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while soft tissue tumors can occur in the penis corpus cavernous tumors are rare reported cases of corpus cavernous PT are from metastases of T3 malignancy such as cancers of the bladder prostate rectosigmoid colon kidney pancreas liver testis and nasopharynx primary corpus cavernous tumors are extremely rare and have possibly never been reported before herein we report a case of leiomyoma of the corpus cavernosum after the diagnosis of leiomyoma was established total excision of the tumor was not attempted and the RT remained unchanged in size and shape over a followup period of months | MEDAL |
to investigate the clinical features of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver uesl to improve its preoperative diagnostic accuracy | MEDAL |
osteopathic manipulative treatment omt is a promising adjunctive treatment for older adults hospitalized for pneumonia | MEDAL |
unsymmetrical sulfides were first synthesized using combinations of a dicarbonyl an aromatic aldehyde and a thiol in the presence of mol ethanolic piperidine these sulfides derivatives were subsequently converted into corresponding sulfones via oxidation in the presence of mchloroperoxybenzoic acid mcpba at icebath to RT the former reaction was achieved at RT through onepot threecomponent the later was obtained in good yields using mild reaction conditions with flexibility in choice from a range of substrates the antimicrobial properties of the newly synthesized sulfone derivatives were investigated against the protozoan parasite LD a causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis vl nine sulfone derivatives were found to be efficacious and exhibited significant antimicrobial activity further these EDC were nontoxic on mu peritoneal macrophages thus eliminating potential ADCC in the host cells these compounds may be indicated as potential leads in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis | MEDAL |
nowadays there is a strong demand for inspection systems integrating both high sensitivity under various testing conditions and advanced processing allowing automatic identification of the examined object state and PCD of threats this paper presents the possibility of utilization of a magnetic multisensor matrix transducer for characterization of defected Az in steel elements and a deep learning based algorithm for integration of data and final ID of the object state the transducer allows sensing of a magnetic vector in a single location in different directions thus it enables detecting and characterizing any material changes that affect magnetic properties regardless of their orientation in REF to the scanning direction to assess the GA application capability of the system steel elements with rectangularshaped artificial defects were used first a DB was constructed considering numerical and measurements results a finite element method was used to run a simulation process and provide transducer signal patterns for different defect arrangements next the algorithm integrating responses of the transducer collected in a single position was applied and a convolutional neural network was used for implementation of the material state evaluation model then validation of the obtained model was carried out in this paper the procedure for updating the evaluated local state referring to the neighboring area results is presented finally the results and future perspective are discussed | MEDAL |
a semisolid fenton process ssfp in which the fenton process fp takes place in a matrix with a low liquidtosolid ratio was conducted on the Kd of onitroaniline ona in hazardous solid waste based on the assumption of a first order reaction between ona and the hydroxyl radical oh an ssfp kinetic MM was developed to accurately describe the kinetics of ona degradation and to quantitatively investigate the effect of operating conditions halflife PM was also proposed and compared with the halflife calculated from pseudo first order equation to prove the effect of operating conditions it showed that the Kd of ona proceeded rapidly at ph the kinetic rate constant k for ona Kd increased with the initial Fe2+ concentration but decreased with the liquidtosolid ratio with respect to the lowest residual ona concentration the optimal ferrous ion concentration and liquidtosolid ratio were molkg dry weight and respectively | MEDAL |
vasculitis is inflammation of the blood vessels which may involve either the central nervous system cns or the peripheral nervous system pns or both this involvement may be primary and restricted to the cns and rarely to the pnsprimary angiitis of the cns is the term used to describe isolated cns involvement by vasculitis in which neither the clinical presentation and behaviour of the disease nor the histopathology is uniform this heterogeneity indicates a spectrum depending on the type and extent of the V1 involvement seen within the cns covering a group of disorders rather than a single disease this may explain the different prognosis and response to treatments in clinical practice vasculitis of the nervous system AA to a known cause or underlying disease is more commonly seen than as a primary disorder primary systemic vasculitides and connectivetissue disorders behçets disease lymphoproliferative diseases and other HM some infections and related conditions drugs and SA are some of the conditions known to cause vasculitis in the nervous system there is a broad variety of pathogenetic mechanisms both the cns and the pns may be involved either separately or together | MEDAL |
the objectives of the T0 were to validate a TR immunofluorometric CA for c reactive protein crp quantification in urine of dogs and to investigate the influence that the presence of PU and azotemia could have on SS and urinary crp ucrp values in dogs with leishmaniasis samples obtained from dogs naturally infected with leishmania infantum were classified into four groups on the basis of the results of urinary proteincreatinine ratio and SS creatinine scr in addition dogs were monitored at initial diagnosis and T3 a follow up visit the CA showed good analytical performance based on precision accuracy and limit of PCD results results of the T0 suggested that crp is present in urine of dogs with leishmaniasis and renal damage since ucrpcreatinine ratio was significantly increased in dogs with proteinuria being the highest values observed in dogs with PU and elevated scr and that the measurement of ucrp could be a tool to detect and evaluate the possible kidney damage associated with this disease | MEDAL |
steroid receptor coactivator srcaib is a member of the p nuclear receptor coactivator family involved in OD and Tc progression we previously showed that srcaib is required for prostate CA cell proliferation and survival here we reported that the elevated srcaib expression is significantly correlated with PC-3 cancer seminal vesicle invasion and CL node metastasis furthermore srcaib is associated with increased prostate cancer cell migration and invasion srcaib is required for focal adhesion turnover and focal adhesion kinase activation in addition srcaib directly regulates transcription of matrix metalloproteinase mmp and mmp through its coactivation of ap and pea taken together these data suggest that srcaib plays an essential role in prostate CA cell invasion and metastasis | MEDAL |
transgenic mice are increasingly being utilized for understanding cardiac electrophysiologic CA however little is known about the normal atrioventricular nodal and infrahisian physiology in the mouse because of the prior inability to record a hisbundle deflection we present the first comprehensive examination of the mu AVN and hispurkinje systems employing hisbundle recordings normal healthy male B6 mice n underwent an in vivo EP T0 using a f octapolar electrode catheter ERPs were determined during premature atrial and ventricular stimulation the pr interval measured ms with a mean SCL of ms baseline ah intervals were ms and hv intervals were ms at a PCL of ms the AVN ERP refractory period avnerp and atrial ERP refractory period aerp were ms and ms respectively the mean av wenckebach and paced cycle length were ms and ms respectively premature atrial stimulation curves were asymptotic without discontinuity a subset of nine mice was studied T3 administration of isoproterenol the sinus cycle length avnerp and aerp decreased significantly from baseline measurements this method establishes a practical and feasible technique to record in vivo hisbundle electrograms in the mouse to assess AVN and infrahisian physiology use of this model will allow for the examination of CA of AVN and infrahisian conduction in transgenic murine models | MEDAL |
critical evaluations of ACL ligament acl reconstruction failure modes have shown that the most common cause for failure is aberrant femoral tunnel placement regardless of the surgical reconstruction technique it is imperative to have a thorough understanding of the anatomy and function of the anteromedial am and posterolateral pl bundles of the native acl to successfully restore the stability and motion of the injured knee similar to the observation that anatomic reduction is critical to successful fracture management acl reconstruction techniques must focus on restoring the normal anatomy of the acl this article reviews the anatomy of the am and pl bundles of the acl including landmarks for identifying their femoral and tibial footprints | MEDAL |
a new tail cuff method for determining systolic and mean blood pressure in rats was developed based on photoelectric PCD of tail arterial blood flow and pulsatile volume oscillation indirect systolic and mean blood pressure measured by this method correlated well with direct systolic and mean BPs recorded by a transducer and polygraph after carotid i.a. cannulation in strokeresistant spontaneously hypertensive rats shr strokeprone shr and normotensive wistar kyoto rats blood pressures were sharply and transiently raised for about min when rats were picked up by an investigator to be placed in a hot box or immobilized in a restrainer for measuring blood pressure therefore blood pressures should be measured at least min T3 the rats are put in a restrainer this new tail cuff method for measuring blood pressure provides reliable mean blood pressure readings in conscious rats | MEDAL |
to evaluate the recurrence of colorectal neoplasia T3 endoscopic resection of adenomas | MEDAL |
we herein report a case of neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gastric stump found years after BII gastric resection for a benign gastric ulcer a yearold man was referred to another hospital with melena endoscopic examination revealed a localized ulcerative lesion at the gastrojejunal anastomosis the diagnosis by endoscopic biopsy was neuroendocrine carcinoma a total gastrectomy of the remnant stomach with d lymphadenectomy was performed at our hospital the lesion invaded the subserosa and metastasis was found in two of nine the CL NO retrieved the lesion was positive for synaptophysin and chromogranin a and the ki LI was the diagnosis of NEC of the gastric stump was confirmed using world health organization criteria subsequently the patient underwent one course of adjuvant chemotherapy with the EP ep regimen however treatment was discontinued due to grade myelosuppression the patient showed CL node metastasis in the region around the gastrojejunal anastomosis in the abdominal cavity mo postsurgery he then underwent radiotherapy and platinumbased combination chemotherapy however the disease progressed and liver recurrence was observed on followup computed tomography at mo postsurgery the patient then received chemotherapy with regimens used for the treatment of small cell LC in first and secondline settings the patient DOD progression months T3 surgery | MEDAL |
the study of LL muscle reflexes evoked by electrical stimulation of the digital SN of the index finger and recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle with a mean latency of ms provided some evidence on the potential existence of a transcortical loop the method of LL relexes can be used to advantage in electrophysiological diagnosis of disorders of the CE NS in stimulatory therapeutic rehabilitation and in motor reeducation the study of supraspinal modulation of the hreflex excitability curve by dermal and light stimuli inducing long loop reflexes yielded physiological characteristics of its course in healthy subjects and in patients with disorders of the CNS system the most striking abnormality of the curves was recorded in the different degree of their facilitation and in the absence of late inhibition in individual nosological units the method served as the basis of the diagnostic test for the PCD of CBF dysfunction in arterial hypertension focal CBF lesions and neurasthenias | MEDAL |
chronic helicobacter pylori infection is known to be associated with the development of peptic ulcer gastric cancer and gastric lymphoma currently the bacterial factors of h pylori are reported to be important in the OD of gastroduodenal diseases caga protein encoded by the caga is the best studied VF of h pylori the pathogenic caga protein contains a CA gluproiletyrala epiya repeat region in the CT this repeat region is reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of GD diseases the segments containing epiya motifs have been designated as segments a b c and d however the classification and disease relation are still unclear this study used unique caga sequences containing epiya motifs collected from public resources including western and east asian strains with clinical data obtained from entries fifteen types of epiya or epiyalike sequences are defined in addition to four previously reported major segment types several minor segment types eg segment b b and more than sequence types eg abc abd were defined using our classification method we confirm that the sequences from western and east asian strains contain segment c and d respectively we also confirm that strains with two epiya segment c have a greater chance of developing gastric cancer than those with one segment c our results shed light on the relationships between the types of cagas the country of origin of each ST and the frequency of gastric disease | MEDAL |
