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imprinting of an increased sensitivity to a highfat high cholesterol hfhc diet by dietary manipulation in early life was studied in two strains of rat ie in prague hereditary hypercholesterolaemic rats phhc and WR from which the phhc CS was obtained by selection and inbreeding whereas no effect of early life nutrition on cholesterolaemia induced by hfhc diet was found in contecies contained puf genes encoding the photosynthetic RC proteins and the core LH complex of the purple bacteria there were high similarities between t acidophilus and acidiphilium species in the primary structure of their reaction centre proteins deduced from the nucleotide sequence data the phylogenetic tree of the reaction centre proteins was in agreement with the s rdna sequencebased phylogenetic tree in the relationship between t acidophilus and acidiphilium species and between the acidiphilium cluster and other purple photosynthetic bacteria based on these results together with previous phylogenetic and phenotypic information it is proposed to reclassify t acidophilus guay and silver harrison as acidiphilium acidophilum comb nov the type strain is atcc t dsm t | MEDAL |
in order to ensure the construct validity of the threefactor model of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support mspss and based on the assumption that it helps users differentiate between sources of SS in this T0 a revised version was created and tested the aim was to compare the level of MM fit of the original version of the mspss against the revised versionwhich contains a minor NC from the original the study was conducted on medical students who completed the original and revised versions of the mspss as well as the SES rosenberg and beck depression inventory ii beck steer brown confirmatory FA was performed to compare the results showing that the revised version of mspss demonstrated a good internal consistencywith a cronbachs alpha of for the mspss questionnaire and a significant correlation with the other scales as predicted the revised version provided better internal consistency increasing the cronbachs alpha for the significant others subscale from to confirmatory FA revealed an acceptable MM fit chi df p tli cfi gfi pnfi agfi rmsea and srmr which is better than the original version the tendency of the new version was to display a better level of fit with a larger sample size the limitations of the T0 are discussed as well as recommendations for further T0 | MEDAL |
to facilitate the proper and quick DUE of cancer chemotherapy the issues of surrogate and true endpoints in clinion of renal CF in patients afflicted with iga nephropathy but normal renal CF urinary excretion of da correlated positively with bp responses to changes from to mmolday salt intake in black salt resistant sr normotensives nt and sr hypertensives under LS NI mmolday but not ssnt and ssht the saline infusion induced increments of da and dopac urinary excretion correlated significantly with increments of sodium urinary excretion and sodium fractional excretion patients afflicted with heart failure hf have a reduced delivery of LD to the kidney accompanied by an increase in daldopa urinary ratios this suggests that hf patients have an increased ability to take up or decarboxylate LD sodium restriction resulted in a significant decrease in urinary LD da and dopac in hf patients suggesting that the system responds to sodium it is concluded that activity of renal DA system may be altered in ss subjects despite the level of their bp and an enhanced delivery of LD to the kidney may be beneficial in edema formation states | MEDAL |
total rna was isolated from cultured fibroblasts from unrelated patients with TSD an autosomal recessive disorder due to betahexosaminidase a deficiency betahexosaminidase mrna was amplified by cdnapcr in four overlapping segments spanning the entire coding sequence in two patients abnormal size cdnapcr fragments in which exons were removed resulted from splicing mutations that were characterized at the genomic dna level both were g to a EMT at the first position of intron and at the fifth position of intron five other mutations have been identified by cdnapcr chemical mismatch analysis and direct sequencing of an amplified fragment containing the mismatch site one missense mutation alters the codon for ser to phe in exon and the other one alters the codon for arg to cys in exon a bp deletion results in the deletion of a phenylalanine residue in exon two nonsense mutations in exon arg to stop and in exon arg to stop are associated with a marked decrease of mrna abundance probably because they result in mrna instability three of the six single base mutations involve the conversion of a cpg dinucleotide in the sense strand to tpg these results demonstrate the extreme molecular heterogeneity of mutations causing taysachs disease the procedure described in this paper allows the rapid detection of any type of mutation except those impairing the promoter CF applicable even to patients with splicing or nonsense mutations and very low mrna abundance it has therefore a potentially broad application in human genetics for both diagnostic and fundamental purposes | MEDAL |
the occurrence of cajalretzius cjre cells was studied in four cortical Az of five normal AD humans using antibodies against calretinin calretinin immunofluorescence and autofluorescence of lipofusin LG in cjre cells were visualized by dual channel CLSM three types of cjre cells existed in the AD human cortex horizontal triangular and multipolar and their number did not decrease with ageing horizontal cjre cells were found in all cortical Az they contained no lipofusin or less than other cells triangular cjre cells with descending dendrites were less numerous multipolar cjre cells were rare and contained more LF we conclude that calretininimmunoreactivity can be used to T0 cjre cell morphology in normal and diseased AD human BB | MEDAL |
the effect of ld arac moll arac tpa x moll and cisretinoic acid ra moll on the differentiation in liquid SC of bone marrow cells from patients with ALL patients with AML leukemia patient in myeloid and in lymphoid crisis of chronic granulocytic leukemia was studied arac induced morphological and cytochemical differentiation into THP-1 in cases m m type tpa induced convincing morphological and cytochemical features of maturation into THP-1 in cases two m one m and one m type and into differentiated myeloid cells in cases m m type ra in one case m type out of three aml studied induced cytochemical and ICC features of maturation the results of the T0 indicate that although tpa is a better inducer of blast cell differentiation than arac however neither is a potent differentiation agent of leukemic blasts in liquid culture the heterogeneity of leukemic blasts within the same type of one was confirmed by their difs of class ii H-2 complex proteins and associated ii molecules in intracellular compartments of human b lymphocytes might regulate or catalyze antigen processing or presentation we analyzed immunoprecipitates of such molecules from subcellular fractions of smethionine pulsechaselabeled dayactivated b lymphocytes after homogenization and CSD in percoll density gradients twodimensional gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates of subcellular fractions demonstrated progressive sialic acid addition to class ii L1 DLA beta chains and ii but not to gamma gamma gamma gamma p or p and its satellites association of p and p with class ii complexes at min T3 pulse labeling cleavage of an immature form of ii without sialic acid at min T3 PP labeling to a coohterminal dalton fragment p with a min halflife the presence of iirelated p at only min chase times an effect of chloroquine or MON at maximal nontoxic doses to increase a the time for associations of p and p with class ii complexes and b the halflife of p which was then formed from ii at reduced C2 in addition while the halflives of class ii alpha and beta chains and ii were comparable within intracellular fractions of any one density in intracellular fractions of intermediate densities the complexes appeared to be longer lived much greater than h than in lighter fractions h halflives | MEDAL |
prostate CA pca kills thousands of men every year demanding additional approaches to better understand and target this malignancy recently critical role of aberrant lipogenesis is highlighted in prostate carcinogenesis offering a unique opportunity to target it to reduce pca here we evaluated efficacy and associated mechanisms of silibinin in inhibiting lipid metabolism in pca cells at physiologically achievable levels in human silibinin strongly reduced lipid and cholesterol accumulation specifically in human pca cells but not in nonneoplastic prostate epithelial pwre cells silibinin also decreased nuclear protein C2 of sterol RII element binding protein and srebp and their target genes only in pca cells mechanistically silibinin activated ampk thereby increasing srebp phosphorylation and inhibiting its nuclear translocation ampk inhibition reversed silibininmediated decrease in nuclear srebp and lipid accumulation additionally specific srebp inhibitor fatostatin and stable overexpression of srebp further confirmed the CE role of srebp in silibininmediated inhibition of pca cell proliferation and lipid accumulation and Tc arrest importantly silibinin also inhibited synthetic androgen rinduced lipid accumulation and CR abrogated the OD of androgenindependent lncap cell clones via targeting srebp together these mechanistic studies suggest that silibinin would be ERP against pca by targeting critical aberrant lipogenesis | MEDAL |
although family intervention is practiced in most psychiatric hospitals there are no adequately controlled studies of its efficacy this T0 was designed to answer in part the following question what is the relative efficacy of hospitalization with family MI as compared with hospitalization without family MI for patients with major psychiatric disorders who are in need of hospital treatment and for whom both treatments are judged clinically feasible this is our first report presenting preliminary data on sixmonth followup for the first three quarters of the total sample of patients with schizophrenic disorder and with major affective disorder | MEDAL |
preeclampsia pe is associated with altered immune activation during pregnancy we have previously shown that adoptive transfer of cd TA from the reduced uterine perfusion pressure rupp rat MM of pe increases blood pressure oxidative AS ros and inflammation in normal Pr recipient rats the objective of this study was to determine if blockade of communication via the cdcd ligand cdl interaction between placental ischemiainduced cd TA with endogenous normal pregnant np cells would improve pathophysiology that was previously observed in np recipient rats of rupp cd TA splenic cd t lymphocytes were magnetically separated incubated with μgml anticd ligand αcdl overnight and transferred into np rats on day of gestation nprupp cd tanticdl on day of gestation blood pressure map blood and tissues were collected map was ± in np n ± in nprupp cd TA n p map only increased to ± in nprupp cd t cellscdl n p vs nprupp cd TA mechanisms of hypertension in response to rupp cd t cells include endothelin et ros and angiotensin ii type i receptor ataa were analyzed inhibition of cdl IB reduced placental et to fold above np rats and normalized placental ros from ± in nprupp cd t cells p to ± in nprupp cd tanticdl p ataa was also normalized with inhibition of cdl these data suggest that placental ischemiainduced tcell communication via the cdl is one important mechanism leading to much of the pathophysiology of pe | MEDAL |
recognizing the importance of basic science teaching in surgical education the leadership of the association of program directors in V1 surgery apdvs appointed a panel to gather information and to present its findings at the annual fall meeting of the apdvs a questionnaire was distributed to the program directors present in addition information was gathered from the ABS regarding the basic science content in the V1 surgery item pool on the vascular surgery qualifying examination vqe the V1 surgery unit of the surgical resident curriculum was also analyzed fiftythree program directors completed the questionnaire although only two program directors felt that their residents were better prepared to answer basic science questions the results of the vqe showed that the examinees do not as a group perform differently on basic science items than on clinical management questions in addition only a minority of PDs use a TPS method to monitor the learning process of their residents the majority of the program directors responding felt e OP in the elderly limits independence and SQ of life preventive and curative treatment should be adapted to the patients age | MEDAL |
the AQ extract of ficus deltoidea leaves was evaluated for possible antinociceptive activity in three models of nociception namely acetic acidinduced abdominal writhing formalin and hot plate test the results of the present T0 showed that intraperitoneal administration of the f deltoidea leaves AQ extract at the dose of and mgkg min prior to pain induction produced significant dosedependent antinociceptive effect in all the models used which indicating the presence of both CE and peripherally mediated activities furthermore the antinociceptive effect of the extract in the formalin and hot plate test was reversed by the nonselective opioid receptor antagonist naloxone suggesting that the endogenous opioid system is involved in its analgesic mechanism of action thus the present results demonstrated that f deltoidea leaves AQ extract contains pharmacologically active constituents which possess antinociceptive activity justifying its popular therapeutic use in treating conditions associated with the painful conditions | MEDAL |
