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/svg>Toggle Dropdown About Blue EarthMissionHistoryBoardContactDonateSponsors Changing: The Evolution of Boreal Forests Benjamin Olson's long-term project on northeastern Minnesota, where he is documenting the effects of climate change. Boreal forest reflecting in lake, Superior National Forest, Minnesota. A common loons sits upon its nest while being backlit by the setting sun. The setting sun illuminates a stunted jack pine on a small island in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Minnesota. Common Loon (Gavia immer) release, Crosslake, Minnesota. A picturesque old growth northern white cedars, Superior National Forest, MN A cow moose emerges from the forest with one of her twin calfs. Clear-cut forest, Superior National Forest, Minnesota. Canada lynx, Superior National Forest, MN A snowshoe hare sits motionless to avoid being detected. Superior National Forest, MN Benjamin has spent half of his life studying and chasing light in ephemeral seasons. Working in a natural environment with no contro… Full Bio Visit Website Contact Animals Climate Change Environment Sub Topics Conservation Endangered Species Fisheries Habitat Destruction Mammals North America United States About Changing: The Evolution of Boreal Forests Minnesota's northeastern corner is dominated by one ecosystem—the boreal forest. Covering 3.9 million acres, including over 445,000 acres of water, northeastern Minnesota is covered by dense forests, freckled with lakes, and veined by rivers and streams. The entire region is defined by water and the interconnectedness it provides. Northeastern Minnesota is a living, breathing ecosystem feeding water into Lake Superior, Lake Winnipeg, and Hudson Bay. It is also a major hotspot for observing the effects of climate change, where the impacts are resonating through its core. There are three major components to the story of the northeastern Minnesota: natural history, climate change, and socioeconomic interest. The region is wild Minnesota, it includes the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), which draws visitors from across the world and is Minnesota's most popular wilderness area. This is one of Minnesota's most prized treasures and part of the state's most valued natural resources. This all stands to disappear from our backyard and shift over 300 miles northeast. The main driver being climate change, which displaces species endemic to boreal forests due to increased temperatures and overall degradation of the boreal ecosystem. Other issues, such as mining, could have localized impacts on the region if industry safeguards fail, potentially leading to pollution flowing through the wilderness, Lake Superior, Lake Winnipeg, and Hudson Bay. The history and the future of northeastern Minnesota is complex. I have been exploring, studying, and photographing this region for almost two decades. I have committed my life to this region. By combining my education, immense exploration, my passion for photography and wilderness I am determined to document the relationship the communities, tourists, scientists, and wildlife all share: a dependence on natural and protected greenspaces. Minnesota has numerous species which have begun to decline. The three most iconic wildlife species that are threatened by climate change are the moose, loon, and lynx. Moose are arguably most at threat. With a decrease in population of 60% over their historic range, moose are facing addition to the Endangered Species list in the Midwest. Four additional threats are affecting moose as well: a warming climate, northward movement of white-tailed deer into suitable moose habitat, parasites that are introduced by deer, and predators. Camera traps will be used to illustrate the spatial overlap of moose and white-tailed deer. Relevant research will be documented as well. The second iconic species in northeastern Minnesota is the common loon, Minnesota's state bird. The common loon is projected to be gone from our waters as soon as 2080. The summer range of these birds will shift over 300 miles northeast with the boreal forest boundary. Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes and the loss of the loon and their song will leave a haunting void in every Minnesotan's heart. A combination of traditional and underwater photography, along with science communication will be pursued to illustrate issues both above and below the water. Relevant research will be documented as well. The Canada lynx is the third threatened wildlife species in northeastern Minnesota. Shallow snow depths have resulted in bobcats moving northward, which outcompete and hybridize with lynx. These cats are also dependent upon early successional forests. Their prey relies on coniferous forests and without them, population density of snowshoe hare decreases and subsequently, the lynx. Camera traps will be used to document lynx in preferred habitat in contrast with forest succession, and the spatial overlap between bobcats and lynx. Relevant research will be documented as well. In areas of major disturbance, such as climate change induced blowdowns, logging sites, or extreme heat fires that burn canopies of boreal forests I will deploy time lapse cameras (10 initially, ideally 20) for a the remainder of my life. Each system will be left in the same location for the duration of the project. The cameras will capture one image a day year-round. Each year the images from each camera will be compiled into a time-lapse video to depict real-time forest succession, this will take many years for the changes to become evident. High numbers of cameras will be used to compensate for system failures and environmental damages. View more projects by Benjamin Olson, or in Animals, or in North America Subscribe to our newsletter for Blue Earth Alliance updates. Describe your interest in photography that can make a positive change.* Describe your interest in photography that can make a positive change (required). Blue Earth Alliance Tweets by @blueearthphoto About Blue Earth Blue Earth Alliance is grateful for our sponsors and partners. Learn more. ©2021 Blue Earth Alliance. All rights reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Blue Earth Alliance. Site Produced by FusionSpark Media, Inc.
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Ethics Report Finds Elaine Chao Used Trump Cabinet Post to Promote Family Interests Posted byamongthefray March 4, 2021 Posted inNews, US NewsTags:China, Corruption, Elaine Chao, government, Mitch McConnell, Transportation, US The inspector generals are coming for Trump World! For an administration with a historic aversion to ethics and the propriety of public service, there has been a lot for these internal governmental watchdogs to dig in to. Mar 4, 2021: Rachel Maddow shares details of an inspector general report finding that Trump Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao misused her office and referring her to the Department of Justice for potential prosecution. Chao is at least the fourth Trump Cabinet member referred to the DOJ. On Wednesday, the inspector general at the lowly old Transportation Department, perhaps the least glamorous of all the cabinet gigs, released its report outlining the ways in which former Secretary Elaine Chao managed to use the position to deploy public resources to benefit her family. The instances of wrongdoing were not particularly subtle and the department watchdog referred the case to the Department of Justice late last year for possible criminal prosecution. The Justice Department, in the final weeks of the Trump administration, declined to advance the case. The day after the Transportation Dept's watchdog office referred Elaine Chao to DOJ for potential prosecution, her husband, then-Senate Majority @LeaderMcConnell pushed to confirm a new head for that watchdog officehttps://t.co/KhQer1uBE4https://t.co/8LL0ryVLFu pic.twitter.com/hXunnncNvK — Nick Schwellenbach (@schwellenbach) March 4, 2021 Most of Chao's questionable behavior revolved around her father, James Chao, and his shipping business, the Foremost Group, which made its mark transporting raw materials, like coal and iron, to China, and continues to do extensive work with Chinese state-owned businesses. The Shanghai-born patriarch of the family started the business after emigrating to the U.S. in the 1950s, but has since turned the operation over to Chao's younger sister, Angela Chao. As the secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao was charged with overseeing the American shipping industry. For starters, investigators said that Chao routinely asked government employees to help her father in a number of ways, from updating his Wikipedia page to promoting his biography, and even building a public relations strategy for the longtime shipping magnate. Chao also made highly questionable moves, such as giving an interview, as a cabinet-level public official, to a Chinese-language TV station that resembled an informercial about her father's success and business acumen. The interview was conducted at the New York City headquarters of the Foremost Group. Then there was the proposed 2017 trip to China for the Chao family that raised ethics concerns and was ultimately cancelled. From the New York Times: The investigators found that Ms. Chao had used her staff to arrange details for Mr. Chao's trip to China in October 2017, including asking, through the State Department, for China's Transport Ministry to arrange for two cars for a six-person delegation, which included Ms. Chao's younger sister Angela Chao, who had succeeded their father as head of the family shipping company, and Angela Chao's husband, the venture capitalist Jim Breyer. The trip had been scheduled to include stops at locations in China that had received financial support from the company and also a meeting with "top leaders" in China that was to include Elaine Chao's father and sister, but not other members of Transportation Department staff. Chao pushed back against accusations of misusing her office by chalking it up to cultural differences, pointing to a memo outlining the importance of promoting her father as part of her governmental work. "Anyone familiar with Asian culture knows it is a core value in Asian communities to express honor and filial respect toward one's parents," the September 2020 memo said. "Asian audiences welcome and respond positively to actions by the secretary that include her father in activities when appropriate." https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/03/transportation-ig-report-elaine-chao-cabinet-post-promote-family-interests.html Published by amongthefray News with a historical perspective. Fighting against misinformation, hate, and revisionist history. View more posts Freedom House: Global Decline In Democracy Has 'Accelerated' A wealthy Florida Keys community received vaccines before the rest of the state. A month later, one resident sent $250,000 to the governor.
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Trying to deploy Silverlight via snapin. I was able to extract the exe file into an MSI file and then deploy the MSI file (I will attach a screen shot) this does show Silverlight installed but when I visit the webpage on the machine deployed to, it is still prompting me to install Silverlight even after a reboot. Any ideas? This seemed to work! Thanks!
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Chris Goppelsroeder to retire from DSM Nutritional Products Royal DSM has announced Chris Goppelsroeder, president and CEO of DSM Nutritional Products (DNP) and member of the DSM executive committee, will retire and leave the company this April. Dimitri de Vreeze, co-CEO of DSM, will step into Goppelsroeder's DNP leadership role in his capacity as COO. Goppelsroeder first joined DSM in 2003, when the company acquired Roche Holding's vitamin division. In 2013, he became president and CEO of DNP. Over the years, he has led DSM's business to growth, and transformed the company's operating model with the adoption of a customer-centric approach. He was also instrumental in DNP's growth organically as well as through acquisitions, including Glycom and Erber Group. In addition, Goppelsroeder played a crucial role in the development of innovation projects such as Clean Cow/Bovaer, Veramaris, and DSM's new moves in the space of precision and personalised nutrition. Geraldine Marcheet and de Vreeze, co-CEOs, commented: "Chris has been a key and valued leader for DSM, and we are grateful for his dedication and the contributions he has made in transforming DSM to where we are today. We will be sad to say goodbye to a great colleague and friend who has built a fantastic leadership team. Chris leaves a tremendous legacy and, on behalf of the entire company, we wish him all the best for his well-deserved retirement." Previous articleKemin Industries launches DailyZz for better sleep and function Next articleFive trends shaping the food industry in 2021
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Califia calida är en ringmaskart som beskrevs av Hartman 1957. Califia calida ingår i släktet Califia och familjen Orbiniidae. Artens utbredningsområde är Mexikanska golfen. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Havsborstmaskar calida
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Ed Schipul took this photo at the Houston Chronicle's Book & Author dinner last Sunday. Portions of the proceeds from that dinner benefit the Houston Public Library. Pictured here is Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson, director of the Houston Public Library. Happy to help the library. I can't imagine life without books!
