5 values
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1749361 35 49 3953932371
1536241 23 36 2632621261
1214441 42 14 4424442431
1112221 21 12 2212221221
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1542 4229491 34 6122
1431 3216361 23 4111
1312 1324141 41 4122
1211 1212121 21 2111
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1542 34 251 3223341 35 251 51422 44 4 924761
1431 23 141 2212231 23 141 41311 33 3 623541
1312 41 231 4324411 42 231 31122 11 1 431241
1211 21 121 2212211 21 121 21111 11 1 221121
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4712451 21931242221 39 4732244461 39 43236
3611331 11621131211 26 3521133341 26 32124
1312121 21441212321 44 1242211141 44 14244
1211111 11221111211 22 1121111121 22 12122
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42 1542 21931242221 453264 4 215235124232 91 9439243914
31 1431 11621131211 342243 3 113123113121 61 6326132613
12 1312 21441212321 134341 1 212242121242 31 4144214411
11 1211 11221111211 122221 1 111121111121 21 2122112211
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1542 34 4 42371 92 433243446
1431 23 3 31261 62 322132334
1312 41 1 12431 33 144214114
1211 21 1 11221 22 122112112
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253954 2164214 51422 4341441
142633 1143113 41311 3231331
234421 2141211 31122 1411111
122211 1121111 21111 1211111
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44914234 494219192 7342 312 45
33613123 363116161 5231 211 33
11311241 131214142 2412 412 12
11211121 121112121 1211 211 11
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531 393322492 34 547395 4 639
421 262211361 23 436263 3 426
341 444422142 41 313442 1 343
221 222211121 21 212221 1 222
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251 9149395 35 4322 6336
141 6136263 23 3212 4224
231 4114442 42 1423 4444
121 2112221 21 1212 2222
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4314 92 742 5471 49 932
3213 62 531 4361 36 621
1411 43 212 3131 14 442
1211 22 111 2121 12 221
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1542 34 422523434
1431 23 311412323
1312 41 122324141
1211 21 111212121
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1542 2391 43 9445124 7391 322 42 93552
1431 1261 32 6333113 5261 221 31 62341
1312 2441 14 3112121 2441 432 12 44232
1211 1221 12 2111111 1221 221 11 22121
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7192246 224324 4153932339 3427536352
5161134 113213 3132621226 2325424232
2142214 221421 1124442444 4132344423
1121112 111211 1112221222 2121222212
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1542 34 4 7394262395 42932342
1431 23 3 5263241263 31621231
1312 41 1 2441342442 12342412
1211 21 1 1221221221 11221211
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52993959324 514242339 312334
42662636213 313131226 211223
33444423421 211212444 412441
22222212211 111111222 211221
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531 9492 435512192 649524514 421 25121
421 6362 323311161 436323313 311 14111
341 4143 142212142 414231211 121 23121
221 2122 121111121 212121111 111 12111
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15121 34 4993249222
14111 23 3662136212
13121 41 1334213323
12111 21 1222112212
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2361 35 31937366329 39 5334 43336451
1241 23 21625244226 26 3223 32224331
2441 42 41442444434 44 2441 14444121
1221 21 21221222222 22 1221 12222111
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531 9275 4314 32 7342 23 512 35243746 1749
421 6254 3213 21 5231 12 311 24232534 1536
341 4323 1411 42 2412 24 212 43314214 1214
221 2212 1211 21 1211 12 111 22212112 1112
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531 6395 23 7336 9149 4323224
421 4263 12 5224 6136 3212213
341 4442 24 2444 3114 1424321
221 2221 12 1222 2112 1212211
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531 9492 4424 915321 312334 749 232 2142 321594972 1325 761429621
421 6362 3323 613211 211223 536 222 1131 211363652 1214 541316421
341 4143 1131 312421 412441 214 343 2112 421241423 1423 241123431
221 2122 1121 211211 211221 112 222 1111 211121212 1212 121112221
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251 3444451 35 251 1355211925 491949192 144 4119 44 4 7372322 532
