69 values
[Star Trek Original Films] Why wasn't Kirk punished for cheating on the Kobayashi Maru test, if I copied an essay off the net and submitted it as my own I would be, so how come Kirk gets a free ticket for cheating?
Kirk never actually took the Kobayashi Maru test. The test is designed to determine how well a Command candidate handles an unwinnable situation. Kirk adjusted it so it was winnable. He never faced the unwinnable situation. Ergo, he never took the Kobayashi Maru.
The test isn't a test like an essay is. It's a psychological examination of how a person acts under the pressures of leadership (specifically a no-win scenario). Clearly whoever was in charge of grading his solution was at least somewhat impressed with it and believed that it showed that he was command material (I think it's been shown that in the new star trek universe it was Spock and he actually did fail for cheating, but in the old universe there's no such indication iirc).
The hardest part of learning anything, is knowing what to words to use in google. How do you quickly learn what you need to know in order to effectively google and get answers? Whenever I start to expand my knowledge into new areas, I often find myself googling a phrases with super generic terms, learning a new word, putting that word back into google and repeating this process for several hours/days. Since I don't know the proper names of different things are, how to specify the requirements I'm looking for, or the parameters of the project when I'm looking stuff up on google, it makes everything take much longer than needed, and often leads me down several dead-ends because I misunderstood something. For example, I was looking for a solution to having one stream of water be directed down a path, so I googled "valve with two outputs" then read for a while and learned about ball valves, so I googled "ball valve, two outputs" and found a bunch of 90 degree ball valves that allowed for one or both paths to be open, but that wasn't what I wanted since I wanted the paths to be mutually exclusive, so I googled "valve with two outputs, but can't have both open at the same time" and did more reading, learned nothing, so I pivoted to trying to find out the proper name for "Y shaped valve with control similar to a rocker switch" and so on... I never did find what I wanted, so I just decided to shelve/abandon that part of the project. Then today, I hit a similar issue trying to find a specific set up for PVC fittings, I had a reddit post all drafted in my head about how I'd try to explain what it was I was looking for, then I remembered tinkercad, so I spent 30-60 minutes in that to draw out what I was looking for, took a screenshot and readied myself to post it and go "Hey, I'm looking for a thing that does this or something similar, my goal is to drill a hole in a thing, then attach things to either side of the hole that are airtight/watertight and attach hoses to each of the things." However, the engineer in me quickly noticed that this was definitely not a scale-able approach to learning, because for each new project/subject, I'd end up making like 15 posts asking "Hey, wut dis?" and just generally being a nuisance. All of this frustration has led me to the question I really need answered which is: If I have little-to-zero knowledge about some facet of engineering, and I want to build something related to that aspect of engineering, what resources or methods do you use to help you learn what questions to ask and get answers faster? Another phrasing would be, if I want to build a cabinet with drawers, but I've never seen one and don't know the words "cabinet" or "drawer", how do I go from "diy big box with smaller open boxs that slide in and out," to "DIY cabinet with drawers" ? Apologies if this was kind of ramble-y, if I knew how to ask these questions in a more succinct way I would.
My suggestion is to generalize. You kept trying to find exataxly what you wanted, but if that's not out there you still need to do your job, find what's closest and work from there for example. What you could do is search valve. Now say, okay that didn't work but I found these valves say from home depot. Now you know home depot makes valves, so use that resource: look though their catalog, the way they filter their results and what's popular. That will give you little hints. Big hints come from looking through the entire catalog. Sometimes it comes down to that. Sometimes you need to go to lows. But you want to go up the pyramid of generalization until you find what you understand then go back down where you find what you need. None of this just know it, or it takes time to know Google fu. Like anything, there is a process that works and many that don't.
Just keep reading up from your first keyword, then when you see a similar keyword shows up in 1 of those articles/documents then keep searching. Or search with a description of what you are looking for... That will lead you to some articles that will lead you to the right keyword as well
Feeling Horrible – Please Recommend an Uplifting Book I finally started trying an antidepressant as a result of a relationship that is slowly falling apart. I want to make things better, but in the process, I am grappling with a lot of negative emotions. Please recommend an uplifting book. I’m not a fan of self-help books UNLESS it’s very practical with actionable items (“Defining Decade” and “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents”). Otherwise, I like contemporary fiction–not a huge fan of fantasy. I need something that’s positive AND realistic. I don’t want to feel bad about myself or read about unlikable characters (I normally love this but I need to find reasons to love myself right now). Your help is so so greatly appreciated. ❤️
I can't recommend Allie Brosh enough. {{Hyperbole and a Half}} is laugh out loud funny and she touches on depression a bit. At the very least you can google Depression Part Two and give it a read. She gets it. I hope you find your way to contentment. 💖
{{Still Life by Sarah Winman}}
Looking for a movie similar to The Truman Show i really really enjoyed tHE truman show, i Loved the weird Psychological eleMEnt of it. Can i get some movie recs similar to it? t would be nice to pass the time while im stuck at home lol
Vanilla Sky
The Fifth Element
What are some inexpensive but delicious juice recipies? As a Christmas gift, I received a fruit and vegetable juicer. I'm looking at it as a way to help my metabolism and introduce more vitamins & minerals with less calories, however I'm really unsure the amount of juice each veg/fruit will make and how to make affordable portioned drinks? Any and all recipes welcome!
I can’t help you with delicious juice recipes, but we have been juicing for years only focusing on using it as a nutritional supplement to our diets, and a way to use old vegetables that are past their prime. A common juice combo for us is something like beet, kale, ginger root (go light on this, raw ginger juice is powerful), carrot, apple, and celery. But anything that is past it’s prime we have in the refrigerator is fair game, even if it tastes weird all together. The most common ingredients for us are probably beet, kale, and carrot. They’re cheap and we don’t necessarily eat those foods heavily and regularly in our normal meal rotation, so it is nice to supplement them in with juice.
My old friend orange juice is who I always go back to :)
Anything not originally written in English. The internet is oftentimes very anglocentric, and so a lot of the book recommendations are too. So suggest me a classic from your country, or just a book that you enjoyed, as long as the original language isn’t English. Doesn’t matter what language you read it in.
Anything by Cornelia Funke. She’s a fantasy author who imo holds up the long-standing German tradition of tale-telling impeccably. Inkheart is amazing. The Thief Lord. She worked with Guillermo del Toro to novelize Pan’s Labyrinth. She also has lovely stories for younger kids— Ingraine the Brave, When Santa Fell to Earth, etc.
Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges
Is the any known cause for the "boom" in physics during the early 20th century? Yesterday I was looking at the famous picture of the fith Solvay Conference and was just amazed at the fact that these people together practically re-invented physics. It can't possibly be a coincidence right? Is it just the fact that they worked together in synergy or is there another reason?
The diaspora of general human flourishing and the freedom to pursue abstract thought without starving
Something people have missed here is the famous Weimar theory. Before WWI Germany were by the the most technologically advanced country in Europe. When they lost WWI, the German people and state lost faith in technology and "useful science". This led to a boom in philosophy, art, poetry and abstract mathematics. Many people have suggested this was the perfect environment in which to make the breakthroughs of the early 20th Century. Einstein, brilliant as he was, was a very literal thinker, and continuously pushed back on quantum mechanics for being non-realist, whereas people like Heisenberg embraced it's abstract nature.
My friend lost a bet and I get to pick a book for him to read then he has to write a book report on it. What book? My friend lost a bet and I get to pick a book for him to read then he has to write a book report on it. What book? Keep in mind this is a fantasy football bet and the only stipulations are it cannot be a very long book such as 1000 pages and The best part is it can by any book within common sense reason. What book should I choose? I keep getting stuck on old babysitter club books, animorphs and romance books. Please help!
Crime and punishment
Space Raptor Butt Invasion by Chuck Tingle. Also any book by this author, just look the titles up for a good laugh.
Im thinking about going to culinary school and advice or suggestions? I'm looking at Johnson county community college, The culinary institute of America at Hyde park and Johnson and Wales in Denver.
Le Cordon Bleu alumni here. Culinary school was a wonderful experience. Working in restaurants is another story. Be prepared to sped a lot of money to get a job that generally pays just above min wage. Little to no appreciation from your chef for all the work you do. Often not getting paid the overtime hours you theoretically clocked in. You will fuck up. You will get yelled at. But if you can keep your head down and keep working through it, then all the power to ya. To be perfectly honest... I'm considering getting into FOH because those ass holes make so much fucking money for doing their little dog and pony show. I would love to walk away with $100+ in my pocket at the end of a shift just from clearing tables all day.
as a grad of the culinary institute in hyde park, i am a little partial to that school. as a woman in the restaurant business, having that name on my resume has opened many, many doors for me.
"Deep Frying" in molten sugar / sugar alcohols Since oil is mainly used to efficiently transfer heat... could you make fried sugary foods in molten sugar? Since sugar can burn easily, what about erythrol? It is very low in calories and can't caramelize Would this work?
You can cook pancakes in some hot maple syrup. You will need to let them cool for a while so that sugar doesn't burn your tongue, though.
Deep frying with oils creates a chemical reaction called the maillard reaction where the oils and starches do some chemical stuff and create deliciousness. This reaction won't happen with sugar or other sugar alcohols. You can, however suspend your sugar in a cocoa based solution and dip assorted fruits or cheeses in it. They call it fondue and it's delicious. Also, the sugar won't transfer heat anywhere near as effectively as oil would. Or get as hot.
How far ahead of time can I bake my pies? I'm definitely making a pumpkin pie and an apple pie to be served this Saturday at lunch. A pecan pie may also be in the works. How far in advance can I make these without sacrificing quality? Which ones can I make further ahead of time and which ones should I make the night before? Or should I refrigerate the filling for some of them and bake them the morning of? How would you do this?
Freeze them ahead raw and bake them off the morning of. They will take longer to bake but frozen raw pies deliver the flakiest crusts with no soggy bottom. Learned this from a pastry chef. There is a lot written about it so you can look it up. Good luck!
Depends on how good your crust is really, I find pies made 24 hours in advance tend to be the sweet spot in terms of ease of prep vs sacrifice in quality.
Here are my favorite films & series and things I like that I just came up with. I have no idea what my taste is. Recommend me things please. I want to start of by saying I have a big obsession with the following: - neon lights - female characters that aren’t sexy lampshades - shootouts - blood squibs (bonus points if over the top and exaggerated) - themes of morality and immorality - themes of mental illness - set in the 80’s or early 90’s - fight scenes - clever dialogue - quiet protagonists THE CROWN JEWEL - Inglourious Basterds THE TOP 10 (no order) - Pulp Fiction - The Raid 2 - Hot Fuzz - Hard Boiled - Drive - In Bruges - The Godzilla Franchise in its entirety - The Thing - The Graduate - Tokyo Drifter ALL THE REST (no order) - The French Connection - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri - Django Unchained - Reservoir Dogs - Kill Bill 1&2 - Godzilla (1954) - King Kong (1933) - The Raid: Redemption - A Better Tomorrow - Burn After Reading - Baby Driver - Netflix’s Daredevil - Netflix’s Luke Cage - Neon Genesis Evangelion - End of Evangelion - Evil Dead (original) - Taxi Driver - Alien - Aliens - Total Recall
JOHN WICK. SERIOUSLY! Great shoot outs and wonderful neon lighting. The whole trilogy is so good
Movies relating to ethics: Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) Broadcast News (1987) A Serious Man (2009) Waking the Dead (2000) Code Unknown (2000) The Square (2017) First Reformed (2017) - by the writer of Taxi Driver Margaret (2011) You might like the Coen Brothers, so you should check out their filmography.
Can someone please bring me up to speed on the last week of Gamergate? What's up with these "ethics in game journalism" memes? I think I've got the key pieces (Thunderf00t's videos on Anita Sarkeesian and The responses to Sarkeesians tweets), but I just can't seem to fit them together with the meme.
Check /r/GamerGhazi.
Gamergate proponents keep insisting that "it's about ethics in games journalism" no matter what, and that has become sort of a meme in non-GG circles.
