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30. In Chile at the end of the 19th century, many peasants saw mining as an opportunity to improve their living conditions, which is why they migrated from the haciendas to the nitrate offices. In this context, what was an economic factor that turned these places into centers of demographic attraction? | history/2025 | ['A) The increase in employment in the rural world stimulated by state subsidies.', 'B) The increase in the State's protectionist measures for extractive activities.', 'C) Greater job security arising from technological innovations.', 'D) The high demand for labor caused by the increase in nitrate exports to Europe.'] | D | History Chile |
31. The following text refers to the creation of the Saltpeter Propaganda Association at the end of the 19th century in Chile: «[One] of the greatest advances was the creation of the Saltpeter Propaganda Association in 1894, an entity that received monetary contributions both from saltpeter companies and the State. Its purpose was to advertise saltpeter as a basic necessity product for agricultural production in America, Europe, and Asia, in order to increase the consumption of nitrate and gain an advantage over other competing products». Memoria Chilena (n.d.). The saltpeter industry in Chile (1880 -1930). Commercialization and saltpeter advertising. What purpose did the existence of an organization like the one described in the text have in the era referred to? | history/2025 | ['A) Compete with various synthetic products invented in Germany. ', 'B) Increase the competitiveness of the national product on a global scale. ', 'C) Increase the participation of national capital in mineral production. ', 'D) Correct the effects of the Great Depression on national competition. '] | B | History Chile |
32. Read the following text that describes the conditions of workers in Chile during the first two decades of the 20th century: "The transition from a rural economy to an urban one deteriorated the relations between workers and the upper-middle class. This lack of social integration was more evident in the mines. There, paternalism and the electoral direction exerted by traditional bosses began to collapse at the beginning of the 20th century. As a result, the flow of labor from the countryside to the cities and mining towns created new political possibilities. Workers were no longer so dispersed, nor so protected or controlled through personal ties by a patron." Drake, P. (1992). Socialism and populism. Chile 1936-1973. How did the dynamics described in the text impact the forms of popular organization? | history/2025 | ['A) Encouraging farm worker unionization.', 'B) Promoting the creation of workers' parties.', 'C) Supporting workers' participation in the government.', 'D) Enhancing land squatting in the cities.'] | B | History Chile |
33. Read the following excerpt from a lecture given by Luis Emilio Recabarren on the occasion of the first centenary of Chile's Independence in 1910: «The economic progress achieved by the capitalist class has been more effective for their social progress, not so for their moral perfection, […] The lowest class, as it can be considered in the social scale, the laborers, day laborers, field hands, cart drivers, etc., live today as they did in 1810. If it were possible to reproduce now the life and customs of this class from that era and compare it with today, we could assert that in the fields it remains stationary and that in the cities it has demoralized further». Recabarren, L. (1971). Ricos y pobres. Based on what is expressed in the text and considering the historical period mentioned, what criticism is inferred regarding this centenary celebration? | history/2025 | ['A) The emergence of new social actors limited social development. ', 'B) The social elite remained isolated from economic advances. ', 'C) The lack of a public educational system prevented social mobility. ', 'D) Social inequality persisted during republican life. '] | D | History Chile |
34. In Chile, from the mid-19th century to the first decade of the 20th century, strikes became widespread as a form of struggle and expression of discontent in society. In this regard, what is an element of the historical context that allows explaining this phenomenon? | history/2025 | ['A) The reduction in demand for specialized labor. ', 'B) The excessive state intervention in productive activities. ', 'C) The low concentration of ownership of agricultural lands. ', 'D) The expansion of industrial economic activities. '] | D | History Chile |
35. Read the following text that corresponds to an interpretation of the factors that influenced the Social Question in the transition from the 19th to the 20th century: "In my opinion, there are not few factors that have led the country to the state it is in; but above all, it seems to me that one predominates which I want to draw attention to and which is probably the least seen and the one that works the most […]. I refer, why not say it out loud? to our lack of public morality […]. I speak of the morality that consists in the fulfillment of duty and obligations by public powers and magistrates, in the loyal and complete performance of the function attributed to them by the Fundamental Charter and laws, in the exercise of positions and jobs, keeping in view the general good and not other kinds of interests and purposes." Mac-Iver, E. (1900). Speech on the moral crisis of the republic. Considering what is mentioned in the text, what was one of the factors that influenced the development of the Social Question? | history/2025 | ['A) The insufficient exercise of charity by the aristocracy. ', 'B) The inefficiency of the state in addressing the needs of the population. ', 'C) The indifference of the Catholic Church towards private property. ', 'D) The maintenance of political power in a privileged social class. '] | B | Civic education |
36. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, the structure of Chilean society underwent significant transformations, mainly as a consequence of changes in the organization of the economy and the implementation of new public policies. Of the following statements, which was one of the cultural factors that influenced the positioning of the middle sectors as a new social actor? | history/2025 | ['A) The increase in the dissemination of the written press.', 'B) The establishment of municipal theaters.', 'C) The arrival of numerous foreign intellectuals.', 'D) The expansion of public education coverage.'] | D | Chile History |
37. The situation of popular sectors in Chilean cities, in the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, was conditioned by the state of basic service infrastructure, housing, and labor conditions. In this context, what was a consequence resulting from the living conditions of this social group? | history/2025 | ['A) The decline in fertility among the female population. ', 'B) The proliferation of various infectious contagious diseases. ', 'C) The massive emigration of the population to agricultural areas. ', 'D) The reduction in educational coverage for the child population. '] | B | History Chile |
38. After World War I, Western liberal democracies entered a crisis. In this regard, which of the following processes contributed to the deterioration of liberal political systems in the first half of the 20th century? | history/2025 | ['A) The disintegration of colonial empires. ', 'B) The weakness of the National Socialist doctrine. ', 'C) The beginning of a welfare state model. ', 'D) The development of the so-called Great Depression. '] | D | World History |
40. Read the following text about the educational policy of Fascist Italy during the interwar period: "The 1934 curriculum eliminated the use of local dialects in classes, reduced the teaching of science in favor of propaganda about the regime, and ignored the history of all ancient peoples prior to the Romans, favoring an exclusively Italian history. In 1937, third-grade students (eight years old) devoted the most hours to the Italian language; a significant portion of the exercises referred to the government's public works, the war in Ethiopia, the Mediterranean Sea as mare nostro. The geography class insisted on the mare nostro, while history classes analyzed famous battles and World War I.” Tannenbaum, E. (1975). The Fascist Experience. Society and Culture in Italy (1922 -1945). Based on the information provided in the text, what was one of the educational objectives of the fascist regime? | history/2025 | ['A) To promote expansionist ideas in the new generations.', 'B) To promote the use of violence against dissidents.', 'C) To reclaim cultural relations with the European Greek world.', 'D) To encourage learning that contributes to technological development.'] | A | World History |
41. In the first three decades of the 20th century, totalitarian regimes emerged in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union during the interwar period. Although there were common characteristics among these totalitarianisms, they also showed marked differences. Regarding this, what is a difference between the totalitarian regimes of Germany and the Soviet Union? | history/2025 | ['A) The type of ideology upon which political power was based.', 'B) The foreign policy manifested in territorial expansionism.', 'C) The primacy of the collective at the expense of individuality.', 'D) The state's control over all aspects of daily life.'] | A | World History |
