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Frederico Moreira


AI & ML interests

I am a successful researcher in fields of mathematical physics, numerical computing, nonlinear optics and graduation in physics, Master in Physics of Condensed Matter and PhD in nonlinear optics. My orcid is . I am also a music composer with name Hypervanse. I am also a gamer XBOX. I have a late diagnosed ADHD masked by my high IQ, as such I'm trying to find a place or create a tool for wasted talented people like me. I can obsess over Graph Theory, Deep Learning, Metaphysics for days, yet I can't create a good CV because it's boring or even bothering to publish papers, because it's crippling boring. I am really trying to create a fair AI companion, beyond stable diffusion, I have enough code and data to inverse train a AI model. The prototype is mostly finished, the memory retention of chatgpt I already solved, it's really like having ADHD. I won't full disclosure the details, but instead of fine-tuning LLMs my approach is about discarding the data in the model in the process of mutual learning.

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