Can you start with a 2 disk RAID 1 and upgrade to a 4 disk RAID 10 without formatting? Hey guys, wondering what my upgrade options would be if I start with a RAID 1 array on a new home server setup. Is it possible to add 2 more drives later and switch to RAID 10 or 6 without having to offload the data elsewhere? I don't want to start with RAID 10 because 4 drives even of lower capacity is quite a bit more expensive. Thank you
Ahh the two types of an Admin. The one that makes backups and the one that will make backups.
This is doable with zfs. Read up on "OpenZFS". Create a pool from a single vdev, which is the first mirror (RAID1) . Then add the second vdev at a later point in time, which again is a mirror. All vdevs in a pool are always striped. There are algorithms in place for handling the distribution and redistribution of files, but you won't gain the full speed for your existing data right away, when adding the second mirror.
Any Introverted / Socially Anxious runners out there who can give me some advice for my first race? I’m an introverted person and I always seem to find that running in busy areas with lots of people around is more stressful than running in quiet areas. I always run alone as I find it to be peaceful, but I really want to run an actual race to test myself. I’m just anxious about how I will fare when I’m surrounded by other runners and spectators cheering etc. I know everyone will be too focused on themselves anyway, and I know people will probably say “Well, why race then? Just do it digitally”, but I want to try and overcome this social fear. I have signed up for a 10K race in July in the hope of eventually building to a full marathon, but I will see how this goes first. Can anyone share any tips for how to adjust from running alone to the chaos of a race?
I’m pretty introverted as well. I’m new to running so Idk if I’m qualified to give you advice but I can share my experience. During training, I run alone and do find busy areas a bit uncomfortable. But when I did my first HM last month, which was a pretty big event, for some reasons I felt pretty ok. This may sound contradicting but it was like “there are so many people, nobody would notice me and I can just blend into the crowd!”. I really enjoyed the experience and now looking back if it was a smaller event I would probably feel more conscious about myself. Good luck with your training and have fun at your race!
Remember that we are all the star in our own private movie; everybody else has their own internal dialog and it doesn't feature you. So even though you are running in a group, nobody cares about you. My tactical advice is to find out what you can about the starting layout ahead of time. Typically they will have different sections segregated by pace. Choose a pace that seems right for you based on your training runs and hang out in the back of it; that gives you more space before the start and you can let the more excited people in front of you clear out and that will give you more room to run.
Explain like I'm five years old: if temperature at the molecular level is just about how fast the molecules are moving, what is it about quicker moving molecules that creates a burn on the skin?
it's literally your skin being damaged by the kinetic energy of the object you're touching. Or, the object you're touching makes your own molecules heat up and wiggle around more, and this damages the cells that they make up. think of it like... throwing tennis balls at a car vs. driving gold balls into them at 100mph edit: to be clear, a sunburn happens because ultraviolet radiation (which is higher energy than visible light) hits and pumps energy into your molecules, not because of physical collisions with other atoms
air molecule impacting your skin is a bit like if you throw a ball and it bounces against a wall. the force of the impact depends on the speed so it can transfer energy to the wall The average speed if molecules in the air is approximately 518m/s (1160 mph) or 1.5 times the speed of sound in air. This is the speed that fighter jets or medium velocity bullets move. Fortunately for us air is light with a weight of approximately 1 kg per cubic meter.
Best books about loners? Looking for something to read with a solitary main character. Preferably one that eschews all human contact. Maybe a little sad too..? Any suggestions?
The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night-Time. By Mark Haddon.
Engleby by Sebastian Faulks
Explain like I'm five years old: Why does powdered baby formula dissolve perfectly in water, but protein powder (or even chocolate for chocolate milk) usually clump up?
Question is based on a flawed premise. I have first hand experience with baby formula and can confirm that it does indeed clump.
First; you're not mixing your protein powder well enough. Use a blender, shake longer than you think you need to, and keep track of how long you shake it. If it's still clumping, shake more. Keep shaking until it's mixed thoroughly, note how long it took you, and just do that from now on. Second; protein powder won't clump if you pour it in an empty cup and then pour hot liquid over it. If you use hot liquids, it'll just dissolve real easily with some stirring. If you want to use a cold liquid, pour the liquid in first and add the powder in afterward. Third: brand matters. Some brands clump more than others, usually due to a binding agent. Many brands use anti-"clumping" agents to prevent it.
Have we ever observed quantum behaviour on a macro scale? I know about the famous slit experiment, but I was wondering if there are any other interesting examples. I heard that scientists somewhere got a whole gram of material almost down to absolute zero, were they able to see anything exciting or interesting?
We often think that quantum phenomena have to be abstract, esoteric things that are hard to recognize and understand, but one of the simplest ways to start talking about what we mean with quantum mechanics is that quantum "systems" can only have certain specific energy states, and not intermediate values. Well, it turns out that there is a really easy way to visualize this: a guitar. Guitar strings (the system) can only vibrate at specific frequencies, which are determined by the properties of the system: the length of the string, its tension and its thickness (or, more precisely, its mass/length ratio). You change pitches of notes by changing those variables, right? Now, consider Barracuda. Do you know how the guitarist is making those "ethereal" high-pitched chords at the end of the main riff? He's forcing the system to vibrate in a higher quantum state! It turns out that the A string on a guitar has a base frequency of 440 Hz, but it can also vibrate at 880 Hz, 1320 Hz, 1760 Hz, etc. The "harmonics" that guitar players talk about are actually applied quantum physics!
The precision of LIGO (where gravitional waves were detected) means that the quantum effects concerning the mirrors used have to considered, and they are a metre or so in diameter! The precision of that experiment is astonishing, they can measure changing in length of a 4 km tunnel to within less than the width of a nucleus. Thats equivalent to knowing the distance to the nearest star to within a hair! This means that quantum mechanics effects the readings
When was a time you had randomly went to a super popular tourist destination, local event, restaurant, etc. but did not find out it was a big deal until afterward? For example, I had went to Japan during their autumn colors season, which is, apparently, the country's second biggest seasonal tourist attraction after cherry blossoms. I noticed the trees had turned red, orange, and yellow, but, at the time, I didn't think much of it outside of, "Huh, that looks pretty nice." It wasn't until years afterward, when I was researching Japan again, that I found it their autumn colors was a big deal.
Not me, but my mom and grandma went on a European trip for 2 weeks together. They stayed in Monaco and my mom emailed home complaining about the “noisy cars” right outside her hotel. It was the Manaco Grand Prix and her hotel was right there.
Flew to Rome for a weekend that turned out to be The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. I had never heard of the holiday but we randomly got to experience a Ferrari show, and fireworks at St. Peter’s Basilica while a symphony played right in front of us. Many many happy tears.
Just bought my first house. What are some necessary tools every homeowner should have in their arsenal? I just bought a new house, and I don't really have any tools. I have a few hundred dollars to buy some new tools but I dont' really know where to start beyond a hammer/screwdrivers/tape measure. I was thinking about getting an outlet tester to make sure my outlets are properly grounded, but beyond that I'm not really sure what I'm going to need in the future. Any tips are appreciated. It's an older house (97 years old) with lathe and plaster walls. New electric has been run throughout the house, but I want to make sure it's run correctly, hence the outlet tester.
Most tools are acquired over a lifetime. And most of those are from necessity. My suggestion would be to buy tools to solve the problem that you are having. For you and it being a new to you home, I would just look for a hammer and a level.
You should certainly have your typical "manual" screwdrivers....but I would recommend a rechargeable electric driver 100000x. The time and effort it saves is incredible. You can get a fancier one, but this one has served me well for years. Regarding the outlet tester...get it if it makes you feel better...but, really, what good will it do? Do you know how to fix a bad ground? You could do the same tests (plus a lot more) with a good multimeter.
Explain like I'm five years old: Why is the sound quality of FM radio significantly better than AM radio?
I just watched a brilliant explanation of this. It's incredibly fascinating. From Wendover Productions on YouTube- explains AM FM Radio , 3G etc.
Am is like trying to tell your mom "I love you" while she's dealing with a screaming baby and the TV is on on the other room. She might not hear you because of all the noise. And what she does hear might be jarbled. Fm is like writing her a card " I <3 U " and giving it to her to read
Accidentally taught puppy to bring me his teeth... I didn't mean to, really. I thought we'd be lucky to find one, so when I did, I made a big deal out of it. Gave treats and all. I shouldn't have done that. Now, he walks over and licks/gags his teeth out at my feet. Then he looks at me like "mom, I did it!" And of course, I go get a treat, because I started this. Whoops...
My pup lost almost all of her baby teeth within like 10 days so we were finding them everywhere! Sometimes 3-4 in a day. She only spit 2 of them at me lol
My mom collected puppy teeth… not sure what you plan to do with them lol.
Books that will improve your psychological mindset I just read this book on Bowen theory, and it made me realize a whole bunch of things, like how to differentiate between someone else's problem and my own, how to not let people transfer their anxieties to me, stuff like that. Anybody know any other books that can teach people about having healthier mental/emotional lives?
*Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha* by Tara Brach, PH.D. A friend of mine read it, recommended it, and so I finished it a couple weeks ago. Despite the title, it's a completely secular application of Buddhist mindsets and principles (combined with practical meditations and exercises) to let go of fear, harmful desire, and feelings of unworthiness. A thought-provoking passage from Chapter 1, "The Trance of Unworthiness": > Spiritual awakening [even in a secular sense] is the process of recognizing our essential goodness, our natural wisdom and compassion. > In stark contrast to this trust in our inherent worth, **our culture's guiding myth is the story of Adam and Eve's exile** from the Garden of Eden. **We may forget its power because it seems so worn and familiar, but this story shapes and reflects the deep psyche of the West.** The message of "original sin" is unequivocal: Because of our basically flawed nature, we do not deserve to be happy, loved by others, at ease with life. # > By teaching us that something is fundamentally wrong with us, our parents and culture carry forth the message of Eden. As we internalize this view of our nature, we become ensnared in the trance of unworthiness. We can spend years and decades of our life trying to be who they wanted us to be, trying to be good enough to reenter the garden.
Emotional Agility
Books about death I’m interested in fiction books dealing with the concept of processing or dealing with death. I haven’t lost anyone recently, and I’m not looking for a self-help type book on working through grief. I just recently finished *Under the Whispering Door* by TJ Klune, and last year I read *Midnight Library* by Matt Haig. I like the idea of books like these, but neither really hit my itch. They were both pretty predictable and I wasn’t impressed by either. I would really like something with the same kind of themes of coming to grips with death and our own mortality, but presented in a more unique way.
This might not be what you’re looking for but try Many Lives, Many Masters
I just picked up {{Mrs Death Misses Death}} and it looks really good!
What else can I bake with ripe bananas? I’m getting tired of baking a traditional banana bread and muffins because I end up never finishing them. I’d love to hear what else y’all make with ripe bananas. Need inspiration!
Usually peel, chop into 1 in pieces and have for smoothies or "nicecream"
Cookies - use a basic chocolate chip cookie recipe and sun out the eggs for a banana. Pancakes and waffles Mashed and mixed into Oatmeal Baked French toast
"Successful" engineer with no career ambition I’m an ME in my early 30s. I really do not have any professional ambitions. But I do like learning stuff. I need “brain food”. I’ve always had excellent grades. However, promotions and money do not motivate me. It feels that my bosses and co-workers expect me to be ambitious due to my academic success. Don't get me wrong, I do like my job. But I like my job as it is: relatively simple and thus stress-free. In my free time, I deepen my engineering knowledge by reading about advanced ME-related stuff that goes beyond my job. I also read a lot about other STEM subjects in my free time, like physics, mathematics, and computer science. I do not have any traditional hobbies; reading and learning is my hobby. I don't do any projects in my free time, I just like the learning and understanding part. Are there other engineers like me? It feels like I’m a rare exception. Most of us seem so career-driven.
