American Dream
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Self-made Men AMERICAN DREAM BILL GATES the American billionaire the Owner of Microsoft William Henry Gates was born on the 28th October 1955. At school he was good at Maths and Science. He first began to use computers at Lakeside, the private school. Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen wrote programs and learned about computers instead of doing their schoolwork. Microsoft was a business success. The company turned into the world leading corporation producing PC software. In 1994 Bill Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft manager. In 1995 B.Gates wrote the best-selling book The Road Ahead. Now Bill Gates has about 60 billion dollars. He spends a lot of money on charity.
"Alexander Fleming"
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de título del patrón Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel Alexander Fleming was born on 6 August 1881 in Lochfield, Britain. It was the third of four children born remarried Hugh Fleming, who died when Alexander was seven. Fleming was, until 1894, a rudimentary education. Thirteenth birthday, he moved to London to live with a brother who exercised there as a physician and completed his education. In 1928 he became professor at the University of London. In 1945 He got the Nobel Prize in medicine, with H. W. Florey and E. B. Chain. Fleming's career was devoted to investigating the human body's defenses against bacterial infections. His name is associated with two important discoveries: lysozyme and penicillin. 1912 : Titanic sinks at 2:20 am, taking with her the lives of more than 1,500 people. 1915: This decade is marked by the First War World which started in 1914 and finished in 1918. -The formation of the USSR. 1936: The Spanish Civil War started. 1939: End of the Spanish Civil War. It started the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. -Start of the Second World War. 1941:The Japanese navy attacked Pearl Harbour and U.S.A declared the war against Japan. 1945:Mussolini was executed and Adolf Hitler killed himself. - U.S.A attacked the cities of hiroshima and nagasaki with atomic bombs. 1955 :Spain went into the U.N. Politics: Manuel Azaña( Second president of the Spanish Republic). Adolf Hitler (German dictator). Francisco Franco(Spanish dictator). Benito Mussolini(Italian dictator). Franklin D. Roosevelt( president of U.S .A). Literature: Oscar Wilde Pablo Gargallo. Juan Ramón Jimenez. Art: Pablo Picasso. Dali Salvador Music: Claude Debussy . Richard Strauss. Manuel de Falla . Movies and actors: Charlie Chaplin. King Kong. Casablanca. Science: Albert Einstein. Alexander Fleming. Wener Heisenberg. Alexander Fleming is famous because of the discovery of penicillin, an antibiotic that revolutionized modern medicine. In 1923, Fleming discovered a substance called lysozyme bacteriolytic in tissues and secretions. In 1928, he discovered a substance called penicillin antibiotic that became one of the most powerful discoveries to treat any bacterial infections today In 1945, he shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin in conjunction with Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain Wikipedia. http://www.arrakis.es/~alfius/music00.htm
Поняття про визначений інтеграл
0 x y [ ] b a , n b x x x x x x a n i i = = - ,..., , ,..., , , 1 2 1 0 . n 1 - - = D i i i x x x n i ,.., 2 , 1 = ( ) i x f h = i x - [ ] i i x x , 1 - 0 x y A b x5 x6 x1 x2 x3 x4 x7 x0 xn y X R -R R
Властивості функцій
Властивості функцій Властивості функцій: нулі функції проміжки знакосталості функції зростання та спадання функції Нулі функції Алгоритм знаходження нулів функції y=f(x) або за графіком – точки перетину графіка з віссю ox 2) або розв’язав рівняння f(x)=0 Приклади Приклад 1 Нулів функції немає Приклад 2 Приклад 3 Приклад 4 y=2x-6; 2x-6=0; 2x=6; x=3 – нуль функції Проміжки знакосталості функції y=f(x) Алгоритм знаходження проміжків знакосталості функції y=f(x) або за графіком – вище, нижче вісі абсцис ox 2) або розв’язав нерівності f(x)>0, f(x)<0 Приклади Приклад 1 Приклад 2 Проміжки знакосталості: (-∞;-2); (-2;4); (4;7); (7;+∞) Проміжки знакосталості: (-∞;+∞) Приклад 3 y=5x-7; Зростання і спадання функції Алгоритм знаходження проміжків зростання або спадання функції 1) або за графіком • якщо на проміжку графік функції йде вгору функція зростає • якщо на проміжку графік функції йде вниз функція спадає Приклади Приклад 1 Зростає на проміжку (-2;1) ; Спадає на проміжку (-∞;-2); (1;+∞). Приклад 2 Приклад 3 Зростає на проміжку (-∞;+∞). Спадає на проміжку (-∞;+∞). Приклад 4 Доведення Дякуємо за увагу !
Поняття про теорію імовірностей
Матеріали до уроків За підручником «Алгебра. 9 клас» Ю.І. Мальованого, Г.М. Литвиненко, Г.М. Возняк 9 клас Готуємося до уроку Використано матеріали Бібліотеки електронних наочностей “Алгебра 7-9 клас”. Робота вчителя СЗОШ І- ІІІ ступенів № 8 м. Хмельницького Кравчук Г.Т. Мультимедійні технології на уроках алгебри 2011 рік Зміст Для роботи виберіть потрібну тему, в якій слід вказати тему уроку. Для переходу між слайдами: 1 клік миші, або використати кнопки керування діями назад на початок вперед на кінець на 1 слайд повернутися (додому) Тема 1. Числові нерівності. Властивості числових нерівностей Тема2. Розв’язування лінійних нерівностей і систем нерівностей з однією змінною Тема 3. Функція. Квадратична функція Тема 4. Квадратні нерівності та системи рівнянь другого степеня Тема 5. Елементи прикладної математики Тема 6. Арифметична та геометрична прогресії Тема 5 Елементи прикладної математики Математичне моделювання Відсоткові розрахунки. Поняття про теорію імовірностей. Основні поняття теорії імовірностей. Ймовірність випадкової події Початкові відомості про математичну статистику. Статистичні дані. Способи подання даних Середнє значення. Розв'язування вправ Пункт 8.2 Випробування і події. Теорія імовірностей, як і будь-яка математична наука, оперує певним колом понять. Більшість понять теорії імовірностей описують за допомогою строгих означень, але є ряд основних, неозначуваних понять, як, наприклад, у геометрії поняття точки, прямої, площини. Одним із таких понять теорії імовірностей є поняття події. Під подією розуміють те, про що можна сказати, що воно відбувається або не відбувається. Будь-яка подія відбувається внаслідок випробування (або досліду). Під випробуванням (або дослідом) розуміють ті умови, в результаті яких відбувається подія. Наприклад, підкидання грального кубика — випробування, поява 3-ох очок на верхній грані кубика — подія; запитання вчителя — випробування, неправильна відповідь учня — подія. Події прийнято позначати буквами А, В, С, ... . Усі події (явища), за якими ми спостерігаємо, можна поділити на три види: вірогідні, неможливі випадкові. Основні поняття теорії імовірностей. Подія, яка в результаті випробування обов'язково відбудеться, називається вірогідною. Вірогідні події Неможлива подія Подія, яка в результаті випробування не відбудеться ніколи, називається неможливою. Випадкова подія Подія, яка в результаті випробування може відбутися або не відбутися, називається випадковою. Якими бувають випадкові події Дві події називають несумісними, якщо настання однієї з них унеможливлює настання іншої при тому самому випробуванні. Якими бувають випадкові події Якщо при випробуванні може відбутися кілька подій і немає підстав вважати, що настання якої-небудь із них більш можливе, ніж настання інших, то такі події називають рівноможливими. Якими бувають випадкові події Події А,, А2, А3, ..., А утворюють повну групу подій, якщо в результаті випробування хоч одна з цих подій відбувається. Іншими словами, настання хоча б однієї з подій повної групи є вірогідною подією. Зокрема якщо події, які утворюють повну групу подій, є попарно несумісними, то в результаті випробування відбудеться одна і тільки одна з цих Первинне закріплення вивченого матеріалу 384. Серед названих подій знайдіть вірогідні, неможливі і випадкові: подія А — сьогодні о 23 годині сонце буде за горизонтом; подія В — у серпні занять у школі не буде; подія С — учень накреслив чотирикутник, сума внутрішніх кутів якого дорівнює 270°; подія D — сьогодні о 22 годині сонце буде в зеніті; подія Е — учень описав навколо чотирикутника коло; подія К— учень описав навколо трапеції коло. 385. Визначте вид події: подія А — учень накреслив трикутник, сума внутрішніх кутів якого дорівнює 185°; подія В — учень вписав у рівносторонній трикутник коло, центр якого знаходиться в точці перетину медіан; подія С — учень описав навколо трикутника коло з центром у точці перетину висот; подія D — із ящика, в якому є 90 стандартних деталей, навмання витягнули стандартну деталь. 386. Чи є події А і Б несумісними, якщо: а) при одному киданні монети відбувається: подія А — випадає аверс (лицьовий бік) монети, подія В — випадає реверс (зворотний бік) монети; б) при киданні кубика відбувається: подія А — випадає З очки; подія В — випадає непарна кількість очок; в) стрілець зробив постріл у мішень: подія А — стрілець влучив у мішень; подія В — стрілець не влучив у мішень. 387. Чи є події А, В і С попарно несумісними, якщо: а) в ящику знаходяться білі і чорні кульки. З нього навмання виймають дві кульки. Подія А — вийнято дві білі кульки; подія В — вийнято дві чорні кульки; подія С — вийнято одну білу і одну чорну кульки; б) учень накреслив кут. Подія А — кут виявився тупим; подія В — кут виявився гострим; подія С — кут виявився прямим. 388. Чи є події А і В рівноможливими, якщо: а) при двох пострілах по мішенях відбувається: Подія А — промах при першому пострілі; подія В — промах при другому пострілі; б) при киданні грального кубика відбувається: подія А — випадає 4 очки; подія В — випадає парне число очок; в) в ящику лежать 5 стандартних і 5 нестандартних деталей. При вийманні з ящика однієї деталі відбувається: подія А — виймають стандартну деталь; подія В — виймають нестандартну деталь. 389. Чи утворюють події повну групу подій, якщо: а) з ящика, що містить стандартні і нестандартні деталі, виймають деталі. Подія А — вийняли стандартну деталь; подія В — вийняли нестандартну деталь; б) в результаті зустрічі футбольних команд «Карпати» і «Нафтовик» відбулися: подія А — команда «Карпати» виграла; подія В — команда «Карпати» програла; Подія С — команди зіграли внічию; в) учень задумав натуральне число. Подія А — задумане число ділиться на 3; подія В — задумане число ділиться на 3 з остачею 1; подія С — задумане число ділиться на З з остачею 2; г) на перехресті доріг встановлено світлофор. Подія А — світлофор світиться зеленим кольором; подія В — світлофор світиться червоним кольором; подія С — світлофор світиться жовтим кольором; ґ) при пострілі у мішень відбувається: подія А — промах; подія В — влучення в мішень. 390. Які з подій є попарно несумісними і утворюють повну групу, якщо: а) Олег склав іспит з алгебри. Подія А — Олег одержав оцінку «12 балів»; подія В — Олег одержав оцінку «8 балів»; подія С — Олег одержав оцінку «6 балів»; б) учень купив лотерейний білет. Подія А — учень виграв велосипед; подія В — учень виграв авторучку; в) в урні лежать білі і чорні кульки. З урни вийняли одну кульку. Подія А — вийняли білу кульку; подія В — вийняли чорну кульку; г) подія А — влучення в мішень; подія В — промах при одному пострілі у мішень. Запитання для самоперевірки Яка подія називається випадковою? Наведіть приклади. Яка подія називається неможливою? Наведіть приклади. Яка подія називається вірогідною? Наведіть приклади. Які події називають несумісними? Наведіть приклади. Які події називають рівноможливими? Наведіть приклади. В якому випадку події утворюють повну групу подій? Наведіть приклади.
Властивості квадратного кореня
Властивості квадратного кореня У Р О К Уміння, уважність Розум. Радість Оригінальність. Кмітливість. Корисність ПРОТЯГОМ УРОКУ: удосконалити навички застосовувати властивості арифметичного квадратного кореня 1 обчислювальні навички при розв’язувані завдань на добування коренів 2 виховувати наполегливість у досягненні мети 3 увагу, колективізм, індивідуальність,спостережливість при виконанні завдань, самооцінювання, логічне мислення 4 1% везіння + 99% праці У С П І Х (Едісон) Успіх – це сума всіх досягнень, що повторюються кожного дня TEXT TEXT TEXT 1. Що називають квадратним коренем числа а? 3. Як називають операцію обчислення арифметичного значення квадратного кореня? 5. Скільки коренів має рівняння х2 = а? 6. Сформулюйте теорему про корінь з добутку а) Корінь з добутку двох невід'ємних чисел дорівнює добутку коренів із цих чисел - б) два а, -а д) невід’ємне число, квадрат якого дорівнює а г) добування квадратного кореня із числа в) ні е) називають число, квадрат якого дорівнює а TEXT TEXT TEXT 2. Чи існує квадратний корінь з від’ємного числа? 4. Що називають арифметичним квадратним коренем із числа а? - В З А Є М О П Е Р Е В І Р К А е в г д б а TEXT TEXT TEXT 1. Що називають квадратним коренем числа а? 3. Як називають операцію обчислення арифметичного значення квадратного кореня? 5. Скільки коренів має рівняння х2 = а? 6. Сформулюйте теорему про корінь з добутку а) Корінь з добутку двох невід'ємних чисел дорівнює добутку коренів із цих чисел - б) два а, -а д) невід’ємне число, квадрат якого дорівнює а г) добування квадратного кореня із числа в) ні е) називають число, квадрат якого дорівнює а TEXT TEXT TEXT 2. Чи існує квадратний корінь з від’ємного числа? 4. Що називають арифметичним квадратним коренем із числа а? - О Ц І Н Ю В А Н Н Я 3 бали 2 бали 1 бал 6 правильних відповідей 5-4 правильних відповідей 3-1 правильних відповідей √169=13; √10=100; √0,04=0,2; √1,44=0,12; √0=0; √0,9=0,3; √640=80; √1∕4=1∕2; √25=-5; √81/4=9/4 Чи правильна рівність √100; √ 36; √4900 ; √(3-а)(3+а); √25-√16; Обчислити √25 - √16 = √121 - √100= (√8) 2 = √49 х 1 = 1 1 8 7 Софіївський собор Побудовано у 1017-1037 рр. √50 * √8 ; √3 * √12 ; √2 * √242; √11 * √99 √1,2 * √120; √40 * √62,5; √1,44 * √0, 49; √64 * 100 ; √49 * 144 ; √25 * 121; √36 * 900 √121 * 64; √900 * 81; І варіант № 724 ІІ варіант № 715 Державний діяч Київської Русі, великий князь Київський (з 1019р.) Заклав Ярослав місто велике, біля того міста Золоті Ворота. Заклав і церкву Святої Софії Перша відома в Київській Русі бібліотека була заснована в Києві при Софієвському соборі Я.М. В той час бібліотека налічувала 950 томів. орден Княгині Ольги для нагородження жінок за видатні заслуги в різних сферах діяльності. 16 березня 2000 року Верховна Рада України прийняла Закон України «Про державні нагороди України», у якому була встановлена державна нагорода України — орден княгині Ольги √12 + √75 - √48; √64а + √36а - √81а; √49х + √25х - √100х; √8х – 0,1√200х +3√50х (4 - √17 )(√17 + 4 ); (√7 - √5 )(√7 + √5 ); Спростити вираз Р О К С О Л А Н А
Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai
Aleksandra Mikhaylovna Kollontai was a Russian revolutionary, feminist and the first Soviet female diplomat Alexandra Mikhailovna Domontovich was born on March 31 , 1872 in St. Petersburg Alexandra's mother, Alexandra Androvna Masalina-Mravinskaia Alexandra was a good student growing up, sharing her father's interest in history, and mastering a range of languages. She spoke French with her mother and sisters, English with her nanny, Finnish with the peasants at a family estate inherited from her mother's father in Kuusa ,and was a student of German. Alexandra thought to continue her schooling at a university, but her mother refused her permission, arguing that women had no real need for higher education, and that impressionable youngsters encountered too many dangerous radical ideas at universities in any event. Instead, Alexandra was to be allowed to take an exam to gain certification as a school teacher before making her way into society to find a husband, as was the custom In 1890 or 1891, Alexandra, aged around 19, met her future husband Vladimir Ludvigovich Kollontai, and married in 1893. Alexandra became pregnant soon after her marriage and bore a son, Mikhail, in 1894. In her autobiography Alexandra admitted that she "married early, partly as a protest against the will of my parents". Alexandra left her husband after three years of marriage. 1897:With husbund Vladimir and son Misha She became a member of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, aged 27, in 1899. She was a witness of the popular rising in 1905 known as Bloody Sunday, at Saint Petersburg in front of the Winter Palace. 1905: Potrait of Kollontai In 1904, she joined the Bolshevik faction and conducted classes on Marxism for it. In 1905, she joined with Leon Trotsky in pressing for a more positive attitude toward the newly-emerged Soviets and in pressing for unity of the party factions. She became treasurer of the St. Petersburg Social Democratic Committee. Between 1900 and 1917 Kollontai participated in the revolutionary underground in Russia, but mostly she lived abroad, where she made her reputation as a theoretician of Marxist feminism. In the prerevolutionary period Kollontai also became known as a skilled journalist and orator. She was aMenshevik, but in 1913, when Bolsheviks Konkordia Samoilova, Inessa Armand, and Nadezhda Krupskaya launched a newspaper aimed at working-class women, they invited Kollontai to be a contributor. She responded enthusiastically. In 1918 she married Pavel Dybenko, the handsome leader of the Baltic Fleet sailors; they separated in 1922 She visited the United States in 1916 and edited, with Bukharin, the Communist daily Novy Mir [new world] in New York City. In 1917 she returned to Russia to take part in the Bolshevik Revolution. In 1920 she became people's commissar for social welfare. She was a leader of the "Workers' Opposition" that opposed party and government control of trade unions; this position was defeated by Lenin in 1921. Kollontai joined the people's commissariat for foreign affairs and became (1923) minister to Norway-the first woman to hold that diplomatic rank This included periods in Norway (1923-25), (1927-30) Mexico (1925-27) 1926: Witt Mexico President Elias Calles After several ministerial appointments she became (1930) minister to Sweden and remained there until 1945. Kollantai retired in 1945 and lived in Moscow until her death on 9th March, 1952. Alexandra Kollontai died March 9, 1952, less than a month away from her 80th birthday. Grave of Kollontai at the Njvodevichy Cemistry in Moscow. Awards Order of Lenin (1933) Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1945) Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav (Norwegian highest award at the time) Order of the Aztec Eagle (1944)
A famous sight of Moscow
A famous sight of Moscow Prezenyacii.com 1 тур St Basil’s Cathedral Uspensky Cathedral the Spasskaya Tower the Tretyakov Gallery the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 2 тур Choose the right answer 1. The capital of Russia is a) St Petersburg b) Yekаterinburg c) Moscow 2. The capital of Russia in 1900 was a) St Petersburg b) Yekаterinburg c) Moscow 3. The most famous Moscow theatre is a) the Bolshoi Theatre b) the Mali Theatre c) the Grand Opera 4. The founder of the Tretyakov Gallery was a) Pavel Tretyakov b) Savva Morozov c) Yuri Dolgorukiy 5. In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see a) a lot of books b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures 6. In the Armory Chamber you can see a) a lot of stones b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures 3 тур Insert the articles where necessary 1. When we were in (…) Moscow, we sow (…) lot of sights. 2. Do you know about (…)Tretyakov Gallery? 3. (…) Moscow metro looks like a place. 4. There are many fantastic buildings in (…) capital of our country. 5. (…) Kremlin is in (…) Red Square. 6. What is the (…) most famous Moscow theatre? 7. I have never been to (…) Red Square. 8. (…) clock which we can see today was installed in (…) middle of (…) 19-th century 4 тур Read the sentence 5 тур “Hospitable” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Our game is over
"A Biography of Ernest Hemingway"
A Biography of Ernest Hemingway Who Is Ernest Hemingway? Born into a strict, Protestant family Famous and well accomplished author (49 short stories and over 10 novels) Nobel Peace Prize winner Avid hunter and fisher Considered a hero of WWI Committed suicide in Idaho (1961) Used the experiences of his life to create literary masterpieces during the Modernism Era Hemingway’s Personal Life Born Ernest Miller Hemingway on July 21st, 1899 Grew up in Oak Park, Illinois – upper middle class Father was a doctor and mother was a singer He had four sisters and one brother The community had a large Protestant population Hemingway about his community: “Wide lawns and narrow minds.”(The Hemingway Resource Center) Enjoyed hunting and fishing (inspiration for many stories/novels) with his father when his mother wasn’t introducing him to music and literature Hemingway’s Personal Life (cont.) Rumored that his mother often dressed him in female clothes Worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star (1917) WWI Ambulance Driver (1918) Celebrated as a war hero upon his return home Reporter for Toronto Star (1920) Married Hadley Richardson and moved to Paris, France (1921) Father committed suicide in 1929, Ernest does the same in 1961 (Idaho) Hemingway’s Professional Life Wrote forty-nine short stories and published six best-selling novels: The Sun Also Rises A Farewell To Arms For Whom The Bell Tolls The Old Man and The Sea To Have and Have Not A Moveable Feast Hemingway’s Professional Life (cont.) Popular characters in his works: soldiers, hunters, bullfighters, and primitive people. Themes of his work: Courageous and honest people losing hope in a modern, hectic society Possibly reflects his own outlook concerning his place in the world His writing is very dry and descriptive with little plot – draws heavily from past experience His alcoholism and depression contributed to his eventual suicide He shot himself in Ketchum, Idaho (1961)
“Two countries divided by a common language” – George Bernard Shaw The United States and the United Kingdom The British Empire The English language was introduced to America through colonization. x The first English settlement was established in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. The language also spread to other parts of the world as a result of British trade and colonization. By 1921 the former British Empire controlled a population of 470 to 570 million people (a ¼ of the world’s population). The History of English Over 400 years, the English language has changed into two versions we refer to as American English and Standard British English. Differences include: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, idioms, and formatting of dates. Dates The way dates are formatted in the UK & USA is different: 05/01/2013: British English – DD/MM/YYYY 01/05/2013: American English – MM/DD/YYYY The way UK and USA speakers say dates is also different: 5th of January 2013 – British English January 5th, 2013 – American English It gets a bit confusing! Spelling American English does not use the letter U in words ending in –or. Example: Labour/ Labor, Favour/Favor, Savour/Savor, Colour/Color American English does not always use double consonants. Example: Traveller/Traveler American English has changed words ending in “re” to “er.” Example: Fibre / Fiber, Centre / Center, Theatre / Theater American English has changed “C” to “S” in words. Example: Defence / Defense, Offence / Offense American English has changed “S” into “Z.” Example: Recognise / Recognize, Hyponotise / Hypnotize, Realise / Realize Vocabulary There are many objects that are described by different words in British and American English. Examples: Dustbin and Trash Can Rubbish and Garbage Differences most likely to create confusion are those where the same word or phrase is used for two different objects. Examples: French Fries  Chips Chips  Crisps Crisps  Chips Chips  French Fries Pronunciation The /ae/ sound becomes /a:/ in American English. Example: Fast / Path / Grass The /o/ sound is pronounced with lips rounded only in British English. Example: Not / Lot / Hot / Top Unaccented syllables are very slightly pronounced in British English. Example: literature. Ts are less pronounced in American English. Example: Meter / Twenty The double T turns into a D sound in American English. Example: Kettle / Battle / Bottle / Little Pronunciation Vitamin Garage Controversy Scone Schedule Aluminum / Aluminium ACCENT VIDEOS Regional American Accents The English Accent in 24 Languages (British)
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell Inventor of the Telephone Born: March 3, 1847 Parents: Alexander Melville Bell and Elisa Grace Symonds 2 brothers, Melville and Edward Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland with his family. Childhood After Graham was safe from catching the disease, his job led him to be a physiology professor at Boston University in the United States. While Bell was in Massachusetts, he invented the harmonic telegraph, an instrument that makes it possible to send multiple telegraphs on one line. Boston University On March 7, 1876, Bell recieved his patent for the telephone. The Telephone is Patented The Simple Telephone There are three parts to the simple telephone. The Speaker, the Microphone and the Switch, also known as the Hook Switch. The Telephone Today Today, phones have been able to get even smaller and even have no cords. In the bottom left, there is a palm pilot that can also be used at a phone. The telephone is a unique piece of equipment. No one can imagine our world without it. Alexander Graham Bell grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland with his family. Childhood A Sad day in History On August 2, 1922, Alexander Graham Bell died at his home in Baddek Nova Scotia.
