69 values
Could you recommend some books based on my favorite books? I love old classic books, i found a love for them as they were all i had in rehab.. my favorite books right now are: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Little Women (forgot the author sorry) The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka ps. i absolutely hate farenheit 451, lord of the flies, and scarlet letter
The Portrait of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde
If you liked Jane Eyre, you might also like Bronte's Villette.
Is Virgin Galactic worth to buy right now? Im assuming with there recent news of their crewed spaceflight in july 11 that when it does launch successfully their stocks will go up more? The only downside i can think to this is that if the flight is a failure and crashes, their stocks will plummet. What r ur guys opinions?
NGCA if it merges will be the only profitable play
You’re a couple days late, mate. Best to just sit on the sidelines and swoop in if it dips at all…. If you believe in the fundamentals. I personally don’t, it loses an incredible amount of cash before sending up its first flight, but that’s your call to make.
Why are US postage stamps DR Congo's main import? I was browsing OEC trade information, and was surprised to see that the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the world's number one importer of postage stamps, with a value of $1.19 billion in 2020. That's almost 14% of total imports, and dwarfs the number two category (packaged medicaments, $221 million). Almost all the stamps come from the US, $1.16 billion, or over 97%; conversely, if I'm reading this right, about 93% of US postage stamp exports are to DR Congo. And indeed, the country is by a long way the world's top importer of postage stamps: almost a third of global trade in the category goes into DR Congo. So, my question is: what the hell is going on here? Covert remittances maybe? A major addiction to philately? Or perhaps some kind of a clerical error..?
I suppose I would call this a clerical error. The website you are sourcing is trying to make "simple" names for the categories. Note that they are a for-profit company that tries to resell data in a nice package (they are not some official agency). They aren't the "true" source of this information. If you look at the world bank trade stats you will see a longer definition for what appears to be the same category. >Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the country to which destined; stamp-impressed paper; cheque forms; banknotes, stock, share or bond certificates and the like I don't know exactly what is going on in DRC, but note that the category actually includes **banknotes**. If I had to guess, they definitely aren't importing postage stamps--they are likely importing hard currency for exchange/reserves purposes.
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eli5 why roofs aren't made out of metal or something more durable than shingles? Shingles need to be replaced every 10-30 year depending on wear and their type. It just seems so uneconomical and such a pain. I get that metal conducts heat more easily, but couldn't you just let a thin layer of moss grow on your metal roof and call it a day? Even if they dry out in the summer, I doubt metal + thin layer of dirt would conduct heat more than black shingles
Cost. You are looking into a long lasting metal plate, that needs no paint (erosion will kill the paint and give it an awful rusty look. Adding the cost of repaint). So you are left with: aluminum, copper, stainless steel. Not cheap at all. However, in places with a lot of snow, they are common and very appreciated. It’s really waterproof, meaning you can have a wet snow layer on it for 6 months without a single drop entering and rotting your insulation and structure. It’s just that most places don’t get wet that often, so some crappy shingles would do the job and cost way less.
Metal roofs have to change every 10 years due to rust. Speaking from experience living in a country where metal roof is popular. The only answer is concreate roofs, which require concreate house to support.
What is your number one tip for running? Just for background I normally run 5ks and I'm currently doing the 10k training plan from Nike run club.
Learn to listen your body. No matter what's in your training plan, there are days where life interferes with your run and you should be able to acknowledge that and adapt. The opposite is also true: if you're feeling great go for it and goood things will come. In the long run this advice will keep you motivated more than any PB
Run slow on slow days and hard on hard days. Do not let you ego get in the way of a slow run with low heart rate or do not give up too easily on hard days.
What are your favorite healthy snacks? My New Years Resolution is to start eating better, and I think the thing I have the most problem with is snacking. What are your favorite snacks and lunches to eat whether at home or on the go? Thank you guys so much!
Pickles were a godsend to me when I had to quickly change my eating habits. Could eat as many as I needed to stop feeling hungry, with zero guilt. I now use salad toppers that have pepitas, sunflower seeds, and dried cranberries. Cashews are good, and I also do black olives straight from the can.
Nuts. Primarily Walnuts. But also pecans and almonds. I eat a handful every night.
What is ultimately more space conscious for a pair of hikers, a sleeping bag each to carry, or a 2 person sleeping bag for one person to carry? Title kinda says it all. Would it make more sense to have one person have a double bag so that the other person have space freed up from not having to carry a bag, or would 2 people with the space that smaller bags provides be better? If anyone has any suggestions for Amazon that would be great, I just got a bunch of gift cards for Christmas.
My husband and I carry a 2-person quilt (EE Accomplice) and a 2-person pad (Exped SynMat UL Duo). One person carries the quilt, one person carries the pad. The quilt is 950FP and compressed pretty damn well.
I know a men's and women's nemo bag is supposed to zip together into one bag! Never tried it though.
My saliva has smelled bad my entire life. Never kissed my wife at our wedding and rarely will. Help me, to embarrassed to confront her or doctors about it. **28** **Male** **159lbs** **6ft** **White** My saliva has always smelled this way. I assume I was born this way and have been too embarrassed to confront doctors about this and especially my parents or siblings. No matter how much I brush my teeth, mouthwash or stay hydrated my saliva will always smell moldy or have a vinegar scent. I only kiss my wife with a peck on the lips and barely kissed her at our wedding. It is now starting to bother her that I dont kiss her, she is starting to believe I am either gay or dont love her. Please help me.
Please tell your wife why you don’t kiss. She will understand.
Is your breathe bad? Does it hurt to swallow food sometimes? Are you on any medications?
Good wide toe box, zero drop, as close as possible to barefoot hiking shoes? My feet aren't very long but they're extremely wide! Looking for hiking shoes that got good grip and traction but also offer zero drop, no toe spring and as low a stack height as possible (close to barefoot). So far the best candidate I found were Xero's Daylite Hiker Fusion, they seem awesome but I saw quite a few reviews and comments saying they break down quite easily Any recommendations you can give me? :)
r/BarefootRunning would be a good sub to check out. I haven't used anything other than Vivo Trackers in the snow, the Vivo Gobi as my daily office shoe, and then the Xero Prio and HFS as my road running and gym shoes. No experience with them but some other brands to check out would be: * Feelmax * Freet * Joe Nimble * Zaqq * BeLenka This website gives some good info (although its mostly waterproof boots), and is a good start.
Xero Mesa trail
[Texas] [22F] My sister's doctor passed away. He was the only doctor for hundreds of miles who was able to prescribe her low-THC cannabis under Texas's Compassionate Use Act. She'll likely start having severe seizures again if she goes off this medication. Does anyone know what we can do? The title pretty much sums it up. My sister has a seizure disorder in addition to some other health disorders. She's been on several medications most of her life. Dosages and combinations used to constantly change, as her seizures always returned even when it seemed her medications were working. She began taking the low-THC cannabis oil a couple of years ago and her major seizures stopped. Now she only occasionally has minor seizures and goes long periods of time without having any at all. She's happier and healthier than she's been in a long time as well. With her doctor passing away, we don't know how to continue getting this medication for her. There isn't a doctor for hundreds of miles and it's nearly impossible for my sister to travel that far without it taking a toll on her health, especially now given the pandemic. Does anyone know what we can do or who we can contact to continue getting this medication for her? She only has about 2 weeks worth left. Any advice is much appreciated.
You will get the resources you need to fill a new RX with a different physician here. Https:// Go to the above link and then go to "next steps." There is no need to seek out a qualified specialist, coordinate appointments or travel to their offices due to this bill.
The medication Epidiolex is a cannabis derived medication FDA approved specifically for seizures. As of last month it is no longer classified under a DEA control schedule, and MDs should be able to prescribe it, or be willing to provide a referral to a qualified specialist. The difficult part is that it is a limited distribution drug, and generally has to be mailed out from a specialty pharmacy, or an otherwise approved distributor, of which there are only a few in the state (the Walgreens #15086 in Houston Methodist is one example). Insurances are usually able to cover it, and additional financial assistance is available.
Need some ideas for meals with no processed foods and no sugar. Hello all! Like the title states, I'm trying to find some ideas for meals I can make for my husband and I that dont use processed foods and have no sugar. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and I want to do a complete overhaul of my diet. I have some things I've been making, but I need some cheap meals, especially ones that are good reheated for lunches or second dinners. Any and all help and ideas are appreciated!
A friend of mine recently diagnosed with diabetes is huge fan of whole 30. It’s tough but was effective for them.
So... 'processed' is a meaningless buzzword. What you want is low carb, slow carb. I personally just make whatever I like and leave out the usual carb dish but double the veggies.
I need some books to gift my mother that will help her get out of the Trump spiral. Books that fight racism, xenophobia, hatred, anti vaccine, anti science etc. Non-fiction or fiction, just anything that will help open a mind back up and heal.
Here for it by R. Eric Thomas. It is a series of essays (they could even be thought of as short stories, very easy to pick up and read in short bursts). It's filled with humor, grace, and love and from the point of view of a gay black man growing up and figuring out his sexuality and how that fits in with his religion and it's just so great. I'm oversimplifying it but I promise it's worth a read and reread. It'll make you laugh out loud in some parts and tear up in others.
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. If she’ll read it
Reasons why composers choose to write in a certain key? Aside from factors such as singer's vocal range, playability of the instruments, and familiarity with the key, is there any other reason why composers choose to compose in a certain key?
In electronic music, keys can be important in terms of bass notes. You want the tonic to be as low as possible, but audible on a good system. That leads certain keys to be more optimal than others
There's many reasons. Like you said, the singer's vocal range, playability of the instrument/what's easiest to play on the instrument, familiarity with the key. Some other reasons: richness/tone of the instrument in that key, difficulty of sight reading, key changes/accidentals, and sometimes just for the sake of experimenting.
Ransomware attack Hello. I was attacked by a ransomware 2 days ago, but I used Malwarebytes as a countermeasures at the moment I saw the cmd prompt popping on. I deleted everything with Malwarebytes and found no encrypted files, but there are some .txt files asking for money. I've been checking my laptop since then in every single process and found nothing. Using Malwarebytes to make analysis and found nothing else. So should I stay worried? Should I format my laptop?
Looks like you got help already, but I just want to recommend replacing malwarebytes with Kaspersky (or bitdefender if you don’t want Kaspersky for some reason) because it has much better protection. The only time I downloaded a virus, Kaspersky closed the command prompt and then restarted my computer while undoing whatever the virus tried to do. Also less false positives and better detections.
What were you doing that makes you think you've been subject to an attempted ransomware installation?
Hey I’m 14 I want to try to get into cooking any good recipes you would recommend for beginners? I’ve started to start cooking and I find it really fun and enjoyable
One of the first dishes I learned how to cook was Spam Fried Rice. Day old white rice fried with a little butter, a can of mixed veggies (or whatever fresh veggies you prefer) sliced spam (or whatever meat or protein you prefer) and scrambled eggs. I use teriyaki and oyster sauce first because that's harder to burn. Then after that's nicely mixed in I out some soy sauce in. This actually burns pretty fast so add it when you feel the dish is almost done. Then I mix a tiny amount of sesame oil. My aunt taught me and she said it's pretty popular in Hawaii (where she's from). It's a household favorite now.
Tacos are one of my favorite go to meals that are easy and delicious. Look up some home made seasoning mixes and adjust based on your preferences once you’ve tried them.
