Dataset Preview
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The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 5 new columns ({'recording', 'duration', 'supervisions', 'start', 'channel'}) and 1 missing columns ({'tracks'}).

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using


Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              id: string
              start: double
              duration: double
              channel: int64
              supervisions: list<item: struct<id: string, recording_id: string, start: double, duration: double, channel: int64, language: string, speaker: string, custom: struct<texts: list<item: string>, pre_texts: list<item: string>, begin_byte: int64, end_byte: int64>>>
                child 0, item: struct<id: string, recording_id: string, start: double, duration: double, channel: int64, language: string, speaker: string, custom: struct<texts: list<item: string>, pre_texts: list<item: string>, begin_byte: int64, end_byte: int64>>
                    child 0, id: string
                    child 1, recording_id: string
                    child 2, start: double
                    child 3, duration: double
                    child 4, channel: int64
                    child 5, language: string
                    child 6, speaker: string
                    child 7, custom: struct<texts: list<item: string>, pre_texts: list<item: string>, begin_byte: int64, end_byte: int64>
                        child 0, texts: list<item: string>
                            child 0, item: string
                        child 1, pre_texts: list<item: string>
                            child 0, item: string
                        child 2, begin_byte: int64
                        child 3, end_byte: int64
              recording: struct<id: string, sources: list<item: struct<type: string, channels: list<item: int64>, source: string>>, sampling_rate: int64, num_samples: int64, duration: double, channel_ids: list<item: int64>>
                child 0, id: string
                child 1, sources: list<item: struct<type: string, channels: list<item: int64>, source: string>>
                    child 0, item: struct<type: string, channels: list<item: int64>, source: string>
                        child 0, type: string
                        child 1, channels: list<item: int64>
                            child 0, item: int64
                        child 2, source: string
                child 2, sampling_rate: int64
                child 3, num_samples: int64
                child 4, duration: double
                child 5, channel_ids: list<item: int64>
                    child 0, item: int64
              type: string
              {'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'tracks': [{'cut': {'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'start': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'duration': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'channel': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'supervisions': [{'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'recording_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'start': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'duration': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'channel': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'language': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'speaker': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'custom': {'texts': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'pre_texts': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'begin_byte': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'end_byte': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}}], 'features': {'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'num_frames': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'num_features': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'frame_shift': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'sampling_rate': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'start': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'duration': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'storage_type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'storage_path': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'storage_key': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'recording_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'channels': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}, 'recording': {'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'sources': [{'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'channels': Sequence(fea
               Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'num_features': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'frame_shift': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'sampling_rate': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'start': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'duration': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'storage_type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'storage_path': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'storage_key': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'recording_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'channels': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}, 'recording': {'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'sources': [{'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'channels': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='int64', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'source': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'sampling_rate': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'num_samples': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'duration': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'channel_ids': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='int64', id=None), length=-1, id=None)}, 'custom': {'text_path': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'sampling_rate': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'feat_value': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'num_frames': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'num_features': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'frame_shift': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'num_samples': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}, 'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'offset': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}]}, 'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'offset': Value(dtype='float64', id=None)}], 'type': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations, partial, estimated_dataset_info = stream_convert_to_parquet(
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1100, in stream_convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 5 new columns ({'recording', 'duration', 'supervisions', 'start', 'channel'}) and 1 missing columns ({'tracks'}).
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/4358/history_ofa_life_0910_librivox_64kb_mp3/historyofalife_cornwall_kts_64kb_2_repeat0", "start": 46.32, "duration": 14.479, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/4358/history_ofa_life_0910_librivox_64kb_mp3/historyofalife_cornwall_kts_64kb_2", "recording_id": "medium/4358/history_ofa_life_0910_librivox_64kb_mp3/historyofalife_cornwall_kts_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "4358", "custom": { "texts": [ " Years fled; -- he wore a manly face, And struggled in the world's rough race, And won at last a lofty place. And then he died!", " YEARS FLED HE WORE A MANLY FACE AND STRUGGLED IN THE WORLD'S ROUGH RACE AND WON AT LAST A LOFTY PLACE AND THEN HE DIED" ], "pre_texts": [ "Poets' Corner - Barry Cornwall (Bryan Waller Procter) - History of a Life P.C. Home Page . News and Recent Additions Poets: A B . C D . E F . G H . I J . K L . M N . O P . Q R . S T . U V . W X . Y Z History of a Life DAY dawned: -- within a curtained room, Filled to faintness with perfume, A lady lay at point of doom. Day closed; -- a child had seen the light; But, for the lady fair and bright, She rested in undreaming night. Spring rose; the lady's grave was green; And near it, oftentimes, was seen A gentle boy with thoughtful mien.", " HISTORY OF A LIFE BY BERRY CORNWALL READ FOR LIBER BOX DADORG BY KIM STISH DAY DAWNED WITHIN A CURTAINED ROOM FILLED TO FAINTNESS WITH PERFUME A LADY LAY AT POINT OF DOOM DAY CLOSED A CHILD HAD SEEN THE LIGHT BUT FOR THE LADY FAIR AND BRIGHT SHE RESTED IN UNDREAMING NIGHT SPRING ROSE THE LADY'S GRAVE WAS GREEN AND NEAR IT OFTENTIMES WAS SEEN A GENTLE BOY WITH THOUGHTFUL MIEN" ], "begin_byte": 540, "end_byte": 666 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1448, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 46.31999969482422, "duration": 14.479, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000451.lca", "storage_key": "229144735,45804,44112,41634", "recording_id": "medium/4358/history_ofa_life_0910_librivox_64kb_mp3/historyofalife_cornwall_kts_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/4358/history_ofa_life_0910_librivox_64kb_mp3/historyofalife_cornwall_kts_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/4358/history_ofa_life_0910_librivox_64kb_mp3/historyofalife_cornwall_kts_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1327712, "duration": 82.982, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/History of a Life/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "a16e048d-68e6-4dfa-b949-feaf29015ad8", "start": null, "duration": null, "channel": null, "supervisions": null, "features": null, "recording": null, "custom": null, "tracks": [ { "cut": { "id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_05_lang_64kb_12_repeat0", "start": 546.76, "duration": 6.799, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_05_lang_64kb_12", "recording_id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_05_lang_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1859", "custom": { "texts": [ " Then the youths rose from the table, went back to the great stone fountain, turned themselves into eagles again, and flew away.", " THEN THE YOUTHS ROSE FROM THE TABLE WENT BACK TO THE GREAT STONE FOUNTAIN TURNED THEMSELVES INTO EAGLES AGAIN AND FLEW AWAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "e did not overtake the dog, but found himself above a staircase, which he descended. Then he saw before him a stately palace, and, entering, he found in a large hall a table set for twelve persons. He hid himself in the hall behind a great picture, that he might see what would happen. At noon he heard a great noise, so that he trembled with fear. When he took courage to look out from behind the picture, he saw twelve eagles flying in. At this sight his fear became still greater. The eagles flew to the basin of a fountain that was there and bathed themselves, when suddenly they were changed into twelve handsome youths. Now they seated themselves at the table, and one of them took up a goblet filled with wine, and said, ‘A health to my father!’ And another said, ‘A health to my mother!’ and so the healths went round. Then one of them said: ‘A health to my dearest lady, Long may she live and well! But a curse on the cruel mother That burnt my golden shell!’ And so saying he wept bitterly.", " RAN IN THE OLD MAN FOLLOWING HIM HE DID NOT OVERTAKE THE DOG BUT FOUND HIMSELF ABOVE A STAIRCASE WHICH HE DESCENDED THEN HE SAW BEFORE HIM A STATELY PALACE AND ENTERING HE FOUND IN A LARGE HALL A TABLE SET FOR TWELVE PERSONS HE HID HIMSELF IN THE HALL BEHIND A GREAT PICTURE THAT HE MIGHT SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AT NOON HE HEARD A GREAT NOISE SO THAT HE TREMBLED WITH FEAR WHEN HE TOOK COURAGE TO LOOK OUT FROM BEHIND THE PICTURE HE SAW TWELVE EAGLES FLYING IN AT THIS SIGHT HIS FEAR BECAME STILL GREATER THE EAGLES FLEW TO THE BASIN OF A FOUNTAIN THAT WAS THERE AND BATHED THEMSELVES WHEN SUDDENLY THEY WERE CHANGED INTO TWELVE HANDSOME YOUTHS NOW THEY SEATED THEMSELVES AT THE TABLE AND ONE OF THEM TOOK UP A GOBLET FILLED WITH WINE AND SAID A HEALTH TO MY FATHER AND ANOTHER SAID A HEALTH TO MY MOTHER AND SO THE HEALTHS WENT ROUND AND ONE OF THEM SAID A HEALTH TO MY DEAREST LADY LONG MAY SHE LIVE AND WELL BUT A CURSE ON THE CRUEL MOTHER THAT BURNT MY GOLDEN SHELL AND SO SAYING HE WEPT BITTERLY" ], "begin_byte": 64752, "end_byte": 64879 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 680, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 546.760009765625, "duration": 6.799, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000130.lca", "storage_key": "239051802,47594,17130", "recording_id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_05_lang_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_05_lang_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_05_lang_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10801732, "duration": 675.10825, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Yellow Fairy Book/text.txt" }, "sampling_rate": null, "feat_value": null, "num_frames": null, "num_features": null, "frame_shift": null, "num_samples": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "b329f694-fa15-4e52-8211-2d2895b71ff8", "start": null, "duration": 3.1, "channel": null, "supervisions": null, "features": null, "recording": null, "custom": null, "sampling_rate": 16000, "feat_value": -23.025850929940457, "num_frames": 310, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "num_samples": 49600 }, "type": "PaddingCut", "offset": 6.799 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_06_lang_64kb_38_repeat0", "start": 105.08, "duration": 6.239, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_06_lang_64kb_38", "recording_id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_06_lang_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1859", "custom": { "texts": [ " There was great joy in the castle when the Princess came back, and the old King fell on her neck and kissed her.", " THERE WAS GREAT JOY IN THE CASTLE WHEN THE PRINCESS CAME BACK AND THE OLD KING FELL ON HER NECK AND KISSED HER" ], "pre_texts": [ " king’s daughter came into the wood; she had lost her way, and could not find her father’s kingdom again. She had been wandering round and round for nine days, and she came at last to the iron case. A voice came from within and asked her, ‘Where do you come from, and where do you want to go?’ She answered, ‘I have lost my way to my father’s kingdom, and I shall never get home again.’ Then the voice from the iron stove said, ‘I will help you to find your home again, and that in a very short time, if you will promise to do what I ask you. I am a greater prince than you are a princess, and I will marry you.’ Then she grew frightened, and thought, ‘What can a young lassie do with an iron stove?’ But as she wanted very much to go home to her father, she promised to do what he wished. He said, ‘You must come again, and bring a knife with you to scrape a hole in the iron.’ Then he gave her someone for a guide, who walked near her and said nothing, but he brought her in two hours to her house.", "YEARS AND NO ONE COULD FREE HIM AT LAST A KING'S DAUGHTER CAME INTO THE WOOD SHE HAD LOST HER WAY AND COULD NOT FIND HER FATHER'S KINGDOM AGAIN SHE HAD BEEN WANDERING ROUND AND ROUND FOR NINE DAYS AND SHE CAME AT LAST TO THE IRON CASE A VOICE CAME FROM WITHIN AND ASKED HER WHERE DO YOU COME FROM AND WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO SHE ANSWERED I HAVE LOST MY WAY TO MY FATHER'S KINGDOM AND I SHALL NEVER GET HOME AGAIN THEN THE VOICE FROM THE IRON STOVE SAID I WILL HELP YOU FIND YOUR HOME AGAIN AND THAT IN A VERY SHORT TIME IF YOU WILL PROMISE TO DO WHAT I ASK YOU I AM A GREATER PRINCE THAN YOU ARE A PRINCESS AND I WILL MARRY YOU THEN SHE GREW FRIGHTENED AND THOUGHT WHAT CAN A YOUNG LASSIE DO WITH AN IRON STOVE BUT AS SHE WANTED VERY MUCH TO GO HOME TO HER FATHER SHE PROMISED TO DO WHAT HE WISHED HE SAID YOU MUST COME AGAIN AND BRING A KNIFE WITH YOU TO SCRAPE A HOLE IN THE IRON THEN HE GAVE HER SOMEONE FOR A GUIDE WHO WALKED NEAR HER AND SAID NOTHING BUT HE BROUGHT HER IN TWO HOURS TO HER HOUSE" ], "begin_byte": 68136, "end_byte": 68248 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 624, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 105.08000183105469, "duration": 6.239, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000130.lca", "storage_key": "249439476,45894,11605", "recording_id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_06_lang_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_06_lang_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1859/yellow_fairy_book_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/yellowfairybook_06_lang_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11204227, "duration": 700.2641875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Yellow Fairy Book/text.txt" }, "sampling_rate": null, "feat_value": null, "num_frames": null, "num_features": null, "frame_shift": null, "num_samples": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 9.899 } ] }, "type": "MixedCut", "offset": 8.359 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/823/my_paddle_librivox_64kb_mp3/song_my_paddle_sings_johnson_sdw_64kb_7_repeat0", "start": 44.12, "duration": 9.28, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/823/my_paddle_librivox_64kb_mp3/song_my_paddle_sings_johnson_sdw_64kb_7", "recording_id": "medium/823/my_paddle_librivox_64kb_mp3/song_my_paddle_sings_johnson_sdw_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "823", "custom": { "texts": [ " I stow the sail, unship the mast: I wooed you long but my wooing's past; My paddle will lull you into rest.", " I STOW THE SAIL UNSHIP THE MAST I WOOED YOU LONG BUT MY WOOINGS PAST MY PADDLE WILL LULL YOU INTO REST" ], "pre_texts": [ "e? Saw you a lazy beck between Trees that shadow its breast in green, Teased by obstinate stones that lie Crossing the current tauntingly? Fields abloom on the farther side With purpling clover lying wide-- Saw you there as you circled by, Vale-environed a cottage lie, Girt about with emerald bands, Nestling down in its meadow lands? Saw you this on your thieving raids? Speak--you rascally renegades! Thieved you also away from me Olden scenes that I long to see? If, O! crows, you have flown since morn Over the place where I was born, Forget will I, how black you were Since dawn, in feather and character; Absolve will I, your vagrant band Ere you enter your slumberland. THE SONG MY PADDLE SINGS West wind, blow from your prairie nest, Blow from the mountains, blow from the west. The sail is idle, the sailor too; O! wind of the west, we wait for you. Blow, blow! I have wooed you so, But never a favour you bestow. You rock your cradle the hills between, But scorn to notice my white lateen.", " THE SONG MY PADDLE SINGS BY E PAULINE JOHNSON READ FOR LIVERBOCKS DOT ORG BY S D WEST FEBRUARY NINTH TWO THOUSAND AND SIX THE SONG MY PADDLE SINGS WEST WIND BLOW FROM YOUR PRAIRIE NEST BLOW FROM THE MOUNTAINS BLOW FROM THE WEST THE SAIL IS IDLE THE SAILOR TO O WIND OF THE WEST WE WAIT FOR YOU BLOW BLOW I HAVE WOOED YOU SO BUT NEVER A FAVOUR YOU BESTOW YOU ROCK YOUR CRADLE THE HILLS BETWEEN BUT SCORN TO NOTICE MY WHITE LATEEN" ], "begin_byte": 51707, "end_byte": 51814 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 928, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 44.119998931884766, "duration": 9.28, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000538.lca", "storage_key": "222267960,44817,38132", "recording_id": "medium/823/my_paddle_librivox_64kb_mp3/song_my_paddle_sings_johnson_sdw_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/823/my_paddle_librivox_64kb_mp3/song_my_paddle_sings_johnson_sdw_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/823/my_paddle_librivox_64kb_mp3/song_my_paddle_sings_johnson_sdw_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2608901, "duration": 163.0563125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Song My Paddle Sings/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1645/additions_daniel_ds_librivox_64kb_mp3/danieladditions_03_kjv_64kb_25_repeat0", "start": 113.68, "duration": 5.839, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1645/additions_daniel_ds_librivox_64kb_mp3/danieladditions_03_kjv_64kb_25", "recording_id": "medium/1645/additions_daniel_ds_librivox_64kb_mp3/danieladditions_03_kjv_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1645", "custom": { "texts": [ " And Daniel said unto the king, Let it be according to thy word.", " AND DANIEL SAID UNTO THE KING LET IT BE ACCORDING TO THY WORD" ], "pre_texts": [ "el, and there were spent upon him every day twelve great measures of fine flour, and forty sheep, and six vessels of wine. 1:4 And the king worshipped it and went daily to adore it: but Daniel worshipped his own God. And the king said unto him, Why dost not thou worship Bel? 1:5 Who answered and said, Because I may not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who hath created the heaven and the earth, and hath sovereignty over all flesh. 1:6 Then said the king unto him, Thinkest thou not that Bel is a living God? seest thou not how much he eateth and drinketh every day? 1:7 Then Daniel smiled, and said, O king, be not deceived: for this is but clay within, and brass without, and did never eat or drink any thing. 