5 values
where to miss
15121 23 9344
14111 12 6233
13121 24 4411
12111 12 2211
hey great set of wheels
512 52142 412 35 151164
412 31131 311 23 141143
313 22112 112 42 131141
212 11111 111 21 121121
that s right a few people go panning for gold in rivers
2542 4 23552 4 511 313361 53 3499395 532 5364 39 237124
1431 3 12341 3 311 212241 32 2366263 321 3243 26 126113
2312 1 24232 1 211 414441 24 4144442 242 2441 44 243121
1211 1 12121 1 111 212221 12 2122221 121 1221 22 122111
it s not on this platform these trains are uptown and downtown not crosstown you have to go up these stairs over there
32 4 932 39 2534 36425329 25141 224394 421 232319 494 43192319 932 723442319 232 5471 23 53 23 25141 424324 3712 25121
21 3 621 26 1423 24313216 14131 113263 311 221216 363 32161216 621 512331216 222 4361 12 32 22 14131 313213 2611 14111
42 1 442 44 2341 44122424 23111 221441 121 342414 141 14142414 442 224112414 343 3131 24 24 34 23111 121421 4312 23121
21 1 221 22 1221 22111212 12111 111221 111 221212 121 12121212 221 112111212 222 2121 12 12 22 12111 111211 2211 12111
i bet you had to drag him away
3 912 232 544 23 4245 539 4142
2 611 222 433 12 3133 426 3132
4 312 343 311 24 1212 344 1113
2 211 222 211 12 1111 222 1112
maybe it was dick
94291 32 144 4376
63261 21 133 3254
41331 42 111 1424
21221 21 111 1212
you can be assured of it
232 749 91 4442214 35 32
222 536 61 3332113 23 21
343 214 31 1113211 42 42
222 112 21 1112111 21 21
no i want a double room by the way is there any discount for children
93 3 1492 4 432961 2339 92 251 142 34 25121 492 43473292 532 75364219
62 2 1361 3 322641 1226 62 141 132 23 14111 362 32352261 321 54243116
44 4 1142 1 143341 2444 33 231 113 41 23121 143 14124342 242 23441214
22 2 1121 1 122221 1222 22 121 112 21 12111 122 12112221 121 12221112
excellent come in please the washing machine is in the bathroom upstairs it keeps breaking down
177166192 7391 39 361441 251 1445395 9475391 34 39 251 94252339 23424324 32 61134 92146395 4319
155144161 5261 26 241331 141 1334263 6354261 23 26 141 63141226 22313213 21 41123 61134263 3216
122144142 2441 44 441111 231 1113442 4123441 41 44 231 31232444 34121421 42 41141 32114442 1414
111122121 1221 22 221111 121 1112221 2112221 21 22 121 21121222 22111211 21 21121 21112221 1212
it s really healthy to do some exercise there the air is fresher and it s romantic to watch the sunset with your lover
32 4 214662 5146252 23 43 4391 17127341 25121 251 432 34 5214512 494 32 4 23949237 23 14275 251 429412 1325 2322 63712
21 3 113442 4134142 12 32 3261 15115231 14111 141 321 23 3113411 363 21 3 12636125 12 13154 141 326311 1214 2221 42611
42 1 211443 3114233 24 14 1441 12122411 23121 231 142 41 2211312 141 42 1 24414242 24 11223 231 134112 1423 3432 44312
21 1 111222 2112122 12 12 1221 11111211 12111 121 121 21 1111211 121 21 1 12212121 12 11112 121 122111 1212 2221 22211
oh no most of the time i do these things she is a writer
35 93 9342 35 251 2391 3 43 25141 253954 451 34 4 123212
24 62 6231 23 141 1261 2 32 14131 142633 341 23 3 112111
43 44 4412 42 231 2441 4 14 23111 234421 131 41 1 124212
22 22 2211 21 121 1221 2 12 12111 122211 121 21 1 112111
we re all familiar with natural disasters but we still feel weak when we face wenchman earthquake
11 21 466 54936342 1325 9422246 434442124 922 11 42366 5116 1146 1519 11 5471 11975949 1422512461
