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the impact of the source of dietary fat and the level of dietary fiber on digestibility and SE metabolism were studied in human six male six female volunteers subjects were divided into two diet treatment CG high fiber g total dietary fiber tdfd and low fiber g tdfd for the duration of the study each participated in three wk controlled feeding periods either BT bt CO co or carbohydrate cho was added of diet energy to a base diet in a threeway crossover T0 SE expenditure substrate oxidation and digestibility determinations were conducted at the end of each period the protein fat and cho digestibility of the base diet was significantly different between the fiber levels the digestibility highfiberlowfiber averaged for protein and for fat after adjusting for tdf the cho digestibility averaged and was not different between fiber C2 the digestibility of the added co and bt was and respectively and was not significantly different between the fiber C2 no significant differences in h SE expenditure existed nor the thermic effect of food due either to fiber level or between the cho bt or co fat oxidation in subjects consuming the lowfiber diet was higher p with the bt treatment than with the co treatment but not different in those that consumed the highfiber diet the energy value of the two fat sources was not different but their utilization by individuals near EB may lead to differences in LT weight maintenance | MEDAL |
riparian Az around streams are those areas in which biological communites are directly influenced by the stream the size of protected riparian areas and their conservation has become a controversial topic T3 changes implemented in the brazilian forest code bfc a set of laws that regulates the size of permanent protection Az ppa here we investigate the influence of distance from water bodies on batspecies and guild composition in a lowland amazonian rainforest our hypotheses were that bat assemblages would change depending on the distance to the water body and that the abundance of herbivorous bats frugivorous and nectarivorous would be greater in Az close to water bats were captured with mistnets in riparian and nonriparian plots within a trail grid in an oldgrowth terrafirme forest northeast of manaus amazonas brazil each plot was sampled three times in a total of nethours we captured bats comprising species we used model selection based on aic akaike information criterion to compare linear and piecewise regressions to estimate the ecological thresholds for different bat assemblages piecewise models with one breakpoint were more parsimonious than linear models for abundance data and the species and guild composition of animalivorous and frugivorous bats animalivorousbat abundance increased from the stream to about m and frugivorousbat abundance decreased within m of the stream the patterns of guild abundance suggest that frugivorous bats may need greater access to streams than animalivorous bats the most conservative MM suggests that most of the variation in bat composition occurs close to the stream and extends to up m from the banks therefore the m wide strip of riparian forest protected by brazilian law would maintain a relatively small fraction of batspecies assemblages in ducke reserve and is insufficient to represent most of the assemblagecomposition variation within the riparian zone the suggestion to reduce the width of the protected riparian zone from to m for streams smaller than m wide as is under discussion would likely be prejudicial for bat assemblages | MEDAL |
a yearold woman and a yearold man presented with acute posturedependent headache a spontaneous intracranial hypotension syndrome was diagnosed in both cases mri with a gadolinium contrast medium revealed IF of the pachymeninges in the woman cisternography revealed leakage of spinal fluid at the level of the cauda equina neither an infusion of caffeine nor an epidural blood patch helped but the PS disappeared spontaneously in the man cisternography indicated leakage at the level of the rd thoracic vertebra the symptoms disappeared rapidly after treatment with a local blood patch posturedependent headache is typical for the intracranial hypotension syndrome the HA is usually relieved by lying down and aggravated by standing up but the reverse has also been reported this HA can develop in a short time sometimes acutely and may persist continuously the syndrome is usually caused by leakage of cerebrospinal fluid due to rupture of the dura mater which may occur spontaneously the diagnosis can be established by gadolinium mri revealing a striking pattern of diffuse pachymeningeal enhancement subdural fluid accumulations may also be seen indiumpentetreotide cisternography can often localise the spinal fluid leak intravenous caffeine and the application of an autologous EBP are possible treatment options but spontaneous recovery may also occur | MEDAL |
in the context of the greek segment of the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition epic we have conducted a crosssectional T0 to determine the effect of demographic lifestyle and nutritional factors of plant origin on retinol alphatocopherol and gammatocopherol study subjects were a random sample of fortyfive men and sixtyeight women aged years from the greek epic cohort of volunteers analyses were done using LR models with the vitamin blood C2 as dependent variables and bmi the NI of selected food items TE NI and a set of demographic AF as independent variables women had significantly lower plasma retinol levels p than men both alpha and gammatocopherol levels increased by approximately for every additional years of age among dietary factors NI of nonfruity vegetables was associated with increase while NI of added lipids other than olive oil with decrease of plasma retinol levels bmi was positively associated with plasma gammatocopherol only while none of the foods or food CG investigated significantly affected the plasma C2 of either of the two tocopherols these findings need to be confirmed before attempts are made to use them in the context of explanatory mechanistic processes | MEDAL |
like all autoimmune diseases those affecting the thyroid arise as the result of an interaction betwerecta and not a result of tubular contamination because rtpcr amplification of the vasopressin v receptor which is a TPS tubular marker did not occur to determine the exact cell types that translate the mrna into protein we performed immunohistochemistry on the renal outer and IM using a monoclonal smooth muscle alphaactin antibody whose specificity was determined by immunoblot analysis smooth muscle alphaactin protein was found selectively within the pericytes surrounding the DVR from the outer and inner medullary tissue sections this T0 demonstrates that the pericytes CT that surround the DVR within the outer and inner medulla contain smooth muscle alphaactin mrna and protein and are therefore the site of the contractile elements that could play a vasomodulatory role in the control of renal medullary blood flow and its distribution within the renal medulla | MEDAL |
migraine affects of the population yet there is no proven diagnostic test to date the most promising neurophysiological diagnostic technique has been the analysis of CBF responses to photic stimulation or flicker the h response this test has proved to be CS in patients with classic migraine but has not been reevaluated since the introduction of the international HA society ihs classification system in migraineurs we found that the h response was sensitive and specific in those with migraine defined according to ihs committee as type typical aura and type without aura but not in BA migraine | MEDAL |
pig lymphocytes were transformed by dibutyryl cyclic amp nodibutyryladenosine cyclic monophosphate at concentrations of mum the DP of incorporation of label from huridine and hthymidine into rna and dna respectively was identical with that obtained with unpurified phytohaemagglutinin chlorpromazine mum prevented the stimulation of huridine incorporation into rna by phytohaemagglutinin but only slightly lowered the lymphocyte response to dibutyryl cyclic amp an increase in the size and specific radioactivity of the intracellular pi pool was found immediately T3 stimulation by both phytohaemagglutinin and dibutyryl cyclic amp this was followed after some min by a rise in the SRA and concentration of atp there was an immediate increase in the SRA of phosphate groups of histones by about min T3 stimulation only the histones remaining after SE of histone fraction f continued to incorporate p from ppi histone kinase activity increased in the first min T3 stimulation subsequently histone f kinase activity decreased but activity with the other histones as substrate continued to increase for a further min kinase activation was effected by cAMP cAMP histone phosphatase activity behaved similarly to that of the kinase | MEDAL |
the health assessment questionnaire is widely used for patients with inflammatory polyarthritis ip and its subset rheumatoid ICA ra in this study we evaluated the progression of haq scores in ra i by systematically reviewing the published literature on the methods used to assess changes in functional disability over time and ii to T0 in detail haq progression in two C1 prospective observational studies from the uk | MEDAL |
we recently discovered a structurally novel class of endogenous lipids branched palmitic acid esters of hydroxy stearic acids pahsas with beneficial metabolic and antiinflammatory effects we tested whether pahsas protect against colitis which is a chronic inflammatory disease driven predominantly by defects in the innate mucosal barrier and adaptive immune system there is an unmet clinical need for safe and well tolerated oral therapeutics with direct antiinflammatory effects wildtype mice were pretreated orally with VH or pahsa mgkg and pahsa mgkg once daily for days followed by days of either or DSS water with continued VH or pahsa treatment the colon was collected for histopathology mRNA and FC intestinal crypt fractions were prepared for ex vivo bactericidal assays bone marrowderived dendritic cells pretreated with VH or pahsa and splenic cd | MEDAL |
soy isoflavones play a role in calcium and bone metabolism poor egg quality skeletal CA and architectural deterioration of bone tissue are common problems under hot climate conditions and with increased age in poultry in this T0 we investigated the effects of soy isoflavone supplementation on EP egg SQ bone mineral density bmd levels of osteocalcin oc vitamin d calcium ca phosphorus p and ALP phosphatase alp activity in quail coturnix coturnix japonica during the late laying period the birds n weeks old were randomly assigned to treatment CG consisting of replicates of birds each in a x factorial arrangement of treatments temperatures soy isoflavone concentration birds were kept in wire cages in a temperaturecontrolled room at either degrees c thermoneutral tn or degrees c HS hs for hd to h until the end of the T0 and fed either on a basal control diet or on the BD supplemented with either or mg of soy isoflavoneskg of diet heat SE reduced feed intake EP egg SQ bmd oc vitamin d ca p and alp when the BD was given FI EP and EW were not affected while eggshell thickness and eggshell weight increased in soy isoflavonesupplemented quails reared under tn conditions however FI EP EW eggshell thickness eggshell weight and haugh units were positively influenced by soy isoflavone supplementation in hs groups for quail during the late laying period bone mineral density SS oc vitamin d ca p C2 and alp activity were significantly improved by soy isoflavone supplementation in both the tn and HS groups in quail during the late laying period soy isoflavone supplementation of BD significantly improved egg quality and bone mineralisation in quail during the late laying period | MEDAL |
hemostatic dysfunction is frequently noted in uremia but the mechanisms responsible for it are poorly understood and are assumed to be multifactorial preliminary findings from our laboratory suggest that elevated C2 of circulating fibrinogen fragments ff might contribute to the hemostatic defect in uremic patients defibrinated plasma obtained from chronic hemodialysis hd patients as well as normal subjects were examined by sdspage and immunoblotting and quantified by an immunoassay in addition endogenous ff isolated from normal and uremic plasma using affinity chromatography were examined by flow cytometry for their effect on glycoprotein gp iibiiiaonal colossal MR manganite namely lasrmno by applying soft xray linear dichroism xld to the mn l edge we found that the cooperative jahnteller distorted orthorhombic phase which is present at a temperature of k is probably accompanied by a predominantly cross type x zy z orbital ordering this result is discussed in the light of different exchange interaction models | MEDAL |
those who are initially exposed to an unfamiliar language have difficulty separating running speech into individual words but over time will recognize both words and the grammatical structure of the language behavioral studies have used artificial languages to demonstrate that humans are CS to distributional information in language input and can use this information to discover the structure of that language this is done without direct instruction and learning occurs over the course of T2 rather than days or months moreover learners may attend to different aspects of the language input as their own learning progresses here we examine processing associated with the early stages of SE to a NK language using fmri listeners were exposed to an unfamiliar language icelandic while undergoing four consecutive fmri scans the icelandic stimuli were constrained in ways known to produce rapid learning of aspects of language structure after approximately min of SE to the icelandic stimuli participants began to differentiate between correct and incorrect sentences at above chance levels with significant improvement between the first and last scan an independent component analysis of the imaging data revealed four taskrelated components two of which were associated with behavioral performance early in the experiment and two with performance later in the experiment this outcome suggests dynamic changes occur in the recruitment of neural resources even within the initial period of exposure to an unfamiliar NK language | MEDAL |