141 2333331 23 141 1234111614 361636161 133 3116 33 3 6251212 321
231 4111121 42 231 1423211423 141414142 111 1114 11 1 3422423 242
121 2111111 21 121 1212111212 121212121 111 1112 11 1 2211212 121
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1542 4314 933239 5163
1431 3213 622126 4142
1312 1411 344244 3144
1211 1211 222122 2122
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3921212422361 24951 9149395
2611112311241 13631 6136263
4421213122441 21421 4114442
2211112111221 11211 2112221
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5334 1325 6371 94721234
3223 1214 4261 63511123
2441 1423 4431 31221241
1221 1212 2221 21111121
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1542 421 251 52972339 35 1264223237
1431 311 141 32651226 23 1243122125
1312 121 231 23422444 42 1341234242
1211 111 121 12211222 21 1221122121
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1542 9143742339 23 2461 532 924761 434494 39 9476
1431 6132531226 12 1341 321 623541 323363 26 6354
1312 4114212444 24 2141 242 431241 141141 44 3124
1211 2112111222 12 1121 121 221121 121121 22 2112
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1542 34 42245364
1431 23 32133243
1312 41 13212441
1211 21 12111221
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1542 34 3973371 32371
1431 23 2662251 21251
1312 41 4434421 42421
1211 21 2222211 21211
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415391 9156172
313261 6134151
112441 4124122
111221 2112111
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531 6395 23 23442 6499 615
421 4263 12 12331 4366 413
341 4442 24 24112 4143 412
221 2221 12 12111 2122 211
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531 9492 74632314 39 3445349 944514 33242314
421 6362 53421213 26 2334236 633413 22131213
341 4143 21442411 44 4113414 411311 44212411
221 2122 11221211 22 2112212 211211 22111211
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1542 34 251 4355121971 39 4223744 494 4223744 62
1431 23 141 3233111651 26 3212533 363 3212533 41
1312 41 231 1422121421 44 1324211 141 1324211 42
1211 21 121 1211111211 22 1212111 121 1212111 21
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531 23 9461 73932242339 35 446422
421 12 6341 52622131226 23 334312
341 24 4141 24443212444 42 114123
221 12 2121 12222111222 21 112112
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34 12329 4 432 3234272
23 12216 3 322 2123251
41 13424 1 143 4241322
21 12212 1 122 2121211
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531 6395 915321 4 51422 422476 749 42932394 433142
421 4263 613211 3 41311 311354 536 32621263 322131
341 4442 312421 1 31122 122124 214 13442441 144112
221 2221 211211 1 21111 111112 112 12221221 122111
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1542 4314 21946 732217 43 532 251 634912
1431 3213 11634 521115 32 321 141 423612
1312 1411 21414 242212 14 242 231 441413
1211 1211 11212 121111 12 121 121 221212
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531 6395 4314 32 2461 532 5334 23 435142 494 7391 322
421 4263 3213 21 1341 321 3223 12 323131 363 5261 221
341 4442 1411 42 2141 242 2441 24 142112 141 2441 432
221 2221 1211 21 1121 121 1221 12 121111 121 1221 221
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34 94249744 39612 947354961
23 63136533 26411 636233641
41 41214111 44412 413421341
21 21112111 22211 212211221
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1542 34 71417
1431 23 51315
1312 41 21112
1211 21 11111
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1542 34 22494642339
1431 23 11363431226
1312 41 22141412444
1211 21 11121211222
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1542 34 93649
1431 23 62436
1312 41 34314
1211 21 22212
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4371 2161441 532 11443954 7342
3261 1141331 321 11332633 5231
1431 2141111 242 11114421 2412
1221 1121111 121 11112211 1211
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531 6395 23 7336 4 6499 23442 39 251 3719
421 4263 12 5224 3 4366 12331 26 141 2616
341 4442 24 2444 1 4143 24112 44 231 4314
221 2221 12 1222 1 2122 12111 22 121 2212
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1542 34 251 323539 35 251 9491 4546491
