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fd_One_Tree_Hill_02x02 | fd_One_Tree_Hill_02x02_0 | TEXT: LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. (We see Nathan and Haley on the beach as they are getting married. Nathan is putting a ring on Haley's finger.) LUCAS: (v.o) What're you talking about Haley? [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. NATHAN'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY] (Haley holds up her left hand, showing her wedding ring clearly. Nathan puts his arm around her.) HALEY: We got married last night. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. LUCAS' HOUSE - MORNING] (Lucas looking sad.) LUCAS: Mom...I want to leave Tree Hill. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. PEYTON'S HOUSE - DOORSTEP - DAY] (Peyton is looking at a letter that Lucas left taped to the front door before he left for Charleston.) BROOKE: (v.o) This is from Lucas. PEYTON: (v.o) I'm sorry. (The shot shows Brooke and Peyton's name clearly written on the front.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. BROOKE'S BOAT - DAY] PEYTON: I'm sorry; I shouldn't have hid it from you. BROOKE: You've had the words the whole time and didn't tell me? PEYTON: I was going to. BROOKE: When?! After you read it first?! PEYTON: NO! [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. BEACH HOUSE - DAY] (Dan grabs at his chest and falls to the floor.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. CHARLESTON - BEACH - DUSK] (Keith is looking out at the sea on a now deserted beach. Lucas walks up to him.) KEITH: It's Dan. He had a heart attack. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. TREE HILL HOSPITAL -
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> With the assistance of Peyton and Brooke, Lucas throws Nathan and Haley a wedding reception. Although Haley's parents support the marriage, Deb has a difficult time accepting it. Dan's recent heart attack inspires him to try and mend his relationships with Deb and Lucas. This episode is named after a song by The White Stripes .<extra_id_1> |
fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_04x18 | fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_04x18_0 | TEXT: Ted (2030): In spring 2009, I was hired to design a new headquarters for Goliath National Bank. And I hasten to add up to the plans of architect my paw. Ted is in the apartment, on his desk, drawing. Ted: Wooden beams immersed in natural light from the atrium.They will love it! Ted (2030): There was a problem and his name was Bilson. Ted presents his project. Bilson: Wood? Natural light? Oh, no! It reminds employees that there is an outside world where they have family and friends. We want to crush it! You arrive in the dark, you come home in the dark. You spend your whole damn day in the dark! Marshall: I need to hear Lily. Marshall rises. Bilson: Who told you to leave? Then sits down. Ted (2030): Bilson killed every one of my original ideas. Then one day the GNB has withdrawn from the project to create a new working group to oversee my plans. Everything changed at once. Ted: On the roof, a Zen garden to pray silently. In the lobby, a fountain where local kids can make wishes. The new GNB, your workplace and your home. Thank you, and.. welcome home. Ted (2030): Everything was fine until one day in the elevator. Ted takes the elevator when a woman is already there. Ted: Yeah, it's Ted. No, no. I have not approved the change in plans for the new GNB headquarters, which I am the chief architect, just 30 years. Yes, I'm single and I give to charity.What is the relationship? Okay, bye, Mr. Mayor. You know it was bogus? Woman: Yes, and I also know that the draft of the new headquarters was abandoned last month. Nice try. The woman came out of the elevator. GENERIC Lily, Marshall, Barney and Robin are in McClaren's. Barney: Look at Scarlett Johansson at the Oscars. If I could get a celebrity, it would be Scarlett Johansson. Canon, talented and you do not turn as Woody Allen's father without issue. Marshall: If I got a celebrity, it would be Lily. This is the
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When Goliath National Bank cancels plans to build their new headquarters that Ted was hired to design, Barney and Marshall concoct an elaborate lie to keep Ted from knowing he is out of a job.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Charmed_05x05 | fd_Charmed_05x05_0 | TEXT: [Scene: A club. It is packed with men and women dancing and having a good time. Piper walks through the crowd and catches Leo dancing.] Piper: What are you doing? Leo: DJ's really good, huh? Piper: Yeah, too bad she's not really good at P3. Leo: Right, sorry. Piper: Focus. We are here on business not pleasure. Leo: Okay, I know, I know. But don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit? Piper: No, I don't. This club has become the hottest thing in town and I'd like to know what they're doing that I'm not. Leo: P3's still doing great. Piper: Not as great as it used to be thanks to me. Leo: Okay, well, Piper, you're having a baby, your priorities have changed. Piper: Yeah, well, haven't you heard? Women can have careers and babies now, it's been in all the papers. Leo: Well, are those women trying to save the world from demons too? (Piper spots two people making out on a couch.) Piper: Ugh. Oh, for god's sakes, people, get a room. (They stop kissing. It's Paige.) Paige: Piper. (She stands up.) Piper: Paige? What are you doing here? Paige: Well, you know, just hanging out. Piper: You couldn't hang out at our club? Guy: What, and miss this DJ? Come on. Paige: Uh, this is my other sister, Piper and her husband Leo. This is Dave. Leo: Nice to meet you. (Leo and Dave shake hands.) Dave: Yeah, you too, mate. Thanks. Piper: I didn't know there was a Dave. Paige: Oh, we've only been hanging out for like three weeks. Piper: Weeks? (Phoebe comes up to Paige and hands her a drink.) Phoebe: Here you go. (She spots Piper.) Oh,
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Kevin is a young witch who can bring his drawings to life. When a demon learns of his powers, he turns to Kevin, looking to turn into an evil Supervillain in order to kill a retiring Elder before he names a replacement. However, before the demon gets his hands on the young witch, he works his magic on the Charmed Ones and turns them into Superheroes. With all the superpowers raining down upon San Francisco, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige have their work cut out for them after being tasked to protect the retiring Elder.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_12x05 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_12x05_0 | TEXT: DOCTOR WHO THE ARK IN SPACE BY ROBERT HOLMES PART ONE 5:35pm - 6:00pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. SPACE (An ark in seen outside space, quite close to an unknown planet. The camera moves in closer to the ark, which wobbles as it does so. The ark starts to move, and the shot fades into a shot inside the ark.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. ARK - BODY ROOM (We see things from the point of view of something green. It sees a body in some sort of chamber; it looks like a futuristic tomb. We move in closer to the body, down and then up. As we move closer we start to see the physical features of the body and the container of the body becomes transparent. The chamber door opens.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: EXT. SPACE (We can see the ark in space again, but this time from a different angle and we cannot see the planet. The ark moves further away from us.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: INT. ARK - SECONDARY CONTROL ROOM (The TARDIS light flashes. We move away from the TARDIS, and see some sort of white room, but we can't see much yet. The TARDIS de-materialisation noise sounds, and then stops as the light stops flashing.) DOCTOR: You're a clumsy, ham-fisted idiot! (He walks out the TARDIS, carrying a torch.) HARRY: (sincerely) I said sorry! DOCTOR: What? Come out! And don't touch anything! HARRY: I'm only trying to open the door. (He steps out, clearly amazed at where he is.) HARRY: Oh, I say! We've gone! SARAH: (nosily) Who's gone? (She also walks out, holding a candle.) HARRY: (confused) I mean, this isn't, we aren't where we were when... I've gone mad. S
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The Doctor's attempt to give Harry a trip in the TARDIS sees the two of them and Sarah arriving onboard a space station in the far future, with some rather deadly security mechanisms.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_04x16 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_04x16_0 | TEXT: Outside of Degrassi (Everyone is watching as Jimmy comes out of a van and they all start clapping and cheering.) Hazel: Hey la my boyfriend's back! Paige: I know, this is so song worthy! Ashley: Hi. Jimmy: Wow. Thanks you guys and uh thanks for not making a big deal out of it. Ashley: Hazel tried to stop us. Marco: Emphasize on try. Everyone was really excited to have you back. (Spinner and Manny walk out of the school and Spinner waves.) Jimmy: Everyone? (Spinner puts down his arm when Jimmy doesn't smile at him.) Jimmy: Okay who's ramping it with me? Marco: Let's go! In the computer lab Spinner: Hey. Um listen about the... the hospital. Jimmy: Wheels. Chair. It's a wheelchair. Gawk all you want, it's not going away. Spinner: Um. Dude I would have come, but things got crazy busy around here and you know how it is... Jimmy: I understand. I probably should have been there with you instead of at the hospital getting a bullet removed from my spine. My bad. Spinner: I'm sorry okay? I didn't know what to say or how to act. I suck. Jimmy: Sit down. At this angle I can see up your nose. Not good. Spinner: You should hate me. Jimmy: That takes too much energy. I got other things to deal with, like hooking up some phat rims for the ride. Mr. Simpson: Jimmy Brooks is in the house! Jimmy: What's up man? Mr. Simpson: Hey. You gonna help me keep that guy in line? (looking at Spinner) Jimmy: Yeah. Mr. Simpson: Okay. A montage of Spinner helping Jimmy get his books out of his locker, pushing him through the halls, giving him a water bottle when he can't use the fountain, taping up the cords on the ground so Jimmy can wheel right over them, Spinner is looking at the trophy case then goes up to Mr. Armstrong Spinner: Oh Coach sir! Um after, after the game today I have an idea! At Liberty's
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When Jimmy is finally released from the hospital, everyone is happy except Spinner, who is forced to decide whether to lose a friend by confessing his role in the shooting or to stay quiet and feel guilty. Meanwhile, Danny has a hard time accepting J.T. and Liberty's relationship.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Bones_02x03 | fd_Bones_02x03_0 | TEXT: "The Boy in the Shroud" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open: FBI Agents are in an alley digging through garbage. Cam and Booth are already there. Everyone is grossed out by the smell - Cam picks up a rat.) BOOTH: (waving his hand to keep the smell away and then covers his nose) Holy mother of God. Oh Geez. (Brennan and Hodgins arrive) BRENNAN: Booth! What do we have here? HODGINS: Bet I know. That's- (he sniffs the air) lasagna, (sniffs) fishy rotten cat food and (sniffs) vulcanized rubber. CAM: Excellent olfactory talent, Hodgins. BRENNAN: What happened? BOOTH: Well, it's obvious, isn't it? A guy tried to beat the yellow light, he got T-Boned by tractor trailer. BRENNAN: Well, what was the semi carrying? BOOTH: Aquarium sand, but that's not- BRENNAN: No natural gas or propane? No explosion? No fire? HODGINS: No corrosive chemicals. BRENNAN: What - do you need me for? CAM: You might want to prepare yourself. (she looks at Brennan) - or not. BOOTH: Oh man. Okay, how bad does, uh, garbage gotta stink to cover the smell of a dead body. CAM: I think the victim was a minor. BOOTH: (to Brennan) 'Kay, well if you agree this falls under FBI jurisdiction. (Brennan and Hodgins kneel down next to the body. Brennan starts to examine the skull) BRENNAN: It's a male. Yes, an adolescent. HODGINS: Flatworms. Necrophagous flies and beetles. Yeah, he's been garbage for about three weeks. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. BRENNAN: The fractures to the cranium,
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Brennan and her team dig through the trash to find clues when a young man wrapped in a shroud is found among garbage. After Angela is able to identify the deceased boy, Cam quickly assumes the main suspect to be the boy's girlfriend, Kelly, who is a product of the foster system. Brennan is hurt by this as she is also a product of the foster system. Meanwhile, things get tense when Brennan and Cam struggle for power in their disagreement on work styles. Cam threatens to fire Brennan even if it costs her the whole Jeffersonian team.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Frasier_09x21 | fd_Frasier_09x21_0 | TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - KACL [Fade in. Frasier is on the air with a caller, Roz is at her console.] Frasier: Despite your healthy teen skepticism, Jeremy, problems that seem crushing now can actually serve to shape your life in positive ways later on. Jeremy: [voice over] You're just saying that. Frasier: No, well, I'll tell you what, perhaps I can convince you with a story. I recall a young man who suffered from involuntary bedwetting until he was twelve years old. Or was it thirteen? Boy, you'd think I'd remember, I slept in the lower bunk. The point is, it was very difficult for him, what with the alarms, and the bladder stretching exercises and the incessant teasing he suffered once his schoolmates found out. Jeremy: [v.o.] How'd they find out? Frasier: [guiltily] The point I'm trying to make here is that this man today is a prominent and respected psychiatrist. And you see, his affliction served to make him stronger, more empathic, and extremely hygenic. So, hang in there, Jeremy. Jeremy: [v.o.] Okay. Thanks Dr. Crane. [He hangs up.] Frasier: Thank you. And thank you, listeners. This is Dr. Frasier Crane saying good day and good mental health. [He shuts down, rises and takes off his headset as Roz comes in from her side.] Roz: That was...kind of brave to admit you were a bed wetter. Frasier: Oh, Roz, pay attention! That was Niles, not me. You know, I've got to run. I'm still putting the finishing touches on my speech for the Boston conference. Roz: Did you come up with a title? Frasier: Yes. As a matter of fact, Niles will be introducing me on "Notes for a Critical Approach to Radio As Mediating Gateway in the Process of Psychological Demystification". Roz: Good speech, what's the
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Frasier, Martin, Niles and Daphne are in Boston for a conference that Frasier and Niles will attend. They encounter Frasier's old friend Cliff Clavin (played by John Ratzenberger ) at the airport bar, who thinks Frasier is in town for his retirement party before he moves to Florida , and end up going along to the party with him before dinner. The only ones not in attendance are Sam (who is using the bar for a Red Sox reunion party), Woody (who is out with his wife Kelly and their child), Rebecca , and Diane (the latter two aren't mentioned at all). Martin hits it off with Norm Peterson ( George Wendt ). Both are able to correctly figure out the other's preferred method of beer consumption by their handshake, and they swap beer stories. Daphne meets Cliff, and takes all of his erroneous trivial facts and stories at face value. Niles is the only person not having a good time; he has to prepare an introduction for Frasier's speech, and must continually postpone a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant. Niles's mood changes, though, when Carla ( Rhea Perlman ) begins telling him of all the pranks and jokes that she and the others used to play on Frasier. Eventually, Cliff confides in Frasier, saying that he does not believe any of his supposed friends actually care that he plans to leave town. When Cliff leaves for a walk around the block, Frasier shares this news, and inspires everyone to deliver speeches in Cliff's honor. Everything is going well... until Carla, after years of frustration at Cliff's chatter, snaps. She goes on a long rant, discussing how joyous she is that he is finally leaving, and claims that the past few years of her life would have been more enjoyable had she been "covered in open sores and thrown into a pit of starving rats!" Upon hearing this, Cliff pauses... and announces that only a true friend would make such a wonderful, humorous speech. He decides that he cannot leave such good friends, and opts to stay in Boston! This naturally infuriates Carla, who tries to shoot Cliff with a harpoon gun he received as a present while the others try their best to restrain her.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_02x14 | fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_02x14_0 | TEXT: -[Fairy Tale Land - Past]- (Milah is sewing inside when Rumpelstiltskin's voice is heard through the door.) Rumpelstiltskin: Milah? (Rumpelstiltskin enters with a paper in hand.) Rumpelstiltskin: Milah. Milah: I'm nearly finished. Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, you learn quickly. Milah: I have a good teacher. (They kiss.) Milah: What is it? What brings you home so early? Rumpelstiltskin: Milah... My weaving days are behind us. I've been called to the front. (He unrolls the piece of paper and holds it in front of Milah. It reads 'Rumplestiltskin (sic) You have been drafted into the King's army'.) Milah: The Ogres War. Rumpelstiltskin: I report for training in the morning. Milah: No. Rumpel, I've heard stories. The front - it's a brutal place. Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, Milah... I-I know, I know. I... I can't say that I... I won't be frightened. But... But this is the chance I've been waiting for...all my life. You know, I've lived under the shadow of my father's actions for too long now. Milah: Just because your father was a coward, it doesn't mean you are. Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, I know that. As do you. But to the world? Fighting in this war finally gives me the chance to prove that to everyone else. Milah: Go. Be brave. Fight honourably. Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, God, I love you. Milah: I love you, too. When you return, we can start living the life we've always dreamed of. Rumpelstiltskin: Yeah... Milah: We can have a family. Rumpelstiltskin: A family. -[New York]- (Emma, Henry,
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> While Mr. Gold, Emma and Henry go in search of Gold's son Bae in New York, Cora, Regina and Hook attempt to track down one of Rumplestiltskin's most treasured possessions. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Rumplestiltskin realizes his destiny while fighting in the Ogres War.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Frasier_05x02 | fd_Frasier_05x02_0 | TEXT: [Act One] [Scene One - Café Nervosa. Frasier is standing in the café when Roz enters.] Frasier: Oh, good morning, Roz. Roz: Good morning. [Roz starts to kiss Frasier passionately. He struggles free after a while.] Frasier: What the hell was that? Roz: [looks around] Oh, shoot! He's not even here! Frasier: [wiping off kiss] Who? Roz: Do you remember that guy who dumped me last month? I thought he was right behind me. I just wanted him to see me with another guy so he'd know how completely over him I am! Frasier: Good idea, Roz. If that doesn't work, why don't we get married and have some children, that will really fix his wagon! Roz: You might remember him, Stan? Frasier: [thinks] Stan? The smug stockbroker who kept calling me "Frazer?" Roz: Oh yeah, that's the one. One minute, we're hot an' heavy and then he stops calling. It's so humiliating when someone treats you like you don't even exist. Frasier: [not listening to her] How can someone not hear the difference between "Frasier" and "Frazer"? Roz: Yeah, that's what bugged me the most too! [to waiter] I'll have an espresso to go, please. Frasier: Oh, oh, Roz, I almost forgot, here's the invitation to my dad's birthday party. Sherry's giving it, so please excuse the elegant verse, but... [Frasier hands it over.] Roz: [reads] "Come one, Come all, To jump and jive, Marty Crane's turning sex-ty-five!" [She notices Stan enter the Café.] Roz: Oh my God, here he is. Please? Frasier: Oh, all right. [Frasier and Roz start kissing passionately which turns Stan away. They keep on kissing, not noticing Niles enter the
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> It is Martin's 65th birthday, and Frasier and Niles compete to get him the best present. Sherry has big plans for his birthday party, and has found a picture of Martin back in his police days of him aboard his beloved police horse Agides, which she intends to blow up to life-size, with Martin recalling how much he used to love the horse. Frasier buys a very large television for Martin, but Niles has managed to track down Agides and secured him a stable where Martin can visit any time he likes. Frasier realizes Niles has won, and the pair take their father down to the stables to meet Agides. After the party, Niles and Frasier discover their father once again at the stables talking to Agides about the sadness of aging, which causes Niles to graciously say that Agides came from both he and Frasier.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Alias_01x10 | fd_Alias_01x10_0 | TEXT: (Sydney comes to in a dark room without any windows. She's sitting on a cot with a bare mattress. She touches her neck where the gun was shot. She sits up, looks around and sees a door. Standing up, she starts to walk towards it but her foot is chained to the wall. She looks around and sits down, defeated.) (Sloane's office. Rusik sits in front of his desk.) SLOANE: We've known for some time that we had a mole, that someone was working against us. When you were in Geneva with Agent Bristow, we picked up a transmission. A third party. It confirmed what some in security section thought for weeks -- that Agent Bristow was that mole. When you were in the field with Bristow, there was no indication? RUSIK: Nothing. SLOANE: Hmm. Well, we need to determine the extent of damange done to us. RUSIK: What can I do? SLOANE: You have to convince Bristow that we believe the two of you were working together and that if she doesn't reveal to us the work that she's done against us, we'll torture you... to death. RUSIK: Are you sure that will work? SLOANE: Threat to colleague is a fundamental interrogation technique. Sydney in particular... (He trails off, looking down.) SLOANE: Yes. I think that she will respond. (Rusik stands, preparing to leave.) SLOANE: Mr. Rusik, you understand that we need to make it appear that you were questioned. (He nods reluctantly.) (In the room, Sydney looks up when the door opens and two agents holding Rusik walk in. Rusik is beaten and bloody. They throw him down on the bed, chain him to the wall, and walk out.) RUSIK: They think I'm part of this... SYDNEY: What do you mean? RUSIK: Don't play games with me! You know what I'm talking about. A transmission was sent from our position in Geneva
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Sydney briefs her CIA handler, Vaughn, on her recent captivity at SD-6 and is surprised when he unexpectedly gives her a Christmas gift. Their relationship remains halted because they both know that they can't endanger her position by going out in the open about it, but Sydney also seems to like him more than she would admit. Meanwhile Jack has to find a way to save Sydney when he discovers that Sloane has been convinced she's the mole and has given orders to torture and kill her. Will may be making the mistake of his life when he begins to research a name heard on a mysterious audio cassette --SD-6.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_O.C._01x24 | fd_The_O.C._01x24_0 | TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen backyard - Ryan and Luke are walking to the pool house. this is set the morning after Marissa ran out of the pool house upset Ryan: (sighs) think, where else could she be Luke: (sighs) (shrugs) I don't we've ben all over town twice...i'm sorry I jus don't know what to do at this point Ryan: we're not givin up we jus gotta figure this thing out (Luke looks at him) alright when she left she was upset so she probably went somewhere she was-she was she would feel safe right Luke: yeah well somewhere no ones even gonna think to look for her Ryan: including us apparently Luke: (sighs) well maybe she called, where's Cohen (they are now entering the pool house) Ryan: yeah maybe she called an he went after...her (we see Seth curled up on Ryan's bed sound asleep) Luke: maybe he's asleep, hey Cohen (kicks Seth) get up! (Seth jumps awake) Seth: it's my precious you can't have it (Ryan & Luke both look at him) hey what's wrong Luke: you were asleep that's what's wrong Seth: I was adjusting my back (Luke looks at him) Ryan: did Marissa call? Seth: no man I would'a heard the phone ringing even if I was sleeping (grabs for the phone) which I wasn't, I was adjusting my back (looks at the phone) there's a missed call though which is weird c (Ryan snatches the phone from him) ok Luke: meanwhile Ryan an I are drivin round all night like idiots Seth: really? well none'a this would'a happened in the first place if it wasn't for you Luke: shut up Cohen, it was an accident Seth: i'm sorry did you accidentally sleep with Marissa's mom, or did you accidentally tell Marissa about it Luke: i'm in no mood Cohen Seth: good keep it in your board shorts next time
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Marissa doesn't want to hear what Luke has to say, but gives him a chance after a near-fatal car accident. Meanwhile, Jimmy becomes an obstacle in getting a liquor license. Caleb proposes to Julie.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_O.C._03x19 | fd_The_O.C._03x19_0 | TEXT: Opening scene - The Bait Shop - the first thing we see is random people dancing, drinking and having a good time then up on the balcony we see Summer and Seth standing together, they are both watching something Summer: he's leaning forward indicating all focus is on her (we see what or should I say who Summer is referring to, it's Sadie and Ryan sitting together and just as Summer said Ryan is leaning towards Sadie) Summer: see how her palms are facing up that means that she's open to what he's communicating, Star Magazine what stars body language is really saying Seth: well I've talkedto the guy an what Ryan is really saying is he an Sadie are just taking it slow (we see another shot of Ryan and Sadie. Sadie runs her hand down Ryan's arm and takes his hand in hers) Summer: oh no, bodies don't lie (Ryan kisses Sadie's hand) I'm sounding out a hot new couple alert (we see Ryan and Sadie stand up and head over to where Summer and Seth are, still holding hands) Summer: act like you know nothing (looks away) Seth: I don't (looks away) Ryan: hey so uh I think we're gonna head out Seth: alright we'll go with ya Ryan: nnn no its fine just uh stay here Sadie: ill get him home safe (smiles) Ryan: (wraps his arms around Sadie's waist as she walks in front) ah huh (Sadie laughs) Seth: (frowns) alright so there into each other Summer: you know what I'm actually happy for them Seth: an you don't feel weird about Marissa cause even id feel a little weird about Marissa for you Summer: no, id feel weird about Marissa if I saw Marissa Seth: I thought she was stayin at your house now that your parents are hookin up on the high seas Summer: (frowns) no she's ben sleeping at the trailer, this break up has hit her hard she said she needs timeto process
