432 values
Can you please communicate this text from Italian to English.
Perché non chiedete aiuto alla bibliotecaria?
Why don't you ask the librarian for help?
please communicate this message from Italian to English.
Suona una canzone felice.
Play a happy song.
convert the following sentence from Italian to English.
Sbuccia la mela.
Peel the apple.
can you please translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Fa parte del mio lavoro.
It's part of my job.
Please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English
Vieni. Ti porto a casa.
Come on. I'm taking you home.
Please translate from Italian to English?
Perché Tom non ci ha detto questo?
Why didn't Tom tell us this?
can you please communicate this text from Italian to English?
So pelare una mela.
I can peel an apple.
Can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Puoi darmi il tuo numero di cellulare?
Can you give me your cell number?
please translate from Italian to English?
Sarai in grado di parlare l'inglese presto.
You will be able to speak English soon.
can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Noi siamo andati a Boston assieme tre anni fa.
We went to Boston together three years ago.
Please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Per favore, mi dica come avviare il motore.
Please tell me how to start the engine.
can you please convert from Italian to English?
Che cosa c'è nel frigo?
What's in the fridge?
can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English
Odio la tua cucina.
I hate your cooking.
Switch the text from Italian to English
Io l'ho sempre saputo che sareste tornati.
I always knew you'd be back.
please switch the message from Italian to English
Tom e Mary hanno giocato a dei giochi sui loro iPad per tutta la mattina.
Tom and Mary played games on their iPads all morning.
Please communicate this message from Italian to English.
Il cibo era quasi immangiabile.
The food was nearly inedible.
Please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Non incontrai nessuno.
I didn't meet anyone.
Please can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
In un certo senso ha ragione.
He is right in a sense.
Please translate this message from Italian to English?
Se avessi abbastanza soldi comprerei il libro.
If I had enough money, I would buy the book.
Translate from Italian to English.
Perché avete deciso di andare in Australia?
Why did you decide to go to Australia?
can you translate this input text from Italian to English.
Io lasciai la mia chiave nella mia camera.
I left my key in my room.
please can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Raramente lui va al cinema.
He rarely goes to the movies.
Please translate this message from Italian to English
Ho molte foto.
I have a lot of photos.
can you switch the text from Italian to English
Come vorresti pagare?
How would you like to pay?
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English
La nave fece lenti progressi contro il forte vento.
The ship made slow progress against the strong wind.
can you please translate from Italian to English.
A me piace questo tè.
I like this tea.
Switch the message from Italian to English?
Mangio qua.
I eat here.
Can you please convert from Italian to English
Tom è veramente preoccupato, vero?
Tom is really worried, isn't he?
Translate this input message from Italian to English?
Lui mi ha guardata negli occhi.
He looked me in the eye.
Communicate this message from Italian to English?
Ho una bicicletta nuova.
I've got a new bike.
please communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Deve pagare le tasse.
You have to pay taxes.
please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Un sandwich al formaggio, per favore.
A cheese sandwich, please.
Communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Tom è violento.
Tom is violent.
Switch the text from Italian to English.
Conosco la verità.
I know the truth.
Please can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Io di solito vado dal barbiere una volta al mese.
I usually go to the barber once a month.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English.
Tom mi ha chiesto di chiederlo a voi.
Tom asked me to ask you.
can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Videro tutti cosa capitò.
Everyone saw what happened.
Please can you translate this input message from Italian to English
Sono arrabbiata.
I'm angry.
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English
Sono soddisfatta del risultato.
I'm satisfied with the result.
please can you translate this text from Italian to English
Non mangeremo niente.
We're not going to eat anything.
Please translate this text from Italian to English.
So che non mi puoi perdonare.
I know you can't forgive me.
please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Voi non state cooperando.
You're not cooperating.
Can you translate this sentence from Italian to English
Lui arriva spesso in ritardo.
He often comes late.
Convert the following sentence from Italian to English.
Prema qua.
Press here.
please switch the message from Italian to English?
Mi piace questa città.
I like this town.
Can you please translate from Italian to English
Siete mai stati in America?
Have you ever been to America?
Can you please translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Perché lui è venuto qui?
Why did he come here?
Please can you translate this text from Italian to English.
Tom installerà il nuovo software per te.
Tom will install the new software for you.
Can you please translate this text from Italian to English?
Lei spende la maggior parte del suo reddito in alimenti.