42. During the 20th century, political processes developed that led to totalitarianism in Europe and populism in Latin America, which presented some similarities and differences between the two continents. In this regard, what is a feature that allows differentiation of both historical processes? | history/2025 | ['A) The use of ideological propaganda. ', 'B) The establishment of a single party. ', 'C) Leadership with strong popular support. ', 'D) The state-directed economic system. '] | B | World History |
43. Read the following text about fascism: "It must be recognized, however, that fascism presented some important advantages for capital that other regimes did not have. Firstly, it eliminated or defeated the leftist social revolution and seemed to become the main bastion against it." Hobsbawm, E. (1996). The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century. Fascism was one of the totalitarian regimes that emerged in Europe in the first half of the 20th century. What characteristic of this political regime is expressed in the quoted paragraph? | history/2025 | ['A) The rejection of political liberalism. ', 'B) The explicit anti-communist nature. ', 'C) Hostility to mass politics. ', 'D) Aversion to political one-party state. '] | B | World History |
44. The so-called Welfare State that was implemented in Western countries since the 1930s aimed to address the impact of the 1929 crisis on societies. What was one of the economic implications of the implementation of this model? | history/2025 | ['A) The reduction of private investments in production. ', 'B) The elimination of taxes on personal wealth. ', 'C) The expansion of public spending on social benefits. ', 'D) The establishment of a policy of equal income redistribution. '] | C | Economic system |
45. After the end of World War II, decolonization processes began in Asia and Africa, in countries that until then had been part of the European empires. In this regard, what was one of the problems faced by the decolonized countries? | history/2025 | ['A) The loss of value of the traditions of the local culture. ', 'B) The dismantling of the movements supporting independence. ', 'C) The development of various ethnic conflicts within their territories. ', 'D) The little interest of the United Nations in recognizing the new States. '] | C | World History |
46. In 1947, the President of the United States, Harry Truman, established a policy of containment against the spread of Soviet communism in the world. In that context, what is a sociopolitical characteristic of the international scenario that begins to take shape after World War II? | history/2025 | ['A) The strengthening of alliances formed during the wartime conflict. ', 'B) The activation of a new global military confrontation. ', 'C) The emergence of a new order dominated by opposing ideologies. ', 'D) The consolidation of an imperialist policy by industrialized powers. '] | C | World History |
47. After the Second World War, the processes of decolonization accelerated and extensive territories in Asia and Africa achieved independence. What was a historical precedent that underpinned the development of this political process? | history/2025 | ['A) The articulation of economic cooperation alliances between the powers. ', 'B) The division of the world into two political blocs with divergent ideologies. ', 'C) The condemnation of crimes against humanity in international courts. ', 'D) The declaration of the principle of self-determination of peoples by the UN. '] | D | World History |
48. The end of World War II involved the creation of a new regulatory framework for international relations. In this context, the United Nations (UN) played a central role, aiming to establish itself as an institution ensuring agreements to maintain peace. In this regard, what has been an attribution of the UN to achieve this objective? | history/2025 | ['A) Supervise the drafting of laws in member states. ', 'B) Mediate in the development of military conflicts between states. ', 'C) Suggest candidates for the internal elections of states. ', 'D) Prevent the growth of military institutions in states. '] | B | World History |
49. The end of World War II brought significant changes to global geopolitics, with the beginning of the decolonization process being one of the most significant. In this regard, which of the following statements explains the relationship between these two processes? | history/2025 | ['A) The deepening economic crisis in the powers made it difficult to control their dominions. ', "B) The establishment of peace treaties increased the power of the colonies belonging to the victorious side. ", 'C) The creation of international military institutions prevented the dominance of one State over foreign territories. ', 'D) The emergence of two new superpowers guaranteed the respect of human rights in their zones of influence. '] | A | World History |
50. In Chile, in the mid-20th century, the urban population surpassed the rural population due to massive rural-to-urban migration, which caused changes in the cities' appearance. What change occurred in the cities as a result of this process? | history/2025 | ['A) The emergence of precarious self-built housing clusters. ', 'B) The heritage rescue of the traditional neighborhoods in the urban center.', 'C) Equal access for the inhabitants to urban infrastructure.', 'D) The development of a state plan that resulted in a housing surplus.'] | A | History of Chile |
51. Read the following text related to the socioeconomic dynamics of the mid-20th century in Chile: "The agricultural problem was postponed, both in its economic and social aspects, which manifested in an intensification of its troubles. The slow agricultural growth was reflected in a decrease in the rural population. Between 1940 and 1952, the total population grew by 900,000 inhabitants, while the rural population decreased by 25,000." Aylwin, M. et al. (2011). Chile in the 20th Century. What was a social context factor of the time that explains the situation described in the text? | history/2025 | ['A) The decrease in available land for cereal production.', 'B) The drop in food demand in international markets.', 'C) The massive restructuring of land ownership in the estates.', 'D) The search for better living conditions in the main cities.'] | D | History Chile |
52. Read the following text about a reality of Chilean society in the mid-20th century: "I was coming from La Legua, and we left the same Legua in a march with horse-drawn carts, handcarts, or with things on the shoulder, we came through Santa Rosa, and people asked us, what's happening? what's happening? It's a land grab, and they took their blankets and joined the group. The men came in with everything, the carts through Departamental, and we women came here. Here where it is Treinta de Octubre." Garcés, M. (2002). Taking their place. The settlers' movement of Santiago, 1957-1970. From the quoted paragraph and the knowledge about the period, establish the causal relationship between what the story reflects and the set of social phenomena that give rise to what is expressed in the testimony: | history/2025 | ['A) the inability of the oligarchic state to resolve the poverty situations affecting a significant portion of the rural population.', 'B) the lack of political parties that represented the interests of the urban popular sectors.', 'C) the organized mobilization of settlers as an alternative solution to severe urban poverty and lack of housing.', 'D) the progress in the search for institutional solutions to the demands of the poor city population.', 'E) the protagonism of marginalized groups in the design and implementation of housing policies. '] | C | Chilean History |
53. Read the following text that presents an interpretation of the political climate that led to the 1973 Coup in Chile: «The failure of negotiations, the consequent deterioration of the role of traditional mediating institutions and procedures, the policy of social mobilization, and the deterioration of the authority of political leadership over its members, led to the incorporation of what Juan Linz calls "neutral" powers into the political game. The Comptroller General, the courts, the Constitutional Tribunal, and finally, the Armed Forces gradually became involved in acute controversies that clearly belonged to the political and legislative arena» . Valenzuela, A. (1989). The breakdown of democracy in Chile. Considering the historical context of the time, to which explanatory factor of the breakdown of democracy in Chile does the text refer? | history/2025 | ['A) The disinterest of community organizations in social welfare. ', 'B) The indifference of the political class to the poverty suffered by the population. ', 'C) The apathy of civil society towards the crisis of political representation. ', 'D) The undermining of the mission of public bodies due to contingency. '] | D | Chilean History |