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Julie and Neil tell their daughters about their engagement; however, Marissa distances herself from Summer when she gets closer to Volchok. Ryan tries to move on with his relationship with Sadie. Meanwhile, Kirsten and Seth have a night out. At the Newport Group, Sandy has to deal with Matt's mishaps.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Gilmore_Girls_02x15 | fd_Gilmore_Girls_02x15_0 | TEXT: 2.15 - Lost and Found OPEN IN STARS HOLLOW [Lorelai and Rory are walking toward Luke's] LORELAI: It still hurts. RORY: Do you need stitches? LORELAI: Probably. RORY: Well, then we should go to a doctor. LORELAI: No, no doctors. You go into a hospital, you don't come out again. RORY: Well said, Ida Morgenstern. LORELAI: I'm starving. I need pancakes. RORY: Can I just ask <unk>. LORELAI: No. RORY: What on earth you thought you were doing? LORELAI: I thought I was being a self-sufficient woman. RORY: You hate ladders, you hate heights. LORELAI: We needed our rain gutters cleaned. RORY: Yeah, well, hire somebody. LORELAI: Oh, well, aren't we suddenly a Rockefeller. RORY: Well, it's better than you killing yourself. LORELAI: Oh, I'm fine. I'm just being dramatic. It's what I do. RORY: No more ladders. LORELAI: I promise. RORY: Okay. LORELAI: I think I have gangrene. RORY: You do not. LORELAI: And vertigo. RORY: Oh boy. LORELAI: And one leg suddenly feels shorter than the other. RORY: This is gonna be the Vanity Fair paper cut incident all over again, isn't it? LORELAI: Wow! RORY: Leave your bandage alone. LORELAI: Look, it's turning purple, but a really glowy purple. Look! RORY: No, thanks. LORELAI: Hm. Maybe our rain gutters are radioactive or made out of some kind of alien metal so that when I cut my hand I got infected with an extraterrestrial substance which is altering my internal makeup. Ugh, maybe I'll turn into a superhero. RORY: Maybe. LORELAI: Like, maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Rory embarks upon a campaign to improve Lorelai's relationship with Jess, and convinces her to let him clean out their gutters so he can make some extra money. Luke, annoyed by his cramped living quarters, goes apartment hunting. With the help of Lorelai, Luke is able to find a great place, but is shocked when he finds out who owns the building. Meanwhile, Dean notices that Rory isn't wearing the bracelet that he made for her. Rory makes up an excuse, but later flips into panic mode when she can't find the bracelet.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Dawson_s_Creek_03x15 | fd_Dawson_s_Creek_03x15_0 | TEXT: [Scene: The School Hallway by the stairs. Joey is painting her mural on the wall, during the after school hours. Pacey comes up to see her painting.] Joey: I don't recall requesting the pleasure of your company, Pacey. Pacey: Rag? Joey: Brush. Pacey: You know, after Van Go chopped off his own ear. There was a rash of copycat mutilations among his students Joey: Your point being... Pacey: Well, my point being that the whole world reveres the artists, envies their talent, wants to be just like them. I'm hoping some of your genius will rub off on me. Joey: You got kicked out of your house again. Pacey: Well not exactly kicked out. It was more like they're filming a lifetime original movie in my living room right now. Joey: And which one of the Witter sisters is in complete distress right now? Pacey: That would be numero uno. Left the sergeant major for conduct unbecoming, fled back to whole home front and, brought along my screaming nieces. Joey: So I finally get my own room, and you have been exiled to sofa city. Ouch. Pacey: My sentiments exactly Joey: So, uh... So, what do you think? Pacey: Oh, is it done? Joey: Yes, it's done. Pacey: I thought that Principal Green had commissioned you guys to do murals exemplifying school spirit and unity. Joey: They did. Pacey: Well...No offense, but this looks like something you'd find tattooed on Kwai Chang Caine's forehead. Joey: You don't like it. Pacey: I didn't say I didn't like it I'm... Pretty sure the rest of the murals, will be a little more traditional but<unk> Joey: What, like football players and lighthouses? And what do they actually say about the high school experience? Pacey: Jo, this is the U.S. of A. We're a very prosaic nation, and when we have art in public places we want it
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Joey is chosen as one of only a handful of students selected to paint an inspriational mural on a school wall. At the unveiling, it is revealed that Joey's mural has been vandalised, and when Pacey discovers the identity of the culprit, he takes vigilante action which lands him in trouble, and gets the vandal expelled. As part of his punishment, Principal Green enrolls him in the Capeside mentoring scheme, and Pacey seems excited at the chance to help local kids. Andie's PSAT scores come back and Principal Green reveals that she is one of the country's top scorers. Racked with guilt about her dishonesty over the test, Andie, against the advice of Jack, confesses the truth to Principal Green who is deeply disappointed. Pacey's home life becomes over-crowded when his sister Carrie and her children come to stay. He decides to move in with Doug, who is less than pleased with the idea. Pacey and Joey bond further when Dawson inadvertently pushes Joey to see how much Pacey genuinely cares for her.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Vampire_Diaries_03x22 | fd_The_Vampire_Diaries_03x22_0 | TEXT: [Gilbert's House] (Elena is sleeping. Her alarm clock sets off and she wakes up. She raises the volume smiles and gets off bed. She smiles once more and starts to dance, looking at herself in the mirror and binding her hair into a ponytail. She takes her pompons and throws them on her bench next to her cheerleader outfit) (She's dressed in her cheerleader outfit and enters the kitchen. Jenna's here) Elena: Hey. Jeremy locked himself in the bathroom again. Does he think we don't know what he's doing in there? Jenna: He's 14. They don't think (She takes the coffee pot to pours herself some but Jenna stops her) Jenna: Hey. You'll get me in trouble with your... (Miranda, Elena's mom, enters the kitchen) Miranda Good morning Elena: Good morning mom (Miranda smiles, takes Elena's face in her hands and kisses her. Elena smiles) Present [Mystic Falls' Hospital] (Elena wakes up in her hospital bed and looks around her) [Mystic Falls' Hospital] (Meredith is with Jeremy in front of Elena's room) Meredith: She's going to be fine. She got a little banged up today, hit her head. But it was just a slight concussion. Nothing to worry about Jeremy: But she collapsed, there was blood Meredith: Honestly, Jeremy, she's OK. She's just... She's been through a lot. Is there anyone you want to call? [A car] (Stefan is driving and Damon is on the passenger seat. They're on the phone with Jeremy) Damon: Did what?! Jeremy: I took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious you call 911 Damon: Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal. Stefan: Every remaining original is going to want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there Jeremy: Well, Meredith wants to keep her here for observation Damon: Jeremy, get Elena home. We
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Jeremy takes Elena to the hospital where Meredith takes care of her. Elena dreams of simpler times when her parents, Grayson and Miranda, and Aunt Jenna were still alive and her biggest concern was her relationship with Matt. Stefan and Damon leave Mystic Falls together on a mission, but soon split up when Elena needs one of them. Elijah returns and asks for Klaus' body in return for luring Alaric away. Alaric convinces Jeremy and Matt to help him kill Klaus so Elena can live a happy life, but Jeremy tricks Alaric. Caroline and Tyler are forced to make a life-changing decision and flee from Mystic Falls at the urging of their parents. Stefan kisses Elena before going to deal with Alaric. Alaric surprises Damon at the storage locker where Klaus' body is stored. Alaric kills Klaus (who was revealed to have made Damon's, Stefan's, Caroline's, Abby's and Tyler's bloodline). Matt was taking Elena out of town and she decides to go back to say good-bye to Stefan, saying that he came into her life at the right moment, but maybe if she had met Damon first, it would have been different. Caroline says good-bye to Tyler as Rebekah and Elijah mourn Klaus. Bonnie made a secret deal to reincarnate Klaus in the body of Tyler so that her friends would not die, however no one else knows this, as they all believe that Klaus was lying about being the head of their bloodline. Elena and Matt get into a car crash (while this is happening Elena is having flashbacks to when she and her parents were dying in the car). It is then shown in a flash back that Damon and Elena met the night of the car crash involving Elena and her parents, where he tells her that she wants "a love that consumes you, you want passion, an adventure, and even a little danger." But after meeting her, Damon compelled her saying that "No one can know I'm in town yet." When Stefan comes to save her and Matt, she signals him to save Matt instead of her. Elena then drowns, which made Alaric go down with her. He then says goodbye to Jeremy in ghost form. At the end of the episode Dr. Fell reveals to Damon that Elena was not suffering from a concussion, but a bleeding in the brain and that she did what she had to do to save her, by giving her vampire blood. The episode ends with Elena waking up as a vampire.<extra_id_1> |
fd_FRIENDS_05x15 | fd_FRIENDS_05x15_0 | TEXT: [Scene: The hallway, Ross is running up the stairs. Note: This show continues where the last one left off.] Ross: Chandler!!! Chandler!!! (He opens the door to the apartment but is stopped by the chain; Chandler and Monica quickly stop making out and try to get dressed.) Chandler, I saw what you were doing through the window! Chandler, I saw what you were doing to my sister! Now get out here! Chandler: (To Monica) Wow! Listen, we had a good run. What was it? Four? Five months? I mean, that's more than most people have in a lifetime! So, good-bye, take care, bye-bye then! (He kisses her and starts to climb out the balcony window.) Monica: What are you doing?! Chandler: Oh, I'm going on the lamb. Monica: Come on Chandler, come on, I can handle Ross. (They go to the door. Ross is trying to stick his hand through and undo the chain; Monica pushes his hand back.) (To Ross) Hold on! (She opens the door.) Hey Ross. What's up bro? (Ross spots Chandler and starts chasing him around the kitchen table. Chandler runs and hides behind Monica.) Ross: What the hell are doing?!! Rachel: (running from the guy's apartment with Joey in tow) Hey, what's-what's going on?! Chandler: Well, I think, I think Ross knows about me and Monica. Joey: (panicking) Dude! He's right there! Ross: (To Chandler) I thought you were my best friend, this is my sister! My best friend and my sister! I-I cannot believe this! Chandler: Look, we're not just messing around! I love her. Okay, I'm in love with her. Monica: I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way. I'm sorry, but it's true, I love him too. (There's a brief pause.) Ross: (happily) My best friend and my sister! I cannot believe this. (He hugs them both.) (To Joey and Rachel) You guys probably wanna get some hugs in too,
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Ross is initially furious upon learning about Chandler and Monica, but quickly comes round when he learns they are serious about each other. Joey dates a girl ( Soleil Moon Frye ) who likes punching him. Ross gets off on the wrong foot with his new neighbors when he reasonably declines contributing a large sum towards the retiring superintendent's retirement party. Chandler and Monica have problems with their relationship after everyone jokes about marriage. Monica is upset that Chandler refuses to consider marriage, and he becomes so worried about losing her that he hastily proposes. Monica turns him down, saying she only wants him to be open to getting married one day, and that they are not ready yet (much to Chandler's relief).<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x28 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x28_0 | TEXT: PAUL ERICKSON & LESLEY SCOTT 05:15pm-05:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. ARK. CONTROL DECK DODO: Doctor, Steven, look! DOCTOR: What is it, my dear, what have you found? (They join DODO who is gazing up at the statue.) DODO: The statue! They've finished the statue! (The completed stones structure looms over them. But where the plan showed a human head there is now the head of a MONOID.) DODO: What's happened? The head, it wasn't meant to be like that. STEVEN: No. It was meant to be a human being and now it's a Monoid. Wonder why? (They move towards the control desk. Leaves are scattered all over the floor as foliage has started to grow on the control deck.) DOCTOR: Well I'm not sure, dear boy. However, the statue is finished. That means, er, seven hundred years must've passed since we... last stood here. Hmm? DODO: Is that why the place looks so grotty? STEVEN: Must be. DODO: But we've only been gone a few seconds! DOCTOR: Yes, I know my dear, it's pretty hard for you to understand. STEVEN: Yes, well the Guardians said it would take seven hundred years for this spaceship to reach the Planet Refusis II. If that navigation chart's anything to go by I'd say that they're almost there. (The DOCTOR studies the controls.) DOCTOR: Yes, I think you're right. STEVEN: Then where are the guardians? Well at least the descendants of those we knew before, surely they should be here, guiding the ship? DOCTOR: I don't think that will be necessary, dear boy, it appears they've introduced some form of automatic guiding device. STEVEN: Yes but you'd think one of them would be standing by to make sure nothing goes wrong. DOCTOR: Yes, well now, let's have a look at the scanner and see if that
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The Doctor and his companions Steven Taylor and Dodo Chaplet arrive some ten million years into the future, on board a generation starshipwhich is carrying the last of humanity away from an Earth that is about to fall into the Sun. However, the cold that Dodo has could prove devastating to these future humans and their servants, the Monoids.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Schitt_s_Creek_01x11 | fd_Schitt_s_Creek_01x11_0 | TEXT: Moira: Agghhhhhh! (Bleep) me! (Bleep) me! Johnny: What? Moira: (Bleep) me! Johnny: What? Moira: John, there's something in the bed! John: What? Moira: Something crawled up my leg and I can't see it! Johnny: What? Moira: I can't see it! Johnny: A spider? Moira: No! Something invisible like... Lice, or scabies, or... bed bugs! Johnny: Oh, we don't have bed bugs. (Knock at door) Oh, John, I can't afford to burn all my clothes! Oh, Moira, relax. (Knocking continues) Just relax. If we had lice, I'd have lice! Woman: Guess who? Deedee?! (Door creaks shut) Deedee: Hi, Momo. Moira: What the hell? Sorry. I know I should've called, but um... I just thought it'd be really fun to come see my older sister in her... new digs. You know, a little visit. Oh. Um... do you really have lice? I'd hate to contract... lice. Johnny: So, Deedee, you are... looking well. Deedee: Seaweed facials. I get one every week. But enough about me, I wanna talk about you guys. Mm. I want you to know that I... Really wanted to come and visit you when I heard about your life collapsing, but I got this really big job promotion that week and things got, you know, kinda crazy. Plus, we haven't really seen much of each other recently. Yes, well, we've had kind of a hectic year. Deedee: Well, thank goodness for the Internet! Seemed to be the only thing letting me know you two were still alive. Moira: Telephone is also amazing! You just push the buttons and say, "Hi, it's me, your deadbeat sister." Johnny: Well, it's a treat seeing you two going at it again. Kids! (Knocks on door) Come
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Moira's estranged sister, Deedee, pays an unexpected visit, while David agrees to talk with one of Jocelyn's students about being "different".<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_11x15 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_11x15_0 | TEXT: THE MONSTER OF PELADON BY: BRIAN HAYLES PART ONE 5:30pm - 5:55pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. CITADEL (The citadel of Peladon, scene of a previous visit by the DOCTOR, is unchanged by the passage of time. Lightning and thunder still lash its turrets, walls and towers and a howling wind blows across the mountain from which it has been carved.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. MINE TUNNEL (Underneath the citadel, wide mine tunnels honeycomb the interior of the mountain. Primitive torches illuminate the dark passages as a group of four miners make their way along one of the galleries. They are dressed in a combination of fur trousers and leather tunics and their hair is almost of an afro style, streaked white like a badger. They push an incongruous piece of machinery between them. Built onto a chassis with a large balloon wheel at the front and struts at the back, it is futuristic in design with a probe within a mesh dish pointing forwards. One miner, ETTIS, leads the others as they wheel the device along.) ETTIS: Come on, lads. Come on, keep it moving. Mustn't keep our lords and masters waiting. (He points ahead.) ETTIS: Straight through the gallery. (Suddenly they hear a burbling electronic noise rising in tone and they look upwards.) ETTIS: What's that? (As they see something, a look of terror appears on their faces.) ETTIS: Aggedor! It is the spirit of Aggedor! (Two of the miners run off in a panic. The third, stood next to ETTIS, suddenly starts to cry out and falls backwards onto a rock. He screams as the electronic sound reaches a pitch, mixed together with an animal-like roar and a red glow surrounds him, totally vapourising the man. The red glow vanishes and with it the sound. Looking upward
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Returning to the medieval planet Peladon (50 years after "The Curse of Peladon") The Doctor and Sarah find King Peladon's daughter Queen Thalira has inherited the throne and the galactic Federation is at war with Galaxy Five and The Federation requires the mineral Trisilicate that will end the war. Only to discover the miners led by the mad rebel Ettis are rebelling and refusing to work, as the ghost of the loyal best Aggedor is frightening and killing off Miners, only to discover the ghost of Aggedor is a holographic projection and the culprits are a task-force of renegade Ice Warriors led by Commander Azaxyr and traitorous federation mining engineer Eckersley who have betrayed the Federation to Galaxy Five.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Charmed_06x15 | fd_Charmed_06x15_0 | TEXT: [Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe walks in and goes over to her assistant.] Phoebe: Good morning. Any phone calls? Assistant: Take your pick. We've got adulterers, cross-dressers, thirty-four year old virgins, and, oh, your nephew. Phoebe: Oh, Chris called? Assistant: No, Wyatt. Um, actually, I think Piper did the dialling, but. You have another nephew? Phoebe: Um, no, uh, but-but, you know, maybe some day I will. You know what I mean? Okay. (Phoebe goes into her office and Chris there. She gets a fright.) Chris: Phoebe, I need your help. Phoebe: I've been calling for you all week. Didn't you hear me? Chris: For the first couple of days, yeah. Then I put you on mute. Phoebe: You can put me on mute? Chris: I had to, I was busy. Now, I need your help. Phoebe: Oh, yeah, and I need yours too, because you come here, you drop this bombshell on me, and you expect me to keep this secret? And I don't even know why I'm keeping the secret. Chris: Nobody can find out Piper and Leo are my parents. It can mess with the whole future. Phoebe: Yeah, well, if you didn't want anybody to know, I don't know why you told me. Chris: I told you because you busted me, and I'm glad you did. I have been so focused on protecting Wyatt, I've completely forgotten about me. This month is my conception date. Phoebe: Your conception date? Chris: That's where I've been. Oracles, fortune tellers, soothsayers they all say the same thing. If mum and dad don't screw, this month I'm screwed. Phoebe: Okay, I'm just trying to get used to you being my nephew. I never hit on you, did I? Chris: What? No. Pho
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Phoebe frees a genie, Jinny ( Saba Homayoon ), from a bottle, only to find that Jinny is a demon that has tricked her into becoming a genie herself. Anxious to get Leo and Piper back together so he can be conceived, Chris uses Phoebe to make his wish come true, but she takes his instructions too literally. When Chris reveals to Paige that he made the wish to make Piper and Leo sleep together, she calls him a pervert, and he reveals to her that Piper and Leo are his parents and that Piper needs to get pregnant within a few weeks or he will perish. Feeling that he is losing Paige, Richard opportunistically covets the genie's magic and steals the bottle so he can wish Paige back into his life. Paige and Richard reconciled to permanent separation, but Richard must drink a power-stripping potion for his own good.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Tyrant_01x02 | fd_Tyrant_01x02_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Barry: Fauzi, it's Barry. I'm coming for my nephew's wedding. Emma: Dad doesn't want to go either. Why do you think he hasn't been back in 20 years? (gunfire, men shouting) Barry: They're not my family. You're my family. Khaled: Bassam. Barry: Father. Amira: He's changed, Bassam. Jamal: Little brother. Barry: Jamal. People are always spreading rumors about Ihab. So he has no plans to blow up my son's wedding? Bassam. It's your father. It should have been you. He's gone. Now you are in charge. Aah. Jamal. We're going home. We're not even staying for Grandpa's funeral? That's good. What is this? Aah! Mr. Al Fayeed? I told you we shouldn't have come. Yes I've got them. We'll be there soon. Yes, I will. Yes, we are taking Bassam to the hospital. Right. Barry: Sammy? (sighs) I'm sorry. Yussef: Yes. I'm sure he is. Yes, I will. Okay. Bassam, I just got confirmation. Jamal's accident wasn't an accident. It was an attempt on his life. Sammy: Wait. Someone tried to kill Uncle Jamal? Yussef: I'm afraid so. (monitor beeping steadily) Cohen: What did he do to make her so angry? Look at this. She bit right through the pudendal vein and the circumflex artery. Ouch. Tariq: Leila. Leila: The woman who did this to my husband... who was she? Tariq: A follower of Ihab Rashid. Leila: I doubt she was working alone, General. Tariq: I've already arrested dozens of Ihab's followers. Put up checkpoints, imposed a curfew. I'm ready to impose a complete blockade. No one gets in or out of Ma'an. No
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When Barry's older brother, Jamal, the newly appointed President of Abbudin, is incapacitated, Barry must put his plans to return to America on hold. His life is further complicated, when his nephew's new bride is kidnapped by terrorists.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Bones_01x13 | fd_Bones_01x13_0 | TEXT: "The Woman in the Garden" [SCENE_BREAK] [A street where a man is being arrested after being pulled over by the police. The intersection of the street has been tapped off and people are watching behind the tape. Investigators are taking photos of the red car and looking around.] POLICE #1: (to the man he's cuffing) If you had any kind of weapon like a gun or a knife or something like that, you'd let me know, right, buddy? POLICE #2: Make it easier on yourself. POLICE #3: (approaching) Guys, fed are on the way. (Sirens going off) Booth and Brennan arrive in their SUV. They get out and walk onto the crime scene. BRENNAN: Why'd they call in the FBI to Little Salvador? BOOTH: Well, the car's got Virginia plates, crossed the state line. Then there's a suspected gang member. Then there's RICO to deal with. What, Bones, do you really wanna know? BRENNAN: No, I was just using it as an excuse to make conversation and reestablish our connection. BOOTH: (puzzled) What? BRENNAN: I read a book about improving work relationships. It's not fair to expect you to tell me everything. BOOTH: I appreciate the effort Bones. Shots of Little Salvador with the street vendors and Pupusa restaurants (yummy!) and agents talking to people looking on. BRENNAN: It's like they recreated their country here, right down to being terrified of the police. BOOTH: A lot of these people, they're undocumented. They get nervous around law enforcement. (Approaching the suspect and policemen, holding out his badge.) What do we got? POLICE: He ran the stop sign. I pulled him over, he tried to run. BOOTH: (laying his hands on the suspects back reveals a tattoo on his back.) Oh, look at this, huh? A Mara Muerte tattoo. It's one of the most feared gangs in the area. No wonder he was chauffeuring
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Booth and Brennan investigate when an El Salvadoran gang member is stopped with a dug-up corpse of a young woman in the trunk of his car. While he's being questioned, a drive-by shooting at the site gives the suspect a chance to escape. Booth and Brennan are able to find where the woman was buried - a soon-to-be-excavated community garden - but when they investigate her vacant grave, they find a second empty grave as well. Clues lead them to a wealthy senator's house where the gang member worked, and the investigation gets more complicated as nobody is willing to offer up the truth.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Teen_Wolf_03x20 | fd_Teen_Wolf_03x20_0 | TEXT: Who's there? SCOTT: Previously on Teen Wolf... It's called frontotemporal dementia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. Eight years ago, almost an entire family died in a car accident. A young girl named Maliawas never found. CHRIS: They called him Silverfingerbecause of an unusual prosthetic. Where did you get that? Off Katashi's dead body. There's a fox hiding inside a teenage boy. And I'm going to poison it. [SCENE_BREAK] (MUSIC PLAYING) (INDISTINCT VOICES, ECHOING) (MOTORCYCLE APPROACHING) scott: Why didn't you tell me? Because we wanted to avoid something like this. It's only 72 hours. This is the same place where Barrow came from. The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies. Scott: You don't know everything yet. I know enough. Nogitsunes, Kitsunes, Oni, or whatever they're called. Wow, that was actually all surprisingly correct. Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's. And it terrifies me. I'm headed down to L.A. tomorrow to talk to a specialist. Scott: Then why are you putting him in here? STILES: He's not. It was my decision. Scott: Stiles, I can't help you if you're in here. Stiles: And I can't hurt you. Deaton's got some ideas. Argent's calling people. We're gonna find something. And if we can't... STILES: If you can't... If you can't, then you have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out. Come on. (GATE BUZZES OPEN) (INDISTINCT VOICES, ECHOING) NURSE: Mr. Stilinski? This way please. NURSE: First 72 hours there's no phone calls, no e-mails, no visitors. We will be taking you from here to a brief physical. In the morning you'
