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I genuinely feel honored to have done this particular episode true story right after the episode Gore Gopal das ji just paused for a minute looked at me and said hey man I didn't expect this to be this deep I usually have these kind of conversations with my fellow monks but I've never done this in an interview or a podcast and that was actually a pretty big highlight for me is my whole career now I've learnt a lot from this man I had some questions which I had decided before the interview but when I sat with him I asked him about his story how he actually embraced monkhood in the first place how his thought process was prior to monkhood how his thought processes today how he's built one of the biggest personal brands in the country today through pure hard work pure spreading of positivity you can enjoy this episode if it's someone who chases the status of being legendary in life if you're someone who chases constant growth when it comes to your own mind and
constant growth when it comes to your own mind and intellect it is a very deep episode it is a very long episode time stamps are given down below the clips are gonna be put up on the clips channel very soon so make sure you subscribe to the clips Channel but until then I'm gonna leave you all with this beautiful episode of the runway show featuring mr. gore Gopal das enjoy yourselves are you ready for the storm of positivity that's coming your way we've got God Gopal das ji on the runway show sir it's an honor having you on the show it's such a pleasure to be here with you and we're on your or Kuster runway show so what has your last n years been like how's it been different from the rest of your life the last 10 years have been the fruitful years of all what I did in the years before okay you know it's like when you when you construct a building you have a foundation and most of your time must be spent on
foundation and most of your time must be spent on building the foundation if your foundation strong then all the other building blocks on top of it can be built in the later stage so I I think 15 years in the monastery in the ashram were more of a foundation yeah and the last 10 years been the building blocks yeah in terms of reaching out creating content which can be shared with the world what I learned my experiences and trying to see how it can reach out there and help transform in touch a life so it's been more of the building blocks part now beautiful so in your childhood did you ever imagine that you'd be doing what you're doing right now like did you picture yourself like this in my childhood I don't think I pictured myself as a person who'd be up there on the screen I don't think I pictured myself as a person was going to be a social-media influencer I didn't think I pictured myself as a leader I did picture myself as somebody who would try to make
picture myself as somebody who would try to make some difference you know some back impact some difference some impact somewhere and I think it also came from being surrounded by people like those like I grew up in a middle-class family in a small town near Pune and I remember in our neighborhood we had a gentleman who was a schoolteacher and at least four days a week in the evenings many students would come to his home for like classes English grammar and spoken English and this students were from vernacular backgrounds and then later I found out that this gentleman doesn't charge it was his purpose to make a difference to these kids by having them learn English then as I grew up I had a just around where I lived was a group of youngsters I would say like in the age group of about 18 to 24 23 24 about 50 to 60 of them they told their moms at every single time their moms would cook rice the moms would have to take a fistful of rice and put it in
take a fistful of rice and put it in another pot like a box and once in among these 50 people would bring all the rice together gather some money from their parents make some khichdi or dal and rice a sambar veg biryani something and go to the destitute go to the homeless go to the needy and the poor and share it you know and then I saw my own dad at home like these guys were doing it like selflessly just giving and just you know they didn't have the money but they were just collecting and doing something my dad worked for this meteorological department of India and I remember seeing my dad paid for the job but really wanting to do it so well that he would stay extra hours at work sometimes he would go on weekly op days you know to go and do his work well so that someone somewhere gets the benefit of it so I think I was fortunate and grateful to be surrounded by some good examples of people who either did it for free or were
of people who either did it for free or were paid but did it so well they all wanted to make a difference in an impact in their own in fact such was the experience of it as I was studying engineering I decided I have to try something like that so I went around and found to tenth grade students who were really poor financially but way too poor in mathematics so I asked them if I could coach them and teach them mathematics and for us one complete year I taught the mathematics two hours a day every single day 365 days and then charge them and did it very well at maths and just seeing that smile on their face and their parents and the gratitude of their parents I think that was the first hand experience of what it makes to work means to make a difference what it means to make an impact and like they say the taste of the pudding isn't eating it you can talk about it we could listen to sermons we could read books we could have so much around
we could read books we could have so much around it but unless you taste it firsthand mmm I think so that that's how my childhood was a normal child in a middle-class family but it's fortunate and grateful to be surrounded by some good examples or people who are trying their best to you know make that kind of impact to give back this was a lack I understood perfect you're putting tasting analogy yeah but what pudding did you taste in the monastery or prior to the monastery haha what what made you think that okay I wanna I wanna now put this world here and I want to enter that way I think the pudding I tasted before the monastery was a pudding of great achievements okay I've been a university topper practically every semester seen the best I'm a vocalist I'm a guitarist so when you enter into an auditorium full of people you know I start singing start striking some chords on the guitar academically you're doing well picked up by
guitar academically you're doing well picked up by hewlett-packard for a great job so tasted the pudding of achievements and tasted the pudding of control mmm our power he stirred the pudding of people respecting and bending down when you rub their right you popular in that sense and then I come to the monastery mmm and it's quite amazing yesterday I was doing another podcast you know it's someone and this gentleman was telling me that his friend very close friend from Delhi it's like a music prodigy mm-hm when he was about 10 years old he mastered 35 musical instruments like a real prodigy and he said grew up and he came moved to Mumbai to get into the field of music and he said entering Mumbai was humbling for this gentleman because he thought he was someone and he entered into the city which is filled with creative people who probably learnt 80 instruments when they were 5 you know yeah and he said it was a very humbling experience so I
he said it was a very humbling experience so I tasted the pudding of all of this and I moved into the monastery with that baggage with the - room that Here I am a academic success Here I am a corporate success Here I am I ABC X Y Z and I come into the monastery and you're surrounded by 30 other monks who are either the similar ages you are older to you and each one of them from excellent academic institutions probably some of them are gold medalists in their field had great corporate experience and now spiritual experience and when I entered into the monastery the pudding I taste it first was humility it was more forced humility because you're coming with the baggage that you're someone and you enter into that space and you realized hey I thought I was someone and suddenly the whole bubble bursts open cracking the bubble open you know and then I my with good training from my guru and the other monks around there I learned how humility is such an incredible
there I learned how humility is such an incredible quality for once spiritual growth personal growth professional growth in any space you want to grow humility is such an incredible foundational premise you know because humility and days that you kind of accept or you say that I know that I don't know at all you know true knowledge is knowing you know knowing that you don't know at all ego says I know it all and humility says I know that I don't know it all humility says I know I'm good at something but I'm not the best of everything or everyone in the world so I enter in there and I realize there's so many people around was way better and that acceptance that they are better paved the way to learning you know like don't they say if you think you're the best person in the room or the smartest person in the room you're probably in the wrong room you know so that was the taste of the pudding the first taste of the pudding you know that the
first taste of the pudding you know that the taste earlier was hey okay everything in control everything's going my way and you come here and you realize hey wait a minute there's so many people way better than you who know so much more who will be more qualified than you I studied at the College of Engineering Pune fantastic very renowned and well-known college but n monks in the monastery were from IIT Mumbai haha so that's like Co Evo College of Engineering Pune is still second to IIT Mumbai in the country so yeah you that was the pudding I taste it and I am grateful very grateful because that was like training my mind to get into that space into that attitude of you know knowing that I don't know at all and knowing that I'm not the best I'm grass cue super youth fuelled questioner have you seen a movie called Doctor Strange okay have you seen it no I haven't it's a Marvel movie about this arrogant doctor his hands get injured in
about this arrogant doctor his hands get injured in an accident so he can't be a surgeon anymore so he searches all over the world for a cure and suddenly something calls him to Nepal he something takes him to Nepal videos of you know these heroes in the party and does like this so-called monastery he realizes that wait these guys are on some other level of spirituality so he was a man of science and then the world of spirituality just destroyed his whole scientific belief dude it's totally with my story Wow real life dr. strange dr. strange but specifically in terms of light a spiritual knowledge boiled down for the youth what did you gain from those monk since your first month in the monastry what do you realize that oh okay this is how perspectives can be wait let me destroy my own perspective yeah yeah I've been a pampered boy you know Milton lost family but only Son I had a younger sister but the only son from a marvadi
