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21414275 12142339 49322 2175936352
11313154 12131226 36221 1154624232
21111223 13112444 13432 2123444423
11111112 12111222 12221 1112222212
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1542 5329391 34 9441 39 251 37422
1431 4216261 23 6331 26 141 26312
1312 3424441 41 4111 44 231 43123
1211 2212221 21 2111 22 121 22112
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4712451 7342 35 4 312 737642316
3611331 5231 23 3 211 525431214
1312121 2412 42 1 412 242412414
1211111 1211 21 1 211 121211212
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742414 35 1335442237 3439
532313 23 1223331125 2326
213111 42 1442112242 4144
112111 21 1221111121 2122
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365472322 71664 494 24421 9244 421 93294662 4239264214 92
243351212 51443 363 13311 6233 311 62163442 3126243113 62
442122423 21441 141 21121 3311 121 44241443 1244341211 33
221111212 11221 121 11111 2211 111 22121222 1122221111 22
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1542 34 4 3219329
1431 23 3 2116226
1312 41 1 4214434
1211 21 1 2112222
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2414 35 4932233226391
2313 23 3621122124261
3111 42 1442244234441
2111 21 1221122122221
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1542 34 1751639
1431 23 1541426
1312 41 1231444
1211 21 1121222
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152 749 232 424361 213 1424
142 536 222 313241 112 1323
133 214 343 121441 214 1131
122 112 222 111221 112 1121
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153 144 251 32353946 6144 439512 35 251 9494 6322912
142 133 141 21232634 4133 326311 23 141 6363 4221612
134 111 231 42424414 4111 144212 42 231 3141 3432413
122 111 121 21212212 2111 122111 21 121 2121 2221212
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531 23 7336 75276 219412 42146 331714
421 12 5224 54254 116311 31134 221513
341 24 2444 23324 214112 12114 441211
221 12 1222 12212 112111 11112 221111
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531 9275 23 754951 4 52392 4332
421 6254 12 543631 3 31261 3221
341 4323 24 231421 1 22442 1442
221 2212 12 121211 1 11221 1221
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1542 34 49 1749361 35 61263223191 21713232 4924539342
1431 23 36 1536241 23 41242112161 11512121 3613326231
1312 41 14 1214441 42 41344224141 21214242 1421244412
1211 21 12 1112221 21 21222112121 11112121 1211122211
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153 144 92271 611
142 133 61251 411
134 111 32321 411
122 111 21211 211
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9149395 35 56333395
6136263 23 34222263
4114442 42 24444442
2112221 21 12222221
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5211439333 6113 35391 929912
3111326222 4112 24261 626611
2211144444 4114 43441 434312
1111122222 2112 22221 222211
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4355121971 9121119 912464 35 939912464
3233111651 6111116 611343 23 626611343
1422121421 3121114 412141 42 444412141
1211111211 2111112 211121 21 222211121
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1542 23 142 45212 4 53329466 5491
1431 12 131 33111 3 32216344 3361
1312 24 112 12212 1 24423144 2141
1211 12 111 11111 1 12212122 1121
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1324 7359421 91494
1213 5236311 61363
1421 2424121 41141
1211 1212111 21121
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22314 35 919246 3669144 494 155172371 2214291924
12213 23 616134 2446133 363 133151261 1113161613
23411 42 414214 4444111 141 122122431 2211241421
12211 21 212112 2222111 121 111111221 1111121211
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1542 34 251 4931 6133424 4 13264 63742339
1431 23 141 3621 4122313 3 12143 42531226
1312 41 231 1441 4144121 1 14241 44212444
1211 21 121 1221 2122111 1 12121 22111222
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1542 421 15321 53663954 9441 35
1431 311 14211 32442633 6331 23
1312 121 13421 24444421 4111 42
1211 111 12211 12222211 2111 21
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34 52392312 43263914 4491 44 433232 43263914
23 31261211 32142613 3361 33 322121 32142613
41 22442412 14244411 1141 11 144242 14244411
21 11221211 12122211 1121 11 122121 12122211
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1542 4314 215617 427 9149 39 9336352
1431 3213 113415 315 6136 26 6224232
1312 1411 212412 122 4114 44 3444423
1211 1211 111211 111 2112 22 2222212
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532942339 437291924 532 49 667
321631226 325261613 321 36 445
242412444 142341421 242 14 442
121211222 121221211 121 12 221