54. Read the following text about the process of democratization in Chile during the 1980s: "In short, the new strategy culminating in the Concertación for the No and the extraordinary campaign that led to the victory on October 5, 1988, was the result of the initial decision of the Christian Democracy, the clear definition of the PS - Núñez distancing himself early from the PC, and the spectacular evolution of the PS - Almeyda, which definitively isolated the PC - MIR extremism and allowed the Concertación for the No to become an overwhelmingly majority reference, supported in turn by a broad social majority." Boeninger, E. (1997). Democracy in Chile. Lessons for governability. Considering what is stated in the text, what was one strategy that favored the victory of the NO option in the 1988 plebiscite? | history/2025 | ['A) The coordinated action of opposition parliamentarians.', 'B) The implementation of the first reforms to the constitutional text.', 'C) The exit of right-wing political parties from the political scene.', 'D) The use of a moderate political stance by the opposition.'] | D | History Chile |
55. One of the transformations experienced by the Chilean State as a result of the implementation of the neoliberal model during the period of the Military Dictatorship (1973-1990) was adopting the role of a subsidiary State. In this regard, what implication did this role have for the State? | history/2025 | ['A) The transfer of public administration management to private hands. ', 'B) The abandonment of the implementation of social development programs by the government. ', 'C) The marginalization of the public sector in participation in financial institutions. ', 'D) The use of the budget to support economic sectors with low profitability for private entities. '] | D | History Chile |
56. In Chile, during the 1980s, a series of factors contributed to the process of democratic recovery, among them was the reorganization of political forces. In this regard, how did the rearticulation of the political scenario impact the recovery of the democratic system? | history/2025 | ['A) It hindered the leadership of protests nationwide. ', 'B) It implied the end of the polarization of public debate. ', 'C) It allowed for the search for a peaceful solution to the Dictatorship. ', 'D) It enabled the appeal to international legal bodies. '] | C | History Chile |
57. Read the following text about the economic situation in South Africa at the end of the 19th century: "Already in 1880, the mines in South Africa dominated the world's diamond supply. However, there were many mining companies and they all competed with each other. During the 1880s, Rhodes bought most of those mines and created a single company, De Beers, which in 1889 controlled almost all of the world's diamond production." Krugman, P. et al. (2013). Economics Fundamentals. Considering the economic theory regarding market functioning, what was one impact of the situation described in the preceding text? | history/2025 | ['A) The limitation of free competition.', 'B) The increase in production costs.', 'C) The control of the supply of substitute goods.', 'D) The reduction of demand on a global scale.'] | A | Economic system |
58. An urban park has been enabled to hold a massive concert. On the day of the concert, there is an explosive increase in the prices of most of the products offered by nearby businesses. Considering the law of supply and demand, which of the following reasons explains this price increase? | history/2025 | ['A) Consumers will be affected by the existence of a trade monopoly. ', 'B) Consumers will face an abrupt decrease in the supply of these products. ', 'C) Merchants expect to benefit from an increase in demand for their products. ', 'D) Merchants will pass the increase in production costs to consumers. '] | C | Economic system |
59. One of the objectives of the Central Bank of Chile is to ensure the stability of the national currency by maintaining a low and stable inflation rate, among other aspects. When this body decides to raise the interest rate, what reaction does it seek to produce in the national market? | history/2025 | ['A) Discourage consumption. ', 'B) Encourage overproduction. ', 'C) Stimulate an increase in supply. ', 'D) Restrict the import of goods. '] | A | Economic system |
60. José is a furniture manufacturer who gets his supplies from a company that brings the wood from southern Chile. After seeing the news about the rise in fuel prices, José is worried about the repercussions this may have for his business. In the context of a free market economy, which of the following situations justifies José's fear? | history/2025 | ['A) The efficiency of deliveries to customers by the distributor of his products.', 'B) The impact that the cost of production factors will have on the final price of the product.', 'C) The shortage of raw materials necessary for the manufacturing of his products.', 'D) The possibility that a larger company will concentrate the supply of the same product.'] | B | Economic system |
61. In a state governed by the rule of law, economic activity is regulated by a set of legal norms, one of which corresponds to tax laws. In this regard, what is one of the effects caused by tax collection on the functioning of the market? | history/2025 | ['A) The constant increase in people's income.', 'B) The reduction of the availability of fiscal resources.', 'C) The decrease in the availability of consumer goods.', 'D) The increase in the final price of commercialized products.'] | D | Economic system |
62. Read the following hypothetical case: "In a country, there are three supermarket chains that operate nationwide. These chains control almost 98% of the consumer goods market. The market share of each supermarket is as follows: Super Blue controls 48%; Super Green, 30%; and Super Orange, 20%. The remaining 2% is covered by smaller stores." Own elaboration. In a free market economy, what problem could arise from the described case? | history/2025 | ['A) The supermarkets control the entire production of goods they offer.', 'B) The largest supermarkets set prices according to their interests.', 'C) The smaller stores must obligatorily acquire their merchandise from the supermarkets.', 'D) The smallest supermarket has to sell different products from those offered by the big supermarkets.'] | B | Economic system |
63. The devaluation of the national currency corresponds to a phenomenon where said currency decreases its value compared to others. What is a consequence of this phenomenon for consumers? | history/2025 | ['A) The stagnation of nominal wages. ', 'B) The weakening of purchasing power. ', 'C) The reduction of money demand. ', 'D) The decrease in the price of goods. ]'] | B | Economic system |
64. Inflation is an economic phenomenon that alters the existing relationship between supply and demand, affecting economic agents in various ways. Considering the functioning of the market, in what ways are the effects of inflation evidenced in a family's economy? | history/2025 | ['A) Reducing the amount of income they receive. ', 'B) Progressively increasing purchasing power. ', 'C) Increasing the number of basic needs. ', 'D) Decreasing their ability to save.'] | D | Economic system |
65. In the context of the organization of the economy, some companies may deploy their ability to control the market's functioning by applying various actions, with the aim of achieving a monopolistic position. In this regard, which of the following situations limits the possibilities of forming a monopoly? | history/2025 | ['A) The pressure exerted by the sustained increase in supply.', 'B) The application of a set of taxes on production.', 'C) The approval of laws that guarantee free competition.', 'D) The setting of prices by the production units.'] | C | Economic system |
1. In the Chilean political system, there are various actors, among which political parties stand out. What is an activity carried out by political parties that contributes to the proper functioning of democracy? | history/2024 | ['A) They organize electoral processes at the national level.', 'B) They finance the implementation of public policies.', 'C) They interact with other civil society organizations.', 'D) They manage civic education in the school system.'] | C | Civic education |
2. Currently, fact-checking (data verification) is a research technique used to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of data, facts, or information disseminated through various means. In a democratic society, why is the practice of this type of investigation important? | history/2024 | ['A) Because it allows citizens access to information. ', 'B) Because it legally regulates the ethical standard of information. ', 'C) Because it prevents the need to censor disseminated information. ', 'D) Because it validates the information on which citizens debate.'] | D | Citizen education |
3. In contemporary democracies, the exercise of voting is fundamental for the functioning of the political system. In this context, what risk does elevated electoral abstention pose to democracy? | history/2024 | ['A) The reduction of ideological pluralism in political debate.', 'B) The presentation of populist government programs.', 'C) The abandonment of representation through political parties.', 'D) The weakening of the representativeness of elected authorities.'] | D | Civic education |
