Ancient people in Russia
The Dnepr Ancient people in Russia made war with other tribes. The power of chives began to grow. They became richer than other members of tribes. The sacrifice Novgorod In the 8-th century different trades appeared in ancient Russia. at first our ancestors, were pagans. They worshiped different gods. To the end of the 8-th century 2 centers Kiev and Novgorod appeared in ancient Russia.
STITCH CLASSIFICATION HAND STITCHES RUNNING STITCH A very short, even stitch used for fine seaming, tucking, mending, gathering, and other such delicate sewing. The stitches are small and usually permanent Method: Working from Right to Left, weave the point of the needle in and out of the fabric several times before pulling the thread through (as shown in the first picture). Keep stitches and the spaces between them small and even. BACKSTITCH One of the strongest and most versatile of the hand stitches, the backstitch serves to secure hand stitching and repair seams. Method: Bring needle and thread to the wrong side. Insert needle through all the fabric Layers (at point A/1) , take a stitch length Behind (at point B/2) and bring it up just at back point where thread emerges (at point C/3). Pull thread through. Types of Backstitch: HALF BACKSTITCH: Similar to Backstitch except that the Length of stitches & spaces between them are equal. It is not as strong as Backstitch. PRICK STITCH: It is a much more decorative backstitch than the even/ half backstitch. Seen from the top side, the stitches are very short, with long spaces between them. PICK STITCH: Any of the back stitches but made without catching underlayer of fabric whereas the underpart of the stitch becomes invisible. Primarily it is a decorative stitch. STEM STITCH Stem Stitch is a detail stitch that can be used to outline items or fill in areas. It is the reverse side of Backstitch. Method: Come up through the fabric at your starting point. Make a stitch approximately 1/4" long. Come up through the fabric at the midpoint of this stitch, making sure not to split the stitch with your needle. Pull the stitch flat. Make another stitch 1/4" long by going down 1/2" away from the end of the first stitch. Continue to make your stitches. Always come up in the same hole as the end of the previous stitch. HERRINGBONE STITCH It is a strong hemming stitch particularly well suited to a stitched – and – pinked hem edge. Method: Stitches are worked from Left to Right . With needle pointing left fasten thread from wrong side of hem and bring needle and thread through hem edge (at point A). Take a very small stitch in the garment fabric directly above the hem edge and approximately 6 – 10 mm right (at point B). Move back to left side (at point C) and finally crossing the previously made stitch in it’s opposite direction, insert the needle (at point D). Follow the same procedure as done at points BC to get the position DE. Continue the same procedure. (Refer first image) HEMMING These stitches are used to secure a hem to a garment. These stitches pass over the hem edge to the garment. Following are its types: SLIP HEMMING: A durable and almost invisible method suitable for a folded hem edge. Method: Stitches are worked from right to left. Fasten thread bringing needle and thread out through fold of hem. Opposite in the garment take a small stitch, in the hem edge, insert needle and slip through fold for about 6 mm. Continue alternating the stitches in the same way. SLANT HEMMING: Quickest, but least durable because so much thread is exposed and subject to abrasion. 3. VERTICAL HEMMING: A durable and stable method. Very little thread is exposed, reducing the risk of abrasion. CHAIN STITCH A continuous series of looped stitches that form a chain. It can be used decoratively. It is of following two types: CLOSED CHAIN STITCH Method: Work from right to left. Fasten thread and bring up to right side. For each stitch loop thread up and around; insert needle just behind where thread emerges and bring it up, over the looped thread a stitch length in front of that point. Pull thread through, to the left to form looped stitch. OPEN CHAIN STITCH Method: This stitch is worked on two parallel lines, rather than a single line as in chain stitch. Bring the thread out through ‘A’. Take the thread in through ‘B’ and bring the needle out through ‘C’ but don’t pull it out completely. Loop the thread around the needle, as you would for chain stitch, and pull out the needle. Continue with the action of looping pattern to give a ladder like appearance FEATHER STITCH Primarily decorative, feather stitch is made up of a series of stitches taken on alternate sides of a given line. Method: Mark the line, the stitching is to follow on right side of fabric. Fasten thread on underside of stitch line and bring up to the right side of the fabric (at point ‘a’). For first and each succeeding stitch, pass needle and thread diagonally across line to opposite side (from point ‘b’ to ‘c’). Holding thread in place and with needle pointing down and diagonally toward line, take a small stitch above thread, bringing point of needle out on the top of thread (from point ‘d’ to ‘e’). Draw on the stitch until thread under it covers slightly. Continue making stitches on opposite side of the line, keeping stitch length, spacing, & needle slant the same. CROSS STITCH Horizontal stitches, taken parallel to each other, whose floats cross in the centre to form ‘Xs’. Can be used decoratively or constructively, either in a series (as shown) or as a single cross stitch. Method: Make a row of small diagonal stitches spaced as far apart as they are long (see A). When the row finishes, reverse the direction of stitches, so that Xs can be formed. (see B) BLANKET STITCH Traditionally an embroidery stitch, the blanket stitch can also be used in garment construction, to cover the fabric edges decoratively. Method: Work from left to right, with the point of the needle and the edge of the work towards you. The edge of the fabric can be folded or left raw. Secure thread and bring out below edge. For the first and each succeeding stitch insert needle through fabric from right side and bring out at edge. Keeping thread from previous stitch under point of needle draw needle and thread through forming stitch over edge. Stitch size and spacing can be the same or varied. BUTTONHOLE STITCH A covering stitch used as a decorative finish and in making of hand – worked buttonholes. Method: Follow basic directions for Blanket stitch, 3mm deep and no space in between. TACKING STITCHES Hand tacking (or basting) is used to temporarily hold together two or more fabric layers during both, fitting and construction. Following are its types: DIAGONAL TACKING: Small stitches, taken parallel to each other, producing diagonal floats in between. Method: When making the stitches, needle points from right to left. Start from ‘2’, create a diagonal stitch from ‘2’ – ‘3’, then a straight stitch from ‘3’ – ‘4’ on the wrong side. Continue the same procedure. EVEN TACKING: Used for smooth fabrics & in areas that require close control, such as curved seams, seams with ease, and set – in sleeves. UNEVEN TACKING: Used for general tacking, for edges that require less Control during permanent stitching & for marking. SLIP TACKING: It is a temporary, uneven slipstitch that permits precise matching of plaids, or prints, etc. at seam lines. It is done from right side. Method: Crease and turn under one edge along its seam line of the corresponding garment piece matching the fabric design; pin. Working from right to left, take a stitch through the lower garment section, then take the next stitch through fold of upper edge. Continue the same way. 5. CATCH STITCH: It is used for tacking together sections of lightweight garments. It is like the blind hemming stitch except that here, herringbone stitch is used instead of slip stitch. TACKS BAR TACK: It is a straight reinforcement tack used at such points of strain as the ends of a hand – worked buttonhole or the corners of a pocket. FRENCH TACK: It is made similarly to bar tack. It is used to link two separate garment sections, such as the bottom edge of a coat to the bottom edge of its lining, while still allowing a certain amount of independent movement to the two sections that are linked. Method: Take a small stitch through top of garment edge. Then another small stitch directly opposite in lining, leaving a 2 – 5 cm slack in the thread between stitches. Take similar stitches several times in the same place. Then work closely spaced blanket stitches over the threads. TAILOR’S TACK: These tacks are best confined as a general rule for markings such as fold or centre lines, etc. COUCH STITCH In embroidery, couching is a technique for attaching a length of thread to a base fabric by taking tiny stitches over it at regular intervals. FRENCH KNOT French knot is one of the easiest of all knots. This stitch can be used to do little flowers, or as a filling stitch to fill in small circles and centre of flowers. Many closely done french knots can give a ‘woolly’ appearance and can be used creatively. Method: Bring the needle out through A. Now, place the needle close to the fabric. Wrap the thread around it twice, as shown. Keep the longer end of the thread pulled with your fingers while putting the needle back in a point just close to A or even through A. Pull down the needle through the fabric. You will see your first french knot formed. BULLION KNOT This is an ‘elongated’ knot which can be used liberally to group together and make dense textures. For this stitch a Milliners needle is used. A milliners needle has the same thickness throughout its length, thus making the passing of the wound thread through the needle easy. Method: Bring the needle out through A and put the needle through B at a desired length. Now, bring the needle out through A again. Then, wind the thread around the needle as shown. The distance of wound thread should measure the same as the distance between A and B. Then, hold the wrapped thread with your fingers and pull the needle out with the other finger. Keep pulling the needle completely in an upward direction till the wraps lay on the fabric as shown The finished bullion stitch would look like this. FLY STITCH Also known as: Y stitch , Open loop stitch This is a very easy type of stitch to do and looks interesting. As the name suggests, it looks like a ‘Y’. Method: Bring the needle out from A and put it in through B. Then, bring it out through C, which lies between and below A and B. Pull the needle out from over the working thread. This creates a ‘V’ shape. Now, to create the ‘Y’ shape, you need to make a tail. So, put in the needle a little space right below C. When you are finished, the stand alone fly stitch would look like this. SATIN STITCH Satin stitch has a very easy procedure. Very often, a satin stitch is outlined using one of the straight stitches like, the split stitch, the outline stitch, back stitch, chain stitch, or any other similar stitches of your choice. Also, when doing satin stitch, we have to make sure the stitches are not pulled too tightly as it will distort the fabric. Keeping it too lose will sag the stitch. Method: Bring the needle out through A and put it in through B. So, that makes a stitch which covers a small area between the stitch lines. Now, bring the needle back through C, a point very close to A. Continue this action over the two stitch lines. Once finished, the area is filled as shown above. You will be spending as much thread on the reverse side as you do on the actual side of the fabric. SHADOW STITCH Shadow Work is a type of embroidery worked on semi-sheer or sheer fabric, with the bulk of the embroidery on the back of the design so that the color of the thread – or rather, a shadow of the color – shows through on the front of the fabric between two solid-colored outlines. The stitch used in shadow work embroidery is essentially backstitch, but it is worked between two lines, alternating back and forth between the two lines with each stitch. On the back of the fabric, the resulting closely worked herringbone stitch forms a layer of criss-crossing threads that shows through on the front of the fabric with just a hint of color between the backstitch outlines. OVERCAST STITCH This is a customary hand stitch for finishing the raw edges of fabric to prevent them from fraying. Method: Work from either direction, take diagonal stitches over the edge (as shown in the image), spacing them at even distance apart at uniform depth. OVERHAND STITCH These tiny, stitches are used to topsew two finished edges. Method: Insert needle diagonally from the back edge through to the front edge, picking up only one or two threads each time. The needle is inserted directly behind thread from previous stitch and is brought out a stitch length away. Keep the stitches uniform in their size and spacing. PADDING STITCHES Padding Stitches are used, primarily in tailoring, to attach interfacing to the outer fabric. It has following types: CHEVRON PADDING STITCHES: These are formed by making each row of stitches in the opposite direction from the preceding one. Work from top to bottom or bottom to top on one row, then, without turning fabric, work next row in opposite direction. PARALLEL PADDING STITCHES: These stitches are made the same way as chevron padding stitches except that all rows are worked in the same direction. Presented by Lasitsyna Dana Thank you for your attention!
What is happiness ? What is unhappiness? At what age are people the happiest? Why? Can you name three things that make you happy? Can you name three things that make you unhappy? Do you think that happiness is inside you or does it depend on external things? Do you believe that money can buy happiness? Is there a secret to happiness? Having someone to love brings happiness. What is your opinion? Einstein claimed that if you to live a happy life, tie it to a goal and not to people or things. How far do you agree with that? Nobody can make you happier than yourself. Does that sound selfish? Spirituality leads to peace of heart and happiness. What is your opinion? What is happiness ? At what age are people the happiest? Why? Can you name three things that make you happy? Can you name three things that make you unhappy? How far do you agree with that? Can you name three things that make you unhappy? Do you think that happiness is inside you or does it depend on external things? Do you believe that money can buy happiness? Is there a secret to happiness? Having someone to love brings happiness. What is your opinion? How far do you agree with that? Nobody can make you happier than yourself. Does that sound selfish? Spirituality leads to peace of heart and happiness. What is your opinion? The ABC of happiness A - Aspire to reach your potential. B - Believe in yourself. C - Create a good life. D - Dream about what you might become. E - Exercise frequently. F - Forgive honest mistakes. G - Glorify the creative spirit. H - Humor yourself and others. I - Imagine great things. J - Joyfully live each day. K - Kindly help others. L - Love one another. M - Meditate daily. N - Nurture the environment. O - Organize for harmonious action. P - Praise performance well done. Q - Question most things. R - Regulate your own behaviour. S - Smile often. T - Think rationally. U - Understand yourself. V - Value life. W - Work for the common good. X - X-ray and carefully examine problems. Y - Yearn to improve. Z - Zestfully pursue happiness. What is happiness ? What is unhappiness? At what age are people the happiest? Why? Can you name three things that make you happy? Can you name three things that make you unhappy? Do you think that happiness is inside you or does it depend on external things? Do you believe that money can buy happiness? Is there a secret to happiness? Having someone to love brings happiness. What is your opinion? How far do you agree with that? Nobody can make you happier than yourself. Does that sound selfish? Spirituality leads to peace of heart and happiness. What is your opinion? The ABC of happiness A - Aspire to reach your potential. B - Believe in yourself. C - Create a good life. D - Dream about what you might become. E - Exercise frequently. F - Forgive honest mistakes. G - Glorify the creative spirit. H - Humor yourself and others. I - Imagine great things. J - Joyfully live each day. K - Kindly help others. L - Love one another. M - Meditate daily. N - Nurture the environment. O - Organize for harmonious action. P - Praise performance well done. Q - Question most things. R - Regulate your own behaviour. S - Smile often. T - Think rationally. U - Understand yourself. V - Value life. W - Work for the common good. X - X-ray and carefully examine problems. Y - Yearn to improve. Z - Zestfully pursue happiness.
Поняття про графіки
                  7/8                                     7/8                   0 3 2 0 4 -1 6 -3 8 -1 10 0 12 2 0 14 16 18 20 22 24 5 7 5 4 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7                   7/8                                     7/8                                     7/8                                     7/8                                     7/8                                     7/8                                     7/8                                     7/8                  
For ANIMALS IN DANGER Whale Fun Facts Sperm Whales have the largest brain on the planet. It may weigh 20 pounds. The fin whale is one of the fastest whales. They can swim over 20 miles per hour for short periods. The blue whale is the largest whale. They may grow up to 100 feet and weigh as much as several elephants. The harbor porpoise is one of the smallest whales. They grow to only about 5 feet in length. Whales can't breathe through their mouths. The mouth is connected directly to the stomach. They breathe through their blow holes, which go to the lungs.A sperm whale can hold its breath for at least an hour. The voice of the blue whale is one of the deepest voices on the planet. It is so powerful that it can travel for perhaps a hundred miles underwater. A new born baby blue whale may weigh two tons and be 25 feet long. Some whales do not have teeth. There is a toothed whale which only has two teeth. People help stranded whales The word 'elephant' comes from the Greek word eléfas, meaning 'ivory'. Elephants are the largest terrestrial animals on earth, measuring about 10-13 feet in height and 11,000-15,400 pounds in weight. They also have the largest brains. But, you will be surprised to know that these massive animals are quite gentle and have no natural enemies. The decrease in population of elephants is mainly because of habitat loss and human poaching for ivory and flesh. Under Wildlife Conservation, the 'African Elephant Conservation Act of 1989' and the 'Asian Elephant Conservation Act of 1997' have been passed in order to conserve the natural habitats and protect them. Strict laws have been enforced to stop trading of elephants and collecting ivory. Tusk, which is another extraordinary feature of an elephant, is nothing but the second upper incisor that grows continuously. Tusks of an African elephant can grow up to 10 feet long and can weigh up to 90 kilograms, whereas tusks of an Asian elephant vary according to gender - female shows short or no tusk while the male has lean tusks, which may be of 10 feet long and around 40 kilograms weight. As the oil spill coats Gulf Coast beaches, rescuers are hatching a daring plan to save as many as 70,000 sea turtle eggs from the disaster. Each year, thousands of newly hatched sea turtles scramble from their nests in the Florida Panhandle's sandy beaches and Alabama coasts into the water. With those waters fouled by oil and chemical dispersant, a whole generation of sea turtles could be harmed or even destroyed. The rhino is a homely beast, For human eyes he's not a feast. Farewell, farewell, you old rhinoceros, I'll stare at something less prepoceros. Ogden Nash Rhinos are shot or caught because of their horn, their skin and their flesh. Certainly, rhinos have always been hunted throughout the centuries; their flesh was eaten, their skin tanned and their blood, urine and bones used as medication. But recently, the rhino horn is most valued. In China, people have believed for thousands years that pandas are special. It is said that ancient emperors of China kept giant pandas as pets. Chinese books over two thousand years old show giant pandas with mystical powers. People thought that they could ward off evil sprits and natural disasters. Today, pandas are believed to be a symbol of peace and good fortune. Giant pandas have lived in the bamboo forests of China for millions years and have been honored by the Chinese for a very long time. In fact, giant pandas have appeared in Chinese art for thousands of years. Because the giant panda is considered a national treasure in China, it is protected by law so that it does not become extinct. Although giant pandas have long been known to the Chinese, they are a recent discovery for people living outside of China. The first westerner to observe a live giant panda in the wild was a German zoologist named Hugo Weigold. In 1916, he bought a cub while he was on expedition. 1. Giant pandas live in the bamboo forests of what country? A. Mexico B. India C. China 3. Why are giant pandas protected by law? A. So that they don't run away B. Because they are dangerous C. So that they don't become extinct 5. Although the Chinese have known about giant pandas for a long time, for people outside of China, pandas are: A. a relatively recent discovery B. not very interesting C. old news 2. In China, people have believed for thousands of years that giant pandas are: A. Ugly B. Special C. Scary 4. In very old Chinese books, giant pandas are shown to have: A. Mystical powers B. Big appetites C. Long tails 6. The ancient emperors of China kept giant pandas as: A. Farm animals B. Body guards C. Pets 8. When it is first born, a giant panda is: A. Tiny and blind B. Very big and furry C. Black and white 9. When giant pandas are not resting, they are: A. Looking for food B. Fighting C. Hibernating 11. Giant panda live in: A. Permanent dens B. Caves and trees C. Nests 10. Giant pandas are at risk of: A. Becoming extinct B. Eating too much C. Freezing 12. How many giant pandas live in captivity? A. One thousand B. About 140 C. None Against
Animals Leafy seadragon The habitats The description Food Protection This type is taken under the protection of the Australian government. Interesting facts It can eat about 3000 shrimps by 1 day In contrast to seahorses, which are hooked their tail for algae in the period of sea swell, Leafy seadragon do not know how to do it, so they often die during storms, because they washed ashore. It is the official emblem of South Australia. Mint Australian city of Perth has released the second coin of the new series of silver coins "Australian marine life - the reefs." It shows a picker. Coins of 50 Australian cents minted from silver 999, each weighing 15.573 grams, diameter - 36.6 mm, circulation - no more than 10 000. Rag-picker image adorns the reverse of the coin, on the obverse - the portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Value of a coin is over then 1,300 Russian rubles. Thank you for your attantion!
New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1 and marks the start of a new year. It gives Americans a chance to remember the previous year. People have parties and special events. Very few people have to work on this day. In some towns and cities, people hold parades and play special football games. A common symbol of New Year's Day is Baby New Year. Other symbols are fireworks and clocks striking midnight. It is a festival of romantic love and many Americans give cards, letters and flowers or presents to people who they love. Valentine's cards have images of hearts, red roses or Cupid. Common Valentine's Day gifts are flowers and chocolates.  Some people have a romantic meal in a restaurant or in a cafe. Common symbols of Valentine's Day are hearts, red roses and Cupid. People call Washington's Birthday - Presidents' Day. Americans celebrate it on the third Monday of February.  This holiday honors the life and work of George Washington, the first president of the United States. People celebrate this holiday on the third Monday of February. The Easter traditions in America mark the beginning of spring and to celebrate the new birth of Jesus Christ. People hold parades, carnivals, make Easter egg decorations and listen to music. A special dish for Easter in USA is baked ham, potatoes and vegetables. Most parents painting the Easter eggs and then conducting Easter egg hunt games for the kids. Americans celebrate this holiday on the fourth Thursday in November every year. It is a time to remember the pilgrims. They were the first Americans who got good harvest in 1621 and wanted to thank the God for it. Families get together for a family meal. They usually cook a turkey, potatoes, a pumpkin pie and vegetables. Thanksgiving Day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have. Christmas is one of the most important holidays in the US. Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on December 25. Americans have many Christmas traditions. People decorate their houses and Christmas trees. Americans celebrate Christmas with their families or friends. They give gifts to each other and sing carols and songs. 
a place
a place a place food technology clothing a hotel a taxi a hamburger a radio-set the Internet a computer shorts a bus a cafe coffee football a hot dog a supermarket a cap chips tennis a trolley-bus a jacket an automobile jeans basketball drink
Analysis of the story The Love Drug
William Sydney Porter (O. Henry) was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, 1862. His father was a physician. When William was three, his mother died, and he was raised by his paternal grandmother and aunt. At the age of fifteen William left school and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch. He married in 1882. The main characters of the story are: The explosion in this story was when Jim came to his friend Pilkins and asked him to help. Jim said, that they decided to run away and get married that night. But Rosy doubted whether they should do it. And Jim was afraid that she changes her mind. Pilkins offered to pour a powder to her and then they can escape. The denouement was when the next day Pilkins met Jim and was surprised very much when Jim said that they were married last night.