Aluminum Performed: Group 4160 Pronin K.V. Tomsk 2009 Pats History Being in nature Production Production cycle Deposits of bauxite in the world RUSAL Uses History German scientist F. Wohler (1827) received the aluminum when heated aluminum chloride with alkali metals potassium and sodium.  A.Sent received aluminum industrial method (1855).  Being in nature oxygen  aluminum  iron  calcium  sodium  potassium magnesium  hydrogen  else  silicium Arrangement of elements in the nature of the mass Production Aluminum is produced by hydrolysis of bauxite Production cycle alumina aluminum hydrolysis mixer ladle line ingots bauxite Crusher autoclave Filter insoluble precipitate dekompozer oven calcification alumina AL Deposits of bauxite RUSAL Operations in 19 countries on 5 continents Uses Thank you for your attention The End
"Albert Einstein"
Albert Einstein Any list of the greatest thinkers in history will contain the name of the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein. His theories of relativity led to entirely new ways of thinking about time, space, matter, energy, and gravity. Einstein`s work led to such scientific advances as the control of atomic energy and to some of the investigations of space. Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879, of Jewish parents. He was shy and curious child. Ulm, Germany He attended a Munich elementary school where he showed an interest in science and mathematics but did poorly in other areas of study. He finished high school and Technical College in Switzerland. In 1905, at the age of 26, he published five major research papers in an important German physics journal. He received doctorate for the first paper. Publication of the next four papers forever changed mankind`s view of the universe. One of his papers laid the foundation for the photon, or quantum, theory of light. Hjgfj,gh,kg, In his works Einstein showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, if the speed of light is constant and natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe. Television and other inventions are practical applications of Einstein`s discoveries. His fourth paper was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. Fjhf,kjkgj fjyf World-wide fame came to him in 1919 when the Royal Society of London announced that his general theory of relativity had been confirmed. Einstein died in Princeton, on April 18, 1955.
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Всі дії з звичайними дробами
Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Урок-змагання "Я з м о ж у" ТЕМА: "Всі дії з звичайними дробами" Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Мета: Узагальнити і систематизувати уміння і навички учнів розв'язування вправ на всі дії з звичайними дробами; розвивати інтелектуальні і творчі здібності учнів, логічне та абстрактне мислення, інтерес до математики та історії рідного краю, школи; виховувати любов та повагу до людей праці. Урок проводиться у вигляді змагання. Клас поділено на три команди за списком в журналі: І команда 1-8 учні, 2 команда 9-16 учні, 3 команда 17-23 учні. І – Д 2 – К 3 – Л І – К 2 – Л 3 – Д І – Л 2 – Д 3 – К Мета змагання - розв’язати завдання трьох етапів уроку Комп’ютерне тестування. Завдання на листочках. Інтелектуальне завдання на дошці.  Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Епіграф уроку Не достатньо мати лише добрий розум, головне – це добре застосовувати його. Р. Декарт Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Девіз уроку Не махай на все рукою, не лінуйся, а учись, Бо чого навчився в школі, знадобиться ще колись. Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Загадка На базарі їх не купиш, на дорозі не знайдеш. Їх не зважиш на терезах, і ціни не підбереш. (Знання) Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Порахуй, яке число повинно бути в рамці +? 1 6 - Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Завдання № 1. Розв'язати кросворд і прочитати слово, записане у виділених клітинках. Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Завдання № 2. Розв'язати кросворд і прочитати слово, записане у виділених клітинках. Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Завдання № 3. Розв'язати кросворд і прочитати слово, записане у виділених клітинках. Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Підсумок уроку Математику країну Ми ніколи не покинем. Всі задачі, теореми - Будем вчити без проблеми. А найбільше до вподоби Нам усім звичайні дроби! Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Спортивно-математична вікторина Якщо ви вважаєте, що в житті необхідні знання про дроби - підніміть вгору руки. Якщо ви вважаєте, що вам необхідно в житті розв'язувати різні задачі та рівняння - кліпніть очима. Якщо ви вважаєте, що урок математики розвиває логіку вашого мислення, то покрутіть головою вправо і вліво. Якщо ви вважаєте, що хороша дисципліна на уроці - запорука вашого успіху та знань, то зі жміть і розіжміть пальці ваших рук. Якщо на вашу думку, ви дисципліновані і уважні на уроці - сплесніть у долоні. Якщо ви вважаєте, що, щоб бути здоровими, потрібно займатися спортом, то зробіть вдих і видих. Використано матеріали з інтернету, укладчик Щербак В. О. Домашнє завдання: Повторити: § § 1-3 пп. 1-19 Розв’язати: № 547, 550 стор. 95
Підготував: Студент 4 курсу групи Т-44 Біленький В.М. Комунікативний, перцептивний та інтерактивний аспекти спілкування ♦ комунікативна (обмін інформацією) ♦ інтерактивна (взаємодія партнерів) ♦ перцептивна (розуміння людини людиною; взаємосприйняття партнерів) Існують 3 основні сторони спілкування 1) Комунікативна сторона спілкування тісно пов’язана з обміном інформації. Спілкування - це не тільки прийом та передача інформації, а й стосунки принаймні двох осіб, де кожна є активним суб’єктом взаємодії. В акті міжособистісної комунікації важливу роль відіграє значущість інформації, прагнення сприймати її загальний зміст. Крім обміну інформацією, відбувається орієнтація на іншого, тобто аналізуються: мотиви цілі установка об’єкта інформації (іншого суб’єкта) Ще одна особливість комунікативного процесу полягає в тому, що завдяки знаковій системі партнери по спілкуванню впливають один на одного. При цьому ефективність комунікації залежить від міри цього впливу, тобто йдеться про зміну типу відносин, що склалися між комунікаторами.  У процесі ділового спілкування можливе виникнення трьох комунікативних бар’єрів та їх різні модифікації: «авторитет» «уникнення» «нерозуміння» Бар’єр «авторитет» Розділивши всіх людей на авторитетних і неавторитетних, людина довіряє лиш першим. Тобто довіра чи недовіра ніби залежать не від об’єктивності інформації, а від того, хто говорить. Наприклад, люди похилого віку мало прислуховуються до порад молодих. Довіра залежить від соціального стану, від привабливості, зовнішнього вигляду, доброзичливого ставлення до адресата впливу, компетентності, щирості. Бар’єр «уникнення» Людина уникає джерела впливу, ухиляється від контактів зі співрозмовником, прикладає всі зусилля, щоб не сприймати повідомлення. Щоб нейтралізувати цей бар’єр, необхідно звернути увагу і утримати її. На увагу найбільше впливають такі фактори: актуальність і важливість інформації, її новизна, нестандартність подання, несподіваність, інтенсивність передачі інформації, звучність голосу та його модуляція. Бар’єр «нерозуміння» Іноді джерело інформації заслуговує на довіру, але інформація «не доходить» (ми не чуємо, не бачимо, не розуміємо її). Виділяють такі бар’єри нерозуміння: фонетичний (виникає, коли говорять іноземною мовою; використовують багато іноземних слів чи спеціальну термінологію; говорять швидко, незрозуміло, з акцентом); семантичний (той, хто говорить, і той, хто слухає, укладають різний зміст у слова, різне їх розуміння; використання жаргонних слів тощо); стилістичний (стиль викладу, відповідність форми і змісту основним правилам структурування інформації: правилу рамки і правилу ланцюжка) 2) Інтерактивна сторона спілкування характеризується тим, що співрозмовники реалізують взаємодію, тобто планують спільну діяльність, обмінюються діями, виробляють форми і норми спільних дій, спрямовані на взаємну зміну їх поведінки, діяльності, відносин, установок з метою забезпечення результативності спілкування і вироблення єдиної стратегії. Взаємодія є необхідним і обов'язковим елементом спільної діяльності; її основу становлять різноманітні міжособистісні контакти і дії. У процесі взаємодії кожен прагне орієнтуватися на свої цілі та цілі партнера. Залежно від міри врахування у взаємодії цих цілей виділяють такі стратегії поведінки: ♦ СПІВПРАЦЯ — максимальне досягнення учасниками взаємодії своїх цілей ♦ ПРОТИДІЯ — орієнтація тільки на свої цілі без урахування інтересів партнера ♦ КОМПРОМІС — часткове, проміжне (іноді тимчасове) досягнення цілей партнерів заради збереження умовної рівності та збереження стосунків ♦ ПОСТУПЛИВІСТЬ — принесення в жертву своїх потреб для досягнення цілей партнерів ♦ УХИЛЕННЯ — ухилення від контактів, відмова від досягнення своїх деяких цілей, щоб не дати виграти партнеру Серед перерахованих стратегій поведінки немає хороших чи поганих. Усе залежить від конкретної ситуації спілкування, інтересів партнерів і ряду інших факторів. 3) Перцептивна сторона спілкування проявляється в сприйнятті зовнішніх ознак співрозмовника, відповідно з його особистісними характеристиками, в інтерпретації і прогнозуванні на цій основі його вчинків. Найбільш важливими, інформативними є такі властивості, як: міміка експресія (засоби прояву почуттів) жести поза хода зовнішній вигляд особливості голосу та мовлення. Багато залежить від того, чи подобається нам зовнішність ділового партнера. Якщо так, то ми переоцінюємо його психологічні характеристики, якщо ні— недооцінюємо. Висновок Формування першого враження — не самоціль, а регулятор подальшої поведінки. Воно необхідне для того, щоб визначити головні характеристики співрозмовника і відповідно до них визначити конкретну «техніку спілкування». Список використаної літератури Леонтьев А. Н. Деятельность. Сознание. Личность. — М., 2016. Леонтьев А. И. Проблемы развития психики. — М., 2016. Лисина М. И. Проблема онтогенеза общения. — М., 2016. Ломов Б. Ф. Психические процессы и общение // Методологические и теоретические проблемы социальной психологии. — М., 2016. Палеха Ю. і, Водерацький Ю. В. Етика ділових стосунків. — К., 2017. Трофімов Ю. Л. Психологія. — К., 2017. Урбанович А.А. Психологія управління. Навч. посібник. — Мінськ, 2015. Дякую за увагу!
Wales Wales is situated on the west of Great Britain. National flag The Flag of Wales is called "The Red Dragon“. It consists of a red dragon on a green and white field. The Capital of Wales is Cardiff. 325,000 people live in Cardiff. It is the most important city in Wales for tourism, culture, government, sport, transport, and business. National costume National symbols The leek and the daffodil Wales
Анімаційний кросворд до першого уроку з українського читання
Анімаційний кросворд до першого уроку з українського читання (4 клас) Підготувала вчитель початкових класів КЗНЗ ” Гімназія № 15” м. Нікополя Вірютіна Ірина Миколаївна Перший твір, вміщений у “Читанці” називається “До …” ш к о л и Автор твору, який вміщений у “Читанці” на с. 90-96. ш к о л и к ї н к р а а У Хто автор твору “Суперечка двох книг” із розділу “Рости книголюбом!”? ш к о л и к ї н к р а м л и н с й и к ь а У С у х о Як називається твір-переказ про події, факти, людей, оповитий казковістю, фантастикою? ш к о л и к ї н к р а м л и н с й и к ь а У л С у х о д н е г е а Народний або літературний твір про вигадані події та вигаданих осіб, іноді з участю фантастичних сил називається … ш к о л и к ї н к р а м л и н с й и к ь а У л С у х о д н е г е к а а к а з Джерела Уроки читання. 4 клас .- Тернопіль: Навчальна книга – Богдан, 2006. http://www.epwr.ru/quotauthor/txt_470.php http://lesya.info/foto.html
A Legend
A Legend I think, we should stay here and try to help people in solving of their problems. Should we go home or stay on the Earth? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? They suggested to make coins which have magic properties: a) If coins belong to a bad man, they can disappear; a good and kind one has much coins an he can spend them on the books which include the information about kindness, tolerance, politeness. There is a Recipe of Agreement and Friendship. First they decided to divide the country into 3 parts where they would experiment: A part with magic money. A part with ideal State. A part without violence in Medium. Magic money. People living in this country, do not have much money if they are unkind. But there are a few people who can live without conflicts. The problem is : other people who have no money, can not live as they want to and become more angry. The Ideal State. All people are kind, polite, reliable. The life is calm. All the emotions are positive. And the life becomes boring. People living there are not optimistic at all, because everything is all right. The population is not sincere, because they have to be tolerant in any situation. In the conclusion, we should say that such a kind of a state can not exist in a real life. Medium. People do not have an opportunity to get necessary information about the weather, politics, sport news, culture events, etc. As everybody is used to the Medium, it becomes impossible to live in such a way. Then Fantasy of all these countries gathered together and told each other about their problems, good and bad things. Unfortunately, they confessed, nothing happened. It is necessary to help people to solve their conflicts. Their mission is to teach people to solve the conflicts in a peaceful way, to live in AGREEMENT and FRIENDSHIP, to try to understand each other and to help to everybody. Live in Agreement and Friendship! Your friends Fantasy.
"American education system"
American education system The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There are state public schools, private elementary school and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. Each state has its own system of public schools. Elementary education begins at the age of six or seven, when a child goes to the first grade. In the American education system are: preschool children 3-5 years old; primary school (grade 1-5), 6-11 years old; High School (grades 6-8) 11-13 years old; High School (grades 9-12), 14-17 years old At the age of sixteen schoolchildren leave the elementary school and may continue their education at one of the secondary schools or high schools.The programme of studies in the elementary school includes English, Arithmetic, Geography, History of the USA, Natural Sciences and, besides, Physical Training, Singing, Drawing, Wood or Metal Work, etc. Sometimes they learn a foreign language and general history. Beside giving general education some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry. After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to higher education. The National Government gives no direct financial paid to the institutions of higher education. Students must pay a tuition fee. This creates a financial hardship for some people. Many of the students have to work to pay their expenses. The Americans place a high value on education. School Uniform
Альтернативні джерела постачання енергії та інших ресурсів
Solar Panel A solar panel is a set of solar photovoltaic modules electrically connected and mounted on a supporting structure. A photovoltaic module is a packaged, connected assembly of solar cells. The solar panel can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. Each module is rated by its DC output power under standard test conditions (STC), and typically ranges from 100 to 320 watts. The efficiency of a module determines the area of a module given the same rated output - an 8% efficient 230 watt module will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 watt module. A single solar module can produce only a limited amount of power; most installations contain multiple modules. A photovoltaic system typically includes a panel or an array of solar modules, an inverter, and sometimes a battery and/or solar tracker and interconnection wiring. Theory and construction Solar modules use light energy (photons) from the sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. The majority of modules use wafer-based crystalline silicon cells or thin-film cells based on cadmium telluride or silicon. The structural (load carrying) member of a module can either be the top layer or the back layer. Cells must also be protected from mechanical damage and moisture. Most solar modules are rigid, but semi-flexible ones are available, based on thin-film cells. These early solar modules were first used in space in 1958. Electrical connections are made in series to achieve a desired output voltage and/or in parallel to provide a desired current capability. The conducting wires that take the current off the modules may contain silver, copper or other non-magnetic conductive transition metals. The cells must be connected electrically to one another and to the rest of the system. Externally, popular terrestrial usage photovoltaic modules use MC3 (older) or MC4 connectors to facilitate easy weatherproof connections to the rest of the system. Bypass diodes may be incorporated or used externally, in case of partial module shading, to maximize the output of module sections still illuminated. Some recent solar module designs include concentrators in which light is focused by lenses or mirrors onto an array of smaller cells. This enables the use of cells with a high cost per unit area (such as gallium arsenide) in a cost-effective way. Smart solar modules Several companies have begun embedding electronics into PV modules. This enables performing maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for each module individually, and the measurement of performance data for monitoring and fault detection at module level. Some of these solutions make use of power optimizers, a DC-to-DC converter technology developed to maximize the power harvest from solar photovoltaic systems. As of about 2010, such electronics can also compensate for shading effects, wherein a shadow falling across a section of a module causes the electrical output of one or more strings of cells in the module to fall to zero, but not having the output of the entire module fall to zero. Production In 2010, 15.9 GW of solar PV system installations were completed, with solar PV pricing survey and market research company PVinsights reporting growth of 117.8% in solar PV installation on a year-on-year basis. With over 100% year-on-year growth in PV system installation, PV module makers dramatically increased their shipments of solar modules in 2010. They actively expanded their capacity and turned themselves into gigawatt GW players. According to PVinsights, five of the top ten PV module companies in 2010 are GW players. Suntech, First Solar, Sharp, Yingli and Trina Solar are GW producers now, and most of them doubled their shipments in 2010. Price Average pricing information divides in three pricing categories: those buying small quantities (modules of all sizes in the kilowatt range annually), mid-range buyers (typically up to 10 MWp annually), and large quantity buyers (self-explanatory—and with access to the lowest prices). Over the long term there is clearly a systematic reduction in the price of cells and modules. For example in 2012 it was estimated that the quantity cost per watt was about $0.60, which was 250 times lower than the cost in 1970 of $150. Real world prices depend a great deal on local weather conditions. In a cloudy country such as the United Kingdom, price per installed kW is higher than in sunnier countries like Spain. Following to RMI, Balance-of-System (BoS) elements, this is, non-module cost of non-microinverter solar modules (as wiring, converters, racking systems and various components) make up about half of the total costs of installations. For merchant solar power stations, where the electricity is being sold into the electricity transmission network, the cost of solar energy will need to match the wholesale electricity price. This point is sometimes called 'wholesale grid parity' or 'busbar parity'. Research carried out by UN-Energy in 2012 suggests areas of sunny countries with high electricity prices, such as Italy, Spain and Australia, and areas using diesel generators, have reached retail grid parity. Thank you for attention
Hamlet by Shakespeare
To be or not to be: that is the question Людина від народження має право вибору. Життя – це корабель, який на повних вітрилах мчить у безкінечність. У всякої людини він свій, а штурманом корабля є кожен із нас. Але тоді, коли вітрила судна надимає вітер фортуни, і тоді, коли він натикатиметься на рифи, - завжди треба сміливо й непохитно йти до мети, що яскравою зіркою сяятиме прямо по курсу. Людське буття, на жаль, має різні грані. Його таємниці й намагається розкрити у своїх п’єсах англійський драматург доби Відродження Вільям Шекспір. «Гамлет» - це трагедія людської особистості, поставленої перед вибором добра і зла, життя і смерті, правдою і брехнею, коханням і ненавистю, ницим і піднесеним. William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) «Бути» для Гамлета означає не просто жити, а чинити опір життєвим обставинам. В. Висоцький у ролі Гамлета «Не бути» - підкоритися долі «і біль від гострих стріл її терпіти». Гамлет зробив свій вибір. Він стане боротися, щоб «направити звихнутий час», хоча й розуміє, що ця боротьба буде складною. І. Смоктуновський у ролі Гамлета To be, or not to be - that is the question. Whether' tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? - To die - to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we and The heart - ache, and thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, - this a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die - to sleep - To sleep perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, Чи бути, чи не бути — ось питання. Що благородніше? Коритись долі І біль від гострих стріл її терпіти, А чи, зітнувшись в герці з морем лиха, Покласти край йому! Заснути, вмерти — І все. І знати: вічний сон врятує, Із серця вийме біль, позбавить плоті, А заразом страждань. Чи не жаданий Для нас такий кінець? Заснути, вмерти. І спати. Може й снити? Ось в чім клопіт; Які нам сни присняться після смерті, Коли позбудемось земних суєт? Ось в чім вагань причина. Через це Живуть напасті наші стільки літ. Бо хто б терпів бичі й наругу часу, Гніт можновладця, гордія зневаги, HAMLET. William Shakespeare. Відштовхнуту любов, несправедливість, Властей сваволю, тяганину суду, З чесноти скромної безчесний глум, — Коли б він простим лезом міг собі Здобути вічний спокій? Хто стогнав би Під тягарем життя і піт свій лив, Коли б не страх попасти після смерті В той край незнаний, звідки ще ніхто Не повертався? Страх цей нас безволить, І в звичних бідах ми волієм жити, Ніж линути до не відомих нам. Так розум полохливими нас робить, Яскраві барви нашої відваги Від роздумів втрачають колір свій, А наміри високі, ледь зродившись, Вмирають, ще не втілившись у дію. The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death - The undiscovered country from whose born No traveller returns - puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied over with the pale cast of thought; And enterprises of great pitch and moment, With this regard, their currents turn away, And lose the name of action. HAMLET. William Shakespeare.
