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It wouldn't be better to follow on technology with Magnus Nystedt than to actually cross over using technology to Wellington International School and Whiz Radio. And who better to kick off the Whiz Radio segment than the person who motivates the students over at Whiz, Wellington International School, than Miss Davy Peel. Welcome. | 0.008489 | 18.633489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.314128 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
We're gonna talk about TEDxWiz. What's going on? | 19.482489 | 23.030489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.37342 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Tell me, give me, give me the scoop here, because I, I came and talked to you a little while ago and said, what do you guys think about doing some kind of a TEDx thing? And then I just sort of backed off. | 23.047489 | 29.634489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.00788 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
An amazing opportunity to get the kids a bit of kind of creative freedom and, and a forum | 41.298489 | 45.288489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.171627 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
So, what's the, what's the theme of your TEDx? | 49.872489 | 53.013489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.37555 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And, um, it's basically an opportunity for the, the students involved, who have all auditioned, um. | 58.514489 | 64.015489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.294205 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
But the ones that we have got are, um, ultimately their subject matter is really amazing. | 74.626489 | 78.972489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.264562 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Okay. Okay. So, that's a Tuesday. So, we're gonna, we're gonna look into this. This is sound pretty, sounding pretty neat. Gonna be filmed the whole bit? | 94.575489 | 99.736489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.312593 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
What, what about the rest of the administration? What are they thinking? As, as taking education in this different format, getting students to really jump in feet first, what's their thoughts? | 107.037489 | 116.612489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.5249 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, explaining to students that it's not a talent contest. | 146.901489 | 150.059489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.356829 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Yeah, and it, it's that kind of, well, what do we win? And it's like, well, you know, no, that's not, that's not the logic. Um, but, you know, the students that are carrying through with it, | 156.765489 | 163.964489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.055203 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And, this is gonna, I mean, what's, what's the oldest student that you have, and what's the youngest student? | 171.383489 | 175.577489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.139986 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Wow, so, so, seven or eight to eighteen, all talking about education-related issues, in a sense, as the theme of this, this event's gonna be, I Thought. | 184.066489 | 193.471489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.376842 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Yeah, yeah. We've got all of that going. Um, looking at voice projection and performance and, you know, stage presence and all those sorts of things as well. Um, and it's gonna be very, um, technology-based, so there'll be lots of audio-visual material in there, too. | 211.468489 | 223.709489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.108152 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Not just parents, obviously, um, there'll be corporate people, there'll be media people, um, | 229.210489 | 233.438489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.241623 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Yeah, well, yeah, they apply, um, via email, um, and then we go from there. So, it could be anyone, but at the moment, it seems to be lots of, kind of, media, media people. Oh, okay. | 237.733489 | 247.376489 | SPEAKER_06 | en | 3.309373 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_06_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Alright, so if someone does want to try and apply to come and get an invitation to listen and take part in this | 248.548489 | 255.288489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.076323 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Wellington International School's TEDx event, TED, TEDxWiz. | 255.780489 | 260.619489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.524994 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Looking forward to it. We're gonna, we're gonna spend the rest of the time talking to several of the students who are gonna be presenting and get their takes on things. And I noticed, uh, by the way, that I gave homework last week to the students. Really? And only, and only one of them has managed to, to come forward. So, that must mean the rest of them didn't follow through on their homework. Interesting. | 280.568489 | 300.331489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.366725 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Lots more to come from Wellington International School's Whiz Radio. | 303.268489 | 307.920489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.286473 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Alright, I've got a, an absolutely full studio here at Wellington International School. As I said before, the beauty of technology is that you can be in one place and simultaneously in another place. So, we are here at Wellington International School. This is Whiz Radio. | 309.006489 | 323.268489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.316965 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And we're talking about TEDxWiz. And I've got four of the TEDx participants in the studio. Let's, let's just go around and introduce ourselves so that everyone knows who exactly is sitting here with me. | 323.455489 | 335.492489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.419367 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Okay, uh, I'm Bami. Uh, I go to Wellington International School, obviously. I'm in year 11. | 336.035489 | 341.689489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.537826 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Uh, and my TEDx is just about, uh, stereotypes. | 342.011489 | 345.305489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.373068 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
The element of surprise is always good. Okay, that sounds, that sounds interesting. | 367.292489 | 370.500489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.157354 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
My name's Claire, and I'm the deputy hair girl at Wellington. I'm in year, I'm currently in year 12, and I'm gonna be talking about | 371.162489 | 377.903489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.324395 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, the idea of gap years for students versus education. | 378.073489 | 381.179489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.174557 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Okay. This is going to be a lot of fun. First question right off the bat. We'll start with Claire, and then we'll move back along the line. So, we're going to constantly seesaw back and forth, back and forth. The first question I have is very simple, and that is TEDx. | 381.315489 | 395.118489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.357535 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Why would you want to get involved in TEDx? What do you, what excites you about TED itself? | 395.373489 | 401.112489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.315912 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
