Model results not shown in Overall tab unless I click refresh manually

by intfloat - opened

Hi, @Muennighoff

I submitted a model named "e5-small" a few hours ago. The Overall tab does not show the numbers when I open this page, though it seems to work fine if I manually click the "Refresh" button.

Also, the "Embedding Dimensions" field is empty for my model. This may be caused by the parsing issue of "config.json" file.


Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org

Very nice! The space needs a restart to show new models in the Overall tab w/o refreshing - Just did that and it should be fine now ๐Ÿ‘
For now, just ping me by e.g. opening an issue here whenever you need me to restart the space - still looking for ways to automate this.

Also fixed the parsing to show the dimension ๐Ÿ‘

Problem solved! Thank you for such a quick response.

intfloat changed discussion status to closed

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