"American cuisine"
American cuisine Maple syrup Maple syrup is a syrup usually made from the xylem sap of sugar maple, red maple, or black maple trees, although it can also be made from other maple species. Steak A steak is generally a cut of beef sliced perpendicular to the muscle fibers, or of fish cut perpendicular to the spine. Meat steaks are usually grilled, pan-fried, or broiled, while fish steaks may also be baked. She-crab soup She-crab soup is a rich soup, similar to bisque, made of milk or heavy cream, crab or fish stock, Atlantic blue crab meat, and (traditionally) crab roe, and a small amount of dry sherry added as it is plated. It may be thickened either by heat reduction or with a purée of boiled rice; it may also include such seasonings as mace and shallots or onions. Taco A taco is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. A taco can be made with a variety of fillings, including beef, pork, chicken, seafood, vegetables and cheese, allowing for great versatility and variety. A taco is generally eaten without utensils and is often accompanied by garnishes such as salsa, avocado or guacamole, cilantro, tomatoes, minced meat, onions and lettuce. Peanut butter Peanut butter is a food paste made primarily from ground dry roasted peanuts, It is mainly used as a sandwich spread, sometimes in combination with other spreads such as jam, chocolate (in various forms), vegetables or cheese. hamburgers A hamburger is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat usually placed inside a sliced hamburger bun. Hamburgers are often served with lettuce, bacon, tomato, onion, pickles, cheese and condiments such as mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and relish. Chocolate brownie A chocolate brownie is a flat, baked square or bar .The brownie is a cross between a cake and a cookie in texture. Brownies come in a variety of forms. They are either fudgy or cakey, depending on their density, and they may include nuts, frosting, whipped cream, chocolate chips, or other ingredients Marshmallow Marshmallow is a confection that, in its modern form, typically consists of sugar and/or corn syrup, water, and gelatin, whipped to a spongy consistency, molded into small cylindrical pieces, and coated with corn starch. Some marshmallow recipes call for eggs.
Jamaica Popova Kate 10 A Geography Jamaica is the largest English-speaking island in the Caribbean and the third largest in the region. With a total land area of 10,991 sq. km (4,442 square miles), the island is 235 km (146 miles) long with widths varying between 35 and 82 km (22 and 51 miles). Situated ninety miles south of Cuba and six hundred miles south of Miami. Jamaica is divided into three counties, Cornwall, Middlesex and Surrey. These counties are further subdivided into parishes with Kingston, the smallest of the 14 parishes, as home to the capital city. The annual average temperature is 27 degrees Celsius. History Once a Spanish possession known as Santiago, in 1655 it came under the rule of England (later Great Britain), and was called Jamaica. It achieved full independence from the United Kingdom on 6 August 1962. With 2.8 million people, it is the third most populous Anglophone country in the Americas, after the United States and Canada. Kingston is the country's largest city and its capital, with a population of 937,700.Jamaica has a large diaspora around the world, due to emigration from the country. Coat of Arms The Jamaican coat of arms depicts one male and one female Taino Indian standing on either side of a shield, bearing a red cross with five pineapples. Above the shield, a Jamaican crocodile rests atop the English royal helmet and mantling. Their national motto – "Out of Many, One People", is inscribed in a banner, beneath the shield.  Flag A diagonal gold cross divides the flag into two black triangles and two green ones. Opposite triangles have the same colours. "Hardships there are, but the land is green and the sun shineth" is the flag's theme. Black represents the strength and creativity of their people; green, their wealth of agricultural resources; and gold, the sunlight over their island and their future hopes. Heroes Jamaica has seven National Heroes. They are: Nanny of the Maroons, Samuel Sharpe, Paul Bogle, George William Gordon, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Norman Washington Manley and Sir William Alexander Bustamante. These individuals fought for the social and political freedoms they enjoy today.  Religion is omnipresent in Jamaica – everywhere you go it permeates academic debates, ceremonies, business and political life. They are a predominantly Christian country, with large groups of Baptists, Anglicans and Roman Catholics. Other religions, such as Islam and Judaism are also represented on a small scale, adding to the diversity of their nation's heritage. Storied past and rich cultural medley has also led to the rise of such religious forms as Rastafari and Pocomania (Pukkumina), largely viewed in traditional religious circles as vehicles of rebellion in Colonial times, and against the status quo. National symbols National Bird — Red billed Streamertail  (aka Doctor Bird) National Flower – Lignum vitae National Tree — Blue Mahoe National Fruit —Ackee National Motto — "Out of Many, One People." The People In Jamaica, smiles beam from faces in hues ranging from rich coffee to condensed milk-sweetened cocoa. Offering handshakes, hugs and hearty hellos, Jamaicans are naturally warm, friendly and entertaining. Often their humour cannot be contained by simple smiles, and breaks loose into contagious bouts of laughter and gesticulation. They seldom cry, choosing to laugh instead at whatever comes their way. Reggae pulses through their veins, giving people an innate internal rhythm that fuels their abounding energy and creativity. Their complex past, marked by slavery and the struggle for independence, has made people proud, resilient and strong. They refuse to be restrained, choosing instead to break the boundaries of their small island, gaining worldwide recognition in areas like music and sports. Culture Dance Art Thank you for your attention
Hair extensions нарощування волосся
HAIR EXTENSION PROF-LINE is the company that successfully working in beauty industry for over 14 years. It offers modern goods and services and solutions for beauty salons and their clients. PROF-LINE is the FIRST HAIR SUPERMARKET which was founded in 2001. Since 2006, our company produces its own high quality lines of hair: Slavonic, Ukrainian and Status Hair. In addition, we invented new series of protein enriched hair. Such hair 100% enriched with protein, the structure becomes elastic, hair looks more natural and can be worn for a long period of time without doubt. Assortment of goods Natural Hair Extensions, tails, braids, false hair, exclusive hand-made wigs, hair products, cosmetics, hair care products, professional hair treatments. Electrical equipment: hair dryers, curling irons, hair irons. Equipment for the diagnosis of the hair for hair extensions. Professional products for the face, body and hair. Unique in its kind of hair ornaments handmade. Wigs manufacturing In the company's own shops PROF-LINE, you will be able to make a reality all your fantasies and ideas. Experience of our company in the production of wigs allow you to fulfill all your dreams. We use only high-quality materials for the manufacture of our products. Raw materials (hair) has three degrees of purification : chemical, thermal , bacteriology . In some lines of raw materials, we treat hair special purified water , which also removes negative energy . All hair has a Ukrainian certificate of quality. We also manufacture products of thermo- fiber (imitation hair fiber is very high quality , and can be laid curling hair dryer) .  If you wish to order individually wig half-wig , patch of hair , men's wig, a system for hair extensions, hair barrette and other products , it can be done very simply .   Hair Extension Tools We do not share this line of hair on the first and second sort. Slavonic hair is selected only the highest quality. These hair is collected in the Ukraine and Russia, in this line, no hair from other countries. Only a real cut of Ukrainian and Russian hair is a raw material for the Slavonic line. Raw materials carefully is sorted according to color and length. After that the hair treated with the special products, developed in London. This is a secret formula that does not damage the hair, leaves open the hair scales, maintains luster and brightness. Hair is still alive. Caring about quality and safety of manufactured products from the hair, we have introduced an innovative hair treatment – cleaning by the silver. Silver has a high bactericidal properties and removes negative energy from the hair. Treatment this way the hair is safe for health of the new owner, both the physical and energetic level. Our company is the only in Ukraine, which uses this technology. We do not paint the Slavonic hair and do not treat them with silicone, that not to kill their structure. In the lineup are curly and straight hair, which facilitates the selection of the hair to the client .Slavonic hair can twist, paint, tint and straighten. You can do with them whatever you do with your own hair. And using of special equipment to care for hair extension will keep the purchased hair for many years.   Slavonic Hair Line Exclusivity of the Slavonic not dyed hair is that the hair is collected from the head of one human.     Hair is much cheaper than the Slavonic exclusive hair, as exclusive cuts are made from children's cuts . As you know, such hair is very soft as silk, and do not have any energy. They are much thinner than the hair of adult. Besides children's cuts - are expensive to purchase and in sufficient quantities their not so much on the market. STATUS hair have a fine structure, more vibrant, and soft to the touch than Ukrainian or Asian hair dyed. If we compare the tail of dyed Asian silicone-free, which is now being sold under the guise of mass Slavonic hair, not even an experienced buyer can touch to feel the difference between hair STATUS hair and dyed Asia without silicone. As the last hair is much more rigid and seemingly very bad dyed in blond color. Making blond shades of hair STATUS hair retain their top layer of the hair remain soft and alive, what you will not find among Asian dyed hair, which particularly affected in making blond shades. As the blond shades are the hardest color to produce. Huge selection of colors, manufacture of your chosen shades to order. Hair remains soft and silky, smooth and have a wavy structure, the same in each tail. Not treated with silicone, can be dyed, twisted, tinted. STATUS hair are ideal for extension hair for ours Ukrainian girls, since they are identical in structure.     Status Hair Line Exclusivity of Status hair is that the hair is treated with silver What is the difference between STATUS HAIR and other hair lines:     Baby Hair Line - is a new hair line which is real children slavonic hair best quality. The structure of hair is very soft, hair is not colored and it is very easy to color it. Baby Hair Line is the hair which is not has a silicone layer, it is 100% natural slavonic hair  which go through 3 stages of processing: chemical , thermal and biological and then this hair is treating by silver. Baby hair line is double drawn (no short hair). The best professional hair extension is Baby Hair Line.    Baby Hair Line       Ukrainian Hair Line Ukrainian line - this is an exclusive quality of hair, which allows make any manipulation with the hair extension. They are ideal for any type of the hair. It is a Slavonic hair, which was with the thermally and chemically treated to give for the hair the same shades. It differs from the Slavonic line that the hair is gathered together, sorted by color, structure, length, quality. Then they are prepared and painted by hand, which guarantees the highest quality of painting. Dyed hair are combing on the cards, then make either wefts, or keratin capsules. Accordingly, the quality in comparison with the Slavonic natural hair silk lines is the average. The hair has the second grade, and cheaper than silk hair, but much higher in quality than the European, Asian and Indian.Ukrainian hair line also has an innovative hair treatment - cleaning by the silver. Silver has a high bactericidal properties and removes negative energy from the hair. Treatment this way the hair is safe for health of the new owner, both the physical and energetic level. Our company is the only in Ukraine, which uses this technology. We do not handle the hair with the silicone. We developed the technology of processing of raw materials that not damage the hair cuticle and excludes them tangling. We carefully monitor the quality of raw materials.       European Hair Line The European line of hair - the hair is a series of "economy" class. It combines the good quality and the cheap price which available to all customers. The quality of European hair line that PROF-LINE Company offers not inferior to the quality of hair produced in the Europe. European hair is called Asian hair that is carefully treated. As Asian hair is in its structure and the type is hard and dark, they go through several stages of processing and chemical exposure, and in resulting damaged cuticle's layer. To restore the upper cuticle layer and to avoid tangling the hair such hair is covered with the silicone. Silicone improves the appearance of the hair, but during the washing it is washed away, so it is recommended to use silicone for the care of European hair. European hair also can be tinted and curled. But they must not be dyed by the ammonia's colors, especially it concerns of light shades. We offer a wide range of products from the European hair: hair by weight, capsules, wefts, pony-tails, wefts on the clips, bangs, toupees, and other. Our production will consider all your wishes and preferences. The length of the products is from 45 to 70 cm.   PROF-LINE Company is a manufacturer of the hair for professional extension (higher quality) – Slavonic and Ukrainian hair lines and Status Hair (treated with silver) and also offers products from the hair – wigs, half-wig, pony-tails, weft hair on a clip and fringes. The company has a lot of PROF-LINE stores in Ukraine. We offer a wide range of products for immediate hair extension, volume and length increasing of eyelashes, shape and color modification of eyebrows and lips, professional hair care products and much more. We offer our customers new technologies. For example, innovative technologies for diagnosis and micro scanning of skin and hair determining individual characteristics of each client and treating hair by high-quality products which stimulate hair growth in 99 % times. A lot of ukrainian trichology clinics use our products to solve the problem of hairloss. Hair Care Products Prof-line produce professional hair care Products. Organic Hair CompleX is special Line for treating hair which includes hair mask, oil, shampoo and conditioner. The company PROF-LINE has its own training center. Since 2004, we hold the Ukrainian International Championship «Hair Extension», in which the master compete for the title of beauty best master of the hair extensions, creative image creation, performance makeup models. We educate 9 professional hair extensions technologies : Express hair extension (polymer types) Hot pot hair extension (capsule) Hot gun hair extension (capsule) Iron hair extension (capsule) Micro-rings hair extension (weft hair) Braid extensions (weft hair) Micro-hair extensions Ultrasound hair extensions (capsule) Hair extension system (hair implants) Education PROF-LINE The main training courses: 1. Hair Extensions seminar for beginners (seminar in a group of 3 person) 2. Individual Hair Extensions education 3. The main education of Hair Extensions for masters and trainers The main objective of the company – to develop HAIR EXTENSIONS in Ukraine and training professionals to enable them to grow and develop in the field of hair extensions. Beauty industry is not standing still and methods of hair extensions have become more advanced , we are training all methods of hair extension by our program, which improved over the years.  Master-teacher of PROF-LINE has experience in this field more than 14 years. During the experience gained over the years , we found out what methods of hair extensions are the most demanded and popular nowadays. Course "Trichology" includes diagnosis of the scalp and hair to determine the client's technology capacity. Diagnosis is made on the unit microscanning scalp and hair. If your hair is recommended before the capacity to undergo Eucapil ® (Czech Republic), which restores hair growth and metabolism, stops hair loss. It is used by Trichology clinics.
Alphabet Letters, Pictures and Words Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * * * a apple b bell c cat d dog e egg f fox g gas h hat i igloo j jam k kite l log m mop n net 0 ox p pig q queen r rabbit s sun t tent u umbrella v van w wagon x ax y yo-yo z zebra
Jane Austen "Emma"
Emma by Jane Austen Thank you for attention!!!!!!!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (English proverb)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (English proverb) Glcklich ist der Mann, der von seinem Hobby leben kann. (B. Show) Hobbys. Freizeit. Hobbies. Leisure. Watching TV Playing computer games Going out with friends Going to the cinema Playing with cars Drawing and painting Football Basketball Cycling Skateboarding Swimming Playing chess Karate Listening to pop music Reading Tennis Volleyball Playing the guitar Making models To be fond of To go in for To be interested in To enjoy doing something To be crazy about To prefer doing something I can tell about you: Name. Age. Like. Dislike. Hobby. How often. Was passt ? sich 2 a) Anna interessiert dich 3 für Musik. mich 1 euch 5 b) Interessieren wir sich 4 für Sport ? uns 3 dich 4 c) Ich interessiere mich 2 für Tanzen. sich 0 Wodurch 4 d) Wofür 0 interessiert sich dein Freund ? Worum 9 seht 0 e) Am Abend sieht 7 wir fern. sehen 6 du 5 f) Welches Hobby hast sie 9 ? wir 3 Lösung a---- + b ----+ c----+ d----+ e---- + f---- = 18 Sportakiada Tom Sharon Hi, what's your name? Füllt den Terminkalender aus. am Montag schwimmt Peter. am Dienstag spielt er Klavier. am Mittwoch fährt er Fahrrad am Donnerstag sieht der Junge fern. am Freitag schläft er lange. am Samstag spielt Tennis am Sonntag fährt er übers Wochenende weg. 1. What is your hobby? 2. Is your hobby useful for you? 3. Does your hobby influence your character? habits? It helps to be: Smart Disciplined (to plan working day) Active Helpful Kind Intelligent Hard-working Attentive Hausaufgaben Tom. And you? I'm Sharon. Thanks! Table tennis is my favourite sport. Are you? Fantastic. I'm the captain of my school's table tennis team. But I also play volleyball and basketball. Golf? Ugh! My dad plays golf. What other sports do you like? Oh! It's tennis on TV tonight at half past eight! I've got to go. Oh, er, what's the time? Bye. See you next week. You're a good player. Mm. I like table tennis too. And football. I'm the captain of our school team. Cool! I also play golf! I like watching baseball and American football, but I don't play them. OK. Bye then. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (English proverb) Hobbys. Freizeit. Hobbies. Leisure. Glucklich ist der Mann, der von seinem Hobby leben kann. (B. Show) Watching TV Playing computer games Going out with friends Going to the cinema Playing with cars Drawing and painting Football Basketball Cycling Skateboarding Swimming Playing chess Karate Listening to pop music Reading Tennis Volleyball Playing the guitar Making models To be fond of To go in for To be interested in To enjoy doing something To be crazy about To prefer doing something I can tell about you: Name. Age. Like. Dislike. Hobby. How often. Was passt ? sich 2 a) Anna interessiert dich 3 für Musik. mich 1 euch 5 b) Interessieren wir sich 4 für Sport ? uns 3 dich 4 c) Ich interessiere mich 2 für Tanzen. sich 0 Wodurch 4 d) Wofür 0 interessiert sich dein Freund ? Worum 9 seht 0 e) Am Abend sieht 7 wir fern. sehen 6 du 5 f) Welches Hobby hast sie 9 ? wir 3 Lösung a---- + b ----+ c----+ d----+ e---- + f---- = 18 Sportakiada Tom Sharon Hi, what's your name? Füllt den Terminkalender aus. am Montag schwimmt Peter. am Dienstag spielt er Klavier. am Mittwoch fährt er Fahrrad am Donnerstag sieht der Junge fern. am Freitag schläft er lange. am Samstag spielt Tennis am Sonntag fährt er übers Wochenende weg. 1. What is your hobby? 2. Is your hobby useful for you? 3. Does your hobby influence your character? habits? It helps to be: Smart Disciplined (to plan working day) Active Helpful Kind Intelligent Hard-working Attentive Hausaufgaben All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (English proverb) Hobbys. Freizeit. Hobbies. Leisure. Glucklich ist der Mann, der von seinem Hobby leben kann. (B. Show) Watching TV Playing computer games Going out with friends Going to the cinema Playing with cars Drawing and painting Football Basketball Cycling Skateboarding Swimming Playing chess Karate Listening to pop music Reading Tennis Volleyball Playing the guitar Making models To be fond of To go in for To be interested in To enjoy doing something To be crazy about To prefer doing something I can tell you: Name. Age. Like. Dislike. Hobby. How often. Was passt ? sich 2 a) Anna interessiert dich 3 für Musik. mich 1 euch 5 b) Interessieren wir sich 4 für Sport ? uns 3 dich 4 c) Ich interessiere mich 2 für Tanzen. sich 0 Wodurch 4 d) Wofür 0 interessiert sich dein Freund ? Worum 9 seht 0 e) Am Abend sieht 7 wir fern. sehen 6 du 5 f) Welches Hobby hast sie 9 ? wir 3 Lösung a---- + b ----+ c----+ d----+ e---- + f---- = 18 Sportakiada Tom Sharon Hi, what's your name? Füllt den Terminkalender aus. am Montag schwimmt Peter. am Dienstag spielt er Klavier. am Mittwoch fährt er Fahrrad am Donnerstag sieht der Junge fern. am Freitag schläft er lange. am Samstag spielt Tennis am Sonntag fährt er übers Wochenende weg. Hausaufgaben 1. What is your hobby? 2. Is your hobby useful for you? 3. Does your hobby influence your character? habits? It helps to be: Smart Disciplined (to plan working day) Active Helpful Kind Intelligent Hard-working Attentive
Halloween Superstitions & Traditions Halloween has its roots in pagan beliefs. Dating back about 2,000 years, Halloween marked the Celtic New Year and was originally called Samhain, which translates to "summer's end" in Gaelic. Some Halloween traditions, such as carving Jack-o'-lanterns, are based on Irish folklore and have been carried on throughout the centuries,                      Black Cats The black cat's bad reputation dates back to the Dark Ages, when witch hunts were commonplace. Elderly, solitary women were often accused of witchcraft, and their pet cats were said to be their "familiars," or demonic animals that had been given to them by the devil. Another medieval myth told that Satan turned himself into a cat when socializing with witches. But nowadays, black cats aren't synonymous with bad luck and mischief . In Scotland and England, it's considered good luck for a black cat to cross your path. Jack-O'-Lanterns Celtic folklore tells the tale of a drunken farmer named Jack who tricked the devil, but his trickery resulted in him being turned away from both the gates of heaven and hell after he died. Having no choice but to wander around the darkness , Jack made a lantern from a turnip and a burning lump of coal that the devil had tossed him from hell. Jack, the story goes, used the lantern to guide his lost soul; The Celts believed that placing Jack-o'-lanterns outside would help guide lost spirits home when they wander the streets on Halloween many superstitions and beliefs are associated with the night due to the magical presence of many dead souls. Ghosts B a t s Medieval folklore also described bats as witches' familiars. Seeing a bat on Halloween was considered to be quite an ominous sign. One myth was that if a bat was spotted flying around one's house three times, it meant that someone in that house would soon die. Another myth was that if a bat flew into your house on Halloween, it was a sign that your house was haunted because ghosts had let the bat in.                     Spiders They join the ranks of bats and black cats in folklore as being evil companions of witches during medieval times. One superstition held that if a spider falls into a candle-lit lamp and is consumed by the flame, witches are nearby. And if you spot a spider on Halloween, goes another superstition, it means that the spirit of a deceased loved one is watching over you Witches The stereotypical image of the witch with a pointy black hat actually stems from a pagan goddess known as "the crone," who was honored during Samhain. The crone was also known as "the old one" and the "Earth mother," who symbolized wisdom, change, and the turning of the seasons. Today, the kind, all-knowing old crone has morphed into the menacing, cackling witch. Witch's Broomstick The witch's broomstick is another superstition that has its roots in medieval myths. The elderly, introverted women that were accused of witchcraft were often poor and could not afford horses, so they navigated through the woods on foot with the help of walking sticks, which were sometimes substituted by brooms. Another Celtic myth was that dressing up as a ghost would fool the evil spirits into thinking that you were one of them so that they would not try to take your soul. In the U.S., trick-or-treating became a customary Halloween tradition around the late 1950s. Trick-Or-Treating in Costumes Tombstone Candy Apples The fusion of Celtic and Roman traditions is behind Halloween's candy-apple staple. Samhain was around the time of the Roman festival honoring Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees. The goddess is often symbolized by an apple, so the fruit became synonymous with Samhain celebrations of the harvest Halloween Colors The traditional Halloween colors of orange and black actually stem from the pagan celebration of autumn and the harvest. Orange symbolizes the colors of the crops and turning leaves. Black marks the "death" of summer and the changing season. Over time, green, purple and yellow have also been introduced into the color scheme of Halloween decorations. The End
Англ мова
«Tsunami» Goloven Valentin Tsunami - long waves generated by the powerful influence of the whole mass of water in the ocean or other body of water. The reason most tsunamis are underwater earthquakes, during which there is an abrupt shift (raising or lowering) of the area of the seabed. The tsunami generated by an earthquake of any force, but large forces reach those that arise due to strong earthquakes. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, glaciers, meteorites and other damage above or below the water - all this has the potential to cause a tsunami. Symptoms of tsunami Sudden rapid withdrawal of water from the coast for a considerable distance and drying bed. The farther the sea receded, the above can be a tsunami wave. People on the beach and do not know about the danger may remain out of curiosity or to collect fish and seashells. In this case, as soon as possible to leave the coast and away from it at the maximum distance. Earthquake. The epicenter was located, as a rule, in the ocean. On the bank of the earthquake is usually much weaker, and it is often not at all. Unusual drift ice and other floating objects, cracking in the fast ice. Huge reverse faults at the edges of fast ice and reef education crowding and flow.