1:8 So the king was wroth, and called for his priests, and said unto them, If ye tell me not who this is that devoureth these expences, ye shall die. 1:9 But if ye can certify me that Bel devoureth them, then Daniel shall die: for he hath spoken blasphemy against Bel.", "ALL HIS FRIENDS NOW THE BABYLONIANS HAD AN IDOL CALLED BEL AND THERE WERE SPENT UPON HIM EVERY DAY TWELVE GREAT MEASURES OF FINE FLOUR AND FORTY SHEEP AND SIX VESSELS OF WINE AND THE KING WORSHIPPED IT AND WENT DAILY TO ADORE IT BUT DANIEL WORSHIPPED HIS OWN GOD AND THE KING SAID UNTO HIM WHY DOST NOT THOU WORSHIP BEL WHO ANSWERED AND SAID BECAUSE I MAY NOT WORSHIP IDOLS MADE WITH HANDS BUT THE LIVING GOD WHO HATH CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND HATH SOVEREIGNTY OVER ALL FLESH THEN SAID THE KING UNTO HIM THINKEST THOU NOT THAT BEL IS A LIVING GOD SEEST THOU NOT HOW MUCH HE EATETH AND DRINKETH EVERY DAY THEN DANIEL SMILED AND SAID O KING BE NOT DECEIVED FOR THIS IS BUT CLAY WITHIN AND BRASS WITHOUT AND DID NEVER EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING SO THE KING WAS WROTH AND CALLED FOR HIS PRIESTS AND SAID UNTO THEM IF YE TELL ME NOT WHO THIS IS THAT DEVOURETH THESE EXPENSES YE SHALL DIE BUT IF YE CAN CERTIFY ME THAT BEL DEVOURETH THEM THEN DANIEL SHALL DIE FOR HE HATH SPOKEN BLASPHEMY AGAINST BEL" ], "begin_byte": 558151, "end_byte": 558214 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 584, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 113.68000030517578, "duration": 5.839, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000108.lca", "storage_key": "151893341,47323,8480", "recording_id": "medium/1645/additions_daniel_ds_librivox_64kb_mp3/danieladditions_03_kjv_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1645/additions_daniel_ds_librivox_64kb_mp3/danieladditions_03_kjv_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1645/additions_daniel_ds_librivox_64kb_mp3/danieladditions_03_kjv_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6918891, "duration": 432.4306875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Bible KJV ApocryphaDeuterocanon Additions to Daniel/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 3.16 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1052/modern_ghost_stories_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/modernghoststories_04_scarborough_64kb_170_repeat0", "start": 28, "duration": 14.639, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1052/modern_ghost_stories_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/modernghoststories_04_scarborough_64kb_170", "recording_id": "medium/1052/modern_ghost_stories_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/modernghoststories_04_scarborough_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1052", "custom": { "texts": [ "I When Lazarus left the grave, where, for three days and three nights he had been under the enigmatical sway of death, and returned alive to his dwelling, for a long time no one noticed in him those sinister oddities, which, as time went on, made his very name a terror.", " WHEN LAZARUS LEFT THE GRAVE WHERE FOR THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS HE HAD BEEN UNDER THE ENIGMATICAL SWAY OF DEATH AND RETURNED ALIVE TO HIS DWELLING FOR A LONG TIME NO ONE NOTICED IN HIM THOSE SINISTER ODDITIES WHICH AS TIME WENT ON MADE HIS VERY NAME A TERROR" ], "pre_texts": [ "g me to come and hear the king say that he is sleepy. And his highness shall not be kept waiting. THE KING'S CRADLE SONG Seal with a seal of gold The scroll of a life unrolled; Swathe him deep in his purple stole; Ashes of diamonds, crystalled coal, Drops of gold in each scented fold. Crimson wings of the Little Death, Stir his hair with your silken breath; Flaming wings of sins to be, Splendid pinions of prophecy, Smother his eyes with hues and dyes, While the white moon spins and the winds arise, And the stars drip through the skies. Wave, O wings of the Little Death! Seal his sight and stifle his breath, Cover his breast with the gemmed shroud pressed; From north to north, from west to west, Wave, O wings of the Little Death! Till the white moon reels in the cracking skies, And the ghosts of God arise. Lazarus BY LEONID ANDREYEV TRANSLATED BY ABRAHAM YARMOLINSKY From _Lazarus and the Gentleman from San Francisco_. Published by The Stratford Company. By permission of the publishers. ", " SECTION FOUR OF FAMOUS MODERN GHOST STORIES THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT WORK FAMOUS MODERN GHOST STORIES COMPILED BY DOROTHY SCARBOROUGH SECTION FOUR LAZARUS BY LEONID ANDREEV TRANSLATED BY ABRAHAM YARMALENSKI ONE" ], "begin_byte": 223432, "end_byte": 223701 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1464, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 28, "duration": 14.639, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000008.lca", "storage_key": "216548359,44814,45022,42430", "recording_id": "medium/1052/modern_ghost_stories_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/modernghoststories_04_scarborough_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1052/modern_ghost_stories_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/modernghoststories_04_scarborough_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1052/modern_ghost_stories_0801_librivox_64kb_mp3/modernghoststories_04_scarborough_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 40043828, "duration": 2502.73925, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Famous Modern Ghost Stories/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 3.26 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/1737/golden_age_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenage_02_grahame_64kb_4_repeat0", "start": 678.16, "duration": 10.24, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1737/golden_age_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenage_02_grahame_64kb_4", "recording_id": "medium/1737/golden_age_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenage_02_grahame_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.24, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1737", "custom": { "texts": [ " Further on, a hedgehog lay dead athwart the path--nay, more than dead; decadent, distinctly; a sorry sight for one that had known the fellow in more bustling circumstances.", " FURTHER ON A HEDGEHOG LAY DEAD ATHWART THE PATH NAY MORE THAN DEAD DECADENT DISTINCTLY A SORRY SIGHT FOR ONE THAT HAD KNOWN THE FELLOW IN MORE BUSTLING CIRCUMSTANCES" ], "pre_texts": [ "tter; and anyhow it was a disputable point, and no business of mine. Nature, who had accepted me for ally, cared little who had the world's biscuits, and assuredly was not going to let any friend of hers waste his time in playing policeman for Society. He was tugging at me anew, my insistent guide; and I felt sure, as I rambled off in his wake, that he had more holiday matter to show me. And so, indeed, he had; and all of it was to the same lawless tune. Like a black pirate flag on the blue ocean of air, a hawk hung ominous; then, plummet-wise, dropped to the hedgerow, whence there rose, thin and shrill, a piteous voice of squealing. By the time I got there a whisk of feathers on the turf--like scattered playbills--was all that remained to tell of the tragedy just enacted. Yet Nature smiled and sang on, pitiless, gay, impartial. To her, who took no sides, there was every bit as much to be said for the hawk as for the chaffinch. Both were her children, and she would show no preferences.", "E VICAR AND WOULD CERTAINLY ENJOY THEM BETTER AND ANYHOW IT WAS A DISPUTABLE POINT NO BUSINESS OF MINE NATURE WHO HAD ACCEPTED ME FOR ALLY CARE LITTLE WHO HAD THE WORLD'S BISCUITS AND ASSUREDLY WAS NOT GOING TO LET ANY FRIEND OF HERS WASTE HIS TIME IN PLAYING POLICEMEN FOR SOCIETY HE WAS TUGGING AT ME ANEW MY INSISTENT GUIDE AND I FELT SURE AS I RAMBLED OFF IN HIS WAKE THAT HE HAD MORE HOLIDAY MATTER TO SHOW ME AND SO INDEED HE HAD AND ALL OF IT WAS TO THE SAME LAWLESS TUNE LIKE A BLACK PIRATE FLAG ON THE BLUE OCEAN OF AIR A HAWK HUNG OMINOUS THEN PLUMMET WISE DROPPED TO THE HEDGEROW WHENCE THERE ROSE THIN AND SHRILL A PITEOUS VOICE OF SQUEALING BY THE TIME I GOT THERE A WHISK OF FEATHERS ON THE TURF LIKE SCATTERED PLAYBILLS WAS ALL THAT REMAINED TO TELL OF THE TRAGEDY JUST ENACTED YET NATURE SMILED AND SANG ON PITILESS GAY IMPARTIAL TO HER WHO TOOK NO SIDES THERE WAS EVERY BIT AS MUCH TO BE SAID FOR THE HAWK AS FOR THE CHAFFINCH BOTH WERE HER CHILDREN AND SHE WOULD SHOW NO PREFERENCES" ], "begin_byte": 19725, "end_byte": 19897 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1024, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 678.1599731445312, "duration": 10.24, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000122.lca", "storage_key": "85898904,45865,46114,2324", "recording_id": "medium/1737/golden_age_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenage_02_grahame_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1737/golden_age_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenage_02_grahame_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1737/golden_age_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenage_02_grahame_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13226731, "duration": 826.6706875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Golden Age/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1594/kublakhan_librivox_64kb_mp3/kublakhan_coleridge_jsj_64kb_9_repeat0", "start": 6.72, "duration": 14.48, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1594/kublakhan_librivox_64kb_mp3/kublakhan_coleridge_jsj_64kb_9", "recording_id": "medium/1594/kublakhan_librivox_64kb_mp3/kublakhan_coleridge_jsj_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.48, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1594", "custom": { "texts": [ " Kubla Khan IN Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea.", " SCOTT JONES IN ZANADOO DID KUBLAIKHAN A STATELY PLEASURE DOME DECREE WHERE ALF THE SACRED RIVER RAN THROUGH CAVERNS MEASURELESS TO MAN DOWN TO A SUNLESS SEA" ], "pre_texts": [ "550. Kubla Khan - Collection at Reference Verse Fiction Nonfiction × Subjects Titles Authors Essays Learn Thesaurus Quotations English Usage Skip to the content Home » The Oxford Book of English Verse » 550. Kubla Khan Previous Article Next Article Contents -BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. 1919. The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250–1900. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 1772–1834 550.", " KUBLAIKAN BY SAMUEL TAYLOR CULLERIDGE READ FOR LIBER OF AX DATORG BY JOHN" ], "begin_byte": 409, "end_byte": 568 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1448, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 6.71999979019165, "duration": 14.48, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000102.lca", "storage_key": "47127223,47838,46691,41660", "recording_id": "medium/1594/kublakhan_librivox_64kb_mp3/kublakhan_coleridge_jsj_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1594/kublakhan_librivox_64kb_mp3/kublakhan_coleridge_jsj_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1594/kublakhan_librivox_64kb_mp3/kublakhan_coleridge_jsj_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2868867, "duration": 179.3041875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Kubla Khan/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 4.12 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1200/tomjones_0811_librivox_64kb_mp3/tomjones_04_fielding_64kb_51_repeat0", "start": 305.2, "duration": 14.759, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1200/tomjones_0811_librivox_64kb_mp3/tomjones_04_fielding_64kb_51", "recording_id": "medium/1200/tomjones_0811_librivox_64kb_mp3/tomjones_04_fielding_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1200", "custom": { "texts": [ " He was one of those wise men who regard beauty in the other sex as a very worthless and superficial qualification; or, to speak more truly, who rather chuse to possess every convenience of life with an ugly woman, than a handsome one without any of those conveniences.", " HE WAS ONE OF THOSE WISE MEN WHO REGARD BEAUTY IN THE OTHER SEX AS A VERY WORTHLESS AND SUPERFICIAL QUALIFICATION OR TO SPEAK MORE TRULY WHO RATHER CHOSE TO POSSESS EVERY CONVENIENCE OF LIFE WITH AN UGLY WOMAN THAN A HANDSOME ONE WITHOUT ANY OF THOSE CONVENIENCES" ], "pre_texts": [ "he defects of his person. She imagined, and perhaps very wisely, that she should enjoy more agreeable minutes with the captain than with a much prettier fellow; and forewent the consideration of pleasing her eyes, in order to procure herself much more solid satisfaction. The captain no sooner perceived the passion of Miss Bridget, in which discovery he was very quick-sighted, than he faithfully returned it. The lady, no more than her lover, was remarkable for beauty. I would attempt to draw her picture, but that is done already by a more able master, Mr Hogarth himself, to whom she sat many years ago, and hath been lately exhibited by that gentleman in his print of a winter's morning, of which she was no improper emblem, and may be seen walking (for walk she doth in the print) to Covent Garden church, with a starved foot-boy behind carrying her prayer-book. The captain likewise very wisely preferred the more solid enjoyments he expected with this lady, to the fleeting charms of person.", " TOTALLY OVERLOOKED THE DEFECTS OF HIS PERSON SHE IMAGINED AND PERHAPS VERY WISELY THAT SHE SHOULD ENJOY MORE AGREEABLE MINUTES WITH THE CAPTAIN THAN WITH A MUCH PRETTIER FELLOW AND FOREWENT THE CONSIDERATION OF PLEASING HER EYES IN ORDER TO PROCURE HERSELF MUCH MORE SOLID SATISFACTION THE CAPTAIN NO SOONER PERCEIVED THE PASSION OF MISS BRIDGET IN WHICH DISCOVERY HE WAS VERY QUICKSIGHTED THAN HE FAITHFULLY RETURNED IT THE LADY NO MORE THAN HER LOVER WAS REMARKABLE FOR BEAUTY I WOULD ATTEMPT TO DRAW HER PICTURE BUT THAT IS DONE ALREADY BY A MORE ABLE MASTER MISTER HOGARTH HIMSELF TO WHOM SHE SAT MANY YEARS AGO AND HATH BEEN LATELY EXHIBITED BY THAT GENTLEMAN IN HIS PRINT OF A WINTER'S MORNING OF WHICH SHE WAS NO IMPROPER EMBLEM AND MAY BE SEEN WALKING FOR WALKS SHE DOTH IN THE PRINT TO COVENT GARDEN CHURCH WITH A STARVED FOOTBOY BEHIND CARRYING HER PRAYER BOOK THE CAPTAIN LIKEWISE VERY WISELY PREFERRED THE MORE SOLID ENJOYMENTS HE EXPECTED WITH THIS LADY TO THE FLEETING CHARMS OF PERSON" ], "begin_byte": 97982, "end_byte": 98250 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1476, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 305.20001220703125, "duration": 14.759, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000048.lca", "storage_key": "131607107,44464,45229,42802", "recording_id": "medium/1200/tomjones_0811_librivox_64kb_mp3/tomjones_04_fielding_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1200/tomjones_0811_librivox_64kb_mp3/tomjones_04_fielding_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1200/tomjones_0811_librivox_64kb_mp3/tomjones_04_fielding_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 21062212, "duration": 1316.38825, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/History of Tom Jones A Foundling/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 12.58 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/1093/short_stories14_librivox_64kb_mp3/history_of_england_austen_kp_64kb_6_repeat0", "start": 186.52, "duration": 14.599, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1093/short_stories14_librivox_64kb_mp3/history_of_england_austen_kp_64kb_6", "recording_id": "medium/1093/short_stories14_librivox_64kb_mp3/history_of_england_austen_kp_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1093", "custom": { "texts": [ " EDWARD the 4th This Monarch was famous only for his Beauty and his Courage, of which the Picture we have here given of him, and his undaunted Behaviour in marrying one Woman while he was engaged to another, are sufficient proofs.", " EDWARD THE FOURTH THIS MONARCH WAS FAMOUS ONLY FOR HIS BEAUTY AND HIS COURAGE OF WHICH THE PICTURE WE HAVE HERE GIVEN OF HIM AND HIS UNDAUNTED BEHAVIOUR IN MARRYING ONE WOMAN WHILE HE WAS ENGAGED TO ANOTHER ARE SUFFICIENT PROOFS" ], "pre_texts": [ "y his son Henry. HENRY the 6th I cannot say much for this Monarch’s sense. Nor would I if I could, for he was a Lancastrian. I suppose you know all about the Wars between him and the Duke of York who was of the right side; if you do not, you had better read some other History, for I shall not be very diffuse in this, meaning by it only to vent my spleen _against_, and shew my Hatred _to_ all those people whose parties or principles do not suit with mine, and not to give information. This King married Margaret of Anjou, a Woman whose distresses and misfortunes were so great as almost to make me who hate her, pity her. It was in this reign that Joan of Arc lived and made such a _row_ among the English. They should not have burnt her—but they did. There were several Battles between the Yorkists and Lancastrians, in which the former (as they ought) usually conquered. At length they were entirely overcome; The King was murdered—The Queen was sent home—and Edward the 4th ascended the Throne.", " DIED AND WAS SUCCEEDED BY HIS SON HENRY HENRY THE SIXTH I CANNOT SAY MUCH FOR THIS MONARCH SENSE NOR WOULD I IF I COULD FOR HE WAS A LANCASTRIAN I SUPPOSE YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT THE WARS BETWEEN HIM AND THE DUKE OF YORK WHO WAS OF THE RIGHT SIDE IF YOU DO NOT YOU HAD BETTER READ SOME OTHER HISTORY FOR I SHALL NOT BE VERY DIFFUSE IN THIS MEANING BY IT ONLY TO VENT MY SPLEEN AGAINST AND SHOW MY HATRED TO ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHOSE PARTIES OR PRINCIPLES DO NOT SUIT WITH MINE AND NOT TO GIVE INFORMATION THIS KING MARRIED MARGARET OF ANJOU A WOMAN WHOSE DISTRESSES AND MISFORTUNES WERE SO GREAT AS ALMOST TO MAKE ME WHO HATE HER PITY HER IT WAS IN THIS REIGN THAT JOAN OF ARC LIVED AND MADE SUCH A ROW AMONG THE ENGLISH THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE BURNT HER BUT THEY DID THERE WERE SEVERAL BATTLES BETWEEN THE YORKISTS AND LANCASTRIANS IN WHICH THE FORMER AS THEY OUGHT USUALLY CONQUERED AT LENGTH THEY WERE ENTIRELY OVERCOME THE KING WAS MURDERED THE QUEEN WAS SENT HOME AND EDWARD THE FOURTH ASCENDED THE THRONE" ], "begin_byte": 368963, "end_byte": 369192 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1460, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 186.52000427246094, "duration": 14.599, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000028.lca", "storage_key": "99148441,47468,46526,42852", "recording_id": "medium/1093/short_stories14_librivox_64kb_mp3/history_of_england_austen_kp_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1093/short_stories14_librivox_64kb_mp3/history_of_england_austen_kp_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1093/short_stories14_librivox_64kb_mp3/history_of_england_austen_kp_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20391805, "duration": 1274.4878125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 014/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/2827/web_new_testament_0811_librivox1_64kb_mp3/worldenglishbible2_17_john_64kb_13_repeat0", "start": 363.76, "duration": 2.88, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/2827/web_new_testament_0811_librivox1_64kb_mp3/worldenglishbible2_17_john_64kb_13", "recording_id": "medium/2827/web_new_testament_0811_librivox1_64kb_mp3/worldenglishbible2_17_john_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 2.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "2827", "custom": { "texts": [ "\" Philip said to him, \"Come and see.\"", " PHILIP SAID TO HIM COME AND SEE" ], "pre_texts": [ "and see.\" They came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about the tenth hour.{4:00 PM.} 001:040 One of the two who heard John, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. 001:041 He first found his own brother, Simon, and said to him, \"We have found the Messiah!\" (which is, being interpreted, Christ{\"Messiah\" (Hebrew) and \"Christ\" (Greek) both mean \"Anointed One\".}). 001:042 He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him, and said, \"You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas\" (which is by interpretation, Peter). 001:043 On the next day, he was determined to go out into Galilee, and he found Philip. Jesus said to him, \"Follow me.\" 001:044 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter. 001:045 Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, \"We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, wrote: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.\" 001:046 Nathanael said to him, \"Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?", "JESUS TURNED AND SAW THEM FOLLOWING AND SAID TO THEM WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THEY SAID TO HIM RABBI WHICH IS TO SAY BEING INTERPRETED TEACHER WHERE ARE YOU STAYING HE SAID TO THEM COME AND SEE THEY CAME AND SAW WHERE HE WAS STAYING AND THEY STAYED WITH HIM THAT DAY IT WAS ABOUT THE TENTH HOUR ONE OF THE TWO WHO HEARD JOHN AND FOLLOWED HIM WAS ANDREW SIMON PETER'S BROTHER HE FIRST FOUND HIS OWN BROTHER SIMON AND SAID TO HIM WE HAVE FOUND THE MESSIAH WHICH IS BEING INTERPRETED CHRIST HE BROUGHT HIM TO JESUS JESUS LOOKED AT HIM AND SAID YOU ARE SIMON THE SON OF JONAH YOU SHALL BE CALLED CEPHAS WHICH IS BY INTERPRETATION PETER ON THE NEXT DAY HE WAS DETERMINED TO GO OUT INTO GALILEE AND HE FOUND PHILIP JESUS SAID TO HIM FOLLOW ME NOW PHILIP WAS FROM BETHSEDA OF THE CITY OF ANDREW AND PETER PHILIP FOUND NATHANIEL AND SAID TO HIM WE HAVE FOUND HIM OF WHOM MOSES IN THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS WROTE JESUS OF NAZARETH THE SON OF JOSEPH NATHANIEL SAID TO HIM CAN ANY GOOD THING COME OUT OF NAZARETH" ], "begin_byte": 3647286, "end_byte": 3647322 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 288, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 363.760009765625, "duration": 2.88, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000289.lca", "storage_key": "244250320,26772", "recording_id": "medium/2827/web_new_testament_0811_librivox1_64kb_mp3/worldenglishbible2_17_john_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/2827/web_new_testament_0811_librivox1_64kb_mp3/worldenglishbible2_17_john_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/2827/web_new_testament_0811_librivox1_64kb_mp3/worldenglishbible2_17_john_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 25864981, "duration": 1616.5613125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Bible WEB NT 0127 The New Testament/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 8.529 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1174/winesburg_ohio_0708_librivox_64kb_mp3/winesburgohio_11_anderson_64kb_50_repeat0", "start": 621.48, "duration": 14.28, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1174/winesburg_ohio_0708_librivox_64kb_mp3/winesburgohio_11_anderson_64kb_50", "recording_id": "medium/1174/winesburg_ohio_0708_librivox_64kb_mp3/winesburgohio_11_anderson_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1174", "custom": { "texts": [ " The two Kings, Edward the father, and Tom the son, were not popular in Winesburg. They were called proud and dangerous. They had come to Winesburg from some place in the South and ran a cider mill on the Trunion Pike.", " THE TWO KINGS EDWARD THE FATHER AND TOM THE SON WERE NOT POPULAR IN WINESBURG THEY WERE CALLED PROUD AND DANGEROUS THEY HAD COME TO WINESBURG FROM SOME PLACE IN THE SOUTH AND RAN A CIDER MILL ON THE TRUNION PIKE" ], "pre_texts": [ "e all the movements of the game! Work with me! Work with me! Watch me! Watch me! Watch me!” With runners of the Winesburg team on bases, Joe Welling became as one inspired. Before they knew what had come over them, the base runners were watching the man, edging off the bases, advancing, retreating, held as by an invisible cord. The players of the opposing team also watched Joe. They were fascinated. For a moment they watched and then, as though to break a spell that hung over them, they began hurling the ball wildly about, and amid a series of fierce animal-like cries from the coach, the runners of the Winesburg team scampered home. Joe Welling’s love affair set the town of Winesburg on edge. When it began everyone whispered and shook his head. When people tried to laugh, the laughter was forced and unnatural. Joe fell in love with Sarah King, a lean, sad-looking woman who lived with her father and brother in a brick house that stood opposite the gate leading to the Winesburg Cemetery.", "ER HERE WATCH ME IN ME YOU SEE ALL THE MOVEMENTS OF THE GAME WORK WITH ME WORK WITH ME WATCH ME WATCH ME WATCH ME WITH RUNNERS OF THE WINESBURG TEAM ON BASIS JOE WELLING BECAME AS ONE INSPIRED BEFORE THEY KNEW WHAT HAD COME OVER THEM THE BASE RUNNERS WERE WATCHING THE MAN EDGING OFF THE BASES ADVANCING RETREATING HELD AS BY AN INVISIBLE CHORD THE PLAYERS OF THE OPPOSING TEAM ALSO WATCHED JOE THEY WERE FASCINATED FOR A MOMENT THEY WATCHED AND THEN AS THOUGH TO BREAK A SPELL THAT HUNG OVER THEM THEY BEGAN HURLING THE BALL WILDLY ABOUT AND AMID A SERIES OF FIERCE ANIMAL LIKE CRIES FROM THE COACH THE RUNNERS OF THE WINESBURG TEAM SCAMPERED HOME JOE WELLINGS LOVE AFFAIR SET THE TOWN OF WINESBURG ON EDGE WHEN IT BEGAN EVERYONE WHISPERED AND SHOOK HIS HEAD WHEN PEOPLE TRIED TO LAUGH THE LAUGHTER WAS FORCED AND UNNATURAL JOE FELL IN LOVE WITH SARAH KING A LEAN SAD LOOKING WOMAN WHO LIVED WITH HER FATHER AND BROTHER IN A BRICK HOUSE THAT STOOD OPPOSITE THE GATE LEADING TO THE WINESBURG CEMETERY" ], "begin_byte": 161955, "end_byte": 162172 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1428, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 621.47998046875, "duration": 14.28, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000041.lca", "storage_key": "265142237,47773,47563,40521", "recording_id": "medium/1174/winesburg_ohio_0708_librivox_64kb_mp3/winesburgohio_11_anderson_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1174/winesburg_ohio_0708_librivox_64kb_mp3/winesburgohio_11_anderson_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1174/winesburg_ohio_0708_librivox_64kb_mp3/winesburgohio_11_anderson_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 17120021, "duration": 1070.0013125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Winesburg Ohio/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 9.329 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/3691/short_scifi_013_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenjudge_gordon_hh_64kb_124_repeat0", "start": 2534.9199375, "duration": 8.719, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/3691/short_scifi_013_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenjudge_gordon_hh_64kb_124", "recording_id": "medium/3691/short_scifi_013_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenjudge_gordon_hh_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "3691", "custom": { "texts": [ " It was soon as visited and cherished as the Magna Carta and the Liberty Bell. A night and day guard stood watch over it.", " IT WAS SOON AS VISITED AND CHERISHED AS THE MAGNA CHARTA AND THE LIBERTY BELL A NIGHT AND DAY GUARD STOOD WATCH OVER IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "uded a carved elephant tusk from Nepal, a Royal Copenhagen dinner service for twenty-four from the Kingdom of Denmark, a one-rupee note from a ten-year-old girl in Bombay and--a gesture that excited much speculation--a case of caviar from the Kremlin. The Department of Defense announced that General O'Reilly had become the most decorated soldier ever to wear American uniform. In every toss, each of the rival sides had awarded him some kind of decoration. When he wore full-dress uniform, the ribbons solidly covered both sides of his tunic, and he was nearly strangled with various stars and orders that dangled from ribbons around his neck. \"He retired just in time,\" his wife told her daughter-in-law one day at tea. \"There's not another square inch left for another ribbon.