sister but the only son from a marvadi Jain family so you don't like really pampered everything I wanted was given everything I asked for was right there kind of spoiled brat in that sense you know I never ramier I never ever in my life a to me at home if it wasn't made according to what I'd asked for hmm so I only ate at home if what I asked for was cooked right I come here to the ashram to the monastery and I can't choose my means hmm what it was cooked in the community kitchen and it served to everybody I'm gonna have to eat that right and trust me back in the day our ashram our monastery didn't have enough money so five days a week they got the same vegetable the cheapest one and that was the curry with some rice and dal and initially my mind was like rebelling come from a family look pampered you know what I mean right and then I come here and everything's like I have to just
I come here and everything's like I have to just confirm it but just eat whatever is available and then I realized what did I come here for did I join the monastery or the ashram for luxurious fine palatable food or did I come here for a purpose which is much larger than these little things around my life and then the more I started tuning into my sense of purpose something way higher than Beast little things around I realized that those things weren't bothering me that much hmm you know not to say that they didn't bother me at all that would be haughty to say that it didn't bother me at all but they didn't bother me as much because now my attention was on something that I came in here for so I always tell people especially the youth don't allow your mind to be distracted from what are your purposes what are your goal is all what you go through as in the ups and downs you experience is only an outcome of taking your eyes off your goal you
an outcome of taking your eyes off your goal you know so the lack of facility shouldn't depress us and the presence of luxury and facility shouldn't distract us so then there was lack of facility today there is abundance of facility in a monastery in an ashen we live in South Mumbai downtown right we're surrounded by luxury all over the place you know so then back in the day there was nothing and today there's so much but because the attention is on the purpose at that time I learned from my training and from my experience there that I could actually take a lot in my stride mmm because I kept shifting my attention to what I was meant to do which was what which was a to deepen my own spiritual calling and B was to see how to strategize to share that experience with the world you know so kept bringing my attention constantly Tibet so if you want to decode my learning from this the monastic order my spiritual path particularly for the youth say keep keep your
path particularly for the youth say keep keep your attention and focus constantly on what you meant to do in life which basically means doesn't need to discover what you want to do in life if you haven't discovered the smallest trivia can disturb you hmm and if you have discovered and you focused on that the largest setbacks can be handled and you can take it in your stride and move on doesn't make sense 100% I feel that even throughout the darkest phases of my own career which is usually happened because of something happening in my personal life that your spine of the curry always pulls you back that means it's too much work to be done can't afford two lines to sense and I think life is going to always be up and absolutely so you've just got to keep going epsom want to rewind you back a little bit to pre monastery days how old were you when this all this happened like when it big nt1 okay wow I just worked with HP for like what
okay wow I just worked with HP for like what eight months okay and you realize that hold on there's something bigger calling me you go to the monastery and you realize okay this is it at least this is the beginning of it this is you're exploring it okay see I have been a nonconformist you know you cannot do anything substantial if you are a conformist the greatest killer of your personal spiritual professional growth is conformism you're gonna make that simpler for a listen yeah yeah the the greatest killer of our growth is to give in to what society thinks you should be doing there are social standards of what you should be doing socially it's cool to have a job or a business and started this way and have a home in a certain place have a certain car where a certain kind of clothes have a certain kind of hairstyle and we give into it because we want to be socially accepted there is also the other side of the story which is pressure from family
other side of the story which is pressure from family parents where there is confirmation and giving in there because what are my parents thing my parents Tamara ethniki I watch Bensimon Jackie I marry Papa gossip Natha my engineer when you marry mommy gossip now I'm a doctor but no worry woman cause up in Iowa mm-hmm or kitchen the guineas in Emily look I'm not saying we shouldn't fulfill our parents dreams they're the most amazing people they gave birth to us they grew us up they did so much for us and we have that that it's I hate to use the word duty but I still use it duty out of a genuine love and gratitude to serve them and their emotional support their love will always be there for us but trust me even if you assume that we have to spend like about eight hours at work daily it's a very conservative number actually you spent way more than that but even if you have to spend like eight hours work daily
if you have to spend like eight hours work daily and you're working five days a week that's 40 hours at work a week and assuming you take two weeks of holiday every year that's 50 weeks working that makes 2,000 hours of yours at work assuming you work for about 45 years that's 90 thousand hours of your life at work now that's a daunting number right it the average is about ten years of your life I'm really not sure if I just confirm and give in to what's socially acceptable or what my family wants 90 thousand hours of dissatisfaction 90 thousand hours of crimping and complaining that I hate it I don't like it this is known what I wanted to do or what to do this is what trains this is what pains this is what my parents wanted conformism conformism will take away well two things from me a my satisfaction 90,000 hours just because it's paying me more should I be miserable for those $90,000 Ruth up I took him in a
$90,000 Ruth up I took him in a bigger darkened day he Arman my majani awry the calculator now Padre a political rally pressures ultra high week a curry stress record rapidly no beer her Gandhi and the second thing is you can never achieve excellence mmm excellence only comes when you do something that truly resonates with your soul you know so for me I said no man HP yes I'm okay I'm good at doing it I was good very decently good at my work buts not fulfilling me you know and I don't suggest people take a risk like me definitely don't I usually tell people that you have a mainstream something through which you earn and then follow your passion side by side so that there's no risks and calculated risks and then when this takes over and grows then check this out and make this is your main thing well my my system didn't allow me to do that cat take that calculated risk I just took the plunge and jumped in
risk I just took the plunge and jumped in and said no I'm not going to do this it doesn't really kind of resonate with my soul you know so I've been a nonconformist ma'am semaj a sob Ulta and of course my family was a little hurt with it obviously they would write it but now that they see what it has come out to be again and I think you may have your journey like that as well something similar write something similar I think honestly right from the time engineering got done so I'm from a family full of doctors you know when I was 16 they told me that no you better do medicine because it's four generations of doctors were expecting the fifth one to become a doctor and I said no no I don't like blood so I want to be an engineer so even that was a huge deal and tried after engineering college when I tried doing YouTube it was a massively difficult thing to explain to my parents there is this thing called YouTube
explain to my parents there is this thing called YouTube and you know you can make money off it eventually so what I did for the first two years was that I lied to them I told them I'm working on a startup technically it was the startups I wasn't lying it was a white lie and eventually the friends came and told them that you know I just saw a Sun on YouTube what's happening and then my parents asked me and I was like yeah I'm running a startup but I honestly I was training people back then so I wasn't making money my team was expanding like the Leigh boys story yeah 100% 100% that's exactly kind of what happened so I'm honestly glad I didn't conform but so I'm more interested in your monastery as of now huh what was a day like they're like what do you all do like from morning Li is it true like that monks get up at 3:00 a.m. that's right okay that's right so my regular day
that's right okay that's right so my regular day starts at anywhere between half three and four quarter past four even today even today wow you most days but if I've had a late night flight that slander'd late would mean it goes into one or two hours later but usually never after 6:00 you know it's usually between 3:30 and a half or so that's when the day begins and then we have our group meditation prayer sessions in the ashram where we all come together which goes all the way till quarter past seven and then post that is breakfast then all of us come together for discussions these discussions on Scripture on spiritual principles that takes us all the way till 9:00 quarter past 9:00 post that as time for yourself some people if since it's an organization institution different people do different things like what responsibilities admin there there is there are online courses the people are looking into the digital platform people are looking at you know guests coming in so there's a guest reception and
guests coming in so there's a guest reception and even with the guests were coming in this the deities and the multis the temples of the worship side to there this on any given day we have at least over about 400 people take melee so the kitchen which is I also certified so this variety of things that go on there so people get into their respective areas of service or work whatever you call it lunch is around twelve twelve thirty years then after that again the come together for some discussions and then some of them go out in the evening to share this message with different university students or some of them go on social media and for it out that's my next point yeah so I did all of this years back God the last I would say like three and a half to four or five years this is not my life now mm-hmm my life is turned to more towards you know online so it's always creating content and then I travel a lot my average number of flights in
I travel a lot my average number of flights in a year of about 150 and 80 when one particular year I took about 280 flights and there's a lot of travel when Jet Airways went bust in one year I had about what 450,000 air miles Wow to mistake you know that's crazy what are you what are you traveling for I travel for events a lot of corporate events so I'm really really very active in the corporate scene so trying to bring these spiritual values into business you know a lot of corporate heads are now interested in how spiritual values can be brought into business especially creating the right work ethic the right ethos in the organization so I do a lot of these events and well partly my time is also taken by one-on-one life coaching very few people though but I do spend time with them to handhold them to come to where they want to do evolve evolve so yeah that takes a lot of my time away do you meditate like before bed like before sleeping
