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Question 1: How are metabolic rate and free radical production related to human lifespan? What are some medically proven ways to control the metabolic rate and free radical production? Question 2: Are metabolic rate and free radical production related to human life span? How we can control them? Are there any medical proven ways for that? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: What do you advise if i had which were growling stomach and excessive flatulence. What could've caused this? Question 2: My doctor advise me some medication for my growling stoamch and excessive flatulence, he said it's due to stomach flu. Am I free of it now? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Whats the best medication to treat yeast infections that a doctor can prescibe? Excluding diflucan (fluconazole) Question 2: Hello doctor I want to know what are the other treatment options apart from diflucan for yeast infections? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: How to deal with someone acting childish? Question 2: What are the different types of personalities? Is being immature one of them? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Is atherosclerosis hereditary? Question 2: How to manage atheroscheloris? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) I feel like my food doesn't digest & I feel like I have to constantly throw up? (2) What is the cause of nausea and vomiting? Does this mean that my food is not digesting well? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Is cirrhosis of the liver cancer? (2) Is liver cirhosis a type of cancer? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can my child with hemophilia participate in activities? (2) One my child is diagnosed with hemophilia and now I am pregnant with second child and is there any chance that my second child will have hemphilia as well? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) I am 44 and my breast and nipples are tender what could it be? (2) Can one expect menopause at the age of 44? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What could increased levels of oestrogen do to me? (2) What is the effect of increases estrogen in the body? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? It is safe to take 20mg of Zyrtec (cetirizine) daily? I take it in the morning but 12 hrs later I am suffering. If I don't take another one at night I dont sleep. My mother is on Zyretc( Cetrizine) 20 mg once daily. She mentioned of feeling sleepy all the time. Is it safe to stop the medication? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Is there a shot available i can take annually that will reduce my reaction to poison ivy? I asked my doc.'s nurse and she said she never heard of such a thing. I often get poison ivy, is there any shot available to counter it? My doctor's nurse say there isn't. Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Does a meniscal displacement cause pain along the joint line? What are some of the symptoms of having a displacement? I had an injury to the knee and I may have torn the meniscus. It has been hurting while walking and wanted to know some symtpoms of meniscus injury? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? What can cause light yellow vaginal discharge? Also sore vagina? STD tests all clear never had this before. Can long term abx be a cause? I have yellow vaginal discharge, pain, itching and odor? I am not sexually active? May I know what are the causes? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Sign of pregnant in 1 month? Delayed menstrual cycle, is sign o pregnant? Does delayed period mean I am pregnant? What are early pregnancy symptoms? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? How can I lose weight? I'm a 17 years old girl, weight: 170 lbs and height: about 6 feet Which medications help with weight loss in a 17 year old female of height 6 feet and weight 170 lbs. Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I need to know if there is more than one type of achondroplasia? Are there different types of achondroplasia? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Is there a cure for yeast infections because my blood is so thin I have risk for internal bleeding? What is the treatment for yeast infections? I am asking this because my blood is thin and I have a risk if internal bleeding. Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Bright red blood on TP after first wipe after BM; then other wipes no more blood. I drink way to much pop and very little water...if that matters. ? I had red colored tissue like thing in my stool. What could it be? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? What long term health problems can you have if you take pain medicine on a regular basis? I am taking pain medications for chronic back pain and I am concerned about the drug test tomorrow? Do pain medications cause false positive tests? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? I pricked myself on a knockout rose bush last friday. The swelling has gone down some, but it still hurts/itches in two spots. Is it infected? I had pricked myself on a knock out rose bush at two spots, the swelling has gone down but it stills hurts and itches. I know, it's not infected but what should I do? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Period was 2 mo late, now been on for 3 wks so far. At the beginning of it all I was intensely stressed But not now. Should I be worried? I am bleeding for the last 3 weeks now and I was 2 months late this time. I was strressed when it started but all fine now. Is this something concerning? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Can sleep apnea cause memory loss? And negative thinking? I got diagnosed with sleep apnea but I am not sure how long I've had it. I have memory loss and negative thoughts, could my sleep apnea be the cause of these symptoms? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Hi doctors I am taking citalopram tablets 20 mg and having cold legs all the time any other medicines similar to citalopram side effect is worry me? Can Citalopram and Zoloft interact and cause cold legs be an effect of their interaction? No Do these questions have the same meaning? How to live if you hate your life and your too afraid to die? Can a constant fear of death make it difficult to live a normal life? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) When after you concieve can your nipples start itching? (2) Do nipples start itching, in fact do you experience generalised body itching during pregnancy? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) What happens if HPV goes away on its own, can it still be spread? (2) What are the risk factors of HPV infection? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Does flax seed oil, about 3 grams a day as prescribed by my opthamologist interact with ortho trip cyclen or other birth control pills? (2) Do BC pills have any interaction with flax seed oil? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can i take motrin for sharp stabbing pain in palm of hand? (2) I have pain, numbness and tingling in the hand for a few weeks now. I also notice weakness sometimes. I have tried icing and ibuprofen but doesn't help. Does that sound like carpal tunnel? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What to do if I have a very flat butt. it almost doesn't exist. what are some tips/exercises that could give me a nice butt? (2) Can you share some butt enhancing exercises with me? Some that actually work? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: If I didn't show any signs of Me being pregnant the first time around would I have any signs this time? Question 2: I had unprotected sex 10 days back and I'm expecting my period soon. I feel nausous, tired, constipated and breasts hurt. Does that sound like signs of pregnancy? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: My 6mo old niece has a pink round spot on each thigh in the same place. My sister is worried it's ring worm. It doesn't bother the baby any. Thoughts? Question 2: What can be the possible diagnosis for a pink round spot on both thighs in the same place in a 6 m/o? Could it be ring worm? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I have a hard small lump, under my skin anterior to my tragus, also have had extremely bad headaches-so bad they wake me in the middle of the night. ? Question 2: What could be causing a small, hard lump in front of my ear? Would a sudde headache in the middle of the night in addition be something to worry about? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Is there a medication to control my anger? Question 2: My wife has bad mood swings- One momet she will be so happy and the very next moment, she would get angry for no reason. Do you think she has bipolar disorder? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: After I had intercourse with hubby I noticed slight fresh blood and burning sensation and urge to urinate. What might be the cause? Question 2: I am 9 wks pregnant and just had some bleeding today, after sex. is it dangerous? Will me baby be okay? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: A while ago I developed a white clumpy discharge, itching, small bumps, and a strange scent. I'm six months pregnant, and I don't have an STD. Help? Question 2: Is it normal to have white clumpy discharge in pregnancy? I had some bumps, some unsuual odor and itching last week which is better now. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: For the 1st time a lot of clear colorless odorless liquid gushed out of vagina 2 days after sex with my partner of 2 years. Had my period a week later Question 2: Can I expect some clear, colorless vaginal discharge a week before my period? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I had a surgery on my right scaphoid and it's been ok till now. It's hurting so bad I want to break down and idk what to take because Advil (ibuprofen) isn't working and the doctor office is closed what do I do? Question 2: Had surgery on right scaphoid and now have bad pain and Advil is not working. I am concerned. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: How come so many medical doctors do not believe that adrenal fatigue is a real issue? Question 2: What are your thoughts about adrenal fatigue and I wonder why so many doctors do not believe it is a real issue? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Can I have a glass of wine while taking methylprednisolone for poison ivy? Question 2: What are some other ways to help control itching due to poison ivy other than methylprednisone? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: 5 days late of period took Plan B emergency contacepive 5 days before expected period went through 3 pregnect test all negative am I pregnet? Question 2: Hello doctor, I had unprotected intercourse an hour back. When can I take plan B and what are the side effects? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Hi! I have a 7 years old daughter i noticed that she's having a deep breathing in every minute. What is wrong with her? Question 2: I am worried about my 7 year old daughter, who is deep breathing after every 1 minute. Is it serious? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Does boiling a hot dog reduce its sodium? Question 2: What is the nutritional value of a hot dog? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: A week ago i used Monistat 1 (tioconazole) to treat a yeast infection. Now I have a vaginal odor and I am wondering if I should use safeguard soap to help the smell? Question 2: I used Monistat 1 to treat yeast infection and have vaginal odor and now can I use safeguard soap to help with smell? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: What should be done to loss the weight of the body in very short time? Question 2: I want to loose my weight in a short time, what can be done? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I had a surgery on my right scaphoid and it's been ok till now. It's hurting so bad I want to break down and idk what to take because Advil (ibuprofen) isn't working and the doctor office is closed what do I do? Hello doctor I am going to get a surgery for scaphoid. May I know what are the side effects and recovery time? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Is hypno-therapy dangeorus? Are effects of hypno-therapy permanent? I heard they can be dangerous. Is it true? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes The cause of my first pregnancy miscarriage seemed to b a bleed sac above my baby at 6 1/2 weeks. Is there anything I can do to prevent this next time. How can I prevent having a miscarriage due to bleeding above the baby at 6 and a half weeks, like it happened last time I was pregnant? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What does it mean if some people who have gilbert's syndrome develop anemia? Can anemia caused by Gilbert's syndrome be cured? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No What is gastrointestinal influenza? Is it contagious? Is gastrointestinal influenza contagious? What are the symptoms it would present with? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: What are the common symptoms of bruises? Second question: How long does it take for bruises to fade away completely? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Hey! If I stay in the shower a long time my nose starts dripping and running like crazy. I also can begin sneezing time after time. Any idea? Thanks!! Second question: My daughter is having dripping nose and sneezing time after time. She is persiting for a shower from along time. Should I allow it? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I had mucus in my stools and on own for 3 weeks and then i suddenly got sickness and diaherrea with fever and now back to mucus when wipe does it link? Second question: Can mucus in stools, sickness, fever and diarrhea be significant of any medical condition? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Had sex 2 days before ovulation and a day after ovulation can I get pregnant? Second question: Can pregnancy happen with sex 2 days before and one day after ovulation? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: What can cause stabbing eye pain after sleep? Second question: I have stabbing eye pain after sleep and that's weird. I get good amount of sleep and no issues there. What could be the cause? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Is it possible for a teenager to have really bad stomach acid? It's gotten worse and I usually avoid trigger foods but lately even antacids won'thelp Question 2: Is it normal to have gastritis during your teens? The pain is getting worse even though I avoid the usual trigger foods. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I am experiencing urinary dribbling and abnormal urine stream. Recently catheterized during surgery could this have caused my issues? Question 2: Hello doctor, can you please tell me about symptoms of over active bladder as I have excessive urination, unable to control my bladder and voiding difficulty and I think I have overactive bladder. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Just looked in right side of nose. very red and swollen. Hurts to sniff or touch outside of nose. Its big like a polyp. Have clear discharge. Whatisit? Question 2: My nose seems to be a bit crooked, is it possible to correct it? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Is taking 5mg of prednisone daily for a year considered fairly safe? Question 2: Is it considered safe to take 5 mg of prednisone daily for a year? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I have very high prolactine because of a puritary tumor and I'm on antidepressants too. Is there some correlation? Question 2: Is there any correlation between having high prolactin because of a pituitary tumor and being on antidepressants? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: I started belching and it smelled and taste like rotten eggs with symptoms of diarrhea watery vomiting what look like red blood and coffee grounds Second question: What are the possible causes of blood in vomit? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I'm on my period, and i had unprotected sex, and he came inside me. 2 days later, the bleeding from my period stopped. Is that a chance of pregnancy? Second question: I had unprotected sex and now my period is expected on 14th June and now 2 days before I am spotting and is it implantation? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Watery eyes been usimg restasis for a month I've tried refresh which caused discomfort what eye drops do you reccomend to stop the eyes from watering ? Second question: What eye drops would help in stopping watery eyes apart from Restasis and Refresh? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: How can you test cholesterol levels? Second question: Can you tell me which tests look for cholesterol? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Why should I participation in an MS clinical trial? Second question: My sister has MS and she came across some website where people with MS can enroll for clinical trials but she is not sure if she needs to talk to her treating doctor about that before enrolling? Do you know what exactly are the requirements for such clinical trials? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. My dad has got a high pressure, cholesterol and diabeties he take a lot of medicine I am really scared about him what should he do? 2. I have high blood pressure, choletsrol and even diabetes. taking medications for that. What are my chances for heart disease? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I smoke and drink alcohol, is my sperm healthy? Can it last 7 days inside the uterus? 2. I usually smoke and drink alcohol, is my sperm healthy enough to last inside the uterus for 7 days or more? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Is it possible for a teenager to have really bad stomach acid? It's gotten worse and I usually avoid trigger foods but lately even antacids won'thelp 2. Is it normal to have gastritis during your teens? The pain is getting worse even though I avoid the usual trigger foods. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. I am experiencing headache (better by: rest, nsaids (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.)) (time frame: gradual onset) (side: left, right) (occurred: < 1 hr... 2. I have headache on left side with pain behind my left eye and nausea for last 3 weeks. It usually gets better on taking rest and with pain killer medications but gets worse on working over my computer. I am wondering if my eye power changed. Should I get an eye checkup done? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I've had a bilateral neck dissection for thyroid cancer in 2011. My neck has been swollen for 3 years. Should I see a lymph node specialist? 2. I had neck surgery 8 years back, however, my neck has been swollen for 3 days. Would seeing a lymph node specialist be the next step? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Why do I have chronic ankle ligament pain for no reason? (2) I have been experiencing ankle pain for a long time now and started out of nowhere. I have not sustained any injuries. Does that sound like a ligament pain? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I stepped on a rock that injured the outside of my foot. 17 days later, swelling and bruising down. Discomfort still. Will walking hurt the healing? (2) I fractured my foot and it is now in a cast? How long will I have ro wear one? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) My vitamin d level is 20...and taking vitamin d supplement gives me horrible muscle cramps even small dose 400..should I stop taking vitamin d ? (2) I usually have strong muscle cramps after taking vitamin d, even a dose of 400 give me cramps but my vitamin D level is 20. Should I stop the supplement? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) How can I deal with really bad morning sickness? (2) When does a woman experience morning sickness during pregnancy? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What should I do if I have an allergy of sneezing when i wake upplease tell me what type of disease or allergy it is? (2) Lately, I have been sneezing a lot. Not sure if it is just allergy or something major. What do you think? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? Can a person be allergic to febreeze plug ins? The scent of something? Every time, I use air freshener I start getting irritation, redness in my eyes and they start watering- Do you think I could be allergic to any of the ingredients of febreze plug in or could be some allergy to perfume? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? 5 days late of period took Plan B emergency contacepive 5 days before expected period went through 3 pregnect test all negative am I pregnet? Hello doctor, I had unprotected intercourse an hour back. When can I take plan B and what are the side effects? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Can anyone heal from solar maculopathy? What are the treatment options for solar maculopathy? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? My dad has got a high pressure, cholesterol and diabeties he take a lot of medicine I am really scared about him what should he do? I have high blood pressure, choletsrol and even diabetes. taking medications for that. What are my chances for heart disease? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Need help docs! My friend ate some raw chicken on accident so he could get worms or parasites? My friend ate raw chicken a few days ago. He got tested by his doctor when he got stomach ache yesterday and all came back normal. Any remedies, that he can try for relief? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Lower abdominal cramps before passing stool. Why does this happen? Question 2: I am having lower abdominal cramps but I am passing stools normally. Is it happening due to pregnancy? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: What do you suggest if my son was just diagnosed with a heart murmur. he just turned 3 and I thought murmurs were diagnosed at birth? Question 2: What conditions present with a heart murmur? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I have a bug bite and it keeps getting worse. What do you recommend? Question 2: What can help with a bug bite? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: For the 1st time a lot of clear colorless odorless liquid gushed out of vagina 2 days after sex with my partner of 2 years. Had my period a week later Question 2: I am worried about some serious infection. I noticed some clear, colorless, odorless vaginal discharge 2 days after sex with my partner a few weeks ago. Then a week later, I got my period. I have been with him only for the past 2 years. Do you think it could be a sign of some STD? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I had arrythmia, is it something that will leave over a period of time? Question 2: My apple watch shows that I have an irregular heart beat and I'm worried about an arrythmia. I do have palpitations on and off. Should I get an EKG? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How likely is someone to give meningitis to someone if he's gotten the vaccine? Question 2: How likely is it to get meningitis after getting vaccination done? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I've never been pregnant so its hard for me to distinguish signs and symptoms so could clear/whitish discharge be an early sign...Not itching or burning? Question 2: I am worried about pregnancy. I have clear white vaginal discharge. Is this a sign of early pregnancy? I do not have itching or burning in vagina. Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: How safe is the use of azt (zidovudine) for HIV positive mothers? Question 2: I am HIV positive. I am on Zidovudine for my treatment and my CD4 count is in control. How long will it tak for my HIV to become full blown AIDS? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Can tuberculosis cause microscopic hematuria? I have cough for more than 3 weeks and microscopic hematuria Question 2: I have cough for last 3 weeks and my test results show microscopic hematuria. Can you explain if cough and microscopic hematuria are related? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: How much time do you have to have sex for to get pregnant? Question 2: I have been trying to coceive for 2 yrs now. How long should I try before considering fertility treatment? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
26 yo m with history of progressive venous insufficiency failed one year of conservative management. + family hx. Is delaying surgery a good idea? Hello doctor, I am 26 year old male wth progressive venous insufficiency. One year of conservative management failed. I am advised surgery as I have positive family history. Can surgery be delayed? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Could my sinus allergies make it hard to breathe? Do all breathing issues in teens mean asthma? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Are these burning cramps normal during early pregnancy? I just found out I am pregnant (don't know how far along yet) and am experiencing some painful cramping. I keep trying to tell myself that it's just my uterus growing, but I wanted to ask on here to I'm 6 weeks pregnant and have my first ultraound schedule in a feew days. I do notice some lower abdominal cramps, nasuea and breast soreness. Is this normal or should I be worried? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Can having a shaved penis alter sex performance? Can shaving penis give painful bumps? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I have headache please suggest? What is the cause and treatment of a headache? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How can I control my PP sugar level...Fasting is controlled. What extra edge I need to do to control it. Am eating meds, walk and eating also controlled? Question 2: How is diabetes detected? Should I test my blood sugar before or after eating? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Dry, flaky skin on the outer skin of lips all the time. Why does this happen? Question 2: I have dry, chaped lips with a cold sore. How long does it take to heal? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: How can I know if I have a varicose vein or a blood blister? Question 2: How can I know if I have a varicose vein or if it is a foot blister? Can you help me? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: How do you safely remove a swimmer with a possible head injury from the water? Question 2: How do you safely remove a swimmer out of water who has a head injury? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Any suggestion i got injection benzapenecilin 2400000 and now feel worthier than before , i got cold ? Question 2: How does getting an injection of penicillin 2400000 help? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? What should we do if my husband vomitted blood? He has been having stomach aches this past week and vomitted blood for the first time tonight. My husband has been experiencing stomaches for the last week and vomitted blood for the first time tonight. Should I take him to the ER? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? What is the life expectancy for someone with mixed connective tissue disease? My grandfather has mixed connective tissue disease, I really love him a lot.. Is this a life threateing condition?If yes, what is the average life expectance of patients with mixed connective disease? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Effects of drinking alcohol on the body fat? Is alcohol rich in calories and does it increase body fat? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? How much sleep shoulda 13 yr old girl get a night?Shes very active&is trying to get a flatter stomach.She weighs 84lbs&is 4' 11" My sister is trying to lose weight. She eats healthy, is active but is not able to lose any. We did some reading and read that not sleeping enough at night can lead to weight gain. Is that true? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I've had my tonsils out and my lymph nodes seem to be swollen lot can it be from allergies I get a lot of drainage? Could allergies cause swollen lymph nodes and tonsils? I am also having lot of drainage. Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
What to do if I'm beginning to have the 'turkey neck' problem. Do you know of any flex exercises that might help me? Would you have any ideas on what could help with a "turkey neck" issue? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Can a pedigree help you trace a condition that is autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive? Is there a scientific way to check chances of inheritance of a condition that is autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes If I don't have the egg white cervical musus am I still ovualating? What are the signs of ovulation? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Rcently prescribed Lumigan 0.1% IOP concern about burning in eyes called the Doc and Doc does not take calls. What to do? Next appt in a week? What is Lumigan 0.1% used for? Can it cause redness or burning in the eyes? Do those questions have the same meaning? No What are the chances of survival following a stomach cancer diagnosis? What is the 5-year prognosis with stomach cancer? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Are there any serious after-effects of a heroin overdose? 2. Can calling 911 help if my friend has overdosaged on heroin? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How do we decide who takes mom? 2. Not able to decide who takes mom. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. I've been getting swollen red hands mostly in the morning. I noticed I sleep hard on my hands is this something to be worried about? 2. Can sleeping hard on the hands cause swelling and redness? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. In the middle of my chest under my breast bone it fells wierd I cant explain it? 2. My mom has been experiencing discomfort, weird feeling in the middle of chest under her breast bone, she could not describe it more. Her breathing is fine. She has acid reflux but not lately. She has been stressed a lot. Should we take her to her doctor? What can she do for relief in the meanwhile? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. My girlfriend woke up with a bruise on the end of her chin this morning. She never had it when she went to bed and never bumped it. What can it be? 2. How long does a bruise on the chin, usually take to heal completely? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Are fabric softener allergies immediate or can they appear a few months after using the softener? Question 2: What ingredients in a fabric softener can cause allergies? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Can u do surgery13 weeks after initial injury to repair ulna&radius broken mid shaft showing poor bone healing&appears to be healing "bowed" (bad angle? Question 2: Is it too late to go in for a surgery to repair ulna and radius if the injury happened 13 weeks ago and the radius was broken in the middle of shaft and healing has not been going well? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I have pain on the left side of my neck when swallowing. Been going on for 3 days. Question 2: I have been experiencing neck pain on left side on swallowing for last 3 days. Did I pull the muscle? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I have an iron deficiency and I'm not diagnosed but I pretty sure I'm anemic. I just want to know if spots of broken blood vessels could be a symptom? Question 2: I have small bleeding spots on my body. Is this caused by an Iron or Vitamin K deficiency? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Why does my vagina burn so much when I have sex with my husband? It only burns when I'm laying on my back or doggie style. Question 2: When I am laying on my back and when having intercourse in doggie style I am having burning. Is this normal? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: I'm 4 days late for my period I am very stressed 2 nights i was about 10 hours late taking my birth control he did pull out. Could i be pregnant? Question 2: I am taking BC and missed it for few hours on a couple days. I took plan B as I am concerned. I have bleeding a week later. Should I continue taking my BC pills? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: After two weeks of oral surgery, my cheek is still swollen and I feel hard lumps on the lower part. It also itches outside. Help? Question 2: Is cheek swelling and slight itching normal after 2 weeks of oral surgery? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Are monochorionic-diamniotic twins usually healthy at birth? Question 2: Are monochorionic-diamniotic twins healthy at the time of birth? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I have psoriatic arthritis and also have fibromyalgia. The weather seems to have an effect on how much pain i feel. What do doctors think about this? Question 2: Do you have any tips on how I can manage pain from psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: After how many hour from drinking an antibiotic can I drink alcohol? Question 2: I have a party tonight and I took my last dose of Azithromycin this morning. Can I have a few drinks? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? I'm over 30 and I have acne only on my jaw line what can I do for it and could my husbands whiskers irritate and cause acne? I am a 32 year old female and for the past few months, I have been getting bad acne mainly on my chin and jawline. Do you think my husband's whiskers might have irritated and resulted in acne? Is there anything I can try to make it better? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Wrist and knuckle got lightly burned from touching a pan. No blisters. Applying polysporin (bacitracin and polymyxin) 3-4 times or more daily. Should I be worried of overdose? What are some home remedies for superficial burns? No Do these questions have the same meaning? How many hours do you have to walk to see weight loss? How long will it take before i see noticeable weight loss? I have been walking for 4 hours daily, but still there is no noticeable weight loss. What more can I do? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Can seroquel (quetiapine) cause gerd? Is seroquel (quetiapine) known to cause GERD? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? 35 years old female no heart problems, sharp pain in chest/heart. Only last a min. Hits anytime driving sitting takes my breath away, happening more? Very short lasting but acute chest pains for a few weeks now, with no past history of chest/cardiac disease could indicate something serious? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: How can warfarin alternatives work? Second question: Could you apprise me, how does warfarin alternatives work? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: How does qcarbo16 work, I see people using it to pass drug test, well that's not why I brought it, I need to cleanse my body, how does it work, thanks? Second question: I bought qcarbo16 recently to cleanse and detoxify my body. I want to let you know that I am aware that many people use it to pass drug test but that is not why I bought it. I want to know more about it before I take it. Can you tell me how does it work exactly? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: What does it mean to have 91 for THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES, <1 for THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES, TSH 4.44, and T3, (liothyronine) TOTAL 72; no symptoms? Second question: Hello doctor my thyroid results have been abnormal and I am given synthyroid to take. Can you tell me how to take the medication? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: My father has cvid and parkinson's. Are there any tests that could show the likelihood of my potential children developing these same problems? Second question: What are the management options available for cvid and Parkinsons Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Does drooping of the mouth come on quickly or slowly? Second question: I sustained a head injury last month in an accident. The test reports came back normal but I noticed mild drooping of angle of my mouth on one side last week, that seem to have got worsened a little. It could just be my anxiety but I am worried. Does the drooping of mouth occur quickly or progressively and slowly? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Have water fluid on feet and legs pretty bad, already on water pills....Have a hard time sleeping and fine it hard to walk... Should I go to the er? I have been to ER for leg and feet swelling and they prescribed water pills. But I am unable to sleep tonight, what can I do to get some relief from discomfrt due to swelling? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Can I get an std, such as HIV from mutual materbation with my partner? Cum touched clit but didn't go inside vagina and also touched a cut on my hand Me and my partner both did mutual masturbation. My cum touched her clitoris and it did no go inside the vagina and it also touched the cut on my hand. Am I in risk of gettig an STD? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes I had water in my ear so I used ear drops for swimmers ear. Now I can't hear and the drops are stuck in my ear. I used some ear drops after I some water got into my ears after swimming but now I feel worse- I cannot hear and it feels like drops are stuck in my ear. What should I do? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Is it possible to have anxiety symptoms 24/7 for 2 years straight? I have anxiety with constant symptoms every day for last 2 years. I have been on medications but nothing helps. Do you think the dose or medication needs to be changed? Is there anything, that I can do apart from medications for relief? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Two negative STD tests and urinelyis doctor said he don't know what it is but still mild buring when I pee. Would NSU show up on test and culture? I have burning sensation while passing urine, abdominal pain, cramps, odor, frequent urge and fever since 2 days? Do I have an UTI? My STD tests 3 months back is negative. Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: What should I do if I have an allergy of sneezing when i wake upplease tell me what type of disease or allergy it is? Q2: I cleaned my room and started sneezing. What can I take for it? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Could anybody get neurapothy in forearms and hands? Q2: What are the causes of neuropathy? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What is a?Multi cystic pancreas? Q2: My neighbor was diagnosed with multicystic pancreas but literature says it is very rare. Is that true? What exactly causes it? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Used Lodine or Celebrex (celecoxib) on and off for 3 or 4 years. Occasionally had some stomach burning. Havent used in 3 months can it still cause an ulcer? Q2: I have been experiencing on and off burning sensation in stomach and have been on Lodine and celecoxib for the past 4 years now but got off it 3 months back. Am I at a risk of getting an ulcer? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Can dental sealants be safely removed if there is decay under them without the use of a drill? If so, how will it be done? Q2: I have tooth decay and I am planning to get dental sealants. I want a second opinion before getting it done. Is this a good option? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? How much time off work do I take after an ACL reconstruction? I twisted my knee at work and it is very swollen but I can walk on it. Could I have torn my ACL? No Do these questions have the same meaning? How to live if you hate your life and your too afraid to die? What is causing me to constantly fear death? Would any tests be needed? No Do these questions have the same meaning? My complete blood picture results note is rbcs show hypochromia, microcytosis and anisocytosis should I see a doctor or not? What does it mean when a blood picture results is rbcs show hypochromia, microcytosis and anisocytosis Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? L/4, l/5 laminect foot pain 1year later, foot doc say normal, neurologist say s/1 caus, ortho surgeon say MRI good, neurosur say nerv itself Whoright? I have been having L 4-5, foot pain for a year now. Some doctors are saying its noithing, others are saying it's nerve related. What do you think? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? A friend and i were fooling around one night and we are both pretty sure the only thing we did was oral sex...Is there any way i could be pregnant? Can oral sex cause pregnancy? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? Is it possible to drink antidepressants for the whole life and to be in good health? Can I take antidepressant medications every day for the rest of my life without side effects, complications? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I'm wondering what is the best birth control? Can birth control pills and emergency pills be taken together? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? My complete blood picture results note is rbcs show hypochromia, microcytosis and anisocytosis should I see a doctor or not? What does it mean when a blood picture results is rbcs show hypochromia, microcytosis and anisocytosis Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Have water fluid on feet and legs pretty bad, already on water pills....Have a hard time sleeping and fine it hard to walk... Should I go to the er? I have been to ER for leg and feet swelling and they prescribed water pills. But I am unable to sleep tonight, what can I do to get some relief from discomfrt due to swelling? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Im in a lot of localized pain, I was diagnosed with an enlarged uterus, a bicornuate uterus, and some ovarian cysts.Pain is extreme. ER? or primary? I have been experiencing severe lower abdomen pain for last couple of hours. I was diagnosed with enlarged uterus, bicornuate uterus and ovarian cyst. Should I go to an ER or wait until tomorrow to consult my doctor? I am very worried and not sure if this is serious enough to go to an ER. Please help. Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Severe migraine for a week and pain deep in ears too. What causes the deep ear pain within migraines? 2. What is the treatment for migraine headaches? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I have a ingrown toenail for about 2 years now and I want to get surgery but in 5 months, is it bad to wait 5 mnths to get surgery.? 2. I have been dealing with an ingrown toenail for 2 yrs now and wanted to know if it would be bad to wait for 5 months to get a surgery? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Have neck/back issues for months & had muscle cramps in calves. Stressed. Have (anxiety) BP is somewhat healthy. Yesterday felt tingly in both hands & shaky. In 20s .. Now it's off & on . Any ideas? 2. Previous medical issues: anxiety, stress, backache, neck pain, muscle cramps for months. Normal blood pressure. Is it normal to have some tingling in the hands? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What would cause white tip of the uvula? Sore throat in morning, but goes away. White tip remains throughout 2. What is that thing hanging behind in my mouth! Is that the uvula? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Can you jump/dive into a pool when you're 9weeks pregnant? 2. Can I go swimming/diving in a pool at 9 weeks pregnant? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: In a mental health program im on pass and i once again used opiates, my addiction to them is to strong and don't know how to tell doc?Withdrawal suck Question 2: I need your help. I am in a mental health program and I am on a pass but I again used opiates. I just could not control, withdrawal symptoms are really hard to deal with! But I really want to quit opiates and I want to tell my doctor but I am not sure how to tell my doctor, can you please help? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: After a hysterectomy do you start menopause imediately? Question 2: My cycles are very heavy and last for months. I am frustrated and want this to stop. Is hysterectomy a good option to consider for an early menopause? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Im not sure if im pregnant. Took 2 test one + with very faint blue line other - .. Fatigue, severe headaches. Nausea.. Dizziness. But painful help? Question 2: Can I be pregnant if one test showed a faint line, another test was negative along with symptoms like severe headaches, nausea, dizziness? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Feeling a little shaky, nausea. Not diabetic, but have a glucose meter. Meter reads 75mg 3 hours after eating a couple almond cookies. Is this normal? Question 2: How to manage symptoms from hypoglycemia? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: What is liver failure and how is it treated? Question 2: My father has liver cirrhosis, how can he prevent it from turning into a full blown liver failure? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: How does one break their arm playing volleyball? Second question: How long it takses for a broken arm to heal? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I am 24 years and breastfeeding my 9 months daughter Can I make mammogramas as last result 2 years ago was fibro cysts in left breast Should I worry? Second question: I am breatsfeeding my daughter, is it safe to take a mammogram for F/u on fibrocystic changes in my left breast? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: My mother is having burning sensation in her left hand she is a diabetic patient and having asthma problem please help me what does it mean? Second question: My 58 yr old mother has diabetes and experiencing burning and numbness in the hands and feet. Her sugars have been high the last time she checked and was given medication for neuropathy. She is also an asthmatic. When can she expect to notice improvement? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What is the life expectancy for someone with mixed connective tissue disease? Second question: My grandfather has mixed connective tissue disease, I really love him a lot.. Is this a life threateing condition?If yes, what is the average life expectance of patients with mixed connective disease? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: I'm snowed in and in the 4th day of an extreme sore throat, cough and possible fever. Swallowing is very painful, and the cough is constant tickle? Second question: For the past 4 days, I have been dealig with bad sore throat with constant tickling and pain with swallowing. I have some cough and I feel feverish too. I cannot go and see my doctor because it's ben snowing constantly. Please help. Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
I came on my period two time last month this month my boyfriend came inside me and I'm bleeding 4 days after we had sex? Can we have sex if I am bleeding? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I had a cold about a week and a half ago. Now I'm having very strong headaches and a pain on my left nasal, feels like the bone hurts on my left nasal? I had cold 1.5 weeks ago but I started experiencing severe headache and pain in left nostril yesterday. Is it related to bone in my left nostril? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What do you suggest if my son has cerebral palsy, school does not have room for him or lvn for his meds? What medications help with Cerabral palsy? My son has it. Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Always use birth control, always use condoms with spermicide, always pull out with condom, but my period is late. Stress from college or pregnancy? I always have protected sex but my period is still late, could I be pregnant? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I'm wondering what is the best birth control? How do I decide which is the best birth control for me? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How can I get myself to have normal daily bowel movements when i'm constipated and haven't had a normal bm in almost a month? Question 2: I've been struggling with constipation for almost a month now, can you help with a treatment plan for the same? It is quite bothersome, honestly ;( Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Why does my tongue hurt so bad? Question 2: What are the causes of tongue pain? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Can you tell me the names of health care institutions or pharmacies known for compounding voriconazole 1% eye drops solution ? Question 2: What is Voriconazole 1% eye drop solution typically used for? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: How do occupational therapists help people with eye injuries to ambulate safely? Question 2: I am thinking of becoming an occupational therapist. Any advice? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Up to how many weeks pregnant can you take an abortion pill? Question 2: Can you prescribe abortion pills? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: I have very high prolactine because of a puritary tumor and I'm on antidepressants too. Is there some correlation? Question 2: Does being on antidepressants cause an increase in the prolactin levels in the body? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Up to how many weeks pregnant can you take an abortion pill? Question 2: How long the abortion pills work in pregnacy? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I have endometriosis and just had a miscarriage now the pain seems to be back stronger than before is this because of miscarriage? Question 2: I have endometriosis and I had miscarriage recently. Is the miscarriage because of my endometriosis? Will I ever be able to have kids? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I was zip lining and at the end of the zip line was a block of about 50 pounds. I was going at about 30 mph and slammed my heel in it. Now it's purple and swollen. What should I do? Question 2: I think I may have broken my heel! I slammed into a big rock at the end of my zip line and hurt myself. Now what? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Cortisone shot as a diagnostic tool in the knee what does this mean. If the shot worked does it mean inflammation? If not internal damage. Help Question 2: I have been advised for cortisone shot in my knee, as diagnostic tool. My doctor tells me if the shot works it means inflammation if not, it indicates internal damage. Is my doctor right? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: What is the procedure involved with open heart surgery? Q2: I underwent an open heart surgery last month. I used to work out for an hour before the surgery as a part of my routine. Can I resume my workouts now? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: High myopia category involves the astigmatism also? Q2: Could you tell me, whether astigmatism also includes high myopia category? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Can kidney polysystic be cured? Q2: Can polycystic ovarian disease be cured? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Have water fluid on feet and legs pretty bad, already on water pills....Have a hard time sleeping and fine it hard to walk... Should I go to the er? Q2: I want your opinion- I have fluid retention in my feet and legs and they look really swollen and it is hardcto sleep and walk. I am already taking water pills. Do I think I should go to ER tonight? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: When I use the bathroom, my poop are sometimes the size of meat balls or bigger. And it's hard to push I eat fruits vegetables. When using I bleed why? Q2: I have been noticing blood in stools for some time now, with hard stools and need to strain while passing stools. My diet seems to be healthy and I do eat fruits and vegetables. What can I do to help with this? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: I've been getting swollen red hands mostly in the morning. I noticed I sleep hard on my hands is this something to be worried about? Question 2: Can Tylenol help with swelling and redness in the hand? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Does breastfeeding only on one side alter a woman's risk of breast cancer in the non-suckled breast? My son had a preference so I nursed on the left. Question 2: I've noticed a lump in my right breast for a few weeks now, my little one only sucks on the left one, could it mean I have a chnace of cancer in the right one? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: How good is an ultrasound in detecting ivh in my child? Question 2: My child has seizures and IVH has been excluded. What could be causing this? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I have a full thickness tear/rupture of the flexor hallucis tendon after bunion surgery 3 mos ago. It is retracted 2.5 cm. and I cannot bend big toe downward. What are long term possible problems without ability of my big toe to push downward, to provid Question 2: What are the long term complications of a full thickness tear/rupture of the flexor hallucis tendon? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Nausea everyday missed period headaches but not pregnant what could be wrong? Question 2: I feel sick every day in the morning along with throbbing headache. I missed my period by a week this month. Am I pregnant? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Ive noticed that after eating my resting heart rate goes from the 60s close to the 80s. Is this normal after eating? (2) My resting heart rate seems to go from 60s to 80s after eating. Is that expected after eating? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can i take motrin for sharp stabbing pain in palm of hand? (2) I have sharp stabbing pain in the palm of the hand and wanted to know if Motrin could help with it? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I have a positive ANA 1:160 Homo pattern & RNP of. 3. Joint pain, limb numbness, skin indents stay for hours, bruising. No diagnosis. More testing? (2) What does a value of ANA 1:160 and RNP 3 mean? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Can i get high liver enzymes due to prostatitis or scar tissue in the urinary tract due to past STD trauma? (2) How do I know if I have STDs? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What r the main symptom of acute HIV? (2) Could you educate me about the main symptoms of HIV? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Ie been gettin white mucus in my eyes for the past two years and im not sick. What could it possible be? I have been getting white mucus in eyes for 2 years and eyes are not sticky and asking what could the causes be? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes What can I do about adrenal gland tumour and what are the symptoms? My grandfather has adrenal gland tumor and he has symptoms such as depression, excessive urination, etc. What is the treatment option for this tumor? Do those questions have the same meaning? No I splashed raw chicken juice in my eye last night with my contacts in. My eye is fine should I throw away my contact? I was wearing contacts when the chicken juice splashed into my eyes last night. I quickly splashed my eyes with water and took off the lens. I was wondering if the contact lens can be used again or do I have to discard them? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Which is better for children to boost their immunity after illness 7seas tablets or minadex multivitamin syrup? What does Minadex and 7seas contain? Do I need a prescription to get them? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Occasionally a blood vessel in my lower leg ruptures & it stings, a lump forms that is very painful to the touch & appearance of a bruise.? What is the management of rupture of blood vessel in the lower leg that presents as a bruise and a painful lump? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Hi there are you able to please Dr. Eric Kelts? I think I have a trapped nerve and its traveling from the bottom of my back down my legs, which I think may be siataca I'm not quite sure but I'm in agony. Cant move at all with my back! I struggled (2) Can Sciatica present with severe pain that travels from the lower back to down the legs along with restriction of movements? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can someone die from an enlarged heart on xray? (2) Is an enlarged heart on X-ray deadly? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Having requent headaches this month, how can I relieve the pain? (2) I developed a headache after hitting my head accidentally while getting up at work. It has been a month. What could be wrong? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Is there a specific time for teens to sleep? (2) Does the sleep pattern of a teen resemble that of an adult? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What are the side effects of zoloft (sertraline)? (2) Can Zoloft and birth control interact? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) I been on depo for about 2/3 years and off for 5 months. I want to get pregnant but haven't had a menstrual cycle, what can I do? (2) I didn't get my period yet even though I have been off depo for the last 5 months. I have been on the shots for 2 to 3 years. TTC. Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) The 2nd person closest to me had a cold sore and passed it to the person next to me who hit it and passed it to me (glass pipe) am i at risk? (2) I have a cold sore and wanted to know if having oral sex with my partner or kissing my partner would spread it? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) I'm 48 years old and I dont have frequent erections but I do take blood pressure meds plus cialis is there any help for me or is it all in my head? (2) What causes erectile dysfunction? Can Cialis cause high blood pressure? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) A recent CT scan with contrast revealed two cysts on pancreas. What does this mean? Previous colon cancer and has esld. Also 6mm mass on liver. (2) I am worried because I recently went in for CT scan which showed two cysts on pancreas. Can you help me undesand what it could be? Just a little background of my medical conditions- I have been treated for colon cancer and have end stage liver disease with a 6 mm mass on liver. Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can you please tell me why it'simportant to promote healthy eating for children and young people? (2) What is the average calorie intake for a young teen? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: My beard is growing back in, and it's itchy with red bumps. Besides conditioner, is there anything I can do for the itchiness and red bumps? Question 2: I think I have an ingrown hair problem with my beard area. What would you suggest I use for the itching and red bumps that happen due to that? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: What are the known symptoms of spondylolisthesis? Question 2: I have been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis. Could you suggest some home remedies? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Can Celiac Disease mimic MS even after being treated with a strict gluten-free diet? Could my untreated Celiac have caused my brain lesions? Question 2: Do MS and celiac disease have similar presenting neurological lesions? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Would 3 normal u/s and 5 low d-dimers over the course of 4 weeks rule out dvt? Even though leg pain is still there? No redness or swelling. Question 2: I hit my leg yesterday and there is some redness and swelling, do you think it could be a blood clot? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: How much time or how far do I have to bike ride to lose weight? Question 2: Does biking cause weight loss in a particular area? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Me & my fiancé are experiencing a red burning itchy scaling rash. Me on my butt & in the lining of the cheeks. Him on his inner thighs & stomach? Question 2: Me and my finace are trying for conception. Any tips? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Dry, flaky skin on the outer skin of lips all the time. Why does this happen? Question 2: I have dry, chaped lips with a cold sore. How long does it take to heal? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I quit smoking. How many years until my lungs are clean? Question 2: How many years after quitting smoking do the lungs get back to normal? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Would 176 RA IgM factor be considered a low positive for rheumatoid factor. What would be considered a positive level. My ccp level is normal. Question 2: I am looking for some more clarification about my lab results. My results say that RA IgM levels are 176, CCP levela are normal. Does that mean it is low positive for rheumatoid factor and what is considered as a positive level? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I have a rash or damage skin on my stomach area and a little on my arms. The rash itches, red, flaky. I wanted to know what u thoughs were? Question 2: I have red, flaky and itchy rash on my stomach and arms. What can I do? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: What are some of the risk factors for getting High blood pressure? Second question: May I know what are the risks of having high blood pressure? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: How can I handle friends that call me a 'junkie' for all my medications for my disability? Second question: I am diagnosed with depression and have social anxiety. I am being socially isolated and humilated because of my disability. I am given Zoloft. Do zoloft help me with my depression and what are my side effects? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Ive noticed that after eating my resting heart rate goes from the 60s close to the 80s. Is this normal after eating? Second question: My resting heart rate seems to go from 60s to 80s after eating. Is that expected after eating? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: I have a ingrown toenail for about 2 years now and I want to get surgery but in 5 months, is it bad to wait 5 mnths to get surgery.? Second question: I had ingrown toenail for 2 yrs and underwent surgery for it 5 months back but the symtpoms seem to be recurring. Would I require another surgery? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I'm 5 weeks pregnant and this morning had brownish spotting, my gyn said this is normal and ita was due to implantation, should I be worried? Second question: I have abdominal cramps, spotting, nause and fatigue. I am on oral contraceptive pills. I take them regularly. My pregnancy test is negative. I dont believe it is implantation as I am not pregnant. Could it be withdrawal bleeding or do I have an STD? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Which body parts can be donated after you die? Question 2: I want to donate my organs after I die, which body parts can be donated? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I've been getting swollen red hands mostly in the morning. I noticed I sleep hard on my hands is this something to be worried about? Question 2: Can Tylenol help with swelling and redness in the hand? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Pain in mid right of stomach? Question 2: My sister has pain in the middle of upper abdomen and has been feeling full early. She was given omeproazole for acid reflux. Should that fix it? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I had blood drawn, 1hr later I lifted weights and I noticed a small bump fill with blood where I got poked at, is this normal? Hel asap Docs Question 2: I need help doctor. I happened to lift weights an hour after getting blood drawn and noticed a blood filled bump at the site where I got the needle prick. Should I be worried? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: How can a pregnant woman on bedrest avoid atrophy and blood clots? Question 2: Is it common for a pregnant woman on bedrest to have atrophy and blood clots, does everyone get them? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? If you take birth control regularly, miss one does on the only night you've had sex in 1 year (no sex after), then continue to take regularly thereafter, how is it possible to get pregnant with twins? I want to get pregnant with twins? I am on birth control pills from past some time and have missed only one pill during the intercourse in past 1 year. What should I do? No Do these questions have the same meaning? I had mucus in my stools and on own for 3 weeks and then i suddenly got sickness and diaherrea with fever and now back to mucus when wipe does it link? Can mucus in stools, sickness, fever and diarrhea be significant of any medical condition? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Ejection fraction of gb very low. Diet stripped down to lean meats, fruits, vegs. Reflux in throat that is constant yet varies in intensity. Related? Are a low ejection fraction, gastric reflux and a diet of lean meats, fruits and veggies related in some way? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I've got stitch like pain and bleeding/ uterus feels heavy. I've had mirena (levonorgestrel) for 8 weeks now. This pain has only been the last week, is this normal? My cycles have been always irregular and I am planning to get Mirena inserted. How effectively is it going to help and regularize my cycles? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Im an 18 year old female and lately i think I have been showing signs of bi-polar disorder, what should I do? My 22 yr old daughter has been anxious and depressed lately. I was wondering if this could be bipolar disorder? She seems to have a lot of those symtpoms. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Why do I have chronic ankle ligament pain for no reason? I have been experiencing ankle pain for a long time now and started out of nowhere. I have not sustained any injuries. Does that sound like a ligament pain? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes I was taking 20mg Prozac (fluoxetine) and increased to 30mg daily this month . Should i take all in the morning or or divide at breakfast and lunch. Eventually i plan to move to 40mg daily . When should I increase? Should Prozac be taken in divided doses throughout the day or all at once? What is the maximum daily recommended dosage of Prozac? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes Is there a difference between inositol pills and powder? Could you explain to me the use of Inositol? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I was zip lining and at the end of the zip line was a block of about 50 pounds. I was going at about 30 mph and slammed my heel in it. Now it's purple and swollen. What should I do? Is heel fracture very common, how does one get it and what are the treatmnet options available? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No I didn't get my period for a month and now having pink discharge and a negative pregnancy test and still no period. What is going on? I have PCOS and my cycles are irregular. I missed period by a month this time and I noticed spotting today. My doctor recommended birth control pills and I didn't want to be on it. Do you think I should consider this and start taking the pills? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: What are the chances I will eventually get symptoms caused by my wpw? Left ventricular connection. Asymptomatic, diagnosed during a medical. Age20 male Q2: Is WPW life threatening? Doesn't it need treatment if it is asymptomatic? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What to do if I have problems regarding my fistulectomy? Q2: My sister got a fistulectomy done and seems to have some issues like bleeding. Should see see the doctor in person? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Frequent unbearable leg cramps, what is the fastest way to relieve pain? Q2: I have repeated intolerable leg cramps for last 2 weeks. Can you help me with remedies for a quick relief? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: I'm having reoccuring eye pain and redness, what could be causes? Q2: I used a new mascara and landed up with some redness in the eye and pain as well. Can this be an allergy? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Is it okay for momma to breastfed while taking prednisone? Q2: Can one breastfead while being on prednisone? My Momma is asking. Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Foods to treat low alkaline phosphatase? Q2: What foods help to manage alkaline phosphatase? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Can there be a link between celiac's disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos)? Q2: Would having celiac's disease worsen the symptoms of PCOS? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Can Adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) cause ear pressure and slight headaches at the end of the day? Q2: What are the side effects of Adderall? Can it cause ear problems or headache? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What would happen if someone mixed femara (letrozole) with human growth hormones? Q2: What are the uses of Letrozole and HGH? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: When do you apply sunscreen: before or after skin care? Q2: I developed a mild sunburn 2 days back and was wondering if I could apply sunscreen over it? When can i go back into the sun? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Is there any interactions between drinking soy milk and taking accutane? Can i drink it when I am on accutane? Question 2: Is it safe to drink soy milk when I am on accutane? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Can i get systematic effects from long term use of cortizone (hydrocortisone) 10 otc? Question 2: Is cetirizine available OTC? What side effects can I expect from using it? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Stubbed left pinkie toe a few hours ago. Quite painful. Now its swollen and there's a lump on the right side of the toe and it hurts. Fractured? Question 2: I accidentally bumped my toe into the bed yesterday and it's all swollen and painful today, could it be a fracture? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: My doctor talked over my head. We are confused. What is amniotic infection? Question 2: I am 12 weeks pregnant. I had amniotic infection in my previous pregnancy and I am worried if I would have amniotic infection during this pregnancy. What are the chances? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: I got on the Birth Control shot on a Friday and had sex on Wednesday if he ejaculated can I still get pregnant? Question 2: What is the percentage efficacy of Birth Control Shot? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: A patient with COPD was receiving 12.5mcg of fentanyl. The gp double this dose to 25mcg. The patient died two weeks later. Is there any correlation? Question 2: I have COPD and I have been on 12.5mcg fentanyl. My doctor doubled up my dose but I don't want to. Can you tell me if I can try any measures at home for relief? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I'm 16 weeks pregnant and the skin on left side of my stomach and back is sensitive and extremely painful when touched. But I have no rash. Why? Question 2: I am having sensitive and painful left side of stomach and back, the area is very tender to touch, want to add that I am 16 week pregnant. Can you help? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: 2yr old dry skin above lip and top lip irritated and or dry. Regular cetaphyl atopic stings. Is it ok to put vaseline?  it's red, irritated. Other? Question 2: Can cetaphyl give allergic reaction? I used cetaphyl and my daughter got dry, irritated lips. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I often get cysts in my neck. How can I make them stop. Question 2: Any ideas on how to stop these cysts from forming on my neck? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I was using the bathroom and was cleaning the toilet after I finished I had a bandaid on both hands I raised the seat to clean it looked like dryblood? Question 2: I have cut on my hand from cutting vegetables. I applied a bandaid and bleeding stopped. Do I need to take T.T injection? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: I'm having genital herpes outbreak, usuallly I take acyclovior. But pharm told me it might affect my ulcer. Any home remedies I can do to dry this up?! Second question: Does Acyclovir cause ulcers when it is prescribed for genital herpes? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Can scar tissue on the uterus or bladder show up on an ultrasound? Second question: Hello doctor, I am diagnosed with fibroid after my ultrasound scan yesterday. What are the treatmet options for fibroids? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: If you had a CBC two years ago and you still have the same symptoms is it good to get a new one? Second question: I was tired a lot and I looked pale about 2 years ago. I had a CBC then. But I still experience the same symptoms and I don't feel better. Is getting the CBC done again a good idea? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: If pus in stool is occasionally is there any problem? Second question: I am having pus in my stools ocassionally, should I be worried? Is it a problem? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: What can I eat before my colonoscopy? They told me clear liquids, but what does that mean? Coffee?s not clear, but they said i can have that. What about orange juice or soda? Second question: I am undergoing colonoscopy next week. What all can I eat and drink before the procedure? Are coffee and orange juice considered clear fluids and is it okay to have them before the procedure? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: 2 years ago i had lyme ab screen mildly elevevated but western blot all non reactive. Now im testing pos for igm 23 and igm 41. What does this mean? Second question: When is Lyme's test advised? Do I need it if I have fever and cough? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Why does my tongue hurt so bad? Second question: Which OTC medications help with tongue pain? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: When I eat food my throat tightens badly, seemingly from being twisted by a motility disorder. I also get chain spasms and chest pain. No acid reflux. Second question: Whenever I eat, I feel tightness in my throat and I get chain spasms and chest pain. I never had acid reflux but I have motility disorder but not sure if it could be the cause of this discomfort. Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: What is a good substitute for peanut butter? Second question: I love peanut butter but I am allergic to peanuts. Can you give me a good substiture for peanut butter? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: What is a good site for answers to dental problem? Ada or is that just party line? Second question: I tried searching on ADA for answers as to why I am having tooth pain, but that didn't help much. Can you connect me to a dentist? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Can oral sex interfere with cervical cerclage surgery? I had cervical cerclage at 14 weeks pregnancy and was asked to avoid sexual activity. What are my risks of preterm birth? Does having sex result in any complications? Do those questions have the same meaning? No My Patella is tender to touch, and hurts and pops when the knee is bent. There isn't any noticeable swelling. But there is pressure around patella. I patella is tender but there is no visible swelling in that area. It hurts and pops on bending my knee and I feel pressure around patella. What could be the cause. Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes When does a doctor use a large needle to stitch with? I recently had an injury and got 5 stitches done. I have noticed some brusing around the area. My doctor used a large needle to stitch, could that have anything to do with it? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Which is better a partial hystorectomy or uterine ablation? I am having gynecological problems and wanted to know which is better hysterectomy or uterine ablation? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes After a 3 days of influenza (flu) w/ fever took ibuprofen and acetaminophen it have left me with a back burning sensation. No problem during peeing. ? How can I treat back burning from a UTI? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: My 2-year-old was given Cefdinir for very red throat but negative strep test, 2 siblings had strep. 3 days later has a fever. Back to dr? Question 2: Should I see the doctor again? My 2 year old who was prescribed cefdinir for red throat and negative strep has develeoped fever 3 days later, his two sibling were diagnosed with strep. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: How long is it normal for a jammed joint in your foot take to heel? Question 2: Could you tell me, how long does a jammed joint in your foot takes to heal up? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I've had body aches, blocked stuffy nose, headaches, pressure in my face and throat tightness and it feels dry for 6 months is it a bad cold? Question 2: I have been having recurrent attacks of sinus infections. I do not have a fever but notice headache, heaviness, pressure sensation, congestion, body pain and dry cough. I'm currently on course of antibotics but do not seem to help. Should I continue or stop them? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Penis extender or jelqing? Which is better for enlargement? Question 2: Do penis extender and jelqing really help in enlarging the penis? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I'm having bad headaches with cold sweats neck pain and nausae and pain behind the eyes Question 2: What causes recurrent headaches, cold sweats, neck pain and pain behind the eyes? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? My girlfriend has aids and we had unprotected sex because she said that the birth control protected me, true? My GF has AIDS, do I need to be on prophylaxis? No Do these questions have the same meaning? My back hurts on my right side? What OTC medications help with back pain on the right side? No Do these questions have the same meaning? How do u know the days u ovulate if your period changes every month and how do I increase my chances of becomming pregnant? How can one track one's ovulation with irregular periods? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Wrist and knuckle got lightly burned from touching a pan. No blisters. Applying polysporin (bacitracin and polymyxin) 3-4 times or more daily. Should I be worried of overdose? I got superficial burns on wrist and knucles from touching a hot pan. I have no blisters. Do you think applying polysporin (bacitracin and polymyxin) is considered over dosage? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? If I only have 10 minutes to work out, what can I do? Can you tell me a few quick exercises that I can do in 10 minutes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. I have the birth control mirena (levonorgestrel) and I have irregular periods but i also have brown discharge so what does that mean? 2. Where can I get a free prescription for birth control pills (lenonorgesterol)? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How can I get rid of a runny nose, itchy eyes, nasal congestion and frequent sneezing? 2. Would steam inhalation help with congestion, runny nose and sneezing? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What does it mean to have 91 for THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES, <1 for THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES, TSH 4.44, and T3, (liothyronine) TOTAL 72; no symptoms? 2. My thyroid tests results are 91 for thyroid peroxidase antibodies and <1 for thyroglobulin antibodies and TSH 4.44 and T3(liothyronine) and total is 72 and I have no symptoms. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Tinnitus 35 yrs. Quiet till breakdown May.Squealing. Up and down.ENT dr thinks stress is cause.Good sign noises vary so.Treatstress and it will recede? 2. Which conditions of the ear cause Tinnitus in 35 year olds? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Can a person be allergic to febreeze plug ins? The scent of something? 2. I am very sensitive and I am allergic to many things but not sure if I am allergic to scent. Do you think I can use perfumes on my clothes avoiding pulse points? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: What does inflammation in legs mean? Second question: What is legs inflammation? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: My dad has a lump on his bicep just slightly after the crease of his forearm. Its no longer as bruise and it never cause him pain but the lump remains? Second question: What could be the cause of a painless lump on the forearm without any noticeable injuries and no change in size? I am here asking about my father who is 40 yrs old. Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Please describe a good source of calcium for children that have a milk allergy? Second question: I take one calcium pill and iron pill daily. I have constipation now. What can I do to help? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What are side effects of cyclizine 50mg? Second question: Are Meclizine and Cyclizine the same medication? What is it used for? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Could the symptoms of caffeine overdose will remain more than 2 month, even if we already stop the intake of caffeine? Second question: How long do the symptyoms of caffeine overdose stay for? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Is a fast heartbeat normal after taking methylprednisolone? (2) My heart is beating really fast. Can I use methylprednisolone to reduce my heart rate? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) If your number two is hard and dark what does that mean? (2) What can cause a hard and dark stool? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Im an 18 year old female and lately i think I have been showing signs of bi-polar disorder, what should I do? (2) I'm currently on medications for bipolar disorder but I don't think I have it. I have depressed mood most of the times and excessive crying for no reason. Is it possible I'm just going through depression? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) One week ago tonight I threw up several times, no diarrhea or stomach cramps. Slept for the rest of the next day. Still no energy!!! Appetite is back. (2) I have been feeling extremely weak and as if I have no energy at all. I am eating normally now but had several episodes of vomiting last week. Could the vomiting be causing my weakness now Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Should teens use the diet plans on tv? (2) Should a teenage follow the diet plans on TV? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. May I use a tampon one week after a medical abortion? I am finding conflicting information online.... 2. How long does bleeding persist after undergoing a medical abortion? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Can gabapentin work for headaches caused by trimethoprim. I have started taking 100mg gabapentin daily for 4 days and trimethoprim 200mg twice a day. 2. I was diagnosed with a urine infection for which I was given Trimethoprim 200 mg to be taken twie daily. I have developed headaches because of the medication. Would it be safe to take Gabapentin? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. How does qcarbo16 work, I see people using it to pass drug test, well that's not why I brought it, I need to cleanse my body, how does it work, thanks? 