You should look into maybe moonlighting as an adjunct somewhere. I teach a night class one night a week while doing my normal engineering job and teaching the things that I learn or learned about is immensely satisfying for me, plus teaching a topic really cements your own knowledge on it, and can challenge you to think about stuff in unique ways
I feel you! I'm a chemical engineer, also in my early thirties. Everyone agrees that if I wanted to do it, I could go for any position in the company I want and excel at it. But I am not ambitious. I get satisfaction from figuring things out and the doing of them, not from completing goals or finishing them. I can spend days digging through a technical issue without getting impatient or frustrated, but simply scheduling meetings or putting together a project timeline leaves me drained and exhausted (it's not an executive dysfunction thing, it's that I don't like doing boring stuff). I'm an excellent communicator and I can mentor well, but I'm not interested in people. Praise and recognition feels awesome but the recognition that really drives me is purely internal. I'm fortunate to have a truly excellent manager, who understands what does and doesn't motivate me. Obviously I'm going down a technical track rather than a management one, but even technical leadership requires project management skills. I think my boss strikes an empathetic balance between 'what makes /u/claireauriga happy and productive' and 'getting the most out of /u/claireauriga for the company', but it's been wearing sometimes when every single year my development goals have been nothing to do with my technical skills and all about my management and organisational skills. My boss tells me that giving me a goal to develop my technical knowledge is too easy for me. He also says he finds it really interesting to mentor someone whose ability outstrips their ambition, as more commonly a manager has to deal with the other way round. Sometimes I feel like I ought to feel bad that I'm not ambitious. But I'm making my peace with it. I am not ambitious. I like my comfort zone. I know I can excel within it, and honestly it's been shown to me more than once that I can excel when pushed outside it, but still, I need the external push. And maybe the highest-ups in my company would find me more valuable if I was ambitious and wanted to be one of them, but I'm pumping out plenty of value as an engineer and a colleague right now already. So I'm going to keep trundling on in the way that makes me happy.
Does anyone here actually travel ALONE? I have social anxiety so I don't want to meet people while travelling. Tbh I just want to see the sights and be able to say I have been in <insert country here>. A lot of posts here can only be described as 'solo' travel because they are not going to the destination with anyone, but their plan is to spend as much time as possible meeting new people and hanging out. Tbh if I wanted to meet people I would just go outside my house and start talking to strangers. Anyone else travel alone?
Yes, when I travel solo, I usually end up alone the entire trip. I don’t stay in hostels anymore, and going out to bars alone isn’t for me, so the only interaction with others that I might get is if I happen to do a bike or walking tour or something, and strike up a conversation with someone on the same tour. Which does happen, but it’s not something I’m focused on, and many times I never meet anyone at all beyond exchanging pleasantries. I’m fine with it, because it most cases, if I went on a trip alone, I’m there to experience or see certain things. If I meet someone, great, if not, I’m perfectly happy to hang out by myself.
Yes, always. Tried it with friends and I didn't like it. If you want to meet people go to a hostel. If you are sick of people and hostels go to a hotel. You can combine both by booking a private room in a hostel, but it's quite expensive (compared to a good hotel).
I want to learn How to stop caring what other people think Self-awareness is good, it keeps you from looking stupid, but I care way too much about what other people think. Of me, what I do, stuff like that. Everything I do I just start freaking out that someone will find it weird and won't like it and I just want to learn how to avoid this feeling. If you have any advice, I really appreciate it!
This is what did it for me: You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do. — Eleanor Roosevelt
Stop caring about them alltogether
What’re you eating for dinner tonight?
Pancakes and waffles with white wine
Leftover homemade chicken alfredo pizza 👍
Tree removal company knocked down our power line and is refusing to pay for it. Hi everyone, I’m a young homeowner and hired a tree removal service to take down a tree on our property. I’m doing so, they dropped a branch on our power line and ripped line off our house. We had to hire an electrician to come, but the price was much higher than expected due to the need for the new attachment to be brought up to code. The tree removal company stated they would pay for it and are now coming back saying that their lineman took a photo of where it was attached prior to them working on it saying it was already”falling off.” They said the photo was sent to me via text but I haven’t received it. They are claiming we are partially at fault and we need to pay half. Even though it may have been “slightly detached” to begin with, are they still on the hook to pay for it in full? My thought process is that if they knew it was already falling off,didn’t they have every right then to not perform service on our home? (Possible important detail) I already paid the tree company because they had stated they would pay for the damages in full and to forward them the invoice for the electrician. Thank you for any advice you can give me.
What about your homeowners insurance? Do they cover this? Then maybe they could go after their insurance company for it. I take it you have nothing in writing from them correct? The other option as someone else said get a lawyer and file a suit in court. Without proof though it may be tough
Probably not worth cost of hiring a lawyer. Was company licensed and insured? If not then little recourse. If so, file complaints with contractor board and BB. In all fairness seems like you know it was failing and below code. A compromise with you paying some and them paying some and being up to code and no longer slightly detached is fair. And definitely not their responsibility to know or inform you of the slightly detached condition. They are tree guys not electricians. And if you discussed with them before work started then you are out of luck.
I want to BBQ pork but don't have all day. Would using smaller chunks of pork shoulder work? I'm throwing a party and would like to try making BBQ pork. This is the recipe I'd like to use. However I don't have 8 hours to cook. It wouldn't be a problem if I do this at home but the party is at a pool that is not within walking distance. Would using smaller chunks of pork shoulder cut down on cook time? What would I have to adjust? My local store sells meat marked for carnitas that are about fist sized. I've used them in a slow cooker with great results. Fall apart tender and shreds well. There is some concern about the pieces falling through the grate. What would the effect be if I used butcher string to make medium pieces? There will be other foods in case this doesn't turn out well but there's nothing like the smell of meat cooking for hours to set the mood. Some alternatives: * Cut a Boston butt in half or thirds * Start a full butt at home and somehow transport to pool area * Cook chicken instead. I'd still get the smells since chicken takes an hour.
c'mon over to /r/BBQ and ask the question. I haven't smoked smaller than 8lb butts and they haven't taken less than 13 hours on the smoker. There are plenty of ways to cook smaller hunks faster, but that doesn't mean they'll be as tasty.
A Real simple solution is to cook it at home as you normally would and when its time to pull the meat from the grill, wrap it in tin foil and then a towel and place inside an empty cooler. This will keep the meat in a safe zone, allowing it to rest and redistribute the juices. Then at the party simply pull the pork with your hands and place in an aluminum foil pan. it works GREAT because pulled pork is best served after it has rested and is freshly pulled.
[If I like] The Black Keys (Brothers, El Camino), Arctic Monkeys, Cage The Elephant, The Fratellis, The Heavy, QOTSA, [what else would I like?]
**The Weeks** - [Brothers in the Night]( **Ben Harper & the Relentless 7** - [Lay There & Hate Me](
I normally suggest the order of Black Key's Brothers album --> Arctic Monkeys --> Kings of Leon. So give Kings of Leon a listen. With Cage the Elephant and the aforementioned bands, give Young the Giant a shot. I think you'll like them but they deviate a bit from the sound of Black Keys/ Arctic Monkeys/ Kings of Leon.
The worst book suggestion in your life
Anything by Stephen King - I've tried reading the most popular books but they always finished to be too flat, too boring.
Wuthering Heights. I love classics but I hated it
How do you convince yourself that running at a slow pace sometimes is okay? I have convinced myself that in order to improve as a runner, I need to run at a faster and faster pace each time I run. This prevents me from wanting to do longer distances, but subconsciously as I’m running I always push myself to about 90% effort during my runs. I am only running 5Ks and 2 miles, but I would like to run longer distances and have set my sights on a half marathon next year. I can never get to this if during my runs I don’t convince myself to pump the brakes. I know this is a stupid question, because the obvious answer is “Just slow down!”, but I’m curious if anyone else has faced this predicament and how you got over it.
Higher quality workouts. My easy runs have gotten progressively slower this marathon training cycle, while my workouts have gotten harder and faster. I’m never worried about running too slow, because I’m doing workouts I never thought I could do, and I’m too tired to think about running fast the next day.
It might help if you understand the physiology a little better... The slow runs target your aerobic system, and you really only get the training you want in zone 2 - if you run faster, that shifts the load over to your lactate system.
Change my view that A gun is always loaded, regardless of who you are, what situation you are in, or what others around you have told you. This was drilled into my mind a thousand times, I am curious if people think there are legitimate cases where this doesn't apply. I was always told that regardless of whether or not you just checked the gun, or just finished firing it, or any other set of circumstances, the only safe way to approach gun handling is to assume the weapon is always loaded and act accordingly. I consider this to be a golden rule of firearms and I am curious if others do too. I feel like many negligent discharges would be avoided if this rule was being strictly followed.
I worked as a prosecutor. When a gun came in evidence to a trial, it was usually sealed and opened during trial by an officer. I have never seen an officer check the gun during trial to see if it was loaded. The cops are the ones who document, bag, and provide it at trial. They hand it to the jury, prosecutor, defense attorney, all to look at it, no one ever checks it. It is not treated as a live weapon, it is treated as a piece of evidence. This is because it is a piece of evidence and no one is allowed to do anything to it that could be considered altering the condition it came to court in. It is 100% on the police to provide it in a safe manner to the court staff for evidentiary reasons. Many times they zip tie it so it can't be fired, sometimes they don't.
This might not apply to a situation where a soldier has to rely on knowing if his/her gun is not loaded to be able to know how defend themselves. Maybe I am being petty here, but I guess you mean in *all* civilian and *some* military situations. Or put another way, in situations, where the gun being not loaded is not a big problem.
Does bay leaf really make a difference? I was making a dish last night that called for a bay leaf, and I went ahead and put it in, but I don’t understand the purpose of a bay leaf. I don’t think I’ve ever had a meal and thought “this could use a bay leaf”. Does it make a difference to use a fresh versus a dried bay leaf? One might say that I’m questioning my bay-liefs in bay leaves.
Oh man, I am obsessed with bay leaf to the point that everyone who has seen me cook remarks on it because if I am stewing or simmering anything, there are at least four bay leaves in there. I can definitely tell when it's not there, and I even buy it in powder form. I think it adds a subtle earthy flavor that makes every single dish taste just a little more rich and savory, almost like sage but more mild. For me- bay is bae.
I would say that they are irreplaceable in certain Indian And Mediterranean dishes. Boil them in water to get their flavor from them and see how you can use them in international cuisines!
Eli5: Why are we asked to conserve water usage in our house during a drought? Isnt the water collected, cleaned and used again once it goes down the drain?
There are two considerations. One is that not all water can be collected and recycled. For example one common rule during droughts is a hosepipe ban - watering lawns and gardens uses a lot of water, which is all either consumed by the plants or evaporates. So that water is completely removed from the system. Similarly, it prompts you to do things like be more frugal with buckets of water when doing things like washing cars rather than indiscriminately using a hose. Of the water that can be collected, not all of it is completely processed and reused. A lot will be treated and then discharged to watercourses or the ground where it will not be reused. And even where it can be reused, using less water means less needs to be drawn from the sources in the first place.
not all drains go back to the water treatment station, sometimes it just goes to a creek or river. because in order to keep the water cycle going. water evaporates from lakes/rivers/creeks => it rains (but usually elsewhere, since clouds move) => we have to refill the lake/river/creek or they go dry.
Is it better to adopt from a shelter or a cat cafe? My boyfriend and I are thinking of adopting a cat together in the future. He feels it would be better to adopt a cat from a cat cafe, while I feel it is better to adopt directly from a shelter. What are your opinions on this? Pros, cons, is one more ethical than the other, will one or the other better help us find a cat we click with, etc.