\" General O'Reilly presented the Golden Judge to the United Nations, and the King of Saudi Arabia proved his sportsmanship by having a theft-proof case made for it of solid crystal, so that it could be on public display.", "F GIFTS THEY INCLUDED A CARVED ELEPHANT TUSK FROM NAPAL A ROYAL COHINGAGEN DINNER SERVICE FOR TWENTY FOUR FROM THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK A ONE RUPEE NOTE FROM A TEN YEAR OLD GIRL IN BOMBAY AND A GESTURE THAT EXCITED MUCH SPECULATION A CASE OF CAVIARE FROM THE KREMLIN THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DENOUNCED THAT GENERAL O'REALLY HAD BECOME THE MOST DECORATED SOLDIER EVER TO WEAR AMERICAN UNIFORM IN EVERY TOSS EACH OF THE RIVAL SIDES HAD AWARDED HIM SOME KIND OF DECORATION WHEN HE WORE FULL DRESS UNIFORM THE RIBBONS SOLIDLY COVERED BOTH SIDES OF HIS TUNIC AND HE WAS NEARLY STRANGLED WITH VARIOUS STARS AND ORDERS THAT DANGLED FROM RIBBONS AROUND HIS NECK HE RETIRED JUST IN TIME HIS WIFE TOLD HER DAUGHTER IN LAW ONE DAY AT TEA THERE IS NOT ANOTHER SQUARE INCH LEFT FOR ANOTHER RIBBON GENERAL O'REILLY PRESENTED THE GOLDEN JUDGE TO THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE KING OF SOUGHTY ARABIA PROVED HIS SPORTSMANSHIP BY HAVING A THEFT PROOF CASE MADE FOR IT OF SOLID CRYSTAL SO THAT IT COULD BE ON PUBLIC DISPLAY" ], "begin_byte": 92631, "end_byte": 92751 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 872, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 2534.919921875, "duration": 8.719, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000400.lca", "storage_key": "77949140,42801,32330", "recording_id": "medium/3691/short_scifi_013_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenjudge_gordon_hh_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/3691/short_scifi_013_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenjudge_gordon_hh_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/3691/short_scifi_013_librivox_64kb_mp3/goldenjudge_gordon_hh_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 41799535, "duration": 2612.4709375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Short Science Fiction Collection 013/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 16.419 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/1088/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_09_wallace_64kb_72_repeat0", "start": 840.24, "duration": 13.72, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1088/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_09_wallace_64kb_72", "recording_id": "medium/1088/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_09_wallace_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1088", "custom": { "texts": [ " She heard the soft thud of the front door closing, and rising she crossed the room rapidly and looked down through the window to the street. She watched Fisher until he was out of sight; then she descended to the hall and to the kitchen.", " SHE HEARD THE SOFT THUD OF THE FRONT DOOR CLOSING AND RISING SHE CROSSED THE ROOM RAPIDLY AND LOOKED DOWN THROUGH THE WINDOW TO THE STREET SHE WATCHED FISHER UNTIL HE WAS OUT OF SIGHT THEN SHE DESCENDED TO THE HALL AND TO THE KITCHEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ith pleasure, miss,” he said. It was a heaven-sent opportunity for Fisher, who had been inventing some excuse for leaving the house. She handed him the letter and he read without a droop of eyelid the superscription: “T. X. Meredith, Esq., Special Service Dept., Scotland Yard, Whitehall.” He put it carefully in his pocket and went from the room to change. Large as the house was Kara did not employ a regular staff of servants. A maid and a valet comprised the whole of the indoor staff. His cook, and the other domestics, necessary for conducting an establishment of that size, were engaged by the day. Kara had returned from the country earlier than had been anticipated, and, save for Fisher, the only other person in the house beside the girl, was the middle-aged domestic who was parlour-maid, serving-maid and housekeeper in one. Miss Holland sat at her desk to all appearance reading over the letters she had typed that afternoon but her mind was very far from the correspondence before her.", "EMPLOYMENT I WILL GO WITH PLEASURE MISS HE SAID IT WAS A HEAVEN SENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FISHER WHO HAD BEEN INVENTING SOME EXCUSE FOR LEAVING THE HOUSE SHE HANDED HIM THE LETTER AND HE READ WITHOUT A DROOP OF EYELID THE SUPERSCRIPTION T X MEREDITH ESQUIRE SPECIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT SCOTLAND YARD WHITEHALL HE PUT IT CAREFULLY IN HIS POCKET AND WENT FROM THE ROOM TO CHANGE LARGE AS THE HOUSE WAS KARA DID NOT EMPLOY A REGULAR STAFF OF SERVANTS A MAID AND A VALET COMPRISED THE WHOLE OF THE INDOOR STAFF HIS COOK AND THE OTHER DOMESTICS NECESSARY FOR CONDUCTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF THAT SIZE WERE ENGAGED BY THE DAY KARA HAD RETURNED FROM THE COUNTRY EARLIER THAN HAD BEEN ANTICIPATED AND SAVE FOR FISHER THE ONLY OTHER PERSON IN THE HOUSE BESIDE THE GIRL WAS THE MIDDLE AGED DOMESTIC WHO WAS PARLOUR MAID SERVING MAID AND HOUSEKEEPER IN ONE MISS HOLLAND SAT AT HER DESK TO ALL APPEARANCE READING OVER THE LETTERS SHE HAD TYPED THAT AFTERNOON BUT HER MIND WAS VERY FAR FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE BEFORE HER" ], "begin_byte": 142860, "end_byte": 143097 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1372, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 840.239990234375, "duration": 13.72, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000027.lca", "storage_key": "191260724,46801,47204,35591", "recording_id": "medium/1088/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_09_wallace_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1088/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_09_wallace_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1088/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_09_wallace_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16645637, "duration": 1040.3523125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Clue of the Twisted Candle/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/3615/book_1001_nights2_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/thousand_nights_vol02_37_burton_64kb_17_repeat0", "start": 116.72, "duration": 9.239, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/3615/book_1001_nights2_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/thousand_nights_vol02_37_burton_64kb_17", "recording_id": "medium/3615/book_1001_nights2_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/thousand_nights_vol02_37_burton_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "3615", "custom": { "texts": [ " If ye accept, it will be well for you; but if ye refuse there remaineth nothing for you but death. So we have told you sooth, and this is our last word to you.\"", " IF YE ACCEPT IT WILL BE WELL FOR YOU BUT IF YE REFUSE THERE REMAINETH NOTHING FOR YOU BUT DEATH SO WE HAVE TOLD YOU SOOTH AND THIS IS OUR LAST WORD TO YOU" ], "pre_texts": [ " sight. So they fell to lamenting and saying to each other, \"Verily, the opposing of pious men leadeth to greater distress than this, and we are punished by the strait which hath befallen us.\" So far concerning Zau al-Makan and the Wazir Dandan; but as regards King Sharrkan, he passed that night in the cavern with his comrades, and when dawned the day and he had prayed the morn prayer, he and his men made ready to do battle with the Infidel and he heartened them; and promised them all good. Then they sallied out till they were hard upon the Unbelievers and, when these saw them from afar, they cried out to them, saying, \"O Moslems, we have taken captives your Sultan and your Wazir who hath the ordering of your affairs; and except ye leave off fighting us, we will slay you to the last man; but an you yield yourselves we will take you to our King, who will make peace with you on condition that you quit our country and return home and harm us in naught, and we will do you no harm in aught.", "D DISAPPEARED FROM THEIR SIGHT SO THEY FELL TO LAMENTING AND SAYING TO EACH OTHER VERILY THE OPPOSING OF PIOUS MEN LEADETH TO GREATER DISTRESS THAN THIS AND WE ARE PUNISHED BY THE STRAIT WHICH HATH BEFALLEN US SO FAR CONCERNING ZA AL MAKAN AND THE WAZIR DANDAN BUT AS REGARDS KING SHARRKAN HE PASSED THAT NIGHT IN THE CAVERN WITH HIS COMRADES AND WENT DAWN THE DAY AND HE HAD PRAYED THE MORN PRAYER HE AND HIS MEN MADE READY TO DO BATTLE WITH THE INFIDEL AND HE HEARTENED THEM AND PROMISED THEM ALL GOOD THEN THEY SALLIED OUT TILL THEY WERE HARD UPON THE UNBELIEVERS AND WHEN THESE SAW THEM FROM AFAR THEY CRIED OUT TO THEM SAYING O MOSLEMS WE HAVE TAKEN CAPTIVES OF YOUR SULTAN AND YOUR VIZIER WHO HATH THE ORDERING OF YOUR AFFAIRS AND EXCEPT YE LEAVE OFF FIGHTING US WE WILL SLAY YOU TO THE LAST MAN BUT AN YOU YIELD YOURSELVES WE WILL TAKE YOU TO OUR KING WHO WILL MAKE PEACE WITH YOU ON CONDITION THAT YOU QUIT OUR COUNTRY AND RETURN HOME AND HARM US IN NAUGHT AND WE WILL DO YOU NO HARM IN AUGHT" ], "begin_byte": 541282, "end_byte": 541442 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 924, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 116.72000122070312, "duration": 9.239, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000390.lca", "storage_key": "179640827,45234,38511", "recording_id": "medium/3615/book_1001_nights2_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/thousand_nights_vol02_37_burton_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/3615/book_1001_nights2_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/thousand_nights_vol02_37_burton_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/3615/book_1001_nights2_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/thousand_nights_vol02_37_burton_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8615225, "duration": 538.4515625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night Arabian Nights Volume 02/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 7.65 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/4566/short_poetry_084_1001_librivox_64kb_mp3/antigonish_mearns_dtc__64kb_1_repeat0", "start": 24.84, "duration": 3.6, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/4566/short_poetry_084_1001_librivox_64kb_mp3/antigonish_mearns_dtc__64kb_1", "recording_id": "medium/4566/short_poetry_084_1001_librivox_64kb_mp3/antigonish_mearns_dtc__64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 3.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "4566", "custom": { "texts": [ " Go away, go away, donât you come back any more!", " GO AWAY GO AWAY DON'T COME BACK ANY MORE" ], "pre_texts": [ "s and never showed surprise no matter what they did or said.\"[1] Mearns wrote two influential books: Creative Youth 1925, and Creative Power 1929. Essayist Gabriel Gudding credits those books with \"[lighting] a fuse\" under the teaching of creative writing, influencing a generation of scholars.[2] He also served for a time (starting in 1920) as head of the Lincoln School Teachers College at Columbia University.[3] He was also a proponent of John Dewey's work in progressive education.[3] Antigonish[edit] Main article: Antigonish (poem) Mearns is credited with the well-known rhyme, composed in 1899 as a song for a play he had written, called The Psyco-ed.[4] The play was performed in 1910, and the poem was first published as \"Antigonish\" in 1922. Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who wasnât there He wasnât there again today I wish, I wish heâd go away When I came home last night at three The man was waiting there for me But when I looked around the hall I couldnât see him there at all!", " ANTIGONISH BY WILLIAM HUGHES MURNS READ FOR LIVERVOX DOT ORG BY DALANCLAWSON YESTERDAY UPON THE STAIR I MET A MAN WHO WASN'T THERE HE WASN'T THERE AGAIN TO DAY OH HOW I WISH HE'D GO AWAY WHEN I CAME HOME LAST NIGHT AT THREE THE MAN WAS WAITING THERE FOR ME BUT WHEN I LOOKED ROUND THE HALL I COULDN'T SEE HIM THERE AT ALL" ], "begin_byte": 11815, "end_byte": 11862 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 360, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 24.84000015258789, "duration": 3.6, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000457.lca", "storage_key": "25077125,32197", "recording_id": "medium/4566/short_poetry_084_1001_librivox_64kb_mp3/antigonish_mearns_dtc__64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/4566/short_poetry_084_1001_librivox_64kb_mp3/antigonish_mearns_dtc__64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/4566/short_poetry_084_1001_librivox_64kb_mp3/antigonish_mearns_dtc__64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 798668, "duration": 49.91675, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Short Poetry Collection 084/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 10.669 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/4837/agathawebb_1310_librivox_64kb_mp3/agathawebb_14_green_64kb_9_repeat0", "start": 215.36, "duration": 6.24, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/4837/agathawebb_1310_librivox_64kb_mp3/agathawebb_14_green_64kb_9", "recording_id": "medium/4837/agathawebb_1310_librivox_64kb_mp3/agathawebb_14_green_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.24, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "4837", "custom": { "texts": [ " No; I will have those bills, every one of them, or show myself your master.", " NO I WILL HAVE THOSE BILLS EVERY ONE OF THEM OR SHOW MYSELF YOUR MASTER" ], "pre_texts": [ ", he saw, drawn up in the moonlight just at the point where he had intended to leap the fence, the form of a woman with one hand held out to stop him. It was Amabel. Confounded by this check and filled with an anger that was nigh to dangerous, he fell back and then immediately sprang forward. \"What are you doing here?\" he cried. \"Don't you know that it is eleven o'clock and that my father requires the house to be closed at that hour?\" \"And you?\" was her sole retort; \"what are you doing here? Are you searching for flowers in the woods, and is that valise you carry the receptacle in which you hope to put your botanical specimens?\" With a savage gesture he dropped the valise and took her fiercely by the shoulders. \"Where have you hidden my money?\" he hissed. \"Tell me, or---\" \"Or what?\" she asked, smiling into his face in a way that made him lose his grip. \"Or--or I cannot answer for myself,\" he proceeded, stammering. \"Do you. think I can endure everything from you because you are a woman?", "'S GROUNDS FROM THOSE OF HIS ADJOINING NEIGHBOUR HE SAW DRAWN UP IN THE MOONLIGHT JUST AT THE POINT WHERE HE HAD INTENDED TO LEAP THE FENCE THE FORM OF A WOMAN WITH ONE HAND HELD OUT TO STOP HIM IT WAS AMABEL CONFOUNDED BY THIS CHECK AND FILLED WITH AN ANGER THAT WAS NIGH TO DANGEROUS HE FELL BACK AND THEN IMMEDIATELY SPRANG FORWARD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE HE CRIED DON'T YOU KNOW THAT IT IS ELEVEN O'CLOCK AND THAT MY FATHER REQUIRES THE HOUSE TO BE CLOSED AT THAT HOUR AND YOU WAS HER SOLE RETORT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR FLOWERS IN THE WOODS AND IS THAT VALISE YOU CARRY THE RECEPTACLE IN WHICH YOU HOPE TO PUT YOUR BOTANICAL SPECIMENS WITH A SAVAGE GESTURE HE DROPPED THE VALISE AND TOOK HER FIERCELY BY THE SHOULDERS WHERE HAVE YOU HIDDEN MY MONEY HE HISSED TELL ME OR OR WHAT SHE ASKED SMILING INTO HIS FACE IN A WAY THAT MADE HIM LOSE HIS GRIP OR OR I CANNOT ANSWER FOR MYSELF HE PROCEEDED STAMMERING DO YOU THINK I CAN ENDURE EVERYTHING FROM YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN" ], "begin_byte": 120099, "end_byte": 120174 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 624, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 215.36000061035156, "duration": 6.24, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000466.lca", "storage_key": "132197880,46901,11824", "recording_id": "medium/4837/agathawebb_1310_librivox_64kb_mp3/agathawebb_14_green_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/4837/agathawebb_1310_librivox_64kb_mp3/agathawebb_14_green_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/4837/agathawebb_1310_librivox_64kb_mp3/agathawebb_14_green_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8593259, "duration": 537.0786875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Agatha Webb/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 11.619 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/2060/antonia_0801_librivox1_64kb_mp3/myantonia_01-10_cather_64kb_41_repeat0", "start": 316.16, "duration": 8.16, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/2060/antonia_0801_librivox1_64kb_mp3/myantonia_01-10_cather_64kb_41", "recording_id": "medium/2060/antonia_0801_librivox1_64kb_mp3/myantonia_01-10_cather_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "2060", "custom": { "texts": [ " “We get from Mr. Bushy, at the post-office,—what he throw out. We got no potatoes, Mrs. Burden,” Tony admitted mournfully.", " WE GET FROM MISTER BUSHY AT THE POST OFFICE WHAT HE THROW OUT WE GOT NO POTATOES MISSUS BURDEN TONY ADMITTED MOURNFULLY" ], "pre_texts": [ "itively vindictive. Grandmother went on talking in her polite Virginia way, not admitting their stark need or her own remissness, until Jake arrived with the hamper, as if in direct answer to Mrs. Shimerda’s reproaches. Then the poor woman broke down. She dropped on the floor beside her crazy son, hid her face on her knees, and sat crying bitterly. Grandmother paid no heed to her, but called Ántonia to come and help empty the basket. Tony left her corner reluctantly. I had never seen her crushed like this before. “You not mind my poor mamenka, Mrs. Burden. She is so sad,” she whispered, as she wiped her wet hands on her skirt and took the things grandmother handed her. The crazy boy, seeing the food, began to make soft, gurgling noises and stroked his stomach. Jake came in again, this time with a sack of potatoes. Grandmother looked about in perplexity. “Have n’t you got any sort of cave or cellar outside, Ántonia? This is no place to keep vegetables. How did your potatoes get frozen?”", "HOOK IT AT US WITH A LOOK POSITIVELY VINDICTIVE GRANDMOTHER WENT ON TALKING IN HER POLITE VIRGINIA WAY NOT ADMITTING THEIR STARK NEED OR HER OWN REMISSNESS UNTIL JAKE ARRIVED WITH THE HAMPER AS IF IN DIRECT ANSWER TO MISSUS SHIMERDA'S REPROACHES THEN THE POOR WOMAN BROKE DOWN SHE DROPPED ON THE FLOOR BESIDE HER CRAZY SON HID HER FACE ON HER KNEES AND SAT CRYING BITTERLY GRANDMOTHER PAID NO HEED TO HER BUT CALLED ANTONIA TO COME AND HELP EMPTY THE BASKET TONY LEFT HER CORNER RELUCTANTLY I HAD NEVER SEEN HER CRUSHED LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU NOT MIND MY POOR MA MINKA MISSUS BURDEN SHE IS SO SAD SHE WHISPERED AS SHE WIPED HER WET HANDS ON HER SKIRT AND TOOK THE THINGS GRANDMOTHER HANDED HER THE CRAZY BOY SEEING THE FOOD BEGAN TO MAKE SOFT GURGLING NOISES AND STROKED HIS STOMACH JAKE CAME IN AGAIN THIS TIME WITH A SACK OF POTATOES GRANDMOTHER LOOKED ABOUT IN PERPLEXITY HAVEN'T YOU GOT ANY SORT OF CAVE OR CELLAR OUTSIDE ANTONIA THIS IS NO PLACE TO KEEP VEGETABLES HOW DID YOUR POTATOES GET FROZEN" ], "begin_byte": 96313, "end_byte": 96435 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 816, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 316.1600036621094, "duration": 8.16, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000193.lca", "storage_key": "147236231,45260,29009", "recording_id": "medium/2060/antonia_0801_librivox1_64kb_mp3/myantonia_01-10_cather_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/2060/antonia_0801_librivox1_64kb_mp3/myantonia_01-10_cather_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/2060/antonia_0801_librivox1_64kb_mp3/myantonia_01-10_cather_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11016563, "duration": 688.5351875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/My Ántonia/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1646/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_40_dumas_64kb_21_repeat0", "start": 328.16, "duration": 13.119, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1646/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_40_dumas_64kb_21", "recording_id": "medium/1646/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_40_dumas_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1646", "custom": { "texts": [ " Depraved as a girl, adulterous as a wife, an unnatural sister, homicide, poisoner, execrated by all who knew her, by every nation that had been visited by her, she died accursed by Heaven and earth.”", " DEPRAVED AS A GIRL ADULTERESS AS A WIFE AN UNNATURAL SISTER HOMICIDE POISONER EXECRATED BY ALL WHO KNEW HER BY EVERY NATION THAT HAD BEEN VISITED BY HER SHE DIED ACCURSED BY HEAVEN AND EARTH" ], "pre_texts": [ "by a man who was, ere that, honest, good and pure. What say you to that crime, of which I have the proof?” “She was my mother.” “On our return to France she had a young woman who was attached to one of her opponents poisoned in the convent of the Augustines at Bethune. Will this crime persuade you of the justice of her punishment—for of all this I have the proofs?” “She was my mother!” cried the young man, who uttered these three successive exclamations with constantly increasing force. “At last, charged with murders, with debauchery, hated by every one and yet threatening still, like a panther thirsting for blood, she fell under the blows of men whom she had rendered desperate, though they had never done her the least injury; she met with judges whom her hideous crimes had evoked; and that executioner you saw—that executioner who you say told you everything—that executioner, if he told you everything, told you that he leaped with joy in avenging on her his brother’s shame and suicide.", "DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM TO BE STABBED BY A MAN WHO WAS ERE THAT HONEST GOOD AND PURE WHAT SAY YOU TO THAT CRIME OF WHICH I HAVE THE PROOF SHE WAS MY MOTHER ON OUR RETURN TO FRANCE SHE HAD A YOUNG MAN WHO WAS ATTACHED TO ONE OF HER OPPONENTS POISONED IN THE CONVENT OF THE AUGUSTINEES AT BETHUNE WILL THIS CRIME PERSUADE YOU OF THE JUSTICE OF HER PUNISHMENT FOR ALL OF THIS I HAVE THE PROOFS SHE WAS MY MOTHER CRIED THE YOUNG MAN WHO UTTERED THESE THREE SUCCESSIVE EXCLAMATIONS WITH CONSTANTLY INCREASING FORCE AT LAST CHARGED WITH MURDERS WITH DEBAUCHERY HATED BY EVERY ONE AND YET THREATENING STILL LIKE A PANTHER THIRSTING FOR BLOOD SHE FELL UNDER THE BLOWS OF MEN WHOM SHE HAD RENDERED DESPERATE THOUGH THEY HAD NEVER DONE HER THE LEAST INJURY SHE MET WITH JUDGES WHOM HER HIDEOUS CRIMES HAD EVOKED AND THAT EXECUTIONER YOU SAW THAT EXECUTIONER WHO YOU SAY YOU TOLD EVERYTHING THAT EXECUTIONER IF HE TOLD YOU EVERYTHING TOLD YOU THAT HE LEAPT WITH JOY IN AVENGING ON HER HIS BROTHER'S SHAME AND SUICIDE" ], "begin_byte": 612737, "end_byte": 612936 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1312, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 328.1600036621094, "duration": 13.119, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000108.lca", "storage_key": "187445734,44075,44164,27758", "recording_id": "medium/1646/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_40_dumas_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1646/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_40_dumas_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1646/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_40_dumas_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7589716, "duration": 474.35725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Twenty Years After/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 2.73 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/2319/trumpetmajor_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/trumpetmajor_09_hardy_64kb_52_repeat0", "start": 492.88, "duration": 8.399, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/2319/trumpetmajor_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/trumpetmajor_09_hardy_64kb_52", "recording_id": "medium/2319/trumpetmajor_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/trumpetmajor_09_hardy_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "2319", "custom": { "texts": [ "' 'Well, I took to it naturally when I was a little boy,' said he, betrayed into quite a gushing state by her delightful interest.", " WELL I TOOK TO IT NATURALLY WHEN I WAS A LITTLE BOY SAID HE BETRAYED INTO QUITE A GUSHING STATE BY HER DELIGHTFUL INTEREST" ], "pre_texts": [ "was uneasy,' he said; and then was compelled by conscience to make a clean breast of it. 