stringlengths 4
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Why are you beating up my jukebox? | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | waɪ ɑɹ ju bitɪŋ ʌp maɪ dʒukbɑks? |
I have to stop you. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | aɪ hæv tu stɑp ju. |
Monday, there's gonna be haze, but Tuesday, look for thunderstorms. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | mʌndi, ðɛɹ'ɛs ɡɑnʌ bi heɪz, bʌt tuzdi, lʊk fɔɹ θʌndɜ˞stɔɹmz. |
Tomorrow in Victorville, it'll be mostly sunny with temperatures between forty six and fifty six. Go to hell! | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | tʌmɑɹoʊ ɪn , ɪt' bi moʊstli sʌni wɪð tɛmpɹʌtʃɜ˞z bɪtwin fɔɹti sɪks ʌnd fɪfti sɪks. ɡoʊ tu hɛl! |
He defended me during the trial. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | hi dɪfɛndʌd mi dʊɹɪŋ ðʌ tɹaɪʌl. |
Has Hoven cancelled? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | hæz hoʊvʌn kænsʌld? |
Nothing like a good laugh! Knock! Knock! Who's there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Let us in, we are cold out here! | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | nʌθɪŋ laɪk ʌ ɡʊd læf! nɑk! nɑk! hu'ɛs ðɛɹ? lɛtʌs. lɛtʌs hu? lɛt ʌs ɪn, wi ɑɹ koʊld aʊt hiɹ! |
I don't know. My mom said I was, but my dad told me to just blow her off. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ dɑn'ti noʊ. maɪ mɑm sɛd aɪ wɑz, bʌt maɪ dæd toʊld mi tu dʒʌst bloʊ hɜ˞ ɔf. |
Hello! | ex01 | confused | very slowly | hʌloʊ! |
Search Instagram for bulldog puppies. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | sɜ˞tʃ ɪnstʌɡɹæm fɔɹ bʊldɔɡ pʌpiz. |
How was your daddy son outing? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | haʊ wɑz jɔɹ dædi sʌn aʊtɪŋ? |
What were you looking for? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | wʌt wɜ˞ ju lʊkɪŋ fɔɹ? |
Why aren't you up there objecting? | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | waɪ ɑɹʌn'ti ju ʌp ðɛɹ ʌbdʒɛktɪŋ? |
Write a check, problem solved! Is Utah on PST? Parents' Day is in forty eight thousand three hundred seconds. Officer Chenowith? Yes, it's Jana Hawkes. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ɹaɪt ʌ tʃɛk, pɹɑblʌm sɑlvd! ɪz jutɔ ɑn ? pɛɹʌnts' deɪ ɪz ɪn fɔɹti eɪt θaʊzʌnd θɹi hʌndɹʌd sɛkʌndz. ɔfʌsɜ˞ ? jɛs, ɪt'ɛs dʒænʌ hɔks. |
Hold the elevator, please! Bring popcorn and a blanket! There's no libel in the blogosphere? Denver, he's the son of a fundamentalist preacher. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | hoʊld ðʌ ɛlʌveɪtɜ˞, pliz! bɹɪŋ pɑpkɔɹn ʌnd ʌ blæŋkʌt! ðɛɹ'ɛs noʊ laɪbʌl ɪn ðʌ blɔɡʌsfɪɹ? dɛnvɜ˞, hi'ɛs ðʌ sʌn ʌv ʌ fʌndʌmɛntʌlɪst pɹitʃɜ˞. |
Hey, how were those oysters? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | heɪ, haʊ wɜ˞ ðoʊz ɔɪstɜ˞z? |