11 11 344 33624231 1214 6312134 323331113 621 11 31244 3114 1134 1416 11 3351 11654636 1311412341
11 21 144 21444412 1423 4123214 141112121 332 11 12444 2114 1114 1314 11 2121 11423414 1122313141
11 11 122 11222211 1212 2112112 121111111 221 11 11222 1112 1112 1212 11 1111 11212212 1111212121
after you total your hours make sure you sign it and turn it in to your supervisor
45212 232 23246 2322 53224 9461 4221 232 4359 32 494 2229 32 39 23 2322 4231273432
33111 222 12134 2221 42213 6341 3211 222 3236 21 363 1216 21 26 12 2221 3221162321
12212 343 24214 3432 34321 4141 1321 343 1424 42 141 2324 42 44 24 3432 1341234142
11111 222 12112 2221 22211 2121 1211 222 1212 21 121 1212 21 22 12 2221 1221122121
i went to the beach with my friends and had a barbecue there
3 1192 23 251 91475 1325 92 5231944 494 544 4 94291721 25121
2 1161 12 141 61354 1214 62 3121633 363 433 3 63161521 14111
4 1142 24 231 31123 1423 43 2241411 141 311 1 31231231 23121
2 1121 12 121 21112 1212 22 1121211 121 211 1 21121121 12111
how can i they re as alike as two peas in a pod
531 749 3 2512 21 44 46361 44 213 3144 39 4 334
421 536 2 1412 11 33 34241 33 112 2133 26 3 223
341 214 4 2313 21 11 14441 11 214 4111 44 1 441
221 112 2 1212 11 11 12221 11 112 2111 22 1 221
i like fishing too i usually fish near the lake
3 6361 5345395 233 3 2424662 5345 9142 251 6461
2 4241 3234263 122 2 2323442 3234 6131 141 4341
4 4441 2413442 244 4 3131443 2413 4112 231 4141
2 2221 1212221 122 2 2121222 1212 2111 121 2121
how about the one on baker street
531 49322 251 391 39 94612 422112
421 36221 141 261 26 63411 311111
341 13432 231 441 44 31412 122112
221 12221 121 221 22 21211 111111
hello professor this is kalina and i am in your literature class on monday mornings
51663 323514432 2534 34 646394 494 3 49 39 2322 6321242221 76444 39 939442 93293954
41442 212313321 1423 23 434263 363 2 36 26 2221 4211131211 54333 26 626332 62162633
31444 424211142 2341 41 414441 141 4 14 44 3432 4421212321 24111 44 444113 44244421
21222 212111121 1221 21 212221 121 2 12 22 2221 2211111211 12111 22 222112 22122211
that s true
2542 4 2221
1431 3 1121
2312 1 2231
1211 1 1121
all right but i m only in on saturday
466 23552 922 3 9 3962 39 39 44222442
344 12341 621 2 6 2642 26 26 33121332
144 24232 332 4 4 4443 44 44 11232113
122 12121 221 2 2 2222 22 22 11121112
could you please stop flipping the channels
73264 232 361441 4233 56333395 251 75499164
52243 222 241331 3122 34222263 141 54366143
24341 343 441111 1244 24444442 231 23144141
12221 222 221111 1122 12222221 121 12122121
can i get off the ship and walk around
749 3 512 355 251 4533 494 1466 423294
536 2 311 233 141 3422 363 1344 312263
214 4 212 422 231 1344 141 1144 124341
112 2 111 211 121 1222 121 1122 112221
it s about three hours
32 4 49322 25211 53224
21 3 36221 14111 42213
42 1 13432 23211 34321
21 1 12221 12111 22211
ok let go back to the hotdog stand
36 612 53 9476 23 251 532435 42494
24 411 32 6354 12 141 421323 31363
44 412 24 3124 24 231 342142 12141
22 211 12 2112 12 121 221121 11121
i want a hamburger and ice cream what about you
3 1492 4 549922512 494 371 72149 1542 49322 232
2 1361 3 436621311 363 251 51136 1431 36221 222
4 1142 1 314332212 141 421 22114 1312 13432 343
2 1121 1 212221111 121 211 11112 1211 12221 222