this study evaluated the use of a bioresorbable membrane guidor usa for treatment of periodontal angular bone defects in eight periodontitis patients presurgical measurements consisted of probing depth clinical attachment levels and digital radiographic imaging evaluation fullthickness buccal and lingual flaps were elevated allowing for soft tissue debridement scaling and root planing bioresorbable CM were placed in at least one of the periodontal defects and controls were left without barrier placement clinical and radiographic results months T3 the surgical procedure showed clinical and radiographic improvement for control and test lesions however CS treated with bioresorbable CM presented a significant gain in clinical attachment and bone mass when compared to sites that had received flap SA | MEDAL |
immunoglobulin AL is a clonal nonproliferative plasma cell disorder in which fragments of immunoglobulin light or heavy chain are deposited in tissues clinical features depend on organs involved but can include restrictive cardiomyopathy nephrotic syndrome hepatic dysfunction peripheralautonomic neuropathy and atypical multiple myeloma | MEDAL |
DD of the colon is among the most prevalent conditions in western society and is among the leading reasons for OP visits and causes of hospitalization while previously considered to be a disease primarily affecting the elderly there is increasing incidence among individuals younger than years of age diverticular disease most frequently presents as uncomplicated diverticulitis and the cornerstone of management is antibiotic therapy and bowel rest segmental colitis associated with diverticula shares common histopathological features with inflammatory bowel disease and may benefit from treatment with aminosalicylates surgical management may be required for patients with recurrent diverticulitis or one of its complications including peridiverticular abscess perforation fistulizing disease and strictures and â or obstruction | MEDAL |
the coupling of intravascular and interstitial flow is a distinct feature of tumor MC due to high vessel permeability low osmotic pressure gradient and absence of PET lymphatic system inside tumors we have previously studied the RT MC by using a d coupled model in this paper we extend it to a d case with some new considerations to investigate RT blood perfusion on a more realist microvasculature and the effects of vascular normalization by antiangiogenic therapy on tumor microenvironment the MM predict the abnormal tumor microcirculation and the resultant hostile microenvironment in the intratumoral vessels blood flows slowly with almost constant pressure values haematocrit is much lower which contributes to hypoxia and necrosis formation of the tumor centre the total transvascular flux is at the same order of magnitude as intravascular flux the intravasation appears inside of the tumor the ratio of the total amount of intravasation flux to extravasation flux is about for the present MM the interstitial pressure is uniformly high throughout the RT and drops precipitously at the periphery which leads to an extremely slow interstitial flow inside the RT and a rapidly rising convective flow oozing out from the RT margin into the surrounding T/N the investigation of the sensitivity of flows to changes in transport properties of vessels and interstitium as well as the VD of the vasculature gains an insight into how normalization of RT microenvironment by antiangiogenic therapies influences the blood perfusion | MEDAL |
our goal was to assess the association between the use of nasal continuous positive airway pressure ncpap vs CV cv in premature infants and its effects on growth in the nicu and at follow up visits neurodevelopmental outcomes measured by bayley infant neurodevelopmental screener bins the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity rop and chronic lung disease cld | MEDAL |
in the present study controlled PR effervescent buccal discs of buspirone hydrochloride bs were designed using hpmc as rate controlling and bioadhesive polymer by direct compression method sodium bicarbonate and citric acid were used in varying amounts as effervescence forming agents carbon dioxide evolved due to reaction of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid was explored for its potential as buccal permeation enhancer the designed buccal discs were evaluated for PCS characteristics and in vitro drug PR studies bioadhesive behavior of designed buccal discs was assessed using texture analyzer in vivo animal studies were performed in rabbits to T0 BA of bs in the designed buccal discs and to establish permeation enhancement ability of carbon dioxide it was observed that effervescent buccal discs have faster drug release compared to noneffervescent buccal discs in vitro and effervescent buccal discs demonstrated significant increase in BA of drug when compared to noneffervescent formulation hence effervescent buccal discs can be used as an alternative to improve the drug permeation resulting in better BA however the amount of acid and base used for generation of carbon dioxide should be selected with care as this may damage the integrity of bioadhesive dosage form | MEDAL |
phthalates are used as plasticizers in many industrial and consumer products urinary biomonitoring has shown widespread human exposure to phthalates with workers having especially high exposures phthalates can be present in workplace air as either aerosols or vapors depending on source materials vapor pressure and processing temperatures we sought to develop a dualphase air sampling method for phthalates dimethyl phthalate dmp diethyl phthalate dep dinbutyl DHP dbp benzyl butyl phthalate bzbp diethylhexyl DHP dehp and dinoctyl DHP dnop adaptable to aerosol inlets with known particle collection characteristics collection media consisted of a quartz fiber filter and xad resin limit of detection lod and limit of quantification loq were determined for each phthalate phthalate recoveries were evaluated at x x and x the loq and T3 storage at degrees c and degrees c media were soxhlet extracted in diethyl ether in hexanes along with an SE surrogate dinpentyl phthalated gas chromatographymass spectrometry was performed to quantify the DHP diesters using diethylhexyl phthalated as an internal standard estimated lods were microg per sample bzbp dehp and dnop microg per sample dmp and dbp and microg per sample dep mean recoveries under static conditions were for dbp bzbp dehp and dnop but for dmp and dep at x and x the loq T3 air was pulled through spiked samples dmp and dep recoveries improved to T3 storage for days phthalate recovery was better at degrees c than at degrees c method accuracy was best for dbp bzbp dehp and dnop range and less so for dmp and dep | MEDAL |
we report here that in comparison to aggregates from retinal cells CT addition of PE cells to retinal cells in rotary SC results in a pronounced increase of spatial order a particularly high level of organization is found in about of the aggregates in these retinoids the main layers characteristic of developing in vivo retinae can be distinguished in correct sequential arrangement on the basis of morphological criteria and by using acetylcholinesterase histochemistry peanut agglutininlectin binding and lucifer yellow IF | MEDAL |
intravitreal i.t. of the attenuated CS of pseudorabies virus prv bartha results in transneuronal spread of virus to a restricted set of central nuclei in the rat and mouse we examined the DP of CE infection in the golden hamster T3 intravitreal inoculation with a recombinant CS of prv bartha constructed to express enhanced green FL protein prv SN in a subset of retinorecipient nuclei ie SCN nucleus scn intergeniculate leaflet olivary pretectal nucleus opn and lateral terminal nucleus and autonomic nuclei ie PVH hypothalamic nucleus and edingerwestphal nucleus ew are labeled by late stages of infection infection of the ew precedes infection in retinorecipient structures raising the possibility that the scn becomes INF by VA transsynaptic infection via autonomic ie ew circuits we tested this hypothesis in two ways by removing the INF eye hr after prv inoculation well before viral infection first appears in the scn and by examining central infection after intravitreal prv i.t. in animals with ablation of the ew the pattern and time course of central infection were unchanged after enucleation whereas ew ablation before intravitreal inoculation eliminated viral infection in the scn the results of ew lesions along with known connections between ew opn and scn indicate that intravitreal i.t. of prv bartha produces a retrograde infection of the autonomic innervation of the eye which subsequently labels a restricted set of retinorecipient nuclei via VA transsynaptic infection these results taken together with other genetic data indicate that the mutations in prv bartha render the virus incapable of anterograde transport prv bartha is thus a VA transsynaptic marker in the cns | MEDAL |
the enzymes responsible for the sulfate conjugation of lt in man has not been characterized t sulfotransferase tst activity was characterized in normal human liver tissue obtained during clinically indicated surgical resection subcellular distribution studies showed that the tst activity was localized to the cytoplasmic fraction this finding raised the possibility that tst activity might be similar to the previously identified forms of cytoplasmic PH sulfotransferase pst found in human tissue a thermostable ts form of pst catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of micromolar concentrations of PNP and a thermolabile tl form catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of dopamine and other monoamines thermal stability and enzyme inhibitor experiments showed that tst activity in pooled CL homogenates was very similar to the ts form of pst the apparent similarity of tst to ts pst was studied further by measuring tst ts pst and tl pst MICs in individual CL samples tst MICs correlated significantly with ts pst activities r p less than measured with pnitrophenol but not with tl pst MICs r p greater than measured with dopamine however sulfation of t by the tl form of the enzyme might have been masked by the fold higher TPS activity of ts than tl pst in human CL homogenates when the two forms of pst were separated by ion exchange chromatography t was found to be a ATP for both the ts and tl forms of pst true km values for t were similar for ts and tl pst and microm respectively | MEDAL |
the aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the tau of isoxsuprine hydroxyphenylmethylphenoxyethylaminopropanol cas a tocolytic agent used in both preterm labour and risk of abortion two analyses were conducted on data reporting the use of isoxsuprine in the prevention of PT delivery the first analysis examined two doubleblind studies to determine the effect of isoxsuprine compared to placebo the second analysis reviewed data from publications containing individual and GA patient data main outcome measures included delay of pregnancy and patient outcome analysis of doubleblind studies demonstrated a positive outcome with isoxsuprine in of cases compared to PL control p this beneficial effect was maintained when either risk of abortion in isoxsuprine treated compared to in PL p or risk of premature delivery in isoxsuprine treated compared to in placebo p was examined AA analysis of individual patient data also revealed a beneficial effect of isoxsuprine in prolonging pregnancy in of women at risk of abortion and in of women at risk of premature delivery combination of individual and general data revealed a beneficial effect of isoxsuprine in of cases at risk of abortion and for risk of premature delivery these findings provide preliminary evidence in favour of the effectiveness of isoxsuprine in prolonging pregnancy in women at risk of abortion or premature delivery | MEDAL |
despite the considerable advances in the treatments available for mood disorders over the past generation TCAs tcas remain an important option for the pharmacotherapy of depression the pharmacokinetics of tcas are characterized by substantial presystemic firstpass metabolism a C1 volume of CSD extensive protein binding and an beta halflife averaging about day up to days for protriptyline clearance of tricyclics is dependent primarily on hepatic cytochrome p cyp oxidative enzymes although the MICs of some p isoenzymes are largely under genetic control they may be influenced by external factors such as the concomitant use of other medications or substances patient variables such as ethnicity and age also affect tca metabolism the impact of gender and related reproductive issues is coming under increased scrutiny metabolism of tcas especially their hydroxylation results in the formation of AS metabolites which contribute to both the therapeutic and the adverse effects of these compounds renal clearance of the polar metabolites of tcas is reduced by normal aging accounting for much of the increased risk of toxicity in older patients knowledge of factors affecting the metabolism of tcas can further the OD and understanding of newer antidepressant medications | MEDAL |
male breast CA mbc is rare with the peak age of onset at years brca mutations are more frequent than brca with of cases giving a family history risk AF for mbc are poorly understood and include working in highambient temperatures and exhaust fume SE mbc is associated with hyperoestrogenic states found in CL disease klinefelters syndrome gonadal dysfunction or obesity most information on treatment of mbc is derived from C1 randomized trials carried out in female patients the small numbers of mbc seen in any unit annually has precluded significant trials being carried outdiagnosis and treatment of mbc is similar to that of female patients but men tend to be treated with mastectomy rather than breastconserving surgery the mainstay of adjuvant therapy or palliative treatment for advanced disease is endocrine mostly tamoxifen prognosis of male patients is equal to that of stagematched women but men tend to fare worse because of delay in presentation leading to a large proportion of patients presenting with stage iii or iv disease increased input is needed for psychological support for male breast cancer patients TPS therapeutic questions about mbc need international trials to obtain meaningful answers | MEDAL |