4. Nepotism is a practice defined as the "Excessive preference that some give to their relatives for concessions or public jobs" (Royal Spanish Academy, 2022). In relation to the above, why does nepotism constitute a threat to the functioning of democracy? | history/2024 | ['A) Because it disrupts the hierarchical structure of public administration. ', 'B) Because it reduces the scope of public institution management. ', 'C) Because it superimposes particular interests in State decision-making. ', 'D) Because it decreases the number of jobs in the bureaucratic apparatus.'] | C | Civic education |
5. Read the following text about the link between democracy and media: "Democracies require media that act as watchdogs of the current rulers, as well as agents that provide necessary information for citizens to decide on the performance of their rulers." Cárdenas, J. (June 24, 1991). Democracy and Media. El País. Considering the foundations of current democracy and in accordance with the text, what is an opportunity that the media offer for the development of democracy? | history/2024 | ['A) Ensure the objectivity of the content they publish.', 'B) Allow the citizenry to direct the actions of the authorities.', 'C) Improve the citizen’s ability to evaluate the authorities.', 'D) Facilitate citizen involvement in the design of public policies. '] | C | Citizen training |
6. Currently, in the world, there are democracies in which situations persist that weaken their development. In this regard, what is an indicator of this weakening? | history/2024 | ['A) The intervention of civil society organizations in politics.', 'B) The reduction in the number of public administration officials.', 'C) The intervention of one branch of government in the decisions of another branch.', 'D) The participation of a large number of political parties in elections.'] | C | Civic education |
7. The quality of a democratic system depends on the functioning of the institutions, the correct balance between the powers of the State, and the existence of mechanisms that favor citizen participation. In this regard, which of the following measures contributes to strengthening democracy? | history/2024 | ['A) Improve the legislative veto power of the President of the Republic. ', 'B) Establish limits to the political representation of regional governments. ', 'C) Favor the continuity of a president through successive reelections. ', 'D) Promote gender parity in elections for representative positions. '] | D | Civic education |
8. Read the following text regarding the importance of the media in a democratic life context: "In addition to the control of information, especially in its news operation, through entertainment components (but also news), media can exert broader cultural and ideological influences, defining the interpretive frameworks or universes of socially acceptable discourse, legitimizing certain interests, states of affairs." Sánchez, E. (2005). Media and Democracy. Norma. According to what is stated in the quote, what role do media play in democratic life? | history/2024 | ['A) Channel problems affecting citizens.', 'B) Guide public opinion on political matters.', 'C) Guard objectivity in the practice of journalism.', 'D) Express the pluralism of visions existing in society.'] | B | Citizen education |
9. The functioning of a democratic system depends on the behavior of various factors that can improve or worsen the quality of democracy. Regarding the Chilean case, what is a situation that needs to be overcome to improve the quality of democracy? | history/2024 | ['A) The limited diversity of existing political parties.', 'B) The restrictions imposed on electoral participation.', 'C) The disparity of opportunities for regional development.', 'D) The limited access to information from public institutions.'] | C | History Chile |
10. In the Political Constitution of 1980, the conditions of the political system and the relations between the State and the people were established. Similarly, certain situations were defined in which the application of what is stipulated by this fundamental charter implies the suspension of rights and guarantees established in it. In which of the following circumstances does this eventuality occur? | history/2024 | ['A) In a call for a plebiscite by the citizenry. ', 'B) In the occurrence of a catastrophe that disrupts social order. ', 'C) In the detection of bribery practices in an election process. ', 'D) In the identification of corruption cases by the authorities. '] | B | History Chile |
11. In Chile, holding a new vote between those candidates who received the two highest relative majorities in a presidential election is a mechanism established by law. What is the importance of this mechanism for the proper functioning of the democratic system? | history/2024 | ['A) Ensures political multipartyism. ', 'B) Prevents political polarization in society. ', 'C) Legitimizes the representativeness of the incoming government. ', 'D) Guarantees transparency in public institutionality.'] | C | Citizenship education |
12. In Chile, according to current legislation, companies and state agencies are not allowed to make direct contributions to electoral campaigns. What situation is this provision intended to prevent? | history/2024 | ['A) The creation of advantages for a specific political sector.', 'B) The emergence of new political parties aligned with the government.', 'C) The deterioration of transparency in access to public information.', 'D) The misappropriation of public resources by private companies.'] | A | Citizen training |
13. Read the following text about the notion of State by the Enlightenment philosopher of the 18th century, Immanuel Kant: "A State is not a patrimony (patrimonium) (like the land on which it is based). It is a society of men over which no one but itself has the authority to command and dispose of. Grafting it onto another State, which like a trunk has its own roots, means eliminating its existence as a moral person and turning it into a thing, thus contradicting the idea of the original contract without which no right over a people can be conceived." Kant, I. (1998). Perpetual Peace. (Trans. J. Abellán). Tecnos. (Original work published in 1795). What principle of the liberal ideology established in Europe in the 19th century can be inferred from the text? | history/2024 | ['A) Freedom of thought.', 'B) Sovereignty resides in the people.', 'C) Equality of persons before the law.', 'D) Separation of State powers.'] | B | Civic education |
14. During the 19th century in Europe, most of the new nation-states began to incorporate some liberal and republican principles into their forms of government. In this context, how was the principle of popular sovereignty expressed? | history/2024 | ['A) Through the recognition of the right to private property. ', 'B) Through the implementation of a system of justice administration. ', 'C) Through the establishment of guarantees for political representation. ', 'D) Through the approval of the right to self-determination of peoples. '] | C | World History |
15. Read the following text referring to the process of state formation in Latin America during the 19th century: "The Creoles, descendants of conquerors, born in America, and often mixed race, rebelled and took over the colonial state, becoming independent from the Spanish Crown, and undertook the construction of the Nation-State. The initial founding will mainly involved unifying the population based on a common legal citizenship and the abolition of the caste system existing at the end of the Colony." Bengoa, J. (2004). The Forgotten Memory. History of the Indigenous Peoples of Chile. Bicentennial Publications. Based on the text, what was one of the political impacts of the emergence of the Nation-State for the indigenous peoples of America? | history/2024 | ['A) The creation of indigenous territories autonomous from central power. ', 'B) The inclusion of indigenous representatives in the powers of the State. ', 'C) The establishment of its own judicial system for indigenous peoples. ', 'D) The assimilation of the aboriginal population into republican institutions. '] | D | American History |
16. During the 19th century, in the context of the emergence of nation-states in Latin America, it was necessary to carry out various processes. In the socio-cultural sphere, what was one of the processes that the emerging states prioritized? | history/2024 | ['A) The integration of the proletariat into electoral participation. ', 'B) The rescue of ethnic diversities in the political system. ', 'C) The design of a policy for building national identity. ', 'D) The incorporation of middle sectors in state administration.'] | C | History America |
17. After gaining Independence, Chile experienced a brief period (1823-1829) of difficulties in achieving a stable form of political organization over time. One of the factors that explain these difficulties can be found in aspects such as | history/2024 | ['A) the alternation in power of multiple military caudillos. ', 'B) the contrast of economic projects within the elite. ', 'C) the cultural differences between the diverse regions of the country. ', 'D) the lack of political experience to consolidate the republican system. ', 'E) the social conflicts produced between landowners and peasants. '] | D | History Chile |