multiple sclerosis ms is a complex disease with an unknown etiology and no effective cure despite decades of extensive research that led to the OD of several partially ERP treatments researchers have only limited access to early and immunologically active ms tissue samples and the modification of exp circumstances is much more restricted in human studies compared to studies in animal models for these reasons animal models are needed to clarify the underlying immunepathological mechanisms and test novel therapeutic and reparative approaches it is not possible for a single mouse MM to capture and adequately incorporate all clinical radiological pathological and genetic features of ms the three most commonly studied L1 categories of animal models of ms include the purely autoimmune experimental autoimmuneallergic encephalomyelitis eae the virally induced chronic demyelinating disease models with the main model of theilers murine encephalomyelitis virus tmev infection and toxininduced models of demyelination including the cuprizone MM and focal demyelination induced by LPC lysolecithine eae has been enormously helpful over the past several decades in our overall understanding of cns inflammation immune surveillance and immunemediated tissue injury furthermore eae has directly led to the OD of three approved medications for treatment in multiple sclerosis glatiramer acetate mitoxantrone and natalizumab on the other hand numerous therapeutical approaches that showed promising results in eae turned out to be either ineffective or in some cases harmful in ms the tmev MM features a chronicprogressive disease course that lasts for the entire lifespan in susceptible mice several features of ms including the role and significance of ai and repair the partial independence of disability from demyelination epitope spread from viral to myelin epitopes the significance of remyelination has all been demonstrated in this model tmev based ms models also feature several mri findings of the human disease toxininduced demyelination models has been mainly used to study focal demyelination and remyelination none of the three main animal models described in this review can be considered superior rather they are best viewed as cDNA to one another despite their limitations the rational utilization and application of these models to address TPS research questions will remain one of the most useful tools in studies of human demyelinating diseases | MEDAL |
biomembranes assemble and operate at the interface with electrolyte solutions interactions between ions in solutions and the lipid affect the membrane structure dynamics and electrostatic potential in this article i review some of the exp and computational methods that are used to T0 membraneions interactions experimental methods that account for membraneion interactions directly and indirectly are presented first then studies in which molecular dynamics simulations were used to gain an understanding of membraneion interactions are surveyed finally the current view on membraneion interactions and their significance is briefly discussed | MEDAL |
this research was undertaken to determine the seroprevalence of toxocara canis t canis in children aged years in kütahya to determine the presence of infected larvae in playground sandboxes and to obtain a view of the GA situation regarding visceral larva migrans vlm in the city the blood sera of children ginophils in other asthma subphenotypes including refractory or severely remodeled asthma needs to be evaluated further highthroughput methodologies such as genomics will facilitate the discovery of new markers of inflammation these in turn will aid in the DUE of the role of eosinophils in asthma and its various subphenotypes | MEDAL |
the interrelationship between the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis and the IS has been becoming clear however most research about this interrelationship has been performed by in vitro experiments and by using animal models to know the effect of hypercortisolism on human immune systems in vivo we report at yearold man with typical cushing disease whose specific and nonspecific immunological functions were estimated before and T3 successful TSS we made a diagnosis of cushing disease with dexamethasone suppression test crf stimulation test venous sampling and mri scan before transsphenoidal surgery both plasma acth pgml and urinary free cortisol microgramsday were higher than the normal range and the parameters of specific cdcd ratio SS ig a phacona induced t cell blast formation and nk cell activity and nonspecific neutrophil phagocytosis and bactericidal CF immunological functions were clearly impaired however at weeks and months after the tumor excision when hormonal CA were changed to normal every impaired immunological function was improved to the normal range these data suggest that impaired specific and nonspecific immunological functions were induced by hyercortisolism not only in vitro but also in vivo a state of cushing disease | MEDAL |
the objective of the present study was to determine whether prolonged inhibition of NOS in endothelial cells increased the surface adhesion of these cells for neutrophils human umbilical vein EC cells huvecs were grown to confluence in well microtiter plates SE of huvecs to the NOS inhibitor ngnitrolarginine methyl ester lname did not cause neutrophil adhesion at hour but increased adhesion at hours in a dosedependent manner the increased adhesion was prevented with larginine or nitric oxide donors but not an analogue of cgmp the increased adhesion was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies directed against the beta integrin cd and endothelial cell adhesion molecule icam plateletactivating factor paf receptor antagonist web also prevented the lnameinduced PMNL adhesion intracellular oxygen radical scavengers dimethyl sulfoxide butylated hydroxytoluene and alpha alphadipyridyl the iron chelator desferrioxamine and the mitochondrial inhibitor azide inhibited the lnameinduced neutrophil adhesion whereas extracellular oxygen radical scavengers superoxide dismutase and catalase had no effect huvecs were loaded with dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate and oxidation to the fluorescent dichlorodihydrofluorescein dchf was monitored fluorescence was enhanced in the lnametreated huvecs throughout the hour incubation an event inhibitable by an antioxidant and azide the magnitude of the intracellular oxidation of dchf was equivalent to approximately mumoll ho these data suggest that prolonged nitric oxide synthesis inhibition in huvecs causes an oxidant and pafassociated rise in adhesion on the surface of these endothelial cells for neutrophils | MEDAL |
TN factoralpha tnfalpha produced predominantly by activated mo inhibits leukemic cell growth and may contribute to a graftversusleukemia effect T3 marrow transplantation we examined the recombinant cytokines interferon ifnalpha Th1 granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor gmcsf and macrophage colonystimulating factor mcsf alone or in combination for their ability to induce monocytes from normal donors and patients T3 marrow grafting to express tnfalpha mrna and secrete tnfalpha bioactivity monocytes were isolated from IP blood by percoll separation of erosettenegative cells and cultured with cytokines under nonadherent endotoxinfree conditions TNF transcripts were undetectable in freshly isolated monocytes from normal donors only the combination of ifngammagmcsf was consistently capable of inducing substantial tnfalpha mrna transcript C2 and protein secretion levels of tnfalpha transcripts induced by ifngammagmcsf were maintained for at least h in contrast to lipopolysaccharide lps stimulation which caused tnfalpha mrna C2 to peak after h and decline rapidly thereafter ifngammagmcsf was also capable of inducing a prolonged at least h secretion of tnfalpha bioactivity in contrast greater than of the total TNF bioactivity secreted by lpsstimulated monocytes was secreted in the first h when monocytes were incubated with Th1 CT priming washed and then exposed to gmcsf both TNF mrna expression and tnfalpha protein production occurredabstract truncated at words | MEDAL |
the popularity of personal watercraft is steadily increasing as are injuries related to their use many of these injuries are not reported to law enforcement agencies and available personal watercraft injury statistics are suspected to be inaccurate all personal watercraftrelated of the fetal urinary bladder is well established by weeks and as in older specimens the detrusor receives a sparse noradrenergic nerve supply in contrast the smooth muscle of the terminal ureter is well supplied by this type of autonomic nerve an additional incomplete muscle layer has been identified as a nomal component of the terminal ureter which is richly innervated by NE nerves in some cases this muscle forms a complete collar which may be responsible for ureteric one by comparison with the detrusor bladder neck smooth muscle receives a dense noradrenergic nerve supply particularly in the male unlike the detrusor the structure and innervation of the vas deferens seminal vesicle and prostate are poorly differentiated in the fetus in the infant and child the structure of the intramural smooth muscle of these organs remains immature although a rich NE nerve supply resembing the AD has been established in the fetus by weeks in the fetus autonomic ganglia occur in association with noradrenaline rich paraganglia and surprisingly with sensory nerve endings resembling pacinian corpuscles shortly after birth paraganglia are no longer associated with the autonomic ganglia of the genitourinary system on the basis of size at least two types of autonomic neuron populate these autonomic ganglia one type is relatively C1 and devoid of CAs but is closely associated with pericellular NE nerve MF the second type of neuron is small contains noradrenaline and is arranged in clusters closely related to the capsule of the prostate gland the significance of these observations will be considered with respect to the neurological control of the genitourinary system | MEDAL |
overall and sitespecific xrayinduced damage to porcine pancreatic elastase was studied at atomic resolution at temperatures of and k the experiments confirmed that irradiation causes small movements of protein domains and bound water molecules in protein crystals these structural changes occur not only at k but also at temperatures as low as k an investigation of the deterioration of disulfide bridges demonstrated the following i a decrease in the occupancy of sγ atoms and the appearance of new cysteine rotamers occur simultaneously ii the occupancy decrease is observed for all sγ atoms while new rotamers arise for some of the cysteine residues the appearance of new conformations correlates with the accessibility to solvent iii the sum of the occupancies of the initial and new conformations of a cysteine ents with delayed graft CF dgf required transient hemodialysis none of the recipients or their grafts were lost due to surgical complications we noted acute RE which were all reversed by PP CS mean creatinine levels at and years were and mgdl respectively patient and graft survivals at and years were and and and respectively although of recipients displayed dgf it did not affect VG outcomes in conclusion kidney transplantation from older donors should be considered to be an option for kidney transplantation | MEDAL |
cytochemical investigations were carried out of the activity of peroxidase nitroblue tetrazolium test and level of CP in patients with infectiousallergic and MC cardiosclerosis the activity of peroxidase was reduced in patients with infectiousallergic myocarditis patients with infectiousallergic myocarditis and myocarditic cardiosclerosis revealed an increase of the level of CP the nitroblue tetrazolium test showed elevated values in the neutrophils and lymphocytes in patients with infectiousallergic myocarditis in myocarditic cardiosclerosis patients showed an increase of the activity of nitroblue tetrazolium test in lymphocytes the employed cytochemical methods are of value for the diagnosis of infectiousallergic myocarditis and myocarditic cardiosclerosis | MEDAL |
b cells rely on cd TA helper signals to optimize their responses to tdependent antigens recently another subset of t cells has been identified which provides help for b cells invariant A-NK t inkt cells inkt cells are unique because they provide both innate and adaptive forms of help to B1 with divergent outcomes inkt cells are widely distributed throughout the spleen at rest consolidate in the marginal zone of the SP early T3 activation and are later found in GCs understanding the activation requirements for inkt cells has led to the OD of glycolipid containing NPs which efficiently activate inkt cells enhance their cooperation with B1 and which hold promise for vaccine OD | MEDAL |
in humans the occurrence of bacterial communities in the form of biofilm is considered as a major intrinsic factor accountable for a variety of stubborn infections staphylococcus aureus and s epidermidis have gained considerable attention in clinical settings owing to the formation of intractable and longlasting biofilms in medical device the current study has been designed to explain the biofilm GABA tau of geraniol and CTX combination gcc against s epidermidis and methicillinresistant s aureus mrsa biofilm biomass quantification assay was performed to evaluate the antibiofilm activity of gcc against s epidermidis and mrsa the minimal biofilm GABA concentration of gcc was found to be μgml of geraniol and μgml of cefotaxime further microscopic analyses ascertained the devastating potential of gcc on the test pathogens biofilm formation besides biofilm inhibition gcc also suppressed the production of extracellular polymeric substance slime and staphyloxanthin more gcc significantly increased the susceptibility of the test pathogens towards human blood further the results of real time pcr analysis and in vivo CA using caenorhabditis elegans unveiled the antibiofilm potentials of gcc thus the present study demonstrates the significant use of polytherapy treatment approaches to overcome the biofilm associated infections of staphylococcus spp | MEDAL |