People know, not necessarily students as such, which is why I think that the I thought and the I dare ideas are really good for students to get to know, because a lot of teachers do use TEDx to actually teach you about | 404.558489 | 415.831489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.435265 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Certain, um, off-topic areas, and I know, it's been, it's happened to me this year, and I think. | 416.018489 | 420.348489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.168252 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Give me, what, what, what, what do teachers use to teach you something off-topic? | 420.263489 | 424.032489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.162283 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Well, I do environmental systems and societies, and we did one on, the very famous one on population, where the man uses the different boxes and stuff to show the world growing to seven billion. | 422.979489 | 432.979489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.125006 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
It's such a different area. It's not very scientific, but it's something that we all understand. And it's something that, um, everyone can grasp as an idea. And I think that's the beauty of TEDx. It's something that, | 436.969489 | 446.205489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.3055 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Although it may be your idea, a lot of people do share very similar, um, like, thoughts with you and that, that helps you connect with other people. | 446.867489 | 454.558489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.409485 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Bhavna, what about you? What, what excites you about TED and TEDx events? | 455.407489 | 458.921489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.259514 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, I think it's a great platform to get your ideas across to a lot of different people, you know, share your ideas, what you think of certain things, and it's just an interesting way of getting people to think about everything in general. | 458.904489 | 470.500489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.303287 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And, um, I've watched a lot of videos of Ted on the, uh, on the official website. Favorite one? | 470.840489 | 476.205489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.066767 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Putting you on the spot here. Well, I'm, I'm into dance. | 477.292489 | 480.721489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.08913 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
So, there was one done by the director of Step Up, Dawn M2. | 480.840489 | 484.422489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.210593 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And he spoke about dance and how it's changed, uh, | 484.660489 | 488.378489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.133803 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
the lives of a lot of people, you know, you always come from, uh, a difficult background and, you know, make yourselves, uh, make something of yourself through dance. | 488.854489 | 497.054489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.440596 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, which is what most of his movies are about. So that was an interesting way of getting that across. You know, a lot of people, they, like, they don't watch mainstream films. | 497.597489 | 505.899489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.053147 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
So, through Ted, he was able to get that idea across to, um, the niche audiences. Okay. | 506.137489 | 512.079489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.148174 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And we're, again, what excites you about TEDx and, and TED as an idea itself? | 513.319489 | 517.971489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.23693 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, well, frankly, I think that TED is just a brilliant opportunity for, uh, to get your voice heard amongst the people and basically you get to share your ideas and people listen. It's a really unorthodox form of education because many people. | 518.259489 | 533.607489 | SPEAKER_07 | en | 3.249569 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_07_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Because in the sense that you're not reading from a book, you're not being taught a theory that's been developed hundreds of years ago, you're expressing your ideas, it's opinionated yet informative, and you basically learn a lot more that way because many people do feel that it's a better way of communication almost. | 534.915489 | 551.587489 | SPEAKER_07 | en | 3.355176 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_07_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
I, I didn't ask, uh, Claire this, but what's your favorite TED talk or TEDx talk so far? Do you have one? | 552.809489 | 558.667489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.514142 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Well, I forgot what it's called exactly, but it was basically about, uh, the same thing I'm talking about. It was about sustainability and how we really need to make | 558.820489 | 567.495489 | SPEAKER_07 | en | 3.245406 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_07_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Uh, proper step towards sustainability rather than just keep beating around the bush and not make any real change in the world and the way we're progressing. | 567.716489 | 575.509489 | SPEAKER_07 | en | 3.466218 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_07_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
I'm gonna go back to Claire really quickly before we go to Bemi. What's your, your favorite TED talk or your TEDx talk that you, | 575.679489 | 580.993489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.381913 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And the effect of the internet on motivation and on actually supporting other people. And I thought that was a really clever idea, almost a spin on how they say technology is making the world's, um, a harsher place, but it's actually helping us communicate better and become better people and stuff. | 583.624489 | 597.971489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.157845 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Well, to be honest, before, uh, the school posters and everything, I had never even heard of TED. Okay. TEDx. And, uh. | 602.928489 | 609.804489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.179937 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