to describe the year outcomes of patients with highrisk localized prostate CA treated with neoadjuvant estramustine and vinblastine followed by concurrent chemotherapy and threedimensional CRT dcrt | MEDAL |
sample preparation is the first and very important step which can greatly influence the repeatability and accuracy of the analysis to date several sample preparation methods with different solvents have been used for quantitative determination of nucleosides in cordyceps but their data are greatly various in this T0 five nucleosides including adenosine guanosine inosine UR and cordycepin in cordyceps were determined using three extraction methods ie organic solvent PLE boiling water extraction and ambient temperature water extraction and high performance liquid chromatography hplcdiode array detection dad the similar results were obtained when organic solvent pressurized liquid SE and boiling water extraction were applied however the amounts of nucleosides in natural c sinensis and cultured c militaris extracted with AT water were greatly increased except those of adenosine in natural c sinensis and cordycepin in cultured c militaris in addition the amount of investigated nucleosides in cultured c sinensis had no obvious variation among the three SE methods the results suggest that sample preparation has significant effect on the quantification of nucleosides in cordyceps | MEDAL |
this study aimed to analyse how youth basketball players explored numerical overloads during shot attempts by measuring their space occupation across specific court areas four processtracing variables measured how the number of attackers na number of defenders nd interpersonal distance between attacker and the closest defender id and distance between attacker and the basket dbkt impacted on the performance outcome converted shot missed shot ball possession lost ten competitive games involving u teams were video recorded and players displacements were digitised the associations between performance outcomes and the processtracing measures were assessed using standardised mean differences and a CCF a multinomial LR was used to calculate the odds ratio or for each of the three possible outcomes results revealed that when shot attempts occurred at larger id and at smaller dbkt abundance or dh ratios in a manner consistent with the lavaoutgassing hypothesis instead clcl correlates positively with cl abundance in apatite as well as with wholerock th abundances and lalu ratios suggesting that the high clcl in lunar basalts is inherited from urkreep the last dregs of the lunar magma ocean these new data suggest that the high chlorine isotope ratios of lunar basalts result not from the degassing of their lavas but from degassing of the lunar magma ocean early in the moons PH chlorine isotope R2 is therefore an indicator of planetary magma ocean degassing an important stage in the formation of terrestrial planets | MEDAL |
eikenella corrodens was found to show hemolytic activity when grown on sheep blood agar a high and dosedependent hemolytic activity was detected in the cell env fraction which was further purified by ionexchange and gelfiltration chromatography consequently a kda protein with hemolytic activity was obtained suggesting that this protein might be a hemolysin its NT CAA CS was nearly identical to that of xprolyl aminopeptidase from e corrodens atcc to confirm that xprolyl aminopeptidase functions as a hemolytic factor we expressed the hlya gene encoding xprolyl aminopeptidase in escherichia coli T3 induction with isopropyl βdthiogalactopyranoside a protein of about kda was purified on a ni column and its hemolytic activity was confirmed meanwhile a strain with a disrupted hlya gene which was constructed by HR did not show any hemolytic activity these results suggested that xprolyl aminopeptidase might function as a Hly in e corrodens | MEDAL |
cystatinrelated epididymal spermatogenic cres is the defining member of a reproductive subgroup within the family cystatins of the cystatin superfamily of cysteine PIs cres is synthesized and secreted by the IS of the epididymis and is present in the sperm acrosome suggesting roles in sperm maturation and fertilization we have previously demonstrated that cres is present within the epididymal lumen as monomeric and nglycosylated kd forms as well as sodium dodecyl sulfatesensitive and sodium dodecyl sulfateresistant highmolecular mass complexes we have also shown that recombinant cres protein will selfaggregate and form amyloid structures in vitro raising the possibility that cres might also form amyloid in vivo amyloid is a C1 protein aggregate with a TPS crossβ sheet structure and its presence is usually associated with disease this review discusses protein aggregation in the epididymis and provides a brief overview of amyloid formation including recent studies in other organ systems identifying examples of amyloid that are nonpathologic and carry out biologic functions ie functional amyloid studies that were carried out to determine if amyloid is present in the EPI lumen and if cres is associated with these structures are also described the presence of cres amyloid in the mouse EPI lumen and the absence of pathology suggest either the presence of mechanisms to neutralize the cytotoxicity associated with pathologic amyloid or that cres is a new example of a functional amyloid with roles in epididymal CF | MEDAL |
the activated cdc associated kinases acks are nonreceptor TKs that are specific targets of cdc to T0 the biochemical properties of ack we expressed and purified the enzyme using the baculovirussf cell system this ack construct contains from n to cterminus the kinase CD sh domain and cdcbinding crib domain we describe enzyme activity assays based on synthetic peptide substrates the best such ATP is a peptide derived from the site of ackcatalyzed phosphorylation of the wiskottaldrich syndrome protein wasp although the sh and crib domains of purified ack are able to bind ligands a polyproline peptide and cdc respectively tt data thereby making most efficient use of their beam time the system includes a ccd detector and its controlling software with a graphical user interface a convenient oscillation camera featuring automated alignment with the xray beam a program for optimizing crystal rotation range and the hkl datareduction package principles embodied in this system are applicable to other facilities where crystallographic data are routinely collected | MEDAL |
cardiac output co renal blood flow rbf and hepatic blood flow hbf were measured by the microsphere method before control and at and h after the induction of ARF by IM injection of glycerol in waterdrinking LT salinedrinking and longterm captopril converting enzyme inhibitordrinking rats at h after glycerol i.t. co rbf and hbf significantly decreased in all three groups at h T3 glycerol i.t. co rbf and hbf recovered to of the respective control levels in only the salinedrinking rats whereas co rbf and hbf further decreased to and of the control C2 respectively in the captoprildrinking rats at this time not only acute renal failure but also hepatic disorder developed in the waterdrinking and captoprildrinking rats as indicated by elevations of serum creatinine urea nitrogen alanine aminotransferase and other blood chemistry C2 the development of ARF was not suppressed by captopril but by LT saline load thus we conclude that the decrease in co is an important VL of the early decrease in renal and hepatic perfusion in glycerolinduced acute renal failure and that the early REC of hbf as well as rbf may play an important role in preventing the development of ARF | MEDAL |
high SE tibial plateau fractures along with calcaneal fractures individually produce several challenges for the orthopaedic surgeon the principles of bony reconstruction include anatomic reduction and RIF of intraarticular fractures and accurate restoration of the coronal sagittal and transverse mechanical axes due to the tenuous nature of the soft tissue and devitalisation of the comminuted fragments with open reduction external fixation of type tibial plateau fractures is recommended we report a case with ipsilateral high energy tibial plateau and calcaneal fractures both of which were managed with an ilizarov ring fixator | MEDAL |
the characteristics and properties of the [Ca2+]i that occurs in bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells on SE to histamine have been investigated specifically these experiments were conducted to determine how much external ca enters the cell through a capacitative ca entry pathway activated as a consequence of intracellular ca store mobilization relative to that which enters independently of store SD via other channels G1 by histamine in fura loaded cells continued exposure to histamine microm caused a rapid but transient increase in cytosolic ca followed by a lower plateau that was sustained as long as external ca was present in the absence of external ca only the initial brief transient was observed in cells previously treated with thapsigargin nm in cafree medium to deplete the internal ca stores histamine caused no increase in cytosolic ca when external ca was absent reintroduction of external ca to thapsigargintreated storedepleted cells caused a sustained increase in cytosolic ca that was further increased p upon exposure to histamine the histamineevoked increase was prevented by the hreceptor antagonist mepyramine microm a comparison was made between storedependent ca entry consequent upon store mobilization with histamine in cafree medium and plateau phase ca entry resulting from stimulation with histamine in cacontaining medium the latter was found to be approximately times greater in magnitude than the former p at the same concentration of histamine microm it is concluded that histamine causes ca entry not only via a capacitative entry pathway AA to internal store mobilization but also causes substantial ca entry through other pathways | MEDAL |
HR rate hr response to IE HG was investigated in normal males of sedentary habits before and T3 endurance training involving the muscles of the lower limbs thirteen additional sedentary individuals and middledistance runners were also studied ISO exercise was performed at and of maximum voluntary contraction mvc during and s respectively training produced a mean sem increase in vomax and a reduction in resting hr from to bpm hr was monitored throughout each period of isometric exercise the pattern of hr response to static effort performed by UT muscles was comparable before and T3 training as well as in athletes and sedentary individuals during the first s of contraction a period during which ART is mainly mediated by vagal PR T3 the first s when the sympathetic influence on tachycardia becomes evident athletes and trained individuals showed a slight but NS tendency toward lower hr increases these results do not demonstrate any appreciable alteration in the efferent activity of autonomic components induced by aerobic training of the leg muscles when ISO exercise is performed with untrained muscles | MEDAL |
this study evaluated the SMB of an anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed system using different methylparaben mpb concentrations the CA was conducted for days and was divided into seven stages of T0 which included the starting stage and subsequent stages where the mpb concentration was increased the inoculum that was used was a mixture of anaerobic granular sludge with flocculent AS sludge that contained gl of total suspended solids and gl of volatile suspended solids resulting in an organic content of approximately the mpb removals after applying concentrations of mgl mgl and mgl during the different stages and adding glucose to the influent were ± ± and ± respectively for phases without glucose the results were ± ± and ± respectively the results showed a high pollutant removal and good progress in terms of the physical and biological characteristics of the granular biomass which showed no NC in the presence of the compound or a concentration increase | MEDAL |
although both inflammation and oxidative stress contribute to the pathogenesis of many disease states the interaction between the two is poorly understood cyclopentenone isoprostanes isops highly reactive structural isomers of the bioactive cyclopentenone prostaglandins pga and pgj are formed nonenzymatically as products of oxidative AS in vivo we have for the first time examined the effects of synthetic a and jisops two groups of endogenous cyclopentenone isops on the inflammatory response in raw and primary mu macrophages cyclopentenone isops potently inhibited lipopolysaccharidestimulated ikappab alpha Kd and subsequent nfkappab nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity expression of inducible nitricoxide synthase and cyclooxygenase were also inhibited by cyclopentenone isops as was nitrite and prostaglandin production ic approximately and nm respectively jisops potently G1 peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor gamma ppargamma nuclear receptors whereas aisop did not although the antiinflammatory effects of both molecules were ppargammaindependent interestingly aisops induced oxidative stress in raw cells that was blocked by the antioxidant hydroxytempo tempol or the mitochondrial uncoupler FCCP tempol also abrogated the inhibitory effect of aisops on lipopolysaccharideinduced nfkappab activation inducible nitricoxide synthase expression and nitrite production suggesting that aisops inhibit the nfkappab pa and radioimmunoassay ria subsequently sampling was repeated for a further month to determine the residual effect of khat the results showed that khat administration causes a significant increase in the mean C2 of testosterone while prolactin and cortisol levels were reduced these effects were also evident month post treatment and indicate khat may exert a transient effect on male fertility by interfering with the hormonal profiles | MEDAL |
