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Could brushing your teeth too hard cause fatal oral diseases? What is the ideal way of brushing the teeth? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No What can I do for intestinal blockage? What are the treatment options for intestinal blockage? Are there any home remedies? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Can i get systematic effects from long term use of cortizone (hydrocortisone) 10 otc? Is cetirizine available OTC? What side effects can I expect from using it? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No My asthma flared up on 2mg abuterol and singulair (montelukast) have chest congestion what can i take OTC for congestion? I have my asthma flared up recently, I am currently on 2 mg abuterol and singulair (montelukast), could you prescribe me any OTC medication for some relief? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Is it normal to have cramps before and after period? Do women get cramps before starting and finishing with the period? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. What to do if I have 3000mg of tegretol; 200mg pills. Is this lethal enough? 2. I have 3000mg of tegretol and each pill is of 200mg. Is this dose lethal enough? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. I'm really scared of needles. I'm getting my blood drawn in a few months for the first time. Could they do something so it won't hurt? 2. Is there some form of local anaesthesia that can be used to numb the skin before drawing blood? I'm just too scared of needles. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Sunscreen lotion for african americans with very extremely sensitive skin? 2. Are african americans protected from skin cancer due to their skin color? I was wondering because I never used a sunscreen so far. Am I at risk? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. If I am allergic to normal earrings, can I put a coating of clear nail polish on the earring, or is that bad? I've read this on a few websites. 2. I am allergic to earrings and I applied a coat of clear nail polish on it as I read in an article that it avoids allergic reaction but it didn't help. I really like wearing earrings a lot. What should I do? Is there a solution? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I have been taking my birthcontrol Amethia for 3 months but wednesday I took it two hours larer then I would usually. Can I still ingage in sex? 2. If on some days, I take my BC pills a few hours late, is that alright? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? Can there be a link between celiac's disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos)? Would having celiac's disease worsen the symptoms of PCOS? No Do these questions have the same meaning? 35 years old female no heart problems, sharp pain in chest/heart. Only last a min. Hits anytime driving sitting takes my breath away, happening more? How does a heart attack present in a 36 year old female? No Do these questions have the same meaning? What can I do to increase my chances of getting pregnant? I also did medical abortion 5 months ago. I use the ovulation kit and no results. Plz help I've been tracking my ovulation since my medical abortion a few months back, I want to conceive again, what do you suggest I do? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? If I had hepatitis a, does that mean I can't drink alcohol for a certain number of weeks afterwards? How soon can I drink alcohol after being tested positive for Hep A? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I get one or two acne errupting each month.How do I prevent them?Also the acne leaves scars on my skin. Is there any off the shelf product i could try I have a healed scar on my leg. Would lemon juice help with it? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Is using an electronic programable stationary bicycle set for a moderate pace just as beneficial to the heart as taking a moderately paced walk? 2. Do you think moderately paced walk is better for heart health over an electronic programable stationary bicycle set for a moderate pace? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. How to prevent catching flu from a visitor who never learn to put hand on mouth while coughing... Will hand gel help me? 2. What are the symptoms of flu? How can I treat at home? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Please describe a good source of calcium for children that have a milk allergy? 2. I take one calcium pill and iron pill daily. I have constipation now. What can I do to help? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Why am I having collapsed lung after heart surgery? 2. Can a collapsed lung be a complication of heart surgery? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What is a?Multi cystic pancreas? 2. Can multicystic pancreas cause cancer in the long term? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Would 3 normal u/s and 5 low d-dimers over the course of 4 weeks rule out dvt? Even though leg pain is still there? No redness or swelling. Question 2: I hit my leg yesterday and there is some redness and swelling, do you think it could be a blood clot? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I have a full thickness tear/rupture of the flexor hallucis tendon after bunion surgery 3 mos ago. It is retracted 2.5 cm. and I cannot bend big toe downward. What are long term possible problems without ability of my big toe to push downward, to provid Question 2: What are the long term complications of a full thickness tear/rupture of the flexor hallucis tendon? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: What are obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd) and tourette syndrome? Question 2: I have Tourettes Syndrome since childhood and I think I have Obsessive compulsive disorder recently. What are the chances for these to coexist? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I eat vegetable curry daily (different types) every meal. Does this count towards my 5 a day and is this a healthy way of eating veggies? Question 2: I am looking for an opinion from a professional. I am eating 5 different types of vegetable curries. Do you think this is a healthy way of eating veggies and does this count towards my 5? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Sign of pregnant in 1 month? Delayed menstrual cycle, is sign o pregnant? Question 2: Can a BC result in delayed menstrual cycle? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Every morning I wake up perfectly normal, about an hour later, I am so tired. I can barely stay awake. I am also kind of dizzy. And confused.? 2. After waking up an hour later I get tired and can stay awake, I am dizzy and confused as well. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Skin sticking out under my tongue. Is this normal? 2. What can cause a bluish bump under the tongue? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. My cousin is a 14 year old boy. He is 4inch in penile length. My question is ..... is he small for his age? 2. I am concerned about my 14 year old cousin's penis size. Do you think 4 inches is okay for him? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Was treated for PID caused by BV only with one dose of azythromyacin and injection of antibiotics. PID never went away. What should i do? 2. I have itching and vaginal discharge. Do I have yeast or is it something serious? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How long should u wait on an ssri (fluvoxamine) if you don't see any improvement? How much time will u give it to be sure there will be no improvement? 2. I have been prescribed ssri (fluvoxamine) for my anxiety but I am still not seeing any improvement. How much time should I wait before I consult my doctor again? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I m 28 yrs having irregular periods . My BP was 144/101 is it normal ? What to do? My blood pressure is 144/101 mmhg. I am 28 yrs old and with a history of irregular period. Do you have any advice? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago, I started getting a brown discharge, but I havent started yet. What can it mean? I have irregular periods btw. What are the sympyoms of a pregnancy? I have irregular periods, how do I track my ovulation? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No How can you stop bloating during your period? Do you have any tips for bloating while on period? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Can you recover from planter falsities and if what is the recovery time? What are the symptoms of plantar fascitis? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I have had some pregnancy symptoms and I was four days late and had some brown discharge around the time of period and 2 nurses said they think I am? I missed my period by 4 days but I noticed spotting on the day of my expected due date of period. I experience a few other signs of pregnancy. I asked 2 nurses and they think I can be pregnant. I am very nervous. What do you think are my chances of pregnancy? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Is there a specific time for teens to sleep? Question 2: Should teens go to bed at a certain time and sleep for a certain number of hours? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Is there a link between dry eyes and dry lips? Question 2: I have eczema, do you think it can give me dry eyes and dry lips? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: People who have had liver transplant due to cirrhosis (latest stage), do they always develop an hepatic aneurysm? Question 2: Can a person with heart disease develop hepatic aneurysm? Can they also undergo a liver transplant because of end stage liver cirrhosis? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: How do you fix loose upper dentures? Question 2: I have loose upper dentured and I want to know hot to fix them? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: My bf fingrd me possibly sperm on his hands. His fingr was dry and all he did was wipe his penis wi/ a ppr twl. We don't think any got on his handspreg? Question 2: My BF fingered me, and I think his hands might have had some dried sperm, could I be pregnant? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? What specific exercises would help bursitis of the suprapatellar? Hey doc! My doctor diagnosed me with suprapatellar bursitis. Are there any exercises that I can do at home? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Are there good OTC remedies for labyrinthitis? What over the counter medications help with symptoms of labyrinthitis? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I'm starting to think I have a fracture of the talar dome. Any advice? I got injured recently. An ankle Xray was taken and I was diagnosed with fracture of talar dome by my doctor. I am on cast currently. Will my fracture heal completely and will I be able to play soccer ever? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Could chiari malformation cause pituitary problems or diabetes insipidus? Can I take insulin for my diabetes? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Is blood pressure of 124/66 OK? My blood pressure is normally 110 /74. I'm feeling edgy and wired right now at 2 am. Does anxiety cause an increase in the BP? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Whether cooking in coconut oil add or affect the cholesterol and triglyceride levels? My grandfather has been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels and we mostly use coconut oil for cooking. Do you think it is good for his health or do you think it can affect badly the cholesterol and triglyceride levels? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Why is it every time I eat my upper stomach above my belly button is always bloated and full?? Then eventually I will release gas and it stinks mostly I have been dealing with an issues related to digestive system. I feel bloated and full after eating and get a discomfort mainly in upper abdomen, above the belly button and it gets better after releasing gas and the gas also stinks. Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Do i have to prove that im deficient in gh in order to get therapy, ive heard gh is already been approved for height increasing purpose from 2003? I have growth hormone deficiency. Can you please let me know about the common symptoms an treatment plan with growth hormone deficiency? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Which is better for children to boost their immunity after illness 7seas tablets or minadex multivitamin syrup? What does Minadex and 7seas contain? Do I need a prescription to get them? Do those questions have the same meaning? No What is alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency and what are it's effects on the body? What is the treatment of alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Can scar tissue on the uterus or bladder show up on an ultrasound? Q2: I am undergoing a ultrasound tomorrow and can a scar tissue on uterus or bladder be seen on the ultrasound? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What are the symptoms of diphtheria Q2: I have diptheria symptoms. Could you suggest some home remedies? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Is aloe vera juice good for hypertension? Q2: Is aloe vera good for the acne on my face and arms? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What is ayurvedic, or homeopathic medicine for chronic rhinitis? Q2: Are there any alternative medicine treatments like ayurvedic or homeopathic that you would suggest for chronic rhinitis? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: I am thinking of getting a tattoo currently I am on the following medication. Effient 1 a day temsig 50mg 1/2 day ramipril 2.5 1 a day aspirin 1/day is it advisable to get a tattoo as I have 2 stents and have had a heart attack in the last 18 months? Q2: What are the safety precations one should take when they get a tattoo especially when one has a history of heart attacks? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: When I was thinking about something that made me feel depressed and stressed out, I felt my heart flutter, what does this mean? Second question: I have been taking treatment for anxiety and depression. I was given a new medication and have experienced heart flutters, can this medication cause it? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: My bm aren't solid but not quite loose. Looks more like for lack of better word "shredded" the why is this? Second question: What causes stringy and shredded stools? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Need expert help. I am thinking of using peppermint oil capsules to calm my ibs, is this a bad idea? Second question: What are some causes of IBS? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Is it contraindicated to insert a urinary catheter into a patient who has a myocardial infarction? Second question: I am looking for some information- Is it safe to insert a urinary catheter in a patient with myocardial infarction or are there any risks involved? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Hello, I have had an ultra sound of the testicles and the inguinal area. No trace of hernia or adenopthy. The results came back completely normal. My doctor looked at it and felt it twice. He said it is definitely not a hernia and it is just slightly bigg Second question: I had my routine appointment yesterday and my doctor said the swelling near the crotch is not hernia. Ultrasound did not show anything. Is it possible to still have hernia or lymph node swelling if the ultrasound is negative for it? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
When I was thinking about something that made me feel depressed and stressed out, I felt my heart flutter, what does this mean? I have been taking treatment for anxiety and depression. I was given a new medication and have experienced heart flutters, can this medication cause it? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Can doxycycline treat an ear infection? What are the side effects of Doxycycline? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No What causes hungry one hour after meals with upper abdominal pain and burning sensation? Every time after I eat a meal, I get this burning sensation and pain in my upper abdomen and feel hungry again! What could it be? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Can u do surgery13 weeks after initial injury to repair ulna&radius broken mid shaft showing poor bone healing&appears to be healing "bowed" (bad angle? Is it too late to go in for a surgery to repair ulna and radius if the injury happened 13 weeks ago and the radius was broken in the middle of shaft and healing has not been going well? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Blood pressure is good sitting down 120/75. But just walking across room it goes to 140/90. I'm not over weight or in bad shape. Should I be concern? I have been diagnosed with blood pressure and my blood pressure is fluctuating between 120/70 - 150/90. I am on amlodepine and I think it is not working. Should I take the tablet twice daily? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