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Democrats' primary focus: Arizona's 6th Congressional District By Bob Christie Dr. Hiral Tipirneni and GOP incumbent Rep. David Schweikert GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) — Arizona voters go to the polls August 4 to cast ballots in primary races for nine seats in the U.S. House, but much of the attention will be on the Democratic primary in 6th Congressional District. Democrats see the 6th District, a Republican stronghold which covers much of north Phoenix, Paradise Valley, Fountain Hills and Scottsdale, as winnable because of a long-running ethics investigation into five-term GOP incumbent Rep. David Schweikert. The House Ethics Committee investigation was wrapped up July 30, with Schweikert admitting to 11 violations and agreeing to pay a $50,000 fine. The panel concluded he used congressional staff in his campaigns, pressured them to do political work and received gifts or a loan from an employee, and that he committed a series of campaign finance violations. Schweikert had denied wrongdoing, but took responsibility for the problems in a letter to the committee that also said he agreed to settle the case in part because it was "was time consuming and extremely costly." He's unopposed in the Republican primary, but used tens of thousands in campaign funds to hire lawyers, leaving him underfunded for a real challenge. That challenge is coming from four Democrats, one of whom will emerge Tuesday to take on Schweikert in November. They include Dr. Hiral Tipirneni, a physician who lost special and general election efforts in 2018 to win the GOP-heavy 8th District but earned strong name identification and has far outraised the other three Democrats on the ballot. She's running television campaign ads that don't mention the other Democrats. Another top contender is tech entrepreneur Anita Malik, who challenged Schweikert in 2018. Rounding out the field are business owner Stephanie Rimmer and Karl Gentles, a public relations agency owner, who are less well known in the district. Malik lost by 10 percentage points in 2018, but along with Tipirneni is considered a top contender. She said the base of support she built in that race and voter discontent with President Donald Trump make the 6th District winnable for Democrats. "It is really possible and it is just math," Malik said of beating Schweikert in November, noting that some Republicans are turned off by Trump. "If you can get the registered Dems and the registered independents to come out and have that turnout that can match and hopefully exceed the Republicans, plus pull over some Republicans, it is very doable," she said. "It really is an independent district and its up to the independents." Despite Tipirnini's huge fundraising edge, Malik thinks she can win and that she is in the best position to tell voters how Schweikert has failed the district on economic issues. "I think I'm the one that can really speak to those issues and go head to head with him on those issues," she said. Tipirneni said she's focused on beating Schweikert in November and has raised $2.5 million compared with Malik's $244,000. "The goal is to beat David Schweikert and I'm not looking to knock any of my fellow Democrats," Tipirneni said. "It's up to me to make my case to the voters, and that's what I have done and that's what I will continue to do to earn their support." She is again focusing on health care as the major issue in the race, an issue Democrats see as a winning argument. "Folks are still very much concerned about access to affordable quality healthcare, about the affordability of their medications, their prescriptions drugs," Tipirneni said. "There's still very much of a crisis and as long as there's a crisis I'm ready to fight on behalf of all Arizonans." Malik said she thinks the race will be close, but is happy with her position in the final week of a coronavirus-truncated campaign. "I think a four-way split will naturally make that happen, but we have a very strong base in place," she said. Schweikert's political consultant, Chris Baker, said Democrats have a hard road ahead. "It's going to be very difficult for them to win CD6," he said Thursday. In other congressional primaries, Democratic Rep. Tom O'Halleran is trying to fend off a challenge in the sprawling 1st District, a swing district that leans Democratic. The moderate Democrat is being challenged in the primary by former Flagstaff City Councilwoman Eva Putzova, a progressive champion. On the GOP ticket is Tiffany Shedd, an Eloy farmer, and Nolan Reidhead, a lawyer and Payson native who lives outside the district, in Tucson. Another battle is in southern Arizona's 2nd District, which also leans Democratic and where incumbent Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick faces only token opposition from political newcomer Peter Quilter. The GOP hopes to wrest away the district, putting up Brandon Martin, Morgan Joseph and Noran Eric Ruden. Martin lost in the district's 2018 primary, Joseph works for a local community college and Ruden is a business owner. Rounding out the competitive congressional races is the Republican primary in the 9th District, a Democratic stronghold that takes in Tempe and parts of the eastern Phoenix suburbs. Democratic Rep. Greg Stanton faces no primary opposition, but three Republicans are vying for the chance to take him on in November. They are Gilbert business consultant Dave Giles, Chandler City Councilman Sam Huang and Phoenix pharmacist Nicholas Tutora. Voters also will decide primaries in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th congressional districts, where incumbents either have no opponents or appear certain to advance to November. FOX 10 Voter Guide: 2020 Arizona Primary election Early voting for the primary election started on July 8 when ballots were mailed to voters on the Permanent Early Voting List, voters who requested a ballot-by-mail and in-person early voting at county recorders' offices and other designated early voting locations.
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Subsea & Seismic - Hydrographic Survey Determination of real-time tide information using GPS David Russell and Pieter Toor report on developments in the offshore positioning and navigation markets. Real-time observation of tidal variations using high-accuracy global positioning systems (GPS) offers many benefits over conventional methods, ie the deployment of tide gauges or the use of tidal prediction software. Veripos Tides uses highly stable and accurate positions from the Veripos Ultra positioning service. The service is based around a positioning technique known as Precise Point Positioning that minimises or removes all of the main GPS errors sources such as satellite orbit, satellite clock, troposphere, ionosphere and multi-path. Since the service provides the user with real-time decimetre level accuracies it is possible to use these positions to detect height variations relative to a vertical reference offshore. To achieve this, the real-time tide estimation process has to manage height variations caused by vessel motion and by inaccuracies in the GPS position calculation process. Information and results are presented to the user via numerical and graphical displays within the Veripos Verify-QC software. Vertical reference terminology - Mean Sea Surface (MSS). Represents the height of the ocean surface (measured from the surface of some reference ellipsoid), averaged over some specific time interval (and corrected for ocean and earth tides). MSS models are based on data provided by altimetry satellites. - Mean Sea Level (MSL). There are two different interpretations: 1. In geodesy, MSL usually means the local height, ie vertical offset, of the global Mean Sea Surface above a level reference surface called the Geoid; 2. In tidal analysis, MSL means the still water level averaged over a period of time (eg, month or year) so periodic changes in sea level (eg, tides) are also averaged out. MSL values are measured with respect to the level of benchmarks on land. As such a change in MSL can result from either a real change in sea level or a change in the height of the land on which the tide gauge is located (eg, from isostatic rebound). - Geoid. A surface over which the gravity potential is constant (ie, water does not 'flow' on the Geoid but it remains in equilibrium). It also is the equipotential surface of the Earth's gravity field which best fits, in a least squares sense, global MSS. - Dynamic Ocean Topography (DOT). Difference between MSS and the Geoid. It originates from the fact that the major ocean circulation has a time-invariant non-zero component (ie, a component that does not average to zero over time). If the oceans were static and not affected by winds and air pressure, MSS and Geoid would be the same surfaces. However, steady currents in the ocean driven by winds and atmospheric heating and cooling, give rise to differences in sea level around the world. These local differences between the Geoid and MSS are described by the Dynamic Ocean Topography whose values can range between -2.5m and +1.2 m. Therefore, Geoid models like EGM96 and EGM2008 can be considered an approximation of MSS, but only to the 2-3m level. Verify-QC does not consider chart datums and therefore can't convert tidal values relative to MSS to other tidal references like Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT). The relationship between Chart Datum/LAT and MSS is a vertical offset 'Z0' which can only be determined by deploying a seabed tide gauge and logging over at least two Lunar Cycles. Z0 is not constant and varies from place to place and the vertical offset between LAT and MSS is published for specific ports around the world in the Admiralty Tide Publications. The Veripos Tides process provides two real-time tide observations relative to different vertical references. The first method estimates the tide relative to a Geoid Model, either EGM96 or EGM2008, which is a global approximation of MSS. This observation, called Geoid Tide, is available instantaneously and is suitable for short projects. The second method first derives MSS using a VERIPOS Tide filter and then estimates the tide relative to this surface. This observation, called Ultra Tide, is independent of uncertainties in the Geoid model. It requires 39 hours of continuous data and is only suitable for longer-term offshore projects. The Ultra Tide observation is more accurate since its vertical reference (MSS) is accurate to the cm level. The Veripos Tides estimates provide the real-time total variation from a vertical reference (MSS for Ultra Tide or EGM model for Geoid Tide). The fact is that the sea surface varies not only due to tidal effects but also due to additional effects like atmospheric effects (variations in pressure and wind) which in extreme cases will cause tidal surges. The benefit of estimating a real-time total variation from a vertical reference is that a single vertical correction can be applied to marine survey depth information. In addition, the system allows tides to be estimated at a high frequency (every minute) such that a very detailed sea surface variation pattern can be derived. Enter 15 or XX at www.engineerlive.com/ihss David Russell is Technical Support Manager and Pieter Toor is R&D Manager with VERIPOS Westhill, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK. www.veripos.com Shaft couplings now available in carbon fibre Easier connection of measurement systems to a PC Engineering design optimisation on a Saas basis Using virtual reality to design and simulate power plant performance Modelling and testing renewable energy technologies
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And Spend Less through the Revolution. We Partner with the Top Providers of Cloud‐Based Business Solutions. They Are Running World's #1 Cloud ERP. Why Go for the Clouds? Because it saves time, money and effort! With your software installed on the cloud, the risk of hardware and software failures are eliminated! Suffering from downtimes due to software or hardware failures and/or upgrade is something from the past. Save your time, money, and effort to invest it in growing your core business. We provide a range of solutions that serve the various needs of your business.
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If I could live in a world of Octobers I'd do it. I'd give up the summer (too hot), the winter (too cold) and the spring (too wet). My wardrobe would consist entirely of flannel and knee high boots. And my hand would always be holding an autumn cocktail (or PSL). Maybe I'd get bored after awhile but it would take a long time. Fall flavors are the best, you can't beat apple or pumpkin. They're both cozy and versatile, you can make them spicy or sweet to fit your tastes. They play well with other flavors so your options are limitless. Autumn flavors aren't limited to apples and pumpkins. Pears, cranberries, quince, pomegranates and persimmons start to sneak into the farmer's markets and grocery stores. Don't forget the spices that make everything smell like fall like cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and cloves. It's the time of year where everything turns into a get together, from small gathers for the last campfire of the year to harvest festivals. I think autumn cocktails should be enjoyed all year round but they really shine from September though Christmas (there's a lot of overlap in fall and winter flavors) and you need lots of variety to keep things interesting!
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Home Index By Subject By Year Biographies The Gift Shop GENERAL ORDER No. 11 To Officers and Members, San Francisco Fire Department. Every member of the Fire Department not having a tapper in service at the place where he takes his meals, shall at once, at his own expense, provide himself with one, of a type approved by the Department of Electricity, and such tapper will then be installed by the Department of Electricity without charge, except as hereinafter provided: Should a member change his residence, except through unavoidable cause, within one year after the installation of his tapper, he shall defray the cost of re-installing the same at his new residence. When members take their meals at a restaurant, boarding house, or other public place, the regular charges for installation and maintenance of tappers, as provided by Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors, shall be paid by such members, pro rata, unless the proprietor agrees to to assume the charges. Battalion Chiefs are instructed to see that this Order is carried out in their respective districts. By Order, Dennis T. Sullivan Chief of Department Approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners, August 18, 1905 See the History Index for more about the San Francisco Fire Department.
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Previous Model (CL 65 AMG) Press Kit3 Show thumbnails Show list Title Location Release date Set as main picture Do you want to set this media object as main picture? G 350 BlueTEC with state-of-the-art emission-control technology: A true classic Stuttgart, Mar 1, 2010 - The latest version of the classic Mercedes-Benz G-Class off-roader, now in its 31st year, features state-of-the-art BlueTEC technology. BlueTEC is a Mercedes-Benz-developed technology designed to reduce diesel vehicle emissions, especially nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. The BlueTEC version of the G-Class uses AdBlue®, an aqueous urea solution which is injected into the exhaust-gas stream. This process releases ammonia, which converts up to 80 percent of the nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen and water by a process of reduction in the downstream SCR catalytic converter. Design and technology inspired by nature: Mercedes-Benz bionic car at The Museum of Modern Art in New York New York, Feb 21, 2008 - The concept models of the Mercedes-Benz bionic car are appearing as part of the "Design and the Elastic Mind" exhibition at New York's Museum of Modern Art. The exhibition at the world-famous "MoMA" showcases trailblazing innovations in the fields of design and science. A clean bill of health - Reducing emissions with simulation technology Stuttgart, Feb 13, 2008 - Constantly improving fuel injection, combustion and exhaust gas aftertreatment in engine development: the researchers at Daimler AG are pursuing this objective with sophisticated simulation technology. Their aim is to reduce fuel consumption even further, while at the same time complying with increasingly stringent emission limits for nitrogen oxides and particulates. Daimler scores overall victory in this year's Michelin Challenge Bibendum Stuttgart, Nov 19, 2007 - With a total of 23 distinctions, Daimler AG emerged as the most suc-cessful participant from this year's Michelin Challenge Bibendum in Shanghai. Seven cars from the Mercedes-Benz and smart brands faced up to the competition in the different disciplines of the globally most important event in the field of sustainable mobility. Some 80 participating cars were put to the test in the categories of accelera-tion, maneuverability, noise pollution, local pollutants, fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions (tank-to-tire). Mercedes-Benz brings the diesel back to California Los Angeles, Oct 16, 2007 - With its market launch in California, the E 320 BLUETEC starts out as the world's only diesel-engined passenger car to be available in California today. Mercedes-Benz is thus the first automaker who complies with the stringent emission limits of California – and other federal states – with a compression-ignition engine. 62nd IAA, 2007: "TrueBlueSolutions" from the inventors of the automobile: Mercedes-Benz presents the future of the premium car at the Frankfurt Motor Show Stuttgart/Frankfurt, Sep 11, 2007 - The Mercedes-Benz presence at the 62nd IAA in Frankfurt includes an entire fleet of particularly economical and clean cars with intelligent combined drive technologies. The line-up of no less than 19 newcomers - featuring eight BLUETEC models, seven hybrids from five model series, the same number of record holders for low CO2 emissions and the innovative F 700 research vehicle - represents the Mercedes road to the future. "Every one of these 19 models demonstrates that the inventors of the automobile will continue to offer trend-setting solutions in the future, too. We intend to use these technologies, which we have grouped together under the heading 'TrueBlueSolutions', to take us into a zero-emission future", commented Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of DaimlerChrysler AG. Mercedes-Benz launches BLUETEC initiative in Europe: E 300 BLUETEC with exceptionally clean diesel technology Stuttgart, Aug 10, 2007 - The inventor of BLUETEC technology is entering a new era with the new E 300 BLUETEC. On the back of positive experiences gained in the American market since the autumn of 2006, the environment-compatible BLUETEC diesel system is now also available in a passenger car model in the European market. Mercedes-Benz has achieved a massive reduction in emissions and compliance with the EU 5 standard whilst retaining the same favourable consumption figures. Mercedes-Benz unveils Vision C 220 BLUETEC in Geneva - First four-cylinder BLUETEC model: well on the way to complying with the EURO 6 emission standard Stuttgart, Feb 26, 2007 - Mercedes-Benz is unveiling its highly environmentally-compatible BLUETEC emission-control technology in combination with a consumption-optimised four-cylinder engine for the first time at the 2007 Geneva Motor Show. World Premiere of the New Generation E-Class: Safer, More Dynamic and More Powerful Stuttgart, Apr 11, 2006 - On April 12, 2006, the new generation of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class will celebrate its world premiere at the New York International Automobile Show. Like its predecessors, the new E-Class will feature innovations that are without comparison in its segment worldwide.