it s hard to keep up contact when people move around so much
32 4 5424 23 6113 23 7392472 1519 313361 9371 423294 43 9275
21 3 4313 12 4112 22 5261351 1416 212241 6261 312263 32 6254
42 1 3121 24 4114 34 2442122 1314 414441 4431 124341 14 4323
21 1 2111 12 2112 22 1221111 1212 212221 2221 112221 12 2212
that it easy they get caught before they come here
2542 32 1442 2512 512 742552 915321 2512 7391 5121
1431 21 1332 1412 311 532341 613211 1412 5261 4111
2312 42 1113 2313 212 213232 312421 2313 2441 3121
1211 21 1112 1212 111 112121 211211 1212 1221 2111
i am sorry i am very tired i m going to bed early
3 49 43222 3 49 7122 23214 3 9 53395 23 914 14262
2 36 32112 2 36 6112 12113 2 6 32263 12 613 13142
4 14 14223 4 14 3123 24211 4 4 24442 24 311 11243
2 12 12112 2 12 2112 12111 2 2 12221 12 211 11122
you are a graduate right
232 421 4 52442421 23552
222 311 3 31332311 12341
343 121 1 22113121 24232
222 111 1 11112111 12121
it doesn t seem to be so easy
32 43149 2 4119 23 91 43 1442
21 32136 1 3116 12 61 32 1332
42 14114 2 1114 24 31 14 1113
21 12112 1 1112 12 21 12 1112
wow you were pulling my leg all along i was really fooled
131 232 1121 3266395 92 615 466 46395 3 144 214662 533614
121 222 1111 2244263 62 413 344 34263 2 133 113442 322413
141 343 1121 4344442 43 412 144 14442 4 111 211443 244411
121 222 1111 2222221 22 211 122 12221 2 111 111222 122211
yes it is which department for
214 32 34 15375 4134229192 532
213 21 23 14254 3123116161 321
311 42 41 13423 1141224142 242
211 21 21 12212 1121112121 121
how do you think a manager should react to an employee s unsatisfactory work
531 43 232 25396 4 9494512 453264 21472 23 49 19363211 4 29442345472322 1326
421 32 222 14264 3 6363311 342243 11351 12 36 16242211 3 26331233351212 1214
341 14 343 23444 1 4141212 134341 21122 24 14 14444311 1 34112412122423 1424
221 12 222 12222 1 2121111 122221 11111 12 12 12222211 1 22111211111212 1212
well haven t you heard
1166 54719 2 232 51424
1144 43616 1 222 41313
1144 31314 2 343 31121
1122 21212 1 222 21111
which flight do you want
15375 563552 43 232 1492
14254 342341 32 222 1361
13423 244232 14 343 1142
12212 122121 12 222 1121
ok two tickets to london please
36 213 2376124 23 639439 361441
24 112 1254113 12 426326 241331
44 214 2424121 24 444144 441111
22 112 1212111 12 222122 221111
i want it transferred into my checking account
3 1492 32 22494512214 3923 92 75176395 4773292
2 1361 21 11363311113 2612 62 54154263 3552261
4 1142 42 22141212211 4424 43 23124442 1224342
2 1121 21 11121111111 2212 22 12112221 1112221
that s tough indeed do you think your health can afford
2542 4 23255 394114 43 232 25396 2322 514625 749 455324
1431 3 12234 263113 32 222 14264 2221 413414 536 333213
2312 1 24323 441111 14 343 23444 3432 311423 214 122421
1211 1 12212 221111 12 222 12222 2221 211212 112 111211
hello i d like to reconfirm my flight please
51663 3 4 6361 23 217395329 92 563552 361441
41442 2 3 4241 12 115263216 62 342341 241331
31444 4 1 4441 24 212442424 43 244232 441111
21222 2 1 2221 12 111221212 22 122121 221111
hi do you know what s for dinner i m starving
53 43 232 6931 1542 4 532 439912 3 9 42427395
42 32 222 4621 1431 3 321 326611 2 6 31316263
34 14 343 4441 1312 1 242 144412 4 4 12123442
22 12 222 2221 1211 1 121 122211 2 2 11112221
julia will you be my wife
62634 1366 232 91 92 1351