Hey, dad, you wanna play Marco Polo? Bob brought out some songs for us, uh, for some new shows that are coming out. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | heɪ, dæd, ju wɑnʌ pleɪ mɑɹkoʊ poʊloʊ? bɑb bɹɔt aʊt sʌm sɔŋz fɔɹ ʌs, ʌ, fɔɹ sʌm nu ʃoʊz ðæt ɑɹ kʌmɪŋ aʊt. |
Who am I to be modest? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | hu æm aɪ tu bi mɑdʌst? |
He wrote Gulliver's Travel. Elwood? So what makes it so special? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | hi ɹoʊt ɡʌlɪvɜ˞'ɛs tɹævʌl. ɛlwʊd? soʊ wʌt meɪks ɪt soʊ spɛʃʌl? |
Um the Harry Potter series is comprised of books and movies. Ever considered writing an advice column? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʌm ðʌ hɛɹi pɑtɜ˞ sɪɹiz ɪz kʌmpɹaɪzd ʌv bʊks ʌnd muviz. ɛvɜ˞ kʌnsɪdɜ˞d ɹaɪtɪŋ æn ædvaɪs kɑlʌm? |
And why did you summon me to this God forsaken hellhole? So when's your first game with Ridgeview? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʌnd waɪ dɪd ju sʌmʌn mi tu ðɪs ɡɑd fɔɹseɪkʌn ? soʊ wɛn'ɛs jɔɹ fɜ˞st ɡeɪm wɪð ? |
Um there's an alarm tomorrow at eleven AM, uh Thursday at twelve forty five AM, and Thursday at three forty five PM. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ʌm ðɛɹ'ɛs æn ʌlɑɹm tʌmɑɹoʊ æt ɪlɛvʌn æm, ʌ θɜ˞zdeɪ æt twɛlv fɔɹti faɪv æm, ʌnd θɜ˞zdeɪ æt θɹi fɔɹti faɪv piɛm. |
Uh sometimes book roulette gets you some pretty neat stuff! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʌ sʌmtaɪmz bʊk ɹulɛt ɡɛts ju sʌm pɹɪti nit stʌf! |
Uh look for fog, with a high of sixty four, and a low of thirty five. Come on, let me out! So it's like someone gives you a horse. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ʌ lʊk fɔɹ fɑɡ, wɪð ʌ haɪ ʌv sɪksti fɔɹ, ʌnd ʌ loʊ ʌv θɜ˞di faɪv. kʌm ɑn, lɛt mi aʊt! soʊ ɪt'ɛs laɪk sʌmwʌn ɡɪvz ju ʌ hɔɹs. |
I wonder who that could be? I got a question. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ wʌndɜ˞ hu ðæt kʊd bi? aɪ ɡɑt ʌ kwɛstʃʌn. |
What's the best time to prune an azalea? | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | wʌt'ɛs ðʌ bɛst taɪm tu pɹun æn ʌzeɪljʌ? |
Oh, my God, it's so crazy. Who just did that? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | oʊ, maɪ ɡɑd, ɪt'ɛs soʊ kɹeɪzi. hu dʒʌst dɪd ðæt? |
Uh Ryan will tell you within sixty one days when the next products come out. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʌ ɹaɪʌn wɪl tɛl ju wɪðɪn sɪksti wʌn deɪz wɛn ðʌ nɛkst pɹɑdʌkts kʌm aʊt. |
Shall I place this order for Wilton Cake Decorating? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʃæl aɪ pleɪs ðɪs ɔɹdɜ˞ fɔɹ wɪltʌn keɪk dɛkɜ˞eɪtɪŋ? |
Yes, uh tomorrow in Gorges there should be a light drizzle. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | jɛs, ʌ tʌmɑɹoʊ ɪn ɡɔɹdʒʌz ðɛɹ ʃʊd bi ʌ laɪt dɹɪzʌl. |
