train with my .ckpt model

by GAS17 - opened

How can I train with my .ckpt model uploaded to hugginface?

Hi, I don't yet have a native way for training from a custom model base, however it is possible with a bit of hacking:

  1. You need to convert your *.ckpt to the diffusers format, you can use this Space for it: *.ckpt lives
  2. Once you have a Hugging Face repo with the weights in the diffusers format, you can replace here in your duplicated Space the model id from what is there to GAS17/your-repo

With that you should be able to fine tune using an already existing model as the base. Soon I plan to make this UI better :)

Thank you for your work @multimodalart !!

GAS17 changed discussion status to closed

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