There are many things to think about, when comparing cat cafes and shelters. You want to figure out what is most important to you, and how you want to go about your choice(s). You could actually, if you consider, get a cat from both, because two cats are going to be able to keep each other company during times when nobody is home. They can socialize, play, sleep, and groom each other, just to name some important factors. However, lets go through the pros and cons of both. Keep in mind, I have never been inside a cat cafe, but I've researched them. I HAVE been inside shelters, and there can be some horrible things that can happen in them. I couldn't work in one, although I could volunteer (as a volunteer, I don't have to worry about making a scene and losing my job). Cat cafe: First, cats/kittens that are in there are in a safe, protected, and permanent home. They are there to be adopted, but also there to help people gain peace and comfort from the cats. So, if there is a cat that is never adopted, it's still got a home, even if there's lots of new people to meet. They receive medical treatment, they are socialized, staff observe the cats. This allows them to know if a cat is shy, or vocal, and get to know the people that visit and are interested in adopting. They can steer people towards cats that might suit them, and it gives the people and cat(s) the chance to see if they bond. However, you also have to consider that a cat you like, it may be being considered by other people as well. You might lose out because you don't get the privacy to spend with that cat in a room or anything. Basically, cats (at least from what I've read) are allowed to roam freely, and go to the people that they are curious about. Now, shelters, on the other hand, are supposed to be temporary housing for cats and kittens. There's the kitten month, in which tons of kittens are dropped off, to hopefully find forever homes. However, some end up right back, once they become adults, because they "aren't fun like kittens" anymore. But shelters do their best to provide housing, food, and medical attention. But sometimes, it's just not possible, shelters can be on the verge of closing down. They have to prioritize. Their staff do spend time with the animals, but they aren't always able to give any of them enough personal one on one time. That's why volunteers are so welcome, they can spend time doing things that the staff don't have the time for. Adult cats have a short timespan at shelters, unless they are no-kill shelters (which are even more overcrowded than the regular shelters). So, eventually, cats, dogs, and whatever other species they have, end up being put down, to make room for more, hopefully, adoptable animals. To me, adopting from a shelter means one less potential body. Cat cafes are wonderful, and you'd probably get a cat that will be perfect for you. But shelters need people to come and save their animals, and you might find one that just takes your heart away. It seems like shelter cats are more grateful to get out of the shelters, whereas the cafe cats have exciting lives filled with new friends. You will still have the potential for getting hard to adopt cats from shelters, such as those with medical issues, or personality issues (litterbox issues, etc). I don't know what you will decide. I don't want to push you in one direction, which is why I mentioned that you could actually go both routes. You are NOT restricted to just one cat. In most cases, two cats work out to be better than just one, even in small apartments. There's really no other animal that gives you quite the same experience that cats give, when you consider everything. Rabbits, rodents, snakes, dogs (dogs are just pack animals, cats think for themselves and WILL let you know if you fail to satisfy their needs), there's just no comparison. But keep us updated, just remember the cat tax when you have made your decision.
I they get them from a cat cafe that's directly from the shelter because the cats will be more likely to be more socialized also cat cafes are better because you can also get a coffee at the same time the other reason for your approach to dealing with the shelter is occasionally you might end up in a situation where the cafe might give you more options.
Change my view that Condemning somebody to hell for a sin is hypocritical because everybody is a sinner, so by that logic you are condemning yourself too I was browsing the CMV and I saw a post stating that homosexuality is wrong and you will go to hell for engaging in it because it is a sin. By that logic, isn't everybody condemned to hell then? Isn't everybody a sinner? I remember I had a conversation with a guy trying to convert me, and he states that its not about good deeds or even avoiding sin, its about accepting Jesus..because if you accept Jesus you wont want to sin anyway. So accepting Jesus is a get out of jail free card it seems like. Everybody sins no matter what, so accepting Jesus automatically absolves you of sin? It also doesn't make sense to judge others for their supposed sins, because if you sin you are in the same boat. Or is it the amount of sin. I will brag and boast because I sin less than you. Oh well, at least I try not to sin. Or maybe people keep a tally of sins and then compare each others scores? It all seems to very hypocritical. Original sin , we are all sinners, so one shouldn't judge anybody else for their sin, and yet so many do.
>Thus Jesus said, "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.” Luke 17:3 Rebuking is not the same as condemning. We are all our brother's keeper and holding each other to a standard while forgiving those who repent is one of the foundational parts of Christianity. Only God can condemn. I.E. decide that the person who sinned hasn't repented and been cleaned of that sin.
> So accepting Jesus is a get out of jail free card it seems like. yea basically. At least that is what most protestants believe. I was raised lutheran and they believe there is just a bit more to it then that. You have to accept Jesus and ask forgiveness. Asking for you forgiveness means you will do your best to avoid that sin in the future. That's the catch 22 for gays. Gay people are not sorry. They don't ask for forgiveness*. In the eyes of the lutheran church that's a problem. The only condition for the get out of jail free card is that you try to resist sin. Your level success isn't important. So that they are saying in effect is repent of your since or at least do you best to try and repent. Yea i sin too, and i try to do my best to identify those sins and stop doing them. I fail, but the point is I try. * The christian belief about homosexuality being a sin is crazy. Gays shouldn't need to ask for forgiveness. But i am just talking from the perspective of traditionalist christians.
Explain like I'm five years old: Why do fast food and casual dining places need to nickle and dime us on some things but not others? Taco places charge for sour cream and guacamole but you can take as much hot sauce as you please. Burger joints make you pay for dipping sauces but freely dispense ketchup, mustard, and even mayonnaise. Wing places will add a price (sometimes without telling you) for ranch and bleu cheese while again giving away other free condiments. Is this to actually justify different costs or is it a money grab to squeeze every penny possible out of us?
There's also the perception of value by your customers. If customers are willing to pay extra for certain toppings, add-ins, etc, whether it be because they agree that there is additional cost to provide it or if they have been trained by other players in the market to pay extra for the item, why wouldn't you take advantage for sake of your margins?
Guacamole is always going to be extra (or items that have it cost extra) because avocados are expensive and have a short shelf life.
What's your running mileage for the year? I just hit 1700 miles for 2021.
1329 should be around 1380 by end of year. My goal was 1000 😊. Next year's goal I think will be 1500.
What is the purpose of ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ? Originally, I thought this was just a recursive symlink or something, but they eventually do stop after enough iterations. What's going on here?
thought i was in /r/okbuddylinux
That's the thingy from the undercover government monarch project, backed-up and supported by occult/fbi/cia bussiness. Repeat ubuntu until all You know is - ubuntu.
I'm a college student in my senior year. Breakfast is usually a wash (I am on a early rising sports team). Lunch is leftovers if I remember to bring them, or restaurant/grocery takeout. Dinner is at home. What can I do differently? This stuff is expensive.
I usually once a week make a big pot of white rice, black beans, and frozen vegetables. All really inexpensive. Then through the week I modify it, either add chicken to a bowl of that or add it to some soup.
This is cheap, convenient, healthy and tasty. You can make it many different ways. It tastes better if you nuke it for 30 seconds but you don't need to nuke it technically.
A book to make me feel less scared of dying Title, basically. Ive figured out the root of most of my anxieties have to do with dying, so i reckon if my perspective on death changes to make me okay with it, or less scared at the very least, then i'd feel all around better
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty first, but also her other book From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death
Camus' {{The Stranger}} and if you are in a COVID mood, {{The Plague}}.
Beating myself up over wasted money. How do I get over it? Hi, I wasted 130$ on a game that I’m not even gonna play and it’s just really annoying me how much I’ve wasted. I’m 16m and a senior so I should be saving money not wasting it on Video games. How do I get over it?
You take it as a lesson: next time you want something, take some time and think if it's really worth the money. At the ends of the day, it's only $130. Some people don't have that feeling until they've gone and spent $50k on a fancy vehicle they don't need. Try to enjoy the game if you can. If not, you can try to sell it or give it to a friend who would enjoy it. You could try to pay yourself back for the game if you don't get over spending the money in a couple weeks. Do some extra work to earn another $130. Mow lawns, rake leaves when the trees let go, skip some of the things that you would normally spend on (movies, coffees, extra snacks with lunch, whatever).
[OR] Disparaging email from boss. So an email that was supposed to be for senior management only was accidentally sent to myself and my coworkers. My director referred to us as "a bunch of monkey-nutted dipshits who couldn't fuck a doorknob". My coworker forwarded this to HR but they don't seem all that interested. What is our most appropriate course of action?
If ever I have needed to print out and frame something from Reddit, here is that moment.
How would a man fuck a doorknob anyways?
is it a bad idea to get a cat while working so much? ive really wanted a cat for the last year or so but im gonna be starting a job soon enough where ill be working 12 hours a day most days, is it a bad idea to get a cat?
I would say yes. Cats can seem like pets that do well on their own but they still require a lot more attention than people may think. You will need to find time to play and socialize with your cat without mentioning all the cleaning part. I would probably wait and see how the job goes (that's already a big change for you) and then I'll either reconsider or get two cats who already get along. That would help them feel less alone and they would play together. But still, 12 hours away every day is a lot sadly.
Not really. But it always depends on how much space you have, can you afford lots of cat games/toys/ a cute place to sleep and play (maybe a cat tree) and please think about getting at least two cats. Cats are not loners in general, they really like company (they just like to hunt alone). Also do they need a feeding area where they can always drink and eat (maybe an automated one, that feeds them at certain times)
Movies you have seen this year that made you think "fuck, this is so good"? Movies that made you think to yourself "fuck, this is so good" while you were watching it. Only films that you saw for the first time. These do not have to be movies that came out this year either. What do you go for me?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind caught me massively offguard, I was expecting a somewhat quirky romcom, then I realised it's a Kaufman movie.. Also The Batman, although I'm holding off on a rewatch as I feel my rating will drop dramatically without the IMAX experience and hype
I watched The Color of Money recently and it is tremendous. You really do need to watch The Hustler beforehand to get the full effect but wow, what a movie. And how often do you get to see an actor reprise a character 25 years later and that character is actually 25 year older, with 25 years of change baked into the new performance. And not only that, but you see how his world has changed around him between the two movies. Masterpieces, both of them.
Just watched someone fill their gas tank til it came out the filler. Just FYI for those that don’t know how fuel tanks vent, this is a horrible practice and causes all kinds of issues with the evaporations system.
My 1980 International Scout diesel was always filled to the end of the filler neck because the auto shutoff was completely unreliable. Never hurt a thing bc there was no emissions equipment.
How else am I supposed to get to the next even dollar amount?
[Marvel] Is there any version of Thanos that’s not evil? I was reading some comics and it said something along the lines of that Thanos, no matter what you do, is always destined to be a mass murdering psycho
Well.. not evil.. After infinity gauntlet thanos did save the universe on multiple occasions. He also helped thor get rid of the warrior madness. While Thanos would tell you it’s mostly that he needs a universe to live in, he did do some things he didn’t need to do. Later Thanos seems to go back to his mass murdering ways. Though it’s still a bit the day of the week where you catch him. So he did do not evil things but he’s still a nihilist and only does whatever he feels like
Kind of. Here's a timeline where he helps found the Avengers to save space from a hyperadvanced precursor race.\_(Earth-15121)
Movies That’ll Make Me Cry Like a Baby Hi! Not sure what it is about those movies that make me ugly cry but I love it. I need more. The sort of cry my 13 year old self would have seeing the titanic for the first time, especially the heart wrenching steel magnolias that I’ll think about later that day and sob. From happy tears to sad, I’d love to hear your suggestions on the movies that made you cry. I’m a sucker for being emotionally invested in movies so any recommendation is welcome.
I know it not a movie but I just rewatched the show Bojack Horseman and my god does it fit this description
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Researching Weather Before a Trip What sites and apps do you all use to get the most accurate forecast before hitting the trail?
I use, as it has access to multiple excellent models, tons of detail, and ease of use.
Trips I do generally last longer than the weather forecast so I’ll generally rely on trip reports if possible to get an idea for expected conditions. Also I’ll check the Wikipedia climate data for a city/town on the route. Lastly I’ll check the weather app on my phone.
I don't like beans or lentils. Help me? I've been thinking about making burritos sometime soon, it's one of my favorites but I don't make it often. With the price of ground beef going up I would love a way to stretch it even more than I do. Usually it's just some ground beef, onions (usually quite a bit as I love onions) a bit of rice and the taco seasoning. I really do not like beans or lentils. A bit of taste/texture going on, but I have been thinking of adding some beans or lentils to the mixture, hoping that maybe it would disappear a bit? Maybe mash them up or something so there isn't a "OMG bean!" feeling in my mouth. So my question is... well I guess I have two. What would you put in your burrito to stretch it a bit more without changing the flavour too much. If the answer is beans, which is the least beany bean out there?
Chop or use a food processor to make mushrooms real small and cook them with the ground beef, you won’t taste them really except a little more umami flavor maybe.
If you don't want to bite into a bean how about using refried beans? You could use them made from pinto or black beans. Flavor the refried beans with the same seasonings as you use in the ground meat mixture. You could also mix the meat and refried beans together. I love making burritos with refried beans (pinto or black beans), taco flavored ground beef, chicken or turkey, fried onions and peppers, chunky salsa and cheese. Yummy....