Just a cheap summer bag? Hey everyone, I’m looking for a cheap summer bag. I’ve seen awesome posts here like “Top 10 ultralight bags for under $500 that are winter rated” but I’m just looking for the smallest cheap bag to get my hands on. Everything I find on Amazon is like 3.5 lbs and dosnt compact very well. Anything helps!
You could -almost- get away with the costco $20 down quilt. 50F is probably the absolute bottom for it though, and it runs on the short size at 70"
Marmot Radium 30 for 90 from steep n cheap. Its a 650 FP bag, 8.3 L pacl volume and 2 lbs 4 oz.|cid:923535358|agid:47001476155|tid:pla-449469122582|crid:219793847714|nw:g|rnd:852768162369054000|dvc:m|adp:|mt:|loc:1016367&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6c3B5r-N6AIVgp6fCh1LJQhcEAQYAyABEgIlDfD_BwE
Weekly r/Sewing Simple Questions Thread, March 06 - March 12, 2022 This thread is here for any and all simple questions related to sewing! If you want to introduce yourself or ask any other basic question about learning to sew, patterns, fabrics, this is the place to do it! Our more experienced users will hang around and answer any questions they can. Resources to check out: * Frequently asked questions * Buying a sewing machine * Where to find sewing patterns * Recommended book list Photos can be shared in this thread by uploading them to a neutral hosting site like Imgur or posting them to your profile feed, then adding the link in a comment. Questions about sewing machines, including troubleshooting tips can be found HERE. Check out our new daily Sewing Challenge posts!
I have some jeans that fit great out of the dryer, but are falling down half an hour later. Would it help to sew a wide piece of elastic to the back of the waistband?
I'm having issues with thread tension. I use a brother ce1125prw limited edition. The top thread keeps getting pulled down to the underside. You can see the loops on the bottom thread and it is easily pulled out of the fabric. The top stitch looks fine. I've cleaned my bobbin case and adjusted my bobbin a quarter turn a million times as well as adjusting the top thread tension but nothing seems to be working. I have ordered a new bobbin case because my machine is two years old and in have sewn a lot. Does anyone have any other suggestions or tips/tricks?
Books like American Gods by Neil Gaiman Looking for books that contain different pantheons and gods tied together in the story. I enjoyed the story American Gods while also learning about other religions and their religious symbols/deities.
The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul by Douglas Adams is quite similar. It is about the Norse Gods in modern (late twentieth century) London.
Dominion by Bentley Little. It's fairly violent and he has trouble with ending his books, but I reeber liking it when I read it years ago.
Do You think most of the research doesn’t have and won’t have a real world application? I am working on drug discovery field and most of the research drug screening etc. doesn’t have any continuation. After the paper gets published, people doesn’t care about the found compound.
While leads or decides what to research is more important a question. With industry through Grant's holding hostage academics, what chance does a society have of making things...drugs, other material goods, that are GOOD for people not made to take their money quicker....who?
To answer your question: no. But due to both how academia works and given how long it takes for research to permeate into society, it takes years. I think every piece of research is important and has an impact. But yes, it’s mostly not very visible to the public.
Anyone here take a year+ off to travel and then return back to business as usual? Feeling uninspired with career and life right now and have decided a year long sabbatical is what I need to get my groove back. Been flirting with the idea of a 2024/2025 year+ long trip around the world. Beginning to realize a "gap year" might be just what my heart needs to recalibrate. Also realizing that "wherever I go, there I am" is a real concern. I have some self work to do before I could pull the trigger on a huge trip like this. Anyone here have any experience in this? Suggestions, budget examples, challenges, regrets, successes etc! Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
I did this September 2019-July 2020 and it will forever be the best decision I’ve ever made. I am so proud of myself for taking the leap and I’ll never be the same. Yes, it was when Covid hit but I still managed to see and experience so much of the world and learned so much about myself during the process. I returned back to “normal” life with a refreshed perspective towards myself, my work, and my family and loved ones. And I did this at 32/33 years old with a job I loved and I was working on my masters degree (online). I took a year long leave of absence from work and finished up my masters program while abroad. There is so much to say about the overall experience and I could probably write a novel about it. There were beautiful and some not-so-beautiful parts to it, but that’s travel in general. There were days where I questioned myself like “what on earth were you thinking doing this? You aren’t in your 20s anymore” or days where I felt really lonely or your crazy travel snafu stories. But even reflecting back on the not-so-beautiful parts gave me more perspective on what I am truly capable of. More than I ever could imagine. And even though I was solo traveling, I wasn’t often “alone”- I met countless likeminded travelers, who I ended up either adventuring with or met up with again in other countries. Some who I still remain good friends with now. (But I suppose it depends on how solo you want to be- there were days I chose to hang back and lay in my bed to veg out, nap, and read all day and that was completely ok.) I even met my now husband during this journey- we met at a hostel in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Though I had no genuine intention of meeting anyone romantically, fast forward to now, we are married and just relocated to Switzerland. I guess the adventure never ended, lol. I will always root for those who desire to solo travel. ♥️
I moved to NZ for 18 months and did a combo of travelling, volunteering and some paid work, and I loved it! Would highly recommend :)
Does government assistance (welfare) really provide more dependent society or is it just GOP party's scary tactic? Lately, lots of Republicans have self-entitlement and they don't realize how much the government helped them (financial aid, water, road, FDA, etc.) and they don't like to help the poor, because they fear that this might make people lazy. Lots of Republicans "friends" argue that what Obama is doing right now is creating a government dependent society (which we are, I depend on government for water, highway, security, etc.). Also, they argue that there will be more people taking advantage of the system (i.e. they won't work hard, because they know the government will take care of them) I wanted to refute them, but I didn't have any paper to disprove them otherwise. Is there a study that relates government spending (excluding military and foreign aid) and number of people taking advantage of the system (if it's possible to find the number of people taking advantage of the system). Alternatively, is there a paper that relates government spending on welfare and growth of private sector (that doesn't depend on government contract)?
Short answer: it really, really depends, based upon the context of the society and the way welfare is handled. Research and clear definitions of terms are needed. Long answer: People have devoted lifetimes to the study of this question.
From a political perspective; this is old school race baiting veiled under the concern of welfare dependency. It's only an issue now, because it works so well with the Republican voting base, the employed 30-45 white male.
A short book (no more than 200 pages) that stayed with you for a long time! Every single suggestion is welcome! But I'd prefer: * NOT a classic * something sad and intense
The Deal of a Lifetime by Fredrick Backman.
{{Love in the Time of Cholera}} by Marquez. I go back to it again and again. The prose is as beautiful, if not more, as the epic 100 Years of Solitude, but it's short and piercing and tragic and beautiful.
Change my view that The newer kids shows are awful compared to the early 2000s kids shows Honest to god I really hate the newer kids shows that have been made in recent years. For me the early 2000s was a prime time for kids cartoons with great shows such as blue's clues (the original not that damn reboot) and team umizoomi. The newer generation of kids shows has just been way to babyish and stupid, and that's coming from someone that watches peppa pig in my free time. The newer shows also just don't have the same feel to them that the older shows did. Plus all the good shows from the early 2000s are either cancelled, turned to shit, or got shitty reboots. I tried to go watch them at one point but all I was met with was the hot mess that was blues clues and you. If anyone can find a decent show from the last 2-3 years I will have a change of view, but for the time being I really dislike the newer kids shows that have plagued channels like nickelodian.
I think the issue is that there's just a lot more shows on so many more platforms than ever before. To find good shows you just had to watch one of two TV channels before. Now they are all over, gated behind various streaming platforms. To list a few that I think have been excellent and not babyish at all: She-ra, Hilda, The Owl House. I could come up with more. I think your argument might just be more that Nick has gone to shit or that there's a lot more garbage on the whole than you used to see.
I think odd squad from 2014 is pretty rad, but I don't know how young your aiming for. It sounds like you have a preferences for kids show that came out closer to when you were the target auidence, so I'm not sure how you'd rule out nostalgia.
Looking Books you wish you could read again I'm looking for books that make you feel "Oh, I wish I could read it again without knowing anything." Something with a good plot twist or reveal, or something that directly mess with you, like >!the Klaus and Lucas trilogy. !<
{hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy} is a unique type of book on a first read
Watership Down
Teen/coming of age movies? I’m looking for recommendations for coming of age movies that involve hardship/ endurance of ups and downs. Similar to: - The perks of being a wallflower - The edge of seventeen - All the bright places Thanks!
The Spectacular Now
Non-fiction that reads more like a documentary than history book? Suggestions are welcome for any topic/time-period! Bonus points for obscure/lesser-known events in history. The only thing I’m not super interested in is military/warfare (combat side), but I do enjoy war time stories.
{{Hidden Valley Road}}
River of Doubt fits this perfectly.
Recipes that don't break the budget for serious anemia? Hello! I generally feel like I do a very good job of balancing our food budget without sacrificing taste. As a former vegetarian I lean quite heavily towards curries and bean based dishes to do this. Usually 2-4 of our meals a week have been vegetarian with the other 3-5 being chicken or beef though we sometimes spoil ourselves with lamb or pork. But my partner has been recently diagnosed with very severe anemia and now I need to find a way to incorporate meat into pretty much every main meal he is eating which is... Expensive. (And also a lot more meat than I prefer but that's irrelevant). I'm now really struggling to make meals that are red meat heavy while also being varied and interesting within a reasonable budget ($100 a week) I wouldn't be against making and freezing myself some cheap vegetarian meals like dal or just rice and egg while he gets the main stuff if that is the only way to do this - though he might be upset by that. I made a shakshuka recently because I heard it was good for iron with the egg and beans (and I added extra beans to it) but my partner was concerned it wasn't enough without some meat (it was very delicious though). Please do you have any recommendations for cheap delicious high iron recipes?
Clams and molasses are surprisingly high in iron. Molasses can be added to oatmeal, salad dressing, and more. Also, as others have mentioned, you can increase iron by cooking in cast iron.
I have been pretty anemic in the past. This last year I decided to finally do something about it and made some changes. One of the most significant things that helped was the Ferrasorb supplement from Thorne, which I bought from iHerb. My doctor wanted me to take 3 capsules a day (it’s 30mg and the dose for anemia is 100mg) but I only ever took 1 at night before bed (along with a triple strength vitamin c combo) and within 6 months it had significantly increased my ferritin and hemoglobin levels, even the doctor was surprised. I just saw her again yesterday for another update and it’s now at the healthiest level it’s been at probably since I was a kid. My point is, I still ate iron rich foods (probably 1-3 times a week on average) but I suspect he supplement was what made the biggest impact. I’ve taken other supplements before but none were as effective or gentle on my body (I think taking 3 a day would actually be fine if I was organized enough). As others have said, finding out the reason for the anemia is really important, if he has a chronic internal bleed or something it’s unlikely he’ll be able to get enough to replace the iron he’s losing. Good luck!