in conscious rats we have previously shown that immunoneutralization of circulating insulin with a rb antiinsulin serum abolished the pancreatic exocrine secretion stimulated by a meal or a combination of exogenous sec and cholecystokinin octapeptide cck to investigate the mechanism of endogenous insulin action on the exocrine pancreas isolated rat pancreata were perfused with intraarterial infusion of KH solution degrees c at mlmin whereas both pancreatic juice and portal venous effluent were collected separately in min samples simultaneous intraarterial infusion of sec and cck in doses of and pmolh respectively significantly increased volume bicarbonate and protein SO in rat pancreata p when a rabbit antiinsulin serum was administered intraarterially ml bolus followed by ml for min pancreatic secretion of volume bicarbonate and protein SO was profoundly suppressed n p whereas a normal rb serum failed to influence pancreatic secretion the decrease in pancreatic secretion by the AS coincided with a significant increase in somatostatin in portal A-V effluent from to pm n p the combined administration of a rb antisomatostatin serum ml and the antiinsulin SS partially reversed the effect of the AIS alone thus the pancreatic secretion was significantly greater than that achieved by the antiinsulin serum CT p these observations strongly suggest that the action of insulin on exocrine pancreas is mediated by its local or paracrine actionabstract truncated at words | MEDAL |
tattooing is getting increasingly popular among the young however not everyone is suited to getting tattooed indeed it is not rare for patients with a chronic skin disease or another SVR condition to be eager to get a tattoo they perceive tattooing as a harmless riskfree procedure therefore some patients may not seek medical advice before the procedure some also fear a judgmental RPA by their physician who may try to discourage them lastly the tattooist does not have either the training or the education to properly advise a customer about hisher condition therefore it is important that any physician be able to provide adequate counselling regarding the possibility of getting tattooed and under which conditions even though an exhaustive list is impossible to address the main issues include chronic skin disorders pigmented lesions of the skin congenital HR disease immunosuppressive diseases and treatments blood clotting disorders and pregnancybreastfeeding | MEDAL |
evaluating patterns of genetic R2 is important to identify conservation units ie evolutionarily significant units esus management units mus and adaptive units aus in endangered species while neutral markers could be used to infer population history their application in the estimation of adaptive R2 is limited the capacity to adapt to various environments is vital for the LT survival of endangered species hence analysis of adaptive loci such as the L1 histocompatibility complex mhc genes is critical for conservation genetics studies here we investigated CP mhc class i genes aimec aimef aimei and aimel and microsatellites to infer patterns of genetic R2 in the giant panda ailuropoda melanoleuca and to further define conservation units | MEDAL |
cisplatin is a platinumcontaining chemotherapeutic drug which is widely used and highly ERP while effective against PT its use is limited by severe SE such as nephrotoxicity and bone marrow suppression mu double minute mdm is the e ubiquitin ligase of the tumor suppressor gene p and inhibition of mdm can suppress RT cell growth however independent of p mdm acts as a cotranscription factor for nuclear factorκb nfκb whose signaling can be involved in cisplatininduced tubular injury we therefore examined the effects of mdm inhibitor on cisplatin cytotoxicity in order to induce acute kidney injury and to investigate mdm GABA effects we injected cisplatin into rats with or without the mdm inhibitor ds and analyzed kidney physiologyhistology and nfκb signaling serum creatinine was significantly lower in the ds group than in the VH group on day ± vs ± mgdl | MEDAL |
PN development of ABR response abr in spontaneously epileptic rats ser zizi tmtm a double mutant their parent mutants tremor rats tmtm and zitter rats zizi and kyowistar rats control was studied by repeated abr recordings from to weeks of age in tremor rats and kyowistar rats at weeks of age abr pattern was almost the same and or waves were identified however no further OD in abr was observed in tremor rats and prolongation of RL and lowering of amplitude were marked only wave i with prolonged RL and lowered amplitude was recognized in zitter rats ser and sern zitter phenotype without epilepsy zizi tm or zizi abr pattern was almost the same from to weeks of age in them electrocochleography revealed delay of n latency of compound action potential in ser vacuolation was observed in the cochlear nuclei and the brainstem of tremor rats and ser from weeks of age in histopathological examination the organ of corti and CN of tremor rats and ser exhibited no remarkable histopathological findings the deafness in ser and its parent mutants was considered to occur as a result of impairment of inner ear cochlear nerve and brainstem as well | MEDAL |
early diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis ra is necessary to prevent joint damage and longterm disability high rates of falsenegative and falsepositive results of the RA factor rf test make it generally unhelpful in the early diagnosis of ra a new clinical test for rathe anticitrullinated peptide antibody acpa testis now widely available in australia owing to its high specificity a positive acpa test result usually confirms a diagnosis of ra in a patient with undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis the superior specificity of the acpa test provides an argument for it to replace the rf test in the primary care setting performing both tests adds little to the use of the acpa test CT an early diagnostic opinion from a rheumatologist is still recommended as the acpa and rf tests frequently return negative results in early ra | MEDAL |
this article summarizes the current knowledge on the benefitrisk profile from the use of lowdose CSs and APC in treating SS physicians should consider using lowdose CSs and drotrecogin alpha G1 in the treatment of patients who have vasopressordependent septic shock with persistent signs of hypoperfusion organ dysfunction or hypotension the optimal timing for initiating these treatments is from to hours from ON of shock when patients are receiving these drugs physicians should systematically screen for superinfection and serious one events | MEDAL |
to further characterize hematopoietic replicative AS induced by bone marrow transplantation bmt the cellcycle status of cd subsets of marrow cd cells obtained to months after transplantation from fully chimeric recipients was examined cycling profiles derived by FC after IF with hoechst and pyronin y were compared with those of healthy marrow donors primitive cdcd cells represented a smaller proportion of cd cells in recipients versus in donors p and were more mitotically AS with the proportion of cells in sgm nearly fold higher than in donors and respectively p by comparison there was a modest increase in the proportion of cdcd progenitors in sgm after bmt vs in donors p replicative stress T3 bmt is borne predominantly by cells in a diminished cdcd population | MEDAL |
the completeness of chronic disease registration in four general practices was assessed by referring to the hospital activity analysis overall just over half of the patients who had been discharged from hospital with a diagnosis of diabetes cancer myocardial infarction epilepsy hypertension or thyroid disease were identified on the practice disease registers patients with diabetes were most likely to be identified and those who had had a MI least likely if the standard of registration is to be improved general practitioners must be convinced of its value the hospital activity analysis might be used widely to audit and improve practice registers | MEDAL |
allogeneic bone marrow transplantations were carried out between march and july in patients aged to years median years ALL leukaemia in st to th remission was present in patients AML leukaemia in st and nd remission in patients CML with various remission status in patients patients had severe aplastic anaemia and there were single cases of myelodysplasia and immature cell MK myelosis transplantation was carried out during relapse in patients with either acute myeloid or lymphoblastic leukaemia phenotypic hlaidentical mothers n as well as genotypic hlaidentical siblings n and in two cases hlanonidentical mothers served as bone marrow donors in leukaemia patients the conditioning treatment consisted of fractionated total body irradiation and high dose cyclophosphamide or etoposide patients with severe aplastic anaemia received cyclophosphamide x mgkg and fractionated total nodal irradiation TD gy patients survived to days T3 bone marrow transplantation patients continue to remain in pCR with karnofsky indices of greater than or equal to causes for death were infection n interstitial pneumonia n relapse n as well as single cases involving GVHD nonengraftment of donor marrow and venoocclusive disease of the liver | MEDAL |
prolactin prl secretion from the anterior PIT is tonically controlled by the activity of the hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular DA tida system changes in tida activity have been associated with the decrease in basal prl levels shown by hamsters exposed to a shortday LD potential concurrent changes in the sensitivity of PIT lactotropes to the inhibitory actions of dopamine on prl PR were investigated in tissue harvested from animals that had been preexposed to either a stimulatory longday hourlighthourdark ld LD or to a nonstimulatory shortday ld LD for weeks tissue was maintained in a perifusion TC system and received a hour PP of varying concentrations of dopamine da shortly T3 the equilibration period fractions of the media were collected every h and prl concentrations in each sample determined via radioimmunoassay at the highest concentration of da m a highly significant inhibition of prl C2 was seen for both l and l pituitaries at both mid range concentrations of da and m both tissue types showed a significant suppression of prl but the reduction was greater for tissue that had been obtained from l animals at the lowest concentration of da m a significant suppression of prl occurred for tissue harvested from l animals but not for tissue taken from l animals these results indicate that the responsiveness of anterior PIT tissue to the inhibitory effects of da are altered by photoperiod exposure and this NC is likely a consequence of changes in the characteristics of the d receptor population on pituitary lactotropes shortdayinduced increases in sensitivity to the GABA effects of da may be due to increases in receptor number or to increased affinity of the d receptor for its ligand | MEDAL |
we propose a new architecture for using longperiod fiber gratings lpgs to induce strong mode mixing with low loss for spacedivision multiplexing in this architecture lpgs are installed in stepindex si fewmode SF that support more modes than the transmission fiber such a design could significantly reduce losses due to coupling from the highestorder mode group to cladding modes in our experiment efficient mixing of three spatial modes over a broad BW was achieved by a mechanical longperiod grating on a si fiber that supports eight spatial modes the insertion loss including two splice losses is less than db and the coupling matrix and modedependent loss mdl are characterized experimentally for the first time to the best of our knowledge strong mixing between lp | MEDAL |
bile salts are known to enhance the permeability of biological barriers but little is known about their effects on drug permeability across the bloodbrain barrier bbb in this paper the rat brain endothelial rbe cell ML incubated with astrocyteconditioned medium was used as an in vitro model of the bbb to investigate the effects of cholate c monoketocholate mkc deoxycholate dc and taurocholate tc on the transport of the hydrophilic drug morphineglucuronide mg c mkc and tc at a concentration of mm each and dc at mm increased the permeability of mg through the paracellular pathway based on a similar permeability pattern to that of SU rbe cell uptake of mg was unaffected by mm c and tc whereas mm dc dramatically increased it due to an effect shown to be cytotoxicity as measured by the dimethylthiazolylcarboxymethoxyphenylsulfophenylhtetrazolium CA surprisingly mm mkc significantly increased mg uptake without any cytotoxicity in summary all bile salts increased paracellular permeation of mg but mkc also enhanced transcellular transport with little cytotoxicity mkc appears to have the potential to modulate biophysical properties of the CM or MB transporters and may therefore enhance drug delivery to the brain | MEDAL |
the scripps neurologic rating scale snrs is a summary measure of individual components comprising a neurological examination designed for use in multiple sclerosis ms our objective is to evaluate the responsiveness of the snrs within the context of a year randomized doubleblind crossover T0 of the tau of cladribine for treatment of secondary progressive ms | MEDAL |
NS ns activity is mediated by several kinds of cell lineages in bone marrow we demonstrated that a ns cell clone was obtained T3 LD with bone marrow culture supplemented with wehi supernatant clone was capable of nonspecific suppression of the generation of cytotoxic t lymphocytes without major histocompatibility complex restriction suppression of cytotoxic thymusdependent lymphocyte ctl generation was also induced with a CF supernatant from the cells interleukin il containing concanavallinaconditioned medium could not reverse the suppression the supernatant did not inhibit the proliferation of ildependent ctll cells and rapidly growing tumour cells and fibroblasts thus this bone marrow suppressor cell produces a soluble factor that inhibits the generation of ctl in vitro and prolongs the acceptance of skin allografts in in vivo | MEDAL |