Combining FlexAir pillow with Zpacks pillow stuff sack? I'm currently using Therm-a-rest's compressible pillow and it's both way too heavy and not thick enough for me (I'm a side sleeper). I'm looking into alternatives and so far I've narrowed it down to either using a S2S Aeros, or combining a FlexAir with a stuff sack pillow. I currently use a S2S eVent waterproof compression sack for my sleeping bag (worth the peace of mind for me) so I could also save some weight there getting the Zpacks stuff sack instead. So basically here's my options: Therm-a-rest pillow + eVent = 317g Aeros + eVent = 102g FlexAir + Zpacks dry bag pillow = 65g I'm currently leaning towards the FlexAir and dry bag pillow, but wondering if there's a good reason not to. Bonus Question: Does anyone have any tips for blowing up a FlexAir without the straw? I'm worried the straw is gonna get crushed in my pack and leave me without a pillow. I'm thinking about using a hollowed out pen instead.
I tried the Big Sky pillow and it blew out a seam during first night's test.
I would pair the TAR with the spugpack basecamp ops pillow (3ozs)\_1\_3?dchild=1&keywords=snugpak+air+ops&qid=1615477238&sr=8-3. Its a larger inflatable comfortable on its own, as well you can fold it over and double up. But the combo of those two is phenomenal . I tried the big sky and would have loved to like it but at $25 and it lasting all of .5hrs before a leak developed at the valve and no response from the vendor on it, I couldn't recommend it. For the tiny amount of weight difference the spugpack is much more robust and textured for comfort to lay your face direct on it.
How to avoid crispy edges with chocolate chip cookies Hello, I’m using a recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction that calls for brown butter to be used which gives the cookies a really nice nutty flavor. The taste is fantastic and my coworkers love them. The recipe can be found here: They come out wonderful and chewy but the edges are crispy. Am I just taking them out late? Or should I use a different recipe altogether? I’d really like to get that perfect chocolate chip cookie that’s soft and chewy everywhere and not just the center. Thoughts anyone? Thanks for reading my post!
Make sure you’re not using a dark baking sheet. Cook at a lower temp
Try a lighter colored pan
Chapter books to read out loud to my preschooler? My almost four-year-old and I have recently started reading chapter books out loud at bedtime and he LOVES it. (We've been reading together voraciously since he was born and all of our librarians know us by name, but chapter books are new territory for us.) We started with Little House in the Big Woods and then Little House on the Prairie, both by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Right now we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. I also have a couple of biographies checked out from the Childhood of Famous Americans series. (I remember those fondly from my own childhood reading!) What should we read together next? He's young enough that he's open to lots of different topics and types of books, and he has a good attention span if the book is engaging. "Boy books" and "girl books" are both great - we read a little bit of everything! I'm hoping to keep reading aloud together with him and with his little sister well into elementary school, so feel free to recommend books for now and for later. Thank you all in advance! I can't wait to make a list of all the fantastic books we can start making our way through!
The Fudge Series by Judy Blume Junie B. Jones The Magic Tree House by Mary Pope Osbourne
Treasure Island
What are some really funny shows that at also plot-driven? The plot can both be resolved within episodes or an arc throughout multiple episodes/seasons. Although I would *prefer* the characters to be rather unique I would like the show to make me really want to find out what happens next (can again be within one episode). Some examples would be the Good Place, Psych, iZombie, and various Star Trek series. Thank you!
Eureka gives me some Psych vibes.
Big Time In Hollywood Fl
My coworker mentioned this morning that I lost weight over the past month I am a female in her 30s. I have always been slim, but when I came into work today, my boss made a comment that I looked like I lost some weight. I recently moved into a place by myself so she asked me if I was eating enough. I told her that I eat three meals a day like I normally do. I'm not one to worry about my weight, but if a coworker is compelled to make a comment I think I need to get in more calories. Are there recipes that anyone would like to share that are not only healthy, but are more calorically dense? Or are there any tips for snacks for on the go eating? I don't get many breaks at my job.
Bananas, plantains, peanut butter, chickpeas, lentils, and sweet potatoes are all calorically dense and nutritionally packed.
This is something that I do to get some extra calories in my diet. I genuinely enjoy eating this, but I know some people find it gross. I really love to eat at least 1 tablespoon of coconut oil everyday. 1 tablespoon of coconut oil has 130 calories. I usually have a couple tablespoons a day because I love the taste, and I need the extra calories, but I know not everyone loves the taste of coconut oil. I also make a lot of protein shakes, and eat a lot of protein bars. They are quick and easy to eat/make, plus they add some additional calories into your diet. Eating nuts & seeds are a great idea! Nuts & seeds are usually higher in healthy fats, thus being higher in caloric intake. Different kinds of beans can have higher calorie count as well. Pinto beans have 193 calories per one serving. If you have the time to eat an avocado, that is also a great source of healthy fats, with a higher caloric value. If you are going to eat fruit, opt for figs, dates, raisons, bananas, and coconut. These fruits have a higher calorie count in them.
Scifi/Fantasy Please Think I'm coming down with something and want to download a book on my nook until it passes. Books I've loved: Murderbot The Gentlemen Bastards A Memory Called Empire Gideon The Ninth The Goblin Emperor The First Law Plenty others but that's probably enough.
{{The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy}}
Something a little different that you might find a fun read: Firestarter by Stephen King. It's not too hard on the horror - reads more like a fantasy, but still has the kind of unexpected twists you'd be used to from Gentleman Bastard. Also ASOIAF if you haven't already read that.
MIL gave me about 3 lbs of frozen blueberries. What should I do with them?
Blueberry pie!
Make blueberry cordial.
Getting married to a running fanatic - recommendations for a wedding gift? Hello everyone! Apologies as a quick search on the sub didn't bring me much. My wife is a life long runner - she's not very competitive as in she's not planning marathons or the such, but she runs on a daily basis, watching her performance and taking notes on her speed, etc She has a running watch that gives her live information on her health and status. She currently uses these shoes and changes them up around once a year? I know that you change shoes very often in that sport, so I'm not sure if a top-of-the-line pair of shoes would be such a great idea. What do you all think? Any high end gadgets that could be interesting as well? Thanks!
Massage gun! She will love you forever. (Theragun is the one I went with but do some research with her perhaps?)
You could get her a notch bracelet so she can keep a physical record of her PB’s. You mentioned she liked taking notes, you could have a peek at her records and get personalised ‘notches’ to start her off. They’re not crazy expensive so maybe you can combine it with some of the other suggestions on this thread.
Change my view that The internet/social media is not a good thing for our society. Everyday I see people walking around on their phones texting, and posting on social media and I see very little real life communication. If everyone wasn’t so glued to their phones all the time they would experience life a lot more. Whilst the interest can provide a lot of information, news updates, knowing what your friends and family it shouldn’t be a constant thing. My niece (11) and nephew have (8) have phones, iPads etc I can hardly get a conversation out of them, when I was a child I was out playing with all my neighbours, climbing trees, playing with my toys. It’s sad to see that now a days everyone is just focused on sending messages, browsing the web etc rather than talking to the person next to them.
How is this different to reading books or newspapers?
The internet has made information accessible to more people than at any point in history. We know things faster and in more detail than ever before. That is a good thing. The internet has allowed communication more constantly than ever before. This does have up sides and down sides, but over all it is better. Particularly in a world where we change jobs more often than ever before and travel farther than ever before keeping in contact with friends and family is important.
POLL - What does your daily logging look like? I am not a type A personality, nor particularly routined; I have ADHD, and my memory is that of Dory from Finding Nemo (I sound like a real winner, I know 😉). I am thinking of starting the Keto diet for weight loss, however, I know I am not going to keep detailed food logs because… like I said, I will forget and it honestly sounds like such a chore. Mostly. With that being said, are you all super regimented with your daily food tracking or is it at all possible just to know the foods you can and cannot eat? I might be way oversimplifying and underestimating the keto lifestyle, and I don’t mean to offend if I am. I just generally am looking for some feedback on the different keto daily admin routines y’all have. POLL PLEASE: UPVOTE COMMENT: If you are super regimented, and couldn’t imagine Keto success without logging and tracking - would you mind upvoting this comment? DOWNVOTE COMMENT: If anyone here is a non food logger and just does a good food/ bad food for keto daily net carb estimate or other sort of lazier keto lifestyle.. will you downvote this comment ?? And feel free to detail in the comments too 😀 THANK YOU IN ADVANCE KETO PEOPLE and maybe one day I can share a success story on here with y’all ✊🏻🤜🏻👊🏻 PS I should also add I’ve never dieted before, I was always naturally thin, until I wasn’t so, there’s that too.
I tracked everything for the first couple months, and then stopped. I have ADD too and I will hyperfixate on meals, so I can eat the same thing everyday for weeks, which actually makes this diet easy because once you figure out the macros once, you don’t have to do it again. If I get off track with things, then I’ll just start tracking again for a couple days and it helps put me back in the right mindset.
You do need to track net carbs. Not necessarily weigh things to the gram, but to understand how large of a pile of minced onions equals 2 net carbs vs. 5 net carbs. And then pick a number of net carbs you're staying below. Staying below 20 net carbs is a great goal for someone who isn't logging things exactly and precisely. If you don't want to track anything else besides your carb count, you can give it a try for a month. See how it goes. If you end up not losing any weight (and weight loss is indeed your goal) then eat less food. And keep eating smaller portions until you're losing weight. If you find you're not losing weight, the quickest way to decrease calories is to cut the high calorie items. Specifically added fats and added fatty dairy (like heavy cream). If you find you're losing too fast, the easiest way to add calories is to add more added fats and fatty dairy.
Looking for something like sex education I loved sex education, found it to be the perfect mix of comedy and romance. Looking for more shows like this
You're The Worst
Holiday risotto I'm making risotto as a contribution to Christmas dinner with my in-laws. I want it to be festive in both flavour and appearance. Please help me come up with some flavour combinations to wow the fam. Must be vegetarian, and no mushrooms please. Bonus points if we can make it green or red.
I once made a leftover thanksgiving risotto that was well received. I used onions, turkey, diced sweet potato, craisins, turkey broth, fresh sage and thyme. For cheese I used parm. This was like 6 years ago so on remembering best i can.
Smashed arancini/arancini patties are a great way to get risotto flavor in a new context. I'd make the risotto as normal- browned onions, vegetable broth, herbs, and cheese (if dietary restrictions allow), then allow to cool and stiffen before forming patties and pan cooking.
I want to learn how to become conversational in my interests So I have a good variety of interests -- hip hop, EDM, science and medicine, art, hiking/traveling/camping, gaming, cooking, etc. However, I'm a shy, introverted guy (27 M) and I've always struggled to be a good conversationalist. Despite having interests, I have a difficult time communicating about them to other people. Even on Reddit, I am pretty much a lurker. I have nothing to contribute to most conversations. For example, on r/hiphopheads. I have been interested in hip hop for several years at this point, but I still feel unable to add anything of interest to most conversations. I feel like there's a whole history and culture surrounding hip hop that is very difficult to penetrate without having grown up with it and coming by information naturally. People make observations about how the scene has changed, how certain artists interact with each other, and just generally seem to know soooo so much about everything. I don't even know how to approach that level of knowledge. It seems like it would take an extraordinary amount of time and effort to learn enough to be able to formulate interesting opinions on things. It's the same with other new interests that I'm trying to develop a knowledge, basketball, EDM, art, world history. It doesn't help that I grew up in a very different, extremely conservative culture that taught me very little about these subjects. I think it is fundamentally a knowledge issue... I feel like I don't know how most people learn about things. I also seem to have a worse memory for things than most people, so I need to hear/read something several times before I'm actually able to remember it. This is demotivating. Sometimes I feel like I'm just too unintelligent to hold conversations -- even though I'm going to be a doctor in a month. It becomes very frustrating when I try to engage someone on something that interests me, and I seem unable to say anything intelligent about anything. TL;DR - what is the best way to learn with the goal of reaching a conversational level of knowledge? And how does one have the confidence in their knowledge to formulate interesting perspectives and opinions without the fear of being wrong?