the authors report the results of a comparative T0 between BF and conventional hemodialysis with CU and ans hemodialyzers using ans in conventional hemodialysis and in BF there was an almost total absence of cramps headache nausea vomiting and symptomatic SH even though map and dbw were reduced | MEDAL |
the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of brainderived neurotrophic factor bdnf neurotrophin nt and citicoline on neuronal apoptosis and neurite regeneration in cultured rat retinas exposed to HG hg the retinas of six AD SDRs were studied T3 the rats were euthanized the retinas were isolated and cultured in serumfree medium one group of explants was cultured in normal glucose ng and another group in hg medium hgm bdnf nt or citicoline were added to the hgm after days the number of regenerating neurites was counted then the explants were fixed cryosectioned and stained by tdtdutp terminal nickend labeling tunel and also immunostained for the activeforms of caspase and the numbers of tunelpositive and ICE and immunopositive cells in the GCL layer gcl were significantly higher and the number of regenerating neurites was significantly lower in retinas cultured in hgm than in ng medium retinas incubated in hgm supplemented with bdnf nt or citicoline had significantly lower numbers of tunelpositive and caspase and immunopositive cells in the gcl and the numbers of reg neurites were significantly higher than in hgm without these factors we conclude that the increase in the number of apoptotic cells and decrease the number of reg neurites in the hgm indicate that hg is toxic to rgcs the decrease in the number of AI cells in the hgm containing bdnf nt or citicoline is correlated with the suppression of the ICE and MICs | MEDAL |
the psba genes which encode the d protein of PS ii constitute a multigene family in the cyanobacterium synechococcus sp CS pcc C2 of messages from the three psba genes NC rapidly when cells are shifted from lowlight to highlight conditions the psbai message level drops whereas psbaii and psbaiii message C2 increase dramatically we examined the potential contributions of transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes in these highlight responses by subjecting cells that had been grown in a turbidostat at a standard light intensity microeinsteins microe m s to either the same or a higher light intensity microe m s in the presence or absence of rifampin northern rna blot analysis of rna isolated from cells subjected to high CS showed that the increases in psbaii and psbaiii transcripts were blocked by rifampin this suggests a transcriptional induction of these genes at high CS intensities increased mrna stability does not contribute to their accumulation in highlight conditions since their halflife values did not increase relative to the halflives measured at the standard CS intensity the rate of disappearance of the psbai transcript in cells shifted to HL was diminished when either transcription or translation was blocked by rifampin or chloramphenicol suggesting that accelerated Kd of the message requires de novo synthesis of a protein factor when RFP was added min T3 the shift to high CS intensity rather than before the shift psbai and psbaiii messages but not the psbaii message decayed at a faster rate susceptibility of the psbaiii transcript to the highlightinduced factor was also demonstrated by addition of chloramphenicol prior to the shaft to HL psbaiii transcript levels went up more than twofold higher in chloramphenicoltreated cells than in untreated cells whereas psbaii transcript levels were affected by the inhibitor these experiments provide evidence that either new or increased synthesis of a Kd factor which affects a subset of synechococcus transcripts occurs in cells subjected to HL intensity | MEDAL |
this study was undertaken to find out the prevalence of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mrsa infection in our hospital and to compare their antibiotic susceptibility DP with methicillin CS staphylococcus aureus mssa strains of staphylococcus aureus isolated from various clinical samples were screened for mrsa by disc DWI method using gm oxacillin disc antibiotic sensitivity testing was done by kirbybauers disc diffusion method out of these were identified as mrsa and the remaining were mssa there was a marked difference in antibiotic sensitivity pattern of these m rsa versus the mssa isolates none of the mrsa isolate was found to be CS to amoxycillin while of mssa were sensitive to this antibiotic and of mrsa were sensitive to cotrimoxazole cloxacillin ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol while and of mssa were CS to these antibiotics respectively sensitivity to macrolide group of antibiotics like erythromycin and roxithromycin were seen in and of mrsa in comparison to and of mssa respectively amongst the aminoglycosides like gentamicin and amikacin the sensitivity of mrsa was found to be and and that of mssa was and respectively sensitivity to cephalosporins like cephalexin and cefotaxime was seen in and of mrsa whereas of mssa were sensitive to these antibiotics all staphylococcus aureus isolates were found to be uniformly sensitive to vancomycin majority of the isolates belonged to phage group iii and the common phage types were and | MEDAL |
cervical artery dissection cead occurs more often in autumn or winter than in spring or summer we searched for clinical variables associated with this seasonality by comparing cead patients with onset of PS in autumnâwinter september âmarch versus those with first cead symptom in springâsummer march âseptember we performed a crosssectional T0 using data from the multicenter cadisp cervical artery dissection and ICM stroke patients registry age and sexmatched patients with IS attributable to a cause other than cead noncead patients were analyzed to study the specificity of our findings autumnâwinter cead patients had a higher median brachial PP at admission vs mmhg p and more recent infections vs p but prevalence of trauma was not associated with seasonal ON multivariable LR analysis revealed that higher PP pressure was significantly associated with autumnâwinter cead p while age gender PH of hypertension recent infection and recent trauma were not no association between PP and seasonal occurrence was found in noncead ischemic stroke patients increased pulse pressure was associated with the higher frequency of cead in autumn or winter | MEDAL |
we describe the first case of hypothenar hammer syndrome followed by accelerated SVR sclerosis ssc a sawmill worker with repeated wrist trauma presented with bilateral digital ischemia and fingertip ulcerations hypothenar hammer syndrome involving both hands was diagnosed based on classic angiographic studies showing occlusion of the ulnar arteries at the level of the hamate and occlusions of multiple digital arteries he also had minimal digital swelling telangiectatic lesions on the fingers and a positive fana test resected ulnar arteries showed clearcut changes compatible with both microtrauma and ssc after surgical repair of both ulnar arteries he rapidly developed severe ssc with significant CP involvement | MEDAL |
to determine whether use of the injectable contraceptive depot medroxyprogesterone acetate depoprovera affects the risk of breast CA in women | MEDAL |
perfluoroalkyl substances pfass are widespread industrial pollutants that are extremely persistent in the environment a previous study in the danish national birth cohort dnbc found prenatal perfluorooctanoate pfoa SE was associated with decreased birth weight but had insufficient statistical SP to evaluate adverse birth outcomes here we conducted additional analyses in three samples originating from the dnbc for mothers and infant pairs to evaluate associations between prenatal pfass exposures and low birth weight and PTB maternal PC were measured for six types of pfass in early pregnancy several pfass were associated with a reduction in birth weight and gestational age we estimated a nearly fold increase in risks of preterm birth for the higher quartiles of pfoa and perflourooctanesulfonate pfos exposure in spline models risk of preterm birth was increased for perfluorononanoic acid pfna perfluoroheptane sulfonate pfhps and PFDA pfda in higher exposure ranges we also observed some elevated risks for low birth weight but these estimates were less precise our findings strengthen the evidence that inutero pfass exposures affect fetal growth future studies are needed to evaluate whether these associations persist with the decline of pfoa and pfos in populations and should also investigate newer types of fluorinated EDC introduced more recently | MEDAL |
cytomegalovirus cmv can cause severe morbidity in immunosuppressed patients regional transfusion centres in the uk are required to supply hightitre anticmv plasma to the blood products laboratory itumor activity against a wide variety of tumors til from renal cell cancer rcc typically exhibit diminished growth and antitumor activity T3 four weeks in vitro we have therefore investigated effects of varying doses of interleukin il unitsml on in vitro expansion proliferation cytotoxicity and expression of cell surface phenotypes of long term renal til cultures from three rcc patients among the various conditions tested three of three til cultures displayed a mild increase in cell expansion when grown in il with the addition of unitsml of il two of three til cultures grown in il and uml of il demonstrated enhanced proliferation as determined by hthymidine uptake til could not be isolated or maintained in vitro when grown in the presence of il CT without il il was also found to enhance the long term nonspecific cytotoxicity against an allogeneic nonrenal tumor target no consistent effect on autologous tumorspecific cytotoxicity was demonstrated we conclude that il when used in combination with il may modestly enhance the longterm growth of rccderived til | MEDAL |
previous studies have shown that binding of interleukin il to its receptor and intracellular processing of the ilil BCR appear to be different in b and tlymphocyte cell lines in this T0 we used a blymphoid cell L1 z and tlymphoid cell L1 el c to explore further the differences that exist between IL-2R on cells of b and t lineage we show that a monoclonal antibody against the il receptor on el cells does not bind to the il receptor on z cells this finding suggests that there are structural differences in the extracellular domains of the il receptors on the two cell lines furthermore affinity crosslinking showed that the molecular mass of the il receptor on el is kda whereas that of z is significantly lower kda activation of phospholipidcadependent protein kinase protein kinase c by PMA acetate pma greatly reduced the number of il binding sites on z but in sharp contrast pma had no effect on surface il receptor expression on el cells despite having an equally potent effect in activating protein kinase c the different effects of protein kinase c suggest that the cytoplasmic domains of the IL-2R in z and el may also be different lastly a probe containing the entire coding region of the murine tcell il receptor hybridized under high stringency conditions with mrna from el cells but not with mrna from z cells taken together the observations made in this study suggest that major structural differences exist between the il receptors on b and t lymphocytes | MEDAL |
the characteristics of municipal solid waste incineration mswi FA surface leaching toxicity and successive leaching concentration of heavy metals from mswi fly ashcement hardened pastes were studied and the relationships between leaching concentrations of heavy metals and leaching time were also discussed exp results showed that immobilization effect of cement on mswi FA is good even if mswi fly ashcement hardened pastes were damaged the leaching toxicity is still in a safety range in early leaching stage the surface leaching rate is relatively a little high up to cmd order of magnitude in the later time of leaching its rate rapidly declined down to most of leached heavy metals are produced at early ages the leaching concentration of heavy metals and leaching time has strong positive relationships in factual utilizing circumstances heavy metals leaching from mswi fly ashcement hardened pastes is a very slow and gradually diluting process the leaching toxicity of heavy metals is far lower than that of the national standard of china and minimum harmful matters can be contained and released in the environment reusing of mswi FA as partial replacement for cement in concrete mixes is potentially feasible | MEDAL |
total mesorectal excision tme with CRT therapy is an accepted ST for low rectal cancer although the laparoscopic RPA is accepted for the treatment of CC its value for low rectal cancer is unknown the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether preoperative chemoradiation therapy exerted an adverse influence on laparoscopic tme for low rectal CA | MEDAL |
invasive hemodynamic measurements were made in supine patients with chronic refractory congestive heart failure chf due to ICM heart disease or cardiomyopathy before and after p.o. of a new arteriolar vasodilator endralazine in patients a mg dose of endralazine produced maximal increases in cardiac and stroke volume indexes of and respectively with a reduction in total SVR resistance T3 a mg dose of endralazine cardiac index increased maximally by and stroke BVI by with a decrease in TSR mean arterial pressure decreased mm hg SE of mean with the mg dose and mm hg after the mg dose there were no significant changes in the right atrial pulmonary arterial or PCW pressures C2 of a single dose of endralazine statistically significant hemodynamic changes were observed from to hours with peak responses at to hours these observations suggest that endralazine has hemodynamic properties similar to those of its structural analog hydralazine however endralazine metabolism is largely independent of the patients acetylator status and no cases of SLE erythematosus have been reported T3 longterm oral administration these findings suggest that endralazine may be an efficacious drug that is potentially safer than hydralazine in the treatment of chronic chf | MEDAL |