do you meditate like before bed like before sleeping my meditation is before bed my meditation is a gratitude practice like pray a prayer every evening before I go to bed is practice of gratitude recounting all the things that happened in the day and being grateful for everything that happened consciously practicing gratitude and eventually just becomes a part of you anyways yeah and the first thing in the morning as soon as I am up is also beginning my day with gratitude and then of course I have a specific time for meditation as well we just spent like an hour an hour of every day what do you do in your meditation because you know there's so many different kinds of meditation right so what does someone like you do to meditate how do you magic when I came to the monastery the meditation I was taught was mantra meditation was his chanting on beads by Toronto mantra and as I began the process I realized how challenging it was to be present in to the
challenging it was to be present in to the sound of the mantra and to be totally in a space in a zone of thoughtlessness where there's nothing bothering your mind and you're completely present and listening to the sound and totally absorbed you know in the sound I realized that it was a massive uphill task and I think it comes that the challenge comes from the fact that we've got so used to multitasking mm-hmm that our mind functions on 20 tracks so when we just on the meditation track there are 19 other tracks to deal with yeah you know you have your personal life your relationship issues your professional issues with so many things going and if this is coming from family so much going on in the country so much that's occupying our mental space and when you actually want to get onto the track of meditation but kind of just putting all of this the back seat it becomes practically impossible I don't love people tell me this when they're trying to meditate this is what happens
they're trying to meditate this is what happens to them and I share my journey with them this is exactly what happened to me when I started mmm it's been 25 years now every single day without one day's gap 1/2 1/2 hours every day and I and I tell them that it's not that it's not a challenge today it would be very high headed to say that ok Ives reaches state of enlightenment when I said for meditation everything's kind of there and I'm totally absorbed maybe I ate it I feel to say that but I did a few things that I feel can benefit those who want to really get into that a deeper state of meditation I I look at meditation in two ways a is the meditation meditation as in the practice and B is everything that we do in our life as meditation you know and I prefer to work more on everything in my life as a meditation we feeds into my practice of meditation but I do not neglect the practice you do
but I do not neglect the practice you do not neglect the practice for sure so I'll tell you what I do for instance one meal a day I just need by myself two meanings I take with my friends my some of my Hmong monk French where we discuss try to eat one meal is just by myself the reason being I want to be present mindful in the moment to savor the entire experience of touching feeling smelling tasting that food I avoid forks and spoons as much as as possible because I want to touch and feel that experience of the food now the reason I do it is because it just means no phones no books nobody to talk to and just being there eating correct so what I'm doing is by just eating that one meal by myself training my mind mmm to be in the present like we are talking now this three meetings lined up for me tonight and there's a restaurant called candy and greens at Bridge candy the family is a very close friend you know so
the family is a very close friend you know so they've just opened up new rooftop terrace in getting message after message could have come down today evening for dinner right but it's not in my mind it's not on my mind nothing outside of a conversation between you and me right now is on my mind so why why do I do it it's because right now I'm training my mind to be in the present when I used to be in the bathroom I would sing like a big thing for me you stiffen because earlier I would sing a lot of cinema and movie songs and now I sing some spiritual songs buttons whatever and then one day I realized hey wait a minute this is not right because neither am i into the singing nor am i into the experience of bathing so if I am singing I'm missing the experience of bathing and if I'm bathing I'm not into my singing so why am i doing two things at the same time I stopped singing just focusing on the experience of
I stopped singing just focusing on the experience of the water coming down my body and spearing sing master so to me these little things the through the day matter a lot to me and I think that's all more of meditation to me because then what I do here feeds into my mainstream practice of meditation hmm and what I do here feeds into the little things as well so it's kind of a loop one feeding into other so but specifically in the practice could you expand on like what you do right now like today after you know you've been on the path for so long yes so today what is your meditation like is it the same thing yes is it you bringing back a focus into one place yes it is the same thing even today okay bringing my focus back into one place which is the sound of the mantra mmm you know I think to me it's not doing new things mmm it's doing the same things rightly yeah that's what really brings results we don't need to try new things into a practice
we don't need to try new things into a practice if we have a practice and we focus on our practice and keep doing it honing it you're finding it constantly that's when it starts paying back yeah if you're creating content right you don't have to try new things keep honing it excellent spaceback you know in whatever we do yeah I want to add two things your first is a quote from Bruce Lee he said the man to be feared is not he who practices 10,000 kicks once but he who practices one King 10,000 times so that's one thing and the second thing is I feel just because of the climate of the country right now is in the political climate and all this a lot of people kind of look down on the practice of meditation as being like something overly religious or you know even when you mentioned the word mantra people automatically a lot of people especially in urban centers kind of draw negative connotations over oh are you saying that other religions aren't good I think that's
that other religions aren't good I think that's how a lot of people think in saying that remember that meditation so uses a mantra but you can also just simply focus on your breath you can focus on a mantra from your own religion like a chant from your own religion that's what people fail to understand yes and keeping that in mind my next question to you so is that um do you face any kind of I'm sorry for not finding a better word for this but do you face any kind of disrespect or any kind of a backlash for the color you wear or for the takea wearing do you face any kind of disrespect you know when you enter CEO corporate pop and people just people reject you automatically yeah so have you experienced this I think earlier it was kind of like that when I just started my journey of sharing it with the corporate world there was a little bit of necessarily disrespect would be a strong word mm-hmm I would say discomfort I would probably call it
I would say discomfort I would probably call it discomfort then what's this guy doing here kind of a thing hmm and plus my attire is like a religious attire in one sense I have a big thing on my head for here in my head everything's like quite religious I think over a period of time people have seen the content we've been sharing online mmm which is nothing to do with religion mmm-hmm which is nothing to do with any faith which is nothing to do with anything of that sort at all all our content is completely related to life and humans humans and wisdom that can transform life so which is precisely why our following online is a very secular following mmm and we have people from all faiths all nationalities all genders all kind of sexualities everybody following us because nobody feels intimidated nobody feels threatened you know that okay I'm is this guy kind of trying to impose a certain faith or religious belief on us so what I'm trying to do is vary faith in
so what I'm trying to do is vary faith in religion agnostic actually so which is precisely why people are kind of now now seen us that this is not who he is so now that discomfort is totally gone got it so people don't feel that any longer so but what is the significance of the Safran and then okay like what is the significance of it okay thank you for asking that one what so significant I was in London once walking and walking at Soho streets the Oxford Street is so square and one gentleman British gentleman came up to me and said is that your favorite color because everything I said I guess so I didn't I didn't know of course want to explain to him the deeper significance of I didn't man he didn't want he said wanna know if it was my favorite color I guess I think orange represents flames of fire hmm you know on one hand it represents flames of fire and in the Hindu tradition when somebody leaves this world they
Hindu tradition when somebody leaves this world they cremated the bodies kind of burned consumed by the flames of fire so donning saffron on actually means that I am dead to my own personal interests it's like these flames of fire consumed my own selfish interests and now on my life is meant to be for the betterment and welfare of others it's like you're killing your own ego killing your own and it's kind of now living for others that's what is meant to be of course a lifelong journey to live by it but that's what it signifies the other aspect of saffron also is like you have saffron as in case' mmm you know this have drawn strength so you take saffron strands if you've ever added saffron's to entry prep you usually kind of first roast it a little bit on a pan in a pan to take the moisture off and then you take a little bit of milk and crush it hard mmm in that little tiny
and crush it hard mmm in that little tiny bowl of milk and it starts leaving all the colour and the fragrance and the flavor and then you add it to whatever prep like whatever prep you know just add the saffron to it so if you compare someone's life to saffron strands it also means to be a little bit crushed a little bit roasted a little bit by life to be able to add color fragrance and flavor to the lives of others you know so that's what it really means of course a long way to go to be able to live like that but that's what it signifies you know basically using your own experiences sharing at the same time killing off the ego yes is that why monks also shave the head is at a part of yes but monk this both sides you know it's like in both sense some people have long hair monks have long hair and long beards as well and some monks shave off their heads but Buddhist monks will shave their