"Walt Whitman"
Walt Whitman Vika Verbych Form 11B School 5 The features of the works of Walt Whitman Teacher: N.G. Savko Walt Whitman Transcendentalism (Literary movement) Two trends Romanticism Realism He tried to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality  and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements The denial of rationalism, human senses cult, the cult of individualism. The presentation of an unusual character in exceptional circumstances Reason, spirit, deep and free intuition Specimen Days Democratic Vistas (1871) Franklin Evans (1842) Leaves of Grass (1855 ) Drum-Taps (1865) Memoranda During the War The outstanding works The use of a dialogue between the poet and the reader The use of metaphors, rhetorical questions, appeals, orders. Poetics of Democracy The use of vers libre
Ancient Greece
By: Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley H.S. Chappaqua, NY The Geography of Greece Bronze Age Greece Crete: Minoan Civilization (Palace at Knossos) Knossos: Minoan Civilization Minoan Civilization The Mycenaean Civilization The Mask of Agamemnon ATHENS: Yesterday & Today Early Athenian Lawgivers Persian Wars: Famous Battles Marathon (490 BCE) 26 miles from Athens Thermopylae (480 BCE) 300 Spartans at the Mountain pass Salamis (480 BCE) Athenian navy victorious Great Athenian Philosophers Great Athenian Philosophers Athens: The Arts & Sciences The Acropolis Today The Parthenon The Agora Olympia The Ancient Olympics: Athletes & Trainers Olympia: Temple to Hera The 2004 Olympics SPARTA SPARTA Peloponnesian Wars Macedonia Under Philip II Alexander the Great Alexander the Great in Persia The Hellenization of Asia Pergamum: A Hellenistic City The Economy of the Hellenistic World Hellenistic Philosophers Hellenistic Philosophers Hellenism: The Arts & Sciences By: Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley H.S. Chappaqua, NY
Animals Animals as pets Most people in Britain like animals. A lot of families have got a pet. Dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs and budgerigars (budgies) are all popular pets. Do you like animals? What is your favourite animal? Where does your favourite animal live? Do you have a pet? If you could be an animal for 5 minutes, which one you would like to be? is a .... red-rumped parrot Animals Horses are popular too. Some children go to riding schools where they learn how to look after horses. There are lots of horse shows called gymkhanas with prizes for riding, jumping and other events. How many horses can you find? 4 Animals A lot of TV programmes are about animals. There are programmes about wild animals from all over over the world from lions, whales and bears to fish and even insects. Do you know the names of these animals? Click on the slide to see if you are correct. mosquito horse elephant cat snake lion dolphin rabbit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Animals There are lots of zoos in Britain, but nowadays they don´t keep big animals in cages. They are usually in big pens, where they can run and jump. Zoos are very important because a lot of animals are disappearing in the wild. Zoos can help to save them. Match the pictures with the names of the animals tiger sheep giraffe shark goat whale chicken ostrich eagle dog cow penguin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Animals in safari You can also see animals in safari parks. In these parks, the animals don´t live in cages or pens. They live in fields and woods. People drive round the park in their cars to watch the animals. You mustn´t get out of your car! bee duck horse bear sheep whale 1 2 3 4 5 6 Farm animals Most children in Britain live in towns and cities, so they don´t see wild or farm animals every day. You can visit some farms and learn about farm life and see animals like sheep, pigs and cows. Some of the farms are in the country but others are in towns and pupils go to them on school trips. s d a f c o w y r e w h e b w i g a u i r a b b i t l i g d w t w m o p o e s e r e d o n k e y s d m a p d s d l i o n t f o n d f h h o r s e a d s f e w e a f a s d k w p d o g f d n t o r t o i s e f d a s f t Find names of the animals Types of animals Birds -have two legs; -most fly with wings; -hatch from eggs. Insects - have six legs (three pairs) ; - have antennae for feeling around; - usually have wings. Reptiles have dry, rough, scaly skin; -lay their eggs on or under the ground. Types of animals Fish are cool-blooded they lay eggs some fish like sharks live in the sea -other fish like carp, live in lakes and rivers. Amphibians -can live in fresh (not sea) water and on land. they are cold-blooded and lay eggs like reptiles but they can´t live all the time on land, and they must lay their eggs in water Count it! Divide animals into types What is in the picture? What changed in the picture? Guess the animal - It has got four paws - It has got a tail - It´s soft and sweet - It´s a tame animal - It has got two wings - It has got a beak - It has got feathers - It can fly - It lives in the wood Read and draw Once upon a time, there was a farm with many animals. There was one cat, one dog, two cows, three mice, four birds, one horse, one lamb, five sheep, two rabbits and four pigs. All of them had their own laws and lived happily... The Word Order Game Have any you got ? pets ? cats Do you like animals tame The dogs are Crossword e l e p h a n t h o r s e h e p i o n b e l m b r a b i b i r d p i t i g e o g i r a f f e c a o w Horizontal Horse Elephant Rabbit Pig Bird Giraffe Cow Vertical Sheep Lion Bee Lamb Cat Tiger Dog Definitions: Describe these animals ! It has got four short paws. Its colour is green. It is a wild animal, but it isn´t dangerous. It has got four legs. Its colour is brown. It has got two big ears and a long tail. It is a tame animal. Write a definition An elephant ... A bird ... A cow ... How many animals do you know? 1. Hamster 2. Bird 3. Lion 4. Cow 5. Pig 6. Elephant 7. Rabbit 8. Squirrel 9. Horse 10. Donkey 11. Cat 12. Tortoise Guess animal from previous slide 1. They are usually pink................................................... 2. They are brown or black and white......................... 3. They are black, brown or white................................ 4. They are usually white, but some are black.......... 5. They are in the people´s houses.............................. 6. They are grey. They´ve got big ears...................... 7. Some are white, some are yellow............................. 8. They are brown and very, very big.......................... True or false? There are two houses in the picture........... There is a lake................................................... There are four trees....................................... There is a cat.................................................... There are two hens.......................................... There are five sheep................ There are two horses............... There is a cow............................ There are three pigs................ Match each picture with a description. It´s big and grey. It has got big ears and a trunk. It lives in Africa and Asia. It´s red or orange. It swims and it lives in a bowl or (if it´s lucky) in a pond. It has coloured feathers. It can fly. It lives in the forest or in the jungle and some can speak. It´s very small. It can be grey, brown or white. It likes cheese and it squeaks. It has a long tail and it runs very fast. It´s a domestic and it´s good to eat. It lives in the hen house. It has a beak and it cackles. It can be brown or white. It´s furry and big. It likes honey. It lives in the forest or in the jungle. Tarzan of the apes This is Tarzan of the apes. His house is in the jungle, in Africa. He lives with the animals, and they are his friends. Chita is a very special friend. Tarzan is a tall man and he is a nice person. Chita isn´t tall, but she is a very nice animal. Tarzan likes all the animals and he helps them when they are in danger. Answer these questions: 1. Is Tarzan a short man? 2. Are the animals his friends? 3. Where is his house? 4. Is Chita a girl? 5. Are you an ape? 6. Is your teacher an ape? 7. Are you a nice person? 8. Are you a tall person? Children will recognize most of the animals in the pictures. They will know the English names for some of the animals. When children have completed the exercise, read the names of the animals aloud and ask the children to repeat.
American schools
The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. All pupils go to school on a special bus In America children go to school from 6 to 16. The programme of studies in the school includes English, Arithmetic, Geography, History of the USA, Natural sciences and, besides, Physical Training, Singing, Drawing, wood or metal work, etc. Sometimes they learn a foreign language and general history. At the end of every school year all children take a test. If a child does well, he goes into the next grade. If he doesn`t do well, he has to repeat the grade. Score Percentage A 90% -100% B 80% -89% C 70% -79% D 65% -69% E (F) 64% and below In the U.S.A., school uniforms are worn only in the most prestigious private schools Some schools have modern teaching equipment, but there are small country schools with just one classroom At the end of their time of school, more students get a high school diploma. If they want to go to college, they take college admission tests
"Angela Isadora Duncan "
She sought the connection between emotions and movement:
Apple Day
animals squirrel Quickly, quickly, Hop, hop, hop Up she goes to the top, Quickly, quickly, Round and round, Down she jumps To the ground bear I like honey, yes I do And I sleep all winter too, A fur coat is what I wear Now you know, I am a bear frog I am green, I croak a lot And I leap from spot to spot I can sit upon a log I like water, I am a frog monkey I like to jump I like climb I like bananas It is fun crocodile My teeth are sharp My colour is green I am from Africa Have you ever me seen? owl In every tree or barn or tower I am waiting for the evening hour cat I like milk, yes I do I chase mice, how about you? I like to sleep, what about that? I am funny little cat ! bird I am very useful I am very good You must help me in winter Giving me some food dog Dog is funny, Dog is small, It likes to run, to jump, to roll   giraffe  I eat a meal of thorns and leaves And reach to the top of the trees birds  We are birds We can fly, We can dance In the sky  
"Ancient Rome"
Ancient Rome Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world. In its centuries of existence, Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy to an aristocratic republic to an increasingly autocratic empire. It came to dominate Southern Europe, Western Europe, Balkans, Asia Minor, North Africa and parts of Eastern Europe through conquest and assimilation. Rome was preponderant throughout the Mediterranean region, and was the sole superpower of Antiquity. Even today its influence survives. Rome was undoubtedly the central power of Antiquity. The Romans are still remembered today, as Julius Caesar (a military and political genius, symbol of Roman power), Cicero (a master of oratory) and Horace (the greatest poet of Latin language). Roman culture and history was also praised by great thinkers and philosophers like Machiavelli, Rousseau and Nietzsche. A society highly developed in military and politics, Rome professionalized the military and created a system of government called res publica, the inspiration for most of modern republics like the United States and France. By the end of the Republic, Rome had conquered the land arounds the Mediterraean and beyond: its domain extending from the Atlantic to Judaea and from the mouth of the Rhine to North Africa. In the Empire, Rome entered in its golden times at the hands of Augustus Caesar. Under Trajan, the Empire reached its territorial peak, but showing signs of fatigue. The republican values started to fall in the imperial times, and civil wars became the common ritual for a new emperor's rise. Plagued by internal instability and attacked by various migrating peoples, the western part of the empire broke up into independent kingdoms in the 5th century AD. This splintering is the landmark historians use to divide the ancient period from the medieval era and the "Dark Ages". The Eastern Roman Empire survived this crisis and was governed from Constantinople after the division of the Empire. It comprised Greece, the Balkans, Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt. Despite the later loss of Syria and Egypt to the Arab-Islamic Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire continued for another millennium, until its remains were finally annexed by the emerging Turkish Ottoman Empire. This eastern, Christian, medieval stage of the Empire is usually called the Byzantine Empire by historians. Roman civilization is often grouped into "classical antiquity" together with ancient Greece. Ancient Rome contributed greatly to government, law, war, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion, and language in the Western world, and its history continues to have a major influence on the world today. vocabulary Ancient – стародавній Existence - існування Increasingly -більше Preponderant - переважаючий influence - вплив Survives- виживає Undoubtedly - безсумнівно Philosopher- філософ system of government –системи управління conquer - підпорядковуати Value - значення various - різний Contribute - сприяти The end.
A woman’s image in the Art
a) is the national Gallery which was fouunded in 1824. b) are represented there. c) Art museums and galleries. d) famous for its two distinct collections. e) two will be mentioned here. f) in British painting from the 16th century to the present days. g) all the important art schools. Woman is made great in gentleness Woman is tender and soft in her acts Woman speaks with deep sincerities Woman expresses herself in kind ways Jeline Loh She Walks In Beauty (Lord Byron) She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling place. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent! The Birth of a Gentleman Sandro Botichelli (1444 - 1510) Simonetta Vespuchchi
Appearance Vocabulary Levels: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate snub/turned-up nose Bulbous nose a bun dimple(s) Bushy eyebrows freckles wrinkles protruding chin Weather-beaten skin Roman/aquiline nose acne under-eye bags highlights birthmark/mole a plait dark circles dimple(s) cheek bones Mohawk a pimple parting fringe hooked nose stubble crow‘s feet
Appearance Describing people
Appearance Describing people Prezentacii.com Contents Introduction(general information). Height and stature. Features . * Eyes *Noses *Cheeks *Lips *Complexions *Hair *Special features 4. Conclusion(your opinion). Introduction People consider him/her to be… They say he/she is… He/she looks… He/she always impresses people (un)favourably. -beautiful -handsome -attractive - pleasant -charming -lovely -pretty -nice -cute -good – looking -graceful -neat -tidy -plain -ugly Height and stature He/she is… He/she thinks he/she is too… and wants to lose weight -tall -short -of medium height -neither tall nor short -thin -slender -slim -large -broad-shouldered -long-legged(armed) -with slender(shapely , bandy) legs what is called -thin as a rail -skinny -just right -well-built -plump -podgy -stout Features He/she has (ir)regular , delicate(rough) features. His/her … eyes with … eyelashes and … eyebrows are … -big -small -black -as blue as the sky -dark brown -light hazel -bright green -greyish -deep blue -long -short -black -dark -fair -thick -thin -curly -thin -thick -bushy -penciled -black -dark -fair -bulging -deep-set -wide-set -close-set -expressive -kind -clever -beautiful 3. He/she has a… nose (with freckles on it) -long -short -straight -snub -turned-up -hooked -aquiline 4. He/she is He/she has …cheeks/a … face. hollow(plump)-cheeked/oval(round)-faced. -hollow -plump -oval -round 5. His/her … lips and … teeth make her smile … Though his/her lips are … and teeth are … , his/her smile is … -full -thin -red -pink -bright -pale -even -uneven -white -yellowish -flashing -happy -charming -cheerful -pleasant 6. He/she has a … complexion . -weathered -dark -tanned -fair -pale -peaches and cream That’s why his/her skin looks … -healthy -blooming -delicate -rough -clean -fresh -tired -unhealthy I mean he/she is … -a real picture of health -in the full bloom of youth -in the pink of health 7. He/she has a … expression (look) on his/her face. -thoughtful -absent -nice -gloomy -pleasant -serious 8. He/she wears his/her … hair … and … -straight -wavy -curly -dark -fair -black -blond -long -short -close-cropped -shoulder-length -plaited -in a plait -in a bun -in a pony tail -loose over his/her shoulders -pushed back -with a side parting -parted in the middle -dyes it black -has a haircut -has a hair-do -has it waved He is bald. 8. He/she has… a beard a moustache -freckles -some wrinkles -a few pimples -a mole -a dimple Conclusion I find him/her really very (rather/quite) … -attractive -pretty -lovely -cute -good-looking
"American Revolution"
American Revolution of 1775 - 1783 Presentation Irina Drach Form 11 B School 1 Teacher Staneva A.D. The American Revolutionary War was an armed conflict that lasted eight long years, from 1775 to 1783. It was also a civil war between British subjects and Americans and a rebellion against colonial authorities. It was ultimately a war of "national liberation”, the first in modern history. It caused 25,700 deaths on the American side alone, which ranks it the second bloodiest war ever waged by the United States (after the Civil War). Ideology behind the Revolution The ideological movement known as the American Enlightenment was a critical precursor to the American Revolution. Chief among the ideas of the American Enlightenment were the concepts of liberalism, republicanism and fear of corruption. Collectively, the acceptance of these concepts by a growing number of American colonists began to foster an intellectual environment which would lead to a new sense of political and social identity. The American Revolution was predicated by a number of ideas and events that, combined, led to a political and social separation of colonial possessions from the home nation and a coalescing of those former individual colonies into an independent nation. Consequently, the Colonies mobilized their militias, and fighting broke out in 1775. The Patriots quickly expelled royal officials from the colonies and took control. For the American insurgents, success was far from guaranteed as they had only 18,000 to 20,000 inexperienced men, no navy, and only a small number of well-trained generals. Nevertheless, it was the revolutionists who won the war, by slowly wearing the British into the ground. 18 March 1774 - British occupied Boston, Massachusetts until evacuated 7 March 1776. 5 September 1774 - First Continental Congress convened. 19 April 1775 - Battle at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. 17 June 1775 -Battle of Bunker Hill,Massachusetts. 4 July1776 - Declaration of Independence adopted. 15 September1776 - New York City occupied by the British until 26 November 1783. 26 December 1776 - Attack at Trenton, New Jersey. 3 January 1777 - Attack at Princeton, New Jersey. 11 September 1777 - Battle of Barndywine, Pennsylvania. 19 December 1777 - Washington's army established headquarters at Valley Forge. 6 February 1778 - U.S. and France entered a military alliance. 28 June 1778 - Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey. 29 December 1778 - Capture of Savannah, Georgia by the British. It was occupied until 11 July 1782. 23 February 1779 - George Rogers Clark and his men took Vincennes, Indiana from the British. 12 May 1780 - Charleston, South Carolina was captured by the British and occupied until 14 December 1782. 16 August 1780 - Battle near Camden, South Carolina. 7 October 1780 - Patriots defeated a group of Loyalists at Kings Mountain, South Carolina. 17 January 1781 - Battle at Cowpens near the Broad River in South Carolina. 15 March 1781 - Battle at Guilford Co., North Carolina courthouse. 19 October 1781 - Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia. 30 November 1782 - A preliminary peace treaty was signed in Paris, France. 3 September 1783 - The final peace treaty was signed in Paris.
Happy Mothers’ Day!
Be happy, dear Mummy! Your eyes are so bright! My Mummy is the best! We love you, Mummy! You are so nice! Our family is the happiest! We are a big family I am so happy! Our Mummies are the best! We are your future Are we nice? The nicest flowers are for you, Mummy!
"James Madison"
JAMES MADISON The fourth President of the USA His biography PRESIDENCY As president he forbade to have any relationships with Britain and France. It was connected with a trade between states. This was the reason of a war with Britain in 1812. This war has caused great damage to the U.S. economy. In August 1814 British invaded in Washington, D.C. and burned buildings, including the White House, the Capitol and the Library of Congress. After a while the war ended and the Treaty of Ghent was signed in December 1814 in Europe. After the signing of the peace treaty Madison sent all the forces to the economic growth. After two terms in office, Madison left Washington, D.C., in 1817, and returned to Montpelier with his wife. James Madison died in 1836. Interesting facts
Animal’s world
1. What animals can you see at the pictures? a dolphin a hedgehog a rabbit a horse a wolf 2. Match the words and their descriptions. A zoo A zoological society Endangered animals Domestic animals Insects Pets 1) These animals live in the country. People take care of them and get some goods from the animals. 2) It is a place where people can see many kinds of wild animals from all over the world. 3) It is an organization that want to save wild animals. 4) These animals live at home. 5) These are very little creatures, there are millions kinds of them. 6) These animals can disappear soon, because people kill them. 3. What is the plural form for the words? sheep mice fish elephants monkeys 4. Find the names of animals in the sentences. A gold key is not a common key. We often listen to music at English lessons. How do you do, girls? Nick came late to his class. People who drive too fast can be arrested. 4. Find the names of animals in the sentences. A gold key is not a common key. We often listen to music at English lessons. How do you do, girls? Nick came late to his class. People who drive too fast can be arrested. 5. Do you know the English proverbs? Find the Russian equivalents. 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 6 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 2 6. What do you know about animals? 6 CARD 1 CARD 2 CARD 3 CARD 4 CARD 5 CARD 1 When this animal is alive it is grey or brown. When it is boiled it becomes bright red. a jelly-fish an octopus an electric ray a dolphin a crab CARD 1 It uses electricity to kill the animal which it is going to eat. a jelly-fish an octopus an electric ray a dolphin a crab CARD 1 It is not a fish although it lives in water. a jelly-fish an octopus an electric ray a dolphin a crab CARD 1 This animal can change its colour. For example, when it is scared it becomes white. a jelly-fish an octopus an electric ray a dolphin a crab CARD 1 The food of this soft sea creature is crabs and other hard-shelled animals. a jelly-fish an octopus an electric ray a dolphin a crab CARD 2 This animal is the highest in the world. It can be to 6 meters tall. a seal a tortoise a whale a giraffe an elephant CARD 2 This is the animal which lives the longest life. It sometimes lives 300 to 400 years. a seal a tortoise a whale a giraffe an elephant CARD 2 This big animal is a good swimmer, but it cannot jump. It is afraid of mice. a seal a tortoise a whale a giraffe an elephant CARD 2 This is the largest animal which ever lived and lives today. It sometimes weighs about 150 000 kg. a seal a tortoise a whale a giraffe an elephant CARD 2 This is the animal that can live without food longer than a camel. a seal a tortoise a whale a giraffe an elephant CARD 3 This animal was very popular and loved by people thousands of years ago in Egypt. a kangaroo a cat a horse a squirrel a rhino CARD 3 This animal can climb a tree faster than it can run on the ground. a kangaroo a cat a horse a squirrel a rhino CARD 3 This is one of the cleverest domestic animals. These animals take much from the people whom they live with. a kangaroo a cat a horse a squirrel a rhino CARD 3 a kangaroo a cat a horse a squirrel a rhino CARD 3 This animal runs faster than a horse and when it is born it is only one inch (2,5 cm) high. a kangaroo a cat a horse a squirrel a rhino CARD 4 This bird swims fastest. an ostrich an owl an eagle a turkey a penguin CARD 4 This bird cannot fly, but it can run very fast. an ostrich an owl an eagle a turkey a penguin CARD 4 This bird can live for 100 years. an ostrich an owl an eagle a turkey a penguin CARD 4 an ostrich an owl an eagle a turkey a penguin CARD 4 This bird was first domesticated in South America. In Spain and France people called it an Indian Bird. The Russian name of it can also mean the same. an ostrich an owl an eagle a turkey a penguin CARD 5 This animal washes its food because it begins to eat anything. a snake a bat a hippopotamus a crocodile a raccoon CARD 5 Not only birds can fly. This is a mammal but it has got wings and can fly. a snake a bat a hippopotamus a crocodile a raccoon CARD 5 This animal changes their skin 3 to 7 times a year. a snake a bat a hippopotamus a crocodile a raccoon CARD 5 a snake a bat a hippopotamus a crocodile a raccoon CARD 5 This animal is cold-blooded. Its temperature depends on the temperature of the air. a snake a bat a hippopotamus a crocodile a raccoon Congratulations!!!
Animals of different countries
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level ANIMALS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES KANGAROO KOALA HIPPOPOTAMUS GIRAFFE RHINOCEROS MONKEY TORTOISE CROCODILE PANDA ANT-BEAR
Antarctica - Антарктида
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"Are the oceans getting saltier?"