There’s a real irony in your post because you’ve started an interesting conversation. I think you’re approaching it slightly wrong, in that you don’t need to be the one imparting knowledge to have a conversation, you don’t need to be expert to talk about your passions. Ask questions in those groups just as you have asked questions here. You’ve started a conversation. Your goal doesn’t need to be “expert” either - try and just enjoy the process of learning and talking about the things you’re interested in. Eventually you’ll organically end up in the position where you can impart knowledge. And you can have a different opinion to someone more knowledgable that you. That’s 100% ok! You might even get them to see it from a fresh perspective. Honestly, if all the experts on a topic were just spouting facts with no difference in opinion that would be a pretty dull conversation.
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I want to buy a SIEM, but I don't know which one Hi there. Right now, my company has AlientVault SIEM, but we are going to change it. All my life, I've worked with Splunk. And I really like Splunk as a log manager, but not as a SIEM. For Splunk to satisfy me as a SIEM - I spent a lot of time customizing it (adding a lot of functionality). Now we have only one person in the team and I would like to have a minimum of customization and a lot of functionality already out of the box. What SIEMs do you use? Perhaps someone is using Exabeam? (I found this SIEM in Gartner TOP, never heard about it)
I moved from Alienvault USMAnywhere to Rapid7 Insight IDR and it has been a good move. Having used a lot of different products I've found that the right one generally comes down to the specifics of your environment (cloud / multicloud / hybrid / onprem / distributed workforce / budget / SOC manpower etc etc.) so it's extremely hard to answer this question beyond personal preference without having a proper understanding of the requirements. I would suggest you define your requirements, build a shortlist and then reach out to some vendors for some POCs and find out what is going to work for you.
Azure Sentinel
Lookin for a psychological thriller that has a plot twist that even shocks a perceptive viewer Happy Saturday everyone. I am looking for a movie that both my boyfriend and I will agree on watching. He hates demonic themes, or anything to do with rape. I agree, but tend to pick movies with that theme. Seriously. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I really love thrillers of all kinds and get bored with other genres. So Im hoping y’all can recommend a movie that we’ll both enjoy. Plot twists always do the trick. But no full on action movies. I appreciate a psychological mind bending theme. Thanks!
The machinist
The Arrival 1998
How much of a commitment is sour dough starter? I've been wanting to create a sour dough starter but I'm a little intimidated by the amount of up keep involved. Do I really need to feed it daily? I go away for the weekend around once per month. If I need to feed it daily, what happens if I miss a few days. Can I put it in the fridge to slow things down? If so, for how long? Can I use my sour dough starter in most bread recipes, or is it mostly centered around sour dough bread? I make a lot of pizza and normally use instant yeast in my dough. If I can substitute this, how can I adjust my recipe? Pretty much every recipe I see incorporates instant yeast and I'm curious how people use starter instead. Thanks!
Joshua weissman has a bunch of sourdough videos on his YouTube channel, including a pizza dough recipe and a starter guide. I strongly recommend watching some of these, they're great.
I have killed 3 over this summer and I am on my 4th. For some reason I lose all dedication to feeding around the 2 week mark i will not do it for 3 or 4 days. So its a commitment but i believe by week 3 you can put it in the fridge so you only need to feed once a week.
Movies with satisfying endings Any movies with especially satisfying (not necessarily happy) endings? I just watched Oldboy, The Departed, Se7en, and The Hateful Eight and loved the endings. Preferably movies that make you think.
Get out (2017)
Pig (2021)
Users with 32GB+ RAM: What are your applications to justify 32GB, 64GB or more of RAM? I'm currently investigating what use case a higher amount of RAM has. So I'd like to know from you what your use cases / justifications for more RAM are. Mainly because a new computer is in order and last time I went 16GB when 4-8GB was the norm. To me it seems like 32GB is the sweet spot. And my 1 VM I use for toying surely won't mind either size. But how about Blender, more VMs, etc? Should I shell out more? Or invest the saved money in storage?
Rocking 64gb for my neofetch screenshots
Sometimes I have 4-5 VM open, each taking 4-8 GB.
A store I had bought 4 days ago had somehow stored my card info and charged me $10 today without notifying me. They say they had messed up discount on the shirt I had bought and the shirt was supposed to be $10 more than what I had paid for. Is this even legal? What should I do? [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] I had been to a cheap store last week. There was a nice sale on shirts. I liked one so bought one from here with my credit card. Fast forward to today morning, I woke up with a message in my phone that my card was used at the store for $10. So, I went there to ask. They said they had messed up discount on this particular brand. Discount was supped to be given on shirts from older stock, but mine shirt is latest fashioned it wasn't supposed to be discounted. Thus, they charged me additional cost. I don't even understand how this remotely be legal? Can you guys help me?
In addition to the chargeback, file a consumer complaint with the PA AG. You can go to (which is PA-specific despite the generic address) and click "file a complaint". For something like this, it will not take many people complaining to get some attention.
You can also return the item and make sure you get a refund for the original amount plus $10. I know I wouldn't want to give an establishment any of my money... Ever!
Change my view that Trans rights should be respected, but access to female private and safe spaces should not be crossed, unless they went through full transition. Firstly, I want to ask sorry in case someone gets offended, but am really trying to have a sane discussion and if am wrong, willing to change my conformed view. I had to deep dive into trans problems to understand what they are. It's very complicated and confusing, I don't think we should call everyone transphobic so easily, it needs some commitment to understand their side. Which is actually valid. Trans people suffer, yes it's true. I think it's ok to use pronouns if someone asks to. By my search I saw that it can help trans people mentally, so if it helps them, I would have no problem adapting it for them. Quite a small change to make others feel safe. Am ok with people fully transitioning and I think we should be supportive on their journey, if it helps them to be healthier and happier. But there are things I don't find right. Biological women having to share public showers and changing rooms with trans that are not fully transitioned. Am ok with shared bathrooms, if bathrooms have well closed cabins and everyone can have privacy without worry. But I can't accept sharing a room where you have to undress and be vulnerable, especially if it also includes minors. I saw people call it transphobic if you don't accept it. (I can't speak for everyone). But here are my issues with it. 1. Allowing not fully transitioned trans, in biological women private spaces should not be ok. It allows predators (not trans) exploit this to get access to commit crimes. I saw trans arguing that, trans people are not predators. I will agree, but I think that there are more predators than trans people, so the risk for women raises. (Example: Amazon driver that put on a wig to go in bathrooms to film young girls in stalls, they were minors) 2. If a trans didn't transition fully, I don't think biological women should be exposed to male genitals. Yes it's hard for trans and they are not forced to go through full transition, but I don't think it's valid excuse to cross that boundary. Biological Women, which are half of the population, many had unfortunate experience of sexual harassment. And having to face a male genitals when you are naked can leave you feeling very vulnerable. ( Example incident in Koreatown's Wi Spa, by law they let the not fully transitioned person in women only space, that had also minor girls and they were exposed to male anatomy) 3. Biological women will be scared to voice their discomfort, to not be discriminatory. (maybe they are unsure if they are dealing with trans, or a predator acting like one) I want to say, trans are not dangerous, but the laws put women in danger ( I advocate for females , because i don't know how it's for males) Trans face violence and sexual harassment, correct, but they are very small minority and females are half of the population and many went through sexual violence, I don't think its a valid point to put females in more dangerous position. I see nothing wrong with creating space for people who don't fit yet in male or female safe space and don't find it discriminatory. I think it's good for safety for the both sides.
Trans women are generally extremely self-conscious of their appearance & that others may be wary of them. Typically trans people avoid spaces where their genitals would be visible to cisgender people because that is something they typically are sensitive about. Additionally, trans people are usually trying hard to fit in, be unobtrusive, and to look like their gender, that's kind of the point. There are a ton of trans porn subreddits, do you really think all of those very feminine looking women would fit better in the men's room? Someone seeing a woman who looks like a woman and has a penis is not going to assume she's a cisgender man.
So, to ask the obvious questions: Where do non "fully transitioned" trans women go? Where do non "fully transitioned" trans men go? If, as I'm assuming, you'd put them in the men's and women's bathrooms respectively, then couldn't a perv just claim to be a non "fully transitioned trans man" to gain access to the women's washroom? Though, as multiple people have pointed out, how the fuck so you enforce this sorting? Lastly, you do know that transgender is an adjective and not a noun, right?
[Stargate]What effect on the galaxy will revealing the stargate program to the earth have? I mean the tau'ri(us) have been able to kick ass and take names and all of this has been done in secret. How would revealing the existence of the stargates and aliens affect this situation?
It's been awhile since I've watched the show but weren't the governments of most nations aware of the stargate program? Atlantis and universe had their fair share of nationalities. It would seem the political landscape wouldn't change drastically except for uninvolved countries. However, the civilian population could see a shift in either direction. Religions could fall, grow, our whole new religions could rise. I would imagine we see a much harsher human race because more people will know of the technology.
And further what effect would A merican / Russian politics have on it.
Suggest me a beautifully written book I like books that are written beautifully such as 'Cloud Atlas' and 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' - both I have read countless times. I've read everything by Isabel Allende, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and yet, I still need beautiful books in my life. Books written as if they are a gorgeous romantic painting, littered with darkness - like a Caravaggio. I am open to most storylines as long as romance is not the main plot - if it's a subplot that's fine.
OP’s response to ~90% of these suggestions is a very kind version of “I’ve read that”. I love how well read you are! I’m saving this post to mine these recommendations.
Follow up *Cloud Atlas* with almost anything else by David Mitchell. His most recent, *Utopia Avenue* delivers exactly that kind of beauty and darkness. The way the main characters relate to each other is off-the-charts beautiful.
Change my view that It’s dumb and wrong to say a baby is “19 inches long” instead of “tall” I don’t know if this is a regional thing or if it’s universal (I’m using imperial measurements because I’m in the US), but when people talk about a newborn baby they always say something like they’re “8 pounds 3 ounces, and 19 inches long.” “Long” sounds weird to me in this context. When you point it out, they’ll always say the same thing: “You can’t say the baby is 19 inches tall because she’s not standing up yet, dumbass!” Which, to me, is silly. If you ask me how tall my friend Dave is, I’m not going to respond with “Dave? He’s 5’7. Oh, wait, hang on, he’s actually taking a nap on the couch right now. Dave is 15 inches tall. Sorry for the confusion.” “But wait,” you say. “Dave has stood up before. He’s a grown ass man. So we’ll continue to refer to his actual height, even if he lies down.” Okay, so the moment a person stands up we change the way we report their measurements but no sooner? What if someone is in a wheelchair for life and never stands up? What if I stand the newborn baby up on her feet for a few seconds, can we measure her height then? Also, if I had a “long” measurement as a newborn, then I technically still had a height measurement too, right? It was the distance from the table to the top of my belly while I was laying on my back. So once I stood up, we just switched the measurements. Now my height measurement is distance from the floor to the top of my head, and my long measurement is [insert boner joke here]. Why not keep the height measurement consistent from birth to adulthood? When you talk about height and weight, you’re talking about the dimensional measurements of a human being. The developmental stage of the human, as long as they’re post-birth, is irrelevant in this context and their measurements should be referred to as height and weight. I realize how pedantic and inconsequential this is. I also realize that I’m in the minority here. The reason I’m taking this to CMV is because I genuinely want to be a person who doesn’t have to stifle the urge to argue with someone about a newborn baby’s height. Change my view.
We measure your height, generally speaking, once you can stand. Most babies can't do this, so, instead of devising a dangerous baby propping-up-inator to get their height, we lay them down for their safety. When you measure things that are laying down on something, you generally use length, since you are measuring the distance between two points on the ground instead of height which the distance between the ground and somewhere above the ground. We could measure the babies this way as they lay there, but they would all clock in at about 5 inches, and that doesn't tell us much.
> Which, to me, is silly. If you ask me how tall my friend Dave is, I’m not going to respond with “Dave? He’s 5’7. Oh, wait, hang on, he’s actually taking a nap on the couch right now. Dave is 15 inches tall. Sorry for the confusion.” You don't have the same length as your height when lying down. Gravity makes you bit shorter when standing up compared to lying down. Otherwise it has something to do how we measure the human being are they lying or are they standing?
Why does 350z produce more Hp than V6 Mustang? Comparing V6 cars from 2003, 350z makes 287hp to the flywheel (240 to wheels) while mustang makes 193hp to the wheel. Mustang has bigger displacement 3.8L 350z has 3.5L So how can the smaller engine produce so much more power?