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Stiles checks himself into Eichen House, a mental hospital. Argent and Deaton are working together. Deaton requires a hidden scroll in his quest to cure Stiles. In the mental hospital, Stiles encounters Malia Tate, who is not pleased to be reunited. After group therapy, Stiles is told that he must stay awake. Stiles enlists Malia in a plan to access the basement. Malia rescues Stiles and the two head to the basement together, where they share a passionate encounter. Soon after, Malia realizes that the wall with the kanji carved into it is hollow, and the Nogitsune lies behind it. The Nogitsune gives Stiles an ultimatum; allow it in or watch Malia die, and allows the Nogitsune to possess him again. Deaton reads the scroll and says that the Nogitsune's host body needs to change its form in order to remove it.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_01x04 | fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_01x04_0 | TEXT: -[Fairy Tale World]- (A group of well dressed women walk to a carriage and get in. The carriage heads off, leaving behind a scruffy looking woman. In the background, there is a castle. There are fireworks being set off. A fairy appears and flies towards Cinderella.) Godmother: Do not despair, my dear. You will attend that ball. Cinderella: Who are you? (The fairy transforms into a woman.) Godmother: I'm your fairy godmother. And I'm here to change your life, Cinderella. Cinderella: But, my stepmother told me that I couldn't go. She forbade me to leave. Godmother: Your stepmother doesn't have this. This wand has the power to take you to your ball, to your prince, and to- (The fairy godmother suddenly disintegrates, dropping her wand. Rumpelstiltskin appears and picks it up.) Cinderella: What... What did you do? Rumpelstiltskin: Now, now. I got what I wanted. There's no need to be frightened. Cinderella: No need? You just killed my fairy godmother. She was trying to help me. Rumpelstiltskin: Was she? Do you know what this is? (Rumpelstiltskin holds up the wand.) Cinderella: Pure magic. Rumpelstiltskin: Pure evil. Trust me - I've done you a favour. All magic comes with a price. Go on back to your life and thank your lucky stars you still got something to go back to. Cinderella: My life... It's wretched. Rumpelstiltskin: Then change it. You can't handle this. (Rumpelstiltskin turns to leave.) Cinderella: Wait. Please, wait. I can handle it. Please. I will do anything to get out of here. Anything. Rumpelstiltskin: Anything? Cinderella: Do you know how to use that wand, Mr...? Rumpelstiltskin: Rumpelstiltskin. And yes, of course I do. Cinderella
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Emma tries to help a young woman after learning that her unborn child is caught in the center of a dangerous transaction while a series of events are revealed in which a servant girl turned princess struggles to break an impulsive deal she made after unearthing a sinister ulterior motive.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Queer_As_Folk_03x07 | fd_Queer_As_Folk_03x07_0 | TEXT: [Brian's loft - Brian is with a man who's sucking his dick watching a p0rn movie about a judge and a criminal] [On video] Man 1: I'd like to see the defendant in my chambers...privately. Man 2: Yes, your honour. Man 1: This is proving to be a difficult case. The jury is hung, and for the record, your judge is also hung. There seems to be a big hole in your defence, and I'd personally like to probe into it a little deeper. Is that clear? Man 2: Yes, sir. Man 1: Will the defendant please rise? Man 2: Yes, sir. Man 1: Oh yeah, that's it... [At the tribunal] Melanie: With all due respect, your honour, $100,000 bail feels unduly harsh. The records clearly show that Mr. Schmidt has always been a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen trying to operate a legitimate business. Lawyer: If you call an unsavoury, homosexual pornographic website a legitimate business. Emmett: [whispering] As if that troll's never been to a p0rn site. Melanie: Your honour, Mr. Schmidt was extremely diligent in keeping his business strictly up to code. He had no idea that his employee, Edward Stewart Malone, was a minor. Judge: While it is this court's obligation to uphold Mr. Schmidt's right to operate his business of choice, however unsavoury, Mr. Rollins. This court will not tolerate ignorance when it comes to the corruption of a minor. It will ensure that Mr. Schmidt is punished to the full extent of the law. Judge: Next case. Bailiff: The state of Pennsylvania versus Joachim. [Outside Ethan and Justin] Ethan: I was brilliant! Justin: I knew you would be. Ethan: The audience was sceptical at first. Of course, I don't blame them. Justin: That all changed once you began to play. Ethan: I kicked ass on the cadenza, the andante was perhaps a tad too con moto, but by the final allegro-
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Ted is out on bail and begs Brian to talk to Stockwell on his behalf. Justin confronts Ethan. Melanie is pregnant, much to everyone's delight. Ben promises to stop using steroids.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_01x06 | fd_Doctor_Who_01x06_0 | TEXT: INT. EXHIBIT ROOM The TARDIS materialises and the Doctor and Rose step out. ROSE: So, what is it? What's wrong? THE DOCTOR: Don't know, some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course... They look about themselves. ROSE: Where are we? THE DOCTOR: Earth, Utah, North America. About half a mile underground. ROSE: And... when are we? THE DOCTOR: 2012. ROSE: God, that's so close, so I should be... 26. The Doctor flicks a switch and lights flood the museum. ROSE: Blimey! It's a great big museum! THE DOCTOR: An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby. They must've spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust... that's the milometer from the Roswell Spaceship. He passes the exhibits as he names them. They notice a Slitheen arm in one case. ROSE: That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm, it's been stuffed. The Doctor notices something else. THE DOCTOR: Ah! Look at you! Inside the glass case he is approaching, is the head of a Cyberman. The Doctor stares through the glass at it. Rose stands behind him. ROSE: What is it? THE DOCTOR: An old friend of mine... well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old. ROSE: Is that where the signal's coming from? THE DOCTOR: Nah, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out. (Stares intently through the glass). Calling for help. He places the tip of his finger gently on the glass. Immediately, an alarm goes off and they are promptly surrounded by soldiers all pointing their guns at them. ROSE: If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A. The Doctor flashes the soldiers a grin. OPENING CREDITS INT. CORRIDOR A helicopter lands. Inside a corridor, men with guns
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The TARDIS is drawn off course by a signal and Rose and the Doctor end up near Salt Lake City, Utah in 2012, in an underground bunker owned by Henry van Statten , a rich collector of alien artefacts. The Doctor encounters his one living exhibit, which the Doctor is horrified to discover is a Dalek that survived the Time War ; the Dalek is the last survivor of a race of genetically manipulated mutants bound on purging the universe of all non-Dalek life , and the Doctor's greatest enemy. One of van Statten's employees, Adam Mitchell , leads Rose to the Dalek, but she takes pity on it and touches it, allowing it to absorb her DNA and become active. The Dalek kills many soldiers before catching up with Rose, Adam and the Doctor. Rose becomes trapped with the Dalek, but it spares her life as it has gained sympathy from Rose's DNA and destroys itself. As the Doctor and Rose leave, Adam boards the TARDIS to avoid the closure of van Statten's Vault.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Frasier_03x07 | fd_Frasier_03x07_0 | TEXT: PROLOGUE Daphne: [v.o.] Previously on Frasier... This episode is the second in a two-parter (the first being "Sleeping With The Enemy," and begins with a montage of four clips from the previous episode: - Roz telling Frasier that Kate has cancelled the KACL staffers' annual pay raise; - Frasier and Kate arguing and then kissing; - Martin suggesting to Frasier that Kate may have been trying to manipulate him; - Finally, Frasier and Kate negotiating and then kissing, again. [SCENE_BREAK] ACT ONE Scene One - Cafe Nervosa Niles has just been served his coffee. He is walking away from the bar when he sees Frasier entering. Niles: Frasier! Frasier: Damn, I didn't think you'd be here... He takes off his coat and puts it on the coat-hanger. Niles: Well, I would've gone to my regular haunt, but "The Pig 'N Swig" is closed for remodelling. He sits down at a free table with his back to the doorway, and is joined by Frasier, who settles opposite him. Frasier: I'm sorry, Niles, it's just... I'm meeting Kate here. We want to discuss the little dilemma in which we find ourselves. Niles, nonchalant, sets about pouring some sugar into his coffee. Niles: If you're talking about the little kiss you two shared, that hardly constitutes a dilemma. It's not as if you plunged into a tawdry office affair. Frasier: No. Niles: Then you'd have a real problem. Frasier: Yes. Niles: A kiss? It's nothing. Frasier: [looking somewhat uncomfortable] Right. Niles: Had s*x with her, didn't you? He sips his coffee, giving Frasier a sharp look. Frasier: I didn't mean to! It just... happened! One minute we were negotiating, the next minute our inhibitions were shattered, along
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Frasier and Kate have a moment of passion in the studio, in which they accidentally press the "on-air" button and broadcast their descriptions of each other as "bad boy" and "dirty girl" to Seattle. Martin and Daphne are shocked to hear the on-air romance, while Niles crashes his car after hearing the broadcast. Frasier is suspended for a week after the broadcast. Kate comes round to his apartment later to apologize, but they both end up being trapped in a service lift with a bed, a music box and some musk oil. Their passion reignites but stops when the elevator restarts and the removal man gets into the service elevator.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Greek_02x05 | fd_Greek_02x05_0 | TEXT: CRU Campus Ashleigh : Welcome to the majestic and historic Cyprus-Rhodes University. To our right you'll notice Dressel Hall, which was named for Daniel Dressel, the scientist celebrated for inventing... For inventing... Casey : I can't stand the suspense. Ashleigh : Our campus is huge! And historical. It sucks. I have two days to memorize this entire book before my first tour. An entire book! Casey : Just relax. And think about how, one day soon, you'll be able to... shop again. Ashleigh : If I'll still remember how. I know this building. Coming up on our left is the Cutler Planetarium, the site of Casey Cartwright's first kiss with Max, Somebody, the celebrated polymer science major. Casey : Our first date's tonight. I'm nervous. I haven't dated somebody so... Ashleigh : Tragic? Tragic is hot. Russell Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind" You can be all Jennifer Connelly and save him from the brink. Casey : We're keeping tonight low-key. No psychotic breaks, just dinner. Ashleigh : A Beautiful Meal. Casey : And maybe Dobler's after. Ashleigh : You really like him. You can't stop smiling. It's like your face is broken. Casey : I know. Max and I haven't even gone on an official date. But the other night was so cosmically incredible. Ashleigh : Like Cappie or Evan incredible? Casey : Kind of. Except with Evan it was all about the Greek system and with Cappie it was all about...well... pie. Max is smart. And soulful and wounded. He's swimming in the deep end of life while I've been in the kiddy pool. I think I'm ready to join him. After all, there's more to life than the Greek system and pie, right? Ashleigh : Pie! Gotcha. EXT. ZBZ HOUSE - A few minutes later... Ashleigh : And on our right you'll notice Frannie has parked in your presidential spot. Casey
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Fed up being bossed around by the actives at Kappa Tau, the KT pledges stage a revolt. Tensions heat up between Casey and Frannie when both start a battle to win the Zeta Beta pledges for their own personal needs. Evan uses his newly acquired trust fund to bribe Michael, Calvin's boyfriend.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Office_02x16 | fd_The_Office_02x16_0 | TEXT: Pam: I really like Valentine's Day in this office. It's kinda like grade school. Everybody gives out little presents and stuff. Like last year, Jim gave me this card, with Dwight's head on it, it was horrifying and funny and... [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: [Delivery man enters with a bouquet of red roses. Pam stands up to look at card.] Phyllis. Delivery man: Would you sign here? [Phyllis gets up from desk and walks over.] [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Roy and I are saving for the wedding, so I made him promise not to get me anything too big. [SCENE_BREAK] Meredith: "Happy Valentine's Day darling. Love Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration." Phyllis: Isn't he sweet? Meredith: Yeah. Wow. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Alright Dwight, as you know I am heading to New York today. [Dwight holds up passport.] Doing a presentation on the branch to the new CFO. Dwight: And you want me to come with you. Michael: Nope. The opposite of that. Dwight: I will stay here and run things on this end. Michael: Ok, good. Dwight: Question. Will you be seeing Jan when you're in New York? Michael: I probably will, why do you ask? Dwight: Well... It's Valentine's Day, and you guys, you know... Michael: Yeah. Dwight: Screwed. Michael: What is your problem? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: This is a business trip. I would have to be a raving lunatic to try to talk to Jan about what happened between us. Her words, not mine. She sent me an email this morning. But, it is Valentine's Day. It's New York. City of Love. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey, Pam. You heart N.Y., right? You want me to pick you up anything? Pam: That's OK. Michael: Alright. Oscar: The best present would be, you do a good job in front of the
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> On Valentine's Day , Michael leaves for New York City for a meeting between branch managers and the company's new CFO , David Wallace . Michael tells the other branch managers that he and Jan are in a relationship, and a disgruntled manager later tells David. Michael is able to save both his and Jan's jobs when he tells David that he was joking. At the office, saleswoman Phyllis 's boyfriend sends her multiple gifts, and Dwight and Angela secretly exchange gifts of their own.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_04x11 | fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_04x11_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Ingrid: Everyone take a ribbon. As long as we hold these ribbons, we will be there for each other. It was an accident. Please, Gerda. Gerda: You killed our sister. You're a monster. Hook: Who is that? Another friend? I don't remember any of this. Bloody hell. Is that... Yeah. Gold: This spell of yours... It'll bring out the darkness in everyone in this town. Ingrid: It'll do more than that. They will tear themselves apart until everyone is dead. [siren wailing in distance] Whoa, whoa. [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] [ Boston - 1982 ] [SCENE_BREAK] (The Snow Queen is walking on Boston's streets. She sees a psychic shop. She enters) Madame Faustina: You have travelled a great distance, but I can help you. Madame Faustina is here. The Snow Queen: Sorceress, can you use your powers of crystal gazing to show me a girl not yet born? Madame Faustina: This girl is special to you? The Snow Queen: Very much so. At the age of 28, she will arrive in a town called Storybrooke. Madame Faustina: Madame Faustina knows all. Come. The crystal ball awaits. How will you express your gratitude? The Snow Queen: Thank you. Madame Faustina: Payment. How... How will you pay me? The Snow Queen: Will this do? (Ingrid gives Madame Faustina her necklace.) Madame Faustina: Spirits of the ball, hear me and obey. I see... A child. The Snow Queen: Yes. Madame Faustina: A girl... Who is... Special. The Snow Queen: Yes. She has many gifts. Tell me more. Madame Faustina: The child's name is... Susan. (Ingrid gets off of the shop.) The Snow Queen: Liar! Her name will be Emma Swan! The Apprentice's scroll promises this! Madame Faustina: I don't know nothin'
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> This episode's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (April 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) In the past Enchanted Forest, Belle is kidnapped for a gauntlet from Camelot that can reveal anyone's greatest weakness. Rumplestiltskin goes to pay the ransom to Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella de Vil (Queens of Darkness) and leaves with Belle, only to reclaim the gauntlet later. Rumplestiltskin declines Ursula's offer to join them and get villains their happy endings, claiming he will always win. In the present, it is revealed that Ingrid's curse prevents anyone who crosses the town line from returning. Anna knows about Rumple's plan, Rumple sends Hook out to find a door to Arendelle at the Sorcerer's Mansion to send Anna and Elsa back. This attempt fails when Anna tells everyone Rumple's secret before she departs. Ingrid's Freezing Curse still lingers, so Regina breaks up with Robin Hood so he can take his wife and Roland into the real world, to cut off the magic sustaining the Freezing Curse to save Marian. While everyone rushes to stop Rumple from killing Hook, Belle finds the gauntlet and realizes that Rumplestiltskin loves power the most. She uses the gauntlet to find the real Dagger, in Storybrooke's clock tower, where Rumplestiltskin has begun the ritual to sever himself from the Dagger. She uses it to stop Rumplestiltskin killing Hook before having Rumplestiltskin take them to the town line and forces him to leave Storybrooke. Henry, Emma and Regina set out to find the Author. Six weeks later, in New York City, a powerless Rumplestiltskin visits Ursula at her aquarium job as a fish feeder and they agree to work together to obtain their happy endings.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_24x09 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_24x09_0 | TEXT: DELTA AND THE BANNERMEN PART ONE Run time: 24:47 [SCENE_BREAK] Planet surface [SCENE_BREAK] Gavrok: Take no prisoners! Kill them all! Delta: Are you strong enough to run? Chima: Run where? They've firebombed every ship we have. Delta: Then we'll have to take one of theirs. Now! [SCENE_BREAK] Spaceship [SCENE_BREAK] Delta: I'll cover the hatch. Gavrok: You are the last survivor, but not for long. Delta: You saved my life, Chima. I'm sorry. Chima: Go. Get away. Take this with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Planet surface [SCENE_BREAK] Gavrok: Help! [SCENE_BREAK] TARDIS [SCENE_BREAK] Tollmaster: (O.C.): Attention, incoming craft. You're approaching Tollport G seven one five. Please have your credits ready. The Doctor: It's strange how in some galaxies these tollports spring up all over the place like mushrooms, yet in others you can go for light years without seeing a single one. Mel: Doctor... The Doctor: I think it relates to the way that space is being developed. I mean, there never has been a consistent three dimensional planning policy. Mel: Doctor, something doesn't look right. Only the landing lights are on. It looks abandoned. The Doctor: And by completely ignoring the overspill from the fourth dimension they sometimes build one port right on top of the other, only realising it when there's an interface slippage. Mel: Doctor, this is serious. There's something wrong. The Doctor: Yes, it is serious. I don't seem to have any change. Er, take five credits from the kitty, Mel. Mel: There's nothing in here again. The Doctor: That kitty defies all known laws of physics. I keep filling it up and it's always empty. Mel, there's something wrong. Only their landing lights are on. [SCENE_BREAK] Tollport G715 [SCENE
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The Doctor and Mel win a trip to Disneyland in 1959 but after an accident in space, they end up in South Wales instead, along with an assassin and his intended victim...<extra_id_1> |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_02x13 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_02x13_0 | TEXT: In Emma's bedroom Emma: How could you even think of having an abortion?! Spike: It's a woman's choice. Emma: What about the baby's choice? Spike: I'm not gonna debate this with you. It's my decision Em. Emma: What about Snake? Spike: Of course. He'd be a part of it. Emma: Yeah like he's a part of it right now. Spike: Emma you're way out of line. Emma: What do you expect me to say? Spike: Maybe something supportive. Emma: If you had an abortion the first time, I wouldn't be here. Spike: Well if you were in my shoes and made this mistake a second time- (Emma storms off angry.) Spike: Em. No! I didn't mean it that way. Outside Joey's house, JT and Toby are dressed all in black JT: Okay Fancy probably won't be on for a while, but we'll have to stay awake, okay? Toby: Yeah. Yeah okay. I'll take first shift. You take second. JT: Deal. Toby: What if we get caught? JT: We won't and even if we do, what are we doing wrong? Toby: I don't know. Invasion of privacy? JT: Toby she's a stripper! Privacy isn't in her vocabulary. Toby: Yeah I guess you're right. She is taking off her clothes. JT: And she's getting paid. Toby: I just wish we were inside. JT: I know. We'll still be closer than either of us have come to seeing a real live naked woman. Toby: Except for that time when you walked in on your grandma in the shower. JT: We both agreed that never happened! Toby: Right. JT: Come on. Toby: Go, go, go, go, go! (They sneak over to the house and hook up their camera.) Toby: Time to test out the Fancy cam. (They turn on the camera and see Mr. Raditch.) JT: Raditch! Toby: Raditch!
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Emma and their old friends prepare for Snake and Spike's wedding, but nothing seems to be going right at all. After finding out that Snake doesn't want to have children, she is later surprised to find out she is pregnant and contemplates getting an abortion in order to salvage their relationship. Meanwhile, Emma is having the worst hair day ever and grows more upset when Manny invites Sean to the wedding when she had specifically said he wasn't someone to invite. Also, J.T. and Toby want to see the stripper at Mr. Simpson's bachelor's party.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Bones_04x06 | fd_Bones_04x06_0 | TEXT: "The Crank in the Shaft" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open: Several people are waiting to get into an elevator. It arrives, the doors open and they flood in.) VOICE #1: Excuse me. VOICE#2: Excuse me. VOICE#3: Six, please. VOICE#4: He got it. (A man pushes a button again.) VOICE #5: Somebody already pushed it. (Hamid Hirani approaches the elevator and sticks his arm between the doors as they start to close. He steps inside.) HAMID: Sorry about that. (The doors close and Hamid takes a drink of a coffee he apparently purchased outside of work. Chip Yap notices and comments.) CHIP: Is our coffee machine still broken? HAMID: It was on Friday and I couldn't chance it. CHRISTINE GERTIN: Well, I filled out a 1612 repair authorization for office equipment under two hundred dollars, but I never heard back. (Ted Russo has ear buds in his ears, apparently listening to music.) TED: Man, this guitar is bitchin'. (The elevator opens and a few people leave.) VOICE #1: Sorry. VOICE #2: Excuse me. (Gary Flannery looks back at Chip.) GARY: How's the third quarter P&L? CHIP: I processed a stack of orders and returns with Patty on Friday. She was still reviewing them when I left. (Hamid takes another drink of coffee and everyone in the elevator begins sniffing, as if they smell something foul. They look at each other accusingly and then the elevator begins to shake and the lights flicker.) CHRISTINE: Oh my God, what's going on? (The elevator begins to fall rapidly and then comes to an abrupt stop. The ceiling tiles fall and a human leg wearing a high heel on its foot falls to the ground. Everyone looks sick.) (Cut to: Dr. Lance Sweet's office at the FBI Building. Special Agent Seeley Booth and Dr. Temperance Brennan are sitting on the couch across from Sweets and Booth's leg
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The remains of a despised office manager are discovered in an elevator shaft, and Booth and Brennan must figure out which employee killed her. After some investigating, they find that the manager had more than a fair share of complaints on file. Meanwhile, Angela and Hodgins try to make peace in the lab after their break-up.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Salem_02x03 | fd_Salem_02x03_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Anne: It is as if the Angel of Death himself has descended upon the town. Cotton: The witches' Grand Rite. Anne: Please return to Salem. John: Find out who Mary Sibley is backing for magistrate and I find the next witch in line. Mary: You may be God's gift to Salem, Dr. Wainwright. Von Marburg: That the Grand Rite was led by one Mary Sibley. Mary: The comet will soon blaze overhead, terrifying all for only three nights. The crags will be filled with hell-blood. Tituba: Mercy Lewis killed our witches. True witches. The Elders. Mary: Kill them! Kill them all! [Screaming] You wanted war. Now taste war. Mercy: [Screaming] [Hoarsely] Father... Your baby's home. [Indistinct conversations] [Dog barks] Woman: We're going to need more water. [Rat screeching] [Man coughs] [Child giggles] [Bird caws] [Children giggling] [Giggling continues] [Bird caws] [Giggling continues] [Grumbling] Girl: [Grunting] [Screaming] ["Cupid Carries A Gun" plays] <unk> Pound me the witch drums <unk> <unk> witch drums <unk> <unk> pound me the witch drums <unk> <unk> pound me the witch drums <unk> <unk> the witch drums <unk> <unk> better pray for hell <unk> <unk> not hallelujah <unk> [Ambient sound] Mary: You must use your fork. You act as though raised by wolves. I suppose in some ways you were. You hold the fork like this, and you use the knife to push the food onto the prongs. First, the cloth. You place it in your lap like so. What do you hide there? Come, now, show me what it is. Boy: It reminded me of you, Mother. So beautiful. Mary: Its neck. Did you find it so? Boy: It found me.