42423 1244 222 61 62 1231
33441 1444 343 31 43 1421
22221 1222 222 21 22 1211
who do you think will win
153 43 232 25396 1366 139
142 32 222 14264 1244 126
134 14 343 23444 1444 144
122 12 222 12222 1222 122
let me help you with that i don t want you to hurt your back
612 91 5163 232 1325 2542 3 439 2 1492 232 23 5222 2322 9476
411 61 4142 222 1214 1431 2 326 1 1361 222 12 4211 2221 6354
412 41 3144 343 1423 2312 4 144 2 1142 343 24 3322 3432 3124
211 21 2122 222 1212 1211 2 122 1 1121 222 12 2211 2221 2112
frankly yes we like to employ married people by the way do you have any children
5249662 214 11 6361 23 193632 9422314 313361 92 251 142 43 232 5471 492 75364219
3136442 213 11 4241 12 162422 6311213 212241 62 141 132 32 222 4361 362 54243116
2214443 311 11 4441 24 144443 4122411 414441 33 231 113 14 343 3131 143 23441214
1112222 211 11 2221 12 122222 2111211 212221 22 121 112 12 222 2121 122 12221112
come on they only do that to get even more publicity for their films and themselves
7391 39 2512 3962 43 2542 23 512 1719 9321 329637322 532 25132 53694 494 2519416714
5261 26 1412 2642 32 1431 12 311 1616 6211 226425212 321 14121 32463 363 1416314613
2441 44 2313 4443 14 2312 24 212 1314 4421 433442423 242 23142 24441 141 2314114311
1221 22 1212 2222 12 1211 12 111 1212 2211 222221212 121 12121 12221 121 1212112211
well it ll be a rainy day for northern utah we can expect some isolated downpours in the morning winds will be coming in from the north east with gusts reaching twenty three miles per hour salt lake city can expect the rain to turn to sleet in the evening things are looking a bit better for the south we ll see cloudy skies with a chance of showers later in the day we can expect partlycloudy skies with a forecast high of thirty eight degrees
1166 32 66 91 4 24392 442 532 93225129 2245 11 749 173172 4391 34364214 431933224 39 251 9329395 13944 1366 91 739395 39 5239 251 93225 1442 1325 52424 21475395 211922 25211 93614 312 5322 4462 6461 7322 749 173172 251 2439 23 2229 23 46112 39 251 1719395 253954 421 6336395 4 932 912212 532 251 43225 11 66 411 763242 46314 1325 4 754971 35 4531124 64212 39 251 442 11 749 173172 342262763242 46314 1325 4 53217442 5355 35 253222 13552 4152114
1144 21 44 61 3 13262 332 321 62114116 2134 11 536 152151 3261 23243113 321622213 26 141 6216263 12633 1244 61 526263 26 3126 141 62114 1331 1214 32313 11354263 111612 14111 62413 211 4221 3341 4341 5212 536 152151 141 1326 12 1216 12 34111 26 141 1616263 142633 311 4224263 3 621 611111 321 141 32214 11 44 311 542232 34213 1214 3 543651 23 3421113 43111 26 141 332 11 536 152151 231142542232 34213 1214 3 32115331 4234 23 142112 12341 3131113
1144 42 44 31 1 21443 113 242 44223124 3213 11 214 124122 1441 41441211 141444321 44 231 4424442 14411 1444 31 244442 44 2244 231 44223 1112 1423 23121 21123442 211423 23211 44411 412 3432 1142 4141 2423 214 124122 231 2144 24 2324 24 14112 44 231 1314442 234421 121 4444442 1 342 312212 242 231 14323 11 44 111 244313 14411 1423 1 231421 42 1341121 41212 44 231 113 11 214 124122 412243244313 14411 1423 1 24212112 3423 42 234223 14232 1122111