squamous carcinomas in whtht mice were exposed to the biomedical pion beam at triumf the biological effects of the pion beam were compared to those of kvp x rays the dose rates were radmin gymin for pions and radmin gy for x rays the surviving fraction of epithelioma cells irradiated in vivo was studied using the td CA rbe values for pions were calculated from the ratio of the xray and pion d values and were found to be for oxic cells and for hypoxic cells oer values were for pions and for kvp x rays | MEDAL |
microvesicular steatosis is a potentially severe manifestation of valproic acid hepatotoxicity due to an acquired impairment of mitochondrial function tests currently used to investigate mitochondrial fonction are cumbersome and cannot be used routinely we report on a noninvasive breath test using cmethionine for estimation of mitochondrial function in a case of pure severe valproic acid overdoseinduced microvesicular changes the initially abnormal breath test improved together with the recovery of CL failure in conclusion this observation suggests that the MET breath test may provide a noninvasive estimate of hepatic mitochondrial function in vivo | MEDAL |
broiler chickens were raised on commercial wood shavings containing ppm pentachlorophenol and on control litter consisting of corncob chips initial analysis of the woodshaving litter showed the presence of hepta octa and nonachlorinated diphenyl ethers octa and nonachlorinated phenoxyphenols and hepta and octachlorinated dibenzodioxins analysis of liver fat and muscle tissue T3 nine weeks indicated the assimilation of these EDC with pentachlorophenol being present in the highest concentration chlorinated diphenyl ethers were detectable only in fat while octa and nonachlorinated phenoxyphenols were found in all three tissues examined while CL and fat contained hepta and octachlorinated dibenzodioxins no hexachlorinated congener was detected nor were significant amounts of dioxin found in muscle tissue although gross pathological examination of the birds did not indicate CA a mixed type of hepatic enzyme induction was observed in those birds raised on wood shavings | MEDAL |
cardiac ultrasound plays a pivotal role in assessing pulmonary artery pressures estimation of RA atrial pressure can be derived from the dimensions and respiratory variation of the VPI vena cava and doppler modalities provide an accurate and comprehensive evaluation of RA ventricular and PAPs peak pulmonary i.a. pressure can be calculated from continuous PWD sampling of the tricuspid regurgitant jet while pulsed wave doppler sampling of the pulmonary regurgitant jet allows DUE of mean and diastolic PAPs in patients with tricuspid regurgitation that is either absent or not adequately detectable by doppler method doppler right VVI outflow tract investigation can be helpful recent data indicate that analysis of RA VF using myocardial doppler echocardiography may also provide new insights for the noninvasive estimation of pulmonary artery pressures in particular RA VVI isovolumic EC50 time measured by myocardial doppler echocardiography at the tricuspid annulus may provide an alternative method for estimating pulmonary artery pressure especially in patients with TR not detectable or spectral doppler not properly interpretable | MEDAL |
we have been studying the mitogen hyporesponsiveness and IS induced in chronic murine graftvshost disease gvhd induced across minor H-2 miha barriers in this system donor and recipient mice are H-2 complex and mlsidentical and are nonreactive in primary mixed leukocyte reactions spleen cells from bd hd mls b mice were injected into irradiated rad balbc hd mls b recipients recipient spleen cells are hyporesponsive to mitogens and contain natural suppressor ns cells we investigated the cellular requirements for both the in vivo induction and the in vitro expression of this gvh suppression t cells are required in the VG but they are not sufficient to induce suppression and a nont cell population is also required for maximum induction in vivo t cells are also required for the maximum expression of ns cell suppressive ability in vitro early in the course of gvh the suppressor cells are able to suppress the con a and lps response of all mouse strains tested except for the relative difficulty in suppressing the bd lps response later they become almost CR unable to suppress the bd lps response while still being able to suppress the con a and lps response of all other strains tested including the bd con a response this inability to suppress a bd lps response can be brought back to almost CR suppression by the addition of concanavalin a supernatant cas we present a hypothesis to explain what may be a common mechanism for gvhinduced suppression total lymphoid irradiationinduced suppression and neonatal tolerance these situations all include rapidly proliferating lymphohematopoietic SC populations and also have C1 numbers of ns cells ns cells can suppress proliferating lymphoid populations and their OD and activity are greatly enhanced by t cell signals such as are supplied by donor TA in chronic gvhd thus ns cells may feed back on and downregulate selfreactive t cells or TA responding to introduced foreign antigens | MEDAL |
obesityassociated hyperaminoacidemia is traditionally interpreted as a consequence of insulin resistance we performed two different experiments to investigate the effects of both obesityassociated insulin resistance and the insulin resistance of NIDDM niddm on CAA metabolism in the first experiment we measured PA CAA concentrations and their decline in response to an oral carbohydrate load in obese nondiabetic women and normalweight nondiabetic controls obese subjects were more resistant to insulin with respect to its effects on gl metabolism than normalweight controls as calculated by the method described by matthews however postabsorptive plasma concentrations of the socalled large NAA lnaa namely phenylalanine tyrosine valine leucine and isoleucine and their decrease in response to carbohydrate consumption were similar in both groups in the second experiment we compared the decrease of plasma concentrations of lnaa during a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp in obese subjects with and without niddm IP glucose uptake pgu was more impaired in niddm subjects compared with obese controls furthermore hepatic glucose production hgp was less attenuated by insulin infusion in niddm than in control subjects postabsorptive plasma lnaa concentrations were not different in the two groups values obtained in either group were not different from the postabsorptive concentrations in the normalweight control subjects of experiment all CAA levels decreased substantially in response to insulin infusion the magnitude of the decrease was not significantly different in the two CG except for a slightly greater decrease of the plasma isoleucine concentration in obese control subjectsabstract truncated at words | MEDAL |
the aim of the study was to examine the value of the FBP fbp and the doppler cerebroumbilical ratio cu in the assessment of peripartal cardiotocography ctg in growthretarded fetuses | MEDAL |
we have studied the effect of an activator of soluble guanylate cyclase dimethyloxadiazolodpyridazine trioxide fpto on the tone and nitrergic EC50 responses of mouse cavernous strips and compared fpto to a known nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside fpto thioldependently generated nitric oxide measured by polarography and activated purified human sGC fpto and sodium nitroprusside relaxed the cavernous tissue in a concentrationdependent manner a nitricoxide synthase inhibitor nomeganitrolarginine did not alter the relaxations to fpto or sodium nitroprusside whereas soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor hoxadiazoloaquinoxalinone odq suppressed relaxation to fpto and sodium nitroprusside exogenously added thiols lcysteine or dithiothreitol inhibited the relaxant responses to fpto but not to sodium nitroprusside whereas glutathione did not influence the responses to both agents thiol alkylation agent nethylmaleimide significantly enhanced fptoinduced EC50 and thiolmodifying agent diamide inhibited relaxation to fpto the potentiating effect of nethylmaleimide was neutralized by coadministration of nethylmaleimide with glutathione lcysteine dithiothreitol or odq nethylmaleimide but not diamide significantly inhibited EC50 induced by sodium nitroprusside fpto potently suppressed contraction to electrical FS which was prevented by glutathione or lcysteine in addition fpto did not affect EC50 produced by EFS in phenylephrineprecontracted tissue our results show that fpto can relax mouse CC and that the relaxant activity of this agent is thiol and soluble guanylate cyclasedependent this effect could be potentiated by nethylmaleimide fpto does nothe separation of calycosin and formononetin from the ethyl acetate extract of AM bge var mongholicus bge hsiao calycosin was obtained by hsccc with a binary phase solvent system composed of nhexanechloroformmethanolwater vv then formononetin was obtained with a system composed of nhexanechloroformmethanolwater vv the mobile phase was the lower phase and operated at a flowrate of mlmin while the apparatus rotated at rmin high performance LC analysis of calycosin and formononetin revealed that their purities were over hsccc is a useful method for the separation of NK products | MEDAL |
many insect species use multicomponent sex pheromones to discriminate among potential mating partners in moths pheromone blends tend to be dominated by one or two L1 components but behavioral responses are frequently optimized by the inclusion of less abundant minor components an increasing number of studies have shown that female insects use these chemicals to convey their mating availability to males who can assess the maturity of females and thus decide when to mate however little is known about the biological mechanisms that enable males to assess female reproductive status in this T0 we found that females of helicoverpa armigera avoid nonoptimal mating by inhibiting males with pheromone antagonist cishexadecenol zoh we also show that this antagonistmediated optimization of mating time ensures maximum fecundity to further investigate molecular aspects of this phenomenon we used the crisprcas system to knock out odorant receptor or the only pheromone receptor tuned to zoh in mutant males electrophysiological and behavioral responses to zoh were abolished inability to detect zoh prompted the males to mate with immature females which resulted in significantly reduced viability of eggs in conclusion our T0 demonstrates that the sensitivity of or to zoh regulates optimal mating time and thus ensures maximum fecundity these results may suggest novel strategies to disrupt pest insect mating | MEDAL |
the goal of this study was to understand the mechanisms behind the changes in plasma nox during HR failure heart failure is associated with an increase in plasma nitrate C2 and yet most experimental evidence demonstrates a reduction in eNOS production during HR failure dogs were chronically instrumented for measurement of SVR hemodynamics and left ventricular lv dimensions NF were paced at bpm for weeks n and then bpm for week n hemodynamics arterial blood gases plasma nox and creatinine C2 were monitored weekly HR failure was evidenced by cachexia ascites and hemodynamic alterations RHR rose to bpm and lv dpdt fell to mm hgs while lv end Pd quadrupled to mm hg and diastolic WS quadrupled to gcm all p these changes occurred during a doubling in plasma nox to microm p there were no changes in plasma nox through weeks of pacing PCr levels increased from to mg stimulated nitrite production by agonists in sieved coronary microvessels was unchanged after weeks of pacing but was reduced T3 HR failure plasma nox did not correlate with lv dpdt or systolic wall AS but correlated directly with lv edp or diastolic wall stress and inversely with cardiac work plasma nox rose in direct relation to plasma creatinine C2 y x r suggesting that the rise in plasma nox during HF is due to decreased renal function not increased no production | MEDAL |
the direct analysis of pharmaceutical formulations and active ingredients from nonbonded RP thin SL chromatography rptlc plates by desorption electrospray ionisation desi combined with ion mobility mass spectrometry imms is reported the analysis of formulations containing analgesic PAR decongestant ephedrine opiate codeine and stimulant caffeine AS pharmaceutical ingredients is described with and without chromatographic OD to separate the AS ingredients from the excipient formulation selectivity was enhanced by combining ion mobility and mass spectrometry to characterise the desorbed gasphase analyte ions on the basis of masstocharge ratio mz and gasphase ion mobility drift time the solvent composition of the desi spray using a step gradient was varied to optimise the desorption of AS pharmaceutical ingredients from the rptlc plates the combined rptlcdesiimms RPA has potential as a rapid and selective technique for pharmaceutical analysis by orthogonal gasphase electrophoretic and m/z separation | MEDAL |
a yearold girl presented with a unilateral C6 nerve palsy and papilledema T3 a severe HA magnetic resonance imaging showed thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus and PT right transverse sinus that were attributed to oral contraceptive use T3 a coagulation workup was negative SVR anticoagulation caused a hemorrhagic papillopathy in both eyes raising the question as to whether anticoagulation should be discontinued diagnostic and management issues regarding CBF venous sinus thrombosis with secondary intracranial hypertension are discussed | MEDAL |
