invalid attribute '{attrName}', must be global\"\n let decl ← getConstInfo declName\n match decl.type with\n | Expr.const `Lean.Parser.TrailingParser _ =>\n declareTrailingBuiltinParser catName declName prio\n | Expr.const `Lean.Parser.Parser _ =>\n declareLeadingBuiltinParser catName declName prio\n | _ => throwError \"unexpected parser type at '{declName}' (`Parser` or `TrailingParser` expected)\"\n declareBuiltinDocStringAndRanges declName\n runParserAttributeHooks catName declName (builtin := true)", "start": [ 480, 1 ], "end": [ 492, 61 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.registerBuiltinParserAttribute", "code": "def registerBuiltinParserAttribute (attrName declName : Name)\n (behavior := LeadingIdentBehavior.default) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO Unit := do\n let .str ``Lean.Parser.Category s := declName\n | throw (IO.userError \"`declName` should be in Lean.Parser.Category\")\n let catName := Name.mkSimple s\n addBuiltinParserCategory catName declName behavior\n registerBuiltinAttribute {\n ref := ref\n name := attrName\n descr := \"Builtin parser\"\n add := fun declName stx kind => liftM $ BuiltinParserAttribute.add attrName catName declName stx kind\n applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterCompilation\n }", "start": [ 494, 1 ], "end": [ 509, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserAttribute.add", "code": "private def ParserAttribute.add (_attrName : Name) (catName : Name) (declName : Name) (stx : Syntax) (attrKind : AttributeKind) : AttrM Unit := do\n let prio ← Attribute.Builtin.getPrio stx\n let env ← getEnv\n let categories := (parserExtension.getState env).categories\n let p ← mkParserOfConstant categories declName\n let leading := p.1\n let parser := p.2\n let tokens := []\n tokens.forM fun token => do\n try\n addToken token attrKind\n catch\n | Exception.error _ msg => throwError \"invalid parser '{declName}', {msg}\"\n | ex => throw ex\n let kinds := {}\n kinds.forM fun kind _ => modifyEnv fun env => addSyntaxNodeKind env kind\n let entry := ParserExtension.Entry.parser catName declName leading parser prio\n match addParser categories catName declName leading parser prio with\n | Except.error ex => throwError ex\n | Except.ok _ => parserExtension.add entry attrKind\n runParserAttributeHooks catName declName (builtin := false)", "start": [ 511, 1 ], "end": [ 531, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.mkParserAttributeImpl", "code": "def mkParserAttributeImpl (attrName catName : Name) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : AttributeImpl where\n ref := ref\n name := attrName\n descr := \"parser\"\n add declName stx attrKind := ParserAttribute.add attrName catName declName stx attrKind\n applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterCompilation", "start": [ 533, 1 ], "end": [ 538, 73 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.registerBuiltinDynamicParserAttribute", "code": "def registerBuiltinDynamicParserAttribute (attrName catName : Name) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO Unit := do\n registerBuiltinAttribute (mkParserAttributeImpl attrName catName ref)", "start": [ 540, 1 ], "end": [ 542, 72 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.registerParserCategory", "code": "def registerParserCategory (env : Environment) (attrName catName : Name)\n (behavior := LeadingIdentBehavior.default) (ref : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO Environment := do\n let env ← IO.ofExcept $ addParserCategory env catName ref behavior\n registerAttributeOfBuilder env `parserAttr ref [DataValue.ofName attrName, DataValue.ofName catName]", "start": [ 550, 1 ], "end": [ 553, 103 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.commandParser", "code": "@[inline] def commandParser (rbp : Nat := 0) : Parser :=\n categoryParser `command rbp", "start": [ 566, 1 ], "end": [ 567, 30 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withNamespaces", "code": "private def withNamespaces (ids : Array Name) (addOpenSimple : Bool) : ParserFn → ParserFn := adaptUncacheableContextFn fun c =>\n let c := ids.foldl (init := c) fun c id =>\n let nss := ResolveName.resolveNamespace c.env c.currNamespace c.openDecls id\n let (env, openDecls) := nss.foldl (init := (c.env, c.openDecls)) fun (env, openDecls) ns =>\n let openDecls := if addOpenSimple then OpenDecl.simple ns [] :: openDecls else openDecls\n let env := parserExtension.activateScoped env ns\n (env, openDecls)\n { c with env, openDecls }\n let tokens := parserExtension.getState c.env |>.tokens\n { c with tokens }", "start": [ 569, 1 ], "end": [ 578, 20 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withOpenDeclFnCore", "code": "def withOpenDeclFnCore (openDeclStx : Syntax) (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n if openDeclStx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Command.openSimple then\n withNamespaces (openDeclStx[0] fun stx => stx.getId) (addOpenSimple := true) p c s\n else if openDeclStx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Command.openScoped