1122 21 22 21 1 11222 112 121 22112112 2112 11 112 112111 1221 21221111 121222211 22 121 2212221 12211 1222 21 122221 22 1122 121 22112 1111 1212 12111 11112221 111212 12111 22211 211 2221 1121 2121 1212 112 112111 121 1122 12 1212 12 12111 22 121 1212221 122211 111 2222221 1 221 211111 121 121 12212 11 22 111 122212 12211 1212 1 121211 21 1221111 21111 22 121 112 11 112 112111 211122122212 12211 1212 1 12111111 2212 21 122112 12121 1111111
yes i ate some cake
214 3 421 4391 7461
213 2 311 3261 5341
311 4 121 1441 2141
211 2 111 1221 1121
can you speak english
749 232 43146 1956345
536 222 32134 1634234
214 343 14114 1424413
112 222 12112 1212212
i was just wondering if many chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant
3 144 6242 139412395 35 9492 7539141 313361 2461 25132 61523712 5334 5391 5239 4 2142422492
2 133 4231 126311263 23 6362 5426131 212241 1341 14121 41312611 3223 4261 3126 3 1131321361
4 111 3312 144112442 42 4143 2344111 414441 2141 23142 41224312 2441 3441 2244 1 2112132142
2 111 2211 122111221 21 2122 1222111 212221 1121 12121 21112211 1221 2221 1122 1 1111121121
maybe not but i advice you to say it was your fault
94291 932 922 3 447371 232 23 442 32 144 2322 54262
63261 621 621 2 336251 222 12 332 21 133 2221 33241
41331 442 332 4 113421 343 24 113 42 111 3432 21342
21221 221 221 2 112211 222 12 112 21 111 2221 11221
what s your favourite ball sport
1542 4 2322 547322321 9466 43322
1431 3 2221 336221211 6344 32211
1312 1 3432 213432421 3144 14422
1211 1 2221 112221211 2122 12211
good evening i have a reservation under the name of tomlinson
5334 1719395 3 5471 4 21412742339 29412 251 9491 35 239639439
3223 1616263 2 4361 3 11311631226 26311 141 6361 23 126426326
2441 1314442 4 3131 1 21112312444 34112 231 4141 42 244444144
1221 1212221 2 2121 1 11111211222 22111 121 2121 21 122222122
you don t know the company is going to replace these old computers with the latest ones
232 439 2 6931 251 7393492 34 53395 23 2136471 25141 364 739322124 1325 251 642142 3914
222 326 1 4621 141 5262362 23 32263 12 1124351 14131 243 526221113 1214 141 431131 2613
343 144 2 4441 231 2444143 41 24442 24 2144121 23111 441 244432121 1423 231 412112 4411
222 122 1 2221 121 1222122 21 12221 12 1122111 12111 221 122221111 1212 121 211111 2211
thanks charlie
254964 7542631
143643 5431421
231441 2312441
121221 1211221
do you want to type that letter
43 232 1492 23 2231 2542 612212
32 222 1361 12 1221 1431 411111
14 343 1142 24 2341 2312 412212
12 222 1121 12 1221 1211 211111
ah yes that is a great refrigerator
45 214 2542 34 4 52142 215235124232
34 213 1431 23 3 31131 113123113121
13 311 2312 41 1 22112 212242121242
12 211 1211 21 1 11111 111121111121
sounds great that s just what i feel like having
432944 52142 2542 4 6242 1542 3 5116 6361 547395
322633 31131 1431 3 4231 1431 2 3114 4241 436263
143411 22112 2312 1 3312 1312 4 2114 4441 313442
122211 11111 1211 1 2211 1211 2 1112 2221 212221
first you make a list of what you wanna buy
53242 232 9461 4 6342 35 1542 232 14994 922
32131 222 6341 3 4231 23 1431 222 13663 622
24212 343 4141 1 4412 42 1312 343 11441 333
12111 222 2121 1 2211 21 1211 222 11221 222
mostly in the city s swimming pool but on occasion i go to the beach with friends well what do you do at leisure
934262 39 251 7322 4 41399395 3336 922 39 37744339 3 53 23 251 91475 1325 5231944 1166 1542 43 232 43 42 6134221
623142 26 141 5212 3 31266263 2224 621 26 25533226 2 32 12 141 61354 1214 3121633 1144 1431 32 222 32 31 4123211