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Farmers For Free Trade Motorcade Stops In Indiana By Samantha Horton U.S. Rep. Jim Baird (R-Covington) speaks on a panel encouraging Congress to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. (Samantha Horton/IPB News) A bipartisan farming group is touring the country to build support for the newly proposed trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The motorcade rolled into west central Indiana Wednesday to talk with farmers, industry leaders and lawmakers. The Farmers For Free Trade group hosted a panel discussion, passed out t-shirts, buttons and yard signs. Organization co-director Angela Hofmann says the goal of the 3,000 plus mile touris getting farmers involved in encouraging their lawmakers to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement (USMCA). "This is such a critical time in agriculture, particularly with this new NAFTA, the USMCA, that we felt that we needed to get into the heartland to have that conversation in the communities, in the farms, in the facilities that are really affected by this trade agreement," says Hofmann. Indiana's agricultural exports to Mexico and Canada totaled about $816 million last year supports more than 6,000 Hoosier jobs, according to economic think tank The Trade Partnership. Hoosier farmer Brent Bible says the ongoing trade disputes and tariffs make it difficult to turn a profit. "We can't continue to produce a product that we can't sell above the cost of production and that's where we're at today," says Bible. He hopes to see the trade agreement passed so prices stabilize. "The important thing is that we just need it done," says Bible. "The absence of an agreement and the fact that there are tariffs in place because of the absence of the agreement is creating too much uncertainty." U.S. Rep. Jim Baird (R-Covington) serves on the agriculture committee and says he believes the trade agreement will be ratified. "The agriculture provides the foundation in these rural communities and the dollars that they generate and the communities that they support is invaluable to the whole state, it's invaluable to our country," says Baird. While all three partner country's leaders have signed the new trade agreement, it must get legislative approval from each country. Vaping Tax Bill Sponsor Says Measure Could Be Revived Before Session's End Herald-Times Editor Steps Down Months After Taking Over Noon Edition: Recycling Without China New Data Indicates Indiana Has More Acres, Fewer Farmers Bloomington Plan Commission Votes Down Proposed Morton Complex Development Lending Expansion Bill Dies In The Indiana House Brown County Music Center Announces 2019 Lineup Moratorium On Big Utility Projects Lifted From State Bill
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Wall mount transformers are heavy-duty enclosed transformersthat have been designed for use in hazardous locations. They're suited to harsh industrial environments, and, as the name suggests, can be wall mounted. They're designed primarily for use with power tools. How do wall mount transformers work? Transformers themselves are used to bring voltage up or down in an AC electrical circuit. A transformer can also be used to convert AC power to DC power. The sturdy encasement of a wall mount transformer helps to protect the transformer inside from dust and moisture. It also provides extra resistance against shock and vibration for added safety. Fitting your wall mount transformer is simple. First, you need to mark the top anchor location on the wall and drill a hole using, for instance, a cordless drillThen insert the anchor and fit the screw into the anchor leaving approximately an eighth of thread exposed on the screw. Finally, mount the transformer on the screw, tighten and complete for the other anchors.
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved 5 drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. These drugs have been found to temporarily slow the worsening of Alzheimer's symptoms for an average of 6-12 months, for around 1/2 of those individuals who take the drugs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved 5 drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. These drugs have been found to temporarily slow the worsening of Alzheimer's symptoms for an average of 6-12 months, for around 1/2 of those individuals who take the drugs.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Python URL decoding? In javascript I do the following: encodeURIComponent(comments) while in Python i do the following: urllib2.unquote(comments) For some reason, when I do the following: encodedURIComponents('ø') I get %C3%B8, but when I decode urllib2.unquote('%C3%B8') I get ø instead of ø, which is the original character. What gives? I'm on a platform that uses jQuery on client side, and Python/Django server side. A: Simply try to decode it: urllib2.unquote('%C3%B8').decode('utf-8') # --> 'ø'
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
(AP) — Mexican and Canadian officials are stressing that talks on the North American Free Trade Agreement will remain a three-way negotiation, despite suggestions by U.S. President Donald Trump that he might pursue separate trade deals with both countries. Visiting Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland also stressed that NAFTA is a three-country agreement. She said that Canada also opposes a "sunset" clause proposed by Trump that would allow countries to opt out of the pact every five years. Freeland also met Wednesday with Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who will take office on Dec. 1.
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Hi all, Just checked out the demo of 2.4 the other day, and it's really nice. Then I saw 8 track, and thought it would be a cool way to check out the software more, but I can't figure out how to run 8 track instead of the demo. I re-downloaded Bitwig studio from the 8 track page and installed it, but when I log in it just acts like the main version did in demo mode. Is there something I can do to get a code for it? It's not in the store as far as I can see. 8-Track usually comes bundled with something, like hardware or whatever, however Computer Music magazine out of the UK had a copy with issue 264, along with some other software and some instructional videos, on a DVD bundled with the magazine. You can either try and find a mint-in-package physical copy, or you can grab the digital issue from Zinio for about US$5 and get the issue itself -- which has a great Bitwig introductory tutorial -- and all the other DVD content except the videos. It's well worth it, totally above board, and it's how I got my 8-Track license. Breath Control (CC#2) in BWS 1.3.x/8-Track?
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PolarCoordinates Like the rectangular coordinate system, the polar coordinate system is used to represent data graphically. This coordinate system is specified in terms of some point, called a pole, and some ray with a vertex at the pole, called a polar axis. The pole is usually chosen to be where the point (0,0) would be in the rectangular coordinate system, and the polar axis is usually co-incident with the positive x-axis. The coordinate system itself (without data) is divided by radial lines (in units or Y) and concentric circles (in units of θ). Although the X- and Y-axes are often drawn or printed in a polar coordinate system, this is typically only for reference and clarity. In the polar coordinate system, a point is specified by an ordered pair (r,θ ), called polar coordinates, where r is the point's radial distance from the pole, and θ is the point's angular distancefrom the polar axis, measuring counterclockwise. Examples Explanation Converting Between Polar and Rectangular Coordinates A point P with polar coordinates (r, θ) has rectangular coordinates (x,y) given by Converting from Rectangular to Polar Coordinates A point P with rectangular coordinates (x,Y), has polar coordinates (r,θ) given by As the inverse tangent function can have multiple solutions, it is important to note the quadrant in which the point lies. In the following example, the point (-1,1) lies in the fourth quadrant, and so θ must lie in that quadrant as well, even though there is a solution to the equation for θ in the third quadrant. Try these exercises Where in the coordinate system is any point having r=0, regardless of the value of θ? Express Q=(4,0) in rectangular coordinates. Express P=(2,-π) in rectangular coordinates. Express Q=(0,0) and P=(0,π) in rectangular coordinates. What is remarkable about the rectangular coordinates of these two points? Express P=(-1,0) in polar coordinates. Express P=(3,4) in polar coordinates. Round decimals to the nearest tenth. Answers to questions: All points (0,θ) are at the pole (origin). Both points have the same representation in rectangular coordinates.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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Peninsula Planners: McMillin Company and Liberty Station Improvements by Source on April 26, 2017 · 0 comments Rosecrans and Nimitz intersection at top. There was another good sized crowd at the Peninsula Community Planning Board's regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at the Point Loma Library. But, as it turned out, many of those attending were presenters. The biggest group was from the McMillin company, there to show the public plans for improvement at the intersection of Nimitz and Rosecrans. The improvements were only on Rosecrans north and south of the intersection from Jewell Street to Jarvis Street, nothing was planned for Nimitz. Traffic lanes will be redone to make two left turn lanes from Rosecrans to east and west Nimitz. The plans will also include a dedicated right turn lane from southbound Rosecrans to westbound Nimitz, bike lanes, energy efficient streetlamps, and water treatment for storm drainage. The project will take about one year. There is a website at nimitzrosecrans.com with maps and more information. The McMillin company explained that its role was to "facilitate" the project by handling the construction. Bids have already gone out. They explained that this was a "cost reimbursable" project that the City will pay McMillin for. The project was described as the final off-site mitigation project required by the City as part of the Liberty Station Development. It was not explained why the City was reimbursing McMillin for a development project that was required in the development agreement that McMillin made with the City and has profited well off of. There was more Liberty Station news when the Mayor''s representative, Anthony George, said that one million dollars was set aside in the new budget to fund an athletic center and a long awaited aquatic center at the former Naval Training Center. This was also supposed to be a McMillin responsibility in the redevelopment agreement and the community has been waiting for years to see the facility built. Money that was originally dedicated to this kind of a facility was re-appropriated to build the Liberty Station parks years ago and progress on the aquatic center stalled. George's other major piece of news was that the city has experienced a spike in what it needed for the pension fund resulting in a need to cut the budgets of all city departments by three and a half percent. The problem apparently arose when revenue predictions fell short. George said that certain departments and services would remain intact naming the Sunset Cliffs ranger staff as one and including libraries and rec centers. PCPB board member Bruce Coons then asked why the arts funding programs were being cut by 33% when all the other departments were only asked to cut three and a half percent. George said the city was working to reduce that figure. During the action items portion of the meeting, the first project to come up generated a discussion of tentative map waivers, which was what the first project had applied for. In a nutshell, the map waiver mechanism is used by developers to both reduce review time and to avoid public review. Multi-family projects are permitted as apartment buildings with only ministerial approval, meaning there is no public review. While under construction, the map waiver is sought to turn the project into condominiums, which as the original plan. The developer for the first project said this saved a whole year in the development process and this was why it was done. That extra time would be devoted to a public review process that the majority of board members felt was being circumvented. The board voted to deny the waiver on principle. The next two projects were also applications for waivers, however, the second project, a redevelopment of the old Blockbuster video store location on Roscrans, had come before the PCPB before only because it required a site development permit. Because the PCPB had seen it, made suggestions for changes, and the developers had listened, the map waiver was approved. The third project simply asked for a time extension on an already approved map waiver, which it got. The PCPB elected new officers, something that occurs every year after the March election. Only one new officer was elected, Magaret Virssimo, a newly elected board member, was elected secretary. The incumbent chair, vice chairs, and treasurer were all re-elected. Older Article: San Diego Warships Still Leading the Charge Against North Korea Newer Article: Mar-a-Lago to Add More Watersports Facilities
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Mix the spices (oregano, thyme, bususioc, paprika, salt and pepper) or you can use 2-3 tablespoons of seasoning for grill. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the tofu and mix well until all the tofu pieces are coated with spices. Let it marinate in the fridge for a few hours or it can be prepared the day before and left overnight to marinate. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan, add the pieces of tofu and fry for few minutes, at medium heat, until golden-brown. Add the tomato paste dissolved in a little bit of water (or the tomato passata), stir fry for few minutes . Serve with polenta or mashed potatoes, rice, cous cous, etc. Variation: Instead of tofu you can use tempeh or seitan. Creat de: fleur laSunday March 5th, 2017.la10:04 AM.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Peter Sahui Category: Essays The Australian edtech investors list: October 2020 Post author By Peter If you are an Australian edtech company, where should you look for investment, and what requirements do you need to meet? I decided to crowd-source the answers from the investors themselves: you can view the current list here. If you are an investor, you can add your details to the list here. Who is investing? As of October 2020, the following investors are on the list: Arowana – a strategic investor. The Giant Leap Fund – an impact investor. Greenwich Capital – a growth capital investor. Owl Ventures – a specialist edtech investor. Riley Batchelor – an angel investor. Telstra Ventures – a venture capital firm. While not currently on the list, other investors have been active in Australian edtech in recent years — these include Airtree Ventures and Pangaea Impact. What are they investing in? Currently there are six investors on the list. While this is a limited sample size, we can make a few observations: More investors are interested in post-secondary education (higher education and corporate/lifelong learning). This is consistent with ongoing trends — over the last couple of years, the largest Australian edtech funding rounds have generally gone to companies in corporate & lifelong learning. Most (4 out of 6) of the investors in the list specified a minimum revenue requirement, with one having an EBITDA requirement as well. A broad range of investors is interested in edtech — the list includes the angel, VC, strategic, impact, and dedicated edtech investor sectors. The investor list is off to a good start; if you are an edtech company looking for funding, hopefully you will find this a useful starting point. And if you are investing in Australian edtech, join the list here! Updated 13 October 2020 to add Owl Ventures and update the chart. Coursera: the edtech company I'd love to own The news that Coursera has raised a US$130M Series F round, valuing the company at a reported US$2.5B, caught my interest. If I could invest in one late-stage edtech company, Coursera would be it. There is a global need for lifelong learning; and the company is well-placed to meet it. Continue reading "Coursera: the edtech company I'd love to own" © 2023 Peter Sahui
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On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Friday, February 12, 2016. A Jan. 24 car accident that occurred at approximately 10 a.m. near Wahoo resulted in the death of a 29-year old woman. She was driving a car through the intersection of Nebraska Highway 92 and U.S. Highway 77 at the time, heading west and carrying a 32-year-old male passenger. The car collided with a pickup truck that was traveling north, driven by a 43-year-old Osceola man. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Thursday, February 4, 2016. The Nebraska State Patrol and the Saunders County Sheriff's Office are investigating a crash that took place on Jan. 24 and resulted in two fatalities. The accident occurred at around 10 a.m. at the intersection of Highway 77 and Highway 92 when a pickup truck heading north collided with a car traveling west. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Wednesday, January 27, 2016. Car buyers in Nebraska who look first for safety and durability often decide that vehicles manufactured by Volvo best suit their needs. The Swedish company has built a reputation for placing safety at the top of its list of priorities with innovations such as the three-point seat belt and the rearward facing child safety seat. The three-point seat belt alone is thought to have saved over 1 million lives since its introduction in 1959. Volvo is also a leading proponent of autonomous vehicle technology, and the company says that self-driving cars could virtually eliminate traffic accidents in the future. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Thursday, January 21, 2016. Nebraska drivers should be informed about the items that made it onto the National Transportation Safety Board list of 'Most Wanted" safety improvements for 2016. In addition to some items that appeared on the 2015 list, the 2016 list features some unique safety items. One focus of the list is to reduce fatigue-related motor vehicle accidents. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Thursday, January 14, 2016. Light snow might cause more car accidents than an actual snowstorm, as drivers' perceptions do not always allow them to adjust appropriately to sudden light snow or ice on the road. Even when Nebraska drivers are being careful, they might not fully perceive the danger that a light snow dusting might cause. This is Part 4 of a multi-part series on what to do if you've been injured at work. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Friday, January 8, 2016. One person was killed in a morning accident in Bellevue on Dec . 30. The fatal accident involved two vehicles and left at least one person injured. The incident resulted in a portion of the road closed during the police investigation. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Thursday, December 31, 2015. Nebraska residents may have heard that four Secret Service officers were injured in a car accident in New Hampshire on Dec. 29. All four of the officers were traveling in a vehicle that was struck head on by a second vehicle. The 45-year-old man who was driving the second car was pronounced dead at the scene while two passengers in his car sustained injuries. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Wednesday, December 23, 2015. As more driverless cars are developed and tested in actual roads, a study has found that their accident rate is currently at twice that of the vehicles driven by humans. The fault, however, doesn't seem to be with the driverless cars, but a result of the interaction between these vehicles that follow traffic rules at all times and humans, who can be inattentive, aggressive or make exceptions to the rules. Nebraska drivers might be interested in finding out the risks associated with these vehicles before their use is widespread. On behalf of Atwood, Holsten, Brown, Deaver & Spier Law Firm, P.C., L.L.O. posted in Car Accidents on Thursday, December 3, 2015. According to officers with the Omaha Police Department, 5 people were injured in an accident on I-680. The incident reportedly occurred in the northbound lanes of the interstate around 11:45 p.m. on Nov. 28.
