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Non-SpongeBob Dialogue
SpongeBob Response
Mrs. Puff: Now, SpongeBob, what is the proper procedure for making a right turn?
Hold on, I'll check the textbook. Ah, Your Mirror and You. Hmm, proper seat belt hygiene? No.
Mrs. Puff: Assuming crash position. Mrs. Puff: We didn't crash!
Hooray! Mrs. Puff! Oh, there you are. I'll make it up to you, Mrs. Puff. I'll shine your shoes! Dry your hair! Oil your boat?
Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob, stop it! ENOUGH! Well, you could clean up all this junk. I've been tossing stuff in this old lighthouse for 20 years!
I love cleaning!
Mrs. Puff: Uh-huh, glad to hear it. I'll be in my classroom. Oh, and if you need me... ...don't.
That takes care of that. Yuck. This place needs a good scrub. Ah, almost done. I just need to shine out that old lighthouse's lantern. The lighthouse is haunted! Just like my toaster. That box is haunted! These stairs are haunted! This trash is haunted.
Louie: Meow.
Ahh! Ghost snail!
Louie: Meow.
Oh, you're no ghost. Just a cute little stray snail. How about I call you Louie? Lighthouse Louie!
Louie: Meow, meow!
Now, Louie, you'll be good while uncle SpongeBob cleans.
Louie: Meow, meow. Meow.
Louie, I'm afraid you'll have to play out here, little fella. For your own safety. What! Louie? Well, that oughta keep you out of my HAIR!
Louie: Meow, meow!
Sorry, Louie, you have to stay outside. No silly little snail is a match for my superior sponge brain! And the bait: one can-o-patty.
Louie: Meow!
Gotcha! I don't gotcha. You got me. Barnacles, that's heavy. Huh? Huh, where'd Louie go? Louie! Louie! Louie!
Louie: Meow.
Louie! So this is where you've been hiding? Nice snail, good Louie! No, no...
Larry: Woah, those dudes are huge! I wonder what they lift. Bubble Bass: Those aren't dudes. They're giant monsters! Everybody panic! Larry: Those buff monsters have vanished! We're saved! Bubble Bass: We're doomed! My cheeks! Perch Perkins: Can you please tell our viewers the cause of this destruction? Fred: It was a lighthouse. It rolled through town, destroying everything in its path! A LIGHTHOUSE! Perchy Perkins: My goodness. Were you or YOUR LEGS injured by this insane lighthouse? Fred: No. Mr. Krabs: That blasted lighthouse is gonna demolish me Krusty Krab! Attention loyal customers! Paco: Run for our lives? Mr. Krabs: No, throw your bodies in front of that lighthouse, and protect me restaurant!
No, not the Krusty Krab!
Mr. Krabs: Stay away from me restaurant, you dirty... er... lighthouse!
Must... stop... lighthouse.
Mr. Krabs: Ha-ha, and don't come back! Mr. Krabs: Oh, you came back.
Louie? Where's Louie? Aw, Louie, you weren't trying to stop me from cleaning! You were just protecting your cute little babies. I guess I should call you Louise instead!
Mrs. Puff: You actually did a good job, SpongeBob! You deserve a gold star!
Ohh, a gold star! I have a present for you, too, Mrs. Puff. These little cuties were hiding in your lighthouse.
Mrs. Puff: Aren't you adorable?
Oh, Mrs. Puff, you're pretty cute, too! See you next week, Mrs. Puff!
Mrs. Puff: Amazing. For once, SpongeBob didn't create a huge disaster! Mr. Krabs: Puff! Your blasted lighthouse destroyed the whole town! And me restaurant! Mrs. Puff: My lighthouse?! The entire mob: What are you going to do about it?! Mrs. Puff: Talk to the fin! Debbie: Price check on industrial size econo pack of raw fiber. Mr. Krabs: Ah, it goes in like steel wool, but comes out like an angel from heaven. Debbie: Please, tell me more. Mr. Krabs: Ooh, well, this one time I... Debbie: Not really! Mr. Krabs: I didn't think so. Ooh, wait, I almost forgot me coupons! There's a couple double ones in there, too. Debbie: Sir, these expired over 30 years ago. Mr. Krabs: What does that mean? Debbie: It means they're no good, sir. I'll just throw those away for you. Mr. Krabs: No, wait! I'll take 'em. Debbie: Okay, sir, your change today is going to be exactly ten cents. Mr. Krabs: Come to papa! Come to papa! Yay! Two nickels. Hey, that's SpongeBob out there! What in blue blazes is that boy up to? Well, I'll be a geriatric jellyfish! SpongeBob found a penny! A bright shiny penny just sitting there, and he picked it right up! Huh, I can remember the whole thing as if it just happened a moment ago.