2. I smoked very less amount of weed 2 nights ago and it was my first time. I have a drug test to pass at my school next week and I am worried if it shows marijuana in my system. My friend suggested qcarbo16 but I want to take a professional opinion. Should I take it? Will it help me? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. What is the cleanest/safest SSRI for general stress-induced anxiety? 2. Are SSRIs the best treatment for stress/anxiety? Which one is the best? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. When after a flight can deep vein thrombosis occur? 2. How long does it usually take for deep vein thrombosis to occur after a long flight? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Should I use the nicotine patch to quit smoking? Or should I try electronic cigarettes? Question 2: I quit smoking recently and I have been using nicotine patch. But I am planning to try electronic cigarettes as I am not very comfortable with nicotine patch. Can I do that without any affect on me quitting of smoking? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I'm 24. My cholesterol is 354 and am class 3 obesity and am now working with a dietician and my doctor. I also have osteoarthritis. What more can I do? Question 2: What is the treatment for a cholesterol level of 354 along with class 3 obesity? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I have mild pressure/tightness on forehead & face all the time, for 8 years. I feel better only when I bow my head looking on floor. What could it be? Question 2: Can sinus infections cause pressure and tightness in the face? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Smoked half a pack year when I was 20 and quit. Will my lungs ever be healthy, also what long term damage if any should I be concerned about? Question 2: When I was 20 years, I smoked half a packet of cigarettes and I quit. Will my lungs be healthy and may I know what is the longterm damage and should b concerned? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: When should I use an ovulation test? Morning, afternoon or night? Question 2: How can one track one's ovulation? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Had larpcoli for gallbladder last Tuesday. Came out relatively fine but recently relapsed into severe nausea and vomiting along with high blood pressure. Q2: I recently underwent Lap cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) and recovered well. I recently started noticing severe nausea, vomiting along with high blood pressure. What does it mean? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Dear Dr, feeling in my eyes lights are too bright feel dizzy with very sore sides of neck front and tight jaw knot in back of neck sleep apnea 6 weeks? Q2: Been having a headache, dizziness and some photophobia recently, what could it be? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: 2 years ago i had lyme ab screen mildly elevevated but western blot all non reactive. Now im testing pos for igm 23 and igm 41. What does this mean? Q2: When is Lyme's test advised? Do I need it if I have fever and cough? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: The cause of my first pregnancy miscarriage seemed to b a bleed sac above my baby at 6 1/2 weeks. Is there anything I can do to prevent this next time. Q2: How can I prevent having a miscarriage due to bleeding above the baby at 6 and a half weeks, like it happened last time I was pregnant? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What can you get over-the-counter for nerves? Q2: What does over the counter mean? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? When do you need to seek medical help with MRSA it's red swollen and hurt been kinda sleepy lately and nausea I'm a diabetic sugar been high? I think I have MRSA, I have red swollen lesions on my skin and they hurt. I also feel a bit sleepy and nauseated. I am a diabetic also, do you think I should see a doctor in person? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I am a pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor. I have developed horizontal double vision. I have an ophthalmology appt. How worried should I be? Does Hodgkins Lymphoma cause double vision? No Do these questions have the same meaning? I'm in the process of losing 30lbs and trying to get pregnant. If I conceive can I stay on weight watchers while I'm pregnant? What are some helpful measures to lose 30lbs in a month? No Do these questions have the same meaning? Had a cyst on my bottom. MRSA. Doc gave me doxycycline for 10 days. Cyst drained & doesn't hurt. Finished meds. Is it out of my system? Do I go back? I was prescribed Doxycycline for 10 days for MRSA cyst. The cyst darined and it no longer hurts. Does it mean that the infection is cleared? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I've had swellings that have reoccurred on my labia majora thrice or so, but now I have a reddish roundish little sore. I'm not sexually active at all. Does herpes cause sores and swelling of the vaginal area? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) My dad has got a high pressure, cholesterol and diabeties he take a lot of medicine I am really scared about him what should he do? (2) I am worried for my dad, he has high blood pressure, high cholestrol and diabetes. How can I help him? He is on medications though. Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Why does my vagina burn so much when I have sex with my husband? It only burns when I'm laying on my back or doggie style. (2) Hello doctor I have burning sensation in vagina, cheese like discharge, itching and odor since 1 week. Do I have yeast infection? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Can my child with hemophilia participate in activities? (2) One my child is diagnosed with hemophilia and now I am pregnant with second child and is there any chance that my second child will have hemphilia as well? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) What causes hungry one hour after meals with upper abdominal pain and burning sensation? (2) Every time after I eat a meal, I get this burning sensation and pain in my upper abdomen and feel hungry again! What could it be? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) How long does a wrenched ligament in the knee take to heal? (2) My friend had wrecthed ligament in the knee but it's still has not healed yet. Do he need a surgery now? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
My doctor talked over my head. We are confused. What is amniotic infection? I was told I had amniotic infection and my doctor explained a lot about it but everything went over my head. Can you explain more about amniotic infection? It would be very helpful, thanks. Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes How long does belly pain associated with hyperemesis gravidarum last? How can I treat hyperemesis gravidarum and associated cramps at home? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Does vitamin D come in shot form? I have been experiencing some back pain recently, do I need to start Vitamin D supplementation? Please tell me if those questions are the same. No Kleptomania, can it be passed down in the genes? Hello doctor may I know if kleptomania is heredity? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Yes What are the causes of lower back pain in women? My mom often says she has lower back ache. My aunt complains of the same. What could be the causes of lower back ache in women? Please tell me if those questions are the same. Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Hi doctor I tested hsv2 IgG 2.16 Elisa after 70 days of my protected encounter only vaginal. I discuss two doctor n they say Ur fine Pls clear, no symp? 2. Hello doctor. I was worried about having STD, so got hsv2 IgG Elisa done 70 days after the protected intercourse, my levels are 2.16. Am I safe? Two doctor's whom I have consulted, mentioned that I am fine. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Me and my wife are trying for baby from past few months but getting negative? 2. Me and my wife are trying to have a baby. Can you help me with some tips? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How do we decide who takes mom? 2. Not able to decide who takes mom. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. How can you tell the difference between hemmorhoids and colon cancer? Even though the symptoms are very similar, what are the major differences? 2. Can hemorrhoids lead to colon cancer? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Is salmonella a type of infectious disease? 2. How do humans get salmonella infection? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Can i drink coffee to avoid a headache? Q2: Is coffee helpful when you have a headache? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Everytime i eat pork i brake out why? Am allergic to it because my oldest daughter brakes out as well. Q2: I seem to develop a rash or hives everytime I eat meat like port or beef. My mother had similar issues too and was asked to avoid eating certain foods. Can this be meat allergy? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What are the known symptoms of spondylolisthesis? Q2: I have been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis. Could you suggest some home remedies? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What can be done for really sharp pain in left ankle? Q2: I got injured over left ankle last week. I had severe pain over left ankle and got tested. The Xray showed hairline fracture and my doctor put me on cast. How long would it take for it to heal? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: 1 day missed period and vaginal area is dry, why? Q2: I am late for my period by one day and have vaginal dryness. Do you have any ideas why? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. What do we do if my bf has been w someone w hpv? We haven't had sex yet. I've had the 3 gardasil shot 2. Does HPV turn into cancer even if one has taken the Gardisil shot? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. What causes underdeveloped breasts in a woman with pcos? Current biochem abnorm are high LH vit d defic, sometimes low estro and prog. Testos normal! 2. I have high LH levels, Vitamin D deficiency, normal testosterone and low esterogen and progesterone and I want to know what is the cause of underdeveloped breasts in a women with PCOS? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Sharp inconsistent pains on the right side near the ovaries and lower back. Pain came out of nowhere and started today its been 4 hours. Help? 2. I have been noticing pain in the right lower abdomen and lower back for about 4 hrs now, that has been sharp and inconsistent. What can I do to help relieve it? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. How can I improve my posture? I have at least 4 inches of head forward tilt from rounded shoulders. Remembering just to stand up straight, no. 2. Do you think sitting for a long time on laptop may be the cause of my rounded shoulders? My head seems to have a forward tilt of about 4 inches. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. I have a burning sensation on the top part of my breast after 2 days of having breast augmentation, is this normal? 2. What are the long term side effects of breast augmentation Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: How can a person know if they have chronic fatigue syndrome? Question 2: What is the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: If both metanephrine fractionated tests were abnormal, what is the likihood the ct of the abdomen and pelvis being abnormal. Was done w/wo contrast. Question 2: May I ask why is the metanephrine fatctionated test done? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I nearly have 3 days of incomplete rest. How can I stay in condition? Question 2: What are some ways to cope if I have not been getting enough rest for 3 days? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: Whats an over-the-counter drug for chron's desease? Question 2: May I know what are the over counter drugs which can be taken for Crohn's? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: My six year old daughter has been on antibiotics over 48hours and started running a fever over 101 and she says her head hurts. Should I take her back in? Given antibiotics for sinus infection but has been getting stuff up when coughing. She has a hist Question 2: If there is persistent fever even after taking 4 doses of antibiotics (over 48 hours), does it mean it is not working? Cough is the same as it was earlier. Should we go back to the ER? She's 6, I can't see her like this. :( Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: If one of my testicle atrophied from infection a decent amount, is it possible that the leydig cells are still left in it and only the sertoli died? Second question: Can leydig and sertoli cell tumors result from infections of the testicle? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: I am about 15 weeks of pregnant and I have difficulty to sleep what can I take for helping me sleep. Thank you? Second question: Thank you for your response. I am not able to sleep at all. I am 15 weeks pregnant, I have taken many things but they are not helping. Could you suggest me something? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Painful scar tissue left under atypical mole removal spot on calf. Sharp, deep pain. Dermatologist recommended plastic surgeon. What will happen? Second question: I have an atypical mole on my calf. Could it be cancerous? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What does it mean when muscles jump like in your arm is this anything serious? Second question: Muscles in my arms are jumping. Is it something to worry about? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: When after a sinus infection clears up will brain fog go away? Second question: How long does it take for brain fog to clear after receiving treatment for sinus infection? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Dizziness and light headed, what can cause this? Question 2: I have not been sleeping well for the past few days and it is annoying. Can this be causing dizziness and lightheadedness. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: What are the common symptoms of bruises? Question 2: Describe some common symptoms of bruises. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I had a root canal 3 months ago but tooth is still sensitive to hot. What could be the reason? Question 2: I have cavities in my tooth and my dentist advised to get root canal done. Can you tell me if the procedure is painful and how much time will it take? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: What antibiotic prescribed for infected cyst? Question 2: I have an infected cyst and I completed the prescribed antibiotic course of medications yesterday but I still experience the symptoms though mild. How long should it take for the symptoms to subside completely? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: What can cause neck vessels to become engorged and distended episodically that improves greatly with daily replacement doses (20mg) of hydrocortisone? Question 2: What in your opinion could be the possible cause for episodic engorgement and distention of neck vessels? And why does it get better with daily replacement doses (20mg) of hydrocortisone? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Do these questions have the same meaning? Why does 7 months premature baby is safer than 8 months premature baby? What make a 7 months old baby safer than delivering an 8 months old premature baby? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? Lower abdominal cramps before passing stool. Why does this happen? Why one have lower abdominal cramps before passing stools? Yes Do these questions have the same meaning? I had a hysterectomy and removal of my tubes and ovaries. However, two years later, I had a very painful area in my pelvis and was told that I had endometriosis. Is this possible? I was diagnosed with endometriosis by my doctor yesterday. It hurts a lot in my pelvic area and disturbs my daily routine. I got my uterus, tubes and ovaries removed last year. What should be the best approach for treating my endometriosis? No Do these questions have the same meaning? What do you suggest if my son has cerebral palsy, school does not have room for him or lvn for his meds? What medications help with Cerabral palsy? My son has it. No Do these questions have the same meaning? Ttc fr 1yr after molar. Sperm normal, hsg norm, tsh-2.85, estrodiol-20.8fsh-9.68, lh-5.63prolactin-24.1amh-0.62afc-3.results normal? Wats next step? Age-28 I am 28 years old female trying to conceive from past 1 year. My test results are following- sperms normal, hsg normal, tsh-2.85, estrodiol-20.8, fsh-9.68, lh-5.63,prolactin-24.1, amh-0.62, afc-0,3. Are these results normal? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: Does lung cancer always effect oxygen levels. Q2: I was diagnosed with lung cancer and I have been on therapy. My oxygen saturation levels have been around 90% and I am worried if this is ever going to improve. Should I ask my doctor if therapy needs to be changed? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: I have had bad stomach cramp with a few diarrohea for last few days . Is it an ulcer or flu? Q2: I have been having diarrhea and bad stomach cramps for the past few days. Are my symptoms due to ulcer or stomach flu? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What are some of the risk factors for getting High blood pressure? Q2: What are the common causes of high blood pressure? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Most effective. Muscle relaxants for chronic. L4-l5 pain? Q2: I have chronic lower back ache and my recent test reports show mild L4-L5 disc bulge. Are muscle relaxant medications the most effective mode of treatment for relief from this pain? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Arthritis in the knees. What could be the best way to get relief? Q2: I have been diagnosed with arthritis in the knees. What can I do to get some relief? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: Can you advise me translate my MRI results? Second question: Would it be possible for you to explain my MRI results to me? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: My nipples have been extremely sore since may 14 its june 26 & recently my lower right side has been killing me, but I started birth control on may 11? Second question: I am on BC since more than a month and been dealing with sore nipples since a couple of days of starting it. Lately, I am experiencing lower abdominal pain as well. Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: I had a root canal 3 months ago but tooth is still sensitive to hot. What could be the reason? Second question: I have cavities in my tooth and my dentist advised to get root canal done. Can you tell me if the procedure is painful and how much time will it take? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What are the main signs of staph infection? Second question: What antibiotics can be used to treat a staph infection? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: My mom is about 75 yesrs old. Her BP and sugar r under control. Sometimes her urination frequency increases despite normal sugar. Whst could be problm? Second question: My mother is a diabetic and is hypertesnive as well but her blood pressure and blood sugar have been under control for some time now but she complains of increase in frequency of urination, I am not sure what could be the cause. Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? Need expert help. I am thinking of using peppermint oil capsules to calm my ibs, is this a bad idea? Are there any published studies on the effect of peppermint oil on IBS? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I talk in my sleep with my eyes open but have no memory of the conversations. I have been having issues with my memory recently and feels more like temporary memory loss. Do I need to see a doctor? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? 8 month old looks to the side or looks up and after a couple of seconds shakes his head and fusses. is that normal or abscent seizers? Is an 8 month old looking to the side and up and shaking the head after a couple of seconds considered as having absent seizures? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? How accurate are the diabetic blood tests that test your 3 month blood sugars? What all tests do you need if you suspect you have diabetes? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Clicking sound comes and goes when heart beats. Upper left chest sharp pain and the pain goes through ribs to upper back left side. I'm 20 years old? I have been having panic attacks for a few months now and have chest pain along with breathing difficulty and palpitations. How do I know this is not heart related? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Could my sinus allergies make it hard to breathe? (2) Do all breathing issues in teens mean asthma? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How is your basal metabolic rate impacted by your basal energy expenditure? (2) How can I calculate my basal energy expenditure and basal metabolic rate? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Hello sir! I hav a skin Color pimples in my vagina lips! Is dat any problem? I'm really scared! (2) Hi! I noticed skin colored bumps on my vaginal lips this morning and I am very scared. What could be the cause of these bumps? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I had medial epicondylar release/ ulnar nerve decompression 5/9/14. When I woke up from it I had a sore throat still have a sore throat? I'mconcerned? (2) I have had this constant sore throat since my surgery a couple of years back, what could be the cause? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) How long does acute bronchitis last in kids? (2) How long would it take for children to start feeling better after they have had acute bronchitis? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Should i get a flu vaccine or are there negative side effects? (2) What is the cost of a Flu vaccine shot? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Feeling a little shaky, nausea. Not diabetic, but have a glucose meter. Meter reads 75mg 3 hours after eating a couple almond cookies. Is this normal? (2) How to manage symptoms from hypoglycemia? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) I am experiencing headache (better by: rest, nsaids (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.)) (time frame: gradual onset) (side: left, right) (occurred: < 1 hr... (2) I have been experiencing headache on both sides, that started gradually and got worse. It gets better on taking rest and when I take ibuprofen, naproxen. It has been disturbing my daily routine and I am not able to concentrate. What could be the cause? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Is fecal bacteria really unhealthy compared to other bacteria when you are pregnant? (2) I am 12 weeks pregnant and went to a beach yesterday. I have read that fecal bacteria in the beaches can be harmful in pregnancy. Is it so? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) I was taking amoxicillin for tooth problem. On the second day I started having full bladder with difficulty to urinate and clear discharge symptoms.? (2) Can amoxcillin cause difficulty in urinating? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: What to do if I have some symptoms thought that i don't know if they could be PMS or pregnancy ? Q2: How can I differentiate between PMS and pregnancy symptoms? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Is it ok to induce your period while on the sugar pills? Q2: Can I skip my sugar pills and still be safe? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Lately when i get frightened or startled, i feel the blood pump down my legs and then my toes start to really hurt. It aches for a long time. What is? Q2: I have been having this numbenss and pain in my toes for a few days now, what's going on? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What does it mean if some people who have gilbert's syndrome develop anemia? Q2: Is anemia a common effect of Gilbert's syndrome? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: How good is an ultrasound in detecting ivh in my child? Q2: Is ultrasound scan an accurate test to diagnose IVH in my child? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? I have had bad stomach cramp with a few diarrohea for last few days . Is it an ulcer or flu? I have been having diarrhea and bad stomach cramps for the past few days. Are my symptoms due to ulcer or stomach flu? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Which is better a partial hystorectomy or uterine ablation? I am having gynecological problems and wanted to know which is better hysterectomy or uterine ablation? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I've had eczema on my face since october for the 1st time. Could it be from the makeup brush cleaner made of alcohol that I'm using or my foundation? What could be some treatment options for eczema on the face? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Been sick for over a week with a dry/wet cough, very runny nose, and no apparent fever. OTC cold medicine has not worked, and I'm currently on antibiotics to treat a UTI (Bactrim I believe). I'm pretty sure this is more than just a cold, seeing how nothin Can antibiotics for UTI (bactrim) treat my cough and congestion? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? How are batteries chosen to be put in pacemakers? How are the batteries selected that are put into pacemakers? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: My back hurts on my right side? Q2: What causes back pain on the right side? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Is this still in healing process or it could be a scar. What should I do? Do I need an check up appointment or I have to wait mo I had treated age spots 2 1/2 weeks ago with liquid nitrogen. The scabbing fell off in 5 days. Now, the treated spots turned Q2: What factors influence the healing process so it does not lead to the formation of a scar? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What do you suggest if my grandma had 2 massive strokes so on? Q2: My grandmother has 2 massive strokes. What can be done? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Question on a discharge--slimey and midcycle? Q2: I have been having some midcycle bleed, it's almost been 10 days since my period got over. What could it mean? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Stroke at 90 . At this stage, would a speech therapy help her? Q2: My grandmother is 90 and she suffered a stroke recently. Do you think speech therapy can help her? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: I would like help with my toddler. How do you cure a yeast infection? Second question: Hello doctor I have vaginal itching, discharge and odor. The discharge is yellow in color. Do you think it is yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: The lower right side of my face hurts when I open my mouth. Anybody have any idea? Could it be tmj? Second question: I have TMJ and I take over the counter pain killer medications when the pain is severe but there hasn't been much relief lately. What else should I do for relief? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What muscles contribute to lower back pain? Second question: I have lower back ache for last few months, that has been getting worse lately. This started when I started working out. I want to understand what muscles attribute to lower back ache so that I can avoid workouts causing strain of these muscles. Can you help me with this? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Can gabapentin work for headaches caused by trimethoprim. I have started taking 100mg gabapentin daily for 4 days and trimethoprim 200mg twice a day. Second question: I was diagnosed with a urine infection for which I was given Trimethoprim 200 mg to be taken twie daily. I have developed headaches because of the medication. Would it be safe to take Gabapentin? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Does a meniscal displacement cause pain along the joint line? What are some of the symptoms of having a displacement? Second question: I sustaiend an injury few years back where I had a meniscus tear in my left knee. The pain seems to flare up on and off. Do you think this would require surgery? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. My gf had her period then after 2days. We had sex she took planb its been 2week already she hasnt had her period is it because she just had her period? 2. Hello doctor I am on birth control pills and I had unprotected sex. Can I take Plan B along with birth control pills? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. What are some really good ways to stimulate adrenaline? 2. Are there any good ways to stimulate adrenaline? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What is Cervical cancer a risk factor for? 2. Can cervical cancer cause more ailments in the body? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Pain in the right leg that goes and goes, sometimes on the side, sometimes in the groin. Burns behind the knee and gets worse with cold. What can be? 2. I have on & off pain on the side of right leg and sometimes in the groin. I also experience burning sensation behind the knee, that gets worse when I am cold. Do I have a blood clot in my leg? If yes, what could be the treatment? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. How can I address a gambling addiction? 2. How does one get addicted to gambling? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. My 2-year-old was given Cefdinir for very red throat but negative strep test, 2 siblings had strep. 3 days later has a fever. Back to dr? 2. Should I see the doctor again? My 2 year old who was prescribed cefdinir for red throat and negative strep has develeoped fever 3 days later, his two sibling were diagnosed with strep. Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What does it mean when muscles jump like in your arm is this anything serious? 2. Doctor can I know if stress causes muscle twitching in arms and also do excessive caffeine intake be a cause? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. What supplement or vitamin can I take that would increase blood curculation to knee? 2. My mom was advised vitamin and supplements to incraese blood circulation to the knee, it's been 4 months. What can we do more? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Have spells where I feel like my foot is going an inch lower than the floor, slightly dizzy but not horrible. Also have tinnitus for a yr. What is it? 2. What is the cause of dizziness, tinnitus, lack of coordination while walking? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. My friend is also on nuva ring. What happens if she washed her ring with really hot water cuz she's stressing out about it.? 2. Would washing Nuva ring in hot water interfere with its effectiveness? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) My complete blood picture results note is rbcs show hypochromia, microcytosis and anisocytosis should I see a doctor or not? (2) What does it mean when a blood picture results is rbcs show hypochromia, microcytosis and anisocytosis Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Can i take motrin for sharp stabbing pain in palm of hand? (2) I have pain, numbness and tingling in the hand for a few weeks now. I also notice weakness sometimes. I have tried icing and ibuprofen but doesn't help. Does that sound like carpal tunnel? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Lower abdominal cramps before passing stool. Why does this happen? (2) Why one have lower abdominal cramps before passing stools? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) How to know if you miscarried without passing fetus? (2) I am 6 weeks pregnant. I have been reading articles about pregnancy care and I came across one that says chances of miscarriage are high during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. I am worried now, is this true? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) Pain in mid right of stomach? (2) What does pain in the middle of the stomach on right side mean? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Can ibs calm down at night then kick in in the day? Question 2: I have IBS and the symptoms have been frustrating lately. Should I change my diet or take any medications? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: What is the retinal pigment epithelium? Question 2: Can you explain what is the retinal pigment epithelium? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: Why am I having collapsed lung after heart surgery? Question 2: Why does one need to have a heart surgery? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? No Question 1: Please explain why does my amalgam (filling) hurt? Question 2: I got amalgam tooth filling done recently and it hurts a lot. What could be the reason? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Yes Question 1: I'm almost 35 weeks pregnant. And I had a ultrasound done at my high risk Dr appt today. The baby's growth rate is at the 22 percentile, weight is 4 lbs and 14 oz. If the % goes below 20%, will the baby still be healthy at delivery? Question 2: I am 35 weeks preganant. Do I need another ultrasound? Would the answer to these two questions be the same? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? Cut my finger about 10hrs ago. It looked deep quickly cleaned and dressed it, now you can barely tell I cut it. Is it possible to heal this quicly? I got a deep cut on my finger a few hours ago, what can I do to clean it and heal it fast? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Should I use a cream of benzoyl peroxide or a soap? I am looking for some good way to treat my acne. I have benzoyl peroxide ointment and an anti-acne soap at home. Which of these two do you think would be better for me? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? How would doctors recommend I treat painful headaches or migraines? My daughter has migraine and she gets really bad headaches. I am planning to take her to her doctor but would like to know how migraines are treated usually? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? How likely is a dermoid cyst going to be cancerous? Just had one removed Is there a chance that a dermoid cyst can recur or spread to other parts progressing to cancer? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I have a rash or damage skin on my stomach area and a little on my arms. The rash itches, red, flaky. I wanted to know what u thoughs were? I had unprotected sex and now after 2 weeks I have rash on stomach and fever. Do I have HIV? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Question 1: Can one get rid of type 2 diabetes with excercise and a good diet? Question 2: Is it imperative that one takes medication for Type 2 diabetes control or is diet and exercise modification enough? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: I've had eczema on my face since october for the 1st time. Could it be from the makeup brush cleaner made of alcohol that I'm using or my foundation? Question 2: What could be some treatment options for eczema on the face? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: I've been experiencing dizziness for several months now, with occasional ear pain. Does this sound like a brain tumor or a sinus problem? Question 2: I have been experiencing dizziness with occasional ear pain for last few months. Do you think this indicates brain tumor or could it be just a sinus issue? I am so scared of brain tumor, please help me. Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Yes Question 1: What would happen if someone mixed femara (letrozole) with human growth hormones? Question 2: What are the uses of Letrozole and HGH? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? No Question 1: Can dementia cause ANS dysfunction? If so how? Question 2: What are the symptoms of an ANS dysfunction? Are questions 1 and 2 asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