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House to Astonish Presents: The Lightning Round Episode 5 Posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 by Al in Podcast Lightning is striking again! That's five times now! This is surely statistically improbable! We're now up to the finale of the first year of Thunderbolts, and covering issues 10-12. This is where is all starts going off, as secrets are uncovered, plans are revealed and the whole house of cards comes down. The podcast is here, or here on Mixcloud, or available via the player below. Let us know what you think, in the comments, on Twitter, via email or on our Facebook fan page. And let us know what you really think by buying one of our lovely t-shirts from our Redbubble store. Yeah, that'll show us! « Charts – 9 September 2021 Marauders #24 annotations » Come for the comics chat, Stay for the modem impressions. Si says: Nice to hear my name on the wireless. I'm still quite confused about Heroes Reborn though. Was it always meant to be a one year long event, or was it intended to go for longer? Or was it a wait and see if it deserves another year kind of thing? It was really the prototype Ultimate universe. I assume it would have continued indefinitely if it had sold well, but I have nothing to back that up. At least to the public, HR was meant to be permanent. Whether it was secretly meant to be some kind of New Coke scheme, ive never heard that. I recall the FF book initially being the best of the four. Although thats faint praise, going against Nazi Eagle Cap and the like. Voord 99 says: One wonders, cynically, if thinking in terms of long-term intentions and plans for Marvel at that particular point in its history is a category error. 🙂 As I recall it, they left it open-ended. At the time Marvel itself was so fragile, literally bankrupt, that it really could have gone either way. But it took only a few months for people to realize that there was no future for the Heroes Reborn line and Marvel would better discontinue them sooner rather than later if it expected to remain in business in some capacity. It was not just because the quality was so weak. I'm blanking on the exact reasons, but HR Avengers, specifically, ended up needing help from Walt Simonson and a bit of self-deprecation to remain credible and published to its end. Still, if nothing else Heroes Reborn brought much wanted attention back to the main Marvel characters. It also created what to this day I feel to be desirable as a lasting status quo: an environment where the X-Men existed separately from the Avengers and FF. It also allowed time for Marvel to gets its act together during that year. FF has been subpar for years. Avengers has just finished the unreadable Crossing, which no one could figure out the plot. Iron Man had Teen Tony, which were some of the worst comics I ever read. Coming out of Heroes Reborn, the books felt fresh again. They got Busiek on Avengers and Iron Man. I think that Busiek run on IM is still the last time I truly enjoyed the Iron Man comic. FF, we'll, it started off pretty promising… Eventually, Mark Waid took over the title, but that was a number of years in the future. On the other hand, I liked the Thor comic more from before the relaunch than after. Daibhid C says: Your comment that the initial premise couldn't have continued after Heroes Return because it strains credibility that none of the returning heroes would figure it out reminds me of the Thunderbolts storyline in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon, which makes the interesting decision to make Earth's Mightiest Heroes complete morons. First it establishes that the current line-up of the Masters of Evil is precisely these guys, and the Avengers know it. Then — while the Avengers are actively searching for the Masters of Evil — the Thunderbolts make their debut. And nobody thinks "Hang on…" Sorry, the Avengers Assemble cartoon. EMH was the previous one. Don't you besmirch Earth's Mightiest Heroes! I wish the movies were half as fun as that series. One thing HR made worse: I seem to recall from Sean Howe's book that editorial morale was understandably wounded by the decision to farm out many of the company's biggest characters (at least in rep, if no longer in sales—which was of course the point). I agree that it seemed to give the House of Ideas the time it needed to get itself together, though. I remember being interested again by the relaunches from Jurgens and Busiek as a kid, when I was certainly not beforehand. Martin Smith says: I read some of the Teen Tony run as part of the trade for the Avengers First Sign crossover (which was rough) and actually, I thought it was an interesting premise. A young genius pulled forward through time and forced to get to grips with his own future self's technology, let alone the state of his life – his girlfriend now being the lecturer on his college course for instance – and a world heavily dhaped by his future actions. I think if it had been given more time it could have been something pretty good. There's mileage in contrasting how a teenage Tony Stark sees the world compared to how his older self did. Just a bit unfortunate that it came out in the 90s: after the era of bedroom programmer/entrepreneurs and before the hacktivist trope, when college students were just supposed to be cynical and depressed. Matk Coale says: HR did at least fix some of the really stupid stuff from that era, horrible cosumes and things like Jan being turned into a Waspwoman. I dont think Waid had a change to fix that in his brief 3 issues (i could be wrong). The bad thing is that i think the Waid/Garney Cap book was better before HR than after, IIRC. Teen Tony also had the handicap of being written by Terry Kavanagh, whose track record at 90s Marvel was…not good. The story also had some other problems; Kavanagh wrote the old girlfriend character, Meredith McCall, as if she hadn't seen Tony in years and had lived a life affected by his disappearance as a teen. An evil ex-husband was introduced with generic cold powers to menace her. In fact, the previous writer, Len Kaminski, had already brought her back and shipped her off with new superpowers as part of a crew of demon hunters, which she took on after her husband — not an ex — was murdered by a demon. Kavanagh also reintroduced Morgan Stark, a cousin of Tony from some 1960s stories who was originally portrayed as an inept coward in debt to the Mob, now as some kind of cyborg criminal mastermind sending a crew of super-thugs to destroy Stark Enterprises. Whatever potential there was in the idea of "young Tony Stark grapples with older Tony's legacy" turned into generic early 90s plotting mishmash almost instantly.
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WELCOME RECEPTION - Friday July 6, 2018, Starting at 5:00 p.m. DEPARTMENT RECEPTION - Saturday July 7, 2018, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ALUMNI REUNION DINNER - Saturday July 7, 2018, Starting at 6:00 p.m. ALUMNI BRUNCH - Sunday July 8, 2018, Starts at 11:00 a.m. Location: Mill Street Brew Pub, 21 Tank House Lane.
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More than 600,000 Syrian children have been enrolled in the education system for the 2018-2019 school year, according to Turkish Education Ministry data, state-run Anadolu Agency said on Sept. 26. There are 1,047,999 Syrian school-aged refugee children in Turkey, the agency said, citing the data figures as of September provided by the General Directorate for Migration in the Turkish Interior Ministry. This figure has been gradually increasing over the years, as it was reported as 833,039 in 2016. School-aged Syrian refugee children are enrolled in either Turkish public schools or temporary education centers in the country. In an attempt to foster an integration between Syrian and Turkish children, the Turkish government aims to close the current temporary education centers gradually and transfer the students to public schools.