18. The Constitution enacted in Chile in 1833 provided the country with a political order and conferred a representative and popular character to the Republic. However, in its provisions, a contradiction with these features is evident. Which of the following provisions of this Constitution evidences such contradiction? | history/2024 | ['A) The implementation of compulsory military service.', 'B) The establishment of the censitary voting system.', 'C) The declaration of Catholicism as the official religion.', 'D) The presidential nature of the governmental system.'] | B | Chilean History |
19. In the mid-19th century in Chile, the organization of the Chilean economy was based on liberal principles. In this context, in which of the following aspects is the application of these principles evident? | history/2024 | ['A) In the development of an import substitution industrialization. ', 'B) In the predominance of private initiative in productive activities. ', 'C) In the state control of trade relations with European countries. ', 'D) In the formation of commercial alliances with other Latin American countries. '] | B | History Chile |
20. Read the following text related to the structuring of the State in Chile during the first half of the 19th century: "The matter of the monopoly, of a strictly economic nature, served to encourage the formation, alongside Diego Portales, of a small and very critical group. They, the monopolists, agreed on the necessity to establish a new efficient and progressive order." Izquierdo, G. (1990). History of Chile. Andrés Bello. Regarding what is stated, what feature of the historical context is inferred from the described situation? | history/2024 | ['A) The weakening of authoritarianism. ', 'B) The lack of a state legal framework. ', 'C) The political emergence of caudillismo. ', 'D) The creation of political associations. '] | D | Chilean History |
21. The political stability achieved from 1830 contributed to the progressive insertion of the Chilean economy into the capitalist economy, based on the export of raw materials to a constantly growing international market until 1870. In accordance with this, what was one of the main social effects that this insertion had on Chile? | history/2024 | ['A) The decrease in the volume of immigrants settling in Chile.', 'B) The rapid expansion of education in the majority of the population.', 'C) The decline of dependency relationships in the Chilean rural space.', 'D) The growth in the volume of the urban population in different cities.'] | D | Chilean History |
22. During the Government of President Manuel Bulnes in July 1851, the first section of the railway that would connect Caldera with Copiapó was inaugurated. What was the main objective for the implementation of this project? | history/2024 | ['A) To meet the transportation needs of the mining industry in the region.', 'B) To connect the populated centers that existed between Caldera and Copiapó.', 'C) To incentivize the population flow towards the northern part of the country.', 'D) To optimize the transportation of imported products to Copiapó.', 'E) To increase the transport of agro-livestock products from the valleys to Copiapó.'] | A | History Chile |
23. Read the following text about the economic internationalization of Chile in the mid-19th century: "In addition to controlling international trade and indirectly monopolizing copper production, the English were constantly alert to prevent Chile from ceasing to be an exporter of raw materials and food, and a consumer of manufactured goods; moreover, they were concerned with keeping open all possibilities that would allow them to increase their growing and powerful influence in national economic life." Ramírez, H. (1966). History of imperialism in Chile. Revolutionary Edition. In the mid-19th century, the Chilean economy was integrated into the international markets of the Atlantic world. Considering the author's perspective in the quotation, what is a problem generated by the economic prominence of the English in Chile? | history/2024 | ['A) The asymmetry in trade exchange relations.', 'B) European dependence on Chilean basic resources.', 'C) The absence of national investors in the extractive sector.', 'D) The deficiency in supplying the Chilean internal market. '] | A | History Chile |
24. During much of the 19th century, one of the most widespread and distinctive social types of the Chilean rural world were the so-called "gañanes" or "peones-gañanes." A term used to refer to individuals of the lowest social condition who carried out occasional work and had little association with the predominant rural property: the hacienda. Along with these elements, another fundamental characteristic that identified this social sector during the 19th century was | history/2024 | ['A) their preference for engaging in industrial activities. ', 'B) their high labor specialization. ', 'C) their strong uprootedness and almost permanent spatial mobility. ', 'D) their rejection of religious precepts. ', 'E) their tendency to organize into political parties. '] | C | History Chile |
25. During the 19th century in Chile, liberal thought spread among the members of the political class and was expressed in various state initiatives. Considering this historical context, what was a state initiative that evidenced the influence of liberal thought? | history/2024 | ['A) The monopoly of social welfare actions.', 'B) The expansion of the political powers of the Executive Branch.', 'C) The frequent declaration of constitutional states of emergency.', 'D) The establishment of constitutional guarantees of civil rights.'] | D | History Chile |
26. Read the following text about economic growth in some Western European countries during the 19th century: "The rapid and miraculous development of industries and commerce in our country in recent years is universally known, as are the effects of progress on the revenue and strength of the nation; and if the immediate causes of this increase are considered, it will become clear that, after the favor of Providence, it should be attributed above all to the spirit of enterprise and industrious activity spread in a free and educated people, who have been allowed to exercise their talents without restrictions in the use of vast capital; maximizing the principle of the division of labor; utilizing all the resources of scientific research and mechanical ingenuity." Report of the commission formed in the House of Commons in 1806 tasked with studying the expansion of the wool industry and the various aspects of industrialization (1806). In Castronovo, V. (1975). The Industrial Revolution. During the 19th century, there was a strong industrial growth resulting, among other aspects, from the application of liberal economic policies in Western Europe whose dimensions are described in the previous text. Considering this historical context, what political-economic characteristic of Europe is correct to infer from the previous text? | history/2024 | ['A) Progress based on artisanal productive activity. ', 'B) The development of important applied technical innovations. ', 'C) The encouragement of extractivist production of national goods. ', 'D) The state-driven control of exported goods trade. '] | B | Economic system |
27. Read the following text: "The city of Valparaíso presents a clear example of what a miserable village can suddenly become when driven by industry and commerce. The port was detestable; its surroundings arid. There was no suitable location to build a city; in short, nothing foresaw its future importance. In 1819, its inhabitants, whose number barely reached 5,000, were so poorly settled and backward in everything that they depended on Santiago's industry even for shoes. Thirty-five years later, it has become, not only a European city where beauty, comfort, luxury, and civilization have been introduced, but also the most industrious city of the Republic, the trading depot in the Pacific Ocean, and one of the primary sources of Chile's wealth." Pérez Rosales, V. (1859). Essay on Chile. Railroad Printing. Adaptation. The attached quote is a testimony from the era about the changes Valparaíso underwent in the first half of the 19th century, which allowed it to become one of the main cities in the country. This change is explained by | history/2024 | ['A) the exploitation of rich mineral deposits in the area.', 'B) the implementation of an industrial development plan by the State.', 'C) the privileged geographical location concerning the international market.', 'D) the implementation of an immigration policy to develop the port.', 'E) the establishment of the city as the administrative political center of the country.'] | C | History of Chile |
28. Read the following text: "It is a chilling picture that the suburbs of this proud capital offer us, in whose center [...], dazzling palaces rise inhabited by arrogant women [...] without remembering that, a few steps from their palaces, their equals perish from hunger." (Luis Emilio Recabarren, socialist politician). "There is an excessive isolation on the part of the upper class in relation to the working class: the only contact and interaction that can be observed between the two is what occurs in electoral campaigns." (Juan Enrique Concha Subercaseaux, conservative politician). Baeza, A., Estefane, A., Ossa, J., Fernández, J., García-Huidobro, C., Ocaranza, N. and Moscoso, P. (2008). XX: Stories of the twentieth-century Chilean. Ediciones B. The previous quotes took place in the context of the commemorations of the Centenary of Chile's Independence and reflect the discussion that took place during those celebrations. Which of the following options synthesizes the predominant character of the discussion manifested in the quotes? | history/2024 | ['A) The electoral process constituted the basis of social relations.', 'B) The conquest of Independence was a source of national pride.', 'C) The middle class was the link between the oligarchy and popular sectors.', 'D) The differences between socialists and conservatives originated the political crisis.', 'E) The lack of connection between different sectors of the population was the cause of the social crisis. '] | E | History Chile |
29. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Chile experienced an important cycle of economic expansion mainly stimulated by nitrate exports, which involved, among other aspects, the stabilization of fiscal funds. In this scenario, what was one of the social transformations that Chile experienced? | history/2024 | ['A) The reduction of social gaps.', 'B) The end of urban segregation.', 'C) The expansion of public agencies.', 'D) The intensification of birth control.'] | C | Chilean History |
30. Read the following text related to social movements in Chile in the early 20th century: "The workers' association also grew during the period, especially in the early 20th century: from the 443 different kinds of workers' societies estimated for 1911 by the Labor Office, this number rose to 547 in 1913 and to 1,114 in 1923. The number of members for the same years was 59,136, 77,609, and 177,711, respectively [...]. Strikes, on the other hand, recorded a total of 84 for the period 1902-1908, while between 1917 and 1921, they reached 229 [...]. In total, between 1910 and 1924, there were 467 strikes." Castillo, P. and Yáñez, C. (2017). The saltpeter shock and the accentuation of rent-seeking in the Chilean elite. Scientific and Technological Contributions, 42 (1), 79-92. According to the reading of the previous text, what is the historical process that frames the phenomenon described above? | history/2024 | ['A) The configuration of tenancy and peonage in the estates.', 'B) The formation of union associations in the rural world.', 'C) The influence of Latin American revolutionary movements.', 'D) The organization of workers associated with mining and industry.'] | D | History Chile |
31. Between the late 19th century and early 20th century in Chile, in a context of emerging industrialization, the Social Question phenomenon developed, in which social problems mainly affecting the popular sectors converged. Which of the following situations developed as an effect of this phenomenon? | history/2024 | ['A) The creation of labor protection laws.', 'B) The implementation of a public health system.', 'C) The state promotion of Christian social principles.', 'D) The eradication of tenements in the main cities.'] | A | History of Chile |
32. The Social Question strained Chilean society towards the end of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century. In the discussion around this issue, the influence of different ideologies was manifested, proposing different solutions to the problem. One of these ideologies was anarchism. What was the central strategy proposed by this political movement to promote a solution to the social crisis? | history/2024 | ['A) The promotion of the general strike complemented by worker self-management against the State. ', 'B) Alliance with middle sectors based on the promotion of an anti-oligarchic popular front. ', 'C) Peasant unionization to take advantage of the large population represented by this group. ', 'D) The development of the armed path to seize State power to generate structural transformations. '] | A | Chilean History |
33. In October 1929, the global capitalist economy faced a severe economic crisis due to the stock market crash in New York. What effect did the economic depression have on Latin America? | history/2024 | ['A) It reduced public expenditure, allowing the state to save to face periods of crisis.', 'B) It strengthened the implementation of liberal economic policies focused on the private sector.', 'C) It reduced the dependence of primary-export economies on the internal market.', 'D) It decreased international trade due to the establishment of economic protectionism in the region.'] | D | Latin American History |
34. Totalitarian regimes were political systems that developed from the 1920s. This concept encompassed ideologies as dissimilar as Soviet Stalinism and German Nazism. Regarding this, which of the following statements describes the relationships between these two regimes? | history/2024 | ['A) They constituted a solid alliance that dragged the world into a global conflict that led to their downfall.', 'B) They maintained a military cooperation agreement after the end of the First World War.', 'C) They established relations focusing on their common ideas, especially concerning racial superiority.', 'D) They had a period of collaboration and then faced each other during the Second World War.', 'E) They cooperated within the framework of similar economic conceptions they had.'] | D | World History |
35. Stalin's government in the Soviet Union (1924-1953) was one of the iconic regimes of European totalitarianism that emerged in the Interwar period. What was a feature of Stalinism that differentiates it from other European totalitarian phenomena of the time? | history/2024 | ['A) The implementation of a single-party political system. ', 'B) The use of the media for ideological dissemination. ', 'C) The acceptance of the idea of establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat. ', 'D) The development of expansionism based on the theory of living space.'] | C | World History |
36. During the Interwar period, various political movements in Europe adhered to totalitarian ideological formulas. Regarding this, what is one of the explanatory factors for the decline of democratic values in European forms of government in the first half of the 20th century? | history/2024 | ['A) The absence of an international organization to regulate conflicts between nations. ', 'B) The lack of economic policies to address the effects of the depression that began in 1929. ', 'C) The rapid expansion of communist regimes on the continent due to the influence of the Soviet Union. ', 'D) The development of irreconcilable political visions regarding the resolution of the problems faced by the countries. '] | D | World History |
37. Totalitarian political regimes gained strength during the first half of the 20th century, appearing in different countries. Beyond their doctrinal differences, totalitarianisms shared some common principles among them, highlighting: | history/2024 | ['A) opposition to Marxism. ', 'B) strengthening of the parliamentary system. ', 'C) the preeminence of individual rights. ', 'D) state control of civil society. ', 'E) the defense of the principles of liberalism. '] | D | World History |
38. Read the following text: “The movements [...] that, during their rise to power, imitate certain characteristics of secret society organizations and that, however, are established in broad daylight create a true secret society only after their arrival in power. The secret society of the regimes [...] is the Secret Police; the only strictly kept secret that exists in a country [...] concerns the operations of the Police and the conditions of the concentration camps.” Arendt, H. (2006). The Origins of Totalitarianism. (Trans. Guillermo Solana Díez). Alianza Editorial. (Originally published in 1951). To which 20th-century political context do the characteristics mentioned in the above quote refer? | history/2024 | ['A) To the imperialist colonization systems in Africa and Asia from the 19th century. ', 'B) To the European parliamentary political models following the First World War. ', 'C) To the single-party political regimes of the first half of the 20th century in Europe. ', 'D) To the Latin American populist governments developed in the mid-20th century. ', 'E) To the political organizations based on popular councils in Eastern Europe in the 20th century. '] | C | World History |
39. After the end of the Second World War, a new international order emerged characterized by changes in different areas. What was a sociopolitical transformation that has managed to transcend to the present day in various societies of the Western world? | history/2024 | ['A) The strengthening of European imperialism. ', 'B) The uniformity of national identities. ', 'C) The consolidation of two opposing blocs. ', 'D) The establishment of fundamental rights. '] | D | World History |
40. After the end of the Second World War, various states around the world recognized the need to seek global solutions to the atrocities experienced during the war and to the significant social and economic impacts caused by this conflict in different countries. Given these circumstances, what was one of the measures adopted on a global level to improve the living conditions of the population? | history/2024 | ['A) The promotion of social movement development. ', 'B) The eradication of bilateral military conflicts. ', 'C) The creation of multilateral international organizations. ', 'D) The establishment of a single currency for trade. '] | C | World History |