What cancelled shows would you like to see return/ conclude? My picks would be: 1. Spectacular Spiderman 2. Glitch Techs 3. Teen Titans (2003) 4. Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes 5. No Good Nick
Better Off Ted
Ghosted (Fox show)
2 person tents that are ~55 inches+? My boyfriend and I are looking for a roomier tent, without going toooo heavy. Right now we have the Nemo Hornet 2p, which at 51 inches width just feels too cramped for us. It's fine for a weekend trip but we definitely get into each other's space too much and we'd prefer a bit more comfort for longer trips. Lately, we've started taking two 1p tents for long trips to get out of each other's space a bit, but would definitely prefer to be in the same tent. Right now, we see two main options \- Nemo Dagger 3p (Pro: 70 inches wide, <$350) (Con: Heavy at 4lbs 5 ounces) \- Tiger Wall 3p Platinum (Pro: 66 inches wide, lighter at 2lbs 11 ounces) (Con: $600 dollars is steep for us) But honestly, we don't really need THAT much space, we just want 55 or more. So I am wondering if there are any other tent options out there that are both cheaper than the one and lighter than the other (ideally by saving weight/cost simply being a wider than average 2p, instead of going straight to 3p) Are there any 2 person tents that are around 55-60 inches wide and lighter than the Dagger 3p but cheaper than the Tiger Wall 3p Platinum? Ideally we would like the following: \- Less than $600 dollars \- Between 55 - 65 inches wide \- Less than 3 lbs 12 ounces (with stakes and all extras) \- Ideally two-walled (though could be persuaded otherwise. Our main concern is condensation) \- Ideally with tent poles (though could be persuaded for trekking pole tents. Our main concerns are cost and holding up in wind and weather) Are there any tents that I am missing? Btw: We consider ourselves more "Light" backpackers, as opposed to ultralight. Our baseweights are between 10-14lbs depending on weather/trail conditions.
We have the tiger wall 3p, and got it during a REI sale for like 30% off- so if its something you're looking at wait for the sale. We love it. It fits me (5'7"), him (6'3"), and the dog (52 lbs) comfortably.
How about the TarpTent RainShadow 3? Tons of width, $330 or less, about 3 pounds. Single wall though.
How do I prepare broccoli for fried rice? I've never included broccoli for fried rice and am wondering if I need to steam them. Or can I just plop them right on a pan and cook them?
Try a hybrid method. Trim your broccoli to desired size and get it in a hot non-stick skillet with a bit of veg oil, let it brown a bit, then throw in a quarter cup or so of water, cover, and let it steam until crisp-tender. You get nice browning and even, just thorough doneness.
Prep the broccoli tops cut them to desired size. Broccoli doesn't need much - a quick 1-2min dunk in boiling water or a 2-3minute steam of the chopped flourets should be all you need. Then add to your fried rice at the end of the frying. If using the thicker stems add time to the blanch/steam times til just tender.
Is there a trick for making tomato soup with fresh tomatoes? I live in India and we have fresh tomatoes in season right now. Most recipes online, however, use canned ones. What is the trick for using fresh tomatoes? Should I blanch them and remove the skin, then core them and remove the seeds? Or should I let the skin be? I'll be making a base with onion, carrot, celery, garlic and oregano.
Canned tomatoes are usually recommended for soup and salsa because in America most fresh tomatoes are picked while still unripe because they transport better. As a result they taste incredibly bland and watery. Canned tomatoes are usually canned at their source and therefore can be picked when actually ripe. If you have good fresh tomatoes there's no reason you can't use them. You might have to cook off some of water in them to concentrate the soup's flavor though.
I like do do something like the method used in this recipe: I use water instead of chicken stock, and butter instead of olive oil. I like to keep the tomato pulp because it has a lot of flavor.
Explain like I'm five years old When wanting to exit our solar system, do we have to always go outward from the sun in the direction of the other planets? Or can we simply travel "north"?
You could but you never would. Since the earth is orbiting the sun, your rocket is already orbiting the sun. This means it's already moving at some 100,000km/h and you can use that speed to help you exit the solar system. If you wanted to travel "north" then you need to bring extra fuel.
You can leave in any direction you want, but the suns gravity makes this very hard. You need to speed up a lot to leave the solar system. You can do a bit of trick by taking advantage of the fact that the earth is already orbiting the sun and using that speed as a base similar to the way you launch from near the equator when leaving earth to take advantage of the earths rotation. If you do that you fly of in the plane that earth (and all the other planets and stuff) orbit the sun. You can also take advantage of heavy objects like planets or the sun itself to fling yourself outwards by first letting yourself get pulled in by their gravity. To slingshot like this you need to get near them. You totally don't have to do any of that. It just saves fuel. Of course saving fuel is a huge part of rocket science anyway so you do have to do it.
Help with a dutch oven bread So I tried making dutch oven bread following the recipe below. It came out OK, but I couldn't form the dough into a ball as this suggests and I've seen on videos. It was really sticky after letting it rise for about ~20 hours -- IO had a hard time getting it out of the bowl it was rising in. So when I took it out to let it rest after trying to form a ball with it, it flatten out quite a bit and came out of the oven pretty flat. Is this a lack of flour? Something else? > 3 cups All purpose flour (not whole wheat - different ratios required for it to turn out properly with whole wheat due to gluten content) > > 1 tsp Salt > > 1/2 tsp Yeast > > 1 1/2 cups Warm Water (definitely warm, but not so hot you can't put your fingers in it comfortably) > > In a bowl, stir the flour, salt, yeast and water until combined. Cover with plastic wrap and rest at room temperature for 8-24 hours. (24 hours definitely yields the best results!) > > After proving time, turn dough out onto a well floured surface and form a ball. No kneading required, just pull the edges towards the center a few times. > > Rest for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, place an oven safe baking dish with high sides into the oven and preheat to 450 degrees (I have a great oven-safe soup pot with a lid that works great for this). > > Slash an "X" on top of the bread. Carefully transfer to baking dish and cover. > > Bake covered 30 minutes. Uncover and bake about 15 more minutes until quite golden brown. > > Cool before slicing.
First thing I'd try is converting it to weight rather than volume because flour can be compressed or "fluffy" meaning same volume can weigh differently. Another thing is hydration percentage. This recipe would be 384g/13.5oz flour to 360g/12oz water which gives you a hydration of 89%. It's very very wet. You should aiming for 65-80% for a no-knead recipe, lower percentage meaning firmer and holding it's shape, higher meaning airy and large holes. Hydration percentage is wet ingredients divided by dry (12/13.5=0.89x100=89%) Try it again with the same amount of flour and just 300gr/10oz/1 1/4 cup of water. That should be c.a. 74% hydration After forming the ball, place it on a parchment paper. That way it's easy to transfer to the dutch oven, just grab the sides and lift it in :)
Pull my finger
Things I Should Do In Preparation For Architecture I am currently 17 and looking to pursue a course in Architecture at University. I was wondering if there was anything anyone would recommend I do beforehand to help me prepare for the course. I've heard people say draw something every now and again and to take pictures of interesting buildings and pieces of architecture, which I am recently doing more and more often but if there is anything else I should do like maybe work experience, then I'd appreciate it if you could tell me! Thanks!!
get as much sleep as u can right now
Consider interning with an actual architect to see exactly the type of stuff they do on a daily basis. You can also ask any questions you have, they'll be better equipped to answer than a handful of dinguses on Reddit (myself included).
Explain like I'm five years old: What is the difference between something being "decriminalized" vs. legal?
I was about to say all the other answers in this thread were completely wrong, but it seems that it depends on context. In the context of drugs, the other answers are correct, decriminalization of a drug removes criminal penalties but doesn't mean using the drug is legal; while legalization explicitly makes it legal to do said drug. However, in the context of prostitution, it would seem to be nearly the complete opposite. With prostitution, decriminalization would mean nullifying all laws having to do with prostitution which would make prostitution de facto legal. While legalization would mean making prostitution a regulated industry that is legal to do, but only with proper licenses and following various regulations.
Decriminalized means the activity is still illegal, they just aren't going to enforce it or charge anyone. There is still a law prohibiting the activity. Legal means there isn't a law against the activity in the first place. \*U.S.
What's the most original game mechanic you've seen? What's the most original game mechanic you've seen?
The 'battle' encounters in Undertale were the first thing that came to mind for me.
I think it was a game jam project I saw a while ago. You played in windowed mode, and to move the character you'd have to move the window around on your screen instead of your typical button presses. Don't remember the name though.
Musicals for people who hate musicals My 6 year old is absolutely obsessed with musical theater. I’m not a fan of musicals in the slightest. At this point I have seen every Disney animated musical that exists at least 10 times. She’s a ballerina and loves all kinds of dancing and singing so my mom decided to show her the new West Side Story because she’s apparently trying to kill me. I have had “AmerIca” stuck in my head for an unspeakable amount of time. The remake is… good/okay. Spielberg did a great job of updating the film, Ariana DeBose deserves the praise she’s getting but the main characters have no chemistry, I’m on my last nerve. HOWEVER. There are two musicals that I absolutely love: Chicago and Tick, Tick… BOOM! I tried to think of what I like about them specifically: • They don’t sing every word • The music is truly good • Chicago is well written and fun • TTB is incredibly impactful still to this day • I’m a former dancer and I love great dancing • Not cheesy ANY suggestions of musicals that hit these sweet spots? I’m desperate to have some other movies to show her 😂 Hope this makes sense, thanks in advance!
You might try Funny Face! It’s Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire, which is an odd romantic pairing, but iconic costumes/fashion and dances, with less singing than typical musicals have. I’ll also absolutely throw in Gene Kelly’s Anchor’s Aweigh and An American in Paris (though I think your daughter might get bored in spots) because the dancing is delightful and there are some fun songs in each. Oh and when I was her age I was obsessed with Baryshnikov’s Nutcracker and Shirley Temple’s The Little Princess. Neither are musicals, but have a sort of feel about them that I think she might dig (and obv The Nutcracker is a ballet lol). Finally, I think these would be more suitable for middle school age, but the 80s A Chorus Line and Fame are both really good, dramatic, but relatable and have fantastic dancing. The end of A Chorus Line is iconic.
In the Heights
young, badass, female protagonists Daughters love movies featuring young female characters who achieve incredible things or totally kick ass. Last night was Hanna, looking for other suggestions.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds
- Chocolate (2008) - Slash/Back (recent Canadian movie, not available in US yet)
norse mythology? So recently ive been really into books like Song of Achilles and Circe, but i was wondering, are there any good books about/include themes or norse mythology?
Something lighter is the iron druid series which contains but isn't centered on Norse mythology. Urban fantasy
{{Last of the Renshai}}
Saw "Joker" yesterday. It made me want to watch some more dark, psychological dramas. Any recs? I saw "Joker" in the cinema yesterday. I was blown away by how good it turned out to be. However, it's been some time since I saw a good drama film, so it wasn't enough to satiate my hunger for films like that. Any interesting recommendations you can give me? Something character-centric, featuring a protagonist with a dark past, whose life situation isn't exactly the most fortunate, trying their best to piece it all back together and find their place in the world. Some examples of films that are what I'm after: * The Woodsman * Tyrannosaur Thanks in advance.
A history of violence with Viggo Mortensen the drop with Tom Hardy
If you like anime at all a good one would be Perfect blue. Black Swan is also a good hollywood movie too
Is it possible to have a C maj chord in the key of Gm? I struggle so much with theory, and in the process of learning I come across chords that sound good in a progression, but technically aren’t part of the key.
No you'll be arrested
It’s not possible but you can still do it you would just have to step out of the key slightly, raise the 6 to a #6 and you should be good as a subdominant, I’d recommend following it up with a D major 7 which would take the subdominant and lead it into a dominant, especially since the #6 moves nicely into a 7 and you can keep the 4 the same
Salt cellars and cross-contamination Hello all, New to the sub. Wondering what fellow kitchen boffins think of this. I'm bothered by many cooking shows which _appear_ to show the host/cook handling raw meats (particularly chicken) and then just reaching in to the salt cellar with their fingers to season, usually after just wiping their hands on a towel (with god knows how much gunk in its fibers). Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? I've even seen some professional cooks do this, and their explanation is "salt kills bacteria, don't worry about it". Okay, salt kills (most) bacteria, but does it kill fast enough? Seems like this is a process that could take at least a few minutes, and in a rush to get multiple dishes going, you could easily be making salmonella stew. Maybe I'm OCD, but I won't even grab my pepper _grinder_ until I've actually washed my hands, let alone actual ingredients. How do you approach this?