First question: I've used nasal spray and have taken Claritin and mucinex (guaifenesin). is there anything I can do to taste again? Second question: I am having nasal congestion probably sinusitis, my doctor presecribed me nasal spray, Claritin and mucinex( guaifenesin). Could you apprise me, what can I take for fever, my body is feeling hot? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: Is a two day period with light cramps normal? I usually have it for 3-4 days with very bad cramps. Could i be pregnant? Second question: Could a pregnancy cause a very short period lasting 2 days wth very light cramping? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: How safe is the use of azt (zidovudine) for HIV positive mothers? Second question: I want to know about the safety of Zidovudine for HIV positive mothers? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Yes First question: Do gmos have any effects on type one diabetes? Second question: What are GMO's? Are these two questions asking the same thing? No First question: What can cause upper left sharp pain that radiates to back with vomiting/paleness/weakness? This has gone on for 5 years. Second question: I have vomiting, paleness and weakness and has upper left sharp pain that radiated to the upper back. It has been going on for 5 years. Can you help me? Are these two questions asking the same thing? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) If your number two is hard and dark what does that mean? (2) What can cause a hard and dark stool? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Are there good OTC remedies for labyrinthitis? (2) What is labyrinthitis? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) How can warfarin alternatives work? (2) Could you apprise me, how does warfarin alternatives work? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) If I am allergic to normal earrings, can I put a coating of clear nail polish on the earring, or is that bad? I've read this on a few websites. (2) I am allergic to earrings and I applied a coat of clear nail polish on it as I read in an article that it avoids allergic reaction but it didn't help. I really like wearing earrings a lot. What should I do? Is there a solution? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) I had unprotected sex just over 2 weeks ago. Had light cramps and sore breasts with darkening areola which has never happened. Got light period. Preg? (2) I am experiencing symptoms like light cramps, dark areola, sore breats and had light period. Important pasrt is I indulged in unprotected sex over 2 weeks back. Does this mean I am pregnant? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
My cousin is a 14 year old boy. He is 4inch in penile length. My question is ..... is he small for his age? How can I increase my penis size? Do those questions have the same meaning? No After car accident my leg and foot are numb and I have pain in my knee. Is it serious? I met with a car accident recently. I have numbness of leg and foot with knee pain. Is it serious? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes I've had a recurring yeast infection for years. How can I prevent them from coming back? I have diabetes and hence recurrent yeast infections. If I control the blood sugar, will that prevent them from recurring? Do those questions have the same meaning? No What might cause glands in my armpit to swell? I am having swollen up glands in my armpit. What are the causes? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Is it normal to have a low sex drive after having three c sections? Does a woman's libido reduce after 3 C-sections? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? What does a measles rash look like? How long it takes for measles rash to appear? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? What is the definition or description of: Lyme disease vaccine? Can you give me more details about the vaccine for Lyme disease? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? What is the direction of some legitimate plastic surgeons that deal in cleft lips? Can a normal surgeon also operate on cleft lip? I heard only plastic surgeons can operate on that. Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? I often get cysts in my neck. How can I make them stop. Any ideas on how to stop these cysts from forming on my neck? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Is it possible to have herpes and only have outbreaks in the anal canal and underneath the tongue but not on the mouth or vagina? Should one see a local doctor for every herpes breakout? And will the same medication help with all sites? Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
(1) Is this still in healing process or it could be a scar. What should I do? Do I need an check up appointment or I have to wait mo I had treated age spots 2 1/2 weeks ago with liquid nitrogen. The scabbing fell off in 5 days. Now, the treated spots turned (2) What factors influence the healing process so it does not lead to the formation of a scar? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) I had medial epicondylar release/ ulnar nerve decompression 5/9/14. When I woke up from it I had a sore throat still have a sore throat? I'mconcerned? (2) I have had this constant sore throat since my surgery a couple of years back, what could be the cause? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) If I am feeling suicidal what should I do? (2) I have suicidal ideation, what should I do? Should I see the doctor? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Yes (1) Is there any side effects or bad effect to the body drinking whey protein? (2) Do I need to take whey protein if I get enough protein from my regular diet? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? No (1) I took Plan B on Feb. 11th, 2015 after having unprotected sex two days before. Now tonight I had protected sex, but the condom broke. I am wondering if the Plan B is still effective 5 days later? And if not, is it safe to consume another Plan B pill? (2) I took Plan B on Feb 11th after unprotected sex and today night I have unprotected sex again and condom broke. Want to know if Plan B is effective and should I take another? Would you say that these questions are the same? Yes or No? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Can doxycycline treat an ear infection? What are the side effects of Doxycycline? Do those questions have the same meaning? No What are the symptoms of having a meniscal root tear in the knee? Please explain Hello doctor, I am recovering from meniscal tear injury and I have practice foot ball match tomorrow. I have no symptoms at present except the mild pain. Can I go for practice tomorrow? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Recently had bacterial vaginosis and a yeast infection. Still think I have bv- treated with metronidazole + fluconazole, discharge white. Thoughts? Can BV and yeast infections persist even after proper treatment? I still think I have some symptoms. Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes What muscles contribute to lower back pain? I have lower back ache for last few months, that has been getting worse lately. This started when I started working out. I want to understand what muscles attribute to lower back ache so that I can avoid workouts causing strain of these muscles. Can you help me with this? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes Its 3am and alot is on my mind. Im discouraged because IV been in college for a yr and have completed only half of what most students have done. My dr? What are the common causes of not able to sleep well, having random thoughts, feeling discouraged in college going age groups? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. Might it be that a a child get cancer if parent had one? 2. My child has cancer, can parents get it from their child? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Will taking birth control pills for treatment of dysmenorrhea affect my fertility later once married? 2. I have irregular periods and get severe pain when on my period. My doctor has prescribed me with Sprintec. My boyfriend is a little concerned of the long term effects. Will we be able to conceive once I stop it? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. What is the reason for fluid coming out right after intercourse? 2. We have been trying to conceive and I notice fluid leak immediately after intercourse. Would that be the semen and would it decrease my chances of pregnancy? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Weird lightheaded feeling 24:7 for yrs Ent dr said not allergies had bloodwork done neuro examine at PC dr all good they say anxiety could it be? 2. I have constant lightheadedness for last few years. I consulted an ENT and a PCP, neuro exam, allergy test, blood work all came back negative. Is it due to anxiety? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Both arms numb no chest pain just a lil dizzy. And a little heart burn I have gastritis and back arthritis. 2. I have been experiencing some biltaeral arm numbness, dizziness, heartburn but no chest pain. What could it mean? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Are the following two questions the same? After having sex once I don't feel like doing it with her again why is that so ? Why do I experience decreased libido only with a person whom I had intercourse before? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? I had a sinus infection 3 weeks ago and i was prescribed z-pac.Felt better for a few days but I am congested again. Should i refill my z-pac? I had a sinus infection about a month back, felt better for a few days after receiving Z-pac and now feel congested again. What can I do now? Options: - Yes - No Yes Are the following two questions the same? Will an infection in a belly piercing cause flu symptoms? I am having flu symptoms, as I think my belly piercing is infected. Can you suggest some remedies? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? Im in a lot of localized pain, I was diagnosed with an enlarged uterus, a bicornuate uterus, and some ovarian cysts.Pain is extreme. ER? or primary? I have enlarged uterus, bicornuate uterus and ovarian cyst and I am considering hysterectomy, yet to discuss with my OBGYN. I hav excruciating lower abdomen pain today, took tylenol but I am not sure how long it helps. Should I consult my OBGYN and discuss hysterectomy? Options: - Yes - No No Are the following two questions the same? According to my ovulation 28 day cycle i was supposed to get my periods on 7may my last period was 9april and today is 10 may.... Could i be pregnant ? I have a 28 day cycle and was expecting my period on the 7th may and the last period before that was on 9th april and today is 10th may. What are my chances of pregnancy Options: - Yes - No Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
1. How to treat razor scar from shaving? 2. Got a razor scar from shaving. Any helpful remedies? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. 15 million sperm can be a father? 2. Hello doctor I am trying to conceive for 2 years and all my tests are normal and the sperm analysis of my husband is normal as well. What can be done to help? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. What increases blood coagulation? 2. What kind of medications or treatment modalities are available for someone who has increased blood coagulation? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? No 1. Does operating small aircraft all of the time lead to permanent hearing loss? 2. Can permanent hearing loss occur from operating small aircraft all the time? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Yes 1. Can you tell me how is an echocardiography performed? 2. I have an Echocardiography scheduled for tomorrow, I am a bit worried, could you please walk me through the process for some peace of mind? Are these two questions inquiring about the same information? No or Yes? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Hi. I have been having ear pain in my right ear. It started on Thursday maybe and It just keeps hurting.? I have been having constant pain in my right ear since Thursday, What should I do? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes How long after a aneurysm surgery do you have to stay off work? What is the recovery time after undergoing surgery for an aneurysm? Do those questions have the same meaning? Yes What are my chances of getting pregnant if my boyfriend pulled out. But then inserted his fingers and penis back in my vagina with sperm ... My bf ejaculated on my belly, will I get pregnant? Do those questions have the same meaning? No Purple fluid filled sack on scalp grew over several months, popped when squeezed. Resembled skin tag. Concerned of cancer. Nothing for doc to check? What is the treatment for cancerous lesion occurring on the scalp? Do those questions have the same meaning? No My six year old daughter has been on antibiotics over 48hours and started running a fever over 101 and she says her head hurts. Should I take her back in? Given antibiotics for sinus infection but has been getting stuff up when coughing. She has a hist Should antibiotics be prescribed to children below the age of 10 years? Do those questions have the same meaning? Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']
Q1: I need someone that can help me. It's been 2 weeks now that I have finished my period but now I am still bleeding and I am very nauseous. Q2: Is it normal to feel nauseuous while on period? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: Is there a way to lose my lower belly fat and see abs? Q2: What can help me lose abdominal fat to make my abs more prominent? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: What are side effects of cyclizine 50mg? Q2: I have been experiencing dry mouth and diarrhea for the past 1 week. I have started taking Cyclizine about 10 days back. Could these symptoms be a side effect? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Yes Q1: Is whey protein bad for men with endogenic hair fall? Q2: My friend is having endogenic hair fall. Can he take whey protein to increase the hair strength? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes No Q1: What does inflammation in legs mean? Q2: How is legs inflammation treated? Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? Options: - No - Yes Options: No, Yes
['No', 'Yes']