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Where Fresh Thinking Thrives Hearables for All Voice First It's Never 2 Late Watts Project Keeps Sunny View on the Cutting Edge of Technology With the generosity of residents Lyn and Bruce Watts, Sunny View Retirement Community has launched the "Watts Project" to help with resident care through innovation and technology. This project brings new technology along with training for Sunny View staff and was inspired by a pilot project in partnership with the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing and Intel. The pilot provided Sunny View staff members with 10 Microsoft Surface tablets to use in their daily duties. Intel and the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing implemented the study to analyze how technology can help increase staff productivity. At the conclusion of the study Sunny View was able to keep four tablets. "Four Surface tablets just didn't seem to be enough to get the work done," Bruce said. "I wanted to make sure the staff had enough equipment to ensure we had the best care available." With the Watts' contribution, Sunny View will purchase seven additional tablets. The Watts will also contribute additional funds each year to help keep this project funded into the future. Whether it's new technology or more training for staff, the Watts Project will keep Sunny View at the cutting edge of resident care. "I am extremely excited about the Watts Project," said Sunny View Executive Director Sally Plank. "We learned a lot from the study. Putting technology into the hands of our staff helps us understand how it streamlines some of our processes and motivates our staff to implement new ideas." See How We Think Humanly Possible® Subscribe to the Spotlight Spotlight Archives Select Month December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 June 2020 April 2020 March 2020 January 2020 October 2019 August 2019 April 2019 March 2019 December 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 February 2018 December 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 June 2016 April 2016 March 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 July 2014 June 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 May 2013 March 2013 October 2011 Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing We are part of Front Porch. Visit our web site. © 2021 Front Porch Communities and Services
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The RPM Group have carried out a number of pipe coating / wrapping projects within the water industry. For Yorkshire Water, Anglian Water, North West Water, Severn Trent and the Environmental Agency. Contracts ranging from a few thousand pounds to the £100K+ TA/HA Rehabilitation project, which consisted of four 1.2 m diameter pipes at five separate river crossings, have been successfully completed. Most of this work was carried out acting as a sub-contractor to well known main contractors, such as Morrison Construction, Daniel Contractors, Askam & Thomas Armstrong. A wide range of products are available ranging from the traditional Petrolatum tapes, ideally suited for small to medium diameter pipes, where no primer is necessary and application by hand or wrapping machine is quick and easy to multi-layer systems using bitumen backed acrylic tapes and liquid top coats.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Paid] 2.6.7 No permission to buy ($40.00) Thread starter sonnb Overview Updates (63) Reviews (77) History Discussion dknife snoopy5 said: The problem is that the other alternative, XenMediaGallery, is by far not as mich developed if you need a gallery for a photography oriented forums. XMG is too basic. And I do not see any progress regarding more photography oriented features. And it got worse with XF2 with many options simply removed in the new version for whatever reason. oO5 Dynasty otto said: I think its going the same way as photo contest addon by Luqman (that worked a long period after he let it fall, but now with newer php and mysql its broken and work not anymore for me. Thats terrible - this way we lose more and more people to social media sites without any chance to do anything. At the point with the photo contest trouble, I now have to go parallel with Wordpress and a nice plugin for photo contests. Xenforo does not have this feature anymore. For me, there is a mismatch. Since Xenforo 2.x we have less key-addons now and the old one makes more and more trouble with newer server software versions. Man ... what a ... This is the main reason I did not upgrade to xenforo 2 because of the add-ons I invested in. Most of them have not returned to the xenforo platform. It is just a lot to deal with when it comes to dealing with a brand new xenforo platform and the internet evolving so much over time , and the money spent on the old platform. Nothing I can do but wait for developers to bring back the add-on we love if they are still around. ActorMike Does anyone know if we can import the photos from XenGallery to XenForo Media Gallery? This sucks that this guy went AWOL on us and left us hanging. Reactions: kankan ActorMike said: Yes, XFMG includes an importer for Sonnb Gallery, which I've personally used when I migrated. Reactions: ActorMike dknife said: So I assume that it's best to buy XFMG while running 1.5 and then import the photos, and then upgrade to XF 2.x Deriel I did that too. XenForo developer With regards to importers, we (XenForo) have decided that we're not going to officially support a sonnb XenGallery importer going forward (and the same applies to any other <XF add-on> to XFMG importers that we had). We have no interest in trying to "take customers" from non-official add-ons. However, I appreciate this is going to be problematic for some. Especially if you decided to upgrade to XF2 without realising that there was no longer a migration path available. The next version of XenForo Media Gallery is going to include some importers. So if you're coming to us from vBulletin, IPS, Photopost etc. then finally you will be able to just do that straight into XF2 without going via XF1 first. But, as I mentioned, that doesn't include sonnb XenGallery. But I have a solution! Although we're not going to be officially supporting a sonnb to XFMG importer, I have actually written one, and it will be released as a separate add-on. Aside from basic fixes to ensure it works, we won't be able to provide much (if any) support for it. There may also be some gaps because the importer was created and tested with a fairly old version of the sonnb XenGallery add-on that I have from years ago, and it likely doesn't take into account the additional functionality from the video upload add-on. Regardless, I will be releasing that for free shortly after the release of XFMG 2.1.1 (no ETA yet). In the future should @sonnb resume his work on an XF2 version of his gallery, then I'm sure he will provide a migration path from XFMG, and he would of course be more than welcome to do that. In fact, if he does come back, we would even consider deleting the importer. The only intention here is to ensure that our existing mutual customers are not stuck in some limbo. Reactions: 7emper5i, otto, dknife and 4 others Chris D said: We have no interest in trying to "take customers" from non-official add-ons. This makes no sense to me! The guy abandoned the add on, it's unsupported. He told people he was going to have a release/update last Fall for XF 2.0 and never did. You don't owe him anything and you are not competing with someone who's not supporting their product. Your loyalty needs to be with your customers, not developers who make false promises and abandon software. Thanks. Reactions: ozzy47 First, the statement was a general one, as it applies equally to importers from add-ons that still exist, and are well supported. Second, I'm trying to show good faith to @sonnb so that we aren't totally removing any motivation to carry on with an XF2 version if he still wants to. If we weren't putting our customers first, then we wouldn't be providing a solution at all, would we? Reactions: tajhay radu81 While I prefer XenGallery over the official add-on I agree with the decision made by XF team about convertors. What I don't agree is that the XF team has no interest making the XenMedia Gallery a real competitor for this add-on... (just imho, no intentions to be controversial with this reply) I'd like to upgrade to XF 2.1 and use the new features, but I'm stuck at 1.5.x for this add-on I also spent diffrent hours to translate most part of this gallery into my language, while the official one is already translated. Reactions: ozzy47 and ActorMike This isn't really a topic for today but while we understand there are certainly people who prefer how this gallery does things, we also have a healthy customer base who like how XFMG does things, some of whom prefer how XFMG does things over how XG does things. I know this because people have told us that, and many years ago it seemed there was just as many people leaving XG to come to what was then XMG as there were leaving XMG to go to XG. That's another reason why we have no interest in competing (if it comes back) because it is good for people to have a choice. Broadly speaking though, there isn't really much difference in how the galleries are structured and the featureset (where it matters). If there is significant features you feel are missing from XFMG, we'll only know about that if a suggestion has been posted in the appropriate forum. But, as I said, that's not a conversation to have here. Just letting people know who are maybe waiting for a migration path who have already upgraded to XF 2.x that there will indeed be one soon. Reactions: dknife sorry for the off-topic and hope to see you soon online @sonnb Reactions: sonnb Second, I'm trying to show good faith to @sonnb so that we aren't totally removing any motivation to carry on with an XF2 version if he still wants to. Thanks for providing a solution Chris. @sonnb has not been seen here or on his website since 11/2018. I don't know if anyone has considered this, but it's a possibility he died or is in jail. I've seen this happen more than once in my 20+ years doing website design. Once someone disappears and stops responding to support requests for 4 months, they are no longer considered competition. He stated the update would be available Q3/Q4 last year and we are past Q1 of 2019. Thanks for your help. This is an issue that is preventing many of your customers from upgrading to the latest version of XF. According to other users who posted above, at some point you had an importer built into XFMG ,and withdrew that feature at some point. I don't know if anyone has considered this, but it's a possibility he died or is in jail. It's said to say but yes could be a possibility. I hope it's not the case and he is fine. His domain sonnb.com was renewed a few days ago, who knows maybe he will be back. I'll wait a couple of months then I will upgrade to XF 2.1 + XMG. Not the gallery I prefer but at least we have an alternative solution and an easy way to migrate. Just as a tip, to end speculation on that, he has been active within the last 6 weeks because if he hadn't then this resource will have been deleted automatically by now. Reactions: sonnb and radu81 sonnb Sorry for all for the absence. I got a health issue so could not work on the code for almost 2 months and more. Reactions: Craigr, otto, whynot and 2 others Glad to see you around sonnb and hope you are fine now radu81 said: Thanks. I have just finished with the treatment. Reactions: otto sonnb said: Glad to hear you are ok. What are your plans with regards to XF2.x?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Mandiana ist eine Präfektur in der Region Kankan in Guinea mit etwa 158.000 Einwohnern. Wie alle guineischen Präfekturen ist sie nach ihrer Hauptstadt, Mandiana, benannt. Die Präfektur liegt im Osten des Landes, grenzt an Mali und die Elfenbeinküste und umfasst eine Fläche von 12.950 km². Quellen Präfektur in Guinea Region Kankan
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
This maximum-comfort home theater boasts multi-level seating, and plenty of room to move around. SpeakerCraft speakers, Screen Innovations screen, and InFocus projector create this wonderful family gathering room. Automated Auton curtains and Lutron lighting are controlled by an RTI hand-held remote (color, of course!). Denon AV receiver and DVD player, high-definition cable, and Furman surge protection work together to create a larger-than-life experience.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Novel predicted Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan 40 Years ago: Is it true? With the increasing death tolls in China because of the Coronavirus outbreak, which already took about 1700 innocent people's lives, everyone is concerned about what will happen if they didn't find the vaccination sooner. The virus has been spread to over 25 Countries, being Wuhan, the province of China, the epicenter of Coronavirus, as portrayed in the novel too. Yes, you have read it right; the Wuhan virus was predicted in a book which was written 40 years ago, and this is today's latest national news that is news channels broadcasting worldwide. Written by Dean Koontz, The Eyes of Darkness in 1981 doesn't accurately state the prediction of Coronavirus. The news is spreading worldwide as a novel predicted about the virus about 40 years ago is neither entirely true nor we can say it is false. Some contemplated that the writer had predicted the future, and others say he just stated a human-made virus named Wuhan-400, which has nothing to do with Coronavirus. Fictions can be extremely strange at times, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are entirely false. Coronavirus: India on high alert after WHO declares global emergency A thriller novel which was written 40 years ago mentioned a virus named Wuhan-400, and everyone on the Internet is stumped by it. The book features a military lab in China's province Wuhan where they create a virus to use it as a bioweapon. They named it Wuhan-400, and people are curious to know if it's a total coincidence or is related to something happening today. After an Indian Congress leader Manish Tewari shared the excerpts of a book about the Wuhan virus which was written 40 years ago, everyone on twitter is talking about the coincidence. He posted on his twitter handle a picture of the book with the caption "Is Coronavirus a biological Weapon developed by the Chinese called Wuhan -400? This book was published in 1981. Do read the excerpt". More than 1700 people have died in China due to Coronavirus. However, it will shock you that this virus in Wuhan was written about 40 years ago in a book. Yes, it is true. People are debating on social media about the relevance and coincidence of this event. The person who bought this cryptic coincidence to light was Darren Plymouth via twitter, which bombarded social media with hefty comments and posts regarding it. Besides, it became the talk of the world and today's latest national news of every news channel. The user shared some phrases and cover of the book, sentences where it is clearly written about a human-made virus named Wuhan-400. It's a strange world we live in.#coronavirus #COVID19 #Wuhan pic.twitter.com/WkjbK4zGaW — Darren of Plymouth 🇬🇧 (@DarrenPlymouth) February 16, 2020 Just a passage made this book famous overnight and that too 40 years later it released. Its chapter 39 states some human-made virus, which was named Wuhan-400, because as it was 400th viable strain of human-made micro-organism created to date at that center in Wuhan. The precision in the novel is bothering many people around the globe, especially people in those 25 countries where the Coronavirus outbreak. It was created as a weapon in the 1981 novel in a laboratory in Wuhan and produced the same symptoms as Coronavirus. We all agree that fictions are strange sometimes, but most of the people are doubting Chinese citizens and assuming that this virus is emerged as a mistake instead of an accident. There are numerous facts to support this cause as a cartoon series named The Simpsons also have mentioned of Coronavirus in one of their episodes, which was aired back in 1993. The outbreak of the Coronavirus leads to many suspicions, as even the Chinese failed to restrict its spread. If a virus spreads accidentally, there are several things to support the cause, and even health officials will be able to identify its emerging point and curb at its initial stage. But there are no traces of this outbreak that has taken thousands of lives in such a short period. Besides, there are some people who are stating that this statement is forged, and the earlier version of this book has a weapon named Gorki-400, and the name changed to Wuhan-400 in 2008. Nobody is entirely sure about why this change occurred, but this is confirmed that it wasn't predicted 40 years ago. Vaibhav Sharma is a digital marketing expert by day and writer by night. He is a project manager at True Scoop News who specializes in blogging, article and copywriting. He loves to write technology related articles, entertainment blogs, the latest national news in English and Punjabi and tutorials as long as there is a bit of information technology. China Coronavirus Health Wuhan Elena wesley March 31, 2020 at 2:04 PM Thanks for sharing this Information. If u looking for more updates about coronavirus, visit Global Status of COVID-19
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Can no longer debug ActiveX controls in Visual Studio 2008 For a long time I would throw up a DebugBreak() or ASSERT(false) in the startup code of my ActiveX control, load up IE, go to a localhost page hosting my control, wait for the dialog to show up, then debug my application. I could also launch it under the debugger by setting IE as the container. I tried again for the first time in 2 months and now this no longer works. If I use the ASSERT(false) method, when I get the Visual C++ Debug dialog and click "retry", IE simply closes without any debugger activity. When I try launching from VS2008 and hoping the DebugBreak() will kick in after I load the page, VS2008 does break, but it says either the "RPC Server is Unavailable" or the "RPC Client Call failed." I am never allowed to have my application in the debugger and it doesn't show up in the modules list of VS. The stack trace in VS2008 only contains Microsoft DLLs and modules and not a hint of my code. I assume it's something I've picked up through Windows Update that broke this. Has anyone else ever seen this issue and know how to make it go away? As it stands, I'm now completely unable to debug my ActiveX control. A: Note that if you're using 64-bit Windows, you need to create TabProcGrowth in the 32-bit registry, NOT the normal registry. To do that, open %systemroot%\syswow64\regedit instead of just regedit. For more details, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305097 A: I faced exactly the same problem like you, but it turned that the reason is IE itself, not Visual Studio - here is what a friend of mine showed me: - IE8 opens many processes at least one for each tab plus one more. This confuses the debugger. - You can disable this "feature" and (for me) debugging started to work, - I still cannot "Attach to process", but putting IE as debug application is fine. Here is how you disable it: To overcome this issue, you need to disable the process growth feature of LCIE by follow the below steps: 1) Open RegEdit 2) Browse to HKEY_LOCALMACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Internet Explorer -> Main 3) Add a dword under this key called TabProcGrowth 4) Set TabProcGrowth to 0 If you run into the same problem on Vista or newer, you will also need to turn off >protected mode. I've tested on Win XP so far. Help came from this link: http://weblogs.asp.net/abdullaabdelhaq/archive/2009/06/01/VS-Debug-Problem-with-IE8.aspx Good Luck! A: Can you use 'Attach to Process' in Visual Studio and make sure the 'Attach To' is set to Native code ? A: How to debug C++ in the IE.10 + WIN8 64bit + VS2008 * *Keep TabProcGrowth with Medium (does not change !!) *Setting VS2008 OCX project Debugging with command C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe,Attach = Yes,Debugger Type=Native Only *Open the Internet Explore 10 form WIN8 taskbar. *Key in the target ocx htm file path in the url of Internet Explorer 10. and press enter key to load htm. *Enable IE.10 ActiveX mode. *When IE10 was ActiveX mode ready, run your VS2008 OCX procject that will attach IE10 with your break point. *Refresh IE.10 html again to start debug your ocx source code.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