detection and quantification of prion infectivity is a crucial step for various fundamental and applied aspects of prion research ID of cell lines highly sensitive to prion infection led to the development of cellbased titraluding their personality compatibility with their major the present study investigated the personality compatibility of freshman undergraduate nursing students of the kerman university of medical sciences in with nursing profession | MEDAL |
elevated plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine adma C2 have been observed in patients with insulin resistance and diabetes and have been reported to predict adverse cardiovascular events in type diabetic patients however the relationship between adma and glycemic control in patients with type diabetes remained controversial | MEDAL |
dna damages by reactive nitrogen oxide species may contribute to the multistage carcinogenesis processes associated with chronic infections and inflammation the nitrated dna adducts nitroguanine ng and nitroxanthine nx have been shown to derive from these reactive nitrogen oxide species but they are not stable in dna since they undergo spontaneous depurination we herein report that hemin and hemoproteins including hemoglobin and cytochrome c mediate reduction of ng and nx to their corresponding amino analogues in the presence of reducing agents under physiologically relevant conditions this reaction is believed to involve the reduced heme moiety produced from the reduction of Ox hemoglobin or cytochrome c by reducing agents the combination of hemoglobin and dihydrolipoic acid generated the reduced products in high yields ascorbate quercetin and glutathione are also capable of reducing these nitrated dna adducts the hemoglobin macromolecule reduces ng and nx formed in nitryl chloridetreated calf thymus dna as evidenced by the formation of the amino adducts using RP-HPLC with PDA PCD hemin is more efficient than equal molar of heme on hemoglobin in reducing ngcontaining dna indicating the role of protein in impeding the reaction furthermore we also show that the reduction product aminoguanine is persistent on dna these findings suggest that reduction of nitrated dna by the hemeantioxidant system might represent a possible in vivo pathway to modify dna nitration | MEDAL |
the increasing number of the patients requiring admission to the intensive care unit and growing demand for the outcome analysis was noted over the last decade the goal of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of the patients to compare the outcome of surgical and medical patients and to demonstrate the importance of the clinical information system in the intensive care during month period patients were enrolled for the study data were collected on forms and then entered into a computer program specifically designed for this study for the overall population mean age was years simplified acute physiology score ii saps ii and stay in the intensive care unit days the most frequent site of the intensive ECU acquired infection was respiratory mainly pneumonia the overall mortality in the intensive care unit was and hospital mortality the mortality was directly associated with T3 age increased saps ii sore and the occurrence of organ dysfunction medical patients in comparison with surgical patients had higher saps ii scores p and number of organ dysfunctions p longer intensive care unit stay p and higher mortality rate p the underprediction of actual mortality by the saps ii system was predetermined by this value of the neurological patients the outcome of the surgical patients was good compared to the results of the studies from other countries clinical NIS is necessary for comprehensive and objective evaluation of the intensive care un cd at a G0 and after activation both resting and activated endothelium were able to induce proliferation of unprimed cd t lymphocytes with proliferation noted at earlier time points after coculture with G1 endothelium G1 endothelium was also able to induce proliferation of cdlow naive cd t lymphocytes G1 cd t lymphocytes had the ability to produce Th1 and il acquired an effector phenotype and showed upregulation of the Bcl-2 protein bclxl treatment with ctlaig led to marked reduction of t cell proliferation and a decrease in expression of bclxl moreover we demonstrate that nonhemopoietic cells such as V1 EC induce proliferation of cd t lymphocytes in a bdependent fashion in vivo these results suggest that V1 endothelium can act as an apc for cd direct allorecognition and may therefore play an important role in regulating immune processes of allograft AAR | MEDAL |
intranasal meningoencephalocele is a rarely encountered congenital malformation we report a case of transethmoidal d buckwheat pasta and of quinoa as compared with their wheat counterparts and rice respectively three different experiments one TPS for each alternative crop food were conducted all with a withinsubjects design the preloading paradigm strategy was used results showed that preload energy level influenced TE NI preload plus ad libitum test meal NI larger preloads inducing more eating than smaller preloads no effect of formulation was observed on SE NI as the consumption of alternative crop formulations did not decrease the total SE NI as compared with that of the counterparts satiating efficiency indices sei for alternative crop foods were higher with respect to traditional cereal foods in particular white bread was the least satisfying food sei and the different time of consumption for lunch or as a snack did not affect energy intake in conclusion oat or buckwheat formulations and also quinoa may be exploited for their potential impact on eating behaviour particularly considering they are good sources of PET substances | MEDAL |
bovine tuberculosis which persists as a residual level of infection in many european countries has implications not only for the economy of farming communities but also for human health the aim of this T0 was to identify a common mycobacterial antigen which was recognized in bovine tuberculosis and to characterize the response to this antigen at the epitope level a tcell clone phenotype cd raised from an animal experimentally INF with BCG was shown to proliferate in response to a panel of sonicates derived from different mycobacterial species indicating recognition of an antigen with broad specificity this antigen was subsequently shown to be mpb recognition of mpb at the epitope level was determined in experimental and field cases of bovine tuberculosis using a panel of SP mers with residue overlaps incorporating the signal CS and mature protein the results showed that in vitro interferongamma was predominantly produced in response to adjacent MMP numbers and suggesting that the dominant epitope was contained in the overlap correlating to residues yyqsglsivm this epitope was recognized by of tuberculous cattle of mixed breeds which suggests that it may be genetically permissive in terms of H-2 complex presentation CS analysis confirmed that there were only minor differences in the CAA composition within this region for various mycobacterial species which could explain the common tcell recognition described in this T0 common recognition of this epitope indicates that it would have limited potential for use as a diagnostic reagent per se but may have potential for inclusion in a S1 vaccine | MEDAL |
to explore the application of ropivacaine and levobupivacaine in epidural anesthesia for gynecological surgery | MEDAL |
in eukaryotes many players in the dnadamage response ddr catalyze protein sumoylation or ubiquitylation emphasis has been placed on how these modifications orchestrate the sequential recruitment of repair factors to sites of dna damage or stalled replication forks here we shed CS on a pathway in which sumoylated AF are eliminated through the coupled action of sumotargeted ubiquitin ligases stubls and the ubiquitinfusion degradation protein ufd ufd is a subunit of the cdcufdnpl complex implicated in the sorting of ubiquitylated substrates for Kd by the proteasome we find that in fission yeast ufd interacts physically and functionally with the sumotargeted ubiquitin ligase stubl rfp rat to human rnf and with the sumo e ligase pli homologous to human pias deleting a CTD of ufd that mediates the interaction of ufd with rfp pli and sumo ufdδct lead to an accumulation of highmolecularweight sumo conjugates and caused severe genomic instabilities the spectrum of sensitivity of ufdδct cells to genotoxins the epistatic relationships of ufdδct with mutations in dna repair factors and the localization of the repair factor rad in ufdδct cells point to ufdδct cells accumulating aberrant structures during replication that require rat recombination hr for their repair we present evidence that hr is however often not successful in ufdδct cells and we identify rad as one of the highmolecularweight conjugates accumulating in the ufdδct mutant consistent with rad being a stublufd ATP suggesting a direct role of ufd in the processing of sumoconjugates ufd formed nuclear foci colocalizing with sumo during the ddr and sumoconjugates accumulated in foci in the ufdδct mutant broader PET relationships between ufd and stubls conceivably affect numerous cellular processes beyond the ddr | MEDAL |
it was shown that phycobiliproteins are native pigment complexes in which the protein quaternary structure is responsible for the aggregation of the chromophore CG covalently bound to the apoprotein the main factor determining the structure of the phycobiliprotein absorption spectra is the excitone interaction of the chromophores in which the number of bands in the spectrum is proportional to the number of interacting chromophores in accordance with the number of bands in the phycocyanobilin spectrum i e chromophore of allophycocyanin and cphycocyanin and with the number of chromophores covalently linked to each one of the apoprotein molecules for APC and for cphycocyanin their absorption spectra split into eight x and twelve x and twelve x bands respectively it is concluded that allophycocyanin is a native aggregatedimer while cphycocyanin is a trimer of PCB | MEDAL |
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction may be an AR to shunt blood to welloxygenated areas of the lung but hypoxiainduced inflammatory cytokine production leads to ALI we have previously shown that protein kinase c pkc mediates both HPV and inflammatory cytokine expression from the pulmonary i.a. however the effect of TPS pkc isoform inhibition is currently unknown we hypothesized that inhibition of CP pkc cpkc isoforms would attenuate HPV and downregulate hypoxiainduced pulmonary artery cytokine expression to T0 this ISO force displacement was measured in isolated rat pulmonary i.a. rings n per group during hypoxia n co in the presence of the nonspecific BIS micromoll the cpkc inhibitor gö micromoll or VH dimethyl sulfoxide T3 min of hypoxia pulmonary i.a. rings were analyzed for RT CN factor tnf alpha and interleukin il beta messenger rna via RT-PCR nonspecific pkc inhibition bisindolylmaleimide significantly att HPV vs VH p and downregulated hypoxiainduced expression of pulmonary artery tnfalpha specific cpkc inhibition gö attenuated pulmonary artery TNF expression but had no effect on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction these data are indicative of the following nonspecific pkc inhibition attenuates both HPV and pulmonary artery tnfalpha expression cpkc inhibition downregulates hypoxiainduced pulmonary i.a. tnfalpha expression but has no effect on HPV and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and hypoxiainduced pulmonary artery cytokine expression are independent processes | MEDAL |
although opinions vary to some extent the general consensus is that the pseudoexfoliative component is an abnormal basement membrane material with amyloidlike characteristics this is synthesized at a variety of ocular and extraocular sites the resultant material is found to accumulate within and in some instances to replace the normal basement CM of the producing cells also some of the material detaches and through aqueous humour dispersal becomes deposited on a variety of surfaces throughout the anterior segment of the eye | MEDAL |
the kaiser permanente southern california kaiser health care system succeeded in improving hypertension control in a multiethnic population by adopting a series of changes in health care delivery data from the healthcare effectiveness data and information set hedis was used to assess blood pressure control from through hypertension control increased overall from to during that period and or more in every subgroup regardless of raceethnicity preferred language or type of HIP health care delivery changes improved hypertension control across a C1 multiethnic population which indicates that health care systems can achieve a clinical target goal of for hypertension control in their populations | MEDAL |
mammalian cells cultured in vitro are able to recover from CS however the mechanisms G1 during cold stress and REC are still being determined we here report the effects of hypothermia on cellular architecture Tc progression mrna stability protein synthesis and Kd in three rat cell lines the cellular structures examined were in GA well maintained during mild HT degrees c but became increasingly disrupted at low temperatures degrees c the degradation rates of all mrnas and proteins examined were much reduced at degrees c and overall protein synthesis rates were gradually reduced with temperature down to degrees c proteins involved in a range of cellular MICs were either upregulated or downregulated at and degrees c during CS and REC many of these proteins were molecular chaperones but they did not include the inducible heat shock protein hsp further detailed investigation of TPS proteins revealed that the responses to CS and REC are at least partially controlled by modulation of p grp and eifi C2 furthermore under conditions of severe CS degrees c lipidcontaining structures were observed that appeared to be in the process of being secreted from the cell that were not observed at less severe cold stress temperatures our findings shed light on the mechanisms involved and G1 in rat cells upon CS and REC | MEDAL |
