432 values
please can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Aveva del riso?
Did you have rice?
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English.
A Tom sono stati dati solo dodici mesi di vita.
Tom has been given only twelve months to live.
Can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Perché chiamano New York la Grande Mela?
Why do they call New York the Big Apple?
can you please translate this message from Italian to English.
Non lo dimenticherò.
I'll not forget that.
please convert from Italian to English
Sia Tom che Mary erano molto magri quando erano bambini.
Both Tom and Mary were very skinny when they were children.
can you translate this message from Italian to English?
Il treno dovrebbe essere in orario.
The train should be on time.
translate this sentence from Italian to English
Liberi il cane.
Release the dog.
please can you translate this input text from Italian to English
Giura che mi sta dicendo la verità?
Do you swear you're telling me the truth?
can you please translate this message from Italian to English?
Tom fece una foto alla lavagna con il suo smartphone.
Tom took a picture of the blackboard with his smartphone.
Can you please convert from Italian to English?
Noi siamo tra amici.
We're among friends.
Please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Dobbiamo ricevere degli aiuti.
We need to get help.
translate this sentence from Italian to English
Tom è cool.
Tom is cool.
please can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Tom potrebbe aiutarvi.
Tom could help you.
Please can you communicate this message from Italian to English.
Questo orologio è impermeabile.
This watch is waterproof.
please translate from Italian to English?
Tom sta mangiando delle uova.
Tom is eating eggs.
Can you translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Ho ancora paura di te.
I'm still afraid of you.
Please communicate this message from Italian to English.
Io sono pessimo a nuotare.
I'm bad at swimming.
please can you switch the message from Italian to English
Lei ha mirato al bersaglio.
She aimed at the target.
Can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Tu hai lasciato che Tom ti baciasse?
Did you let Tom kiss you?
can you please convert from Italian to English?
Tom non è per nulla impegnato.
Tom is not at all busy.
please convert from Italian to English?
Il tuo francese sta migliorando?
Is your French improving?
can you translate this message from Italian to English
Noi siamo prigionieri.
We're prisoners.
can you please switch the message from Italian to English?
Tom mi chiese perché stavo sorridendo.
Tom asked me why I was smiling.
switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Quali sono esattamente le regole?
What exactly are the rules?
Translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Ho dimenticato di scrivere l'indirizzo sulla busta.
I forgot to write the address on the envelope.
Can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Siamo commossi.
We're touched.
can you please convert from Italian to English
Il suo moroso è un idiota.
Her boyfriend is an idiot.
translate from Italian to English?
Non sapevo che Tom non fosse felice qua.
I didn't know Tom wasn't happy here.
Please translate this message from Italian to English?
Si assicuri di essere qui in orario.
Make sure you're here on time.
Translate this text from Italian to English
Tom è quasi squattrinato.
Tom is almost broke.
can you please switch the text from Italian to English?
Sembrano spaventate.
They seem scared.
please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Dove la vuole?
Where do you want it?
Can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Non sarebbe mai dovuta capitare.
It never should've happened.
Please translate from Italian to English.
Non è favoloso il suo anello?
Isn't her ring gorgeous?
Translate this sentence from Italian to English
Iniziò a piovere verso sera.
It began to rain toward evening.
Switch the message from Italian to English?
Sembrate occupate.
You look busy.
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Non sono stata in grado di capire Tom.
I wasn't able to understand Tom.
can you please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Stia calmo e faccia del suo meglio.
Stay calm, and do your best.
Can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Tom sta imparando il francese?
Is Tom learning French?
convert from Italian to English?
Lui non riusciva a far partire il motore.
He couldn't start the motor.
Please communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Voglio scoprire se Tom indosserà la maglietta che gli ho regalato.
I want to find out if Tom is going to wear the new shirt I gave him.
Can you please convert from Italian to English?
A te non piace il baseball?
Don't you like baseball?
Translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Assumo che tu stia parlando di Tom.
I assume you're talking about Tom.
can you please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Vi presterò la mia penna.
I'll lend you my pen.
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Mi fa male la mascella.
My jaw is sore.
please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Tom non sa assolutamente niente di Mary.
Tom doesn't know anything about Mary at all.
convert from Italian to English.
Tu sei stata premurosa a non disturbarci.
You were considerate not to disturb us.
please convert from Italian to English.
Il mio lavoro è quasi finito qui.
My work is finished here.
please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Offrii a Tom un sorso di vodka, ma lui lo rifiutò.
I offered Tom a drink of vodka, but he refused it.
Please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Tom mi ha detto che era ambidestro.
Tom told me that he was ambidextrous.
Can you please communicate this text from Italian to English
Non può biasimarmi per essere sospettosa.
You can't blame me for being suspicious.
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Io sto provando a capirlo.
I am trying to make it out.
please translate this message from Italian to English?
Chi vuole un altro pezzo di torta?
Who wants another piece of cake?
convert the following text from Italian to English?
Tutti pensano che Tom sia un po' pazzo.
Everybody thinks Tom is a little crazy.
can you please switch the message from Italian to English.
A me dispiace che Tom la pensi così.
I'm sorry that Tom thinks that way.
can you please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Quanto tempo ci vuole per andare in spiaggia?
How long does it take to go to the beach?
please translate from Italian to English?
Avete il vaccino?
Do you have the vaccine?
please translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Tu sei davvero fastidiosa.
You're really annoying.
Can you translate this sentence from Italian to English
Quando sei venuto in Giappone?
When did you come to Japan?
Please translate this text from Italian to English?
Tom sembrava un po' pazzo.
Tom seemed a bit crazy.
please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English
È di parte.
You're biased.
can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Ha vissuto qui a lungo?
Have you lived here long?
Switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom guardò Mary con attenzione.
Tom watched Mary carefully.
Convert from Italian to English
Non piaccio a Tom.
Tom doesn't like me.
translate this sentence from Italian to English
Non devi lavorare così duramente.
You don't have to work so hard.
Please can you translate from Italian to English.
La gente della città ha applaudito.
The townspeople cheered.
switch the text from Italian to English?
Tom è abbattuto.
Tom is dejected.
Can you please switch the text from Italian to English
Spero che verrete alla mia festa di compleanno.
I hope you'll come to my birthday party.
please can you switch the message from Italian to English
Sta parlando con me?
Are you talking to me?
please translate this text from Italian to English.
Prendete un pochino di questa torta.
Have a little of this cake.
Switch the text from Italian to English?
Gli ho fatto pagare troppi soldi per la loro stanza.
I charged them too much money for their room.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom scommette sui cavalli.
Tom bets on horses.