brewers and bakers yeasts appear to have components that protect from liver injury whether sake yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae kyokai no also has a hepatoprotective effect has not been examined here we show that sake yeast suppresses acute alcoholic CL injury in mice male cbl mice that had been fed a diet containing sake yeast for two weeks received three doses of ethanol gkg bw in the mice fed sake yeast ethanolinduced increases in triglyceride tg and glu pyruvate transaminase gpt were significantly attenuated and hepatic steatosis was improved in addition sake yeastfed mice showed a smaller decrease in hepatic sadenosylmethionine sam level and a smaller increase in plasma homocysteine hcy level T3 ethanol treatment than the control mice suggesting that a disorder of Met metabolism in the liver caused by ethanol was relieved by sake yeast these results indicate that sake yeast protects against alcoholic liver injury through maintenance of methionine metabolism in the CL | MEDAL |
comparative studies were made to determine the most suitable microtitration system for assaying strains of PPR virus pprv and rinderpest virus rv infectivity titres did not differ significantly when assayed in either calf kidney sheep kidney or vero cells however cp effects were much easier to detect in the latter making them the cell of choice addition of small amounts of virus to preformed cell monolayers in microplates with the subsequent addition of maintenance medium give higher infectivity titres than when cell suspension was added to virus although the latter is more convenient for routine use the titres of pprv and neutralising antibodies assayed in tubes and microplates were not significantly different simultaneous screening of sera at a in dilution against both pprv and rv gave a higher incidence of positives against homologous as opposed to rat virus | MEDAL |
modafinil has been reported to reduce cocaine use in a clinical sample of infrequent users daysweek but the effects of modafinil on cocaine selfadministration in the laboratory have not been studied the present study investigated the effects of modafinil maintenance on SA by frequent users daysweek under controlled laboratory conditions during this day doubleblind crossover design study the effects of modafinil maintenance and mgday on response to smoked cocaine and mg were examined in nontreatmentseeking cocainedependent individuals n cocaine significantly increased selfadministration subjectiveeffect ratings and cardiovascular measures modafinil at both doses and mgday markedly att these effects these findings agree with data from previous human laboratory and clinical investigations of modafinil as a potential cocaine abuse treatment medication thus our data support the potential of modafinil as a pharmacotherapy for cocaine dependence | MEDAL |
a yearold man with chronic endophthalmitis who received steroid treatment for months came to our center sterile endophthalmitis T3 cataract extraction had been diagnosed AQ samples including smears classic cultures and polymerase chain reaction were taken for microbiological study amplified dna was sequenced to identify the pathogen polymerase chain reaction amplification was positive for bacteria sequence analysis showed corynebacterium macginleyi as the causal agent in hours the SC and smear stains from the ocular samples were negative the patient was successfully treated with vancomycin PCR reaction and subsequent dnatyping were useful in detecting the microorganisms that caused the chronic endophthalmitis | MEDAL |
the schirmer tear test for the measurement of tear formation in the dog was done according to procedures schirmer i the conventional procedure and schirmer ii with topical anesthesia and drying of the VP conjunctival fornix results from normal dogs averaged mm wettingminute sigma sd plus or minus mm for the schirmer i test and mm wettingminute sd plus or minus mm for the schirmer ii test when atropine was injected subcutaneously in dogs mgkg wettingminute averaged mm schirmer i and mm schirmer ii two dogs in each of CG had either the LG gland of the membrane nictitans or both excised changes in tear formation were evaluated by schirmer i and ii tear tests as well as after parenteral administration of atropine the LG the gland of the membrama mocotams amd tje accessory lacrimal PG and mucous cells were found to contribute and respectively to tear formation | MEDAL |
IVUS and CA were used to determine the degree of stenosis before and after angioplasty in consecutive patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease and selected patients with PD disease angiographic determinations of the luminal area and percent stenosis were made with the help of an automatic PCD system and zed using data obtained in studies on polyploidy in the heart muscle and on ontogenetic changes in the number of myocytes in normal myocardium R2 in the number and ploidy of muscle cells is observed the types of genomic R2 are similar to those found in populations of organisms i e to hereditary and modifying variation in studies on modifications of the myocyte genome heart growth reserves were revealed which manifest themselves in pathological states associated with myocardial hypertrophy these reserves depend on the level of myocardial polyploidy that is determined during early postnatal development | MEDAL |
camp markedly increases alpha b adrenergic CD25 bar expression in frtl and pc c rat thyroid cells ddtmf smooth muscle cells PRH and k rat CL cells here we used ddtmf cells to evaluate further the mechanisms by which camp stimulates alpha bar expression receptor IB assays northern blotting and nuclear runon analyses demonstrated that forskolin microm in the presence of isobutylmethylxanthine mm increased alpha bar numbers mrna level and gene transcription rate by and fold over control respectively dibutyryl camp mm plus isobutylmethylxanthine mm also enhanced alpha bar density by fold over control further experiments demonstrated that the induction of alpha bar by forskolin requires new protein synthesis and is protein kinase a dependent in ddtmf cells transfected with alpha bar gene p promotercat constructs both forskolin and dibutyryl camp significantly increased p promoter activity the p promoter region of the rat alpha bar gene to contains a camp response element cre to and an ap IB site to mutations in either one of these elements alone led to a decrease in both basal and campinduced p promoter activity mutations in both elements caused a further inhibition of basal transcription and a complete block of campinduced p promoter activity direct IB of purified AP-1 ap to the ap PE in the p promoter was reported previously gel mobility shift and supershift assays using liver nuclear extracts from either rat liver or ddtmf cells demonstrated that the cre in the alpha bar gene bound cre bly expressing trkb receptor and investigated the effects of bdnf and nt in these cell lines the cells differentiated into neuronlike cells in response to bdnf as well as ngf neurite extension being more rapid in the former case these trkbexpressing cells also extended neurites in response to nt which is a nonpreferred ligand of trkb next we examined the survivalpromoting effects of ngf bdnf and nt under apoptotic conditions of oxygen toxicity in naive cells and ngf ED in differentiated cells in both cases bdnf prevented cell death similarly to ngf nt prevented cell death induced by oxygen toxicity in naive cells but not that induced by ngf deprivation in differentiated cells nt induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of trkb in naive cells but not in differentiated cells these results indicate that nt has survivalpromoting effects on naive trkbexpressing pch cells but not on differentiated cells because of its inability to induce the IMT phosphorylation of trkb | MEDAL |
consumption of some plantderived flavonoids results in their absorption and appearance in plasma and tissues the inverse relationship between dietary flavonoids consumption and cardiovascular diseases may be associated with the ability of flavonoids to attenuate ldl oxidation macrophage foam cell formation and atherosclerosis the effect of flavonoids on arterial cellmediated oxidation of ldl is determined by their accumulation in the lipoprotein and in arterial cells such as macrophages flavonoids can reduce ldl lipid peroxidation by scavenging reactive oxygennitrogen species chelation of transition metal ions and sparing of ldlassociated antioxidants they can also reduce macrophage oxidative AS by inhibition of cellular oxygenases such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced form NOX or by activating cellular antioxidants such as the glutathione system thus plant flavonoids as potent NK antioxidants that protect against lipid peroxidation in arterial cells and lipoproteins significantly attenuate the OD of atherosclerosis | MEDAL |
using the method of twofold serial dilution of substances in liquid nutrient medium with subsequent reseeding on solid nutrient medium a comparative study has been carried out of the antibacterial action in vitro of VLC saturated cc and unsaturated cc carboxylic acids and their bischloroethylaminoethyl esters against pseudomonas aeruginosa klebsiella pneumoniae tp koph escherichia coli atcc staphylococcus aureus and proteus mirabilis the EDC studied have an inhibitory effect upon the OD of the microorganisms the minimum inhibitory concentration ranges from to mumolml there exists a linear correlation between the length of the carbon chain the number of c atoms of the EDC and the MIC concentration in the following cases esters of saturated acids cc and unsaturated acids cc against PA unsaturated acids cc against klebsiella pneumoniae tp koph esters of unsaturated acids cc against staphylococcus aureus this correlation has not been found in all other compounds against escherichia coli atcc and proteus mirabilis | MEDAL |
single intravenous i.v. of bq monomeric pu were given to male mice and the frequency of primary spermatocytes with reciprocal translocations determined DAT was not significantly different from that of agematched untreated controls these old animals showed significantly higher aberration frequencies than young adults the data therefore show that for low initial activity and very long retention time the possible cytogenetic effects of incorporated nuclide does not NC the agerelated pattern of increase of spontaneous chromosome aberrations considerations of the main variables involved in the induction of cytogenetic effects of incorporated Pu based on literature data indicate that the initial injected activity the estimated total accumulated average organ dose and the PR time interact in a complex way as far as can be seen at present the effects seem to be dependent mainly on the initial activity at short times T3 contamination while the PR time appears to be predominant in the case of longterm observations | MEDAL |
translocation of cerebrospinal fluid csf between the intracranial and spinal subarachnoid space was blocked by ligating the cervical spinal core in eight cats under pentobarbital and nitrous oxide anesthesia and the effects of cerebral A-V congestion on the pressurevolume index pvi a measure relating the NC in intracranial volume and the logarithm of intracranial pressure icp were evaluated the changes in the volumepressure response vpr a measure of intracranial elastance were calculated simultaneously cerebral A-V congestion was induced by lowering the head relative to the level of the heart by tilting the trunk of the animals to degrees below horizontal the presence of venous congestion was confirmed by an increase in the SSP ssp the body position was shifted from horizontal prone h group to headdown tilt d group in four animals group and from headdown tilt d group to horizontal prone h group in the other four animals group and pvi and vpr were determined in each group the changes in icp and ssp with NC of body position in group were not significantly different from those in group with both pressures changing by mm hg pvi showed no significant differences between the h group and h group or between the d group and d group the mean sem pvi for all measurements in the headdown tilt position d and d CG was significantly higher ml p than in the horizontal position h and h groups mlabstract truncated at words | MEDAL |
interleukin il a multilineage hematopoietic growth factor is implicated in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis however the role of il in osteoclastogenesis remains controversial whereas early studies showed that il stimulates osteoclastogenesis recent investigations demonstrated that il inhibits OCL formation the objective of this work is to further address the role of il in osteoclastogenesis we found that il treatment of bone marrow cells generated a population of cells capable of differentiating into osteoclasts in tissue culture dishes in response to the stimulation of the monocytemacrophagecolony stimulating factor mcsf and the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa b ligand rankl the ildependent hematopoietic cells were able to further proliferate and differentiate in response to mcsf stimulation and the resulting cells were also capable of forming osteoclasts with mcsf and rankl treatment interestingly il inhibits mcsfranklinduced differentiation of the ildependent hematopoietic cells into osteoclasts the FC analysis indicates that while il treatment of bone marrow cells slightly affected the percentage of OCL precursors in the surviving populations it considerably increased the percentage of OCL precursors in the populations after subsequent mcsf treatment moreover osteoclasts derived from ildependent hematopoietic cells were fully PET thus we conclude that il plays dual roles in osteoclastogenesis by promoting the OD of osteoclast progenitors but inhibiting the osteoclastogenic process these findings provide a better understanding of the role of il in osteoclastogenesis | MEDAL |