441243 44 231 2423 1 11444442 4444 332 44 42211444 4 24 24 231 31123 1423 2241411 1144 1312 14 343 14 12 4141321
221122 22 121 1212 1 11222221 2222 221 22 21111222 2 12 12 121 21112 1212 1121211 1122 1211 12 222 12 11 2121211
you are really a good citizen
232 421 214662 4 5334 7323719
222 311 113442 3 3223 5212516
343 121 211443 1 2441 2424114
222 111 111222 1 1221 1212112
it is isn t it
32 34 349 2 32
21 23 236 1 21
42 41 414 2 42
21 21 212 1 21
yes a little breeze and a lovely moon
214 4 632261 921171 494 4 637162 9339
213 3 421141 611151 363 3 426142 6226
311 1 442241 321111 141 1 443143 4444
211 1 221121 211111 121 1 222122 2222
and how many accounts would i handle
494 531 9492 47732924 13264 3 549461
363 421 6362 35522613 12243 2 436341
141 341 4143 12243421 14341 4 314141
121 221 2122 11122211 12221 2 212121
are they going to pay you for the damages
421 2512 53395 23 342 232 532 251 4494514
311 1412 32263 12 232 222 321 141 3363313
121 2313 24442 24 413 343 242 231 1141211
111 1212 12221 12 212 222 121 121 1121111
where s what wagon
15121 4 1542 14539
14111 3 1431 13326
13121 1 1312 11244
12111 1 1211 11122
well if you think you are ready i ll let you enroll
1166 35 232 25396 232 421 21442 3 66 612 232 192366
1144 23 222 14264 222 311 11332 2 44 411 222 161244
1144 42 343 23444 343 121 21113 4 44 412 343 142444
1122 21 222 12222 222 111 11112 2 22 211 222 121222
kristy that s wonderful thanks so much for contacting me personally
623422 2542 4 139412526 254964 43 9275 532 7392472395 91 3124394662
412312 1431 3 126311324 143643 32 6254 321 5261351263 61 2113263442
424123 2312 1 144112234 231441 14 4323 242 2442122442 41 4121441443
212112 1211 1 122111122 121221 12 2212 121 1221111221 21 2111221222
right over there
23552 3712 25121
12341 2611 14111
24232 4312 23121
12121 2211 12111
yes i suppose so
214 3 4233341 43
213 2 3222231 32
311 4 1344411 14
211 2 1222211 12
now and then
931 494 2519
621 363 1416
441 141 2314
221 121 1212
dark brown if you have it
4426 92319 35 232 5471 32
3314 61216 23 222 4361 21
1124 32414 42 343 3131 42
1112 21212 21 222 2121 21
can you come to my office this afternoon at o clock
749 232 7391 23 92 355371 2534 452129339 42 3 76376
536 222 5261 12 62 233251 1423 331116226 31 2 54254
214 343 2441 24 43 422421 2341 122124444 12 4 24424
112 222 1221 12 22 211211 1221 111112222 11 2 12212
there was a stop sign back there that you didn t stop for
25121 144 4 4233 4359 9476 25121 2542 232 4349 2 4233 532
14111 133 3 3122 3236 6354 14111 1431 222 3236 1 3122 321
23121 111 1 1244 1424 3124 23121 2312 343 1414 2 1244 242
12111 111 1 1122 1212 2112 12111 1211 222 1212 1 1122 121
we still have an important attraction
11 42366 5471 49 393322492 4222472339
11 31244 4361 36 262211361 3111351226
11 12444 3131 14 444422142 1222122444
11 11222 2121 12 222211121 1111111222
and it s so much fun one day the bodies were so tightly packed that some girl s behind was pressed against my front i was afraid to put my hands down for fear of accidentally groping her
494 32 4 43 9275 529 391 442 251 934314 1121 43 2355262 347614 2542 4391 5326 4 915394 144 3214414 4543942 92 52392 3 144 452434 23 322 92 54944 4319 532 5142 35 477341924662 5233395 512
363 21 3 32 6254 326 261 332 141 623213 1111 32 1234142 235413 1431 3261 3214 3 614263 133 2113313 3332631 62 31261 2 133 331323 12 221 62 43633 3216 321 3131 23 355231613442 3122263 411