So, it does seem kind of gross, but there's a reason salt is used as a preservative. Exposure to that much salt will kill most bacteria; they dehydrate due to osmotic pressure. Most microorganisms can't live on a salt grain, though I wouldn't bet on it killing something really hardy like a botulinum spore.
Not an expert here but it is always disgusting. I always hope that they replace the materials after the show.
Any engineers here who only work 4 days a week? I hear that senior software engineers can work from home in certain companies. Any engineer here who has a lot of free time away from work?
I moved from 40 hours/week to 32 hours/week about 6 months ago. Software engineer in consulting.
I do know it is possible in some places to do 5 days in 4 days and have the extra day. I also know you can give up 20% of your wage to do 4 days. These are all heavily dependant on your situation and why you are doing it and the company.
Best TV Mini-Series? This can literally be anything e.g comedy/thriller/Action. I have a few days off over the festive period so wanting to watch three or four mini series in this time. I am currently watching ‘the night of’, with ‘Utopia’ next on the list.
Midnight Mass Freaks & Geeks Olive Kitteridge Black Bird Unbelievable Escape At Dannemora Sharp Objects Time (2021) The Night Manager
A Very English Scandal The Undoing Des Btw you mean Utopia UK version right?
Trying to eat better, what could I add to oatmeal to make it taste better? I have steel cut oats but I dont like the taste, any suggestions?
Dried cranberries, raisins, almonds, berries of your choice, jam/jelly together with PB (either cook it and then put the jelly and PB on top OR put in from the start so that it disolves as you cook it), agave sirup, chocolate powder. Sky's the limit, really. Almost anything sweet and fruity goes well with oatmeal.
dates and nuts. Well, and of course real maple syrup.
[Fallout] Will the world ever go back to normal? What do you think will happen thousands of years from now in the Wasteland? Will the radiation ever diminish? Will the trees and ecosystem grow back again? Will society ever go back to its pre-war state?
"Normal" is a myth. The world never has been "normal." It's a living, evolving thing. There for a bit, it almost wasn't "living" anymore, and that was quite a bump, but the world is becoming something else. We can get to *parity* with the pre-war world, but it's going to be massively different. For one, compact fusion power will be a lot more widespread. That alone will preclude most of the resource wars that fed into the bombs falling in the first place. The world is recovering, and, by pre-war standards, the post-war world is already weird. The future is going to be even weirder.
I like the theory that the Elder Scrolls games take place millions of years in the future of Fallout lol
Books like World War Z I’m on my 5th reading of World War Z. I guess I keep coming back to it because one of my favourite genres is ‘apocalyptic’ literature, and also I’m terrified of zombies, but also because I love the writing style, the way it’s separated into individual people’s experiences and stories. So I’m looking for more of the same, both in genre and style. I also really love The Stand which I read last year, I think that’s similar in many ways. Philip K Dick, HG Wells, Lovecraft etc so suggestions definitely don’t need to be zombie-based though that’s a plus. I don’t like graphic novels (kobo user) Tia book friends!
Lookup the Newsflesh trilogy.
Newsflesh trilogy by Mira Grant.
Need Help With Crawl Space Being Humid and Pooling Water As the title says! Photos below. Small ranch style house with crawl space below. The crawl space is very damp. To the point that my hard wood floors are starting to crack and separate at the seams above and looks like water is seeping through. The grading on the house appears to be good, and we sit very high up - no where near a flood plain. The Crawl Space is at about 71% humidity right now. I know it should be around 55%, and I probably let this problem go on too long when i noticed there was an issue... My questions are: \- Should i just get a basic dehumidifier (like a $200 one from lowes) and let that run down there? Or should I get a professionally installed one from a company that handles this sort of thing. \- Where is the pooling water coming from!? I suppose it could be rain leaking in but but i'm not seeing any obvious spot that it would come from. It could also be condensation from the AC ducts, but it doesn't seem to pool directly under all of them. Could it be leaching from the ground up? \- there are some small cracks in foundation, but i'm not seeing anything that is a major major red flag. The house is decently old. I have limited knowledge here so not sure how concerned i should be? Included a photo of the back of the foundation, and wasn't sure if that looked like water damage or just dirt...
Had this problem in my crawl space, cleaned out all of the old wet insulation and other garbage, insulated the walls with foam insulation, put down a floor liner made to encapsulate crawl spaces, installed a sump pump and dehumidifier, and lined the walls with same liner material to encapsulate the whole crawl space. Also put on a new outside door with a good vapor seal. No moisture in crawl space and the humidity in my house is now normal (55%). I'm using a commercial grade dehumidifier that will pull out a 100 pints a day. The sump runs about 3-4 times an hour for about 30 sec. We believe it's kept the house warmer this winter, but will need several more to really know for sure.
I had a similar situation and I hired a plumber and he took care of it. BUT, warning, I had flies reproduce in the damp mess and my house was FULL. Be very careful of insects and mold. This is not something to overlook for any amount of time. Certainly sucks!
How to make sure that the cinnamon roll filling won't melt? All my attempts end with a thick crust of the filling at the bottom of the baking sheet. I've tried to decrease the amount of stuffing, change the recipe ... but it's still melting. Does anyone have a trick?
I use softened (not melted) butter and a pastry brush to liberally apply the butter, then I drizzle sugar and cinnamon over that. Once the entire sheet of dough is covered in the mixture, I tightly roll it into a log, which means there's a bit of stretch and press to the process. I cut my rolls a bit short and place them, just barely touching, next to one another in greased pans. Once they've proofed to double in size, I bake them. I've never had an issue with leaking.
I mostly just do a mix of sugar, cinnamon, and various other spices and sometimes dried fruit for a good flavor. Idk why yours is leaking out, typically if you pack them into the pan that's the best you can do. Is your filling butter based?
Looking for songs on unrequited love (from the other person's perspective) A song about someone who has an obsession with person x but person x doesn't reciprocate it and feels irritated by it (From person x's perspective)
The Police - Don't Stand So Close To Me
Divine Comedy - Everybody Knows Radiohead - Creep Chris Isaak - WIcked Game U2 - So Cruel
[DC/Vertigo] What was Death of the Endless doing during Blackest Night? Or rather, why she doing anything during that event?
The Blackest Night was instigated by Necron which is a lesser avatar of death still subservient to Death of the Endless though. Necron personifies Death as the Enemy an obstacle for heroes to overcome so they appreciate and protect life that much more. As such Death wasn't doing anything BCS it was her vassal Necron doing what he is supposed to do teaching people the value of life and the duty to protect it.
We've been having this thread a lot. She was hanging out. Doing her job. Making herself a sandwich.
Explain like I'm five years old: Can someone explain Rocky Horror Picture Show to me? I feel like I didn't "get it"
It's a musical spin on Frankenstein. Teaching people to be open minded and not judge people just because they are different. It's ahead of its time and shear genius and the music is amazing. People who look deeper when they watch movies like this will get the inner meaning. Brad and Janet were two clean cut squares who never stepped outside their country club like lifestyle. Once they gave something new a chance it changed them forever and opened their minds to people who are different. It's a fun, weird, wacky movie. I Love it, and I'm a straight as an arrow.
sexual liberation, good fun and someone realized that Tim Curry looked hot in a corset and heels
If I like] 90s indie rock songs that alternate between going really hard and pretty soft (Feel the Pain - Dinosaur Jr., A.M. 180 - Grandaddy) [what else would I like]? Links to songs mentioned in title: [Feel the Pain - Dinosaur Jr. A.M. 180 - Grandaddy I absolutely love how both of these songs start off fairly gentle, explode with sound, then rinse and repeat. Looking specifically for other songs from the era with the same sort of energy, but would still appreciate recommendations from any decade! Thanks :) Query inspired by this recent post.
Beabadoobee - Sorry Not actually from the 90’s but it has that sound
Do you pretend to be from somewhere else when you travel? I'm a white English speaking male, and I've found that when travelling people tend to assume I'm American, and quite often treat me more negatively as a result. I'm really British, and we're often disliked abroad almost as much, so more than once I've pretended to be Canadian when asked. That brings a much more friendly response so far. I've also been somewhat... creative in my answers when asked "What do you do?" over the years. Being solo and unknown is a great chance to change who you are for a short time. Does anyone else do this? From /u/digdilem - a proud Canadian Sword Juggler
I always say I’m from New York just for convenience because nobody know where Connecticut is. I had one taxi driver in Singapore tell me he knew about Connecticut and said it’s a scary place because he watched the movie Haunting in Connecticut…..
No. I am an American and have never had this happen to me . I have not only traveled abroad, but I have also lived abroad for most of my life since college (in Spain and South Korea). I have faced some xenophobia living abroad, but never specifically because I was an American. Personally, I think that Americans pretending to be from somewhere else are really fucking lame. However, I will say that I get better responses when I say I am from San Francisco rather than just the US, though.
How can physics be beautiful? I remember my teacher years back nearly coming to tears about how inspiring and lovely physics was. Do you have an example of something in physics that makes you feel similarly?
The universe is beautiful, and physics is a translation of the most basic truths of the universe into a form that humans can understand. Or failing that, scribbling symbols on paper still gets results, which is mind-blowing in its own way. I still remember the first time I read the wiki page for Dirac notation. It was awe inspiring, it felt like Neo seeing the code that makes up the Matrix (Not to mention that it's literally matrix algebra lol). It's a way of describing the properties of any physical system using quantum mechanics. Seeing it all laid out in an organized and relatively simple way made it feel like I finally understood it, and by extension gained a new understanding of the universe that I understood in the same way I understand how to multiply numbers.
One of my favorite times of the year is when I get to visit the Gallery of Fluid Motion at the APS DFD meeting. The fact that we can explain why all these wonderful pictures/videos work out the way they do is incredible.
Best movies that went "under the radar" Just watched American Animals (2018) and I found it so compelling - I was also confused how I found it to be one of the best movies released in 2018 yet I had never heard of it. Do you have any movie suggestions like this? Ones you finished and thought "How had I never heard of this?"
Calibre Pi The Prestige October Sky A League of Their Own Wind River Scott Pilgrim vs the World Green Room The Witch
Enter Nowhere
How do some people stay so warm? I have a friend that I've been camping with, and he camps in minimal gear, stays in a t-shirt and shorts, meanwhile I wear pants and a hoodie. His sleeping bag is decent, but doesn't use a sleeping pad or anything else, just a tent and sleeping bag, and he claims that he stays warm just fine, even takes off his shirt because he gets too warm. Meanwhile I'm over here in a good waterproof Bivvy, on a well inflated Thermarest sleeping pad, wearing full clothing \[with admittedly a fairly old sleeping bag that isn't the best, I need to invest in better\] yet I'll be freezing my backside off. To the point of really sacrificing a lot of sleep. Comfortable otherwise, just too dang cold.. What gives? Are some people really just not suited to cold weather camping? It seems to be a problem for me, I can't stay warm. We're not vastly different in terms of weight and body type. He's a bit taller than me, I'm a bit more toned but basically the same.
Humans are vastly varied creatures.
May seem dumb, but fresh ‘bed socks’ do wonders to keep warm. Take your day socks off and put your bed socks on just before you zip up. Same goes for any other remotely sweaty clothes.