So, uh, I went to look, I went to look in YouTube, uh, | 614.168489 | 617.512489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.261595 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And I signed up, and I thought it was very good, because I love just the idea of you being able to give your opinions, because everyone has their opinion. | 617.682489 | 626.035489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.428063 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And everyone wants to give it, but not everyone knows how to do it in the speech form and informative. And it also helps you as a person, because all of us, when we make that speech, we're going to learn how to, | 626.273489 | 636.460489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.445335 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
talk to audience, uh, stand up in front of many people, and that will just help you in school and in life in general, so. | 636.697489 | 643.234489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.352317 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
How long are each of you going to be allowed to speak for? Around three minutes. Three minutes. | 643.556489 | 649.668489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.4894 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Well, I, see, this is, this is the irony, I guess, of, of, of TED Talks, or, or TEDx Talks. They, they, they actually, and there are, there are other events that happen at TED. So, there's the TED Talk itself, then there's TED U Talks, TED University Talks. | 655.662489 | 669.346489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.471458 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
That, that happened as well at TED, uh, events. And those talks can be anywhere. And, and even those talks on the main stage can be anywhere from three minutes to 18 minutes. | 669.380489 | 678.089489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.554949 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
So, three minutes is actually a, is, is right on, spot on for a, a great possibility to get a bunch of people up on stage with the other things that happen. | 678.514489 | 686.290489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.354283 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
in TEDx events, as, as you're also gonna be part of. How, how are you preparing for this? What are you doing to, to get ready? | 686.646489 | 692.860489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.405105 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Uh, well, I'm just, uh, continually looking in the internet, uh, looking for stuff to support my idea, uh, that goes, that goes against my idea. | 693.438489 | 702.164489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.399513 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And, uh, I'm just thinking what do I actually feel and what do I actually think about the, the topic. Oh, okay. | 702.283489 | 708.310489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.458208 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Well, what I've been doing is we've been all assigned a mentor, which is basically a teacher within the school that's gonna help us basically formulate our plan on how we're gonna talk. Cuz you only have three minutes. Correct. But, uh. Three minutes to change the world. Exactly. We need to make those three minutes count. So, basically, my mentor is a geography teacher in the school called Mr. Evans, and I'm meeting up with him on a regular basis. I've heard, I've heard of Mr. Evans. Yeah, I'm meeting up with him on a regular basis leading up to the date where I'm actually gonna formulate my plan on how I'm gonna talk and what | 709.227489 | 739.227489 | SPEAKER_07 | en | 3.078358 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_07_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, my idea is more personal, so, um, I'm just, you know, I've stuck to myself, and I'm gonna use my brain to work things out. | 741.757489 | 749.261489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.189357 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, well, I think I'm just talking to a lot of people my age, because my issue is something that is really personal to me and a lot of people, and I was struggling with it. | 765.458489 | 773.064489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.253885 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
So I'm basically just thinking about, like, what I think about it, and going, | 773.081489 | 776.392489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.022256 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Now, one of the things, when we start talking about TED Talks, there's, have you, have you been online to see the rules for a TED Talk? You've checked them out? Well, the number one rule, in fact, they call them the Ten Commandments of TED. | 780.568489 | 791.791489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.497555 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And Gar Rob Reynolds, that's his, his website for his book, which is by the same name. And, and the, actually the rules are there. | 801.774489 | 808.378489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.531366 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
for what, what TED speakers get asked to do. The number one rule. I think this is the, the thing. If I was to give you any advice, remember, advice is worth what you pay for it. So, if I was to give you any advice, the, the number one thing is that the talk that you're doing has to be the best talk you've ever done in your life. | 808.606489 | 826.731489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.422186 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
That's the first rule. The best talk you've ever done in life. And, and, the, no rehashing, and no notes. | 827.461489 | 833.641489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.260195 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Bam, you can do it, yeah. And, so, you're, you're working on this. You've got your mentors. | 848.633489 | 854.728489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.22855 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Are, are you getting a little nervous at all, or is this, this is a walk in the park? This is just what you've been doing here at school, anyway. | 856.341489 | 862.385489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.376509 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Recently, like, a lot of us have been involved in World Scholars Cup and certain debating events that have helped us, like, build our confidence. | 869.023489 | 875.645489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.360952 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
It's, it's hard to talk to people on stage. It always is, but, | 888.497489 | 892.317489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.382625 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Uh, think, when you think about it, you, you just think about how would I want it to be perfect? | 892.657489 | 897.105489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.353156 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And in your mind, if you're thinking, uh, good things, then good things will happen. And, uh, you'll start developing, uh, your own certain phrases, uh, how you speak. | 897.444489 | 906.629489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.382122 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
will come up to the audience and they'll react to it and it'll be better for you. | 906.935489 | 911.383489 | SPEAKER_00 | en | 3.167859 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_00_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