Uh you will be pampered whether you have a one hour treatment or you spend the entire day. You can peel, polish, exfoliate, hydrate and uh detoxify! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʌ ju wɪl bi pæmpɜ˞d wɛðɜ˞ ju hæv ʌ wʌn aʊɜ˞ tɹitmʌnt ɔɹ ju spɛnd ðʌ ɪntaɪɜ˞ deɪ. ju kæn pil, pɑlɪʃ, ɛksfoʊlieɪt, haɪdɹeɪt ʌnd ʌ dɪtɑksʌfaɪ! |
Uh that was an amazing book! Some other books like it include The Last Mile and The uh Dream of Thieves. Kim's death? Who's the wealthiest YouTuber? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ʌ ðæt wɑz æn ʌmeɪzɪŋ bʊk! sʌm ʌðɜ˞ bʊks laɪk ɪt ɪnklud ðʌ læst maɪl ʌnd ðʌ ʌ dɹim ʌv θivz. kɪm'ɛs dɛθ? hu'ɛs ðʌ wɛlθiʌst ? |
We came, we saw, we uh kicked butt! | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | wi keɪm, wi sɔ, wi ʌ kɪkt bʌt! |
Let her have her say. There is no link. Happy reading! You're the Wizard of Oz? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | lɛt hɜ˞ hæv hɜ˞ seɪ. ðɛɹ ɪz noʊ lɪŋk. hæpi ɹidɪŋ! ju'ɹeɪ ðʌ wɪzɜ˞d ʌv ɑz? |
But we turned it into just this. MasterCard had a phenomenal quarter. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | bʌt wi tɜ˞nd ɪt ɪntu dʒʌst ðɪs. mæstɜ˞kɑɹd hæd ʌ fʌnɑmʌnʌl kwɔɹtɜ˞. |
It's a family heirloom! You guys do realize that you bought one of the most in-depth, customizable phones on the market, right? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ɪt'ɛs ʌ fæmʌli ɛɹlum! ju ɡaɪz du ɹiʌlaɪz ðæt ju bɑt wʌn ʌv ðʌ moʊst ɪn-dɛpθ, kʌstʌmaɪzʌbʌl foʊnz ɑn ðʌ mɑɹkʌt, ɹaɪt? |
For what it's worth, I think you're a standup guy. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | fɔɹ wʌt ɪt'ɛs wɜ˞θ, aɪ θɪŋk ju'ɹeɪ ʌ stændʌp ɡaɪ. |
It's an earthquake! The advances in technology, the uh kinds of breakthroughs that Evan Walsh is working on are the future! Who sent the note? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ɪt'ɛs æn ɜ˞θkweɪk! ðʌ ʌdvænsʌz ɪn tɛknɑlʌdʒi, ðʌ ʌ kaɪndz ʌv bɹeɪkθɹuz ðæt ɛvʌn wɔlʃ ɪz wɜ˞kɪŋ ɑn ɑɹ ðʌ fjutʃɜ˞! hu sɛnt ðʌ noʊt? |
Abu Zubadiah, Leader of Al Qaeda's external operations, claimed responsibility for the attack in a new video. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | æbu , lidɜ˞ ʌv æl kaɪdɑ'ɛs ɪkstɜ˞nʌl ɑpɜ˞eɪʃʌnz, kleɪmd ɹispɑnsʌbɪlʌti fɔɹ ðʌ ʌtæk ɪn ʌ nu vɪdioʊ. |
Um rough night at the casino tables? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʌm ɹʌf naɪt æt ðʌ kʌsinoʊ teɪbʌlz? |
She kept saying what? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ʃi kɛpt seɪɪŋ wʌt? |
And when it stops being fun, you um unhook. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ʌnd wɛn ɪt stɑps biɪŋ fʌn, ju ʌm ʌnhʊk. |
So what'll it be? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | soʊ wʌt' ɪt bi? |
Will you answer a survey from Cadderbury Dairy Milk? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | wɪl ju ænsɜ˞ ʌ sɜ˞veɪ fɹʌm dɛɹi mɪlk? |