Are the oceans getting saltier? In April 2011, NASA plans to launch the Aquarius satellite into orbit with a mission of answering a critical question about the Earth below: how is the salinity of Earth's ocean changing? A remote-sensing sea surface salinity satellite (SSS), Aquarius will record how much salt ocean waters contain across the globe. Introduction Measuring the amount of salty ocean seasoning might seem like a trivial venture considering the cost and scale of the project, which has been in development for around a decade. But ocean salinity is about a lot more than just salt. “Salinity, along with temperature, determines the density of the seawater, which will drive the 3-D ocean circulation that plays a key role in modulating the climate,” said Yi Chao, project scientist on the Aquarius mission. Let’s talk about salinity Consequently, ocean salinity is a barometer for change in the global water cycle — the rate of precipitation versus evaporation — it can also lend clues as to the rates at which water temperatures are rising and ice sheets are melting. As ocean temperature has risen in recent decades and ice sheets have melted at faster rates, studies have indicated that, on average, seawater is becoming fresher. Yet, site-specific salinity surveys also note that subtropical regions (25 to 30 degrees latitude) in particular have actually gotten saltier. Why it’s useful to know the current level of the World Ocean salinity? Thanks for watching! 
Art Art reflects life, so the saying goes. Real, live art appeals to our hearts and minds, to our feelings and ideals and it proclaims life. Art belongs to the people. The history of art beginning in the Renaissance and continuing on to our day and age confirms this. An artist is a worthy son of his time if his art is addressed to the people, when it deals with life, when he welcomes the sunrise as a wonderful symbol of man's finest hopes. It is close contact with the life of his people that gives an artist's work its power. One can find and study masterpieces of old and modern art in various picture galleries and museums. At all times art helped the man to develop his abilities, improve abstract thinking. In the course of ages the man tried to change art with growing intensity, improve it and extend his knowledge. Not only ancient works attract attention. The man constantly deals with works of art in everyday life. By visiting museums and exhibitions people want to join the amazing world which initially was available only for genius. Art is created by extraordinary people but belongs to millions and this is what is wonderful about art. It helps to understand, see and soak the beauty that takes a part in the ordinary life. First of all, art has influences upon formation of spiritual culture of the identity of the person, helps to learn itself and world around. It is supposed to refine a person, and the more often they contemplate paintings and architectural masterpieces, listen to fine music the better it is for them and people around. Art is many-sided, eternal though, unfortunately, it cannot influence people without their will, mental stress, and certain work of thought. People need to learn seeing and understanding the beautiful, then, art will beneficially influence them and the society in general.   The end!
"Architecture of the United Kingdom"
Architecture of the United Kingdom Buildings of the Middle Ages The architecture of Great Britain has a long history, and over that history architecture has ranged from the simplest hovel to the most elaborate palace. White Tower, at the heart of the Tower of London, was begun by Bishop Gundulf in 1078 on the orders of William the Conqueror. The structure was completed in 1097, providing a colonial stronghold and a powerful symbol of Norman domination. Durham Cathedral was begun by Bishop William de St Carilef in 1093 and completed about 1175. The choir was extended in the Gothic style between 1242 and 1280. Muscular pillars and round-headed arches make Durham one of the most imposing Norman buildings in England. Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, was probably begun in the 12th century, but was remodelled and adapted at various times right through to the 16th century. It was then carefully restored in the early 20th century. Haddon shows the quality which characterises the great medieval house, in which function dictates form. King's College Chapel, Cambridge, spans the period of transition between the Middle Ages and the Tudors. Its foundation stone was laid in 1446 by Henry VI and the structure, with its lacy perpendicular fan-vaulting, was completed by 1515 during the reign of Henry VIII. The windows were installed in 1546-7.
Harrow School
Harrow School School courtyard The plan view The main building School hall Library Canteen School garden Swimming pool Gym Sport track Tennis courts Chapel Room for rest Wall for rock climbing School memorial
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Area, volume & perimeter
Area, volume & perimeter Finding the product of two factors Пошук добуток двох множників (5x – 5)(4x + 7) 2. (4m – 6)(7m + 2) Find the Area of the figure/Знайти площу фігури. A rectangular prism has a length of 2x + 5 and the width of x + 3. Find the Area of this rectangular prism. Прямокутної призми має довжину 2x + 5 і ширина х + 3. Знайти площу цієї прямокутної призми. Find the Area of the Shaded region/Знайти площу заштрихованої області x +3 2x + 5 x +2 x +6 Question: You are getting Chinese food to go and you were curious to know the volume and area of your To-Go Box. Write a polynomial for the area of the base and the volume of the box. Питання: Ви отримуєте китайську їжу, щоб піти і вам було цікаво дізнатися, обсягу і площі вашого To-Go Box. Написати полінома для площі основи і об'єм ящика. Multiply Polynomials using a Area & Volume Model/Помножити Поліноми використанням Поверхня та об'ємної моделі n + 2 in n + 4 in n in What to do: Write a polynomial for the volume of the rectangular prism shown. We already know that the volume of a rectangular prism is the product of its length, width, and height. V = l ● w ● h Multiply Polynomials using a Volume Model x + 1 x x + 2 Помножити Поліноми використанням Поверхня та об'ємної моделі Що робити: Напишіть многочлен для обсягу прямокутної призми показано на малюнку. Ми вже знаємо, що обсяг прямокутної призми є продуктом його довжину, ширину і висоту. V = L ● ● ш ч x + 2 x x + 1 Find the perimeter / Знайти периметр x + 4 2x + 3
"Harriet Beecher Stowe"
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) I. Occupation Writer Teacher Reformer II. Known for author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, a book which helped build anti-slavery sentiment in America and abroad III. Family: Harriet Beecher Stowe was the seventh child of Lyman Beecher and his first wife Roxana. Father: Lyman Beecher (famous Congregationalist minister; president, Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio) Mother: Roxana Foote Beecher (granddaughter of General Andrew Ward; "mill girl" before marriage; died when Harriet was four) brothers William Beecher, Edward Beecher, George Beecher, Henry Ward Beecher, Charles Beecher and half-brothers Thomas Beecher and James Beecher (five became ministers) sisters Catherine Beecher and Mary Beecher, half-sister Isabella Beecher Hooker IV. Education: Ma'am Kilbourne's School Litchfield Academy Hartford Female Seminary (run by Catherine Beecher) V. Summery Harriet Beecher-Stowe is most famous for her controversial anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe was born in 1811 in Litchfield, Connecticut, the seventh of nine children. Her father was the well-known Congregational minister Lyman Beecher and his wife was Roxana Foote Beecher. Roxana Beecher died when her daughter was five years old, causing Beecher to feel great empathy, she felt, for slave mothers and children who were separated under slavery. The impact is summed up in a commonly quoted statement apocryphally attributed to Abraham Lincoln. When he met Stowe, it is claimed that he said, "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war!" VI. Uncle Tom's Cabin Major characters Major themes Major characters Uncle Tom Eliza Eva Simon Legree Topsy Uncle Tom Uncle Tom, the titular character, was initially seen as a noble long-suffering Christian slave. In more recent years, his name has become an epithet directed towards African-Americans who are accused of selling out to whites (for more on this, see the creation and popularization of stereotypes section). Stowe intended Tom to be a "noble hero"[20] and praiseworthy person. Throughout the book, far from allowing himself to be exploited, Tom stands up for his beliefs and is grudgingly admired even by his enemies. Eliza A slave (personal maid to Mrs. Shelby), she escapes to the North with her five-year old son Harry after he is sold to Mr. Haley. Her husband, George, eventually finds Eliza and Harry in Ohio, and emigrates with them to Canada, then France and finally Liberia. The character Eliza was inspired by an account given at Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati by John Rankin to Stowe's husband Calvin, a professor at the school. According to Rankin, in February, 1838 a young slave woman had escaped across the frozen Ohio River to the town of Ripley with her child in her arms and stayed at his house on her way further north. Eva Eva, whose real name is Evangeline St. Clare, is the daughter of Augustine St. Clare. Eva enters the narrative when Uncle Tom is traveling via steamship to New Orleans to be sold, and he rescues the 5 or 6 year-old girl from drowning. Eva begs her father to buy Tom, and he becomes the head coachman at the St. Clare plantation. He spends most of his time with the angelic Eva, however. Eva constantly talks about love and forgiveness, even convincing the dour slave girl Topsy that she deserves love. She even manages to touch the heart of her sour aunt, Ophelia. Some consider Eva to be a prototype of the character archetype known as the Mary Sue. Eventually Eva falls ill. Before dying, she gives a lock of her hair to each of the slaves, telling them that they must become Christians so that they may see each other in Heaven. On her deathbed, she convinces her father to free Tom, but because of circumstances the promise never materializes. Simon Legree A villainous and cruel slave owner—a Northerner by birth—whose name has become synonymous with greed. His goal is to demoralize Tom and break him of his religious faith. Topsy A "ragamuffin" young slave girl of unknown origin. When asked if she knows who made her, she professes ignorance of both God and a mother, saying "I s'pect I growed. Don't think nobody never made me." She was transformed by Little Eva's love. Topsy is often seen as the origin of the pickaninny stereotype of Black children and Black dolls. During the early-to-mid 1900s, several doll manufacturers created Topsy and Topsy-type dolls. Major themes The Evil of Slavery The Incompatibility of Slavery & Christian Values The Moral Power of Women The Evil of Slavery Uncle Tom's Cabin was written after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which made it illegal for anyone in the United States to offer aid or assistance to a runaway slave. The novel seeks to attack this law and the institution it protected, ceaselessly advocating the immediate emancipation of the slaves and freedom for all people. Each of Stowe's scenes, while serving to further character and plot, also serves, without exception, to persuade the reader—especially the Northern reader of Stowe's time—that slavery is evil, un-Christian, and intolerable in a civil society. For most of the novel, Stowe explores the question of slavery in a fairly mild setting, in which slaves and masters have seemingly positive relationships. At the Shelbys' house, and again at the St. Clares', the slaves have kindly masters who do not abuse or mistreat them. Stowe does not offer these settings in order to show slavery's evil as conditional. She seeks to expose the vices of slavery even in its best-case scenario. Though Shelby and St. Clare possess kindness and intelligence, their ability to tolerate slavery renders them hypocritical and morally weak. Even under kind masters, slaves suffer, as we see when a financially struggling Shelby guiltily destroys Tom's family by selling Tom, and when the fiercely selfish Marie, by demanding attention be given to herself, prevents the St. Clare slaves from mourning the death of her own angelic daughter, Eva. A common contemporary defense of slavery claimed that the institution benefited the slaves because most masters acted in their slaves' best interest. Stowe refutes this argument with her biting portrayals, insisting that the slave's best interest can lie only in obtaining freedom. In the final third of the book, Stowe leaves behind the pleasant veneer of life at the Shelby and St. Clare houses and takes her reader into the Legree plantation, where the evil of slavery appears in its most naked and hideous form. This harsh and barbaric setting, in which slaves suffer beatings, sexual abuse, and even murder, introduces the power of shock into Stowe's argument. If slavery is wrong in the best of cases, in the worst of cases it is nightmarish and inhuman. In the book's structural progression between “pleasant” and hellish plantations, we can detect Stowe's rhetorical methods. First she deflates the defense of the pro-slavery reader by showing the evil of the “best” kind of slavery. She then presents her own case against slavery by showing the shocking wickedness of slavery at its worst.
American Revolution War
American Revolutionary War 1775—1783 It was done by Taras Honchar The American Revolutionary War was a war fought between Great Britain and the original 13 British colonies in America. The war took place from 1775 to 1783. The American Army (Army of the colonies), led by George Washington, and other generals, defeated the armies of the British Empire. The colonies became independent, which meant that the British Empire was no longer in charge of them. After the French and Indian War, the colonists began to think that they were not getting their "rights as freeborn Englishman". This meant they wanted to be treated fairly by the English government. Part of this was because of the Proclamation of 1763, but it was mainly caused by new taxes the British made the colonies pay for the war. Americans called this "No taxation without representation", meaning that the colonists should not have to pay taxes unless they had votes in the British Parliament. These taxes included the Sugar Act (1764), Stamp Act (1765), Townshend Duties (1767), and Tea Act (1773). Each tax led to more unity between the colonies. In 1770, colonists in Boston known as the Sons of Liberty got in a fight with British soldiers. This became known as the Boston Massacre. After the Tea Act, the Sons of Liberty dumped hundreds of boxes of tea in a river. This was known as the Boston Tea Party (1773). This led to the British Army taking over Boston. After that, leaders of the 13 colonies formed a group called the Continental Congress. Many people were members of the Continental Congress, but some of the more important ones were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Roger Sherman and John Jay. In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense. It argued that the colonies should be free of English rule. This was based on the English ideas of natural rights and social contract put forth by John Locke and others. On July 4, 1776, people from 13 colonies agreed to the United States Declaration of Independence. This said that they were free and independent states, and were not part of England any more. The colonists were already fighting Britain in the Revolutionary War at this time. The Revolutionary War started in 1775 at Lexington and Concord. Though American soldiers under George Washington lost many battles to the British, they won a major victory at Saratoga in 1777. This led to France and Spain joining the war on the side of the Americans. In 1781, an American victory at Yorktown helped by the French led Britain to decide to stop fighting and give up the colonies. America had won the war and its independence. Thank you for attention!
Architectural Monuments Of Saint Petersburg. St. Isaac’s Cathedral
amazes a St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded in 1703 The beauty of the city amazes and takes the breath away. There are a lot of architectural monuments. St. Petersburg can be called Palace City indeed. In 1816 Alexander I charged the young French architect Auguste Ricard Montferrand with designing the Cathedral. In plan the Cathedral is an equilateral Greek cross with four porticos. It is faced with grey Karelia marble. There are a lot of big arch windows. On the top of the Cathedral there is a great golden dome. The Cathedral is 101 m high. The diameter of outer dome is 25 m.100 kg of pure gold was used for building the main dome. In the right side Paul the apostle hands a sword which is the symbol of his earnest service to Christ. On the porticos there are statues of 12 apostles. In the left side Peter the apostle hands the keys to the gate of Eden. On the northern relief you can see resurrection of Christ and in the centre there is Christ risen from the dead. Beautifully made sculptures wonder. The Cathedral is wonderful in any season. Fill in the missing words: 1. In________ Alexander I charged the young architect with designing the cathedral. 2. It was being built for _____years. 3. It took workers ____minutes to set the column in its place. 4. The total height of the cathedral is _______meters. 5. ______kg of pure red gold was used for building the main dome. 6. On the porticos there are _____apostles. 7. Peter the apostle hands _________________________ 8. Paul the apostle hands _________________ 9. ________________________supervised the building of the cathedral and was its architect www.amfora-video.ru www.classicmp3.ru www.google.ru/images http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/
ARRANGED MARRIAGES In an arranged marriage, the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other. It is especially common in royal and aristocratic  families around the world. TYPES OF ARRANGED MARRIAGES Many people who have been married in this way do grow to love and cherish their spouses after the marriage. Exchange Marriage This form of marriage involves a reciprocal exchange of spouses between two nations, groups, or tribes. For example, among the Australian Aborigines, the ideal model of any marriage contract is that two men of different groups should marry each other's sisters. This creates a completely symmetrical arrangement, strengthened by the implicit threat that if one husband abuses his wife, the other husband can retaliate against his sister. Diplomatic Marriages are are arranged for political reasons, to cement alliances between royal families. The monarchs of Europe were all related by blood due to frequent diplomatic marriages. Introduction only The parents introduce their child to a potential spouse that they found through a personal recommendation or a website. The parents may briefly talk to the parents of the prospective spouse. From that point, it is up to the children to manage the relationship and make a choice based on whatever factors they value. Love-cum-arranged marriage Mail Order Sometimes, the term "arranged marriage" may be used even if the parents had no direct involvement in selecting the spouse. A "mail-order bride" is selected by a man from a catalog of women from other countries, sometimes with the assistance of a marriage agency. Modern arranged marriage The parents choose several possible mates for the child, sometimes with the help of the child.The parents will then arrange a meeting with the family of the prospective mate, and the two children will often have a short unsupervised meeting, such as an hour-long walk around the neighborhood. Modern arranged marriage with courtship This is similar to the modern arranged marriage, except that the children have a chance to get to know each other over a longer period of time via e-mail, phone, or multiple in-person meetings, before making a decision. Thank you for attention!