Sir... Sir!
Debbie: ...Sir! Mr. Krabs: What? Debbie: You're holding up the line. Mr. Krabs: Ooh, I am? Debbie: Next, please. Mr. Krabs: Interesting how things work out that way. Some folks just walk along and stumble over free money, while others, others, they work! Billy: Hey, mommy, look at that weird guy in the car over there. Billy's Mom: Billy, mommy's watching the road right now. Mr. Krabs: I mean, why couldn't I have just walked along and found it? I have legs, too, you know! How about a little music. Okay, okay, get a grip, Krabs. Just concentrate on driving. Okay, getting all worked up over a little coin. Ah, it must just be the full moon. Wait a second. I GOTTA, HAVE THAT, PENNYYYYYYYY!!! Good morning, SpongeBob.
Good morning, Mr. Krabs!
Mr. Krabs: Find anything special lately?
Mr. Krabs: Really?
Mr. Krabs: And you want to share it with your old uncle Krabs, don't you, boy?
Of course!
Mr. Krabs: Great! Well, share it with me!
I already am sharing it with you, Mr. Krabs.
Mr. Krabs: Wha.. What?
The thing I found was a bright, shiny, new... day! Well, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Good morning, Squidward!
Squidward: Don't talk to me.
Mr. Krabs seems to be in a good mood today.
Squidward: That counts as talking.
Whoa! Hello again, Mr. Krabs.
Mr. Krabs: Hello, SpongeBob.
What can I do you for?
Mr. Krabs: Can I borrow a penny?
A penny? Sure. Hmm, sorry. All out of pennies right now.
Mr. Krabs: But did you check all your pockets?
Well, I thought I did.
Mr. Krabs: Front pockets?
Hmm, no.
Mr. Krabs: Back?
Mr. Krabs: Shirt pockets?
Mr. Krabs: Shoe pockets?
Shoe pockets. Oh, Mr. Krabs, that is just ridiculous.
Mr. Krabs: It is?
Well, I do have a tie pocket though. No, not in there either.
Mr. Krabs: Hey, maybe it fell in your sock.
Well, I...
Mr. Krabs: Did you check there? Uhh?
Hey, look, it's my brain! Hey, where's it going? Ooh, there. Aha! Ugh! Not so fast, little guy. There now. Yes, I know. Come here.
Mr. Krabs: Uhh?
What's the matter, Mr. Krabs? Didn't you know I was a brain whisperer?
Mr. Krabs: So, uhh, no penny, huh?
Mr. Krabs: Darn!
Squidward, these deafening construction sounds are preventing me from working.
Squidward: Me, too.
Do you think we should walk out back to investigate?
Squidward: Never.
The sounds are coming from back here. What the?
Mr. Krabs: Careful with those marquee ladders!
Hey, Mr. Krabs, you made your own movie theater!
Mr. Krabs: Yes, I did.
Mr. Krabs: And you're just in time for the grand opening! Step right up, folks, and witness a spellbinding tale chock full of adventure, and action, and thrills... Frank: You know, I'm not really hungry. Fred: Yeah, let's go see what this fat guy is yelling about. Mr. Krabs: ...witness the terrifying challenges overcome by... by... Fred: By who? Mr. Krabs: by a... by a plucky young sponge.
Just like me!
Mr. Krabs: That's right! And the best part is: admission is only one penny! Squidward: Does a movie like that even exist? Fred: Yeah, does it?! Mr. Krabs: Uhh, well, actually, I was going to show you this flip book and... Squidward: A flip book? Fred: Yeah, I don't even know what that is! Mr. Krabs: No, wait. Noooooooo!
Mr. Krabs, can I see the movie now? Please?
Mr. Krabs: Of course you can, lad! You just gotta give me one penny.
But, but...
Mr. Krabs: But what?
But, I really don't have a penny. Huh, that's too bad. I really wanted to see that movie. Oh, well.
Squidward: Good evening, and welcome to the Krusty Krab semi-annual charity night.
Squidward? You look beautiful!
Squidward: Let me show you to your table.
My table? Fancy. My very own name tag!