'I know she was uneasy, because my father said so. But I did not see her myself. The truth is, she doesn't know I am come.' Anne now saw how the matter stood; but she was not offended with him. What woman could have been? They walked on in silence, the respectful trumpet-major keeping a yard off on her right as precisely as if that measure had been fixed between them. She had a great feeling of civility toward him this evening, and spoke again. 'I often hear your trumpeters blowing the calls. They do it beautifully, I think.' 'Pretty fair; they might do better,' said he, as one too well-mannered to make much of an accomplishment in which he had a hand. 'And you taught them how to do it?' 'Yes, I taught them.' 'It must require wonderful practice to get them into the way of beginning and finishing so exactly at one time. It is like one throat doing it all. How came you to be a trumpeter, Mr. Loveday?", "UCH ALARMED ABOUT ME PERHAPS YES SHE WAS UNEASY HE SAID AND THEN WAS COMPELLED BY CONSCIENCE TO MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF IT I KNOW SHE WAS UNEASY BECAUSE MY FATHER SAID SO BUT I DID NOT SEE HER MYSELF THE TRUTH IS SHE DOESN'T KNOW I AM COME ANNE NOW SAW HOW THE MATTER STOOD BUT SHE WAS NOT OFFENDED WITH HIM WHAT WOMAN COULD HAVE BEEN THEY WALKED ON IN SILENCE THE RESPECTFUL TRUMPET MAJOR KEEPING A YARD OFF ON HER RIGHT AS PRECISELY AS IF THAT MEASURE HAD BEEN FIXED BETWEEN THEM SHE HAD A GREAT FEELING OF CIVILITY TOWARDS HIM THIS EVENING AND SPOKE AGAIN I OFTEN HEAR YOUR TRUMPETERS BLOWING THE CALLS THEY DO IT BEAUTIFULLY I THINK PRETTY FAIR THEY MIGHT DO BETTER SAID HE AS ONE TOO WELL MANNERED TO MAKE MUCH OF AN ACCOMPLISHMENT IN WHICH HE HAD A HAND AND YOU TAUGHT THEM HOW TO DO IT YES I TAUGHT THEM IT MUST REQUIRE WONDERFUL PRACTICE TO GET THEM INTO THE WAY OF BEGINNING AND FINISHING SO EXACTLY AT ONE TIME IT IS LIKE ONE THROAT DOING IT ALL HOW CAME YOU TO BE A TRUMPETER MISTER LOVEDAY" ], "begin_byte": 126123, "end_byte": 126252 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 840, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 492.8800048828125, "duration": 8.399, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000250.lca", "storage_key": "275158343,46300,31987", "recording_id": "medium/2319/trumpetmajor_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/trumpetmajor_09_hardy_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/2319/trumpetmajor_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/trumpetmajor_09_hardy_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/2319/trumpetmajor_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/trumpetmajor_09_hardy_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 27188425, "duration": 1699.2765625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Trumpet Major/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1844/short_story_vol017_0709_librivox_64kb_mp3/endoftheparty_green_nd.mp3_64kb_77_repeat0", "start": 831.44, "duration": 7.52, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1844/short_story_vol017_0709_librivox_64kb_mp3/endoftheparty_green_nd.mp3_64kb_77", "recording_id": "medium/1844/short_story_vol017_0709_librivox_64kb_mp3/endoftheparty_green_nd.mp3_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1844", "custom": { "texts": [ " But the knowledge of his terror, or the reflection of the terror itself, reached his brother's brain.", " BUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS TERROR OR THE REFLECTION OF THE TERROR ITSELF REACHED HIS BROTHER'S BRAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ed the attempt. He must have prayed for cunning to evade the game, which was now welcomed with cries of excitement by all the other children. \"Oh, do let's.\" \"We must pick sides.\" \"Is any of the house out of bounds?\"' \"Where shall home be?\"' \"I think,\" said Francis Morton, approaching Mrs Henne-Falcon, his eyes focused unwaveringly on her exuberant breasts, \"it will be no use my playing. My nurse will be calling for me very soon.\" \"Oh, but your nurse can wait, Francis,\" said Mrs Henne-Falcon, while she clapped her hands together to summon to her side a few children who were already straying up the wide staircase to upper floors. \"Your mother will never mind.\" That had been the limit of Francis's cunning. He had refused to believe that so well-prepared an excuse could fail. All that he could say now, still in the precise tone which other children hated, thinking it a symbol of conceit, was, \"I think I had better not play.\" He stood motionless, retaining, though afraid, unmoved features.", "IED TO MEET MEET IT WITH COURAGE AND HAD ABANDONED THE ATTEMPT HE MUST HAVE PRAYED FOR CUNNING TO EVADE THE GAME WHICH WAS NOW WELCOMED WITH CRIES OF EXCITEMENT BY ALL THE OTHER CHILDREN OH DO LET'S WE MUST PICK SIDES IS ANY OF THE HOUSE OUT OF THE BOUNDS WHERE SHALL HOME BE I THINK SAID FRANCIS MORTON APPROACHING MISSUS HANFALCON HIS EYES FOCUSED UNWAVERINGLY IN HER EXUBERANT BREAST IT WILL BE NO USE MY PLAYING MY NURSE WILL BE CALLING FOR YOU VERY SOON OH BUT YOUR NURSE CAN WAIT SAID MISSUS HENFALCON WHILE SHE CLAPPED HER HANDS TOGETHER TO SUMMON TO HER SIDE A FEW CHILDREN WHO WERE ALREADY STRAYING UP THE WIDE STAIRCASE TO UPPER FLOORS YOUR MOTHER WILL NEVER MIND THAT HAD BEEN THE LIMIT OF FRANCIS'S CUNNING HE HAD REFUSED TO BELIEVE THAT SO WELL PREPARED AN EXCUSE COULD FAIL ALL THAT HE COULD SAY NOW STILL ON THE PRECISE STONE WHICH THE OTHER CHILDREN HATED THINKING IT A SYMBOL OF CONCEIT WAS I THINK I HAD BETTER NOT PLAY HE STOOD MOTIONLESS RETAINING THOUGH UNAFRAID UNMOVED FEATURES" ], "begin_byte": 48023, "end_byte": 48124 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 752, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 831.4400024414062, "duration": 7.52, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000123.lca", "storage_key": "69998384,47506,24303", "recording_id": "medium/1844/short_story_vol017_0709_librivox_64kb_mp3/endoftheparty_green_nd.mp3_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1844/short_story_vol017_0709_librivox_64kb_mp3/endoftheparty_green_nd.mp3_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1844/short_story_vol017_0709_librivox_64kb_mp3/endoftheparty_green_nd.mp3_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20335381, "duration": 1270.9613125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 017/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 2.969 } ]
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And my experience,\" he added with a laugh, \"is that if the police once get a theory of their own, it's no use suggesting any other to them--they'll ride theirs, either till it drops or they get home with it.\" Sir Gilbert nodded his head, as if he agreed with that, and he suddenly gave Mr. Lindsey an inquiring look. \"What's your own opinion?\" he asked. But Mr. Lindsey was not to be drawn. He laughed and shrugged his shoulders, as if to indicate that the affair was none of his. \"I wouldn't say that I have an opinion, Sir Gilbert,\" he answered. \"It's much too soon to form one, and I haven't the details, and I'm not a detective. But all these matters are very simple--when you get to the bottom of them. The police think this is going to be a very simple affair--mere vulgar murder for the sake of mere vulgar robbery. We shall see!\" Then Sir Gilbert went away, and Mr. Lindsey looked at me, who stood a little apart, and he saw that I was thinking.", "OM PEOPLES AND MURDERED FOR THE SAKE OF MONEY THAT HE WAS CARRYING IN A BAGHEAD WITH HIM AND MY EXPERIENCE HE ADDED WITH A LAUGH IS THAT IF THE POLICE ONCE GET A THEORY OF THEIR OWN IT'S NO USE SUGGESTING ANY OTHER TO THEM THEY'LL RIDE THEIRS EITHER TILL IT DROPS OR THEY GET HOME WITH IT SIR GILBERT NODDED AS IF HE AGREED WITH THAT AND HE SUDDENLY GAVE MISTER LINDSEY AN INQUIRING LOOK WHAT'S YOUR OWN OPINION HE ASKED MISTER LINDSEY WAS NOT TO BE DRAWN HE LAUGHED AND SHRUGGED HIS SHOULDERS AS IF TO INDICATE THAT THE AFFAIR WAS NONE OF HIS I WOULDN'T SAY THAT I HAVE AN OPINION SIR GILBERT HE ANSWERED IT'S MUCH TOO SOON TO FORM ONE AND I HAVEN'T THE DETAILS AND I'M NOT A DETECTIVE BUT ALL THESE MATTERS ARE VERY SIMPLE WHEN YOU GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THEM THE POLICE THINK THIS IS GOING TO BE A VERY SIMPLE AFFAIR MERE VULGAR MURDER FOR THE SAKE OF MERE VULGAR ROBBERY WE SHALL SEE THEN SIR GILBERT WENT AWAY AND MISTER LINDSEY LOOKED AT ME WHO STOOD A LITTLE APART AND HE SAW THAT I WAS THINKING" ], "begin_byte": 158149, "end_byte": 158325 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1040, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 544.4400024414062, "duration": 10.4, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000026.lca", "storage_key": "111561110,48215,48323,4026", "recording_id": "medium/1084/dead_mens_money_librivox_64kb_mp3/deadmensmoney_15_fletcher_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1084/dead_mens_money_librivox_64kb_mp3/deadmensmoney_15_fletcher_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1084/dead_mens_money_librivox_64kb_mp3/deadmensmoney_15_fletcher_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10296007, "duration": 643.5004375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Dead Mens Money/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/2925/red_fairy_book_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/redfairybook_05_lang_64kb_108_repeat0", "start": 1006.04, "duration": 4.2, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/2925/red_fairy_book_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/redfairybook_05_lang_64kb_108", "recording_id": "medium/2925/red_fairy_book_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/redfairybook_05_lang_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 4.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "2925", "custom": { "texts": [ "’ says the knight; ‘it is impossible for him to escape.", " SAYS THE KNIGHT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO ESCAPE" ], "pre_texts": [ "d in the course of an hour it began to shake with me. At length it began to bend, and I found that one or two blows at the most would put it down. I then began to think that my death was inevitable, considering that those who were capable of doing so much would soon end my life; but just as she had the stroke drawn that would terminate my fate, the cock crew, and the witches disappeared, having resumed their natural shapes for fear of being known, and I got safe off with my bags of gold. ‘Now, sir,’ says he to the Knight of the Glen, ‘if that be not as great an adventure as ever you heard, to be within one blow of a hatchet of my end, and that blow even drawn, and after all to escape, I leave it to yourself.’ ‘Well, I cannot say but it is very extraordinary,’ says the Knight of the Glen, ‘and on that account pardon this young man his crime; so stir up the fire, till I boil this second one.’ ‘Indeed,’ says the Black Thief, ‘I would fain think he would not die this time either.’ ‘How so?", "E SHE FELL TO CUTTING DOWN THE TREE AND IN THE COURSE OF AN HOUR IT BEGAN SHAKE WITH ME AT LENGTH IT BEGAN TO BEND AND I FOUND THAT ONE OR TWO BLOWS AT THE MOST WOULD PUT IT DOWN I THEN BEGAN TO THINK THAT MY DEATH WAS INEVITABLE CONSIDERING THAT THOSE WHO WERE CAPABLE OF DOING SO MUCH WOULD SOON END MY LIFE BUT JUST AS SHE HAD THE STROKE DRAWN THAT WOULD TERMINATE MY FATE THE COCK CREW AND THE WITCHES DISAPPEARED HAVING RESUMED THEIR NATURAL SHAPES FOR FEAR OF BEING KNOWN AND I GOT SAFE OFF WITH MY BAGS OF GOLD NOW SIR SAYS HE TO THE KNIGHT OF THE GLEN IF THAT BE NOT AS GREAT AN ADVENTURE AS EVER YOU HEARD TO BE WITHIN ONE BLOW OF THE HATCHET OF MY END AND THAT BLOW EVEN DRAWN AND AFTER ALL TO ESCAPE I LEAVE IT TO YOU YOURSELF WELL I CANNOT SAY BUT IT IS VERY EXTRAORDINARY SAYS THE KNIGHT OF THE GLEN AND ON THAT ACCOUNT PARDON THIS YOUNG MAN HIS CRIME SO STIR UP THE FIRE TILL I BOIL THIS SECOND ONE INDEED SAYS THE BLACK THIEF I WOULD FAIN THINK HE WOULD NOT DIE THIS TIME EITHER HOW SO" ], "begin_byte": 112075, "end_byte": 112129 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 420, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1006.0399780273438, "duration": 4.2, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000298.lca", "storage_key": "205667277,39469", "recording_id": "medium/2925/red_fairy_book_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/redfairybook_05_lang_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/2925/red_fairy_book_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/redfairybook_05_lang_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/2925/red_fairy_book_0908_librivox_64kb_mp3/redfairybook_05_lang_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 27039818, "duration": 1689.988625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Red Fairy Book/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 3.21 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/4910/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_08_gaskell_64kb_35_repeat0", "start": 73.28, "duration": 14.72, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/4910/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_08_gaskell_64kb_35", "recording_id": "medium/4910/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_08_gaskell_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "4910", "custom": { "texts": [ " And last of all came the pig-killing, when the second frost set in. For up in the north there is an idea that the ice stored in the first frost will melt, and the meat cured then taint; the first frost is good for nothing but to be thrown away, as they express it.", " AND LAST OF ALL CAME THE PIG KILLING WHEN SECOND FROST SET IN FOR UP IN THE NORTH THERE IS AN IDEA THAT THE ICE STORED IN THE FIRST FROST WILL MELT AND THE MEAT CURED THEN TAINT THE FIRST FROST IS GOOD FOR NOTHING BUT TO BE THROWN AWAY AS THEY EXPRESS IT" ], "pre_texts": [ ",' he did not hear it. CHAPTER VIII ATTRACTION AND REPULSION A fortnight had passed over and winter was advancing with rapid strides. In bleak northern farmsteads there was much to be done before November weather should make the roads too heavy for half-fed horses to pull carts through. There was the turf, pared up on the distant moors, and left out to dry, to be carried home and stacked; the brown fern was to be stored up for winter bedding for the cattle; for straw was scarce and dear in those parts; even for thatching, heather (or rather ling) was used. Then there was meat to salt while it could be had; for, in default of turnips and mangold-wurzel, there was a great slaughtering of barren cows as soon as the summer herbage failed; and good housewives stored up their Christmas piece of beef in pickle before Martinmas was over. Corn was to be ground while yet it could be carried to the distant mill; the great racks for oat-cake, that swung at the top of the kitchen, had to be filled.", "CORDING BY AMANDA MARTIN SANDINO SYLVIA'S LOVERS BY ELIZABETH GASCOW CHAPTER EIGHT A FORTNIGHT HAD PASSED OVER AND WINTER WAS ADVANCING WITH RAPID STRIDES IN BLEAK NORTHERN FARMSTEADS THERE WAS MUCH TO BE DONE BEFORE NOVEMBER WEATHER SHOULD MAKE THE ROADS TOO HEAVY FOR HALF FED HORSES TO PULL CARTS THROUGH THERE WAS THE TURF PAIRED UP ON THE DISTANT MOORS LEFT OUT TO DRIVE TO BE CARRIED HOME AND STACKED THE BROWN FERN WAS TO BE STORED UP FOR WINTER BEDDING FOR THE CATTLE FOR STRAW WAS SCARCE AND DEAR IN THOSE PARTS EVEN FOR THATCHING HEATHER RATHER LING WAS USED THEN THERE WAS MEAL TO SALT WHILE IT COULD BE HAD FOR IN DEFAULT OF TURNIPS AND MANGLED WHIRTZEL THERE WAS A GREAT SLAUGHTERING OF BARREN COWS AS SOON AS THE SUMMER HERBAGE FAILS AND GOOD HOUSEWIVES STORED UP THEIR CHRISTMAS PIECE OF BEEF AND PICKLE BEFORE MARTIN MISS WAS OVER CORN WAS TO BE GROUND WHILE YET IT COULD BE CARRIED TO THE DISTANT MILL THE GREAT RACKS FOR OATCAKE THAT SWUNG AT THE TOP OF THE KITCHEN HAD TO BE FILLED" ], "begin_byte": 178095, "end_byte": 178359 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1472, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 73.27999877929688, "duration": 14.72, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000466.lca", "storage_key": "182036992,47837,47444,45727", "recording_id": "medium/4910/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_08_gaskell_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/4910/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_08_gaskell_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/4910/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_08_gaskell_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 21232228, "duration": 1327.01425, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Sylvias Lovers/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 4.64 }, { "cut": { "id": "b4547309-61ff-42a3-b4df-d81afa6b8d2b", "start": null, "duration": null, "channel": null, "supervisions": null, "features": null, "recording": null, "custom": null, "tracks": [ { "cut": { "id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb_81_repeat0", "start": 1772.4, "duration": 7.039, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb_81", "recording_id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "5220", "custom": { "texts": [ " . . . . . . . . The house was handsome and spacious, but the melancholy appearance of desertion", " THE HOUSE WAS HANDSOME AND SPACIOUS BUT THE MELANCHOLY APPEARANCE OF DESERTION" ], "pre_texts": [ "ext passage that was legible, though it proved to be a continuation of the narrative, was but a fragment.) . . . . . The terrors of the night rendered Stanton a sturdy and unappeasable applicant; and the shrill voice of the old woman, repeating, \"no heretic--no English--Mother of God protect us--avaunt Satan!\"-- combined with the clatter of the wooden casement (peculiar to the houses in Valencia) which she opened to discharge her volley of anathematization, and shut again as the lightning glanced through the aperture, were unable to repel his importunate request for admittance, in a night whose terrors ought to soften all the miserable petty local passions into one awful feeling of fear for the Power who caused it, and compassion for those who were exposed to it.--But Stanton felt there was something more than national bigotry in the exclamations of the old woman; there was a peculiar and personal horror of the English.--And he was right; but this did not diminish the eagerness of his.", "N ENGLISH A LONG HIATUS FOLLOWED HERE IN THE NEXT PASSAGE THAT WAS LEGIBLE THOUGH IT PROVED TO BE A CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVE WAS BUT A FRAGMENT THE TERRORS OF THE NIGHT RENDERED STANTON A STURDY AND UNAPPEASABLE APPLICANT AND THE SHRILL VOICE OF THE OLD WOMAN REPEATING NO HERETIC NO ENGLISH MOTHER GOD PROTECTEST AVON SATAN COMBINED WITH THE CLATTER OF THE WOOD CASEMENT PECULIAR TO THE HOUSES IN VALENCIA WHICH SHE OPENED TO DISCHARGE HER VOLLEY OF ANATHEMIZATION AND SHUT AGAIN AS THE LIGHTNING GLANCED THROUGH THE APERTURE WERE UNABLE TO REPEL HIS IMPORTUNATE REQUEST FOR ADMITTANCE IN A NIGHT WHOSE TERROR OUGHT TO SOFTEN ALL THE MISERABLE PETTY LOCAL PASSIONS INTO ONE AWFUL FEELING OF FEAR FOR THE POWER WHO CAUSED IT AND COMPASSION FOR THOSE WHO WERE EXPOSED TO IT BUT STANTON FELT THERE WAS SOMETHING MORE THAN NATIONAL BIGOTRY IN THE EXCLAMATIONS OF THE OLD WOMAN THERE WAS THE PECULIAR AND PERSONAL HORROR OF THE ENGLISH AND HE WAS RIGHT BUT THIS DID NOT DIMINISH THE EAGERNESS OF HIS" ], "begin_byte": 347158, "end_byte": 347253 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 704, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1772.4000244140625, "duration": 7.039, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000478.lca", "storage_key": "14591438,44911,18582", "recording_id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 50193132, "duration": 3137.07075, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Lock and Key Library/text.txt" }, "sampling_rate": null, "feat_value": null, "num_frames": null, "num_features": null, "frame_shift": null, "num_samples": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "3fa58952-f66f-4f8b-a8f9-6b54a05605fc", "start": null, "duration": 1.5, "channel": null, "supervisions": null, "features": null, "recording": null, "custom": null, "sampling_rate": 16000, "feat_value": -23.025850929940457, "num_frames": 150, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "num_samples": 24000 }, "type": "PaddingCut", "offset": 7.039 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb_30_repeat0", "start": 791.96, "duration": 6.599, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb_30", "recording_id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "5220", "custom": { "texts": [ " I always told everyone I was poor, but the more I told them so, the less they believed me.\"", " I ALWAYS TOLD EVERY ONE I WAS POOR BUT THE MORE I TOLD THEM SO THE LESS THEY BELIEVED ME" ], "pre_texts": [ " on which his own was fixed, MOVE, and hurried back to his uncle's bedside. Old Melmoth died in the course of that night, and died as he had lived, in a kind of avaricious delirium. John could not have imagined a scene so horrible as his last hours presented. He cursed and blasphemed about three halfpence, missing, as he said, some weeks before, in an account of change with his groom, about hay to a starved horse that he kept. Then he grasped John's hand, and asked him to give him the sacrament. \"If I send to the clergyman, he will charge me something for it, which I cannot pay,-- I cannot. They say I am rich,--look at this blanket;--but I would not mind that, if I could save my soul.\" And, raving, he added, \"Indeed, Doctor, I am a very poor man. I never troubled a clergyman before, and all I want is, that you will grant me two trifling requests, very little matters in your way,--save my soul, and (whispering) make interest to get me a parish coffin,--I have not enough left to bury me.", "HE TURNED AWAY HE THOUGHT HE SAW THE EYES OF THE PORTRAIT ON WHICH HIS OWN WAS FIXED MOVE AND HURRIED BACK TO HIS UNCLE'S BEDSIDE OLD MELMOUTH DIED IN THE COURSE OF THAT NIGHT AND DIED AS HE HAD LIVED IN A KIND OF AVARICIOUS DELIRIUM JOHN COULD NOT HAVE IMAGINED A SCENE SO HORRIBLE AS HIS LAST HOURS PRESENTED HE CURSED AND BLASPHEMED ABOUT THREE HALFPENCE MISSING AS HE SAID SOME WEEKS BEFORE IN AN ACCOUNT OF CHANGE WITH HIS GROOM ABOUT HAY TO A STARVED HORSE THAT HE KEPT THEN HE GRASPED JOHN'S HAND AND ASKED HIM TO GIVE HIM THE SACRAMENT IF I SEND TO THE CLERGYMAN HE WILL CHARGE ME SOMETHING FOR IT WHICH I CANNOT PAY I CANNOT THEY SAY I AM RICH LOOK AT THIS BLANKET BUT I WOULD NOT MIND THAT IF I COULD SAVE MY SOUL AND RAVING HE ADDED INDEED DOCTOR I AM A VERY POOR MAN I NEVER TROUBLED A CLERGYMAN BEFORE AND ALL I WANT IS THAT YOU WILL GRANT ME TWO TRIFLING REQUESTS VERY LITTLE MATTERS IN YOUR WAY SAVE MY SOUL AND MAKE INTEREST TO GET ME A PARISH COFFIN I HAVE NOT ENOUGH LEFT TO BURY ME" ], "begin_byte": 332887, "end_byte": 332978 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 660, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 791.9600219726562, "duration": 6.599, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000478.lca", "storage_key": "8345987,45464,14752", "recording_id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/5220/lock_key_library_1104_librivox_64kb_mp3/tlakl_09_hawthorne_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 50193132, "duration": 3137.07075, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Lock and Key Library/text.txt" }, "sampling_rate": null, "feat_value": null, "num_frames": null, "num_features": null, "frame_shift": null, "num_samples": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 8.539 } ] }, "type": "MixedCut", "offset": 14.23 } ]