Looking for some (good, but also) very specific kinds of time travel stories. Okay, so my favorite genre of Star Trek Episode is the "fish out of water" time travel kind--where some random schlub from the stupid ages gets transported to the future. I just... really love the whole concept of waking up one day in a massively transformed world. And it occurs to me that, outside of Rip van Winkle and 3001, I've never actually read any stories with a similar premise. TL;DR I'm looking for novels or short stories utilizing one-way, one-time past-to-future time travel.
Movie: Kate and Leopold (great story, not sure if it was ever a book)
Looking Backward: 2000-1887 by Edward Bellamy is one of the first novels I know of that does this. I won’t say it’s a great book, but you might enjoy it. It was one of the best selling novels of the 19th century.
[Marvel/DC] Why do Thanos and Darkseid like to clasp their hands behind their backs? What's up with that?
Lex Luthor and Kingpin both do this. It's a classic power pose, especially with straight back and legs apart.
First, it's a show of power, showing that they can't even be bothered moving their hands to deal with you, second, it looks menacing, third, Darkseid has trouble thinking of what to do with his hands when shooting his eye beams and doesn't like feeling awkward.
Police in a neighboring state wants to talk to me, I don’t know the reason. Ok so, I randomly got a phone call and a email from a state law enforcement agency and the detective on the phone requested for me to travel to their HQ tomorrow for a interview. They didn’t tell me exactly what the reason was. He explained that I wasn’t in trouble and they just have a few questions for me. The email was very vague, it only asked for me if I am available for the interview. I believe I may have made a mistake because I sent an email back telling them I can show up. What can I possibly do now? I have a bad feeling about it. Should I focus on getting a lawyer? To add in, I confirmed it was legitimate.
Obligatory Not a lawyer. Talk to a lawyer, now. They can’t get to you unless you are in their jurisdiction, which they are not. I’m not sure what they can do, but they can lie to your face about anything. You have a right to remain silent for a reason, so shut up and don’t talk. Consult a lawyer, possibly ask for a reason, but you have no obligation to comply, as they do not have jurisdiction in your area, SO DON’T COMPLY.
Yeah I never talk to the police.
What is up with controversy regarding Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal? This NPR story is what got me interested. In particular, I am having a hard time finding out the original statements from each of them that caused the controversy. Every English site I look up only says they said "controversial" or "deragatory" statements, but I haven't been able to actually find the statements. Is it because they weren't said in English and nobody wants the risk of mistranslation?
Answer: here is the video of what she said with subtitles "Stop making fun of hindu gods or I can also start to talk about yours, should I talk about the flying horse or should I talk about your flat earth or should I talk about how prophet married a 6 year old and then had sex with her when she was 9?" - this is what she said
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What is an easy Christmas dish that I can take to someone's house? Looking for something potluck style that I can take to someone's house, so easy to transport and doesn't have to be steaming hot.
The biggest hit at our family potlucks, aside from desserts, are: * Deviled eggs * Mini-quiches * Sausage dressing (basically make stuffing from a box, add cooked ground sausage) * Charcuterie board or festive looking antipasto wreath like * Garlic puff pastry bites (or anything with puff pastry) Honestly, sugar cookies that are nicely decorated, chips and dip or crackers and dip, or even red and green pasta salads also could be quite popular and easy to bring. Good luck!
Chopped veggies and dip are my go to.
New owner wants to run restaurant in accordance with Ukrainian law I'm a morning shift chef working at an Eastern European restaurant in NYC. I usually come in before 6 to do prep for our breakfast service, however today I was met with a bloke claiming to be the new owner of the place. He said that we're going to be closed for at least a week while updates and renovations are performed, that's fair enough. The dodgy part is the new owner wanting all the staff to sign new contracts or be fired by the end of the week. They didn't want to give me a copy of the new contract to take home before I sign it, but when I read it a few things immediatelly stood out, aside from grammar being slightly questionable at times: 1. It's explicitly mentioned that the restaurant is now owned by a company that's incorporated in Ukraine and therefore will be ran in accordance with Ukrainian law, and that supposedly also includes all labour disputes. Now, I know very little about law, but that doesn't sound at all legal to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the business is located in New York common sense dictates that it should be ran in accordance with federal and NY State law. 2. The basic monthly salary offered to me in the contract is 2000 Ukrainian Hryvnia. Obviously I checked how much that was in USD on the spot, and it's roughly $75. The new owner assured me that I'll be able to make as much as I did previously or possibly more thanks to a system of bonuses, but none of that is explicitly mentioned in the contract. In any case, I imagine a deal like that breaks all kinds of minimum wage laws. 3. The contract allows the owner to let me go with a week's notice, while my quitting would require a 3 months' notice AND I forfeit all my earnings for the last month. I pointed out that the last part is obviously completely illegal and he can't expect anybody to work for free. After that the guy claimed he'd get rid of that last bit in a revised contract he wants me to sign. I've been given until friday to come in and sign a new contract if I want to carry on working there. Now, I'm not an idiot and I realise that my time there is over, but I still prefer to consult someone who knows more about law than I do. What do you think should be my next move here? Also, I suspect the new owner is either: planning to ruin the business for some reason, a scam artist (and not a very good one), or a moron if he legitimately expects an experienced chef to work for 75 dollars and a pinkie swear promise of being paid more than that in bonuses.
This guy is a moron. This contract would be illegal in Ukraine, vastly illegal. Apart from pay, in fact, Ukrainian labor laws are much better for workers than New York labor laws. That UAH2,000 base salary is also below the Ukrainian monthly minimum wage of UAH3,200. As a fun little exercise, though, you might want to ask him if he actually wants to govern the business according to Ukrainian labor law. As a 'Ukrainian' worker, you would suddenly have: * No more at-will employment. You can quit when you want, but your boss cannot fire you. It is very difficult to fire you even if your role became redundant. * 24 days of paid vacation every year * 40 hour maximum work week * Guaranteed hours every week * Overtime paid at double hourly rate, capped at a maximum of 120 hours every year * Overtime payment if you undertake work which isn't expressly detailed in your employment contract * 14 weeks of paid paternity leave, and unlimited unpaid paternity leave while any child is under 3 These are not rights many workers in New York, other than those working for the government, have! EDIT: Made the list, a list.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the business is located in New York common sense dictates that it should be ran in accordance with federal and NY State law. True, but you can waive some of your rights under those laws, and can agree to more stringent interpretations of those laws. Ukrainian law cannot be enforced on you, but a contract that mirrors Ukrainian law *may* be. > The new owner assured me that I'll be able to make as much as I did previously or possibly more thanks to a system of bonuses, but none of that is explicitly mentioned in the contract. Then it doesn't exist. If you don't want to make $75/month, then don't sign this. Verbal contracts rarely override written ones. > In any case, I imagine a deal like that breaks all kinds of minimum wage laws. It might, or might not. Either way, don't sigh this with the idea that you're later going to knock it out. Never sign a contract that you believe to be invalid.
What is the worst part of your run and why? Probably a bad title but the part of my runs that I least look forward to is a almost 2 mile uphill climb (very graduate but seemingly takes forever). Halfway through this part of my normal run I alway contemplate cutting my run short because I dread the next mile. Recently I read a book by ex navy seal David Goggins where he said to make that part of your workout/day the best part by pushing your hardest at that point. I tried this two days ago, I ran that 2 miles as hard as I could just assuming I would shit it down afterward. Instead I ran the fastest 2 miles that I have run in 10 years, faster than I have run on flat ground even, finished my run (an addition 2 miles after the hill) and felt wonderful. I am doing the same run again today and will see how this works a second time. I’d like to know if others have similar experiences? I totally expected to burn out after hitting that hill so hard but absolutely the opposite happened.
Waiting for my Garmin to lock on GPS. I always feel a bit suspicious standing around.
Apart from the 1st mile along with everyone else....ears warming up out of the cold afterward. Why the hell do they throb and itch. Stupid frozen ears.
Do you think there are skillful people out there who want to start an online venture but doesn't have money to buy even the domain-name? Hi, I started thinking of such people who want to start but don't have enough money to buy even the domain-name for their thing. I did some idea validation before building MVP 1.0 but the people I talked with were those who faced this issue when they were starting & didn't have enough money. How about you? Do you think this holds any value & can be helpful for such people out there in any way? Would really appreciate any feedback and/or thoughts on this. 🙏
OP perhaps you will be better served teaching entrepreneurs his to write a business plan or creating a basic P&L.
this is a dope idea! I was in this situation years ago, and I used it as an excuse to stop me from putting in the work. best of luck with the site
Movies like the lobster, the ballad of buster Scruggs, and creep. Just recently watched all of these movies and was looking for movies that are kind of similar
I found "The Lobster" to be unwatchable, i turned it off after they killed that poor dog.
Any wes anderson movie
I am scared of losing my parents - What to read? I am scared of losing my parents, especially my mom. When I think about it, I start feeling very sad and alone. I know that everyone dies at some point, but sometimes it's hard to accept the reality. I already lost my elder sister a decade ago. Still, I miss her a lot. I know the pain of losing family members. So guys, is there any book available for me to understand life and help me accept its laws? I appreciate any help you can provide.
I really enjoyed “Can’t we talk about something more pleasant” by Roz Chast. It’s a graphic novel/memoir. I recommend at least giving it a look.
I got no suggestions, I just want to say I feel the same way, the thought of losing either of them or my little sister terrifies me. Thanks for posting this.
Recommend the next classic book for me to read! I loved reading as a teenager, but then I suddenly stopped. At least with literature. Recently I've been trying to catch up on some of the classics. I've read *Animal Farm*, *The Catcher In The Rye*, *Tom Sawyer*, *Of Mice And Men*, *The Hobbit*, *Dracula*, *Lord of The Flies*, *1984*, and *The Picture of Dorian Gray*. I've for the most part enjoyed these books. On my "to read"-list I have the following, though feel free to add more: - The Great Gatsby - Frankenstein - Moby Dick - Wuthering Heights - Little Women - Jane Eyre - Crime And Punishment - Grapes of Wrath - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Set *Frankenstein* and *Grapes of Wrath* to HIGH-PRIORITY status! *Dead Souls* (1842) by Nikolai Gogol is delightful *East of Eden* (1952) by John Steinbeck is epic, yet intimate *The Importance of Being Earnest* (1895) by Wilde is a short play that has some of his best wit *A Tree Grows in Brooklyn* (1943) by Betty Smith is a nice world to get lost in with personable lessons, and it's vaguely uplifting *The Jungle* (1906) by Upton Sinclair has fire like nothing else I've read *The Plague* (1947) by Albert Camus is thoughtful and topical
I loved Moby Dick, but I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But I’d suggest that one.
What should be used to fill the gap between the rounded corner of a wall and the squared corner of baseboards? I'm installing new, taller baseboards around the house. They are taller than the squared off corner of the walls, which now leaves a gap between the rounded corner of the wall and the squared corner of the baseboards. Is an all purpose joint compound appropriate? photo here!
Painters caulk
Make it simple. Best solution,as already stated, is caulk. No need for silicone. Keep it water based.
Suggest me a book that takes place in a snowy atmospheric environment For a bit of context, I was playing this game called The Long Dark which centers around a character attempting to survive in the frigid cold of a snowy canadian island during the winter. The game, while often very rigid, often offers a sense of coziness when you are standing next to a warm fire in a cranny with a frigid storm raging outside. I would like a book that could evoke that same feeling, or if you aren't aware of anything that specific, a book that takes place in a snowy environment that feels quite atmospheric. Thanks a lot for the suggestions!