Mr. Krabs: Hello, and welcome to a very important evening. Tonight's event is entitled: Pennies, for the penny-less. And before the following images are shown, I would ask each of you to look not look with your eyes, but with your heart. Three dimes, two nickels, one quarter, zero pennies. And since I realize the images seen here tonight may be wretchedly hideous, I am going to tell you what you can do to end this travesty: You can donate one penny to me: Mr. Krabs. Also known as: Mr. Krabs, the man who doesn't have one.
Mr. Krabs.
Mr. Krabs: Yes?
I would like to donate a penny.
Mr. Krabs: You would?
If I only had one!
Mr. Krabs: Hiding it, somewhere. Hiding it. Hiding it. Hiding it. Hiding it. Gary: Meow. Mr. Krabs: What's that? You! You know where! Gary: Meow. Mr. Krabs: Tell where! Gary: Meow. Mr. Krabs: Hiding it, inside, in there, somewhere.
Mr. Krabs! What is this metal detector doing on the floor? These should only be stored on special racks. And you're not wearing your metal detector handling gloves!
Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, I just wanted that penny you found on the street yesterday. Oh, I'm sorry.
Mr. Krabs, that wasn't a penny.
Mr. Krabs: It wasn't?
No, that was just a dried up piece of gum for my collection. I think it's peppermint.
Mr. Krabs: Ah ha ha ha ha hooooooooo hoo. I fell so relieved. There was no penny after all! Well, I'll be going now, You can keep the metal detector, SpongeBob. See ya!
Thanks, Mr. Krabs. Hey, Gary, you can play with that. Hey, this isn't gum at all. It's just a dumb old $500 bill. This won't go with my chewed up gum collection. Ah, well, good night, Gary.
Mr. Krabs: Penny, must have buried it around here somewhere. I'll just have to keep digging. Pearl: Boy, do I love high school. . You know what? Someday we're gonna remember all this, and we're gonna look back and say... Remember? Pearl's friend: Speaking of remembering, you didn't forget the Bikini Bottom High School Dance is tomorrow night, did you? Pearl:  Of course I didn't forget. I'm so excited. Pearl's friend: Me, too! Pearl's friend: Barnacle! Pearl: What!? Pearl's friend: Pearl I'm gonna say this as touchily as possible. There is a hideous barnacle growing out of the side of your face! Pearl: Where!? Pearl's friend: There! Pearl's friend: Pearl, it's not really bad as you... Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob?
Yes, Mr. Krabs?
Mr. Krabs: Didn't you already mop this area?
Affirmative, captain!
Mr. Krabs: Well, then, why would you mop it again?
Why wouldn't I?
Mr. Krabs: Oh, SpongeBob. How would you like to... At ease! How would you like to do your dear old chum a favor and rid his beautiful daughter of her evil barnacle?
I will do you this favor, sir chum, never fear!
Pearl: I don't know, SpongeBob. The school dance is right around the corner, and this barnacle seems to be getting bigger by the minute!
Don't fear, Pearl. We'll get rid of this barnacle in no time! I know just what to do!
Pearl: Are you sure?
One time, my friend Patrick had this barnacle the size of an extra large Krabby Patty right at the center of his forehead! Anyway, I fixed it so we never saw that barnacle again.
Pearl: How?
I took him to see a hypnotist.
Pearl: You took Patrick to a hypnotist?
No. The barnacle. It became convinced it was a pelican and flew south for the winter. We never saw that pelican again.
Pearl: I thought you said it was a barnacle.
What did I say?
Pearl: Pelican.
He was a really good hypnotist. Now just remain calm and it's all over before you know it.
Pearl: Are you really going to use hypnosis to get rid of the... barnacle?
Hypnosis? No! Hold still now.
Pearl: Is everything okay?
I don't think this is going to work. This ol' weather beaten shovel is gonna do the work!
Pearl: Did it come off?
Gettin' there.
Pearl: SpongeBob, how much longer?
Oh... shouldn't be too much longer. Personally, you could take a break off if you'd like.
Pearl: Good idea. I'm going to scrub my face with some soap and water.
Okay. Pearl! Pearl, what happened?
Pearl: There's more!
I mean, you're right. There's more.
Pearl: All I did was wash with soap and water!
Hmm... Water and... this soap?
Pearl: Yes, but why?
Because this soap smells so wonderful! That's why. Hmm, I know this fragrance from somewhere. Oh, I'm sorry, did you want a whiff?
Pearl: No.
More for me! No, I think one jar of concealing cream is enough. Don't worry, Pearl, no one will notice a thing.
Mr. Krabs: Pearl, I'm home!
Something wrong, Mr. Krabs?