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Rosa having undertaken to bring you back to our house, I prepare these few lines to let you know that Angela is in despair at having lost you. I confess that the night you spent with us was a cruel one, but I do not think that you did rightly in giving up your visits to Madame Orio. If you still feel any love for Angela, I advise you to take your chances once more. Accept a rendezvous for another night; she may vindicate herself, and you will be happy. Believe me; come. Farewell!” Those two letters afforded me much gratification, for I had it in my power to enjoy my revenge by shewing to Angela the coldest contempt. Therefore, on the following Sunday I went to Madame Orio’s house, having provided myself with a smoked tongue and a couple of bottles of Cyprus wine; but to my great surprise my cruel mistress was not there. Nanette told me that she had met her at church in the morning, and that she would not be able to come before supper-time.", "IS IS THE LETTER OF NANETTE WHO ALONE HAD HER WITS ABOUT HER M ROSA HAVING UNDERTAKEN TO BRING YOU BACK TO OUR HOUSE I PREPARE THESE FEW LINES TO LET YOU KNOW THAT ANGELA IS IN DESPAIR AT HAVING LOST YOU I CONFESS THAT THE NIGHT YOU SPENT WITH US WAS A CRUEL ONE BUT I DO NOT THINK THAT YOU DID RIGHTLY IN GIVING UP YOUR VISITS TO MADAMEE ORLE IF YOU STILL FEEL ANY LOVE FOR ANGELA I ADVISE YOU TO TAKE YOUR CHANCES ONCE MORE ACCEPT THE RENDEZVOUS FOR ANOTHER NIGHT SHE MAY VINDICATE HERSELF AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY BELIEVE ME COME FAREWELL THOSE TWO LETTERS AFFORDED ME MUCH GRATIFICATION FOR I HAD IT IN MY POWER TO ENJOY MY REVENGE BY SHOWING TO ANGELA THE COLDEST CONTEMPT THEREFORE ON THE FOLLOWING SUNDAY I WENT TO MADAME AURIO'S HOUSE HAVING PROVIDED MYSELF WITH A SMOKED TONGUE AND A COUPLE OF BOTTLES OF CYPRESS WINE BUT TO MY GREAT SURPRISE MY CRUEL MISTRESS WAS NOT THERE NANETTE TOLD ME THAT SHE HAD MET HER AT CHURCH IN THE MORNING AND THAT SHE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO COME BEFORE SUPPER TIME" ], "begin_byte": 273133, "end_byte": 273310 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1396, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 965.5599975585938, "duration": 13.96, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000091.lca", "storage_key": "38953364,46235,45594,36873", "recording_id": "medium/1447/memoirs_casanova1_0812_librivox_64kb_mp3/casanova1_09_casanova_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1447/memoirs_casanova1_0812_librivox_64kb_mp3/casanova1_09_casanova_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1447/memoirs_casanova1_0812_librivox_64kb_mp3/casanova1_09_casanova_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 30437036, "duration": 1902.31475, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Memoirs of Jacques Casanova Vol 1/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/4591/eye_dread_1109_librivox_64kb_mp3/eyeofdread_35_erskine_64kb_24_repeat0", "start": 516.04, "duration": 10.6, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/4591/eye_dread_1109_librivox_64kb_mp3/eyeofdread_35_erskine_64kb_24", "recording_id": "medium/4591/eye_dread_1109_librivox_64kb_mp3/eyeofdread_35_erskine_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "4591", "custom": { "texts": [ " In this way two days were spent, with a result that when counsel on both sides expressed themselves as satisfied with the jury, every one in the court room doubted it.", " IN THIS WAY TWO DAYS WERE SPENT WITH A RESULT THAT WHEN COUNSEL ON BOTH SIDES EXPRESSED THEMSELVES AS SATISFIED WITH THE JURY EVERY ONE IN THE COURT ROOM DOUBTED IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "on. Have you any authorities?\" \"I do not know that the Supreme Court of this State has passed upon this question. I do not think it has, but my objection finds support in the well-established rule in this country, that a public prosecutor acts in a quasi-judicial capacity. His object, like that of the court, should be simple justice. The District Attorney represents the public interest which can never be promoted by the conviction of the innocent. As the District Attorney himself could not accept a fee or reward from private parties, so, I urge, counsel employed to assist him must be equally disinterested.\" \"The court considers the question an interesting one, but the practice in the past has been against your contention. I will overrule your objection, and give you an exception. Mr. Clerk, call a jury!\"[1] Then came the wearisome technicalities of the empaneling of a jury, with challenges for cause and peremptory challenges, until nearly the entire panel of fifty jurors was exhausted.", "UPPORT IN THE WELL ESTABLISHED RULE IN THIS COUNTRY THAT A PUBLIC PROSECUTOR ACTS IN THE QUASI JUDICIAL CAPACITY HIS OBJECT LIKE THAT OF THE COURT SHOULD BE SIMPLE JUSTICE THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY REPRESENTS THE PUBLIC INTEREST WHICH CAN NEVER BE PROMOTED BY THE CONVICTION OF THE INNOCENT AS THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY HIMSELF COULD NOT ACCEPT A FEE OR REWARD FROM PRIVATE PARTIES SO I URGE COUNSEL EMPLOYED TO ASSIST HIM MUST BE EQUALLY DISINTERESTED THE COURT CONSIDERS THE QUESTION AN INTERESTING ONE BUT THE PRACTICE IN THE PAST HAS BEEN AGAINST YOUR CONTENTION I WILL OVERRULE YOUR OBJECTION AND GIVE YOU AN EXCEPTION MISTER CLERK CALL A JURY FOOTNOTE ONE THE QUESTION RAISED BY THE PRISONER'S COUNSEL WAS RULED IN FAVOUR OF HIS CONTENTION IN BIMELL V STATE SEVENTY ONE WITH FOUR FOUR FOUR DECIDED IN EIGHTEEN EIGHTY EIGHT THEN CAME THE WEARISOME TECHNICALITIES OF THE EMPANELLING OF A JURY WITH CHALLENGES FOR CAUSE AND PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES UNTIL NEARLY THE ENTIRE PANEL OF FIFTY JURORS WAS EXHAUSTED" ], "begin_byte": 680642, "end_byte": 680809 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1060, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 516.0399780273438, "duration": 10.6, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000467.lca", "storage_key": "251758062,46045,45676,6012", "recording_id": "medium/4591/eye_dread_1109_librivox_64kb_mp3/eyeofdread_35_erskine_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/4591/eye_dread_1109_librivox_64kb_mp3/eyeofdread_35_erskine_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/4591/eye_dread_1109_librivox_64kb_mp3/eyeofdread_35_erskine_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13712820, "duration": 857.05125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Eye of Dread/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 7.89 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1473/human_understanding_0711_lv_2_64kb_mp3/humanunderstanding_11_hume_64kb_6_repeat0", "start": 1391.28, "duration": 11.76, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1473/human_understanding_0711_lv_2_64kb_mp3/humanunderstanding_11_hume_64kb_6", "recording_id": "medium/1473/human_understanding_0711_lv_2_64kb_mp3/humanunderstanding_11_hume_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1473", "custom": { "texts": [ " A man who at noon leaves his purse full of gold on the pavement at Charing-Cross, may as well expect that it will fly away like a feather, as that he will find it untouched an hour after.", " A MAN WHO AT NOON LEAVES HIS PURSE FULL OF GOLD ON THE PAVEMENT AT CHARING CROSS MAY AS WELL EXPECT THAT IT WILL FLY AWAY LIKE A FEATHER AS THAT HE WILL FIND IT UNTOUCHED AN HOUR AFTER" ], "pre_texts": [ "onest and opulent, and with whom I live in intimate friendship, to come into my house, where I am surrounded with my servants, I rest assured that he is not to stab me before he leaves it in order to rob me of my silver standish; and I no more suspect this event than the falling of the house itself, which is new, and solidly built and founded._--But he may have been seized with a sudden and unknown frenzy.--_So may a sudden earthquake arise, and shake and tumble my house about my ears. I shall therefore change the suppositions. I shall say that I know with certainty that he is not to put his hand into the fire and hold it there till it be consumed: And this event, I think I can foretell with the same assurance, as that, if he throw himself out at the window, and meet with no obstruction, he will not remain a moment suspended in the air. No suspicion of an unknown frenzy can give the least possibility to the former event, which is so contrary to all the known principles of human nature.", " MAN WHOM I KNOW TO BE HONEST AND OPULENT AND WITH WHOM I LIVE IN INTIMATE FRIENDSHIP TO COME INTO MY HOUSE WHERE I AM SURROUNDED WITH MY SERVANTS I REST ASSURED THAT HE IS NOT TO STAB ME BEFORE HE LEAVES IT IN ORDER TO ROB ME OF MY SILVER STANDISH AND I NO MORE SUSPECT THIS EVENT THAN THE FALLING OF THE HOUSE ITSELF WHICH IS NEW AND SOLIDLY BUILT AND FOUNDED BUT HE MAY HAVE BEEN SEIZED WITH A SUDDEN AND UNKNOWN FRENZY SO MAY A SUDDEN EARTHQUAKE ARISE AND SHAKE AND TUMBLE MY HOUSE ABOUT MY EARS I SHALL THEREFORE CHANGE THE SUPPOSITIONS I SHALL SAY THAT I KNOW WITH CERTAINTY THAT HE IS NOT TO PUT HIS HAND INTO THE FIRE AND HOLD IT THERE TILL IT BE CONSUMED AND THIS EVENT I THINK I CAN FORETELL WITH THE SAME ASSURANCE AS THAT IF HE THROWS HIMSELF OUT AT THE WINDOW AND MEET WITH NO OBSTRUCTION HE WILL NOT REMAIN A MOMENT SUSPENDED IN THE AIR NO SUSPICION OF AN UNKNOWN FRENZY CAN GIVE THE LEAST POSSIBILITY TO THE FORMER EVENT WHICH IS SO CONTRARY TO ALL THE KNOWN PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN NATURE" ], "begin_byte": 167768, "end_byte": 167955 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1176, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1391.280029296875, "duration": 11.76, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000085.lca", "storage_key": "97791143,44830,44619,16159", "recording_id": "medium/1473/human_understanding_0711_lv_2_64kb_mp3/humanunderstanding_11_hume_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1473/human_understanding_0711_lv_2_64kb_mp3/humanunderstanding_11_hume_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1473/human_understanding_0711_lv_2_64kb_mp3/humanunderstanding_11_hume_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 32888785, "duration": 2055.5490625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 13.22 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/6127/cloudy_jewel_1105_librivox_64kb_mp3/cloudyjewel_15_hill_64kb_88_repeat0", "start": 375.44, "duration": 5.639, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/6127/cloudy_jewel_1105_librivox_64kb_mp3/cloudyjewel_15_hill_64kb_88", "recording_id": "medium/6127/cloudy_jewel_1105_librivox_64kb_mp3/cloudyjewel_15_hill_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "6127", "custom": { "texts": [ " \"I wouldn't hardly know who to appoint on such a committee. There's only two or three like to pray in our meetings.", " I WOULDN'T HARDLY KNOW WHO TO APPOINT ON SUCH A COMMITTEE THERE'S ONLY TWO OR THREE LIKE TO PRAY ABOUT OUR MEETINGS" ], "pre_texts": [ "got onto the idea. It's your society over against the other things that can draw them away from what you stand for. See? And then there's another thing. You want to have something ready to show them when you get them there. That's where our alumni come in. They often run down to college for a few days and help us out with money and influence and experience. If you've got good working alumni, you're right in it, you see. We generally appoint a committee to talk things over with the alumni.\" \"You mean,\" said Bryan, drawing his brows together in a comical way behind his goggles, \"you mean--pray, I suppose.\" \"Why,\" said Allison, flushing, \"I suppose that would be a good idea. I hadn't thought of it just in that way.\" \"You called Christ our alumnus the other night,\" reminded the literal youth solemnly. \"So I did,\" acknowledged Allison embarrassedly. \"Well, I guess you're right. But I don't know much about that kind of line.\" \"I'm afraid there don't many of us,\" put in the bashful president.", "HEN BROKE INTO A LAUGH AGAIN EXACTLY HE CRIED YOU'VE GOT ONTO THE IDEA IT'S YOUR SOCIETY OVER AGAINST OTHER THINGS THAT CAN DRAW THEM AWAY FROM WHAT YOU CAN STAND FOR SEE AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER THING YOU WANT TO HAVE SOMETHING READY TO SHOW THEM WHEN YOU GET THERE THAT'S WHERE OUR ALUMNI COME IN THEY OFTEN RUN DOWN TO COLLEGE FOR A FEW DAYS AND HELP US OUT WITH MONEY AND INFLUENCE AND EXPERIENCE IF YOU'VE GOT GOOD WORKING ALUMNI YOU'RE RIGHT IN IT YOU SEE WE GENERALLY APPOINT A COMMITTEE TO TALK THINGS OVER WITH THE ALUMNI YOU MEAN SAID BRYAN DRAWING HIS BROWS TOGETHER IN A COMICAL WAY BEHIND HIS GOGGLES YOU MEAN PRAY I SUPPOSE WHY SAID ALLISON FLUSHING I SUPPOSE THAT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA I HADN'T THOUGHT OF IT JUST IN THAT WAY YOU CALLED CHRIST OUR ALUMNUS THE OTHER NIGHT REMINDED THE LITERAL YOUTH SOLEMNLY SO I DID ACKNOWLEDGED ALLISON EMBARRASSEDLY WELL I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT BUT I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT THAT KIND OF LINE I'M AFRAID THERE DON'T MANY OF US PUT IN THE BASHFUL PRESIDENT" ], "begin_byte": 268264, "end_byte": 268379 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 564, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 375.44000244140625, "duration": 5.639, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000489.lca", "storage_key": "165652841,46666,6243", "recording_id": "medium/6127/cloudy_jewel_1105_librivox_64kb_mp3/cloudyjewel_15_hill_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/6127/cloudy_jewel_1105_librivox_64kb_mp3/cloudyjewel_15_hill_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/6127/cloudy_jewel_1105_librivox_64kb_mp3/cloudyjewel_15_hill_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 17942149, "duration": 1121.3843125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Cloudy Jewel/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 17.79 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/5468/artofstagedancing_1404_librivox_64kb_mp3/artofstagedancing_20_wayburn_64kb_45_repeat0", "start": 1520.9599375, "duration": 8.28, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/5468/artofstagedancing_1404_librivox_64kb_mp3/artofstagedancing_20_wayburn_64kb_45", "recording_id": "medium/5468/artofstagedancing_1404_librivox_64kb_mp3/artofstagedancing_20_wayburn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "5468", "custom": { "texts": [ " Start a delicate line on the edge of the eyelid at the outer corner of the eye, let it curve slightly downward at the start.", " START A DELICATE LINE ON THE EDGE OF THE EYELID AT THE OUTER CORNER OF THE EYE LET IT CURVE SLIGHTLY DOWNWARD AT THE START" ], "pre_texts": [ ". Take some of your No. 18 Dorin's dry rouge on the rabbit's foot and dust a very little on your cheeks. Do not press it down, just tickle about the edges of the rouge to be sure it blends perfectly with the foundation. If there is too much white about the nose, dust it lightly with the rabbit's foot. You can turn the paw around and blend with the end that is free of paint. Never show a white ear to the audience. If ears come into style again, as they will, the lobe and rim should be made a healthy pink, but not a strong red, with the rabbit's foot. _Eighth stage._ Darkening the eyelashes and eyebrows. Use Leichner's No. 60 black mascaro; dark brown for light blondes. The lower lashes are better left without the treatment, since they are almost certain to smear the face if treated, and the shadow you have already placed there takes care of the lower lashes all that is necessary. Apply the mascaro to the upper lashes with the brush that comes with the mascaro, or any fine brush will do.", "HIGH LIGHTING TAKE SOME OF YOUR NUMBER EIGHTEEN DORIN'S DRY ROUGE ON THE RABBIT'S FOOT AND DUST VERY LITTLE ON YOUR CHEEKS DO NOT PRESS IT DOWN JUST TICKLE ABOUT THE EDGES OF THE ROUGE TO BE SURE IT BLENDS PERFECTLY WITH THE FOUNDATION IF THERE IS TOO MUCH WHITE ABOUT THE NOSE DUST IT LIGHTLY WITH THE RABBIT'S FOOT YOU CAN TURN THE PAW AROUND AND BLEND WITH THE END THAT IS FREE OF PAINT NEVER SHOW A WHITE EAR TO THE AUDIENCE IF EARS COME INTO STYLE AGAIN AS THEY WILL THE LOBE AND RIM SHOULD BE MADE A HEALTHY PINK BUT NOT A STRONG RED WITH THE RABBIT'S FOOT EIGHTH STAGE DARKENING THE EYELASHES AND EYEBROWS USE LIKENESS NUMBER SIXTY BLACK MESCARO DARK BROWN FOR LIGHT BLONDS THE LOWER LASHES ARE BETTER LEFT WITHOUT THE TREATMENT SINCE THEY ARE ALMOST CERTAIN TO SMEAR THE FACE IF TREATED AND THE SHADOW YOU HAVE ALREADY PLACED THERE TAKES CARE OF THE LOWER LASHES ALL THAT IS NECESSARY APPLY THE MESCARRO TO THE UPPER LASHES WITH THE BRUSH THAT COMES WITH THE MESCARO OR ANY FINE BRUSH WILL DO" ], "begin_byte": 217031, "end_byte": 217155 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 828, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1520.9599609375, "duration": 8.28, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000476.lca", "storage_key": "180565418,47207,31504", "recording_id": "medium/5468/artofstagedancing_1404_librivox_64kb_mp3/artofstagedancing_20_wayburn_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/5468/artofstagedancing_1404_librivox_64kb_mp3/artofstagedancing_20_wayburn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/5468/artofstagedancing_1404_librivox_64kb_mp3/artofstagedancing_20_wayburn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 36430594, "duration": 2276.912125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Art of Stage Dancing/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1632/selected_letters_beethoven_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/selectedletters_15_beethoven_64kb_8_repeat0", "start": 45.04, "duration": 3.759, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1632/selected_letters_beethoven_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/selectedletters_15_beethoven_64kb_8", "recording_id": "medium/1632/selected_letters_beethoven_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/selectedletters_15_beethoven_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 3.