I won't keep you. Sands of the ancients, uh give us a name. The second-floor landing is a cheery hangout zone for family and friends. What about the ball? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ wʌn'ti kip ju. sændz ʌv ðʌ eɪntʃʌnts, ʌ ɡɪv ʌs ʌ neɪm. ðʌ sɛkʌnd-flɔɹ lændɪŋ ɪz ʌ tʃɪɹi hæŋaʊt zoʊn fɔɹ fæmʌli ʌnd fɹɛndz. wʌt ʌbaʊt ðʌ bɔl? |
No! I never did it! Our friend's not doing too well. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | noʊ! aɪ nɛvɜ˞ dɪd ɪt! aʊɜ˞ fɹɛnd'ɛs nɑt duɪŋ tu wɛl. |
I've seen Silver Lining Playbook. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ'vi sin sɪlvɜ˞ laɪnɪŋ pleɪbʊk. |
Unless you already are in Hawaii. What are you doing with that? You know where we live. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ʌnlɛs ju ɔlɹɛdi ɑɹ ɪn hʌwaɪi. wʌt ɑɹ ju duɪŋ wɪð ðæt? ju noʊ wɛɹ wi laɪv. |
Why did the teddy bear not want dessert? Because it was stuffed! | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | waɪ dɪd ðʌ tɛdi bɛɹ nɑt wɑnt dɪzɜ˞t? bɪkɔz ɪt wɑz stʌft! |
We are going through the process. Um it's already in Montreal, remember? Wednesday, December twenty fifth is in a hundred and forty days. Frankly, it was worth the booking. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | wi ɑɹ ɡoʊɪŋ θɹu ðʌ pɹɑsɛs. ʌm ɪt'ɛs ɔlɹɛdi ɪn mʌntɹiɔl, ɹɪmɛmbɜ˞? wɛnzdi, dɪsɛmbɜ˞ twɛnti fɪfθ ɪz ɪn ʌ hʌndɹʌd ʌnd fɔɹti deɪz. fɹæŋkli, ɪt wɑz wɜ˞θ ðʌ bʊkɪŋ. |
How do you know if your dog is a smart dog? See if it has collar ID. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | haʊ du ju noʊ ɪf jɔɹ dɔɡ ɪz ʌ smɑɹt dɔɡ? si ɪf ɪt hæz kɑlɜ˞ ɪd. |
I'll give you a banger, you tap dancing demon! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ' ɡɪv ju ʌ bæŋɜ˞, ju tæp dænsɪŋ dimʌn! |
But if you say you get along with your parents, well you're a liar too! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | bʌt ɪf ju seɪ ju ɡɛt ʌlɔŋ wɪð jɔɹ pɛɹʌnts, wɛl ju'ɹeɪ ʌ laɪɜ˞ tu! |
You have a pager? No kidding. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ju hæv ʌ peɪdʒɜ˞? noʊ kɪdɪŋ. |
Yeah, I feel comfortable around people. Impregnated! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | jæ, aɪ fil kʌmfɜ˞tʌbʌl ɜ˞aʊnd pipʌl. ɪmpɹɛɡneɪtʌd! |
Spectators were treated to the likes of Rooney and Val cavorting onstage with the actual billed acts. | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | spɛkteɪtɜ˞z wɜ˞ tɹitɪd tu ðʌ laɪks ʌv ɹuni ʌnd væl kʌvɔɹtɪŋ ɑnsteɪdʒ wɪð ðʌ æktʃʌwʌl bɪld ækts. |
Um God, you're just like him! You keep me locked away in the dark, so I can't really experience anything for myself. | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | ʌm ɡɑd, ju'ɹeɪ dʒʌst laɪk hɪm! ju kip mi lɑkt ʌweɪ ɪn ðʌ dɑɹk, soʊ aɪ kæn'ti ɹɪli ɪkspɪɹiʌns ɛniθɪŋ fɔɹ maɪsɛlf. |
I'm hopping on the bandwagon here. | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | aɪ'ɛm hɑpɪŋ ɑn ðʌ bændwæɡʌn hiɹ. |