their heads but Buddhist monks will shave their heads off you know the question of faith monks will shave their heads up yet you'll find Himalayan monks who have long hairs and long long beards I think the either/or whichever way it's a practice of detachment mmm like if you're shaving it off means okay here is an important part of the body and you like you know you groom your hair well so it gives you a certain looks okay I'm and of going above rising above it and if you see monks who have long hair and long beard that's the sense of detachment and I don't care grooming them so you don't find monks were like you know have long hair and they go to salons to kind of style yeah so both kind of signify a sense of detachment from your personal life and your modeling kind of concept here and may I ask you about the tikka as well like this particular yeah yes so since I follow the Christian of faith mmm you know so
I follow the Christian of faith mmm you know so if you go to a church or a temple or a mosque or any of these places of worship you will see or even a government organization for that matter you will see a flag or an emblem right at the top like if you go to the Parliament you'll see any government building as a flag on top it kind of gives you a sense that this property belongs to the government of India mm-hmm you know or a temple this property belongs to temple or mosque or a church or whatever so this this kind of a ticker this kind of a mark put right on top kind of signifies that you're now living a life which is an adherence or affiliation to a certain faith God so this is now for the Christian of faith some people will put it like this right and in the Islamic faith they'll have a cap or they will have a certain mark or a certain way of the beards or moo-stache Christians will have a certain they
or moo-stache Christians will have a certain they probably put a cross in their neck certain kind of rituals yesterday I was even talking about this to somebody and I was saying one some guy asked me in London some guy asked me what is the need for rituals in religion hmm you know whichever faith and I said to him why have you even talking about real ritual there's a part of religion hmm rituals are a part of life mmm all right like two weeks back was well in times day guys went to girls giving them rose flowers giving a rose to a girl is a ritual but it conveys how you feel to that girl hmm saying I love you language is a ritual but language is a ritual to mint to help you communicate the feelings of your heart to the person whom you're communicating to giving a gift to someone is a ritual right but that gift just tells that person but okay you mean a lot to me singing a
but okay you mean a lot to me singing a birthday song or cutting a birthday cake is it achoo but it just means telling the other person your birthday matters a lot to me man United and Chelsea are playing a game and man united wins and the old Wembley Stadium is rumbling glory everybody's singing it's a ritual but that song else the man united team how much their fans adore them correct so I was telling this guy in London I don't think it's about religious life is full of rituals now imagine a guy going to a girl giving her a rose and saying I love you honey hmm you know I'm not meaning it at all mmm correct mmm now if you see the first three letters of the word spirit they are SPI mmm now you add the first three letters SPI to ritual it becomes spiritual Wow you know what I mean now as soon as the first three letters which means the spirit is gone what you have is a mere ritual mmm so
gone what you have is a mere ritual mmm so somebody coming in saying to a girl I love you without meaning it is ritual but if it really meant from the deepest core of the heart it's a spiritual experience yeah you know what I mean yes so I think every faith like every aspect of life will have means to communicate hmm how they feel - whether they call God whether they call it universe whether they call it energy whether they call it power of it will call it with nothing you know what I mean but this is a means to communicate your genuine feelings and that's when then this different rituals kind of come into existence so whether it's a mark on the forehead or beads in your neck or a certain kind of attire or a certain kind of practice that you are done so I'll mention to be able to express them but once the spirit is gone though what we have is a mere set of rituals which is what more or less religion kind of today's scene
what more or less religion kind of today's scene s and which is why a lot of youth doesn't even - look at that side because they see it simply as a set of mere rituals mm without the spirit they being there but I think if we can actually get deeper into what the spirit behind it is hmm a lot of it will actually start making a lot of sense in person so so like oh why do you think we see especially in our country a big reason the youth is not for spirituality as a concern is because a lot of the youth associate spirituality with the whole you know the bar bar culture that's what they call it so firstly why do you think that Baba culture exists in the first place and secondly how can we get that section of youth back and understanding the true meaning of spirituality correct firstly we were talking about religion and spirituality right it's very fashionable to say these days you know what I'm not religious I'm spiritual hang on man do
I'm not religious I'm spiritual hang on man do you know the meaning of the word spiritual yeah not being condescending but it's quite fashionable to say yeah I'm not religious I'm very spiritual but I'm not too sure even people if people even know what the fine line is mm-hmm you know I don't think there's a difference between religion and spirituality if the spirit is existing mm-hmm you know then every ritual is also spiritual but as soon as spirit is gone that's ritualistic religion you know so I think with the question about Baba culture and all of that stuff in every aspect of life we need mentors guides teachers gurus like if I were to learn singing I would need someone from the hindustani garage beside of music of Carnatic side of music to teach me what music is you would have exceptional people like Renu Mundell who's like you know on this railway station somewhere singing gifted these are people who are probably gifted and never trained with their exceptions the
are probably gifted and never trained with their exceptions the general rule is we need to be coached and mentored into learning something right I don't think spirituality is an exception as well you know where we need gurus or guides or mentors who will teach us and lead us onto that path now the issue is when the spiritual leaders or coaches or gurus or mentors become the focal point of the center point hmm and the spiritual wisdom that they're teaching goes at the back signal then it becomes cultist hmm what's a cult a cult is where this figure becomes the center and the message and the practice and the wisdom goes at the back okay now contrast that with the wisdom coming to the front mm and the person saying okay I'm here to lead you I'm here to train you I'm here to guide you but this is what you should be connecting to mmm that's your real guru that's your real guru wisdom is your real guru I am simply the mouthpiece I'm
real guru I am simply the mouthpiece I'm simply the microphone yes because I am the front face you'll be attached to me yes because I am a front face you're going to be attracted to me yes because I'm a front face you're going to connect to me but this way beyond me something way beyond me wisdom knowledge spiritual forces powers and I simply represent them as soon as you have teachers and gurus and guides who do that I don't think the youngsters have a problem with that at all they don't deny the fact that we need Mentors they're just trying this is for street and disgruntled with the fact that like they say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely mmm and you know trust me the power that spiritual leaders can have nobody in the world can have and the simple reason being they've renounced a lot they had money bared opportunities you know they put it all to the side and took to a life like this so you will have the biggest
a life like this so you will have the biggest industrial is the biggest in the cinema world the biggest in the sports world coming to the sports the spiritual leaders and sitting at their feet and seeking guidance mmm you know when power money followers come to you yeah even if you started with a noble purpose it's easy to kind of get carried away not a person so I feel like your second part of the question was what do we do to you know pull them back all them back I think we need spirit leaders who are not attached to their face who are not attached to their name who are not attached to their institutions we need spiritual leaders who are truly truly wanting to bring wellness to the world and people who kind of clearly prophesy and say that look it's not about me it's about one I'm trying to teach and even then what I'm trying to teach it's up to you if you want to choose this path yeah there's no imposition I think if you have
yeah there's no imposition I think if you have that kind of an aspect available yeah I do feel that the youngsters will kind of be back so we need more of such spiritual so I wanna add two things to what you said in the first is that I genuinely believe that we are moving into an edge like that where we are seeing more ethical spiritual leaders and the second thing I want to add is a learning of mine since I left college it's been five years since I left college and the one big learning of my life has been that throughout your life you're given a lot of tests correct and these are usually ethical tests things that tests your behavior things that test what you will do in a particular situation now the thing is if you choose to be on a spiritual path the nature of what happens to life is that the frequency of those tests increases you're given more and more tests and more difficult tests where say if you do become a spiritual leader per se you are given
become a spiritual leader per se you are given that power so then it's easier to get your way it's easier to do the unethical thing because it's the more fun thing to do now a lot of spiritual leaders what I believe is that they initially start with the correct intent they start with the intent of spreading wisdom but as they themselves grow spiritually life tests them and maybe somewhere they feel that s and that's why you see downfalls or you know if someone retains the power usually means that they've passed that test and I also believe that even if the spiritual leader is a hundred and twenty years old he's still going to get s even there 100% yeah what I mean what do you have to say about that so yeah I'm in total agreement of what you're saying and I think there are two three kinds of people who spiritually it is a common of some come on the path to use it as it they come to make this as a profession okay god they're not
to make this as a profession okay god they're not spiritual leader that they see that it works well is the easy way out you know they don't want to do what's right they wanted to put cz how do you spot that how do you say that that's precisely why so many issues happening right that's the Bubba culture that we're talking about and there are second kind of spirit the second varieties those spiritual leaders who come on the path and exactly what you mentioned the tests do come and although they were kind of totally tuned into their purpose can get a little carried away go astray mm-hmm maybe come back maybe not whatever mm-hmm and third are the ones who actually passed the test of time and I'm kind of really remained grounded and level-headed and you know need like beacons of inspiration to the world but yes tests are there for each and every single one whether you're a spiritual leader or not ethical dilemmas will always be there and I'll tell you moral dilemmas are