41. After World War II, the territories in Africa and Asia that were part of the European empires began a process of decolonization. This had the support of the emerging powers: the United States and the Soviet Union. In this new international scenario, what was the objective pursued by both powers in supporting decolonization? | history/2024 | ['A) Extend their political-economic influence in the new States.', 'B) Weaken the presence of European nationalism in the new States.', 'C) Install a system of enclaves with military bases in the new States.', 'D) Lessen the interference of supranational organizations in the new States.'] | A | World History |
42. Between the 1930s and 1950s, the political history of some Latin American countries was marked by the emergence and development of populist governments. What was a factor that influenced the rise of these governments? | history/2024 | ['A) The recovery of European democracies during the postwar period.', 'B) The disintegration of the oligarchy with the welfare state model.', 'C) The strengthening of elites through their adherence to the egalitarian discourse.', 'D) The impact of the global economic crisis on different population groups.'] | D | Latin American History |
43. During the first half of the 20th century, various governments in Latin America resorted to populism. What was one of the strategies employed by these governments to remain in power? | history/2024 | ['A) The police persecution of traditional political parties to nullify dissent.', 'B) The implementation of significant measures to favor the working class.', 'C) Maintaining the census-based vote to gain the support of the economic elites.', 'D) Decentralization to favor the consolidation of regionalist movements.'] | B | History America |
44. The decolonization processes, which accelerated after the end of World War II, resulted in the independence of extensive territories on different continents. In this regard, what was the principle recognized by the international community as a result of these political processes? | history/2024 | ['A) The fight against genocide and discrimination.', 'B) The self-determination of peoples and nations.', 'C) Economic cooperation based on fair trade.', 'D) Equality before international law applied to nations.'] | B | World History |
45. Read the following text about the Bandung Conference: "The Third World took shape in 1955, at the Bandung Conference (an Indonesian city near Jakarta, the capital on the island of Java), convened by Sukarno, with Tito and Nehru as major protagonists, alongside Sukarno himself. The rhetoric of the "Third World" was quite simple: these countries, mostly newly formed, claimed not to be capitalist or communist, not belonging to either bloc, therefore being independent and following their own development model." Tortella, G. (2000). The Revolution of the 20th Century. Capitalism, Communism, and Democracy. Taurus. According to the previous text, what was the plan that the countries participating in this conference were promoting? | history/2024 | ['A) The interest in creating a military alliance to overpower the great powers of the time.', 'B) The project to politically unify countries outside of Europe.', 'C) The purpose of distancing from the prevailing international political relations system in the postwar period.', 'D) The objective of forming a community as an alternative to the United Nations Organization.'] | C | World History |
46. Since the 1930s, and more prominently from 1950 to the early seventies, informal settlements known as "poblaciones callampas" emerged in Chile. Regarding these populations, what was one impact they had on major urban centers? | history/2024 | ['A) The creation of urban planning tools. ', 'B) The intensification of urban segregation processes. ', 'C) The acceleration of central urban area densification. ', 'D) The creation of subsidies for renting urban housing. '] | B | History Chile |
47. Read the following text about the situation of the Chilean population in the mid-20th century: "In Chile, between 1940 and 1953, the national income increased by 40%, but it was distributed inequitably; if that of the upper class grew by 60%, that of the middle class grew by 46%, and that of the workers by barely 7%, moreover poorly distributed in this already disadvantaged social segment, since the income of the peasants, in the same period, decreased by 18%. So it should not surprise us that by the end of the 1950s, 9% of the active population received around 43% of the national income." Correa, S., Figueroa, C., Jocelyn-Holt, A., Rolle, C., Vicuña, M. (2001). Historia del siglo XX chileno: Balance Paradojal. Sudamericana. Considering the historical context of the time, what was one of the problems faced by Chilean society in the mid-20th century according to the text described? | history/2024 | ['A) The persistence of unemployment among worker groups.', 'B) The deep precariousness experienced in rural areas.', 'C) The reduced contribution of urban employment to the Gross Domestic Product.', 'D) The minimal contribution of the upper classes to wealth generation.'] | B | History Chile |
48. Read the following excerpt from an interview conducted with a healthcare professional about the social problems experienced by the city of Santiago in the mid-20th century: «I was always a public health nurse—and I would get involved in Cerro Blanco, I would get involved in El Salto, I would get involved in Recoleta and the southern area, in La Legua, La Victoria. […] At that time [...] housing was [...] made with cardboard. It was cardboard, it was paper, they didn't have roofs […] There were many infectious diseases, much scabies, much lice, diarrhea, a lot, a lot of that. […] The problems were numerous. […] Access to housing was tremendous, even for the middle sectors. Perhaps what favored the middle sectors was that they were attached to a Pension Fund. […] But the rest of the people from the low socioeconomic level, right? had very little access to housing». Milos, P. (2007). History and memory. April 2, 1957. LOM Ediciones. According to this source, what was one of the main social problems in the city of Santiago in the mid-20th century? | history/2024 | ['A) The privatization of the public health system.', 'B) The lack of specialists in health services.', 'C) The sanitary conditions of marginal sectors.', 'D) The sanitary restrictions imposed on popular housing.'] | C | History Chile |
49. Read Article 2 of the Decree with Force of Law 285 of 1953 which created the Housing Corporation (CORVI): “The Housing Corporation shall be in charge in the form and terms indicated by this decree with the force of law of the execution, urbanization, restructuring, remodeling and reconstruction of neighborhoods and sectors included in the Housing Plan and in the Regulatory Plans prepared by the Ministry of Public Works. It shall also be in charge of the study and promotion of the reconstruction of affordable housing. Said Corporation will have the responsibility that the projects and constructions of 'affordable housing' are carried out according to the Housing Plan." Decree 285 of 1953 [with force of law]. On the organization and powers of the Housing Corporation. August 25, 1953. D.O. Chile No. 22615. Considering the historical context, what is a correct inference regarding the period in which CORVI was created? | history/2024 | ['A) The private sector was marginalized from housing construction. ', 'B) Housing ceased to be precarious as a result of state intervention. ', 'C) The state led national actions in the field of housing. ', 'D) The founding of cities was a historical process of a spontaneous nature. '] | C | History Chile |
50. By 1961, the government of the German Democratic Republic ordered the construction of a wall as a barrier between the western and eastern occupation zones of the city of Berlin. In this regard, what element characteristic of the postwar context is reflected in this action? | history/2024 | ['A) The persistence of large migratory flows of population in different regions of the world. ', 'B) The presence of a worldwide movement of pacifist demonstrations that was being attempted to be contained. ', 'C) The political-ideological tension between superpowers to maintain their spheres of influence. ', 'D) The existence of strong economic protectionist competition between regional trade blocs. '] | C | World History |
51. Read the following text that analyzes the reasons that led the Chilean Armed Forces to their actions on September 11, 1973: «[…] these are entities that in the twenty-five years following the Second World War acquired increasing professional and ideological commitments with their North American counterparts, which implemented a government policy aimed at turning the Chilean Armed Forces into an important piece in the scheme of defending U.S. interests». Arrate, J. (1985). The Democratic Force of the Socialist Idea. Las Ediciones del Ornitorrinco. From the point of view of this interpretation of the facts, what is one of the explanatory factors for the 1973 Coup d'État? | history/2024 | ['A) The recurring conflict between public powers regarding Chile's international role. ', 'B) The unfeasibility of the socialist project in a developing country subordinated to foreign powers. ', 'C) The close link of the Popular Unity with the Soviet Union that implied a threat to NATO countries. ', 'D) The implementation of the National Security Doctrine for the maintenance of the capitalist order in Latin America. '] | D | Chile History |
