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133Xe has also been used to measure blood flow. | 133Xe也被用於測量血流。 |
It had previously been known as the Citizen Media Law Project. | 它以前被称为公民媒体法项目。 |
The liberation of Iraq has actually been that rarest of things – a proper British foreign policy success. | 伊拉克的解放实际上是最罕见的事情 - 英国外交政策的成功。 |
Please forward this to everyone you know, especially girls. | 请复制给你知道的每个人,特别是女性。 |
Telecine (12.5%) operates 5 cable movie channels in Brazil. | Telecine(12.5%) 经营在巴西的5个有线电视电影频道。 |
It is unclear whether Haml offers any differential advantage in this regard. | Haml在这方面是否提供了有差异的优势,这点尚不清晰。 |
However they can change their financial mission, that is how they express their financial traits in their actual behavior. | 然而他们可以改变自身的财务使命,也就是他们在实际行为中如何表达自身的财务特性的方式。 |
Despite the legislation, discrimination against the Badis continues. | 儘管有立法,社會對巴迪人的歧視仍在繼續。 |
Mill considers it a word. | Mill认为它是一个词。 |
The fear studies show that children's fears can be grouped into five categories. | 恐惧研究表明,孩子的恐惧可以分为五类。 |
Before they hung up, Rogers warned him, "your tomorrow will not be the same". | 在他们挂断电话前,罗杰斯警告他“你的明天再也不会是一样的”。 |
President Reagan said it would also remind Americans of the important role that teachers and education serve in their country. | 里根总统说,它还会提醒美国人教师和教育在他们国家的重要作用。 |
By 700, moccu had been entirely replaced by mac and hua (later Mac and Ó). | 到700年, moccu的用法已被mac和hua (后来的Mac和Ó )完全取代。 |
They may not have speech but they have a lot to say. | 對所說的話和所做的事沒有自覺,許多時候都惹人憤怒(特別是美里)。 |
But at that stage Lincoln was unwilling to make such a statement lest he worsen an agricultural crisis." | 但是在当时,林肯还不愿意做这样的声明,以免他恶化了一场农业危机。 |
A group of Kyrgyz demanded that a predominantly Uzbek collective farm be given to them. | 一伙吉尔吉斯人要求将一座以乌兹别克人为主的集体农场交给他们。 |
However, Campbell (2005) stresses the weak points of the economy in 1907–1914, linking them to public demands for more Progressive interventions. | 然而,坎贝尔(2005)关注了1907-1914年的经济弱点,将公众需求与进步主义干预联系在一起。 |
At the time of this announcement 200 people a day applied for asylum in Austria. | 在宣布这一消息的时候,每天有200人申请在奥地利避难。 |
Zameen.com also has a property magazine. | Zameen.com也有一本房地产杂志。 |
The friend refuses to believe that Pazuzu is using them. | 而朋友拒绝相信帕祖祖正在利用他们这件事。 |
These rifles were never modified to the later Ag m/42B version. | 這些步槍從來沒有被修改為後期型的Ag m/42B版本。 |
However, the poor remained in the Old Town. | 然而,窮人依舊留在舊城。 |
The American Red Cross was reorganized and professionalized. | 美国红十字会重组并专业化。 |
In addition to the ambassador, the embassy includes 13 departments that seek to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Israel. | 除了大使之外,大使館還包括13個旨在加強美國和以色列之間關係的部門。 |
(Synthetic Euro XEU before 1999). | (1999年以前为合成欧元XEU)。 |
They do not understand any other language." | 他们不明白任何其他语言”。 |
Between 1947 and 1951 an educational book publisher and his wife and five children used it as their family home. | 在1947年和1951年之间,一个教育出版社和他的妻子和五个孩子使用它作为他们的家庭。 |
However, he noted that Artpop generally failed to make an overall impression. | 不過,他指出,Artpop一般沒有給出一個總體印象。 |
In the same year, the two countries decided to build a joint Nuclear Power Plant on the Albanian border with Montenegro. | 同年,兩國決定與黑山在阿爾巴尼亞邊界建立聯合核電廠。 |
Actually the fourth Dalai Lama only came to Tibet in 1601. | 第四世达赖喇嘛于1601年来到西藏。 |
Adobe declared that it is not producing a PDF 1.8 Reference. | Adobe宣称没有制定PDF 1.8参考。 |
In recent years he has done a considerable amount of work for the World Bank. | 在最近的几年中,他为世界银行做了相当大量的工作。 |
