CPU Upgrade
Couldn't get the certificate
I completed the course, gave the quiz multiple times, passed every time, but couldn't get the certificate. Click on 'Get my certificate' shows a progress bar but doesn't generate certificate.
I have been facing the same issue. Looks like some sort of server issue starting from 11:30 pm IST
Same issue: I couldn't get the certificate after completing the course, passing the quiz multiple times, and clicking 'Get my certificate,' which only shows a progress bar but doesn't generate the certificate.
Sames. Looks like servers might be overloaded.
same with me
I just generated mine from the class section :
Can you share more infos ? What is your score ? Which browser are you using ?
I completed the course, gave the quiz multiple times, passed every time, but couldn't get the certificate. Click on 'Get my certificate' shows a progress bar but doesn't generate certificate.
Did you click 'submit' at the end of the quiz?
Thanks for the replies!
I passed the quiz with 100%, and clicked on Submit then moved to next screen to get the certificate. I have also tried the alternate link but nothing works.
Passed with 100% and using the Chrome, but still not generating the certificate
I'm using Firefox, clicked submit after passing 90%, had the "Submitting answers to the hub" text, moved to get my certificate (and tried alternative link), get the "Collecting data from your course progress...", then nothing happens. Left the screen on a while, just in case, nothing.
Tried the quiz again, submitted again, generate again, same, nothing.
Same issue
Tried multiple times with Edge, disabled ad blocker, still not working :/ and yes i clicked submit
I confirm the general issue.
Same issue, using Firefox as my browser
Can you try again please. I found an error that was impacting some attempts.
Can you try again please. I found an error that was impacting some attempts.
sorry not working for me
Can you try again please. I found an error that was impacting some attempts.
Thanks burtenshaw, but still the same for me :(
I did get a new message on submitting results this time before the usual one, something about an unusual number of attempts. It then raised the usual submitting message, and the usual message for the certifiacte, but nothing happened.
I have also submit quiz many times but it couldn't generate certificate for me.
same here, no specific error to give from browser console tho
Didn't work.
The same here
Let us investigate further, and we'll come back to you.
same here, No certificate even passed with 100 %
Using Firefox, passed with 100% score, clicked Submit button.
I'm not even sure that my score was saved. Is there a way to verify the saved score ? In the end, certification is build upon the score..
Using Firefox, passed with 100% score, clicked Submit button.
I'm not even sure that my score was saved. Is there a way to verify the saved score ? In the end, certification is build upon the score..
Check if your score is registered here
I checked the above link and my score is not registered. Do we need to use any special browser?
I'm having same issue. I took a snapshot that I passed but am not receiving the certificate.
The app is updated, please check again.
The above certified students CSV is not being used any more
I checked the above link and my score is not registered. Do we need to use any special browser?
I used firefox, no special browser. If you still don't find your name, it is an issue on their end.
Using Firefox, passed with 100% score, clicked Submit button.
I'm not even sure that my score was saved. Is there a way to verify the saved score ? In the end, certification is build upon the score..
Hey @martineden
Check if your score is registered here
Not registered either, even though completed the final quiz multiple times..
The app is updated, please check again.
The above certified students CSV is not being used any more
It's working now. Thank you!!
The app is updated, please check again.
The above certified students CSV is not being used any more
works now thanks!
It is working now! Thanks.
Nice! Tag me if you share your certs on LinkedIn. Can't wait to see them!
It is working! Thank you.
again don't work now
İ tried take my certificate but i seen this warning every time "here was an error checking your certification status. Please try again later or contact support if the issue persists."
I have the same problem. I pass with 90% and can't submit.
@burtenshaw can you open the thread?
same issue here as well - passed with a 100%, clicked on submit and all I see is:
There was an error checking your certification status. Please try again later or contact support if the issue persists.
or occasionally an overloaded queue message. Has persisted for over a day now.