My Patella is tender to touch, and hurts and pops when the knee is bent. There isn't any noticeable swelling. But there is pressure around patella. I think I have chondromalacia patella because my patella has been tender for last few months. I drive my car for very long in a day and it hurts when I reach home in the evening. I can also hear a pop when I bend my knee and it hurts but there is no swelling of knee. Do you think I need a surgery or will it get worse? Is it reversible? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No My baby toe is burning red and swollen, what can I do. Thanks? My big toe is red and swollen. Can it be gout? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No If dr orders a CT scan of abd/pelvic w/contrast an without, i can see it being done with contrast but what's the purpose of having it also without? My doctor has ordered CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis with and without contrast. What is the purpose of having it without the constrast, if I already had it done with contrast? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes How much taller will a girl grow after she starts her period? I have just started with my periods, how tall can I grow now? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes My son was in the ER last night for a reaction to his Adderall after they give him Xanax (alprazolam) about 1130 last night he is seen things? I do see things. I have been prescribed Xanax ( Aprazolam) and as advised I took Adderall at 11:30, but I developed allergic reaction after that. Should I go to the ER? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? When I go to my doctor and tell him I urinate a lot, will he be able to determine if I'm diabetic or not? Besides urinating a lot, what are other symptoms of diabetes? My doctor says I am diabetic. Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Please provide advice on discontinuing hctz (hydrochlorothiazide) after developing petechiae on my arms. I have been taking hctz (hydrochlorothiazide) for 3 months and this just started. I've been taking hydrochlorthiazide for almost 3 months now and recently noticed some petechiae on my arms. Could it be related to the medication? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Is it safe to take Tylenol (acetaminophen) Cold Multi Symptom Nighttime and 10mg of melatonin? I am having cold but I usually take melatonin 10 mg for sleep, can I take Tylenol (acetaminophen) cold multisymptom nightime along with it? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Why is my period blood dark brown, stopped after 4 hrs. Is this a period? I have been having a foul smelling, itchy vaginal discharge. Is this yeast? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? My 4 year old son swallow aabout 10 mg rat killer pallet, I made him vomit by itching with finger in his throad and he vomit, what should I do next.? My 4 year old son swallowed about 10 mg of rat killer pellet. Will making him vomit by irritating his throat with finger help in expelling that pellet? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? 2yr old dry skin above lip and top lip irritated and or dry. Regular cetaphyl atopic stings. Is it ok to put vaseline?  it's red, irritated. Other? Can cetaphyl give allergic reaction? I used cetaphyl and my daughter got dry, irritated lips. No Do these questions have the same meaning? Does using a foam roller build muscle or relax muscle? What impact does it make? What can I use to improve my muscle strength? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Mild uncovertebral joint hypertrophy c5c6 eccentric to right; mild t-spine scoliosis, bilat pars defect l4, foram stenosis at l4l5 - is surgery needed? I need your opinion about my condition. Here is a brief history- I went in for a scan of my back and the result says... Mild unconvertebral joint hypertrophy; C5-C6 eccentric to right; mild thoracis spine scoliosis; bilateral pare defect at L4; formaninal stenosis at L4 and L5. Do you think surgery is the only option to deal with this? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? What is alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency and what are it's effects on the body? What are the symptoms of alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Is it normal. For your your gums to swell when your on your period? I've been having some swelling and bleeding from my gums. What could be going on? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? Is a brain injury/ brain damage considered to be the same as a mental illness? May I know if brain injury and damage is same as mental illness? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? When your iris leaks into your pupil is it the same as pupil into iris? What is it called? What causes? What problems can arise? I am using marijuana for long and now my pupils are dilated. Is it a side effect and is it something serious? No Do these questions have the same meaning? I have this weird taste in my mouth, but no other symptoms of dry socket. What could be wrong? I got my tooth extracted recently and I have weird taste in mouth but no severe pain, blood clot, etc. What could be the cause apart from dry socket? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Is there a shot available i can take annually that will reduce my reaction to poison ivy? I asked my doc.'s nurse and she said she never heard of such a thing. I was recently given a shot by my doctor's nurse. Now I am having posion ivy? Are they related? No Do these questions have the same meaning? My mother in law have a pain in her left arm, she never suffer from her heart before, and the fingers move by themself what could or be? My mother-in-law experiences left arm pain and finger twitches. Her EKG and ECHO reports are normal. She has been stressed a lot lately as she lost her husband and we think she is depressed and is anxious. Should we take her to her doctor or would she be fine after grieving for a while? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I have this rash for along time on my breast comes and goes I made a appointment but it's kind of fading can they still test it and diagnose me? What shall I expect at an appointment for my rash on breast? Do those questions have the same meaning? No What if I strained my hamstring but I can still walk? Something definitely popped in my hamstring but I can still walk im a hockey player I think I have a hamstring strain while playing hockey, but I can still walk. Is this normal? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes I'm almost 35 weeks pregnant. And I had a ultrasound done at my high risk Dr appt today. The baby's growth rate is at the 22 percentile, weight is 4 lbs and 14 oz. If the % goes below 20%, will the baby still be healthy at delivery? Here are the details of my ultrasound done at my 35 weeks (high risk) appointment.. Baby's growth is at 22 perecntile, weight is 4 lbs and 14 oz. Does it affect the baby if it drops to 20 percentile? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Past couple days my eyelids are twitching. What may be the cause? Just slight spasm. How can I treat eyelid twitching and spasm at home? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Nausea everyday missed period headaches but not pregnant what could be wrong? I have been experiencing nausea every day along with headache and I missed my period recently. I am a virgin and I am not sexually active in any way. What could be the possible cause of my symptoms? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Been having chest pains a lot lately especially when i sit in certain positions ? Can anxiety cause chest pain? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Can kidney polysystic be cured? Can polycystic ovarian disease be cured? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No How does a doughnut get broken down in the digestive system if it has essentially no nutrients? Can you walk me through the process of digestion of a doughnut in the human body? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes L/4, l/5 laminect foot pain 1year later, foot doc say normal, neurologist say s/1 caus, ortho surgeon say MRI good, neurosur say nerv itself Whoright? I have been having L 4-5, foot pain for a year now. Some doctors are saying its noithing, others are saying it's nerve related. What do you think? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I just need to know if a low does antidepressant with Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) helps to not get the depression when you go off the Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) for weekends? I feel like, I am depressed most of the time. May I know does my Vyvnase, which I am having for ADHD would help me or do I need to get some low dose antidepressant? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Symmetrical legs & feet; numb, weak & tingly. Painful to walk @rest, both feet throb til they both go "numb". Is this due to my chronic back pain? Question 2: I have numbness, weakness and tingling sensation on both legs and feet, that hurt on walking. My legs and feet throb until numbness sets in at rest. I think I have peripheral artery disease. Would my legs be amputated? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Hello sir! I hav a skin Color pimples in my vagina lips! Is dat any problem? I'm really scared! Question 2: Hi! I noticed skin colored bumps on my vaginal lips this morning and I am very scared. What could be the cause of these bumps? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Dry, flaky skin on the outer skin of lips all the time. Why does this happen? Question 2: What causes dry and flaky skin around the lips? I seem to have it all the time. Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I took 20mg of Prozac (fluoxetine) for 4 days. I have been off of it for 3 days. How long does it take to get out of my system? Question 2: I have been prescribed 20 mg of Prozac ( fluoxetine) for 4 days but I think I took 3 tablets in one go. Do you think self induced vomiting can help me to get it out of my system? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: How much time off work do I take after an ACL reconstruction? Question 2: I need ACL reconstructive surgery. What is the recovery process like? How much time should I take off? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Can doxycycline treat an ear infection? 2. What are the side effects of Doxycycline? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How can a person know if they have chronic fatigue syndrome? 2. What are the symptyoms of A chronic fatigue syndrome? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. I have chronic hep C. A Dr I don't usually see prescribed metronidazole 500 mg for a bacteria infection. Should I be taking this with the liver issues? 2. What side-effects to expect when taking Metronidazole in the presence if liver disease? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Is this still in healing process or it could be a scar. What should I do? Do I need an check up appointment or I have to wait mo I had treated age spots 2 1/2 weeks ago with liquid nitrogen. The scabbing fell off in 5 days. Now, the treated spots turned 2. Is the wound healing well and can it turn into a scar? Do I need an in person check up for this? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What is an easy home remedie for premature ejaculation? 2. Could you apprise me of some easy home remedies for premature ejaculation? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. My vitamin d level is 20...and taking vitamin d supplement gives me horrible muscle cramps even small dose 400..should I stop taking vitamin d ? 2. I usually have strong muscle cramps after taking vitamin d, even a dose of 400 give me cramps but my vitamin D level is 20. Should I stop the supplement? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Why is my period blood dark brown, stopped after 4 hrs. Is this a period? 2. I have been having a foul smelling, itchy vaginal discharge. Is this yeast? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I have a black dot that looks like a mole on the inside of my outer vagina lips. I've noticed a while ago but now all of a sudden it's raised? 2. What does it mean if a mole is raised? I had a black spot on the vaginal lips for a while now and seems to be raised now. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Can vinegar help drain the sinus? I've been eating balsamic vinegar dressing with my salads and I feel them draining is that normal?? 2. Which is the best antibiotic for sinusitis? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How to lose tummy fats? 2. How can I look slimmer from the tummy area? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? Can you tell me how i can take prohormones the right way? Could you apprise me about the benifits of prohormones? No Do these questions have the same meaning? What is the anti-dose of taking too many cetrizyne hydrochlride? My friend has tried to commit suicide. What should I do to keep her safe from danger? My friend tried commiting suicide by taking extra dose of cetrizine. What can be done to help him? Will he be okay? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? What might cause a slightly dilated common bile duct when all of the other organs look good? What can be done if the common bile duct is dilated? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Why is it that some nutrients bypass the liver entirely? Does the liver absorb all the nutrients? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? How high does a cooking temperature have to be to kill creutzfeldt-jakob disease? How can Creutzfeldt-Jakob be killed? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Symptoms of breakthrough chickenpox occur on the body, treatment? Could you educate me about chicken pox breakthrough symptoms on the body? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Is it possible to bleed if you are prego? 3 neg hpt. I have got three neagtive pregnancy tests. Do you get bleeding in pregnancy? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes How are baby and adult cartilage different? Can some injuries to baby cartilage during birth affect the adult cartilage or how their bones will grow in future? Do those questions have the same meaning? No How can you heal chronic knee bursitis? What are the treatment options available for chronic knee bursitis? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes A BNP value less than 10 pg/ML can rule out CHF or some serious heart problem? Thanks My BNP value is less than 10pg/ML, does it rules out CHF or serious heart problem? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: What are the reasons some people use digital pregnancy tests, and some use non digital? Besides the obvious, what's different about them Q2: May I know which test for pregnancy is accurate? The digital or the non digital? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What are the contra-indications of lasik? Q2: When can one not get a laser eye surgery done? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Which is better a partial hystorectomy or uterine ablation? Q2: Hello doctor, I am having severe bleeding and I am diagnosed with fibroids. My doctor advised for hysterectomy. I am obese and I have history of diabetes. Am I at risk? How long will it take for me to recover from the surgery? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What is the use of the drug lovenox (enoxaparin)? Q2: What are common side-effects to expect with lovenox? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Will bodybuiling at sixteen and a half slow my height growth, im just 5'7ft? Q2: I am sixteen and a half year old and 5 feet 7 inches. Can bodybuilding affect my height in future? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: What are the right tests to take to determine and rule out systemic candida? Specifics please. Thankyou. Question 2: Hello, I guess I have candida symptoms. Can you please tell me how to diagnose and treat it? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Sharp inconsistent pains on the right side near the ovaries and lower back. Pain came out of nowhere and started today its been 4 hours. Help? Question 2: I have pain in the lower stomach on the right side. I also have a fever and vomiting. Could this be appendicitis? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Does the dad or the mom carry the height gene for a daughter? Question 2: How can I increase my height? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: What causes a high red blood cell count it's at 19 and ESR is high, TSH 1.25 never been so low anti thyroid at 9 was 900 prev? Question 2: My RBC count is high, ESR is high, TSH is at 1.25 and anti thyroid at 8 which was 900 previously. What causes the levels to be like this? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Any effective home treatment for allergies that I can do? Question 2: Any home remedies that can help to manage allergies? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I have osteoarthritis, naproxen 1/2 (500mg) twice a day 4 joint pain, pain getting stronger have an appt. on 2/12/16 with rheumatologist ¿what to do? I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and have an upcoming appointment with the rheumatologist. I have been taking naproxen 1/2 ( 500mg) twice a day for the joint pain but the pain has been getting stronger. Is there anything else I can do to help with the pain? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What causes hungry one hour after meals with upper abdominal pain and burning sensation? What are the sympyoms of a peptic ulcer? What can I do for it, at home? I don't have much money, can't see a doctor :( Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Is it normal for an eye infection tostart out red and swollen and pus filled to looking like a pus filled swelling that now looks like a blood blister? What would give me an eye infection? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Is uristat (phenazopyridine) a good treatment for a potential uti? Does Uristat help prevent a UTI if it is suspected? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes How to treat razor scar from shaving? How can I prevent razor scars? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? Why does 7 months premature baby is safer than 8 months premature baby? What make a 7 months old baby safer than delivering an 8 months old premature baby? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I'm a teenager who is not sexually active, and recently I started to get pain when peeing just after ejaculating. It occurs right when I begin to pee then after that initial pain I can pee normally? I am 16 years old male and I have noticed some unsual discharge from penis but there is pai with ejaculation or while passing urine. I am not sexually active, I am worried that this might affect my fertility. Please help. Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I have being getting headaches for about 2 weeks, feeling really tired and fainted once which never happened before and loss of appetite. what's wrong? What conditions can cause headaches, dizziness and loss of consciousness? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Is a cbct or an x-ray good enough for a dentist to know if there is a need for a sinus lift in prep for dental implants(I'd go for a cbct anyway)? Why sinus lift is needed for prepping for dental implants? What kind of investigations are needed for it? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I'm on opioids & want off. I am very messed up psychologically from my husband leaving me and I'm depressed. Dr put me on anti dep. Not working.? Hello doctor I am on opioids and stopped them and now I am having chills, nausea, tremors, insomnia. Are these symptoms relate to withdrawal? How long will it take for withdrawal symptoms to get better? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? Eyebrows. Are thinning? I noticed thinning of the eyebrows. What could it be from? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? When you lose weight, when does it plateau? How much weight is it safe to lose in a month? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Is it ok to have Valium when taking sinemet (carbidopa and levodopa) 100/25 & rapid. My sister has dystonia and is in hospital and docs there never heard of dystonia. My sister has been admitted in the hospital for Dystonia and was wondering if it is ok to take Valium when taking Sinemet (carbidopa and levodopa) 100/25. The doctors do not seem to have an idea about whats going on. Should I take another opinion? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Will having lipomas in lower back affect an epidural or spinal block given before having a csection? I have a lipoma and am due to get an epidural or spinal block before my C section. If the needle pierces the lipoma, can it cause bleeding and an infection? No Do these questions have the same meaning? If a mother has celiac should the daughter be tested? What is Celiac disease? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I messed up my birth control and started a new pack. When I took the first week, I bleed for 3 days. Now I am confused when my period will come again. I confused the dates of my pill pack, and now I bled for 3 days in between. When should I expect my period now? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Blood pressure is good sitting down 120/75. But just walking across room it goes to 140/90. I'm not over weight or in bad shape. Should I be concern? I am not obese and I am in good shape. Blood pressure is 120/75 when sitting down and when walking blood pressure is 140/90. I am concerned as to what to do. Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes I have psoriatic arthritis and also have fibromyalgia. The weather seems to have an effect on how much pain i feel. What do doctors think about this? Do you have any tips on how I can manage pain from psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia? Do those questions have the same meaning? No I have been experiencing abdominal pain, diarrhea after meals, fatigue and occasionally bloody stool. Could it be Crohn's disease? Is Crohn's disease completely curable or just manageable? Do those questions have the same meaning? No What is the definition or description of: diclofenac? What is a Diclofenac exactly? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? I have been experiencing abdominal pain, diarrhea after meals, fatigue and occasionally bloody stool. Could it be Crohn's disease? Is Crohn's disease completely curable or just manageable? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? In an attempt to diagnose illness I have had 7 CT scans in 2 years . Because of new upper abdominal right side pain dr ordered hyda scan. Should i be concerned about the radiation? CT scan was done 7 times in last 2 years to diagnose a medical condition. My doctor ordered HYDA scan to evaluate right upper abdomen pain, that I have for last 1 week. Should I be worried about the radiation exposure? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Do you have to take antibiotics prior to gyn exam if you had tkr. I know you do this before dental exam. Wondering? I underwent total knee replacement last year. I had to take antibiotic medications many times because I had to consult my dentist often. I am worried if I would develop resistance to antibiotic medications since I take it often? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Sunscreen lotion for african americans with very extremely sensitive skin? I'm a 25 yr old African American girl with an extremely sensitive skin and wanted to see if you had any suggestons for a good sunscreen lotion? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I have external small hard darkish lump on my sternum, dead centre, 1 inch above nipple level. Not painful. Should I be concerned? I have a painless small hard bump on the sternum that seems to be a little dark and is about 2 cm in size, above the nipple level. Is this something to be worried about? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Please tell me what is it called when your back locks up? (2) What is locking of back called as? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Effects of drinking alcohol on the body fat? (2) Do you know if alcohol has any effects on body fat? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I'm 5-9 160 pounds how do I gain weight fast and healthy in 1 month I want to gain 20pounds or more? (2) Which conditions cause weight gain? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What is the life expectancy for someone with mixed connective tissue disease? (2) How is mixed connective tissue disease diagnosed? What are some complications of this disease that may affect the life expectancy of such patients? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How to tell what I am having an allergic reaction to? (2) I have no idea what's causing these bumps on my body. Is there a specific test that can detect this? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: Is it normal to get a cystocele on first pregnancy at 27w? Not overweight. Stand and sit for long periods of time. Is there harm to baby? Second question: What are the symptoms of cystocele in pregnancy? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What are obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd) and tourette syndrome? Second question: My father was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder recently. I was doing research on it online and I came across Tourette Syndrome in an article. Can you tell me what exactly are these two syndromes? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Please tell me, could a dentist remove a tooth when infection is present? Second question: I have an infected tooth. Can I get the teeth removed at dentist? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Can you explain if it's possible to have a lot of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and not have it? Second question: I have diabetes mellitus type 2 and dealing with this condition symptoms from some time. How can I control the symptoms apart from medication? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Am taking Duphaston day 11 to day 25 when do expect my period? Second question: When shall I expect my period if I am taking Duphaston from Day 11th to Day 25th? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
For a week had pain under left breast, worst when rolling to that side in bed or getting up from laying down. most of the time I cannot deep breath? I had a chest injury, now I am having under my breast along with difficulty in breathing. Any remedies? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Can u take Prilosec OTC with fluoxetine? I am on fluoxetine one tablet daily, can I take Prilosec with it? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Have had hard cysts on my scalp for quite very long now. They grew from 1 to about 8 to 9 now. Out of which 3 have grown a little large. They are painless but is uncomfortable while brushing my hair. Although that is not my main concern. Have been treated I have a few small to large hard cysts on my scalp for a year now, they do not cause pain but are a bit uncomfortable, do I need to get them removed? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes 35 years old female no heart problems, sharp pain in chest/heart. Only last a min. Hits anytime driving sitting takes my breath away, happening more? How does a heart attack present in a 36 year old female? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Can cognitive behavioral therapy help someone quit smoking? I am trying to quit smoking. I am trying nicotine gums for about a few weeks. I heard that cognitive behavioral therapy also helps in quitting smoking. What do you think? Do you think I should reach out to my doctor for this therapy? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. I'm experiencing stomach pains, vomiting immediately after eating food and frequenting the washrooms for long calls is it in any way amoeba infection ? 2. I have been noticing stomach ache, vomiting after eating food and frequent washroom breaks. Does that sound like amoeba infection? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Is it possible to have herpes and only have outbreaks in the anal canal and underneath the tongue but not on the mouth or vagina? 2. Where all can one experience Herpes breakouts? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What are the causes of perianal abscess? 2. I think I have a hemorrhoid. Not sure but I am having pus from the anus. Can it be an abscess? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How low can hemoglobin go before you need a transfusion? 2. What is a normal blood Hemoglobin level? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I have been eating 1200-1300 cal. (most days) and exercising 5x/wk. I eat more on weekends but maintain my weight. But this week I gained 2.5 lbs! I have been stressed and constipated. Is that why? 2. Can stress and constipation cause weight gain, inspite of healthy eating and exercising? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
How soon after im off the Depo-Provera provera (medroxyprogesterone) shot can I get pregnant? How much time does it usually take for a female to conceive after getting off Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone)? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes My vitamin d level is 20...and taking vitamin d supplement gives me horrible muscle cramps even small dose 400..should I stop taking vitamin d ? My friend has vitamin D level of 20 and has been advised vitamin D supplement. People tell me that it causes muscle cramps. Is it true? Do those questions have the same meaning? No What should we do if my husband vomitted blood? He has been having stomach aches this past week and vomitted blood for the first time tonight. My partner has been having lower abdominal pain, vomiting and passing blood in stools. He does seem to be constipated for sometime now. Is this something to worry about? Do those questions have the same meaning? No I took 4mg of Suboxone on tuesday cause I ran out of my methadone and was in complete withdrawl... I have a urine test on Monday 5 days later? I have been abusing opioids in the past and my doctor prescribed 4 mg Suboxone to treat addiction. But I ran out of it and had to take methadone as I could not deal with withdrawal symptoms but I have a urine drug test on Monday, that is in 5 days, do you think it will show up in the drug test? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Any suggestion i got injection benzapenecilin 2400000 and now feel worthier than before , i got cold ? I was injected with penicillin 2400000 and suddenly feel cold. What do I do? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. I just started my period 2day & just started gettin a real bad headache, sore throat, body aches & chills. Could it be from my period r a cold? 2. How long do symptoms of common cold last? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Haven't got my period since July cause I'm irregular could I still get pregnant? 2. My LMP is July. History of irregular period. Do you think I can be pregnant. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. When I have my shoes on or off i feel like sand is under the bottom of my feet along with s tingling sensation? 2. What can cause tingling sensation under the foot? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Hi I just found out I contracted an std. My doctor prescribed me Azithromicyn 500, they are too big to swallow, am I able to crush them up with food? 2. I have been given Azithromycin as I am diagnosed with Chlamydia. Should my partner also get treatment for the same? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. 1st mth off of birth cont. I got my 'real' period, lasted about 6 days, today's day 9 & i'm lightly spotting (just 1x a day) for the past 2 days-odd? 2. I got my first full blown period after getting off birth control last month. It lasted for 6 days and I am still bleeding light for the last 2 days. Is that normal? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? I have been having problems every time i eat i go poop and it is yellow and runny and my tummy feels weird in the middle it has I have diabetes My son has been complaining of abdominal pain and runny stools for the past 2 weeks. This seems to occur whenever he eats and I also think he stomach ache. He has a history of diabetes. Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I have a purple vein in the left side of my penis.It reaches the foreskin before disappearing.It just appeared yesterday.What should I do ? How to treat purplish discoloration due to injuries? No Do these questions have the same meaning? I'm due for my birth control shot on the 24 but I've been having uterus pain on the right side of my uterus I'm not sure what it can be? I am having this right sided pain for a few days now, but I am also due for my birth control shot, could it be because of that? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Period was 2 mo late, now been on for 3 wks so far. At the beginning of it all I was intensely stressed But not now. Should I be worried? I am bleeding for the past 3 weeks. When can I start with my next pack of BC pills? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Both arms numb no chest pain just a lil dizzy. And a little heart burn I have gastritis and back arthritis. What are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Does anyone know what to do with a child around the age of 13 who suffers from serious anxiety? Does anxiety present differently in teens vs adults? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I have a positive ANA 1:160 Homo pattern & RNP of. 3. Joint pain, limb numbness, skin indents stay for hours, bruising. No diagnosis. More testing? What does a value of ANA 1:160 and RNP 3 mean? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No How can someone's happiness level affect someone's health? Can staying happy improve my health? What specific steps should I take? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Purple fluid filled sack on scalp grew over several months, popped when squeezed. Resembled skin tag. Concerned of cancer. Nothing for doc to check? Can a cancerous lesion on the scalp present with symptoms such as a fluid filled sac occurring over many months with some discharge? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What does lymph node with echo -gene center means? What can cause Swolling of these type of lymph nodes. Do swollen lymph nodes always indicate cancer? Do cancerous lymph nodes have echo gene center? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? How to take care of relapse of pulmonary edema? Can pulmonary edema recur? Is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening? Even if it does occur, how can I treat it? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I've had problems with cosntant headaches for 5 years, now they are more like migraines, I've see neurologists, eye specialists and no one has helped me? Can you please explain the symptoms of migraine headache? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? What can cause hematuria with sharp pain in urq of abdomen nausea dizziness and water retention catscan ultrasound urine culture normal no fever? I noticed orange colored urine last week and I have been experiencing sharp pain in upper right quadrant of my abdomen with nausea, dizziness. I look bloated, probably due to water retention? I don't have fever. I got tested 4 days ago, my CAT scan, ultrasound scan and urine culture reports are normal. What could be the cause? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Does food poisoning cause permanent damage? I heard in a study that it causes kidney damage, diabetes, and high blood pressure later on. What are the causes of problems like diabetes, kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Can gabapentin work for headaches caused by trimethoprim. I have started taking 100mg gabapentin daily for 4 days and trimethoprim 200mg twice a day. Can antibiotics like Trimethoprim and Gabapentin taken together cause any major side effects?I am taking the Gabapentin for headaches. Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? When I was thinking about something that made me feel depressed and stressed out, I felt my heart flutter, what does this mean? I have been taking treatment for anxiety and depression. I was given a new medication and have experienced heart flutters, can this medication cause it? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Mild uncovertebral joint hypertrophy c5c6 eccentric to right; mild t-spine scoliosis, bilat pars defect l4, foram stenosis at l4l5 - is surgery needed? I need your opinion about my condition. Here is a brief history- I went in for a scan of my back and the result says... Mild unconvertebral joint hypertrophy; C5-C6 eccentric to right; mild thoracis spine scoliosis; bilateral pare defect at L4; formaninal stenosis at L4 and L5. Do you think surgery is the only option to deal with this? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? A patient with COPD was receiving 12.5mcg of fentanyl. The gp double this dose to 25mcg. The patient died two weeks later. Is there any correlation? My aunt had COPD and she was on 12.5mcg fentanyl. Her doctor doubled up her dose as her symptoms got worse and she died after 2 weeks. Do you think she died due to the overdose of fentanyl? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? What is the definition or description of: diclofenac? Is Diclofenac safe to use for a longer period? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? What should I do for prematurely grey hair? Can you please share some remedies for premature greying of hair? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
What muscles contribute to lower back pain? I lifted heavy weights 2 days ago. I have been expeirencing severe lower back ache ever since. I believe I may have strained my lower back muscles but I am worried it may have caused disc bulge in my lower spine. What could be the chances? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No What kind of bacteria or viruses does a semen culture detect or look for? Which bacteria and viruses can a semen culture detect? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes How long would a person with cancer live? What is the average life span of a person after a diagnosis of cancer? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes How would you measure how severe pectus excavatum is? I have moderate pectus excavatum. I am worried if it may cause lung or heart related issues. What are the complications of pectus excavatum? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No How come so many medical doctors do not believe that adrenal fatigue is a real issue? I think I might have adrenal fatigue, what should I do because my doctor does not believe it is real? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Why am I having acute post-abortion abdominal pain 3 months after surgical procedure? I can't talk, walk, lift, stand, or even wear underwear too much? 2. I have acute severe pain abdomen today causing difficulty in walking, talking, lifting, standing for long. I should mention that I underwent surgical abortion 3 months ago. Is this pain related to the abortion? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. How does a doughnut get broken down in the digestive system if it has essentially no nutrients? 2. Can you walk me through the process of digestion of a doughnut in the human body? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What is the most effective skin bleach/lightening cream? 2. I used bleach to help lighten my skin and now notice a rash and burning sensation on my face. What can I do for this? I need this to go. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I started my period on sunday a little but on monday stoped I have a dot. Today is my 7day im feeling like I am still having my period but only dots. 2. I am experiencing some spotting when my period was supposed to have started. Is this normal and can it mean I am pregnant? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. What are considered the safest prescription pills for high blood pressure/hypertension? 2. What are the common side effects of blood pressure medications? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: My almost 3 month old has been crying during his feedings. Almost every feeding time he cries. Q2: Why would a 2 month old baby cry and refuse feeds every time? He is on formula Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: If pus in stool is occasionally is there any problem? Q2: I am having pus in my stools ocassionally, should I be worried? Is it a problem? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: If i suffer the side effects of the morning after pill should I assume they worked ? Q2: What are some side effects of the morning after pill? Will it alter my regular menstrual cycle? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What are the healings from hydrotherapy ? Q2: I had recent ankle sprain, have been advised hydrotherapy. What do you think, would it be helpful? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Panic attack after smoking weed. Is this normal? Q2: I am having a lot of palpitations and some chest pain and I just smoked weed, is this a panic attack? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Was treated for PID caused by BV only with one dose of azythromyacin and injection of antibiotics. PID never went away. What should i do? (2) I have itching and vaginal discharge. Do I have yeast or is it something serious? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Can I take my antibiotic an hour early its penicillin 500mg 1 tablet every 12 hours? (2) What are the common side effects of Penicillin 500 mg? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How early can you get an abortion? (2) How early can an abortion occur? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can someone die from an enlarged heart on xray? (2) Is an enlarged heart on X-ray deadly? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I had a root canal 3 months ago but tooth is still sensitive to hot. What could be the reason? (2) I had root canal 3 months back and my tooth is still sensitive to heat. May I know what is the cause? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: My 6mo old niece has a pink round spot on each thigh in the same place. My sister is worried it's ring worm. It doesn't bother the baby any. Thoughts? Question 2: How long do most birthmarks stay for in infants? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: When after a flight can deep vein thrombosis occur? Question 2: How does deep vein thrombosis develop due to a long flight? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: How do I calculate the number of days that my period lasts? It flows for like 6 days, but on the 7th day it drops just little like spotting. Please Question 2: I need some help understanding the duration of my period. If my bleeding lasts for 6 days and on 7th day, I have very light bleeding, what would be the duration of my period? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: How common is it for somebody to get cubital tunnel syndrome? Question 2: Is cubital tunnel syndrome very common in young females? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Hi, I'm 21 and I have white bumps all over my body I want to know if its keratosis pilaris? And what can I do to get rid of it? My sibling has it to Question 2: I'm a 21 yr old female and notice itchy bumps all over my body and I do have some allergies. What could be it be? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: I have lots of dry gangrene on right foot, lost 4 toes , but it doesn't go past the mid-foot. Why would they amputate to knee? Why not just that part? Question 2: I have dry gangrene on right foot covering 4 toes and it extends only until mid aspect of foot. But my doctor recommends amputation to knee, can you tell me why can't they amputate only the affected part of foot with gangrene? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I have arthritis in my knees and lower back. Normally when I get out of bed they are stiff. My hips achey and stiff are if I lay on my back at night? Question 2: What are the signs and symptoms of arthritis? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: What could increased levels of oestrogen do to me? Question 2: What medications help to manage increased estrogen levels in the body? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I can't see in the dark as well as others can? Do I need carrots or vitamin a? Question 2: I am scared that I might be nightblind as I cannot see in dark when everyone else can see. Do you think increasing intake of Vitamin A or carrots may help me? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: How can you tell the difference between hemmorhoids and colon cancer? Even though the symptoms are very similar, what are the major differences? Question 2: I have been noticing blood in my stools for the past 3-4 days. How can I tell if I have hemorhoids or colon cancer? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How to have your vaginal discharge smell nice? Question 2: Hello doctor, I have abnormal odor from my vagina. How can I make it smell nice? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Can a pedigree help you trace a condition that is autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive? Question 2: Is there a scientific way to check chances of inheritance of a condition that is autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: If you felt a mass in the breast for over 4 yrs now should I be worried? Question 2: Are all breast masses cancerous? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: After a hysterectomy do you start menopause imediately? Question 2: My cycles are very heavy and last for months. I am frustrated and want this to stop. Is hysterectomy a good option to consider for an early menopause? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Does lung cancer always effect oxygen levels. Question 2: I have lung cancer and my oxygen saturation test showed 92% but it was 96% a couple of months ago. Does lung cancer affect oxygen levels? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: After I had intercourse with hubby I noticed slight fresh blood and burning sensation and urge to urinate. What might be the cause? Question 2: Okay, so 1st, this has never happened before. But after doing it with my husband today, I've had some bleeding, ithcing and an urgency to pee! Is it a UTI? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: My 2 yr old has red bumps with white middle spots on his stomach, chest, and thighs. They don't bother him but have been there for 1 wk. What r they? Question 2: My 3 yr old daughter has a rash with white middle spots on some parts of the body, for 10 days now and is more on the chest and abdomen but does not have any itching. What could they be? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Is it safe to get hysterectomy done before angioplasty? Question 2: I just got my hysterectomy done 6 months back and now my doctor advised me to get an angioplasty done for a chest pain! I am just 35, do I really need it? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Have had hard cysts on my scalp for quite very long now. They grew from 1 to about 8 to 9 now. Out of which 3 have grown a little large. They are painless but is uncomfortable while brushing my hair. Although that is not my main concern. Have been treated Question 2: I feel like I have a cyst in my head. Could it be cancer? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: What is the cause of back pain? Lower Right side to the middle. Really bothering. Nothing changes in life style. Have lower abdominal discomfort too Question 2: What do you think could be causing right sided low back pain along with abdominal discomfort? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How can I get rid of red and black warts on the skin and acne spots on the back? Question 2: I have acne spots on the face and seem like red and black warts. Can warts occur on face as well? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I am a male 21 yeas of age there is a small painless lump about 1 cm in my groin area this is at the point where my inner thigh connects with my groin? Question 2: What can cause a small, painless lump at the groin crease in a young adult? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Are small red spots all over the body small pox? Question 2: I'm worried I may have small pox. Does it usually present with red spots all over the body? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Have an itchy rash after 4 days of biaxin (clarithromycin). Have taken this before and was fine. Should i continue it? Question 2: What are the uses of Clarithromycin? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Hello. I have bloodly discharge and a little pain in my lower stomach and back. When I wipe after peeing I can see it and sometimes its mucus like.. Question 2: Can UTI also result in bloody discharge along with other symptoms like stomach cramps and back pain? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: How does a boil look tender? Second question: I recently shaved my armpit and I noticed a warm, red bump causing pain on touch yesterday. I think it is a boil. Can you help me with a few measures for its healing and for relief from pain? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What is the prevalence of green eyes? Are they rare? Second question: Hello doctor may I know the chances of one getting green eyes? Is it rare? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Was treated for chlamydia with doxycyline at 2 months after possible exposure, could I have asymptomatic PID and not know it from the infection? Second question: Can an STD like chlamydia cause PID even if treated with doxycycline? Does PID always present with symtpoms? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: What muscles contribute to lower back pain? Second question: I lifted heavy weights 2 days ago. I have been expeirencing severe lower back ache ever since. I believe I may have strained my lower back muscles but I am worried it may have caused disc bulge in my lower spine. What could be the chances? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Can stem cell research help diseased arteries? Second question: I have diseased arteries, can stem cell research help me? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: What might cause a lot of pain in the fleshy part of my hand below the thumb? Second question: I got injured today over the fleshy part of hand below thumb while playing volleyball. I applied ice packs for a while. It caused numbness and I am not able to feel that area nor move my thumb. Did I make it worse? What should I do? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Please suggest best antibiotics for higher wcb and crp. It is due to gall bladder surgery and removed from my daughter? Second question: My son was diagnosed with an infection after gall bladder removal surgery. He was prescribed antibiotics but his WBC and CRP are still high. Is this normal? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I was told i have serve hypothyroidism now my handskeep feeling like they are asleep my feet hurt really bad and have dry skin on feet is it thyroid? Second question: My sister was diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism and is on medication. For the past one week, she has had weakness in arms, dry skin on the feet and pain in the feet. Is this something to be worried about? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Please tell me what is it called when your back locks up? Second question: What is locking of back called as? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Can underactive detrusor ever return to normal? Second question: I am on a catheter for underactive detrusor and now the area around the catheter is painful, red and swollen. What I can do to help? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Is it possible to reverse skin atrophy caused by excess use of topical steroids? (2) My friend has skin atrophy. Do you think topical steroids can help him? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Any recommendations for an ointment for hand foot and mouth rash on a 2 year old? She's energetic but a little uncomfortable with rash on arms/bottom (2) Where can a 2 year old get hand, foot and mouth disease from? Besides the rash, is it normal for her to feel less energetic when having this infection? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Why do I have chest wall pain and hard time breathing long after workouts ? (2) Can a strenuous workout cause chest pain? Is that normal? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Hello I have back spasms that flare up every now and then. I've done heat and ice rotate. Tried naproxen looked at my diet and take vitamins? (2) I have been having intense back spasms and none of the basic measures are helping. What should I do? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I shared food with people I don't know too well, eating from same plate. Have a canker sore. Chances of contracting oral/genital herpes? (2) What factors increase the causation of oral/genital herpes? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Can i get high liver enzymes due to prostatitis or scar tissue in the urinary tract due to past STD trauma? Q2: I have a history of STDs. Can it give me elevated live enzymes from possible prostatitis or scarring of the urinary tract? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Can a urine test show you have kidney stones? Q2: I have some burning while passing urine and I have a history of kidney stones. But my urine test came back clear and normal, what could it be? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: I have been seeing my periods every 2 weeks for numerous months, i used to be very regular, & I am a lot heavier please can u help? Q2: What are symptoms of endometriosis? Could frequent bleeding every 2 weeks be due to it? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: If pus in stool is occasionally is there any problem? Q2: I am having pus in my stools ocassionally, should I be worried? Is it a problem? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: If I had hepatitis a, does that mean I can't drink alcohol for a certain number of weeks afterwards? Q2: Can Hep A spread via sharing cigarettes or alcohol bottoes of an infected person? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Hello sir! I hav a skin Color pimples in my vagina lips! Is dat any problem? I'm really scared! Question 2: I noticed skin colored bumps on vaginal lips 3 days ago, that started hurting today. There is a pus point at the top of one of the bumps and it is warm to touch. I don't have insurance and I was wondering if I should pop and drain it or do I need to consult a doctor? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: What can I do about low back pain and stiffness during and after bending over? Question 2: I have some early morning stiffness when I get up, why would that be happening? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Is there a formal diagnosis for hypersensitivity to clothing? Question 2: Is there any medical term or diagnosis for hypersensitivity to clothes? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Have a bump on right side lip of my vagina stings and itches so bad when I sit down it stings more I didn't have sex in year what can it b? Question 2: I noticed a bump on my right labia, which has been hurting and itching, worse when I sit down. I haven't had sex in a year. What do you think it could be? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: How can you stop bloating during your period? Question 2: I missed my period and feel bloated. Am I pregnant? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Doctor, what is the average sperm volume of men in ml ?My husband's is 2ml.Is it too low volume?What is the average? Hi doctor. Would 2ml of sperm volume be considered low? What are the normal levels? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Been having chest pains a lot lately especially when i sit in certain positions ? Can anxiety cause chest pain? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Had sex 2 days before ovulation and a day after ovulation can I get pregnant? Can pregnancy happen with sex 2 days before and one day after ovulation? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I wear glasses, sometimes I don't wear them, either way my vision at night time is wrose off then day time, does that mean anything? White vitamins are essential for day and night vision? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No According to my boyfriend last time I had an absence events I had tears rolling down my cheeks but I wasn't sobbing or anything, is this normal? I am on valproic acid for my absence seizures and I am trying to get pregnant. Is it safe to valproic acid when trying to get pregnant? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How long does the implantation bleeding last? Is is as heavy as normal periods? Question 2: How does implantation bleeding present? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I have arthritis in my knees and lower back. Normally when I get out of bed they are stiff. My hips achey and stiff are if I lay on my back at night? Question 2: What are the signs and symptoms of arthritis? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Is it necessary to get the h1n1 or h5n1 flu shot? Question 2: How effective is the HINI and the H5N1 flu shot? Would you recommend I get it? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Possibility of being pregnant had sex and bleeded. Is that normal or is there something wrong? Question 2: Hello doctor, I had intercourse and it is very painful and there is no bleeding. It is my first time. Is it normal? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Why dose my chest hurt when stretching and coughing plus sneezing? Question 2: I've been coughing and sneezing a lot, but why is my chest hurting so bad? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Does anyone know what can cause severe leg pain in both legs especially at night? How to treat severe leg pain at night? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Does cut on lip turn into white bump? Can a cut on the lip turn white after a few days, it doesn't hurt anymore, is just there Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes What to do if I am worried about my 2 year old son having a holter monitor test. I don't know what to expect.? What is a Holter monitor used for? Would they do that for a child? How is this test performed? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes What does it mean if some people who have gilbert's syndrome develop anemia? Can anemia caused by Gilbert's syndrome be cured? Do those questions have the same meaning? No I have these painful sores on my stomach, and they hurt so bad. I think they may be boils or ingrown hairs. How do I treat these? Why do I keep getting these ingrown hair infections? Can you please explain the mechanism behind it? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. I HAVE DIMPLING ON MY NIPPLE, CURRENTLY HAVE AN IRREVERSABLE TUBAL HAD MY LAST CHILD ALMOST 6 YRS AGO, WITH A COUPLE OF PAINLESS LUMPS ALONG BREAST UP? 2. What causes dimpling on the nipple along with a few painless lumps in the breast tissue? My last child was 6 years ago and I had a tubal ligation done. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Lately I have been getting these weird bumps behind my ears and inside my ears. Does this mean anything medically? 2. What could be causing bumps behind and inside my ears? Is it something serious? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. How low can hemoglobin go before you need a transfusion? 2. What is a normal blood Hemoglobin level? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Have neck/back issues for months & had muscle cramps in calves. Stressed. Have (anxiety) BP is somewhat healthy. Yesterday felt tingly in both hands & shaky. In 20s .. Now it's off & on . Any ideas? 2. I have neck pain and fever. Is this meningitis? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How to deal with someone acting childish? 2. My girlfriend is giving me a hard time. She throws tantrums literally every time we go out. It is embarassing. What do I do to make her see this? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Please help! what is the surgery procedure called that removes the boney growth i know the first word is alveo? (2) Could you apprise me of the surgical procedure that helps in removing the bony growth? Is it something with alevo? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Which brand of natural progesterone cream is most suitable for a girl with pcos? (2) My sister has PCOS. We were wondering which brand of natural progesterone would be most suitable. Any suggestions? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can cyclical vomiting syndrome cause miscarriages? (2) What is cyclical vomiting? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What are the elements of a good exercise routine in pregnancy? (2) Does exercising help reduce the blood pressure in pregnant women? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) I'm about 17 weeks pregnant and get cramps already; is that a scary thing? (2) I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant and have been noticing lower abdominal pain and light bleeidng. Should I be worried? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Does Adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) make eyes itch? 2. Can I take Benadryl for itchy eyes? I am taking Adderall for ADHD. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Can you please tell me why it'simportant to promote healthy eating for children and young people? 2. Can't healthy eating be inculcated at a later age, say adulthood or should ir be started at a young age? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Is it possible to have herpes and only have outbreaks in the anal canal and underneath the tongue but not on the mouth or vagina? 2. Where all can one experience Herpes breakouts? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Left side face slight numbness was diagnosed with bellpssy but was not check for stroke she is scared and wants to know what to do? 2. I have been told that left side face numbness is associated with bells palsy and even stroke. Could you apprise me of other symptoms of above two? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Left side face slight numbness was diagnosed with bellpssy but was not check for stroke she is scared and wants to know what to do? 2. My friend was diagnosed with bell's palsy because of left side face numbness, she is worried, as she thinks it might be stroke? What she can do now? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? How is a labral tear in the shoulder with subluxation repaired? I sustained an injury in the shoulder, with labral tear and subluxation. What are some treatment options to repair it? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Since I was a child my joints have always clicked but over the years it has got very painful special when it rains or I am cold? How do I fix? My fingers are very long and I think I can extend them abnormally. Is this something to be worried about. I have no pain or swelling. No Do these questions have the same meaning? Why do I cough when I eat salt or salty foods? I have been experiencing a cough and fever for the past 1 week. Would eating salty foods help? No Do these questions have the same meaning? I am a pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor. I have developed horizontal double vision. I have an ophthalmology appt. How worried should I be? Should I worry if I developed horizontal double vision after being diagnosed to have Hodgkins Lymphoma in the past? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? What is a functional heart murmur and what precautions need to be taken with one? Which investigations are needed to diagnose functional heart murmur? I have anemia and can sometimes feel that my heart beat is irregular. Do you I think I need to be worried or see a doctor? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Why does my arm always fall asleep? Like to the point where i can't move it at all Q2: Is it normal for my arm to feel numb all the time? I cannot even move it. :( Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: It is safe to take 20mg of Zyrtec (cetirizine) daily? I take it in the morning but 12 hrs later I am suffering. If I don't take another one at night I dont sleep. Q2: My mother is on Zyretc( Cetrizine) 20 mg once daily. She mentioned of feeling sleepy all the time. Is it safe to stop the medication? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: I very often have dull pain in the lower left abdomen. Although bearable, should I still be concerned due to its frequent occurance and see a doctor? Q2: I have lower abdominal pain for some time now. I was diagnsoed with a UTI but did not receive treatment. Could it be returning? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: I just binged on chocolate, but should I not eat the rest of the day to keep my calorie intake controlled? Q2: I am trying to manage my calorie intake to lose some weight, but I just binged on chocolate, should I avaoid eating anything the rest of the day to keep my calorie intake under check? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Can the ointment mupirocin USP 2% cause a rash when applied if its expired? Q2: I used mupriocin USP 2% rash. May I know if it can cause a rash? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? I have had a head cold with congestion, I got a Rx of zpak I and took the lad dose today but for the last 4 days my left ear has felt clogged. I have noticed clogging of my left ear for the last 4 days. I have been diagnosed with a common cold that also caused congestion. Thereafter, I was treated with Azithromycin, my last dose being today. Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Can metronidazole topical cream be used vaginally? I have an yeast infection and doctor prescribed metronidazole cream and it is not helping. Should I see a doctor for oral medications as well? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? 15 million sperm can be a father? My sperm count is 15 millions and is there a chance I can get some one pregnant? Can I be pregnant? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? What method is there to get rid of this cough and wheezing? My son has been coughing and has wheeze, for about 15 days now. Has phlegm with the cough and no home remedies have helped. Does he require a doctor's visit? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I've been diagnosed with acid reflux GERD heartburn anxiety and pharyngitis I have been constipated for a week i went today and there was a white spot? I have white spot on my throat along with fever, cough, throat pain and have been diagnosed with strep throat and pharyngitis. I am on antibiotics and they are not helpful? Can you suggest some home remedies which may help. Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: How is a labral tear in the shoulder with subluxation repaired? Q2: I sustained an injury in the shoulder, with labral tear and subluxation. What are some treatment options to repair it? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Possibility of being pregnant had sex and bleeded. Is that normal or is there something wrong? Q2: I had intercourse and later I bled. Is this normal or is there a chance of pregnancy? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Hello I have back spasms that flare up every now and then. I've done heat and ice rotate. Tried naproxen looked at my diet and take vitamins? Q2: I have been having intense back spasms. Could it be a herniated disc? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: How do you know the difference between diverticulitis and colitis? Q2: I am curious to know- Can diverticulitis and colitis be cured with medicines and diet or do you think surgery is needed? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Is there any food that affects semen ejaculation volume? Q2: Could you apprise me of some foods that can increase semen ejection volume? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Extreme pain in one leg like cramp. What to do next time? I have been noticing visible veins on the legs for a few months now and have been having leg cramps during evenings and night. What can I do to help while I wait for my appointment? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No What causes you to vomit with a itchy throat? I have vomiting and itchy throat? Can I know about the causes? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Why does 7 months premature baby is safer than 8 months premature baby? What make a 7 months old baby safer than delivering an 8 months old premature baby? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I'm 5' 8'' and 109 lbs. When I lay down I can see my belly pulsing to the left of my belly button. Is this something I should be concerned about? I was diagnosed with aortic aneurysm but my doctor said not to worry much as it was mild a year ago. I was laying down today and I noticed pulsations on the left side of my belly button but no pain. I think it may have grown in size, I am so scared. Should I go to an ER? Do you think I need a surgery? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Feels like something is stuck in throat, shoulder and chest feels mildly heavy, upper back ache. No more coughing. What can this be? I have no cough, feeling of something stick is throat, upper back ache and chest feels heavy. What are the causes of my symptoms? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: I'm so sick of getting so many pimples! what can I do? Question 2: Can cutting out on fatty foods help with pimples? I have quite a lot and would ove to try some home measures. Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I hit my head on the car door and have a small bump. 24 hours later I have a bad headache. Could I have a concussion? Question 2: What is the management of a concussion? I have a headache and a small bump in the area of impact. Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I have a painful sore inside my nose, it is red and rough. My nose is very dry too. What is it and how do I treat it? It won't go away and it hurts. Question 2: My nose is exceptionally dry, could it be causing the nose bleeds? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Is a two day period with light cramps normal? I usually have it for 3-4 days with very bad cramps. Could i be pregnant? Question 2: Could a pregnancy cause a very short period lasting 2 days wth very light cramping? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Stroke at 90 . At this stage, would a speech therapy help her? Question 2: What are some common symptoms of stroke? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) It is safe to take 20mg of Zyrtec (cetirizine) daily? I take it in the morning but 12 hrs later I am suffering. If I don't take another one at night I dont sleep. (2) My mother is on Zyretc( Cetrizine) 20 mg once daily. She mentioned of feeling sleepy all the time. Is it safe to stop the medication? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How long does bleeding last after mirena (levonorgestrel) removal my af is not till the 16 of april I have always been regular (2) My expected due date of period is 16th April and my cycles have been always regular. I got my Mirena (levonorgestrel) removed and started bleeding. How long will this bleeding last? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can white noise be disruptive to my deep sleep? (2) I seem to have decreased hearing in my ear for sometime now. Can listening to loud noises result in hearing loss? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Can you tell me about the most common genetic disorder? (2) What are some common genetic disorders? I am expecting my first baby, hence wanted to know about genetic disorders. Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Which listerine is best for cavities? (2) I have cavities and which listerine is best for it? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Hello docs, is atherectomy better than stent procedure? (2) Are there any complications associated with stent procedure and atherectomy? Are there any non invasive treatment options available to take care of plaque in coronary arteries? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How do you fix loose upper dentures? (2) I have loose upper dentured and I want to know hot to fix them? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Does anyone know how to get rid of acid indigestion easily? (2) I have been suffering from acid indigestion lately. Is there anything you would suggest to get rid of it easily? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I have been on klonopin (clonazepam) for my gad for about 4 years, 2mg a day. How long will the withdrawals last? Or when is it out of my system? (2) Hello doctor, I am diagnosed with GAD and was given Klonopin an I have been on the medication for few months. Now, the medication is not helping and my doctor wants to change me to celexa. Can I know about the side effects and efficacy of each? Which medication do you think is better? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) My 16 months son has ethyl malonic aciduria, which kind of fats that harm his health (saturated or monoun saturated fat) ? (2) What symptoms does ethyl malonic aciduria present with? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I had a low placenta and bled twice big around 1 am. Was that coincidence? How to manage heavy bleeding during pregnancy? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No What does it mean when muscles jump like in your arm is this anything serious? Doctor can I know if stress causes muscle twitching in arms and also do excessive caffeine intake be a cause? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Which is better a partial hystorectomy or uterine ablation? I am having gynecological problems and wanted to know which is better hysterectomy or uterine ablation? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What is the normal body temperature for a male? Is there a range for normal body temperature? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What are the symptoms of having a meniscal root tear in the knee? Please explain Hello doctor, I was doing gym and injured my leg near the knee. My doctor is suspecting meniscla root tear. Can you please let me know about the symptoms and treatment plan? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: I got bit by an insect on my calf muscle. Its been bruised for almost a month now. Its not itchy but it is swelling & pain when I bend my knee? Q2: I have swelling and pain on my calf region in bending the knee. I got bit by insect on my calf a month ago, the bruising has subside now. Should I see the doctor? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What to do if I have blood in stool? Q2: I am freaking out! I just noticed some blood in my stool, what does it mean? Please help... Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: I have a hard small lump, under my skin anterior to my tragus, also have had extremely bad headaches-so bad they wake me in the middle of the night. ? Q2: What testing would you recommend for a lump near the ear and recurring headaches? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: How long does bleeding last after mirena (levonorgestrel) removal my af is not till the 16 of april I have always been regular Q2: My cycles have always been regular and my expected due date of period is 16th April. I got Mirena recently. I am worried it would disturb my cycles, what are the chances? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: My mums warfarin INR level has been fluctuating at an alarming level lately for no apparent reason? Q2: What all tests should be done to estimate the correct dosage of Warfarin? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
What do you advise if I sprained my ankle about 2 weeks ago and the foot is feeling numb? My friend sprained his ankle 2 weeks ago and now complaining of pain and numbness. Do he need a surgery? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Should I take my Cymbalta (duloxetine) 30mg in a.m. or p.m.? I take it for diabetic neuropathy. My Neuropathy is worse in the evening and night. Thank you. I have diabetic neuropathy that seems to be worse at evening and night. Wanted to know if I should take the 30 mg Cymbalta (Duloxetine) in the night or morning? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I often feel these odd shudders in my stomache. My stomach kind of shakes. It freaks me out. What could it be? I was diagnosed with stomach flu and was having stomach shaking and shuddering, have been prescribed medications by the doctor. In how many days, would I feel normal? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Ie been gettin white mucus in my eyes for the past two years and im not sick. What could it possible be? I have been getting white mucus in eyes for 2 years and eyes are not sticky and asking what could the causes be? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Can contact dermatitis cause scarring? I have a rash due to contact dermatitis as diagnosed by my doctor. I am worried about scarring due to this. Does dermatitis usually result in scarring? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? Just looked in right side of nose. very red and swollen. Hurts to sniff or touch outside of nose. Its big like a polyp. Have clear discharge. Whatisit? I seemed to have developed a polyp like thing in my nose, its red, swollen and painful. Why would this happen? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Does 'open' reduction with intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fracture causes muscle weakness and slow bone healing due to soft tissue damage? Is the soft tissue damage in 'open' reduction with intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fracture severe enough to cause muscle weakness and slow bone healing. Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? My eyesight is bad in one eye its -0.5 and in other -0.75 how to improve my eye to the normal eyesight without specs ? Do I need specs when eyesight is -0.5 in one eyes and -0.75 in the other? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? How should I increase my weight? I am 20 years old having 62 kg weight and my height is 5"6' What causes the weight to increase in a 20 year old weighing 62 Kgs and height being 5'6''? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Is it possible to be able to stop the ssri you're taking one day and having been recovered totally from OCD so no need for meds again? I am on SSRI but still having symptoms of OCD and feeling a lot anxious. What to do? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Can eating fast really make one fat? Q2: I put on some weight in last 2 months and I am wondering if eating fast can cause weight gain. Is that true? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What can you do if you can't get the contact lens in at all? Q2: What the different types of contact lens? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: I have had a head cold with congestion, I got a Rx of zpak I and took the lad dose today but for the last 4 days my left ear has felt clogged. Q2: I have noticed clogging of my left ear for the last 4 days. I have been diagnosed with a common cold that also caused congestion. Thereafter, I was treated with Azithromycin, my last dose being today. Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: How long does belly pain associated with hyperemesis gravidarum last? Q2: How can I treat hyperemesis gravidarum and associated cramps at home? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Please explain what it means to have a "prominent nose"? Q2: Someone said I have a prominent nose, what could it mean? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I came on my period two time last month this month my boyfriend came inside me and I'm bleeding 4 days after we had sex? Can we have sex if I am bleeding? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I had unprotected sex 7 or so days before my periodthree days later I had light bloodthat lasted for two days instead of usual 7. Am I pregnant? May I know what is the difference between withdrawal bleeding from pills and normal period bleeding. How long do both usually last? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No When do you need to seek medical help with MRSA it's red swollen and hurt been kinda sleepy lately and nausea I'm a diabetic sugar been high? I think I have MRSA, I have red swollen lesions on my skin and they hurt. I also feel a bit sleepy and nauseated. I am a diabetic also, do you think I should see a doctor in person? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes When I was thinking about something that made me feel depressed and stressed out, I felt my heart flutter, what does this mean? I experience heart flutters at times, can depression or anxiety cause this? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes He touched my vulva nd clit with his fingers nd am not sure if he had ejacultion or not. That was on the 9 th day of a regular 28 days period. Chance? I am worried about pregnancy. My boyfriend touched my vulva and clitoris with his fingers and I am not sure if he ejaculated inside me but it was the 9th day of my cycle and I have regular cycle of 28 days. Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: I have a pea sized bump on top of my wrist. It's kinda hard but also soft when i touch it. It moves with my tendon. Midly irritating. Question 2: What is the treatment of ganglion cyst on the wrist? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Is it possible to bleed if you are prego? 3 neg hpt. Question 2: I have got three neagtive pregnancy tests. Do you get bleeding in pregnancy? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I splashed raw chicken juice in my eye last night with my contacts in. My eye is fine should I throw away my contact? Question 2: I have some redness in my eyes along with some irritation since last night. It started after I happeend to splash my eyes with chicken juice. I was also wearing contacts. Do you think that my symptoms could be because of that? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: How to make my body fit? I am always facing problem with my weight-gain. what should I do? Question 2: I have been gaining weight and what can help to make my body fit? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: My jaw makes a popping noise when I chew. Is this serious? Question 2: What can cause a popping sound in the jaw when one chews? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? After many courses of antibiotics i still have the helicobacrer bacteria. What can you advise me? Hello doctor, I have been h.pylori bacteria. Am I at risk of getting cancer? No Do these questions have the same meaning? I feel like depression and anxiety are ruining my life, need some advice? My life is ruined. Do you think my anxiety/depression are the active contributors? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Is mental illness like bipolar hereditary? Does bipolar disorder have any hereditary influence? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? From what i know about gen. Anesthesia, you get a shot, they put a mask over you and you wake up. But is there any weird activity when you wake up like laughing gas? Is laughing gas used for recovery post General anesthesia? I know that a mask is placed over the mouth and a shot is given to wear off the effect. Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Symptoms of arthritis in the spine? I am have been diagnosed with spine arthritis. What can I do to subside its symptoms? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: After two weeks of oral surgery, my cheek is still swollen and I feel hard lumps on the lower part. It also itches outside. Help? Question 2: Is cheek swelling and slight itching normal after 2 weeks of oral surgery? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Day 2 with tender,bloated,bruised feeling,hurts when I stand,move around,laugh or sit. lower abdominal/pelvic area. no uterus taken out 1yr ago. Question 2: My lower abdomen/pelvic area has been aching a lot on staning, moving around, laughing or sitting for last 2 days. It has been tender, bloated associated with bruise sensation. I underwent hysterectomy a year ago. What could be the cause of my symptoms? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: How does a boil look tender? Question 2: I recently shaved my armpit and I noticed a warm, red bump causing pain on touch yesterday. I think it is a boil. Can you help me with a few measures for its healing and for relief from pain? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: What types of exercises are recommended for rehabilitating from chondromalacia patella? Question 2: What is chondromalacia patella? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: What is a subchondroplasty procedure and what is the out come? Question 2: Can you explain subchondroplasty procedure and its effects? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: What are some sources of vitamin d? Second question: Sunlight is considered as a good source of vitamin d, right? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I have a brain cyst 3cm in left frontal lobe would it hurt if I was also pregnant? Second question: I have a brain cyst of 3cm size in my left frontal lobe. I am 5 weeks pregnant now and I have been experiencing headache for last 2 days. I was wondering if my brain cyst hurts during pregnancy. What are the chances? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: I have been tested for every STD everything came back normal the only problem is my pH is at 8 how do I lower to 4? Second question: Hello doctor I have issues with vaginal PH but is better now? My doctor said me it may be because of STD's or yeast infections. May I ask what are the common causes of PH changes as I have been tested negative for both STD's and yeast infections. Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I am having a hard time finding info. On the success of a 3 level lumbar fusion with an internal stimulator. Previous fusion no growth. Please help?!? Second question: Could you explain me the meaning of success of a 3 level lumbar fusion with internal stimulator. Previous fusion no growth? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: My bf and I were fooling around with clothes on. And after I noticed ALot of precum on his jeans where my crotch was. Can this get me pregnant? Second question: What are the chances of getting pregnant from fingering anf if it had precum? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I just started my period 2day & just started gettin a real bad headache, sore throat, body aches & chills. Could it be from my period r a cold? Are the headache, sore throat, body aches, chills due to a cold infection or because of the period I am on right now? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Please explain why does my amalgam (filling) hurt? I am scheduled for an appointment with my dentist for amalgam filling in my tooth. Does it hurt? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Is it normal to have a low sex drive after having three c sections? Will my 4th will also be a C-section if my previous 3 have been cesareans? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No When your iris leaks into your pupil is it the same as pupil into iris? What is it called? What causes? What problems can arise? What happens when iris leaks in to pupil and pupil leaks in to iris? What are the causes, what is it called and what problms can arise? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes How can someone's happiness level affect someone's health? Hey following up on this. Doctor says the results are normal and it could be stress. Should I take another opinion? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? I pricked myself on a knockout rose bush last friday. The swelling has gone down some, but it still hurts/itches in two spots. Is it infected? I have pain and itch at two spots, does this means I am infected? I sustained them as I pricked myself on a knockout bush last friday. I wanted to add that swelling has gone down. Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I am struggling to gain one pound, do I have some kind of genetic disorder? I have been trying to put on weight for the past 6 months. I have always remained somewhere between 150-155 lbs. I eat well too. But my weight has not budged even a little. My mom has always been thin, could that be the reason why I am not putting on weight? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Does Adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) make eyes itch? Can I take Benadryl for itchy eyes? I am taking Adderall for ADHD. No Do these questions have the same meaning? How to cure urine infection? Hello doctor, can I know if the antibiotics used for UTI will cause yeast infections? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Panic attack after smoking weed. Is this normal? I am having a lot of palpitations and some chest pain, is this just a panic attack or a heart attack? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? What's the best way to deal 3rd degree bed sore? Hello doctor, I have been given antibiotics to help ease my 3rd degree bed sore. May I know if I can continue my hypertensive medications with the antibiotics? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Can vitamin-based skincare products help my SPF work better? What is the best sunscreen that i shoudl be using? Is there a particular SPF I should be looking for? I heard that sunscreen is more effective when used with vitamin based skin care products. Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Please explain what it means to have a "prominent nose"? I don't really like the shape of my nose. Do you think I should wait or get surgery done ASAP? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Since I was a child my joints have always clicked but over the years it has got very painful special when it rains or I am cold? How do I fix? I am currently 17 y/o. I have no past history of joint issues. I have started experiencing pain in my joints during rainy or cold season. Is it related to my childhood habit of clicking my joints? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? What is the maximum amount of Valium someone can take without overdosing? I am afraid, I may overdose. Could you tell me what's the maximum dose of Valium that one can take? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Is it normal for the area where you got your stitches to be hard? My stitches from the surgery feel hard, is it normal? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Is it possible for my hubby to know whether I am a virgin or not? I recently lost virginity and still notice the hymen hanging from the vaginal opening and it hurts. I tried to pull it out but seems to hurt. What do you suggest I do? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No What to do if I'm allergic to sunscreen but I work out in the sun all day what can I do from stop getting burn? I work out in the sun and tend to get sun burns but I can't use sun screen as I am allergic to them. What should I do? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I had two emblic strokes from endocarditis in 2012 ive had unbearable headaches for 3 years 24 hours a day what test would you recommend i have? How would an MRI look for an embolic stroke? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No How much do tummy tucks (witch hazel) usually hurt? I am planning to get tummy tucks (witch hazel) done and I am worried about its complications. Does it hurt a lot? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Does chronic laxative use lead to bacteria imbalance in the gut?? (2) Why long term use of laxatives is not advisable for constipation? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Is there a way to lose my lower belly fat and see abs? (2) What can help me lose abdominal fat to make my abs more prominent? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I was told i have serve hypothyroidism now my handskeep feeling like they are asleep my feet hurt really bad and have dry skin on feet is it thyroid? (2) My sister was diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism and has symptoms like weakness in the arms, pain in the feet, dry skin on the feet, etc. What dosage of medication should she take for these symptoms to get resolved? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How to prevent catching flu from a visitor who never learn to put hand on mouth while coughing... Will hand gel help me? (2) What are some preventive measures against catching flu from a visitor who never covers his mouth while coughing. Does hand gel has a role? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) If I use 4 tylenol (acetaminophen) 3 and 0.50mg Xanax would it be just as dangerous to use lsd and mdma a few hours later as it would be only mixing lsd and mdma? Ty (2) Is it dangerous mixing various kinds of drugs and alcohols? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
From last 4 days I get burning feeling in my throat. I am doing gargle but no improvement. Pls help? Could you help me in overcoming burning sensation of the throat from past 4 days? I tried gargles but no help. Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Diabetic macular edema can be cure with acupuncture? s there a surgical procedure that can cure diabetic macular edema? Do those questions have the same meaning? No I'm 16 and my left testicle started having somewhat severe pain in it, it hurts more than extremely when I walk and it hits my pants I can't drive help? My left ball hurts and does more when I am walking or if it rubs against my shorts. I am only 16. What's going on? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes What do you suggest if my husband has been prescribed metoprolol to reduce his heartrate, which was running over 100 bpm.? I am taking Metoprolol for a high heart rate. Can I also take Zolpidem along with it? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Can you call me at 908-405-0112? My phone number is 908-405-0112. Would it be possible for you to call me? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? How to prevent catching flu from a visitor who never learn to put hand on mouth while coughing... Will hand gel help me? What are the symptoms of flu? How can I treat at home? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? How long does it take to recover from uveitis in the eye? What's the time frame for recovery from uveitis in the eye? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? How to improve sexual energy.? Which foods help in improving sexual energy? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? When do you apply sunscreen: before or after skin care? When is the best time to apply sunscreen and how do I use it with other skincare products? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Ejection fraction of gb very low. Diet stripped down to lean meats, fruits, vegs. Reflux in throat that is constant yet varies in intensity. Related? How can I overcome gastric reflux and a low GB Ejaction fraction? Do I need to see a doctor? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