in recent years the evolution of olfactory bulb periglomerular cells as well as the CF of periglomerular cells in olfactory encoding has attracted increasing attention studies of neural information encoding based on the analysis of simulation and modeling have given rise to electrophysiological models of periglomerular cells which have an important role in the understanding of the biology of these cells in this review we provide a brief introduction to the anatomy of the olfactory system and the cell types in the olfactory bulb we elaborate on the latest progress in the study of the heterogeneity of PG cells based on different classification criteria such as molecular markers structure ion channels and action potentials then we discuss the several existing electrophysiological models of periglomerular cells and we highlight the problems and defects of these models finally considering our present work we propose a future direction for electrophysiological investigations of periglomerular cells and for the modeling of periglomerular cells and olfactory information encoding | MEDAL |
jersey and kashmiri cattle are important dairy breeds that contribute significantly to the total milk production of the indian RNA state of jammu and kashmir the kashmiri cattle germplasm has been extensively diluted through crossbreeding with jersey cattle with the goal of enhancing its milk production ability however F1 animals are prone to diseases resulting to unsustainable milk production this study aimed to provide a comprehensive transcriptome profile of mammary gland epithelial cells at different stages of lactation and to find key differences in genes and pathways regulating milk traits between jersey and kashmiri cattle MECs mec isolated from milk obtained from six lactating cows three jersey and three kashmiri cattle on day d d and d in milk representing early mid and late lactation respectively were used rna isolated from mec was subjected to nextgeneration rna sequencing and bioinformatics processing casein and whey protein genes were found to be highly expressed throughout the lactation stages in both breeds largest differences in differentially expressed genes deg were between d vs d genes in kashmiri cattle and d vs d genes in jersey cattle a total of and genes were differentially expressed between kashmiri and jersey cattle on d d and d respectively antioxidant genes like rplpo and rps were highly expressed in kashmiri cattle differentially expressed genes in both kashmiri and jersey were EC for multicellular organismal process receptor activity catalytic activity signal transducer activity macromolecular complex and developmental process GO terms whereas biological regulation endopeptidase activity and response to stimulus were EC in kashmiri cattle and reproduction and immune system process were enriched in jersey cattle most of the pathways responsible for regulation of milk production like jakstat p mapk pathway pi kinase pathway were enriched by deg in jersey cattle only although kashmiri has poor milk production efficiency the present study suggests possible physicochemical and antioxidant properties of kashmiri cattle milk that needs to be further explored | MEDAL |
the paper presents results of investigations into the effects of space flight and simulation experiments of various length on the hormonal regulation of metabolism in the human body MG was shown to instigate shifts on different C2 of the hormonal regulation and consequent adjustment of metabolism to this new environment for instance adaptation occurs on the level of basal sec activity resulting in altered metabolism and formation of a pool of hormones metabolism readaptation to the earths gravity is dependent on polymorphic processes in the system of hormonal regulation developing in the course of time trends in the hormonal regulation of waterelectrolyte metabolism during early adaptation point to inequality of contributions of the V2 hormone natriuretic peptide and the reninangiotensinaldosterone system in the groundbased simulations responses of the hormonal regulation of waterelectrolyte metabolism differ in intensity and types of hormones involved temperature R2 can modify reactions of the comosis and volume regulating hormones at the beginning of adaptation physicalchemical regulation of calcium homeostasis in MG reveals itself by a rapid decline of the calciumbinding ability of blood buffers and later on degradation of the relative ability of extraplasmic structures to bind calcium qualitative and quantitative changes in the diurnal rhythm of the suprarenal steroidogenesis are indicative of modification of intensity of reactions of the main biosynthetic sequences countermeasures used by testsubjects in these investigations loosened significantly the aldosteronesecreting biosynthetic sequences but were favorable to the synthesis of testosterone and hydrocortisone some of the highly VL processes of hormonal regulation were mute to the diurnal rhythms in the preflight and preexperimental periods | MEDAL |
beef carcasses n of amaturity were selected randomly to determine baseline shear force and sensory panel ratings assess R2 in tenderness and evaluate mean value differences between certified angus beef cab commodity choice and select steaks three steaks were removed from the TB tb longissimus lumborum ll GM gm SM sm biceps femoris bf and QF complex qf and assigned to warnerbratzler shear wbsf and sensory panel analyses as anticipated marbling score and measured percentage of im fat were greatest p for cab intermediate p for choice and least p for select carcasses a muscle x quality level interaction p was observed for wbsf values and sensory panel tenderness ratings the tb ll gm and bf steaks from cab carcasses had lower p wbsf than select steaks from the same muscles even though wbsf values did not differ p between cab and choice qf and tb steaks the ll and gm steaks from cab carcasses were more tender p than choicegrade ll and gm steaks the tb from select carcasses had higher p wbsf values than tb steaks from cab or choice carcasses but sensory panel ratings indicated that SQ level showed little consistency among the gm sm bf and qf TR sensory panelists rated cab ll steaks more tender p than ll steaks from choice and select carcasses and choice ll steaks were evaluated as more p tender than those from select carcasses these results demonstrate that the influence of marbling on tenderness was more evident in muscles of middle meats than in end cuts particularly in muscles of the round | MEDAL |
OT is a rare movement disorder characterized by tremulousness of the lower limbs on standing that disappears on walking sitting or on lying down and a distinctive electromyographic burst of to hz on inspection fine ripples can sometimes be seen over the quadriceps on standing the tremor has a tendency to reappear even in the supine posture if the lower limb muscles are put to an isometric contraction state indicating thereby that in spite of the fact that the tremor occurs on standing it is essentially orthostasis independent and the central factor is the contraction of the muscles as a matter of fact the tremor is abolished if the subject is suspended by harness thus relieving him of muscle contraction doubts are being cast whether it is a variant of essential tremor since a number of families are being reported to be suffering from this disease as well positron emission tomography reveals hyperactivity of cerebellum in orthostatic tremor as it shows in essential tremor therefore lending credence to such a hypothesis however lack of response to alcohol propranolol and primidone in OT stands out as a serious challenge to such a view lack of positive family PH synchrony of contracting group of muscles and negative resetting of the tremor by increasing IP loadphenomena consistently observed in orthostatic tremor and not in essential tremor are other features that often help to distinguish between the two conditions we report a case of orthostatic tremor that presented with the classical clinical and electromyographic features relevant literature in this regard is also being reviewed | MEDAL |
canakinumab an antiinterleukinβ ilβ monoclonal antibody is approved for cryopyrinassociated periodic syndromes and is under investigation for the management of other inflammatory disorders in this T0 populationbased pharmacokineticpharmacodynamic models were developed to understand responses to canakinumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis ra total canakinumab and total ilβ concentrations were obtained from four PCTs n in contrast to traditional models free ilβ concentrations were calculated and used to link canakinumab to changes in creactive protein crp concentrations and american college of rheumatology acr scores of and improvement temporal patterns of total canakinumab total ilβ crp and acr scores were all well described simulations confirmed that mg every weeks improved acr scores in patients with ra but no additional benefit was provided by higher doses or more frequent administration integrating predicted endogenous free ligand concentrations with biomarkers and clinical outcomes could be extended to new therapies of antiinflammatory diseasescpt pharmacometrics systems pharmacology e doipsp advance online publication september | MEDAL |
thirtytwo consecutive cases of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast in women under fifty are presented diagnostic procedure pathological aspects treatment and outcome are reported all the patients had their cancer diagnosed by mammography the tumor was marked by stereotactic or ultrasound guided localization lumpectomy without axillary node dissection was the surgical treatment of thirty lesions with good cosmetic results radiation therapy was advised in all of these cases in two cases mastectomy with immediate reconstruction was performed because of the multifocality of the CA none of the patients experienced local or distant recurrence this experience emphasizes the importance of mammographic screening for women years of age in fact this approach allowed the diagnosis of a C1 number of dcis a correct definition of the problem and a multidisciplinary therapeutical approach is warranted to prevent the high local recurrence rate reported in the past | MEDAL |
to investigate the flavin utilization by dibenzothiophene monooxygenase dszc dszc of a desulfurizing bacterium mycobacterium goodii xb was purified from the recombinant escherichia coli it was shown to be able to utilize either fmnh or fadh when coupled with a flavin reductase that reduces either fmn or fad sequence analysis indicated that dszc was similar to the c component of phydroxyphenylacetate hydroxylase from acinetobacter baumannii which can use both fadh and fmnh as substrates both flavins at high concentrations could inhibit the activity of dszc due to autocatalytic oxidation of reduced flavins the results suggest that dszc should be reclassified as an fmnh and fadh bothutilizing monooxygenase component and the flavins should be controlled at properly reduced levels to obtain optimal biodesulfurization results | MEDAL |
disseminated Caco-2 metastases in the CL are associated with low cure rates and constitute a serious therapeutic problem AGA exp models which mimic metastases OD and outgrowth can provide insight into the mechanism of this lethal process and facilitate the finding of new approaches for its control we established an orthotopic liver metastases model based on cc rat colon adenocarcinoma cells which were transfected with a betagalactosidase gene as marker to facilitate their PCD intraportal injection of it seems reasonable to assume that the ro protein could be involved in ribosome assembly | MEDAL |
in this study we have examined the variation of mean power frequency mpf in the electromyogram emg from the nonfatigued TR muscle with different external hand loads in different shoulder joint positions different torques and different planes of movement the study was limited to the functional range of movement in the shoulder joint it was performed on healthy subjects sEMG was recorded analysed by means of a computer programme and examined by SRA normalized mpf values were calculated by dividing the mpf by the individual average mpf for all positions and loads the results indicated no L1 variation in normalized mpf the largest systematic variation of normalized mpf was related to joint angle we have concluded that the mpf value obtained initially can be used within the functs with human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection and listeriosis including one patient described herein have been reported to date listeriosis developed before aids in five cases syndromes included meningitis in nine cases bacteremia in nine BB PA in one and endocarditis in one eighteen patients were treated with ampicillin penicillin or amoxicillin with or without AGs clinical and microbiologic responses were obtained in one patient with bacteremia treated with vancomycin and in one patient with meningitis treated with trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole three of the nine patients with meningitis died as did the patient with brain abscess all nine patients with bacteremia and the patient with endocarditis survived no case of relapse was documented l monocytogenes although uncommon should be considered in the differential diagnosis of febrile illness meningitis and brain PA in patients with hiv infection | MEDAL |
obesity and its related metabolic disorders including insulin resistance and chronic inflammation increase the risk of colorectal cancer crc this observation suggests that the metabolic CA associated with obesity can be ERP targets for preventing the OD of crc in obese individuals in recent years many studies using obese and diabetic animal models have been conducted to investigate the chemoprevention of crc using pharmaceutical or nutritional interventions pitavastatin a medicine used to treat hyperlipidemia prevents the OD of obesityrelated colorectal carcinogenesis by attenuating chronic inflammation antihypertensive medicines such as captopril and telmisartan also suppress the formation of Tc preneoplastic lesions in obese and diabetic mice in addition several phytochemicals including GTC have been reported to improve metabolic disorders anadapted an optogenetic approach to induce acute robust and specific firing of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons in vitro the responsiveness of individual dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons to trains of light pulses varied with frequency and intensity as well as between cells and the photostimulation protocol was therefore adjusted to maximize their overall SO rate in vivo the photoactivation of dorsal raphe serotonergic SN gave rise to a prominent lightevoked field response that displayed some sensitivity to a hta agonist consistent with autoreceptor inhibition of raphe SN in behaving mice the photostimulation of dorsal raphe serotonergic SN produced a rapid and reversible decrease in the animals responses to plantar stimulation providing a new level of evidence that serotonin gates sensorydriven responses | MEDAL |