left ventricular diastolic CF was assessed by PDE in subjects mean age yr with IDD iddm and without evidence of ICM heart disease and in healthy control subjects of similar age and sex CSD the peak mitral valve flow E/A during the early rapid filling phase e and during late atrial filling a were measured and the ratio of these peak flow velocities ea was calculated e was similar in both groups but a was higher p less than in the DM thus ea was lower vs p less than in the diabetic subjects than in the control subjects on subgroup analysis patients with CAN had lower ea than the patients with no such disorder vs p less than ea was not related to the duration of diabetes presence of retinopathy hba or blood glucose C2 in conclusion the atrial contribution to left VVI filling seems to be augmented in diabetic subjects this finding indirectly supports the view that left VVI compliance is already reduced in asymptomatic NIDDM | MEDAL |
methyl JA meja spray treatments were applied to the kale varieties dwarf blue curled vates and red winter in replicated field plantings in and to investigate alteration of glucosinolate gs composition in harvested leaf tissue aqueous solutions of µm meja were sprayed to saturation on aerial plant tissues four days prior to harvest at commercial maturity the meja treatment significantly increased gluconasturtiin glucobrassicin and neoglucobrassicin concentrations in the apical leaf tissue of these genotypes over two seasons induction of quinone reductase qr activity a biomarker for anticarcinogenesis was significantly increased by the extracts from the leaf tissue of these two cultivars extracts of apical leaf tissues had greater meja mediated increases in phenolics glucosinolate concentrations gs hydrolysis products and qr activity than extracts from basal leaf tissue samples the concentration of the hydrolysis product of glucoraphanin sulforphane was significantly increased in apical leaf tissue of the cultivar red winter in both and there was interaction between exogenous meja treatment and environmental conditions to induce endogenous ja correlation analysis revealed that indolecarbanol ic generated from the hydrolysis of glucobrassicin significantly correlated with qr activity r p concentrations required to double the specific qr activity cd values of ic was calculated at µm which is considerably weaker at induction than other isothiocyanates like sulforphane to confirm relationships beponse to viral antigens there are PRR like mda rig and tlr that recognize viral dsrna and after activation the innate immune response is exacerbated inducing the synthesis and secretion of inflammatory cytokines through nfκb activation amniotic membrane am has demonstrated to reduce inflammation by several mechanisms however the effect of am on innate immune receptors such as mda rig and tlr has not been reported in this T0 we have determined that the presence of am significantly inhibited the synthesis and secretion of Th1 cytokines on human limbal myofibroblasts hlm stimulated with poly ic similarly the presence of am reduced the protein expression of mda rig and tlr on poly ic stimulated hlm additionally the presence of the am significantly inhibited the nfκb nuclear translocation when the hlm were poly ic stimulated and concomitantly the am was able to relocate cadherins affecting the myofibroblastic cellular morphology these results suggest that am generates an antiinflammatory microenvironment and TPS inhibition of nfκb nuclear translocation on infected corneal tissue would reduce the inflammation undesirable effects explaining in part the beneficial usefulness of transplanting am on herpetic stromal keratitis | MEDAL |
anthropomorphism is a farreaching phenomenon that incorporates ideas from social psychology cognitive psychology developmental psychology and the neurosciences although commonly considered to be a relatively universal phenomenon with only limited importance in modern industrialized societiesmore cute than criticalour research suggests precisely the opposite in particular we provide a measure of stable individual differences in anthropomorphism that predicts three important consequences for everyday life this research demonstrates that individual differences in anthropomorphism predict the degree of moral care and concern afforded to an agent the amount of responsibility and trust placed on an agent and the extent to which an agent serves as a source of social influence on the self these consequences have implications for disciplines outside of psychology including humancomputer interaction business marketing and finance and law concluding discussion addresses how understanding anthropomorphism not only informs the burgeoning study of nonpersons but how it informs classic issues underlying person perception as well | MEDAL |
the aim of the study was to determine whether the full outline of unresponsiveness four score which includes eyes opening e motor CF m BS reflex b and respiratory pattern r can be used as an alternate method to the glasgow coma scale gcs in predicting intensive ECU icu mortality in traumatic BB injury tbi patients | MEDAL |
cigarette smoking has been recognized as a prominent threat to womens health we investigated the impact of smoking on clinical outcomes in korean female patients after acute myocardial infarction ami | MEDAL |
many agonist ligands are known experimentally to display a range of efficacies and potencies in different tissues and preparations to analyze the role of the C2 of receptor expression and availability in the intrinsic MICs and potencies of agonists the CF of a number of betaadrenoceptor ligands was examined in clones of neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid ng cells transfected to express differing levels of the human beta adrenoceptor as well as T3 treatment of these cell lines with the irreversible betaadrenoceptor antagonist bromoacetyl alprenolol menthane baam clone beta n expressed approximately fold higher levels of the receptor than did clone beta n in measurements of agonist stimulation of aca activity in membranes of these cells or agonist stimulation of the formation of the complex of gs alpha and aca which acts as the high affinity binding site for hforskolin in whole cells a series of betaadrenoceptor agonists including dichloroisoprenaline ephedrine dobutamine and salbutamol displayed higher alpha and showed CR curves that were substantially to the left lower ec values in clone beta n compared with clone beta n treatment of clone beta n cells with varying concentrations of baam reduced the intrinsic activity of these ligands and shifted the CRCs for these agents to the RA in clone beta n cells and CM reduction in the observed alpha for ephedrine required beta of a smaller fraction of the beta adrenoceptor reserve than for salbutamol and reduction in the effect of the full agonists isoprenaline and epinephrine was noted only with high fractional beta of the receptor pool the effect of isoprenaline was substantially reduced however by baam treatment of clone beta n cells where the beta adrenoceptor number approached extremely low C2 analysis of the data using the formalisms of whaley et al mol pharmacol showed that prediction of alterations in agonist potency with receptor number for full agonists can be adequately extended to partial agonists | MEDAL |
laparoscopic partial nephrectomy lpn remains a technically challenging procedure largely because of the lack of methods for obtaining consistent PC hemostasis the objective of this study was to determine if the extent of resection influences the ability of the harmonic scalpel to achieve hemostasis and to define the cases in which the HS is appropriate for lpn thirty lpns were performed in a kg domestic pig MM the blunt blade of the laparoscopic harmonic scalpel laparosonic coagulating shears ethicon endosurgery cincinnati oh at SP level was used to divide the parenchyma control of the renal hilar vessels was not obtained three standardized types of resections were performed i IP wedge biopsy ii upper or lowerpole nephrectomy and iii heminephrectomy one was graded on a scale from to no hemostasis steady bleeding montaining a waterinsoluble antiproliferative agent u u pharmacia and upjohn kalamazoo mi were formulated from oilwater emulsions using biodegradable polymers such as polylactic acidcoglycolic acid plga and TPS additives after particle formation to enhance arterial PR using either heparin didodecylmethylammonium bromide dmab or fibrinogen or combinations FA and carotid arteries of male mongrel dogs were isolated in situ and were then subjected to a balloon angioplasty a np suspension of a predetermined concentration was then infused into the i.a. for various durations this was followed by a min restoration of blood flow through the vessel the arterial segments were excised and analyzed for drug levels from the drug loading the np and the drug C2 in the artery the quantity of NPs retained was calculated and expressed as microgram per mg dry arteries in GA repeated short infusions of nanoparticle suspension s x were twofold more ERP in terms of higher arterial u C2 than a single prolonged infusion s a single s infusion was not significantly different than a s compared to nonmodified nps and vs micrograms mg mean se respectively a comparably enhanced np uptake was noted with a combined heparindmab modification increasing the concentration of np in infusate from to mg ml significantly increased arterial np uptake level from to micrograms mg thus the results support the view that modified nanoparticles along with optimized infusion conditions could enhance arterial wall drug concentrations of agents to treat restenosis | MEDAL |
the aim of this T0 was to examine the safety and tau of the soundbite⢠crossing system for the recanalization of infrainguinal chronic total occlusion cto lesions ctos are frequent among patients with severe claudication or critical limb ischemia failure to recanalize ctos remains common and is associated with poor prognosis the soundbite⢠crossing system soundbite medical solutions inc montreal qc canada is a newly developed device that uses a inch wire soundbite⢠active wire to deliver acoustic shock waves to the distal tip of a steerable guidewire to facilitate directed penetration of the proximal cap and crossing of the occlusion | MEDAL |
aneurysms of the distal part of the anteriorinferior cerebellar artery aica are rare most are located in the cerebellopontine angle close to the internal auditory meatus to our knowledge only patients with the aneurysm located inside the IAM have been reported in the literature | MEDAL |
a potential pathway linking hydroxyl radicals to antimicrobial lethality was examined by using mutational and chemical perturbations of escherichia coli deficiencies of soda or sodb had no effect on norfloxacin lethality however the absence of both genes together reduced lethal activity consistent with rapid conversion of excessive superoxide to hydrogen peroxide contributing to quinolone lethality norfloxacin was more lethal with a mutant deficient in katg than with its isogenic parent suggesting that detoxification of peroxide to water normally reduces quinolone lethality an iron chelator bipyridyl and a hydroxyl radical scavenger TU reduced the lethal activity of norfloxacin indicating that norfloxacinstimulated accumulation of peroxide affects lethal activity via hydroxyl radicals generated through the fenton reaction ampicillin and kanamycin antibacterials unrelated to fluoroquinolones displayed SMB similar to that of norfloxacin except that these two agents showed hyperlethality with an ahpc alkyl hydroperoxide reductase mutant rather than with a katg mutant collectively these data are consistent with antimicrobial AS increasing the production of superoxide which then undergoes dismutation to peroxide from which a highly toxic hydroxyl radical is generated hydroxyl radicals then enhance antimicrobial lethality as suggested by earlier work such findings indicate that oxidative AS networks may provide targets for antimicrobial potentiation | MEDAL |
damage to the saphenous nerve sn has been a known complication during varicose vein surgeries we tested whether a better knowledge of the anatomy of the sn and the great saphenous vein gsv can prevent such damage | MEDAL |
PET magnetic resonance imaging fmri data are commonly used to construct activation maps for the human brain it is important to quantify the reliability of such maps we have developed statistical models to provide precise estimates for reliability from several runs of the same paradigm over time specifically our method extends the premise of maximum likelihood ml developed by genovese et al magn reson med by incorporating spatial context into the estimation process experiments indicate that our methodology provides more conservative estimates of true positives compared to those obtained by genovese et al the reliability estimates can be used to obtain voxelspecific reliability measures for G1 as well as inactivated regions in future experiments we derive statistical methodology to determine optimal thresholds for region and contextspecific activations empirical guidelines are also provided on the number of repeat scans to acquire in order to arrive at accurate reliability estimates we report the results from experiments involving a motor paradigm performed on a single subject several times over a period of months | MEDAL |
IUGR is an independent risk factor for adult psychiatric and cardiovascular diseases in humans IUGR is associated with increased placental and fetal oxidative AS as well as downregulation of placental βhsd βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase decreased placental βhsd activity increases fetal exposure to maternal GCs further increasing fetal oxidative stress to explore the developmental origins of comorbid hypertension and anxiety disorders we increased fetal glucocorticoid exposure by administering the βhsd inhibitor cbx carbenoxolone mg·kg of body weight·day during the final week of murine gestation we hypothesized that maternal antioxidant tempol throughout pregnancy would block glucocorticoidprogrammed anxiety vascular dysfunction and hypertension anxietyrelated behaviour CS fear and the haemodynamic response to stress were measured in AD mice maternal cbx administration significantly increased conditioned fear responses of AD females among the F1 of cbxinjected dams maternal tempol markedly attenuated the behavioural and cardiovascular responses to psychological AS compared with offspring of undisturbed dams male offspring of dams that received daily third trimester saline i.v. had increased stressevoked pressure responses that were blocked by maternal tempol in contrast tempol did not block cbxinduced aortic dysfunction in female mice measured by myography and lucigeninenhanced chemiluminescence we conclude that maternal AS and exaggerated fetal glucocorticoid exposure enhance sexspecific AS responses as well as alterations in aortic reactivity because concurrent tempol attenuated CS fear and AS CR even among the F1 of salineinjected dams we speculate that antenatal stressors programme F1 stress CR in a cycle that may be broken by antenatal antioxidant therapy | MEDAL |