{{Spinning Silver}} by Naomi Novik
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe (lol fight me)
[Eternals/Marvel] Can something the size of the Celestials or The Living Tribunal mess with the physics of a planet? Something I’ve been wondering is if beings the size of Celestials and The Living Tribunal would mess with a planet’s physics, like would they have a strong gravitational pull? Would they mess with the tides and all that of a planet? We see in Eternals that one of the Celestials’ fingers is about twice the size of Mt. Everest, and one of them is 200 miles tall. We saw in Loki that there’s a statue of Living Tribunal’s head that’s like the size of a small mountain, and he is much larger than even Galactus. Just something I’ve always wondered about, and with Celestials being popular rn, figured I’d ask
Space magic
I’ve never thought of that.
Superman] Why did Lex Luthor steal forty cakes? [This issue raises a few questions: 1) Why did Lex Luthor steal forty cakes? I'm sure that buying forty cakes would hardly put an appreciable dent in the bank accounts he has. 2) How do we know that he did this? Isn't he a genious? I'm sure that he could devise a plan to steal forty cakes and not have anyone know. Lex Luthor may always give off a trustworthy image but whatever reason he has for terrorizing bakeries is beyond me.
What does it mean to be a man of means? Do you know? Do you even have the faintest clue lodged somewhere in that insignificant lump of ashen waste you call a brain? Of course you don't. Let me try to enlighten you. I say try because given you the gilded morsels of my thoughts is, as the old story goes, casting pearls before the swine. Forgive me, that is rather insulting. Pigs are actually intelligent. But I shall try to be as monosyllabic as possible, for what little good it may do. I can see the lust for the luxurious, the need for the niceties, the base and crass gasping at the air of the riches that allude you and the power that scorns your attentions like the impotent stalker that you are. What would you even do with a third of my wisdom? A quarter of my drive? A fifth of my prestige? Why do the ants dream of mountains of sugar when they can't even escape the ravine of worthlessness and servitude that defines their every waking pathetic moment? Daily I watch as transient aliens and makeshift warriors crowd the street in a vulgar display of forced altruism that the unwashed masses eat up like sweets to a starving sinner, completely unaware that these...heroes are akin to children, bathing in tantrums that are mistaken for salvation. I am the only true salvation. I am the only true way. I am Lex, the only self made and self thinking man on the planet. *And you come to me asking for a handout? You feckless child. You utter waste.* Go ask your Superman for money. Better yet ask him for food. Let's see how much of your needs are met by your admiration. Feed yourself with that! You mean so little. I could buy you and everything you love. Dispose of it. I wont miss it. I wont even remember who you are 5 minutes from now. Across the street, there. You see that bakery? I could by it and a 100 more like it and feed thousands. But would they call me hero? Would they shine a light to the heavens like those idiots in Gotham? No. Because you don't deserve Lex. You cast me as the villain, so be it. You want my hate, you have earned it. You want the truly terrible? How many cakes do you see in that window?
Those forty cakes were poisoned, he was actually *saving* the orphans he stole them from. Of course, the fact that they were poisoned with sugar infused with essence of meteor rocks, and were originally planned as part of an experiment he was doing on harmless woodland creatures, doesn't matter.
Chicken breasts remaining rubbery even after cooking for 10+ mins I was told that chicken breasts cook really fast (5 mins) during stir fry, but despite constantly checking if the chicken is cooked or not, it keeps feeling rubbery/uncooked even after cooking for more time over 10 mins on medium low or high flame. I’m sure I’m not overcooking them or anything. Ultimately, I end up removing and eating them in fear of making it worse. Why is it happening? FWIW, I’m talking of small boneless, skinless chicken breast pieces that I marinate in salt, oil, egg, ginger garlic paste and my spice powders and then put in a saucepan after 5-10 mins. Sometimes it’s fine, sometimes (quite often) it’s rubbery.
corn starch
[Physics] when a star dies the explosion creates heavier element like gold and platinum. Is it possible to estimate the amount of a perticular element a star will make when it dies?
You are asking what I consider to be the single biggest open question in nuclear astrophysics. **The short answer to your question is "sorta," we have incredibly complicated models that we can use to make predictions of nucleosynthesis, and they can be used to run simulations that tell us how much of each element is produced, but they require a tremendous amount of input which requires a lot of guesswork at the moment, so they're not perfectly accurate yet.** Let's start at the beginning. ## How are the heavier elements created? ## In (possibly) supernova, and (probably) neutron star mergers, there are a lot of hot protons and neutrons getting thrown out. These protons and neutrons clump together to make 'seed nuclei' - small, unstable nuclei, immersed in a bunch more neutrons. As the system cools and expands, the free neutrons are captured by the seeds, quickly making them grow in size as large neutron-rich radioactive nuclei, until they exhaust the free neutrons and then begin to beta decay (or even fission) back to stability. This is called the **'r-process'** which stands for the rapid neutron capture process. ## How do we calculate what's made? ## Today, nuclear astrophysicists can calculate the yields of these events by using things called "nuclear networks." These are big fancy simulation codes that require a LOT of input. The initial ratio of protons to neutrons at your site is usually the most important astrophysical factor in determining the final yields/abundances of different elements. But other things go into it too. You need to know how neutrinos interact with your matter. You need to know beta decay half-lives that have never been measured before because *we've never produced those nuclei on earth before.* You need to know the masses and neutron capture rates for those same never-before-measured nuclides. The nuclear properties of nearly half of all possible nuclei must be known in order to make an accurate estimate. This is, quite frankly, the biggest hurdle the astrophysical community faces. Since we haven't measured all these properties, we use theory to make predictions of their properties. Different 'mass models' will ultimately be used to run simulations to see what kind of abundances they produce. Basically, you call up a theorist and say "Hey, make a guess for what the properties of these super exotic nuclei should be" and they say "Sure! Here you go! Here's every property of every possible nuclei!" You can then do your calculation. Here is an example of abundances produced for 2 mass models.) The x-axis tells you A, the atomic mass of the nuclides produced, and the Y axis tells you how much is produced. ## So nuclear physics plays a big role... how do we study the r-process in different astrophysical environments? ## If you wanted to predict what would happen in different environments, you'd fire up your program, tell it the astrophysics of relevance (ratio of protons to neutrons, how quickly the ejecta expands and cools, how many neutrinos are going through the ejecta, and your favorite mass model, to name a few). ## Since it's so hard to estimate, do we know what's produced? Or is it all just guess work? ## Ultimately, this is *huge* open problem, but it's not all guesswork. We look out into space, and we see many stars that may have formed from gas that may have been polluted by only one r-process event, and they seem to have the same abundance patterns. This tells us that wherever the r-process occurs, it should produce pretty much the same ratios of elements - the yields should be independent of the astrophysical variables unique to different times and places the r-process occurs. Put another way, the astrophysical variables that determine the r-process, such as temperature, ejecta evolution, neutrino exposure etc, should be the same at every event. So we, as good scientists, can work backward from the observed abundances and try to constrain our mass models and astrophysical parameters as well... but it's hard. There are hundreds of knobs you can turn when working on this problem. Some knobs you can change a tiny bit and get really different results, like the initial ratio of protons to neutrons, or the number and energy of neutrinos coming out. Other knobs don't seem to matter too much, like the orbital properties binary neutron stars. ## Bottom line? ## This is an enormously complicated problem that requires both astrophysics and nuclear physics input. If only we knew everything, we could tell you exactly how much of each element is produced. As for now, we've just got our predictions.
I've read this in another post - that the gold and platinum on earth came from space or from a dying star (yes, technically both); but I'm confused. I thought elements just are what they are. Why are these particular elements born from a dying star? What other alchemy is the result of a supernova?
I want to learn how to speak loudly and clearly. All my life, my voice has been soft. I'm a 22 year old adult.
I have a naturally soft voice as well :) but I rather like it. However, I used to take singing lessons and my voice had to change. Usually soft voices are because we have a lot of breath that gets expelled out at the same time as we speak. Opera singers let out as minimal amount of air when they sing so they can hit the notes clearly but so they can project their voices loudly and hold the note. So it is largely breath control. Genetics and your natural accent will also play a part. A baritone can’t be a tenor. One exercise I did is the glottal stop exercise. Quickly inhale a breathe, close your larynx or rather the vocal folds. if you are not sure how to do that, one way is to inhale quickly and very quickly touch the top of the middle of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. But the very quick short sharp intake of air will close the folds, then raised tip is just to remind you to temporarily hold item closed. There are glottal compression videos on YouTube. It is hard to explain in words, better to show. When you release the folds, you may hear a faint click. But you notice your voice is clearer, stronger and deeper. Mine was. Now you can’t do this glottal stop every time you speak to another human, as it will seem weird but pretend to yawn or something, then you disguise it. Also look at your posture, if you are hunched over or shoulders are stressed and up near your ears, your voice will be higher and breathier. So have straight posture, shoulders down and chest pointing out not inwards hunched over. Trying singing different songs in different styles. I know you want to change your speaking voice but it will also change. You are working the muscles that operate in the larynx and vocal folds. Practice reading aloud in different characters , some high and some low. But watch the breathing. Try and breath fully from diagram and learning circular breathing exercises, you won’t need circular breath for talking but again these retrain your brain and work the muscle memory Lastly and I hate to recommend these as I hated doing them but absolutely do sirens. Again google or YouTube will show you are. They are great for working the muscles of the larynx and changes in pitch and resonance. I hated them but they were the absolute best exercise.
The app ‘Speeko’ has helped me a ton in finding my voice.
Covid shot first dose and running the next day I finally went and received my first vaccination shot and I’m curious how others reacted to running the next day. Planning to run 3 miles tomorrow morning. How was the fatigue? Any symptoms noticed the days directly after receiving the shot?
Anecdotally I ran the next day after shot 1 and 2 with no problems aside from a sore arm
I got my first Moderna shot back in April, and I was really achy and very tired all that day and night. Still managed a 1 mile run that first day, but it was pretty tough and slow. Much better the next day though and didn’t feel any effects after that. I run at least a mile every day, so I was going to run no matter what. I didn’t have any side effects after my second shot.
[WH40k] How did the Emperor not see he was setting himself up to be deified and undo all his work? For a guy who thought organized religion was holding humanity back, he had to have known what would happen if he traveled across the galaxy decked out in gold everything and effectively performed miracles.
The Emperor has the ability to predict the likelihood of certain futures coming to pass. His only goal is the continuation of the human race, so when it came to the crunch and the possible outcomes for humanity narrowed to almost nothing, he chose to stay in death stasis with a terrible stagnant, religious imperium because he was walking the razor's edge between chaos primarchs consuming the human race and xenos overrunning and destroying humanity. Basically he played the ultimate Queen Sacrifice move, pulling a win out of what seemed to be an unavoidable checkmate to chaos. Even the all-powerful, nonlinear-time-dimensional chaos gods couldn't see the infinitely thin balance move that the emperor pulled off. He'll probably bring a couple of primarchs back, regenerate himself, shrug of the 10,000 years of stasis, bust into the webway, remodel the imperium and embark on a 5000 year warp/galactic xeno stomp fest.
Just. As. Planned.
A good book to read aloud Something to read to my boyfriend while he drives. He’s not a reader but I’d like some good stories to try out reading for him.
Finnegans Wake
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. It can be like a children's book in some aspects but the main character Sophie has such a dry and witty tone when interacting with Howl and Calcifer. Also part of a trilogy and it's relatively short (of that appeals to you).