No, snow is not expected on Saturday. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | noʊ, snoʊ ɪz nɑt ɪkspɛktʌd ɑn sætɜ˞di. |
The first will go off in sixteen hours and six minutes and the second is paused with seven hours and three minutes left. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ðʌ fɜ˞st wɪl ɡoʊ ɔf ɪn sɪkstin aʊɜ˞z ʌnd sɪks mɪnʌts ʌnd ðʌ sɛkʌnd ɪz pɔzd wɪð sɛvʌn aʊɜ˞z ʌnd θɹi mɪnʌts lɛft. |
Is there something you'd like to watch? | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | ɪz ðɛɹ sʌmθɪŋ ju'di laɪk tu wɑtʃ? |
That's that's a big difference for me. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ðæt'ɛs ðæt'ɛs ʌ bɪɡ dɪfɜ˞ʌns fɔɹ mi. |
Abi Talib's a disciple of the Prophet. The Children's hospital on Sixth Street? I could see his desire for the job in his eyes. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | 'ɛs ʌ dɪsaɪpʌl ʌv ðʌ pɹɑfʌt. ðʌ tʃɪldɹʌn'ɛs hɑspɪtʌl ɑn sɪksθ stɹit? aɪ kʊd si hɪz dɪzaɪɜ˞ fɔɹ ðʌ dʒɑb ɪn hɪz aɪz. |
Are you all right? Bribe your way through the courts? Publisher? That's me! Exclaimed the overeager first year associate. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ɑɹ ju ɔl ɹaɪt? bɹaɪb jɔɹ weɪ θɹu ðʌ kɔɹts? pʌblɪʃɜ˞? ðæt'ɛs mi! ɪkskleɪmd ðʌ oʊvɜ˞iɡɜ˞ fɜ˞st jɪɹ ʌsoʊsiʌt. |
I think he's best known for uh "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Steamboy". | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ θɪŋk hi'ɛs bɛst noʊn fɔɹ ʌ "ɹeɪdɜ˞z ʌv ðʌ lɔst ɑɹk" ʌnd "". |
Someone told me to look up Alka Yagnik. How much does this trophy weigh? I just wanted to hear that update. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | sʌmwʌn toʊld mi tu lʊk ʌp ælkʌ . haʊ mʌtʃ dʌz ðɪs tɹoʊfi weɪ? aɪ dʒʌst wɔntɪd tu hiɹ ðæt ʌpdeɪt. |
The weekend ends on uh Monday, November third. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ðʌ wikɛnd ɛndz ɑn ʌ mʌndi, noʊvɛmbɜ˞ θɜ˞d. |
Who would be a referee? Um it never happened! Hey, how'd you recognize me? It was very exciting! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | hu wʊd bi ʌ ɹɛfɜ˞i? ʌm ɪt nɛvɜ˞ hæpʌnd! heɪ, haʊ'di ju ɹɛkʌɡnaɪz mi? ɪt wɑz vɛɹi ɪksaɪtɪŋ! |
why did the Modge Podge crack? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | waɪ dɪd ðʌ pɑdʒ kɹæk? |
Why are you offering suggestions? Let's make a pact? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | waɪ ɑɹ ju ɔfɜ˞ɪŋ sʌdʒɛstʃʌnz? lɛt'ɛs meɪk ʌ pækt? |
Is the pharmacy on this floor? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | ɪz ðʌ fɑɹmʌsi ɑn ðɪs flɔɹ? |
Guess who's here to pick me up. He certainly did a good job! Ma'am, drop your weapon! There won't be any snow today in Galveston. Um I would not count on it. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ɡɛs hu'ɛs hiɹ tu pɪk mi ʌp. hi sɜ˞tʌnli dɪd ʌ ɡʊd dʒɑb! mɑ'æm, dɹɑp jɔɹ wɛpʌn! ðɛɹ wʌn'ti bi ɛni snoʊ tʌdeɪ ɪn ɡælvʌstʌn. ʌm aɪ wʊd nɑt kaʊnt ɑn ɪt. |
