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右代宮戦人(うしろみやばとら)。 |
すげぇぜ。名付けた親もすげぇが、受理したお役所の窓口もすげぇぜ。…そのどっちも、俺の必ず殺すリストの筆頭さ。 |
Put it all together, and you've got Ushiromiya Battler. |
Pretty crazy, right? It's crazy enough that my parents decided to call me that, but it's even more crazy that some government worker let them make it official. ...Both groups are at the top of my must-kill list. |
んで、彼は俺の従兄にあたるお人だ。 |
Anyway, this is one of my cousins. |
名前は右代宮譲治(うしろみやじょうじ)。 |
His name is 右代宮 譲治, pronounced Ushiromiya George. |
俺より5つ上だから、今年で多分23のはずだ。 |
右代宮のいとこは男2人、女2人なので、兄貴とはいっつも一緒に遊んでた。 |
He's five years older than me, so he must be turning 23 this year. |
Since the Ushiromiya cousins consist of two boys and two girls, I ended up playing with George all the time. |
その名残で今も兄貴と呼んでるわけさ。 |
And because I've always thought of him as a big brother, I still call him `Aniki' today. |
== Hideyoshi == |
「しっかし、戦人くんは大きゅうなったなぁ。男子三日会わざれば刮目して待つべしとは、よう言うたもんや。」 |
"Whoo, Battler-kun, look how big you've gotten. You know what they say, leave a boy for three days and you'll hardly recognize 'im!" |
== Eva == |
「やっぱり血かしらねぇ。留弗夫も高校くらいまでは身長、そんなになかったのよ? 成長期が遅いほうが最終的には伸びるのかもねぇ。」 |
"It must be in his blood. Rudolf wasn't that tall either until his high school years. Perhaps people end up taller if their growth spurt comes late." |
== Battler == |
「んなことないっすよ。男は中身も伴わなくっちゃぁ!」 |
"Nah, it's nothing special. A real man needs to be tough on the inside too!" |
== Hideyoshi == |
「そうや! 戦人くんはわかっとる! 男は中身で勝負なんや! 常に己の鍛錬を忘れたらあかん。そして虎視眈々とチャンスを待ってドカンと開花させるんや! |
"Exactly! Battler-kun here knows how it works! Real men win or lose based on what they've got on the inside! Can't ever forget to keep up your trainin' and discipline. You gotta do that, wait veeery alertly for the perfect moment...and strike! |
わしも、まさか今日、会社社長なんて一国一城の主になれるとは思わんかった…。そうや、あの無一文の焼け野原がわしの原点なんや…!」 |
Now, I never even imagined that I'd become the company president I am today, master of my own domain... Yep, to think I've come this far after starting out penniless and ruined...!" |
== Narrator == |
この恰幅の良さそうな小太りのオヤジは、 |
This stout, plump, old guy is |
譲治兄貴の父親の、秀吉(ひでよし)伯父さん。 |
George-aniki's dad, Uncle Hideyoshi (秀吉). |
俺の親父の姉の旦那に当たる。 |
つまり血の繋がってない伯父ってわけだ。 |
He's the husband of Dad's older sister. |
In other words, we're not blood-related. |
とても気さくで子供にやさしく、しかもついでに小遣いのはずみもいい、最高の伯父さんってわけさ。 |
He's nice to children, sociable all the time, and even quick to give out some spending money to us kids. Simply put, he's an awesome uncle. |
印象的な怪しい関西弁風の方言はオリジナル?のもので、本人は生粋の関東人だ。 |
He speaks in an odd and very noticeable Kansai dialect, but he's actually a natural-born Kanto man. |
何でも、ビジネスの世界では印象付けが大事とかで、他の人とは毛色の違う言葉を狙って話すことで自分をより印象付けようという演出らしいんだが。 |
……もっとも、本場の関西人の前では恥ずかしいので、標準語に戻すんだとか。 |
Apparently, impressions are everything in the business world, so speaking in a different style than other people is an act that makes him stick out more. |
......However, I hear he gets embarrassed when talking within earshot of a real Kansai person, so he switches back to standard Japanese. |
…よくわからんが面白い人なのは間違いない。 |
...I don't really get it, but he's definitely an interesting person. |
== Eva == |
「すーぐ自分の自慢話に入っちゃうのが玉に瑕なのよねぇ。およしなさいな。戦人くん、耳にタコが出来ちゃってるんだから。ねー?」 |
"If only you weren't so quick to brag about your life story. That's enough for now, I think. I'm sure Battler's getting tired of it. Aren't you?" |
== Battler == |
「そんなことねぇっすよ、ひっひっひ! でも、いいじゃないすか。語れる武勇伝があるってのは男としてかっこいいことだと思いますよ。俺なんか、語るような話は何もないっすからねぇ。」 |
"Nope, not at all, hihihi! Nothing wrong with that. I think it's pretty cool for a man to have some stories he can brag about. I don't have anything like that at all." |
== Eva == |
「あら、そーぉ? 戦人くんなんか、そのルックスでいっぱい女の子を泣かせてそうだから、 さぞかし武勇伝が多そうだと思ったんだけどぉ?」 |
"Oh, really? I'd imagine a man with your looks would leave girls crying left and right. I can't believe you have nothing at all to brag about." |
== Battler == |
「わたたたッ、 |
じょじょ、 |
冗談じゃないっすよ! |
そんな妙な武勇伝、あるわけないじゃない〜! むしろ紹介してほしいくらいっす〜!」 |
"Wh-What? |
Y-Y- |
You're joking, right?! |
Of course nothing weird like that's ever happened to me! Heck, I wish it would!" |
== Eva == |
「あらぁ、あるんでしょ武勇伝。…くすくす、伯母さんにも後で教えてね。譲治ったらそういう浮ついた話がぜぇんぜんないんだから。うふふふ…。」 |
"Come on, you aren't fooling anyone. ...*giggle* You must tell your aunt all about it later. After all, nothing of the sort ever happens to George. Heheheh..." |
== Narrator == |
この叔母さんは、譲治兄貴の母親の、絵羽(えば)伯母さんだ。 |
This is George-aniki's mother, Aunt Eva (絵羽). |
俺の親父の姉に当たる。 |
秀吉伯父さんともども、ひょうきんなお人で、昔っからよく俺をからかってくれたもんだぜ。 |
She's my Dad's older sister. |
She and Uncle Hideyoshi are a pair of jokers, and they've always teased me, back as far as I can remember. |
そのせいで、小さい頃、少々苦手だったこともある。 |
This sometimes made them a bit hard to get along with when I was small. |
…いや、今でも苦手であることを現在進行形で確認中だがなぁ。 |
...Well, I guess the events of the last 30 seconds prove that they can still be hard to get along with. |