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1632", "custom": { "texts": [ " MUSIC PUBLISHERS,--LEIPZIG.", " MUSIC PUBLISHERS LEIPZIG" ], "pre_texts": [ ", yet got the sonata you dedicated to me. My greatest work is a _Grand Mass_ that I have recently written. As time presses, I can only say what is most urgent. What would the Philharmonic give me for a symphony? I still cherish the hope of going to London next spring, if my health admits of it! You will find in me one who can thoroughly appreciate my dear pupil, now become a great master, and who can tell what benefit art might derive from our conjunction! I am, as ever, wholly devoted to my Muse, who constitutes the sole happiness of my life, and I toil and act for others as I best can. You have two children; I only one (my brother's son); but you are married, so both yours will not cost you so much as my one costs me. Now farewell! kiss your handsome wife for me until I can perform this solemn act in person. Your attached BEETHOVEN. Pray send me your dedication, that I may strive to return the compliment, which I mean to do as soon as I receive your work. 306. TO HERREN PETERS & CO.,", " SECTION FIFTEEN OF SELECTED LETTERS OF BEETHOVEN THIS IS A LIVER VOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERPOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY VICTOR GRED SELECTED LETTERS NUMBER THREE HUNDRED SIX BY LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN AS COMPILED AND WITH FOOTNOTES BY DOCTOR LUDWIG KNOWLL AND TRANSLATED BY LADY GRACE WALLACE LETTER NUMBER THREE HUNDRED SIX TO EVAN PETERSEN COMPANY" ], "begin_byte": 451594, "end_byte": 451621 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 376, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 45.040000915527344, "duration": 3.759, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000108.lca", "storage_key": "109465790,33946", "recording_id": "medium/1632/selected_letters_beethoven_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/selectedletters_15_beethoven_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1632/selected_letters_beethoven_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/selectedletters_15_beethoven_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1632/selected_letters_beethoven_0711_librivox_64kb_mp3/selectedletters_15_beethoven_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6615871, "duration": 413.4919375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Selected Letters of Ludwig van Beethoven/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 2.21 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/801/story_5_librivox_64kb_mp3/draculas_guest_stoker_dvf_64kb_117_repeat0", "start": 1104.48, "duration": 13.08, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/801/story_5_librivox_64kb_mp3/draculas_guest_stoker_dvf_64kb_117", "recording_id": "medium/801/story_5_librivox_64kb_mp3/draculas_guest_stoker_dvf_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "801", "custom": { "texts": [ " In the instant, as I am a living man, I saw, as my eyes were turned into the darkness of the tomb, a beautiful woman, with rounded cheeks and red lips, seemingly sleeping on a bier.", " IN THE INSTANT AS I AM A LIVING MAN I SAW AS MY EYES TURNED INTO THE DARKNESS OF THE TOMB A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WITH ROUND CHEEKS AND RED LIPS SEEMINGLY SLEEPING ON A BIER" ], "pre_texts": [ "usands of horses thundered across it; and this time the storm bore on its icy wings, not snow, but great hailstones which drove with such violence that they might have come from the thongs of Balearic slingers—hailstones that beat down leaf and branch and made the shelter of the cypresses of no more avail than though their stems were standing-corn. At the first I had rushed to the nearest tree; but I was soon fain to leave it and seek the only spot that seemed to afford refuge, the deep Doric doorway of the marble tomb. There, crouching against the massive bronze door, I gained a certain amount of protection from the beating of the hailstones, for now they only drove against me as they ricocheted from the ground and the side of the marble. As I leaned against the door, it moved slightly and opened inwards. The shelter of even a tomb was welcome in that pitiless tempest, and I was about to enter it when there came a flash of forked-lightning that lit up the whole expanse of the heavens.", " SHOOK AS THOUGH THOUSANDS OF HORSES THUNDERED ACROSS IT AND THIS TIME THE STORM BORE ON ITS ICY WINGS NOT SNOW BUT GREAT HAILSTONE WHICH DROVE WITH SUCH VIOLENCE THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE COME FROM THE THRONGS OF BELARIC SINGERS HAILSTONES THAT BEAT DOWN LEAF AND BRANCH AND MADE THE SHELTER OF CYPRESSES OF NO MORE AVAIL THAN THOUGH THEIR STEMS WERE STANDING CORN AT THE FIRST I HAD RUSHED TO THE NEAREST TREE BUT I WAS SOON FAIN TO LEAVE IT AND SEEK THE ONLY SPOT THAT SEEMED TO AFFORD REFUGE THE DEEP DORIC DOORWAY OF THE MARBLE TOMB THERE CROUCHING AGAINST THE MASSIVE BRONZE DOOR I GAINED A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF PROTECTION FROM THE BEATING OF THE HAILSTONES FOR NOW THEY ONLY DROVE AGAINST ME AS IF THEY RICKETED FROM THE GROUND AND THE SIDE OF THE MARBLE AS I LEANED AGAINST THE DOOR IT MOVED SLIGHTLY AND OPENED INWARDS THE SHELTER OF EVEN A TOMB WAS WELCOME IN THAT PITILESS TEMPEST AND I WAS ABOUT TO ENTER IT WHEN THERE CAME A FLASH OF FORKED LIGHTNING THAT LIT UP THE WHOLE EXPANSE OF THE HEAVENS" ], "begin_byte": 2367356, "end_byte": 2367537 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1308, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1104.47998046875, "duration": 13.08, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000533.lca", "storage_key": "150063154,45132,45715,28111", "recording_id": "medium/801/story_5_librivox_64kb_mp3/draculas_guest_stoker_dvf_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/801/story_5_librivox_64kb_mp3/draculas_guest_stoker_dvf_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/801/story_5_librivox_64kb_mp3/draculas_guest_stoker_dvf_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 29026006, "duration": 1814.125375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 005/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 3.01 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/9647/kalevala_lonnrot_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/kalevala_20_lonnrot_64kb_10_repeat0", "start": 180.16, "duration": 14.959, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/9647/kalevala_lonnrot_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/kalevala_20_lonnrot_64kb_10", "recording_id": "medium/9647/kalevala_lonnrot_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/kalevala_20_lonnrot_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9647", "custom": { "texts": [ " Nevermore wilt thou in summer Browse the woods of Sariola, Bare our pastures, fields, and forests; Thou, O ox, wilt feed no longer Through the length and breadth of Northland, On the borders of this ocean!”", " NEVERMORE WILT THOU IN SUMMER BROWSE THE WOODS OF SARRIOLA THERE ARE PASTURES FIELDS AND FORESTS THOU OX WILL FEED NO LONGER THROUGH THE LENGTH AND BREADTH OF NORTHLAND ON THE BORDERS OF THIS OCEAN" ], "pre_texts": [ " Thirty days the squirrel travelled From the tail to reach the shoulders, But he could not gain the horn-tip Till the Moon had long passed over. This young ox of huge dimensions, This great calf of distant Suomi, Was conducted from Karjala To the meadows of Pohyola; At each horn a hundred heroes, At his head and neck a thousand. When the mighty ox was lassoed, Led away to Northland pastures, Peacefully the monster journeyed By the bays of Sariola, Ate the pasture on the borders; To the clouds arose his shoulders, And his horns to highest heaven. Not in all of Sariola Could a butcher be discovered That could kill the ox for Louhi, None of all the sons of Northland, In her hosts of giant people, In her rising generation, In the hosts of those grown older. Came a hero from a distance, Wirokannas from Karelen, And these words the gray-beard uttered: “Wait, O wait, thou ox of Suomi, Till I bring my ancient war-club; Then I’ll smite thee on thy forehead, Break thy skull, thou willing victim!", " TO THE OTHER DID NOT STOP BETWEEN FOR RESTING THIRTY DAYS THE SQUIRREL TRAVELLED FROM THE TAIL TO REACH THE SHOULDERS BUT HE COULD NOT GAIN THE HORN TIP TILL THE MOON HAD LONG PASSED OVER THIS YOUNG OX OF HUGE DIMENSIONS THIS GREAT CALF OF DISTANT SWAMI WAS CONDUCTED FROM CARHALLA TO THE MEADOWS OF BOYOA AT EACH HORN A HUNDRED HEROES AT HIS HEAD AND NECK A THOUSAND WHEN THE MIGHTY OX WAS LASOED LED AWAY TO NORTHLAND PASTURES PEACEFULLY THE MONSTER JOURNEYED BY THE BAYS OF SARIOLA ATE THE PASTURE ON THE BORDERS TO THE CLOUDS AROSE HIS SHOULDERS AND HIS HORNS TO HIGHEST HEAVEN NOT AN ALL OF SARRIORA COULD A BUTCHER BE DISCOVERED THAT COULD KILL THE OX FAR AWAY NONE OF ALL THE SONS OF NORTHLAND INNER HOSTS OF GIANT PEOPLE IN HER RISING GENERATION IN THE HOSTS OF THOSE GROWN OLDER CAME A HERO FROM A DISTANCE VICARNAS FROM CARELLAN AND THESE WORDS THE GRAYBEARD UTTERED WAIT O WAIT OX SO SWARMY TILL I BRING MY ANCIENT WALK THAN ARE SMITELY ON THY FOREHEAD BREAK THY SKULL THOU WIDDING VICTIM" ], "begin_byte": 365586, "end_byte": 365792 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1496, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 180.16000366210938, "duration": 14.959, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000550.lca", "storage_key": "120293686,44774,45356,44745", "recording_id": "medium/9647/kalevala_lonnrot_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/kalevala_20_lonnrot_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/9647/kalevala_lonnrot_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/kalevala_20_lonnrot_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/9647/kalevala_lonnrot_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/kalevala_20_lonnrot_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24983122, "duration": 1561.445125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Kalevala the Epic Poem of Finland Crawford Translation/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 8.9 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/1289/truth_about_jesus_librivox_64kb_mp3/jesus_myth_mangasarian_18_jp_nc_64kb_45_repeat0", "start": 405.16, "duration": 11.359, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1289/truth_about_jesus_librivox_64kb_mp3/jesus_myth_mangasarian_18_jp_nc_64kb_45", "recording_id": "medium/1289/truth_about_jesus_librivox_64kb_mp3/jesus_myth_mangasarian_18_jp_nc_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1289", "custom": { "texts": [ " The good man controls his appetites and passions, but his flesh is not any different from anybody else's. If Jesus did not have a body like ours, then he did not exist as a human being.", " THE GOOD MAN CONTROLS HIS APPETITES AND PASSIONS BUT HIS FLESH IS NOT ANY DIFFERENT FROM ANYBODY ELSE'S IF JESUS DID NOT HAVE A BODY LIKE OURS THEN HE DID NOT EXIST AS A HUMAN BEING" ], "pre_texts": [ "ining nine doing in the Holy Bible? And which 'four' does the clergyman accept as doubtlessly \"genuine?\" Only yesterday all thirteen of Paul's letters were infallible, and they are so still wherever no questions are asked about them. It is only where there is intelligence and inquiry that \"four of them\" at least are reliable. As honesty and culture increase, the number of inspired epistles decreases. What the Americans are too enlightened to accept, the church sends to the _heathen_. III. \"It is true that early a sect grew up which....held that Jesus could not have had a body of carnal flesh; but they did not question that he had really lived.\" According to Dr. Barton, these early Christians did not deny that Jesus had really lived,--they only denied that _Jesus could have had a body of carnal flesh_. We wonder how many kinds of flesh there are according to Dr. Barton. Moreover, does not the bible teach that Jesus was tempted in all things, and was a man of like passions, as ourselves?", "ON CERTAIN WHAT ARE THE REMAINING NINE DOING IN THE HOLY BIBLE AND WHICH FOUR DOES THE CLERGYMAN ACCEPT AS DOUBTLESSLY GENUINE ONLY YESTERDAY ALL THIRTEEN OF PAUL'S LETTERS WERE INFALLIBLE AND THEY ARE SO STILL WHEREVER NO QUESTIONS ARE ASKED ABOUT THEM IT IS ONLY WHERE THERE IS INTELLIGENCE AND INQUIRY THAT FOUR OF THEM AT LEAST ARE RELIABLE AS HONESTY AND CULTURE INCREASE THE NUMBER OF INSPIRED EPISTLES DECREASES WHAT THE AMERICANS ARE TOO ENLIGHTENED TO ACCEPT THE CHURCH SENDS TO THE HEATHEN THREE IT IS TRUE THAT EARLY A SECT GREW UP WHICH HELD THAT JESUS COULD NOT HAVE HAD A BODY OF CARNAL FLESH BUT THEY DID NOT QUESTION THAT HE HAD REALLY LIVED ACCORDING TO DOCTOR BARTON THESE EARLY CHRISTIANS DID NOT DENY THAT JESUS HAD REALLY LIVED THEY ONLY DENIED THAT JESUS COULD HAVE HAD A BODY OF CARNAL FLESH WE WONDER HOW MANY KINDS OF FLESH THERE ARE ACCORDING TO DOCTOR BARTON MOREOVER DOES NOT THE BIBLE TEACH THAT JESUS WAS TEMPTED IN ALL THINGS AND WAS A MAN OF LIKE PASSIONS AS OURSELVES" ], "begin_byte": 310917, "end_byte": 311102 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1136, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 405.1600036621094, "duration": 11.359, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000061.lca", "storage_key": "235497102,46551,45930,13209", "recording_id": "medium/1289/truth_about_jesus_librivox_64kb_mp3/jesus_myth_mangasarian_18_jp_nc_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1289/truth_about_jesus_librivox_64kb_mp3/jesus_myth_mangasarian_18_jp_nc_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1289/truth_about_jesus_librivox_64kb_mp3/jesus_myth_mangasarian_18_jp_nc_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20538509, "duration": 1283.6568125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Truth About Jesus Is He a Myth/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/690/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_02_wallace_64kb_0_repeat0", "start": 671.36, "duration": 13.44, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/690/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_02_wallace_64kb_0", "recording_id": "medium/690/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_02_wallace_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "690", "custom": { "texts": [ " A telephone bell in the corner of the room rang sharply, and T. X. picked up the receiver. He listened intently. “A trunk call,” he said over his shoulder to the departing commissioner, “it may be something interesting.”", " A TELEPHONE BELL IN THE CORNER OF THE ROOM RANG SHARPLY AND T X PICKED UP THE RECEIVER HE LISTENED INTENTLY A TRUNK CALL HE SAID OVER HIS SHOULDER TO THE DEPARTING COMMISSIONER IT MAY BE SOMETHING INTERESTING" ], "pre_texts": [ "he Chief. “Funny business?” interrupted T. X., “not a bit. House and man are quite normal save for these eccentricities. He has announced his intention of spending three months of the year in England and nine months abroad. He is very rich, has no relations, and has a passion for power.” “Then he'll be hung,” said the Chief, rising. “I doubt it,” said the other, “people with lots of money seldom get hung. You only get hung for wanting money.” “Then you're in some danger, T. X.,” smiled the Chief, “for according to my account you're always more or less broke.” “A genial libel,” said T. X., “but talking about people being broke, I saw John Lexman to-day--you know him!” The Chief Commissioner nodded. “I've an idea he's rather hit for money. He was in that Roumanian gold swindle, and by his general gloom, which only comes to a man when he's in love (and he can't possibly be in love since he's married) or when he's in debt, I fear that he is still feeling the effect of that rosy adventure.”", "TO MORROW AND MUST BE FOUND A PLACE IS THERE ANY ER BEGAN THE CHIEF FUNNY BUSINESS INTERRUPTED T X NOT A BIT HOUSE AND MAN ARE QUITE NORMAL SAVE FOR THESE ECCENTRICITIES HE HAS ANNOUNCED HIS INTENTION OF SPENDING THREE MONTHS OF THE YEAR IN ENGLAND AND NINE MONTHS ABROAD HE IS VERY RICH HAS NO RELATIONS AND HAS A PASSION FOR POWER THEN HE'LL BE HUNG SAID THE CHIEF RISING I DOUBT IT SAID THE OTHER PEOPLE WITH LOTS OF MONEY SELDOM GET HUNG YOU ONLY GET HUNG FOR WANTING MONEY THEN YOU'RE IN SOME DANGER T X SMILED THE CHIEF FOR ACCORDING TO MY ACCOUNT YOU'RE ALWAYS MORE OR LESS BROKE A GENIAL LIBEL SAID T X BUT TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE BEING BROKE I SAW JOHN LEXMAN TO DAY YOU KNOW HIM THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER NODDED I'VE AN IDEA HE'S RATHER HIT FOR MONEY HE WAS IN THAT ROUMANIAN GOLD SWINDLE AND BY HIS GENERAL GLOOM WHICH ONLY COMES TO A MAN WHEN HE'S IN LOVE AND HE CAN'T POSSIBLY BE IN LOVE SINCE HE'S MARRIED OR WHEN HE'S IN DEBT I FEAR THAT HE IS STILL FEELING THE EFFECT OF THAT ROSY ADVENTURE" ], "begin_byte": 44878, "end_byte": 45098 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1344, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 671.3599853515625, "duration": 13.44, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000517.lca", "storage_key": "49760353,45971,46465,31888", "recording_id": "medium/690/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_02_wallace_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/690/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_02_wallace_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/690/twisted_candle_librivox_64kb_mp3/twistedcandle_02_wallace_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11739214, "duration": 733.700875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Clue of the Twisted Candle/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 5.239 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/3067/robinson_crusoes_story_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/robinsoncrusoesstory_carryl_lt_64kb_2_repeat0", "start": 35.28, "duration": 13.44, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/3067/robinson_crusoes_story_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/robinsoncrusoesstory_carryl_lt_64kb_2", "recording_id": "medium/3067/robinson_crusoes_story_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/robinsoncrusoesstory_carryl_lt_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "3067", "custom": { "texts": [ "I spent no time in lookingFor a girl to do my cooking,As I’m quite a clever hand at making stews;But I had that fellow Friday,Just to keep the tavern tidy,And to put a Sunday polish on my shoes.", " I SPENT NO TIME IN LOOKING FOR A GIRL TO DO MY COOKING AS I'M QUITE A CLEVER HAND AT MAKING STEWS BUT I HAD THAT FELLOW FRIDAY JUST TO KEEP THE TAVERN TIDY AND TO PUT A SUNDAY POLISH ON MY SHOES" ], "pre_texts": [ "Robinson Crusoe’s Story - Collection at Reference Verse Fiction Nonfiction × Subjects Titles Authors Essays Learn Thesaurus Quotations English Usage Skip to the content Home » Modern American Poetry » Robinson Crusoe’s Story Previous Article Next Article Contents -BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD Louis Untermeyer, ed. (1885–1977). Modern American Poetry. 1919. Charles E. Carryl1841–1920 Robinson Crusoe’s Story THE NIGHT was thick and hazyWhen the “Piccadilly Daisy”Carried down the crew and captain in the sea;And I think the water drowned ’em;For they never, never found ’em,And I know they didn’t come ashore with me.Oh! ’twas very sad and lonelyWhen I found myself the onlyPopulation on this cultivated shore;But I’ve made a little tavernIn a rocky little cavern,And I sit and watch for people at the door.", " ROBINSON CRUSOE'S STORY BY CHARLES E CARROLL READ FOR LEAVE PROVOCKSTONT ORG BY LISE TAYLOR ROBINSON CRUSOE'S STORY THE NIGHT WAS THICK AND HAZY WHEN THE PICCADILLY DAISY CARRIED DOWN THE CREW AND CAPTAIN IN THE SEA AND I THINK THE WATER DROWNED THEM FOR THEY NEVER NEVER FOUND THEM AND I KNOW THEY DIDN'T COME ASHORE WITH ME OH TWAS VERY SAD AND LONELY WHEN I FOUND MYSELF THE ONLY POPULATION ON THIS CULTIVATED SHORE BUT I'VE MADE A LITTLE TAVERN IN A ROCKY LITTLE CAVERN AND I SIT AND WATCH FOR PEOPLE AT THE DOOR" ], "begin_byte": 814, "end_byte": 1007 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1344, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 35.279998779296875, "duration": 13.44, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000322.lca", "storage_key": "25734556,45386,45080,31339", "recording_id": "medium/3067/robinson_crusoes_story_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/robinsoncrusoesstory_carryl_lt_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/3067/robinson_crusoes_story_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/robinsoncrusoesstory_carryl_lt_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/3067/robinson_crusoes_story_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/robinsoncrusoesstory_carryl_lt_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2380689, "duration": 148.7930625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Robinson Crusoes Story/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 12.659 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/479/leaves_of_grass_librivox_64kb_mp3/leaves_22_whitman_64kb_3_repeat0", "start": 893.92, "duration": 9.44, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/479/leaves_of_grass_librivox_64kb_mp3/leaves_22_whitman_64kb_3", "recording_id": "medium/479/leaves_of_grass_librivox_64kb_mp3/leaves_22_whitman_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "479", "custom": { "texts": [ " As they invault the coffin there, Sing--as they close the doors of earth upon him--one verse, For the heavy hearts of soldiers.", " AS THEY INVOLT THE COFFIN HERE SING AS THEY CLOSE THE DOORS OF EARTH UPON HIM ONE VERSE FOR THE HEAVY HEARTS OF SOLDIERS" ], "pre_texts": [ "r you the shores a-crowding, For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head! It is some dream that on the deck, You’ve fallen cold and dead. My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still, My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will, The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done, From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; Exult O shores, and ring O bells! But I with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. Hush’d Be the Camps To-Day [May 4, 1865 Hush’d be the camps to-day, And soldiers let us drape our war-worn weapons, And each with musing soul retire to celebrate, Our dear commander’s death. No more for him life’s stormy conflicts, Nor victory, nor defeat--no more time’s dark events, Charging like ceaseless clouds across the sky. But sing poet in our name, Sing of the love we bore him--because you, dweller in camps, know it truly.", "IBBON WREATHS FOR YOU SHORES ARE CROWDING FOR YOU THEY CALL THE SWAYING MASS THEIR EAGER FACES TURNING HERE CAPTAIN DEAR FATHER THIS ARM BENEATH YOUR HEAD IT IS SOME DREAM THAT ON THE DECK YOU'VE FALLEN COLD AND DEAD MY CAPTAIN DOES NOT ANSWER HIS LIPS ARE PALE AND STILL MY FATHER DOES NOT FEEL MY ARM HE HAS NO PULSE NOR WILL THE SHIP IS ANCHOR'D SAFE AND SOUND ITS VOYAGE CLOSED AND DONE FROM FEARFUL TRIP THE VICTOR SHIP COMES WITH OBJECT WON EXALT THOSE SHORES AND RING THE BELLS BUT I WITH MOURNFUL TREAD WALK THE DECK MY CAPTAIN LIES FALLEN COLD AND DEAD HUSH'D BE THE CAMPS TO DAY MAY FOURTH EIGHTEEN SIXTY FIVE HUSH'D BE THE CAMPS TO DAY AND SOLDIERS LET US DRAPE OUR WAR WORN WEAPONS AND EACH WITH MUSING SOUL RETIRE TO CELEBRATE OUR DEAR COMMANDER'S DEATH NO MORE FOR HIM LIFE'S STORMY CONFLICTS NOR VICTORY NOR DEFEAT NO MORE TIME'S DARK EVENTS CHARGING LIKE CEASELESS CLOUDS ACROSS THE SKY BUT SING POET IN OUR NAME SING OF THE LOVE WE BORE HIM BECAUSE YOU DWELLER IN CAMPS KNOW IT TRULY" ], "begin_byte": 439330, "end_byte": 439457 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 944, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 893.9199829101562, "duration": 9.44, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000461.lca", "storage_key": "185085776,46812,41258", "recording_id": "medium/479/leaves_of_grass_librivox_64kb_mp3/leaves_22_whitman_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/479/leaves_of_grass_librivox_64kb_mp3/leaves_22_whitman_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/479/leaves_of_grass_librivox_64kb_mp3/leaves_22_whitman_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14738913, "duration": 921.1820625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Leaves of Grass/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/3301/les_mis_vol02_0906_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol2_02_hugo_64kb_46_repeat0", "start": 1014.84, "duration": 13.279, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/3301/les_mis_vol02_0906_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol2_02_hugo_64kb_46", "recording_id": "medium/3301/les_mis_vol02_0906_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol2_02_hugo_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "3301", "custom": { "texts": [ " Major Blackmann leaned against it to die. Beneath a great tree in the neighborhood fell the German general, Duplat, descended from a French family which fled on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.", " MAJOR BLACKMAN LEANED AGAINST IT TO DIE BENEATH A GREAT TREE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD FELL THE GERMAN GENERAL DUPLAIS DESCENDED FROM A FRENCH FAMILY WHICH FLED ON THE REVOCATION OF THE EDICT OF NANTES" ], "pre_texts": [ " obstacle and an ambuscade, with the English guards behind it, the thirty-eight loopholes firing at once a shower of grape-shot and balls, and Soye’s brigade was broken against it. Thus Waterloo began. Nevertheless, the orchard was taken. As they had no ladders, the French scaled it with their nails. They fought hand to hand amid the trees. All this grass has been soaked in blood. A battalion of Nassau, seven hundred strong, was overwhelmed there. The outside of the wall, against which Kellermann’s two batteries were trained, is gnawed by grape-shot. This orchard is sentient, like others, in the month of May. It has its buttercups and its daisies; the grass is tall there; the cart-horses browse there; cords of hair, on which linen is drying, traverse the spaces between the trees and force the passer-by to bend his head; one walks over this uncultivated land, and one’s foot dives into mole-holes. In the middle of the grass one observes an uprooted tree-bole which lies there all verdant.", "SSED IT AND FOUND THE WALL BOTH AN