AS lesions were observed in male and ovariectomized female microminipig mmp fed a HF and cholesterol diet with sodium CA hfcdsc for months hfcdsc induced hypercholesterolemia accompanied by an increase in SS total cholesterol tcho lowdensity VLDL ldlc highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol hdlc and cholesterol ester ce unlike the mouse or rabbit a dominant ldlc fraction in the intact mmp similar to that in humans was observed by SS lipoprotein analysis hfcdsc increased body WG at the end of the experiment computed tomography scans of conscious animals showed that hfcdsc had decreased CL attenuation values hounsfield unit and increased subcutaneous and abdominal fat suggesting the induction of fatty liver and obesity hfcdsc induced AS lesions in SVR arteries including the external and internal iliac arteries ABD aorta PD and cerebral arterial circle atherosclerosis and pathological findings induced by hfcdsc in mmp were similar to those in humans the mmp is a potentially suitable tool for investigating human atherosclerosis | MEDAL |
ultrastructural stereological analyses of PP and centrilobular HCs of P0 and dayold and AD male ddy mice were carried out to T0 the PN OD of the morphologic heterogeneity among hepatocytes in P0 animals the periportal and centrilobular cells did not differ in the volume densities of the smooth and Rg endoplasmic reticulum in the volume and numerical densities of the mitochondria lysosomes peroxisomes and lipid droplets or in the shape the axial ratio of the mitochondria in dayold animals the volume densities of the mitochondria and RER were greater in periportal cells than centrilobular cells and the volume density of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum was greater in centrilobular cells than PP cells in dayold animals a further difference was seen in the numerical density of the mitochondria which was greater in centrilobular cells than PP cells adult HCs showed also a difference in the axial ratio of the mitochondria which was greater in centrilobular than periportal cells there was no difference in the volume density of the Rg endoplasmic reticulum when the data were expressed as volume and number per hepatocyte the patterns of sublobular distributions of these organelles differed from the patterns seen in the volume and numerical density data mainly in AD animals this difference was caused by the marked increase in hepatocyte volume between days of age and adulthood especially in centrilobular cells the results show that in general the ultrastructural heterogeneity among hepatocytes evident in adult animals is not present in P0 animals but arises during postnatal OD and suggest the occurrence of a lobular gradient in postnatal development of hepatocyte functions | MEDAL |
the PR of radioactivity from rat isolated atria preloaded with hnoradrenaline hna evoked by electrical field stimulation hz ms s of intraneuronal sympathetic SN high potassium mm or tyramine micron was used as an index of noradrenaline PR activation of protein kinase c by phorbol myristate acetate pma produced a concentrationdependent enhancement of field stimulationinduced outflow of radioactivity whereas polymyxin b an inhibitor of protein kinase c reduced hna release evoked by FS the enhancement observed in the presence of pma was attenuated by polymyxin b and microns release of noradrenaline evoked by membrane depolarization in a KCl medium was similarly affected by pma and polymyxin b in contrast the release of noradrenaline evoked by the indirectly acting sympathomimetic amine tyramine was not altered by pma polymyxin b in a concentration of microns but not microns caused a slight reduction in tyramineinduced outflow of radioactivity the spontaneous outflow of radioactive EDC was not affected by either pma or polymyxin b in the bathing medium the f usual righthanded bdna form to a LH zdna form at physiologically relevant cationic concentrations we studied the efficacy of spermidine six homologs of spermidine hnchnnhchnh where n to n for spermidine and diethylene triamine to provoke the bdna to zdna transition of polydgmdcpolydgmdc using a monoclonal antizdna antibody and spectroscopic techniques the concentration of SD at the Tm of bdna to zdna transition was microm chemical structural effects were significant when the SD homologs were used to induce the transition the midpoint concentration increased as the number of ch groups varied in relation to that of SD we interpret these structural effects on the basis of molecular models of the interaction of PAs with polynucleotides | MEDAL |
exertional heat illnesses HS heat exhaustion and heat cramps are a serious problem in military operations air force basic military training at lackland air force base is a prime example of where exertional heat illnesses can occur this project was conducted to evaluate the problem o exertional heat illnesses during BMT a lackland air force base | MEDAL |
ART qinghaosu and its derivatives are endoperoxidecontaining EDC that are an important new class of antimalarial drugs 3H dihydroartemisinin is taken up and concentrated by isolated red cell membranes but not by IN erythrocytes more than half of the membraneassociated drug can be released by treatment with phospholipase a followed by extraction with ethyl acetate the remaining drug appears to be bound to the major red CM proteins there is no association of the drug with either the membrane or cytoplasm of IN red cells thus dihydroartemisinin appears to be taken up by isolated membranes where it associates with proteins but not via IN CRC | MEDAL |
a study was undertaken to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a combination vaccine tetramune of conjugate haemophilus influenzae type b hib vaccine hibtiter and dtp diphtheria tetanus and pertussis vaccine a total of HC were randomized to receive either tetramune combined group or dtp and hibtiter po concurrently separate group in separate syringes at approximately and months of age in taiwan serologic responses were largely comparable between the two vaccine CG almost all subjects were seropositive to hib prp polyribosylribitol phosphate and were protected against diphtheria and tetanus T3 doses of vaccine and mounted prominent responses to the components of bordetella pertussis subjects in the combined group did not experience more adverse reactions compared with those in the separate group we concluded that hibtiter was highly immunogenic and safe when po concurrently with dtp vaccine to taiwanese children tetramune was also safe and immunogenic and might reduce the number of injections to achieve the same protection | MEDAL |
the sensitivity and specificity of immunocytochemistry were compared with those of nonisotopic in ISH nish for the direct PCD of human papillomaviruses in biopsy specimens four monoclonal antibodies raised to the capsid protein of hpv were less TPS than nish all four reacted with lesions containing hpv and hpv absolute discrimination of hpv types therefore was not possible with the monoclonal antibodies used in this study the relative sensitivities of these antibodies were also lower than nish sequential immunocytochemistry and nish on the same section showed that times as many cells were positive by nish than by immunocytochemistry using the most CS monoclonal antibody these data indicate that nish has higher diagnostic specificity and sensitivity than immunocytochemistry using monoclonal antibodies to the hpv CA protein | MEDAL |
techniques for resolving some types of inherited mitochondrial diseases have recently been the subject of scientific research ethical scrutiny media coverage and RII initiatives in the uk building on research using eggs from a variety of providers scientists hope to eradicate maternally transmitted mutations in mitochondrial dna by transferring the nuclear dna of a fertilised egg created by an intending mother at risk of transmitting mitochondrial disease and her male partner into an enucleated egg provided by another woman in this article we examine how egg providers for mitochondrial research and therapy have been represented in stakeholder debates a systematic review of key documents and parliamentary debates shows that the balance of consideration tilts heavily towards therapeutic egg providers research egg providers have been ignored and rendered invisible however mapping the various designations of therapeutic egg providers shows that their role is so heavily camouflaged that they have only an absent presence in discussions we explore this puzzling ambivalence towards egg providers whose contributions are necessary to the success of current mitochondrial research and proposed therapies we suggest that labels that diminish the contributions of egg providers serve certain governance objectives in managing possible future claims about and by therapeutic egg providers we demonstrate that the social positioning of research egg providers is entangled within that of therapeutic egg providers which means that the former can also never receive their due recognition this article contributes to the wider literature on the governance of new technological interventions | MEDAL |
the developing human CBF cortex is distinguished by a particularly wide subplate a transient zone in which crucial cellcell interactions occur to further understand the role of the SP in human BB OD we have studied the immunohistochemical expression of certain neuronal gap map parvalbumin and astroglial vimentin gfap markers in the developing VC from gestational ages of weeks to months postterm at weeks immunoreactivity to gap a protein involved in axonal outgrowth was most prominent in the subplate and MZ neuropil and in the fibers of the radiations running near the ventricular zone at weeks gap immunoreactive SF were observed in the maturing cortical SP immunoreactivity for the microtubuleassociated protein map was present in the differentiating CP at weeks but at weeks was most prominent in the somata and dendrites of differentiated neurons particularly the cajalretzius neurons of the MZ in neurons of the SP and in those forming cortical SL parvalbumin immunoreactivity did not appear until weeks when stained SN were in a sparse band of cells in SL and upper SP vimentin and gfap did not stain differentiated neuronal cells vimentin immunoreactivity appeared early in NEP and radial glial cells decreasing after weeks with a concomitant increase in gfap immunoreactivity in radial glial and maturing astrocytic cells our results show that despite the greater complexity of the developing human neocortex molecular markers are expressed in spatial and temporal patterns similar to those observed in nonhuman primates carnivores and rodents these protein markers should prove useful in developmental staging and in providing a framework in which to examine congenital disorders of cerebral OD | MEDAL |
low molecular weight AGEs ages were evaluated for by an enzymelinked immunosorbent CA in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients and continuous cyclic PD one patient thirteen patients were diabetic and patients were nondiabetic all patients underwent peritoneal equilibration tests and in addition to routine chemistries serum and dialysate were evaluated for ages SS creatinine levels were similar in the diabetic and nondiabetic patients but serum age levels were significantly higher in the diabetic patients v uml p overall the dialysate to plasma ratio at hours was o results in the substitution of arg but in this case it is replaced by trp case fviic fviiag was homozygous for a previously reported mutation g to a at nucleotide position in exon substituting gln for arg at position in the protease domain cases and evidently have additional undetected mutations | MEDAL |
mu gammaherpesvirus mhv is a gammaherpesvirus that was first isolated from murid rodents mhv establishes a latent infection in the SP and other lymphoid organs several gammaherpesviruses including herpesvirus saimiri human herpesvirus and mhv encode proteins with extensive homology to the dtype cyclins to study the function of the cyclin homologue a recombinant mhv has been constructed that lacks the cyclin homologue and expresses betagalactosidase as a marker mhvcy mhvcy grows in vitro with kinetics and to titers similar to those of the wild type balbc mice infected with mixtures of equivalent amounts of the wild type and mhvcy show deficient growth of the mhvcy in an acute infection infection of scid mice with virus mixtures also showed decreased mhvcy virus growth indicating that the deficiency is not mediated by t or B1 although mice INF with mixtures containing times as much mhvcy had greater splenic titers of the mutant virus than wildtype virus in acute infection at days postinfection splenocytes from these mice reactivated primarily wildtype virus quantitative pcr data indicate that equivalent genomes were present in the latent state reinsertion of the cyclin homologue into the cyclindeleted virus restored the wildtype phenotype these results indicate that the mhv cyclin d homologue mediates important functions in the acute infection and is required for efficient reactivation from RL | MEDAL |