The King of Bonny (now in Nigeria) was horrified at the conclusion of the practice: We think this trade must go on. | 邦尼国王(现今为尼日利亚)对此感到惊恐: 我们认为这一贸易必须继续下去。 |
They lied to their customers, thereby cheating them. | 他們否認了主的禮物,使其在他們的爭論中消失。 |
It is the final destiny of every person who does not receive salvation, where they will be punished for their sins. | 这是每一个没有得到救恩的人的最后命运,在那里他们将因罪而受到惩罚。 |
However, there is no natural flow of history. | 然而,并不存在历史的自然流向。 |
11 : at least PG(2,11), others are not known but possible. | 11:至少有 PG(2,11),其他仍不知道,但有可能。 |
Adler states: ... our political democracy depends upon the reconstitution of our schools. | 艾德勒说:“...我们的政治民主取决于我们学校的重建。 |
The museum will be named Munch/Stenersen. | 博物馆将被命名为Munch/Stenersen。 |
This "exile" lasted roughly a year and during it she began to make repairs to the Château d'Eu, where she began to write her memoirs. | 这次“流放”持续了大约一年,在此期间,她修复城堡并在那里开始写她的回忆录。 |
Multi-Modal Alcohol and drug testing in all modes of transportation. | 多形态:所有运输方式中的酒精和药物测试。 |
Her mother initially wanted her to have a normal childhood. | 但是她的母親原先想要她有個普通的童年生活。 |
In January 2010 the Icesave dispute became an issue. | 2010年1月关于Icesave的争议成为一个问题。 |
Carol Reed Two or Three Things I Know About Her (1967) dir. | 卡罗尔*里德 两个或三件事情我知道关于她 (1967)dir。 |
On 11 September, a delegation of Swiss officials went into the city to evacuate non-combatants. | 9月11日,一个瑞士官方代表团来到城市疏散非战斗人员。 |
The game is based on StepMania 5. | 该游戏基于StepMania 5。 |
He was lord of Preuille and the last count of Soulanges. | 長沙地方的領主,亦為偉大兵法家孫武後裔。 |
In 1998/1999, it was unexpectedly bright. | 在1998/1999年,它意外的明亮。 |
In the same speech he further explained in detail why it would not be in the interest of Iceland to adopt the euro. | 在同一演讲中他还解释了为什么冰岛没有兴趣采纳欧元。 |
SODIS is already applied in numerous developing countries. | SODIS已经在许多发展中国家得到应用。 |
He knows my taste and what I like. | 他知道我喜歡的口味和東西。 |
It is estimated that up to 20,000 Germans living in Poland belonged to organizations involved in various forms of subversion. | 据估计,多达2万名生活在波兰的德裔居民参与了涉及各种形式的颠覆的组织。 |
The "day and hour" of this event is not known. | ”这个事件的“日子和时间”是未知的。 |
By May 2012, 300 GCHQ analysts and 250 NSA analysts had been assigned to sort data. | 截至2012年五月,有300名GCHQ分析师和250名NSA分析师被指派整理数据。 |
The GT500 failed to meet some automotive journalists' expectations. | GT500未能未能满足一些汽车记者的预期。 |
Some growers lost their entire banana crops. | 部分种植者失去了所有香蕉作物。 |
Most migrants try to reach further, particularly to Italy. | 大多数移民试图更进一步,尤其是到意大利。 |
He remains active with FreeDOS, and is currently the coordinator for the project. | 他仍然保持FreeDOS活跃,目前是该项目的协调员。 |
In 2007 he wrote Fast Women: The Legendary Ladies of Racing. | 2007年,他寫了《Fast Women: The Legendary Ladies of Racing》一書。 |
Her first ambulance call was on January 15, 1908, to a man who had fallen from a window. | 她的第一次呼叫是在1908年1月15日,有一位男性掉出窗外。 |
He showed that eating only sugar, olive oil, or butter, each led to the death of his test animals in 30 to 40 days. | 他展示了只提供有糖、橄榄油,或者只有黄油的食物,都导致了他的试验动物在30至40天内死亡。 |
Most of Bulgaria's conventional power stations will require large-scale modernization in the near future. | 保加利亚大部分常规发电站将在不久的将来需要大规模的现代化建设。 |
Food shortage and gender discrimination makes some women especially vulnerable. | 粮食短缺和性别歧视使得一些妇女尤其脆弱。 |
This legislation makes Israel the tenth country to adopt the "Nordic model". | 該立法使以色列成為採用“北歐模式”的第十個國家。 |
From the 1950s to the 2000s, primarily right-wing demonstrations were staged here. | 从1950年代到2000年代,主要是右翼示威活动在这里上演。 |
These form a large proportion of the 6,955 Christian faith schools in England. | 这些构成英格兰6,955所基督教信仰学校的一大部分。 |