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> As the town of Salem continues to try to cope with the mounting plague, suspicions and fear grip the townspeople, and one of Mary's recent adversaries, Hathorne, takes steps to place himself in a position of power among the citizenry and above Mary, leading Mary to rally her allies and resort to promoting another witch to the higher position to maintain control of the town. Meanwhile, Anne and Cotton find they share some common ground, an earlier act of mercy may come back to haunt Mary, tensions of an intimate nature continue to smolder between Mary and Dr. Wainwright, John arrives back in Salem and makes his first move by killing his first witch, and Mary and Tituba discovers that someone strong wants Mary dead.<extra_id_1> |
fd_One_Tree_Hill_04x07 | fd_One_Tree_Hill_04x07_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] LUCAS : You just became a Raven. NATHAN : I'm having money problems, dad. I need your help. DAN : Right now, you're not an investment I'm interested in. DEB : I am the majority owner of Tric... which means you can get the hell out. NICK : Take your seats. I'm your new english teacher... Mr. Chavez. BROOKE : Nick? NICK : We really can't do this, right? DEB : I'm not leaving here till I get my damn pills. NATHAN : It's either the pills or me. PEYTON : Leave me alone! PEYTON : Who are you? DEREK : Guess I'm your brother. NATHAN : I know that was a lot of money, but I'm gonna pay you back. Every cent. DAUNTE : Take your time. BROOKE'S FASHION SHOW Nick comes to see Brooke NICK (to security) : How you doing? BROOKE (to security) : He's with me. BROOKE (to Nick) : What are you doing here?! NICK : I came here to wish you luck. BROOKE : Somebody might see you. NICK : Oh, no one here knows me. Besides, there's nothing wrong with a teacher coming up to check on his most promising student... his most promising, sexy, irresistible student. (Brooke throws him in the fitting room when she hears Mouth) MOUTH : Uh, Brooke, where do you want these? BROOKE : Over there's... fine. Thank you again for helping me out today. I'd be totally lost if it weren't for you. MOUTH : That's cool. It gets me out of geography. It's a good thing you're student-council president. So, what do you need me to do next? BROOKE : Um, I need you to take these body jewels and paste them on Tia. I want
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Brooke has her hands full with her model for the T.A.R.T. fashion show and a new boyfriend. Rachel makes the cover of "Maxim," causing chaos at Tree Hill High. Meanwhile, Lucas learns of Nathan's dealings with Daunte, and ultimately has to choose between Nathan and his love for basketball. Haley takes on a babysitting job only to find herself in over her head and Peyton's half-brother, Derek, forces her to confront her deepest fears.<extra_id_1> |
fd_NCIS_03x06 | fd_NCIS_03x06_0 | TEXT: MUSIC IN: INT. CARR BEDROOM - NIGHT (MUSIC OVER ACTION/JAMIE ACTS IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. CUBICLE - NIGHT (ON MONITOR) Can't you take it all off? [SCENE_BREAK] INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT (MUSIC OVER ACTION/JAMIE CONTINUES DANCING) JAMIE CARR: Be patient, boys. (MUSIC OVER ACTION) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. CUBICLE - NIGHT (ON MONITOR) Rain! Look behind you!...Turn around -- [SCENE_BREAK] JAMIE: (SCREAMS) Ach -- INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT (MUSIC OVER ACTION/JAMIE STRUGGLES WITH THE INTRUDER) (MUSIC UP AND OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLES/ SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY TONY: (INTO PHONE) Now listen, sweetheart, I need a table on the terrace for Friday at nine o'clock. It's not negotiable. Tell Valentino it's Agent DiNozzo, we're friends. (IN ITALIAN) Grazie, mi amore. Ciao. MCGEE: Valentino's, huh? Must be a special occasion. TONY: I'm taking Monica for her birthday. MCGEE: You know, I know a great place in Georgetown. Just as romantic, half the price. TONY: That's a good idea, Probie, but Monica's not exactly the Applebee's type. MCGEE: I've never seen you like this, Tony. You must really like this girl. TONY: Well, she's got the whole package; beauty, class, sophistication. All that's left is to decide on the perfect gift. ZIVA: I thought you gave all your
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Jamie Carr, a Marine Sergeant's wife, is thought to have been abducted until Gibbs and his team found evidence to suggest that she may have been murdered live on the internet. Carr and her neighbor, Leanne Roberts, had been making money by running a live internet sex site while their husbands were deployed abroad. Roberts's body is later found but the team is still unable to find any trace of Carr. With the help of her new assistant, Chip Sterling who Director Shepard has hired for her, Abby determines that the video of Jamie might not be all it seems.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Greek_01x15 | fd_Greek_01x15_0 | TEXT: TODAY - ZBZ HOUSE - Dining-room Casey : Fellow sisters, welcome to the first meeting of the post-Lizzie era. Congratulations, we're on our own now. And you're probably wondering what that means for you and the house. Ashleigh : That we can finally wear skirts without Lizzie reminding us how hard women fought for suffrage? Casey : Yes. But some of the changes Lizzie made were actually improvements. For example, mandatory pledge study hours. Rebecca : But... we're not actually going to do the 50 extra philanthropy hours, are we? Casey : 75, and yes. And pre-meeting roll call and a little more attention to ritual, and... Rebecca : And are you ever gonna stop "and-ing"? Casey : And there's one more change... Right, we're finally gonna have some real Zeta Beta fun. Girls, girls, I'm very disappointed. We don't snap here. We clap. Frannie : Isn't Casey doing a great job? Rebecca : Beats our last President. Casey : So tomorrow night is the all-Greek ball. The premier Greek event. And, as you know, this is the first one in two years. I hope you've been skipping desserts where you need to. This is the place to show off. Frannie, do you have a question? Frannie : What? No. I don't have anything to say. Ashleigh : I think Tania just cleared her throat. Casey : Great. Rebecca : So why didn't we have one last year? Casey : Well... There was like this... SNAFU thing at the ball two years ago. Anyway... Moving forward. This is a big deal, since every house, Even alumni lobbied dean Bowman hard for a second chance. I expect nothing less than our best behavior. This could be another step toward getting the dean's restrictions lifted. Frannie : Go, Casey! TODAY - KT HOUSE - Living room Cappie : Okay... So there is this all-Gr
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The All Greek Ball stirs up memories from freshman year for Casey, Evan, and Cappie. Evan and Cappie's former friendship is revealed, as is the reason he and Casey broke up, and why the ball was canceled the previous year. Casey finds out about a past kind act by Frannie, which allows Casey to forgive her, reinstating Frannie at ZBZ.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_06x15 | fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_06x15_0 | TEXT: Scene: The apartment Leonard: I don't know why I avoided the Harry Potter books for so long. These are great. I just started number six. Sheldon: That's a good one. Dumbledore dies in that one. Yeah, I know, I didn't see it coming, either. Leonard: Why would you say that? Sheldon: You brought up the subject. I contributed an interesting fact on that subject. It's called the art of conversation. Okay, your turn. Leonard: That was a huge spoiler. Sheldon: Good. Leonard: What is wrong with you? If I did that, you'd bitch about it for weeks. Sheldon: Oh, really, Leonard? Are you going to have another one of your hissy fits? Leonard: Hissy fits? I have hissy fits? Sheldon: Yes, and I have a theory why. Because of your lactose intolerance, you switched over to soy milk. Soy contains estrogen-mimicking compounds. I think your morning Cocoa Puffs are turning you into a hysterical woman. Leonard: You are unbelievable. I don't know why I put up with you. You're controlling, you're irritating. Sheldon: There you go again, nag, nag, nag. You're only proving my point, little lady. Leonard: You know what? Screw you, Sheldon. You are the most annoying person I have ever met. Sheldon: What? I'm annoying? You criticize my behaviour all the time. Sheldon, don't talk about your bowel movements over breakfast. Sheldon, when the president of the university is giving a eulogy at a funeral, don't yawn and point at your watch. Sheldon, don't throw away my shirts 'cause you think they're ugly. You're impossible. Leonard: That's it. I don't, I don't have to put up with this. Sheldon: Actually, I have your signature on a roommate agreement that says you do. Leonard: Aw. Here's what I think of your roommate agreement. Shel
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Leonard is reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince but Sheldon spoils the ending where Albus Dumbledore dies. After a heated argument, Leonard leaves their apartment and moves in with Penny. She is uncomfortable with this but cannot persuade him to move back. Amy, discovering Leonard has moved out, wants to move in with Sheldon, making him uncomfortable. Later, Penny and Sheldon comfort each other over their similar predicaments and decide to tell their partners the truth. When Sheldon tells Amy to leave, she is incensed. He is scared and says Leonard might return since Penny does not want him living with her. A brief spat between the four ensues. A dejected Leonard moves back to Sheldon, who thereupon spoils the plot of a The Walking Dead episode. Amy, angry at the men, considers moving in with Penny, making her uncomfortable again. Meanwhile Howard, joining Bernadette and her colleagues on a Las Vegas trip, asks Raj to check on his mother, depressed since splitting with her dentist boyfriend. Raj, noting her depression, stays the night. She pampers him just as she did Howard, and hides his clothes and car keys to prevent him leaving. When he tries to escape from Howard's bedroom window, she pulls him back in.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Alias_04x05 | fd_Alias_04x05_0 | TEXT: A man in his late 30's sitting in a SUV is surveilling a docking area. He watches through binoculars, casing how many men (three armed men) there are, protection, etc. and is reporting his findings in Russian through an earpiece (no translation). A truck pulls into the docking station. As the men go to unload the truck, the man in the SUV drives up and hits one of the men with the SUV. He shoots the truck driver and other two guards. He grabs a normal looking suitcase from the back of the SUV and then opens up the back of the truck. He types in the access code to a safe in the back and then removes a plexiglass suitcase that has some sort of electronic gadget inside and safely stores it inside the empty suitcase he brought. He gets into the SUV and drives away. Cut to same SUV pulling into a driveway in a surburban subcomplex. As he gets out of the SUV a woman walks up to him with a smile. WOMAN: Honey, you're late. I was getting worried. MAN: I'm sorry, beautiful... I got hung up at work. They kiss and put their arms around each other's back to amble into the house. Cut to establishing nighttime LA shot via helicopter. NADIA (voiceover): It doesn't make any sense. Cut to Weiss, Nadia, Vaughn, and Sydney sitting around Syd's dining table having dinner. WEISS: What is so hard to understand? You take a ball, right? You roll it, you knock over some pins and everybody cheers for you... VAUGHN: Or in your case, everyone laughs. Everyone laughs. NADIA: How is that fun? SYDNEY (in mock shock): How could she even ask such a thing? (giggles) WEISS: You know what? I think I know what your problem is... You've never had a true. bowling. experience. NADIA (pretending to be insulted): We have bowling in Argentina, you know. WEISS: Yes, but you don't have, like, glow in the dark pins; you don
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Posing as Russian nationals, Vaughn and Sydney are brought to a "village" located in Russia that resembles a typical American town. It was once used to train KGB agents in how to blend into American society, but is now being used by a terrorist cell to train operatives in preparation for bringing down America's economy using an electromagnetic pulse weapon. Marshall discovers information in a book Irina Derevko used to contact her handlers. For some reason, some Russian group is trying to find Derevko. This episode strongly resembles an episode of Danger Man titled "Colony Three" in which John Drake infiltrates a Russian facility that simulates a British town. It also resembles an episode of Mission: Impossible titled "The Carriers" where the team headed by Dan Briggs poses as foreign agents being trained as U.S. citizens in a simulated Illinois town so that they will unknowingly carry a plague to America.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Justified_04x09 | fd_Justified_04x09_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Raylan: We know Drew's alive and in Harlan, but it's gonna be a bitch to find him. We could use your help. Arlo: Now we're getting to it. Raylan: Theo Tonin knows Drew's alive, too, and guess who he's got on his payroll. Boyd Crowder. You might start with the other guys Boyd's been seen with lately... Lee Paxton and Gerald Johns. Raylan: One of your fellow inmates is cutting a deal to get a transfer to Club Fed. You give him up first, deal's yours. This fellow inmate wouldn't happen to share a last name with you, would he? Arlo: [ Screams ] Art: You okay? Raylan: I'm fine. Can we get back to the case? Johnny: I want to know who put the hurt on you? Was it Colt? He was tweaking and pissed off, asking about Ellen May. Johnny: Ellen May? Where she is or did she call or some sh1t. Tim: Hey, Boyd Crowder's ride. You here for a check-up? Yeah, I got a... [ Coughs ] Bagram lung. What can I get you? Same as before? Colton: No. I need 20 grand. [ Grunts ] [ Gunshots ] Colton: I know you. We met at the V.A. You were with that Marshal. Oh, yeah. Right. [ Gunshot ] [ Indistinct conversations ] Popped in the chest... both of them. One in his skivvies drug himself clear across the floor to get to his phone. Rather than call 911, he texts you. Think you can shed some light on to what this text here is about? "Bagram," it says... one word. Tim: It's an air base we flew out of back in the sandbox. Other than that... Must have thought it was pretty important, being his last word. Dealer Dave, he don't look like much, but he was 3rd Battalion 5th Marines in Fallujah, and he
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> On the way to another prison with former Harlan County Sheriff Hunter Mosley, Raylan takes a side trip to Dixie Mafia man Wynn Duffy's trailer. There, Raylan tells Wynn Duffy that Mosley knows who Drew Thompson is, ensuring that Duffy's criminal group will come after Mosley in jail. Raylan leaves with Mosley to go see two Clover Hillers that could be Drew Thompson. On the way there, Mosley jumps out of Raylan's car and tries to kill himself by standing in front of a tractor trailer. Raylan saves him. After that, current Harlan County Sheriff Shelby Parlow pulls over Raylan and tells Raylan that Art is looking for him. After finding out where Raylan is going, Shelby joins Raylan and Mosley in their car. Raylan defuses a situation with Bob Sweeney and the two Clover Hillers, who are shacked up with guns after a couple of their friends were killed by the Detroit mob. Raylan finds out that Shelby took the blame for Mosley taking down a Crowder. Now alone, Shelby reveals that he is Drew Thompson when he thanks Mosley for protecting his identity for so long. Shelby/Drew Thompson steals a car and leaves, while instead of running Mosley stays behind in Raylan's car. Mosley is no longer any use to the Mafia because the Marshals now know who Drew Thompson is, setting up a chase between lawmen and criminals to find Shelby first. Boyd goes to Shelby's house to find out how much Shelby knows about Ellen May, only to find the Marshals there. Boyd, disgusted, realizes Shelby is Drew Thompson.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Frasier_10x17 | fd_Frasier_10x17_0 | TEXT: Skyline: A crane is seen hoisting an object over the skyline. ACT I [Scene 1 - KACL Frasier is ending his show.] Frasier: Well, I think we've got time for one last caller. Go ahead, Mindy, I'm listening. Mindy: [v.o., softly] It's about my mother, Dr. Crane. Ever since I got married, she's been...yes, the cashmere turtleneck is $39. Frasier: Excuse me, what? Mindy: Sorry, I work in catalog sales, and my boss just walked past. So, anyway, my mom...yes, it's on sale till the end of the month. Frasier: Mindy, we are pressed for time. Roz: Hold on, Frasier. Cashmere for under 40 bucks? I'll take one in black. In medium. Wait, is that medium-medium or unrealistic- anorexic-model-medium? Mindy: It sounds like you might want to go for the large. Roz: Oh, really. Frasier: [cutting them off] And that's our show. What size will Roz order? Will she accesorize? Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion. Good day, Seattle. [Frasier signs off. Kenny enters.] Kenny: Dynamite show, Doc, one of your best. Rosalinda, great work on the control panel. I'm going to start calling you "Control Freak." Well, you're probably wondering, "Who put a quarter in him today?" I just got a call from my lawyer. My divorce: final. I'm back to my tomcat days. [yelling with mock enthusiasm] Lock up your daughters, Seattle! Kenny Daly's on the loose! Roz: You might want to lose the wedding ring, tomcat. Kenny: Oh, yeah. Time to remove my shackle. [He attempts to remove the ring, but it won't budge.] Well, that's weird. Ooh, that's really stuck! Funny. That's how my wife described our
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Kenny's divorce has been made final, and he is feeling depressed. Frasier suggests he seek professional help, and is eventually persuaded to take on the job himself. He actually finds it thrilling to return to private practice. However, after one evening out drinking at McGinty's with Martin, Kenny is already feeling better and wants to give up the therapy, much to Frasier's dismay. Meanwhile, Niles and Daphne have started yoga , and Niles is somewhat dispirited to discover that his wife is "outperforming him".<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Office_01x06 | fd_The_Office_01x06_0 | TEXT: Jan: Are you listening to me Michael? Michael: Affirmative. Jan: What did I just say? Michael: You just said, let me uh... check my notes. You just said... Jan: Alan and I have created an incentive program to increase sales. Michael: Hey, hey how is Alan? Tell Alan that the Mets suck! Okay? From me, big time. Go Pirates! Jan: I'm not going to do that Michael. Michael: Okay Jan: We've created an incentive program to increase sales. Michael: Uh, huh. Jan: At the end of the month you can reward your top seller with a prize worth up to a thousand dollars. Michael: Whoa. Howdy-ho. Wow, a thousand big ones. That's cool. Do I uh, do I get to pick the prize? Jan: Uh, yes. Yes you can. Michael: Um, question: Does top salesman include uh, people who were at one time such outstanding salesman that've been promoted to... Jan: No, Michael. No. You can't win this prize. Michael: I didn't mean me! [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Well, first what we have to do is find out what motivates people more than anything else. Dwight: s*x. Michael: It's illegal. Can't do that. Next best thing. Dwight: Torture. Michael: Tah, come on Dwight. Just help me out here. That's just stupid. Pam: Uh, Michael? Michael: Pam! Pam: Hey, there's a... Michael: Burger with cheese! Pam: There's a person here... Michael: And fries! Pam: There's... Michael: And shake! What? Go ahead. Pam: There's a person here who wants to sell handbags. Michael: No, no, no. No vendors in the office. That is a distraction. Pam: Okay, I told her you'd talk to her. Michael: Pam. Pam. Come on, I'm busy. So just tell her to go away. Pam: Okay. Michael: [exhales loudly, looks out window and sees Katy] Ooo
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When an attractive purse saleswoman named Katy ( Amy Adams ) comes to the office, Michael and Dwight openly vie for her attention. Meanwhile, the corporate office allocates $1,000 as a prize for the top office salesman, but Michael spends the money on an espresso machine, trying to impress Katy. However, in the end she leaves with Jim, devastating both Michael and Dwight.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Queer_As_Folk_05x02 | fd_Queer_As_Folk_05x02_0 | TEXT: [LA. Everybody is packing some stuff since Rage isn't gonna shoot. A crashed Justin packs also his draws.] [Cut to Babylon. Brian and Ted enters the empty club.] Ted: It all see come to be together. No obliges what I can see, everything looks good. All we need is to resigned, and the club transfered to the name Kinnetic Inc. and you got some insurance if someone got sue you. I'm sure the join are all yours. Brian: Theodore, you are admirable. Ted: All I say is say was go buy a new toy. But this isn't exactly the toy I had in mind. Brian: Hey, it's just a box of appropriate boys of age 19 to 40s, so stop being the mother. I can afford it. [They are going to the other side and we're cutless going to another empty room. But this time it's Michael and Ben, who were looking for some place.] Michael: Are you sure we can afford it? Ben: We did the maths a dotzen times even without the movie we've been having an income. Plus the money we've saved... Michael: I just need some resurrance. [Ben leans forward and kisses Michael.] Ben: How's that? Michael: Um, I already thinking of colors game. [Cut to Babylon in the backroom.] Brian: All the backroom need is a fresh smell of black painting and a condom dispenser. [Cut back to Michael and Brian. They're enter another room.] Michael: What about pink walls and a sky blue sealing in white fluffy clowds for the babies room? [And return to the backroom of Babylon.] Ted: Uh, it's amazing how a few changes can turn an entire old room into a fresh enviting space. [Cut back to the babies room.] Ben: Or we can brough paper, remember how Marty and Iliah have their kidsroom paper with Disney characters. [Babylon backroom.] Brian: And get a cleaning crew and jack-off the drive cum from the floor. Ted: Yeah, it'
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Brian re-opens Babylon but the party boys have disappeared. Justin returns to Pittsburgh after the studio pulls the plug on "Rage." Michael decides to pursue custody of his daughter, Jenny Rebecca. Behind closed doors, Ted pursues a new look after a recent fling turns out to be a chubby chaser. Emmett lands a role in front of the camera as Pittsburgh's resident "Queer Guy" on the local news.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Salem_01x13 | fd_Salem_01x13_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] John: I won't go. Mary: But a trial will result with you in the gallows. Cotton: John Alden is my friend, perhaps my only one. Increase: And you would allow friendship to stand in the way of your own elevation? Cotton: He is innocent. Isaac: You do want John Alden to live. Mr. Hale: That the power of that mask can only be accessed by those of one kind. Anne: Are you saying that I am... Mr. Hale: A witch. [Girls gasp] Dollie: You swore that they would be safe, but they're dead! Mercy: Gather the young, the poor, the suffering. They will be our army. Increase: [Grunts] You know what to do with it? Mary: There is still a place for us in this world. John: Only in dreams. Mary: Dream with me. John: You're one of them? Mary: Now you know. John: Know what? That you... you're a witch? Mary: Yes. A witch. You should just keep going now. We don't have much time. John: I still need to know. Why? Mary: Survival. All I want is for you to save yourself, so go. Believe that I still love you enough to simply be satisfied knowing you survive, even if that means I'm never gonna see you again. [Gasps] [Thunder rumbling] John: It came back to me. Mary: As you came back to me. All things return, like every salty tear returns to the sea. This is something one learns. John: As a witch? Mary: As a woman. John: You know, my father said this was the land of second chances. So this is ours. We could start again. All we have to do is walk away. Mary: You don't understand. They'd never let me. I... John: Then stay. You have a choice. What you have to do, whatever it is, will it really make you happy? Mary: I don't know. John: I think you do. I think you know as well as I do that there'll be no peace in your
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Mary must choose between fleeing Salem with John or completing the Grand Rite, and Tituba reveals a long kept secret that could sway her decision. Meanwhile, Increase closes in on the witches, and the Hales prepare to go into hiding.<extra_id_1> |
fd_One_Tree_Hill_09x09 | fd_One_Tree_Hill_09x09_0 | TEXT: DAN'S CAR Dan shows to Haley the guy who know where Nathan is. HALEY: That's the man that has Nathan? DAN: No. A guy named Dmitri has Nathan. That's a low-life drug dealer. HALEY: And? DAN: And I overheard you and Quinn talking about Clay's drug problem, so I decided to discourage this dealer. HALEY: What does this have to do with Nathan? DAN: When I approached him, I overheard him talking on the phone to a guy named Dmitri. How many Dmitris do you know in Tree Hill? (She starts to open the car's door) DAN: Wait. NATHAN: I have waited long enough. I want my husband back. DAN: What are you gonna do? You gonna walk up to him and ask him nicely to tell you where Dmitri is? HALEY: I don't plan on asking him nicely. DAN: Look out that guy. Take a good look. You see anything there that should make us concerned? HALEY: Yeah. He has a gun. DAN: He has a gun. And we don't. So we have to be smart. HALEY: Okay. All right. So, what's your plan? CHUCK'S HOUSE Chase is in the police's car, arrested. CHASE: I'm not the one you're supposed to be arresting. That guy was beating his son. And I stopped him. The policeman asks questions to Chuck. POLICEMAN: Son, we need to ask you a few questions about tonight. Need you be honest with me, okay? Did your father hurt you earlier? CHUCK'S MOTHER: Go ahead, sweetie. Tell the officer the truth. Tell him your father never... Laid a hand on you. POLICEMAN: Son, this is important. Did your father hit you? CHUCK: No. CLINN'S HOUSE Clay announces to Quinn his discover. QUINN: Clay? CLAY: You know the traumatic event that I was hiding from everyone,including myself? Well, we, uh,
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Haley partners up with Dan to help search for Nathan. Brooke and Julian take new measures to protect their family. Chase faces consequences for defending Chuck. Skills helps Mouth get to a turning point. Clay reveals his past to Logan. Episode is named after a song by the band The Blood Brothers .<extra_id_1> |
fd_One_Tree_Hill_07x17 | fd_One_Tree_Hill_07x17_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Paul : Alex has to be better, or we're gonna be in serious trouble here. Julian : She will be. Alex : I'm letting everyone down, and I don't get drunk when I'm sad. I sleep with boys. You want to get out of here? Millicent : My name is Millicent. I keep telling everybody I'm fine, and I'm not fine. Miranda : So, let me get this straight. You don't want to make a record because it's too personal? Grubbs : That's right. Miranda : Personal sells albums. So, make a record with me. Clay : I loved you so much, Sara. Sara : You were perfect with me... and you always will be. Haley : Are you okay, mom? Lydia : I have cancer. Haley : Oh, no, no, no. Lydia : It's pancreatic. So I've accepted it. Taylor : You're giving up. Lydia : No, I am not giving up. Taylor : Maybe Quinn can take a picture of it. We can just add it to this stupid box. Haley : Taylor. Tay. AT SCOTT'S HOUSE Lydia : I, uh, know that we haven't had a family breakfast in a long time, but, um, I seem to remember that there used to be at least some talking and, uh, you know, eating the last few times we've done this. I don't know. Call me crazy. Haley : I'm sorry, mom. It's just hard for us to... Lydia : I know, honey, but... I just want to enjoy a breakfast with my favorite people in the world. Okay? Haley : Okay. Lydia : Good. There he is. Finally, someone with a personality. Ahh! Jamie : So, what's for breakfast? Lydia : For you, a little bit of everything. Jamie : Ooh, my favorite. What's everyone staring at? Lydia : I think it's because that was the last piece of bacon. But don
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Nathan tries to help Haley and Jamie confront Lydia's seemingly hopeless situation, while Brooke and Julian navigate their volatile relationship in the midst of a hectic movie shoot. Meanwhile, Clay and Quinn spend some time apart, and Miranda tries to prove to Grubbs that she's the right person to produce his album. Owen returns to help Millicent with a recent problem. This episode is named after a song by Bright Eyes .<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_07x10 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_07x10_0 | TEXT: DOCTOR WHO AND THE SILURIANS BY: MALCOLM HULKE 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: EXT. HOSPITAL DRIVEWAY (The DOCTOR and the BRIGADIER are driving at top speed in Bessie down the road and then the driveway of the nearby hospital. As they approach, the BRIGADIER points out a figure in a dressing gown stumbling out from the hospital near the circular termination to the driveway. As the car pulls up by him they recognise a haggard-looking Major Baker, who collapses onto the gravel. The DOCTOR and BRIGADIER jump out of Bessie and rush to examine him. His face is now entirely covered with scabs and boils.) BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE-STEWART: Is he dead? (The DOCTOR looks up.) DOCTOR: Yes...the first one. (A HOSPITAL DOCTOR and a nurse rush out of the hospital and round a rose bed which marks the middle of the circle in the drive. They briefly look round and then spot the DOCTOR and the BRIGADIER.) HOSPITAL DOCTOR: What's going on here? BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Keep back. (He stands between the HOSPITAL DOCTOR and the dead Major.) HOSPITAL DOCTOR: What do you mean, "keep back"? This man is ill. DOCTOR: This man is dead. He was killed by an alien disease. HOSPITAL DOCTOR: (Surprised.) Alien? (The HOSPITAL DOCTOR thrusts past the BRIGADIER and kneels down to examine the Major. The BRIGADIER draws his service pistol from its holster and trains it in the direction of the HOSPITAL DOCTOR.) BRIGADIER LETHBRIDGE STEWART: Inside. (The HOSPITAL DOCTOR looks up into the barrel of the revolver. He stands and draws the nurse aside.) HOSPITAL
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> While the Doctor and Liz try to find a cure to the virus spread by Baker, the Young Silurian kills the Old Silurian and takes control of his people.<extra_id_1> |
fd_FRIENDS_03x10 | fd_FRIENDS_03x10_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Rachel are sitting on the couch.] Chandler: (reading the comics) Eh..., I don't, I don't know. Rachel: What? Chandler: Well, as old as he is in dog years, do you think Snoopy should still be allowed to fly this thing? Gunther: Rachel? Rachel: Yeah. Gunther: Do you remember when you first came here, how you spent two weeks getting trained by another waitress? Rachel: Oh, sure! Do you need me to train somebody new? Gunther: (laughs) Good one. Actually, ah, Terry wants you to take the training again, whenever. Rachel: (to Chandler) Eh, do you believe that? Chandler: (thinks about it) Yeah? Opening Credits [Scene: The hallway of Ross's building, there is a Brown Bird girl selling cookies, as Ross and Chandler come up the stairs.] Sarah: So that's two boxes of the Holiday Macaroons. On behalf of the Brown Birds of America, I salute you. (Does the Brown Bird salute, she blows on a bird call, then holds her hand, palm facing out, next to her face, and then waves it like a bird flapping it's wings.) Ross: Just admit it Chandler, you have no backhand. Chandler: Excuse me little one, I have a very solid backhand. Ross: Shielding your face and shrieking like a girl... is not a backhand. Chandler: I was shrieking... like a Marine. (they both start up the stairs.) Ross: All right here. Watch me execute the three 'P's of championship play. Power. (swings the racquet) Precision. (swings the racquet.) and penache. (does a backswing and hits Sarah who's started up the stairs, knocking her down, they both watch in horror.) [Scene: Central Perk, the gang's all there discussing the incident.] Monica: You broke a little girl's leg?!! Ross: I know. I feel horrible