He must love playing a robot! | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | hi mʌst lʌv pleɪɪŋ ʌ ɹoʊbɑt! |
He must love playing a robot Would you like to cancel the first one or the second one? Hey let's watch the mouth, huh? Uh quick, get in here! All of these kids were orphaned by AIDS? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | hi mʌst lʌv pleɪɪŋ ʌ ɹoʊbɑt wʊd ju laɪk tu kænsʌl ðʌ fɜ˞st wʌn ɔɹ ðʌ sɛkʌnd wʌn? heɪ lɛt'ɛs wɑtʃ ðʌ maʊθ, hʌ? ʌ kwɪk, ɡɛt ɪn hiɹ! ɔl ʌv ðiz kɪdz wɜ˞ ɔɹfʌnd baɪ eɪdz? |
Do what? All the while her skin smoothes, blemishes fade, and wrinkles flatten against tightening skin. Do you know anything about "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"? She's gonna need a psych consult. Which alarm do you want me to update, the first or the second? Can I have some ayes? Uh it's quite good! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | du wʌt? ɔl ðʌ waɪl hɜ˞ skɪn , blɛmɪʃɪz feɪd, ʌnd ɹɪŋkʌlz flætʌn ʌɡɛnst taɪtʌnɪŋ skɪn. du ju noʊ ɛniθɪŋ ʌbaʊt "du ændɹɔɪdz dɹim ʌv ɪlɛktɹɪk ʃip"? ʃi'ɛs ɡɑnʌ nid ʌ saɪk kʌnsʌlt. wɪtʃ ʌlɑɹm du ju wɑnt mi tu ʌpdeɪt, ðʌ fɜ˞st ɔɹ ðʌ sɛkʌnd? kæn aɪ hæv sʌm aɪz? ʌ ɪt'ɛs kwaɪt ɡʊd! |
Right now in New York, there's snow, and a temperature of twenty five degrees. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ɹaɪt naʊ ɪn nu jɔɹk, ðɛɹ'ɛs snoʊ, ʌnd ʌ tɛmpɹʌtʃɜ˞ ʌv twɛnti faɪv dɪɡɹiz. |
I tore off that first page and I still have it. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ tɔɹ ɔf ðæt fɜ˞st peɪdʒ ʌnd aɪ stɪl hæv ɪt. |
Have you ever heard of the honorable Fugu? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | hæv ju ɛvɜ˞ hɜ˞d ʌv ðʌ ɑnɜ˞ʌbʌl ? |
This is all your fault! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ðɪs ɪz ɔl jɔɹ fɔlt! |
What do you think, a cerebral contusion? Yeah, with a fine-tooth comb. Yes, how about trying "To Kill A Mockingbird? Isn't that what a controlled experiment is all about? What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A dino-snore! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | wʌt du ju θɪŋk, ʌ sɛɹʌbɹʌl kʌntuʒʌn? jæ, wɪð ʌ faɪn-tuθ koʊm. jɛs, haʊ ʌbaʊt tɹaɪɪŋ "tu kɪl ʌ mɑkɪŋbɜ˞d? 'ti ðæt wʌt ʌ kʌntɹoʊld ɪkspɛɹʌmʌnt ɪz ɔl ʌbaʊt? wʌt du ju kɔl ʌ slipɪŋ daɪnʌsɔɹ? ʌ dinoʊ-snɔɹ! |
Lynn's working on Sage's lyrics. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | lɪn'ɛs wɜ˞kɪŋ ɑn seɪdʒ'ɛs lɪɹɪks. |
You wanna add your grandson, right? | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | ju wɑnʌ æd jɔɹ ɡɹændsʌn, ɹaɪt? |
I'm asking for him. Do you wanna resume the first, second, or third timer? bitly dot com. I was just like, oh, that's an interesting aspect to this year. It's sitting right there. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ'ɛm æskɪŋ fɔɹ hɪm. du ju wɑnʌ ɹɪzum ðʌ fɜ˞st, sɛkʌnd, ɔɹ θɜ˞d taɪmɜ˞? dɑt kɑm. aɪ wɑz dʒʌst laɪk, oʊ, ðæt'ɛs æn ɪntɹʌstɪŋ æspɛkt tu ðɪs jɪɹ. ɪt'ɛs sɪtɪŋ ɹaɪt ðɛɹ. |