in normotensive rats renal sensory receptor activation by increased ureteral pressure results in increased ipsilateral afferent renal nerve activity decreased CL efferent RNA and CL diuresis and natriuresis a contralateral inhibitory renorenal reflex response in spontaneously hypertensive rats shr increasing ureteral pressure fails to increase afferent RNA the nature of the inhibitory renorenal reflexes indicates that an impairment of the renorenal reflexes would contribute to the increased efferent RNA in shr we therefore examined whether there was a GA decrease in the responsiveness of renal sensory receptors in shr by comparing the afferent RNA responses to bradykinin in shr and WK wky in wky renal pelvic perfusion with bradykinin at and micromoll increased afferent RNA by and x second area under the curve of afferent renal nerve activity versus time in shr BK at to micromoll failed to increase afferent RNA bradykinin at micromoll increased afferent RNA in only of shr in wky renal pelvic perfusion with the PDBu betaphorbol dibutyrate known to activate protein kinase c resulted in a peak afferent RNA response of however betaphorbol dibutyrate failed to increase afferent renal nerve activity in shr these findings demonstrate decreased responsiveness of renal pelvic sensory receptors to bradykinin in shr the impaired afferent renal nerve activity responses to bradykinin in shr may be due to a lack of protein kinase c activation or a defect in the intracellular signaling mechanisms distal to protein kinase c activation | MEDAL |
this paper describes a randomised clinical trial in patients with advanced breast CA comparing the regimen m mitomycin c mg m day mitozantrone mg m day and methotrexate mg m day and given on a day cycle with a standard anthracycline containing regimen vac vincristine mg m day anthracycline adriamycin or epirubicin mg m day cyclophosphamide mg m day given on a day cycle of a total of patients were randomised to m and to vac and a mean of courses was given per patient the overall response rate CR and partial was confidence limits cl for m and cl for vac the response according to sites of metastases was the same for both treatment groups symptomatic toxicity including alopecia neuropathy vomiting p less than and nausea p less than were significantly less for m myelosuppression including leucopenia p less than and TP p less than was significantly greater with m at day although there was no difference in nadir counts in patients at special risk of myelosuppression and there was no evidence of an increase in infective or one complications there was no significant difference in the duration of response to m months cl and vac months cl nor in survival m months cl vac months cl these results indicate that m is as effective as but has significantly less symptomatic toxicity than an anthracycline containing regimen for the treatment of advanced breast cancer | MEDAL |
PD with glucose solution was carried out in dexamethasonepretreated rats dialysis brought about a severe loss of sodium and a slight loss of potassium into the peritoneal fluid this kind of sodium SD took place without any decrease in total bodywater space thus it evoked a severe fall in plasma sodium concentration plasma renin activity and the SS concentration of aldosterone increased in response to dialysis peak values in renin activity were attained within min whereas aldosterone concentrations exhibited a continuous rise until at least min despite the rho of renin and aldosterone values neither the administration of an angiotensin i converting enzyme inhibitor sq nor the reduction of plasma renin activity by indomethacin could reduce hyperaldosteronism evoked by peritoneal dialysis therefore it is assumed that there is no causal relationship between renin and aldosterone in this kind of acute severe sodium SD | MEDAL |
aeromonas are regarded as opportunistic as well as primary pathogens of humans and fish and are associated with gastroenteritis and septicemia in humans production of nacylhomoserine lactone ahl signal molecules and biofilm was determined in aeromonas isolates from different food products in india using thinlayer chromatography tlc analysis and microtiterplate assay respectively overall highly heterogeneous patterns of ahl production were observed with the production of nbutanoyl homoserine lactone chsl and nhexanoyl homoserine lactone chsl by the majority of aeromonas food isolates moreover putative npentanoyl homoserine lactone chsl nheptanoyl HSL chsl and noctanoyl homoserine lactone chsl were produced by and of isolates respectively this is the st report of production of chsl by aeromonas species aeromonas food isolates were highly variable in their biofilm forming abilities with majority of them as weak biofilm producers in different media tsb and m minimal medium supplemented with glucose the genes encoding for putative virulence factors glycerophospholipid cholesterol acyltransferase gcat heatlabile cytotonic enterotoxin alt HS cytotonic enterotoxin ast serine protease ser polar flagella fla and lateral flagella lafa were present in and of the strains respectively class integrons to bp were found in of food isolates whereas isolates contained class integrons to bp this study provides a baseline data on the diversity of ahls biofilm forming ability and presence of virulence genes and integrons ifective attenuation of opioid withdrawal PS in that case novel drugs or novel application of currently available medications must be sought after to assist in the drug holiday we present a case in which refractory muscle spasms AA to opioid withdrawal were successfully treated with an overthecounter supplement that is not typically used for the attenuation of opioid withdrawal PS in a patient intolerant to the side effects of clonidine we were able to successfully wean chronic opiates by treating refractory muscle spasms with the serotonin precursor hydroxytryptophan htp we hypothesize that our success with this medication gives further credence to the role of serotonin in opioid withdrawal somatic symptomatology and supports the need for future research to clarify the role of serotonin precursors or serotonin modulating drugs as potential alternatives in those unable to follow ST protocols | MEDAL |
the use of digital subtraction angiography dsa versus HCT angiography cta or mr angiography mra for live renal donor evaluation is still controversial although cta and mra can detect some proximal moderate to severe arterial changes caused by fibromuscular dysplasia fmd mild and distal moderate fmd are ND well without angiography | MEDAL |
bronchodilators used for BA reduce Ros but also increase HR rate to some extent it is often difficult to use such bronchodilators with elderly patients and patients with heart disease the object of our study was to investigate whether a TPS bradycardic agent zatebradine inhibited the heart rate increased by bronchodilators without affecting respiratory resistance we evaluated the effects of zatebradine on the increases in HR rate and inhibition of the respiratory resistance in response to the bronchodilators isoproterenol procaterol a beta AR agonist dimethylaminopropionylforskolin nkh an aca activator and aminophylline in the anesthetized and artificially ventilated dog when zatebradine in doses of mgkg iv decreased HR rate without affecting arterial blood pressure it dose dependently att the increase in heart rate in response to isoproterenol procaterol nkh and aminophylline but did not affect the inhibition by these substances of the increase in Ros induced by histamine propranolol mgkg iv dose dependently inhibited not only the increase in HR rate but also the inhibition of the Ros induced by isoproterenol and procaterol the present results indicate that zatebradine selectively inhibits the increase in heart rate in response to cyclic ampdependent bronchodilators without affecting their bronchodilator effects in anesthetized dogs and suggest that zatebradine may be a useful drug for prevention of the ART induced by bronchodilators used for patients with BA | MEDAL |
the study determined that the sex ratio of liveborn infants in the igbooccupied area of nigeria is about this figure although similar to the reported for zaire and for the black populations of the us and the caribbean is lower than the to accepted for most EU populations the recorded for the yorubas of western nigeria and the reported for the hausa people of one RNA nigerian province values ranging from to have been reported for africans of uganda and cameroun all these figures are lower than the recorded for the far eastern peoples and support the widely held impression that the SR at birth is influenced by among other factors geographical and genetic CSD results of the study of igbo births also showed that the SR within a homogeneous population varies with place of confinement from a high in hospitals to a low in community health centers | MEDAL |
describe cultural beliefs related to diabetes in minnesota somali children with type diabetes td and compare their diabetes control to that of nonsomali children with diabetes a crosssectional T0 inr complications the role of advanced glycation end products ages is already well established in numerous comorbidities including cardiomyopathy given the role of ages and their receptor rage in activating inflammatory pathways we sought to determine whether ceramides could be a mediator of rageinduced altered heart mitochondrial CF using an in vitro MM we treated hc cardiomyocytes with the age carboxymethyllysine before mitochondrial respiration assessment we discovered that mitochondrial respiration was significantly impaired in agetreated cells but not when cotreated with myriocin an inhibitor of de novo ceramide biosynthesis moreover we exposed wildtype and rage KO to secondhand CS and found reduced mitochondrial respiration in the left ventricular myocardium from WT but rage knockout mice were protected from this effect finally conditional overexpression of rage in the lungs of transgenic mice elicited a robust increase in left VVI ceramides in the absence of smoke exposure taken together these findings suggest a rageceramide axis as an important contributor to agemediated disrupted cardiomyocyte mitochondrial function | MEDAL |
we have previously reported that efficient selection of the mature cd t cell repertoire requires a PET interaction between the cd coreceptor on the developing thymocyte and the mhc class ii molecule on the thymic epithelium mice expressing a class ii protein carrying the eava double mutation in the cd binding domain develop fewer than onethird the number of cd t cells found in wildtype mice in this report we describe the PET characteristics of this population of cd t cells cd t cells that develop under these conditions are predicted to be a cdindependent subset of TA bearing tcrs of sufficient affinity for the class ii ligand to undergo selection despite the absence of accessory class iicd interactions we show that cd TA from the class ii mutant mice are indeed cd independent in their peripheral activation requirements surprisingly we find that cd TA from the class ii mutant mice having been selected in the absence of a productive class iicd interaction fail to functionally engage cd even when subsequently provided with a wildtype class ii ligand nevertheless cd TA from eava class ii mutant mice can respond to tdependent ags and support ig isotype switching | MEDAL |
the neural basis of conscious perception can be studied using stimuli that elicit different percepts on different occasions multistable perception multistable perception allows direct comparisons between BB activity and conscious perception that control for sensory input and also serves as a model for attentional competition with the winning perceptual outcome varying across trials dichotic listening tasks present multistable stimuli consisting of two different consonantvowels cvs oneear for each trial one ear usually conveys the dominant percept we used eeg to measure neural activity before and after dichotic CS- presentation to compare activity among left vs right ear percepts and a control task consonantvowels were perceived more often to the right vs left ear prestimulus eeg power in the beta band hz increased for left compared to RE percepts and control trials eventrelated potentials after stimulus ON showed smaller p amplitudes approximately ms RL for left ear compared to right ear and control trials results indicate that neural activity for RE percepts is comparable to control conditions while activity for the atypical left ear percept differs before and T3 stimulus onset prestimulus eeg changes for LE percepts may indicate a mechanism of spontaneous fluctuations in cortical networks that bias attentional competition during subsequent sensory processing the p amplitude differences among perceived ears suggests that rapid sensory andor arousalrelated activities contribute to the content of conscious perception possibly by biasing attentional competition away from the dominant right ear channel | MEDAL |
a case of severe paracetamol poisoning is described the beneficial outcome of potentially fatal poisoning a single NI of g PAR is believed to depend on intensive therapy with remaxol to maintain reparative processes in HCs | MEDAL |
correct use of terms in a manuscript or policy statement is important to meet the objectives of the paper inappropriate terms can be counterproductive the world health organization who recommends the following terminology in national drug control legislation and policies should be clear and unambiguous in order not to confuse the use of controlled medicines for medical and scientific purposes with misuse and terminology should always be respectful this commentary lists english language terminology that can impair access to controlled medicines for the treatment of pain and suffering an objective of the international substance control conventions including pain management and the treatment of opioid dependence the commentary also suggests alternative wording assessment of termd tears at the supraspinatus tendoninfraspinatus tendon sstist on indirect MRA materials and methods of consecutive shoulders that underwent indirect mr arthrography shoulders with tears at the sstist were included on the mr images delaminated tears at the sstist defined as intratendinous horizontal splitting between the articular and bursal layers of the sstist with or without different degrees of retraction between the two layers were identified and classified into six types other radiologic findings of the sstist such as the presence of intramuscular cysts were evaluated we used video records of arthroscopic surgeries to determine the DA of indirect mri for the detection of the delaminated tears at the sstist results on mri of shoulders with sstist tears had delaminated tears articulardelaminated fullthickness tears n and articulardelaminated partialthickness tears n were the most common types approximately of articulardelaminated fullthickness tears occurring at the sst were combined with articulardelaminated partialthickness tears at the ist sstist footprint tears and intramuscular cysts were significantly more common in the shoulders with delaminated tears the sensitivity and specificity of indirect MRA for detection of delaminated tears were and respectively conclusion on indirect mr arthrography approximately half of the shoulders with sstist tears had delaminated tears the DA of indirect mr arthrography for detection of delaminated tears was high | MEDAL |