You Know You're a Financial Services Marketer When…. If you work in marketing in the financial services industry, this post is for you. The driven marketer… who fights uphill battles to overcome compliance issues that might drive other marketers up a wall, but drive you to find a zen-like place within. The innovative marketer… skilled at uncovering new solutions because, let's face it, this industry demands we stay on top of our game and challenge conventional ways of thinking. The savvy marketer… positioned to tackle the evolving world of social media and embrace the rise of the customer with powerful marketing insights. There's not a marketer on this planet who can use financial acronyms, rapidly digest the financial headlines on LinkedIn, or quote an earnings report quite like you. So to all the financial marketers out there, this post is for you. To learn more about the latest trends impacting financial services, view the livestream of this year's FinanceConnect, where the theme is Reshaping the Future: Building and Nurturing Relationships in a Networked World. Reserve your spot now and don't forget to tweet along using #inFC15. Have something you would add to this list? Tweet us @LinkedInMktg.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Purpose Examine fathers' perceived reasons for their lack of inclusion in pediatric research and strategies to increase their participation. Description We conducted expert interviews with researchers and practitioners (N = 13) working with fathers to inform the development of an online survey. The survey—which measured fathers' perceived reasons for their underrepresentation in pediatric research, recommended recruitment venues, and research personnel and study characteristics valued by fathers—was distributed online and in-person to fathers. Assessment Respondents included 303 fathers. Over 80 % of respondents reported that fathers are underrepresented in pediatric research because they have not been asked to participate. Frequently recommended recruitment venues included community sports events (52 %), social service programs (48 %) and the internet (60 %). Compared with white fathers, more non-white fathers recommended public transit (19 % vs. 10 %, p = .02), playgrounds (16 % vs. 6 %, p = .007) and barber shops (34 % vs. 14 %, p < .0001) and fewer recommended doctors' offices (31 % vs. 43 %, p = .046) as recruitment venues. Compared with residential fathers (100 % resident with the target child), more non-residential fathers recommended social services programs (45 % vs. 63 %, p = .03) and public transit (10 % vs. 27 %, p = .001) and fewer recommended the workplace (17 % vs. 40 %, p = .002) as recruitment venues. Study brevity, perceived benefits for fathers and their families, and the credibility of the lead organization were valued by fathers. Conclusion Fathers' participation in pediatric research may increase if researchers explicitly invite father to participate, target father-focused recruitment venues, clearly communicate the benefits of the research for fathers and their families and adopt streamlined study procedures. We would like to recognize and thank our community partners for their support and assistance in reaching fathers including (but not limited to): Massachusetts (MA) Department of Housing, MA Department of Children and Families, Cambridge Health Alliance, Boston Public Health Commission, Lynn Community Connections Coalition, Pernet Family Health Services, The Children's Trust, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), The Fatherhood Project at MGH, Community Action Agency of Somerville Head Start, and the National Fatherhood Initiative. We would also like to recognize the fathers who completed the survey and shared their perspectives. All phases of this study were supported by a grant from The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center (grant number 3UL1TR001102-02S1). The funding source had no role in the design and conduct of the study: collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review of approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Parker, K., & Wang, W. (2013). Modern Parenthood: Roles of Moms and Dads Converge as They Balance Work and Family. Retrieved from Washington, D.C.: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2013/03/14/modern-parenthood-roles-of-moms-and-dads-converge-as-they-balance-work-and-family/.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Matt Neufeld of Elias Woodwork describes the company's product offerings and what the company was showcasing at IWF 2016. In addition to the company's massive cabinet door offering, Elias showed off a 5-piece laminate door-style collection and a brand new line of assemble-on-site cabinets. The assemble-on-site cabinets can be assembled by using Lockdowel fasteners or with a screw and dowel method. Cabinets are available in 5/8" or 3/4".
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
As track and field athlete Jakara Davidson-Brooks was starting her sophomore year at Webster University, Hurricane Irma ravaged her hometown of Sanford, Florida. Davidson-Brooks said Hurricane Irma was the worst hurricane to hit her hometown since Hurricane Charley in 2004. Davidson-Brooks' family was able to stay at a hotel while damages to their house where being repaired. She said she will go back to visit during fall break. According to Davidson-Brooks, the St. John's River flooded and her hometown of Sanford is still affected by it. She said recovery efforts are still getting taken care of. On the way to Florida, Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos Island and Cuba. The storm just missed the Bahamas. Senior men's basketball player Dominic Newton is from the Bahamas and said Hurricane Irma missed his hometown of Freeport at the last minute. Davidson-Brooks said track and field coaches Nick Niehaus and Daniel Graber both reached out to her to see how she was doing after the hurricane. She also said her teammates have shown support. Davidson-Brooks said she would have liked to seen more action from the athletics department and university. She also said she was not sure if the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) hurricane raffle would help since she did not know where the money would go. Newton had a different view and said he was happy the SAAC and the basketball team was taking part in hurricane relief. SAAC member Katlyn Garza said she has worked with different athletic teams and public safety to put together prizes for the raffle. The main winner of the reserved parking spot was Janka Ribando. Austin Dudley, Luisa Mercado, Josh Ray, David Stephens and Kira Thompson won apparel prizes and oops parking lot vouchers. The money collected in the raffle donations will be dispersed to hurricane victims in Florida, Puerto Rico and Texas by Operations USA.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Square. Classic cheese or create your own pizza. Round. Classic cheese or create your own pizza. Comes in a traditional cut in triangles is 20 slices or party cut 32 smaller sizes. Bacon, ham, and pineapple with extra cheese. Pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, onions, and green peppers. Chicken, BBQ sauce, onions, bacon, and mozzarella cheese topped with cheddar cheese. Seasoned chicken, onions, green peppers, black olives, and tomatoes topped with cheddar, and mozzarella cheese. Pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, ground beef, Italian sausage, green olives, and extra cheese. Bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo with mozzarella cheese. Feta and mozzarella cheeses, onions, black olives, tomatoes, and mild peppers. Mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses, and garlic butter. Fresh bread covered with our cinnamon butter blend. Served with a side of vanilla frosting. Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, onions and mozzarella cheese. Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, salami, ham, onions, green peppers, black olives, mild peppers, and mozzarella cheese. Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, feta cheese, beets, kalamata olives, onions, pepperoncini, and Greek dressing. Chicken bites, bacon, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, Parmesan cheese, and Caesar dressing. Turkey, ham, cheddar cheese, tomatoes, onions, and green peppers. Pepperoni, ham, onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese. Steak, onions, mushrooms, mozzarella, and cheddar cheeses. Ham, onions, green peppers, mozzarella, and cheddar cheeses. Seasoned chicken, onions, green peppers, black olives, tomatoes, mozzarella, and cheddar cheeses. Turkey, onions, bacon, mozzarella, and cheddar cheese. Pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, mozzarella cheese, and pizza sauce. Mushrooms, green peppers, onions, black and green olives, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese. Bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, provolone cheese, and mayo. Turkey, ham, bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, provolone cheese, and mayo. Ham, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, provolone cheese, and mayo. Turkey, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, provolone cheese, and Italian dressing. Meatballs with marinara sauce, Parmesan, and mozzarella cheeses. Pepperoni, ham, salami, onions, mild peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, provolone cheese, and Italian dressing. Grilled chicken, onions, bacon, and mozzarella cheese topped with cheddar cheese. Fettuccine pasta and grilled chicken with our creamy Alfredo sauce, Parmesan, and mozzarella cheeses. Mostaccioli pasta topped with our savory sauce, Parmesan, and mozzarella cheeses. Mostaccioli pasta topped with our savory sauce, meatballs, Parmesan, and mozzarella cheeses. Topped with marinara sauce, Parmesan, and mozzarella cheese.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
By Mike Burke | September 3, 2021 Black Men Pardoned For The Rape of A White Woman That NEVER Happened A group of young Black men EXECUTED after being convicted by all-white juries of allegedly raping a white woman has been pardoned in Virginia 70 years after their deaths. On Tuesday, Gov. Ralph Northam granted posthumous pardons to the"Martinsville Seven."…this was a MAJOR MISCARRIAGE of justice. Damar Hamlin Speaks Out For the First Time Since Cardiac Arrest Nephew Tommy's Prank Call 1-31 "I want my money back!" Junior's Prank Call 1-30 Official Trailer for the Psychological Thriller: FEAR Eddie Murphy Snowed In For TWO WEEKS at Rick James' Studio
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Career Expos are a great way to meet potential employers in an informal, easy, non-intimidating way. It offers you the opportunity to meet the 'face' of the organisation and really get an understanding of them in a way you can never get from just reading the recruitment material. The way in which employers engage with you at an expo can tell you a lot about whether their culture is a good fit for you. Were you able to speak to them easily? Did they treat you with respect? Were they enthusiastic about their work? Did you enjoy being with them? Could you see yourself working alongside them every day? Because of the casual nature of expos, many employers dress more informally at expos than they would normally do if they were at work. DO NOT LET THIS FOOL YOU! Expos are still serious business and some employers will offer interviews to students who have made an impression on them. Interviews are ALWAYS serious business. Never let yourself be misled into thinking you can approach interviews in a casual way. This doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to enjoy the interview, but it does mean you need to treat all interviews seriously. People are the organisation's greatest asset. Hiring the right people is critical to the organisation's success. Always show respect for the occasion by dressing appropriately. Depending on the job you are going for, the dress code can vary. However, even in workplaces with a more 'informal' environment, you always need to look smart and tidy. Heading off for an interview? Always check the dress code and when in doubt dress 'up' rather than 'down'. Check with the careers staff if you are not sure. Even if you do feel confident, it's a good idea to go over the preparations for your interview with careers staff to ensure you are on the right track. First impressions count! Get serious, and get that job!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Maya Island Air Flight 2M1061 connects Placencia, Belize to Belize City, Belize, taking off from Placencia Airport PLJ and landing at Belize City Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport BZE. This Maya Island Air flight can also be referenced as MYD1061, 2M 1061, MYD 1061. 2M1061 Flight Delay Compensation up to 600€!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Once in a lifetime opportunity to to buy your very own private island. Situated Just Off The South Shore Of Trout Lake, To The East Of The City Of North Bay, Falconbridge Island Is Now Available For Sale, A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity. This Gorgeous 9.75 Acre Island Can Be Enjoyed By Family For Generations To Come. The Cottage Is Over 1,100 Square Feet And Is Almost 100 Years Old With A Huge Kitchen And Living Room And 5 Bedrooms. Falconbridge Island Is The Largest Privately Owned Island On Beautiful Spring-Fed Trout Lake. It Has A Stunning And Varied Topography, Which Includes A Rocky Point, Steep Cliffs, A 300 Foot Sandy Beach And Walking Paths Throughout.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
<?php namespace Robo\Contract; use Robo\Contract\OutputAdapterInterface; /** * Record and determine whether the current verbosity level exceeds the * desired threshold level to produce output. */ interface VerbosityThresholdInterface { const VERBOSITY_NORMAL = 1; const VERBOSITY_VERBOSE = 2; const VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE = 3; const VERBOSITY_DEBUG = 4; /** * @param int $verbosityThreshold * * @return $this */ public function setVerbosityThreshold($verbosityThreshold); /** * @return int */ public function verbosityThreshold(); /** * @param \Robo\Contract\OutputAdapterInterface $outputAdapter */ public function setOutputAdapter(OutputAdapterInterface $outputAdapter); /** * @return \Robo\Contract\OutputAdapterInterface */ public function outputAdapter(); /** * @return bool */ public function hasOutputAdapter(); /** * @return int */ public function verbosityMeetsThreshold(); /** * @param string $message */ public function writeMessage($message); }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Ewing leaves hospital after COVID-19 treatment Leave a Comment on Ewing Leaves Hospital After COVID-19 Treatment Patrick Ewing, the former NBA star and current coach of Georgetown University, has left the hospital and is recovering from COVID-19 at his residence, his son reported Monday. The 57-year-old Hall of Famer played with the Hoyas during his college years and shone with the New York Knicks in the NBA. Ewing announced Friday that he had been diagnosed with the coronavirus and was receiving medical attention in a hospital. Three days later, Patrick Ewing Jr. noted via Twitter that his father's health improved after receiving treatment and thanked the doctors and nurses who cared for him during his hospitalization. He also appreciated the prayers of the fans after his father released the news. Lakers Return To Training, Still Mourning Kobe Bryant "My dad is already home and continues to improve," wrote Ewing Jr. "We will continue to monitor his symptoms and adhere to the guidelines of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). I hope everyone continues to care for and protect themselves and their loved ones. " As a player, Ewing helped Georgetown win the NCAA College Championship in 1984 and reached two other finals. During his four seasons with the Hoyas, he was 121-23, for a .840 winning percentage. He was the first pick in the 1985 draft by the Knicks. Eventually, Ewing led New York to the 1994 final, where they lost to Hakeem Olajuwon and the Houston Rockets. Ewing played 17 seasons in the NBA, 15 of them with the Knicks. After retiring as a player, he spent 15 years as an assistant for four professional teams. In April 2017, he returned to Georgetown to take the reins of a team at any level for the first time. In their first three seasons at his alma mater, Ewing's teams were 49-46 and have failed to qualify for the NCAA tournament. In 2019-20, Georgetown ended the season with seven losses in a row and a record of 15-17. Pixar Released Its First Short Film With a Gay Protagonist Argentina Will Seek To Strengthen The Commercial Relationship Between Mercosur And Israel The FBI Searches The Home And Office Of Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Homeschooling has made vast strides in the past 30 years. The validity and viability of homeschooling can be found right in your own home! Many would like to push homeschooling back into obscurity. For that reason, we want to intentionally show what homeschooling in Maine looks like, with all the passion, emotion, struggle and success that happens in homes all around our state. We don't want to simply say homeschooling is valid, we want to show it! How? Come meet Jeremy Grant, a new friend of HOME. Listen to how your own personal testimonies can reveal the true heart of homeschooling for others to see. Hear how a simple