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1542 34 251 4355121971 9121119 4 43939492 5191 494 4 217144371 5191
1431 23 141 3233111651 6111116 3 32626361 3161 363 3 115133261 3161
1312 41 231 1422121421 3121114 1 14444142 2141 141 1 212111431 2141
1211 21 121 1211111211 2111112 1 12222121 1121 121 1 111111221 1121
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5334 7644435314 44 5334 7429352424214
3223 5433323213 33 3223 5316242313113
2441 2411142411 11 2441 2123433121211
1221 1211121211 11 1221 1112222111111
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531 6395 4314 942362494 4242 39 93225 4149 2142
421 4263 3213 631242363 3132 26 62214 3136 1131
341 4442 1411 412433141 1213 44 44323 1113 2112
221 2221 1211 211222121 1112 22 22212 1112 1111
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1542 34 734246 531242752
1431 23 623234 421131542
1312 41 341314 341212233
1211 21 221212 221111122
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531 6395 23 4631 7336 4 23442
421 4263 12 3421 5224 3 12331
341 4442 24 1441 2444 1 24112
221 2221 12 1221 1222 1 12111
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1542 34 251 4355121971 9121119 4 214341971 32412 494 4 75364 422495191924 32412
1431 23 141 3233111651 6111116 3 113231651 21311 363 3 54243 311363161613 21311
1312 41 231 1422121421 3121114 1 211411421 42112 141 1 23441 122142141421 42112
1211 21 121 1211111211 2111112 1 111211211 21111 121 1 12221 111121121211 21111
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15121 34 6194939 6374214 23442
14111 23 4163626 4253113 12332
13121 41 4131444 4421211 24113
12111 21 2121222 2211111 12112
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34 25121 4 36492 746614 239122
23 14111 3 24361 534413 126111
41 23121 1 44142 214411 243122
21 12111 1 22121 112211 122111
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1542 352629 34 251 4355345 7644435314 39
1431 242426 23 141 3233234 5433323213 26
1312 433434 41 231 1422413 2411142411 44
1211 222222 21 121 1211212 1211121211 22
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1542 4314 936322939 34192352
1431 3213 624212626 23161232
1312 1411 344423344 41142423
1211 1211 222212222 21121212
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73943 5391 3943172339 7342
52632 4261 2632151226 5231
24414 3441 4414122444 2412
12212 2221 2212111222 1211
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415391 423342 4341441
313261 312232 3231331
112441 124413 1411111
111221 112212 1211111
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153 43 251 6145 243614 51763 7493256451 5239
142 32 141 4133 132413 31542 5362234331 3126
134 14 231 4112 214411 21244 2144324121 2244
122 12 121 2111 112211 11122 1122212111 1122
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1542 4314 251 9491 49531 9149
1431 3213 141 6361 36321 6136
1312 1411 231 4141 14241 4114
1211 1211 121 2121 12121 2112
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1542 421 3362939346 21294
1431 311 2242626234 11163
1312 121 4443444414 21241
1211 111 2222222212 11121
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153 144 251 53242 13949 39 43471 39 39434
142 133 141 32131 12636 26 32351 26 26323
134 111 231 24212 14414 44 14121 44 44141
122 111 121 12111 12212 22 12111 22 22121
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1542 421 251 5322 22314 35 5344364
1431 311 141 3221 12213 23 3233243
1312 121 231 2432 23411 42 2411441
1211 111 121 1221 12211 21 1211221
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4712451 53224 132614 532 4 412172371
3611331 42213 121413 321 3 311151261
1312121 34321 142411 242 1 112122431
1211111 22211 121211 121 1 111111221
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1542 34 4975372 494 1542 421 2512 2414 532
1431 23 3654262 363 1431 311 1412 2313 321
1312 41 1423433 141 1312 121 2313 3111 242
1211 21 1212222 121 1211 111 1212 2111 121
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1542 34 939467353637 421423513423234
1431 23 626345242425 311312412312123
1312 41 444142434442 121124314124241
1211 21 222121222221 111112212112121
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31243946322 22432 2941242494395
21132634212 11321 2631131363263
41214414423 22142 3411212141442
21112212212 11121 2211111121221
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531 6395 749 232 6113 3326 2394 39 251 5211712
421 4263 536 222 4112 2214 1263 26 141 3111511
341 4442 214 343 4114 4424 2431 44 231 2211112
221 2221 112 222 2112 2212 1221 22 121 1111111
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1542 421 5371 364714 15121 742939 34 423214
1431 311 3261 243513 14111 531626 23 312113
1312 121 2431 441211 13121 212344 41 124211
1211 111 1221 221111 12111 111222 21 112111