Walt Disney’s World
To many people the name of Walt Disney means the world of cartoon. He created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous. He was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. When he grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons, and one day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the screen and they both became famous stars. Then came other characters: Donald Duck, Pluto, and many, many more. All the films end happily.. They are easy and nice to watch. We always feel comfortable and enjoy them very much. One day an idea came to Disney. He wanted to create a special place, a special land for children and parents to have fun together. So he built Disneyland in California near Los Angeles.
Анг мова Сучасна техніка
Extreme Sport The technique was created by Jean Esteril Charlet during climbing Petit Dru in 1876. After lots of failures he finally reached the summit in 1879. This experience helped him to perfect skill of abseiling. Petit Dru Original technique was very different from modern ones. Method of Hans Dulfer is considered as classic. Australian rappel and tandem rappelling is also popular. Dulfer method Australian rappel Equipment Gloves Climbing harness Boots (with good grips) Knee pads Elbow pads Helmet Rope for abseiling Carabiner Descender Abseilers can choose different places and seasons Would you like to start abseiling?
Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland Clothes Alice wears / is wearing has got - a blue silk dress with ribbons & lace; a smart hat; white tights blue shoes a head band Describe the clothes: Mad Hatter wears / is wearing has got a green cotton shirt with a bow; a yellow jacket green trousers a funny green big hat; green socks green shoes Describe the clothes: White Rabbit wears / is wearing has got a yellow cotton shirt with a bow; a funny red jacket grey trousers a black big umbrella; no socks/shoes Describe the clothes: March Hare wears / is wearing has got a white cotton shirt with a bow; a red jumper; a funny red jacket brown trousers no socks brown shoes Describe the clothes: Walrus wears / is wearing has got a white cotton shirt with a bow; a brown waist; an old blue jacket grey trousers no socks black shoes Describe the clothes: Tweedledum & Tweedledee - wear / are wearing - have got - a yellow cotton shirt with a bow; - red trousers; - a funny red cap with a flag: - red trousers - no socks - brown shoes Describe the clothes: Cheshire Cat wears a smile Monument to White Rabbit, Wales Monument to Alice in Wonderland, NY, USA http://students.ou.edu/A/Kateri.M.Arnaud-1/alice%20in%20wonderland%20wallpaper3_0%28intro%29.jpg http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee306/hannah_hoe888/Alice_in_Wonderland.jpg http://dietrichthrall.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/alice_in_wonderland1.jpg http://static.diary.ru/userdir/1/0/1/4/101465/2795080.jpg http://www.apfn.org/apfn/Alice2.jpeg.jpg http://z.about.com/d/gonyc/1/0/q/B/alice_in_wonderland.jpg http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6400000/Alice-in-Wonderland-disney-leading-ladies-6408347-1176-1243.jpg http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/thumbnail/188605/1/The-White-Rabbit,-Illustration-From-Alice-In-Wonderland-By-Lewis-Carroll-1832-9.jpg http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6200000/Alice-in-Wonderland-Wallpaper-alice-in-wonderland-6228830-1024-768.jpg http://www.magicofdisneyart.co.uk/images/alice2757.jpg http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/ http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/ Alice - She is a seven-year-old English girl with lots of imagination and is fond of showing off her knowledge. Alice is polite, well raised and interested in others, although she sometimes makes the wrong remarks and upsets the creatures in Wonderland. She is easily put off by abruptness and rudeness of others. Mad Hatter - The Mad Hatter is one of the members of the Mad Tea Party. Later he also appears as a witness during the trial. He occasionally is very rude and provokes Alice during the tea party. When he is called upon by the Queen, he is very nervous and frightened. White Rabbit - is the first Wonderland character Alice encounters. She follows him when he hurries into his hole and thereby enters Wonderland. He appears to be late for his job with the Duchess. While walking through Wonderland, Alice comes upon his house where the White Rabbit, still in a hurry, mistakes her for his housemaid Mary Ann, and orders her to get his gloves and a fan. When she grows and gets stuck in the house, the Rabbit orders Pat to get her out. In the end we discover that the White Rabbit is a herald in the Queen of Heart's court. The White Rabbit is nervous and always in a hurry. However, he is confident enough about himself to contradict the King of Hearts. Because Alice follows him, he gets things moving again whenever he appears during the story. In a way, he is some kind of a guide through Wonderland for her, only unintentionally.
Jane Austen
Jane Austen Jane Austen is a world renowned English author and, despite her having lived centuries ago, her fans around the world number in the millions today. Silhouette of Cassandra Austen, Jane's sister and closest friend Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature, her realism and biting social commentary cementing her historical importance among scholars and critics. Jane Austen Her artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years into her thirties. During this period, she experimented with various literary forms, including the epistolary novel which she tried then abandoned, and wrote and extensively revised three major novels and began a fourth. Steventon rectory, as depicted in A Memoir of Jane Austen, was in a valley and surrounded by meadows. Her timeless works - numbering just six complete novels - have been turned into a plethora of motion pictures, spin-offs and modern retellings at an almost regular pace and translated into multiple languages surpassing cultural boundaries in the process. One of the first two published illustrations of Pride and Prejudice, from the Richard Bentley edition. These six works have gone on to become something of a model formula for the romance stories we see today. Jane Austen  (1775 - 1817) From 1811 until 1816, with the release of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1816), she achieved success as a published writer. She wrote two additional novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both published posthumously in 1818, and began a third, which was eventually titled Sanditon, but died before completing it. Sense and Sensibility   A 19th century illustration by Hugh Thomson showing Willoughby cutting a lock of Marianne's hair Austen's works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century realism. Her plots, though fundamentally comic, highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security. Jane Austen Early novels After finishing Lady Susan, Austen attempted her first full-length novel—Elinor and Marianne. Her sister Cassandra later remembered that it was read to the family "before 1796" and was told through a series of letters. Without surviving original manuscripts, there is no way to know how much of the original draft survived in the novel published in 1811 as Sense and Sensibility. Sense and Sensibility  Jane Austen remains as popular as ever and is revered as much as any literary figure in the history of the English language. Jane Austen
Apple Inc. Apple Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American technology company with a office in Cupertino (California), which designs and develops consumer electronics, software and online services. The name of the company comes from English. apple apple, apple image used in the logo. One of the founders Stephen Wozniak suggested calling the company "Banana" By January 9, 2007, the official name of the corporation was "Apple Computer" for another 30 years. Denial of the word "Computer" in the title demonstrates a shift in the main focus of the corporation from the traditional computer technology market for it on the consumer electronics market. Is the first US company whose capitalization exceeded $ 1 trillion. This happened during the trades of the company's shares on August 2, 2018. On this day, the company has also become the most expensive public company in history, having overcome the capitalization of its previous record holder, PetroChina ($ 1.005 trillion in November 2007). Founded April 1, 1976 Founder (s) Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak Ronald Wayne Headquartered in Cupertino, California, USA Hardware 1. Servers 2.PC 3. Notebook 4. tablet 5. phones 6. player 7. speakers 8. smart watch And all
Halloween Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Many of them carve jack-o'-lantens out of pumpkins. Fortunetelling and storytelling about ghosts and witches are popular activities. The main Halloween activity for children is trick-or-treating. Children dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying "trick or treat". The neighbours give children such treats as candy, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them. Jack-o'-lanterns are hallowed-out pumpkins with face carved into one side. Most jack-o'-lanterns contain a candle inside. An Irish legend says that jack-o'-lanterns are named after the man called Jack. He could not enter heaven because he was a miser, and he could not enter hell because he had played jokes on devil. As a result, Jack has to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day. Fortunetelling is an important part of Halloween. For example, a coin, a ring, and a thimble were baked into a cake. It was believed that the person who found the coin would become wealthy. The one who found the ring would marry soon. And the person who found the thimble would never get married. Today people practice cardreading or palmistry. People once believed that there were many ghosts and witches on the Earth and that they met on October 31 to worship the devil. Today, people do not believe in ghosts and witches but they like to tell stories about them on Halloween. Thank you!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
All work and no play makes Jack Jack a dull boy Give the following definitions What are these people going to do? Prove your answer Youth Hostel Rules Don’t: - smoke in the hall; - cook in your room; - have parties after 7 p.m. Do: - turn off the lights leaving your room; - pay the rent on time; - respect other guests; - keep the bathroom clean at all times. At school You must: 3 You mustn’t: At the Zoo You must: You mustn’t: At the theatre You must: You mustn’t: At the restaurant You must: You mustn’t: At the cinema You must: You mustn’t: Use Modal Verbs 1. …………………I borrow your book, please? I left mine at home. 2. You ……………………. walk on the grass. It’s not allowed. 3. You ………………………… visit doctors to examine your stomach. 4. ………………….. I come in? – Yes, you …………………….. . 5. We …………………………… wear our uniform to school. 6. You ………………………………… water the plants. I have already watered them. “A Perfect Day” Give Synonyms From The Video dull weekend to wash the vehicle to go boating to ring nothing interesting to have lunch at the river to want very much never tell lies Free Time Activities Map All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy
Walt Disney
Walt Disney Childhood Walt Disney was born in Chicago, his father was an Irish Canadian, his mother was of German-American origin. He revealed a talent for drawing and an interest in photography. In 1923 he left for Hollywood and for some years has struggled against poverty while producing a series of cartoon films. It was there that Walt Disney, and his brother Roy, produced a series of short animated films called the “Alice Comedies” Mickey Mouse was “born” in 1928,followed by Pluto, goofy, donald duck, and the rest of the disney characters In 1955 he branched out into a different enterprise – “Disneyland”, a huge amusement park in southern California. Disneyland is situated 27 miles south of Los Angeles. Of all the show-places none is so famous as Disneyland. This kingdom of fantasy was created by Walt Disney. Disney stars Mickey Tom and Jerry Lady and the tramp Nemo Brother bear Princesses Our lovely ducks! Madagascar One of two stars dedicated to Walt Disney on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Walt Disney died in California at the age of 65. His works have given so much pleasure to many people, young and old in many countries for many years. Anastasia Dorofeeva & Valery Kalchenko
I am red and round, I grow on the tree. All children and adults Adore eating me. Apple is a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic variety. The first Apple Day was on October 21, 1990 in Covent Garden, London. Apple day celebration is something like fair, where you can buy and taste the great variety of apple kinds. There are many 7000 kinds of apples in the world. You can taste delicious dishes and drinks with apples and take recipes. Various activities, games and competitions are popular on this day. Apple Day is a funny, kind and generous holiday. Thank you for your attention!
Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam is the capital and largest city of Netherlands. Population -743, 400 people Area -219 km ² Amsterdam is located in the north-west of the Netherlands in the province of North Holland at the mouth of the Amstel River in the Bay Eysselmer. History of Amsterdam History of Amsterdam has begun in the XIII century. With the emergence of a small fishing village, located on the dams built on both banks of the Amstel River. The village became known as Amstelledamme (the "dam on the Amstel River"). The first written mention of Amsterdam dated October 27, 1275 .The village became known as town was at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. At the same time Amstelledamm became call Amsterdam. From that time began the economic development of Amsterdam. In the 1306 was built first church in Amsterdam - Oude-Kerk. Her devoted patron saint of Amsterdam Nikolayu. In the XIV and XV centuries the city became a center. Sights 1) Dam square Dam - is the heart of Amsterdam. of the square is the Royal Palace (Koninklijk Paleis) 2)The Royal Palace on Dam Square - the main architectural monuments of Amsterdam. It was built in 1648-1655.Architect Jacob van Campen built a solid platform to put her on the wood pile length of 18 m. The exact number of piles - 13 659. The length of the main facade of the palace in 1980 m Today the palace serves as a temporary residence of Queen Beatrix. Her main residence is in the Hague. Sights 3) Artis Zoo To the east of the city center you will find the oldest zoo of Holland. Also at the zoo are the Botanical Gardens, the planetarium, geological and zoological museums. In the zoo of Amsterdam animals collected from around the peace. Sights 4) Oude Kerk An old church on all sides surrounded by small houses.The Gothic belltower of church was a reference point to the seamen who are swimming up to coast of Amsterdam. Museums 1) The Van Gogh Museum, built in 1973 on the draft Gerrit Ritvelda. Museum has about 200 paintings and over 500 drawings of Van Gog. 2) Rijksmuseum - one of the main attractions of Amsterdam. The museum is located in a huge pala
An ideal teenage citizen
An ideal teenage citizen I consider that ideal teenage citizen should : 1)He should speak English perfectly and know the native language well. He should be interested in politics and know what happens in the country. He should participate in the organizations which protect the environment against chemical wastes. The ideal teenage citizen should participate in gardening of cities. Thus he should be the active citizen of the country. Zheltova Tatiana The student of the 11th form An ideal teenage citizen knows about the rights and responsibilities and always follows them.
Americanisms in British English
Tatyana Suprun, School 17 Cherkassy Americanisms in British English The American language as a variety of English started to develop in the XVII century, thanks to loanwords and consequently to the development of American culture. I think this work is of current importance now since the British English language changes constantly, borrowing words from other languages, including American English. British & American spelling Americans have a tendency to simplify the pronunciation & spelling of English words, according to their needs & comfort, while the British tend to pronounce & write according to the rules. British American -our -or Humour Favour Colour Neighbour Humor Favor Color Neighbor British Theatre Centre Metre American Theater Center Meter Grammatical differences between British & American English Grammatical differences between British & American English are minimal. Perhaps the main one is the American use of the past tense where British English would use the present perfect tense. American British There are a few differences in the use of prepositions: American Life in Ukraine is different than life in America. I meet with my friends every weekend. British Life in Ukraine is different from life in America. I meet my friends every weekend. American I wanna go to the theater. British I want to go to the theatre. Lexical differences between British & American English American apartment bar bathroom can cookie dresser elevator subway taxi vacation British flat pub lavatory tin biscuit wardrobe lift underground cab holiday Grammatical difference. Grammatical differences of American variant consist in following: 1.In that events, when Britainians use Present Perfect, in States can be used Present Perfect or Past Simple. 2.Take a shower/a bath instead of have a shower/a bath. 3.Shall is not used. In all persons is used by will. 4.Needn't (do) usually is not used. Accustomed form -don't need to (do). 5.After demand, insist, require etc should usually is NOT used. I demanded that he apologize (instead of I demanded that he should apologise in British variant). 6. to/in THE hospital instead of to/in hospital in BrE. 7. on the weekend/on weekend instead of at the weekend/at weekend. 8. on a street instead of in a street. 9. Different from or than instead of different to/from 10. Write is used with to or without the pretext. 11. Past participle of "got" is "gotten" 12. To burn, to spoil and other verbs, which can be regular or irregular in the British variant, in the American variant ALWAYS regular. 13. Past Perfect, as a rule, is not used completely. Finally, a great deal of common English colloquialisms are American in origin: OK, cool, hot. Bibliography
American Higher education system
American High School Education System Chosheva Victoria The main tasks: To show the features of foreign education systems on the example of the United States. To show the features of foreign education systems on the example of the United States. To point out the advantages of the separate elementary-middle-high school system and the ability to choose courses depending on the demands and preferences of the student. To point out the advantages of the separate elementary-middle-high school system and the ability to choose courses depending on the demands and preferences of the student. To share personal experience of studying in American high school. To share personal experience of studying in American high school. Methods of exploration: Study the theoretical background. Apply acquired practical experience for confirming the hypothesis Stages of the exploration: General information on the program of the cultural exchange FLEX General information on American high school Features of high school education (10-12 grade) Features of national structure of the school (multiculturalism) Students knowledge estimation system After school activities in the USA Conclusion Conclusion General information on the FLEX program: FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) cultural exchange program was first started back in 1992 at the support of the US government. The program is designed for children from the former Soviet Union countries. Each student, selected by the special board, has an opportunity to study in the US for a period of one school year, while staying with an American host family. Program allows student to get a better understanding of the American culture and to share the traditions and the history of his country. FLEX – is an opportunity to find friends abroad, to expand an outlook, to establish important contacts. Features of high school education (grades 10-12): High school is the most important time for American students. It is high school, where the personality of the student is completely formed. Each teenager has a right to chose those subjects, that will be necessary for entering the college or any other institution of higher education. High school gives a certain minimum level of knowledge on basic subjects, such as mathematics, literature, science, foreign language and history. This minimum is required for each student. There is also a number of subjects, that students may chose according to their needs and preferences. School day consists of certain classes, which are the same all year long, as well as the after school activities Features of national structure of the school (multiculturalism) American school is multinational. Here you can find students of various national backgrounds: native Americans, African- Americans, Spanish, Indians, Koreans and Gypsies, people who come from Ireland and Scotland. Students knowledge estimation system Students knowledge is estimated as a percentage, and grades are divided into five groups, each marked with a letter: Students knowledge is estimated as a percentage, and grades are divided into five groups, each marked with a letter: «А» - 100 - 90% (grade «5») «В» - 90 – 80% (grade«4») «С» - 80 – 70% (grade «3») «D» - 70 – 60% (grade «3») «F» - 60 – 0% (failed) Conclusion The school education system in the USA assists reaching a decent level of knowledge and intellect, leads to a better understanding of studying as a process of accumulating different knowledge and skills.
American culture
American culture: USА traditions and customs Fulfilled the student of the VTEI KNTEU groups GRS-12 d Yagnich Taras Alexandrovich As a country of immigrants, the United States is influenced by many cultures, including various customs and traditions in religion, art, food, and much more. Almost every region of the world influenced American culture, but first of all it was the British who colonized the country in the early 1600s. Also, the cultures of Native Americans, Latinos, Africans and Asians had a powerful influence on the country. Language The country does not have one official language, although 31 of the 50 states have granted this status to the English language. More than 90% of the US population speaks and understands English and most official affairs are conducted in this language. While almost all languages in the world can be heard in the United States — Spanish, Chinese, French, and German are among the most commonly used languages. (not counting English). Each region of the United States, particularly the south, has its own pronunciation using unique words and phrases. Religion Almost all known religions are practiced in the United States, as the country was based on the idea of religious freedom. More than 75% of Americans consider themselves Christians. Approximately half of them are Protestants, about a quarter are Roman Catholics, and a small percentage are Mormons. After Christianity, Judaism is the second most common religion — about 1.4% of the population. About 20% of Americans do not have religious affiliation. American style The style of clothing in the United States depends on the region and climate, but mostly it is casual style — casual clothing, where the main function is convenience. Denim (rough denim), sneakers, cowboy hats and boots are some of the items of clothing that are closely related to the image of Americans. Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors and Victoria Secret are famous American brands. Also, American fashion is strongly influenced by its celebrities. American food American cuisine was influenced by Europeans and Native Americans in its early history. Today, there are a number of products that are usually defined as American: hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, pasta with cheese and meat bread. The phrase “Such an American as Apple Pie” began to denote what is truly American. There are also cooking styles and types of foods that are specific to the region. The southern style of cooking, which is often called American "convenient" food, includes dishes such as fried chicken, cabbage, asparagus beans, and corn bread. Tex-Mex, a popular form of cuisine in Texas and the southwest, is a mixture of Spanish and Mexican cooking styles and includes elements such as chili peppers, burritos and contains a large amount of beans and grated cheese. Art The United States is widely known worldwide as the leading mass media producer, including television and cinema. Broadcasting industries began to develop in the United States in the early 1950s, when American television programs began to be shown around the world. The USA also has a vibrant film industry focused in Hollywood, and American films are popular all over the world. New York is the home of Broadway and Americans have a rich theatrical history. American music is very diverse, we can distinguish rhythm and blues, jazz, gospel, country, rock and roll and hip-hop. Sport The United States is a sport-oriented country with millions of fans watching football, baseball, basketball and hockey matches in addition to many other sports. Baseball, which appeared in colonial America, became an official sport in the mid 1800s and is still known as Americans' favorite pastime, although now his popularity has been eclipsed by football. American holidays Americans celebrate their independence from Britain on July 4th. Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May and honors the memory of those who died in military service. Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September and honors the country's labor force. Thanksgiving, another distinctive American holiday, falls on the fourth Thursday of November and is rooted in colonial times. 10 weird American traditions 1. "Tailgate party" (parties near the open tailgate of the car) 2. View ads during the Super Bowl (American football) 3. American Dream Celebration 4. Increased interest in court cases 5. Punkin Chunkin (Панкин Чанкин) 6. Trick or Treat ( Helloween ) 7. Turkey presidential pardon 8. Black Friday Sales 9. Groundhog Day 10. Inches, teaspoons and a ton of bricks www.themegallery.com www.themegallery.com Thank You !
A HOUSE IN THE WOOD Сценарій для позакласного заходу з англійської мови
A HOUSE IN THE WOOD The Mouse The Frog The Hare The Fox The Bear A HOUSE IN THE WOOD
all conditional sentences
Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Conditional Sentences 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type Conditional Types 0 Type Mixed Present, Real Future, Real Present/Future, Unreal Past, Unreal What does it mean? IF clause Main clause What words mean condition? Zero Conditional Factual conditionals express general truths, habits, and logical possibilities Present or past in both clauses IF Present / Past Simple Present / Past Simple If I like a project, I generate ideas easily. If I liked a project I generated ideas easily. First Conditional Future conditionals Express conditions and results in the future. IF Present Simple Future Simple If I like a project, I will generate ideas easily. second Conditional Present/Future unreal conditionals Are used to talk about conditions that are not true in the present (will not be true in the future) and about the imagined results of these conditions. IF Past Simple would/ could/ might If I liked the project, I would generate ideas easily. Second Conditional I you he she IF it we they Were If I were you, I would tell him the truth. In your shoes, I would tell him the truth. third Conditional Past unreal conditionals. Are used to talk about conditions that were not true in the past and they express the imagined result of an imagined condition in the past. IF Past Perfect would/ could/ might + have + V(ed,III) If I had liked the project, I would have generated ideas easily. Mixed Conditionals All types of conditionals can be mixed. Any tense combination is possible if the context allows it. If Clause Main Clause Type 2 If they were working all day, (They were working all day They will be tired now. (So they are tired now) Type 1 Type 2 If I were you, (You are not me) If he were a better driver, (He is not a better driver) Type 3 Type 3 Type 2 WISH / IF ONLY CLAUSES
"Apple logo"
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Apple Inc. Less is more Prof. Craig Jackson Head of Psychology Division BCU [email protected] health.bcu.ac.uk/craigjackson Blah Blah It was back in the seventies Counter-culture meets Business-culture Visual Metaphor Symmetry and Almost-Symmetry Best logos not quite symmetrical One small deviation from perfect Psychology behind a great logo Know the company Know your design strengths Logo should be demonstrative Lines, shapes and form Avoid cliché Simple yet memorable Use clever visual devices Use vector software Get objective opinion Try it in different formats Some other brands Some other brands Some other brands Some other brands Some other brands Rob Janoff Created apple logo Art director at advertising and public relations firm Regis McKenna Designed it with a bite for scale, so people get that it was an apple not a cherry Also it was kind of iconic about taking a bite out of an apple. Something that everyone can experience. Accessibility Gay Rights Movement Chrome Overhaul Classic logo becomes metallic Old logo looke dout of place on monochrome kit Akin to work by Hajime Sorayama Airbrushed metallic erotic portrayals of females Sexy Robot 1983 Fetishism? Seduction link? The Turing Myth Alan Turing Small evolution Blah Blah Contrast this with Quicktime Constantly changes Objectification Objectification Objectification Objectification Objectification Homage Minimalism Work stripped down to fundamental features Extreme simplicity Music, art, design, architecture Frank Stella Donald Judd Eric Watson Dan Flavin Minimalism Minimalism Minimalism Making it flesh Spoils the beauty Distillation of purity From Hi tech to carbon From bits to atoms A few words about fonts . . . Motter Tektura Designed by Othmar Motter in 1975 Look familiar? A few words about fonts . . . This text is standard Garamond 1984 onwards Myriad and Podium Sans 2002 onwards Slimbach & Twombly for Adobe Litigation & Apple New York City Litigation & Apple The Beatles and Apple Corp Birmingham Anne Summers?