then\n withNamespaces (openDeclStx[1] fun stx => stx.getId) (addOpenSimple := false) p c s\n else if openDeclStx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Command.openOnly then\n p c s\n else if openDeclStx.getKind == `Lean.Parser.Command.openHiding then\n p c s\n else\n p c s", "start": [ 580, 1 ], "end": [ 592, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withOpenFn", "code": "def withOpenFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n if s.stxStack.size > 0 then\n let stx := s.stxStack.back\n if stx.getKind == ` then\n withOpenDeclFnCore stx[1] p c s\n else\n p c s\n else\n p c s", "start": [ 594, 1 ], "end": [ 603, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withOpen", "code": "@[inline] def withOpen : Parser → Parser := withFn withOpenFn", "start": [ 606, 1 ], "end": [ 606, 62 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withOpenDeclFn", "code": "def withOpenDeclFn (p : ParserFn) : ParserFn := fun c s =>\n if s.stxStack.size > 0 then\n let stx := s.stxStack.back\n withOpenDeclFnCore stx p c s\n else\n p c s", "start": [ 608, 1 ], "end": [ 614, 10 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.withOpenDecl", "code": "@[inline] def withOpenDecl : Parser → Parser := withFn withOpenDeclFn", "start": [ 616, 1 ], "end": [ 616, 70 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserResolution", "code": "inductive ParserResolution where\n \n | category (cat : Name)\n \n | parser (decl : Name) (isDescr : Bool)\n \n | alias (p : ParserAliasValue)", "start": [ 624, 1 ], "end": [ 637, 33 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.resolveParserNameCore", "code": "def resolveParserNameCore (env : Environment) (currNamespace : Name)\n (openDecls : List OpenDecl) (ident : Ident) : List ParserResolution := do\n let ⟨.ident (val := val) (preresolved := pre) ..⟩ := ident | return []\n\n let rec isParser (name : Name) : Option Bool :=\n (env.find? name).bind fun ci =>\n match ci.type with\n | .const ``Parser _ | .const ``TrailingParser _ => some false\n | .const ``ParserDescr _ | .const ``TrailingParserDescr _ => some true\n | _ => none\n\n for pre in pre do\n if let .decl n [] := pre then\n if let some isDescr := isParser n then\n return [.parser n isDescr]\n\n let erased := val.eraseMacroScopes\n\n if isParserCategory env erased then\n return [.category erased]\n\n let resolved ← ResolveName.resolveGlobalName env currNamespace openDecls val |>.filterMap fun\n | (name, []) => (isParser name).map fun isDescr => .parser name isDescr\n | _ => none\n unless resolved.isEmpty do\n return resolved\n\n if let some alias := aliasExtension.getState env |>.find? erased then\n return [.alias alias]\n\n return []", "start": [ 639, 1 ], "end": [ 671, 12 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.ParserContext.resolveParserName", "code": "def ParserContext.resolveParserName (ctx : ParserContext) (id : Ident) : List ParserResolution :=\n Parser.resolveParserNameCore ctx.env ctx.currNamespace ctx.openDecls id", "start": [ 673, 1 ], "end": [ 675, 74 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.resolveParserName", "code": "def resolveParserName (id : Ident) : CoreM (List ParserResolution) :=\n return resolveParserNameCore (← getEnv) (← getCurrNamespace) (← getOpenDecls) id", "start": [ 677, 1 ], "end": [ 679, 83 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.parserOfStackFn", "code": "def parserOfStackFn (offset : Nat) : ParserFn := fun ctx s => do\n let stack := s.stxStack\n if stack.size < offset + 1 then\n return s.mkUnexpectedError (\"failed to determine parser using syntax stack, stack is too small\")\n let parserName@(.ident ..) := stack.get! (stack.size - offset - 1)\n | s.mkUnexpectedError (\"failed to determine parser using syntax stack, the specified element on the stack is not an identifier\")\n let iniSz := s.stackSize\n let s ← match ctx.resolveParserName ⟨parserName⟩ with\n | [.category cat] =>\n categoryParserFn cat ctx s\n | [.parser parserName _] =>\n adaptUncacheableContextFn (fun ctx =>\n if !internal.parseQuotWithCurrentStage.get ctx.options then\n { ctx with options := ctx.options.setBool `interpreter.prefer_native true }\n else ctx) (evalParserConst parserName) ctx s\n | [.alias alias] =>\n match alias with\n | .const p => p.fn ctx s\n | _ =>\n return s.mkUnexpectedError s!\"parser alias {parserName}, must not take parameters\"\n | _::_::_ => return s.mkUnexpectedError s!\"ambiguous parser name {parserName}\"\n | [] => return s.mkUnexpectedError s!\"unknown parser {parserName}\"\n if !s.hasError && s.stackSize != iniSz + 1 then\n return s.mkUnexpectedError \"expected parser to return exactly one syntax object\"\n s", "start": [ 681, 1 ], "end": [ 707, 4 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" }, { "full_name": "Lean.Parser.parserOfStack", "code": "def parserOfStack (offset : Nat) (prec : Nat := 0) : Parser where\n fn := adaptCacheableContextFn ({ · with prec }) (parserOfStackFn offset)", "start": [ 709, 1 ], "end": [ 710, 75 ], "kind": "commanddeclaration" } ]