"Arkhip Kuindzhi"
Arkhip Kuindzhi Biography The movement of his art is realism. He applied composite receptions, creating panoramic views. Using light effects and intense colors shown in main tones, he depicted the illusion of illumination. His later works are remarkable by decorative effects of color building. His works: "Red sunset" (1905) "Ukraine" (1879) "Daryal. Moonlight night" (1890-1895) "Sunset over the sea in winter" (1890) "Sea. Crimea" (1898-1908) "Birch Grove" (1901) "Kavkaz. Mountains in the snow " (1890-1895) "Moscow Kremlin from Zamoskvorechye" (1882) The end! Thank you for your attention
Happy Winter Holidays
Crossword Letter to Santa Claus Dear . My name's Tom. I'm years old. My is in Green Street, 22. Can I have a and a box of , please? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love, Tom Computer Doll Teddy-bear Car Ball Bells Snowman Skate Sledge Ski snowflake fir-tree icicle pine-tree New Year around stoking bells [belz] snowflake fir-tree icicle pine-tree New Year around stoking bells [belz] [belz] - 6 5 - 4 3   2   1 t s o r F - r e h t a F r a e Y w e N e e r t - r i f n a m w o n s   e l c i c i   e k a l f w o n s
April Fool's Day
Prezentacii.com The ancient Greeks would have loved April Fool's Day. They so adored being clever. It’s easy to imagine the ancient Athenians concocting their plots and chanting their victories, and the ancient Spartans rigging their barracks and roaring with laughter. A special day put aside just for trickery, with everyone forewarned that others were out to fool them .... the challenge of it would have greatly appealed to the ancient Greeks. But, they did NOT create this holiday. Prezentacii.com The history of April Fool's Day only goes back to the 16th century. Legend says … April Fools Day started with a change in the calendar. The “new year” celebration was moved from April 1st to Jan 1st. Some people did not hear about this change for many years. Other ignored the change, and continued to celebrate as they had always. These people were called “fools”. . Prezentacii.com In the 1500’s, some people began playing tricks on the “fools”. Over time, April 1st became a day of playing tricks, and a challenge – a competition of sorts - to see who could come up with the best prank. Today, almost 500 years later, April 1st is still a day when tricks are played on people in a spirit of fun. Anyone who plays a mean trick is just being mean. For the rest of us, April Fool's Day is a challenging game of trickery! Prezentacii.com April Fools is celebrated in only some countries in the world. In France, April 1st is called "Poisson d'Avril." French kids play a special game on this day. The object of the game is to tape a paper fish on someone's back without that person noticing. When the victim spots the fish taped to their back, the kids yell "Poisson d’Avril!" (April Fish!)  Prezentacii.com In Belgium, Egyptologist, Jacques Kinnaer, shared: "The expression "April Fish", in my region of the country (in Belgium), not only applies to the paper (or real) fish being stuck to someone's back, but to the tricks played on that day in general. If I played a prank on you on April 1st, the expression would be (translated into English) that I've baked you an April's Fish. Even the media (press and radio) try to bake an April's Fish by adding something untrue to the news.” Prezentacii.com In Newfoundland, Bruce Lane, a Newfoundland nature and wild life photographer and teacher, shared: "Yes we do celebrate April Fool's Day in Newfoundland! The custom is that until noon you can trick people with lies and exaggerations. For example, one morning a local radio station reported seeing a herd of seals far up an inland river. They reported the story several times until noon when they informed the audience it was an April Fools trick!"  Prezentacii.com In the United States, April 1st is a day set aside to play small, clever tricks on people. Placing salt in the sugar bowl when no one is looking is not a real trick. Where's the cleverness in that? (The ancient Greeks would have turned up their noses at such a pathetic attempt.) Prezentacii.com In the United States, April 1st is a day set aside to play small, clever tricks on people. Placing salt in the sugar bowl when no one is looking is not a real trick. Where's the cleverness in that? (The ancient Greeks would have turned up their noses at such a pathetic attempt.) A real April Fool's trick takes thought, creativity, timing, and a bit of acting. Prezentacii.com There are rules to this game. 1. Your trick must be harmless. 2. Your victim must believe you. 3. Your trickery must make your victim at least smile (or better yet, laugh) when you shout "April Fool's!" Otherwise, it does not qualify as an April Fool's Day trick. Prezentacii.com April Fooled! The Two Headed Dog Taco Liberty Bell Easy Computer Tricks You Can Play on People More April Fools Fun Free Holiday Clipart Here are some links to help you enjoy April Fools. Prezentacii.com … This presentation is brought to you by Pete’s Power Point Station. Visit us on the web at pppst.com Prezentacii.com
Happy Women’s Day
Alexander Calder
Alexander Calder an American sculptor and artist most famous for inventing mobile sculptures. In addition to mobile and stable sculpture, Alexander Calder also created paintings, lithographs, toys, tapestry, jewelry and household objects. Flamingo is a 53 foot tall stabile located in the Federal Plaza in front of the Kluczynski Federal Building in Chicago, Illinois Sculpture Le Tamanoir (1963) by Alexander Calder in Rotterdam/The Netherlands Crinkly avec disque rouge (1973), Schlossplatz in Stuttgart, Germany Feuille d'arbre (1974), Tel Aviv, Israel Man, a sculpture by Alexander Calder for Expo 67, on Saint Helen's Island Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montréal, Quebec Calder room at National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Chicago's Home Insurance Building, the world's first steel framed skyscraper, erected in 1885. New York's Woolworth Building, 1913, remains one of the 50 tallest buildings in the United States (built in a Neo-Gothic style) Part of the lobby 40 Wall Street, briefly holding the title of the world's tallest building until the completion of the Chrysler building. It is a 70-story skyscraper in New York City. Originally known as the Bank of Manhattan Trust building and also known as Manhattan Company Building The Chrysler Building, 1930. The Chrysler Building is a classic example of Art Deco architecture and considered by many contemporary architects to be one of the finest buildings in New York City. The Chrysler Building is an Art Deco style skyscraper in New York City, located on the east side of Manhattan in the Turtle Bay area at the intersection of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Standing at 1,047 feet (319 m),it was the world's tallest building for 11 months before it was surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. New York's Empire State Building, 1931. is a 102-story landmark skyscraper and American cultural icon in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. The Empire State Building It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 meters), and with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 ft (443.2 m) high.[7] Its name is derived from the nickname for New York, the Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower was completed in 1972. The Willis Tower (formerly named, and still commonly referred to as, the Sears Tower) is a 108-story, 1,451-foot (442 m) skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois.[4] At the time of its completion in 1973, it was the tallest building in the world, surpassing the World Trade Center towers in New York, and it held this rank for nearly 25 years. The Willis Tower is the tallest building in the United States and the seventh-tallest freestanding structure in the world. The Trump International Hotel and Tower, also known as Trump Tower Chicago and locally as the Trump Tower, is a skyscraper condo-hotel in downtown Chicago, Illinois. The building, named after real estate developer Donald Trump, was designed by architect Adrian Smith of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Bovis Lend Lease built the 98-story structure, which reached a height of 1,389 feet (423 m) including its spire, its roof topping out at 1,170 feet (360 m). Alexander Calder (1898-1976). Untitled (1968). Painted steel. Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa, Portugal. Alexander Calder's L'empennage (1953) Pictured in 2002 when it was displayed in the sculpture garden of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. Aula Magna, "Acoustic Clouds" (1953) by Alexander Calder. Central University of Venezuela Mural Wall Painted by Alexander Calder for Stillman House (1954) The Four Elements (1961), Moderna Museet, installation in front of the museum entrance Alexander Calder: Têtes et Queue 1965, Berlin La Grande Vitesse (sculpture) by Alexander Calder, installed in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1969 Bobine, sculpture by Alexander Calder at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Sculpture Le Halebardier (1971) by Alexander Calder Outside the Sprengel Museum (of modern art), Hannover/Germany Eagle (1971). Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle, Washington. Alexander Calder an American sculptor and artist most famous for inventing mobile sculptures. In addition to mobile and stable sculpture, Alexander Calder also created paintings, lithographs, toys, tapestry, jewelry and household objects. Flamingo is a 53 foot tall stabile located in the Federal Plaza in front of the Kluczynski Federal Building in Chicago, Illinois Sculpture Le Tamanoir (1963) by Alexander Calder in Rotterdam/The Netherlands Crinkly avec disque rouge (1973), Schlossplatz in Stuttgart, Germany Feuille d'arbre (1974), Tel Aviv, Israel Man, a sculpture by Alexander Calder for Expo 67, on Saint Helen's Island Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montréal, Quebec Calder room at National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. The rise of the skyscraper Chicago's Home Insurance Building, the world's first steel framed skyscraper, erected in 1885. New York's Woolworth Building, 1913, remains one of the 50 tallest buildings in the United States (built in a Neo-Gothic style) Part of the lobby 40 Wall Street, briefly holding the title of the world's tallest building until the completion of the Chrysler building. It is a 70-story skyscraper in New York City. Originally known as the Bank of Manhattan Trust building and also known as Manhattan Company Building The Chrysler Building, 1930. The Chrysler Building is a classic example of Art Deco architecture and considered by many contemporary architects to be one of the finest buildings in New York City. The Chrysler Building is an Art Deco style skyscraper in New York City, located on the east side of Manhattan in the Turtle Bay area at the intersection of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Standing at 1,047 feet (319 m),it was the world's tallest building for 11 months before it was surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. New York's Empire State Building, 1931. is a 102-story landmark skyscraper and American cultural icon in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. The Empire State Building It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 meters), and with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 ft (443.2 m) high.[7] Its name is derived from the nickname for New York, the Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower was completed in 1972. The Willis Tower (formerly named, and still commonly referred to as, the Sears Tower) is a 108-story, 1,451-foot (442 m) skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois.[4] At the time of its completion in 1973, it was the tallest building in the world, surpassing the World Trade Center towers in New York, and it held this rank for nearly 25 years. The Willis Tower is the tallest building in the United States and the seventh-tallest freestanding structure in the world. The Trump International Hotel and Tower, also known as Trump Tower Chicago and locally as the Trump Tower, is a skyscraper condo-hotel in downtown Chicago, Illinois. The building, named after real estate developer Donald Trump, was designed by architect Adrian Smith of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Bovis Lend Lease built the 98-story structure, which reached a height of 1,389 feet (423 m) including its spire, its roof topping out at 1,170 feet (360 m). Frank Lloyd Wright was an American architect, interior designer, writer and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures and completed 500 works. Wright believed in designing structures which were in harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. The Weltzeheimer/Johnson House is a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Oberlin, Ohio. It is now owned by Oberlin College and is operated as part of the Allen Memorial Art Museum. Wright's Price Tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium is considered to be the last public commission of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Groundbreaking took place and construction on the building began on May 23, 1962. It took 25 months to complete. Walter H. Gale House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1893. National Register of Historic Places. Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Guggenheim museum from New York, 1959 Alexander Calder an American sculptor and artist most famous for inventing mobile sculptures. In addition to mobile and stable sculpture, Alexander Calder also created paintings, lithographs, toys, tapestry, jewelry and household objects. Flamingo is a 53 foot tall stabile located in the Federal Plaza in front of the Kluczynski Federal Building in Chicago, Illinois Sculpture Le Tamanoir (1963) by Alexander Calder in Rotterdam/The Netherlands Crinkly avec disque rouge (1973), Schlossplatz in Stuttgart, Germany Feuille d'arbre (1974), Tel Aviv, Israel Man, a sculpture by Alexander Calder for Expo 67, on Saint Helen's Island Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montréal, Quebec Calder room at National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. The rise of the skyscraper Chicago's Home Insurance Building, the world's first steel framed skyscraper, erected in 1885. New York's Woolworth Building, 1913, remains one of the 50 tallest buildings in the United States (built in a Neo-Gothic style) Part of the lobby 40 Wall Street, briefly holding the title of the world's tallest building until the completion of the Chrysler building. It is a 70-story skyscraper in New York City. Originally known as the Bank of Manhattan Trust building and also known as Manhattan Company Building The Chrysler Building, 1930. The Chrysler Building is a classic example of Art Deco architecture and considered by many contemporary architects to be one of the finest buildings in New York City. The Chrysler Building is located on the east side of Manhattan in the Turtle Bay area at the intersection of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Standing at 1,047 feet (319 m), it was the world's tallest building for 11 months before it was surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. New York's Empire State Building, 1931. It is a 102-story landmark skyscraper and American cultural icon in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 meters), and with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 ft (443.2 m) high. Its name is derived from the nickname for New York, the Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower was completed in 1972. The Willis Tower (formerly named, and still commonly referred to as, the Seas Tower) is a 108-story, 1,451-foot (442 m) skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois. At the time of its completion in 1973, it was the tallest building in the world, surpassing the World Trade Center towers in New York, and it held this rank for nearly 25 years. The Willis Tower is the tallest building in the United States and the seventh-tallest freestanding structure in the world. The Trump International Hotel and Tower, also known as Trump Tower Chicago and locally as the Trump Tower, is a skyscraper condo-hotel in downtown Chicago, Illinois. The building, named after real estate developer Donald Trump, was designed by architect Adrian Smith of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Bovis Lend Lease built the 98-story structure, which reached a height of 1,389 feet (423 m) including its spire, its roof topping out at 1,170 feet (360 m). Frank Lloyd Wright was an American architect, interior designer, writer and educator, who designed more than 1,000 structures and completed 500 works. Wright believed in designing structures which were in harmony with humanity and its environment, he called his philosophy organic architecture. The Weltzeheimer/Johnson House is a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Oberlin, Ohio. It is now owned by Oberlin College and is operated as part of the Allen Memorial Art Museum. Wright's Price Tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium is considered to be the last public commission of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Groundbreaking took place and construction on the building began on May 23, 1962. It took 25 months to complete. Alexander Calder. Untitled (1968). Painted steel. Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisboa, Portugal. Alexander Calder's L'empennage (1953) Pictured in 2002 when it was displayed in the sculpture garden of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. Aula Magna, "Acoustic Clouds" (1953) by Alexander Calder. Central University of Venezuela Mural Wall Painted by Alexander Calder for Stillman House (1954) The Four Elements (1961), Moderna Museet, installation in front of the museum entrance Alexander Calder: Têtes et Queue 1965, Berlin La Grande Vitesse (sculpture) by Alexander Calder, installed in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1969 Bobine, sculpture by Alexander Calder at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Sculpture Le Halebardier (1971) by Alexander Calder Outside the Sprengel Museum (of modern art), Hannover/Germany Eagle (1971). Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle, Washington. Walter H. Gale House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1893. National Register of Historic Places. Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Guggenheim museum in New York, 1959
Are They Tall or High?
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Are They Tall or High? Opposites Opposites Measurements When we talk about measurements, we usually use tall for people high for things Measurements Measurements Describing: One way to think of it Describing: One way to think of it tall buildings high clouds Describing: One way to think of it This man is high on a tall building. Describing: One way to think of it The boy is higher than his dad, but not taller. Describing: Another way to think of it For example Your turn The kite is flying _____ in the sky. high tall Your turn The kite is flying _____ in the sky. high tall She is much _________ than he is. taller higher She is much _________ than he is. taller higher That is a ____ladder. tall high That is a ____ladder. tall high That is a _____ ladder. short low He is standing on the _____ rung of the ladder. shortest lowest He is getting a book from the _____ shelf. tallest highest That is a _____ ladder. short low He is standing on the _____ rung of the ladder. shortest lowest He is getting a book from the _____ shelf. tallest highest Tall or high? He is ____. He is ____. He is ____. Tall or high? He is tall. He is high. He is high. (on the pole) (drunk) (physical stature) The string is connected to the child, who is touching the ground, but the kite does not, itself, touch the ground. The tree touches the ground, but the branches do not, although they are connected to the tree. What he is standing on would more accurately be described as a stepladder, but for simplification purposes, is referred to here as a ladder.
Happy English
Lesson 1. Thank you for your attention
Areas of London
Areas of London City City is the oldest area of London City is the largest financial center There is St. Paul's Cathedral ,St Bridge Church, one of the oldest churches of London, the London Tower, ruins of an ancient city wall the Museum of London Westminster Westminster is paradise for the tourist, after all basic sights of London here are concentrated. (Buckingham palace, Big Ben on a tower of the Building of Parliament; and Westminster Abbey). Soho Soho- perhaps, the most picturesque and brisk quarter of London. It is the center of night life, area of pubs, restaurants and discos. Chelsea Chelsea it is a magnificent residential zone directly in megacity heart. Notting Hill Notting Hill is a prestigious and expensive area It is well-known for an annual Brazilian Carnival. It is the largest carnival in Europe In Notting Hill there is a flea market of Portobello largest in Europe Knightsbridge Knightsbridge it is known for the shops and boutiques. Here the most expensive boutiques of the most prestigious marks of the world are located. Thanks for attention 
LESSON 3 WARM UP We go by car We go by land And we go by train. And sea, and air, We go by boat We go, go, go And we go by plane. From here to there there. MAIN PART 1. Answer the questions Is travelling popular nowadays? What ways of travelling do you know? What is the fastest way of travelling? What kind of travelling is popular for pleasure trips? What kinds of travelling are popular for business trips? What ways of getting about town do you know? What means of transport are there in our town? Where do they stop to pick up passengers? How many bus routes are there in our town? What proverbs about travelling do you know? 2. Make up sentences Travelling by Plane Train Ship Hitch-hiking car bicycle bus is Exciting Dull Enjoyable Fast Slow Expensive Cheap Popular Tiring Comfortable Safe uncomfortable 3. A role-play 4. Speaking a) TRAVELLING BY (TRAIN, PLANE, CAR, SHIP) advantages disadvantages When you travel by train you can but When you travel by car you can but When you travel by plane you can but b) checking up the hometask (ex. 1 p. 82) 5. Reading WHERE IS MY TICKET? An old scientist, whom everybody in England knew very well, was travelling by train. When the ticket-inspec­tor came to the scientist and asked him for his ticket, the old man began to look for it in his bag and suitcase, but could not find it. "There is no hurry," said the ticket-inspector, who knew the scientist very well. "I can come again at the next station." But at the next station it was just the same. The old scientist could not find his ticket. "That's all right," said the ticket inspector. "That's all right." "Oh, but I must find the ticket," said the man. "I want to know where I am going." Answer the questions Who was travelling by train? Was he famous in England or not? Could he find his ticket to show it to the ticket inspector? What happened at the next station? Why did the scientist want to find his ticket? SUMMING UP Your hometask is: ex.4 on p.83 THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
"Artists and writers of Great Britain and America"
Artists and writers of Great Britain and America Art is long, life is short. Proverb Each country is known by the people which are bringing in the considerable contribution to its development. The art is the integral part of spiritual culture and spiritual heritage of the people living not only in this country, but also behind its limits. The present art is eternal: passes from centuries per one century, from generation to generation. I want to tell about the spheres closest to me of art - literature and painting. More precisely, about the people which have glorified England and America by the achievement in these spheres. The artists and them pictures. Thomas Gainsborough Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788). A very lyrical painter who succes­sfully connected man and nature. A very strong phsychologist, he painted mostly women on the background of a scenery. He liked blue colours best of all. His portraits are optimistic and the light and shade of colour are in full harmony with the lines. William Turner. William Turner (1775-1851) began his activity in art as a watercolour master. Light and atmosphere were his characteristic feature. Turner is a su­per colourist. In 1805 he painted "The Shipwreck". He showed a terrible disas­ter at sea. Green was a colour that Turner particularly disliked. In "Snow Storm" he reflected with the help of snow the idea of survival and even in our days it looks very prophetic. It is considered one of his most origi­nal paintings. He studies colour very seriously and is said to anticipate the art of Impressionists and abstract painters of the 20th century. In his "Rain, Steam and Speed" (1844) he worked much on the colour in­terrelation. John Constable John Constable (1776-1837) was fond of the place where he was born and spent his childhood on the river Stour. He saw very beautiful woods, gre­ens in nature and, being very talented, reflected nature's colours in his sketches which he then composed into pictures. He painted the landscape without any changes and the trees or other objects were in his paintings very true to life. He is said to be the first landscape painter in England. William Hogarth William Hogarth (1697-1764) is one of the greatest English painters. In his pictures he reflected social life and in many of them the beauty of his pain­ting was accompanied by satire. The "Marriage-a-la-Mode", "The Election En­tertainment" were painted to show the life very satirically. In 1742 Hogarth painted "The Graham Children" where he brilliantly used his delicate colours to show the charm of childhood. The Writers. William Shakespeare: 1564-1616 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, where he received an excellent classical education. At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. Shakespeare was playwright and poet. As he rose in popularity, he wrote plays for the famous Globe Theatre, a round, open-roofed building that housed approximately 2,000 spectators. Lat­er Shakespeare became one of the owners of the Globe Theatre. Unlike many writers who never live to enjoy their fame, Shakespeare achieved great recog­nition during his lifetime. He wrote three types of plays: comedies, tragedies and histories. He also wrote narrative poems, sonnets and lyric poetry. He is acknowledged as one of the greatest writers of all time, and has remained popular with readers around the world. Charles Dickens: 1812-1870 Charles Dickens was a novelist who provided Victorian England with one of its greatest champions of reform. Dickens used his novels to identify and ad­dress many problems of the nineteenth century, such as child abuse, unfair labour practices, unjustices in the legal system, and weaknesses in education, Dickens had experienced many of these problems in his own childhood, and so ! he dedicated his life to bringing about social reform. Some of his most popular j novels include, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectations. Rudyard Kipling: 1865-1936 Rudyard Kipling was an English novelist, short-story writer and poet. He is most widely known for his works for children, especially the "Jungle Book." I Kipling was born in Bombay, India, in 1865 but attended school in England. After completing his education, he returned to India where he worked as a newspaper reporter for several years. Many of Kipling's stories and novels reflect his experiences in India and convey the importance of duty and unself­ishness. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1907. O'Henry: 1862-1910 O'Henry wrote many popular stories and earned a reputation as the master of surprise endings. He was especially talented at developing his characters, and at portraying city life accurately. He wrote over 600 stories. Mark Twain: 1835-1910 Mark Twain left his hometown of Hannibal, Missouri at the age of eighteen. His real name was Samuel Clemens, but he took his penname from a term used by the men who operated the river boats. They would call, "By the mark, twain!" This meant that the river was two (twain) feet deep. Mark Twain began his career as a newspaper writer. Later in life he used memories from his child­hood to create some of his most popular novels, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain used humour to develop many serious themes in his novels and to help society see itself more clearly. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: 1807-1882 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was one of the most widely read American poets of the 19th century. From 1835 to 1854 he was Smith Professor of Mod­ern Languages at Harvard. In 1884, 2 years after his death, he became the I first American to be honoured with a bust in the Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey, London. He is best remembered for poems such as "The Song of Hia­watha" and "Paul Revere's Ride." Washington Irving: 1783-1859 The first American writer to gain international attention was Washington Irv­ing. He was born to a wealthy New York family and received an excellent edu­cation. He began his writing career by creating satires about New York society, j He later wrote about the Dutch influences upon the city in its early days. He j attempted to give America a sense of a romantic past like that found in Europe, I and he recorded some of the important developments in the exploration of the J western regions of the country. His most popular work by far was The Sketch Book, which contains two of his most beloved stories, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle." The end
Aston University Aston University  Is a puplic research university situatedd in the city centre of Birmingham, England. Aston began as the Birmingham Municipal Technical School in 1895, evolving into the UK's first  Colleage of Advanced  in 1956.Aston University received its royal charter from Queen Elizabeth 2 on 22 April 1966. In 2017, Aston received recognition by Times Higher Education for the second-best teaching quality in the UK.For 2018, it was ranked in the top 55 universities in the UK by all major domestic and international league tables. Aston was ranked by QS as the 42nd best university in the world under 50 years old in 2015. Aston pioneered the integrated placement year concept over 50 years ago,and more than 70% of Aston students take a placement year, the highest percentage in the UK. Aston is ranked 34th in the University League Tables 2020. History The origins of Aston University are a School of Metallurgy formed in the Birmingham and Midland Institute in 1875. The Birmingham Municipal Technical School separated from the Institute in 1895, teaching chemistry, physics, metallurgy and electrical engineering. In 1911, commercial classes were introduced and grew into an independent School of Commerce by 1916.[12] The school changed its name in 1927 to the Birmingham Central Technical College,[12] to reflect its changing approach to teaching technology. In 1951, the Technical College was renamed the College of Technology, Birminghma and work began on the Main Building at Gosta Green. In 1956, it became the first elite designated College of Advanced Tehnology underwent a major expansion. It moved into buildings that were constructed between 1949 and 1955 to a design by Ashley & Newman. Princess Margaret laid one of the first foundation stones at the base of the new building in 1951. The building is one of Europe's largest freestanding brick buildings.In 1955, the College of Advanced Technology was opened by Her Majesty The Queen. The college expanded again to a design by the Birmingam Awyn Sheppard Fidler between 1957 and 1965. The origins of Aston University are a School of Metallurgy formed in the fjc Birmingham and Midland Institute in 1875. The Birmingham Municipal Technical School separated from the Institute in 1895, teaching chemistry, physics, metallurgy and electrical engineering. In 1911, commercial classes were introduced and grew into an independent School of Commerce by 1916.The school changed its name in 1927 to the Birmingham Central Technical College,to reflect its changing approach to teaching technology. University status It officially became the University of Aston in Birmingham on receipt of its Royal Charter  on 22 April 1966 and the first Chancellor of the University lord nelson of staffor, was installed on 10 May. The Charter of the University outlines objectives appropriate to a technological university: "to advance, disseminate and apply learning and knowledge by teaching and research, for the benefit of industry and commerce and of the community generally: and to enable students to obtain the advantage of a university education, and such teaching and research may include periods outside the University in industry or commerce or wherever the University considers proper for the best advancement of its objects." The emphasis given to the sandwich course system, and the maintenance of strong links with industry, arises naturally from the institution's history. The motto of the University is the same as that of the City of Birmingham – Forward. In 1983, Aston University, in partnership with Birmingham City Council and lLoyds bank , established Birmingham Technology Ltd., which manages the Aston scoence park djacentt to the university site. The establishment of the aston science park and Aston University's contribution to the city of Birmingham was fully recognised when the area was granted its own postal address "The Aston Triangle" in 1984, emphasising the campus as an official district of Birmingham. The logo of the establishment takes from the shape of the area. Campus Established in 1895 as the Birmingham Municipal Technical School, The university is situated on a 60-acre campus at Gosta green, in the city centre of birmingham , England. As well as being home to over 3,000 students, the Aston University campus has the following amenities available: sports centres, swimming pool, 120 station gym, library, cafés, restaurants, pubs, shops, travel centre, hairdresser, health centre, dentist, places of worship, opticians, a bank, Automated teller machines and plenty of outside space. Aston University Library is on four floors and contains over 250,000 books, 800 current printed periodicals and has over 700 reader places. It provides online access to over 40 electronic databases and more than 3,400 electronic journals. The Library is open 24 hours a day to Aston students and staff during exam time, and on average, around 12 hours a day during term time.Around the campus there are also various open-access IT suites, offering computer and internet access 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They offer access to a range of software packages, database systems and computer-aided learning materials. Аston Business School Aston medical sChool Engineering and applied science Languages and social sciences Life and health sciences Faculties Mike wright Mike has a diverse, international portfolio of Chair, NED, Remco Chair and Advisor roles in FTSE and North American listed businesses, and in leading Education, Sports, and Arts organisations. He was an Executive Director of Jaguar Land Rover, retiring in 2016 after making a significant contribution to doubling JLR’s scale since 2008. He held international ExCo-level roles under Tata, Ford, BMW and BAe Systems ownership, spanning strategic, commercial, government affairs and product development disciplines. His responsibilities covered all the major and emerging markets of Europe, US, China, India, and included a 4-year assignment in Germany. In 2018 Mike was elected to the Uni-Select Inc (Canada) Main Board and became Audit Committee Chair in May 19.  Also in 2018, he was appointed to the Main Board and became Remco Chair of Pendragon plc (UK). He has wide experience of governmental affairs and currently Chairs the newly formed West Midlands Innovation Board and was previously Chair of the Auto Council-sponsored Automotive Investment Organisation within UK DIT (2016-18), Chair of the West Midlands CBI Council (2014-16), and Director of the Engineering Employers Federation (2011-2017). His Education, Sports and Arts activities include: WMG Academy Trust Board Chair, Aston University Council, Baker Dearing Education Trust Board, Warwickshire County Cricket Club Board, Wasps Community Foundation Chair, and Governor of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Mike was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Science by Aston University in 2014. Mike is Deputy Chair of the University Council and a member of its Finance and Infrastructure Committee.