American English – Descriptive Similarities And Differences From British English
PLAN Introduction. The Pilgrims are the first group of people who appeared in America. American and British English and their similarities, differences. Differences in national history and national cultural development in Britain and in America. Introduction ENGLISH BRITISH AMERICAN 1400 years old 350 years old Rules and Simplicity and norms freedom Science Economics Politics Business Cultural Art Mass Media The Pilgrims are the first group of people who appeared in America Who were the Pilgrims? November 11,1620 66 days later NOWADAYS American and British English and their similarities, differences. Pronunciation and Spelling Grammar Lexicology Pronunciation and Spelling Grammar Grammar American English Preposition on the weekend/on weekends on a street different from/different than Write (to) smb. British English Preposition at the weekend/at weekends in a street different from/different to write to smb; Lexicology American English Apartment Bathtub Can Candies Store Cookie Corn British English Flat Bath Tin Sweets Shop Biscuit Maize Elevator Faucet French fries Gasoline Kindergarten Line Restroom Pants Oatmeal Sidewalk Fall Subway/Metro Truck Vacation Highway Sneakers Last name Mailman The movies Differences in national history and national cultural development in Britain and in America IMPORTRANCE OF AMERICAN ENGLISH GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION LANDSCAPE GOVERNMENT FLAG SOCIETY PLAN Introduction. The Pilgrims are the first group of people who appeared in America. American and British English and their similarities, differences. Differences in national history and national cultural development in Britain and in America. Introduction ENGLISH BRITISH AMERICAN 1400 years old 350 years old Rules and Simplicity and norms freedom Science Economics Politics Business Cultural Art Mass Media November 11,1620 66 days later NOWADAYS American and British English and their similarities, differences. Pronunciation and Spelling Grammar Lexicology Differences in national history and national cultural development in Britain and in America IMPORTRANCE OF AMERICAN ENGLISH GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION LANDSCAPE GOVERNMENT FLAG SOCIETY
Apple Day
I am red and round, I grow on the tree. All children and adults Adore eating me. Apple Day was initiated by Common Ground in 1990 and has been celebrated in each subsequent year by people organizing hundreds of local events. Apple is a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic variety. This day is a way of celebrating and demonstrating that variety and richness matter to a locality and that it is possible to effect change in your place. The first Apple Day was on October 21, 1990 in Covent Garden, London. Apple day celebration is something like fair, where you can buy and taste the great variety of apple kinds. There are many 7000 kinds of apples in the world. Besides you can buy sprouts and take good advice how to plant and grow them in your own garden. You can taste delicious dishes and drinks with apples and take recipes. Various activities, games and competitions are popular on this day. The Longest Peel Competition is the most popular. Guinness World Record is held by Kathy Walfer who peeled an apple in 11 hours 30 minutes with a peel length of 52.51m on 16 October 1976. An old tradition is the English farmers choose the oldest apple-tree sing ballads and dance round the tree. Apple Day is a funny, kind and generous holiday. Thank you for your attention! Image resources http://www.appleadayfinancial.ca/apple%20in%20grass.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Single_apple.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Covent_Garden_Interior_May_2006_crop.jpg/773px-Covent_Garden_Interior_May_2006_crop.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2010-06-19-supermarkt-by-RalfR-12.jpg http://www.scarthinbooks.com/images/AppleDay08%20Rick4_600.jpg http://www.greenwoodcentre.org.uk/apple%20day.jpg http://images.sciencedaily.com/2011/04/110412131923-large.jpg http://www.thisisnorthumberland.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/apple.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/Appletree_2.jpg http://humanflowerproject.com/images/uploads/Apple-Day-lookers320.jpg http://www.shenleypark.co.uk/Material%20for%20web%20site/Page%20B-Orchard%20and%20Meadow/B4b%20apple%20day%202007.jpg http://humanflowerproject.com/images/uploads/Apple-Day-choppers320.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Marker-Miller_Orchards_A.jpg Resources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Day http://www.calend.ru/holidays/0/0/2655/ http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Malus_Altl%C3%A4nder_Pfannkuchen_4611.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Malus_Allington_Pepping_4599.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/Malus_Friedberger_Bohnapfel_4259 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malus_Himbacher_Gr%C3%BCner_4269.jpg.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Malus_Mensfelder_Glanzrenette_4277.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Malus_Glockenapfel_4455.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/Melo_Nano.JPG http://www.sadograd.ru/150908/150908-01.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Apple_juice_with_3apples.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Pommes_damour_dsc07027.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/Tufahiija_in_Mori%C4%87a_Han_2.JPG http://rochakmasla.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/chutney.68135609_std.jpeg http://static.tastykitchen.com/recipes/files/2009/10/caramel-apple-drink-2-450.jpg http://food.sulekha.com/dishimages/1245.jpg http://www.eczema.org/apple_day_pics.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/Apples.jpg http://www.fruitfullschools.org/inspiration/gallery.... http://www.somerset.gov.uk/irj/go/km/docs/CouncilImages/SCC/Images/Environment/Countryside%20and%20Coast/Apple%20Day%202011.jpg http://www.comfortclub.ru/_nw/2/94373088.jpg http://archery-il.livejournal.com/1546.html http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Malus_Altl%C3%A4nder_Pfannkuchen_4611.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/Apple_peal.jpg http://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/apple-day-at-roots-and-shoots.html http://www.sonnyspot.com/gallery/images/gaapple.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hGCraidx3ws/TTNHR3CXUCI/AAAAAAAAACc/VnLovTomW1Q/s1600/DSC_0223.JPG http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Red_Apple_edit.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Apple_in_lightbox.png
"Amazing Britain"
The Palace is one of the centres of political life in the United Kingdom; "Westminster" has become a metonym for the UK Parliament, and the Westminster system of government has taken its name after it. Its Clock Tower, in particular, which has become known as "Big Ben" after its main bell, is an iconic landmark of London and the United Kingdom in general, one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city and an emblem of parliamentary democracy. The Palace of Westminster has been a Grade I listed building since 1970 and part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, popularly known as Westminster Abbey, is a large, mainly Gothic church, in the City of Westminster, London, United Kingdom, located just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. The abbey is a Royal Peculiar and briefly held the status of a cathedral. Westminster Abbey is a collegiate church governed by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, as established by Royal charter of Queen Elizabeth I. Madame Tussauds is a wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities. It was founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud and was formerly known as "Madame Tussaud's". We want to tell you about: Westminster Abbey Westminster Palace Madame Tussauds museum It lies on the north bank of the River Thames in the heart of the London borough of the City of Westminster, close to the historic Westminster Abbey and the government buildings of Whitehall and Downing Street. We want to tell you about: Westminster Abbey Westminster Palace Madame Tussauds museum We want to tell you about: Westminster Abbey Westminster Palace Madame Tussauds museum Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in London, displaying waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars.
An Ice Hotel Ice Hotel Jukkasjärvi ( Sweden ) Staying at ICEHOTEL About ICEHOTEL A hotel in the village of Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, is made from thousands of tons of ice and snow. The building materials - 10,000 tons of crystal clear ice from the River Torne and 30,000 tons of pure snow - are all generously supplied by Mother Nature. Of course, the hotel melts in the summer and must be rebuilt each winter, so each November, building starts all over again to have the hotel ready to open in mid December. This hotel in northern Lapland sleeps over 100 guests, and every bedroom is unique. There's a pillar hallway and the lobby has seats made of blocks of ice covered with reindeer skins, an ice chandelier, and a pretend ice TV. Accommodation The Ice chapel The ice room The Ice bar The Ice chandelier Art Exhibition The sauna Birdman Rally Bognor Regis Birdman Competitions involve human powered flying machines, usually decorated, trying to fly the greatest distance off a ramp, bridge or pier. There are also similar events called Flugtag. One of the best known and oldest birdman competitions is the International Birdman, held in Worthing, West Sussex, England. The competition is held off a pier. It was originally held in Selsey from 1971, before moving to Bognor Regis (also held off Worthing Pier in 2008-09). History of the rally In 2008, the Bognor Birdman competition had to find a new home after the end of Bognor pier was removed after health and safety fears were raised over its stability. For the following two years, the festival moved to Worthing. Last year, the Birdman competition returned to Bognor, where it will once again be held for 2011. The pier Who takes part in the rally? The Birdman is a flight competition for human powered flying machines held each summer in the picturesque seaside town of Worthing on England's South Coast. Many flyers take part to raise money for charities, other design complex machines to aim for the distance prizes. A substantial prize of £10,000 is offered for the furthest flight should a birdman achieve over a 100 metre distance. The competitor-car The competitor-angel The competitor-insect Other competitors Some of the winners What`s this strange animal? Most participants enter just to have fun Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style
Walking around the city
Walking around the city Warming-up Stop, look, listen before you cross the street. Use your eyes, use your ears and then use your feet. Synonyms use your eyes Synonyms use your ears Synonyms use your feet Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer HOMEWORK Ex. 4, p.66-67 (in writing form) look listen go Walking around the city Warming-up Stop, look, listen before you cross the street. Use your eyes, use your ears and then use your feet. Synonyms use your eyes Synonyms use your ears Synonyms use your feet What do you know about London? What is London? What is the river in London called? What famous clock can you see in London? What park is the famous London Zoo is? After the first listening Is there the National Gallery in London? Is there the Monument of Admiral Nelson in London? Where is the Monument of Admiral Nelson? Is there Buckingham Palace in London? What is Buckingham Palace? Are there any churches in London? What are their names? Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer HOMEWORK Ex. 4, p.66-67 (in writing form) Walking around the city Warming-up Stop, look, listen before you cross the street. Use your eyes, use your ears and then use your feet. use your eyes look use your ears listen use your feet go What do you know about London? What is London? What is the river in London called? What famous clock can you see in London? What park is the famous London Zoo is? After the first listening Is there the National Gallery in London? Is there the Monument of Admiral Nelson in London? Where is the Monument of Admiral Nelson? Is there Buckingham Palace in London? What is Buckingham Palace? Are there any churches in London? What are their names? Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer Choose the right answer HOMEWORK Ex. 4, p.66-67 (in writing form)
"Alfred Tennyson"
Alfred Tennyson 6 August 1809 – 6 October 1892 Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, FRS was Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland during much of Queen Victoria's reign and remains one of the most popular British poets. Tennyson excelled at penning short lyrics, such as "Break, Break, Break", "The Charge of the Light Brigade", "Tears, Idle Tears" and "Crossing the Bar". Much of his verse was based on classical mythological themes. He is the ninth most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Tennyson was born in Somersby, Lincolnshire, a rector's son and fourth of 12 children. He derived from a middle-class line of Tennysons, but also had a noble and royal ancestry. Tennyson and two of his elder brothers were writing poetry in their teens, and a collection of poems by all three were published locally when Alfred was only 17. One of those brothers, Charles Tennyson Turner later married Louisa Sellwood, another of Tennyson's brothers, Edward Tennyson, was institutionalised at a private asylum, where he was deemed dead. Tennyson was first a student of Louth Grammar School for four years (1816–1820) and then attended Scaitcliffe School. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1827, where he joined a secret society called the Cambridge Apostles. At Cambridge Tennyson met Arthur Henry Hallam, who became his closest friend. His first publication was a collection of "his boyish rhymes and those of his elder brother Charles" entitled Poems by Two Brothers published in 1827. In 1829, he was awarded the Chancellor's Gold Medal at Cambridge for one of his first pieces, "Timbuctoo".He published his first solo collection of poems, Poems Chiefly Lyrical in 1830. "Claribel" and "Mariana", which later took their place among Tennyson's most celebrated poems, were included in this volume. In the spring of 1831, Tennyson's father died. In 1833, Tennyson published his second book of poetry, which included his well-known poem, The Lady of Shalott.In 1842, while living modestly in London, Tennyson published two volumes of Poems, of which the first included works already published and the second was made up almost entirely of new poems. They met with immediate success. It was in 1850 that Tennyson reached the pinnacle of his career. Later the same year he was appointed Poet Laureate, succeeding William Wordsworth. In the same year (on 13 June), Tennyson married Emily Sellwood, whom he had known since childhood, in the village ofShiplake. They had two sons, Hallam Tennyson (b. 11 August 1852) – named after his friend – and Lionel (b. 16 March 1854). List of works The Dying Swan The Kraken Mariana Lady Clara Vere de Vere (1832) The Lotos-Eaters The Lady of Shalott (1832, 1842) The Palace of Art St.Simeon Stylites (1833) Locksley Hall Tithonus The Two Voices (1834) "Ulysses" (1833) and other He died on 6 October 1892 at Aldworth, aged 83. He was buried at Westminster Abbey. A memorial was erected in All Saints' Church, Freshwater. His last words were; "Oh that press will have me now!". Made by Kseniya Klimenko 10-a
Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov
22.10.12 Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov was a Russian landscape painter and creator of the lyrical landscape style. Savrasov was born into the family of a merchant. He began to draw early and in 8 he enrolled at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and immediately began to specialize in landscape painting. In 1857, Savrasov became a teacher at the Moscow School of painting, sculpturing and architecture. His best pupils, Isaac Levitan and Konstantin Korovin, remembered their teacher with admiration and gratitude. Savrasov became especially close with Vasily Perov. Perov helped him paint the figures of the boat trackers in Savrasov's Volga near Yuryevets, Savrasov painted landscapes for Perov's Bird catcher and Hunters on Bivouac. In the 1860s, he traveled to England to see the International Exhibition, and to Switzerland. The painters who influenced him most were British painter John Constable and Swiss painter Alexandre Calame. In 1871, after the death of his daughter, there was a crisis in his art. He became an alcoholic. All attempts of his relatives and friends to help him were in vain. The last years of his life Savrasov led the life of a pauper, wandering from shelter to shelter. Only the doorkeeper of the Moscow School of painting, sculpturing and architecture and Pavel Tretyakov, founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, were present at his funeral in 1897. Rainbow (1873). Landscape with River and Angler (1859). View in the Neighborhood of Oranienbaum (1854). Spring Day, 1873 Rafts (1873). Winter (1870). Winter landscape. (1871)
American History
American History (A few points) Put these events in order: World War I War of Independence Great Depression American Civil War The start of expansion to the West Native Americans Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes. By 1865, only 300,000 remained. forced off their land many died from diseases brought by the colonists American Character Vietnam War (1964 - 1975) Had a big effect on people: it lasted a long time (11 years) many Americans were hurt or killed America did not win the war horrible pictures on TV Other Wars Other wars that America has been involved in since World War II include: Korean War (1950 - 1953) Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Kosovo War (1999) Iraq War (2003) Cold War After World War II, there were two superpowers: USA and USSR democratic USA, communist USSR There was constant tension, but never actual war: both built up their military power spied on each other provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc America as a Superpower After the USSR broke up in 1991, USA became the only superpower. There are still some powerful countries in Europe and Asia. But sometimes America tries to ignore them. USA refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases USA attacked Iraq without UN approval Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level In 1788, 13 colonies become the United States of America. By 1796, a few more states have been created. America buys Louisiana from France in 1803. By 1837, new states have been created around the Mississippi. By 1850, Oregon and California become states. 1843: One thousand people travel to Oregon 1848: USA wins Texas in the Mexican War 1849: California gold rush 1862: A new law gives free land to settlers By 1912, all states except Alaska and Hawaii have been created. As the war continued, anger in America grew there were many protests American History (A few points) Put these events in order: World War I War of Independence Great Depression American Civil War The start of expansion to the West Native Americans Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes. By 1865, only 300,000 remained. forced off their land many died from diseases brought by the colonists American Character Vietnam War (1964 - 1975) Had a big effect on people: it lasted a long time (11 years) many Americans were hurt or killed America did not win the war horrible pictures on TV Other Wars Other wars that America has been involved in since World War II include: Korean War (1950 - 1953) Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Kosovo War (1999) Iraq War (2003) Cold War After World War II, there were two superpowers: USA and USSR democratic USA, communist USSR There was constant tension, but never actual war: both built up their military power spied on each other provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc America as a Superpower After the USSR broke up in 1991, USA became the only superpower. There are still some powerful countries in Europe and Asia. But sometimes America tries to ignore them. USA refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases USA attacked Iraq without UN approval In 1788, 13 colonies become the United States of America. Forced off their land, or into reservations. The process of expansion to the west. American History (A few points) Put these events in order: World War I War of Independence Great Depression American Civil War The start of expansion to the West Native Americans Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes. By 1865, only 300,000 remained. forced off their land many died from diseases brought by the colonists American Character Vietnam War (1964 - 1975) Had a big effect on people: it lasted a long time (11 years) many Americans were hurt or killed America did not win the war horrible pictures on TV Other Wars Other wars that America has been involved in since World War II include: Korean War (1950 - 1953) Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Kosovo War (1999) Iraq War (2003) Cold War After World War II, there were two superpowers: USA and USSR democratic USA, communist USSR There was constant tension, but never actual war: both built up their military power spied on each other provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc America as a Superpower After the USSR broke up in 1991, USA became the only superpower. There are still some powerful countries in Europe and Asia. But sometimes America tries to ignore them. USA refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases USA attacked Iraq without UN approval Over the 25 years following the opening of the Oregon Trail, more than half a million settlers migrated along this road. There were already some settlers in Texas at the time of the Mexican War, but victory convinced even more settlers to go there. The Homestead Act of 1862 offered 160 acres to settlers for free (under certain conditions), and this was later increased, until eventually 640 acres were offered. American History (A few points) Put these events in order: World War I War of Independence Great Depression American Civil War The start of expansion to the West Native Americans Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes. By 1865, only 300,000 remained. forced off their land many died from diseases brought by the colonists American Character Vietnam War (1964 - 1975) Had a big effect on people: it lasted a long time (11 years) many Americans were hurt or killed America did not win the war horrible pictures on TV Other Wars Other wars that America has been involved in since World War II include: Korean War (1950 - 1953) Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Kosovo War (1999) Iraq War (2003) Cold War After World War II, there were two superpowers: USA and USSR democratic USA, communist USSR There was constant tension, but never actual war: both built up their military power spied on each other provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc America as a Superpower After the USSR broke up in 1991, USA became the only superpower. There are still some powerful countries in Europe and Asia. But sometimes America tries to ignore them. USA refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases USA attacked Iraq without UN approval As the war continued, anger in America grew there were many protests This is a well-known photo from the Vietnam War, children fleeing from a village bombed with napalm. American History (A few points) Put these events in order: World War I War of Independence Great Depression American Civil War The start of expansion to the West Native Americans Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes. By 1865, only 300,000 remained. forced off their land many died from diseases brought by the colonists American Character Vietnam War (1964 - 1975) Had a big effect on people: it lasted a long time (11 years) many Americans were hurt or killed America did not win the war horrible pictures on TV Other Wars Other wars that America has been involved in since World War II include: Korean War (1950 - 1953) Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Kosovo War (1999) Iraq War (2003) Cold War After World War II, there were two superpowers: USA and USSR democratic USA, communist USSR There was constant tension, but never actual war: both built up their military power spied on each other provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc America as a Superpower After the USSR broke up in 1991, USA became the only superpower. There are still some powerful countries in Europe and Asia. But sometimes America tries to ignore them. USA refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases USA attacked Iraq without UN approval This is a well-known photo from the Vietnam War, children fleeing from a village bombed with napalm. [Note that some points on this slide are covered by the photo, but are visible when the slideshow is actually played]. American History (A few points) Put these events in order: World War I War of Independence Great Depression American Civil War The start of expansion to the West Native Americans Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes. By 1865, only 300,000 remained. forced off their land many died from diseases brought by the colonists American Character Vietnam War (1964 - 1975) Had a big effect on people: it lasted a long time (11 years) many Americans were hurt or killed America did not win the war horrible pictures on TV Other Wars Other wars that America has been involved in since World War II include: Korean War (1950 - 1953) Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Kosovo War (1999) Iraq War (2003) Cold War After World War II, there were two superpowers: USA and USSR democratic USA, communist USSR There was constant tension, but never actual war: both built up their military power spied on each other provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc America as a Superpower After the USSR broke up in 1991, USA became the only superpower. There are still some powerful countries in Europe and Asia. But sometimes America tries to ignore them. USA refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases USA attacked Iraq without UN approval American History (A few points) Put these events in order: World War I War of Independence Great Depression American Civil War The start of expansion to the West Native Americans Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes. By 1865, only 300,000 remained. forced off their land many died from diseases brought by the colonists American Character Vietnam War (1964 - 1975) Had a big effect on people: it lasted a long time (11 years) many Americans were hurt or killed America did not win the war horrible pictures on TV Other Wars Other wars that America has been involved in since World War II include: Korean War (1950 - 1953) Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Kosovo War (1999) Iraq War (2003) Cold War After World War II, there were two superpowers: USA and USSR democratic USA, communist USSR There was constant tension, but never actual war: both built up their military power spied on each other provided money and support to groups in Korean, Vietnam, Middle East, etc America as a Superpower After the USSR broke up in 1991, USA became the only superpower. There are still some powerful countries in Europe and Asia. But sometimes America tries to ignore them. USA refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases USA attacked Iraq without UN approval
A Job For Life
28.02.2015 1 Greeting 28.02.2015 2 Pronunciation Drill On Monday I shall buy a tool, On Tuesday I shall make a stool, On Wednesday I shall read a book, On Thursday I shall try to cook Something very- very sweet For my little brother Pete. On Friday I shall brush my hat, On Saturday I`ll clean my flat, On Sunday if the weather`s good, I shall go to the wood. 28.02.2015 3 Match the words and the translation: 28.02.2015 4 Warming Up Warming Up 28.02.2015 5 Match the words and the translation: “Hot Chair” Game. 28.02.2015 6 Warming up “A Job For Life” “Brainstorming” 28.02.2015 8 Match the words and the definitions: “Brainstorming” 28.02.2015 9 Match the words and the definitions: Checking Homework. 28.02.2015 10 The Text “Applying for a Job” Checking the understanding. Speaking about plans for the future 28.02.2015 11 Tell us some words about your future profession and job. Individual work. 28.02.2015 12 The Lexical Game “Broken Words” The Lexical Game “Fill in the missing letters” Fill in the missing letters: D___ctor S___nger Te__ch___r Dan___er Dr__ver Sel___er B___sinessm___n N___rse Wa___ter S___cre___ary 28.02.2015 13 Group work. 28.02.2015 14 The Lexical Game “Complete the sentences” Complete the sentences 28.02.2015 15 Find and correct the mistakes: 28.02.2015 16 Work in pairs 28.02.2015 17 “Make up Dialogues and act them out” 28.02.2015 18 Puzzles Solving Puzzles Solving 28.02.2015 19 The end of the lesson. Reflection 28.02.2015 20 Giving Marks. Summarizing 28.02.2015 21 Did you like our lesson? What was difficult for you? What useful information have you learnt today? Hometask: 28.02.2015 22 Refresh the vocabulary on the Theme. Prepare to the Thematic Test. I wish you every success! 28.02.2015 23 28.02.2015 24 28.02.2015 25 28.02.2015 26 28.02.2015 27 Use the words from the box. Write the people’s jobs. 28.02.2015 28
Advertising Advertising is providing information, calling attention to, and making known something that you want to sell or promote. More Detail - Advertising is a message designed to promote or sell a product, a service, or an idea. Advertising reaches people through varied types of mass communication. In everyday life, people come into contact with many different kinds of advertising. For example: My favourite TV advertising. I love all advertising. But my favourite advertising is about chocolate such as “Korona” and “Roshen” and “Rafaello” because it`s very romantic, tempting, bright, harmonic, with good and romantic music by favorite singers. Please, enjoy the following advertising Printed ads are found in newspapers and magazines. Poster ads are placed in buses, subways, and trains. Neon signs are scattered along downtown streets. Billboards dot the landscape along our highways. Commercials interrupt radio and television programming. For example: My favorite billboards advertising! I like various billboards. But my favorite billboards advertising is about correction of child`s sticking out ear. Cheburashka is painted there. It is very funny and original advertising. Advertising is a multibillion dollar industry (more than $100 billion a year) in the U.S. In many businesses, sales volume depends on the amount of advertising done. Manufacturers try to persuade people to buy their products. Business firms use advertising to promote an "image" for their company. Businesses use advertising to gain new customers and increase sales.  