VVT, for one. It's also tuned to run on premium, so it's got much more aggressive ignition timing. It's also lighter, and so revs more freely.
There's an industry saying. "You advertise horsepower but drive torque" Hp #s are largely irrelevant. The hp curve is more important as is torque. Typically small engines produce these big #s at redline for a fraction of a second.... no one drives around full load at Redline rpm so that peak hp # is irrelevant.
Change my view that COPS is the only true example of "Reality Television" that we have. In my view, every other "reality tv" show I've seen has been clearly fake/contrived/scripted in at least some capacity. As far as a true documentary-style "reality TV" format, COPS is the only show that fits the bill. Survival shows have medical crews, lodges off-screen. Pawn shop shows have too many valuable historic artifacts to be real. Cooking shows contrive drama constantly. Same with most reality TV in general. On COPS nothing is contrived, nothing is safe, nothing is scripted. But I don't typically follow reality TV in general, maybe there are some shows that are more legitimate that I haven't seen.
Reality is subjective. We see COPS through the lens of a camera which is very pro police. I don’t claim to have seen every episode of this show, but I’ve seen countless scenes where the officers have the patience of *saints* dealing with drunk trailer park residents in the midst of a messy domestic dispute. The police departments have a say in what footage airs, and which officers the cameras get to follow around. You’re going to chose your best guys/gals, not the officer whose had writups for misconduct.
Don't know if this will ultimately change your opinion but you should definitely check out Alone. They send out ten survivalists to live in BC basically in the fall/winter with nothing but a pack and camera equipment. They are responsible for filming themselves with the goal being the final survivor. So while editors select the footage to represent the show all of the actual camera work is done without producer intervention so I think it fits true documentary style even better than cops. Also Big Brother has the live stream which shows you literally everything, little gimmicky but also fits the description. Edit: also a show on BBC called Eden, they sent a group to make a new society on a deserted UK island. They had to film themselves and send tapes back for production. The show apparently got cancelled but no one told the participants and they literally just stayed out there until production flew out. I did a senior thesis on character creation in the age of reality TV game shows so if you're interested in discussing I have a lot to say haha
Individual stocks vs Indexing Can anyone explain why someone should chose an index fund for every single dollar over some high performing individual stocks? I know about diversification and risk and all the other mumbo jumbo but when is it okay to start buying up some individual stocks of solid companies like MSFT, GOOG, etc…? Google itself seems like it will break 6% today, while on an index fund it may get 7% all year. I’m currently invested 95% in index but would like to explore more high reward stocks. I’m 22 and have no expenses so risk isn’t too much of a burden to bear for me. I would like to get more actively involved in the market. Is it suitable for me to invest in companies that I believe to be solid and growing?
In aggregate, everyone buying individual stocks *is* the index Therefore, investment returns of individual stock pickers, on average, should underperform the market by exactly the average sum of costs (commission fees, taxes, etc.) I only invest in companies that I’ve built high conviction into and even then it’s often hard to spot the inefficiencies. Having said that, I’ve made more gains stock picking over indexing, but on a cost basis I’ve put much more (and will continue to put more) into low cost broad market ETFs with a small small cap value factor tilt
Try 20% of your portfolio assets picking individual stocks and then reference them to the S&P 500 index benchmark.
Cumulus 250/350 (or other brand?) quilt for 2/3 seasons in UK? Hi gang, I’m based in the uk and looking to become a quilt convert. It looks like Cumulus are my best bet here to avoid shipping and import fees but I can’t decide what model to get. Also happy to have other suggestions thrown at me under the £200 mark. I’m a side/back sleeper and will be using the quilt for spring/summer/autumn trips in the UK, but won’t be going out if it’s super cold. Does anyone have any experience of the 250 ( or 350 ( quilts? I’ve just come back from a trip using an Alpkit mountain ghost 300 3 season sleeping bag and although it was comfy I found it quite bulky and stifling hot at times. I’ve heard the cumulus quilts are quite narrow and may be bad for side sleepers, can anyone confirm if this is still the case? Thanks!
I have a few items from Cumulus: A 150 quilt, a custom x-lite 300 bag, an L500 comforter and a Primalite jacket. They are all amazing and I have had nothing but awesome purchasing experiences with them. Their customer service is top notch. To answer your question: I'd go with the 350 over the 250 for Europe. 300/350 seems like the perfect weight.
I got a sea to summit eb III for 185 quid off ultralightgear U.k. I recently tested it just below zero in Scotland and it was toasty!
Does anyone have any bright ideas for automating the cars’ locks such that they lock at 9 pm IF someone forgets? I live in an urban area and if you forget to lock the car, it will 100% get rummaged thru. Annoying. Flash the cars computer to auto lock at 9:00? Build some button pusher for my key fob out of Ardurino and LEGO?
An ESP8266 With a relay on your key fob might be the cheapest way. Maybe have it try and ping your phone repeatedly. If it detects your phone, have it wait five minutes or so and then trigger the relay. Then wait for the phone to leave. When it leaves, you start checking for it to come back. Although setting up home assistant with esphome on the esp8266 might be easier with the presence detection.
I can't see any simple solution. If you make a button pusher you need to remember to put your key in it, in which case, just remember to lock the car ... unless you can buy a spare RF key to keep permanently in a button pusher / hack somehow to trigger the signal when you want to ... but for most cars they're expensive (was quoted $400 for my Hyundai). The RF signals *should* use some sort of rolling codes that you can't easily produce yourself - you know, to stop hackers being able to unlock cars willy nilly. Modifying the car in some way, mechanical or software ... seems like to much work. You'd probably be better off putting those hours into getting a second job and using the money you earn to buy a tesla that can already do this kind of stuff.
Could you guys suggest me some war movies? By war, I mean modern wars (not WW1 and WW2) that are based on true stories. So far I've watched Lone Survivor, The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, 13 Hours, 12 Strong and Black Hawk Down.
1. Starship Troopers (1997) 2. Dunkirk (2017) 3. Hacksaw Ridge (2016) 4. Inglourious Basterds (2009) 5. The Thin Red Line 6. Platoon
Operation red sea ( if u are okay with non Hollywood movie) Mosul American sniper The wall 2017
Books with well written female characters I tend to be obsessed with anime media with poorly written male gaze-y female characters so I thought I'd balance out. Bonus points if they're trans and it goes over trans experiences
Robin hobb- fantasy author. Assassin's Apprentice is the first book. There are subseries that can be read as thier own series( but spoilers for the larger story.) But the magic ship and rainwild chronicles have a lot more women and queer protagonists
The first sister trilogy {{The first sister}} one of the characters is AMAB non-binary. Sci-fi opera but not overly sci-fi/approachable sci-fi for someone whose never read sci-fi {{Chef's kiss by TJ Alexander}} romance Bi cis woman and bi AFAB non-binary. Trigger warning for trans and homophobia
What's a book you love but never recommended to anyone? Optional: And, why?
Mists of Avalon. I loved the book but I’d never recommend it to anyone because of what came out about Marion Zimmer Bradley.
The 5 people you meet in heaven. Really changed the way I think about everyday interactions with friends and strangers, but I’m not religious myself and wouldn’t suggest it because the premise, obviously, is about going to heaven and, you know, meeting 5 people.
How wrecked were you energy-wise after your first marathon? Considering taking the plunge and signing up for my first full marathon (MCM) in late October. I've done three halves and am currently at 30 MPW so I'm confident that between now and then I can at least finish without my legs falling off BUT October/early November is also a really busy time for me at work (my work is related to elections in the US). I just sit/stand at a desk all day so it doesn't matter if my body is exhausted but it's also not a time when I can really like take to bed for two days and sleep. My thinking is that with a late October race I'll start tapering before things get \*really\* insane at work, but I've also never run a marathon before. For those who have -- assuming you were adequately prepared, were you able to continue working a desk job without interruption after your first marathon? I really want to do this, but I'm also willing to not if yall tell me it is a terrible idea.
I felt fatigued for maybe 30 hours post-race, but I had problem walking like a normal being for longer than that... Maybe three days of smashed thighs 🤷‍♂️ I hadn't done so many adequate long runs (just two times over 30kms before the marathon), so I totally had myself to blame 😆 If you: 1. Have done your training 2. Have a good nutritional plan (before AND during) 3. See to that you refill afterwards and 4. get a good night's rest after the race, then you should be fine. Good luck!
Bit of a weird one for me - I actually felt pretty good in the week or two afterwards. Then I crashed hard, and didn't recover for months. Which is my roundabout way of saying that you should definitely take it easy for a while afterwards and not try to leap straight back into training like me...
I want to learn I want to be able raise my right eyebrow I'm able to raise my left one but I want to be able to do the right one too. I've been trying for weeks to "activate" my temple muscles or smt but it's not working. HALP
So I wanted to do this when I was a kid. I literally held my left eyebrow down to really feel the set of muscles used to raise my right eyebrow. Took a few sessions but I got to down. Practice and feel it out.
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Explain like I'm five years old: Why isn't the night sky covered in a blanket of stars? Looking at pictures of our galaxy and the fact that there's trillions of stars in the universe, why isn't our night sky completely filled with stars? Taking into consideration a view point with little or no light pollution. It's daunting to think that even with all those stars, there is just that much more empty space.
the simplest answer is that .. it IS covered by a blanket of stars. it's just that compaired to some, others are so dim you cant see them with the naked eye. there's also the fact that there's so much "light polution" that you cant see the really dim ones. if you look up in the middle of a city at night, you can only see a few stars. if you look up in the middle of the countryside, there's way way more. my google-fu is weak at the moment, but there's a composite picture of the same "empty" area of space as taken with a powerfull telescope, every night for a year... and there are hundreds of stars/galaxies in that same "empty" bit of the heavens.
Thanks for posting this. I have been wondering the same thing myself recently. Please take my upvote.
[Orville, Star Trek] What in God's name possesses the main ships to carry their families with them? Both *The Orville* and *The Enterprise D* have extensive family units aboard ship, despite the fact that these ships **often** get into shooting wars with others that put the entire ship at risk. Even the Klingons, with their rich history of fighting and battle do not let their kids ride shotgun. So what gives? And for that matter, why do other Federation ships, and even other versions of *The Enterprise* **NOT** have kids on board? TOS, Voyager, and Discovery don't have kids. (DS9 doesn't count, since it's a space station more than a ship. I don't see Jake manning the comms on the *Defiant.*) Honestly, *Voyager* should have, considering the plot. So, why expose your kids to inevitable danger?
The Enterprise is supposed to be a diplomatic ship, and was intended to be a showpiece of Federation technology. Rewind to when it was designed. The Federation was allied with the Klingons. Nobody had seen the Romulans for like 50 years. The only war was a little border dispute with the Cardassians, who were nearly a century behind the Federation, and were being held off using some old surplus Miranda and Excelsior class vessels. Starfleet had been throwing token resources at them and was 0% taking it seriously. The purpose of the Galaxy class was to be a nice big showy piece of technology. They assigned Jean Luc Picard as the captain, a stuffy diplomat with a taste for Shakespeare. They put Starfleet's only Klingon on board, as well as its only android. They also assign the daughter of a major diplomat from a Federation core world. Why would they do all this? Because the people who designed the Galaxy class had a very specific mission in mind. Forget guarding the border. Forget exploring strange new worlds. The Galaxy class is supposed to show up to potential member worlds and convince them to join the Federation. THAT is its real purpose. The Galaxy class is the sales pitch that you give to the leaders of potential member states. Imagine that you are Chancellor Bumpynose, leader of the planet Dirtball VI. Your planet has a small number of FTL ships, and you've explored the half-dozen stars nearest to you. You've got one colony of a few thousand people on a marginally inhabitable desert world five light years away. It takes you six months to get there at Warp 2 (your fastest speed), and your largest ship has an internal volume the size of 3 school buses stacked end to end. Then the Enterprise shows up above your home planet. "Greetings. We are from the United Federation of Planets. We are peaceful. Please come visit us in our luxury space hotel. See how peaceful we are? We have a school on our ship. Little children run and play in the hallways. We are definitely not a threatening warship, no sir-ee. Look out this window and see your planet from orbit while you dine on the fanciest meals in the galaxy. Would you like cures for all the diseases on your planet? You should really think about becoming members of the Federation." That was the plan. It didn't work out that way. But the ship was designed with that in mind.