there is consensus in the literature that selfesteem stems from relationships with others in particular it is assumed that parents play an important role in the development of childrens selfesteem also in adolescence despite the importance of parentchild att relationships for adolescents SE we know very little about the extent to which fathers and mothers uniquely contribute to adolescents SE the current study aims to contribute to acquiring knowledge in this research area in three ways first by separating the potential influences of fatherchild and motherchild attachment relationships on sons and daughters SE the current study is able to investigate the individual contribution of the fatherchild and motherchild attachment relationship to female and male adolescents selfesteem second by controlling for changes in the quality of the parental relationship and peer relationships the current T0 is able to isolate linkages between changes in adolescents perceived quality of the parentchild att relationships and changes in adolescents SE third by using longitudinal data and solely analyzing withinperson variation the current T0 is able to rule out SD confounding AF as alternative explanations selfreports of adolescents mean age at t years percentage female from all three waves of the dutch cohort study social development of adolescents were used the longitudinal fixed effects models showed that for both sons and daughters changes in the perceived SQ of the motheradolescent attachment relationship and changes in the perceived SQ of the relationship between adolescents parents were positively linked with changes in selfesteem changes in the perceived SQ of the attachment relationship with father were only significantly linked to changes in daughters SE not in that of sons contrary to the expectations changes in peer relationships were not associated with changes in adolescents SE these findings suggest that even though adolescents may be increasing their time spent with friends and romantic partners perceived changes in the att relationships with fathers and mothers and in the wider family system are highly important for how adolescents think of and judge themselves | MEDAL |
the superior olivary complex soc is a cluster of nuclei situated in the caudal brainstem tegmentum that forms an essential component of the AEP pathway the soc includes two principal nuclei the medial and lateral superior olives mso and lso respectively that have clear roles in sound source localization surrounding the principal nuclei are a number of periolivary nuclei pon that vary significantly between mammalian species but CF in multiple aspects of hearing although the pon have been studied in numerous laboratory animals these nuclei have not been delineated in human the major goal of this study is to based on myeloarchitecture location neuronal morphology and cytoarchitecture define the pon within the human soc and provide estimates of neuronal number within these nuclei results from the study of twelve human brainstems provide evidence for six morphologically distinct cell groups three within the trapezoid body and three along the posterior aspect of the soc based on the analysis of human tissue stained for myelin nissl substance or impregnated with silver the human pon appear largely homologous to the pon described in other lowfrequency hearing animals | MEDAL |
the endoplasmic reticulum er is a major site of protein synthesis in eukaryotes newly synthesized proteins are monitored by a process of SQ control which removes misfolded or unassembled polypeptides from the er for Kd by the proteasome this requires the retrotranslocation of the misfolded proteins from the er lumen into the cytosol via a pathway that for some substrates involves members of the recently discovered derlin family the derlin isoform is present as a dimer in the er and we now show that its dimerization is modulated by er AS three distinct types of chemicallyinduced er stress substantially reduce the levels of derlin dimer as assayed by both crosslinking and coimmunoprecipitation the potential function of the different derlin populations with respect to er SQ control is investigated by analysing their capacity to associate with a misfolded membrane protein fragment we show for the first time that derlin can associate with an aberrant membrane protein fragment in the absence of the viral component us and conclude that it is the monomeric form of derlin that interacts with this potential erassociated degradation substrate on the basis of these data we propose a model where the pool of AS derlin in the er membrane can be modulated in response to er AS | MEDAL |
severe kyphosis is a frequent complication of multiple laminectomies for the treatment of intraspinal PT in growing children early segmental spinal instrumentation ssi and posterior spinal fusion can prevent this complication but because of ferromagnetic properties of conventional stainless steel implants magnetic resonance imaging mri performed to determine completeness of the resection and later for recurrence of the RT becomes difficult to overcome the problems with postoperative imaging we have resorted to early stabilization of the spine following laminectomy with Ti implants the decreased FM properties of titanium alloy result in less scatter distortion of the image thus permitting a better followup of the RT this paper reports five consecutive patients with stabilization of the spine with titanium alloy implants and posterior spinal fusion done at the time of laminectomy the use of Ti implants in these patients allowed detailed mri followup in all cases and in two patients offered the surgical team information that altered or affected the patients care | MEDAL |
the neuroendocrine function is regulated by several neurotransmitters acetylcholine dopamine somatostatin and noradrenaline known to be reduced in brains of patients with alzheimers disease ad moreover the hypothalamus also has pathological changes in spite of these findings suggesting NE dysfunctions this CF has seldom been investigated in ad patients so far we have compared patients with clinically probable ad of mildtomoderate severity with ND age and sexmatched controls plasma C2 of prolactin prl growth hormone gh and thyroidstimulating hormone tsh were measured by commercially available radioimmunoassays ria before and T3 stimulation with metoclopramide ldopa or thyrotropinreleasing hormone basal plasma levels of betaendorphin and betalipotropin were measured by ria T3 highperformances liquid chromatography basal and stimulated plasma C2 of prl gh tsh and betalipotropin were similar in the two groups BL C2 of betaendorphin were significantly higher in the patient group of doubtful clinical importance this might be attributed to decreased tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic activity and has also been seen in patients with parkinsons disease | MEDAL |
peptides of the corticotropinreleasing factor crf family are expressed throughout the CNS system cns and in IP tissues where they play diverse roles in physiology SMB and development current data supports the existence of four paralogous genes in vertebrates that encode crf urocortinurotensin urocortin or urocortin corticotropinreleasing factor is the major hypophysiotropin for adrenocorticotropin and also functions as a TRF in nonmaestigate the effect of cphycocyanin from aquatic micro algae spirulina spp a known antioxidant against calcium Ox urolithiasis hyperoxaluria was induced in two of the groups of wistar albino rats n in each by intraperitoneally injecting sodium oxalate mgkg body weight a i.c.v. of PC mgkg body weight as a single oral dosage was given one hour prior to Ox challenge an UT control and drug control phycocyanin CT were employed PC administration resulted in a significant improvement p in the thiol content of renal tissue and rbc lysate via increasing glutathione and reducing MDA C2 in the plasma of Ox induced rats p indicating phycocyanins antioxidant effect on oxalate mediated oxidative stress administering phycocyanin after Ox treatment significantly increased catalase and glucosephosphate dehydrogenase activity p in rbc lysate suggesting phycocyanin as a free radical quencher assessing calcium oxalate crystal PR in renal tissue using polarization microscopy and renal ultrastructure by electron microscopy reveals normal features in phycocyanin pretreated groups thus the T0 presents positive pharmacological implications of phycocyanin against Ox mediated nephronal impairment and warrants further work to tap this potential aquatic resource for its medicinal application | MEDAL |
we investigated whether oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer opc incidence and mortality statistics among hispanics in new york state differed from those among hispanics in the united states as a whole | MEDAL |
two staphylococcus aureus s aureus strains with differing susceptibility to penicillin g as expressed by the minimum GABA concentration were exposed in vitro over a period of h to the continuously changing concentrations of ofloxacin achieved in human SS and cantharides blister fluid cbf T3 the single oral application of mg in both strains bacterial density was rapidly but not totally reduced a reduction by percent took no longer than about and h resp facing the serum level profile and about h facing the tissue level profile the maximum reduction of staphylococcal density in percent kn amounted to and and to and resp thus not only the serum level profiles but also the skin tissue level profiles obtainable in man proved highly ERP in vitro against s aureus irrespective of the bacterial suspectibility against penicillin g therefore oral ofloxacin should prove useful in staphylococcal diseases especially in so far as cutaneous tissue is involved | MEDAL |
dually diagnosed patients with chemical dependency and a comorbid psychiatric disorder typically show poor compliance with aftercare treatment which may result in costly and pervasive individual and societal problems in this study the authors investigated the effect of adding motivational interviewing in a group format to standard treatment for dually diagnosed psychiatric inpatients the patients n all received standard care and in addition were assigned to either group motivational interviewing gmi or a therapist attention activity control group taac of patients who attended aftercare and who used alcohol or drugs those who participated in gmi attended significantly more aftercare treatment sessions consumed less alcohol and engaged in less binge drinking at followup compared with those in taac differences between conditions in the overall percentage of participants who achieved complete abstinence or who attended aftercare treatment were not significant possibly because of a lack of power these results provide preliminary evidence for the tau of gmi when added aptors we investigated the role of nmda receptormediated intracellular signaling pathways in a betainduced nfkappab activation in primary cultured rat cerebellar cells cells were treated with different concentrations of a beta or microm for different periods or hr mk nmda antagonist manumycin a and ftase inhibitor farnesyltransferase inhibitors pp srcfamily IMT kinase inhibitor pd MAP kinase mapk inhibitor and ly phosphatidylinositol kinase pik inhibitor were added min before a beta treatment of the cells a beta induced a time and concentrationdependent activation of nfkappab microm hr both pp and pp nfkappab dimers were involved this activation was abolished by mk and attenuated by manumycin a ftase inhibitor pp pd and ly a beta at microm increased the expression of GABA protein i kappab brainderived neurotrophic factor iNOS synthase tumor CN factoralpha and interleukin beta as shown by rtpcr assays collectively these findings suggest that a beta activates nfkappab by an nmdasrcraslike protein through mapk and pik pathways in cultured cerebellar cells this pathway may mediate an adaptive neuroprotective response to a beta | MEDAL |
alterations of cochlear function secondary to perforation of the RW membrane in guinea pigs were expected to reveal sensitive andor specific audiometric parameters in PL fistulas a perforation of the RW membrane either did not affect acoustic compound action potential thresholds or induced a delayed possibly conductive inner ear hearing loss also evoked suprathreshold responses deteriorated progressively and independently of the increase of compound action potential thresholds a sudden conductive hearing loss and a poor response to suprathreshold stimulation might indicate inner ear damage AA to a PLF | MEDAL |
undetectable SH c virus hcvspecific rna in serum six months T3 the end of treatment is the primary aim of antiviral therapy in patients with CHC LT studies confirmed that viral eradication is durable in more than of cases the high chronification rate of acute hepatitis c to justifies therapeutic strategies to prevent a chronic course of the infection monotherapy with interferonalpha for weeks can prevent chronification in more than of AH c antiviral therapy should be considered in all patients with chronic HC who are symptomatic or have a considerable risk for the OD of liver cirrhosis and its sequelae if they have no contraindication for therapy furthermore treatment should be considered in all patients who carry a substantial risk to infect others ACT with a pegylated interferonalpha plus ribavirin is the current SOC and achieves SVR rates of to patients chronically infected with genotype hcv isolates should be treated for weeks independent from baseline viral load while in patients infected with hcv or isolates weeks of treatment are sufficient patients without SVR can still benefit histologically from an interferonalpha based therapy possibly interferonalpha also reduces the risk for patients with CHC to develop HCC carcinoma | MEDAL |