Around the Town
Around the town. road signs No entry Footpath Traffic signals ahead Bus stop Welcome to Kramatorsk! the railway station the old part of our town the central part of our town Historical and art museum [email protected] Hello, my Ukrainian friends! I have holidays now and I am in New York. My uncle Tom and aunt Kate live there. New York is the largest city in the USA. There are five districts in the city. The city has very busy traffic. Its streets full of cars and buses. New York is a big cultural centre. There are lots of museums, art galleries and theatres in it. I send you photos with the most famous Statue of Liberty in New York. I think it’s beautiful! Write me soon. Miss you! Bill.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1950)
1 Make up sentences : Fairy tales Adventures stories teenagers Fantasy are usually grown-ups Detectives read by boys Love stories girls Legends and myths little children Historical novels 2 Our favourite books 3 Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1950) 4 Series of stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes and his friends 5 Describe main characters 6 When does Dr. Watson come to Holmes first? What country did he return from? Where does Sherlock Holmes live? Who meets the doctor at the door? Is Watson surprised by Sherlock? Answer the questions: 7 8 When does Dr. Watson come to Holmes first? What country did he return from? Where does Sherlock Holmes live? Who meets the doctor at the door? Is Watson surprised by Sherlock? Answer the questions: 9 1. General questions 2. Special questions 3. Alternative questions 4. Tag questions 5. Questions to the subject 6. Negative questions a)Do you like detective stories or science fiction? d)What do you like to do in your free time? b)Does Sherlock Holmes live in London? c)Who wrote “The Jungle Book”? e)You prefer reading Joan Rowling, don’t you? f) Haven’t you ever read “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”? Types of Questions. Match: 10 Auxiliary Verbs to complete questions: is, am, are No auxiliary verbs in questions to the subject ( with the exception of to be forms) Modal verbs are also used to complete questions 11 Vasylyi Levanov, Vilalyi Solomyn, 1979 Benedict Cumberbatch,Martin Freeman, 2010 Jude Law, Robert Downey jr. 2010 Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, 1942 12 “It's elementary, my dear Watson.” 13
"Washington, D.C.!"
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It was designed by James Hoban in the Italian Renaissance style. It was burned by the British during the War of 1812, but was restored by Hoban. The first President to live in the White House was John Adams. The focal point of the Capitol is the Rotunda. Here the walls are covered with large oil paintings depicting important scenes from American History. Statuary Hall is filled with statues honoring important people from each of our fifty states. The monument has 898 steps. On a clear day, a breathtaking view stretching up to 45 miles may be seen. 56 steps lead up to the monument, one for each year of his life. Inside you will find an enormous statue of Lincoln seated in a chair. The Jefferson Memorial was built to resemble Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. Inside is a 19 foot bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson, our third President and the writer of the Declaration of Independence. This memorial honors Marines killed in battle. It depicts 5 Marines and a Sailor raising the American flag on Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, during World War II. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is famous for its black granite wall inscribed with the names of those that were killed during the Vietnam War. The memorial also includes a statue of three Vietnam soldiers and another honoring women who served our country.
"Art galleries of Ukraine"
Art galleries of Ukraine National Art Museum of Ukraine Built in the late 19th century   Pieces include Ukrainian icons, paintings, and sculptures from the 14th century through the early 20th century. The current exhibition includes over 20 thousand pieces. Art Museum named after Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko (Kiev Museum of Western and Oriental Arts) The museum is located in the building specially built as a museum by architect Melzer in 1887. The basis of museum collection was the collection of Bogdan Ivanovich (1849-1917) and Varvara Nikolaevna (1852-1922) Khanenko. In 1917 their private collection was passed as a gift to City of Kiev. The collection of the museum has been made bigger more than 13 times in subsequent years as the result of the incorporation of some other private collections. There are around 2,000 exhibits in the halls of the museum. Art Museum named after famous Ukrainian patrons of arts Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko (Kiev Museum of Western and Oriental Arts) is famous as the largest collection of European and Oriental Arts in Ukraine. Dnepropetrovsk art museum One of the leading Ukrainian art museums, Dnepropetrovsk (originally Ekaterinoslav) art museum was founded in 1914. Now the museum owns a valuable collection of Dnepropetrovsk regioncultural heritage. There is a large selection of paintings, sculptures, graphics, Western European and national arts and crafts. The collection of Dnepropetrovsk art museum includes over 8000 works of art from Ukraine, Europe, and Russia.  Ivano Frankivsk regional art museum The museum was opened in 1980, May 18 in the building of the XVII сentury architectural monument — Collegiate Roman Catholic church of St. Virgin Immaculate Conception.The museum is considered to be the regional art treasury. Its collection houses 15 thousand unique monuments of Galician icon painting and baroque sculpture, creative works of Ukrainian art classics. Lviv National Art Gallery  Lviv National Art Gallery , a leading art museum in Ukraine, has over 60,000 artworks in its collection, including works of Polish, Italian, French, German, Dutch and Flemish, Spanish, Austrian and other European artists. Wooden Sculpture Museum Museum "Wooden Sculpture" or Wooden Sculpture Museum was created in 2008 by artist Igor Fartushnyi. Themuseum is located in village Yabluniv, Kosiv district, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine. The museum exhibition consists of master Igor's works. Museum exhibition includes more than 100 sculptures made by the artist during his life. Even more sculptures are under the creation process.  Nikanor Onatsky Regional Art Museum in Sumy Nikanor Onatsky Regional Art Museum in Sumy is a state museum in Sumy, Ukraine. Its collection is one of the best in Ukraine and contains works of native and from all over the world artists. The museum was founded on March 1, 1920, by Nikanor Onatsky (1875–1937), an artist, teacher and public figure, an apprentice of Ilya Repin The exposition and the funds of the museum number over 15,000 museum pieces.
Happy thanksgiving
The following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn. Indians showed them also how to grow other crops and how to hunt and fish. Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Teacher : Tania Ilenko Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest. The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred years ago. They settled in what is now known as the state of Massachusetts. In 1620, a religious community sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. Their first winter in America was difficult. They arrived too late to grow a rich harvest. Moreover, half the colony died from disease. In the autumn of 1621 they got a beautiful harvest of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins. The colonists had much to be thankful for, so they planned a feast. The colonists learned from Indians how to cook cranberries and dishes of corn and pumpkins. Local Indian chief and ninety Indians were present. In following years many of the colonists celebrated the harvest with a feast of thanks. After the United States gained independence, Congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole country. Then, after the Civil war, Abraham Lincoln suggested the last Thursday in November to be the day of thanksgiving. Later, George Washington suggested the date November 26 as Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away. All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless. Foods, eaten at the first thanksgiving, have become traditional. Other dishes may vary as to region: ham, sweet potatoes, creamed corn. The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey stuffed with herb-flavoured bread, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie. The end The following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn. Indians showed them also how to grow other crops and how to hunt and fish. Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest. The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred years ago. In the autumn of 1621 they got a beautiful harvest of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins. The colonists had much to be thankful for, so they planned a feast. The following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn. Indians showed them also how to grow other crops and how to hunt and fish. The end
Washington D.C
Quiz «What Do You Know about the USA» 1. Who discovered America? 2. Who was the first President of the USA? 3. How many stars and stripes does the American flag have? 4. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? 5. What is the national symbol of America? 6. What is the national sport in the USA? Test Youself What is this? a)The White House; b)the Capitol; c) Lincoln Memorial What is this? Jefferson Memorial; Lincoln Memorial; Washington Monument. What is this? a) Capitol; b) White House; c) Big Ben; Find some interesting facts about the favorite sights of Washington,D.C. Washington is the capital of the USA. It has population of about 700 thousand. Washington together with its suburbs has nearly 3 mln people. The city is rather young. It is 177 years old. Washington is well-planned because it was built as a capital. Its streets are long and straight. There are many parks, gardens and beautiful buildings. Welcome to Washington! This monument was built in honour of George Washington.It is 555 feet tall and provides a panoramic view of Washington,D.C. Inside the Memorial there is a huge statue of the former president. It was built in honour of A. Lincoln. It is the tallest building in Washington,D.C. The Capitol is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers The White House is an important part of Washington D.C. It is where the President lives and works . The White House has 132 rooms.Visitors may tour some of the first-floor rooms, second floor is the home for the President and his family. It was built in honour of Thomas Jefferson. Inside is a 19-foot statue of T.Jefferson standiing on 6-foot pedestal. National Museum of Art Tresury Metro Station Information about special activities at the Washington museums is provided here. This is the National Air and Space Museum. Here you can see the history of flight from yhe first plane flown by the Wright brothers to the Shuttle spaceship.
ART OF BONSAI Bonsai (jap. 盆栽, "plant of a trays") - the art of growing dwarf trees in small containers currently there are styles of bonsai: tekkan moehi soka syaka ikadabuki and others tekkan Formal direct style (tekkan) - in this traditional style trunk is straight, thick at the root. moehi In trees grown in the informal literal style (moehi) branch or trunk may be slightly curved.  soka Soka ("double barrel") - is a composition that differs from the rest of the existence of two trunks.  syaka Italic style (syaka) differs from direct formal style just because a tree is growing at an angle to the ground. ikadabuki Ikadabuki style, characterized in that all the trunks of tree growing from one root. They form a sprawling crown. Representatives of bonsai style
Happy Birthday party
Party Hello my friends! We are Tim and Tom! It’s birthday time, birthday time – Time for games and time for toys, Time for happy girls and boys, Time for cake and presents, too, Time for laugh and say “Thank you”! [θ] [aı] What presents do you have ? Do you like presents? I have... I have some tasks for you. Cards Dear Tom, Happy Birthday to you! Have fun! Love,…… Dear Tom, Happy Birthday to you! Be happy! Love,…. Good bye!
What are you going to be
What are you going to be? a doctor a reporter a model a vet a sportsman a pilot a singer an actor a teacher a police officer a farmer a writer WHO? Works in a hospital and helps people? Works in a theatre? Works in a school? Looks after animals? Flies a plane? Works on a farm? Makes reports? Sings and play music? Writes books? WELL DONE!!! am is are What ___you going to be? I ___ going to be an actor. Emily ___ going to acts in plays and films. We ___ going to be vets. I ___ not going to be famous. Champion!!! Ann likes music. She is going to be… David likes animals. He is going to be… Sarah likes children. She is going to be… Bob likes gardening. He is going to be… Jack and Jane like helping people. They are going to be… I like writing stories. I am going to be… My friend likes sport. He is going to be… SUPER!!!
Assyria PPT (2)
Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style
Are you a good friend?
Chant “What’s the matter? You look tired” What’s the matter? You look tired, You look awful. I got fired. Oh no, that’s too bad! I’m so sorry to hear that. What’s the matter with Joe? He looks tired, He looks nervous. He got fired. Oh no, that’s too bad! I’m so sorry to hear that. Describe your classmate. Be honest! Use these pictures and personality adjectives. VOCABULARY REVISION. Make up the words: l u f t e g r o f l a b e r e i l t n a r e l o t y s a e-g i n o g Key: forgetful reliable tolerant easy-going Pair work. Match the words with the following definitions. Key: 1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-c; How do you think the person in the picture is feeling? Why? Do you ever feel like this? Work in pairs. Try and complete the song. Use these words. YOU’VE QOT A FRIEND (A SONG)   When you’re down and troubled You 1... a helping hand And nothing, nothing is going right Just close you 2….. and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten even your darkest 3 ..... You just call out my 4….. And you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again Winter, spring, 5…. or fall, All you’ve got to do is call And I’ll be there, yes I’ll be there You’ve got a 6….. Down means depressed Fall means autumn (American English) Read the text: My best friend. I'm a very sociable person. I have many friends , but the one is Jackie. Jackie is my best friend. I met her at primary school. I like Jackie because she’s funny and she makes me laugh. She’s very kind, too, and she’s always there when I need her. My friend and I spend a lot of time together, playing computer games, watching video-films or listening to music. We can talk about or even discuss all sorts of things that interest us: sport, school life , films, books. We often go out together. Jackie and I both like jazz and so we often go to record shops. She’s also a football fan. I can’t understand this because I don’t like football.   Now decide if these statements are true or false: I met Jackie at primary school. I don’t have many friends. She is funny. We like to talk about books, sport, school life. We play the piano. We don’t spend a lot of time together. We go to record shops. We are football fans. Jackie is a football fan. Jackie is modest and neat. Presentation of the projects The end ПоместитеThe end. здесь ваш текст
Washington Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It’s situated in the District of Columbia and is like no other city in the USA. Washington was named after the first US President George Washington. Washington was first settled in 1790 and since 1800 it has been the federal capital. The White House The beautiful home of every president of the USA, except the first president. This is the oldest public building in Washington, D.C, and has the most famous address in the USA – 1660 Pennsylvania Avenue. Cosists of 132 rooms. Open for tours10:00 a.m. to noon. THE CAPITOL The tallest building in Washington, D.S., and the most famous building in the US, because this is where laws are made. The Capitol is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. It is situated on Capitol Hill. The Capitol was built according to plans of William Thorton. The Library of Congress The Library of Congress is the largest nathional library in the States. It contains more than 13 million books, more than 19 manuscripsts, including the personal papers of the US presidents. It takes 340 miles of shelves to hold all the books. Washington monument This monument was built in honor of George Washington. It is 555 feet tall and provides a panoramic view of Washington, D.C., via elevator. It is called “The Pencil”, because it is one of the tallest stone construction in the world and in the USA. Located south of the White House. Gefferson memorial This is the Jefferson Memorial built in honour of Thomas Jefferson. Inside is a 19 – foot statue of Thomas Jefferson standing on a 6 – foot pedestal. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. He was the first President of the United States. Lincoln Memorial This is the Lincoln memorial, built in honour of Abraham Lincoln. It was built in the style of classic Greek temple. It has 36 columns. Each column represents the state in the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death. But the dominant feature of the building is the realistic figure of Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States in 1861. THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART The National gallery was opened in 1941. It has a lot of art collections by the great masters from 14th to the 19th centuries. It is one of the finest picture galleries in America Презентацию «Вашингтон» к уроку в 8 классе подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №4 г. Болотного Болотнинского района Новосибирской области Рябова Лариса Борисовна иллюстрации – источник «Интернет»
"Washington D.C."
Washington D.C. - the Capital of the United States of America. The Flag and the Syimbol of Washington D. C. Motto: Justitia omnibus (Justice to all). Flower: American beauty rose. Tree: Scarlet oak. Washington,D.C. is the capital of the United States of America.It is situated between Virginia and Mariland on the Potomac River.The district is named after Columbus. The city was named after George Washington, the first American President. He led the American army in many battles during the War for American Independence. This is the Capitol where the Congress of the United States meets. The building stands on Capitol Hill, the highest point in the city. The Capitol Dome is so large that you can see it everywhere in Washington. The White House, the official residence of the President. This is the oldest public building in Washington D.C. The first residents of the White House were President and Mrs. John Adams in November 1800.There are 132 rooms in the White House. This is the Lincoln Memorial, built in honor of Abraham Lincoln.He became the sixteenth President of the United States in 1861. Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the blacks in the South from slavfry. It is the Jefferson Memorial. Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. He wrote the Declaration of Independence. This is the Arlington National Cemetery.Such is the price which the American people have to pay for the military adventures of the Pentagon. Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day. People from all parts of the United States come to see their capital and the monuments to those who in past centuries struggled for the independence of their country.
"Аrt world in the eyes of the young people"
Made by Maryna Zimenko art world in the eyes of the young people Here is information about: Art and we: beauty will save the world My visit to the Art Gallery national art treasures Creation of picture My favorite picture and are very linked since ancient times. and Agree with me that the world would not be as exciting and interesting without these wonders. The Lighthouse of Alexandria The Great Pyramid of Cheops The Colossus of Rhodes The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Will beauty save the world? “Beauty will save the world” – Dostoevsky. Many people ask themselves this question. But anyone can`t give an exact answer. Of course, in some sense, they may be right. Everyone has their own opinion on this question. My visit to Art Gallery I visited art gallery of Pablo Picasso. He was a very wonderful and talented artist. His pictures are world famous. I was interested his art. Each picture affects its originality. “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun” – Pablo Picasso In his collection I like picture Guernica. One of Picasso’s most famous pictures represents the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. He created this picture to show the brutality and hopelessness of war. Creation of picture Guernica national art treasures of Ukraine Architectural monuments occupy a special place among the rich cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people. Chersoneses Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Mariinsk Palace St. Sophia Cathedral I drew a picture that I liked. I think it is nice and can elevate mood. My favorite picture I painted these words because it is my life motto. I think that in these words are sense. We need to worry less and enjoy life more. Don`t worry! Be happy! – Bob Marley I think that art is interesting for many people. Everyone wants to go to the world of art and learn more for yourself. And we must to develop the art. I want to advise everyone that they are interested in art, because it's beautiful. This is how I see the world of art.