52. Read the following quote, which is a fragment of a letter of recognition from the United States Senate regarding the role played by Ambassador Harry Barns in the context of the 1988 Ple b i s cite: "During your period as the United States ambassador in Santiago, you have defended the best of America, and you yourself have done so much to push the cause of freedom in Chile." Letter from the U.S. Senate to Ambassador Harry Barns (1988). Considering the quote, what stance did the United States adopt towards the political process that developed in Chile during that period? | history/2024 | ['A) Supported Patricio Aylwin's government program. ', 'B) Avoided any kind of intervention in internal affairs. ', 'C) Mediated instances of dialogue between civilians and the military. ', 'D) Exercised influence to favor the process of return to democracy. '] | D | History Chile |
54. In the context of the implementation of the neoliberal model in Chile, the Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) were created in the early 1980s, replacing the Social Security Funds. In this regard, why is it correct to affirm that this pension system is a manifestation of the neoliberal model? | history/2024 | ['A) Because it ensures retirement amounts identical to the contributor's salary. ', 'B) Because it establishes a mechanism based on the solidary distribution of funds. ', 'C) Because it is based on an individual capitalization savings system. ', 'D) Because it relies on the voluntary collection of workers' money. '] | C | Economic system |
55. During the Military Dictatorship in Chile (1973-1990) citizen liberties were restricted, and Human Rights were systematically violated. What was a characteristic of this action during that period? | history/2024 | ['A) The establishment of an institutional framework with repressive purposes. ', 'B) The marginalization of Law Enforcement Forces in repressive actions. ', 'C) The broad international support for the state's repressive actions. ', 'D) The absence of a Judicial Power to judge acts of repression.'] | A | History Chile |
56. The neoliberal model was the system implemented by the Military Dictatorship in the 1970s, through which an attempt was made to strengthen the private sector and transition to an "outward" development model, which meant that the State adopted, among others, the following measure: | history/2024 | ['A) increase customs tariffs to protect national products.', 'B) prevent foreign investors from participating in state-owned companies.', 'C) stimulate export diversity by activating sectors in which Chile had comparative advantages.', 'D) regulate economic relations between private parties to ensure balanced profits.', 'E) set the prices of staple products and prevent inflation.'] | C | History Chile |
57. In the first half of the 1980s in Chile, profound political, social, and economic changes contributed to the rearticulation of political opposition against the Military Dictatorship led by Augusto Pinochet. From this perspective, which element of change favored this process of rearticulation? | history/2024 | ['A) The process of massive enrollment of citizens in newly legalized political parties. ', 'B) The cycle of protest days led by labor, student, and community organizations. ', 'C) The end of the violation of fundamental human rights following the closure of detention and torture centers. ', 'D) The restoration of freedom of expression through the repeal of censorship laws against independent media. '] | B | Chilean History |
58. The buying and selling of goods in commerce is an everyday situation in the market economy. In this regard, what role does the State play in this type of transactions? | history/2024 | ['A) Defines the goods that are demanded in the market. ', 'B) Determines the prices of the products available in the market. ', 'C) Ensures that families act as responsible consumers. ', 'D) Collects a portion of the money through the application of taxes.'] | D | Economic System |
59. In an economic system like Chile's, the State must adopt measures to prevent inflation from causing an economic crisis that disrupts the proper functioning of the market. In this context, what is a measure that the State can adopt in the face of inflation? | history/2024 | ['A) Sustainably increase customs tariffs. ', 'B) Limit the importation of various luxury goods. ', 'C) Set production volumes for private companies. ', 'D) Determine interest rates through the Central Bank. '] | D | Economic system |
60. Read the following quote corresponding to a consumer's reaction to the rise in food prices: «Regarding butter, a consumer indicated that “butter is incredibly expensive. It's like a luxury. I ordered one and it cost me 2 thousand and something. It's too much.”». Meganoticias (June 9, 2021). “Money doesn't go anywhere”: Consumers complain about high food prices in Chile. -alza-de-precio-alimentos-frutas-verduras-la-vega-0 9-06-2021.html The previous quote accounts for one of the reactions of consumers to everyday situations generated by market behavior. In this regard, what is one of the consequences that the exposed situation causes in the functioning of the market? | history/2024 | ['A) The increase in demand for substitute goods. ', 'B) The growth in the real value of circulating money. ', 'C) The increase in the production costs of such goods. ', 'D) The concentration of competition among a few suppliers. '] | A | Economic system |
61. Deflation implies the generalized decline of prices for goods and services over a period of time. How do suppliers facilitate the emergence of a deflationary process? | history/2024 | ['A) Increasing external investment in technological improvement. ', 'B) Reducing the amount of raw materials in production. ', 'C) Assigning more added value to production processes. ', 'D) Producing more goods than the population can buy. '] | D | Economic system |
62. In market relationships, suppliers and demanders establish various exchanges, which are carried out considering the price of the good or service to be exchanged. In this context, what does the price mean in the functioning of the market? | history/2024 | ['A) It is the expression in money of the merchant's utility. ', 'B) It is the manifestation of the value assigned to the traded good. ', 'C) It is the amount equivalent to the unit cost of production. ', 'D) It is the determining factor of the quality of the products.'] | B | Economic system |
63. A company that is producing flour receives news that rain has affected the wheat harvest of the season. In this situation, and considering that it must maintain its business flow and retain its clientele, what is one way it can face this shortage of raw materials without transferring a very high price increase to the final buyers of the product? | history/2024 | ['A) Buying wheat in other areas where its value is close to that in the area affected by the rain. ', 'B) Storing the production it had previously and selling it when there is a regular supply of wheat. ', 'C) Halting the operation of its factory to resume work when wheat is available, thus reducing costs. ', 'D) Requesting the government to handle the supply and focusing on producing other goods while it is being restored. '] | A | Economic system |
64. A basic condition for the proper functioning of the market is the existence of multiple suppliers and demanders. Considering economic theory, what effect does the reduction in the number of suppliers of a particular good or service have on the market? | history/2024 | ['A) The reduction in demand due to difficult access. ', 'B) The increase in imports to mitigate scarcity. ', 'C) The rise in prices due to lower availability. ', 'D) The increase in taxes to reduce the level of consumption. '] | C | Economic system |
65. Read the following definition: "A complementary good is one that must be used together with another to satisfy consumer demand." Roldán, P. (March 1, 2020). Complementary good. Economipedia. According to the preceding definition, in which of the following everyday situations is a complementary good mentioned? | history/2024 | ['A) “I really wanted to buy a parka and a jacket, but I couldn't afford both, so I chose to get the parka.”', 'B) “I brought a box of tea, but from another brand, the store told me it tastes the same as the one we always buy.”', 'C) “Since you bought that expensive cellphone, you’re going to have to protect it with a good case and a screen protector so it doesn’t get damaged.”', 'D) “The price of lemons, tomatoes, and avocados has risen again at the market. If this keeps up, we're going to have to stop eating salads.”'] | C | Economic system |
1. In the year 2020, the law was enacted that reserves seventeen seats in the Constitutional Convention for indigenous peoples. What is the importance of the enactment of this law for the Chilean democratic system at that time? | history/2023 | ['A) Contributes to the appreciation of cultural diversity.', 'B) Strengthens the territorial sovereignty of indigenous peoples.', 'C) Constitutionally recognizes the plurinationality of the State.', 'D) Guarantees the right to vote of members of indigenous peoples.'] | A | Chilean History |