obstructive sleep apnea occurs frequently in patients with drugresistant hypertension the AF accounting for this observation however are unclear both conditions demonstrate clinical features suggestive of ECF volume overload the aims of this T0 were to examine whether the spontaneous overnight fluid shift from the legs to the upper body is associated with obstructive SA in hypertensive subjects and whether its magnitude is greater in drugresistant hypertension leg fluid volume and the circumference of the calf and neck were measured before and T3 sleep in DR hypertensive n and controlled hypertensive n subjects undergoing overnight polysomnography the severity of obstructive SA was greater in the DR hypertensive group than in the controlled hypertensive group apneahypopnea index ± versus ± events per hour of sleep p casemix adjusted in both groups the apneahypopnea index strongly related to the amount of leg fluid volume displaced r² p although the magnitude of change was greater in the drugresistant hypertensive group ± versus ± ml p propensityscore adjusted the overnight reduction in calf circumference and increase in neck circumference were also greater in DR hypertension both p ⤠in hypertensive subjects rostral fluid displacement strongly relates to the severity of obstructive SA with its magnitude being greater in DR hypertension our findings support the concept that fluid redistribution centrally during sleep accounts for the high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in DR hypertension | MEDAL |
MVR is the procedure of choice to treat mitral valve dysfunction advantages of MVR over mitral VR include improved LTS better preservation of left VVI CF and greater freedom from endocarditis thromboembolism and anticoagulantrelated hemorrhage the feasibility and durability of MVR depend upon the etiology of mitral valve dysfunction in degenerative and ICM mitral valve diseases valve repair is possible in of cases and freedom from reoperation is high in contrast rheumatic valves are less amenable to repair and durability is limited most isolated valve operations can be performed in a minimally invasive fashion using a partial upper sternotomy in patients with atrial fibrillation and MVD the maze procedure or pulmonary vein isolation is performed eliminating atrial fibrillation and the need for LT anticoagulation | MEDAL |
DUE of the accuracy of direct computation of multiple threedimensional d flow convergence fc isovelocities by using digital reconstruction of colour doppler data of the flow convergence region | MEDAL |
spontaneous MI recombination occurs in response to dna damage incurred during dna replication or from lesions that do not block replication but leave recombinogenic substrates such as ssDNA gaps other types of damages result in general genome instability such as chromosome loss chromosome fragmentation and chromosome rearrangements the genome is kept IN through recombination repair replication checkpoints and chromosome organization functions therefore when these pathways malfunction genomic instabilities occur here we outline some general strategies to monitor a subset of the genomic instabilities spontaneous MI recombination and chromosome loss in both haploid and 2C the assays while not inclusive of all genome instability assays give a broad assessment of GA genome damage or inability to repair damage in various genetic backgrounds | MEDAL |
chondrocalcinosis cc most commonly results from calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition cppd the objective of this study is to examine the association between candidate singlenucleotide polymorphisms snps and radiographic cc | MEDAL |
skeletal muscle CPT and muscle or CL carnitine content were determined in biopsies from children during and after attacks of reye syndrome no consistent abnormality of enzyme or cofactor was found reye syndrome is biochemically distinct from the clinically similar syndrome of systemic carnitineh cs gammarays based on a comparison of d values evaluated from the survival curves dna sedimentation studies showed that although kvp xrays were times more ERP than cs gammarays in producing dna doublestrand breaks there was no sigificant difference between the two qualities of radiation with respect to the initial number of singlestrand breaks produced when the cells were irradiated and allowed to repair maximally in minimal medium times more unrepaired dna singlestrand breaks remained per krad after irradiation with kvp xrays than with cs gammarays the increased yield of dna doublestrand breaks resulting from kvp xradiation may account for most of these additional unrepaired singlestrand breaks since single and doublestrand breaks are indistinguishable on ALP SU gradients these results suggest that the greater rbe of kvp xrays may be related to an increased effectiveness for producing dna doublestrand breaks compared with the higher energy cs gammarays | MEDAL |
the presence of BM significantly affects clinical outcome and SQ of life parameters in patients with lung CA in this review we aimed to evaluate the predictive value of markers of bone turnover in skeletal morbidity and clinical parameters including diseasefree survival dfs and overall survival os in patients with lung cancer metastatic to the skeleton who were receiving bisphosphonate treatment a comprehensive overview of all articles published from to date in medical databases pubmed scopus and cochrane was performed using the keywords bone markers and lung CA most bone formation markers including bone ALP phosphatase balp osteocalcin oc and osteoprotegerin opg most bone absorption markers including urinary calcium osteopontin opn receptor activator of nuclear factor κb ligand rankl tartrateresistant acid phosphatase isoformb tracp b and the metabolites of type i collagen had elevated concentrations in patients with lungs in incongruent trials in primingfree sequences experiment and complete alternation sequences of experiment with incongruent previous trials there was no error stroop effect while this effect was significant with congruent previous trials these results indicate that cognitive control may modulate performance above and beyond priming effects | MEDAL |
we present a systematic study of the stability and morphology of complex coacervate core micelles cms formed from polyacrylic acid paa and polynmethylvinylpyridiniumbpolyethylene oxide pmvpbpeo we use polarized and depolarized dynamic and static light scattering combined with smallangle xray scattering to investigate how the polymer chain length and salt concentration affect the stability size and shape of these micelles we show that cms are formed in AQ solution below a critical salt concentration which increases considerably with increasing paa and pmvp length and C2 off for long chains this trend is in good PA with a meanfield MM of PE complexation based on the voornoverbeek theory in addition we find that salt induces morphological changes in cms when the paa homopolymer is sufficiently short from spherical micelles with a diameter of several tens of nanometers at low salt concentration to wormlike micelles with a contour length of several hundreds of nanometers just before the critical salt concentration by contrast cms of long paa homopolymers remain spherical upon addition of salt and shrink slightly a critical review of existing literature on other cms reveals that the transition from spherical to wormlike micelles is probably a general phenomenon which can be rationalized in terms of a classical packing parameter for amphiphiles | MEDAL |
from june to june a comparative study was carried out in non hodgkins lymphoma patients toevaluate the effect and side effects of two multidrug chemotherapy regimens group a cyclophosphamide mitoxantrone vincristine prednisone and group b cyclophosphamide epirubicin vincristine prednisone the response rate was in group a patients and was in group b patients by the end of august patients in group a were still alive with a median survival of months while patients in group b were living with a median survivalto the IN dura over the left parietal cortex three days T3 injury the rats were anesthetized with a continuous intravenous infusion of pentobarbital until they first did not respond to tail clamp stimulation the brains were then removed for determination of pentobarbital by highperformance liquid chromatography the brain pentobarbital concentration required to prevent response to tail clamp ec was reduced from nmolg mean standard deviation in rats without brain injury to nmolg in the injured animals p the cortical serotonin ht concentration was increased from pmolg in uninjured rats to pmolg p less than in injured animals ipsilateral to the lesion pretreatment of the rats with pchlorophenylalanine pcpa mgkg by intraperitoneal i.t. to inhibit ht synthesis abolished both the increase in ht concentration associated with the injury left cortex pmolg right SC pmolg and the effect of the lesion on ec uninjured ec nmolg injured ec nmolg prevention of the decrease in ec by inhibition of ht synthesis provides support for a PET role for ht in the influence of cold injury on the pharmacodynamics of pentobarbital | MEDAL |
the use of chronic opioids for patients with chronic nonmalignant pain cnmp is a common problem for FPs yet little is known about the management of cnmp in family medicine offices | MEDAL |
evaluation of pagano mb bartoli ma ennis tl et al critical role of dipeptidyl peptidase i in PMNL recruitment during the development of exp ABD aortic aneurysms proc natl acad sci usa in this study the authors used dipeptidyl peptidase i dppi genetargeted mice and an aortic PE perfusioninduced mouse abdominal aortic aneurysm aaa MM to examine the role of dppi also termed cat c in the OD of aaa mice lacking this protease are resistant to aaa formation interestingly these authors found that dppi activity controls neutrophil recruitment to the CS of inflammation specifically aaa lesions in this case by producing chemokine cxcl neutrophils in aaa lesions recruit additional neutrophils to the lesion CS where these cells utilize dppi to activate neutrophil serine proteases including NE cat g and proteinase which may be further used to stimulate macrophage cytokine and chemokine production in addition to dppideficient mice the authors also used antibodies against neutrophils gr or cxcl receptor cxcr to deplete neutrophils or to block the action of neutrophil chemokines to affirm their hypothesis | MEDAL |
previous xray diffraction studies on the alphakeratins of hair and wool have revealed that the intermediate filaments if have a helical structure rendered imperfect by a precisely defined dislocation it has also been possible to deduce a surface lattice for the if and to determine the number of if molecules associated with each lattice point in this work this information is combined with data on the ionic interactions between the coiledcoil rope segments of the if molecules to provide a plausible MM for the DP of interactions that stabilize the FR of the if in the hard alphakeratins similar interaction studies of the proteins from the if in the socalled soft alphakeratin from the SC layer of the skin suggest that they are likely to have an essentially similar pattern | MEDAL |
unplanned intensive care admission is a devastating complication of lung resection and is associated with significantly increased mortality we carried out a twoyear retrospective national multicentre cohort study to investigate the influence of anaesthetic and analgesic technique on the need for unplanned postoperative intensive care admission all patients undergoing lung resection surgery in thoracic surgical centres in the uk in the calendar years and were included we defined critical care admission as the unplanned need for either tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation or RRT and sought an association between mode of anaesthesia TIVA vs volatile and analgesic technique EPI vs paravertebral and need for intensive care admission a total of out of patients undergoing lung resection in the T0 period had an unplanned admission to intensive care in the postoperative period giving an incidence of intensive care unit admission of ci patients who had an unplanned admission to intensive ECU had a higher mortality vs p and hospital length of stay was increased vs days p across univariate complete case and multiple imputation multivariate models there was a strong and significant effect of both anaesthetic and analgesic technique on the need for intensive care admission patients receiving TIVA or ci and patients receiving epidural analgesia or ci were less likely to have an unplanned admission to intensive care after thoracic surgery this C1 retrospective study suggests a significant effect of both anaesthetic and analgesic technique on outcome in patients undergoing lung resection we must emphasise that the observed association does not directly imply causation and suggest that wellconducted largescale randomised controlled trials are required to address these fundamental questions | MEDAL |
in any T0 there remains a proportion of cases about where cause of splenomegaly is not identified on usual evaluation that is labelled as indeterminate group the aim of this T0 was to evaluate various causes of splenomegaly thereafter the patients with splenomegaly of ind origin were to be reevaluated with detailed investigations for the cause of splenomegaly causes of splenomegaly were looked into AD patients with splenomegaly admitted over a period of ten months in a teaching hospital in south india patients having ascites were excluded from the T0 malaria was the commonest cause of splenomegaly observed in patients other causes in order of importance were chronic myeloid leukaemia n noncirrhotic portal fibrosis n enteric fever n cirrhosis of liver n and HMS also called as tropical splenomegaly syndrome n and so on HMS was the commonest cause of patients of massive splenomegaly twentythree patients had splenomegaly of indeterminate origin ie cause could not be detected on first assessment detailed reevaluation with repeat investigations including CL biopsy revealed the causes as follows hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly noncirrhotic portal fibrosis cirrhosis of CL and iron deficiency anaemia in patients no diagnosis could be arrived at despite best efforts obscure splenomegalies may be due to conditions like hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly noncirrhotic portal fibrosis ID anaemia and even cirrhosis of CL while malaria is still the most important cause of splenomegaly in india whereas the overall incidence of HMS was only in this T0 it stood as the leading cause when analysed among patients with massive splenomegaly liver biopsy should be performed in all cases of obscure splenomegaly to arrive at the final diagnosis | MEDAL |