the role of the OA oa as a collateral to the cerebral circulation in carotid occlusive disease is somewhat controversial the aim of this T0 was to assess the importance of this collateral by comparing the results of transorbital doppler ultrasonography and regional CBF blood flow measurements using spect and xenon inhalation in patients with unilateral highgrade IC AOD both measurements were performed under basal conditions and after the intravenous administration of g acetazolamide to test CVR based on the direction of oa flow the patients could be divided into three groups in group n with anterograde oa flow before and after acetazolamide baseline rcbf values did not differ significantly between the two sides or from those of the controls the sidetoside asymmetry of the response to acetazolamide was also normal in group n where the oa flow was anterograde or flow before but became retrograde after acetazolamide rcbf was significantly reduced on the symptomatic compared to the nonsymptomatic side under basal conditions however the increase in rcbf after acetazolamide was within normal limits in group n the oa flow was reversed both under basal conditions and after the vasodilatory stimulus baseline rcbf was significantly lower p on the symptomatic side compared to the nonsymptomatic and the asymmetry became even greater p after acetazolamide our findings demonstrate that the oa may be an important collateral pathway in patients with ica occlusive disease and contribute to the CBF perfusion reserve in the case of compromised blood supply | MEDAL |
this study is the first confirmation of rickettsia felis in australia the organism was identified from species of fleas obtained from dogs and cats in western australia by using PCR reaction amplification and dna sequencing of the citrate synthase and outer membrane protein a genes | MEDAL |
risk AF for development of pleuropneumonia were determined by reviewing medical records of horses with pleuropneumonia and control horses examined between jan and jan factors considered included age breed sex occupation transport farther than miles within the previous week racing within the previous hours viral respiratory tract infection or SE to horses with viral RTD within the previous weeks and vaccination against influenza or rhinopneumonitis within the previous months results indicated that thoroughbreds were at a greater risk of developing pleuropneumonia than were other horses and standardbreds were at a reduced risk transport farther than miles and viral RTD or SE to horses with respiratory tract disease were determined to be risk factors for the development of pleuropneumonia | MEDAL |
loss of hand function as a result of upper limb paresis after a stroke leads to reduced independence roboticassisted therapy with virtual reality leads to improvements in motor CF but there is a need to improve the costbenefit ratio of these therapies this case series study investigated AR computer games which provided a rewarded goaldirected task to upper limb rehabilitation via a gravity supported reaching task | MEDAL |
protein phosphorylation acts a pivotal mechanism in regulating the contractile state of the HR by modulating particular C2 of autonomic control on cardiac forcelength relationships early studies of changes in cardiac protein phosphorylation focused on key components of the excitationcoupling process namely phospholamban of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrillar troponin i in more recent years the emphasis has shifted towards the identification of other phosphoproteins and more importantly the delineation of the mechanistic and signaling pathways regulating the various known phosphoproteins in addition to camp and cacalmodulindependent kinase processes these have included regulation by protein kinase c and the everemerging family of growth factorrelated kinases such as the tyrosine mitogen and stressactivated protein kinases similarly the role of protein dephosphorylation by protein phosphatases has been recognized as integral in modulating normal cardiac cellular CF recent studies involving a variety of cardiovascular pathologies have demonstrated that changes in the phosphorylation states of key cardiac RII proteins may underlie cardiac dysfunction in disease states the emphasis of this comprehensive review will be on discussing the role of cardiac phosphoproteins in regulating myocardial CF and pathophysiology based not only on in vitro data but more importantly from ex vivo experiments with corroborative physiological and PSA evidence | MEDAL |
despite the molecular and histological similarities between fetal bone OD and fracture healing inflammation is an early phase of fracture healing that does not occur during OD cyclooxygenase cox is induced at inflammation sites and produces proinflammatory prostaglandins to determine if cox functions in fracture healing rats were treated with coxselective nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs nsaids to stop coxdependent prostaglandin production radiographic histological and mechanical testing determined that fracture healing failed in rats treated with coxselective nsaids celecoxib and rofecoxib normal fracture healing also failed in mice homozygous for a null mutation in the cox gene this shows that cox activity is necessary for normal fracture healing and confirms that the effects of coxselective nsaids on fracture healing is caused by inhibition of cox activity and not from a drug side effect histological observations suggest that cox is required for normal EC ossification during fracture healing because mice lacking cox form normal skeletons our observations indicate that fetal bone OD and fracture healing are different and that cox function is specifically essential for fracture healing | MEDAL |
blood pressure regulation during pregnancy is poorly understood cardiovagal baroreflex gain brg is an important contributor to blood pressure regulation through its influence on heart rate heart rate fluctuations occur in response to various physiological stimuli and can be measured using heart rate R2 hrv it is unclear how these mechanisms operate during pregnancy particularly with regard to exercise we examined brg and hrv prior to during and following prenatal exercise fortythree Pr n first trimester tm n second trimester tm n third trimester tm and nonpregnant np women underwent an incremental peak exercise test beatbybeat blood pressure PPG and heart rate lead ii electrocardiogram were measured throughout brg the slope of the relationship between fluctuations in systolic blood pressure and the rr interval and hrv root mean square of the successive differences rmssd were assessed at rest during steadystate exercise ex and during AS recovery brg decreased with gestation and was lower in the tm group than in the np group ± msmm hg vs ± msmm hg p brg was reduced during ex in all groups resting hrv rmssd also decreased with gestation and was lower in the tm group than in the np group ± ms vs ± ms p rmssd was blunted during ex in all groups compared with rest during active recovery rmssd was further blunted compared with ex in the np group but not during pregnancy tm tm and tm compared with the nonpregnant controls the pregnant women had lower brg and hrv at rest but comparable cardioautonomic control during both exercise and AR following peak exercise | MEDAL |
spiny branchlets of cerebellar purkinje SN thought to be CS of synaptic efficacy change during motor learning degenerate during aging to examine effects of behavioral experience on degeneration purkinje neurons were studied in aging rats housed for months either under EC conditions promoting sensorymotor activity or in pairs in standard cages their data were compared with those of a baseline group of rats from standard cages sacrificed at the AO of differential housing for the older CG rats housed in the complex environment had more spiny branchlets than the other groups indicating that new branches had formed there was a net loss of summed total spiny branchlet material per purkinje cell in both the laboratory cage and complex environment older CG although the complex environment group had more spiny branchlet per cell than the laboratory cage group thus dendrite loss in the aging cerebellum can be partly offset by appropriate experience there was no net loss of purkinje cell main CB dendrite with aging as indicated by previous studies and there was no effect of differential housing upon main branches in the older CG however changes in the pattern of branching in the main dendritic field suggested that this region undergoes reorganization with aging | MEDAL |
frasier syndrome is an uncommon genetic disorder featuring progressive glomerulopathy MPH and gonadal dysgenesis it is caused by mutations in intron of the wt gene because of its rarity there is limited literature available on the diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome the aim of the T0 was to present the clinicopathological findings and molecular analysis of phenotypically female adolescent presenting with severe PU and primary amenorrhea the significance of early recognition of frasier syndrome and its differentiation from denysdrash syndrome was discussed wt mutation analysis should be routinely done in females with steroidresistant nephritic syndrome | MEDAL |
inhaled CSs are recommended for LT control of asthma in children and nebulization simplifies administration to patients who lack handtolung coordination information on the tau and safety of nebulized corticosteroids in children with mild to moderate asthma is limited however and comparison between corticosteroids is lacking one hundred thirtythree patients to years of age with bronchial asthma were randomly assigned to receive FLU microg or budesonide microg both administered twice daily by NEB for weeks morning peak expiratory flow rate primary tau endpoint increased significantly from baseline p with both medications p ns between treatments use of salbutamol as rescue medication decreased by with FLU and by with budesonide respective decreases in asthma score were and p vs baseline p ns between treatments only flunisolide reduced the number of nocturnal awakenings p ten patients in the flunisolide group and in the budesonide group reported AEs none of which required discontinuation of treatment in children with asthma nebulized CSs are effective and have good safety and tolerability profiles FLU and budesonide seem to produce equivalent clinical responses | MEDAL |
the aims of the present T0 were to assess the effectiveness of skeletal anchorage for intrusion of maxillary posterior teeth to correct open bite malocclusion and to evaluate the usage of titanium miniplates for orthodontic anchorage anterior open bite is one of the most difficult malocclusions to treat orthodontically currently surgical impaction of the maxillary posterior segment is considered to be the most effective treatment option in adult patients various studies have reported the use of implants as anchorage units at different sites of midfacial bones for orthodontic tooth movement the zygomatic buttress area could be a valuable anchorage site to achieve intrusion of maxillary posterior teeth ten patients to years old and characterized with an AOB and excessive maxillary posterior growth were included in this preliminary study titanium miniplates were fixed bilaterally to the zygomatic buttress area and a force was applied bilaterally with nine mm niti coil springs between the vertical extension of the miniplate and the first molar buccal tube the results showed that with the help of skeletal anchorage maxillary posterior teeth were intruded effectively as compared with an osteotomy this minimally invasive surgical procedure eased treatment and reduced treatment time and did not require headgear wear or anterior box elastics for anterior open bite correction in conclusion the zygomatic area was found to be a useful anchorage site for intrusion of the molars in a short period of time | MEDAL |
in children girls boys with leggcalvéperthes disease the average chronological age pelvis bone age and handwrist bone age were significantly different for the girls and years respectively p and the boys and years respectively p for the girls the CA was greater than the pelvis BA and the handwrist bone age p there was no difference between the pelvis and handwrist bone age for the boys the CA was greater than the pelvis BA and the handwrist BA p the pelvis bone age was greater than the handwrist bone age and less than the chronological age p the acromelic growth in leggcalvéperthes disease may explain why the more PT pelvis bone age in boys was less delayed than that of the more distal handwrist | MEDAL |
the presence or absence of thyroid glandular tissue demonstrated by thyroid scintigraphy is important for genetic and prognostic counseling and for acceleration of diagnosis in other affected siblings technetiummpertechnetate thyroid scintigraphy was performed on children with cretinism at the division of NM faculty of medicine siriraj hospital during the year period from june based on scintigraphic findings three main groups of thyroid localization were seen thirteen were athyrotic while had an ectopic thyroid and had gland in normal position perchlorate discharge test was performed in children of the last group and the results were positive indicating an organification defect thyroid scintigraphy and perchlorate discharge test provided the useful information for diagnosis followup and prognosis in children with cretinism | MEDAL |