141 42 1 14 4323 234 441 113 231 341411 1121 14 2423243 412411 2312 1441 2424 1 313441 111 4211111 1214412 43 22442 4 111 122141 24 432 43 31411 1414 242 2112 42 122411421443 2244442 312
121 21 1 12 2212 122 221 112 121 221211 1111 12 1212122 211211 1211 1221 1212 1 212221 111 2111111 1112211 22 11221 2 111 111121 12 221 22 21211 1212 121 1111 21 111211211222 1122221 211
you didn t come to work yesterday what happened
232 4349 2 7391 23 1326 214212442 1542 54331914
222 3236 1 5261 12 1214 213111332 1431 43221613
343 1414 2 2441 24 1424 311212113 1312 31441411
222 1212 1 1221 12 1212 211111112 1211 21221211
i m looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend i have an idea of what she likes but i want to surprise her with something special too
3 9 6336395 532 49 1954519192 2395 532 92 5326523194 3 5471 49 3414 35 1542 451 63614 922 3 1492 23 42232341 512 1325 439125395 4317346 233
2 6 4224263 321 36 1633316161 1263 321 62 3214312163 2 4361 36 2313 23 1431 341 42413 621 2 1361 12 32121231 411 1214 326114263 3215234 122
4 4 4444442 242 14 1421214142 2442 242 43 2424224141 4 3131 14 4111 42 1312 131 44411 332 4 1142 24 13242411 312 1423 144123442 1412414 244
2 2 2222221 121 12 1211112121 1221 121 22 1212112121 2 2121 12 2111 21 1211 121 22211 221 2 1121 12 12121211 211 1212 122112221 1211212 122
of course not i have to watch my american idol
35 732241 932 3 5471 23 14275 92 49123749 3436
23 522131 621 2 4361 12 13154 62 36112536 2324
42 243211 442 4 3131 24 11223 43 14124214 4144
21 122111 221 2 2121 12 11112 22 12112112 2122
you have nothing to worry about with her
232 5471 9325395 23 13222 49322 1325 512
222 4361 6214263 12 12112 36221 1214 411
343 3131 4423442 24 14223 13432 1423 312
222 2121 2212221 12 12112 12221 1212 211
ln this size we sell it for
69 2534 4371 11 4166 32 532
46 1423 3251 11 3144 21 321
44 2341 1411 11 1144 42 242
22 1221 1211 11 1122 21 121
besides that many people took to gambling and got in over their heads and gradually ruined themselves
9143414 2542 9492 313361 2336 23 54996395 494 532 39 3712 25132 51444 494 524424662 223914 2519416714
6132313 1431 6362 212241 1224 12 33664263 363 321 26 2611 14121 41333 363 313323442 122613 1416314613
3114111 2312 4143 414441 2444 24 21434442 141 242 44 4312 23142 31111 141 221131443 234411 2314114311
2112111 1211 2122 212221 1222 12 11222221 121 121 22 2211 12121 21111 121 111121222 122211 1212112211
excuse me are you bart simpson from western electronics
177241 91 421 232 9422 4393439 5239 1142129 16172239374
155231 61 311 222 6311 3262326 3126 1131116 14151126253
122311 41 121 343 3122 1444144 2244 1112124 14122244421
111211 21 111 222 2111 1222122 1122 1111112 12111122211
we can do that very easily
11 749 43 2542 7122 144362
11 536 32 1431 6112 133242
11 214 14 2312 3123 111443
11 112 12 1211 2112 111222
i cann t wait for buying his cd now
3 7499 2 1432 532 922395 534 74 931
2 5366 1 1321 321 622263 423 53 621
4 2144 2 1142 242 333442 341 21 441
2 1122 1 1121 121 222221 221 11 221
hey joe what are you doing in this department store
512 631 1542 421 232 43395 39 2534 4134229192 42321
412 421 1431 311 222 32263 26 1423 3123116161 31211
313 341 1312 121 343 14442 44 2341 1141224142 12421
212 221 1211 111 222 12221 22 1221 1121112121 11211