Articles with geographical names
Articles with geographical names We do not use articles with continents, e.g. Europe Asia North America South America Africa Australia We do not usually use articles with geographical areas, e.g. Eastern Europe Western Europe Central America Siberia the Far East the Middle East the North Pole the South Pole state republic kingdom federation Russia The Russian Federation Great Britain The United Kingdom Exceptions: The Netherlands The Ukraine The Sudan The Vatican City We do not use articles with the names of cities, towns, villages. Moscow Saint Petersburg Rome Exceptions: The Hague The city of Moscow The city of Saint Petersburg We do not use articles with the names of streets avenues highways squares Sixth Avenue Red Square English but the English language
Andrew Lloyd Webber
« Famous British People» Andrew Lloyd Webber History of modern musical theater can not be imagined without the name of British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. Author of such works as "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Phantom of the Opera," "Cats" and about a dozen other successful works is rightfully called "the king of musical theater" - his role in the development of modern musical overestimated. In 1956, Andrew went to Westminster School - one of the oldest and most respected schools in London. At school, Lloyd Webber is fond of medieval history and architecture. Successfully completing Westminster, he went to Magdalen College, Oxford, the history department, intending to become a medievalist scholar, expert on architecture. But fate decreed otherwise. April 21, 1965 Andrew Lloyd Webber received a letter from Timothy Miles Bindon Rice (now known to the public as Tim Rice) - the young poet, then worked in a law firm and passionate who wanted to be a rock star. Having heard that the young composer requires co-author, who knows how to write poetry, Tim offered to meet and discuss the possibility of working together. Following this, the historic meeting of two young men has begun one of the most talented and successful creative duos in the history of musical theater. Andrew Lloyd Webber is living on his estate Sidmonton, in Hampshire. Since 1976 he spends Sidmontone annual festivals, which is available to the public its new product before you put them in the theater. Military awards and other regalia: Stores on the shelf seven Tony Awards, three Grammy Awards, five Laurence Olivier Awards, a Golden Globe, Oscar and Critics Circle Award for Best Musical of 2000, and other awards, which are difficult to transfer. In 1992, Andrew was knighted for his services to his country and was named by Sir Lloyd Webber, and in 1997 was the year of lordship and the hyphen in the name (now known as Lord Lloyd-Webber, Baron Sidmontonskim). Marital status: Composer is the third marriage: the first time he was married to Sarah Tudor Hughes, who bore him two children, the second time - the singer Sarah Brightman, Lloyd Webber is married to Astrid Madeline Gordon, they have three children. Summer day in 1969, during a meeting of two old friends of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber was a significant event - the birth of a legend Jesus Christ Superstar Premiered in 1971 Rock musical "Jesus Christ - Superstar" tells the story of the last seven days in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, seen through the eyes of his disciple Judas Iscariot, was disappointed in the teaching of Christ. At the beginning of the play Judas with pain and bitterness is aware that the followers of Jesus were fanatics, praised him as a god and distort his words, perceiving them as ridiculous prophecy. According to Judas, Jesus - the only person besides the person in a way inconsistent, as seen in his relationship with Mary Magdalene. As soon as the crowd of admirers of Jesus multiplied more and more out of control, mutual alienation between him and Judas becomes stronger. Seeing how Jesus loses his banishing merchants and money changers out of the temple, and pleads with cripples begging to heal them, to leave him alone, Judas increasingly convinced that the Nazarene really just a man. He decides that Jesus, having lost control of the crowd was dangerous and that we should stop it. He goes to the priests and tell them everything they need to know to grab one of Jesus, without risking being attacked by the crowd. However, after seeing the soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane and seeing how events unfold, Judas soon realizes that God was using him, making the instrument of Christ's martyrdom. Enraged by the fact that people of Nazareth remembered as Superstar, Judas commits suicide. Another work by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice became the musical EVITA which premiered in 1978 Rock opera has an annular track and begins with the end - July 26, 1952 godazhitelyam Buenos Aires reported death of Eva Peron. During the funeral, a young Argentine student Che ridiculed grieving and wondering who the Evita actually. The action moved to many years ago, and we see the way Eva Duarte from fifteen girls dreaming of Buenos Aires, to the wife of Argentine President Juan Peron. In 1996, based on the musical director Alan Parker, the film, where she performed the role of Eva Peron famous singer Madonna. Now overs sounds famous aria "Do not cry for me, Argentina" by Sarah Brightman. 1981 Andrew Lloyd-Webber's CATS - further evidence that the musical show can make anything. Served as the basis for the CATS series of children's poems, TS Eliot's "Old Possum's Book of practical cats," published in 1939 in England. Each year, a special breed of cats Jellicle («dear little cat», uttered a small child) is going on a huge dump to do two things - had a good dance in the moonlight and learn from their elders, a cat named Deuteronomy (Old Deuteronomy), which of them go to cat heaven and be reborn to a new life. Cats and cats talking about himself (or his people), and we learn a lot of interesting details about the life of our smaller brethren. Along the way, they play two small performance (of the terrible battle of mongrels and Pekingese and history bloodthirsty pirate cat-Groultagera) and fight back the evil that the play represents Makaviti, "Napoleon of the criminal world." Makaviti cat steals leader, and only through the intervention of a cat-magician Mr. Mistofelisa cats get their leader back. Another story line - is the story of the old cat Grizabella. Many years ago, she left her tribe to see the world, and now, tired and frustrated, trying to return to his family. Tribesmen hardly recognized in the battered woman of fashion and beauty cat Grizabella. At first, they treated her with suspicion and even disdain, but then show her compassion and take back to the tribe. Grizabella and is elected. Accompanied by Deuteronomy, in smoke and spotlights, it rises in the cat's paradise, then the leader of the Jellicle appeals to the audience with a speech whose meaning is: cats - not dogs, they are very similar to people who can not stand familiarity, and refer to them you just - "Oh, Ivory!" The Phantom of the Opera In 1984, Andrew Lloyd Webber contacted Cameron Mackintosh - co-producer of the musical "Cats" by offering him a new musical. He set his sights on a romantic song and offered to take the foundation novel by Gaston Leroux, "Phantom of the Opera" They viewed the film adaptation in 1925 and 1943, but did not know how to put a movie on stage. Later, in New York, Lloyd Webber found a rare copy of the supported Leroux's novel, which inspired him to create a musical. The first act of the musical was shown on Sidmontonskom Festival in 1985, played the role of the Phantom Colm Wilkinson, performed the role of Christine Sarah Brightman, Clive Carter played the role of Raoul. Preview of a Broadway musical, 9 January 1988, in the theater «Majestic Theatre», premiered January 26, 1988. Broadway production still goes to «Majestic Theatre», which in December 2011 was held for more than 9900 shows and in January 2011, said the 23rd anniversary. This is the long-playing shows in the history of Broadway. The Paris Theatre "Opera Le Populaire," just bought two businessmen, scandal. In the theater, frequent accidents that rumor connects with some "Phantom of the Opera." Opera diva, Italian Carlotta, refuses in such circumstances to fulfill their role (after her fall decorations), and it is replaced by the unknown chorus girl Christine Daye. Simultaneously Firmin and Andre are the ghost letter where he dictates to them the conditions. Speech by Christine is a resounding success, instantly turns it into a new star of the opera. The girls come to congratulate her childhood friend, Viscount Raoul, who is experiencing her warm feelings. But Cristina hides from him the secret of its success. Taught her to sing a mysterious teacher, whom she calls "the angel of music." She thinks that it is the spirit of her dead father. After meeting with Raul in the mirror she is a shadow of a man in a mask, her mesmerizing voice and forcing her to follow him into the catacombs beneath the theater through the secret passage behind the mirror. This is the "Angel of Music", also known as "Phantom of the Opera." He is delighted with the performance of his pupil. But when she takes off the Phantom mask, he is furious, though time to close his face with his hands. Meanwhile, stir in the theater: Firmin and Andre, the owners of the theater, is shocked by the disappearance of his new stars and of threatening letters that they send the Ghost. Other letters come Viscount and Carlotta. At the same time, they enjoy that, what is the hype created around their theater, drawing the audience. In one letter, Ghost requires that Christina was assigned the lead role in a new comedy, "Il Muto", Carlotta, he devotes page's silent role. Firmin proudly refused to follow his instructions, and the roles of the other way around. During the premiere of "Il Muto" ghost appears in the room, the lighting on the stage, passing along the way prevented him from killing illuminator. Replacing it with a spray bottle deprives Carlotta voice, forcing her to make hoarse sounds on stage. Firmin and Andre have to accept it. But Christine is no longer fascinated her "angel", she is afraid of him, which turned into a purposeful killer. She begs for the Protection of Raul, who swears he will always be there. Raoul and Christine are recognized each other in love. Ghost, who sees it, is suffering from grief and jealousy. It takes a year. "Opera Populer" opens a new season, but the Phantom of the Opera for a year is not audible. Firmin, Andre, Carlotta, Christine, all of the actors together to celebrate the masquerade. In the midst of the holiday appears in the hall dressed as ghost of the Red Death, and declares that he had written a new opera - "Glory Don Giovanni" - and "his" theater is obliged to put it. The female lead again he appoints Christine Daye. After that he is hiding a secret door in the floor. Raul jumps him, but gets into a room full of mirrors, where he loses orientation. From there it takes Madame Giry. She tells him the true story of the Ghost. It was a boy-freak, which showed the Roma in the shed, and mocked him. Miserable fled, killing his tormentor, and Jiri helped him to hide in the catacombs beneath the Opera. Where he grew up, absorbing classical music, and he soon displayed a talent architect and artist, singer, composer. However, tormented by fate, he became violent, jealous and purposeful. He somehow participated in the construction of the theater, because he is full of passages and a place known only to him. Christina secretly goes to the cemetery to the grave of his father, to pray, but she is waiting for the Ghost. He again begins to suppress her voice. But at this point in the cemetery breaks Raul already learned the story of the Phantom, and join with him in a duel with swords. Viscount could kill a ghost, but Christina begs for mercy and let him go. Ghost in rage, he declares war on two people in love. Production of "Don Juan Triumphant" is a full house. According to the scenario, Don Juan has come to his lover in a mask. Directly behind the scenes ghost kills Pyandzhi, the actor playing Don Juan, and takes his place. In fact, the aria he wrote for himself. No one, except Christina, will know in Don Giovanni ghosts when he brilliantly performs his party, but when he finds Christina in his arms at the end of the song, she rips off his mask, revealing a terrible disfigured face. Ghost running away from an angry mob, the force leading the Christina. Madame Giry shows Raul short cut, and he manages to catch the fugitives. Ghost is getting ready to kill his rival, but Christina says that he is not alone and kisses him. Traumatized by the ghost lovers let loose, and he smashes all the mirrors in his refuge and escape through a secret passage After 48 years, the older Raul buys a music box with a monkey beating in plates, which once belonged to the ghost, and puts it to the grave of the deceased Christine, which detects the shock flower and diamond ring from the Ghost. Musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber: «Like us" (1965) «Joseph and the amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" (1968) «Jesus Christ - Superstar" (1970) «Jeeves" (1975) «Evita" (1976) «Tell me on a Sunday" (1979) «Cats" (1981) «Song and Dance" (1982) «Starlight Express" (1984) «Cricket" (1986) «Phantom of the Opera" (1986) «Aspects of Love" (1989) «Sunset Boulevard" (1993) «Whistle on the Wind" (1996) The Beautiful Game (2000) The Woman in White (2004) «Love Never Dies" (2010) Wizard of Oz (2011) Information resourses www.imageafter.com www.morguefile.com www.everystockphoto.com/ www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ www.videoresursy.ru www.sxc.hu www.fotolia.com
"Harvard University"
Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts whose history, influence and wealth have made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world Establishing the University Established in 1636 by the Massachusetts legislature and soon thereafter named for John Harvard (its first benefactor), Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and the Harvard Corporation (formally, the President and Fellows of Harvard College) is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregation­alist and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and by the 19th century Harvard had emerged as the central cultural establishment among Boston elites. Nowadays Graduators Eight U.S. presidents have been graduates, and some 150 Nobel Laureates have been affiliated as students, faculty, or staff. Harvard is also the alma mater of sixty-two living billionaires, the most in the country. The Harvard University Library The Harvard University Library is also the largest academic library in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. University seal Memorial Church Massachusetts Hall (1720), Harvard's oldest building The Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library College/school Year founded Harvard College 1636 Medicine 1782 Divinity 1816 Law 1817 Dental Medicine 1867 Arts and Sciences 1872 Business 1908 Extension 1910 Design 1914 Education 1920 Public Health 1922 Government 1936 Engineering and Applied Sciences 2007 Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts whose history, influence and wealth have made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world Establishing the University Established in 1636 by the Massachusetts legislature and soon thereafter named for John Harvard (its first benefactor), Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and the Harvard Corporation (formally, the President and Fellows of Harvard College) is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregation­alist and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and by the 19th century Harvard had emerged as the central cultural establishment among Boston elites. Nowadays Graduators Eight U.S. presidents have been graduates, and some 150 Nobel Laureates have been affiliated as students, faculty, or staff. Harvard is also the alma mater of sixty-two living billionaires, the most in the country. The Harvard University Library The Harvard University Library is also the largest academic library in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts whose history, influence and wealth have made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world Establishing the University Established in 1636 by the Massachusetts legislature and soon thereafter named for John Harvard (its first benefactor), Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and the Harvard Corporation (formally, the President and Fellows of Harvard College) is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregation­alist and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and by the 19th century Harvard had emerged as the central cultural establishment among Boston elites. Nowadays Graduators Eight U.S. presidents have been graduates, and some 150 Nobel Laureates have been affiliated as students, faculty, or staff. Harvard is also the alma mater of sixty-two living billionaires, the most in the country. The Harvard University Library The Harvard University Library is also the largest academic library in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. University seal Memorial Church Massachusetts Hall (1720), Harvard's oldest building The Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library College/school Year founded Harvard College 1636 Medicine 1782 Divinity 1816 Law 1817 Dental Medicine 1867 Arts and Sciences 1872 Business 1908 Extension 1910 Design 1914 Education 1920 Public Health 1922 Government 1936 Engineering and Applied Sciences 2007
What do you know about cinema?
What do you know about cinema? Prezentacii.com Objectives: To practise reading for specific information; To practise reading for detail; To practise listening for specific information The century of film making Look at the list of words and say which words are similar in Russian? And then make up as many word combinations with these words as you can Actor Actress Character Costumes Dialogues Situation Music Part Photography Plot Scene Special effects How often do you go to the cinema? What genres of films do you know? What films do you prefer and why? What famous actors and actresses do you know? Who is your favourite actor? What is your favourite film? The twentieth century may be called the century of film making. Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. But not everyone knows when and how cinematography appeared. Ембекова А.В. МОУ СОШ № 3 г. Вольск Саратовской области Ембекова А.В. МОУ СОШ № 3 г. Вольск Саратовской области Do you know who made the first film? What was it about? “Arrival of the train” Listen to the information to check if you are right The inventors of the cinema were the Americans. The first film projector was invented in 1885. The first three minutes film was demonstrated in the same year. In that film, a plane came towards the camera. Your homework The development of cinematography brought to life the world cinema empire called Hollywood. What do you know about Hollywood? What would you like to know about it? Write a list of questions which you would like to ask about Hollywood.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. Einstein was ___famous scientist. NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. He won ___ Nobel Prize in Physics . NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. Einstein was famous for his theory of ___ relativity. NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. Nelson Mandela was born in ___ South Africa. NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. Roentgen was __ German physicist. NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. I will be back in half ___ hour. NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. Show me ___ new dress you bought. NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. Did you know he has ____ yellow car? NEXT 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 End In this game you have to choose the correct article to complete each sentence. Did you see ___ Eiffel Tower? NEXT
What had been before?
the 6th form a kindergarten a painter a librarian a relief worker a factory a shop a police station a businessman an accountant a journalist a worker a model Dates 793 1504 1900 1952 1998 2000 2005 2010 1 2 3 4 Elizabeth II became queen in1952. She had been princess before 1952. Vivien Leigh played Scarlett in the famous 1939 Hollywood film. She had not acted in famous 1939 Hollywood films before 1939. Andre Agassi won the Wimbledon competition in 1992. He had trained a lot before he won the competition. Charles Dickens had been a journalist before he wrote his famous book Pickwick Papers and became a famous writer. Past Perfect Tense before took taught met gone lost won sold drive build made shot begun become wrote been taken took take taught taught teach met met meet gone went go lost lost lose won won win sold sold sell driven drove drive built built build made made make shot shot shoot begun began begin become became become written wrote write been was/were be he visited the Antarctica. he had been to Australia, the Antarctica and the Arctic. he had been to Australia. he had visited the Arctic in 1775. he went to Australia. he had been to Australia and the Antarctica.
Harvard University Harvard University - a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1636. Harvard - the oldest operating institution of higher education in the United States. Harvard is considered one of the best universities in the world. The decision to establish Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University was adopted in 1636, and 13 March 1639 the institution was named Harvardskyym College, named for its first major sponsor, a young priest named John Harvard In the years 1869-1909 the president of Harvard, Charles William Eliot, Harvard turned like a modern research university. In 1999, Radcliffe College, originally founded as the "Harvard Annex" for women, merged formally with Harvard University, becoming Radliffivskym Research Institute. Today, Harvard is the oldest existing university USA. The University is the seventeenth in the number of library books in the world and fourth in the U.S. - the world's largest budget among academic institutions, reaching 36.9 billion dollars. per year (2006) Number of graduates: more than 320,000, including more than 270,000 from the U.S. and about 50,000 - from 191 countries. Departments Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which includes the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences Faculty of Medicine, including the School of Medicine and dentistry Harvard Institute of Theology Harvard Institute of Law Harvard Business School Graduate Design Notable graduates Thank you for your attention
What is economics?
WHAT IS ECONOMICS? prepared Hordiienko Olha RM-104 Plan: 1. Vocabulary 2. Economics 3. Modern economics 4. Factors of production 5. Scarcity 6. The main problem in economics 7. Microeconomics and macroeconomics Vocabulary Economics Wants and needs Scarcity Factors of production Economic problem Land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship Goods, services Limited resources Production, distribution, consumption Economics The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek oikonomia , the word composed of oikos( “house”) and nomos(“law”). Modern economics Modern economics began in 1776, with the publication of Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations” . Modern definition of economics interprets it as a social science, which analyses the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Factors of production Economics often uses such categories as factors of production. Land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship are main productive resources. Scarcity Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having unlimited human needs and wants in the world of limited resources. Economics is sometimes called the study of scarcity. The main problem in economics The main problem in economics is the question of allocating scare resources between competing uses. In this connection arise three questions : What to produce? For whom to produce? How to produce? Microeconomics and macroeconomics Microeconomics studies the action of individuals and firms, and how they interact. Macroeconomics studies inflation, unemployment and GDP. Thanks for watching!
Anne Frank
Anne Frank A smiling girl of the gloomy time… Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. What country was her family from? Anne Marie Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany. She was a happy baby, and the second child of Edith and Otto Frank. But what Anne didn’t know was the terrible political climate outside the boundaries of her rich, green backyard. Why did they move to the Netherlands in 1933? Pretty soon, Otto thought it became too dangerous for the Frank Family to live in Germany. As German as they felt, they were also Jewish. And with Hitler and his army, Jewish, was very dangerous to be. In 1933, the Franks moved to the Netherlands. How did Anne study at school? For Anne, it was very easy to make friends. She loved school, and talked a lot. Anne was very chatty. In fact, she was often told by her teacher to write short stories in school, that were often humorous. Anne got good grades, but her biggest problem was algebra. What was ‘Kitty’? On June 12, 1942, it was Anne’s birthday. She woke up very early to open up her presents. The first gift she opened was a red and white checkered diary. She also got a blue blouse, flowers, chocolate, and more, but the diary caught most of her attention. She screamed with excitement, running to her father, hugging him. She named her diary ‘Kitty’. Her first entry: “I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you will be a great support and comfort to me.” Why did the family eventually go into hiding? On July 6th 1942, Anne and her family had to go into hiding, for fear that they might be sent to a concentration camp by the Germans. For over 2 years, Anne wrote about her life and those of seven other people in hiding with her, including her parents and her sister. She also wrote about the war, and what her hopes were for the future. Discovery … One peaceful morning at around 10:30 A.M. On August 4, 1944 , a large group came up the stairs of the annex. It was gestapo, who frightened the family. They asked for any valuables, and told the Franks and van Pelses to pack. Someone had betrayed them!! Where was Anne and her sister Margot sent? The Franks were sent to Westerbork, their first concentration camp. It would be the best camp anyone imprisoned could go to. But, they realized that it was actually a transit camp. Every Tuesday thousands of trains were sent to other concentration camps, while passengers did not know where they were going. On one unlucky Tuesday the Franks were sent to Auschwitz. That was the last train to leave Westerbork before it was liberated… What were the circumstances of Anne and Margot’s deaths? In November of 1944, Anne and Margot saw their mother for the last time. They were sent to another concentration camp, Bergen-Belsen. This would be the worst for them. When they arrived, they were frightened, sick, and were tired. The sisters lost hope, as they grew weaker and weaker. Margot was one day too sick to get up. In between April-May 1945, Margot Frank died. Anne was slightly stronger, but truly knew she was alone. Without family, without her diary Kitty, she had nothing. Typhus epidemic grew wider, and Anne already had it, just to make her loose her will to live. But what she didn’t know was that her school friend, Hanneli Goslar, was over the fence of Bergen- Belsen. That made Anne a little happy, but still not enough to make her smile . Hanneli Goslar remembers: “ ‘I have nothing.’ Anne said. I threw her a package over the fence (filled with socks and fruit) and then I hear she’s crying. What happened? Another hungry lady grabbed the package, and ran away with it. We met two days later, and she caught the package…..but this was the last time we could speak.” A couple of days later, Anne Frank died. Otto wanted to find out something about his two daughters. The news that he’d finally got were horrible : his two daughters were dead. When the families were arrested, Gestapo threw Anne’s diary on the floor. When Gestapo left, Miep picked the diary up, so Anne would be happy to have it back when she returned. Miep opened a drawer, and picked out Anne’s diary. She handed it to Otto, and said, “This is Anne’s legacy to you.” From the diary: Whoever is happy will make others happy too. No one has ever become poor by giving. And finally I twist my heart round again, so that the bad is on the outside and the good is on the inside, and keep on trying to find a way of becoming what I would so like to be, and could be, if there weren't any other people living in the world. I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery and death... I think... peace and tranquility will return again. I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out. Who would ever think that so much went on in the soul of a young girl? “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” World War II lasted about six years. Over 6,000,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis in the concentration and death camps during the Holocaust! This was established by the Nuremberg tribunal in 1946.
What do you want to eat?
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Salad Bread Spaghetti Soup Fish Corn dog French fries Hamburger Hotdog Pizza Sandwich Taco Cereal Cheese Bacon and eggs Rice Steak Fish Pizza Cereal
What colour is it?
What colour is it? What colour is it? Listen and repeat red yellow purple grey brown white black blue orange pink What colour is it? Circle the correct word Colours crossword Answers Search for the words Answers Good Bye! В презентации использованы материалы: http://www.c-cafe.ru/days/bio/000154.php биография http://www.freefileszone.ru/software/kids-jigsaw-puzzles.html - программа для создания пазлов http://bloganet.ru рисунки www.animationfactory.com шаблоны и темы для создания слайдов Word by Word picture dictionary, by Steven J.Molinsky, Bill Bliss (+Audio) English Puzzles 1, Heinemann Games Series English Puzzles 2, Heinemann Games Series Программа Paint - для оформления рисунков, преобразования черно-белых рисунков в цветные
Art and Design Taj Mahal
Art and Design Taj Mahal T a j M a h a l The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. Shah Jahan m a r b l e s t o n e b r i c k g l a s s w o o d One of the eight wonders of the Modern World Year of Construction: 1631- 1653 Built By:Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan Mumtaz Mahal Art and Design Taj Mahal T a j M a h a l The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. Shah Jahan The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building! Tell about Taj Mahal name place colour/materials inside outside main dome wall minaret wall Art and Design Taj Mahal T a j M a h a l The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. Shah Jahan The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building! Tell about Taj Mahal name place colour/materials inside outside Agra Art and Design Taj Mahal T a j M a h a l The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. Shah Jahan The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building! Tell about Taj Mahal name place colour/materials inside outside marble glass bricks stones wood Art and Design Taj Mahal T a j M a h a l The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. Shah Jahan The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building! Tell about Taj Mahal name place colour/materials inside outside m a r b l e s t o n e b r i c k g l a s s w o o d marble glass bricks stones wood One of the eight wonders of the Modern World Agra Year of Construction: 1631- 1653 Built By: Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan Mumtaz Mahal Art and Design Taj Mahal T a j M a h a l The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. Shah Jahan The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building! Tell about Taj Mahal name place colour/materials inside outside main dome wall minaret pool Art and Design Taj Mahal T a j M a h a l The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. Shah Jahan The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building! Tell about Taj Mahal name place colour/materials inside outside m a r b l e s t o n e b r i c k g l a s s w o o d
At a concert
At a concert - Are you a good audience? - Do you agree that much depends on your behavior during a concert? What they ask you not to do during a concert? Do you agree with these 5 things? What do you find most annoying? Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 At a concert - Are you a good audience? - Do you agree that much depends on your behavior during a concert? What they ask you not to do during a concert? Do you agree with these 5 things? What do you find most annoying? Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2
Amur Tiger
The Amur tiger is in Russia's Red Book of Endangered animals. Hunting for tigers is prohibited since 1947. There are only about 500 adults that live in the Russian Far East. The Amur tiger is one of the largest tigers. Its body length with head makes up 2 meters and with tail it can reach up to 3 meters. The tiger can weigh 300 kg. Amur tiger has the reddish-brown coat with black or brown stripes. In summer the coloring is brighter, and in winter the fur becomes longer. Tigers can travel great distances, covering from 20 to 100 km per day. The tiger in Russia faces a number of threats:  hunting of prey, illegal poaching, traditional Chinese Medicine, loss of habitat. Think about the ways of protecting these animals!