Did you read the article about Shonda Rhimes from ABC Studios? | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | dɪd ju ɹɛd ðʌ ɑɹtʌkʌl ʌbaʊt fɹʌm eɪbisi studioʊz? |
It's flawed and impulsive so you can stop now. Effort is all it takes. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ɪt'ɛs flɔd ʌnd ɪmpʌlsɪv soʊ ju kæn stɑp naʊ. ɛfɜ˞t ɪz ɔl ɪt teɪks. |
What did the devil do now? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | wʌt dɪd ðʌ dɛvʌl du naʊ? |
Since you like historical fiction you may also like "Thirteen Moons". Excuse me, sister? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | sɪns ju laɪk hɪstɔɹɪkʌl fɪkʃʌn ju meɪ ɔlsoʊ laɪk "θɜ˞tin munz". ɪkskjus mi, sɪstɜ˞? |
Do you like that? | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | du ju laɪk ðæt? |
Was Lorenzo blackmailing Ric? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | wɑz lɜ˞ɛnzoʊ blækmeɪlɪŋ ɹɪk? |
I can't compete with the technology. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aɪ kæn'ti kʌmpit wɪð ðʌ tɛknɑlʌdʒi. |
LMAO at Pitty getting cards for Gehry. | ex01 | confused | quite slowly | æt ɡɛtɪŋ kɑɹdz fɔɹ ɡɛɹi. |
Out of nowhere you get blindsided? Look at everything! | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | aʊt ʌv noʊwɛɹ ju ɡɛt blaɪndsaɪdɪd? lʊk æt ɛvɹiθɪŋ! |
It starts on Friday, October twenty sixth, and ends on Monday, October twenty ninth. | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | ɪt stɑɹts ɑn fɹaɪdi, ɑktoʊbɜ˞ twɛnti sɪksθ, ʌnd ɛndz ɑn mʌndi, ɑktoʊbɜ˞ twɛnti naɪnθ. |
Download Adobe Photoshop. | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | daʊnloʊd ʌdoʊbi foʊtoʊʃɑp. |
It doesn't matter if he's dead! You know what? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ɪt 'ti mætɜ˞ ɪf hi'ɛs dɛd! ju noʊ wʌt? |
The police would be all over him. You got the pink camel's starter jacket. The Oakland Raiders are currently eight and one in the season. Others were in hiding, in fear of their lives. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ðʌ pʌlis wʊd bi ɔl oʊvɜ˞ hɪm. ju ɡɑt ðʌ pɪŋk kæmʌl'ɛs stɑɹtɜ˞ dʒækʌt. ðʌ oʊklʌnd ɹeɪdɜ˞z ɑɹ kɜ˞ʌntli eɪt ʌnd wʌn ɪn ðʌ sizʌn. ʌðɜ˞z wɜ˞ ɪn haɪdɪŋ, ɪn fɪɹ ʌv ðɛɹ lɪvz. |
Would that be for men and women? | ex01 | confused | moderate speed | wʊd ðæt bi fɔɹ mɛn ʌnd wɪmʌn? |
You do not have an email saved for Emily Ratajkowski? | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | ju du nɑt hæv æn imeɪl seɪvd fɔɹ ɛmɪli ? |
Yeah, it truly is. | ex01 | confused | very slowly | jæ, ɪt tɹuli ɪz. |
One can never have enough swimsuits. | ex01 | confused | slightly slowly | wʌn kæn nɛvɜ˞ hæv ɪnʌf swɪmsuts. |
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