there and I'll tell you moral dilemmas are choosing between right and wrong that's easy ethical dilemmas are choosing between right and right or wrong and wrong right and more right right and more right wrong and more wrong that's where the you kind of really test it yeah you know so we all have those dilemmas and my understanding is when any leader not just spiritually the political leaders corporate leaders but it's these these principles are true for all you know everyone spiritual leaders yeah the spiritual leaders just because the conversation is about spiritual leaders be saying it but it's true for every leader when power comes facility comes there is a tendency to get isolated and start living in the ivory tower mm you know where you're not open to learn from others you're not open to connect to equals and the one thing that successful leaders in any field need the most is equal friendship okay because in front of your superiors if you have some if you have anybody like you look up to you're always going to
like you look up to you're always going to put up a face your image which is like great hmm you know and in front of people who are younger to you you won't always put up an image is going to you know like so everything's good about me in front of equals we're your friends and people know you in and out there's very less pretension there mm-hmm people are superior and fear is a lot of potential on both fronts when people you are equal and you have good relationships and friendships there's very less scope for potentials and that's where you kind of have to be open to listen to feedback from your peers in your equals even if it's harsh which usually it is which usually it is yeah and which is precisely why the biggest danger for anybody is to have no one who can kind of correct you if you feel that I'm beyond anybody's correction any longer that is when there is a lot of scope for kind of being dragged down carried away by what
kind of being dragged down carried away by what that's why your downfall begins that's where the downfall thing um so like I strongly believe that you know the youth a lot of them will understand the true meaning of spirituality a little bit into the spiritual journey yes but a lot of them initially you need to show them that fruit that you know this is what you'll get from a tea so why should a 20 year old introducing age or a teenager why should they take up something like meditation or even just read or get to know more about the spiritual path what's in it for them okay so what have been your learnings like what can it add to your material life your professional life your career your relationships what can spirituality add sure your material in your professional life for example if a 20 year old still at university wants to excel in a search of her course imagine you practice meditation and what we were talking earlier on mindfulness we would learn to be in the present
on mindfulness we would learn to be in the present mm-hmm you can imagine when your systems get condition and habituated and trained to be in the present that's exactly what's called concentrate what concentration means right focus focus concentration and most students will complain that I'm not able to focus I'm not able to concentrate so the immediate result of meditation and mindfulness is is your focus in your concentration whatever you do improves whether it's you study it's your work whatever you do it improves that's a B is most youngsters are in relationships today mmm most most youth isn't in relationships now in relationships the biggest killer of a meaningful relationship is expectations hmm the more you expect the more you're disappointed hmm the more you're giving mmm the more it works in your favor and it's very difficult to be giving you know it's easy to expect from a person and why am I expecting from that person because my sense of joy my sense of happiness my sense of validation comes from
my sense of happiness my sense of validation comes from that other person so I'm expecting a lot imagine if you are meditating and connecting very deeply to yourself you know and you're finding that self validation that self-worth right and you are not too dependent on it from somebody else you would be in a position to give more to the other person in person you know in which case your relationships get better because now you're not so much dependent today I suppose auto mode you are chalica tuned a sonic how to is less anymore I can assign ikkyo to knows been phoning here to know didn't message nicotine you know how it is know how it goes on and this especially in the youngsters so as soon as you start finding it within when you know that if it comes fantastic right and it'll come but there'll be those days where it won't mmm so then you don't just get disturbed because somebody doesn't validate you and that's true for social media as well mmm that's true for
true for social media as well mmm that's true for social media is where the more deeply connected you are to yourself the more you find your own value your own worth you don't need anybody to give you that sense of worth your worth is not based on likes comments and shares your worth is based on who you are and the likes comments and shares are wonderful they add value nothing wrong with likes comments and shares nothing wrong with a girlfriend or a boyfriend sending a beautiful message but the date doesn't come I know how guys feel you know the day there is a heartbreak I know how guys feel that's precisely my next question I'm gonna ask you about breakups please I'm sure you get that a lot break and more specifically I want to talk about like harsh breakups like intense breakups because I get a lot of dm's all day so on my Hindi journal have got a playlist collab kind of guru okay and when we're teach people like relationship advice but this is a topic
people like relationship advice but this is a topic of not really spoken about very in ends breakups where say the relationship is going stable and then one person cheats all of a sudden mmm so how does the cheated person deal with that like the person who's been cheated on I understand that first you shouldn't have had expectations but shallow mano y mano you've had expectations you think you're gonna marry the person and then they cheat on you okay so what do you do in the situation like that when life beats you down that bad I know I'll tell you what as human beings we are all going to be emotionally affected when things like that happen to us mm you know so firstly understand that it's okay to feel mm you know sometimes we try to fight it out I shouldn't feel like this and then fighting that emotion of the negative emotion out we are actually losing so much energy in fighting the negative emotion out as we're not actually being able to fight the actual problem
we're not actually being able to fight the actual problem which is which is now dealing with what has happened to you now what's next you know but no I shouldn't feel like this much leaner than earning an internal dialogue so I think it's okay to go through that negative emotion firstly it's alright and you don't have to especially I want to say this especially to men you know just because you're a man doesn't mean you're not vulnerable to negative emotions there's no need to put up a tough face and saying I'm okay I'll face it I'm handling it whereas internally you're nervous right yeah I think men put pressure on themselves to heal fast yeah yeah but I think you should give yourself some time self that time and understand that it's a part of the journey you know imperfections are beautiful we are imperfect none of us are perfect human beings and these kind of situations come to all of us in our own respective ways and in particular right now
our own respective ways and in particular right now we're talking about May relationship between you know young guys and girls so I think acceptance that this will happen is step one of the healing process go through it cry tears if you want to you know try to use if you want to accept your negative emotions don't just keep fighting them all the time it's okay to say I am depressed mmm even to say that I'm depressed because of the heartbreak needs courage actually a lot of people don't want to admit that accept it admit it that step one of the healing process you know and then step two is two different things can be done but step two is actually to find out someone with whom you can really confide because step one is dealing with it within yourself but step two is to help someone a friend family whoever someone trustworthy someone close to whom you can just go and pour out pour out unedited uncensored mmm just went out all those emotions mmm you know lagron another
out all those emotions mmm you know lagron another job will not belong to me otherwise you're always gonna have to be you always had to worry about you know will I be judged for what I said will they be confidentiality about what I said what if this guy goes in tells or whatever I gonna tell them you know oh what if that guy judges me for you crude HR Gally bull the ice in a wooden table they you know what I mean so I think it's good to open up to someone and just any doubt uncensored unedited as it is how you feel it just makes you feel light because everything's come out otherwise you're just carrying it along with all right the third thing step three is to really start looking at what's the next thing to do oh yeah now he you're not going back correct then the third step may take time may take two weeks it may take two years who knows everybody's a different into they're healing times are different you know everybody
into they're healing times are different you know everybody has different kind of upbringing different kind of coping capacities okay so whatever time it takes but it's important to see how to move on to the next step of life would it be another relationship would it be no relationship would it be what mm would it be what you know if it's a relationship it shouldn't be just based on some emotions from the past based on proper reason if it's no relationship it shouldn't just be faced on emotions keep a layer so ah been easy it should be based on proper reasons and rationale so I think we need help in that kind of journey so these are two three things of course I'm all through spirituality again helps a lot all through meditation and chanting whatever that may be it kind of helps you declutter a little bit for what you're going through and accelerate your healing so about spirituality again what are like three profound spiritual experiences that you yourself have had because if someone's thinking about
you yourself have had because if someone's thinking about a spiritual journey like meditation like you know encountering say ghosts or you know even that's an aspect of spirituality have you had any larger than life experiences in your own life I don't think I count on those to be very honest to me spirituality is about how it transforms my having your daily life my daily life my perspectives my worldviews my outlook towards relationships you know my outlook towards the work I do you know how does it transform that that experience is more to me than some super supernatural natural or some occult kind of experiences not to say that you don't have them but I don't count on them too much God for me spirituality is a life transforming journey then some occult and supernatural experiences so like when someone's talking to you personally and this is because I'm a podcaster my job is to dive deep into people's minds I just feel like you have too much perspective and I am dead sure that