OBSTACLE AND AN AMBUSCADE WITH THE ENGLISH GUARDS BEHIND IT THIRTY EIGHT LOOPHOLES FIRING AT ONCE A SHOWER OF GRAPE SHOT AND BALLS AND SOYER'S BRIGADE WAS BROKEN AGAINST IT THUS WATERLOO BEGAN NEVERTHELESS THE ORCHARD WAS TAKEN AS THEY HAD NO LADDERS THE FRENCH SCALED IT WITH THEIR NAILS THEY FOUGHT HAND TO HAND AMID THE TREES ALL THIS GRASS HAS BEEN SOAKED IN BLOOD A BATTALION OF NASSAU SEVEN HUNDRED STRONG WAS OVERWHELMED THERE THE OUTSIDE OF THE WALL AGAINST WHICH KELLERMANN'S TWO BATTERIES WERE TRAINED IS GNAWED BY GRAPE SHOT THIS ORCHARD IS SENTIENT LIKE OTHERS IN THE MONTH OF MAY IT HAS ITS BUTTERCUPS IN ITS DAISIES THE GRASS IS TALL THERE THE CART HORSES BROWS THERE CORDS OF HAIR ON WHICH LINEN IS DRYING TRAVERSE THE SPACES BETWEEN THE TREES AND FORCE THE PASSER BY TO BEND HIS HEAD ONE WALKS OVER THIS UNCULTIVATED LAND AND ONE'S FOOT DIVES INTO MOLE HOLES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GRASS ONE OBSERVES AN UPROOTED TREE BOWL WHICH LIES THERE ALL VERDANT" ], "begin_byte": 711098, "end_byte": 711297 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1328, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1014.8400268554688, "duration": 13.279, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000351.lca", "storage_key": "113405946,46322,45519,29935", "recording_id": "medium/3301/les_mis_vol02_0906_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol2_02_hugo_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/3301/les_mis_vol02_0906_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol2_02_hugo_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/3301/les_mis_vol02_0906_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol2_02_hugo_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 17805335, "duration": 1112.8334375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Misérables Vol 2/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 3.32 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1425/shortpoetry_030_librivox_64kb_mp3/distantprospecteton_gray_jlf_64kb_2_repeat0", "start": 243.6, "duration": 8.079, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1425/shortpoetry_030_librivox_64kb_mp3/distantprospecteton_gray_jlf_64kb_2", "recording_id": "medium/1425/shortpoetry_030_librivox_64kb_mp3/distantprospecteton_gray_jlf_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.079, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1425", "custom": { "texts": [ " Yet ah! why should they know their fate? Since sorrow never comes too late, And happiness too swiftly flies.", " YET AH WHY SHOULD THEY KNOW THEIR FATE SINCE SORROW NEVER COMES TOO LATE AND HAPPINESS TOO SWIFTLY FLIES" ], "pre_texts": [ "d Fear, And Shame that skulks behind; Or pining Love shall waste their youth, Or Jealousy with rankling tooth, That inly gnaws the secret heart, And Envy wan, and faded Care, Grim-visag'd comfortless Despair, And Sorrow's piercing dart. Ambition this shall tempt to rise, Then whirl the wretch from high, To bitter Scorn a sacrifice, And grinning Infamy. The stings of Falsehood those shall try, And hard Unkindness' alter'd eye, That mocks the tear if forc'd to flow; And keen Remorse with blood defil'd, And moody Madness laughing wild Amid severest woe. Lo, in the vale of years beneath A griesly troop are seen, The painful family of Death, More hideous than their Queen: This racks the joints, this fires the veins, That ev'ry labouring sinew strains, Those in the deeper vitals rage: Lo, Poverty, to fill the band, That numbs the soul with icy hand, And slow-consuming Age. To each his suff'rings: all are men, Condemn'd alike to groan, The tender for another's pain; Th' unfeeling for his own.", " VULTURES OF THE MIND DISDAINFUL ANGER PALLID FEAR AND SHAME THAT SKULKS BEHIND OR PINING LOVE SHALL WASTE THEIR YOUTH OR JEALOUSY WITH RANKLING TOOTH THAT INLY GNAWS THE SECRET HEART AND ENVY WAN AND FADED CARE GRIM VISAGED COMFORTLESS DESPAIR ANDORROW'S PIERCING DART AMBITION THIS SHALL TEMPT TO RISE THEN WHIRL THE WRETCH FROM HIGH TO BETTER SCORN OF SACRIFICE AND GRINNING INFAMY THE STINGS OF FALSEHOOD THOSE SHALL TRY AND HARD UNKINDNESS ALTERED EYE THAT MOCKS THE TEAR IT FORCED TO FLOW IN KEEN REMORSE WITH BLOOD DEFILED IN MOODY MADNESS LAUGHING WILD AMID SEVEREST WOE LO IN THE VALE OF YEARS BENEATH A GRISLY TROOPER SEEN THE PAINFUL FAMILY OF DEATH MORE HIDEOUS THAN THEIR QUEEN THIS RACKS THE JOINTS THIS FIRES OF VEINS THAT EVERY LABORING SINEW STRAINS THOSE IN THE DEEPER VITALS RAGE LOW POVERTY TO FILL THE BAND THAT NUMBS THE SOUL WITH ICY HAND AND SLOW CONSUMING AGE TO EACH HIS SUFFERINGS ALL ARE MEN CONDEMNED ALIKE TO GROAN THE TENDER FOR ANOTHER'S PAIN THE UNFEELING FOR HIS OWN" ], "begin_byte": 14805, "end_byte": 14913 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 808, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 243.60000610351562, "duration": 8.079, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000083.lca", "storage_key": "211844835,44428,27527", "recording_id": "medium/1425/shortpoetry_030_librivox_64kb_mp3/distantprospecteton_gray_jlf_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1425/shortpoetry_030_librivox_64kb_mp3/distantprospecteton_gray_jlf_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1425/shortpoetry_030_librivox_64kb_mp3/distantprospecteton_gray_jlf_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 4301213, "duration": 268.8258125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Short Poetry Collection 030/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 10.579 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/3698/kwaidan_1005_librivox_64kb_mp3/kwaidan_01_hearn_64kb_59_repeat0", "start": 1144.72, "duration": 6.68, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/3698/kwaidan_1005_librivox_64kb_mp3/kwaidan_01_hearn_64kb_59", "recording_id": "medium/3698/kwaidan_1005_librivox_64kb_mp3/kwaidan_01_hearn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "3698", "custom": { "texts": [ " You will be called. But, whatever may happen, do not answer, and do not move.", " YOU WILL BE CALLED BUT WHATEVER MAY HAPPEN DO NOT ANSWER AND DO NOT MOVE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ntoku Tennō that our people to-night found you, sitting in the rain. All that you have been imagining was illusion—except the calling of the dead. By once obeying them, you have put yourself in their power. If you obey them again, after what has already occurred, they will tear you in pieces. But they would have destroyed you, sooner or later, in any event... Now I shall not be able to remain with you to-night: I am called away to perform another service. But, before I go, it will be necessary to protect your body by writing holy texts upon it.” Before sundown the priest and his acolyte stripped Hōïchi: then, with their writing-brushes, they traced upon his breast and back, head and face and neck, limbs and hands and feet,—even upon the soles of his feet, and upon all parts of his body,—the text of the holy sûtra called _Hannya-Shin-Kyō_.[7] When this had been done, the priest instructed Hōïchi, saying:— “To-night, as soon as I go away, you must seat yourself on the verandah, and wait.", "AGNA BRAHMITA TRANSCENDENT WISDOM HAVE BEEN TRANSLATED BY THE LATE PROFESSOR MAXIMILO AND CAN BE FOUND IN VOLUME FORTY NINE OF THE SACRED BOOKS OF THE EAST BUDDHIST MAHAYA NAT SUTRAS APROPOS OF THE MAGICAL USE OF THE TEXT AS DESCRIBED IN THIS STORY IT IS WORTH REMARKING THAT THE SUBJECT OF THE SUTRA IS THE DOCTRINE OF THE EMPPTINESS OF FORMS THAT IS TO SAY OF THE UNREAL CHARACTER OF ALL PHENOMENA OR NUMINA FORM IS EMPTINESS AND EMPTINESS IS FORM EMPTINESS IS NOT DIFFERENT FROM FORM FORM IS NOT DIFFERENT FROM EMPTINESS WHAT IS FORM THAT IS EMPTINESS WHAT IS EMPTINESS THAT IS FORM PERCEPTION NAME CONCEPT AND KNOWLEDGE ARE ALSO EMPTINESS THERE IS NO EYE EAR NOSE TONGUE BODY AND MIND BUT WHEN THE ENVELOPEMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS HAS BEEN ANNIHILATED THEN HE THE SEEKER BECOMES FREE FROM ALL FEAR AND BEYOND THE REACH OF CHANGE ENJOYING FINAL NERVANA AND OF NOTE WHEN THIS HAD BEEN DONE THE PRIEST INSTRUCTED HOUJI SAYING TO NIGHT AS SOON AS I GO AWAY YOU MUST SEAT YOURSELF ON THE VERANDA AND WAIT" ], "begin_byte": 22305, "end_byte": 22382 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 668, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1144.719970703125, "duration": 6.68, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000400.lca", "storage_key": "144792556,46671,15905", "recording_id": "medium/3698/kwaidan_1005_librivox_64kb_mp3/kwaidan_01_hearn_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/3698/kwaidan_1005_librivox_64kb_mp3/kwaidan_01_hearn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/3698/kwaidan_1005_librivox_64kb_mp3/kwaidan_01_hearn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22349758, "duration": 1396.859875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Kwaidan Stories and Studies of Strange Things/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/3032/pioneersofscience_1008_librivox_64kb_mp3/pioneersofscience_03_lodge_64kb_47_repeat0", "start": 2258.3200625, "duration": 10.239, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/3032/pioneersofscience_1008_librivox_64kb_mp3/pioneersofscience_03_lodge_64kb_47", "recording_id": "medium/3032/pioneersofscience_1008_librivox_64kb_mp3/pioneersofscience_03_lodge_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "3032", "custom": { "texts": [ " Kepler had to hurry from Linz to interpose. He succeeded in saving her from the torture, but she remained in prison for a year or so.", " KEPLER HAD TO HURRY FROM LINZ TO INTERPOSE HE SUCCEEDED IN SAVING HER FROM THE TORTURE BUT SHE REMAINED IN PRISON FOR A YEAR OR SO" ], "pre_texts": [ "ng children. He provided for himself now partly by publishing a prophesying almanack, a sort of Zadkiel arrangement--a thing which he despised, but the support of which he could not afford to do without. He is continually attacking and throwing sarcasm at astrology, but it was the only thing for which people would pay him, and on it after a fashion he lived. We do not find that his circumstances were ever prosperous, and though 8,000 crowns were due to him from Bohemia he could not manage to get them paid. About this time occurred a singular interruption to his work. His old mother, of whose fierce temper something has already been indicated, had been engaged in a law-suit for some years near their old home in Würtemberg. A change of judge having in process of time occurred, the defendant saw his way to turn the tables on the old lady by accusing her of sorcery. She was sent to prison, and condemned to the torture, with the usual intelligent idea of extracting a \"voluntary\" confession.", "OUNG REMAINING CHILDREN HE PROVIDED FOR HIMSELF NOW PARTLY BY PUBLISHING A PROPHESIZING ALMANAC A SORT OF ZADKIAL ARRANGEMENT A THING WHICH HE DESPISED BUT THE SUPPORT OF WHICH HE COULD NOT AFFORD TO DO WITHOUT HE IS CONTINUALLY ATTACKING AND THROWING SARCASM AT ASTROLOGY BUT IT WAS THE ONLY THING FOR WHICH PEOPLE WOULD PAY HIM AND ON IT AFTER A FASHION HE LIVED WE DO NOT FIND THAT HIS CIRCUMSTANCES WERE EVER PROSPEROUS AND THOUGH EIGHT THOUSAND CROWNS WERE DUE TO HIM FROM BOHEMIA HE COULD NOT MANAGE TO GET THEM PAID ABOUT THIS TIME OCCURRED A SINGULAR INTERRUPTION TO HIS WORK HIS OLD MOTHER OF WHOSE FIERCE TEMPER SOMETHING HAS ALREADY BEEN INDICATED HAD BEEN ENGAGED IN A LAW SUIT FOR SOME YEARS NEAR THEIR OLD HOME IN VIRTEMBURG A CHANGE OF JUDGE HAVING IN PROCESS OF TIME OCCURRED THE DEFENDANT SAW HIS WAY TO TURN THE TABLES ON THE OLD LADY BY ACCUSING HER OF SORCERY SHE WAS SENT TO PRISON AND CONDEMNED TO THE TORTURE WITH THE USUAL INTELLIGENT IDEA OF EXTRACTING A VOLUNTARY CONFESSION" ], "begin_byte": 106635, "end_byte": 106768 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1024, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 2258.320068359375, "duration": 10.239, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000324.lca", "storage_key": "245241908,46020,45539,2403", "recording_id": "medium/3032/pioneersofscience_1008_librivox_64kb_mp3/pioneersofscience_03_lodge_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/3032/pioneersofscience_1008_librivox_64kb_mp3/pioneersofscience_03_lodge_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/3032/pioneersofscience_1008_librivox_64kb_mp3/pioneersofscience_03_lodge_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 49209116, "duration": 3075.56975, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Pioneers of Science/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0.61 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/2923/fifty_famous_stories_ver2_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/50famousstoriesretold_48_baldwin_64kb_10_repeat0", "start": 75.6, "duration": 7.599, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/2923/fifty_famous_stories_ver2_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/50famousstoriesretold_48_baldwin_64kb_10", "recording_id": "medium/2923/fifty_famous_stories_ver2_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/50famousstoriesretold_48_baldwin_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "2923", "custom": { "texts": [ " Then when they went home in the evening, the grand-moth-er would say, \"What have you been doing to-day, my little sculp-tor?\"", " THEN WHEN THEY WENT HOME IN THE EVENING THE GRANDMOTHER WOULD SAY WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO DAY MY LITTLE SCULPTOR" ], "pre_texts": [ "ng deck Whence all but him had fled; The flame that lit the battle's wreck Shone round him o'er the dead. \"Yet beautiful and bright he stood, As born to rule the storm-- A creature of heroic blood, A proud though childlike form.\" ANTONIO CANOVA. A good many years ago there lived in Italy a little boy whose name was An-to´ni-o Ca-no´va. He lived with his grand-fa-ther, for his own father was dead. His grand-fa-ther was a stone-cut-ter, and he was very poor. An-to-ni-o was a puny lad, and not strong enough to work. He did not care to play with the other boys of the town. But he liked to go with his grandfather to the stone-yard. While the old man was busy, cutting and trimming the great blocks of stone, the lad would play among the chips. Sometimes he would make a little statue of soft clay; sometimes he would take hammer and chisel, and try to cut a statue from a piece of rock. He showed so much skill that his grandfather was de-light-ed. \"The boy will be a sculp-tor some day,\" he said.", "RETOLD THIS IS THE LIBER OF OX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVAR TARTAUGUE RECORDING BY ALEX ROBINSON FIFTY FAMOUS STORIES RE TOLD BY JAMES BALDWIN SECTION FORTY EIGHT ANTONIO CANOVA ANTONIO CANOVA A GOOD MANY YEARS AGO THERE LIVED IN ITALY A LITTLE BOY WHOSE NAME WAS ANTONIO CANOVA HE LIVED WITH HIS GRANDFATHER FOR HIS OWN FATHER WAS DEAD HIS GRANDFATHER WAS A STONE CUTTER AND HE WAS VERY POOR ANTONIO WAS A PUNY LAD AND NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO WORK HE DID NOT CARE TO PLAY WITH THE OTHER BOYS OF THE TOWN BUT HE LIKED TO GO WITH HIS GRANDFATHER TO THE STONE YARD WHILE THE OLD MAN WAS BUSY CUTTING AND TRIMMING THE GREAT BLOCKS OF STONE THE LAD WOULD PLAY AMONG THE CHIPS SOMETIMES HE WOULD MAKE A LITTLE STATUE OF SOFT CLAY SOMETIMES HE WOULD TAKE HAMMER AND CHISEL AND TRY TO CUT A STATUE FROM A PIECE OF ROCK HE SHOWED SO MUCH SKILL THAT HIS GRANDFATHER WAS DELIGHTED THE BOY WILL BE A SCULPTOR SOME DAY HE SAID" ], "begin_byte": 151646, "end_byte": 151771 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 760, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 75.5999984741211, "duration": 7.599, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000298.lca", "storage_key": "119746188,46244,24340", "recording_id": "medium/2923/fifty_famous_stories_ver2_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/50famousstoriesretold_48_baldwin_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/2923/fifty_famous_stories_ver2_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/50famousstoriesretold_48_baldwin_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/2923/fifty_famous_stories_ver2_0809_librivox_64kb_mp3/50famousstoriesretold_48_baldwin_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5870649, "duration": 366.9155625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Fifty Famous Stories Retold version 2/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 5.579 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/2491/les_mis_vol01_0810_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol1_27_hugo_64kb_100_repeat0", "start": 26.12, "duration": 9.879, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/2491/les_mis_vol01_0810_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol1_27_hugo_64kb_100", "recording_id": "medium/2491/les_mis_vol01_0810_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol1_27_hugo_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.879, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "2491", "custom": { "texts": [ "CHAPTER XIII—LITTLE GERVAIS Jean Valjean left the town as though he were fleeing from it.", "CHAPTER THIRTEEN LITTLE GERVAIS JEAN VALJEAN LEFT THE TOWN AS THOUGH HE WERE FLEEING FROM IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "limb. He took the two candlesticks mechanically, and with a bewildered air. “Now,” said the Bishop, “go in peace. By the way, when you return, my friend, it is not necessary to pass through the garden. You can always enter and depart through the street door. It is never fastened with anything but a latch, either by day or by night.” Then, turning to the gendarmes:— “You may retire, gentlemen.” The gendarmes retired. Jean Valjean was like a man on the point of fainting. The Bishop drew near to him, and said in a low voice:— “Do not forget, never forget, that you have promised to use this money in becoming an honest man.” Jean Valjean, who had no recollection of ever having promised anything, remained speechless. The Bishop had emphasized the words when he uttered them. He resumed with solemnity:— “Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to evil, but to good. It is your soul that I buy from you; I withdraw it from black thoughts and the spirit of perdition, and I give it to God.” ", " BOOK TWO CHAPTER THIRTEEN OF LES MISEREL THIS IS THE LIVER VOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIEBERVOX DOT WARD RECORDED BY JOHN BAILEY LES MISEREL BY VICTOR HUGO TRANSLATED BY ISABEL F HAPGOOD BOOK TWO " ], "begin_byte": 264830, "end_byte": 264918 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 988, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 26.1200008392334, "duration": 9.879, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000263.lca", "storage_key": "273973794,46100,44349", "recording_id": "medium/2491/les_mis_vol01_0810_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol1_27_hugo_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/2491/les_mis_vol01_0810_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol1_27_hugo_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/2491/les_mis_vol01_0810_librivox_64kb_mp3/lesmiserables_vol1_27_hugo_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24519988, "duration": 1532.49925, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Misérables Vol 1/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 5.988 } ]
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Similarly unnatural is the subordinate action: the relation of Gloucester to his sons. The positions of Gloucester and Edgar flow from the circumstance that Gloucester, just like Lear, immediately believes the coarsest untruth and does not even endeavor to inquire of his injured son whether what he is accused of be true, but at once curses and banishes him. The fact that Lear's relations with his daughters are the same as those of Gloucester to his sons makes one feel yet more strongly that in both cases the relations are quite arbitrary, and do not flow from the characters nor the natural course of events. Equally unnatural, and obviously invented, is the fact that all through the tragedy Lear does not recognize his old courtier, Kent, and therefore the relations between Lear and Kent fail to excite the sympathy of the reader or spectator.", " REASON TO BELIEVE THE WORDS OF HIS TWO ELDERS YET NOT THE TRUTHFUL STATEMENT OF THE YOUNGEST YET UPON THIS BUILT A WHOLE TRAGEDY OF HIS POSITION SIMILARLY UNNATURAL IS A SUBORDINATE ACTION THE RELATION OF GLOUCASTER TO HIS SONS THE POSITIONS OF GLOUCASTER AND EDGAR THROW FROM THE CIRCUMSTANCE THAT GLOUCASTER JUST LIKE LEIR IMMEDIATELY BELIEVES THAT THEIR COARSEST UNTRUTH AND DOES NOT EVEN ENDEAVOUR TO INQUIRE OF HIS INJURED SON WHETHER WHAT HE IS ACCUSED OF TO BE TRUE BUT AT ONCE CURSES HIM AND BANISHES HIM THE FACT THAT LEIR'S RELATIONS WITH HIS DAUGHTERS ARE THE SAME OF THOSE AS GLOUCASTER TO HIS SONS MAKES THEM FEEL YET MORE STRONGLY THAT IN BOTH CASES THE RELATIONS ARE QUITE ARBITRARY AND DO NOT FLOW FROM THE CHARACTERS NOR THE NATURAL COURSE OF EVENTS EQUALLY UNNATURAL AND OBVIOUSLY INVENTED IS THE FACT THAT ALL THROUGH THE TRAGEDY LEIR DOES NOT RECOGNIZE HIS OLD COURTIER KENT AND THEREFORE THE RELATIONS BETWEEN LEIR AND KENT FAIL TO EXCITE THE SYMPATHY OF THE READER OR SPECTATOR" ], "begin_byte": 51949, "end_byte": 52172 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1432, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 262.1600036621094, "duration": 14.32, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000473.lca", "storage_key": "158834520,44521,43317,38435", "recording_id": "medium/5303/tolstoy_shakespeare_1010_librivox_64kb_mp3/shakespeare_03_tolstoy_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/5303/tolstoy_shakespeare_1010_librivox_64kb_mp3/shakespeare_03_tolstoy_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/5303/tolstoy_shakespeare_1010_librivox_64kb_mp3/shakespeare_03_tolstoy_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6805392, "duration": 425.337, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Tolstoy on Shakespeare/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "ab468006-9d4f-4fe0-92a6-56a3a604fe0f", "start": null, "duration": null, "channel": null, "supervisions": null, "features": null, "recording": null, "custom": null, "tracks": [ { "cut": { "id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_13_lang_64kb_55_repeat0", "start": 447.76, "duration": 6.279, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_13_lang_64kb_55", "recording_id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_13_lang_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "5810", "custom": { "texts": [ " I have nothing to do with robbers.” “I am no robber,” answered the prince.", " I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ROBBERS I AM NO ROBBER ANSWERED THE PRINCE" ], "pre_texts": [ "could not bear to think that there was anything which she did not know. So the moment that her son had turned his back, she opened the doors of all the rooms, and peeped in, till she came to the one where the robbers lay. But if the sight of the blood on the ground turned her faint, the sight of the robber captain walking up and down was a greater shock still. She quickly turned the key in the lock, and ran back to the chamber she had slept in. Soon after her son came in, bringing with him a large bear, which he had killed for supper. As there was enough food to last them for many days, the prince did not hunt the next morning, but, instead, began to explore the castle. He found that a secret way led from it into the forest; and following the path, he reached another castle larger and more splendid than the one belonging to the robbers. He knocked at the door with his fist, and said