"Alfred the Great"
the first King of the West Saxons Alfred the Great Alfred’s Life Lived in 849-901 Had three brothers Was the last of four brothers to rule the kingdom Alfred as a wise statesmen Saved Wessex from the Vikings Only defensive wars Only London was added to his kingdom Restored law and order Retained Christianity Built new fortresses Reorganized his army Beat the Danes 9 times in 871 Alfred as an educator Founded a palace school to teach Noblemen’s sons Urged that each citizen should learn to read in their mother tongue Alfred as a writer Anglo - Saxon chronicle The first prose work in English literature Some parts written by Alfred The Great Alfred as a translator Translated from Latin into Anglo-Saxon and Vise Versa Bede’s “History of the English church” Used as textbooks In honour Of Alfred Alfred is the only British King or Queen to have the title of The Great Several monuments in England
A House
Hi, Guys! It's me - Freddy! An English House An English House An English House Look and say! Living room bedroom bathroom Kitchen Hall Let’s play! Where is Freddy? Where is Freddy? Where is Freddy? Where is Freddy? Listen and say! Bed Chair Sofa Chest of drawers Fridge Washing machine Cooker Mirror Fireplace Let’s play! Where is Freddy? He is under the table Where is Freddy? He is behind the sofa Where is Freddy? He is between the armchairs Where is Freddy? He is in front of the fireplace Where is Freddy? He is next to the chest of drawers Look and Listen! Check! + - - - + + - + Well done!
ADAM LAMBERT By Olha Ostroverkh, form 11-B Adam Mitchel Lambert (born January 29, 1982) is an American singer-songwriter and stage actor. Born in Indianapolis and raised in San Diego, he performed in amateur theatrical productions as a child and teenager. In 2009, Lambert came to prominence after becoming the runner-up on the eighth season of American Idol. He released his debut album For Your Entertainment in 2009. It debuted at number three on the US Billboard 200 with 198,000 copies in first-week sales, and reached the top 10 in several countries. He is the most popular participant of American Idol All of the songs were written by Adam himself. Singles "For Your Entertainment", "Whataya Want from Me" and "If I Had You" also became international successes. On November 22, 2009, Lambert performed his first single "For Your Entertainment" at the American Music Awards of 2009. The controversial performance showed Lambert kissing a male bassist. It brought him worldwide fame. Soon after the album release, he headlined a worldwide concert tour, Glam Nation, the first American Idol contestant to do so in the year following his Idol season. The concert tour included 136 cities of America, Australia, Europe and Asia. In November 2011, Lambert joined Queen as lead singer at the MTV Europe Music Awards, where the band was honored with the Global Icon Award. In a "spectacular" performance that closed the show, they performed classic hits “The Show Must Go On”, "We Will Rock You", and "We Are the Champions". On May 15, 2012 there was released his second album. It is called «Trespassing». Trespassing was named on iTunes's list of the "Best Rock Albums of 2012," coming in at number nine. Queen and Adam Lambert made a performance in Kiev on June 30, the eve of the Euro 2012 Championship. Viewed live by hundreds of thousands of fans in Ukraine's main square, the performance was touted for the strength of Lambert's showmanship, vocal excellence and interpretative skill,which confidently balanced old and new. I also watched this concert on TV and just then I heard Adam’s voice, saw him and fell in love. I consider him really handsome and sexy. The range of Adam’s voice - four and a half octaves. It’s the maximum possible range of male vocal. I love his songs very much and I know most of them by heart. I consider the themes raised in his songs actual and very serious.
Sample/Methods 32 mail surveys completed Ohio (10) - South Carolina (22) 18 non-responses, after multiple contacts Storefront retail business with address listing Currently in business Located in a tourist destination region (Heritage Area) Percentage of In-State Sales Under 34% 18 62% 34-66 9 31% Over 66% 3 7% Percentage of Out-of-State Sales Under 34% 20 69% 34-66 8 28% Over 66% 1 3% Red Flag Issues Lack of communication and connectivity to chamber/community - identified by owners as a weakness. Lack of perceived need for local/regional advertising and communication. Lack of dependability regarding storefront business hours/days of week. Lack of business diversification related to technology. Implications Product Customer Relations Location Independence Investigating Business Retention and Expansion among Antique Retailers in Tourist Destinations Regions Christopher M. Sieverdes Clemson University [email protected] Sharon K. Strouse The Ohio State University [email protected] Assisted by Ute Sybille Hecht Clemson University [email protected] Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Investigating Business Retention and Expansion among Antique Retailers in Tourist Destinations Regions Christopher M. Sieverdes, Clemson University; Sharon K. Strouse, The Ohio State University Assisted by Ute Sybille Hecht, Clemson University Retail 27% Wholesale 12% Dealer 23% Non-Dealer 2% Tie to other business 10% Estate Sales, Auction Consignment 7 + Description of the Antique Business Furniture, clocks, large items, carpets, rugs 19 Small items, china, novelty, silver, pictures 13 Type of Antique Merchandise Sold Ownership of Antique Business: Single Family Owner/Operator 23 72% Separate Owner/Operator 1 3% Partnership 6 19% Other 2 6% Years in Business: 1-4 years 6 19% 5-7 years 10 31% 8-15 years 8 25% 16 + years 8 25% Years of Experience in Antique Business: 1-8 years 8 25% 9-15 years 8 25% 16-20 years 8 25% 21 + 8 25% Percentage Local & Regional Sales Under 34% 11 38% 34-66 13 45% Over 66% 8 17% Frequency of Sign Change: Weekly or Monthly 5 19% Quarterly 4 15% Once a Year 6 23% 2+ Years 3 12% Never 8 31% Expectation of Demand Change Expect increase 19 66% Stay the same 9 31% Decrease 1 3% Special or Unique about Products or Services Specialized items 9 35% Large variety, large inventory 7 27% Customer service, integrity 5 19% Quality product 5 19% Peak Business Season Fall & Spring 29% Fall 21% Summer & Fall 14% Winter 14% Summer 11% Christmas & Summer 11% Peak Reason Tourist Season 62% Travel 39% Most Successful Means of Attracting Customers to Establishment Factors Ranked First by Category Location and signage 13 45% Word of Mouth, repeat customers, honesty integrity 15 52% Attractive storefront, interior, layout 5 16% Related business 3 10% Newspaper ads, inserts 2 7% Special pricing, special promotions 1 3% Communication with target audience 2 7% Tie to community events, festivals, carnivals, sports 0 0% Problems indicated with Public Services and Employee Training Needs Minimal concerns related to public services such as public safety, zoning, EMS/hospital, building inspection reported Some concern about Water/sewer service (n=3) Too high traffic volume (n=3) Lack of chamber support (n=4) Success Factors Cited: Customer Service 11 (41%) Quality Products 7 (26%) Location, traffic Flow 3 (9%) Price Value Marketing 2 (6%) Variety Merchandise 2 (6%) Economy Strength 1 (4%) Favorable Business Hours 1 (4%) Advice from Antique Retailers: Start small 24% Build knowledge, pricing, quality 12% Reduce financial burden 8% Research marketing base, plan 20% Focus on customer service, integrity, dependable hours 12% Do not expect to get rich 24% Summary of Findings: No difference in size/scope between Ohio and South Carolina antique retailers Focus of sales on Friday & Saturday Lack of employees Lack of training (skills, hospitality industry)
Along the banks of the Okkervil river
(Back to the History of our District) To find out the Origin of the name of the Okkervil River. To get in touch with the History of our district. To get to know the facts about the famous people who lived on the territory of our district. To analyze the changes happened to the nature and ecological situation in our district. General Characteristics of the Okkervil River The Okkervil River rises from the swampy lands to the east of our city and flows into the Okhta River. Its length is about 18 km. The width changes from 1,5 up to 18 m. The depth is up to 0,8 m. The Versions of the origin of the name Okkervil: After the name of the Swedish colonel Okkervil who had an estate on the bank of the river in the 17-th century. After the name of the village «Karvila» situated in the Riverhead. From the Karelo Finnish word «Kare»-Bend,Curve. There are 16 bridges over the Okkervil River in St. Petersburg. Dybenko Bridge Kollontay Bridge Yablonovsky Bridge Utkin Bridge ( the first bridge over the Okkervil) Zanevsky Bridge The Bridge with Griffins etc. One of the latest and most interesting bridges over the Okkervil is The Bridge with Griffins. It was opened near the Ice Palace in 2000 and devoted to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Utkina Dacha The most interesting historical monument on the banks of the Okkervil River is Utkina Dacha. It is a big architectural complex situated at the place of the confluence of the Okhta and Okkervil. Before the foundation of St. Petersburg this territory was owned by the Swedish Colonel Okkervil and was known as Okkervil Manor. In 1750-s the estate was presented to the Headmaster of the Singing Chapel Mark Poltoratsky, the first Russian singer who performed in the Italian Opera. So the new owners of the manor became the couple: Mark Theodorovich Poltoratsky and his wife Agafoclea Alexandrovna. But in fact they lived in Tver Region and the estate was run by their daughter Agafoclea Suhareva. During that time in 1790-s the Manor -House and the wing-formed greenhouse were built by the architect Nikolay Lvov. Olenin (28.11.1763-17.04.1843 ) One more famous granddaughter of the Poltoratskys A. P. Kern in her youth often visited the manor. The estate was also visited by Krilov, Delvig and some other famous people of that time. Estate Kosaya Gora The daughter of the Poltoratskys Agafoclea Suhareva owned one more estate Myza Kosaya Gora which was situated on the bank of the Okkervil River upstream. It included the House of the manager, a Stone Wing, a Mill, and some other constructions. In December 1828 both estates were bought by the wife of Prince Shakhovsky-Zinoviya Shakhovskaya. After the death of her husband Shakhovskaya married Vasiliy Ivanovich Utkin, the Vice president of the Free Economic Society, later the World Judge. After the name of the last owners, the Utkins, the estate has been known up to the present days. 1872: the estate was handed over to the State Sanitary Comission. 1873: at the presence of Alexander II in the building of Utkina dacha the Ohtinsky Mariinsky Almshouse was opened. 1920-s: the complex belonged to the Commissariat of Health. 1936: The biggest part of the estate was rebuilt for flats and turned into a hostel. During the following decades the buildings of the famous Utkin Estate were being ruined. In 2010 the inhabitants of the hostel were removed from the place. The architectural complex was left without any care. In November of 2010 in the main building there were three arsons. Today the famous architectural monument which was connected with the names of many outstanding people is in a disastrous condition. Our generation must do the best to preserve this wonderful monument of the Russian architecture, history and culture. Estate Zhernovka A.B. Buturlin , the Russian Commander, Count, Field Marshal, started as a steward of Peter I. F. I. Soimonov, Procurator of the Senate, the famous Russian navigator, explorer, hedrograph. M. I.Donaurov (1758-1817) At that time on the project of Giacomo Quarenghi the Manor-House, the main gates and the pavilion-pier were erected. The vast landscape park was laid out. In 1780-1790s the estate was owned by the Court Counselor M.I.Donaurov. The last owners of the estate from 1835 up to 1917 were Nikolas and Anna Bezobrazovs. After their name the estate is often called. After the Revolution the estate was used as a Veterinary Hospital. The wonderful park was cut down, the wharf was ruined, all sculptures, modeling, paintings, interiors were destroyed. Now the building is in a very bad condition, too. Today the Okkervil river is one of the most polluted rivers in St. Petersburg. It is regularly dumped by the industrial and biological waste. 20 ton of paint was dumped into the river only In the autumn of 2002. The acceptable level of aluminum exceeded 700 times. The water produces pungent odor of petroleum products. The banks of the river are extremely polluted, too. Today the river is practically dead. One of the new ecollogically-social projects in our district is Park Okkervil in Kudrovo opened in October of 2010. It is going to be one of the most favourite places of the citizens of our district. Survey among the pupils of the 5 B and 5V classes of our school. 1. The origin of the name Okkervil 2. Utkina Dacha 3.Other historical places in our district There is a Native American saying: "We don`t inherit our land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children". The Earth doesn`t belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. What kind of environment will we leave for the future generations?
American English vs British English
[æ] plant, grass, half, bath [a:] civilization, specialization, [ai] body, shot, hot [o] [u] suit, duty, knew, Tuesday, student. [ju] [d] letter, little, bitter, battle. [t] [-] twenty, wanted [t] [l] lamp, luck, look [r] father, dirt, far, car [-] THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION!
Appearance at now
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * 07/16/96 Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * ## Appearance [2010] School Year Tetiana Il'enko Parts of body Hair Eyes Face Adjectives True (T) or false (F) This text is about my friend Svetlana._______ She lives in London._______ She is a teacher._____ She does not go to school.______ Her face is oval.____ My friend is very kind._____ Choose the right answer 1. This text is _________? a) about my brother; b) about my sister; c) about my friend; 2. Sofia is_______? a) 8; b) 9; c) 10; 3. She lives in ______? a) Lviv; b) Moscow; c) Kyiv; 4. Sofia is _____? a) not tall and slim ; b) short and fat; c) not tall and thin; 5. Her hair is ________? a) black; b) blonde; c) brown; 6. Her eyes are ____? a) grey; b) brown; c) green; Right answers True (T) or false (F) F F F F T T Choose the right answer c c c a c c The dialog between Max and Sofia Questions He or she? Is he \ she tall or short? What colour is his \ her hair? What colour are his \ her eyes? Is he \ she ______(strong, pretty, kind ,nice) Is this ____________? Musical pause Ten fingers in my hands In my hands.   Ten fingers in my hands In my hands.   Two eyes, one nose All on your face.   Ten fingers in my hands In my hands. Read the text This is my mother. Her name is Nina. She is 27. She lives in Kyiv. My mother is tall and slim. She has got long dark hair. Her hair is curly. She has got an oval face. Her eyes are brown. Her nose is small and her ears are small too. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are red. My mother is very clever and kind. She likes reading and dancing. I love her very much. Finish the sentences Answer the questions What is this text about? How old is Nina? Where does she live? Is she tall or short? Has she got an oval face? What is she like doing?
Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest.
The following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn. Indians showed them also how to grow other crops and how to hunt and fish. Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Teacher : Tania Ilenko Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest. The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred years ago. They settled in what is now known as the state of Massachusetts. In 1620, a religious community sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. Their first winter in America was difficult. They arrived too late to grow a rich harvest. Moreover, half the colony died from disease. In the autumn of 1621 they got a beautiful harvest of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins. The colonists had much to be thankful for, so they planned a feast. The colonists learned from Indians how to cook cranberries and dishes of corn and pumpkins. Local Indian chief and ninety Indians were present. In following years many of the colonists celebrated the harvest with a feast of thanks. After the United States gained independence, Congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole country. Then, after the Civil war, Abraham Lincoln suggested the last Thursday in November to be the day of thanksgiving. Later, George Washington suggested the date November 26 as Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away. All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless. Foods, eaten at the first thanksgiving, have become traditional. Other dishes may vary as to region: ham, sweet potatoes, creamed corn. The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey stuffed with herb-flavoured bread, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie. The end The following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn. Indians showed them also how to grow other crops and how to hunt and fish. Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest. The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred years ago. In the autumn of 1621 they got a beautiful harvest of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins. The colonists had much to be thankful for, so they planned a feast. The following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn. Indians showed them also how to grow other crops and how to hunt and fish. The end
m A D B C R R H
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * 07/16/96 Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * ## Appearance [2010] School Year Tetiana Il'enko Parts of body Hair Eyes Face Adjectives True (T) or false (F) This text is about my friend Svetlana._______ She lives in London._______ She is a teacher._____ She does not go to school.______ Her face is oval.____ My friend is very kind._____ Choose the right answer 1. This text is _________? a) about my brother; b) about my sister; c) about my friend; 2. Sofia is_______? a) 8; b) 9; c) 10; 3. She lives in ______? a) Lviv; b) Moscow; c) Kyiv; 4. Sofia is _____? a) not tall and slim ; b) short and fat; c) not tall and thin; 5. Her hair is ________? a) black; b) blonde; c) brown; 6. Her eyes are ____? a) grey; b) brown; c) green; Right answers True (T) or false (F) F F F F T T Choose the right answer c c c a c c The dialog between Max and Sofia Questions He or she? Is he \ she tall or short? What colour is his \ her hair? What colour are his \ her eyes? Is he \ she ______(strong, pretty, kind ,nice) Is this ____________? Musical pause Ten fingers in my hands In my hands.   Ten fingers in my hands In my hands.   Two eyes, one nose All on your face.   Ten fingers in my hands In my hands. Read the text This is my mother. Her name is Nina. She is 27. She lives in Kyiv. My mother is tall and slim. She has got long dark hair. Her hair is curly. She has got an oval face. Her eyes are brown. Her nose is small and her ears are small too. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are red. My mother is very clever and kind. She likes reading and dancing. I love her very much. Finish the sentences Answer the questions What is this text about? How old is Nina? Where does she live? Is she tall or short? Has she got an oval face? What is she like doing?
