Further improvement is needed

by Candala - opened

The model itself only partially fulfills its main task of being a German-language model. Although the texts are better than on other 8b (non-German) models, on closer inspection they make no sense or seem strange.

For example, the sentence “Ihr Holz, grau vom Alter, glänzt nur noch schwach in den Sonnenstrahlen, die durch die Wolken dringen, während die dunklen Risse und Runzeln, die Zeit geprägt haben, wie Lesezeichen in einem Buch, erzählenden Geschichten von tausend Sommers und Wintern, Regenschauern und Stürmen wider” looks more or less understandable, but is no good - you probably wouldn't be able to use it anywhere without completely rewriting it.

It would therefore be desirable for the model to be improved.

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