pimobendan a new oral cardiotonic and vasodilator agent increases myocardial contractile force through TPS inhibition of phosphodiesterase type iii and increased calcium sensitivity of the myocardial contractile elements the effects of pimobendan on left ventricular performance and maximal exercise capacity were studied in a multicenter randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled trial involving patients with severe CHF despite diuretics digoxin and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors the acute hemodynamic DUE included three single doses of and mg of oral pimobendan which was subsequently po at a daily dose of or mg for weeks acute administration of pimobendan significantly increased the resting cardiac index and lowered PCW pressure in a dosedependent manner whereas HR rate and systemic arterial pressure were not substantially altered patients receiving pimobendan and mg daily had a significantly greater increase in maximal exercise duration than those receiving placebo that is and seconds versus seconds p peak oxygen uptake increased by and mlkgmin in patients receiving pimobendan at a daily dose of and mg respectively whereas it decreased by mlkgmin in patients receiving PL p thus pimobendan acutely improves resting left ventricular performance and chronically increases exercise duration and peak oxygen uptake in patients with severe CHF concomitantly treated with digoxin diuretics and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors | MEDAL |
the effects of aniracetam on extracellular C2 of dopamine da serotonin ht and their metabolites were examined in five brain regions in freely moving strokeprone spontaneously hypertensive rats shrsp using in vivo microdialysis basal da release in shrsp was uniformly lower in all regions tested than that in agematched control wistar kyoto rats dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid levels were altered in the basolateral amygdala dorsal hippocampus and prefrontal SC of shrsp while basal ht PR decreased in the striatum and increased in the basolateral amygdala there was no associated NC in 5-HIAA acid C2 systemic administration of aniracetam to shrsp enhanced both da and ht release with partly associated change in their metabolite levels in the prefrontal SC basolateral amygdala and dorsal hippocampus but not in the striatum and nucleus accumbens shell in a dosedependent manner andor mgkg po microinjection and ng of aniracetam or its metabolites nanisoylgaba and pyrrolidinone into the nucleus accumbens shell produced no turning SMB these findings indicate that shrsp have a DA hypofunction throughout the brain and that aniracetam elicits a sitespecific activation in mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways in shrsp possibly via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the VTA and raphe nuclei the physiological roles in the aniracetamsensitive BB regions may closely link with their clinical efficacy towards emotional disturbances appearing T3 CBF infarction | MEDAL |
the OD of agerelated proliferative disorders of the prostate gland is supported by transdifferentiation and cellular senescence processes in the stroma both processes are involved in CR of stromal tissue as observed in benign prostatic PH bph and in reactive stroma adjacent to prostate CA pca it has been assumed that tgfbeta plays a key role in the aging prostate by inducing premature senescence and favoring myofibroblast differentiation therefore we evaluated the stromal cell phenotypes of human primary AD prostatic fibroblasts n and the molecular and cellular mechanisms of growth arrest T3 treatment with tgfbeta and of in vitro cellular senescence microarray analysis quantitative pcr immunofluorescence and western blot revealed that cellular senescence and transdifferentiation of fibroblasts have distinct underlying mechanisms pathways and gene and protein expression profiles in human prscs in clear contrast to senescent cells tgfbetatreated cells morphologically transdifferentiated into myofibroblasts with dense cytoskeletal fibers and increased expression of smooth muscle cell alphaactin CaP and tenascin tgfbeta induced neither expression of senescenceassociated markers nor genes involved in terminal growth arrest such as senescenceassociated betagalactosidase and cyclindependent kinase cdk inhibitors pinka and pcip but increased pinkb protein expression differentiation inhibitor id protein level downregulation was observed under both conditions genes specifically upregulated by transdifferentiation but not by cellular senescence of prscs were metalloproteinase tissue inhibitor timp transgelin tagln gamma actin actg plasminogen activator inhibitor serpinel insulinlike growth factor IB protein igfbp parathyroid hormonelike hormone pthlp tgfb four and a half lim domains fhl hydrogen peroxideinducible clone hic and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein comp other genes such as cdc protein kinase cksb vmyb myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog mybl pyruvate kinase muscle pkm and forkhead box m foxm were downregulated only upon tgfbeta treatment but not by cellular senescence pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase pdk and connective tissue growth factor ctgf were upregulated and hyaluronan synthase has downregulated under both conditions moreover gagec a prostatetestisspecific protein overexpressed in symptomatic bph and pca was induced in transdifferentiated stromal cells genes such as gagec could be promising targets for therapeutic inhibitors of stromal tissue remodeling and progression of bph and pca | MEDAL |
V1 reconstructions in heavily contaminated fields can be particularly challenging prosthetic grafts are rarely suitable because of the risk of infection but the saphenous vein is usually too small for isodiametric replacement of large arteries and veins although surgeons rarely consider the use of spiral vein grafts they may occasionally be the ideal autogenous vascular replacement because they can be tailored to fit a vessel of any size we report the use of spiral vein grafts in three patients requiring V1 reconstructions in the presence of heavy bacterial contamination | MEDAL |
the incidence of anaphylactic reactions during anesthesia is between and anesthetics during the igemediated anaphylactic reaction mast cells PR PRs such as tryptase histamine and vasoactive mediators the PR of mediators from the mast cells and basophils is responsible for the immediate clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis AR can be caused directly by a PR of histamine and other mediators from mast cells and basophils and they dont depend on interaction of ige antibodies with antigen the most frequent agents that cause anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions during anesthesia are neuromuscular blocking agents among them the highest percent refers to ROC and succinylcholine some general anesthetics antibiotics blood and blood products opioids and latex increased tryptase concentration in SS is a marker for systemic mast cell activation skin tests in vivo are used for verification of TPS hypersensitivity to drugs in patients after anaphylactic reaction in vitro tests prove the presence of specific RAST for drugs the plan for the treatment of anaphylactic reactions must be established before the event airway maintenance oxygen administration intravascular volume expansion and epinephrine are essential to treat the hypotension and hypoxia that result from vasodilatation increased capillary permeability and bronchospasm as soon as the diagnosis has been made the adrenalin should be given intravenously to ml of aqueous solution mgml over T2 prevention is possible with methylprednisolorall incidence of nodm was in tacrolimus tactreated patients n and in cyclosporinetreated patients n a total of of the cases were diagnosed within months of lt m among HC virus hcvinfected hcv patients nodm incidence was whereas among those patients negative for this virus hcv the incidence was only p in tactreated patients the incidence of nodm in the hcv patients was significantly higher than in the hcv patients and respectively p only of of the hcv patients developed nodm on cyclosporine other independent pretransplantation risk factors for nodm included impaired fasting glucose ifg and a maximum lifetime bodymass index bmi over kgm in conclusion emergence of nodm after lt is related to risk AF that can be detected prior to the graft like maximum lifetime bmi ifg and hcv status tac induced a significantly higher incidence of nodm in the hcv compared to the hcv patients the treatment should therefore be tailored to the patients risk especially in case of hcv infection | MEDAL |
this report describes patients with HCC carcinoma hcc complicated with esophageal varices esophageal varices were due to cirrhosis of the CL in all cases HR and blocking operations such as sugiura procedure transabdominal esophageal transection or hassabs T0 were performed for the treatment of hcc and EV in cases with satisfactory results nonoperative treatments such as tae or arterial infusion chemotherapy for hcc and blocking operations for EV were performed in cases late deaths were recognized in cases causes of late deaths were carcinoma of the CL in cases and ruptured varices in only case in cases with severe hepatic failure only endoscopic sclerotherapy was performed for the treatment of EV however cases of had rebleeding from esophageal varices and died T3 sclerotherapy we concluded that effective treatments for hcc complicated with EV were to perform both the hepatic resection and the blocking operation and these treatments prolong the longterm survival of patients with hcc with esophageal varices | MEDAL |
macular holes can be treated with surgicallyinduced vitreous detachment and gas tamponade the authors report a case of a macular hole that closed spontaneously after the OD of posterior vitreous detachment pvd OCT oct revealed a small fullthickness MH with perifoveal cystic changes in a yearold female with a CE scotoma at her initial visit there was no evidence of pvd five months later pvd was observed and the macular hole disappeared oct performed three months later showed MH closure and resolution of the perifoveal cystic changes the physiologic pit was restored in the fovea oct is useful to detect and monitor the morphologic changes of a macular hole | MEDAL |
seven hundred and forty patients complaining of pain after oral or orthopaedic surgery or episiotomy were studied in five single dose or shortterm doubleblind controlled randomized studies comparing efficacy and safety of DF with that of acetylsalicylic acid glafenin or placebo DF was found to be effective in relieving postoperative pain in of patients a twice day dosage schedule seems to be clinically adequate mg twice daily proving to be equally ERP as glafenin mg three times daily no serious drugrelated clinical or laboratory adverse experiences were encountered in any of the five studies | MEDAL |
twenty patients underwent a regimen of stereotactic puncture and consecutive local lysis with rt-PA rtpa for their spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage ich rtpa was administered via a stereotactically placed silicone catheter according to a hematomasizerelated formula there was no extensive intraoperative hematoma aspiration so that the capacity of rtpa for bloodclot lysis could be investigated fifteen patients were somnolentstuporous on admission and comatose the hematomasize ranging from x x cm up to x x cm mean x x cm control computed tomography ct was performed on a daily basis and in patients the hematoma showed CR or almost complete resolution on ct within days the rtpa dosage necessary ranged from to mean mg rtpa application was performed once in patients twice in three times in and four times in patient on followup T3 a mean of months patients had died glasgow outcome scoregos i another was gos ii gos iii gos iv and had made an excellent REC gos v patients who were somnolent or stuporous on admission or who exhibited AA deterioration of their level of consciousness benefitted from the treatment protocol early postoperative mobilization and thereby reduction of AA complications during the patients stay in the intensive ECU appear to be possible comatose patients did not benefit from this treatment and those should be treated conservativelyabstract truncated at words | MEDAL |
recent studies have shown that a low birth weight is a risk factor for increased systemic blood pressure bp in adulthood further systemic bp and arterial stiffness as are reported to be increased in adolescents born prematurely the purpose of this T0 was to characterize SVR bp and as in young adults born PT SVR bp was measured using an automated oscillometric device as was assessed by measuring the RA carotidradial PP wave velocity pwv using a validated noninvasive automated method SVR bp PP and pwv mean confidence intervals were compared between adults age years born preterm age at birth weeks of gestation with a birth weight g appropriate for their gestational age and adults years born at term weeks of gestation with a birth weight g appropriate for their gestational age adults born preterm had a significantly higher SBP mmhg v mean bp mmhg v diastolic bp mmhg v pulse pressure mmhg v and pwv ms v than did those born at term our findings suggest that young adults with a low birth weight due to preterm birth have increased SVR bp and as accordingly PTB may predispose individuals to cardiovascular diseases in adulthood due to increased as | MEDAL |