1431 23 141 212326 23 141 6361 3434361
1312 41 231 424244 42 231 4141 1314141
1211 21 121 212122 21 121 2121 1212121
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421 3271146463 532414 251 3962 1364 532414
311 2151134342 421313 141 2642 1243 421313
121 4211114144 342111 231 4443 1441 342111
111 2111112122 221111 121 2222 1221 221111
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2391 312334 35 251 14225
1261 211223 23 141 13114
2441 412441 42 231 11223
1221 211221 21 121 11112
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1542 21642339 34 4 25324 732439
1431 11431226 23 3 14213 522326
1312 21412444 41 1 23421 243144
1211 11211222 21 1 12211 122122
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1542 421 42932394 35 9361 4272 96376451
1431 311 32621263 23 6241 3251 64254331
1312 121 13442441 42 3441 1322 34424121
1211 111 12221221 21 2221 1211 22212111
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1542 94614 23 437346 2146322
1431 63413 22 325234 1134212
1312 41411 34 142414 2114423
1211 21211 22 121212 1112212
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1542 34 5494 5332 494 93225
1431 23 4363 3221 363 62214
1312 41 3141 2442 141 44323
1211 21 2121 1221 121 22212
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1542 4314 933239 43 532 5432
1431 3213 622126 32 321 4321
1312 1411 344244 14 242 3142
1211 1211 222122 12 121 2121
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1542 451 34 4 114231 52662 52319
1431 331 23 3 113121 32442 31216
1312 121 41 1 111241 23443 22414
1211 111 21 1 111121 12222 11212
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336 32371 312 942216 5342322
224 21251 211 631114 4231212
444 42421 412 312214 3412423
222 21211 211 211112 2211212
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1542 34 734234 39 5345
1431 23 523123 26 3234
1312 41 241241 44 2413
1211 21 121121 22 1212
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453264 3 512 4 92364395 3943172339
342243 2 311 3 62243263 2632151226
134341 4 212 1 33441442 4414122444
122221 2 111 1 22221221 2212111222
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5191246 3143422374 4153932339
3161134 2132311253 3132621226
2141214 4114122421 1124442444
1121112 2112111211 1112221222
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1542 73632 421 7323214
1431 52421 311 5222113
1312 24442 121 2434211
1211 12221 111 1222111
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34 251 49123749 323439 424219 155172371
23 141 36112536 212326 323116 133151261
41 231 14124214 424144 131214 122122431
21 121 12112112 212122 121112 111111221
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15375 2129 91494 42253746 2193746 35 251 252924 56494
14254 1116 61363 32132534 1162634 23 141 142623 34363
13423 2124 41141 13224214 2144314 42 231 233431 24141
12212 1112 21121 12112112 1122212 21 121 122221 12121
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34 3142 9344 42424394961
23 2131 6233 32313263641
41 4112 4411 13121441341
21 2111 2211 12111221221
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1542 32549 4314 5442237 633441 7391 5239
1431 21336 3213 3331125 422331 5261 3126
1312 42214 1411 2112242 444111 2441 2244
1211 21112 1211 1111121 222111 1221 1122
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7336395 2391 39 7397172339 532 15361 7537619
5224263 1261 26 5266151226 321 14241 5425416
2444442 2441 44 2443122444 242 13441 2342414
1222221 1221 22 1222111222 121 12221 1221212
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546472 4 531 23 6344 4 36426342 5239 73932212
334352 3 421 12 4233 3 24324231 3126 52622111
214123 1 341 24 4411 1 44134412 2244 24443212
112112 1 221 12 2211 1 22122211 1122 12222111
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34 4344 5334 532 4 4321 252342
23 3233 3223 321 3 3211 141231
41 1411 2441 242 1 1421 232412
21 1211 1221 121 1 1211 121211
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1542 34 41935243537 415919242339
1431 23 31623132425 313616131226
1312 41 11442214342 112414212444
1211 21 11221112221 111212111222
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1542 421 7249394721234
1431 311 5236263511123
1312 121 2314431221241
1211 111 1212221111121