that he wanted to enter; but the giant, to whom the castle belonged, only answered: “I know who you are.", "Y THE QUEEN LIKE ALL WOMEN COULD NOT BEAR TO THINK THAT THERE WAS ANYTHING WHICH SHE DID NOT KNOW SO THE MOMENT THAT HER SON HAD TURNED HIS BACK SHE OPENED THE DOORS OF ALL THE ROOMS AND PEEPED IN TILL SHE CAME TO THE ONE WHERE THE ROBBERS LAY BUT IF THE SIGHT OF THE BLOOD ON THE GROUND TURNED HER FAINT THE SIGHT OF THE ROBBER CAPTAIN WALKING UP AND DOWN WAS A GREATER SHOCK STILL SHE QUICKLY TURNED THE KEY IN THE LOCK AND RAN BACK TO THE CHAMBER SHE HAD SLEPT IN SOON AFTER HER SON CAME IN BRINGING WITH HIM A LARGE BEAR WHICH HE HAD KILLED FOR SUPPER AS THERE WAS ENOUGH FOOD TO LAST THEM FOR MANY DAYS THE PRINCE DID NOT HUNT THE NEXT MORNING BUT INSTEAD BEGAN TO EXPLORE THE CASTLE HE FOUND THAT A SECRET WAY LED FROM IT INTO THE FOREST AND FOLLOWING THE PATH HE REACHED ANOTHER CASTLE LARGER AND MORE SPLENDID THAN THE ONE BELONGING TO THE ROBBERS HE KNOCKED AT THE DOOR WITH HIS FIST AND SAID THAT HE WANTED TO ENTER BUT THE GIANT TO WHOM THE CASTLE BELONGED ONLY ANSWERED I KNOW WHO YOU ARE" ], "begin_byte": 189094, "end_byte": 189168 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 628, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 447.760009765625, "duration": 6.279, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000485.lca", "storage_key": "106545342,46490,12283", "recording_id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_13_lang_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_13_lang_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_13_lang_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12235338, "duration": 764.708625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Crimson Fairy Book/text.txt" }, "sampling_rate": null, "feat_value": null, "num_frames": null, "num_features": null, "frame_shift": null, "num_samples": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_11_lang_64kb_40_repeat0", "start": 682, "duration": 7.28, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_11_lang_64kb_40", "recording_id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_11_lang_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "5810", "custom": { "texts": [ " The king gave him leave, and told him that he might go to the stable and take any horse he liked from the stables.", " THE KING GAVE HIM LEAVE AND TOLD HIM THAT HE MIGHT GO TO THE STABLE AND TAKE ANY HORSE HE LIKED FROM THE STABLES" ], "pre_texts": [ " a magician.” But when the princess heard what was in store for her she wept bitterly, and declared that never, never would she marry that dirty Paperarello! However, the king paid no heed to her tears and prayers, and before many days were over the wedding was celebrated with great splendour, though the bridegroom had not taken the trouble to wash himself, and was as dirty as before. When night came he went as usual to sleep among his geese, and the princess went to the king and said: “Father, I entreat you to have that horrible Paperarello put to death.” “No, no!” replied her father, “he is a great magician, and before I put him to death, I must first find out the secret of his power, and then—we shall see.” Soon after this a war broke out, and everybody about the palace was very busy polishing up armour and sharpening swords, for the king and his sons were to ride at the head of the army. Then Paperarello left his geese, and came and told the king that he wished to go to fight also.", "F THIS FELLOW MUST REALLY BE A MAGICIAN BUT WHEN THE PRINCESS HEARD WHAT WAS IN STORE FOR HER SHE WEPT BITTERLY AND DECLARED THAT NEVER NEVER WOULD SHE MARRY THAT DIRTY PAPA ROARELLO HOWEVER THE KING PAID NO HEED TO HER TEARS AND PRAYERS AND BEFORE MANY DAYS WERE OVER THE WEDDING WAS CELEBRATED WITH GREAT SPLENDOUR THOUGH THE BRIDEGROOM HAD NOT TAKEN THE TROUBLE TO WASH HIMSELF AND WAS AS DIRTY AS BEFORE WHEN NIGHT CAME HE WENT AS USUAL TO SLEEP AMONG HIS GEESE AND THE PRINCESS WENT TO THE KING AND SAID FATHER I ENTREAT YOU TO HAVE THAT HORRIBLE POPI RORELA PUT TO DEATH NO NO REPLIED HER FATHER HE IS A GREAT MAGICIAN AND BEFORE I PUT HIM TO DEATH I MUST FIRST FIND OUT THE SECRET OF HIS POWER AND THEN WE SHALL SEE SOON AFTER THIS A WAR BROKE OUT AND EVERYBODY ABOUT THE PALACE WAS VERY BUSY POLISHING UP ARMOR AND SHARPENING SWORDS FOR THE KING AND HIS SONS WERE TO RIDE AT THE HEAD OF THE ARMY THEN PAPA ROBARELLO LEFT HIS GEESE AND CAME AND TOLD THE KING THAT HE WISHED TO GO TO FIGHT ALSO" ], "begin_byte": 165363, "end_byte": 165477 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 728, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 682, "duration": 7.28, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000485.lca", "storage_key": "93988368,45686,20818", "recording_id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_11_lang_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_11_lang_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/5810/crimsonfairybook_1112_librivox_64kb_mp3/crimsonfairybook_11_lang_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16289960, "duration": 1018.1225, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Crimson Fairy Book/text.txt" }, "sampling_rate": null, "feat_value": null, "num_frames": null, "num_features": null, "frame_shift": null, "num_samples": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 6.279 } ] }, "type": "MixedCut", "offset": 7.13 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/110/ruth_cl_librivox_64kb_mp3/ruth_27_gaskell_64kb_74_repeat0", "start": 2444.879875, "duration": 6.88, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/110/ruth_cl_librivox_64kb_mp3/ruth_27_gaskell_64kb_74", "recording_id": "medium/110/ruth_cl_librivox_64kb_mp3/ruth_27_gaskell_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "110", "custom": { "texts": [ " Tell him of the hard and thorny path which was trodden once by the bleeding feet of One.", " TELL HIM OF THE HARD AND THORNY PATH WHICH WAS TRODDEN ONCE BY THE BLEEDING FEET OF ONE" ], "pre_texts": [ "d been hushed and very still until now, when the pleading earnestness of his question urged her to answer: \"Yes!\" said she. \"I hope--I believe I can be faithful for myself, for I have sinned and done wrong. But Leonard--\" She looked up at him. \"But Leonard,\" he echoed. \"Ah! there it is hard, Ruth. I own the world is hard and persecuting to such as he.\" He paused to think of the true comfort for this sting. He went on. \"The world is not everything, Ruth; nor is the want of men's good opinion and esteem the highest need which man has. Teach Leonard this. You would not wish his life to be one summer's day. You dared not make it so, if you had the power. Teach him to bid a noble, Christian welcome to the trials which God sends--and this is one of them. Teach him not to look on a life of struggle, and perhaps of disappointment and incompleteness, as a sad and mournful end, but as the means permitted to the heroes and warriors in the army of Christ, by which to show their faithful following.", "IN PATIENCE AND IN TRIBULATION RUTH HAD BEEN HUSHED AND VERY STILL UNTIL NOW WHEN THE PLEADING EARNESTNESS OF HIS QUESTION URGED HER TO ANSWER YES SAID SHE I HOPE I BELIEVE I CAN BE FAITHFUL FOR MYSELF FOR I HAVE SINNED AND DONE WRONG BUT LEONARD SHE LOOKED UP AT HIM BUT LEONARD HE ECHOED AH THERE IT IS HARD RUTH I OWN THE WORLD IS HARD AND PERSECUTING TO SUCH AS HE HE PAUSED TO THINK OF THE TRUE COMFORT FOR THIS STING HE WENT ON THE WORLD IS NOT EVERYTHING RUTH NOR IS THE WANT OF MEN'S GOOD OPINION AND THE ESTEEM THE HIGHEST NEED WHICH MAN HAS TEACH LEONARD THIS YOU WOULD NOT WISH HIS LIFE TO BE ONE SUMMER'S DAY YOU DARED NOT MAKE IT SO IF YOU HAD THE POWER TEACH HIM TO BID A NOBLE CHRISTIAN WELCOME TO THE TRIALS WHICH GOD SENDS AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM TEACH HIM NOT TO LOOK ON A LIFE OF STRUGGLE AND PERHAPS OF DISAPPOINTMENT AND INCOMPLETENESS AS A SAD AND MOURNFUL END BUT AS THE MEANS PERMITTED TO THE HEROES AND WARRIORS IN THE ARMY OF CHRIST BY WHICH TO SHOW THEIR FAITHFUL FOLLOWING" ], "begin_byte": 687252, "end_byte": 687340 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 688, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 2444.8798828125, "duration": 6.88, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000030.lca", "storage_key": "134436206,46410,17651", "recording_id": "medium/110/ruth_cl_librivox_64kb_mp3/ruth_27_gaskell_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/110/ruth_cl_librivox_64kb_mp3/ruth_27_gaskell_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/110/ruth_cl_librivox_64kb_mp3/ruth_27_gaskell_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 50685905, "duration": 3167.8690625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Ruth/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 8.56 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/4463/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_32_gaskell_64kb_39_repeat0", "start": 371.96, "duration": 11.279, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/4463/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_32_gaskell_64kb_39", "recording_id": "medium/4463/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_32_gaskell_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "4463", "custom": { "texts": [ " Any allusion to the subject which has been the final cause of the state in which she now is must be most cautiously avoided, even to a chance word which may bring it to her memory.'", " ANY ALLUSION TO THE SUBJECT WHICH HAS BEEN THE FINAL CAUSE OF THE STATE IN WHICH SHE NOW IS MUST BE MOST CAUTIOUSLY AVOIDED EVEN TO A CHANCE WORD WHICH MAY BRING IT TO HER MEMORY" ], "pre_texts": [ "e. The nurse had fairly to take him by the shoulders, and turn him out of the room. In half an hour the doctor had to be summoned. Of course, the nurse gave him her version of the events of the afternoon, with much _animus_ against Philip; and the doctor thought it his duty to have some very serious conversation with him. 'I do assure you, Mr. Hepburn, that, in the state your wife has been in for some days, it was little less than madness on your part to speak to her about anything that could give rise to strong emotion.' 'It was madness, sir!' replied Philip, in a low, miserable tone of voice. The doctor's heart was touched, in spite of the nurse's accusations against the scolding husband. Yet the danger was now too serious for him to mince matters. 'I must tell you that I cannot answer for her life, unless the greatest precautions are taken on your part, and unless the measures I shall use have the effect I wish for in the next twenty-four hours. She is on the verge of a brain fever.", "F IT HAD BEEN AN IMPASSIVE STONE THE NURSE HAD FAIRLY TO TAKE HIM BY THE SHOULDERS AND TURN HIM OUT OF THE ROOM IN HALF AN HOUR THE DOCTOR HAD TO BE SUMMONED OF COURSE THE NURSE GAVE HIM HER VERSION OF THE EVENTS OF THE AFTERNOON WITH MUCH ANIMALS AGAINST PHILIP AND THE DOCTOR THOUGHT IT HIS DUTY TO HAVE SOME VERY SERIOUS CONVERSATION WITH HIM I DO ASSURE YOU MISTER HEPBURN THAT IN THE STATE YOUR WIFE HAS BEEN IN FOR SOME DAYS IT WAS LITTLE LESS THAN MADNESS ON YOUR PART TO SPEAK TO HER ABOUT ANYTHING THAT COULD GIVE RISE TO STRONG EMOTION IT WAS MADNESS SIR REPLIED PHILIP IN A LOW MISERABLE TONE OF VOICE THE DOCTOR'S HEART WAS TOUCHED IN SPITE OF THE NURSE'S ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THE SCOLDING HUSBAND YET THE DANGER WAS NOW TOO SERIOUS FOR HIM TO MINCE MATTERS I MUST TELL YOU THAT I CANNOT ANSWER FOR HER LIFE UNLESS THE GREATEST PRECAUTIONS ARE TAKEN ON YOUR PART AND UNLESS THE MEASURES I SHALL USE HAVE THE EFFECT I WISH FOR THE NEXT TWENTY FOUR HOURS SHE IS ON THE VERGE OF A BRAIN FEVER" ], "begin_byte": 738317, "end_byte": 738498 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1128, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 371.9599914550781, "duration": 11.279, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000454.lca", "storage_key": "47086567,46424,47348,12483", "recording_id": "medium/4463/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_32_gaskell_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/4463/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_32_gaskell_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/4463/sylvias_lovers_1011_librivox_64kb_mp3/sylviaslovers_32_gaskell_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18016358, "duration": 1126.022375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Sylvias Lovers/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 13.529 } ]
[ { "cut": { "id": "medium/3519/american_womens_lit_1004_librivox_64kb_mp3/awl-11_shelteredgarden_doolittle_64kb_0_repeat0", "start": 132.48, "duration": 10.68, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/3519/american_womens_lit_1004_librivox_64kb_mp3/awl-11_shelteredgarden_doolittle_64kb_0", "recording_id": "medium/3519/american_womens_lit_1004_librivox_64kb_mp3/awl-11_shelteredgarden_doolittle_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "3519", "custom": { "texts": [ " O to blot out this garden to forget, to find a new beauty in some terrible wind-tortured place.", " OH TO BLOT OUT THIS GARDEN TO FORGET TO FIND A NEW BEAUTY IN SOME TERRIBLE WIND TORTURED PLACE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ingent -- only border on border of scented pinks. Have you seen fruit under cover that wanted light -- pears wadded in cloth, protected from the frost, melons, almost ripe, smothered in straw? Why not let the pears cling to the empty branch? All your coaxing will only make a bitter fruit -- let them cling, ripen of themselves, test their own worth, nipped, shrivelled by the frost, to fall at last but fair with a russet coat. Or the melon -- let it bleach yellow in the winter light, even tart to the taste -- it is better to taste of frost -- the exquisite frost -- than of wadding and of dead grass. For this beauty, beauty without strength, chokes out life. I want wind to break, scatter these pink-stalks, snap off their spiced heads, fling them about with dead leaves -- spread the paths with twigs, limbs broken off, trail great pine branches, hurled from some far wood right across the melon-patch, break pear and quince -- leave half-trees, torn, twisted but showing the fight was valiant.", " THIS PLACE NO TASTE OF BARK OF COARSE WEEDS AROMATIC ASTRINGENT ONLY BORDER ON BORDER OF SCENTED PINKS HAVE YOU SEEN FRUIT UNDER COVER THAT WANTED LIGHT PEARS WADDED IN CLOTH PROTECTED FROM THE FROST MELONS ALMOST RIPE SMOTHERED IN STRAW WHY NOT LET THE PEARS CLING TO THE EMPTY BRANCH ALL YOUR COAXING WILL ONLY MAKE A BITTER FRUIT LET THEM CLING RIPEN OF THEMSELVES TEST THEIR OWN WORTH NIPPED SHRIVELLED BY THE FROST TO FALL AT LAST BUT FAIR WITH A RUSSET COAT OR THE MELON LET IT BLEACH YELLOW IN THE WINTER LIGHT EVEN TART TO THE TASTE IT IS BETTER TO TASTE OF FROST THE EXQUISITE FROST THAN OF WADDING AND DEAD GRASS FOR THIS BEAUTY BEAUTY WITHOUT STRENGTH CHOKES OUT LIFE I WANT WIND TO BREAK SCATTER THESE PINK STALKS SNAP OFF THEIR SPICED HEADS FLING THEM ABOUT WITH DEAD LEAVES SPREAD THE PATHS WITH TWIGS LIMBS BROKEN OFF TRAIL GREAT PINE BRANCHES HURLED FROM SOME FAR WOOD RIGHT ACROSS THE MELON PATCH BREAK PEAR AND QUINCE LEAVE HALF TREES TORN TWISTED BUT SHOWING THE FIGHT WAS VALIANT" ], "begin_byte": 3077929, "end_byte": 3078024 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1068, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 132.47999572753906, "duration": 10.68, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000371.lca", "storage_key": "83885167,46397,45939,6924", "recording_id": "medium/3519/american_womens_lit_1004_librivox_64kb_mp3/awl-11_shelteredgarden_doolittle_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/3519/american_womens_lit_1004_librivox_64kb_mp3/awl-11_shelteredgarden_doolittle_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/3519/american_womens_lit_1004_librivox_64kb_mp3/awl-11_shelteredgarden_doolittle_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2445242, "duration": 152.827625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/American Womens Literature 1847 to 1922/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 0 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/104/what_katy_did_0807_librivox_64kb_mp3/whatkatydid_05_coolidge_64kb_84_repeat0", "start": 1014.32, "duration": 7.279, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/104/what_katy_did_0807_librivox_64kb_mp3/whatkatydid_05_coolidge_64kb_84", "recording_id": "medium/104/what_katy_did_0807_librivox_64kb_mp3/whatkatydid_05_coolidge_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "104", "custom": { "texts": [ " On this occasion he had selected that cheerful hymn which begins-- \"Hark, from the tombs a doleful sound.\"", " ON THIS OCCASION HE HAD SELECTED THAT TEARFUL HYMN WHICH BEGINS HARK FROM THE TOMB'S A DOLEFUL SOUND" ], "pre_texts": [ "-- \"Elijah by the creek, He by ravens fed, Took from their horny beak Pieces of meat and bread.\" \"Come, Johnnie,\" said Katy, but the incorrigible Johnnie was shaking again, and all they could make out was-- \"The bears came down, and ate------and ate.\" These \"Verses\" were part of a grand project on which Clover and Elsie had been busy for more than a year. It was a sort of rearrangement of Scripture for infant minds; and when it was finished, they meant to have it published, bound in red, with daguerreotypes of the two authoresses on the cover. \"The Youth's Poetical Bible\" was to be the name of it. Papa, much tickled with the scraps which he overheard, proposed, instead, \"The Trundle-Bed Book,\" as having been composed principally in that spot, but Elsie and Clover were highly indignant, and would not listen to the idea for a moment. After the \"Scripture Verses,\" came Dorry's turn. He had been allowed to choose for himself, which was unlucky, as his taste was peculiar, not to say gloomy.", "CH SHE TOOK REFUGE AGAIN BEHIND HER FINGERS WHILE ELSIE WENT ON ALLIED TO BUY THE CREEK HE BY RAVENS FED TOOK FROM THEIR HORNY BIG PIECES OF MEAT AND BREAD COME JOHNNY SAID KATY BUT THE INCORRIGIBLE JOHNNY WAS SHAKING AGAIN AND ALL THEY COULD MAKE OUT WAS THE BEARS CAME DOWN AND ATE AND ATE THESE VERSES WERE PART OF THEIR GRAND PROJECT ON WHICH CLOVER AND ELSIE HAD BEEN BUSY FOR MORE THAN A YEAR IT WAS SORT OF A REARRANGEMENT OF SCRIPTURE FOR INFANT MINDS AND WHEN IT WAS FINISHED THEY MEANT TO HAVE IT PUBLISHED BIND AND READ WITH DAREOTYPES OF THE TWO AUTHORESSES ON THE COVER THE USE POETICAL BIBLE WAS TO BE THE NAME OF IT PAPA MUCH TICKLED WITH THE SCRAPS WHICH HE OVERHEARD PROPOSED INSTEAD THE TRUNDLE BED BOOK AS HAVING BEEN COMPOSED PRINCIPALLY IN THAT SPOT BUT ELSIE CLOVER WERE HIGHLY INDIGNANT WOULD NOT LISTEN TO THE IDEA FOR A MOMENT AFTER THE SCRIPTURE VERSES CAME DORRY'S TURN HE HAD BEEN ALLOWED TO CHOOSE FOR HIMSELF WHICH WAS UNLUCKY AS HIS TASTE WAS PECULIAR NOT TO SAY GLOOMY" ], "begin_byte": 84043, "end_byte": 84149 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 728, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 1014.3200073242188, "duration": 7.279, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000008.lca", "storage_key": "161464620,46348,21560", "recording_id": "medium/104/what_katy_did_0807_librivox_64kb_mp3/whatkatydid_05_coolidge_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/104/what_katy_did_0807_librivox_64kb_mp3/whatkatydid_05_coolidge_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/104/what_katy_did_0807_librivox_64kb_mp3/whatkatydid_05_coolidge_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20430258, "duration": 1276.891125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/What Katy Did/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 4.56 }, { "cut": { "id": "medium/1485/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_15_dumas_64kb_16_repeat0", "start": 202.96, "duration": 13.36, "channel": 0, "supervisions": [ { "id": "medium/1485/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_15_dumas_64kb_16", "recording_id": "medium/1485/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_15_dumas_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "1485", "custom": { "texts": [ " “Ah! why is not Grimaud, the taciturn Grimaud, here?” thought D’Artagnan, “there are so many things his silence would have told me; with Grimaud silence was another form of eloquence!”", " AH WHY IS NOT GRIMAUD THE TACITURN GRIMAUD HERE THOUGHT D'ARTAGNAN THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS HIS SILENCE WOULD HAVE TOLD ME WITH GRIMAUD SILENCE WAS ANOTHER FORM OF ELOQUENCE" ], "pre_texts": [ "n the following day, D’Artagnan, in spite of his fatigue, prepared for an attack and determined that it should take place after breakfast. He determined to cultivate the good-will of the youth Raoul and, either whilst fencing with him or when out shooting, to extract from his simplicity some information which would connect the Athos of old times with the Athos of the present. But D’Artagnan at the same time, being a man of extreme caution, was quite aware what injury he should do himself, if by any indiscretion or awkwardness he should betray has manoeuvering to the experienced eye of Athos. Besides, to tell truth, whilst D’Artagnan was quite disposed to adopt a subtle course against the cunning of Aramis or the vanity of Porthos, he was ashamed to equivocate with Athos, true-hearted, open Athos. It seemed to him that if Porthos and Aramis deemed him superior to them in the arts of diplomacy, they would like him all the better for it; but that Athos, on the contrary, would despise him.", "TION ON ALL THESE POINTS ON THE FOLLOWING DAY D'ARTAGNAN IN SPITE OF HIS FATIGUE PREPARED FOR AN ATTACK AND DETERMINED THAT IT SHOULD TAKE PLACE AFTER BREAKFAST HE DETERMINED TO CULTIVATE THE GOOD WILL OF THE YOUTH RAOUL AND EITHER WHILST FENCING WITH HIM OR WHEN OUT SHOOTING TO EXTRACT FROM HIS SIMPLICITY SOME INFORMATION WHICH WOULD CONNECT ATHOS OF OLD TIMES WITH THE ATHOS OF THE PRESENT BUT D'ARTAGNAN AT THE SAME TIME BEING A MAN OF EXTREME CAUTION WAS QUITE AWARE WHAT INJURY HE SHOULD DO HIMSELF IF BY ANY INDISCRETION OR AWKWARDNESS HE SHOULD BETRAY HIS MANOEUVERING TO THE EXPERIENCED EYE OF ATHOS BESIDES TO TELL TRUTH WHILST D'ARTAGNAN WAS QUITE DISPOSED TO ADOPT A SUBTLE COURSE AGAINST THE CUNNING OF ARAMIS OR THE VANITY OF PORTHOS HE WAS ASHAMED TO EQUIVOCATE WITH ATHOS TRUE HEARTED OPEN ATHOS IT SEEMED TO HIM THAT IF PORTHOS AND ARAMIS DEEMED HIM SUPERIOR TO THEM IN THE ARTS OF DIPLOMACY THEY WOULD LIKE HIM ALL THE BETTER FOR IT BUT THAT ATHOS ON THE CONTRARY WOULD DESPISE HIM" ], "begin_byte": 243942, "end_byte": 244126 } } ], "features": { "type": "kaldifeat-fbank", "num_frames": 1336, "num_features": 80, "frame_shift": 0.01, "sampling_rate": 16000, "start": 202.9600067138672, "duration": 13.36, "storage_type": "lilcom_chunky", "storage_path": "data/fbank/libriheavy_medium_split/libriheavy_feats_medium_00000094.lca", "storage_key": "117207291,47603,47471,31667", "recording_id": "medium/1485/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_15_dumas_64kb", "channels": 0 }, "recording": { "id": "medium/1485/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_15_dumas_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "/star-kw/data/libri-light/medium/1485/twentyyearsafter_0904_librivox_64kb_mp3/twentyyearsafter_15_dumas_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 19322248, "duration": 1207.6405, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }, "custom": { "text_path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/text_search/examples/libriheavy/download/librilight_text/output_text_medium_cleaned/Twenty Years After/text.txt" }, "tracks": null }, "type": "MonoCut", "offset": 5.819 } ]
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