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Rachel is fed up with being a waitress so Joey and Chandler encourage her pursue a career in fashion, saying she will be more motivated to find a new job if she quits. Phoebe helps Joey with selling Christmas trees, but becomes upset over learning the old trees get thrown into a chipper. Ross accidentally breaks a little girl's leg, then attempts to make it up to her by helping her sell Brown Bird cookies to win a trip to Space Camp. Monica becomes addicted to the "Mint Treasures" cookies, forcing Ross to cut off her supply. Chandler helps Rachel prepare her resumḗ. Joey gives Rachel a job lead, and she is hired at Fortunata Fashions.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Gilmore_Girls_04x10 | fd_Gilmore_Girls_04x10_0 | TEXT: OPEN IN THE TOWN SQUARE [Lorelai and Rory are walking down the sidewalk.] RORY: It's culs-de-sac. LORELAI: No way! RORY: It is. LORELAI: The plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac? RORY: Yes. LORELAI: That doesn't even sound like English. RORY: That's because it's French. LORELAI: You know what I mean. RORY: I hate to be the bearer of bad news. LORELAI: Words should sound right to be right. RORY: That's not how it works. LORELAI: So, what, the plural of yo-yo is yos-yo? RORY: Yeah, 'cause that sounds so natural. LORELAI: As natural as culs-de-sac. [They walk into Luke's Diner, where Lane is waitressing.] LORELAI: Hey, when did Lane start working here? RORY: Oh, a couple of days ago. She filled out an application, and Luke brought her in for an interview and everything. LORELAI: An interview? So official. RORY: Yeah. They sat in complete silence for a full five minutes, then Luke said, "How ya doing?" and she said "Good," and then he gave her the job. LORELAI: So what do we get out of this? RORY: What do you mean? LORELAI: We got someone on the inside now, a friend of ours. RORY: And out of it we could get? LORELAI: The secret things he keeps back there. RORY: His showgirl costume. LORELAI: Extra jelly packets, butter, discarded day-old bread. RORY: But we get that when we go dumpster driving. LORELAI: This'll be easier on our shoes. [Luke walks over to their table] LORELAI: Hey, Luke. LUKE: Look at this. LORELAI: Who, Lane? She's super
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Luke becomes overwhelmed by Lane's work ethic when he hires her to work at the diner; Michel exhibits a profound jealousy of Tobin; Emily and Richard find the treats they brought home from Switzerland are widely panned; Rory is less than thrilled with the new man in Paris' life, especially when she learns that he's teaching her contemporary political fiction class; as Lorelai and Jason grow closer, she begs him to keep their relationship a secret from her parents; Rory's talent for millinery combines with her talent for writing to win her a position on the "Daily Yale"; inexplicably, Sookie and Jackson allow Michel to babysit for Davey, forcing Lorelai to come to the rescue when Michel, not being one to fail to disappoint, needs to get himself and Davey out from under a problem; Richard becomes intensely irritated when the Chez Gilmore walking tour benefiting the Historical Society overstays its welcome.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Dawson_s_Creek_05x10 | fd_Dawson_s_Creek_05x10_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Grams kitchen. Pacey, Joey, Jack, and Audrey are all gathered around helping Pacey prepare their meal] Jack: There you go. Joey: Thank you. Audrey: Do do do do Joey: ooh. Audrey: Mmm. Dee dee dee dee Joey: ooh, the rice is looking kinda gummy, pace. Pacey: Uh, no. It's risotto, Jo, and it's not gummy. It's just absorbing the stuff. Jack: Joey, please don't hinder the man's process, all right? I'm starving. Audrey: Yeah, me, too. What gives with the fancy rice? Pacey: It's risotto, and it can't just be cooked. It has to be built. Audrey: Well, that's awesome and everything, but if the plan is for us to bond, let's just order a pizza and give each other manicures. Joey: Audrey, aside from the fact that we said that we would have these weekly dinners and have obviously failed to do so, Pacey's cooking, on his night off, no less. I mean, we should at least welcome the break from dining hall fare. Audrey: Yeah, well, you promised me a Grams, and I see no Grams, so the evening is clearly ruined. I'm liking the decor, however. Hey, you guys ever go crazy and eat off the plates on the wall? Pacey: Hey, Audrey, you know that onion I asked you to chop? Audrey: Yes. Yes, I do. Pacey: Fork it over. Audrey: Oh, no. I'm sorry. I thought you were just trying to make me feel included by giving me a little task to do. I didn't... Joey: Hands Pacey the cut up onion] here, Pace. Joey: So, where are Jen and Dawson? I thought the festival ended yesterday. Jack: Yeah, Jen called grams, said they were stayin' an extra day. Something about, uh, soaking up the atmosphere. I don't know. [S
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Pacey offers to cook for the gang at their weekly dinner (an event they always plan on doing but have so far failed to stick to). Jen and Dawson return early and decide to keep what happened between them, but they are caught by everyone kissing at the door. The dinner continues with a tense atmosphere, with Joey's reaction being at the forefront of everyone's minds. She reluctantly accepts Dawson's new status with Jen, but is wounded when Dawson tells her that because of their history, it hurts to be around her. Charlie also drops by, causing some tension between Dawson and Jen. Joey talks to Pacey about her real feelings about Dawson and Jen.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_O.C._01x08 | fd_The_O.C._01x08_0 | TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen's kitchen - shows a shot of Ryan looking worried, then Seth, then Sandy, then finally Kirsten at the fridge Kirsten: I have three sesame and one plain (motions to rolls) (shows close ups of Ryan, Seth & Sandy shaking their heads) Kirsten: look we're not gonna hear from the hospital for a while, why don't you guys get showered and dressed, and you (to Ryan) can't be late for your meeting with the dean. Sandy: I'll take em to school Kirsten: (to Sandy) You can't be late for your first day (nobody moves/leaves) Kirsten: Well if we're not gonna eat lets-lets jus, let's just go. (Kirsten heads out, Ryan and Seth get up and cross paths just as the phone rings. shows a close up of the phone ringing, then pans from Seth, to Sandy and then Ryan all looking worried) CUT TO: The hospital - Marissa is in bed, and Jimmy is sitting by her bed side. Jimmy brushes hair out of her eyes then we see Sandy & Kirsten at the door of her room. Sandy: (barely audible) Hey Jimmy: Hey (getting up to shake his hand) she uhh she just fell back to sleep but she was awake and uhh aware (Ryan sits down where Jimmy was) Jimmy: (to Ryan) thanks for uh calling the hospital...finding her if they hadn't airlifted her out she uhh Sandy: When can she go home? Jimmy: Uhh they said in a-in a day or so, they wanna keep her under observation Kirsten: That's hospital policy (Julie walks in) Julie: So I guess there's no need to worry right...I mean a teenage girl palms a dozen pain killers and washes it down with tequila...its perfectly normal right (to Kirsten & Sandy) what are you doing here? Jimmy: I called them Julie: What Marissa needs right now is to be with her visitors (look
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Julie blames Ryan for Marissa's incident and tells him to stay away. Sandy starts his new job, and Kirsten is displeased with his new coworker, Rachel. Ryan must take a placement test to determine his enrollment at The Harbor School. Julie tries to get Marissa to see a therapist in San Diego, contrary to what Jimmy and Marissa want.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Alias_03x01 | fd_Alias_03x01_0 | TEXT: "Last Season on Alias" recap: Sydney and Vaughn kissing in ruins of SD-6 office Sloan saying "I'm approaching the finish line of a 30 year odyssey. I won't let anyone else take the final steps for me." Sydney to Sloane on telephone: "Listen to me, you son of a bitch, you have been a plague on my life! You repulse me! Every time I sat across from you listening to your lies, all I could fantasize about was slashing your throat!" Sydney cocking gun, then Allison Doren surprises her, pointing a gun at her and yelling, "Drop it!" Small snippets of fight ensues, with Sydney shooting Allison twice and then passing out. Sydney waking up in Hong Kong. Vaughn arriving at safehouse. Sydney hugs him. Vaughn shakes his head and says, "Syd..." Sydney asks, shocked, "Why are you wearing that ring?" Vaughn replies, "Since that've been missing for almost two years." [SCENE_BREAK] (Cut to same scene, Sydney has look of utter shock and disbelief on her face.) Vaughn: There was a fire at your apartment. (Cut to flashback as Vaughn's voice continues. Flashback shows a gutted out, smoking shell of what once was Sydney's apartment. We follow Dixon's progress through the ruins until he reaches a room where a police officer is covering what is presumed to be remains with a black tarp. Camera pans across the room, where Vaughn is sitting hunched against the scorched wall. He looks up briefly at Dixon as if to acknowledge his presence and then looks back down at the draped tarp. A close up of his face reveals Vaughn is crying, looking completely devestated.) Will survived...but you... they found remains. The DNA...was a match. You were dead. You were dead. Sydney: got married. Vaughn: I did. They asked me to come to Hong Kong...the Agency. They thought it would
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Sydney confronts the enigma that represents not remembering anything from the last two years of her life and what has happened to her friends and relatives in the meantime. She confronts Vaughn, who has married someone else because he believed Sydney was dead. Sydney also learns that her father, Jack Bristow, has been imprisoned and isolated and that Arvin Sloane is a new man working as CEO for a philanthropic organization called Omnifam. Meanwhile, she is granted temporary CIA clearance on a case that may help her regain her memory.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_01x11 | fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_01x11_0 | TEXT: Scene: The living room of the apartment. Leonard and Sheldon are playing the three dimensional chess game from the original Star Trek series. It is Leonard's move. He takes his time, moving round the board and checking things from various angles. Finally he tentatively makes a move. Sheldon moves almost immediately. Sheldon: Checkmate. Leonard: O-o-o-o-h! Again? Sheldon: Obviously you're not well suited for three-dimensional chess, perhaps three dimensional candyland would be more your speed. Leonard: Just reset the board. Sheldon: It must be humbling to suck on so many different levels. Penny (knocking and entering): Hi guys. Leonard: Hey! Penny: Did you get my mail. Leonard: Yeah, right here. How was Nebraska? Penny: Oh, better than North Dakota! (Pause) I guess that joke's only funny in Nebraska. Sheldon: From the data at hand you really can't draw that conclusion. All you can say with absolute certainty is that that joke is not funny here. Penny: Boy, it's good to be back. Leonard: How was your family? Penny: Ugh, it was the worst trip, everyone got sick over the weekend. Sheldon: Sick? Leonard: Here we go. Sheldon (running to opposite side of the room): What kind of sick? Penny: Oh, the flu I guess. Sheldon: I don't need you to guess, I need you to know, now when did the symptoms first appear? Penny: Maybe Friday. Sheldon: Friday, was that morning or afternoon? Penny: I... I don't... Sheldon: Think woman, who blew their nose and when? Leonard: Sheldon, relax, she doesn't have any symptoms, I'm sure she's not contagious. Sheldon: Oh please, if influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear it would have died out thousands of years ago. Somewhere between tool using and cave painting, homo habilus would have figured out to kill the guy with the runny nose. Leonard: Penny, you'll have to excuse Sheldon,
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Penny returns from visiting family in Nebraska, but mentions while picking up mail from Leonard that most of her relatives became sick. Sheldon, a germophobe according to Leonard, freaks out and becomes sick, becoming demanding on top of his already obnoxious personality. Familiar with Sheldon being sick, Leonard and the guys hide from him at a Planet of the Apes series marathon, leaving Penny to care for Sheldon. However, Leonard breaks his glasses in the cinema and has to retrieve his spare pair from the apartment, piloted by Howard and Raj using a laptop, an endoscope, and a Bluetooth helmet camera worn by the short-sighted Leonard. Penny intercepts him and abandons him to his fate with Sheldon. Leonard tries to escape, but runs into a wall and nearly knocks himself out. In the end, injured Leonard and sick Sheldon sit miserably on the couch.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Office_06x02 | fd_The_Office_06x02_0 | TEXT: Michael: [knock at Michael's Office door] Yeah? Oscar: You wanted to see me? Michael: Yes, Oscar come on in. Close the door if you would. Thank you, thanks so much for talking to me. Oscar: Yeah sure. Michael: I'm going in for a procedure today. Oscar: Is everything okay? Michael: Yeah, it's routine. I'm just a little bit scared. Oscar: I'm sure everything will be fine. [pulls up a chair] What do you? What's the procedure, if you don't mind my asking? Michael: It is a colonoscopy. Oscar: Okay. Michael: In your experience, what should I be expecting in terms of sensation or emotions? [Oscar looks irritated and frustrated] Is there anything I can do to make it more pleasurable for me or for Dr. Shaundry? Oscar: [sighs] Oh my God. Michael: My main concern, should I have a safe word? Oscar: Yeah. [Oscar gets up and walks out] [SCENE_BREAK] David Wallace: So Michael, do you think you can give me a run down on the Buffalo clients by Monday? Michael: Abso... you know what? I'll do you one better, Sunday, Sunday night. David: Okay, I will look at it Monday. Michael: Ho, Hol, hold on big guy, I'm gonna put it in the mail Sunday night and you'll get it Weds. David: Okay, Jim you wanna hit the conference room? Jim: Sure. Pam: Hey, Good luck. Michael: Oh right, this thing. I remember now. [whispers to Jim] What's this about? Jim: Ah, this is just me and David, if that's okay. Michael: It's okay with me but he's gonna want me in there. David: No, ah it's okay Michael. We got it. Michael: Really? David: Yeah. Michael: Alright, do you mind if it sit this out? I have so much work to do, I feel like I'm gonna blow my brains out. David: [nods] Okay. [J
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Jim submits a plan for promotions for himself and Michael to David which Michael manages to bungle as he thinks that Jim is trying to steal his position . Dwight and Toby investigate Darryl's worker's comp claim. Pam struggles to gather responses for her wedding. Ultimately, Jim and Michael are made co-manager to Dwight's horror.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_03x06 | fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_03x06_0 | TEXT: Prologue: Sunnydale cemetery at night. The camera is high above and angled down sharply on Buffy sitting on a blanket with her legs covered by another one, and Giles behind a nearby gravestone. He has a book open and reads from it as the camera pans down and pulls in until it is level with him. Giles: 'And on that tragic day, an era came to its inevitable end.' That's all there is. Are you ready? Buffy: Hit me. Giles: Which of the following best expresses the theme of the passage? A) Violence breeds violence, B) All things must end, C)... Buffy looks down at her answer sheet and fills in a bubble with her No. 2 pencil. Buffy: 'B'. I'm going with 'B'. We haven't had 'B' in forever. Giles: (exasperated) This is the SATs, Buffy, not connect-the-dots. Please pay attention. A low score could seriously harm your chances of getting into college. Buffy: Gee, thanks. That takes the pressure right off. Giles: This isn't meant to be easy, you know. It's a rite of passage. Buffy: Well, is it too late to join a tribe where they just pierce something or cut something off? Giles: Buffy, please concentrate. (looks back at his book) She sees a vampire approach behind him. Buffy: Roll! She tosses her notebook and answer sheet off of her lap and scrambles out from under her blanket and to her feet. Giles: (looks up) What? He sees her rushing toward him, instantly realizes that he needs to get out of the way and shoulder rolls onto the ground out of danger. Buffy vaults herself over the gravestone, finishing in a roundoff to the ground, and without a moment's hesitation side kicks the advancing vampire in the stomach. He goes flying backward, landing hard on his back. Buffy rushes him, grabs his legs and pushes them up, forcing him into a back roll away from her. The vampire ends up in
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> A candy created by Ethan Rayne ( Robin Sachs ) causes Sunnydale's adults to behave like teenagers. Buffy confronts Rayne and makes him tell her about a plan to sacrifice Sunnydale newborns to a monster in the sewers.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_10x14 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_10x14_0 | TEXT: FRONTIER IN SPACE BY: MALCOLM HULKE 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. PLANET OF THE OGRONS. MASTER'S OPERATIONS AREA (The MASTER crosses to a desk.) MASTER: In that case, I shall have to try something else. (He picks up a small black box and switches it on. A red light on the side starts to flash and a familiar pulsing signal starts to emit.) MASTER: You may have heard this noise before, Miss Grant. It works directly on the fear centres deep in your mind! (JO'S eyes widen in fear as the signal grows stronger.) JO: It's not real! I... (Coughs.)'s an illusion! MASTER: Then we shall have to try a little harder, Miss Grant. JO: It's not real! (Her determination wavers as the form of the MASTER changes into that of a Drashig.) JO: It's you! It's the Master! MASTER: You cannot shut your eyes! It is impossible! (The form changes again into that of a Solonian Mutant.) MASTER: Let's try a little harder! JO:'s not real! It's an illusion! It's you! (The form changes into a Sea Devil.) JO:'s the Master! It doesn't work on me any more! It's you! It doesn't work on me any more! (Her mantra succeeds. The Sea Devil disappears and the MASTER is in its place.) JO: It doesn't work on me any more! It... (The MASTER switches off the device. As JO gasps for breath after her mental battle, the MASTER nods and once more looks at her with something approaching admiration.) MASTER: Congratulations, my dear. I seem to have failed again. JO: Yes, you do, don't you? Never mind! You can't win 'em all! MASTER: Hmm! I shall have to think about this
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The Doctor, Williams and the Draconian Prince head to the Ogrons' planet to find evidence of the Master's actions but the Master tricks Jo into leading them into a trap.<extra_id_1> |
fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_06x09 | fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_06x09_0 | TEXT: Ted from 2030: Kids, in the fall of 2010, it seemed like Aunt Lily could only talk about one thing: babies. The Bar Robin: Oh, God, I have been craving this burger all day. Lily: Do you know what plays a huge role in helping a woman conceive? Cervical mucus. (Robin drops her burger) (Lily and Robin are watching a movie) Robin: Oh, my God, I can't wait to see this movie. I hear it's really scary. Lily: Oh, change of plans. I thought violent images wouldn't be good for my future fetus, so instead, I rented this video of a live water birth. (Lily and Robin are in the Kitchen) Robin: They don't know what it is. It just showed up on my mom's X-ray. Lily: Look at this crib. Ted from 2030: But all in all, it wasn't a problem. That is, until the night of Barney's boutonniere. The Bar Marshall: Oh, you're wearing a flower. Barney: Thank you. Marshall: Ah, didn't compliment. Just observed. Barney: I know. Isn't it? Robin: Why are you wearing that? Ted: Why does Barney do anything ever? Barney: Exactly. Science. There is an 83% correlation between the times men wear boutonnieres and the times they get laid. Think about it. Proms, weddings. Grandmas' funerals. Thanks for the redhead, Nana. The "everyday boutonniere" by Stinson. Robin: And nope. I'm sorry, Barney, but no girl is going home with a guy with a flower on his chest. Unless he's a clown, and she's in the trunk of his car. Marshall: Along with 50 other clowns. It's a clown car. Oh. Barney: Robin, did you know that boutonniere is French for "bootie is near?" True story. Une histoire vraie. Robin: Hmm! Did you know that Barney is French for "sad little guy who works way too hard to get laid"" Bar
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The gang learns about Jessica Glitter ( Nicole Scherzinger ), a friend of Robin's from her pop-star days as Robin Sparkles, thanks to a new tape Barney discovers about a Canadian children's show.<extra_id_1> |
fd_FRIENDS_04x14 | fd_FRIENDS_04x14_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, erm, Chandler and Joey's, Joey is getting ready for a fishing trip and Phoebe is asking him about the fishing lures. Ross is playing with the rod, and Monica is pretty much just watching the on goings.] Phoebe: (holding a lure) So now, what is this now? Joey: Guggly worm. Phoebe: (laughs and picks up another lure) And this? Joey: Glow-pop giggly jammer. Phoebe: (laughs harder) You make it so funny. Monica: (not wanting to be left out, picks up something) Hey umm, what's this? Joey: (examining it) Ohh, a hunk of sandwich from last year. (Monica drops the sandwich) Ross: (pretend fishing in the living room) Ohh, Geller's got one hooked! Ohh! Looks like a big one! Yeah, ohh! Ohh! (Swinging the rod back and forth) It's the classic struggle between man and-(swings the rod and knocks over a lamp.) Someone knocked over a lamp. Joey: (going over and picking up the rod) That's all right. Hey you guys, you know what's going to be great about the fishing trip this year? When my dad gets me out in the middle of the lake and gives me that, "Joey, what are you doing with your life?" stuff. I can say, "Well, I'm doing a movie with Charlton Heston dad. What are you doing with your life?" All: Great! (Chandler enters from his bedroom, all depressed and wearing sweat pants, with the chick and duck in tow.) Chandler: You don't have to stop having fun just because I'm here. Kathy didn't cheat on all of you. (To Joey) Well, except you. (They hug and Chandler goes into the bathroom with the chick and duck following him.) Monica: Hey, Joey, I don't think that you should leave Chandler alone. I mean it's only been
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Chandler is depressed over his break-up with Kathy, requiring the girls' intervention that includes a strip club. Rachel asks for Ross' help after she becomes double-booked with Joshua, who invites her to a club opening, and her boss who wants her to accompany his niece, Emily, just in from London, to the opera. Joey arrives home with an unpleasant odor following a three-day fishing trip with his father. He oversleeps and rushes to a movie set without showering. He sneaks into Charlton Heston 's dressing room to use his shower. Ross reluctantly agrees to meet Emily and take her to the opera, then shocks everyone when the couple end up spending the weekend together at a Bed & Breakfast.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_02x29 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_02x29_0 | TEXT: GLYN JONES 5:40pm - 6:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. MOROK HEADQUARTERS. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE IAN: Is he in here? LOBOS: Yes. IAN: (To the GUARD.) Open the door. (LOBOS nods to the GUARD who does as instructed.) IAN: Now get in. Both of you. [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. MOROK HEADQUARTERS. PREPARATION ROOM (LOBOS and the GUARD enter the room which is filled with a whirring noise. IAN follows but stops, his eyes wide open in horror at what he sees within the room...) IAN: Doctor! (The DOCTOR is against a propped upright within a machine but he is as still as a waxwork...) IAN: (Keeping the gun on LOBOS and the GUARD.) What have you done to him? LOBOS: I don't think you would appreciate the technical difficulties. IAN: Just tell me what you've done. LOBOS: He has completed the second stage of preparation. He's as good as dead. IAN: (Menacingly.) If you want to save yourself, you'd better bring him back to life. LOBOS: Impossible. IAN: But your only hope is to try. LOBOS: No one has ever attempted to reverse the process. IAN: There's a first time for everything, now get moving! (LOBOS moves towards the centre of the room where there is a machine whose workings are contained under a large dome of glass. IAN sees that LOBOS has his own gun and quickly snatches it from him. He now points two guns at LOBOS and the GUARD.) IAN: And remember...I shall be watching you very carefully, so don't try any tricks. LOBOS: There are no tricks in science, only facts. (LOBOS starts to activates controls on the machine.) IAN: How long is this going to take? LOBOS: How
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The TARDIS jumps a time track and the travellers arrive on the planet Xeros. There they discover their own future selves displayed as exhibits in a museum established as a monument to the galactic conquests of the warlike Morok invaders who now rule the planet. When time shifts back to normal, they realise that they must do everything they can to avert this potential future. Vicki helps the native Xerons obtain arms and revolt against the Moroks. The revolution succeeds and the travellers go on their way, confident that the future has been changed.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Gilmore_Girls_03x14 | fd_Gilmore_Girls_03x14_0 | TEXT: 3.14 - Swan Song OPEN AT ELDER GILMORE RESIDENCE [Lorelai, Rory, and Emily are eating dinner] EMILY: And then she just brushed me off with a wave of her regal hand. Not even a word, just I'm her cabana boy. Next thing you know, instead of just walking out of the room, she'll make me bow and back out. Imperious attitude, she never gives it a rest. I schlepped her to the doctor the other day <unk> by command, not request <unk> and the elevator operator there greeted us nice and friendly. Her doctor's on the second floor and by the time we got there, that operator was in tears. LORELAI: Whew. EMILY: What? LORELAI: Well, Mom, you just did twenty straight minutes on Gran. EMILY: It wasn't twenty minutes. RORY: It was getting there. LORELAI: How about a moratorium on the Gran stories for a bit? EMILY: Fine. I'd rather not spoil the meal with talk of her. LORELAI: Good. EMILY: I should just wash my hands. LORELAI: Okay. RORY: We'll wait. EMILY: I mean of her. LORELAI: Oh, good, wash those hands. EMILY: She sucks her olive pits. LORELAI: Short moratorium. EMILY: Trying to extract every last ounce of flavor out of them like she does people. LORELAI: She sucks flavor out of people? RORY: Can we change the subject? EMILY: Life, not flavor. LORELAI: Hey, you know what Gran needs? EMILY: What? LORELAI: A fella. RORY: With or without an umbrella. EMILY: He'd have to look like an olive pit to get her attention. LORELAI: It's like a Dean Martin Roast. RORY: Those are never funny to me. LORELAI: Yeah, they're mean. RORY: Except for Don
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Emily guilts Rory into bringing Jess to a Friday night dinner which turns out to be an unqualified disaster; Lorelai, Alex, Sookie and Jackson go to New York for the weekend; Jess gets a black eye in an altercation with an opponent he is too embarassed to reveal to anyone but Luke; Zack and Brian realize that Lane and Dave are hiding something from them, but miss the mark on the true nature of the secret; Rory and Jess have their first argument, and Luke helps patch things up.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Dawson_s_Creek_02x14 | fd_Dawson_s_Creek_02x14_0 | TEXT: "To Be or Not to Be..." CAST Dawson: James Van Der Beek Joey: Katie Holmes Pacey: Joshua Jackson Jen: Michelle Williams Andie: Meredith Monroe ALSO STARRING Gail: Mary-Margaret Humes Mitch: John Wesely Shipp Grams: Mary Beth Piel Bessie: Nina Repeta Abby: Monica Kenna *Dawson's room - there's a miniature Capeside community built. Pacey, Dawson, and Jack are in the room.* Pacey: I can't believe you made this whole thing by yourself. Dawson: Congratulations, Jack. Jack: Thanks. I'm not completely done. I still have this whole back section to paint. Dawson: I-I-I'm....truly impressed. And grateful. Jack: It's...a little unclear, though, as to why you want this. You're not going to like, blow it up or anything, are ya? Dawson:, there's no asteroid in my movie. It's for aerial shots. Establishing get the right lense...the right light...perfect point of the Creekside village. Pacey: It's amazing what a little camera trickery can do. Well, if you guys will excuse me, I have a ton of homework to do including Peterson's assignment which I haven't even started yet. Jack: *sighs* Yeah, I haven't either. Dawson: Pacey Witter is leaving early to do homework...a slightly less believable and inquiring light. Pacey: Yeah, yeah, it's a disgusting habit. Dawson: Alright, well, thanks guys, I'll see you later. Jack: No, I can stay. Dawson: Well, I'm just going to do a test-shot... Jack: No, it's okay, I'd like to see it. It's alright. Dawson: Okay. Cool. Pacey: Well....ta-ta, gents. Don't stay up too late. It is a school night. *Pacey leaves. Dawson laughs.* Dawson: Speaking as
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> In a compelling two-part episode, the Capeside High School gossip mill kicks into overdrive after Jack bears his soul in an English assignment and is forced to expose his innermost secrets while reading his poem aloud in class. The poem alludes to feelings that Jack may have towards another boy. Dawson, Joey, and Andie are shaken by the implications of what it all means. Meanwhile, Pacey tries to defend Jack in the face of an adversarial teacher and Jen finds her latest suitor, Tyson "Ty" Hicks, is full of surprises. Jack later tells Joey that the poem meant nothing sexual and that it may have been about his deceased brother.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_02x01 | fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_02x01_0 | TEXT: Scene: The stairwell. Leonard: So you see, what you're eating is not technically yoghurt, because it doesn't have enough live acidophilus cultures. It's really just iced milk with carragenin added for thickness. Penny: Oh, that's very interesting. Leonard: It's also not pink and has no berries. Penny: Yeah, but it doesn't really answer my question. Leonard: What was your question again? Penny: Do you want some. Leonard: Oh, right, no, I'm lactose intolerant. Penny: Right. Leonard: So, gas. Penny: Got it. Leonard: Well, good night. (They kiss. Camera cuts away to a wall mounted security cam above the lift. Leonard spots its movement and shuffles Penny away.) Penny: What are you doing? Leonard: There was a draft. Penny: I didn't feel a draft. Leonard: Why don't we just go into your.... Penny: Oh, yeah, you know what, maybe we should just slow things down a little. Leonard: No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to... go fast. Penny: No, I know, I... I know what you meant, it's just... it's only our first date. Leonard: Yeah, okay, sure, no problem, why don't we just figure out where we're going, and when we want to get there, and then rate of speed equals distance over time. Solve for R. Penny: Or we could just wing it. Leonard: That might work too. Penny: Goodnight Leonard. Leonard: Goodnight. (He throws the camera a dirty look.) Cut to inside the apartment. Raj: He's coming. Screen saver. Howard: Oh, hey, Leonard, how was your date? Leonard: Bite me. Sheldon, how could you just sit there and let them spy on me? Sheldon: They were clever, Leonard. They exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing. Howard: You should thank us. When future generations try to determine why your relationship with Penny crashed and burned, this right here is the black box.
