Deep RL Course documentation
An Introduction to Unity ML-Agents
An Introduction to Unity ML-Agents

One of the challenges in Reinforcement Learning is creating environments. Fortunately for us, we can use game engines to do so. These engines, such as Unity, Godot or Unreal Engine, are programs made to create video games. They are perfectly suited for creating environments: they provide physics systems, 2D/3D rendering, and more.
One of them, Unity, created the Unity ML-Agents Toolkit, a plugin based on the game engine Unity that allows us to use the Unity Game Engine as an environment builder to train agents. In the first bonus unit, this is what we used to train Huggy to catch a stick!

Unity ML-Agents Toolkit provides many exceptional pre-made environments, from playing football (soccer), learning to walk, and jumping over big walls.
In this Unit, we’ll learn to use ML-Agents, but don’t worry if you don’t know how to use the Unity Game Engine: you don’t need to use it to train your agents.
So, today, we’re going to train two agents:
- The first one will learn to shoot snowballs onto a spawning target.
- The second needs to press a button to spawn a pyramid, then navigate to the pyramid, knock it over, and move to the gold brick at the top. To do that, it will need to explore its environment, which will be done using a technique called curiosity.

Then, after training, you’ll push the trained agents to the Hugging Face Hub, and you’ll be able to visualize them playing directly on your browser without having to use the Unity Editor.
Doing this Unit will prepare you for the next challenge: AI vs. AI where you will train agents in multi-agents environments and compete against your classmates’ agents.
Sound exciting? Let’s get started!
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