my hair looks awful
92 5432 63364 41526
62 4321 42243 31324
43 3142 44441 11234
22 2121 22221 11122
i apologize but the cable has been down lately
3 433635371 922 251 74961 544 9119 4319 642162
2 322423251 621 141 53641 433 6116 3216 431142
4 144442411 332 231 21341 311 3114 1414 412143
2 122221211 221 121 11221 211 2112 1212 211122
now that s a plus
931 2542 4 4 3624
621 1431 3 3 2423
441 2312 1 1 4431
221 1211 1 1 2221
do you think that will be enough to make him have a change of heart
43 232 25396 2542 1366 91 193255 23 9461 539 5471 4 754951 35 51422
32 222 14264 1431 1244 61 162234 12 6341 426 4361 3 543631 23 41311
14 343 23444 2312 1444 31 144323 24 4141 344 3131 1 231421 42 31122
12 222 12222 1211 1222 21 122212 12 2121 222 2121 1 121211 21 21111
let s rock n roll
612 4 2376 9 2366
411 3 1254 6 1244
412 1 2424 4 2444
211 1 1212 2 1222
did you go and buy your bus pass
434 232 53 494 922 2322 924 3444
323 222 32 363 622 2221 623 2333
141 343 24 141 333 3432 331 4111
121 222 12 121 222 2221 221 2111
oh i m sorry but there are a couple of different places i will travel to within the united states so i wasn t sure what to put
35 3 9 43222 922 25121 421 4 732361 35 435512192 364714 3 1366 224716 23 132539 251 293214 424214 43 3 1449 2 4221 1542 23 322
24 2 6 32112 621 14111 311 3 522241 23 323311161 243513 2 1244 113614 12 121426 141 262113 313113 32 2 1336 1 3211 1431 12 221
43 4 4 14223 332 23121 121 1 243441 42 142212142 441211 4 1444 221314 24 142344 231 344211 121211 14 4 1114 2 1321 1312 24 432
22 2 2 12112 221 12111 111 1 122221 21 121111121 221111 2 1222 111212 12 121222 121 222111 111111 12 2 1112 1 1211 1211 12 221
i need to get on another bus but i have no more money
3 9114 23 512 39 4932512 924 922 3 5471 93 9321 93912
2 6113 12 311 26 3621411 623 621 2 4361 62 6211 62612
4 4111 24 212 44 1442312 331 332 4 3131 44 4421 44413
2 2111 12 111 22 1221211 221 221 2 2121 22 2211 22212
i don t know what his problem is
3 439 2 6931 1542 534 3239619 34
2 326 1 4621 1431 423 2126416 23
4 144 2 4441 1312 341 4243414 41
2 122 1 2221 1211 221 2122212 21
yeah i like her way of teaching she told us not to cram for exams and to pay more attention to communicating than memorizing
2145 3 6361 512 142 35 21475395 451 2364 24 932 23 7249 532 17494 494 23 342 9321 422192339 23 7399293742395 2549 9193237395
2134 2 4241 411 132 23 11354263 341 1243 23 621 12 5136 321 15363 363 12 232 6211 311161226 12 5266262531263 1436 6162125263
3113 4 4441 312 113 42 21123442 131 2441 31 442 24 2214 242 12141 141 24 413 4421 122142444 24 2444344212442 2314 4144241442
2112 2 2221 211 112 21 11112221 121 1221 21 221 12 1112 121 11121 121 12 212 2211 111121222 12 1222222111221 1212 2122121221
let s go to wangfujing by bus
612 4 53 23 1495526395 92 924
411 3 32 12 1363324263 62 623
412 1 24 24 1142233442 33 331
211 1 12 12 1121122221 22 221
what should we buy
1542 453264 11 922
1431 342243 11 622
1312 134341 11 333
1211 122221 11 222
maybe now i ll get that promotion i was hoping for
94291 931 3 66 512 2542 323932339 3 144 533395 532
63261 621 2 44 311 1431 212621226 2 133 422263 321
41331 441 4 44 212 2312 424442444 4 111 344442 242
21221 221 2 22 111 1211 212221222 2 111 222221 121
you look pretty in red
232 6336 321222 39 214
222 4224 211112 26 113
343 4444 421223 44 211
222 2222 211112 22 111