activitydependent alteration in synaptic strength is a fundamental property of the vertebrate CNS system and is thought to underlie learning and SM the most extensively studied MM of activitydependent synaptic plasticity is LT potentiation ltp of glutamateresponsive glutamatergic synapses a widespread phenomenon involving multiple mechanisms the best characterized form of ltp occurs in the ca region of the hippocampus in which ltp is initiated by transient activation of nmda nmethyldaspartate receptors and is expressed as a persistent increase in synaptic transmission through ampa alphaaminohydroxymethylisoxazolepropionate receptors this increase is due at least in part to a postsynaptic modification of ampareceptor function this modification could be caused by an increase in the number of receptors their open probability their kinetics or their singlechannel conductance here we show that the induction of ltp in the ca region of the hippocampus is often associated with an increase in singlechannel conductance of ampa receptors this shows that elementary channel properties can be rapidly modified by synaptic activity and provides an insight into one molecular mechanism by which glutamatergic synapses can alter their strength | MEDAL |
the MPS mpss are a group of disorders caused by inherited defects in lysosomal enzymes resulting in widespread intra and extracellular accumulation of glycosaminoglycans they have been subdivided according to enzyme defect and SVR manifestations and include mps ih hurler mps is scheie mps ihs hurlersheie mps ii hunter mps iii sanfilippo mps iv morquio mps vi maroteauxlamy mps vii sly and mps ix natowicz the MPS have a spectrum of systemic manifestations including airway and respiratory compromise skeletal deformities intellectual and neurological impairment cardiac abnormalities and gastrointestinal problems ocular manifestations are common in the mucopolysaccharidoses and may result in significant CVI corneal opacification of varying severity is frequently seen as well as retinopathy optic nerve swelling and atrophy ocular hypertension and glaucoma new treatment modalities for the SVR manifestations of the mucopolysaccharidoses include bone marrow SPK and enzyme replacement therapy and have resulted in an improved prognosis in many cases this article reviews the systemic and ocular manifestations of the mucopolysaccharidoses as well as new treatment options and discusses the ophthalmic management of mucopolysaccharidosis patients | MEDAL |
the electrochemical composition of endolymph el of two adjacent cochlear turns was studied in anesthetized rats differences in kel clel and EP ep were found between the basal turn mm n mm n mv n respectively and the middle turn mm n mm n mv n respectively the ph values of inner ear fluids were evaluated with DMO el ph of either turn was not different from blood and perilymph pl ph acetazolamide mg x kg body wt reduced ep and clel at each turn by about and respectively but kel was unchanged the electrochemical differences between the two turns persisted acetazolamide produced a unit decrease in blood ph while the ph values of el and pl remained unchanged these results suggest the existence of an EC gradient within el from the base to the apex of the cochlea involving k and cl concentrations h and hco do not appear to participate in this gradient and the acidbase status in el could be maintained both by AS h transport into el and by hco formation in the cochlear epithelium | MEDAL |
in higher plants asparagine synthetase as plays an important role in regulating the nitrogen sinksource relationship we studied the expression of as genes in five chinese soybean cultivars exhibiting contrasting seed protein contents we found that only the as but not the as gene was induced by dark treatment on the other hand the expression of as in leaves especially in trifoliate leaves of young seedlings showed a positive correlation with seed protein contents in the soybean cultivars tested therefore in spite of the fact that the principle transporting compounds in soybean plants for nitrogen acquired via symbiotic fixation are ureides as may still play an important role in the process of nitrogen assimilation | MEDAL |
present T0 was designed to evaluate the biosurfactant production potential by native strains of bacillus cereus as well as determine their antimicrobial and antioxidant MICs the strains isolated from garden soil were characterized as b cereus mmic mmic and mmic biosurfactants were extracted as grey white precipitates optimum conditions for biosurfactant production were °c the th day of incubation nacl ph moreover corn steep liquor was the best carbon source biuret test thin SL chromatography tlc agar double diffusion and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ftir characterized the biosurfactants as cationic lipopeptides biosurfactants exhibited significant antibacterial and antifungal activity against s aureus e coli p aeruginosa k pneumoniae a niger and c albicans at mgml moreover they also possessed antiviral activity against ndv at mgml cytotoxicity assay in bhk cell lines revealed cell survival at mgml of biosurfactants and thus considered as safe they also showed very good antioxidant activity by ferricreducing activity and dpph scavenging activity at mgml consequently the study offers an insight for the exploration of new bioactive molecules from the soil it was concluded that lipopeptide biosurfactants produced from native strains of b cereus may be recommended as safe antimicrobial emulsifier and antioxidant agent | MEDAL |
homooligomerization of bax or bak has been hypothesized to be responsible for cell death through the mitochondriadependent apoptosis pathway however partly due to a lack of structural information on the bax homooligomerization and apoptosis inducing domains this hypothesis has remained difficult to test in this study we identified a threehelix unit comprised of the bh helix and bh domains helix and helix as the homooligomerization domain of bax when targeted to mitochondria this minimum oligomerization unit induced apoptosis in baxbak MEFs dko strikingly the CE helix of bax helix when replacing the corresponding helix helix of bclxl an Bcl-2 bcl family protein structurally rat to bax converted bclxl into a baxlike molecule capable of forming oligomers and causing apoptosis in the dko cells finally a series of systematic mutagenesis analyses revealed that homooligomerization is both necessary and sufficient for the AI activity of bax these results suggest that AS bax causes mitochondrial damage through homooligomers perimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis eae an exp MM for the human disease multiple sclerosis ms the development of eae requires cd expression on both TA and nont host cells in the cns to understand the role of cd on the resident cells in the cns during eae OD we created cd bone marrow chimeras and transgenic mice in which cd expression was under the control of a glial fibrillary acidic protein promotor astrocdtg mice we showed that mice lacking cd expression on the cns resident cells developed a mild form of eae in contrast mice with overexpression of cd in the cns developed severe eae compared with nontransgenic mice the cns of astrocdtg mice had higher expression of cytokine genes such as il and demyelinationassociated marker p the cns of astrocdtg mice accumulated higher numbers of th and total cd t cells whereas cd t cells underwent more proliferation during eae OD expression of cd in cddeficient astrocytes also enhanced their costimulatory activity to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoproteinspecific tcrtransgenic d TA thus cd on the resident cells in the cns enhances eae OD via costimulation of encephalitogenic t cells because cd is increased drastically on resident cells in the cns during eae our data have important implications for cdtargeted therapy of ms | MEDAL |
patientreported outcome pro data are integral to patient care policy decision making and healthcare delivery pro assessment in pressure ulcers is in its infancy with few studies including pros as study outcomes further there are no pressure ulcer pro instruments available | MEDAL |
we have isolated via differential screening of a petunia hybrida petal cdna library a cdna clone that corresponds to the rt locus which controls the conversion of anthocyanidinglucosides to anthocyanidinrutinosides by the udp rha anthocyanidinglucoside rhamnosyltransferase rt the cdna encodes a amino acid long polypeptide with regions of similarity to the udp glucose flavonoid glucosyltransferases gt from barley and maize some CS similarity was also observed with nonplant GTs two aberrant transcripts are present in most of the rtrt petunia lines examined excision of a transposon from an unstable rt locus of one petunia line tr is associated with a change in transcript size back to wildtype the rt transcript is most abundant in petals from flowers at an early stage of OD and levels decline as the flower matures transcripts are also detected in the style and anthers but not in leaf stem root petiole ovary or sepals incubation of leaves in glucose under high light conditions induces the expression of the rt gene as well as other flavonoid pathway genes in situ hybridization revealed that the rt transcript predominantly accumulates in the epidermal cells of the petal the site of anthocyanin accumulation | MEDAL |
the effects of arginine VT on the pattern of glomerular perfusion in an elasmobranch fish were examined using an in situ perfused renal trunk preparation a significant antidiuresis was coupled with a marked reduction in the proportion of filtering glomeruli and an increase in the proportion of perfused but not filtering and nonperfused glomeruli however the reduction in filtering glomeruli was greater than predicted by measurements of urine flow rate and glomerular filtration rate CT suggesting that alterations in single nephron glomerular filtration rate may occur | MEDAL |
meckels diverticulum an omphalomesenteric remnant caused by the failure of the vitelline duct to involute by the seventh or eight week of gestation was first described in by johann friederick meckel it is the most common congenital abnormality of the small intestine it is usually located in the last cm of the terminal ileum and is formed by all layers of the small intestine it frequently contains heterotopic tissue usually gastric mucosa here we report a yearold WG female who presented to the emergency ward with abdominal pain laparatomy was performed with the diagnosis of acute abdomen a MD was found in the MES aspect of the ileum histologic examination of the specimen revealed the presence of pancreatic tissue and oxyntic and antral type GM showing chronic peptic ulceration apart from intestinal mucosa this case report underlines the need for a revision in our understanding and classification of meckels diverticulum | MEDAL |
broadbean vicia faba l leaf discs have been incubated with the slowly permeant thiol reagent hgparachloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid pcmbs in the presence or in the absence of sucrose and the release of pcmbslabeled proteins has been monitored in media containing various concentrations of urea ethyleneglycolbisbetaaminoethyl ethern n n ntetraacetic acid egta sodium cholate sodium dodecyl sulfate triton x octylglucoside or cholamidopropyldimethylammonio propanesulfonate chaps the proteins differentially labeled by pcmbs in the presence of SU which on the basis of previous results are assumed to include the sucrose carrier were preferentially solubilized by chaps octylglucoside or triton x other pcmbslabeled proteins background proteins could be partially removed by egta urea or cholate sequential treatment by mm egta and chaps was found to give a fraction highly EC in the differentially labeled proteins analysis of the specific activity of microsomal pellets suggests that the results obtained with leaf discs give a good account of what is occurring at the plasma membrane level these data which suggest that the proteins differentially labeled by pcmbs in the presence of sucrose are intrinsic membrane proteins can be used to solubilize these proteins from microsomal fractions | MEDAL |
important pain transducers of noxious stimuli are small and mediumdiameter SNs that express transient receptor vanilloid trpv channels andor adenosine triphosphate atpgated px receptors whose activity is upregulated by endogenous neuropeptides in acute and CP models little is known about the role of endogenous modulators in restraining the expression and function of trpv and px receptors in dorsal root ganglia evidence supports the involvement of the natriuretic peptide system in the modulation of nociceptive transmission especially via the BNP bnp that activates the natriuretic peptide receptora npra to downregulate sensory neuron excitability since the role of bnp in trigeminal ganglia tg is unclear we investigated the expression of bnp in mouse tg in situ or in primary cultures and its effect on px and trpv receptors of patchclamped cultured neurons against scant expression of bnp almost all SN expressed npra at membrane level while bnp rapidly increased cgmp production and akt kinase phosphorylation there was no early NC in passive neuronal properties or responses to CAP αβmeatp or gaba nonetheless h application of bnp depressed trpv mediated currents an effect blocked by the npra antagonist anantin without changing responses to αβmeatp or gaba anantin alone decreased basal cgmp production and enhanced control αβmeatpevoked responses implying constitutive regulation of px receptors by ambient bnp these data suggest a slow modulatory action by bnp on trpv and px receptors outlining the role of this peptide as a negative regulator of TG SN excitability to nociceptive stimuli | MEDAL |