However, many charities complained that they thought Osborne's 2016 budget favoured big business rather than disabled people. | 然而,许多慈善机构抱怨说,他们认为奥斯本的2016年预算有利于大企业,而不是残疾人。 |
Hopefully next year the war will end in Syria and peace will reign all over the world. | 希望明年战争将在叙利亚结束,和平将统治全世界。 |
"An independent judiciary is the cornerstone of the rule of law, vital to our constitution and freedoms," she wrote. | “独立的司法机构是法治的基石,对我们的宪法和自由至关重要,”她写道。 |
Spain: Two years. | 西班牙:两年。 |
In 1976 it decided to expand its activities to other parts of the country. | 1976年,它决定将其活动扩展到该国其他地区。 |
In China, suicide is the 5th leading cause of death. | 在中国,自杀已经成为第五大主要死亡原因。 |
Their lack of assimilation was also attacked. | 他们对同化的缺乏也受到了攻击。 |
Windows/386 was much more advanced than its predecessor. | Windows/386比其前任更先进。 |
At the same time, a number of Danish architects have achieved success in Copenhagen and abroad. | 在同一时间,许多丹麦建筑师在哥本哈根和国外都取得了成功。 |
Green decides to cooperate with the authorities. | Green决定于当局合作。 |
Jewish community organizations disappeared almost overnight. | 犹太社区组织几乎在一夜之间消失。 |
About half of all Polish newspapers and magazines were printed in Warsaw. | 全波兰的报纸和杂志中约有半数是在华沙印刷的。 |
PSA welcomed them and even sold them flight and operations training. | PSA欢迎了他们,甚至还卖给他们航班和运营培训。 |
2005: Vous allez voir (You are going to see/You will see). | 2005: « Vous allez voir » (您將會看見)。 |
In France the most common dial number was "36 15", while "36 17" was used by more expensive services. | 在法国,最常见的拨号是“36 15”,而“36 17”被更昂贵的服务使用。 |
Russia then quickly transitioned through stage three. | 随后,俄罗斯迅速过渡到了第三阶段。 |
Satellite support for the 121.5 MHz–only versions was discontinued in early 2009. | 卫星对纯121.5 MHz版本的支持已在2009年初停止。 |
In the autumn (of 1913) all of us became very close to Inessa. | 到了(1913年)秋天我们所有的人都开始亲近伊涅萨。 |
It was also the first Canadian science satellite launched since ISIS II, 32 years previously. | 它也是32年前ISIS II以来发射的第一颗加拿大科学卫星。 |
Mubarak also appointed the first Vice President in almost 30 years. | 穆巴拉克还任命了近30年来的第一位副总统。 |
Mexico requires rum be aged a minimum of eight months; the Dominican Republic, Panama and Venezuela require two years. | 墨西哥要求朗姆酒的年龄至少为八个月;多米尼加共和国、巴拿马和委内瑞拉则需要两年时间。 |
The first attacks on him came from Protestants. | 他所受到的首批打击就是来自新教徒。 |
He succeeded only in capturing a few horses. | 他只成功地捉住了几匹马。 |
But Shiva, who is the Lord of all the Supreme Knowledge, answered each and every question. | 彼使聞已,悉詣城主,受其教令,各還本處。 |
For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. | 武則天時,以宰相兼館主。 |
In the next few days I will lay out my plan for the United Kingdom which I hope can provide unity and change." | 在接下来的几天里,我将为英国制定我的计划,我希望能够提供团结和变革。 |
Originally all 15 engines were painted green. | 全部15台机车在最初都被漆以绿色涂装。 |
Nevertheless, the Chinese government has maintained a hard line on its estimate of 300,000 victims. | 尽管如此,中国政府一直对30万遇难者的估计保持强硬立场。 |
IFP is entering its concluding phase. | 目前 IFP正在进入它的最后阶段。 |
We will also make use of the following simple observation. | 我们还利用下列简单的观察。 |
It was also during this period that computers started being used in large businesses and universities. | 同样在这个时期,计算机开始在大型企业和大学使用。 |
CAMFED is one organization active in providing education to girls in sub-Saharan Africa. | CAMFED(英语:CAMFED)是提供次撒哈拉非洲女孩教育的組織。 |
On 24 May 2010, Osborne outlined £6.2bn cuts: "We simply cannot afford to increase public debt at the rate of £3bn each week." | 2010年5月24日,奥斯本公布了62亿英镑的削减:“我们根本不能每周增加30亿英镑的公共债务。 |
In such situations, the Polish government had to provide evidence. | 在這種情況下,波蘭政府不得不提供證據。 |
Subsets and Splits