A HOUSE IN THE WOOD The Mouse The Frog The Hare The Fox The Bear A HOUSE IN THE WOOD
Англійські свята (English Holidays)
Anichkov Bridge
Anichkov Bridge. Anichkov Bridge is one of the most famous in St. Petersburg. Anichkov Bridge over the Fontanka River is part of the Nevsky Prospekt. In 1715 Emperor Peter I issued an edict: For more on the Neva River Fountain Perspective to make a bridge for its construction spent 50 rubles. Then he became a border city. Anichkov bridge was wooden with a barrier gate at night fell. Here was the outpost through which drove to St. Petersburg. At the outpost checked passports, took payment for entry. Moreover, such a fee could be not only money, but also the stones that the city needed for the construction of streets. 60 years later Anichkov bridge for the main street of St. Petersburg has become too narrow. In 1841 it was rebuilt by engineer JF Butatsa. Construction work was started on May 22, completed by the fall of the same year. New Anichkov bridge became stone. Inauguration of the crossing took place November 20, 1841. Movement on Anichkov bridge was opened in January 1842. In those years, the St. Petersburg sculptor animal painter Pyotr Karlovich Clodt worked on the decoration of the pier on the Neva River at the Admiralty Boulevard. Then its going to decorate the sculptures of horses, slave boys. But plans changed. On the pier were installed lions and vases. Had horses, at the suggestion of the sculptor, set on the western side of the bridge rebuilt Anichkova. On the eastern side established their plaster casts, painted bronze paint. In each group - wild horse and a young man who tries to rein in (put a bridle and make obedient). All sculptures are different. They talk about how the horse initially fiercely resisted, but later became a friend and helper of man. Во время блокады Ленинграда мост значительно пострадал от артналётов. Повреждения получили гранитные парапеты и секции перил. Переправа стала памятником блокады: на граните постамента коней Клодта специально не стали реставрировать след от осколков немецкого артиллерийского снаряда. Конные группы были закопаны во дворе Дворца пионеров. На гранитных постаментах были выставлены ящики с засеянной травой. От прямых попаданий бомб мост сильно пострадал. Но ещё до окончания войны он был восстановлен, а конные статуи были возвращены на место накануне 1 мая 1945 года. Снятие скульптур Клодта с Аничкова моста. 1941 г. Alexander Blok wrote about sculptures Anichkova bridge: Horse ... attracted by the bridle on cast iron? Bridge. Under the hoof blackened water.? Horse snorted and moonless air? Snoring remained on the bridge forever ...? All resided. Movement, suffering -? There was. Horse snoring forever.? And check in tense silence? Eternally frozen hanging man. The work is done students 8th classe Denis Ovchinnikov
Амерекансикй театр
Theater of the United States Theater of the United States is based in the Western tradition. Regional or resident theatres in the United States are professional theatre companies outside of New York City that produce their own seasons. Before the first English colony was established in 1607, there were Spanish dramas and Native Americans tribes performed theatrical events. The birth of professional theatre in America may have begun with the Lewis Hallam troupe that arrived in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1752.[citation needed] A theater was built in Williamsburg in 1716, and, in January 1736, the original Dock Street Theatre was opened in Charles Town, South Carolina. In any case, The Hallams were the first to organize a complete company of actors in Europe and bring them to the colonies. They brought a repertoire of plays popular in London at the time, including Hamlet, Othello, The Recruiting Officer, and Richard III. The Merchant of Venice was their first performance, shown initially on September 15, 1752. In 1821, William Henry Brown established the African Grove Theatre in New York City. It was the third attempt to have an African-American theatre, but this was the most successful of them all. The company put on not only Shakespeare, but also staged the first play written by an African-American, The Drama of King Shotaway. The theatre was shut down in 1823. Earlier styles of theatre such as minstrel shows and Vaudeville acts have disappeared from the landscape, but theatre remains a popular American art form. Broadway productions still entertain millions of theatregoers as productions have become more elaborate and expensive At the same time, theatre has also served as a platform for expression, and a venue for identity exploration for under-represented, minority communities, who have formed their own companies and created their own genres of works, notably East West Players, founded in 1965 as the first Asian American theatre group. East West Players Broadway Across America is a presenter and producer of live theatrical events in the United States and Canada since 1982. It is currently owned by Key Brand Entertainment (KBE), who purchased it from Live Nation in 2008
Interesting figures in American literature Danielle Fernande Dominique Muriel Shuleyn Emily Steele (born Danielle Fernande Dominique Muriel Emily Schuelein-Steel, b. Aug. 14, 1947 in New York, USA) - the author of numerous novels have become bestsellers. The total circulation of her books to date is more than 125 million copies. She has sold over 550 million books (2005 data). Her novels were best-seller list, "New York Times" 390 weeks. 23 of its stories were ekranizirovanny. Danielle Steele Born in New York City into a wealthy family. Secondary education in France, and in 1963 she graduated from design school, then studied at New York University (1963-67). She worked in advertising agencies since 1980 - a professional writer. Danielle Steele literary debut was in 1980. To date, she has published more than forty novels, each of which instantly hit the bestseller lists. The total circulation of her books to date is over 125000000 copies. Steele put on the books 21 film, including "Memories", "Zoe", "Jewelry", "Palomino", etc. About Danielle Steel says: "My novels rejects criticism - but the reader likes them. I - the real publishing phenomenon. " Harry Harrison (born Henry Maxwell Dempsey; March 12, 1925 – August 15, 2012) was an American science fiction (SF) author, best known for his character the Stainless Steel Rat and for his novel Make Room! Make Room! (1966). The latter was the rough basis for the motion picture Soylent Green (1973). Harrison was (with Brian Aldiss) the co-president of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group. Harry Harrison Harrison was an extremely popular figure in the SF world, renowned for being amiable, outspoken and endlessly amusing. His quickfire, machine-gun delivery of words was a delight to hear, and a reward to unravel: he was funny and self-aware, he enjoyed reporting the follies of others, he distrusted generals, prime ministers and tax officials with sardonic and cruel wit, and above all he made plain his acute intelligence and astonishing range of moral, ethical and literary sensibilities. On learning of his death, Harlan Ellison said, "It's a day without stars in it." Gore Vidal Eugene Luther Gore Vidal was born Louis Eugene Vidal, October 3, 1925 - July 31, 2012) was an American writer known for his essays, novels, screenplays, plays, and on Broadway. He was also known for his patrician manner and witty aphorisms. Vidal's grandfather was an American Senator Thomas Gore of Oklahoma. Vidal was a lifelong Democrat, he ran for political office twice and was a longtime political commentator. Known for his essays, like his novels, Vidal wrote for The Nation, New Yorker, New York Review Books and Esquire. Through his essays and speeches of the media, Vidal was a longtime critic of U.S. foreign policy. In addition, he described the United States as a decaying empire from the 1980s. He was also known for his highly publicized spat with such figures as Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Jr., and Truman Capote. His most widely considered a social novel Myra Breckenridge, his most famous historical novels, including Julian, Burr, and Lincoln. His third novel, The city and the pillar (1948), outraged conservative critics as one of the first major American novels to show unambiguous homosexuality. Vidal has always rejected the terms "homosexual" and "heterosexual" as initially false, arguing that the vast majority of people have the potential to be a pansexual. His screenwriting credits include the epic historical drama, Ben-Hur (1959), in which he claimed that he had written a "gay story." Ben-Hur won the Oscar for best film. At the time of his death he was the last of the generation of American writers who served during World War II, including Salinger, Kurt Vonnegut, Norman Mailer and Joseph Heller. Perhaps best remembered for his acerbic wit, he called himself a "gentleman bitch" and was described as a response to the 20 th century to Oscar Wilde. Paul Benjamin Auster (born February 3, 1947) is an American author whose writing blends absurdism, existentialism, crime fiction, and the search for identity and personal meaning in works such as The New York Trilogy (1987), Moon Palace (1989), The Music of Chance (1990), The Book of Illusions (2002), and The Brooklyn Follies (2005). Auster was born in Newark, New Jersey,[4] to Jewish middle class parents of Polish descent, Queenie (née Bogat) and Samuel Auster. He grew up in South Orange, New Jersey and Newark and graduated from Columbia High School in Maplewood. Paul Auster After graduating from Columbia University in 1970, he moved to Paris, France where he earned a living translating French literature. Since returning to the U.S. in 1974, he has published poems, essays, and novels of his own, as well as translations of French writers such as Stéphane Mallarmé and Joseph Joubert. He and his second wife, writer Siri Hustvedt (the daughter of professor and scholar Lloyd Hustvedt, were married in 1981, and they live in Brooklyn.[4] Together they have one daughter, Sophie Auster. Previously, Auster was married to the writer, Lydia Davis. They have one son together, Daniel Auster. He is also the vice-president of PEN American Center. Don DeLillo (born Don DeLillo, p. November 20, 1936) - A prominent American postmodernist writer. Born in the Bronx (New York), the son of Italian immigrants from Montagano. He studied at the university of Fordham, where he received a bachelor's degree in 1958. Italian version of his name - "De Lille" was changed to the American "DeLillo." In his prose, there are no specific elements of Italian culture and, unlike other Italian-American authors he focuses on his Italian roots. DeLillo's first story "The River Jordan", was published in 1960 in the literary journal "The Age» (Epoch) at Cornell University. Don DeLillo DeLillo's first story "The River Jordan", was published in 1960 in the literary journal "The Age» (Epoch) at Cornell University. His novels, touted by critics, did not receive wide public recognition until the publication of the "White Noise", which won the U.S. National Book Award in 1985. The massive success with the public, he received after the publication of his outstanding work «Underworld». In 2006, "New York Times" included in the list of the novel the best American books written in the last 25 years. The list also hit novels "The Balance" and "White Noise." His last novel, «Falling Man» tells about a man surviving after the Sept. 11 attacks, and was published in the United States May 15, 2007. Nicholas Charles Sparks Nicholas Charles Sparks (born Nicholas Charles Sparks; December 31, 1965) - American author, best-selling author on the topic of Christian love, the tragedy of fate. On account of his 16 published novels. He lives in New Bern, North Carolina, USA with his wife Kathy Cote and five children. Nicholas Sparks was born on New Year's Eve in Omaha, Nebraska, the family of Professor Patrick Michael and Jill Emma housewife Mary. In 1985, while studying at the school, Sparks wrote his first work, "Parting" (never published), in 1989, was also written an unpublished novel "Royal murder." He studied at the University of Notre Dame on an athletic scholarship. At the first year (1985) in the running competition - 4h800 meter relay - the team with his participation showed a record result for the college, not beaten yet. [Source not specified 955 days] After college, Sparks wanted to become a lawyer, also worked as an estate agent, a waiter, a salesperson on the phone. In his free time, he began to write the novel "The Notebook." Two years later, the novel was seen literary agent Theresa Park, who has made the signing of the contract for one million dollars for the publication. "The Notebook" was released in October 1996 and topped the list of best-selling books New York Times in the first week of sales. Sparks later wrote several best-sellers. Seven novels were ekranizovany: "Message in a Bottle" (1999), "A Walk to Remember" (2002), "The Notebook" (2004), "Nights in Rodanthe" (2008), "Dear John" (2010) and "The Last Song "(2010)," Lucky "(2012). We are currently filming two more movies in his novels. Arthur Asher Miller (born Arthur Miller; October 17, 1915 - February 10, 2005) - American playwright and novelist. In 1956-1961 he was married to actress Marilyn Monroe. Arthur Miller was born in 1915 in New York to a Jewish family of immigrants from Austria. His father owned a small business for the production of clothing, and his mother - a schoolteacher. In 1938 he graduated from the University of Michigan. After the Second World War, Miller began working reporter at Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York, visiting military garrisons. Within six months he was collecting materials for the film Ernie Pyle's "History of the ordinary Joe." Arthur Asher Miller In 1947 came the drama Miller's "All My Sons", which brought him fame and was awarded the Association of the New York Drama Critics Award and Donaldson. In 1949 he staged the play "Death of a Salesman", considered one of the best works of the playwright. She received the Pulitzer Prize, the Association of the New York Drama Critics Award and the Antoinette Perry ("Tony"). In 1953 he published the drama "The Crucible" about the trial of the "Salem Witch", which draws a parallel with the Board of Senator McCarthy. Person involved in the "black list" of Hollywood. In the same year the work was awarded the prize "Tony" and Donaldson. In 1956, Miller was married to Marilyn Monroe. In 1961, they divorced. Died 10 February 2005 in Roksberi, Connecticut, United States of acute heart failure. Dan Brown Dan Brown (born Dan Brown; born. Jun. 22, 1964, Exeter, New Hampshire, USA) - American author, journalist and musician. Written several famous works, including "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons", telling the secrets of the society, symbolism, zmovah.Narodyvsya in New Hampshire (USA) June 22, 1964. The father of the writer - Professor of Mathematics, mother - a professional musician. Brown graduated from Phillips-Exeter akadamiyu and Amherst College. After education goes to California, where he started a career musician. Writes multiple albums. 1993 returned to New Hampshire, where he began teaching English at Amherst College. Since 1998 engaged in literary pursuits. His first novel, "Digital Fortress" becomes a best seller on the internet. The writer also engaged in journalism - printed regularly in publications such as "Newsweek", «TIME», «Forbes», «People», «GQ», «The New Yorker». Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949) was one of the most famous American writers with the publication of her novel "Gone with the Wind" in 1936. She drew from her own background as a woman growing up in the South, but it is also based his story on the controversial history of the South. Margaret Mitchell Margaret "Peggy" Mitchell was born on November 8, 1900 in Atlanta, Georgia. Her father was a historian and a lawyer, and his mother was a women's equality. When she was 15, she wrote: "If I were a boy, I would like to try for West Point, if I could do it, or I'll be a prize fighter -. Anything for a thrill, "In 1918, Mitchell graduated from Washington Seminary and began studying medicine at Smith College. Prepared 9 B class Sarnenski District Lyceum "Leader"
"Japanese tea ceremony"
Japanese tea ceremony The Japanese tea ceremony (called cha-no-yu, chado, or sado) is a special way of making green tea (matcha 抹茶).People who study the tea ceremony have to learn about different kinds of tea. They also have to learn about kimono (Japanese clothes), flowers, and many other things. It takes much practice to learn the tea ceremony. History Tea came to Japan from China in about 900 CE. Tea became very popular in Japan, and Japanese people started to grow tea in Japan. In the 12th century, matcha (green tea powder), became popular. This tea comes from the same plant as black tea. By the 16th century, all people in Japan, rich people and poor people, liked drinking tea. A man called Sen no Rikyu started teaching the ceremony. Many years have passed, but people still make tea the same way that Sen no Rikyu taught. Materials needed Tea bowl Tea scoop Whisk Tea caddy Napkin Ladle Water jar Waste-water container Iron pot Tea Tea ceremony Thanks for your attention !
Appearance. [θ] [h] [ıə] [eə] thank ham here hare think hand ear hair mouth hair there [ ð] This is my mother. This is my father. This is my brother Paul. This is my aunt. This is my uncle. How I love them all. a mouth a head an eye a chin a leg a hand a hand an ear a body an arm a chick h a foot a b c d e f g j k l m i a nose You'll hear the 7 o'clock news on the radio. Look through the statements. Listen to the news and tick ( ν ) the correct answer. 1 The police are looking for (a) a man (b) a boy (c) a girl 2 This person is a) 10 years old b) 20 years old c) 12 years old 3 This person is a) short and fat b) tall and thin c) short and thin 4This person has got a) long black hair b) short brown hair c) long brown hair 5 This person is wearing jeans and a) a black top b) a dark-green top c) a light-green top KEYS 1-b 2-c 3-b 4-a 5-c Robin MacWizard Lady Diandra Sir Walter Lady Jane Sir Edward This is a portrait of Robin MacWisard. Look at his long dark hair, big brown eyes and small straight nose. This is Sir Walter MacWisard. His nickname was Raven because his nose and ears were very big. This is Lady Jane MacWisard. She was short and fat, her hair was blonde and straight, and her mouth was very big. This is Lady Diandra MacWisard. She was very beautiful. Her red hair was long and curly and she was very slim. This is Sir Edward MacWisard. He was a very handsome man. He was blond and his eyes were blue. This is my son. His name is Oleg. He is seven years old.
"American food"
American food. What is American food? Hamburgers and hot dogs? Fried chicken and giant steaks? Well, yes. But spaghetti and pizza are American too, and so is sweet and sour pork. The fact is that Americans eat every kind of food imaginable. There are, for example, more than 1,000 Chinese restaurants in New York City alone. AS AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE. The truth is, though, that families in the US eat together less often than they used to. Instead of meeting at the dinner table, families often meet in the kitchen, around the refrigerator. There's no time for old-fashioned cooking. Quick snacks all through the day have taken its place. And to save trouble, people eat wherever they like, in the street, in front of the TV, or at their desks. An enormous fast-food industry gives hungry Americans the snacks they want when they want them. Ice cream, popcorn, and hot dogs are on sale everywhere. Best known, perhaps, is the McDonald's hamburger business. Popcorn – A favorite American snack roast chicken with potatoes steak Hot dog Іce cream Аnd many others
Appearances! Can you describe the person next to you? What is this on his face? What kind of hair does she have? What colour of hair? What type of hair? Can you describe him? Can you describe her? Can you describe her? Elena I have long, dark hair. I don’t wear glasses. I am tall and am in my 30s. Can you describe yourself? Which member of staff am I describing? She has long, brown curly hair. She is slim and she doesn’t wear glasses. Can you describe your partner?
American value changes in postmodern period
American value changes in postmodern period Changing in the social morality USA 1. Greater tolerance and acceptance of pluralism in present-day Usa: - 2. Sweeping changes in family-related values 3. The changing meaning of success 4. A new relationship between work and pleasure 5. Changing in the social morality 6. New values in relation to health and physical well-being the concept of duty; respectability; sacrifice; the environment; sexuality; pleasure.
American Universities
Yale University is a private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, and a member of the Ivy League. Founded in 1701 in the Colony of Connecticut, the university is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States. Yale has produced many notable alumni, including five U.S. presidents, seventeen U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and several foreign heads of state. Incorporated as the Collegiate School, the institution traces its roots to 17th-century clergymen who sought to establish a college to train clergy and political leaders for the colony. In 1718, the College was renamed Yale College to honor a gift from Elihu Yale, a governor of the British East India Company. Yale has produced alumni distinguished in their respective fields. Among the most well known are U.S. Presidents William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; U.S. Secretaries of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Dean Acheson. Princeton University is a private research university located in Princeton, New Jersey, United States. The school is one of the eight universities of the Ivy League, and is one of the nine Colonial Colleges founded before the American Revolution. Princeton provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.[4] Princeton does not offer professional schooling generally, but it does offer professional master's degrees (mostly through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs) and doctoral programs. Founded in 1746 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, as the College of New Jersey, the university moved to Newark in 1747, then to Princeton in 1756 and was renamed Princeton University in 1896. Princeton University has been and is home to a renowned group of scholars, scientists, writers, chief justices, and statesmen who include four United States presidents, two of whom graduated from the university. James Madison and Woodrow Wilson graduated from Princeton, Grover Cleveland was not an alumnus but served as a trustee, Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth. Lady Michelle Obama graduated from Princeton. The Leland Stanford Junior University, commonly referred to as Stanford University or Stanford, is a private research university located in Stanford, California, United States. The university was founded in 1891 by the Californian railroad tycoon Leland Stanford and named for his recently deceased son. Stanford enrolls approximately 6,800 undergraduate and 8,300 graduate students from the United States and around the world. The university is divided into a number of schools, including the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford Law School, Stanford School of Medicine, and Stanford School of Engineering. Stanford is ranked second among world universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, and its undergraduate program is currently ranked fourth in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama,former U.S. President Herbert Hoover, former U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher, and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak are alumni.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Aleksander Sergeevich PUSHKIN 1799-1837 Abram Petrovich GANNIBAL Mikhailovskoe Arina RODIONOVNA Czar Aleksander I Ruled Russia 1801-1825 Lyceum at Tsarskoe Selo Young Pushkin recites before Poet Derzhavin The Hussar Evgraf Davidov Painting by Orest Kipresnsky Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky Hero of the War of 1812 Czar Nikolas I Supressed the Decembrist rebellion Natalya Goncharova-Pushkina The Pushkins One of many statues to the famous poet The duel by I. Repin Statue in Moscow Bronze Horseman Bronze Horseman By sculptor Falconet Aleksander Sergeevich Pushkin
Anne Bronte
Anne Bronte Home “My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring” Home How brightly glistening in the sun The woodland ivy plays! While yonder beeches from their barks Reflect his silver rays. That sun surveys a lovely scene From softly smiling skies; And wildly through unnumbered trees The wind of winter sighs: Now loud, it thunders o'er my head, And now in distance dies. But give me back my barren hills Where colder breezes rise; Where scarce the scattered, stunted trees Can yield an answering swell, But where a wilderness of heath Returns the sound as well. For yonder garden, fair and wide, With groves of evergreen, Long winding walks, and borders trim, And velvet lawns between; Restore to me that little spot, With grey walls compassed round, Where knotted grass neglected lies, And weeds usurp the ground. Though all around this mansion high Invites the foot to roam, And though its halls are fair within -- Oh, give me back my HOME! Exercises Match the words and their definitions. 1. to glisten c) to shine; 2. lovely h) beautiful or attractive; 3. to survey e) to look carefully at the whole of sth; 4. to sigh b) to let out a long, deep breath that shows you are tired, sad or disappointed; 5. barren j) not good enough for plants to grow on; 6. scarce a) not existing in large quantity; 7. heath f) an area of open land that is not used for farming and that is often covered with rough grass and wild plants; 8. grove i) a small group of trees, especially of no particular type; 9. velvet d) a type of cloth made of cotton or other material, with a soft thick surface on one side only; 10.to roam g) to walk or travel with no particular plan or aim. II. Find the synonyms to the given words and illustrate them with the examples from the poem. to glitter, to sparkle, to shine - (to glisten); 2. attractive, charming, fascinating - (lovely); 3. innumerable, countless - (unnumbered); 4. to wander - (to roam); 5. copse, small wood - (a grove). to glisten: How brightly glistening in the sun the woodland ivy plays! lovely: The sun surveys a lovely scene from softly smiling skies… unnumbered: And wildly through unnumbered trees there wind of winter sighs… to roam: Though all around this mansion high invites the foot to roam… a grove: For yonder garden, fair and wide, with groves of evergreens… III. What is spoken about? Find the words in the poem. to sigh wildly, loud, to thunder, to die – (wind) 2. silver rays, to survey – (sun) 3. softly smiling – (sky) 1. wind And wildly through unnumbered trees The wind of winter sighs: Now loud, it thunders o'er my head, And now in distance dies. 2. sun a). While yonder beeches from their barks Reflect his silver rays. b). That sun surveys a lovely scene… 3. sky From softly smiling skies. IV. Find two names of the trees in the poem. 1. ivy 2. beech V. Describe the picture. Use the given words To glisten brightly in the sun; to reflect silver rays; to survey lonely scene; softly smiling sun; barren hills; a wilderness of heath; to return the sound; a grove; to roam.