You know, the lights are on, and people are sitting there taking notes. This is speaking with a bit more showmanship involved. | 918.887489 | 925.577489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.537856 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Yeah, it's, it's not as formal as normal speeches are, so that's a good thing. You know, you get to let loose in a sense, like, | 925.848489 | 933.336489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.397476 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
I'm a performer, like, I dance on stage, and every time I dance on stage to help me come, overcome my fear of, you know, uh, the, the audience being there, I just, | 933.692489 | 942.334489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.117755 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
imagine them as not being there, like, it's like, in, they're invisible to me. Yeah. So, when it comes to public speaking, that's a big thing, cuz you know they're there, you know they're listening to you. | 942.775489 | 952.249489 | SPEAKER_04 | en | 3.051159 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_04_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And, are you, are you watching lots of TED Talks to get tips on how to do, I mean, you got your favorites, but are you, are you tuning in to TED regularly to, you know, going to TED.com and saying, okay, what, what can I learn from this talk or that talk? | 965.492489 | 978.310489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.500304 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
I think a lot of the people that are on tech, are on TED, are actually, they're so, like, exuberant. | 979.584489 | 984.286489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.124106 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And they're so, um, like, kind of filled with life, which is something that you don't normally see with public speaking, especially when you're in school. | 984.592489 | 990.483489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.363612 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
So I think that's something that, like, I know I'm gonna try and incorporate into mine. | 991.859489 | 995.220489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.217765 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
You know what I find when I watch TED Talks, and this is something to keep in the back of your mind as you get ready to do your own TEDxTalks, is when you watch those people on TED.com, every single one of them is talking about something they absolutely love 100%, and that they do, they, they, they're not trying to convince you about something that they've, they've been given an assignment to do, they're convincing you about something that is their life. | 995.084489 | 1,014.541489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.484079 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And one of my favorite talks when we start talking about using slides and we start talking about using video and putting it all together is, uh, it's, it's actually incredible talk from a few years ago by David Blaine, the illusionist, talking about doing his magic. | 1,015.373489 | 1,029.363489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.368239 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And he explains how he does some of his magic. | 1,029.838489 | 1,032.860489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.171414 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
The guy is way out there, and, and it's funny because he's just talking about what he loves, but he uses, he's got everything covered from a PowerPoint, from a film, and from props that he brings on stage. | 1,033.370489 | 1,046.443489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.273395 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And it, and it all works. It's in a solo key, but it really works. I guess that's part of what we're gonna be talking about, is telling a good story. And we're gonna find out what all four of you are going to be talking about at TEDxWiz. | 1,056.963489 | 1,068.582489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.314514 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
There is no shortage of ideas in this room right now. I'd love to go around the table and, and have you give us a little bit of a, a, a view, or, you know, a preview of what you're going to be talking about and how you think these ideas are going to be received by the audience. Because there, there could be up to 500 people sitting, | 1,069.940489 | 1,089.601489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.409169 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
In the Princess High Theatre, where this is going to take place at Wellington International School. Who do we, who wants to start? Claire. Excellent. Okay. Okay. | 1,090.348489 | 1,100.466489 | SPEAKER_02 | en | 3.175601 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_02_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Um, well, basically, right now, I'm currently in the situation where I'm applying to universities and I need to choose whether I need to go straight to university or to a gap year. And I think that's something that's really, really close to my heart. | 1,101.146489 | 1,112.181489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.428925 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
And, um, I know I'm personally, I, I don't have the opportunity to take a gap year. | 1,112.521489 | 1,115.645489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.385413 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
But, um, I would love to, with all my heart, and I just think that it's something that, | 1,116.120489 | 1,119.533489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.104989 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Students should, should be seriously encouraged to do. So, I'm basically just talking about the benefits of taking a gap year, why it'll be good for you as a person. | 1,120.212489 | 1,128.344489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.255116 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Well, I think it just, especially the gap years that you go with programs, certain programs that you're gonna help people in, in third world, um, countries. It helps you with, like, certain language skills. If you learn a new language, it helps you. | 1,129.618489 | 1,139.821489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.173019 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
Really, um, strengthen yourself as a person, person emotionally. | 1,140.144489 | 1,143.387489 | SPEAKER_05 | en | 3.035289 | Education-Factory_Teens_Talking | SPEAKER_05_Education-Factory_Teens_Talking |
This particular dataset only kept the CC-BY 3.0 podcasts, which have been processed using the Emilia-Pipe with Whisper Large v3.
Some Podcasts
Podcasts are taken from the PodcastFillers dataset. The PodcastFillers dataset consists of 199 full-length podcast episodes in English with manually annotated filler words and automatically generated transcripts. The podcast audio recordings, sourced from SoundCloud, are CC-licensed, gender-balanced, and total 145 hours of audio from over 350 speakers.
This dataset doesn't upload the PodcastFillers annotations, which are under a non-commercial license. See here for more details.
Length by license type
CC_BY 3.0: Total length: 51.44h
See here for more details. The licenses are also in the metadata.
Citation Information
title = {Filler Word Detection and Classification: A Dataset and Benchmark},
booktitle = {23rd Annual Cong.~of the Int.~Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},
address = {Incheon, Korea},
month = {Sep.},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15135},
author = {Zhu, Ge and Caceres, Juan-Pablo and Salamon, Justin},
year = {2022},
Thanks to @ylacombe for adding this dataset.
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