have too much perspective and I am dead sure that that's a result of a lot of reading mmm I'm sure you had spiritual learnings at the monastery but I'm dead sure that a lot of those perspectives have come straight out of not just holy books but all kind of looks but in seeing that let's talk about holy books have you read the Bhagavad Gita yes okay and so like could you break down the Bhagavad Gita for the youth like what's in that book why do people say that you open any page of it and you'll get you on so why do people say things like that sure sure I think the first thing to know is let's let's remove the religion aspect from the Bhagavad Gita totally but but Gita is not a religious book it is a book which gives you the way to live and the setting for the Bhagavad Gita is the battlefield of kuruksetra the Mahabharat where origins confused mmm right and Krishna becomes his mentor and
mmm right and Krishna becomes his mentor and gives him guidance in a way that he can now start doing what is meant to do right so every young man or lady is going to have confusions every young person is going to have those dilemmas I to do or not to do to be or not to be that's exactly how the Gita begins it begins with confusion it begins with dilemmas it begins with a lack of meaning and then Krishna kind of guides Arjun through and empowers Arjuna to make his own choices Krishna only acts as a facilitator and empower Juna to understand that he is very to more powerful then the people is going to face in the battle it's something like The Lion King mmm in the Lion King you have symbol mm-hmm but symbol in in company with Timon and the other fellow born in Pumbaa Pumbaa and Timon you know kind of starts identifying himself to be like one of them and then you have this
be like one of them and then you have this Rafiq Rafiki that's right Rafiki coming to remind him and calls for his father you know and his father comes and tells him that you are very more powerful than scar mmm correct so we need if every young man and lady needs to understand that way more powerful than what they're going through at the moment the confusions are smaller than them the challenges are smaller than them the problems are smaller than them they're heartbreaks as painful as they are but are still smaller than them and they have the capacity to overcome them those paints that they're going through so I think that's precisely where books like the Gipper help a lot because they build in you that sense of confidence and strength and strength fortitude but I have the power as a spiritual being overcome everything that's going on going on in my life and I have the power to be able to make the difference and that impact because I am a spiritual being one can you
impact because I am a spiritual being one can you any reference like three big lessons from the Bhagavad Gita that's needed with you specifically one of the lessons that stayed with me from the Gita is a particular text from the second chapter of the Gita which talks about the summer and the winter season right and this particular text says that the summer and the winter season keeps coming and going every year and seasons change and just because the seasons change we never stop performing our duties all right let's say for example it's Chicago and the temperatures are minus 27 degrees Celsius people don't stop their work still let's say it's daily it's 43 degrees Celsius people are still on and going on with their regular life with a few adjustments here and there obviously so this text of the Geeta chapter 2 tells us that we have to learn to tolerate the ups and downs and not be distracted from what our main purposes so that's something that stayed with me a lot tolerate what
something that stayed with me a lot tolerate what you're going through and tolerance means like when we talk about tolerating failures and pains we can understand but we also have to learn to tolerate our success and the good times because both distract us you know usually we only look at the negatives as distractions but even the positives distract us from what meant to be doing that's something that really kind of stayed with me the second thing that I really kind of resonate with with in the gita is a verse from the sixth chapter which talks about the mind being a friend or an enemy hmm to you it depends on how you deal with the mind okay nine if you befriend your mind the mind will become you become your friend and will empower you to do what you want to do but if you don't deal with it rightly then the mind will become your enemy and will lead to your downfall I'll give you an example very relevant to the youth right for example
an example very relevant to the youth right for example you want to get up early in the morning to go for a job or for a workout because you know you want to be fit you know your days are busy and you decide this is going to be my plan for the year 2020 right you set up the alarm clock to wake up early in the Maalik 5-6 whatever and when the alarm goes what's the mind saying the first thing you slept last late last night take it easy or maybe we can do it beginning tomorrow oh maybe this is not the right thing for you to do mines constantly playing games right now if you have a mind which is constantly giving these kind of reasons you're not going to wake up all right on the other hand if you learn to train your mind using the proper intellectual process right proper spiritual process your mind can be a greatest asset in your friend which is meditation good meditation books correct friends correct friends the right kind of company all of
friends correct friends the right kind of company all of these are inputs so that your mind kind of becomes a friend so that's the second thing that really kind of resonates with me and the third thing from the gita that connects to me a lot is how do we start looking at the presence of divinity everywhere in every aspect we don't have to necessarily go to a place of worship mmm to look at the presence of divinity you can look at the presence of divinity in nature you can look at the presence of divinity in other people you can start looking at the splendor of the creator or the creation if you can start looking at the blender of the Creator in the creation you know which is precisely why this is something not as easy but something that I usually tell people is when you look at somebody who's better than you you know and specially if they are in the same field usually there is insecurity hmm there's insecurity that he's this guy's doing better than me in what
he's this guy's doing better than me in what I am doing or there is envy jealousy sometimes it goes to the extent of sabotaging that other person's work is you know and what has happened in the world happens all the time so when you start looking at divinity in creation you start looking at how divinity has empowered somebody to do something in a special way that person has been gifted by higher powers right and to sabotage that person's work or to be envious about the person or to be feel insecure means actually insulting somebody who's given that gift you know but if I look at that person and derive inspiration from that person I can seek that inspiration to follow my aspiration mmm you know that that aspect of the Geetha also kind of really resonates with me that you start looking at divinity everywhere and in every place around you including people who are doing better because it's not them you can see straight away very often I see people who do remarkable stuff
away very often I see people who do remarkable stuff and they usually when they speak they say it's they doing it and of course they're doing it no doubt that there's a part of part that they're doing but you can tell that there there's something beyond them that's kind of making them do it whether it's acting speaking singing something with an element which is not necessarily effort mmm not their effort x-factor x-factor and when you start appreciating that X Factor is divinity oh that's something that really kind of connects to me as well my absolute favorite verse from the Bible is Philippians 4:13 Oh actually got a tattoo hold Philippians 4:13 and the verse says I can do all things through him who gives me strength so it's the to that same idea that any kind of creative process is not entirely yours you you were just a channel so the second thing I want to ask you is now I'm getting coached through this session that you know this podcast every what
through this session that you know this podcast every what causes a coaching session but this one is special isn't it thank you I mean like I don't know if I should say thank you because it's actually the divinity talk to me now but so when I know you coach a lot of top business leaders a lot of top corporate leaders you know when someone's reached that top and they become alphas of their field and when they become kings of their field what kind of coaching do they need because they've done something right to get there other than that whole thing about success getting to the head and staying humble correct what else do coach them with yeah I think what happens is once you reach there you realize that now you're simply there in the number game asn't now you're in the first ten correct now the question is if you are one how to maintain that one if you are not one how to be the one all right if you're in the first ten you want to be the
you're in the first ten you want to be the first if you are the first you to maintain the person that's how it is so most people realize that that's not what it is all about the more you go up there you realize that there should be something much larger in my life than this mmm so lots of people who have reached heights of success are looking for meaning and purpose and ability to create impact yes of course that's that's that's the purpose right ability to create an impact through what they're doing whether it's through coaching people whether it's through opening nonprofits whether it's whatever whatever aspect but to really kind of go out there and make a difference so I do see that that strong kind of desperation people have reached there that we really want meaning now to our lives and then that's where they kind of look at coaching and then I also think that's a they have a personal life relationships personal life I must tell you something that when you're really wanting to be up there often
when you're really wanting to be up there often it comes at a massive cost your own personal life relationships so much has to be put into the background hmm to be able to really really get up there which is not what I really recommend but people do that and then there's a lot of backlash that comes from the lot of unhealed areas of their lives personal and relationships which is where then they need a lot of work so but what in them is making them strive that hard for that number one yeah I think it's you know it's kind of intoxicating nasha nasha IG number signature social media pin number sky Akasha I was never used in a video views' make it known the purity Kai mmm you typically we do the crash makeup and remiel in music was make it only actually put up with you the Chi mmm you know horas más aquí tenemos video work which content liquids in the gimmicky yet mmm you know what I mean yes so so numbers is intoxicating whether it's