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Following the Season 1 finale, Leonard and Penny return from their first date while Howard and Raj spy on them using a webcam in the hall between their apartments. Leonard, spotting the camera, suggests going over to her apartment, but she misunderstands him and tells him to "slow things down". The guys try to convince Leonard that the date went badly, which he denies. Penny later tells Sheldon that she lied to Leonard about graduating from community college, feeling he would not want to date a woman who is not smart, and makes Sheldon promise not to tell him. Sheldon cannot easily keep secrets, and moves out of the apartment to escape his inner conflict. He first stays with Raj, but after Sheldon criticizes Aishwarya Rai, comparing her unfavorably to Madhuri Dixit, Raj leaves him at Howard's house. Sheldon talks instead of sleeping, so Howard gives him Valium, which fails to work, and finally takes him back to the apartment. The drugged Sheldon tells Leonard the secret. The next morning, Leonard suggests Penny should join Pasadena City College, but after she asks, says he does not mind dating someone who is not smart, at which she slams her door in his face.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_O.C._02x18 | fd_The_O.C._02x18_0 | TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen kitchen in the morning - Trey is making breakfast and Ryan comes in Ryan: hey Trey: (looks up) hey Ryan: what're you makin, moms hang over special Trey: (smiles) what'do you mean, pack'a smokes and a fresh cocktail (Ryan smiles) (beats eggs) nope just uh somethin I picked up in prison (Ryan looks at him) (Seth comes in) Seth: ah yeah the old scallion an shiv? omelet (nods) I've seen lock up, Stallone's (points) finest work since over the top Trey: Stallone huh, nah I'm more of a Van Damme fan (looks at Seth matter of factly) Ryan: what're you kidding me, Segal man Seth: yeah a divided house cannot eat, now we all gotta get together behind a single action hero (Sandy comes in) Sandy: Steve McQueen Seth: Steve ma-who (looks at Sandy) Sandy: oh my own son doesn't know Steve McQueen Trey: (nods) y'know alotta people like Great Escape, I gotta go with Bullitt Sandy: he cooks breakfast an a McQueen fan, I knew I liked you Ryan: (to Sandy) how was surfing Sandy: unbelievable (motions 'huge waves' with his hand) Trey: (looks at Sandy) you surf Seth: he surfs, he sings (Sandy smiles) he technically fights crime maybe Sandy Cohen could be our action here Sandy: just say the word my son Trey: (to Sandy) you think you could give me a (shrugs) surf lesson some time (Kirsten comes in) Kirsten: oooh better you then me, he's ben tryin'a get me out there for years (phone rings) Sandy: (frowns) I have tried, I have tried, I have failed, I have failed Kirsten: (look
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When Sandy becomes the honorary chair of the Newport Beach charity yard sale, he solicits help from Trey, who has his first run-in with the Newpsies. While Sandy auctions off Newport's finest, Kirsten and Carter share a table. When one of the auction's most expensive pieces goes missing, it's Ryan and Seth who also could use some help. Meanwhile, Trey looks for a more permanent place to live as the Cohens welcome yet another houseguest.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Open_Heart_01x03 | fd_Open_Heart_01x03_0 | TEXT: (Light buzzes as it flickers) This is the weirdest initiation ever. Wes: Sounds like you can't handle it. Dylan: I can handle it. I can handle it. (Distant bang) Mikayla: We can't be down here! We gotta go! Wes: No time! We'll come back for you! Dylan: Wait! No! Wesley! Ugh! (Footsteps outside) Scarlet: This is what you came up with? The morgue. Hud: Well, your text sounded desperate. So many exclamation marks. (Kissing) Scarlet: Mm... why do I put up with you? Hud: Because we just worked eighteen hours and we've got another twelve to go. Scarlet: You gotta get through it somehow... Hud: Mm-hmm. (Kissing) [SCENE_BREAK] (Distant bang) (Drawer door creaks open) (Drawer rumbles open) Hud: That's funny... You don't look dead. Dylan: I was just... Hud: Spying? Dylan: Um, napping... Big napper. You know volunteers, they're not allowed down here. But it's cool for residents to come down here and hook up? (Drawer door clicks shut) (Small laugh) You're London's little sister, aren't you? Dylan: Are you gonna tell on me? Hud: Look... You didn't see me, and I didn't see you. Sound good? Dylan: Mm-hmm. Good. (Receding footsteps) Wes: I swear we were coming back for you. Dylan: Sure, sure. You're just lucky I got away clean, after listening to two residents suck face for a while. One of them being our mysterious Dr. Hudson, by the way. Mikayla: Oh, do you still think he has your dad's watch? Dylan: Well, if he does, I have to get it back. Wes: Because there's a message for you hidden in a secret compartment? Dylan: Okay, I
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Dylan corners Hud about a past interaction with Richard. Meanwhile, London struggles to juggle her work and her romantic life, and Jane sets out to inform her daughters about her relationship with Dr. K.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_03x15 | fd_Once_Upon_A_Time_03x15_0 | TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Mary: Who were you back in our land? I was a midwife. Maybe you could give me some advice. Allow me to introduce myself. You can call me Zelena. How many people do we know who can spin straw into gold? Emma: Rumplestiltskin. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Storybrooke ] [SCENE_BREAK] (Emma knocks on the Granny's door. Emma enters. There is a meeting.) Granny: If you want privacy, talk fast. We open in 20, and no one gets between Leroy and his bacon. Hook: Is there any sign of our quarry? Emma: I went all over that farmhouse and the land around it... Nothing. David: Well, now that the sun's up, we should hit every place Gold might go... His house, shop, his cabin. Emma: 'Cause dead men love vacation homes. Can someone explain to me how this is even possible? We all saw Gold. He... Mary Margaret: Disappeared into nothingness. I know. Hook: I might have an inkling. When we went back to the Enchanted Forest, Neal was talking about the possibility of getting his father back. David: What? How? Hook: He didn't know how. He just... He missed his family. And he was desperate to find a way to return to this world. He believed that bringing his father back was the key. Emma: Well, if that was his plan, then obviously something went wrong, because while Gold might be alive and kicking, Neal is... He's... We don't know what he is. We don't even know if he made it back to Storybrooke. No one's seen him since this new curse. David: He's out there somewhere. Regina: With all due respect, we have bigger issues right now than who brought Gold back. The fact that he was in the Wicked Witch's basement, for one. I want to know what the hell she was cooking up with him. Mary Margaret: Well, the best way to find that out would be to ask Gold, right? David: He could tell us who the witch is... Maybe how to track her down
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> In the forgotten year, Neal and Belle find a candlestick holder named Lumiere, who may be the key to helping them restore Rumplestiltskin back to life. In present day Storybrooke, Rumplestiltskin is a slave to Zelena, who has the dark one's dagger. Neal is also found, but something is wrong with him that even he doesn't understand. Also, Regina meets Robin Hood and is startled when she sees his lion tattoo. Emma and David found out Rumplestiltskin who's looking crazy in the forest of Storybrooke. Later, they find out that Rumple and Neal are in each of the body. Neal sacrificed himself to separate his father from his body, so that his father can tell the savior who the Wicked Witch really is. In sorrow, Rumple told Emma that the Wicked Witch is Zelena. Emma and David go back to Mary Margaret and tell her about Zelena, whom she's thinking would help her when she gives birth to her child. They find her, but didn't find out where she had been. She was in the forest giving orders to Rumple to get back into the cage where she keeps him.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Office_05x12 | fd_The_Office_05x12_0 | TEXT: Pam: [answering the phone] Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam. I'm sorry, he's not in yet. Would you like his voicemail? Michael: [heard yelling from the street] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, okay! Twelve miles an hour. Eat that, Carl Lewis! [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Angela made several 911 calls about cars going too fast in front of the building, so the police put up a radar gun. It's actually caused a bit of a traffic hazard. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: [yelling as he runs past the radar gun] Aah! Phyllis: Wow, thirteen! Dwight: Yes! Michael: No. No, no. There was wind. Dwight: I was just jogging. Michael: Dwight, there was wind. I want a do-over. Jim: No, no, no, it's not your turn. All right, thirteen is the new number. Oscar, go ahead. Michael: I want another try. Here we go! [Michael runs past the radar as a car passes] Thirty-one! Thirty-one! Stanley: There was a car. Michael: I was ahead of the car. Thirty-one is my new number. Oscar: Thirty-one is humanly impossible. Michael: Go, Oscar. Thirty-one's my number. Oscar: That's impossible. Michael: Beat it! [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Today's a big day. My presence has been requested by [in an authoritative voice] Chief Financial Officer, David Wallace. [in normal voice] He says that he wants to talk about big picture stuff. And, I'll be honest, I have little or no idea what that means, so... probably bad. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Quick announcement[/b]: new year, new candy. Kevin: Whoo-hoo! Pam: Okay, be careful, Kevin. They're kind of spicy. Kevin: Hot tamales. Pam: Yeah. Kevin: Uh oh. Pam: So, maybe just try one at first, and then
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The office is tense because Andy still has not found out about Angela's affair with Dwight. After Michael tells him, Dwight and Andy plan a duel. When they realize Angela has been sleeping with them both, each dumps her. In New York, Michael travels to corporate to meet with David Wallace, who wants to know Michael's methods as the Scranton branch is actually doing well. Not surprisingly, Michael has no insight.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Frasier_08x20 | fd_Frasier_08x20_0 | TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Frasier's Apartment Fade in. Frasier is sitting at the dining table, reading. Daphne and Niles come in the front, wearing athletic clothes. Daphne: Hello Niles: Hey. Frasier: Ah, the weekend warriors have returned. Daphne: Yeah. You better watch out, Dr. Crane, I'm getting pretty good at kickboxing. She does a high kick at him. Niles: It's true. She hits so hard they're calling her "The British Pound." Daphne: You hit pretty hard yourself there, "Nails." [She kisses him.] I'm going to hop in the shower. She heads for her room. Frasier: "Nails"? Niles: Oh, you scratch one guy... Oh, my electrolytes are plummeting. Care to join me in a sherry? Frasier: Ah, actually, I'd love to, Niles, but I'm off to see Dr. Tewksbury. He gets up and puts the book away. Niles: Oh, I didn't realize your mentor was still in town. Frasier: Yes, and because of it, I've been the fortunate recipient of some informal therapy. It's really been quite enlightening. You know, I consider myself lucky to be in the hands of such a master. Niles: Well, I'm happy for you, Frasier. He is a gifted psychiatrist, even if I don't share your god-like worship of him. Frasier: Oh, I simply have a healthy respect for the man, Niles. It's hardly worship. Niles: Oh, please. You're one step away from seeing his image appear in a tortilla. Daphne comes hurrying from her room in her bathrobe. Daphne: Niles, thank heavens you're still here! Niles: What's wrong? Daphne: You can't go to Nervosa today. Niles: Why not? Daphne: I just had a psychic vision that something bad's going to happen to you. Niles: Oh, come on, Dap
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Frasier has been receiving some informal therapy from Dr. Tewkesbury, his old Harvard mentor, whom he holds in the highest esteem. He runs into him unexpectedly one day at Café Nervosa , and introduces him to Roz. He is subsequently startled when, calling round to Roz's apartment a few days later, he finds Dr. Tewksbury there with Roz, wearing one of her robes. After that, Frasier cannot get the image of his esteemed mentor in a silk robe out of his head. Daphne makes Niles promise not to go to Nervosa after she has a premonition that something bad will happen to him there. She later catches him in there with a coffee, and is very angry. They decide to call in a specialist, who can apply scientific methods to test her alleged psychic abilities.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Queer_As_Folk_01x16 | fd_Queer_As_Folk_01x16_0 | TEXT: (Open with various shots of Michael and David playing in the snow, building as nowman, etc.) Michael: (Michael knocks the head off the snowman) Oh no!(pointing to the carrot pen1s of the snowman) What's that about? (They get some pretzels to snack on) Michael: I got this. David: I got it, hang on. (he hands the vendor the money) (Cut toa restaurant where Michael and David are eating/talking.The check comes and both Michael and David go to pay forit) Waiter: Here you go, sir. Michael: Oh, I'll get that. David: No, no, no, no. (David bats Michael's hand awayand pulls out a hundred dollar bill. Michael puts hiswallet up and smiles) (Cut tothe grocery store. Michael spots things, then puts themback on the shelf. David grabs them and puts them in thebasket, patting Michael's butt on the way. They go up tothe checkout counter where they proceed to both pull outtheir wallet's again) David: No, no, no, no, no. I got it. (he pulls out acredit card and gives it to the lady) Thank you. (he wraps his arm around Michael, whistling, whileMichael looks a little upset) (Cut toa cab, where Michael and David are getting out. Michaelgoes to the window to pay the driver) Driver: Eight fifty. (Michael starts to grab the money when David shoos hishand again) David: No, no, no. Michael. (pulls out his wallet) Michael: No, I got this. David: Michael! (he hands him the money) Michael: No! David: Thank you. (Michael looks a little flustered as David starts walkingoff) (Cut tovarious shots of David paying for everything) (Settleson Michael and David in a nice restaurant, the checkarriving) David: (reaching for his wallet) No, I got it. Unless youwant anything else. Michael: Yeah, I do. David: Dessert? Good boy. (to
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Michael and Dr. David disagree about finances; a strange Frenchman moves in with Lindsay and Gus causing a stir; Justin is suspended from school.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x17 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x17_0 | TEXT: At the Dot Marco: We must have done something awful in our past lives to deserve this hell. Paige: Oh just wait until university. According to Dylan, it only gets harder. He said McGill's tough. Marco: Dylan? How is the Satan child anyway? Ellie: Question: Who's still bitter over last year? Answer: Oh Marco Del Rossi. Marco: Stop. I am so over that guy. I've already forgotten who we're talking about. Alex: Great. So then let's talk about stalker boy, Tim. Your lovesick shadow. (They see Tim walking into the Dot.) Marco: Guys can you be nice? You know we've been sort of seeing each other. Ellie: Emphasis on the sorta. You guys haven't even been on a date yet. Tim: Hey you guys. Wow it looks like a brain bomb went off in here. Marco: Yeah. Well studying for exams is killer, but you are welcome to join the carnage if you dare. Tim: Super. First round of caffeine's on me. Paige: Oh I'm out. My ride just showed up. (Marco sees Dylan through the window.) Marco: He's in town?! Paige why didn't you tell me? Dylan: Hey Marco. Marco: Hey. Hi. Uh what are you doing here? Dylan: May I? Marco: Uh actually this seat's saved for someone. (Tim walks back over.) Marco: My boyfriend Tim. Tim meet my ex, Dylan. He was, he was just leaving. Dylan: Later Marco. (Dylan leaves and Marco watches him through the window.) During the grade 12 science final Mr. Ellis: Okay people. No talking. No cell phones. No bathroom breaks until you're done. Okay flip 'em and have fun. In the library Liberty: So igneous rocks are pure, whereas sedimentary rocks are made of other forms of rocks. See? Danny: Why do I care? Liberty: Because if you fail, dad will send you to summer school...again. Derek, metamorphic rocks? Derek: Are rocks that have been transformed with heat and pressure. Liberty: Somebody's been listening to me. Danny: Somebody's
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Marco is interested in the prospect of a new romance with Tim, but when Dylan comes back into his life, he realizes their relationship might not be over. Liberty is overcome with guilt over giving up her baby for adoption after finding out the family is moving away.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_13x04 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_13x04_0 | TEXT: TERROR of the ZYGONS By ROBERT BANKS-STEWART First transmitted : 20th September, 1975 5:20pm - 5:45pm [SCENE_BREAK] BRIGADIER: Mister Benton, prepare to move out. BENTON: Sir. Okay, move it! [SCENE_BREAK] BROTON: The humans will be following our course by their radar. Transmit a jamming signal. ZYGON: Immediately, Commander. DOCTOR: You've been hiding too long, Broton. It's become a habit. BROTON: What do you mean? DOCTOR: I thought the plan was to conquer the world. BROTON: The plan has not changed. DOCTOR: But you can't rule a world in hiding. You've got to come out onto the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle, if you'll pardon the expression. BROTON: In a few hours there will be no further need of secrecy. Have no doubt, Doctor. [SCENE_BREAK] BRIGADIER: Greyhound Leader to Trap One. Emergency alert to all radar stations. Alien spacecraft heading south from Loch Ness. [SCENE_BREAK] BRIGADIER (OOV.): Second, alert Strike Command, but warn them there is to be no attack. I repeat, no attack until further orders. [SCENE_BREAK] BRIGADIER: Have our aircraft standing by at Inverness for immediate return to London HQ. That is all. Out. SARAH: Brigadier, before leaving, we should search that castle. BRIGADIER: Why? There's nobody there now. SARAH: No, but we might find something that'll tell us where the Zygons have gone. HARRY: Or what they're up to. BRIGADIER: Yes. Worth looking, I suppose. All right, I'll drop you two at the castle. Get in. [SCENE_BREAK] HARRY: I give up, old girl. Come on, let's get back SARAH: No, just a minute
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> UNIT attempt to track down the Zygon ship while Broton prepares to have the Skarasen attack London.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Charmed_04x04 | fd_Charmed_04x04_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Basement. Phoebe is fighting with Cole. He kicks her in the stomach and she bends down.] Cole: Don't be tense. Be ready. When you see me expand, you contract. (Phoebe looks up.) If I contract, you expand. (They begin to fight again. Cole flips him Phoebe on the ground and then sits on top of her.) Phoebe: If you wanted to be on top, all you had to do was ask. (A laugh comes from the stairs and Phoebe looks over to see Paige sitting there.) Uh, P-Paige. (To Cole as she slightly hits his leg.) Oh. (He gets off her and Phoebe goes to Paige.) What are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be upstairs studying for Piper's quiz? Paige: Well, I was kinda hoping to go a couple rounds with the demon first. Phoebe: I should tell you, Piper takes her witchcraft quizzes very seriously. You better be prepared. What's the subject? Paige: Potion basics. Phoebe: Eww. Paige: Mm. Phoebe: Well, you got to start somewhere. Paige: I know. It's just a little book learning. (Cole comes up to them.) Cole: Phoebe? (Phoebe sighs. Cole walks away.) Phoebe: Paige, Piper and I had to learn how to be witches the hard away, and it took well, it took too long. We need you to get there faster. Our lives may depend on it. Paige: Appealing to my conscious. Such a low blow. Phoebe: Mmm. (Paige stands up.) Paige: I just want to know when the fun stuff starts. (She leaves. Phoebe turns to Cole.) Phoebe: So where were we? Cole: Training. Phoebe: Uh. Come on Cole. You were gone for a whole week. That is seven long, lonely nights. Cole: I was on a
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> While busy studying the Book of Shadows, Paige shows a large amount of jealously in how adept Phoebe is while performing her martial arts. As a result, when Paige mixes a potion, she accidentally swaps bodies with Phoebe, and while they try to hide the mix-up from Piper, they have a hard time doing so when the sisters have to go help a Zen Master save her kidnapped father from Limbo.<extra_id_1> |
fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_05x19 | fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_05x19_0 | TEXT: Ted (2030): Kids, you have to wonder if everything I am telling you is true. And this is normal. After all, the limit is fine between a good story and a lie. Flashback Barney talks to a woman's McLaren. Ted (2030): No one played as well as Barney with this limit. A breeze for him. Barney: I love traveling. Woman: Really? What is the best place that you hast visited? Barney: Hawaii is fun. A buddy of mine lives in Seattle. It's really not bad. But the best place? I must say, the moon. End flashback Barney, Marshall, Lily and Ted are in the apartment of the latter. Ted: You're not convinced a girl that you were the first to walk on the moon? It was seven years before you were born. Barney: Ted, a blonde, it's easy. Flashback Barney: Our ship is passed through a hole spatiotemporal or gamma rays or something. I started to rejuvenate, blah, blah, blah. So you bump into one store yoghurt. It must be insane. End flashback Marshall: But I worked at a yogurt shop in high school. And indeed, it was... insane. Barney: So, after 20 minutes, the eagle has landed. We fuse into space. Houston, we have a complainer. Other double entender related to space. Ted: Why are you lying all the time? Barney: I do not lie! We made love, I have pictures! Robin enters and sighs. Robin: I hate my job. Marshall: What? You had not interviewed the mayor? Robin: Mayor McWouaf. It teaches the children clean, dressed dog. Finally, it is supposed to. Flashback Robin McWouaf interview the mayor. Mayor: I do not want to talk about Mayor McWouaf. I mean those amazing shoes at Bon Pied-A-Ti! Watch as they absorb the shock! Robin: The table! There was a table... Back. (The cameraman has fun throwing papers) were returned. Mike: Sorry Robin. I was bored. Robin: Yeah, I understand. End flash
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When Marshall gets mugged, Lily decides she wants to get a gun for protection, so Marshall comes up with a convoluted story about the mugging to deter Lily from following through.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Merlin_04x11 | fd_Merlin_04x11_0 | TEXT: "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name...Merlin". VILLAGE - DAY Gwen works in her yard wearing the red dress she wore four years earlier. She pauses to catch her breath and fingers her engagement ring on the string around her neck. She hears horses hooves and villagers begin to run and shriek, trying to escape the raiders riding into town. Gwen ducks behind the wall around her yard. A bandit knocks over a stand in the street and Gwen runs off. She turns a corner and finds her path blocked by a dismounted bandit. She tries to back up, but falls backwards and is quickly surrounded by bandits. The dismounted bandit raises his sword to strike. He's stopped by their leader. Helios: Wait. Gwen recoils as Helios leans over. Helios: There's still some pleasure to be had here. [SCENE_BREAK] OPENING TITLES [SCENE_BREAK] KING'S PALACE, CORRIDOR - DAY Merlin is following Arthur Merlin: I'm not saying it's inappropriate. I mean, you're the king and I'm not, and of course it's your choice, there's no doubt about that. It could hardly be my choice, could it? What with me not being the king. But, nevertheless, I do feel I have to say something because, strictly speaking, these clothes are only supposed to... King Arthur: Merlin. Merlin: Yes, my Lord. King Arthur: Could you do something for me? Merlin: Of course. Absolutely. Not a problem, whatever needs doing. King Arthur: Could you...please...shut up. Arthur continues walking. Merlin pauses for a beat then continues talking. Merlin: Yes, I can do that. Of course I can. That's not a prob... King Arthur (distance): Now! KING'S PALACE, COUNCIL CHAMBER - DAY Arthur walks to the front of the room and faces his court
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0>. | <extra_id_0> Morgana finds a powerful ally in the Southron warlord Helios. Together they hatch the perfect plan to force Camelot to its knees... With the Kingdom - and Arthur - preoccupied by the arrival of the beautiful Princess Mithian, it falls to an absent friend to raise the alarm. But with past wounds still raw, can love really conquer all when Guinevere returns? Or is a deadly arrow destined to fly straight into the heart of Camelot?<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_01x39 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_01x39_0 | TEXT: THE REIGN OF TERROR by DENNIS SPOONER first broadcast - 22nd August, 1964 5:30pm - 5:55pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE THE CELLS, CONCIERGERIE PRISON, PARIS, 1794 (Susan, Barbara and another prisoner have been removed from their cells by the jailer and are standing next to some guards.) JAILER: This batch for the guillotine! Take them away! (The guards escort them away.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. IAN'S CELL (Ian hears noises outside in the street outside his cell. He clambers up to the window to get a view.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. STREET OUTSIDE THE CONCIERGERIE PRISON (Ian stares through the window in horror at what he sees.) IAN: Barbara! Susan! [SCENE_BREAK] 3. STREET (People walk up and down the street going about their daily business. The Doctor comes up the street. He has arrived in Paris.) [SCENE_BREAK] (He walks off.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4. STREET (Two men are watching a street from the cover of an archway. This is noticeably less busy than the other.) JEAN: A [SCENE_BREAK] should have passed by now, Jules. JULES: You must try and cultivate patience, my friend. It will stand you in good stead. JEAN: I will never get used to the waiting. If only it wasn't so quiet. JULES: That's why we're here, Jean. A crowded street and a successful rescue will never mix. JEAN: I know. But it is late. Perhaps they've taken another route? JULES: No. They'll come this way. They always do. Are you ready? JEAN: Yes, I'm ready. How many soldiers do you think there'll be? JULES: Oh, six. Maybe five. JEAN: It's a pity Leon isn't with us today.
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The TARDIS materialises not far from Paris in 1794 - one of the bloodiest years following the French Revolution of 1789. The travellers become involved with an escape chain rescuing prisoners from the guillotine and get caught up in the machinations of an English undercover spy, James Stirling - alias Lemaitre, governor of the Conciergerie prison.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x04 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_03x04_0 | TEXT: 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. DRAHVIN SPACESHIP. AIRLOCK (STEVEN is now much the worse for wear. His mouth is wide open and gasping for air.) MAAGA: (Over intercom.) Why do you not give up, Earthman? STEVEN: (Gasping.) I'd rather face the Chumblies than you any day. (STEVEN gets up and staggers to the wall, activating the switch to open the outer door. MAAGA laughs.) MAAGA: (Over intercom.) That will not work now. The pressure has locked the door. (STEVEN tries desperately to activate the switch.) MAAGA: (Over intercom.) You must surrender, or die! (The dial is now very low. It drops further. STEVEN starts to slide down against the wall.) [SCENE_BREAK] (STEVEN gasps for breath.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: EXT. DRAHVIN SPACESHIP (The DOCTOR, VICKI and the CHUMBLIES moves toward the spaceship. One of the machines carries a spherical bomb-like object.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. DRAHVIN SPACESHIP (The DRAHVINS continue to watch STEVEN in the airlock.) DRAHVIN TWO: He cannot live much longer, Maaga. Soon he will die. MAAGA: We do not wish him dead. DRAHVIN TWO: But he is our enemy! MAAGA: Also our hostage. (DRAHVIN THREE runs from the observation window.) DRAHVIN THREE: Machine with bomb approaching! MAAGA: Quick! Take cover! (As she speaks, a projectile crashes through the porthole and lands on the floor and immediately begins to discharge a thick cloud of ammonia.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: EXT. DRAHVIN SPACESHIP (STEVEN appears at the window, near collapse.)