cyanocobalamin vitamin b vb and folic acid vitamin b vb deficiency leads to anemia in women we have recently shown low vb and vb levels in the SS of megaloblastic anemia mba patients further our T0 demonstrated elevated homocysteine and p respectively in the SS and bone marrow aspirates of mba patients but not in nonmba subjects however it is unknown whether any gender TPS R2 in vb and vb level exists in mba and nonmba patients in addition it is unclear whether low vb and vb has a role in the regulation of p expression in mba patients and whether elevated p is functionally AS if so does bone marrow aspirates of mba patients show elevated apoptosis hence we have analyzed vb and vb levels in mba patients and compared with nonmba subjects next methylation status of p promoter was determined and correlated with p expression furthermore the level of apoptosis in bone marrow aspirate paraffin blocks was estimated using tunel IF in conclusion low vb and vb in male and female patients directly cldehyde mda a lipid peroxidation byproduct as well as depletion in physiological antioxidant content such as superoxide dismutase sod and catalase cat furthermore alterations in mitochondrial functions including a significant decrease of mitochondrial outer membrane potential and reactive oxygen species ros generation increase mitochondrial swelling PR of cytochrome c and consequent activation of ICE and ICE and initiation of apoptosis was observed following As administration moreover the inflammation was confirmed by the overexpression of inflammatory mediators such as nfĸb and il and il the present study demonstrated that alc ameliorates arsenicinduced oxidative damage mitochondrial dysfunction apoptosis inflammation and histological damage alcs protective features against As hepatotoxicity may be due to this agents antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties as well as its stabilizing effects on mitochondrial CF | MEDAL |
protein or clara cell protein cc is a kd protein secreted predominantly by clara cells in terminal bronchioles and from puberty on in the male urogenital tract the sensitivity of cc in urine as an index of proximal tubule dysfunction was compared to that of retinolbinding protein beta microglobulin and alpha microglobulin these microproteins were measured by latex immunoassay in the urine from Pr women diabetics men and women workers exposed to Cd men and women and from HS matched for age and sex in women cc appeared consistently as a much more sensitive index of tubular dysfunction than other microproteins in female diabetics for instance the prevalence of elevated values of cc in urine largely exceeded that of other microproteins and even of albumin in men however the existence of a postrenal secretion contaminating the urine limits the sensitivity of cc which was revealed to be higher than that of other microproteins in diabetics only the assay of urinary cc has the potential especially in women to detect very subtle defects of the S3 which pass completely unseen with other microproteins we postulate that this unique sensitivity of cc is due to its very low concentration in TF which combined with its anionic character strongly hinders its access to brush border IB sites | MEDAL |
substance p sp is a neuropeptide that plays an important role in inflammation respiration pain aggression anxiety and learning and SM mainly through its high affinity neurokinin receptor nkr the marginal division mrd is a panshaped subdivision in the caudomedial margin of the NS in the mammalian brain and is known to be involved in learning and memory we studied the expression of sp nkr and nkr mrna in the rat striatum by immunohistochemistry immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization and found that the levels of sp nkr protein and nkr mrna were high in the cell bodies SF and terminals of SN in the neostriatum especially in the mrd knocking down nkr activity in the mrd by using an AS oligonucleotide against nkr mrna inhibited learning and memory in a ymaze behavioral test our results show that nkr mediates the role of sp in the mrd in learning and memory | MEDAL |
a counterpart of the antibodymediated activation of genetically defective enzymes is reported here antibodies elicited by certain mutant forms of betadgalactosidase ec of escherichia coli were found to inactivate the normal form of the enzyme antibodies elicited by normal betadgalactosidase do not affect the enzymes catalytic activity we present evidence that the inactivating antibodies are directed against one or a few determinants of the enzyme the level of inactivation caused by the antibodies was independent of temperature below degrees and increased with temperature above degrees the inactivation was proportional to the concentration of AS until a maximum level of inactivation was reached antibodies capable of inactivating up to of the activity were obtained after the antiserum was partially absorbed in an affinity column this antibody preparation showed a fold enrichment of inactivating antibodies over other antibodies direct against the enzyme the antibodymediated inactivation caused a reduction in the vmax of betadgalactosidase without affecting the apparent km of the enzyme in contrast to antibodies to normal betadgalactosidase inactivating antibodies changed the response of the enzyme to cations to explain these results we present a model in which there is a temperaturedependent equilibrium between two active forms of betadgalactosidase inactivation results from a conformational change induced by the binding of inactivating antibodies to only one of these two forms | MEDAL |
to describe patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who experienced a rapidly progressive BL retinitis due to herpes simplex virus hsv case due to hsv type hsv and case due to hsv type hsv and to present a novel diagnostic polymerase chain reaction pcrbased CA | MEDAL |
a japanese patient with epidermolysis bullosa acquisita eba was autopsied and direct immunofluorescence dif testing was performed using this patients SS eba SS and three bullous pemphigoid bp sera the anatomical distribution and immunological characteristics of eba antigen and bp antigen were investigated by indirect immunofluorescence iif eba antigen showed the same anatomical CSD as bp antigen in dif and iif studies both antigens were limited to the skin tongue oesophagus trachea cornea and bladder eba antigen was located on the dermal side of both nacl and pbsseparated skin whereas bp antigen was limited to the epidermal side ethanol fixation abrogated the antigenic stability of bp antigen but not that of eba antigen no difference was found when AC or formalin fixation was used the separation methods and prefixation in ethanol could be useful techniques applicable to the classification of the bullous disorders which manifest circulating antibmz antibodies | MEDAL |
seasonal changes in TPS iiodomelatonin binding were assessed in the pars tuberalis of male EU hamsters cricetus cricetus kept under natural environmental conditions saturation studies were performed on pars tuberalis membrane S9 every weeks for months the maximum number of melatonin IB CS occurred in spring and summer bmax fmolmg protein n with significantly reduced IB in winter bmax fmolmg protein n as an assay control simultaneous saturation studies were performed on rat PT membranes no summerwinter difference in IB site density was observed in the rat studies in both hamsters and rats no seasonal changes in binding affinity were found although an apparent rho between bmax values and paired testes weight of the hamsters was noted in early spring the increase in the number of melatonin IB CS preceded the elevation in testicular weight castration during the period of sexual activity or sexual inactivity also failed to reduce the elevated number of IB CS observed in the spring and summer in addition testosterone implanted sc weeks before had no effect on the low iiodomelatonin binding site density found in winter november these results suggest that the observed seasonal variation in the number of melatonin binding sites is independent of seasonal changes in circulating testosterone concentrations | MEDAL |
the melanocortin receptor mcr IB of the peptide analogue of melanocyte stimulating hormone indpmsh and the low molecular weight radionucleid dtetrahydroisoquinolinecarboxydiodophenylalanylcyclohexyltriazolylmethylpiperidine trifluoroacetate ithiq were compared kinetic analysis indicated heterogeneity in the IB of both radioligands the IB apparently proceeding to two tandemly arranged interconnected mutually dependent binding CS steric considerations and bret analysis of rluc and gfp tagged receptors proposed that these CS are located on different subunits of receptor dimers which form receptor complexes according to the minimal MM proposed ligand IB proceeds consecutively to the two binding sites of the dimer T3 binding of the first ligand conformational transformations of the complex occur which is followed by binding of the second ligand when both receptor units have bound indpmsh the radioligand can be released only from one unit the indpmsh bound to the remaining unit stays practically irreversibly bound due to a very slow retransformation rate of the transformed complex the considerably faster binding of ithiq did not allow accurate kinetic differentiation of the two IB sites however addition of ndpmsh as well as a fragment of the human agouti protein hagrp to the preformed ithiqmcr complex drastically retarded the release of ithiq from the complex blocking conformational transformations in the complex by IB into the second IB site the consecutive binding of ligands to the mcr dimers has substantial impact on the apparent ligand potencies when determined in competition with the two different radioligands applied herein the apparent potencies of the same ligand differing up to three orders of magnitude when assayed in competition with indpmsh or ithiq | MEDAL |
membrane assembly of complement proteins B6 on human platelets results in a dosedependent increase in the IB of coagulation AF va and xa to the BPM concomitant with a marked increase in platelet prothrombinase activity factor va binding increased by fold in platelets treated with the cb proteins as compared to controls in the presence of nearsaturating concentrations of factor xa factor va IB to cbtreated platelets approximately doubled in the absence of added factor va cbtreated platelets bound molecules of factor xa versus moleculescell bound to controls suggesting that B6 assembly on the platelet surface initiates the release of PF4 v from the alphagranules the capacity of the B6 proteins to initiate the nonlytic PR of the platelet alphagranule storage pool was confirmed by CA for platelet factor when measured in the presence of exogenous FVa microgramsml factor xa uptake by B6 platelets increased to approximately moleculescell versus moleculescell for controls removal of external ca inhibited the cbinitiated release of the alphagranule storage pool and reduced by approximately the expression of new factor va binding CS suggesting that these two events contributing to increased platelet prothrombinase activity are mediated in part by the influx of ca across the B6 pore | MEDAL |
it has been suggested that oestrogenproduced vasodilatation is due to induction of EC nitric oxide synthase nos but there are many reports of direct effects on V1 smooth muscle in the present study these processes were investigated in rat aorta isolated from ovariectomized rats ST treatment min with betaoestradiol micromoll produced a small attenuation of the phenylephrine peinduced constriction which was unaffected by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor lniminoethylornithine nio micromoll longterm treatment h with betaoestradiol micromoll did not affect acetylcholinemediated vasorelaxation in endotheliumintact aortic rings but did attenuate peinduced constriction this attenuation was also observed in endotheliumdenuded S9 after betaoestradiol micromoll for h and was far greater than the acute effect of betaoestradiol micromoll the attenuation produced by betaoestradiol micromoll for h was significantly inhibited by concomitant treatment with cycloheximide micromoll suggesting that protein synthesis was involved nio micromoll also att the effect which suggests that the anticonstrictor effect of betaoestradiol occurs through the increased production of nitric oxide no betaoestradiol increased no production as assessed by the conversion of harginine to hcitrulline in rat aorta these effects were prevented by cycloheximide and nio the anticonstrictor effect of oestrogen was blocked by the oestrogen receptor antagonist ici nmoll WB using an antibody specific for iNOS synthase nos revealed that betaoestradiol micromoll for h treatment induced the formation of inducible nos protein in the aorta an effect blocked by cycloheximide the results indicate that betaoestradiol can attenuate the vasoconstrictor effect of pe by a specific receptormediated process that involves induction of inducible nos | MEDAL |
from may to june patients were submitted to percutaneous closure of PDA there were adult patients aged to years two patients had residual ductus after an attempted surgical ligation and two other patients had a calcified ductus a device was not implanted in three patients two of whom because of pulmonary hypertension being considered irreversible another patient with a very C1 duct underwent attempted occlusion but the device embolized to the pulmonary i.a. and was retrieved percutaneously in the same session this patient was operated later CR duct occlusion confirmed by CD echocardiography was achieved in of the remaining patients cl this was performed with a single catheterization in cases with implantation of one or more detachable coils in patients with a rashkind device in and a combination of a rashkind device and coils in in two cases CR duct occlusion required a second catheterization for implantation of additional detachable coils including one patient with intravascular hemolysis in whom resolution of this problem was achieved with additional coils in recent years we have preferentially used detachable coils implanted through fr catheters with a controlled release mechanism this is a safer and less expensive device patients with pulmonary hypertension can be submitted to a trial occlusion of the duct with a balloon catheter to evaluate the response of pulmonary artery pressures percutaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus can be performed with excellent results in adults complete occlusion was achieved in of the patients without pulmonary hypertension or extremely C1 ductus this is similar to our results in the pediatric population | MEDAL |
to assess the relation between peak AS above baseline headtocervix force pahcf and peak AS above baseline intrauterine pressure paiup in labour and to compare the relation between labours progressing well and ending in VD and those labours progressing slowly and ending in caesarean section | MEDAL |
Subsets and Splits