mean yes so so numbers is intoxicating whether it's social media whether it's it's money whatever followers number of followers even physically number of followers like leaders having huge following people there it's very intoxicating so once you've charged Athena what 13 years on you say you drink alcoholic comes down in a couple of hours you know but the intoxication of numbers and this kind of achievements it's very hard to kind of come down from it so and it's not that people don't know a part of them is telling them this is not the right way to live but it's just so easy to just bask into that space you know I'm the king number one you know but then when I see some of these successful Giants in their private space very genuine people extremely genuine people some of them are not necessarily intoxicated some are some are not hmm and those who are not intoxicated in their private space this is the most amazing human beings but out there now they're in the game mmm it's
out there now they're in the game mmm it's kind of keeping the game going what about the partners the wives the spouses like what kind of role did they play no I think when you have a spouse who's like really grounded and you know a great support for someone who's up there like that it's a greatest asset for people like that greatest asset so that's when you don't necessarily like life coaching coaching kind of a thing because if someone was beam there with you through that journey you know it's kind of kept you grounded and level-headed and kind of anchored anchored your life and given you that space to open up confide be yourself I'll tell you what the higher up you go usually I'm not saying it's all the time but usually you just have to put up a face most times you're not yourself as a public figure to bear a mask just to make a mask most public figures are not who they are they're in public rightly so wrongly so I don't know it's
rightly so wrongly so I don't know it's their lives and at the same time you know you kind of do what you need to do but there has to be a space where you just you hmm you know with no masks at all no pretensions at all my guru rather not Swami is the author of this book the journey home beautiful book and when I joined the monastery assure me one thing he told me as he said you have this element to do something you should do it and he said to me you should be a lion a chase and a lamb but home mmm when you're out there it should be a lion and chase conquer frontiers reach out share the message go out there you know don't compromise on your ambition to grow hmm and this ambition to grow is not for myself but to spread the message whatever but growth so if you don't have ambition to grow and reach out in going to get there so have that but at the same time be a lamp at
that but at the same time be a lamp at home yeah when you come back with your peers with your friends just be yourself this is no pretension where there's no mask there's no nothing so I think if you have someone like that very successful has a part in a life partner which is such a privilege and a strength to person yeah you know um so one thing I strongly believe is that everyone is born with their own strengths and weaknesses in life but my question to you is that does everyone have that capability within themselves to become if not a billionaire at least a multi-millionaire in life can everyone achieve that if they kind of put their mind in the right place the body in the right place the friends in the right place sure have you seen water bottles like steel glass some water bottles are like 500 ml capacity some are like a liter some 1 and a half liter mmm now each one has their capacity coming and each one can be filled up to the brim mmm correct
one can be filled up to the brim mmm correct now if a 500ml bottle tries to fill itself with a liter of water it's not possible because the capacity is 500 mm so each one has a certain capacity correct and self-discovery is about trying to figure out what your capacity is mmm and to function to the optimum of your capacity so if you have a 500 ml watt water bottle and if it's only filled up to 200 ml you're not using it to its optimum space capacity right so how can I bring it to 500 is the question so yes I may not have that capacity to probably be a billionaire but I may still have the capacity to be a billionaire hmm but I'm not playing my best I'm not giving my best so I'm still not even close to be any anyway close to be a millionaire you know so I don't think it's about billionaire millionaire or not being a millionaire I think it's about really functioning to the optimum of our own capacity so
functioning to the optimum of our own capacity so which is precisely why the Fleck chi'lan introspection is important because it helps us understand our own selves and I see that we we do things without understanding ourselves we don't understand what our capacities are we don't understand what our passion is we don't understand what our abilities are and we just kind of keep doing things so where are we heading then once you identify it you know this is what I need to work on to grow mm-hm and grow how much do as much as my capacity is and how do you know where I've reached my capacity there's a ceiling limit beyond that you know you cannot mmm for 25 years what do you know that this is how much this kind of the ceiling upper limit now yeah that make sense yeah hundred percent also the ability to break your own ceilings that's something I mean some people have it some people don't today very few people have it I learned from the late great Kobe
have it I learned from the late great Kobe Bryant or it's something that stayed with me very long back where I think when I was starting out you too I would always put caps on myself today when I side out I only wanted to build it to 2,000 subscribers so that I could market some fitness products then it became 100,000 subscribers because my favorite YouTube I had only hundred thousands okay once we cross that I kept putting limits on myself now I genuinely feel YouTube is a great teacher in life like I've not done MBA but I feel like I know as much as an MBA in terms of knowledge and wisdom because I've been running this community myself is give me a lot of life lessons and the one thing that resonated with me a lot was what Kobe Bryant said about don't put ceilings on yourself even if you think you have a subscriber ceiling you don't have an impact ceiling on yourself is ya create that's really what's most important yeah you
ya create that's really what's most important yeah you know that's really what's most important is that you don't put a cap on your the capacity to impact people yeah yeah you know yeah once you once you snow that this is how much I can do let numbers follow as a consequence you know when your purpose is to make an impact let numbers follow as a consequence and if at a point of time you realize that I'm constantly on working on my journey of impact right but the numbers stop coming at a certain point of time you know hmm it's not going to be mmm it's not going to be like very nearly growing yeah yeah it's an illusion yeah it's an illusion to think that things will Perry nearly grow it turn 'le beyond the you know upward upward track doesn't work that way now there will be a limit at a certain point of time what I'm trying to say is when we're talking of the capping limits we are talking about knowing what our capacity is you
are talking about knowing what our capacity is you know what when you push yourself beyond your capacity you know that you're doing it at the cost of other things that I'm adding that matter to you mm-hmm today when you when you're functioning within your optimum capacity you're doing it with proper attention to what needs attention mmm so I see people getting consumed by this thing that I want to at any cost be there I won't sleep I won't eat I don't care a damn really it doesn't matter to me what matters to me is numbers and money mm-hmm you know as soon as that's what you're consumed by when you realize that that's not how it functions so when you know that I've grown grown 2x now today and now I want to grow 2x plus hundred or X or say let's say 100x I want to go from X 200 X if X 200 X is my capacity hmm then it will come in a certain way that I don't have to compromise on other aspects
that I don't have to compromise on other aspects of my life if a hundred X is not my capacity then I know that I'm going to have to add compromise on so many other aspects of my life because it's not within the bandwidth that I have you know what I mean that's what I kind of represent so it's one of those things I'm learning slowly with time honestly and this interview all of us to learn yeah this podcast actually added that one layer to my head I have like two final questions for you the first question is that if you had the ability to give five books to every single human being in the world which five books would it be I'll ask the second question later okay the first book of course I would give the bhagavad-gita it's a great book because something that you know people way of living the second book I would give is journey home which is my the journey of my guru rather not Swami wrote that guru Swami wrote that book it says
that guru Swami wrote that book it says journey into India and his life lessons a beautiful read the third book but I would give is why leaders eat lost by simon Sinek hmm it's an incredible read on leadership the fourth book that I would give is positive personality profile types by Robert ROM which helps you analyze your personality type in great detail and then helps you work on yourself to come up to your optimum capacity that we were discussing book the Mahabharat mmm you know again when I talk about the Gita and the Mahabharata spoke about three other books but the Mahabharata the Gita completely removing the religious connotation mmm but looking at it as a way of life and spit speak specifically the Mahabharat because that goes beyond black and white mmm that book goes beyond right or wrong mmm which is life we were talking about those ethical dilemmas right so it's so close to real life mmm when you read that book it's not like there's an
you read that book it's not like there's an answer straight away given to you it's like starting to you can start to connect to your own journey and slowly figure those answers are so yeah probably this would be the five names represent so in my last question to you in this entire podcast is you have an idea of what we do in the space and I think you got to know me a little bit to see what would you like to tell me that you'd like if we never meet again in our lives what is the one wisdom I can take from you you're doing an amazing job keep doing it doing an incredible job have people over shared this wisdom share the knowledge that you have share your journey and there'll be someone out there who may be benefited may start their journey simply by seeing what you're doing and learning from what you're doing thank you so I mean the last huge honor of course I've been longing so as handles down below makes you subscribe makes you follow a little
down below makes you subscribe makes you follow a little bit overwhelmed on a personal level by this podcast but in a good way genuinely appreciate all the wisdom that we've actually shared with the world on this podcast thank you for coming it meant a lot thank you see