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1542 34 4 36146 7394232
1431 23 3 24134 5263221
1312 41 1 44114 2441342
1211 21 1 22112 1221221
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15121 434 52116 64952451 3235394214 5239
14111 323 31114 43632331 2123263113 3126
13121 141 22114 41423121 4242441211 2244
12111 121 11112 21212111 2121221111 1122
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4314 1731434 477132 3213434 721432 74244
3213 1521323 355121 2112323 511321 53133
1411 1241141 122142 4214141 221142 21211
1211 1121121 111121 2112121 111121 11111
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153 421 251 1919314 35 53236644
142 311 141 1616213 23 32124433
134 121 231 1414411 42 24244411
122 111 121 1212211 21 12122211
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531 6395 477132 49 433243446 4443599192
421 4263 355121 36 322132334 3332366161
341 4442 122142 14 144214114 1114244142
221 2221 111121 12 122112112 1112122121
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635 5142395 394246642339 7342
423 4131263 263134431226 5231
442 3112442 441214412444 2412
221 2111221 221112211222 1211
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9149395 35 9491 2424
6136263 23 6361 2313
4114442 42 4141 3121
2112221 21 2121 2111
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1542 734339 43 232 9114 23 3444 56 432
1431 623226 32 222 6113 12 2333 34 321
1312 341444 14 343 4111 24 4111 24 142
1211 221222 12 222 2111 12 2111 12 121
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531 9275 4314 3973446359 2424662 7342
421 6254 3213 2662334236 2323442 5231
341 4323 1411 4434114424 3131443 2412
221 2212 1211 2222112212 2121222 1211
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531 23 5394 251 912 43734194
421 12 3263 141 611 32623163
341 24 2441 231 412 14341141
221 12 1221 121 211 12221121
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15121 34 312236129 73993962 2414
14111 23 211124126 52662642 2313
13121 41 412244134 24444443 3111
12111 21 211122122 12222222 2111
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4712451 7342 23 211321 6327519
3611331 5231 12 111211 4215416
1312121 2412 24 211421 4422314
1211111 1211 12 111211 2211212
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142394214 7342 6327519 7493912 21547395
131263113 5231 4215416 5362611 11335263
112441211 2412 4422314 2134412 21212442
111221111 1211 2211212 1122211 11111221
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1542 421 739939 9144 532 4239475 96342395
1431 311 526626 6133 321 3126354 64231263
1312 121 244444 4111 242 1244123 34412442
1211 111 122222 2111 121 1122112 22211221
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733642339 35 73736 235524 4153932339
622431226 23 52624 123413 3132621226
344412444 42 24344 242321 1124442444
222211222 21 12222 121211 1112221222
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1542 34 1
1431 23 1
1312 41 1
1211 21 1
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1542 23 43 49322 422 93225 742414 92 9143742339
1431 12 32 36221 312 62214 532313 62 6132531226
1312 24 14 13432 123 44323 213111 33 4114212444
1211 12 12 12221 112 22212 112111 22 2112111222
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1542 4314 51246 75364 9149
1431 3213 31134 54243 6136
1312 1411 21214 23441 4114
1211 1211 11112 12221 2112
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1542 34 4 2429493
1431 23 3 1326362
1312 41 1 2134144
1211 21 1 1122122
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153 144 251 946633392 319 39719214 92
142 133 141 634422261 216 26616113 62
134 111 231 314444442 414 44314211 33
122 111 121 212222221 212 22212111 22
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43 11 42366 9114 9423
32 11 31244 6113 6312
14 11 12444 4111 4124
12 11 11222 2111 2112
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932946 32641 24214
621634 22431 13113
442414 43411 21211
221212 22211 11111
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1542 34 251 424221 35 39 251 7433236 92364395
1431 23 141 313121 23 26 141 5322124 62243263
1312 41 231 121231 42 44 231 2144244 33441442
1211 21 121 111121 21 22 121 1122122 22221221
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531 364 453264 4 32332 91 23 22439 539
421 243 342243 3 22222 61 12 11326 426
341 441 134341 1 43443 31 24 22144 344
221 221 122221 1 22222 21 12 11122 222
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5247322 1542 5314 23 9242 7391 4319 13942139
3136212 1431 3213 22 6231 5261 3216 12631126
2213423 1312 2411 34 4312 2441 1414 14412144
1112212 1211 1211 22 2211 1221 1212 12211122
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531 23 7332 732223214 53614 5239 474
421 12 5222 521122113 32413 3126 363