Looking for a gripping book that will keep me up reading Lately I've had issues getting bored with a lot of the books I've picked up. Looking for a book that is gripping, keeps you on your seat, or has you counting down the seconds until you get to pick it back up to read. All genre's welcome! Thanks!
Anything by Erik larson
The Child Thief by Brom Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Books about Dragons? I adore dragons! But I’ve noticed that there really isn’t a lot of quality dragon content out there when I try to find any new book suggestions online. I’ve already read The Inheritance Cycle, Wings of Fire, Seraphina, the dragon riders of pern, and that one series about clay dragons and a snowball dragon tear. If you know of any other books in which dragons are the main focus I’d be really grateful!
Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C Wrede Temeraire Series by Naomi Novik
Not totally focused on them, but Dragonlance & Deathgate Cycle were great
Best memoir you’ve ever read I found my favorite genre and it’s memoirs. Which one has been your favorite/first one you’d recommend?
know by name by chanel miller
Open, Andre Agassi
Explain like I'm five years old: Why do airline headphone jacks have two prongs when every other headphone is a single prong?
* to discourage people from stealing their headsets * to encourage people to rent the airline headsets
Another guess, but my headset on my last flight only had 1 ear working. Based on that, I'd say it's so they don't completely stop working if there's a broken wire
What to watch after harry potter and the lord of the rings? I’m a fantasy fan, but I only like harry potter and the lord of the rings, not Percy Jackson, and of course I don’t like hobbit at all. So, what movies do you suggest?
Not exactly fantasy but Robin Hood (Kevin Costner version) is pretty good. If you don’t mind animation then The Last Unicorn is really good. Not much beats Harry Potter or LOTR.
Baahubali: The Beginning (2015) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (2017) Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy (2019)
I believe that if you support legalizing same sex marriage, you should also support legalizing polygamous unions. CMV. It's pretty simple from my point of view. If you wish to define legal marriage as being between any 2 consenting adults (which I do by the way) then what reason is there for not supporting 3 or more consenting adults?
I can give you some very good reasons to not support polygamy. When the Bountiful BC case came up in Canada a few years back they had someone (I believe it was Joseph Henrich) do an independent study to find out whether it was unconstitutional to ban polygamy (which in 99% of societies manifests as polygyny - multiple wives). A cross-cultural analysis revealed that polygyny is strongly correlated with: Increase in crime and anti-social behaviour Decrease in age of first marriage for females and increasing age gap between males and females Increased instances of rape Increased sexual inequality Increase in domestic violence, abuse & female suicide Decrease in the GDP The reason for most of this is that if men are allowed to have multiple wives then men become unequal because some men will have all the women and some men will have access to none. It is a social problem that is not linked to monogamous marriage. These are the same problems that occur when sex-selective abortion occurs in favour of males and the gender ratio becomes skewed and the more-men-than-available-women issue arises.
Theres a higher risk for unreported abuse in multi-party relationships. Also, increasing the number of marriage mixes greatly enhances the chances of inadvertent incest, especially in relatively remote, inward-looking villages and small towns where generations of people live in the same area and are unlikely to move - exactly the kind of places most likely to take up polygamy if allowed to.
cmv: There is literally no reason to try to guilt/scare/shame women who are willingly single and/or childless To keep it short, trying to make women feel bad bc they say they are happy with being single and childless and so mind boggling stupid. There's no reason they should be bashed or made to seem less valuable. Telling them their degree or job isn't going to keep them warm at night is beyond invalidating. Telling them that they're gonna be lonely when they're old and die alone is useless. Telling them that men won't want them once they hit 30 of all ages is actually disgusting and not something you should be proud to say.
"Telling them their degree or job isn't going to keep them warm at night is beyond invalidating." Right, but is it true or not? Most people desire companionship, and most people won't be fulfilled by just having a good education/career. "Telling them that they're gonna be lonely when they're old and die alone is useless." Why is it "useless"? Do you think it isn't true? Hard truth- a lot of old people are lonely. A lot of old people do rely on family for support. My dad had a stroke, and my mum was visiting him for hours every day. Brutal fact is that I never saw half the guys have a single visitor (I was there a lot too). Saying men won't want them after 30 is just factually incorrect, unlike the other arguments. All these arguments are valid for men too. I assume this is the sort of argument you were looking for, unless you literally are open to being convinced women (specifically) should be "bashed or made to seem less valuable", which I don't believe you are.
You say there is no reason but its more like there is no good / nice reason for it. But the people who do it have a wide variety of reasons to do so: - they believe women should be subjugated, below and reliant on men, and the easiest and historically incredibly effective way to do this is to have them have children - they believe a womans only contribution should be childcare and caring for their partner, they might point to religious doctrine or just their own feelings for the matter - they are attempting to be utilitarian, believing that a steady population is a citizens duty and thus women should be having 2 children each to keep the economy stable and the most people happy - they are part of a religion that decrees women need to have as many children as possible, women not doing this are sinful - they don’t see woman as full fledged people and cannot understand how they would feel fulfilled without children as they see it as their one purpose, they think they are genuinly being kind in pressuring them
My dad has been watching A series of Unfortunate events on Netflix, so I was thinking of getting the books for him, I haven't read them, but I'm hesitant because they seem more like childrens books. should I avoid them and stick to something else, or would they be a decent read for an adult too?
They’re pretty witty, and I think adults would appreciate the references and humour—-especially well-read adults.
Yeah they’re great for adults!
Womens shorts that don’t chafe or ride up? Are they a myth or do they exist? I have thighs and I have NEVER been able to find shorts that don’t ride up and make my thighs rub together and chafe. Bike shorts work but the skin tight nature is so hot in the summer. Would love some airy running shorts!
It’s all about inseam length, so it depends on the shape/length of your thighs. For me, the magic # is 6” & the oiselle long rogas are my favorite and only shorts. I haven’t tried their long flyout short, but they look like they have potential. (I’m team skort 99% of the time- but still need a longer inseam on the inner short.)
Non-binary runner here but I recommend men’s shorts in a 5/5.5 or 7in length. They’re a little longer and the cut helps with chafing issues. My current faves are Chubbies and Tracksmith
[If I like] Songs where the vocalist sounds like they're straining their voice, pushing it to its limits, [what else would I like?] I love hearing vocalists strain their voices in songs, as to me it adds so much emotion to what they're singing, and elevates the performance so much. This includes things like Sia's voice cracks that she often has, as well as unintentional voice cracks, like the amazing Merry Clayton's backing vocals on "Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones. Also songs in which it generally sounds like the singer is pushing their voice to its limits; anything from Nirvana's "Where Did You Sleep Last Night", to Rihanna's "Higher", to 30STM's "The Kill", any other song recommendations are greatly appreciated, thanks :)
Metal. It's a genre built on excess. If some is good then more would be better and too much is perfect. It's also one of the least likely genres to use autotune since the flaws you're looking for are actually desirable. There are countless examples. They're a video of Randy Blythe running himself hoarse in order to get the tone in his voice to where he wanted it when recording a certain vocal.
Arcarsenal and Cosmonaut by At the Drive-In BCKYRD by Hot Mulligan Eternal Summer by Fall Out Boy
Change my view that If Ukraine doesn’t make concessions, than nuclear war is inevitable I understand Ukraine’s anger and urge to get back their captured territory but if they don’t make some concessions than nuclear war is almost an inevitability. Ukraine’s ultimate goal is to retake Crimea and the regions Russia annexed, and they have a decent chance of achieving this with the Russian military failures we’ve been seeing. However with Russia being increasingly cornered and running out of options, along with the fact that they view these territories (especially Crimea) as being part of Russian soil, they will resort to nukes which could easily escalate the crisis into a full scale world war. It’s not an ideal scenario but when is the US and NATO going to realize it isn’t worth dying over a random Eastern European nation. This war needs to end ASAP and this “100% support to Ukraine” approach is only fast tracking us to Armageddon.
giving in to Putin now would mean he doesnt even have to win wars to be Hitler, he just has to start them and then demand concessions with nuclear extortion as soon as he starts to lose. It is not possible to live in this kind of world. Sorry. Maybe he will nuke us all. But we might as well be nuked if the alternative is he gets to dictate what countries he wants to invade and take over.
Ukraine isn't (yet) in NATO. Even if Putin used nukes, it wouldn't be a nuclear war let alone MAD. If he used a small tactical nuke it wouldn't be anymore effective than what he's already doing. If he dropped a Hiroshima bomb on a city to get Ukraine to surrender and it worked he will forever be a pariah to the rest of the world. Even gaining Ukraine will not be worth it. His only hope is to hold out long enough that he can claim some advantage and save face. When they finally negotiate a peace then the sanctions will be lifted against Russia and everyone (except Ukraine) will be happy.
What are some little known running facts that have changed your running experiences? Can be anything from dietary to sock choice, let's hear em!
The first mile is a lie.
Focus on using your arms, and then your legs will follow, more efficiently. I've been a serious runner since 2014 and I'm still learning this and still have to remind myself.
My cat demands eye contact when I pet her I know I know “eye contact is a sign of aggression to cats” hear me out lol. Lately when my cat is on my lap (she’s extremely affectionate/clingy to me and is with me most of my sleeping and waking hours) and I’m petting her, she stays in this very demanding state. She starts to climb up my chest to get closer to my face, meowing at me. Her body language is the “you’re not paying attention to me” agitation she gets sometimes. But when I look at her, and maintain eye contact with her while petting her, she starts to settle down and look content. After maybe a minute or two as she starts to get sleepy I can usually look away and get back to what I’m doing. It’s like she’s saying “hey don’t half ass your attention to me, stop paying attention to that magic box and pay attention to me! Sometimes she seems to want me to talk to her too. Does anyone else’s cat seem to want eye contact? Or if not that specific thing, does your cat have any behaviors that are outside what people expect cats to like/dislike?
All of my cats have been that way, I just thought that’s how they were. The cat we have now will drill holes into your brain with her stare if you aren’t paying her enough attention.