video can share the emotion of what we do above just words. We want you to be involved! You will have an opportunity during this convention. Please join us to learn more. ALSO, during this session you will meet your HOME Representative, who is always ready and available to provide answers, encouragement and support when you most need it! AND we will pay tribute to all of the amazing exhibitors who make our convention possible! Special music will be provided by Piscataqua Rangers Fife and Drum. Refreshments will be served! If There Was Ever a Time to Homeschool, It Is Now! Homeschooling is not easy. As a matter of fact, it can be downright overwhelming, tempting us to slip into survival mode. Homeschooling is the adventure of a lifetime, and God will be your strength. It is not His will that you just survive - He wants you to thrive. Come hear Rachael discuss what it takes to soar like an eagle. ALSO, this session will begin with a very special visit from a surprise guest, or two! Be sure to bring your children along to meet them! For those of us who are doers, wrestling feels like we are doing something, while resting doesn't. But God calls us to rest in His sovereignty—to trust Him and submit to His plan, His will, His way. What does that look like? How does a wrestler become a rester? Come and learn how to start today. * This workshop is sponsored by Schoodic Therapeutics Day Spa and Therapy Center. Are you ministering to homeschoolers in your area in any way? This workhop is for you and your leadership team! Being in a leadership position is tough work. Your heart desires to see great things happen for homeschooling families in your area, but the enemy throws so many flaming arrows your way. Often these come in the form of conflict with people. How can you as a leader build trust among your team members and constituents, maintain healthy relationships when facing conflict, and confront difficult issues effectively? In this workshop, Davis gives four leadership lessons he has learned first-hand from the field (aka trenches), and you will learn how to be more effective in your leadership role. Join our panel of distinct colleges, universities, and guidance counselor, for a discussion tailored for homeschoolers preparing for college admittance. Each college or university will bring their own unique offering of programs and majors. This is your opportunity for an informational session with faculty who will guide you as you prepare for the future. It is never to early to receive advice from the experts. Facilitated by Nick Umphrey, a guidance counselor, college admissions consultant, and homeschool father. Nick will both lead and participate in our college panel. Nature's Secrets in Our Backyards and Beyond: Discovering the Wonders of Nature through Story, Music, Art, Imagination and More! its secrets along the way. Camps offer so many hands-on, in-depth opportunities and experiences for learners to enjoy. They expose children to an atmosphere that they likely would not encounter anywhere else, with the added benefit of meeting others from many different areas. Camps have leaders who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and skills. Come listen to a wide variety of summer camp representatives and what amazing opportunities they have to offer. What face comes to mind when you hear "that child"? Do you smile or scowl when you see that face? Do you struggle to like that child? That child is a world changer. God has a plan for that child. All of that energy, all those questions, all that strength, all THAT, is God-given for His glory. Come learn strategies for learning to enjoy that child, to embrace that child, and to train that child for God's purposes. This exciting and interactive program introduces students to our native warm-blooded vertebrates: Maine mammals. Each participant studies a mounted animal and observes its characteristics, such as teeth, feet, and fur. We use these observations as clues to understanding each mammal's adaptations, niche, and habitat. A collection of skulls, study skins, and other specimens complements a discussion of adaptations and the role each animal plays in the food web. This program also feature a living example of a non-releasable wild mammal! 1. Understood.org - click on The Parent Toolkit, and then Through the Eyes of a Child. 2. Bonniecampbellhill.com - Click on Support Materials, then Reading/Writing Continuum. If you have an iPad, bring it along for maximum workshop interaction! Are you just beginning to homeschool? Are you researching the option for your family? Plan to attend this workshop! The following topics will be covered: Maine's homeschooling law, Record keeping, Curriculum planning, Helpful resources, Portfolios and evaluations, Support groups, Special needs, And much more! How does your idea become a law? TeenPact's Rodney Sparks will take teens through the process! Participants will learn how to bring a bill before a legislative committee, practice presenting a bill, effectively debate to be heard and convince those in power to consider your idea, all with passion and respect. Come with an idea ready to be considered that will impact homeschoolers for the better in the state of Maine! As an obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-control-freak herself, Rachael is sometimes her own worst enemy when it comes to taking advantage of the freedoms of home school. Are you too tied to your plan? Do you shiver at the idea of change or adjustment? Are you missing out on significant moments because you are focused on the trivial? Join Rachael for a lesson on how to chill out and turn control over to God. discussion on life in the gifted family. Using examples from the films, "Mrs. Incredible" discusses life in the gifted family, focusing on her experiences with homeschooling three gifted kids, now adults. Topics including, the divergent ways giftedness emerges in children within the same family, working with helpful and not so helpful "outsiders", choosing and using curriculum, and constructive household rules will be discussed. Effective interpersonal skills for the whole family will also be addressed. By sharing her experiences (good and bad) and lessons learned in her own gifted family of "supers", this presentation is designed to help empower gifted families to "fly", living life to the fullest and achieving their goals. What is course credit and why is it important? How do you determine, track, and show others how your student is progressing? This presentation isn't just for homeschooling grades 9 - 12. The value of understanding course credits can help you navigate transcripts, use of public school opportunities, and put your program's best foot forward for all ages. Put aside the textbooks and worksheets (especially if your student isn't enjoying them)! Whether your student is 4 or 14, join Early Childhood Educator and veteran homeschooling mom, Raylene Hunt to explore how what looks like "just play" is actually learning in action. Discover how you, as the parent and teacher, can facilitate opportunities that will instill a life-long love of learning in your student. Learn how to document their learning through play for their year-end assessments. In this hands-on workshop, parents and children will learn how to use the primary sources and other tools available on Maine Memory Network and My Maine Stories to (1) research your local history and create a local 1820 - 2020 time-line for HOME's Bicentennial Project Fair (to be held during the convention in 2020) and (2) share your own Maine story on My Maine Stories. We will also discuss the educational tools and resources available for homeschool families on MMN and how you and/or your local historical society can become a contribution partner with MMN. Start your bicentennial project in this workshop, and bring your finished project to convention next year for a 2020 celebration! Executive Functions are self-management skills that aid students in achieving their academic and personal goals. Executive Function is the ability to organize and manage your thoughts, actions, and emotions in order to initiate, sustain, and complete a task. To be effective, students must be able to manage their emotions, focus attention, organize and plan their work and time, as well as reflect upon and revise their tactics as circumstances change. In this workshop, you will learn what Executive Functioning means, and how it applies to learning and everyday needs of our children. Jessica will provide easy and useful strategies to implement at-home to help your child strengthen these skills and the muscles in their brain. You will look at the Learning With Fun's B·A·I·N·E·S·! method, and how taking a Student Centered approach towards learning will create positive long-term change including personal growth and development within your child. Google "college planning" and you get 642 million suggestions – how do you know which ones will truly help you? This workshop will highlight resources for the college admissions process, test preparation, identifying college fit, selection of a major, and developing a strong college application profile. You will learn how to access these resources and how to use them effectively. This workshop will also help you make the most of your college visits through preparation, intentional engagement on the campus, and looking "behind the scenes" to get a good sense of the campus culture and student experience. You will learn how to prepare for admissions interviews that will communicate your interest in the college, express the strength of your application profile, and give the college a clear sense of your interests and strengths as they assess your fit as a prospective student. How do we awaken wonder in our students? We awaken wonder by showing our students the Wonderful – that which is True, Good, and Beautiful. Modern education offers students its version of truth, goodness, and beauty promising the integration of the latest teaching methods, STEAM education, and leading-edge technology in the classroom with the goal of producing skilled graduates prepared for the labor force. Join us as we explore what the classical tradition teaches us about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, how it grows virtuous students through a rigorous liberal arts curriculum, and how we can awaken our students to wonder in our homeschools. What is "Shared Living" and how is it beneficial to young people with I/DDs who are transitioning into adulthood? And what does "Shared Living" mean for those Maine communities that embrace the program? A discussion presented by Living Innovations' Kristin Sengel and Amanda Parker. Living Innovations is Maine's provider of choice for Shared Living, Community Support, In-Home Support, and a range of other services for adults with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities. Have you been wandering the Exhibit Hall aimlessly? Are you still wondering why you are here? Do you have unanswered questions? Bring your lunch and your questions to this session of blessing featuring HOME Leader and veteran homeschool mom, Carolyn Simonds, along with HOME's Regional Representatives. Then attend the rest of the convention feeling more encouraged and confident! Here's your chance to join an experienced teacher, professor, parent, and grandparent, and ask the tough questions you have about your reading concerns of your special needs child. Questions will be written down, and then categorized and discussed. Eileen will offer you advice and guidance that will give you direction and a foundation to build upon, joined with hope and encouragement. Do you and your student like to work outside published curriculum. Are you having trouble finding a course that fits your student's interests and extra curriculum activities? There is substantial gain and flexibility to be had when you learn how to build your own course. Come find out how and why it is to your advantage to build your own course and set your own path to successful and enjoyable learning for the whole family or cooperative. This session, designed for middle school and high school students, takes students outside to explore the marine environment of the rock-bound coast of Maine. The focus will be food webs. Participants will make observations and work together to address such questions as: Who eats who and why? And what happens if we lose a species? What happens if the environment changes? How do systems adapt to change? Bring your rubber boots and "outside" clothes for an educational trip to the coast to explore the interconnectedness of the coastal marine food web. Libraries are a rich source of opportunity waiting to be tapped. Besides lending books that enrich learning, what other ways can the library be used? Come and find out how you can expand your child's learning and connections with suggestions from experienced librarians who have worked with homeschoolers and helped them grow. Solomon wrote, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (Proverbs 4:23). As we approach a heart relationship with our children, we need to focus our efforts on the things that really matter. This lesson uses the acronym H.E.A.R.T. to identify what really matters from a biblical viewpoint. Kathy began homeschooling armed with "how-to" books and award winning curriculum thinking she would do all the teaching and her children would do all the learning. She found just the opposite to be true using the methodologies of a Charlotte Mason education. In this workshop, Kathy provides simple and practical ways to engage your children (and yourself) in a Charlotte Mason education by preparing the feast, laying down habits (tracks) for life to run more smoothly on and promoting an atmosphere of grace, truth and beauty. God meets us in our weakness and in his presence we are changed at the heart level. Charlotte Mason's profound yet practical methods light a fire in the hearts of both teacher and student. You have heard of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) but do you know how to use it? Can you take it on the road to make the most of field trips, family vacations, and even holiday events? Martel Learning Group will help you understand their product of "Traveling by STEAM" curriculum and give you insight into building your own. In this family workshop, Maine mom and veteran writer Rue Merrill will share about her writing journey--from toting a pencil and pad of paper around her childhood farm to becoming an award-winning journalist and author. Learn methods for encouraging your children's creative expression (from keeping a journal to writing fiction and nonfiction narratives) and tools to help them edit and revise their work. Older students will come away with ideas for crafting standout college-application essays. This workshop will include hand-outs and a time for questions and answers. Chiropractic Doctors Warren and Ruth Varney, and Pastor Sam McKeen, are three individuals who will share how they were homeschooled through high school, attended college and beyond, and are experiencing successful careers. They will share about their personal experiences and struggles, the college admissions process as homeschoolers, their present-day careers, and answer questions you may have about their journey. Taking a gap year is an amazing opportunity for many students. Tim Hurd is a graduate of Cairn University's gap year program and former staff member at another gap year Bible program in Germany and has exciting tips and information to share about how to experience the most out of taking a gap year prior to college or as part of a unique freshmen year experience. The High School Aspirations Program at the University of Maine at Augusta provides high school juniors and seniors with the opportunity to take up to 6 credit hours each semester tuition free. Courses are offered on-campus, online, or in your community at a University College Center. This innovative program allows students to begin their college career early and introduces them to the college environment and work expectations, therefore reducing future college workloads and shortening the time to graduation. Participants to this session will be provided with information about the High School Aspirations Program, college preparation, admissions/enrollment information, and upcoming semester course selections. Bring your lunch and spend some informal time sharing concerns, resources and ideas, while connecting with other families homeschooling children with special needs. HOME leaders will be on hand to answer questions and help facilitate your time together! Last Stop Before You Leave Convention 2019! Before you head out, be sure to stop here (and bring along your children if they are with you) to meet some very special surprise guests, receive your free give-away, awards, prize drawings for children and parents, one last silent auction item and say final goodbyes to your HOME family. You'll get a sneak peek at the exciting 2020 HOME Convention and 30th Anniversary details, too. All are welcome! Recordkeeping can seem overwhelming for the homeschooling parent and student, but it doesn't have to be. Carolyn will share strategies, tips and ideas on how to keep records of schoolwork and activities throughout the year. When it comes time for portfolio reviews and college planning, you will be well-prepared and feeling confident in your direction.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
If you need a friend, buy a dog. If you need no-nonsense advisors with unfiltered perspectives and fresh insight about your company, your competition, and your customers, give us a call. Practical insight is critical to success. Data Mobility Group's research and advisory services are rooted in an intimate understanding of our clients' markets, competitive situations, and specific business issues. Our breadth and depth is the result of practical experience with a broad range of technological solutions. Before you put your reputation on the line, let us put our experience to work for you. Since 2002 we have helped companies of all sizes intelligently market, sell, and leverage their technologies into a variety of industries. Explore our website and then give us a call at 603.574.4764. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how Data Mobility Group can help you achieve your objectives.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The School Performance Profile scoring system is based on a 100-point system in which each individual school receives a rating. Schools may earn extra credit points beyond the 100 points for students who have earned advanced scores on state, industry and Advanced Placement exams. Many data points contribute to the academic score. These data points are categorized into five areas. Note: The SPP for the 2012-2013 school year did not include a calculation for closing the achievement gap. The factor was included in the 2013-2014 SPP for science only. Beginning in 2015- 2016, the closing the achievement gap calculation includes reading, math and science. Our outcomes are a direct result of the work of our teachers, principals, students and parents.