Happy new year
What is this?
What is it? What is your name? What colour is it? Have you got a computer? What are they? How are you? How many apples are there? Have you got a bike? Where is the ball? How old are you? Where are the kittens?
What do you know about the USA?
What do you know about the USA? 1. Who discovered America? A) Christopher Columbus B) George Washington C) The pilgrims 2. Who was the first president of the USA? A) Abraham Lincoln B) Georg Washington C) Franklin D. Roosevelt 3. What is the national symbol of America? A) The rose B) The bald eagle C) The shamrock 4. Which is the United States capital? A) New York City B) Los Angeles C) Washington, D.C. 5. Where is the Statue of Liberty? A) New York B) Massachusetts C) California 6. The American flag has: A) thirteen stripes B) thirty stripes C) fifty stripes 7. Where is the tallest building (skyscraper) in the world ? A) New York City B) Chicago C) San Fransisco 8. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? A) July 4 B) December 25 C) February 14 9) What is the national sport in America? A) football B) soccer C) baseball 10. Who was the first man on the moon? A) Yury Gagarin B) John Glenn C) Neil Armstrong
what are you doing
What are you doing? Present Continuous She is dancing ballet. What is she doing? Bart is skating. What’s BART doing? They are riding bikes. What are they doing? No, he isn’t playing tennis Is Paul playing tennis? Paul is playing soccer. He’s studying English. Present Continuos = Verbo TO BE + Ving He is Affirmative Negative Jane isn’t sleeping. is not Vamos descontrair.... I’m = I am She’s = She is They’re = They are I’m not = I am not She isn’t = She is not They aren’t = They are not Is he cooking barbecue? He is cooking barbecue! No, they aren’t playing soccer. Are they playing soccer? What are Paty and John doing?? They’re sleeping on the bed. No, he isn’t playing. He’s watching TV. Peter Sam Is Peter playing with the toys? What are they doing? Steve Sally Billy Daniel Mike Now, it’s time to practice! ANY QUESTION? THE END!!! Thanks
Акмеологічний підхід до розвитку творчої особистості ліцеїстів у процесі навчання англійської мови
Херсонський Академічний ліцей при Херсонському державному університеті Акмеологічний підхід до розвитку творчої особистості ліцеїстів у процесі навчання англійської мови Акмеологія (від давньогрецької, Це галузь наукового знання, комплекс наукових дисциплін, об’єктом вивчення якої є людинав динаміці самоактуалізації свого творчого потенціалу, саморозвитку, самовдосконалення в різних життєвих сферах у тому числі і в освіті, професійній діяльності тощо. Це наука про шляхи максимальної досконалості в усіх видах індивідуальної діяльності людини, досягнення вершини свого саморозвитку (Top level). acme – вершина, logos - наука) ФУНДАМЕНТ РОЗВИТКУ ОСОБИСТОСТІ навчальний заклад родина суспільство НАВЧАЛЬНА АТМОСФЕРА РЕЗУЛЬТАТ НАВЧАННЯ ТЕХНОЛОГІЯ НАВЧАННЯ ЗМІСТ НАВЧАННЯ МЕТА НАВЧАННЯ ВИХОВНА АТМОСФЕРА духовна особистісна соціальна предметна освітня виховна ЗРІЛІСТЬ ЛІЦЕЇСТА ДУХОВНА ОСОБИСТА СОЦІАЛЬНА ОСВІТНЯ АКМЕОЛОГІЧНА ПОЗИЦІЯ ЛІЦЕЇСТА АКМЕОЛОГІЧНА АТМОСФЕРА ВЕРШИНА САМОРЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ТА ЗРІЛОСТІ ВИПУСКНИКА ЛІЦЕЮ МІЙ ПЕДАГОГІЧНИЙ СИМВОЛ Не вести дітей за собою, а навчити їх самостійно вести себе по життю. Франсуаза Дольто Обирай у житті найважчий шлях – на ньому у тебе не буде конкурентів. Конфуцій МІЙ ПЕДАГОГІЯНИЙ ДЕВІЗ: МОЄ КРЕДО Основні ідеї педагогічного досвіду Створення демократичної, доброзичливої, навчально-творчої і чітко спланованої атмосфери на уроках Створення умов успіху для кожної дитини задля розвитку її творчого потенціалу Стимулювання мотивації учнів у здобутті якісної освіти та необхідності гарно навчатися Допомога старшокласникам досягти вершини їх саморозвитку Розвиток мовних та мовленнєвих умінь та навичок володіння англійською з метою самовдосконалення Акметехнології Технології життєтворчості Національне виховання Проектна технологія Коопероване навчання Інформаційні освітні технології Особистісно-зорієнтоване навчання Родинне виховання Продуктивне навчання Моделюючі технології Проблемно-пошукове навчання Модульно-тьюторська технологія Як вчитель акмеолог я застосовую наступні методичні принципи Педагогічна діяльність як партнерство, спільна творчість між вчителем та учнем у сфері «суб’єкт – суб’єкт» Виявлення індивідуальних особливостей обдарованих дітей Розвиток, насамперед, особистості Мотивація ліцеїстів до самореалізації в суспільстві, розвиток лідерських якостей Запровадження навчальних програм, які відкривають простір для творчості Індивідуальна психологічна допомога ОСНОВНІ ЗАВДАННЯ МОЄЇ ПЕДАГОГІЧНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ вести ліцеїстів до вершини розвитку їх особистостей (SELF TOP-LEVEL) створити плідну, творчу, демократичну атмосферу на уроках мотивувати ліцеїстів до самовдосконалення з метою досягнення успіху заохочувати учнів до розуміння важливості отримання якісної освіти бути вчителем-акмеологом, що є: РЕЗУЛЬТАТИ ПЕДАГОГІЧНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ІНТЕЛЕКТУАЛЬНІ ЗМАГАННЯ Всеукраїнська учнівська олімпіада з англійської мови Програма обміну майбутніми лідерами “FLEX” Український конкурс знавців англійської мови “Greenwich” Підготовка та захист курсових робіт англійською мовою ліцейський Євроклуб, ліцейський Парламент, декади кафедри Англо-німецької філології ПОЗАКЛАСНІ ЗАНЯТТЯ підготовка та виступ на щорічному ліцейському фестивалі мистецтв «Ліцейський дебют» літературно-навчальні практики до Швеції, Великої Британії, Німеччини з відвіданням Бельгії, Польщі, Франції, Чехії тощо Центр європейських мов, де вивчається англійська, німецька, шведська, польська, французька, італійська та іспанська Усі мої випускники продовжують навчання у вищих навчальних закладах України Справжній педагог повинен працювати на майбутнє. В. Сухомлинський
AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL CONSTITUTION Introduction The United States has two main political parties The Democratic Party The Republican Party There are other, much smaller, parties, which play little, if any, role. In general, the Republicans tend to be more conservative and to have more support among the upper classes, while the Democrats tend to be more liberal and to have more support among the working class and the poor. Democrats Republicans The democratic party The Democratic party whose origins go back to the nation’s third president, Thomas Jefferson was formed before 1800 Democrats are active in providing social and economic programs for those who need them, such as the poor , the unemployed or students who need money to go to college During the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) the government under the Democratic Party established the Social Security program. Harry Truman worked for social welfare and civil rights laws. Moreover he was against Communist Control over the nations of the world. John Kennedy worked for equal rights for all citizens. And he forced the Soviet Union to withdraw its missiles from Cuba. Also John Kennedy established the Peace Corps. James Carter supervised the Israel-Egypt peace treaty. He also improved relations with Latin America. He worked to improve human rights throughout the world. The present President of the USA – Barak Obama is also democrat. His party is supporting peace all over the world. Republican Party was formed in the 1850 s. The Republican Party plays more emphasis on private enterprise and often accuse the Democrats of making the government to expensive. For that reason, Americans tend to think of the Republican Party as more conservative. The most outstanding representative of the Republican Party was Abraham Lincoln. He ended slavery and reunited the country. He held the nation together in its most difficult time. Dwight Eisenhower is famous for ending the war in Korea and lessening troubles with the Soviet Union. Ronald Reagan was known as the Great Communicator . And he also launched the largest peacetime military buildup in American history. He worked to reduce inflation and led the fight to reduce taxes. George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993) led a coalition of nations in driving the Iraqi army out of Kuwait. And he fought for the collapse of Soviet Communism which ruled in Eastern Europe. George Walker Bush Conclusion To sum up the explanation for the long life of both parties is that they are not strong ideological organizations, but loose alliances of state and local parties that unite every four years for the presidential election. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Answers: 1. 4 2. The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria 3. 13 4. Thomas Jefferson 5. The Constitution of the USA 6. Alaska 7. Franklin D. Roosevelt 8. 100 9. The Democrats: donkey The Republicans: elephant 10. The American dollar 11. Albert Abraham Michelson 12. Taras Shevchenko
Arts and Culture of Scotland Art in Scotland appeared before our era. They cut out abstract ornaments on stones and in the middle of houses. Value ornaments are unknown. The ancestors of Scots is Picts. They were a warlike people, who came from the Celts. In Fir was developed culture of metal. They are one of the first to use the armor. Picts had a interesting gods. For example Luh - the god of light, Taranys - god of thunder, Tsernunn - god of forests, etc. The Scots have a lot of mythical creatures such as fairies, mermaids, elves, leprechauns, goblins, Brown, water horses, ghosts, messengers of death, black dogs. Scottish folklore served as the inspiration for Shakespeare, Tolkien, Scott, etc. Dobby prototype of the books "Harry Potter" is a Scottish brownie frame from the movie "Lord of the Rings" In today's Edinburgh is a forest fairies. It is possible to find homes fairies and other magical things. The Scots are renowned for their oral folk art, such as ballads. The motives of these ballads - love, revenge, heroes, kings, wars. Traditionally, ballads contain fantasy elements. The Twa Corbies As I was walking all alane, I heard twa corbies making a mane; The tane unto the t’other say, 'Where sall we gang and dine to-day?' 'In behint yon auld fail dyke, I wot there lies a new slain knight; And naebody kens that he lies there, But his hawk, his hound, and lady fair. 'His hound is to the hunting gane, His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame, His lady’s ta’en another mate, So we may mak our dinner sweet. 'Ye’ll sit on his white hause-bane, And I’ll pike out his bonny blue een; Wi ae lock o his gowden hair We’ll, theek our nest when it grows bare. 'Mony a one for him makes mane, But nane sall ken where he is gane; Oer his white banes, when they we bare, The wind sall blaw for evermair.' Ballad performed under bagpipes. This national wind instrument. In times of oppression of Scotland bagpipe was a symbol of freedomagpipes bagpipes today Scottish men are famous for their appearance. They wear a skirt kilt. Irish kilt wearing too. footage from the movie "Braveheart" Scotland is famous for its castles. Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Castle - ancient fortress on Castle Rock in the center of Scotland's capital city - Edinburgh. Throughout its history, the castle was "the key to Scotland." Constructed in the early Middle Ages. The castle is open for visitors and is a major tourist attraction in Edinburgh. Stirling Castle Stirling Castle - located in Scotland in Stirling. Stirling Castle is one of the largest and most important castles in Scotland, built in 15-16 century. There were crowned many rulers, including Mary Stuart. Eilean Donan Castle Eilean Donan Castle, - the castle on a rocky island in the fjord Loch Duyh. One of the most romantic castles in Scotland, he is famous for its heather honey and interesting history Culture of Scotland is very interesting and I want to to study it details
What is a man going to do?
What is a man going to do? Planes are quicker than the trains trains are cheaper than the planes I like travelling on foot it makes me healthy and good If you want to travel fast take a plane , a train, a bus. If you want to be in time always choose the airline If you visit farthest land, book your ticket beforehand, if youwant in time to turn, book not single but return. If you want to go far, then you need a sleeping car. If you want to sleep at first, you may take the upper birth. You can see at railway station passengers of any nation If you go on vacation go to a railway station try to take a fast express you’ll be safe and no stressed Why do people travel? You can travel around the world. You can travel around the country You can travel around the city I think people travel because… that’s why I am fond of travelling and my favourite way of travelling is… I like it because… Match the words. Bicycle, train, suitcase, booking-office, ticket I like travelling. We can travel by …, by car, by bus, by plane, …, by ship. First we plain a trip. We go to the …. and book tickets. It's impossible to buy … in summer because many people want to travel. We pack our …. We take some clothes, something to eat and to read, everything we need. That's why our suitcase is heavy. These are 3 stories about travelling. Let’s listen it! I like travelling. We can travel by bicycle, by car, by bus, by plane, by train, by ship. First we plain a trip. We go to the booking-office and book tickets. It's impossible to buy tickets in summer because many people want to travel. We pack our suitcase. We take some clothes, something to eat and to read, everything we need. That's why our suitcase is heavy. These are 3 stories about travelling. Let’s listen it! How did these families travel? The Ridsons The Smiths The Jonsons                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Домашнє завдання: розв'язати кросворд, написати твір про свою останню подорож, повторити лексичний матеріал з теми. The world is the book, and those who do not travel read only one page. The world is the book, so let’s read it
Clique para editar o estilo Clique para editar os estilos Segundo nível Terceiro nível Quarto nível Quinto nível Clique para editar os estilos Segundo nível Terceiro nível Quarto nível Quinto nível sweatshirt coat jacket gloves shirt t-shirt dress jeans shorts socks tie boots shoes pyjamas skirt suit tennis trousers scarf round cap waistcoat raincoat CLICK TO PLAY sweatshirt coat jacket gloves shirt t-shirt umbrella jeans shorts tie boots pyjamas skirt suit tennis trousers scarf round cap boxers waistcoat raincoat CHOOSE THE WORDS AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES She´s wearing a blue _________, blue ________ and red _____________. dress socks shoes coat jacket gloves shirt t-shirt umbrella jeans shorts tie boots pyjamas suit tennis trousers scarf round cap boxers waistcoat raincoat CHOOSE THE WORDS AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES She´s wearing a blue _________, a green ________ and pink _____________. dress socks shoes sweatshirt skirt coat jacket gloves shirt t-shirt umbrella jeans tie boots pyjamas suit tennis trousers scarf round cap boxers waistcoat raincoat CHOOSE THE WORDS AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES He´s wearing a green _________, blue ________ and grey _____________. dress socks shoes sweatshirt skirt shorts tennis coat jacket gloves shirt coat umbrella jeans tie boots pyjamas suit tennis shorts scarf round cap boxers waistcoat raincoat CHOOSE THE WORDS AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES He´s wearing a yellow _________, blue ________ and red _____________. dress socks jumper T-shirt skirt trousers shoes coat jacket gloves shirt coat umbrella jeans boots pyjamas trousers tennis shorts scarf round cap boxers waistcoat raincoat CHOOSE THE WORDS AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES He´s wearing a blue _________, grey ________ , blue ___________and brown _____________. dress socks jumper suit skirt jumper shoes tie
What is it? It is a/an…
What is it? Is it a ? Is it a ? Yes, it is a rubber. Is it a ? Yes, it is a book. Is it a ? Is it a ? Yes, it is a school bag. Is it a ?
What’s on the menu?
What’s on the menu? Match the words with their definitions starter main course dessert A sweet dish at the end of the meal The first dish in a meal The most important dish in a meal Starters Chicken soup Chips Egg salad Tomato soup Main course Fried fish Mashed potatoes Macaroni Cutlet Roast chicken Grilled meat Dessert Chocolate cake Apple pie Ice cream Fruits Chocolate Cookies Drinks Orange juice Tea Mineral water Black coffee
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Countries - Participants AUSTRALIA BRUNEI DARUSSALUM CANADA CHILE CHINA HONG KONG CHINA INDONESIA JAPAN The Republic of KOREA MALAYSIA MEXICO NEW ZEALAND PAPUA NEW GUINEA PERU The Philippines RUSSIA THAILAND SINGAPORE THE USA VIETNAM Aims of the APEC: to promote economic cooperation encompassing, as members, the leading economies in the region. strengthening regional economic integration and expanding trade. construction and modernization of energy and heating supply infrastructure. APEC MAP Summit in Honolulu SUMMIT 2011 "The Honolulu Declaration - Toward a Seamless Regional Economy" was supplemented by four annexes on the topics of promoting effective, non-discriminatory and market-driven innovation policy; enhancing small and medium-sized enterprises participation in global production chains; trade and investment in environmental goods and services; and strengthening implementation of good regulatory practices. Russia and APEC Russia has joined Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 1998. Since 1999, it has constantly participated in annual APEC Economic Leaders' Meetings (AELM). In 2009-2010, the Russian Federation made voluntary contribution of 500,000 USD to the APEC Support Fund (ASF). Another contribution of 3,000,000 USD is being transferred to ASF in 2011-2012. In May 2010, Russia announced its accession to the transitional model of APEC Business Travel Card initiative which facilitates visa issuance and customs control procedures for the card holders. Russky Island The island has a total area of 97.6 97.6 square kilometers It is about 18 kilometers long and 13 kilometers wide. The population is 5,200 people. Russky Island is located in the Peter the Great Gulf, the Sea of Japan For a long time, Russky Island was a closed area In 2007 Russky Island was chosen as the site for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders' week (APEC). The map of the main projects -construction of the Far Eastern Federal University -reconstruction work to Vladivostok airport - construction of a helipad on Russky Island - road building and reconstruction in the Primorye Territory - construction of bridges to Russky Island across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait and the Zolotoy Rog Bay, and the De-Freeze- Sedanka low-level bridge T he Far Eastern Federal University The bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait The Bridge across the Zolotoy Rog Bay Oceanarium Conference Hall Opera and Ballet Theatre One of the hotels
Happy Easter
Song “Look and listen” Song “Look and listen” How are you? What season is it now? What is the weather Like today? Easter Game Why a bunny brings chicken eggs on the Easter Day? physical activity Why a bunny brings chicken eggs on the Easter Day? Each Easter Eddie eats Eighty Easter eggs. Song “If you happy and you know it” Song “If you happy and you know it” “Phonics song” “Phonics song” Reading Indeed he is risen Happy easter
Great Patriotic War Famous Battle for Moscow. The Battle for Stalingrad, The Tank Battle on Kursk Arc, Defense of Novorossiysk and Sevastopol. In 4 long years came the Great Victory. Why did our army, our people win it? It was possible because it was the war for our independence and liberation. It was a great effort of all our country. There were a lot of heroes (about 12000 become the titles the Hero of SU), a great number of brave actions. Why was it possible? It was possible because people fought for their native country, for every town, for every house, for every piece of their native land. They fought for their mothers, wives, children. They fought for their future, for our future. The belief into their families helped our defenders very much, gave them strength to fight, to be brave, to do heroic actions. A lot of people met their death during this war. How are they remembered by the Russian people, by present generation? We name the streets, the squares, cities and towns after their names. www.melomanu.ru http://sovpressa.ru www.muzbox.ru http://en.academic.ru http://victory-rusarchives.ru There were a lot of great battles and great victories: Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Many other great battles had brought the glory to our officers and soldiers. Because all people of our multinational country fought together on the fronts and everybody from children to old men worked in the rear.