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Missing episode The Doctor, Vicki and Steven arrive on an arid planet where they meet the beautiful Drahvins and the hideous Rills. Each has crash-landed after a confrontation in space. The Rills are friendly, compassionate explorers. The Drahvins are dull-witted, cloned soldiers, terrorised by the intelligent, warlike matriarch Maaga. Both ships are damaged. The Drahvins' craft is irreparable, but the Rills' is almost ready to take off. Although unable to breathe the oxygen atmosphere, they employ efficient robot drones, which Vicki nicknames "Chumblies". Despite numerous offers by the Rills to take Maaga and her crew to safety, she refuses their aid. When the planet is discovered to be on the point of disintegration, Maaga tries to force the time travellers to help her steal the Rills' ship and kill the Rills. Instead, the Doctor allows the Rills to draw power from the TARDIS to refuel and escape, leaving the Drahvins to their fate.<extra_id_1> |
fd_One_Tree_Hill_03x03 | fd_One_Tree_Hill_03x03_0 | TEXT: LUCAS: (v.o) Previously on One Tree Hill. [EXT. SAWYER RESIDENCE - FRONT DOOR - EVENING] (Ellie stands at the door with Peyton.) ELLIE: I'm your mother. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. THE DOCK - DAY] (Peyton is talking to her father.) PEYTON: Is this woman my mother? LARRY: Your mom is gone, Peyton, but... your biological mother is alive. (Peyton gapes at him.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. TREE HILL - THE PARK - DAY] (Ellie and a shifty looking guy are secretly exchanging money and drugs.) LUCAS: (v.o) I saw her buying drugs in the park today. I'm sorry. (Lucas watches them with his mouth open.) [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. BROOKE'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - DAY] (Brooke and Mouth are sitting on her bed.) BROOKE: (Shocked) You and Erica broke up? MOUTH: She got popular. (Nods) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. THE BEACH - EVENING] (Haley and Nathan stand on the beach, a little way apart from everyone else.) HALEY: I love you. NATHAN: I really don't know when I'm gonna be ready for us again. Or even if... if I'll be ready for us at all. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. ROE RESIDENCE - LUCAS' BEDROOM - DAY] (Brooke takes clothes out of the closet whilst talking to Lucas.) BROOKE: We could totally have a summer-like fling, just in the fall. And... non-exclusive. (Looks at him carefully.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. THE BEACH - THE PARTY - EVENING] (Luca
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> It's the first day of senior year for the Tree Hill gang. Lucas tells Dan he saved his life. Peyton discovers Ellie's secret. Nathan tells Haley he's considering a divorce. Dan accuses several people of starting the dealership fire and tries to get Whitey replaced as Ravens coach. This episode is named after a song by the band Jesse James.<extra_id_1> |
fd_NCIS_04x02 | fd_NCIS_04x02_0 | TEXT: MUSIC IN: INT. MALL/CHILDREN'S SALON - DAY (MUSIC OVER SCENES OF GIRLS AND MOTHERS) PAULSON: Hey. EMILY: Hi. PAULSON: Try that one. EMILY: Okay. FORNELL: Emily! EMILY: Yes? FORNELL: Come here! EMILY: They haven't called our number yet. FORNELL: I know. PAULSON: Relax, Agent Fornell. She's fine. FORNELL: I didn't expect to see you again until... twenty-sixty-seven. PAULSON: Got a reprieve. You're not going to use that in front of your daughter. FORNELL: I don't need a gun to take you down. PAULSON: You wouldn't hurt an innocent man. FORNELL: I'm not looking at one. PAULSON: That's where you and Agent Gibbs got it wrong. FORNELL: Agent Gibbs is retired. PAULSON: I know. Why do you think I'm talking to you? FORNELL: I have no idea. Why don't you enlighten me? PAULSON: I told you. You got the wrong guy. And if there's a shred of decency in you, and brains, you'll reopen my case and find the right one. Now, I'm going to walk out of here. You'll want to follow. But you'll realize something... and end up just reaching for that cell instead. FORNELL: Really? PAULSON: Yeah. FORNELL: Why's that? PAULSON: I might not be alone. (TO EMILY) See you, sweetie. EMILY: 'Bye! (MUSIC UP AND OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) MUSIC IN: EXT. HOUSE - DAY MUSICAL BRIDGE TO: INT. BASEMENT - DAY (MUSIC OVER ACTION/
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> A former petty officer, convicted of murder, escapes from prison and forces F.B.I. Special Agent Fornell to reopen his case in order to find the real culprit whilst claiming his own innocence. Fornell asks Gibbs, who had worked on the case before and is reinstated as an NCIS agent by Director Shepard, for help when his daughter is threatened. To his former team's disappointment, Gibbs insists that the reinstatement is only temporary. The team soon finds discrepancies in the petty officer's case and that he may have been framed.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_06x11 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_06x11_0 | TEXT: At Manny's locker (Manny opens her locker and starts ripping up a picture of Craig.) Emma: Locker renovation time? Manny: Times change. Things get outdated. Like hairstyles, outfits and stupid cokehead boyfriends. JT: Hey I heard about you and Craig. Sorry. Manny: Don't be. I dumped him and I couldn't be happier. Happy, happy, happy! Emma: This is happy? Manny: I guess I am a little cuckoo bananas. Emma: Which is totally normal right now. Dr. Emma's prescription is to chill. And as of this af, the house is ours for the entire weekend. We can do whatever. Manny: We should have a party. Emma: Or we could rent a DVD. Just you, me and Sean, cozy and quiet... Manny: Or we could have a party! Emma: Okay let's just say we go against my mom's specific orders not to have a party. We don't have a reason or an occasion to all. JT: You know what? It is Liberty's birthday. She could really use some cheering up. Manny: And as her oldest friends that's our solemn duty, isn't it? We just have to have a party. Thanks JT. You are so thoughtful. JT: Well that's me, Mr. Thoughtful. (He leaves and Manny cheers excitedly.) In the media immersion lab (Liberty watches JT and Mia talking outside the classroom.) Manny: Liberty! Just the person I wanted to talk to. Um what are you up to? Liberty: Oh just sending a reminder e-mail for the Increase The Peace summit. Manny: I meant tonight 'cause we are going to party like it's your birthday because it actually is. Liberty: Pass. Manny: Excuse me? I'm holding a birthday party for you Lib, my oldest and dearest friend in the entire school. Liberty: We've barely talked all year. Manny: We'll fix that tonight. Mucho combo while we party your brains out. Liberty: I don't have a thing to wear
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Manny decides to throw a party at the Nelsons' house while Spike and Snake are out of town and uses Liberty's birthday as a guise, but when word gets out, the night quickly spirals out of control leading to a tragedy that the students of Degrassi will never forget.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_03x10 | fd_Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_03x10_0 | TEXT: Prologue: Dublin, Ireland, 1838. It's Christmas time, and there is snow on the ground. The people in the streets are all dressed in warm cloaks. A carriage goes by. Behind it a very worried-looking young man hurries along the street. He constantly looks back to see if he's being followed. He passes a choir group singing "Silent Night", but pays them no mind. In a more crowded area he pushes his way through the people, eliciting a few comments on his rudeness. Suddenly a pair of arms reach out from an alleyway, pull him in and throw him to the snow-covered cobblestones. He looks up to see who his aggressor is, and finds Angelus standing over him, sporting his game face. Angelus: Daniel. Where were you going? Daniel: (afraid) You! You're not human. Angelus: (agreeably) Not of late, no. Daniel: (begs) Wh-what do you want? Angelus: Well, it happens that I'm hungry, Daniel, and seeing as that you're somewhat in me debt... Daniel: (frightened) Please, I can't! Angelus: A man playing at cards should have a natural intelligence or a great deal of money, and you're sadly lacking in both. Daniel tries to get up and flee, but Angelus grabs him by the coat and roars. Angelus: So I take me winnings me own way. Daniel: (looking up, terrified) The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures... Angelus: (interrupts) Daniel, be of good cheer. It's Christmas! He bites him violently on the neck. Cut to Angel's bedroom. He wakes from his dream with a start, and after realizing it was only a dream, he sits up in bed. Cut to a Sunnydale shopping district. In the window of an audio/video store a TV is tuned to the weather. Weatherman: It's going to be sunny and warm with temperatures continuing in the high 70s (about 25C) throughout the holiday
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The First Evil is driving Angel insane, appearing as victims of his past crimes, priming him to kill Buffy. Instead, he tries to kill himself.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Veronica_Mars_01x09 | fd_Veronica_Mars_01x09_0 | TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars Veronica at her mother's safety deposit box (from 105 "You Think You Know Somebody") VERONICA VOICEOVER: All this time, I've been thinking Mom bolted 'cause she couldn't handle losing everything. Maybe she just couldn't handle losing me. Veronica and Duncan walking down the school hallway (from 107 "The Girl Next Door") VERONICA: Did you know that your dad and my mom were king and queen of the prom? Picture is Jake, Veronica and Duncan at the hospital (from 103 "Meet John Smith) with an insert of Veronica's line, "Mr Kane" from 102 "Credit Where Credit's Due") VERONICA: Mr Kane. JAKE: Veronica, we meet again. VERONICA: What are the odds? Veronica running and seeing Lilly's body (from 101 "Pilot") VERONICA VOICEOVER: It's been a year since my best friend Lilly Kane was murdered. Veronica and Keith at the Mars apartment (from 106 "Return of the Kane") VERONICA: And I know you're still investigating Lilly's murder. KEITH: Solve the case and your mom comes home. VERONICA: So let's do it, let's solve the case. Television broadcast from the same episode VERONICA: It's the footage of Abel Koontz's arrest. Veronica and Abel Koontz (from 108 "Like a Virgin") KOONTZ: I know who you are Veronica Mars. VERONICA: My dad tried to save your life. KOONTZ: Look in a mirror. Are you the product of a schluppy sheriff or the king and queen of the prom? Veronica cries in her car from the same episode. End previously. Open with Veronica still in her car at the prison. She lifts her head from the steering wheel and wipes her tears away VERONICA VOICEOVER: So Jake Kane is your father. Deal with it, Veronica. Cut to Veronica driving
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Veronica investigates Clarence Wiedman, the head of Kane Security who took pictures of her and sent them to her mother, on her own initiative. Concurrently, she investigates the Moon Calf Collective, a peace-loving cult that 09er Casey joined. Veronica takes a DNA test to find out if Keith is actually her biological father, but she destroys the results without looking at them.<extra_id_1> |
fd_CSI__Crime_Scene_Investigation_04x20 | fd_CSI__Crime_Scene_Investigation_04x20_0 | TEXT: [EXT. DESERT -- NIGHT] (Open on a dark screen.) CUE MUSIC (Off in the distance, we make out the horizon. Just beyond that is the faint impression of lights approaching in the distance.) (The lights arrive. They bounce up and down in the night. More lights appear showing us a group of people far off in the distance carrying flashlights and running.) (From up above, a search light from a flying helicopter appears to be shining down on the approaching group of people. As the people get closer, we see added red and blue lights in the background from police officer cars slowly following them.) (Leading the way are two police officers on motor bikes. Following the motorbikes is the group of runners.) (They get closer to the camera, we see that they are Desert runners out on a competitive run. The first wave of runners pass the camera. The middle of the group approaches. Taking up the rear are eight police cars. The last plane car carries a sign on its roof: THE LAW ENFORCEMENT DESERT RELAY.) (It's a healthy group of people running a relay. The approaching group heads toward the second group, in the runners grips are their batons.) (In this current group, SARA holds the baton as she runs.) (One by one, runners hand off their baton to the next runner up on deck.) (SARA hands off to NICK, #88. He grabs the baton and takes off. SARA finishes her leg of the race and catches GREG in a hug as she comes to a stop.) (NICK takes off. Several dissolves shows him running, grabbing a water bottle off the water stand for hydration and continuing his run.) (Dissolve to: WARRICK runs the next leg.) (Dissolve to: An overhead shot of the race as it continues.) (The opening music fades and the sounds of the helicopter flying overhead takes over.) (Dissolve to: CATHERINE runs the next leg of the race to sounds of Vangeliss' "Chariots of Fire". She glances over at GRISSOM driving the car next to
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Grissom, Catherine and Nick investigate the death of a runner during a competition. Meanwhile Sara and Warrick investigate the death of a couple in a hotel room, initially thought to be a murder-suicide. Both cases take place during this 'cop' competition, with more than 20.000 attendants (all of them cops). This gives the investigations an interesting turn, as almost all the suspects and all dead people are cops.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Office_06x14 | fd_The_Office_06x14_0 | TEXT: Michael: Dunder Mifflin is about to be sold. But first an investment banker has to drop by and sign off on our branch. And... I'm... pretty nervous about it. And... I'm... making some cosmetic tweaks to help create a more appealing environment. Is that dishonest? Well, think of it this way[/b]: when you look in the mirror and you see your push-up bra and your fake eyelashes and your make-up and your press-on nails; the principles that I am applying to the office are the same ones that have made Lady Gaga a star... or any number of drag queens. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: Hi - Computron: [Dwight using a robotic voice over the PA system] Hello, Eric Ward. Welcome to Dunder Mifflin. I am Computron, your answer to everything. Eric: Hello. Michael: [entering on a Segway Scooter] I see you've met Computron, our virtual helper. I'm Michael Scott. Welcome. Welcome. Computron is just one of the many modern devices that I have incorporated into the office. Watch this. Computron? Computron: Yes. Michael: What is the world's largest ocean? Computron: Calculating. Calculating. Pacific! Michael: Pacific Ocean. Pretty cool, huh? Andy: Great news, Michael. We're now the official paper supplier of the NFL. Michael: That is fantastic. It's good, but it's not good enough. Keep working. And here's Pam. She's our international sales consultant. Pam: Hello. Computron: The NFL celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1972. Pam: Hola. Bonjour. Ni Hao. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: It might seem crazy, but since there's no one left in New York, Michael is Dunder Mifflin's highest ranking employee. So, that's where we are. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hello, Stanley. Fake Stanley: Hi. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: For the record? Not on board with fake Stanley... although, I get it. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: Uh, I just need
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When an investment banker comes to Scranton in order to sign off on the branch before the sale of Dunder Mifflin. Michael, Dwight, Andy and Pam pull out all the stops in hopes of impressing him with their high profile contacts. Toby reminisces about all the great times they have had in the office.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_01x07 | fd_The_Big_Bang_Theory_01x07_0 | TEXT: Scene: The apartment, the living room. Howard: Watch this, it's really cool. Call Leonard Hofstadter. Howard's phone: Did you say, call Helen Boxleitner? Howard: No. Call Leonard Hofstadter. Howard's phone: Did you say, call Temple Beth Sader. Howard: No. Leonard: Here, let me try. Call McFlono McFloonyloo. Heh-heh. Howard's phone: Calling Rajesh Koothrappali. (Raj's phone rings). Raj: Oh, that's very impressive. And a little racist. Sheldon: If we're all through playing mock the flawed technology, can we get on with Halo night, we were supposed to start at eight, it is now 8:06. Leonard: So? We'll start now. Sheldon: Yes, first we have to decide if those lost six minutes will be coming out of game time, bathroom time or the pizza break. Raj: We can split it two, two and two. Howard: If we're having anchovies on the pizza we can't take it out of bathroom time. (There is a knock on the door.) Sheldon: Oh, what fresh hell is this? Leonard (opening door): Hey Penny, come on in. Penny: Hey guys. Howard: See a Penny, pick her up, and all the day you'll have good luck. Penny: No you won't. Uh, can I hide out here for a while. Leonard: Sure. What's going on. Penny: Well, there's this girl I know from back in Nebraska, Christie, well anyway she called me up and she's like "Hey, how's California," and I'm like "Awesome" 'cos, you know, it's not Nebraska, and the next thing I know she's invited herself out here to stay with me. Sheldon: 8:08. Penny: Anyway, she got here today, and she's just been in my apartment, yakkety-yakking about every guy she's slept with in Omaha, which is basically every guy in Omaha, and washing the sluttiest
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Penny's promiscuous acquaintance Christy from Omaha, Nebraska, "kind of family" since she slept with Penny's brother whilst engaged to her cousin, arrives to visit Penny indefinitely, and immediately beds Howard in Penny's apartment which the pair take over. Penny replaces Howard as a Halo 3 player and displays natural talent, to Sheldon's disbelief. To avoid the noisy "lovers", Penny sleeps on Leonard and Sheldon's couch that night. Next day, Howard invites Christy to move in with him (and his mother), taking up all his time. Distraught at the odd number in the group, Sheldon invites Penny to play Halo again, but she prefers to go dancing. The guys believe their group is falling apart and go to speak to Howard. There they hear Howard's mother arguing loudly with Christy, causing her to leave. Howard, single again, goes to play Halo with the guys, and the group is restored, completely ignoring Penny and her three attractive dancing friends who briefly appear at the door.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Alias_03x17 | fd_Alias_03x17_0 | TEXT: L[O]S ANGELES - CA - USA (pushthrough) Vaughn and Weiss jogging in Central Park VAUGHN: Lauren's parents have been married for 34 years, and they still love being together. I had one day off this month, and I spent it playing hockey at the rink with high school kids. WEISS: That must be fun. VAUGHN: If I need it, can I crash on your couch? WEISS: Yeah, you just have to wipe off the cheese nips. WEISS: Hey, I'm sorry. Vaughn's phone rings. VAUGHN: (cell) Hello? [SCENE_BREAK] Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US VAUGHN: I may have a lead on Lot 45, not where it is, but a map that'll lead us to the key that opens it. SYDNEY: Project Blackhole has had the Rambaldi Box for two years and hasn't been able to do that without destroying it. LAUREN: Without the key, the Covenant probably won't be able to either. VAUGHN: That's why we have to get it first. I'm getting the intel from an asset in Mexico City. DIXON: The plane's waiting on you at Dover. SYDNEY: I'd like to go with him. LAUREN: Is that a good idea? Sloane was clear. Whatever's inside the box presents a significant personal threat to you. SYDNEY: Sloane could be lying. Even if he's not, the box has one inscription on it: Irena. I need to find out why. DIXON: You'll report to me as soon as you get back from Mexico City. Sydney and Vaughn leave. DIXON: Lauren. Your father has ordered an official inquiry into the disappearance of the box from project Blackhole. LAUREN: I've already been questioned about what I know, which is nothing. DIXON: I appreciate that. LAUREN: Not at all. You know where my loyalties lie. [SCENE_BREAK] ME
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Sydney and Vaughn must track Kazari Bomani down to get hold of a piece of the Rambaldi puzzle. Meanwhile, Jack reveals his suspicions to Senator Reed about his daughter Lauren's allegiances, and Vaughn decides what to do about his marriage.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Frasier_07x05 | fd_Frasier_07x05_0 | TEXT: Act One. Scene One - Frasier's Apartment. Roz and Frasier are on the sofa working on some promos. Daphne is sat at the table. Roz: I'm sorry I brought Alice today when we have so much work to do. Frasier: Oh, that's all right, Roz. You know what, you'll find another nanny soon. Roz: I better. I have a date tomorrow. It's my first one in a month. A month! Between spending my days with you and my nights with Alice, I've forgot what a real conversation is like. Frasier: Well, don't tell Alice that, it might hurt her feelings. Roz gives Frasier a look. Then we hear crying from the back bedrooms. Roz: There we go again! Roz enters as Martin and Niles enter. Niles is in his suit, Martin is wearing a long overcoat. They all greet each other. Niles: Just look at the dapper gent I ran into on the elevator. Martin: All right, Niles, that's enough. Yes, I like the suit you got me. [Martin takes overcoat off revealing a black suit] Niles: All right. Well, tell me about the comments. Did everybody there ooh and aah? Martin: Nope, people were pretty much looking at the guy in the casket. Frasier: So, Dad, how was the funeral? Martin: Oh, it was terrible. It's not at all the way Stan would have wanted it. They did everything on the cheap and that daughter of his, she didn't even get the good priest. She got some rookie from the seminary who stumbled all through the eulogy and couldn't even pronounce "Wojadubakowski!" Niles: Well, I can commiserate with you, Dad. I had a rather bad day on the death front myself. [heads to sherry shelf] Sherry? Frasier: Yes please, Niles. Niles: [pours two glasses] I received a letter today saying, thanks to my divorce, I've lost my plot at Seattle's toniest cemetery. Frasier
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Since being fired from KACL , Bulldog ( Dan Butler ) has been working as a pizza delivery man. Frasier suggests to Roz that she employ him as a babysitter for the following day, when she has a date. However, when her date arrives at her door, Bulldog answers it and scares him away. He does the same to several subsequent dates. Meanwhile, Niles has been fighting to reclaim a plot in Verdant Hills, a prestigious cemetery , which he lost after his divorce. He and Frasier encourage their father to organise something for himself, but Martin does not like to tempt fate.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_O.C._03x23 | fd_The_O.C._03x23_0 | TEXT: JETTY SETH: It's senior prom; it's mythic. RYAN: Yeah, well, it's ties and dresses and photos with parents. Sounds like any other dance to me. SETH: Well, it's not. It's a romantic capstone to your entire adolescence, and if Summer and I don't go together, it's over. RYAN: Well, ask her. SETH: Oh, she's still not talking to me. RYAN: Well, have you told her there's nothing going on between you and Anna? SETH: I tried, but every time we get close, she blows her rape whistle. RYAN: Rape. Well, you know, I'm not going, so, if you, uh... if you want to hang out, rent a movie... SETH: Ryan, I love you, but if I have to spend my senior prom playing video games with you, I'm going to kill myself. Besides, I left Summer a message telling her I'm going to meet her at the diner tomorrow morning. RYAN: You think she'll show? SETH: Kind of pretended I was the Brown admissions guy. It's senior prom; anything goes. Hi, there. WAITRESS: Hi. What's it going to be? SETH: Chicken, please. RYAN: And I'll have the beef. SETH: Why aren't you going to ask someone, man? What about Tina Woo-- she's been looking really hot lately. What about Theresa? RYAN: Uh, yeah, I don't think so. SETH: Why? You said you've been spending a lot of time with her. RYAN: We have. Actually, she's coming over to the house tomorrow. SETH: Okay, great-- now that the baby thing's resolved, the pressure's off. It's perfect. Do it. RYAN: But, I mean, she still has the baby. She can't just, you know... SETH: One night. They have these new crazy things called baby-sitters. I'm just
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Right dress. Wrong date. If you can't go to prom with the person you like, go with someone who makes the person you like jealous. There'll be many memories for the Core 4 after this prom. Not all of them will be happy.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Dawson_s_Creek_02x02 | fd_Dawson_s_Creek_02x02_0 | TEXT: "CROSSROADS" Cast Dawson: James Van Der Beek Grams: Mary Beth Peil Joey: Kaite Holmes Bessie: Nina Repeta Pacey: Joshua Jackson Mitch: John Wesely Shipp Jen: Michelle Williams Gail: Mary-Margaret Humes Andie: Meredith Monroe Jack: Kerr Smith *Cut to Dawson's room where a RonCo infomercial for a pasta maker is on and Dawson and Joey are making out. Suddenly, you see light as the bedroom door opens going unnoticed by Dawson and Joey. The camera focuses on the TV where you see a hand slowly reaching for the button to turn it off. The TV goes off and Dawson looks up to find Mitch and Gail Leery. Joey looks up, too.* Dawson: Uh, Mom and Dad...hey. You remember Joey, right? *Cut to a classroom where a police officer is handing back driver's tests.* Police Officer: Good job...*hands a student their paper* Good job...*hands another student their paper* Good job. *Gets to Pacey* Missed it by one point. That's too bad. We really need another juvenile delinquent??? on the road. Pacey: I knew I shouldn't have studied. See what happens when you study? *getting up and mumbling* Can't wait to enter the world of vehicular freedom. *approaches police officer* Hey, Miss. What do you think it's going to take to change just one little answer on this test? Free videos for a year? Police Officer: You're not trying to bribe me, are you Mr. Witter? Pacey: C'mon, Officer, toss me a break. It's my birthday. Police Officer: Oh, it is. Really. You should have said something....Happy Birthday. *CUT TO Dawson looking in the fridge while his dad is giving him "the talk"* Mitch:...and because becoming sexually active is a very serious business, I think that it's time you and I talked about it. Dawson: *makes that 'Oh God..'