AMERICAN CUISINE AND RESTAURANTS CREATED BY Tania Bezkrovnaia 11-B Americans eat a lot. They have three meals a day: RESTAURANTS Most of Americans don't eat home but prefer to go to restaurants. They can choose from many kind of restaurants. There is a great number of ethnic restaurants in the United States. Italian, Chinese and Mexican food is very popular. FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS TRADITIONAL FOR CHRISTMAS AND THANKSGIVIN DAY DINNERS
Japanese Body Language and Gestures By Anastasiya Sidorenko Form 10-A Communicating with a Japanese can be very frustrating at times. If the rapport hasn’t been developed, they tend to communicate in brief, but meaningful sentences, and a lot of times can be very ambiguous in their answers or wants. Silence is more integrated in their customs as a form of communication than compared to Western languages. Also, the Japanese tend to be passive resistance. Therefore, it is very important that you understand the Japanese body language. Eye Contact Ever notice when making eye contact with a Japanese individual, the individual responds by looking away? Making eye contact is considered rude, leads to uncomfortableness, and can be construed as a sign of aggression. When speaking to or approaching a Japanese individual, make very brief eye contact to signal the individual, but then maintain appropriate eye level, such as the individual’s neck. Gestures list of the common and not-so-common body gestures used by the Japanese. Learn these to avoid any confusion and awkward looks when communicating with your Japanese coworker, friend, or stranger! Angry Index finders pointing out from head, like horns. Asking for forgiveness; Favor, Thanking for a meal Single clapping of the hands in front of the face. Awkward; Embarrassed Open-hand behind the head. Bragger Clenched first in front of face, with pinky-end out front. Refers to the Tengu’s long nose. Brown noser Also known as the sesame grinder. Gesture is the motion of using a pestle and mortar. Shape one hand such as if you are holding the mortar. The other hand shaped like you are grasping a pestle. Make circular motions with your pestle hand. Calling dibs Lick finger, then touch person or object. Counting (with fingers) The Japanese finger counting system is opposite of the Western counting system. Drunk; Lets drink! Shape thumb and index finger as if holding a small sake cup. Motion cup to mouth as if drinking. “Excuse me” As if your arms are extended out for praying, but with only one arm. Female; Girlfriend; Wife; Mistress Raised pinky. Greeting Hungry; Let’s eat! Index and middle fingers extended outs like chop sticks on one hand. Other hand is shaped like a bowl. Motion chopsticks like you are shoveling food into your mouth. “I can do it!”; “Challenge Accepted” Flex arm and place other hand on biceps. Individuals fighting Clashing index fingers. Male Thumbs up. Laziness; Arrogance Hands in pockets. Mock; Ridicule; Disapproval Pulling lower eyelid down with pinky and sticking out the tongue. Money Thumb and index finger together. No; “I can’t help you, I don’t speak (language)” Waving hand back and forth in front of face. No good Cross arms as a X in front of you. OK Shape arms above your head as a big ‘O’. Receiving and giving gift Action is done with both hands on gift and arms extended. Slight head bowing is optional. Referring to another person; Polite pointing Open hand with palm facing up, directed to the person of interest. Referring to one’s self Signaling someone to come to you Wave towards the person with palms facing down. Success!; Greeting (typically to foreigners) Smelly Wavie hand back and forth in front of face. Thief; Sketchy Bend index finger, shaped like a hook. Thinking hard; Disagreement Folded arms. Context dependent. If eyes are closed, then it is a response that the individual is thinking deeply. If eyes are open and given the context, can also mean the person is disagreeing with you. Can also be considered hostile. How To Learn Japanese Body Language Body language isn’t something that you learn overnight. It’s something you’ve been learning your whole entire life. Your body language is your body language, and there’s not much that will change that. If you do, however, want to be more “Japanese” then body language is one of those (important) subtle things you’ll need to change. Western body language and Japanese body language are quite different. My recommendation would be to start with the smaller more subtle things, or the things that you don’t already have body language for. That way you can work your way up to the things that require big change. Just remember, though, if you put a ton of time (and years) into developing a new body language, then the people in your native country might start thinking you’re a bit weird! So, you gotta balance the good with the bad. There’s definitely some things that stand out more than others between the two cultures, so be a little picky with what you try. Thanks for your attention
"American writers"
American writers Teodor Drayzer Harriet Beecher-Stowe Mark Twain (1835 - 1916) Margaret Mitchell (1900 -1949) Jack London (1876 -1916) Ernest Hemingway (1899 -1961)
Anthology of Humor in English Literature
Stylistic Peculiarities of J.K. Jerome’s Humorous Novel “Three Men in a Boat” Anthology of Humour in English Literature: Stylistic Peculiarities of J.K. Jerome’s Humorous Novel “Three Men in a Boat” Anthology of Humour in English Literature: THE SUBJECT OF MY INVESTIGATION THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATHIONAL AND LITERARY PHENOMENON OF ENGLISH HUMOUR. THE AIM OF WORK Define the fundamental basis and the historical development of the British national and literary humour; To disclose the main peculiarities of humorous stylistic means of expression used by the English authors in general; To make the stylistic analysis of Jerome K. Jerome’s humorous novel “ Three Men in a Boat” in particular. The aim of our work was directed: To study the main factors that influenced the development of humour in the English linguistic and literary discourse; To define the main phases in its history; To disclose the peculiar features of the literary humour and exemplify them with the works of the British authors; To analyze the stylistic devices used to produce a humorous effect in the novel “ Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome. Period: from the early times to Renaissance Period:the middle of the 16th c. - the end of the 17th c. Period: the beginning of the 18th century to our days Best comic masterpiece of English J. K. Jerome’s novel “ Three Men in a Boat”, published first in 1889 and remaining as popular today as it was more than 120 years ago. Brilliant humourous effect in “ Three Men in a Boat” is achieved by a wide use of different stylistic devices and literary means. The use of the literary means in “Three Men in a Boat” to produce humorous effect. 21% 28% 13% The great popularity and peculiarity of the English humour seem to lie: firstly, in the great potential of the English language to play with semantics and form (developed polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, paronymy, a great number of idiomatic expressions and short one-syllable words), with the help of which the most successful humour devices (irony, metaphor, register, ambiguity and wordplay) are created; secondly,in the the unconscious wish of the English people, stereotyped as rational and pragmatic, to avoid the rules and norms, which regulate their everyday life. The examples of irony ’Delights of early morning bathing’ (Jerome 23) ‘Heroism and determination on the part of J.’ (Jerome 100) the three friend‘s conversation concerning various diseases presented as ―’The cheery chat goes round’ (Jerome 181) We did not go into the realm of twilight; we went slap into that punt, where those three old men were fishing. (Jerome 121 – 2) The examples of metaphorical language The man they had got now was a jolly, light-hearted, thick-headed sort of chap with about as much sensitiveness in him as there might be in a Newfoundland puppy (Jerome 63); It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you care to take it, when the dainty sheen of grass and leaf is blushing to a deeper green; and the year seems like a fair young maid, trembling with strange, wakening pulses on the brink of womanhood. (Jerome 49) The use of register George told him that his appearance, after the course, did not seem a sufficiently good advertisement for the brand; and that he would prefer it out of a pump. (Jerome 132) This was hardly what I intended. What I had meant, of course, was, that I should boss the job, and that Harris and George should potter about under my directions . . . (Jerome 37) Pragmatics, Wordplay and Ambiguity ―Begin with breakfast. (George is so practical.) ―Now for breakfast we shall want a frying-pan – (Harris said it was indigestible; but we merely urged him not to be an ass, and George went on) ―a tea-pot and a kettle, and a methylated spirit stove. (Jerome 30) For the next four days he lived a simple and blameless life on thin Captain‘s biscuits (I mean that the biscuits were thin, not the captain) and soda-water . . . (Jerome 14)
An Englishman’s home is his castle
Proverbs. Home and House. House- the building that is made for people to live in. There are many new houses in our street. What colour is your country house? Fill in: home or house. Types of houses in Great Britain: The definition. A castle A palace A terraced house A block of flats A detached house Word- list: Proverbs. Home and House. House- the building that is made for people to live in. There are many new houses in our street. What colour is your country house? Fill in: home or house. Types of houses in Great Britain: The definition. A castle A palace A terraced house A block of flats A detached house Word- list:
Anna Bessonova (Анна Бессонова)
Anna Bessonova Anna Bessonova, wos born in Kiev on 29th July 1984, the daughter of famous Dynamo Kiev football player, Vladimir Bessonov, and former two time world champion group rhythmic gymnast, Viktoria Bessonova. Anna is the number one rhythmic gymnast in Ukraine. Anna follows in the line of great Ukrainin rhythmic gymnasts: Irina Deriugina(World champion in 1977 and 1979), who is now coaching Anna together with her mother Albina Deriugina; The 1992 Olympic champion Alexandro Timoshenko, Anna’s idol. The 1996 Olympik Champion Ekaterina Serebrianskaya. The 1997 Worid and Eropean champion Elena Vitichenko, and numerous other World class gymnasts In the summer 2002, Anna won her first World goid medal as a member of the Ukrainian Group, in New orieans, with her ribbon routine. Later the same year, she won first plase on the Hoop, the Rope and the Clubs, in Stuttgart. By winning the first place on the Hoop , the Rope and the Clubs. Anna finished overall 3rd at the 2004 Athens Olympics with a total of 106. 700 (Ribbon 26.725, Clubs 26. 950, Ball 26.525, Hoop 26. 500). Anna is now among the top rtythmic gymnasts in the world along side the Russian champions. In the 28th Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships, heid in Patras 2007, Anna won gold in the all round competition.
James Blunt
Presentation about the greatest singer James Blunt form 7-2 Shcherbakova Svetlana James Blunt Was born in 1974, 22 of February in Great Britain. When he was young he was good in playing the guitar. He started to write his own songs. Appearance Now he is 37 years old. His appearance is not very bright as like another famous and rich singers. He has short curly hair, a long straight nose, thick eyebrows, blue shiny eyes, white teeth. He is slender and James has a small beard. His career James Blunt left army to become a singer. In 2002 he created his first album. It was success. He met with a lot of famous people : Linda Perry, Pink, Christina Aguilera. Afterwards he had a contract with a studio Custard Records. James Blunt has a good career, he is very popular today. Blunt`s songs Thank You for Watching !!!
A medieval english village and its inhabitants
A medieval village and its inhabitants There was no land without a master Three estates Those who pray Those who fight Those who work The clergy The nobility Peasants Merchants Craftsmen The problem of the lesson Who was a real master of the land in the Middle Ages? The plan of the lesson Feudal lords and peasants. The community of peasants. Hard life of peasants. Natural economy. Feudal lords were landowners Feudal estate Feudal lords and peasants Duties Corvee (the work of peasants on the land of the feudal lord) Metayage (a part of products) Quitrent (money) the forced work for the use of land Whose life was more difficult? Why? Two groups of peasants Freehold Villeins (serfs) Community protected the peasants; divided the fields between families; was in charge of common meadows, forests, roads; kept order on the lands; kept traditions; helped the poor people. Daily Life of a Peasant in the Middle Ages The life of a peasant in the Middle ages was hard. A breakfast of a peasant includes pottage or broth Reaping Tools of peasants. Holidays in the Middle Ages So the life of peasants in the Middle Ages was harsh, full of work and trials. Thank you for attention! The natural economy The keys c; b; a; a; b; a; b; b. Marks
"James Fenimore Cooper"
James Fenimore Cooper Early Life James Fenimore Cooper was born on September 15, 1789 in Burlington, New Jersey. He was the eleventh child of twelve, and his parents were William and Elizabeth. When he was one his family moved and started a town on the frontier of New York. The town was dubbed Cooperstown after the family. Schooling James attended boarding school in Albany for his majority of his education. After boarding school he went to Yale, but was expelled due to him doing a prank. After his expulsion he became a midshipman in the navy. Claim to Fame James Fenimore Cooper is most famous for his writings. He wrote such works as Last of the Mohicans, and The Deerslayer. His wife is the inspiration behind the works. She bet him he could not write a better book then she was reading. He won the bet. Cooper as a Reformer Cooper is the first major American Novelist. He was the first American writer to write about Native Americans seriously. Last of the Mohicans The Last of the Mohicans is the most famous book that Cooper wrote. It was the most popular book of the time and was very widely read. It was transferred into almost all languages in Europe, and a few in Asia. Cooper in Politics Cooper had many of his ideas in his book criticized by the Whig party. He went to court several times and won all of his cases. Legacy Cooper has a long lasting legacy. He is still a very famous writer, and The Last of the Mohicans is a very popular movie. Some of his writings helped to have Americans realize that Native Americans are equal. Fun Facts Cooper was expelled from Yale for training a donkey to sit in a professors chair, or blowing up another students door. Cooper had a large inheritance from his father that just got larger when his brothers died.
Anna Bessonova
Bessonova Anna Volodymyrivna 1 Prepare Alina Chernyak She is an Ukrainian gymnast, an absolute world  champion from the calisthenics of  2007, double  bronze  prizewinner of the Olympic games 2004 and  2008. 2 Her parents 3 First steps 4 In 2003 Anna became a  double  world champion. 5 Victories In 2004 Anna became the bronze prizewinner of the  Olympic games in Athens. In 2005 Anna won at once 6 silver rewards on a world cup in Baku (all-round, ball, maces, ribbon, team championship). On September, 21, 2007 Hanna became an absolute world champion. Her performance became most successful in exercise with a hoop to music from  film «Aurora», after that an audience applauded upright and scanned her last name. In 2008 Hanna became the bronze prizewinner of Olympiad in Beijing. 2009 became the last in the career of 25-years-old Hanna. Anna came forward on a world cup in Міе, where extracted in a fight three bronze (hoop, ball, all-round) and one silver (ribbon). 6 Cup of Derugina took place in 2010, where  Hanna officially went away from  sport. 7 Hanna  went down in memory to the audience elegance, grace, expressiveness and expressivity of the performances, fans gave to her a nickname of The  Queen of Elegance. 8 Thank you for your attention 9
Appearance: description
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * 07/16/96 Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level * ## Appearance [2010] School Year Tetiana Il'enko Parts of body Hair Eyes Face Adjectives True (T) or false (F) This text is about my friend Svetlana._______ She lives in London._______ She is a teacher._____ She does not go to school.______ Her face is oval.____ My friend is very kind._____ Choose the right answer 1. This text is _________? a) about my brother; b) about my sister; c) about my friend; 2. Sofia is_______? a) 8; b) 9; c) 10; 3. She lives in ______? a) Lviv; b) Moscow; c) Kyiv; 4. Sofia is _____? a) not tall and slim ; b) short and fat; c) not tall and thin; 5. Her hair is ________? a) black; b) blonde; c) brown; 6. Her eyes are ____? a) grey; b) brown; c) green; Right answers True (T) or false (F) F F F F T T Choose the right answer c c c a c c The dialog between Max and Sofia Questions He or she? Is he \ she tall or short? What colour is his \ her hair? What colour are his \ her eyes? Is he \ she ______(strong, pretty, kind ,nice) Is this ____________? Musical pause Ten fingers in my hands In my hands.   Ten fingers in my hands In my hands.   Two eyes, one nose All on your face.   Ten fingers in my hands In my hands. Read the text This is my mother. Her name is Nina. She is 27. She lives in Kyiv. My mother is tall and slim. She has got long dark hair. Her hair is curly. She has got an oval face. Her eyes are brown. Her nose is small and her ears are small too. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are red. My mother is very clever and kind. She likes reading and dancing. I love her very much. Finish the sentences Answer the questions What is this text about? How old is Nina? Where does she live? Is she tall or short? Has she got an oval face? What is she like doing?
AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOLS SCHOOLS Elementary school Middle school or Junior High High school School Grades = niveaux d’étude 4 years of High school Student stereotypes Schedules Monday → Friday 8 a.m. → 3 p.m. 30 minutes for lunch Subjects English – math – science – history – gym – foreign language (Spanish or French) Elective classes : Music – art - band - shop GRADES Grades = Notes Vacations Sports Football – Basketball – Track and field – Baseball – Hockey – volleyball etc…. Supporters Cheerleaders – Pom pom girls – mascots and the audience! Dances Homecoming (parade, game and dance) Prom Transportation Yellow school buses By foot Personal vehicule Lockers
"Japanese cuisine"
Japanese cuisine The traditional food of Japan is based on rice with miso soup and other dishes, each in its own utensil, with an emphasis on seasonal ingredients. The side dishes often consist of fish, pickled vegetables, and vegetables cooked in broth. Fish is common in the traditional cuisine. It is often grilled. Fish may be served raw as sashimi or in sushi. Seafood and vegetables are also deep-fried in a light batter as tempura. The most characteristic features of Japanese cuisine: Use mostly fresh food, be sure of high quality. Practically applied products are "long-term storage," except for rice and sauces. A huge range of seafood, used for cooking. The desire to preserve pristine appearance and flavor of the ingredients in the dish. This Japanese cuisine is different from most of Asia, where the products are in the process of making changes often beyond recognition. Seasonality of supply. Small portions. The amount of food is dialed by a greater variety of dishes, and not the size of portions. Specific cutlery - most dishes to eat with chopsticks, some can eat with your hands, spoons are used very rarely, forks and knives are not used at all. For this reason, most of the dishes served in small pieces that are easy to take the sticks and do not have to share. Sharply distinguished from the European design principles dishes serving. Do more than in European cuisine, the emphasis on the aesthetic appearance of dishes and table as a whole. Specific table manners. Ingredients Rice Is the main ingredient of Japanese cuisine and staple food in Japan at all. In Japanese, the word "gohan" (cooked rice), like the Russian "bread," means not only a certain food, but the food at all. For Japanese cuisine preferred rice varieties, with improved adhesion when cooking - in the preparation of such rice dish has a structure of small lumps that are easy to eat with chopsticks. Rice is prepared as a separate dish and used as an ingredient in the preparation of a set of "combined" dishes. Seafood Fish, shellfish, marine animals in Japanese cuisine are the second most important component after rice. As a rule, when they are preparing only a small heat treatment (roasting, steaming), and in some of the dishes (sashimi) is included just raw. Used in Japanese cuisine and algae. Soybean Soy was brought to Japan from China, it is used in Japanese cuisine in a variety of forms: Tofu (soybean curd or tofu) - nourishing base for many dishes. Soy sauce - condiment, is very widely used. Soybean paste miso soup. Fermented natto beans Dishes Bowl of soup For dishes with plenty of fluids, mostly - for soups, use a deep round bowl, resembling large salad bowl or European, with a cover of the same material as the bowl itself. Traditional European soup plate for soup, the "fields" that Japan completely uncharacteristic. Chopsticks Basic cutlery. Sticks are very diverse and are used as a universal tool for the use of any food. Tea things Japanese teapots are usually spherical, oblate shape, or form a flattened sphere with a cut bottom. The handle of a traditional kettle is located above and attached to the teapot for two ears, located on opposite sides of the lid. In addition to traditional materials, the Japanese tea may be made of tea-things are not typical for the material, as iron. The Japanese cups height and diameter, or nearly the same, or the height of the diameter. Sometimes drinking tea from tiny cups, containing not more than 50 ml, but this is not the general rule. The cups are cylindrical or barrel-shaped, without handles. Popular Japanese meals sushi Are made from a specially cooked rice and raw seafood. Form of sushi is very diverse, and in the preparation used in almost any seafood. There are two main types of sushi. The first - the actual sushi (nigiri, tataki, and others), is a small, elongated lump of rice, which is laid on top of a piece of fish, shrimp, and some types of sushi wrapped in a strip of seaweed, forming together with the rice container, which is filled from the top chopped seafood , eggs or vegetables. The second type - the so-called roll, characterized by a fundamentally different way of cooking: rice and seafood layers laid on a sheet of seaweed, roll into a thin roll, which is then cut crosswise into small pieces with a sharp knife. Sushi served on a flat plate or a wooden stand, with horseradish wasabi, soy sauce and pickled ginger gari. Soups Traditional Japanese food is soup "misosiru." Its main ingredients - light and dark miso paste (made with fermented soy beans) and concentrated fish stock "hondasi." The remaining ingredients can vary to taste, it can be and shiitake mushrooms, and wakame seaweed and tofu, and a variety of meat and fish. The Japanese tea ceremony Tea Ceremony - a specific form of ritualized sharing tea, created in the Middle Ages in Japan and is currently cultivated in the country. Appearing originally as a form of meditation Buddhist monks, was an integral part of Japanese culture, which is closely linked to many other cultural events. Place of the ceremony Classic tea ceremony is held in a specially equipped place. Usually it is a fenced area, which can enter through the massive wooden gate. Before the ceremony, while collecting guests doors open, giving guests the opportunity to enter without disturbing the owner, employee training. On the territory of "tea set" is a few buildings and a garden. The main building - the tea house (tyasitsu) - located deep in the tea garden (tyaniva). To get there you have to walk through the garden on stone-paved path (Rhodes). conclusion Doing a presentation about Japanese cuisine, I met with the country's traditions, with its national dishes. Japan - amazing country. Everything is unique here - cities, language, culture. Japan - Land of the Rising Sun. THANKS FOR LOOKING :)
"AmericAN revolution 1775-1783"
americAN revolution 1775-1783 Darina Petrova 11 B The meeting of the colonies was held in Philadelphia in 1774 and it was called the Continental Congress. That meant an open conflict. Fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord. Loyalists might be covered with tar and feathers George Washington was commander. On July 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. American soldiers The Battle of Yorktown marked the end of the fighting. The new nation was called the United States.
AMERICAN YOUTH The typical American student spends in school six hours a day, five days a week, 180 days a year. In the United States, children begin to go to a nursery or kindergarten with four years or less, although most children start kindergarten age of five. Students attend the first primary school (first through sixth grade), and then high school. Lower secondary school - from the seventh to the ninth, seniors - from the tenth to the twelfth (for students aged 15 to 18 years). Schools have begun to rebuild. Most states and school districts have adopted new, more stringent requirements for high school graduates. Many of the graduates of secondary schools require that they were four years of English, three-year course in mathematics, science and social studies, computer science course year and a half and nearly four years of a foreign language. American schools give students something more than just education. School children learn about the world, participating in various school activities. More than 80 percent of all students participate in activities such as sports, school newspaper, drama club, discussion groups, choirs and orchestras. What are the favorite sports among America's youth? According to the survey "The mood of American youth", is an American football, basketball, baseball, wrestling, tennis, football, boxing, ice hockey, track and field and golf. At leisure, students spend a lot of time watching television. They also listen to music on the radio. The average American teenager listening to music on the radio about three hours a day. There is no doubt that the most popular among U.S. teens enjoys rock 'n' roll. The youth of America is basically a hard worker. Many work after school. According to one survey, nine out of ten teenagers said they either already have a job, or they want to get it. Child labor laws impose restrictions on the work that can perform adolescents under 16 years of age. Many young people work a few hours a day or on Saturdays and Sundays - in cafes and restaurants, sit with the children of neighbors, work errand or shops. Many teens are involved in the work of organizations established in the community. Some are involved in the activities of the church and religious groups. Others are members of youth organizations such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts . So , about three million girls and young women between the ages of six and seventeen are the Girl Scouts . They get acquainted with the issues of citizenship, learning the craft and art, engaged in tourism and other activities outdoors. Thousands of young people volunteered to help care for the sick, the elderly and the disabled . A lot of help in improving the environment. Most young Americans look to the future with hope and optimism. As noted in the survey "The mood of American youth," youth "give priority to their education and career. Although they are full of great hope for the future, they do not harbor false beliefs about what they should do for their dreams. They know what awaits them in front of hard work, and say they are ready to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve these goals. "
Англійська їжа у картинках (British food)
English breakfast “A cup of tea” Lunch Dinner
Halloween In the year 835 A. D. the Roman Catholic Church made November 1st a church holiday to honour all the saints. This day is called All Saint's Day. The Mass said on All Saints' Day was called Allhallowmass. The day before All Saints' Day was known all hallows' Eve or All Hallow e'en. Since that time many years have passed. Some traditions are gone, new traditions appeared. I am going to tell you about the most popular customs of Halloween. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Many of them carve jack-o'-lantens out of pumpkins. Fortunetelling and storytelling about ghosts and witches are popular activities 1 The tradition of dressing in costume for Halloween has both European and Celtic roots. Hundreds of years ago, winter was an uncertain and frightening time. Food supplies often ran low and, many people afraid of the dark, the short days of winter were full of constant worry. 2 4 Examles of Halloween make-up and costumes 5 On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by these ghosts, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits. On Halloween, people placed bowls of food outside their homes to appease the ghosts and prevent them from attempting to enter their home. 3 Fire was very important to the Celts as it was to all early people. In the old days people lit bonfires to ward away evil spirits and in some places they used to j ump over the fire to bring good luck. Today, we light candles in pumpkin and then put them outside our homes to ward of evil spirits. 4 It has the roman origins. The Roman festival for remembering the dead was also in October. During this time, the Romans remembered their goddess, Pomona. She was the goddess of the trees and fruits, and when the Romans came to Britain, they began to hold these two festivals on the same day as Samhain. Apples probably became associated with Halloween because of this festival. Some people believe that, if you slice an apple through the equator (to reveal the five-pointed star within) and then eat it by candlelight before a-mirror, your future spouse will appear over your shoulder. 5 Another tradition is Apple Bobbing. Examles of Halloween food Examles of Halloween food 6 Trick or Treat was first known as Mischief Night. Halloween was a time for making mischief — many parts of England still recognize this date as Mischief Night Children dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying "trick or treat". The neighbours give children such treats as candy, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them. 7 Jack-o'-lanterns are hallowed-out pumpkins with face carved into one side. Most jack-o'-lanterns contain a candle inside. An Irish legend says that jack-o'-lanterns are named after the man called Jack. He could not enter heaven because he was a miser, and he could not enter hell because he had played jokes on devil. As a result, Jack has to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day. 13 14 15 The End!
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