and I was growing up I used to have a postal Arnold Schwarzenegger in my room and every time I'm at my lowest state I listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger six rules of success I'm gonna tell you something crazy about this okay I want to take y'all back to the time I started beer biceps 2015 media YouTube couch culture made rather mean to me and I was so nervous about what I was doing I'm an engineering I get the engine Isaiah okay to know me not that so much though yeah and I was no very bad bad mental state it's difficult when only you are the thoughts inside you and everyone around you is continuously doubting you one of the most difficult things there's always go to be moments where people are going to tell you that night it's not possible the Arnold Schwarzenegger has some rules that had helped me a lot in early in my career I said I was going to the gym like this Isis are dead lifting deadlift like 150 160
this Isis are dead lifting deadlift like 150 160 kgs and at the end of every lift there was so much pain then I'd actually start crying in the gym in private when no one was looking okay and every time I used to Christ me like what is the solution I went back to the Arnold Schwarzenegger speech and I said listen to all these rules while gyming on loop I support our which wasn't in a speech audio on loop and just listen to that speech maybe for a year I did this and it's locked into my head this is a genuine real-life story that I still listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger 6 was a success on my phone day after tomorrow I'm going to Korea to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger it's it's too emotional for me okay and the reason why druthers Blake are recording this is because this video of you guys is gonna be shown to Arnold to show his India fan base so I need y'all I need y'all to do something I'm
need y'all I need y'all to do something I'm gonna say Arnold y'all of the sex wasn't a go on [Applause] okay so someone with is the Dominator dark fade meet-and-greet did you guys have fun yeah but you guys go watch terminator dark fade welcome to another mini sword of the radicchio we've got the most special guest Arnold Schwarzenegger Linda Hamilton someone start of this chat by telling you guys a story back and I'm starting on my youtube career I was going to meet your mental health issues a lot of depression and you've got this speech called the six rules of success so and listen to it on loop in the gym any single day I'd cry but your speech got me out of my depression so firstly thank you sir and I feel I have reached a moderate level of success but my question to you is how do you become the 1% of the 1% how do you take it beyond just success well you know to me it's all about vision
success well you know to me it's all about vision if you have a very clear vision of where you want to go and you have a very clear goal of where you want to go then it makes it easy and it makes it enjoyable to go into the work to get there so many people get up in the morning and they work but they don't enjoy the work 74% in America don't enjoy their job so how can it be great I mean you don't enjoy what you're doing all day long let me think about that so that's why I always say that people think and work on your vision because without a vision you have nothing so my next question study number oh man you deal with some mental health issues as my saying what if that whole phase did you piloted constant thing it doesn't end you know you I learned to get treatment and to get help and to constantly pursue the help because I did not want to be the person that could not control her behaviors so it's rigorous
that could not control her behaviors so it's rigorous move lifelong discipline to get the proper treatment because the other not having treatment is the real shame now my questions to both of you guys you're like fitness icons so what is like the one fitness advice that you like to pass on do kids if you would only pass on one piece of advice and not the whole thing well unterminated for instance the thing that became very clear was consistency you know that you consistently always give it everything when she came to the set and she did stunts and she did the action you could tell that she was 100% prepared for it and that she was consistent with the performance there was no slacking off there was no doubt that I am tired over the day I can't do something she had the weapons under control the way she was fire and shielded under control and it was always kind of being on it so this is something that we just not only learned but that we it was a proof and his
learned but that we it was a proof and his last Terminator that there being persistent being consistent and and doing the reps and doing the practice in orders of those are the important things in order to be good to the process that's right and now in terms of health get up and keep moving never stop moving keep your body active use or lose it beautiful thank you so much what we all have inspired me so much I hope I'm able to pass it on to my whole country class that was me from India namaste
well nice article Cornell Wow I don't sound what's good you guys welcome to another episode of the Randy show what's really weird for me on a personal level is that this few people in the Hindi film industry who I really idolized one of them's Bianca Chopra another big Idol of - every Han so during this particular podcast I was actually kind of nervous and that led me to saying man man man after every sentence it was like one of those filler things you do to dumb down your nervousness and also this happened you know you get taught like these guys at Eaton and Winchester ahead Internet via biceps Akshay tamari actually collapsed on Saif Ali Khan in the middle of the podcast so we had to actually start the podcast again so pardon me if I'm coming off as a little bit nervous through it I was trying to get the best possible content for you guys because this man is the most intellectual guy in Bollywood and that's not something
intellectual guy in Bollywood and that's not something that a lot of people know he's almost well-read guys he reads a lot about history and he's extremely passionate about the projects he takes up enjoy this podcast and reach yourself through the information that Saif Ali Khan's provided to you guys we cover topics related to reading to learning to even finance and obviously things related to Bollywood like competition like ambitions like career goals and evolution of India enjoy the episode I will see you later [Music] so when I was growing up a lot of people used to call me chota Saif and I'm with Barossa after day polycon nice having you yeah thanks nice having you under nvg oh man okay I want to start off this chat by telling you something like it's a message from the entire generation so we grew up watching you man okay and primarily the guys especially we've learned three important things from you yes the first is seeing the Giada Hum Tum and Kelowna ho series we learned
Hum Tum and Kelowna ho series we learned how to be charming so we've used all your tricks that you've used on screen with a lot of the girls we want to did you get anywhere of course the second thing I've learned from you is watching you in that ohm Cara phase when you see on chat shows used to host award shows yeah don't class from you know not address god you're embarrassing me thank you very very kind here and the third thing is a more human thing we learned resilience from you like seeing sacred games happen you know and all that I want I want to ask you what's your mental space like right now at this age you know about to turn like 50 yes about to turn 50 next next year I will be 50 in August so 49 I don't know I mean sometimes you feel you know that you've lived more or more than half your life so I wake up sometimes in the morning thinking what exactly do I want how do I want to
what exactly do I want how do I want to live the rest of my existence does it do I want to be on a film set all the time or do I want to be on holiday more how do I you know want to spend this time and I mean the answers I come up with a usually family and friends base but and a nice mix of work as well but I think confronting mortality and thinking about thinking about pretty serious things like reading yeah reading is as part of everything I mean reading also gives me great great happiness our you know good mental space right yeah I'd say em yeah I mean I'm quite satisfied and and realistic and happy with I'm happy I mean I mean you know I'm not greedy but I'm always looking to do slightly better work I think I'm a slow learner and I'm still learning and I'm still kind of getting better at at acting and at life so you know the better you get at these things the the kind of more you enjoy it so so
the the kind of more you enjoy it so so I am enjoying it yeah you are you consciously picking like edgy stuff like we've seen your kind of content get slightly darker or slightly edgy oh you know I don't know I think I probably should be a bit more commercial but but we we love this after I don't know I kind of look at some of the stuff that's really commercial and I feel like I really don't even want to watch it so I don't know I don't mean to be judging on that but I think there's a middle ground I'd like to be a little more commercial I'd like I don't want to do films that that people don't want to watch you know but but I think there's a common ground I mean I'd love to do a film like you know I think that gully boys on ya kind of place intellectual as well as the most but not too intellectual even but just little artistic and nice-looking and and you know a good film that moves
nice-looking and and you know a good film that moves you but but that isn't kind of demented hopefully haha so if someone studies your car you need notice that you've been so patient with like picking your rules like all your rules have like this little bit of you know they have a little bit of bite at least that's what I feel yeah especially in the phase where you're growing up you were kind of consciously remodelling yourself in every phase that's what I felt well I think it's balanced you know you gotta kind of depends on your outlook and what you want in life and I mean who knows where our influences are from and what drives us and what we think is beautiful I mean these are constructs that kind of are created in your childhood with your experiences so there are certain films that I've grown up with the certain things that I've watched and I like like I mean if you asked talked about Lyle captain I mean I wouldn't have done it if
captain I mean I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't grown up watching Clint Eastwood and if I didn't understand the relevance of wearing like a red East India Company jacket or riding a horse in the desert I mean these are things that you know an actor with my outlook would kind of give his eye teeth to kind of do you know but someone else might see it totally differently and and would rather do you know houseful for example you know which is great man I mean that that diversity is what makes the industry interesting yeah for sure but at this stage I think with something like Lyle Cap'n it's looking crazy yeah my question to you is how close is this film to your heart because it's coming after some like sacred games well you know it's really close to my heart it's been like a passion project it was like so hard why is it a passion project well well forth first of all it's like oh it's a Western the kind of film it is
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