341 24 2443 242234211 24411 2244 131
221 12 1222 121122111 12211 1122 121
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1542 23 43 39 2362494
1431 12 32 26 1242363
1312 24 14 44 2433141
1211 12 12 22 1222121
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5394 53619491 5239 5266 3425 422395 7
3263 32416361 3126 3244 2314 311263 5
2441 24414141 2244 2344 4123 122442 2
1221 12212121 1122 1222 2112 111221 1
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7342 23 42451 49 434229192
5231 12 31331 36 323116161
2412 24 12121 14 141224142
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43 422419122314 5163 6341 113552
32 311316111213 4142 4231 112341
14 122113122411 3144 4411 114232
12 111112111211 2122 2211 112121
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1542 34 4573 21412742339 2414 532
1431 23 3452 11311631226 2313 321
1312 41 1324 21112312444 3111 242
1211 21 1212 11111211222 2111 121
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1542 421 754247212342374 35 4 93712
1431 311 543135111231253 23 3 62511
1312 121 231212212412421 42 1 34212
1211 111 121111111211211 21 1 22111
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4712451 446422 532 73929124
3611331 334312 321 62616113
1312121 114123 242 34424121
1211111 112112 121 22212111
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1542 34 251 49466142 3332642339 39 4434
1431 23 141 36344131 2222431226 26 3323
1312 41 231 14144112 4443412444 44 1141
1211 21 121 12122111 2222211222 22 1121
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415391 1542 34 512946351
313261 1431 23 411634231
112441 1312 41 312314421
111221 1211 21 211212211
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1542 342237614 4314 742939 4337341 5471
1431 231125413 3213 531626 3225231 4361
1312 412242411 1411 212344 1442411 3131
1211 211121211 1211 111222 1221211 2121
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1542 4314 9125491 74241
1431 3213 6114361 53231
1312 1411 4123141 21311
1211 1211 2112121 11211
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1542 34 41512214 4192197395
1431 23 31311113 3161165263
1312 41 11212211 1142142442
1211 21 11111111 1121121221
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531 9275 34 323971 1366349 13225
421 6254 23 212651 1244236 12114
341 4323 41 424421 1444414 14223
221 2212 21 212211 1222212 12112
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1542 749 3 61429 39 4 2142422492
1431 536 2 41316 26 3 1131321361
1312 214 4 41124 44 1 2112132142
1211 112 2 21112 22 1 1111121121
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1542 4314 73972643394 9149
1431 3213 52662432263 6136
1312 1411 24433414441 4114
1211 1211 12222212221 2112
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243 2339 21931242221 4153932339
232 1226 11621131211 3132621226
314 2444 21441212321 1124442444
212 1222 11221111211 1112221222
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1542 6394 35 47192 34 7123712
1431 4263 23 35161 23 6112611
1312 4441 42 12142 41 3124312
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15121 43 3 512 92 742 41273714 39 3322 4252424
14111 32 2 311 62 531 31162513 26 2211 3232313
13121 14 4 212 43 212 11234211 44 4422 1323121
12111 12 2 111 22 111 11122111 22 2211 1212111
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54914233 531 23 43196344 3217332462 322754414 54914
33613122 421 12 32164233 2116222342 221543313 33613
21411244 341 24 14144411 4213443143 432231111 21411
11211122 221 12 12122211 2112222122 221121111 11211
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1542 34 4436
1431 23 3324
1312 41 1144
1211 21 1122
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531 35219 749 4 9461 435 231 23
421 23116 536 3 6341 323 121 22
341 42214 214 1 4141 142 241 34
221 21112 112 1 2121 121 121 22
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1542 34 92494 112322
1431 23 61363 112212
1312 41 32141 113423
1211 21 21121 112212
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1542 34 91492 92 924237349
1431 23 61361 62 623125236
1312 41 41142 33 431242414
1211 21 21121 22 221121212
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53241 2124924 74773942339 531 35219
42131 1113623 63552631226 421 23116
34211 2121431 31224412444 341 42214
22111 1111221 21112211222 221 21112
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4712451 14514 39 93225 74236394
3611331 13313 26 62114 53124263
1312121 11211 44 44223 21244441
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531 6395 23 7336 3326 39 49 16172237 32144221 733612
421 4263 12 5224 2214 26 36 14151125 21133211 522411
341 4442 24 2444 4424 44 14 14122242 42111321 244412
221 2221 12 1222 2212 22 12 12111121 21111211 122211