My cat has suddenly gotten this look of naughtiness in her eyes. And most of time i am correct and she gets up to something she isn’t allowed to. I like to observe her out of boredom got an interest in animal behavior and their eyes speak allot for themselves. She can sit in a specific way look at me and that makes me know “oh yea she wants a kiss on the head” and i can be correct
If Batman were to operate in real life, how fast would it take for his identity to be revealed
Exactly one month after being coming to the attention of the Federal authorities. A crazed vigilante is riding around an American city using military grade weaponry and committing crimes against civilians on a record scale? It would not take long at all to deploy the necessary resources to the scene. Several Blackhawks and Little Birds from the BATF and FBI be orbiting on shifts doing surveillance, waiting for a signal that the unsub has begun activity. He would leave to patrol in the Batmobile, and as soon as his distinctive black vehicle's turbine-driven heat signature was located, a Predator drone would be retasked to orbit and follow. That tango in question is very versatile, active, and potentially lethal when engaged so nothing would be done that night, however every illegal activity he performed would be caught on IR-enhnaced video, incliuding the multitude of assaults, breakings and enterings, trespasses, abuse of public property, use of prohibited weapons, substances and hazardous materials, perhaps even failure to register a motor vehicle and violating speed restrictions, and several counts of obstruction of justice. His citizen's arrests would be logged and the suspects duly charged in any and all assaults against him, as well, however a few suspects will likely be audited for their willingness to testify both against their compatriots and the vigilante. At some point his most recent crime spree will end and he will head for home. The Predator will follow, a barely visible line in the inky black Gotham sky, camera eye recording the Batmobile's every move. Of course the Batmobile will disappear into some rocky outcropping or waterfall or some other land feature and it's destination will be unknown. The very next day special operations elements of the DoJ will be at the location, planting temblor sensors and concealed cameras. This is Batman so it will be a few days before he uses the same entrance again, but he will, and when he does, the triggering of the sensors will activate the cameras, and FBI analysts will see the long stretch of tunnel inside the entrance and start doing calculations. The length of the entrance tunnel until loss of focus or a turn will be calculated, and the direction and distance of that stretch of the tunnel will be known. Immediate records will be pulled for every building in the area, and every microsecond of the next day will be spent sifting through the possible combinations of owners, buildings, knowledge wealth and access to technology. This will continue with each of the Batman's movements, and piece by piece a picture of his activities will become known. Information, bits and pieces will be gleaned from his victims, the various residues from his smoke bombs, gases and shark repellents will be analyzed, the Batarangs and grappling hooks researched down to the atomic scale. Once there is a database of products and substances, the FBI will start rifling through purchase orders and BATF registrations for shipments of the necessary fuel for his Batmobile, and the explosive charges for his bat-grapples, and the avionics for his missile's warheads, amongst the other detritus he leaves after his battles. Eventually the source of gear will be deciphered: Wayne Industries, and at that point, the cat is out of the bag. Wayne's home is within the perimeters of the Batmobile disappearances, and a thermal flyby will reveal he's using the same electricity as an small industrial plant does when only two or three people ever live in that mansion. Analysis of company records will reveal the massive levels of graft and embezzlement required to hijack all these prohibited and classified materials to the mansion, and the deliveries of the materials will tagged and traced. The is enough evidence to present Bruce Wayne with a warrant for his arrest based on the very least on corporate malfeasance, embezzlement, falsification of tax records, Illegal trafficking of prohibited agents, weapons and substances falsified BATF filings, and aiding and abetting multiple criminal acts. Since he is an important personage in the city, they'll do him the favor of sending one very polite agent armed with a single piece of paper, to wait in his office. What happens after that is up to him. Conversely a team of agents and a ground-scanning radar van will arrive on the grounds of Wayne Manor and present Alfred with a warrant for his arrest and a search of the premises. This will occur at the exact same time as Tim Drake, Jason Todd, and Dick Grayson are brought into custody, and James Gordon upon getting notification of a pending warrant against his daughter, will take the day off to go try and convince Barbara to turn State's witness. All identified suspects that were encountered during the surveillance will be swept up as well on that day. Wayne's excellent lawyer will have him booked and released on bail, at which point mysteriously enough a limo from the Themiscyran embassy will pick him up and he will not be seen again until he submits his US passport and a letter revoking his citizenship, and announces himself a citizen of the city-state of Atlantis. When asked, they will plainly refuse extradition.
I think it would be fairly quickly. In the **Legends of the Dark Knight** story *Prey*, which takes place about 18 months into Bruce's career as Batman, Hugo Strange figured out Bruce's identity through some basic investigative work, similar to how Ra's al Ghul claimed to have discerned Bruce's identity in the Bronze Age. 1. Examining the remains of equipment that Batman left behind at various scenes allowed Strange to deduce that Batman was well funded and had lots and lots of access to capital as well as fabrication resources. 2. Batman's targeting of criminals from all walks of life indicated to him that Batman has a sincere grudge against the underworld, likely because he felt wronged by Gotham's criminal element, and likely suffered a great loss at their hands. 3. First hand accounts of Batman's athletic prowess and visage provided him a fairly reasonable physical profile to go on: White male, age 20-40, excellent physical conditioning. From there Strange skimmed though police reports of notable murder cases in the GCPD's archives for 0-40 years searching for persons of interests who could fit those criteria today, before finally arriving at the conclusion that it was Bruce Wayne. Another significant clue that Strange didn't consider but probably should have was that Bruce Wayne's much publicized return to Gotham roughly coincided with the first reported appearance of the Batman. And that was basically just one guy working on his own. If it were real life I think Bruce would also have the full attention and might of every alphabet soup agency in the country on his ass 24/7 trying to track him down.
Where to buy (good quality) steel cut oatmeal in bulk? I've been eating a ton of this stuff lately. I like straight up plain regular steel cut oatmeal (no instant or quick nonsense). But all the stores sell these little tiny bags. Where do you buy this stuff in bulk for a good price? I'm not looking to get a 50 pound bucket, but 5 to 10 pounds would be nice. Of course I'm open to whatever is great from a value perspective ultimately
Trader Joe's is usually consistently the best price in my area but it's not huge bulk. The do have 1 pound canisters though so it's not ridiculously small.
Personally I wouldn't stock up on anything until I get a really good sale price on it. So I'd pay the normal price on oats until I bump into a managers special at kroger, clearance at target, or like this week at a local ethnic market, the bulk steel cut oats are 59¢/lb. Then I stock up for the year.
Can I have Windows installed on my C drive and Linux installed on my D drive? How can I go about doing this safely? Hi. I'm interested in pursuing a career in computer science and figured that learning Linux and doing most of my coding there would be beneficial, however I'm still interested in my pc being a predominantly windows machine. I know you can dual boot on one drive, so I'd assume it's possible to run the two operating systems on two separate drives with the added benefit that I never have to worry about Windows and Linux data interacting, or booting off of the wrong partition (not sure if these are actually problems, but I figured this makes it idiot proof). TLDR: I want to run windows on my main SSD and Linux on my other I have a 1TB NVME SSD and 480GB Sata SSD. I'm willing to dedicate all of the SATA SSD's space to the Linux OS. Can I just install Ubuntu normally onto my secondary SSD and then manually boot from it when I want to use it? Will this cause problems? I've already had data on the drive (though an operating system has never been installed on it) and I'm not sure it's all gone, will Ubuntu erase this data automatically or is this something I should do before hand? Will I need to worry about the windows data on my main drive being overwritten? Thanks if you can help!
I have a dual-SSD setup, it works wonders. During installation Ubuntu will format the drive and do a pretty good job of wiping data on it. Just be careful you pick the right one while you install- Linux labels disks and partitions differently than Windows, so that your Windows drive might show up as /dev/sda (with the actual C:\\ partition you can write to freely in Windows being something like /dev/sda2). As for ensuring they do not have funny interactions, before installing Ubuntu, turn off Secure Boot in BIOS and Fast Startup and Hibernation in Windows 10. I recommend that during Ubuntu installation, if it ever comes up, you create an EFI (boot) partition on your Ubuntu drive.
I liked this setup via KVM . My hardware has not arrived yet, so I am only at the beginning of this journey. My idea was, if I dual boot, I will not switch completely to Linux and use Windows more often. So I would like to use VMs for Windows. Also, if I remember correctly, you should disable Windows Sync clock to prevent problems
Looking for a good fantasy/sci-fi book I just finished Mistborn and Stormlight saga and I have to admit that I'm so into Sanderson style. However, I would love to try different authors now. PD: I have already read the call of the wind, LOTR, Song of ice and fire and the first book of the powder mage saga.
The wheel of time series by Robert Jordan
The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie Is brilliant. Grim Dark instead of fantasy, not too much magic etc in it which I found perfect. Great characters and good world building. More like ASOISF than LOTR
books for people in their 20s who feel lost/stuck in life or are uncertain about their future Genre doesn't matter it could be anything a self help book, a biography,a novel...
{{Sweetbitter}} is about a 22 year old who moves to NYC alone, becomes a backwaiter and doesn’t know what she wants to do besides that
i can definitely relate to this. i’ve found Designing Your Life helpful
Movies that entirely f*ck your brain in the end a movie that seems ok in the beginning, but the end/climax just blows your mind off, a twist that hits unexpectedly and changes the entire feel about the movie.
Sorry to bother you. To this day I don't understand anything
Multiple uses for pulled pork? Kenji is doing a mini series on YouTube right now where he makes an entire pulled pork shoulder and then uses the pork in 3 different ways; a ragu with pasta, pork and beans, and a 3rd video as yet unreleased. Pork shoulder is pretty cheap where I am and I think this is something that could work for me, but I'm the only carnivore in my household so I'd need more than just a few recipe ideas. What are some other simple meals based around pre cooked, pre-pulled pork? Especially interested in some that can be eaten cold.
I like to dunk it in various sauces and shove it into my mouth while standing over the kitchen sink like a classless, grease-splattered goblin.
Enchiladas are one of our favorites or sometimes a pile on top of a scoop of homemade maccaroni and cheese
Breakfast burrito lacking real taste. So I gave breakfast burritos a shot this morning. I made them quite simply: * 4 eggs * 2 sausage patties chopped * 2 small handfulls of green bell peppers cubed * salt/pepper Now I know this ingredients list is quite small and lacking, but i'm wondering what I could add to it to bring out some more flavor? So far I know I need cheese next time for sure. I've heard cumin goes well in eggs used for breakfast burritos also. Any other thoughts?
A lot of good suggestions here, but something that hasn't been mentioned is your tortillas. Get them from a tortilleria if you have one around, or at least a mexican grocery. Most importantly, heat them before serving - personally I like them a little brown from the pan (a little crispy), but you can also throw them directly on a gas stovetop and flip with tongs if you have time to pay attention (more crispy), or in a microwave covered by a damp towel with a 30 second burst or two (no crispy at all).
Beans, rice and potatoes for me. Salsa and cheese too!
Finally saw Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan - What are other emotionally impactful and dramatic movies NOT about War? Not sure why I put them off for so long. Just never been a war movie kinda guy. I just happened to search 'Highest rated on IMDB' or something along the lines, was hunting something sad, found Schindler's List and had heard how heartwrenching it was. Gave it a try. Absolutely loved it. Again, not even being someone who is into history or war as a subject at all. The breakdown and change of morales, change of thoughts, situations, gaining empathy. I've seen plenty of real life people die. What bodies look like when they spasm, agonal breathing (Do yourself a favor, don't google a sound clip if you're unfamiliar). Gore does nothing for me, but I love how Spielberg really didn't ham up the gore, nor in Saving Private Ryan either. Not really. Maybe it was a little much for the 90s, but I thought it was very tasteful. Well, as tasteful as the subject matters could be. But the drama of high stakes character growth, moral conflict, and personal growth are the themes I really connected to in these two movies. It was the gripping moments of realism, plausible and realistic choices and things which could happen. I bawled so hard at the end of Schindler's List, especially the modern segment reaffirming it's based on a real story. Or a man crying out for his mom one last time in Saving Private Ryan. It's the empathy of loss, of real tragedy. The buildup of a story with no certain outcome. I guess, I realize this is a very broad, and vague request. So let's clarify some boundaries. Definitely not interested in anymore War drama. I would LOVE to see how the intensity of these two films could apply to non-war genres. On the other hand, I don't need gritty realism just for the sake of realism. I'm still in it for the fictional story, rather than trying to reflect on real world events (No issues with inspired by, and I'm not ruling out movies that do cover real stories which seem almost like fiction, just not looking for 'A day in the life of...XYZ'/'Retelling the events of ABC' type dramas). I've seen a lot of the 'Tearjerker' movies in the FAQ already that I might as well just start going through the list of what I haven't seen. But I figured maybe some other movie minds can give me more narrow replies, as I'm not looking exclusively for tearjerking or heartwrenching. Just very high emotional intensity or stakes, especially for a situation which could be real (Or at least relatable in a fiction setting). Though, I love a good ugly cry all the same.
12 angry men
Léon The Professional (1994) Dances With Wolves (1990) The Road (2009) Green Book (2018) Sling Blade (1996)