the working formulation wf for the classification of nonhodgkins lymphomas was shown to be reproducible and clinically relevant in the original T0 however it has not yet been tested by an ncisupported cooperative clinical oncology group as a result the hematopathology subcommittee of the eastern cooperative oncology group ecog undertook a retrospective T0 to compare concordance and practical utility between the wf and the rappaport classification rc data indicate that with appropriate modifications to minimize unclassifiable lymphomas the wf can be effectively utilized in cooperative clinical oncology CG | MEDAL |
the study goal was to determine the technical feasibility and outcomes associated with pancreaticoduodenectomy for periampullary malignancies with near or CR SMA venous smv obstruction a retrospective examination of patients with highgrade or complete smv one who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy at five academic medical centers is reviewed pancreaticoduodenectomy for T4 periampullary HM causing highgrade or complete smv one is technically feasible operative approaches and outcomes are presented one day death was observed median survival of the cohort is months survivals exceeding years postresection have been observed in a number of cases significant palliation of pain and of biliary and duodenal obstruction were achieved based on this initial series pancreaticoduodenectomy in the presence of near or total smv obstruction is feasible may result in an r resection and may be beneficial in select patients with a periampullary malignancy we suggest such an RPA be considered particularly following completion of neoadjuvant therapy without SVR progression further studies and more longterm followup at highvolume centers are required however to better determine the indications and potential benefit of such an undertaking | MEDAL |
testosterone is an endocrine disruptor that is released into the environment from NK and anthropogenic sources the objective of this study was to achieve a better understanding of the complex fate and transport of this labile compound in an undisturbed agricultural soil a hamar sandy mixed frigid typic endoaquolls this wahus the purpose of this T0 was to investigate the involvement of the vasodilators BK and desargbk and kallikrein activity in PEH promoted by min of CE ce or circuit weighttraining cwt bouts in normotensive and hypertensive individuals a significant decrease in mean arterial pressure at and min T3 ce and min T3 cwt was observed in normotensive individuals hypertensive values of MAP pressure were significantly reduced at and min T3 ce and at min T3 cwt before exercise plasma bradykinin concentrations and kallikrein activity were higher in hypertensive compared to normotensive volunteers kinin levels increased in the groups evaluated at the end of the training period and min postexercise these data suggest that the kallikreinkinin system may be involved in postexercise hypotension in normotensive and hypertensive individuals subjected to ce and cwt bouts | MEDAL |
a continuously paced shuttle walk test swtp was developed to test the hypothesis that speed and rhythm could be more optimally imposed by an easiertofollow sound CS- at every step the objective of this study was to assess the reproducibility of the swtp and to compare the performance of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease copd on the conventional and optimally paced forms of the test | MEDAL |
the biliary system and MDP of male guinea pigs were examined in vivo using intravital microscopy study of the photomicrographs and videotape recordings indicated that biliary organs changed with age and growth of the guinea pigs physiological data including the frequency of sphincteric contractions were recorded and efforts were made to correlate these data with changes in structure thought to be due to maturation the volume of smooth muscle in the bile duct sphincter measured using histological sections increased with age as did surface area of the mucosa the bile duct was separate from the pancreatic duct in each of guinea pigs study of the guinea pig extrahepatic biliary system ebs allowed the isolated examination of effects of maturation on bile duct capacity the anatomical reason for this is that the ampulla of the bile duct emptied into the duodenum independently of the PD at the MDP the duct of the pancreas entered the duodenum distally caudally to the major duodenal papilla on the minor DU papilla the separation of biliary and pancreatic ducts simplified the making of casts of the ebs it is important to consider this feature in selection of a MM for studies of bile duct function in living animals three anatomical techniques were selected to focus from differing perspectives on growthrelated changes that occurred among the ebs of neonatal juvenile and adult animals these techniques were the capacity volume of bile contained within the ebs was determined using plastic casts of the systemabstract truncated at words | MEDAL |
a dayold male infant was admitted to the neonatal ICN because of respiratory distress grunting cyanosis and radiological findings of BL bronchopneumonia he responded well to IT but days later developed HUS which was treated conservatively with prednisone and plasma transfusions with GR the hemolytic uremic syndrome resolved but he subsequently developed severe recurrent infections of unknown etiology and died at the age of days necropsy findings revealed NEC as well as dysplasia of the thymus and other lymphoid tissues compatible with the diagnosis of immunodeficiency disorder | MEDAL |
chronic p.o. of ammonium molybdate in rats markedly retarded the growth rate of rats and HPD could partially reverse this condition the MICs of several enzymes viz acid phosphatase ALP phosphatase glucosephosphatase succinic dehydrogenase glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase inorganic pyrophosphatase and acetylcholinesterase in different tissues and serum levels of luteinizing hormone follicle stimulating hormone prolactin and cortisol are altered due to the toxicity conditions and high HP fed group of animals showed almost normal values in respect of a few of these parameters normal histological DP of both CL and kidney tissues were altered under molybdenum toxicity condition significant increase of basophilic substances are observed in the cytoplasm of the CL cells of the toxic group of animals which is counteracted by feeding high protein diet | MEDAL |
in a survey of uk nhs hospital consultants responded psychiatric morbidityomes from studies showing igfi to be increased in the vitreal fluids of patients with PDR igfi may exert its cell growth promoting properties by stimulating a number of pathways including proteinkinase b akt nuclear factor kb nfkappabap and hypoxicinducible factoralpha hifalpha in addition other growth AF may participate in igfi induced cell growth including VE growth factor vegf PLT derived growth factor pdgf and FB growth factor fgf the importance of the ghigf system in diabetic retinopathy and NV has been highlighted by the use of agents that inhibit the system gh IL-1ra gh receptor AS oligonucleotides somatostatin analogues and receptor neutralising antibodies to igfi reduce hypoxicinduced retinal neovascularization these approaches may also prove to have benefits for improving V1 patency and vision in patients with DR | MEDAL |
laparoscopic cholecystectomy with carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum may result in hypercarbia and acidosis in patients with cardiorespiratory disease the aim of the present study was to assess helium as an alternative to carbon dioxide for creating the PP ventilation requirements and carbon dioxide levels were assessed at the beginning and end of laparoscopic cholecystectomy using helium n and carbon dioxide n PP insufflation with helium did not result in an increase in ventilation requirement although like carbon dioxide PP it was associated with a mean rise in peak airway pressure of cmho p there was also a kpa increase in the alveolararterial oxygen gradient with helium p carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum was associated with a significant rise in arterial carbon dioxide levels despite increasing ventilation four patients with helium pneumoperitoneum had surgical emphysema for days helium may be a suitable alternative to carbon dioxide for creating pneumoperitoneum in patients with severe CR disease however because of its low water solubility helium has a lower safety SM than carbon dioxide in the rare event of gas embolism | MEDAL |
the authors report the use of the âlasso techniqueâ for the preservation of bilateral renal artery patency following the intraoperative PT migration of an aortic endograft with suprarenal bare metal fixation and anchoring barbs due to device delivery failureduring an emergency endovascular repair of a ruptured mycotic ABD aortic aneurysm using the zenith flex device the main body of the graft migrated proximally to cover both renal arteries attempts to pull down the VG using balloons were not effectivefinally the âlasso techniqueâ using a guidewire over the aortic bifurcation was employed and successfully adjusted the VG below the level of the renal arteries no procedurerelated complications were noted the endovascular repair was used as a bridging procedure and two months following the primary endovascular procedure open surgical repair of the infected aneurysm with excision of the stent VG was performed the patient is alive T3 eight months followup | MEDAL |
the influence of transmembrane na and ca gradients on cytosolic ph phi and free ca concentration cai have been examined in unstimulated human platelets with the aid of bcecf and fura FL dyes the removal of external na nao acidified the cytosol in a phodependent manner which was insensitive to eipa and dids the inhibitors of the nah exchanger and bicarbonate transporters nao removal also increased cai by but the amplitude of the concomitant acidification was independent on ca influx or cytosolic ca concentration in contrast in the presence of mm nao a rise in external ca concentration from to mm increased cai by and acidified the cytosol by ph units these results indicated that in resting human platelets the TM na gradient is a L1 determinant of phi two nadependent processes have been found one is triggered by an external acidification and the other G1 by a rise in ca influx or cytosolic concentration | MEDAL |
it has been well demonstrated that insulin resistance plays an important role in the clustering of coronary risk factors through the progression of atherosclerosis in animal models of insulin resistance in humans a highfat diet is the major cause of obesity and insulin resistance in this T0 we investigated the role of peroxisome proliferatoractivated TRG ppargamma in highfat diet inducedobesity and insulin resistance by gene targeting and casecontrol study using the common ppargamma polymorphism in human subjects homozygous ppargammadeficient embryos died at dpc due to placental dysfunction heterozygous ppargammadeficient mice were protected from the development of insulin resistance due to adipocyte hypertrophy under a highfat diet and the phenotypes were abrogated by ppargamma agonist treatment heterozygous ppargammadeficient mice showed overexpression and hypersecretion of leptin despite the smaller size of adipocytes and decreased fat mass which may explain these phenotypes at least in part this T0 reveals a hitherto unpredicted role for ppargamma in highfat dietinduced obesity due to adipocyte hypertrophy and insulin resistance which requires both alleles of ppargamma a proala polymorphism has been detected in the human ppargamma gene since this amino acid substitution may cause a reduction in the transcriptional activity of ppargamma this polymorphism may be associated with decreased insulin resistance and decreased risk of type diabetes to investigate this hypothesis we performed a casecontrol T0 of the proala ppargamma polymorphism in an obese group subjects with ala were more insulin CS than those without the frequency of ala was significantly lower in the DM suggesting that this polymorphism protects against type diabetes these results revealed that both in mice and humans ppargamma is a thrifty gene mediating type diabetes | MEDAL |
canine tracheal smooth muscle strips were mounted horizontally in a tissue bath between a force transducer and a motordriven movable steel rod which was used to change ML muscle length and force were continuously measured during stretch and simultaneously plotted on an xy recorder AS force during stretch was investigated as follows an initial length was set with the muscle relaxed where it was contracted isometrically with acetylcholine T3 active force reached a Css muscle length was decreased until the total tension was equal to zero the muscle was then stretched slowly to obtain a continuous lengthforce curve results show that force during stretch increases as the length at which the initial isometric contraction is elicited is decreased a possible interpretation is that during tonic muscle contraction the contractile element is able to shorten very slowly relative to the rate at which the muscle was retracted thus the CE length established during ISO contraction would affect the muscle force obtained during subsequent stretch of the muscle | MEDAL |
a LT followup of the landmark national polyp study recently showed that colonoscopy was associated with critical clinical benefit including reduced overall death rate CC crc death rate and crc incidence zauber et al n engl j med this and other recent studies emphasize the need for highquality colonoscopy to realize maximal benefit adenoma detection has emerged as an important predictor of quality colonoscopy studies from europe have shown that individuals whose colonoscopy was performed by a physician with high adenoma PCD have a much lower likelihood of interval crc studies now suggest that it is possible to train endoscopists to improve their adenoma detection rate the TPS methods associated with higher SQ colonoscopy include careful inspection behind folds washing the colon surface adequate insufflation and recognition of subtle flat polyps use of highdefinition white light colonoscopy chromoendoscopy and capfitted colonoscopy has also been studied as potential methods for increasing adenoma detection we will review these methods and techniques in this article | MEDAL |