Mr. Krabs: For a second there, I thought a towering, hideous, mind-boggling abomination was standing here, staring at me in my own living room! But then I realized... it's only my old, beloved daughter, Pearl. Oh, Pearl. No, no, no need for these expensive trips to the spa. But don't worry, SpongeBob here will take care of it. I have more important measures to take care of. Me jewels!
Pearl? Pearl, you've been in the bathroom crying for three hours now. You can't stay in there forever.
Pearl: I'm not going to the dance!
Okay, I'm coming in! Look at the bright side, Pearl. At least you can still play the piano.
Pearl: And what exactly would that do to me?
I have no idea. Don't worry, Pearl. I'll fix your crying!
Pearl: How?
Well, I'm sure if I'll think strong enough, something will pop up. Oops, I didn't mean it like that. Hey, it's that delicious-smelling soap again.
Okay. Where do you keep your soap?
Pearl: In the basement. Duh, where else?
Hello? Something there? Pearl?! Mr. Krabs!
Mr. Krabs: Don't just stand there, boy! Come help me with this! There we go. Sometimes it just gets a little stuck.
Mr. Krabs, what is this thing?
Mr. Krabs: Why, it's my old soap press!
Soap press?
Mr. Krabs: That's right! All the soap Pearl and I use comes from this machine. And the best part is, it runs on 100% pure leftover Krabby Patties!
Leftover Krabby Patties?
Mr. Krabs: Their precious essences are harvested, and after a brief cooling process, tumble out this conveyor belt as fresh, wonderful bars of soap! Fresh and invigorating! Plus, it's absolutely free.
Ohhhh, that explains why it smells so familiar! I don't know about this, Mr. Krabs. If Pearl finds out that you...
Pearl: I've been using soap made out of Krabby Patties? Mr. Krabs: Krabby Patty essence. Pearl: That's grease! Mr. Krabs: Well, if you want to split hairs, I suppose- Pearl: Daddy! Mr. Krabs: Got to go, you kids have fun! Pearl: I'm never gonna be able to get these barnacles off! My young life is ruined forever.
Don't worry, Pearl. I said I'm not going to let Mr. Krabs down, and I'm not going to. What do you think of that?
Pearl: The Bikini Bottom High School Dance was supposed to be my chance to sparkle, my-
Wait a minute, Pearl, say that again!
Pearl: Okay. The Bikini Bottom High School Dance was supposed to be my chance to sparkle.
Okay, you can stop. I think I have an idea...
Pearl: Are you done yet?
All set! Close your eyes and get ready to sparkle! One, two, three. And, ta-da. What do you think?
Pearl: I don't know, SpongeBob - what would my friends say?
We shall see shortly.
Pearl: Are you sure?
Shh. Trust me.
Blue fish: Pearl, we're here to pick you up to the- wow! Pearl, you look amazing! Pearl: I do? Blue fish: Well, not amazing. Sparkly and shiny and amazing! Pearl: Whee! To the Bikini Bottom High School Dance! Pearl and her friends: Let's go!
You have a good time, carefree teens!
Mr. Krabs: My jewels! SpongeBob, my entire collection of precious jewels is gone! Seen it?
Of course! Pearl's wearing it to the Bikini Bottom High School Dance!
Mr. Krabs: Help! Police! Thief! Stop that whale!
I promised Mr. Krabs I wouldn't let him down, and I have partially fulfilled that promise.
Squidward: SpongeBob, why aren't those orders up yet? . SpongeBob, the collective blood sugar around here is dangerously low. Why are you grilling index cards?
Sorry, Squidward, I got a little distracted. I'm practicing for my oral report for Boating School tomorrow.
Squidward: You know, SpongeBob, statistics show that public speaking is the number three cause of stress right behind death and marriage. Now get those orders ready!
Okay! Okay! Hm, what's so scary about public speaking anyway? You just stand in front of the public and speak publicly. It's really no different to what I do everyday. No big deal, SpongeBob, you just stand in front of them... ...front of them looking... me ...with their eyes! Squidward is right! Public speaking is frightening!
Squidward: Must I do everything myself? Huh? Stay back! You'll get your patty when it's your turn.
I never knew an audience can get so physical. This changes everything.
Patrick: Oh, sorry, wrong rock.
Patrick, I wonder if you'd help me by lending me your eyes.
Patrick: Okay. Uhhh...
No, no, no, no, no, you can keep them. I just want you to watch me while I practice my speech up here. Just pretend you're a student at his desk.
Patrick: H-Hold on, I'd like to sit in the back of the class.
Okay, here goes. Boating safety is...
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