Эмбриональный период онтогенеза
50 41,5 5,5 3 35,6 30 10,4 24 25,5 24 15 35,5 4,1 25,5 25 45,4 1,5 10 25,1 63,4 0 0 1,5 98,5
What do you know about AUSTRALIA
What do you know about AUSTRALIA? 1. What is the capital of Australia? A) Sydney B) Melbourne C) Canberra 2. When did Europeans settle in Australia? A) 1488 B)1788 C) 1492 D) 1901 3. Which is/are a popular Australian animal(s)? A) Koala B) Kangaroo C) Emu D) All of them above 4. Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms? A) Kangaroo and Dingo b) Koala and Parrot C) Kangaroo and Emu A) Sydney B) Melbourne C) Canberra 6. Who is the Australian natives? A) Eskimos B) Aborigines C) Indians 7. Who discovered Australia? A) Christopher Columbus B) Captain Cook C) Lewis and Clark 8. Australia is NOT a(an): A) Country B) Island C) City D) Continent 9. Approximately how many nationalities live in Australia? A) 200 B) 20 C) 75 D) 5 10. What is the official language in Australia? A) French B) German C) English 11. In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas? A) Spring B) Summer C) Autumn D) Winter
Aston Martin
Aston Martin Виконала учениця 10-Б класу Жолуб Вікторія Aston Martin (Астон Мартін), повна назва Aston Martin Lagonda Limited — британська автобудівна компанія, що спеціалізується на випуску спортивних автомобілів — як гоночних, так і автомобілів ліцензованих для звичайних доріг. Штаб-квартира розташована у м. Гейдон, графство Ворікшир (Британія). Він втілює в бізнес свою любов до гоночних автомобілів і бере в компаньйони Роберта Бемфорда для продажу перших автомобілів Singer . Разом вони пристосовують автомобілі до серйозних в той час задач - підняття на круті ділянки гори. Потім пара Мартін-Бемфорд починають власне виробництво автомобілів, для якого знадобилась назва. Лайонел регулярно брав участь в гонках на пагорбі Астон, назва якого і стало своєрідним родоначальником імені автомобілів Мартіна і Бемфорда. Історія Історія Aston Martin починається з Лайонела Мартіна і його неймовірної пристрасті до набираючому в 1913 р. популярності спорту - автогонкам. У 1914 р. виробництво Мартіна і Бемфорда викупило своє перше приміщення в Лондоні, а в березні 1915 зареєструвало перший гоночний автомобіль Aston Martin. Він став відомий під назвою "Coal Scuttle". 24 травня 1922 один з гоночних автомобілів, "Bunny", встановив 10 світових рекордів на Бруклінської трасі з середньою швидкістю 122 км / год. 1930-ті … 1940-ві Роки правління Девіда Брауна Історія Моделі Aston Martin з 2000-го року 1970-ті…1990-ті роки Сучасні моделі У 1929 р. модель Aston Martin International створила собі ім'я. У 1939 році головний інженер компанії Клод Хілл створив автомобіль Atom, з якого почалася історія автомобілів серії «DB» (абревіатура містила в собі ініціали Девіда Брауна). Назад Букви DB в назві моделей Aston Martin - ініціали Девіда Брауна. Його фірма робила трактори, і в 1947 Девід Браун придбав компанію за 20.000 фунтів після розміщення реклами про продаж в газеті «The Times». Він почав нову історію Aston Martin. Браун говорив, що це його хобі. У власність David Brown так само потрапила Lagonda, таким чином їх мотор дістався «Астон Мартіну». Всього було випущено 15 автомобілів  Aston Martin Lagonda DB1. Опис моделей Astom Martin DB2, DB-3S, DB4, DB5. У 1950 році відбувся дебют DB-2 з двигуном 2,6 літра потужністю 105 к.с., що вдало брав участь в багатьох змаганнях для автомобілів 3-літрового класу. Особливо примітна гоночна модифікація DB-3S з мотором потужністю понад 200 к.с., що випускається з 1953 по 1956 роки.  У 1959 році Aston Martin представила DB4. Одним з варіантів DB4 став спортивно-гоночний Aston Martin DB-4GT з обтічним кузовом Zagato, який вийшов в світ в 1960 році. Всього було випущено 19 автомобілів цієї версії; всі вони збереглися до нашого часу. На початок У 1972 році компанія насилу збирала невеликі серії спортивних автомобілів, що отримали позначення Vantage для купе і Volante для кабріолетів.   З 1976 року невеликими серіями випускався один з найекстравагантніших у світі автомобілів Aston Martin Lagonda вищого класу    У 1988 році до основної гамми моделей Vantage і Volante, що випускаються, додалося нове купе Virage. У 1993  році публіці був представлений новий спортивний DB7. Вдалим проектом Aston Martin стала нова модель DB7 1998 р. DB7 випускають в двох варіантах, що стали вже стандартом для астонів, — Coupe і Volante. У 1999 році на Женевському автосалоні вперше було показано  Vantage Aston Martin DB7. Назад У 2000 р. власник Aston Martin — американський автогігант Ford офіційно представив модель Aston Martin V12 Vanquish. Назад Aston Martin V8/V12 Vantage —спорткар, 2005 р. Aston Martin DB9 - Gran Turismo, створений компанією Aston Martin в 2004 році. Aston Martin Rapide — спортивний седан люкс-класу, 2009 року. Aston Martin DBS V12 — автомобіль класу гран-турізмо, 2007 р. Це суперкари, що виробляються компанією Aston Martin з 2009 року, всього виготовлено 77 авто. Вартість моделі становить близько 1 млн. доларів. Як кажуть творці, вона має відточену керованість і потужний двигун. Двигун 7,3 л V 12, потужність 750 к.с. Aston Martin One-77 Aston Martin Vanquish Максимальна швидкість 295 км / год Розгін до 100 км / год 4.1 сек Потужність двигуна 573 к.с. Питома потужність 311 к.с. / т Об'єм двигуна 5935 см ³ Вага автомобіля 1843 кг Aston Martin Vanquish Q Aston Martin Vanquish Centenary Edition Початок Кінець.
"Jane Austen"
Jane Austen “First lady” of English literature By Liz Prishchepa Jane Austen - (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Main information She was born on the 16th of December, 1775 in the village of Steventon, Hampshire. Here were written her first novels: «Pride and Prejudice», «Sense and Sensibility», «Northanger Abbey», although they have not been published for a very long time. Her father, George Austen, was a priest. And her mother was from a noble, but impoverished family. Except Jane there were six boys and one girl. Family Jane Austen was never married, and all the inventory of not dissipated maternal love transferred to the numerous nieces and literary creations. She called the novel "Pride and Prejudice" "the beloved child". According to a survey of modern authors who write romance novels, her book "Pride and Prejudice" is the best novel of the genre of all time, but in first time it was rejected by a publisher who found it boring and insignificant. House Museum Jane Austen is a small private museum in the village of Chawton. Here the writer Jane Austen spent the last eight years of his life writing "Mansfield Park", "Emma" and "Persuasion." House Museum Jane Austen House Museum Jane Austen When Jane was 20 years old, she had an affair with the neighbor, Thomas Lefroyem, future Lord the Supreme Judge of Ireland, and those years the law student. However marriage of young people would be impractical as both families were rather poor, therefore Jane and Tom have to split up with each other. Later she put on a cap, having declared thereby that from now she is the old maid, who said goodbye to hopes for personal happiness, though once the proposal was made to her. Love story Novels Sense and Sensibility (1811) Pride and Prejudice (1813) Mansfield Park (1814) Emma (1815) Northanger Abbey (1818, posthumous) Persuasion (1818, posthumous) Short fiction Lady Susan (1794, 1805) Unfinished fiction The Watsons (1804) Sanditon (1817) Other works Sir Charles Grandison (adapted play) (1793, 1800) Plan of a Novel (1815) Poems (1796-1817) Prayers (1796-1817) Letters (1796-1817) List of works William Austen family tree two generations adaptations «The Real Jane Austen», 2002; «Miss Austen Regrets», 2007; «Jane Austen», 2007; «Jane Austen Book Club», 2007. Filmography about Jane Austen
Unit 4. Seasons and Nature Lesson 1. What’s the weather like today? Seasons SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER Seasons SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER Weather warm It is warm. It’s warm. hot It is hot. It’s hot. Weather cold chilly It is It’s chilly. chilly. It is It’s cold. cold. sun + y = sunny Weather It is… It’s… ai [eɪ] rain + y = rainy Weather It is… It’s… ou [aʊ] + y = cloudy cloud Weather It is… It’s… wind + y = windy Weather It is… It’s… ow [əʊ] snow + y = snowy Weather It is… It’s… frost + y = frosty Weather It is… It’s…
What is in the room of yours?
What is in the room of yours? Table, windows and doors. Ceiling, floor, and walls around. Several windows can be found. Pieces of furniture, chairs and tables, DVD, TV, computer with cables. Beautiful pictures on the wall, And my flowers - I love them all! Yes, besides there are my books, And my clothes for better looks! Fridge Armchair Bathroom Bed Carpet Living-room Chair Kitchen Wardrobe Fire-place Rooms Furniture Rooms Furniture a living-room A chair a bathroom a table a hall a chest of drawers a bedroom a bed a dining-room a bookcase a kitchen a cupboard a sofa a wardrobe. Desk Table Sofa House Armchair Table Kitchen Hall Bathroom Living-room Computer Picture Lamp Sweep Mirror Hall Microwave oven Washing machine Cooker Vacuum cleaner In Under Middle Above On Desk Table Sofa House Armchair Table Kitchen Hall Bathroom Living-room Computer Picture Lamp Sweep Mirror Hall Microwave oven Washing machine Cooker Vacuum cleaner In Under Middle Above On
Water in Our Life
Water Water - clear liquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain and that is used for drinking Water Bodies Ocean There are four oceans on the Earth: - the Pacific Ocean - the Atlantic Ocean - the Arctic Ocean - the Indian Ocean Mighty Ocean Water Bodies Sea Waves Sea Salty corals of the Dead Sea Sea Water Bodies River is a natural and continuous flow of water in a long line across a country into the sea The Mississippi River The Amazon River The Columbia River A River through the Town Water Bodies Lake is a large area of water surrounded by land Lake Lake Water Bodies Waterfall is a place where water from a river or stream falls down over a cliff or rock Waterfalls The Niagara Falls The Niagara Falls Water Bodies Stream is a natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river Streams Water in Our Life - We drink it. - We use it for washing. - We clean everything with its help. - We use it to produce different goods. - We enjoy water sports. - We relax. - It gives us food. - It is necessary for all living organisms. - It is a habitat for fish, whales and other animals. Water Sports diving fishing Water Sports beach volleyball rowing Water Sports surfing water skiing Water Sports yachting swimming Water is Important! Water is important for life on the Earth. Stop polluting it! Preserve water!
What’s the Weather Like Today?
Unit 4. Seasons and Nature Lesson 1. What’s the weather like today? Seasons SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER Seasons SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER Weather warm It is warm. It’s warm. hot It is hot. It’s hot. Weather cold chilly It is It’s chilly. chilly. It is It’s cold. cold. sun + y = sunny Weather It is… It’s… ai [eɪ] rain + y = rainy Weather It is… It’s… ou [aʊ] + y = cloudy cloud Weather It is… It’s… wind + y = windy Weather It is… It’s… ow [əʊ] snow + y = snowy Weather It is… It’s… frost + y = frosty Weather It is… It’s…
American Holidays
Federal holidays Days Weeks Months State holidays In the southern United States, people traditionally prepare a meal of collard greens and black-eyed peas for a year of good luck. A dime is often placed beneath the plate as a part of the tradition. Ski jumping in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany, a part of the Four Hills Tournament. In Pennsylvania and Ohio, it is common[who?] to celebrate New Year's Day with a meal of pork, sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes. The practice comes from a Pennsylvania Dutch tradition that dictates these foods will bring good luck in the new year. Some facts Valentine's Day is a day to share loving feelings with friends and family. It is also known as a holiday honoring lovers. It is celebrated on the 14th of February. This is a happy day because it is specially dedicated to celebrate love, affection and friendship. There is a wide-spread custom of sending greeting cards or gifts to express affection. Every February 14, millions of people send Valentines to those whom they love. The cards, known as Valentines, are often designed with hearts to symbolize love. In England, Valentine greetings have been popular since the Middle Ages, when lovers used to send Valentine verses to their sweethearts. Attributes of St. Valentines day In Alabama, the third Monday in February commemorates the birthdays of both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (who was born in April). In Arkansas, the third Monday in February is "George Washington's Birthday and Daisy Gatson Bates Day," an official state holiday. In New Mexico, President's Day, at least as a state government paid holiday, is observed on the Friday following Thanksgiving. In 2007, the country celebrated both Washington's 275th birthday and the 75th anniversary of the rebirth of the Purple Heart medal. Since 1862, there has been a tradition in the United States Senate that George Washington's Farewell Address be read on his birthday. Citizens had asked that this be done in light of the approaching Civil War. The annual tradition continues with the reading of the address on or near Washington's Birthday. Parents' Day in the United States In the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clinton signed a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." Parents Day, proclaimed by a joint Congressional Resolution, is an opportunity to uplift parenthood and to highlight the important roles parents have in helping their children grow up to be all that they can be. It's an opportunity for parents to re-examine their priorities, and re-dedicate their commitment to not let life's problems and concerns take precedence over our responsibilities as parents to help nurture our children. Parents' Day is a time for communities to celebrate our dedicated parents who strive to raise their children with unconditional love, often putting self-gratification aside to nurture their children in a loving environment. Washington's Birthday was first declared a federal holiday by an 1879 act of Congress. The Uniform Holidays Act, 1968, shifted the date of the commemoration of Washington's Birthday from February 22 to the third Monday in February. Many people now refer to this holiday as "Presidents' Day" and consider it a day honoring all American presidents. However, neither the Uniform Holidays Act nor any subsequent law changed the name of the holiday from Washington's Birthday to Presidents' Day. Washington's Birthday Third Monday in February Observed only by federal government employees in Washington D.C., and the border counties of Maryland and Virginia, in order to relieve congestion that occurs with this major event. Swearing-in of President of the United States and Vice President of the United States. Celebrated every fourth year. Note: Takes place on January 21 if the 20th is a Sunday (although the President is still privately inaugurated on the 20th). If Inauguration Day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the preceding Friday or following Monday is not a Federal Holiday Inauguration Day January 20, the first January 20th following a Presidential election Honors Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil Rights leader, who was actually born on January 15, 1929; combined with other holidays in several states. Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Third Monday in January Celebrates beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. Festivities include counting down to midnight (12:00 AM) on the preceding night, New Year's Eve. Traditional end of holiday season. New Year's Day January 1 Remarks Official Name Date Celebrates the Nativity of Jesus. Some people consider aspects of this religious holiday, such as giving gifts and decorating a Christmas tree, to be secular rather than explicitly Christian. Christmas Day December 25 Traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest. Traditionally includes the consumption of a turkey dinner Traditional start of the holiday season. (Note: Thanksgiving is not celebrated on the same day in Canada). Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Honors all veterans of the United States armed forces. A traditional observation is a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. remembering those killed in war. (Commemorates the 1918 armistice, which began at "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.") Veterans Day November 11 Honors Christopher Columbus, traditional discoverer of the Americas. In some areas it is also a celebration of Italian culture and heritage. (traditionally October 12); celebrated as American Indian Heritage Day and Fraternal Day in Alabama; celebrated as Native American Day in South Dakota. In Hawaii, it is celebrated as Discoverer's Day, though is not an official state holiday. Columbus Day Second Monday in October Celebrates the achievements of workers and the labor movement; marks the unofficial end of the summer season. Labor Day First Monday in September Celebrates Declaration of Independence, also called the Fourth of July. Independence Day July 4 Honors the nation's war dead from the Civil War onwards; marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season. (traditionally May 30, shifted by the Uniform Holidays Act 1968) Memorial Day Last Monday in May Constitution Week National Flag Week National Forest Products Week National Poison Prevention Week National Safe Boating Week National School Lunch Week National Transportation Week Police Week Save Your Vision Week National Friendship Week In addition to the federal holidays, individual states observe the following holidays: Alabama: Confederate Memorial Day, fourth Monday in April Alaska: Alaska Day, anniversary of transfer to U.S. control, October 18; Seward's Day, anniversary of purchase from Russia, [[March 27] Arkansas: Daisy Gatson Bates Day, February 16, observed with Washington's Birthday California: Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, César Chávez's birthday, March 31 (also may be optionally observed in Colorado and Texas); Columbus Day, second Monday in October Colorado: Colorado Day August 1, 1876 Colorado became a state. This date is recognized/celebrated each year by state residents. Connecticut: Lincoln's Birthday, February 12; Good Friday, date varies Delaware: Return Day, Thursday following Election Day; every two years, celebrates the returns of an election, having political opponents "bury the hatchet" in a bucket of sand District of Columbia: Emancipation Day, April 16 Florida: Pascua Florida Day, April 2 Georgia: Robert E. Lee's Birthday and Confederate Memorial Day Hawaii: Good Friday, date varies; May Day or Lei Day, date varies, usually May 1st; Kamehameha Day, June 11; Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day, March 26; Admission Day or Statehood Day, third Friday in August Idaho: Idaho Human Rights Day, January 19 Illinois: Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, February 12 (most state offices close, many schools choose to close on President's Day). Pulaski Day first Monday of every March. Kansas: Kansas Day, January 29 Louisiana: Mardi Gras, date varies (3 February - 9 March); Good Friday, date varies, celebrated elsewhere Massachusetts: Patriot's Day, 3rd Monday of April, traditionally April 19, anniversary of Battles of Lexington and Concord Maine: Patriot's Day, April 19, anniversary of Battles of Lexington and Concord Maryland: Maryland Day, March 25, commemoration of first European settlement of Maryland Mississippi: Mardi Gras Day, date varies Missouri: Truman Day, May 9 Nebraska: Arbor Day, last Friday of April, celebrated elsewhere Nevada: Nevada Day, October 31, commemorates date of admission to the Union, observed on last Friday of October. New Hampshire: Civil Rights Day, January 19 Oklahoma: Statehood Day, November 16 Rhode Island: V.J. Day or Victory Day, second Monday in August South Dakota: Native American Day, second Monday in October Tennessee Legal holidays: Good Friday, date varies; Days of special observance: Robert E. Lee Day, January 19; Abraham Lincoln Day, February 12; Andrew Jackson Day, March 15; Mother's Day, Second Sunday in May; Statehood Day, June 1, commemorates date of admission to the Union; Memorial or Confederate Decoration Day, June 3; Nathan Bedford Forrest Day, July 13 Texas: Confederate Veterans Day, January 19; Juneteenth, June 19 Utah: Pioneer Day, July 24 Vermont: Town Meeting Day, first Tuesday in March Virginia: Lee-Jackson Day, Friday before the third Monday in January West Virginia: West Virginia Day, June 20 New Year's Eve, the previous day Related to Making New Year's resolutions, parades, additional sporting events, fireworks Observances January 1 Date The first day of the Gregorian year Significance International Type Almost all users of the Gregorian calendar and others Observed by New Year's Day Specific, high-profile or common celebrations On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water to celebrate the new year. Ireland, Britain, United States and Australia are the most popular countries for this. These events are sometimes known as polar bear plunges, and are sometimes organized by groups to raise money for charity. Polar Bear Clubs in many northern hemisphere cities near bodies of water, have a tradition of holding organized plunges on New Year's Day. The Coney Island Polar Bears Club in New York is the oldest cold-water swimming club in the United States. They have had groups of people enter the chilly surf since 1903. In England and Scotland an extra round of football fixtures is played (unless New Year's Day falls on a Thursday, Friday or Sunday). In Pasadena, California, United States, the Tournament of Roses is held, with revelers viewing the parade from the streets and watching on television, followed by the Rose Bowl college football game. The game is one of several postseason bowl games played in college football in the United States (though in 2004 and 2006, due to its involvement in the Bowl Championship Series (BCS), the Rose Bowl game was not held on New Year's Day). This day is traditionally a religious feast, but since the 1900s has become an occasion for celebration the night of December 31, called New Year's Eve. There are often fireworks at midnight. Depending on the country, individuals may be legally allowed to burn fireworks, even if it's usually outlawed the rest of the year. It is also customary to make New Year's resolutions, which individuals hope to fulfill in the coming year. The most popular resolutions in the western world include to quit tobacco smoking, stop excessive drinking of alcohol, lose weight, and get physically fit. Vienna New Year Concert, in Austria. In Philadelphia, the Mummers Parade is held on Broad Street. Hindu New Year, which falls at the time and date Sun enters Mesha. Hindus celebrate the new year by paying respects to their parents and other elders and seek their blessings. They also exchange tokens of Good Wishes (Kai Vishesham). The New Year's Day Parade is held in London. Performers include acts from each of the city's 32 boroughs, as well as entertainment from around the world. Fireworks in New York City Independence Day fireworks displays are one of the most popular celebrations of patriotism during the year in the United States. This display, on Fourth of July, 1984, celebrated Independence Day as well as the centennial anniversary of the completion of the Statue of Liberty. Lincoln's Birthday Related to Community, historical celebrations; honoring the veterans and purple heart recipients; Congressional recognition. Observances February 16 2009 date Third Monday in February Date Honors American Revolutionary War General, Chairman of Constitutional Convention, first U.S. President Significance Federal (and most U.S. states) Type United States Observed by Washington's Birthday Many American schools use the days leading up to Presidents Day to educate students about the history of the Presidents of the United States, especially Washington and Lincoln. The holiday is also a tribute to the general who created the first military badge of merit for the common soldier. Revived on Washington's 200th birthday in 1932, the Purple Heart recognizes injuries received in battle. Like Memorial Day and Veterans Day, Washington's Birthday weekend offers another opportunity to honor the country's veterans. visiting cemeteries Observances May 31, 2010 2010 date May 25, 2009 2009 date Last Monday in May Date Honors men and women who have died in military service Significance Federal (and most U.S. states) Type United States Observed by The gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery are graced by U.S. flags on Memorial Day. Memorial Day Many people observe this holiday by visiting cemeteries and memorials. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3 p.m. US Eastern time. Another tradition is to fly the U.S. flag at half-staff from dawn until noon local time. Volunteers usually place an American flag upon each grave site located in a National Cemetery. Many Americans also use Memorial Day to honor other family members who have died. In Rochester, NY members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars take donations[ for "Buddy Poppies" in the days leading up to Memorial Day designed to act as a visual reminder of those who have sacrificed their lives for the United States. The poppy's significance to Memorial Day is a result of Canadian military physician LtCol John McCrae's poem "In Flanders Fields". In Flanders Fields by LtCol John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Living. Long days ago We died, felt sunset, saw dawn glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. Fireworks, Family reunions, Concerts, Barbecues, Picnics, Parades, Baseball games Celebrations July 4 Date The day the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress Significance National Type United States Observed by The Fourth of July The Glorious Fourth The Fourth Also called Displays of fireworks, such as these over the Washington Monument, are an example of the celebrations that take place nationwide. Independence Day Precursors to the American Mother's Day Precedents for the currently observed "Mother's Day" include: "Mothering Sunday" in the UK and Ireland is on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It was originally a time when Catholics were supposed to travel to attend Mass in their "Mother Church" (the regional cathedral) rather than in their local parish. By the Reformation, it had changed into an occasion for children to visit parents. An 1854 source mentions a couplet: "On 'Mothering Sunday,' above all other/Every child should dine with its mother." "Mother's Day Work Clubs" organized by Anna Jarvis's mother, Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis (1832-1905), to improve sanitation and health in the area. These clubs also assisted both Union and Confederate encampments controlling a typhoid outbreak, and conducted a "Mothers' Friendship Day" to reconcile families divided by the Civil War. The "Mother's Day" anti-war observances founded by Julia Ward Howe in 1872
What makes a good teacher?
What makes a good teacher? The teacher is the most important factor in the instructional process. Many people think that being a teacher is an easy task. Knowledge of the subject Methodology Numerous teaching methods Programmed instruction Lecture method Discussion Tutoring Games and simulations Computer Assisted Instruction Teaching styles Teacher as a listener Teacher as a director Teacher as a interpreter Teacher as a coach A good teacher should be honest humble patient and flexible tolerant able to learn from the pupils A good teacher knows his/her boundaries What makes a good teacher? What makes a good teacher? The teacher is the most important factor in the instructional process. Many people think that being a teacher is an easy task. Knowledge of the subject Methodology Numerous teaching methods Programmed instruction Lecture method Discussion Tutoring Games and simulations Computer Assisted Instruction Teaching styles Teacher as a listener Teacher as a director Teacher as a interpreter Teacher as a coach A good teacher should be honest humble patient and flexible tolerant able to learn from the pupils A good teacher knows his/her boundaries What makes a good teacher?