Think of ships like bases; real-life military bases intended for large scale, long term deployments (i.e. think US presence in Japan or Korea) often have facilities for soldiers' families like schools and playgrounds, restaurants, etc.
Adding protein to ramen I've tried spam and egg and didn't care for either. What should I try next? I also could use some suggestions to get some fiber in there
I cant believe canned tuna hasnt been mentioned yet. Ramen and Tuna is the prison bodybuilder special. The canned tuna flakes away into the ramen and actually has a very neutral flavour, but a texture similar to chicken when in the soup. Recommend trying it!
Ramen basically can take on anything … the question is what proteins DONT work
Looking for books similar to Fahrenheit 451. I've tried Brave New World and 1984 but it was challenging because English is not my native language. I can read English well but those 2 have difficult words. So can you guys suggest me some dystopians which are easy to read?
The MaddAddam trilogy by Margaret Atwood: Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood, and MaddAddam
The rule of 3, by Eric Walters, it's a very entertaining book, but a bit long. I found this book in my middle school library so it shouldn't be too difficult
What's the deal with "Fall Guys," and why did it suddenly just explode into popularity out of nowhere? I've been seeing Twitter posts, YouTube videos, etc. of this new game that apparently just came out called "Fall Guys." Is this some new Fortnite, or is it actually something I might be interested in? Here's what it looks like.
Answer: Fall Guys is a new game that came out last month. Basically, it’s a game made up of a number of mini-games. The game starts with (up to) 50 participants, and each mini-game eliminates a certain number of players (who “fall” out of the game) until there’s one overall winner. It got popular because it’s actually a pretty well-made game, and it’s easy to pick up and play a quick game of two. It’s fairly inexpensive as games go ($20). It’s also one of the featured free games on PlayStation+ this month, so a lot of people probably downloaded it for that reason alone.
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Change my view that Natural ability is actually quite important, and everyone who says that "you can be great at anything if you work hard enough" is wrong. I hear it a lot these days -- you can achieve anything, and it has nothing to do with talent and everything to do with your own hard work and dedication. Example: There's a different view that is often less mentioned -- work hard, but pick something you're actually good at. Summarized nicely here: I very much subscribed to the former mentality for years, but personal experience keeps making me think that reality is much closer to the latter. I work as a software engineer, and think it's the easiest job in the world. Math was always effortless in school, and l have no trouble getting job offers and great performance ratings while working very reasonable hours. I experience "flow" when I work -- it's never overly challenging, but not boring, either. Oh, and I didn't even start coding until well into my 20's. I was talking to a friend about this recently, and for her, it has actually been very challenging and she was very stressed in school. Coding was hard for her, and she switched to product management, where she can excel by using her natural ability of building relationships and communicating with people. Meanwhile, my own ability to build relationships with people never took off, despite years of CBT, putting myself in scary social situations, and working retail and sales to practice. Similarly, I really, really want to be good at singing, but my pitch is terrible. I've worked on it for years, using ear training apps, taken voice lessons, etc, and it's still an issue. More importantly, my natural range is lower than where I would like to sing. Many people I've talked to about singing have no problems with pitch, and some have naturally higher voices. I've asked them if they worked on these things, and they always say no -- it was just always easy for them. It seems to me that, there are clear differences in natural ability. Some people are born with great pitch, others with social abilities, and others are good at logical thinking. 10000 hours to mastery is likely inaccurate -- one person may become elite in 10000 hours, and have fun getting there because progress was easy. Another will become just above average at best, and their time would have been better spent on another skill.
I guess it depends on what we're talking about and if it's work or pleasure. I get what you're saying about picking your career and I get telling someone to play to their strengths. But here's my story. I'm an avid runner and I love it. I went out for cross-country when I was 13-14 years old and I was complete crap. I couldn't run more than a mile without my athletically induced asthma (at the time) going crazy. My first couple years of high school, I was very often the last one around the track. I had coaches tell me to drop out of races, I had them say they wouldn't let me run in certain meets because it was embarrassing for the team. I had plenty of people telling me to pick something else. But I still enjoyed it. I liked his personal of a challenge it was. How rewarding it felt. How fair it was. How it cleared my mind. I wasn't discouraged because I'd never be in the Olympics. Flash forward to the year after high school--i ran my first marathon in 3:10:40. My pace for 26.2 miles was faster than what I'd run 3.1 miles in for most of high school. I grinded out 8 consecutive sub-7 minute miles to qualify for the Boston Marathon by a few seconds. I went on run faster times in other races but I have never been more proud of something in my life than I am about this first marathon. You probably have met plenty of people who would look at that time and say "that guy is trash! Sad!" But I don't care if it isn't the world record. Or if someone can run that time with less effort. For someone with my natural ability, running times like these is supposed to be impossible. I've never once thought "oh I wish I spent that time doing something else". I wouldn't trade that first marathon for a Nobel prize. Anyways, if we're just talking hobbies, the things people find most satisfying and interesting might not be what they're best at, and they can find ways to enjoy them if they compare themselves to the counterfactual version of themselves that never tried as opposed to comparing themselves to everyone on the internet.
I believe some of the “natural talent” you speak of is just lack of a disability. People who can’t match pitch at all are tone deaf, some people are also born with a difficulty matching pitch that is beyond their physical control. The above is an article on the phenomenon. You’ll notice, however, that at the end it says that practicing hard enough and using a partner to help you match pitch can solve most of the issues. If I want to be a pro football player, I can work forever and ever and eventually be at the physical levels of a pro football player, barring some sort of physical deformation like a broken leg. Any ability in the world can be gained through insane, all-consuming amounts of practice, it’s just not feasible to practice that often. It is, however, possible. The only difference between any of us and the person who possesses the abilities we seek to have is practice, no matter how insane the amount.
[FREE] I am willing to help anyone who wants to learn Hindi I am a native speaker and would love to help out anyone who is learning Hindi.
अपना सपना पैसा पैसा
I am interested, what would I need to do
If I like Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, King Gizzard and Pond, what else will I like? Particularly PPC, I haven't found anyone else that comes as close to their brand of hard psych rock that's almost metal in places. Thanks for any suggestions! I'm already big into lots of aussie psych so any suggestions of artists elsewhere would be particularly appreciated!
King Tuff, maybe FIDLAR, Thee Oh Sees, Ty Segall, Fuzz. For psych generally that isn’t super related to the bands you’ve listed but I have to shout out are All Them Witches and Witch
Of Montreal and Olivia Tremor Control
What is Indiana Jones' flaw in Raiders of the Lost Ark? "The main character of your screenplay must have a flaw, which they overcome by the end of the film." That's what every screenwriting instructor says. But what is Indiana Jones' character flaw in Raiders of the Lost Ark? It's not a fear of snakes, because he doesn't **really** have a fear of them; otherwise he wouldn't have jumped into a pit full of them in the middle of the film without "growing". And even if it was "a" flaw, it's so insignificant that it's not his "main" flaw. So, does Indiana have a flaw in that film? Does he have a character arc? Does he grow in any way? I understand that "once you know the rules, you can break them," so it's possible he has no flaw and character arc and Raiders is still a good screenplay because of the expertise of Lucas, Kaufman, and Kasdan. But I'm more willing to bet I am missing out on Indy's flaw and growth. Separately, he **does** demonstrate growth at the end of Last Crusade when his father convinces him to give up trying to obtain the grail, but he doesn't seem to do anything like that in the first film.
Can be overlooked when the main character of the story is taking over more by the plot. Huge situational thing, its not like the character is undefeatable, but the odds are greatly stacked against them just to survive to the end. Another flawless character would BTTF 1 Marty as he is a perfect character who doesn't have a flaw until 2, and that was really hammy. You could say the flaw was put on the Dad who was a nerd who didn't stick up for himself until the help of Marty just to fix his timeline to exist. Also Jones is one of the few movie action characters who really gets the shit beat out of them during most fights.
His flaw is his lack of religious faith. Early on, when he's just learning about the search for the lost ark, his University colleague warns him about the dangers of the lost artifact. Indy scoffs "Come on! You don't believe in all that magic mumbo jumbo!" (or words to that effect.) At the movie's end, Indy & Marion are the only ones present who survive the opening of the Ark because they shut their eyes and don't look at it -- they respect the power of the Ark, rather than trying to control it (as the Nazis try to do and get melted for it.) The final scene has a perplexed Indy trying to warn the U.S. government about what they have on their hands. When he's unsuccessful, he storms out of the gov't bldg bellowing to Marion "They have NO IDEA what they have in their hands!" (again, paraphrasing.) "Indiana Jones's character ark in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is that of a cynical disbeliever coming to have faith in, and respect the power of... the One True God.
Magical Christmas movies to watch with family? As a family we decided to feel the Christmas warmth this year and try to bond over this holiday season. So what are your favorite Christmas movies that are a must watch?
It’s a Wonderful Life. And if you like animated things, the Charlie Brown Christmas special.
What started all the comments from fedora people on youtube videos that reddit links? Most recently on this video We can see obviously fake stereotypes commenting on the video. Before it was just fedoraesque comments, but this video includes a feminist and a machoguy. Where and when did this start? I guess it's a spin on le reddit army is here and to generally mock reddit. But I have no idea of the origins or history of this.
It started with vagslayer1999
As I've watched these accounts sprout up, I am pretty sure that they are just random and largely unrelated people trolling with a similar method. By adhering to extreme stereotypes that the average redditor/youtuber would dislike (extreme atheist/feminist etc), they evoke a reaction in the form of an angry reply to their comment. I think this started when some guy somewhere thought of this method of trolling and started a troll account and then went on all of the popular posts from /r/videos. From there more and more people started accounts and doing more or less the same thing. Right now I could join them start another account and troll people by pretending to be an extreme neckbeard for example. Pretty much how the troll works is that they're doing their best to seem like complete fuckwad atheists or douche bag "nice guys" all the while advertising that they are redditors so that redditors who are too stupid to realize that it's a joke get very upset and try to defend what reddit actually is by replying to their comment. I find it absolutely hilarious to see somebody on YouTube whose username is literally 'Reddit Gold User' talking about how smart/atheistic/how much of a hardcore gamer/redditor they are and the people who respond by saying like "all redditors aren't assholes like this guy." That right there is a good troll.
Water Heater Anode I was planning on doing some water heater maintenance, such as drain it and replace the anode. What I found is that trying to unscrew the anode rod is not working too well. Standard 1/2 socket wrench, breaker bar, breaker bar with cheater pipe.. the only thing that moves is the whole water heater. Question I have is: How bad of an idea is it to use an impact wrench? I got one from back in the day when I used to do auto-tire type of work and a compressor, but I'm not sure how the tank/heater would react to the "power of that magnitude". Coincidentally, the only socket that I had that would fit the anode is one of my impact sockets.
At 9 years, I'd just forget about it and replace the tank in a few more years. Lifespan of the anode and the sediment load in the tank depends greatly on the type of water you have. If your tank is in a location that will cause a lot of damage if it were to spring a significant leak, consider replacing sooner rather than later. You should inspect the anode at least every couple of years so you have a better understanding of its lifespan.
I just replaced mine last night, I used an impact wrench and it came out just fine. Make sure the tank is full for added weight. Drain the tank afterward if you are short on space- I tipped mine a bit to slide the new one in.
(Florida) A former employee is threatening to sue me for firing her due to the way she dresses. She's claiming discrimination. She says that it's her right to express herself through her clothing and that the dress code is gendered and sexist toward women. I run a car dealership(mostly Mercedes-Benz). She was showing up to work everyday in pajamas. No one is going to buy a car from a woman in tweety bird pajama pants. I gave her one warning to stop wearing pajamas to work and the next day she was back at it. She claims that is discriminatory toward women. I am a woman if I can put on a pair of slacks or a skirt everyday so can you. Can she claim discrimination for being fire for wearing sleepwear(complete with slippers the first time!) to work?
Sounds like she didn't work for you for very long. It seems like she is trying to scam you. Getting a job and then doing something she thinks is sexist so she can file a lawsuit. I doubt any attorney will help her. She can sue you, but she will lose.