partitioning SMB of cells in dextranpolyethylene glycol aqueous phase systems is a sensitive reflection of the cells surface properties a decrease in partition ratio in chargesensitive phases of a variety of cell lines as a CF of culture growth has been reported by a number of investigators the basis for this phenomenon remains unclear we have now studied the surface properties of k cells a human cell L1 originally derived from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia in blast crisis during suspension culture growth by countercurrent CSD the mean partition ratio of viable cells remained constant during h of culture ie well into stationary phase the decrease in mean partition ratio of the cell population as a whole during SC previously observed and reported by others is attributed to the lower partition ratio of nonviable cells which increase with time of culture | MEDAL |
symptomatic ejaculatory duct ed calculi typically composed of uric acid carbonate apatite and calcium phosphate or calcium phosphate in the form of hydroxyapatite are rare occurrences we report a case of BL C1 ed calculi in a patient with SB myelomeningocele and an augmented neurogenic bladder a yearold caucasian male not compliant with his urological management presented with ABD pain difficulty in selfcatheterization nausea and vomiting two of eight large struvite calculi which blocked the urethra were identified at the RA ed after endoscopic calculi removal further management included bladder irrigation and infection control modalities this case highlights the importance of clean intermittent catheterization bladder irrigation and routine urologic management necessary for patients with myelodysplasia and neurogenic bladder it is the first recorded case to demonstrate the augmented bladder as an Inr of ejaculatory duct calculi in patients with an open bladder neck and spastic external sphincter | MEDAL |
surgery is a core activity in hospitals operating rooms have some of the most important and vital functions in medical centers the ORs and their staff are a valuable infrastructure resource and their availability and preparedness affect human life and SQ of care | MEDAL |
closed mmdiameter endocapsular equator rings erings prevent posterior capsular opacification pco however in our research some highly myopic patients unexpectedly developed late extensive pco that required capsulotomy we also report for the first time how the capsule reacted to neodymiumdoped yttrium Al garnet ndyag laser shots | MEDAL |
severe combined nude scid mice defective in stem cells for t and B1 appear to be an ideal host for construction of chimeric mice when bone marrow cells are used as a source of stem cells however host scid mice do not always show sufficient reconstitution in this study FL cells from akr embryos were transplanted into scid mice without prior irradiation this treatment induced full reconstitution of lymphopoiesis as evaluated by flow cytometry analysis and serum ig production months after transplantation thus fetal liver cells seem to be a better source for reconstitution of scid mice than bone marrow cells lymph node ln cells of these mice flt mice had no proliferative or cytotoxic activities against either hosttype cb or donortype akr spleen cells however spleen cells from flt mice exhibited marked proliferative and cytotoxic MICs against B6 cells with no MICs against akr cells split tolerance against cb cells in SP and ln cells was not a transient phenomenon since similar results were obtained from a Tc lymphocyte assay months later in spite of the strong host reactivity in vitro aberration of clonal deletion or development of a graftversushost disease was not seen in flt mice as il induced the host reactivity of ln cells in a mixed lymphocyte reaction potentially hostreactive TA were present in ln but were rendered anergic tolerance in flt mice seems to be regulated by a peripheral mechanism we supposed that the split tolerance in flt mice was induced by the different antigenicity between the SP and ln | MEDAL |
bioformulation that supports the inoculant under storage condition and on application to field is of prime importance for agroindustry pseudomonas strain eki having biocontrol activity against macrophomina phaseolina was used in the T0 eki cells were pretreated by carbon starvation osmotic stress nacl and freeze drying conditions and talcbased bioformulation was developed combined i.c.v. with carbon starvation and osmotic stress was given to pseudomonas cells bioformulation of UT freeze dried fd carbon starved osmotic stressed and combined pretreated cells showed and reduction in cfu counts after months of storage the osmotic stressed cells showed one overexpressed protein kda in common with carbon starved cells responsible for its better shelf life the plant growth promotory activity of bioformulations was determined taking cicer arietinum as a test crop in m phaseolina infested field carbon starved osmotic stressed cells showed maximum enhancement of dry weight followed by osmotic stressed UT fd and carbon starved cells over uninoculated control carbon starved osmotic stressed osmotic stressed UT fd and carbon starved cells showed and reduction of charcoal rot disease over uninoculated control the results clearly showed that combined i.c.v. by carbon starvation and osmotic stress provides the bacteria potential of rapid adaptation to different environmee a high BU area under the plasma concentration curve μm·min is associated with an increased risk for sinusoidal one syndrome and a suboptimal area under the plasma concentration curve μm·min is associated with an increased risk for VG AAR or disease relapse tdm of busulfan is not widely available due to the lack of commercially available and rapid methods to determine the area under the plasma concentration curve | MEDAL |
microelectrode recordings of multipleunit activity were made from the dorsal cap of the inferior olive of anesthetized and unanesthetized rabbits during vestibular and optokinetic stimulation a C1 field potential could be evoked in the dorsal cap by PS of the CL eye when the rabbit was anesthetized with SP or chloraloseurethan this field potential could not be evoked in rabbits that were anesthetized with halothane or in unanesthetized rabbits dorsal cap SN were maximally excited by C1 contrastrich stimuli presented to the CL eye moving in the PA direction at a velocity of degreess the discharge rate of dorsal cap neurons was decreased by stimuli moving in the opposite direction the activity of dorsal cap neurons was not modulated by vestibular stimulation when visual inputs were excluded dorsal cap neurons were sensitive to retinal slip velocity and higher derivatives of optokinetic stimulation their activity was related to eye movements only when the eye movements affected movement of optokinetic images on the retina | MEDAL |
this report describes a family in which eight individuals in three generations had mental retardation in association with a characteristic pattern of clinical problems and physical CA including SS eczema hernias delayed puberty dysmorphic facies and digital anomalies the family PH was consistent with a chromosomal rearrangement with transmission through balanced carriers routine asg banding studies showed extra chromosomal material on a chromosome but failed to demonstrate any differences between the affected individuals and the presumed carriers however subsequent studies utilizing TR banding and MSP of individual chromosomes demonstrated that the affected individuals were partially trisomic for the distal band of the long arm of chromosome and that units of a chromosome were translocated to chromosome this definitive cytogenetic diagnosis permitted accurate prenatal diagnosis to be carried out on the fetus of a balanced carrier female the application of these techniques to previously obscure familial dysmorphic syndromes is recommended | MEDAL |
the effects of lacidipine lc a new dihydropyridine calcium antagonist were studied in comparison with those of nifedipine nf in isolated arteries of the dog dgar and isolated aorta gpao left and right atria gpla gpra and VVI papillary muscles gppm of the guinea pig in dgar precontracted with high k lc and nf produced a concentrationdependent relaxation the relaxant effect of lc was most potent in the basilar artery the calcium antagonistic effects of lc was and times more potent than those of nf in gpao and gpla respectively thus lc was about times more selective towards V1 smooth muscles than nf the negative chronotropic effects in gpra and the negative inotropic effect in gppm of nf were more pronounced than those of lc nf was more potent in inhibiting the action potential of gppm than lc both in normal polarized and depolarized conditions the effects of lc were longlasting these results suggest that lc is a potent highly vascularselective calcium antagonist with little cardiodepressant effects and as such may be suitable for the treatment of hypertension | MEDAL |
knowledge translation kt is an imperative in order to implement researchbased and contextualized practices that can answer the numerous challenges of complex health problems the chronic care model ccm provides a conceptual FR to guide the implementation process in chronic care yet organizations aiming to improve chronic care require an adequate level of organizational readiness or for kt available instruments on organizational readiness for NC orc have shown limited validity and are not tailored or adapted to specific phases of the knowledgetoaction kta process we aim to develop an evidencebased comprehensive and valid instrument to measure or for kt in healthcare the or for kt SF-36 will be based on core concepts retrieved from existing literature and validated by a delphi study we will specifically test the SF-36 in chronic care that is of an increasing importance for the health system | MEDAL |
a monthold boy who was status postbidirectional glenn shunt implantation with residual ventricular flow to the pulmonary arteries pa presented with massive edema of the head and systemic desaturation soon after surgery after test occlusion an amplatzer duct occluder was implanted at the pa banding site with subsequent decrease in the pa pressure resolution of the edema and extubation | MEDAL |
it has been suggested that posttransfusion hepatitis b pthb may occur T3 transfusion with blood negative for SH b surface antigen hbsag but positive for antibody against hepatitis b core antigen antihbc we are currently conducting a controlled prospective study of recipients of such blood to investigate this possibility blood donors were routinely screened for hbsag by radioimmunoassay ria and those found negative were tested for antihbc by ria the hbsag negative antihbc positive donors were then tested by antibody directed against hbsag by ria antibody directed against SH b e antigen by enzymeimmunoassay and for the liver enzymes sgot and sgpt to date followup has been completed in the recipients of antihbc positive blood donors and in a control group of the recipients of antihbc negative blood donors all the recipients were bled repeatedly with intervals of weeks up to months posttransfusion currently no clearcut SC was observed in recipients of either group for any of the antibody markers of hbv infection while none of the recipients of antihbc negative blood became positive for hbsag recipients of antihbc positive blood acquired hbsag and developed clinically manifest posttransfusion hepatitis b | MEDAL |
along the perinatal period in mammals cortisol c plays a pivotal role in the final intrauterine fetal maturation and in the early neonatal adaptation because of the scarce knowledge about canine perinatology the present study was aimed to assess the c concentrations in amniotic and allantoic fluids collected without invasiveness from smallsized purebred newborn puppies born by ECS at term of pregnancy possible correlations between fetal fluid c concentrations and maternal parity litter size birth weight apgar score were evaluated in addition the possible effect of fetal fluid c concentrations on P0 survival at hours of age and the effect of the litter or the newborn gender on fetal fluid c concentrations were also assessed the results obtained from born alive normalweight puppies without gross physical malformation showed that c concentration was higher in allantoic than in amniotic fluid p even if a strong positive rho between the two fluids c concentration was found p r neither amniotic nor allantoic c concentrations were correlated to maternal parity LS birth weight and apgar score interestingly higher amniotic p but not allantoic c concentrations were found in puppies not surviving at hours after birth therefore it could be suggested that this parameter may be useful for the recognition at birth of puppies needing special surveillance during the D1 of age a significant p effect of the litter in both amniotic and allantoic c concentrations was found in conclusion the present results showed that in smallsized purebred puppies born at term by ECS the exact fetal maternal or placental source contributing to fetal fluid c concentrations remains to be clarified from a clinical perspective however the evaluation of amniotic c concentration at birth seems useful for the detection of puppies that need special surveillance during the first hours of age and should be coupled to the early P0 evaluation by apgar score however the small total number of newborns and especially of the dead puppies enrolled in the present study suggests that further morefocused investigations on a C1 number of subjects are needed before the method could be considered for application in the clinical practices | MEDAL |
Subsets and Splits