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> An entry in Joey's journal leaves Dawson fretting so much, he completly forgets Pacey's 16th Birthday and their plans. Jen encouraged by Abby finds herself sharing the fact she wants Dawson back.Andie's brother Jack gets a job at the Ice House.Gail is stunned by Mitch's alternative to divorce- an open marriage.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Gilmore_Girls_03x02 | fd_Gilmore_Girls_03x02_0 | TEXT: 3.02 - Haunted Leg OPEN AT ELDER GILMORE RESIDENCE [Lorelai, Rory, and Emily are sitting in the living room] RORY: Well, this is nice, isn't it? [pause] So, Grandma, Grandpa is traveling again, huh? EMILY: Yes, he is. RORY: Business must be good. EMILY: Seems to be. RORY: That's great. Isn't that great, Mom? LORELAI: A jig is forthcoming. RORY: Mom's business is great, too. I mean, not that it's without its problem, you know, but they're usually funny, um...oh! Mom, why don't you tell Grandma about the mouse? EMILY: What mouse? RORY: Mom? LORELAI: There's a mouse at the inn. EMILY: Is the place dirty? LORELAI: No, it's just surrounded by this thing called nature and...mice happen. EMILY: Mice carry diseases, you know. LORELAI: It's a tiny little field mouse, Mom. EMILY: I don't care how big it is, it's still a rodent. LORELAI: Let's just change the subject, shall we? EMILY: You should set a trap. LORELAI: Got it covered. EMILY: Just make sure you don't use poison. LORELAI: Got it covered. EMILY: They will eat the poison and then go into the walls and die, decompose, and the entire place will smell. LORELAI: I've got it covered, but thanks. EMILY: I just have to say, I don't know why you're the one sitting here with an attitude. I'm the one who should be mad. LORELAI: Let's not do this, okay Mom? EMILY: After all, you're the one who just walked out of here last week without saying a word
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> To Lorelai's horror, Kirk asks her out on a date after being encouraged by Luke; Emily's lunch with Lorelai at Luke's ends badly; Christopher shows up uninvited at Friday night dinner and quarrels with both Lorelai and Rory before Emily asks him to leave; Rory runs into Jess and they each betray their hurt feelings -- Rory about Shane and Jess about not hearing from Rory all summer; and Francie targets Paris and Rory for a world of trouble if Rory doesn't stop Paris from running the student council like a dictatorship.<extra_id_1> |
fd_True_Blood_04x04 | fd_True_Blood_04x04_0 | TEXT: Scene 1: in the woods - Eric, Sookie Eric just killed Claudine by drinking her blood. Sookie: We're sittin' ducks out here if any of Claudine's friends show up. Hurry. In the house. (Eric faint) We're headin' for the cubby. You hear me? Hey. He wakes up. Eric: Hey! More. Sookie: Quit. Eric: I want more. Sookie: You can't have any more. There isn't any more. You drink the whole faierie, and you're going to your room. Eric: Drink you up. Sookie: Eric you'll kill me! No! Eric: I would never harm you. Sookie: You better not. Come on, I'll tuck you in. Eric: *giggles* He pinches her bottom. Sookie: Hey! Did you just pinch my butt? Eric: Beautiful butt. Sookie: Well, thanks, but hands off. Eric: Whoo! (He does it again) Sookie: Hey! I said... What... You're drunk! Eric: Catch me. He leaves. Sookie: Get back here! (He comes back) I'm trying to help you. You can't do this. Get back in the house right now. Eric: Never. Sookie: It'll be dawn soon! Eric: I don't care. He leaves again. Sookie: Eric! Sookie runs after him. Credit Scene 2: Fangtasia - Bill, Pam Bill: Where is Eric? Pam: For the last time, I don't know. I have no idea what happened to him. Bill: Don't lie to me, Pam. It's treason. Pam: Exactly. I wouldn't take the chance. All of your subjects are learning how ruthless you are. Bill: I know the depth of your devotion. You would lie and die for your maker. Pam: And I know how much you hate him. Bill: Why didn't you call me when he went missing? Pam: Well, I was kind of thinking you sent him to those witches so they'd kill him. Bill: You're not supposed
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Eric becomes drunk on Claudine's faerie blood and runs away from Sookie: he is able to daywalk in sunlight well into the daylight hours and takes a swim in a lake. Sookie enlists Alcide's help in finding Eric. Meanwhile, Jason escapes from Hotshot, pursued by werepanthers. He kills Felton and runs away from Crystal, and eventually collapses next to a highway where he is discovered by Hoyt and Jessica, who gives Jason some of her blood to help heal his wounds. Nan Flanagan tells Bill that she does not believe the witches pose any real danger. Bill discovers that Portia Bellefleur is his descendant and ends their relationship. Meanwhile, Marnie is possessed by a witch named Antonia, whom she sees in a vision burned at the stake centuries ago. Lafayette, Jesus and Tara urge Marnie to reverse the amnesia spell she has put on Eric. When Pam gets fed up with Marnie's slow progress in reversing the spell, she threatens her; Marnie is once again taken over by the witch's spirit and curses Pam, causing the flesh on her face to begin to decay. Elsewhere, Arlene and Terry are frightened when their baby appears to write "baby not yours" on a wall. Sookie refuses to let Bill into her home to search for Eric. Also, Sam learns that Luna's ex-husband, the father of her child, is a jealous werewolf. Tommy goes to see his mother, but his evil father prevents him from leaving so that he can be used for dog-fighting again.<extra_id_1> |
fd_FRIENDS_04x02 | fd_FRIENDS_04x02_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is eating breakfast as Chandler comes out of his bedroom, ripping his coat in the process.] Chandler: Wow! That ripped! That ripped real nice! Joey: How many times do I have to tell you! Ya, turn and sliiiide! Y'know, turn and slide. Chandler: You don't turn and slide, you throw it out! I'm tired of having to get a tetanus shot every time I get dressed! Joey: Look, we're not throwing it out! I built this thing with my own hands! Chandler: All right, how about we, how 'bout we sell it. Joey: All right. But, you're gonna have to tell them. (He opens the cabinet to reveal the chick and the duck living inside with Christmas lights and a disco ball as decorations.) Chandler: (nods his head) Do you mind if we stick you in another cabinet? (to Joey) They seem all right with it! OPENING CREDITS [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Ross are there. Monica is checking the messages.] Chip: (on machine) Hey Monica, it's Chip. Monica: Yesss!! Ross: Who's Chip? Monica: Shhh! Chip: (on machine) Good runnin' into you at the bank today, so ah, here's my number, 555-9323. Give me a call. Later. Monica: Chip, is Chip Matthews. Ross: The guy who took Rachel to the prom? Why is he calling you? Monica: 'Cause I ran into him at the bank, he is still soo cute. Ross: Monica, you're so lucky! He's like the most popular guy in school!! Monica: I know!! (calls him) (on phone) Chip? Hi! It's Monica. (listens) 'Kay. (listens) 'Kay. (listens) Okay. (listens) Okay, good-bye. (hangs up) Oh my God, we just had the best conversation!! (goes into her
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Monica runs into Chip Matthews, Rachel's high school prom date. Monica is thrilled when he asks her out, though it causes tensions between her and Rachel (and ultimately Ross); Monica quickly realizes Chip has never matured beyond high school and dumps him. Chandler forces Joey to sell the entertainment unit he built. A prospective buyer traps Joey inside the unit, then steals the guys' belongings. Phoebe is overjoyed to find a cat she believes contains her mother, Lily's, spirit.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Scandal_01x04 | fd_Scandal_01x04_0 | TEXT: OLIVIA POPE'S APARTMENT Stephen: You know what's interesting about being engaged? Fiancées don't like it when you get out of bed at 3:00 A.M. to go see another woman. But, you called, I came, and I brought our best friend Shiraz. Liv? Hey, Liv. Hey. Hey. I got it. Olivia: Amanda's asleep in the guest room. I don't want to wake her. Stephen: Whatever it is, we will fix it. Olivia: You should have seen me forcing water down her throat to make her pee. It was like something out of Abu Ghraib. Stephen: Uh, let me get this clear. Amanda Tanner is- Olivia: Pregnant with the President's baby, yes. Stephen: Right. Are you sure it's his? Olivia: I'm sure. Stephen: Liv. Olivia: I'm sure. Stephen: How bad is this for you? I know you're friends with the President, with his wife. There's no shame in saying you can't handle this. Olivia: What? Quinn: You'd better come down to the office. There's an army here. Olivia: An army of what? Reporters? Lawyers? Quinn: An actual army. Stephen: Liv. Olivia: We gotta go in. I need to put on some decent clothes, and we'll take your car because I think I've had too much wine to drive. I'll be ready in two minutes. Stephen: Liv. Olivia: No, I'm fine. Really. I'm good now. I can handle anything. Two minutes. [SCENE_BREAK] OLIVIA POPE AND ASSOCIATES Quinn: I didn't know. They barged in. They wouldn't even say who they were. Abby: You were alone. You did the right thing. Quinn: I should've stopped them. I just surrendered, without a fight. I surrendered the whole office. Olivia: Who's speaking at the O.A.S.? Who's in town? Quinn: O.A.S.? Harrison: Organization of American States. Annual conference this week. Abby:
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> A South American dictator comes to Pope & Associates when he finds out that his family has been kidnapped; Cyrus begins digging into everyone in Pope & Associate's backgrounds. Olivia finds that her world is upside down when Amanda's pregnancy test come out to be true; Quinn begins going on dates with Gideon, but is skeptical that he says that he doesn't need her as a source anymore because he has someone else. Abby and Finch find that General Flores's wife didn't really get kidnapped, that she attempted to leave him, but when Abby takes it into her own hands to help her, Olivia returns them back to the general, causing Abby and Olivia to get into a fight. Gideon begins researching everything about Amanda Tanner and the president, while Fitz begins wondering what would happen if everything came out into the public. Olivia helps the general's wife leave her husband, and eventually convinces him to let her take the children. In the middle of the night, Amanda Tanner is kidnapped from Olivia's house, while she and the rest of the 'Gladiators' prepare for the trial; Cyrus and Olivia come to blows and decide that it is now a full blown 'war'.<extra_id_1> |
fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_04x22 | fd_How_I_Met_Your_Mother_04x22_0 | TEXT: Ted (2030): In May 2009, I was about to have my first big client as an independent architect. I was desperate for this to happen. Ted is in an office with two men. Man: That's what you want, son. It's very simple. Opening a restaurant called Rib Town and it is to have the form... a cowboy hat. Ted (2030): Everything. Ted: A hat? This is brilliant. I love it! Nothing better to say "delicious" as inside a cowboy hat. I tell you, I'm your man. I think being born to draw this building. I... I see. Ted is in the apartment, slumped on his desk. Ted: I see it. I see it. (Robin enters) What is it good? Robin: All-Nighter? Ted: I told them I had a vision for this thing. They want a drawing in a week and I have nothing! Robin: It's cute. Ted: Cute? I can draw concert halls and bridges. Bridges so beautiful they could be in museums. And I could draw these museums. But I draw, what instead? Where is my career? A two-story Stetson... with a terrace on the edge. It's a cosmic joke. The universe conspires against me. Robin: Did you just need to get out. Take a walk. Pay yourself a bagel. Ted: Yeah, that'll solve everything. I have not slept for 34 hours, but a bagel is the answer. Cinnamon and raisin bagel with some cream. It looks good. I'll buy one. Robin: Take an umbrella. It's going to rain, according Galoshes, our clown-weather. Ted: Your show has a clown to present the weather? It's a bit nase, right? Robin: And this restaurant that you draw, what form it, Hoss? Ted: Okay. You want to fire me from here, I go out. I look forward to seeing what the universe has prepared me. It takes an umbrella, left the apartment and then walking through the streets. Ted (2030): Children, I tell you the story of meeting your mother. There is so
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> After Ted runs into an old flame, he talks to his future kids about how being in the right place at the right time can impact a person's life. Meanwhile, Barney celebrates his 200th female conquest.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_04x41 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_04x41_0 | TEXT: THE EVIL OF THE DALEKS First broadcast: 17th June 1967 Repeat broadcast: 20th July 1968 Running Time: 25:17 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. EXTERIOR, CELL (JAMIE knocks four times on the door.) JAMIE: Miss Waterfield? Can you open the door? We've come to get you. (But they hear another noise. Turning away from the door, they see a Dalek gliding into the hall below them. Suddenly the door opens to reveal another Dalek! It glides out toward them, gun stick armed and ready to fire... Luckily they manage to grab the rope from the broken wooden rail and loop it around the "Door" Dalek and shove it towards and through what was left of the rail and down onto the Hall. It explodes on impact with the floor and the Dalek's warning klaxon begins to reverberate around the hall.) JAMIE: (Shoving KEMEL into the room.) Quick, before we see any more of those mechanical beasties. [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INTERIOR, CELL (VICTORIA is surprised and delighted to see the two new arrivals.) VICTORIA: Kemel, my dear friend! JAMIE: Aye, he's a good friend, right enough, Miss Waterfield. VICTORIA: And you? JAMIE: Er... Introductions in a moment, if you please. First, I'd like to make us a little bit more secure. Kemel, if we lash this bedstead across the door, it might just hold. (They quickly pile pieces of furniture and boxes up against the door. VICTORIA watches in wonderment as they rapidly secure the door.) JAMIE: Rope! That's it. We could do with a chest against it, I'm thinking. Another one on top, eh? Well now, they can't get in and we can't get out. So, where does that put us? Oh. Jamie McCrimmon. I, uh... I came to give you this. (JAMIE gives the girl her monogrammed handkerchief
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> With the experiment at an end, the Doctor begins to suspect the key to rescuing Jamie, Victoria and Kemel from the Daleks lies with Terrall.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Doctor_Who_1963_10x02 | fd_Doctor_Who_1963_10x02_0 | TEXT: THE THREE DOCTORS By Bob Baker and Dave Martin 6th January, 1973 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] INT. TARDIS SECOND DOCTOR: Steady now, Sergeant, he knows what he's doing! At least I hope he does. BENTON: Yes, but what about Jo? SECOND DOCTOR: Yes, it's a pity she ran after him like that. Let's have a look, shall we? BENTON: Will they be all right? Where are they? Doctor? SECOND DOCTOR: As far as I can see, that stuff's gone to a great deal of trouble to find me, er, him, so whoever or whatever it was that sent it can't merely want to kill him. No, no, they've been transported somewhere. BENTON: Transported? What do you mean, transported? Transported to where? SECOND DOCTOR: No, wait a minute. Do you know, Sergeant, I think our friend has gone off the boil, so to speak. BENTON: Right then. Now I'm going to take this chance to blow it to bits. I'll get a grenade. We'll soon see SECOND DOCTOR: No, I think we could try a more subtle approach. Let's turn off the force field and open the doors first, shall we? BENTON: Right. SECOND DOCTOR: Wait a minute. Let me go first. [SCENE_BREAK] INT. UNIT LABORATORY (They emerge carefully into the laboratory.) SECOND DOCTOR: Hmm. Awaiting further instructions, I would think. (It bristles at them and they retreat back to the TARDIS, then emerge slowly again.) BENTON: You're not going near that thing, Doctor, are you? SECOND DOCTOR: It's all right. I think it was just hiccups. Fascinating. (He moves closer.) (The Brigadier runs in as the blob bristles again.)
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> The third Doctor and Jo find themselves on an artificial world inside the black hole while the second Doctor tries to find a way to control the organism.<extra_id_1> |
fd_FRIENDS_08x21 | fd_FRIENDS_08x21_0 | TEXT: Teleplay by: Brian Buckner & Sebastian Jones Story by: Dana Klein Borkow [Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there except Monica as Ross enters carrying a huge stack of newspapers.] Ross: Hey you guys I got some bad news. (He sets the stack of papers down on the table.) Phoebe: Well that's no way to sell newspapers. Why don't you try, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" Ross: No, Monica's restaurant got a horrible review in the Post. (They all gasp.) I didn't want her to see it, so I ran around the neighborhood and bought all the copies I could find. (He hands the paper to Phoebe and they all read it.) Joey: Man, this is bad! And I've had my share of bad reviews. I still remember my first good one though. (Quoting) "Everything else in this production of Our Town was simply terrible. Joey Tribbiani was abysmal." Monica: (entering) Hey! Chandler: Hey. Monica: (seeing the stack of newspapers) Oh my God! Look at all the newspapers! It must be a good review! Is it great?! Ross: Umm... Monica: (reading) Oh dear God! Ross: But the good news is, no one in a two-block radius will ever know. Monica: What about the rest of Manhattan?! Ross: Yeah, they all know. Monica: Oh my God, this is horrible! Chandler: I'm so sorry. Monica: I'm so humiliated! Rachel: Yeah but y'know what they say Mon, "There's no such thing as bad press." Monica: You don't think that umm, (reading) "The chef's Mahi Mahi was awful awful," is bad press? Rachel: I didn't write it. Monica: Is he right? Am I really-Am I awful? All: No! Joey: Yeah! Yeah Monica! You listen to me, okay? And I'm not just saying this because I'm your friend, I'm sayin' it 'cause it's the truth. You're food is abysmal! Opening Credit
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Monica's cooking skills get a bad review in The Post . After confronting the critic who wrote it, she decides to join a cooking class, with Joey in tow. Rachel gets jealous when Ross meets a girl who flirts with him at the baby department store. Phoebe helps Chandler prepare for an interview by stopping his natural instinct to make immature jokes.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Charmed_07x02 | fd_Charmed_07x02_0 | TEXT: [Scene: Cafe. Piper, Phoebe and the kids are there. Piper has a blanket covering her chest, obviously breast feeding baby Chris. Wyatt is sitting in a stroller beside her. Phoebe is looking at an article with her picture beside it in the newspaper.] Phoebe: That's not me. Piper: Sure looks like you. Phoebe: No, I mean, the picture's me, just the column is not me. I knew a man couldn't give advice like a woman. Men are all about, you know, fixing the problem. Piper: Isn't that what advice columnists are supposed to do? Phoebe: No. I mean, yes, but first you're supposed to listen, then you're supposed to validate feelings. At least that's what a woman would do, but not a man, they go straight to fixing it. This "Glass Ceiling in Sausalito", Leslie tells this woman step by step how to deal with her boss. There are no feelings in there, no emotions. I mean, my readers are going to read that and know that I did not write it. This is a nightmare. Piper: Honestly, it's real subtle. They might not notice. Phoebe: Even the letters that he picks. They're all fix-it letters, you know? And I left him three messages about this yesterday, he did not call me back. Piper: I thought the whole point of this little vacation was for you to relax and recharge. Phoebe: Yeah, I know. But it's still my column, you know, I still care about it. Piper: Any big change takes some adjusting. So for a while you're just gonna feel a little lost. Phoebe: See, you just validated my feelings. Piper: Phoebe, you need to stop obsessing. Unless, of course, you know, you're obsessing because, um, you like him. Phoebe: No, I don't like him. He's like... eww. Piper: Well, then forget about it
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Paige almost loses her fight to save Magic School when a bored student accidentally conjures Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson, a demonic land baron who feeds off repressed emotions. In the past, due to Godiva's ride, he was starved of repressed feelings and died of starvation, but bringing him to the present allows him to gain power. Paige has to send them back, or it would change the history as it is known. A new power starts to contact Leo, who believes he is losing his mind. They manage to send the two back, but change history as being in the present made Dyson powerful enough to kill Lady Godiva before her ride and change history. The Charmed Ones manage to summon the two again and try to vanquish Dyson, figuring if he is vanquished Godiva can be sent back alone. Finally, they succeed by having him feed off of Leo's repressed anger which overloads him and vanquishes him. Paige has the student that first summoned Godiva send her back and is able to prove to the Elders that they should keep Magic School open. In turn, they make her the new Headmistress.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Bones_03x14 | fd_Bones_03x14_0 | TEXT: "The Wannabe in the Weeds" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open: outside of the CHECKER BOX, a karaoke bar. People are entering. Someone inside the bar is singing "Corner of the Sky" from the musical Pippin) Voice: "Gotta find my corner..." (Cut to: inside the bar. It is crowded. We can now see KEVIN singing on stage with someone playing the piano) KEVIN: (con'd) "...of the sky!" (Cut to: crowd applauding the performance. We see JERRY LINCOLN stand up from a table to the side of the bar, and begin to walk towards the stage. We also see a shot of MITCH sitting in the back of the bar, with a pad and pen - clearly a talent scout. KEVIN walks offstage as LINCOLN approaches) LINCOLN: Thanks Kevin. Another great performance! But Open Mic Night is just beginning. So let's hear it for the beautiful - and persistent - Emma Von Helberg! (Crowd claps with some amusement. We see a shot of TOMMY SOUR, looking amused) (Piano begins playing "Slave 4 U" by Britney Spears. EMMA, standing on stage, badly mimics the style of Spears in her rendition of the song) EMMA: (singing badly) "Get it, get it, get it, get it, ohhhhh! I'm a slaaave for you. I cannot hold it, I cannot control it, I'm a...slaaave for you." (We are spared the rest of EMMA's performance as the camera flashes through a series of performers of varying skill and quality) SPRINGSTEEN WANNABE: "But I'll return so don't you worry..." ("Hearts of Stone") DOLLY PARTON WANNABE: "Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin'...barely, gettin' by, it's all takin' and
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> When aspiring singer Tommy Sour ( Ace Young ) is found dead, an investigation leads to the Checker Box Restaurant's Open Mic Night. Brennan reveals she is more musically inclined than she appears, and Booth is shot, his fate unknown.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Veronica_Mars_02x19 | fd_Veronica_Mars_02x19_0 | TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars Kendall glides out of Casa Casablancas in a bikini carrying a cocktail in 201 "Normal Is the Watchword." BEAVER: [offscreen] It's my stepmom. Beaver and Veronica walk across the empty lunch area at Neptune High in 203 "Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang." BEAVER: She's a gold-digger. Duncan comes out of the shower to discover Kendall sitting naked on his bed in 207 "Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner." BEAVER: [offscreen] And it's obvious to everyone else in the world... In Clemmons office, Veronica holds the etched paddle in 213 "Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough." VERONICA VOICEOVER: Mrs. Hauser may have seen an ill-conceived cutting board. Veronica copies the paddle. VERONICA VOICEOVER: I saw tagging. I saw code. Veronica interrogates Dick in the lunch area in 218 "I Am God." VERONICA: Tell me about you and Betina. DICK: She had nothing to be scorned about. I even gave her a Shark's memorabilia gift bag. Cut to Veronica's dream of being on the doomed bus and Cervando's drawing on the window. CERVANDO: To get the whole bus, they'd have to be close enough to see exactly where we were. Cervando emphasizes a circle by drawing over it again and again. VERONICA: You think it was Weevil. Aaron is visited in prison by Kendall in 215 "The Quick and the Wed." AARON: You're cash-strapped. I can help. But quid pro quo, Mrs. C. In Duncan's shower, Kendall takes out tweezers and lifts a hair from the drain. AARON: [offscreen] Quid pro quo. Weevil mugs Thumper in 217 "Plan B." THUMPER: [offscreen] It's Weevil, I'm telling you!
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Veronica tries to discover who is responsible for a hit-and-run that killed a classmate's dog. Veronica and Keith find out that Kendall was Cormac Fitzpatrick's partner-in-crime, and that if Cassidy and Dick die simultaneously, she stands to receive more than ten million dollars. Desperate to be free of the brutal Fitzpatricks, the PCHers come to Weevil for help. Construction workers find one of Aaron Echolls' Oscars buried on Kane property, covered with Lilly's blood and Duncan's hair.<extra_id_1> |
fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x01 | fd_Degrassi_Next_Generation_05x01_0 | TEXT: At an outdoor pool, Peter is filming some girls diving and Manny and Emma are laying on lounge chairs Peter: 1, 2, 3, action! Manny: Do you think that agent is ever gonna call me? Emma: Do you think that Peter guy is ever gonna notice me? We've been coming here for weeks. Hey what if I stood up? Do I have like lumpy chair dents in my thighs? Manny: Alright you'd need fat on them, or any. Emma: Look. He's talking to that turquoise tankini tramp. I hate her. Manny: You've already won. You don't need a tankini to hide your Buddha belly or shorts to camouflage your butt. Emma: Manny! He's looking at you. Manny: Please. I'm not his type. He's looking at you. You are. Emma: That is the first guy I've liked since hurricane Sean blew through my emotional trailer park. Manny: Em, I have one goal this year and it ain't anonymous hot dude at pool. I'm gonna be an actress. Go ahead. Smile. I'm doing it. Whatever it takes, I'm doing. Outside the school, Paige, Ellie, Jimmy, Marco, Hazel and Craig are walking Paige: Can you believe that we, the most cursed class in history, actually made it to senior year? Everyone else: No! Hazel: I guess Ashley didn't make it. Craig: Yet! She'll be here. Right El? Ellie: Definitely. Outside the school, Manny, Emma, Toby, JT and Liberty are walking (Manny is checking her cell phone for a message and doesn't see one.) Emma: She's a big agent. She's probably just busy. JT: Just trust Papa Super Fry okay? The acting world is all about brutal rejection. Inside the school Ms. Hatzilakos: You put in a lot of work this summer. That's why I'm letting you back, but one slip up, and I mean one, and you're out that door. Spinner: Got it. I won't disappoint you Ms. H! I swear
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> In her pursuit to become a Hollywood actress, Manny contemplates getting plastic surgery after a casting agent criticizes her weight, and it doesn't sit well with her parents. Meanwhile, it's Craig's birthday, and Ellie decides to hide the fact that Ashley has a new boyfriend and is staying in London.<extra_id_1> |
fd_The_Office_05x04 | fd_The_Office_05x04_0 | TEXT: Dwight: [looking pregnant] Hey Michael? Michael: Yeah. Dwight: Contractions are coming every ten minutes. Michael: OK, just remember to keep breathing. Dwight: My cervix is ripening. Michael: OK, good. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: [drawing two family trees on a whiteboard] Jan is about to have a baby with a sperm donor. And Michael is preparing for the birth of a watermelon with Dwight. Now, this baby will be related to Michael through [draws a question mark] delusion. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Michael! My water's breaking! Michael: Oh, OK! OK! Dwight: Aaaaaaaa! What do you do? What do you do? Michael: I get a call from Jan and I meet her at the hospital. Dwight: Right. Highways or surface roads? Michael: I take Quincy Ave to Gibson. Dwight: No, Gibson is covered in potholes. Your car breaks down. Adapt! Michael: I checked the route - there are no potholes. Come on, get in here and have the baby. Dwight: It's about adapting to the circumstances. Michael: [annoyed] Andy, would you like to have my baby? Andy: Yes! Yeah. [squatting and pushing] Aaaaaaaa! Aaaaaaaa! Aaaaaaaa! Dwight: No. OK, no. I'm crowning! I'm crowning! Aaaaaaaa! [runs into Michael's office] Michael: All right, OK. [to Andy] Sorry. Sorry. Here we go. Here we go! Dwight: The pressure! The pressure! Michael: Do it! Do it! Scream! Scream it out, scream it out, scream it out. Dwight: Aaaaaaaa! Michael: Aaaaaaaa! [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Babies are one of my many areas of expertise. Growing up, I performed my own circumcision
SUMMARY:<extra_id_0> | <extra_id_0> Michael practices for the birth of Jan 's baby by having Dwight go over possible birthing scenarios with a watermelon baby. When Jan arrives for the office baby shower, she has already had baby Astrid, excluding Michael from the process, and he feels disconnected from the baby. Meanwhile, Michael pretends to dislike Holly for Jan's benefit, but Jan senses their connection and asks Michael not to date Holly. Michael goes to Holly for comfort and they agree to date. The separation between Jim and Pam starts to take a toll on their relationship.<extra_id_1> |
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