She spends a major part of her income on food.
convert from Italian to English
Io ne sono piuttosto fiero.
I'm pretty proud of that.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Mary è molto maligna e volta le spalle a Tom per giorni dopo il minimo disaccordo tra di loro.
Mary is very spiteful and gives Tom the cold shoulder for days after the slightest disagreement between them.
can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English
Non possiamo permetterci di perderla.
We can't afford to lose you.
Switch the message from Italian to English?
Tom è uno squinternato.
Tom is a crackpot.
Switch the message from Italian to English.
Ci sono tre uomini intrappolati nella caverna.
There are three men trapped in the cave.
Can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Siete stati veramente utili.
You've been really helpful.
can you translate this input message from Italian to English?
Mia figlia è affamata.
My child is hungry.
Please communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Glielo farò sapere lunedì.
I'll let you know on Monday.
Can you translate this input text from Italian to English.
È già sposato?
Are you already married?
Please translate this message from Italian to English?
Il rapporto si è rivelato essere falso.
The report turned out to be false.
can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
I terroristi attaccarono il World Trade Center a New York nel 2001.
Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001.
Please can you translate from Italian to English?
Io ho smesso con la birra.
I'm off beer.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English.
Non penso che lei sia schizofrenico.
I don't think you're schizophrenic.
Can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Questa non è tua.
This isn't yours.
switch the text from Italian to English.
Tom ha un grande senso dell'umorismo.
Tom has a great sense of humor.
Can you translate this input message from Italian to English?
I suoi sforzi sono inutili.
Your efforts are futile.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom non la odia.
Tom doesn't hate you.
translate from Italian to English?
Dov'è la perdita?
Where's the leak?
Please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Io non lo farei mai con Tom.
I'd never do that with Tom.
Translate this input message from Italian to English.
Io non so suonare molto bene la chitarra.
I can't play guitar very well.
Can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Avete mai visto questa?
Have you ever seen this?
Please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tutti i nostri membri sono volontari.
All our members are volunteers.
Communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Posso farti qualche altra domanda?
May I ask you some more questions?
Please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Puoi prendere questa chiamata per me?
Can you take this call for me?
please can you translate from Italian to English?
Cosa consiglieresti, Tom?
What would you advise, Tom?
please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Quello non è stato confermato.
That hasn't been confirmed.
Please switch the message from Italian to English
La banca è aperta.
The bank is open.
Switch the text from Italian to English?
Hai visto la mia mamma?
Have you seen my mom?
switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Le sparerò.
I will shoot her.
Please translate this message from Italian to English
È perfettamente comprensibile.
It's perfectly understandable.
can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Noi abbiamo trovato una copia del testamento di Tom.
We found a copy of Tom's will.
translate this text from Italian to English?
Io odio tutto di te.
I hate everything about you.
Translate from Italian to English
Ho lasciato i miei guanti in biblioteca.
I left my gloves in the library.
Can you switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom finse di non avere sentito Mary.
Tom pretended that he didn't hear Mary.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Lei chi è veramente?
Who are you really?
Please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Non voglio sembrare stupido.
I don't want to look stupid.
Please can you translate from Italian to English
Io so tutto della festa.
I know all about the party.
Can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Due dottori stavano parlando di lavoro.
Two doctors were talking shop.
switch the text from Italian to English
Non avresti dovuto correre.
You shouldn't have run.
please can you translate from Italian to English
Questa terra è la sua terra.
This land is your land.
Please translate from Italian to English?
Perché sta lasciando la scuola?
Why are you leaving school?
please translate this text from Italian to English
Ti fermeremo, Tom.
We'll stop you, Tom.
please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Tom è impiccione, vero?
Tom is nosey, isn't he?
i need a translation from Italian to English
Se ha un odore strano, non la mangi.
If it smells funny, don't eat it.
Please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Mi spiegheresti quel diagramma?
Would you explain that diagram to me?
can you translate this sentence from Italian to English
Mi spaventa.
That scares me.
can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English
Tom è una brutta persona.
Tom is a bad person.
Can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Lui è salito sul treno.
He got on the train.
Can you please convert from Italian to English?
Non riuscivo a controllarli.
I couldn't control them.
Please switch the text from Italian to English.
L'insegnante fece notare gli errori grammaticali commessi dagli studenti.
The teacher pointed out the grammatical errors made by the students.
Convert the following message from Italian to English?
Il mio appartamento è al quarto piano.
My apartment is on the fourth floor.