What effects can I expect from velcade (bortezomib) chemotherapy? What are some common side effects that are expected with velcade chemotherapy? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Whether cooking in coconut oil add or affect the cholesterol and triglyceride levels? My grandfather has been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels and we mostly use coconut oil for cooking. Do you think it is good for his health or do you think it can affect badly the cholesterol and triglyceride levels? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes When should I see a doctor for my toddler's fever? It's been around 103 all day and has peaked at 103.7. No other symptoms. What are symptoms of a flu in a toddler? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Will anyone tell me how come I have small pimple like bumps n my nipple and the surrounding part? I'm currenty pregnant and notice that my nipple has grown big, is more dark and has raised bumps around. Is this normal? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I'm on my period, and i had unprotected sex, and he came inside me. 2 days later, the bleeding from my period stopped. Is that a chance of pregnancy? I had intercourse on the second day of my pregnancy and it as unprotected. After intercourse my bleeding stopped 3 days back. Is there any chance of pregnancy? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: How do I talk to my doctor about incontinence? Q2: What questions to ask my doctor regarding incontinence? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: I had 2 chest x rays done 2 different times with portable mechine I seen the image but did not see the ribs just lungs is that possible. Q2: Can a rib fracture be diagnosed on a chest X-ray? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What does inflammation in legs mean? Q2: What is legs inflammation? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Does eradication of h. Pylori cause weight gain? Q2: Can I get rid of H.Pylori without antibiotics? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: I quit smoking. How many years until my lungs are clean? Q2: How many years of smoking can cause lung cancer? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: What are side effects of cyclizine 50mg? Second question: I have been experiencing dry mouth and diarrhea for the past 1 week. I have started taking Cyclizine about 10 days back. Could these symptoms be a side effect? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Lower abdominal cramps before passing stool. Why does this happen? Second question: I am having lower abdominal cramps but I am passing stools normally. Is it happening due to pregnancy? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I'm experiencing stomach pains, vomiting immediately after eating food and frequenting the washrooms for long calls is it in any way amoeba infection ? Second question: I have been noticing stomach ache, vomiting after eating food and frequent washroom breaks. Does that sound like amoeba infection? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: What can cause me to be lightheaded/dizzy? Second question: Is it normal to have lightheadedness and dizziness in early pregnancy? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Could the symptoms of caffeine overdose will remain more than 2 month, even if we already stop the intake of caffeine? Second question: What are the symptoms of caffeine overdose? Do I need to see a doctor for them? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? Okay so i'm on bc and I have had sex (it hurts) i'm bleeding brown and my vagina hurts almost itchy but it hurts? I have been noticing brown discharge for 2 days. My vaginal area has alaso been itchy and painful. Do you think I am pregnant and that BC failed for me? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Is it possible to bleed if you are prego? 3 neg hpt. I have got three neagtive pregnancy tests. Do you get bleeding in pregnancy? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Would a shattered scapula take longer to heal than a compound tib fib fracture? Which takes longer to heal? A shattered scapula or a compound fracture of tiba and fibula? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Can there be a link between celiac's disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos)? Would having celiac's disease worsen the symptoms of PCOS? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I messed up my birth control and started a new pack. When I took the first week, I bleed for 3 days. Now I am confused when my period will come again. I missed my pills for 2 days in a row... Can I get pregnant because of this? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How can I lose weight? I'm a 17 years old girl, weight: 170 lbs and height: about 6 feet Question 2: Which medications help with weight loss in a 17 year old female of height 6 feet and weight 170 lbs. Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I hit my head on the car door and have a small bump. 24 hours later I have a bad headache. Could I have a concussion? Question 2: What is the management of a concussion? I have a headache and a small bump in the area of impact. Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I have stage 4 chondromalgia in both knees with stable varicose veins in the left knee as well and right paracentral disc protrusion in t8-11 meaning? Question 2: Can you help me understand my results? It says" Stage 4 Chondromalacia in both knees with stable varicose veins in both knees along with right paracentral protrusion from T8-11." Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I've never had hormonal acne until I started tilia fe b.C 4months ago. It's supposed to treat acne. Should I give it time or switch b.Cs? Question 2: Can Telia Fe birth control pills cause or worsen acne? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Been on antibiotics 4 5wks top high tooth dentist cld not get needle 2 freeze 2 extract in gum really hurt she said its the tissues hve 2 go bk? Plz Question 2: Why do I have black teeth? Should I take antibiotics? Is this an infection? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) All of a sudden my ears stopped producing ear wax. What could be the cause? (2) I think my ears are not producing enough wax, is it some medical conditon? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I had a cold about a week and a half ago. Now I'm having very strong headaches and a pain on my left nasal, feels like the bone hurts on my left nasal? (2) I had cold 1.5 weeks ago but I started experiencing severe headache and pain in left nostril yesterday. Is it related to bone in my left nostril? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Is memory loss related to statins? (2) I have memory loss and I have been on statins for a while. If I take a medication for memory loss, will that medication interact with statins and decrease its effectiveness? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Should I take my inhalor before I go in to see the doctor for a check up? (2) I have difficulty in breathing with wheeze whenever I work out. I am wondering if I have asthma. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for next week. Would I be put on an inhalor? How should I avoid an asthma attack? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) My 5 yr. Old daughter had a urine test last week and they found a trace of blood, calcium is 2.4 and creatinine is 3.3, should I be concerned? (2) Should I worry if my 5 year old daughter had some traces of blood in her urine with a calcium level of 2.4 and creatine level of 3.3? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: I am 5/1 and 185 pounds I have hip problims so I don't exersise what is my waite loss options I am 45years old? Q2: I am overweight, and unable to exercise due to hip conditions. Do you have any other tips for weight loss? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Watery eyes been usimg restasis for a month I've tried refresh which caused discomfort what eye drops do you reccomend to stop the eyes from watering ? Q2: What eye drops would help in stopping watery eyes apart from Restasis and Refresh? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: As a gymnast, my wrist hurts after over exertion. It's been about 3 weeks since working out & still pain in 1 spot. Should I use a brace or other ideas? Q2: My wrist has been hurting for a month now and the pain has been gradually worsening. I play sports and fell on my hand before noticing the pain. I have been using a brace but didn't help much. Could I have broke my hand? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: How safe is the use of azt (zidovudine) for HIV positive mothers? Q2: I am HIV positive. I am on Zidovudine for my treatment and my CD4 count is in control. How long will it tak for my HIV to become full blown AIDS? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What are some sources of vitamin d? Q2: Could you apprise me about the sources of vitamin D? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Does boiling a hot dog reduce its sodium? What is the nutritional value of a hot dog? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Is hashimotos goitre always going to be there, or is this condition reversible ? What are my chances of getting hashimoto's thyroiditis if my one of parents has this condition? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Is atherosclerosis hereditary? Is there any heriditary influence in the development of atherosclerosis? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Husband takes prograf and may have cancer; will cancers spread quickly on prograf? Can prograf increase the chances of cancer spread? My husband takes prograf? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What are the side effects of stelazine (trifluoperazine)? My partner has been diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and prescribed on stelazine for it but has been noticing various side effects since he began using it. Can he stop the medication? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Dry, flaky skin on the outer skin of lips all the time. Why does this happen? 2. I have dry, chaped lips with a cold sore. How long does it take to heal? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. What are the reasons some people use digital pregnancy tests, and some use non digital? Besides the obvious, what's different about them 2. May I know which test for pregnancy is accurate? The digital or the non digital? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Worried about lung cancer. Up back pain over 1 year now. Had chest CT 8 months ago it was ok. 3 mris of throastic ok. Some cervical stenosis. Worry? 2. Hello doctor I have upper back pain after an Injury and x-ray and CT taken and all is normal. Doctor said it is a sprain. It has been 3 weeks and I find no improvement. Does that make sense? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Blood pressure is good sitting down 120/75. But just walking across room it goes to 140/90. I'm not over weight or in bad shape. Should I be concern? 2. I am not obese and I am in good shape. Blood pressure is 120/75 when sitting down and when walking blood pressure is 140/90. I am concerned as to what to do. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Does DMSO help plantar fasciitis? 2. What sre the symptoms of plantar fascitis? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Could you tell me if my thumb is blue, swollen and I can't move it dose that mean its cracked? (2) I hurt my thumb today while playing sports and I am not able to move it. I'll share a picture of my thumb. Can you tell me if it looks blue, swollen and if I broke my thumb? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Father has psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, I also have joint pain. Does that mean an autoimmune disease will pass on to my son as well? (2) Can psoriasis be passed on in the family? Can a person inherit it from their grandparents? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Excessive hair growth for a female? How much is too much? (2) What are some conditions/diseases that can cause excessive hair growth for a female? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How is a medical exam used by the insurance company? (2) My insurance company has ordered a medical exam. Can you tell me what to expect in this exam? Would the doctor be examining me or ordering tests? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) My 4 year old son swallow aabout 10 mg rat killer pallet, I made him vomit by itching with finger in his throad and he vomit, what should I do next.? (2) I need help, my 4 year old son swallowed 10mg rat killer pellet, though I made him vomit by itching his throat, what should I do next? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? Could you tell me what are melanocytic lesions? I was told by my doctor that I have melanocytic lesion when I got checked my newly developed very small black spot on my abdomen recently. He said it is benign and nothing to worry about cancer. But I would like to get it removed, can you tell me a few treatment options for that? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Irregular periods been taking fertility pills. 23days late and having symptoms of pregnancy but negative test what should I do? We have been trying to conceive for last 1 year. My wife's cycles are irregular, she misses her period and experiences signs of pregnancy but pregnancy test always comes back negative. We got tested recently, all came back normal. Wondering if she should start taking fertility pills. What do you think? No Do these questions have the same meaning? I've had a lump by my bellyboutton and it moves around its been a week now could I have a hernia? I've been constapated too? Or pregnancy had neg test My symptoms are.....a movable bellybutton lump since a week, constipation. I was wondering if it is a hernia or can it be a pregnancy? Test was negative. Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Quick question about ketone test strips. If they are kind of pinkish before I use them are they bad? Should I be using ketone strips that have turned pinkish even before I've used them? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I eat vegetable curry daily (different types) every meal. Does this count towards my 5 a day and is this a healthy way of eating veggies? I have recently turned vegetarian. What sort of vegetable curries do you recommend and how many times in a day to stay healthy? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? The cause of my first pregnancy miscarriage seemed to b a bleed sac above my baby at 6 1/2 weeks. Is there anything I can do to prevent this next time. If a woman had a miscarriage in a previous pregnancy, will she have one again the second time around? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Very large bruise at old scar about 29 yrs ago i had my appendix removed. Now i was changing shirts to day and i saw a very large bruise around the scar in about a 6 or 8" circle. It looks like a big explosion of blood in the circle. I underwent appendectomy many years ago and now noticed a large bruise along the old scar area. Is this related to my past surgery? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I stepped on a rock that injured the outside of my foot. 17 days later, swelling and bruising down. Discomfort still. Will walking hurt the healing? I fractured my foot and it is now in a cast? How long will I have ro wear one? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Do you have to take antibiotics prior to gyn exam if you had tkr. I know you do this before dental exam. Wondering? I underwent total knee replacement a couple of months and I was told to take antibiotic medications before my dental exam. I have a gynec exam scheduled tomorrow and I am wondering if I should take antibiotic medications. Any thoughts? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? What to do about depression of seeing spirits and just being upset overall? I see spirits and I get depressed about it. I also get upset easily without reason and this is affecting my daily routine and career. What can I do to find some relief? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: I feel like depression and anxiety are ruining my life, need some advice? Question 2: I need some advice, on how to manage anxiety and depression? They have been ruining my life. Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Is aloe vera juice good for hypertension? Question 2: Is aloe vera good for the acne on my face and arms? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Im an 18 year old female and lately i think I have been showing signs of bi-polar disorder, what should I do? Question 2: I'm currently on medications for bipolar disorder but I don't think I have it. I have depressed mood most of the times and excessive crying for no reason. Is it possible I'm just going through depression? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: How would you measure how severe pectus excavatum is? Question 2: I have pectus excavatum and I am wondering how severe is it? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Screaky voice. How can I get a more masculine voice? Question 2: When do puberty changes in men begin? I'm annoyed with my short height, short size of my penis and feminine voice. :( Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? My rheumatologist said 'if a patient has lupus then prednisone doesn't work." why is that? I have lupus,my rheumatologist told me that prednisone doesn't work in my case. Could you educate me why? What are my chances? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Please explain why does my amalgam (filling) hurt? I am scheduled for an appointment with my dentist for amalgam filling in my tooth. Does it hurt? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? On the top right side of my head, I have this random pulsing feeling? Like someone is tapping their finger on this one small spot. It's not painful. What causes a pulsatile feeling on the right side of the forehead? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Can coarctation of the aorta cause poor growth in height? ECHO done today, PA says there could be a problem. I am waiting for the specialist's appointment tomorrow. What should I ask him? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Is sex good for a relationship? I'm in a relationship and was wondering what are the benefits of sex? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']