blood V1 beds of the rat spleen were reproduced with methacrylate resin by thorough i.t. through the splenic artery or by separate i.t. through the SA and the portal vein and observed in the SEM microscope in both thoroughly and separately injected specimens terminal ends of the follicular and penicillar arteries continued into the leaked resin masses representing the tissue spaces of the MZ and RP direct connection of the arterial terminal with the venous sinus was rather rare and only observed thoroughly injected specimens these findings may support in the rat spleen the open circulation theory tht arterial blood flows into the tissue spaces of the marginal zone and RP and then into the A-V sinuses | MEDAL |
lowlevel radioactive waste containing liquid scintillation fluid and known amounts of c and h has been incinerated in a modified pathological incinerator with the incinerator effluent refractory surface and ash being monitored the T0 relates the activity monitored to that incinerated and discusses how this relation was affected by a modification of the incinerator and monitoring conditions no significant activity was found to be associated with the ash particulates or the refractory surface these data suggest that mostard homospatial thinking in creative individuals in literature and visual art | MEDAL |
olive PH extracts from waste from oliveoil production alperujo have been obtained by microwaveassisted extraction and used for edible oil enrichment the extracts as such or T3 extractant removal were used to enrich edible oils of different fatty acid composition by liquidliquid or solidliquid extraction respectively the distribution ratios of the phenols in the different oils oliveorujo the waste of milled olives from which lowquality oil is obtained sunflower high oleicacid content sunflower coconut and linseed showed a given order as a function of PH polarity and molecular weight with higher distribution AF for more polar and lower molecularweight phenols concerning oil composition those oils with higher concentration of PUFA fatty acids yielded higher PH distribution factors oils with higher concentrations of saturated fatty acids yielded lower distribution AF | MEDAL |
the pharmacokinetics and BA of TIC and clavulanate were determined after intravenous iv or IM im administration of ticarcillin disodium mgkg combined with clavulanate potassium mgkg to groups of healthy foals at days and days of age T3 iv administration of the combination to five foals the disposition kinetics of TIC and clavulanate were best described using a twocompartment open model mean plasma eliminationrate constant beta and clearance clb for ticarcillin were significantly less p less than and volume of CSD at Css vdss was significantly larger p less than in the foals at days compared with days of age this indicated that renal excretion mechanisms were immature and ticarcillin was more widely distributed in dayold foals the mean beta rate constant for clavulanate was significantly less p less than at days than at days of age values of the L1 kinetic terms describing the disposition of ticarcillin T3 im administration to five dayold foals were not significantly different from values of these parameters in the same foals at days of age T3 im administration of the drug combination plasma clavulanate concentrations peaked significantly later p less than and the eliminationrate constant kd for clavulanate was significantly less p less than in dayold foals than in dayold foals the bioavailabilities of TIC and clavulanate T3 im administration in dayold foals were and respectively and in dayold foals were and respectively mean plasma TIC concentrations exceeded microgramsml for a longer period after im administration of the drug combination than T3 iv administration to foals of both age groups by virtue of the frequency of administration required and the painful response elicited by im i.t. it is recommended that when the combination of ticarcillin disodium mgkg and clavulanate potassium mgkg is used in foals to treat infections caused by susceptible organisms mic less than or equal to microgramsml it should be po iv four times daily | MEDAL |
smallcell lung cancer sclc is an aggressive malignancy and only a minority of patients survive years although this CA is CS to both chemotherapy and radiotherapy the majority of patients relapse and secondline treatment is an option for many currently in the united states the combination of cisplatinetoposide is the standard firstline therapy in sclc at this time topotecan is the only food and drug administrationapproved chemotherapeutic agent for secondline treatment of sclc in this paper we review studies of secondline chemotherapy for sclc | MEDAL |
a simple and rapid analytical method was developed for the determination of LCM and tylosin residues in honey as part of field studies examining the efficacy and target animal safety of these antibiotics to control american foulbrood disease in honey bees residues of the antibiotics were determined using liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionization MS/MS spectrometry lcesimsms honey samples were diluted and injected directly into the lcmsms system without additional cleanup by SPE or liquidliquid partitioning a sixport valve system was utilized to selectively route eluant from the lc column into the mass spectrometer only during a relatively short portion of the chromatographic run corresponding to the elution of the analytes of interest minimal contamination of the ms source chamber was observed despite the analysis of large numbers of samples using internal standard quantitation excellent accuracy and precision were obtained with no apparent matrixtomatrix variation based on the analysis of fortified replicates the mean percent deviation from the theoretical concentration and the percent relative sigma were both less than for tylosin over an analytical range of microgkg slightly higher mean percent deviations and relative standard deviations were observed for the analysis of lincomycin in fortified replicate samples the method PCD limits were determined to be and microgkg for LCM and tylosin respectively | MEDAL |
the existence of interleukinmediated innate immune responses to group b streptococci gbs was tested by examining tlymphocyteindependent gamma interferon ifn production in cultured splenocytes from severe combined immunodeficiency mice splenocytes were cultured with killed or living gbs for h and then ifn was measured by enzymelinked immunosorbent CA type iii gbs as well as other extracellular bacterial agents of neonatal sepsis staphylococci and enterococci induced ifn production which was enhanced by interleukin and was inhibited by neutralizing antibodies to TN factor alpha and to mouse interleukin interleukin bioactivity was present in CS medium from gbstreated adherent macrophages Ad peritoneal macrophages and bone marrowderived A-NK cells from severe CID mice cultured separately with gbs did not produce ifn whereas cocultures did produce ifn functional macrophage activation was evident by nitric oxide production in gbstreated splenocyte cultures the results show that extracellular pathogens such as gbs similarly to intracellular microbes induce macrophage interleukin and RT necrosis factor alpha which promote natural killer cell secretion of ifn which then enhances innate phagocyte resistance mechanisms | MEDAL |
primary CM cell cultures derived from human donors years were established and characterized by comparing them with ciliary muscle in tissue sections using immunocytochemical and ultrastructural methods monoclonal antibodies against desmin vimentin alphaactinin smooth muscle sm specific alphaactin and von willebrand factor were used in tissue sections of the ciliary body CM cells vascular muscle cells PCs endothelial cells and fibroblasts stain for vimentin both types of muscle cells and the PCs stain for alphasmactin but only CM cells stain for desmin for tissue cultures explants of the meridional and partly the Rt portion of the CM were dissected and grown directly or after digestion of the explant with MMP-8 ten primary cell cultures with a typical hillandvalley growth DP similar to smooth muscle cells and two with a growth DP similar to fibroblasts were established all cultures could be subcultured up to the fifth passage in fibroblastlike cultures of the cells stained for alphasmactin staining for desmin was not observed in smooth musclelike cultures all cells stained positive for alphasmactin desmin IF was not seen in growing nonconfluent smooth musclelike cultures in confluent cultures about of the cells stained positive for desmin preferentially in Az where the cells had formed hills no culture stained for von willebrand factor IF for alphaactinin in smooth musclelike cultures showed that the dense bands of the myofilaments were arranged in register similar to the typical ciliary muscle cell morphology seen in tissue sections ultrastructurally the smooth musclelike cultures showed the typical morphology of cultured smooth muscle cells we conclude that the smooth musclelike cultures consist of ciliary muscle cells | MEDAL |
gastrointestinal one with nonportal hypertension bleeding nonpht is the most common cause of gastrointestinal emergencies with high mortality rate the majority of nonpht patient stem from acid related disease the practice guideline recommends using preendoscopic PPIs ppis however the dose and route of ppis administration were still unclear according to the association for gastroenterology | MEDAL |
the results of a surveillance study conducted by the international nosocomial infection control consortium inicc from january through december in intensive care units icus of countries in latin america asia africa and europe are reported during the year study period using CDC and prevention cdc national healthcare safety network nhsn formerly the national nosocomial infection surveillance system nnis definitions for deviceassociated health careassociated infections we gathered prospective data from patients hospitalized in the corresponding to the suspicious lesion the patient underwent oesophagectomy with C2 gastroesophageal anastomosis and PT remnants of papillomatous mucosa above the anastomosis were destroyed with endoscopic argon plasma coagulation in the year followup the patient showed limited recurrence of the papillomatosis in the remaining PT CLO containing a circumscript carcinoma that was successfully treated by local endoscopic mucosectomy our case strongly underscores the risk of malignant transformation in large Az of papillomatous mucosa and shows that systematic surveillance is essential | MEDAL |
approximately of patients with celiac disease ced do not respond to a glutenfree diet and progress to refractory celiac disease rcd a severe progression that is characterized by infiltration of IEL t lymphocytes patients with rcd type ii rcdii show clonal expansions of intraepithelial t lymphocytes that result in a poor prognosis and a high MR through OD of aggressive enteropathyassociated tcell lymphoma it is not known whether genetic variations play a role in severe progression of ced to rcdii | MEDAL |
the LT survivorship and PET outcomes of the mobilebearing mb compared to the fixedbearing fb unicompartmental knee arthroplasty uka implant design remain a topic of debate the aim of the current study was to compare the survivorship and PET outcomes of mb and fb uka at a minimum year followup | MEDAL |
previous work has demonstrated the presence of a selfsplicing intron in the C1 S1 ribosomal rna coding region in some strains of the ciliate protozoan tetrahymena CS comparisons of the intron regions from six tetrahymena species showed these to fall into three homology CG in an attempt to evaluate the evolutionary origins of the intervening sequences we have now determined complete small subunit ribosomal rna gene sequences from species of tetrahymena and the absolute number of nucleotide differences between the sequences was used to construct a phylogenetic tree this phylogeny was consistent with the groupings suggested by comparisons of other PSA characters including cytoskeletal proteins isozyme analyses and restriction maps of CR rrna transcription units the homology groupings that were based upon the intron sequence data do not agree with the relationships inferred from the small S1 rrna sequence data these observations are taken to indicate that the intron character has been acquired independently in different species at a stage later than the branching out of the species | MEDAL |
a hospital warm water system was monitored for the presence and CSD of legionellae subtyping of ten selected legionella pneumophila isolates originating from four different sites in the system by using serogroup TPS antisera in an indirect immunofluorescence test revealed that nine of the ten isolates belong to serogroup while the remaining one was serogroup two monoclonal antibodies mabs specific for a subgroup of serogroup strains were further used for characterization none of the strains reacted with these mabs genome analysis by elaborating noti profiles using the PFG electrophoresis pfge technique revealed that nearly all serogroup isolates derived from different CS including a new building connected by a ring pipe were MZ according to restriction fragment patterns the patterns were disled that although years of education affected some adult ratings SC had the most profound effect | MEDAL |
Subsets and Splits