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AURORA – Sam Schultz offered a slight look over at his coach, then offered this about Oswego East's new defense. "It's a secret," said Schultz, the Wolves' 6-foot-7 junior. "The goal is to shut down their main player and make their role players have to score. We had that in our back pocket, along with the 2-3 [zone]." It's no secret that defense is a bellwether to how well the Wolves play. They were at their best Tuesday. Oswego East, giving up its fewest points all season, ran away from Waubonsie Valley 58-36 in Tuesday's Class 4A East Aurora Sectional semifinal. Ray J Dennis scored 18 points, Demari Grant added 16, Schultz had 12 points and 10 rebounds and Kamron Battle 10 points for Oswego East (24-7). The Wolves, who play Bolingbrook Friday, are in a sectional final for the first time in program history and matched a program record for wins. "Super excited that we get to play more basketball," Oswego East coach Ryan Velasquez said. "We made some history. Hopefully we can keep this rolling." The Wolves unveiled their "new defense," which looked like a box-and-one or triangle-and-two, in Friday's regional final, keeping Lemont star Nate Ferguson in check. On Tuesday, the attention turned to Waubonsie Valley's Eric Cannon and Marcus Skeete. The two combined to shoot just 4-for-15 and scored 14 total points. Derrien Porter led Waubonsie (27-5) with 17. Oswego East showed a zone defense throughout, with a few wrinkles. Whatever they were in, the Wolves were committed. "The message going in was we have to get stops," Velasquez said. "Probably our best defensive game of the year tonight. The guys were focused, and they were hungry. I felt we were all committed, all in. They [Waubonsie] have some horses." Doesn't Oswego East know it. Cannon and Skeete each scored 19 points in the teams' first meeting, a 67-61 Waubonsie win Feb. 9. This was a 180-degree turn. Oswego East junior Tremont Brewer, face-guarding Skeete on several possessions, held him to 1-for-9 shooting and four points. Waubonsie, as a team, shot just 34.3 percent, 2-for-16 from the 3-point line. "I don't care if Tremont scores zero points. He wins us games," Schultz said. "He locks up and does the dirty work." Waubonsie Valley coach Jason Mead felt his team's struggles were more about what they didn't do, than what Oswego East did. "We weren't very aggressive, and Ray J is really good," Mead said. "They played some triangle-and-two probably like five or six possessions, that they played against Lemont. We just didn't execute any of our plays today. We caught the ball too high, we weren't catching to score. We just missed shots." Oswego East only trailed once, on the second score of the second quarter. Dennis, who shot 6-for-10, scored eight of his 18 points in the second quarter. His driving layup gave the Wolves the lead for good, 13-12. Later, he scored on a spectacular spinning move through the lane and finger roll as the Wolves went ahead 19-14 at half. Dennis admitted the teams' first meeting was in the back of his mind, especially with a huge crowd on both sides Tuesday. "We definitely had it in the back of our heads, knowing that they're in our back yard and they know us and we know them," Dennis said. "We knew a lot of people were going to be here. It was a big game leading up." And wouldn't have been possible, without Dennis' buzzer-beater in Oswego East's regional semifinal win over Neuqua Valley. '"Me, Ray, Kam, we've ben talking about this for a long time," Schultz said. "When we got lucky against Neuqua, we had to wake up. We feel like a new team these last couple games." Schultz, helping Oswego East finish possessions, controlled the defensive glass. He also scored 10 of his 12 points in the second half. He scored on a nifty baseline drive for a three-point play early in the fourth quarter, making it 39-27, then motioned to Oswego East's large student section. The Wolves, leading 36-27 after Dennis and Cannon matching 3-pointers to close the third quarter, took over in the fourth. "I knew I had a mismatch on whoever was guarding me," Schultz said. "Get to the paint, go up strong, I'll score." Grant scored 14 of his 16 points in the second half, helping the Wolves pull away. His three-point play in transition, following a Dennis basket, got the lead to double digits at 31-18. "This is a huge stepping stone," Dennis said. "It's all part of the journey that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. Now we're getting ready for Bolingbrook." Bolingbrook earlier pulled away to beat West Aurora 75-61 behind Drake recruit Joseph Yesufu's 23 points. The Raiders, perennial sectional finalists, took third in Class 4A in both 2015 and 2017. "We're definitely looking forward to it," Dennis said. "We know guys on their team, they're a tough team, a prestigious team per se. We'll be ready." Oswego East student section cheers on their team against Waubonsie Valley during their East Aurora 4A Sectional semi-final game in Aurora March 5. Oswego East's Ray J Dennis (10) drives to the basket against Waubonsie Valley during their East Aurora 4A Sectional semi-final game in Aurora March 5. Oswego East's Sam Schultz (4) drives the baseline against Waubonsie Valley's Nikhil Khanna (14) during their East Aurora 4A Sectional semi-final game in Aurora March 5. Oswego East's Kamron Battle (23) shoots the ball over Waubonsie Valley's Derrien Porter (12) during their East Aurora 4A Sectional semi-final game in Aurora March 5. Oswego East's Ray J Dennis (10) shoots a free-throw against Waubonsie Valley during their East Aurora 4A Sectional semi-final game in Aurora March 5. Oswego East's Demari Grant (2) drives to the basket against Waubonsie Valley during their East Aurora 4A Sectional semi-final game in Aurora March 5. Oswego East's Ray J Dennis (10) drives to the basket against Waubonsie Valley's Caymen Woods (24) during their East Aurora 4A Sectional semi-final game in Aurora March 5.
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For more information concerning work and views related to Foreign Affairs, please contact our office. More on Foreign Affairs ASMSA Student Attends Joint Session of Congress Featuring French President Emmanuel Macron April 25, 2018 Press Release Junior Malik Barnes of the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts in Hot Springs attended Wednesday's (April 25) address to a Joint Session of Congress by French President Emmanuel Macron. U.S.-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act "Protects U.S. Interests" February 5, 2018 Press Release Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) issued the following statement Monday (February 5) upon passage of H.R. 2646, a bill to reauthorize the United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2015. Westerman Statement on Iran Financial Transparency Bills December 14, 2017 Press Release Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) issued the following statement Thursday (December 14) upon passage of H.R. 1638, the Iranian Leadership Asset Transparency Act, and H.R. 4324, the Strengthening Oversight of Iran's Access to Finance Act. Westerman Votes for Sanctions Against Russia, Iran, and North Korea July 25, 2017 Press Release Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) issued the following statement Tuesday (July 25) upon passage of H.R. 364, a bill to impose sanctions against Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Westerman: "Allegations of Genocide Should be Investigated and Those Responsible Should be Brought to Justice" June 6, 2017 Press Release Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) issued the following statement upon passage of H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act of 2017. Obama Has Undermined U.S. Relationship With Israel January 5, 2017 Blog Post The harmful actions taken by the Obama administration throughout his terms in office have undermined one of the cornerstones of United States foreign policy. In fashion true to his nature, President Obama saved his most insulting measure for his coup de grace. Rep. Bruce Westerman Discusses Opposition to Shelter Plan December 28, 2016 Video On yesterday's 6 p.m. news, THV11 took a look at my opposition to the plan for converting the former Job Corps site in Royal into a shelter for unaccompanied minors. Rep. Bruce Westerman Opposes Possible Refugee Shelter in Royal On last night's FOX16 News, reporter Jessi Turnure looked at opposition to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' proposal to turn the former Job Corps site in Royal into a center for unaccompanied minors in the United States illegally. Westerman questions HHS about Job Corps site December 20, 2016 In The News U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman, R-District 4, said he had more questions than answers after speaking with government officials Monday morning about the possibility of the shuttered Ouachita Job Corps Center in Royal being used to house children who enter the country without parents or guardians. Arkansas Congressional Members Oppose Possible Refugee Shelter in Royal Congressional members from the Natural State came out against a possible refugee shelter the same day representatives from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services toured the facility.
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Seeing as you can open virtually any bookmaker's website on your laptop or PC and create a betting account, you might think you can do exactly the same on your mobile device, be it an iPhone, iPad, or any one of the dozens of smartphones that run Google's Android OS. Google and Apple own about 95 percent of online mobile traffic, which of course includes punters hoping to place bets on all the top sporting events. No matter if you own an iOS powered device, or an Android-powered device, to obtain a bookmaker app, there are some hoops you need to jump through. Google used to be quite open to all forms of apps that allowed real money gambling of any kind, but then in August 2013 they had a complete change of heart. Google Play is largely an unregulated market, and by allowing bookmaker apps to be hosted there, Google were giving people the chance to engage in online betting in jurisdictions (like the US) where it was not permitted, so, fearful of prosecution, they banned them outright. However, the ban is not too much of problem for sports betting fans. Because Android is based on Linux, it is an open-source OS. That means you can download and install apps to your device from outside of Google Play. You usually just need to visit a bookmaker's site to be offered the chance of downloading a bookmaker app in the form of an apk file. More frequently, thanks to recent advances in HTML, you can simply use the mobile-optimised version of a bookmaker's site via your device's internet browser. Apple always used to ban real money gambling apps but when Google made their decision in 2013, Apple made the same decision but in the opposite direction. The App Store is much more regulated than Google Play, plus each country has its own version of the App Store. Getting an app into the App Store means you have to endure a lengthy review process, and only apps that are legitimate are allowed through. This means that any app that permits online gambling in a jurisdiction where it is illegal is given the thumbs down. So, if you live in a jurisdiction where online gambling is allowed, then you should be able to download a bookmaker app for your favourite sports book via the App Store. If not – just use the mobile-optimised version of the sports book site using Safari or any other browser you've installed on your iPhone or iPad. There are plenty of bookmaker apps that you can download and install to your mobile device, along with odds comparison apps and betting tips and news apps. It's certainly not impossible to find any of these applications – you just need to know where to look.
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Beside India, Nepal is also popular for having a significant number of Bengal Tigers in the Asia region. The country shares the common concern with India, which is to protect and conserve the big cats. Nepal has been putting in honest efforts to increase the number of Bengal Tigers, which is evident from the programmes this country has introduced in this regard. Thursday marked the beginning of the census of Bengal Tigers in the Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve in Nepal. The administration said that they will be using camera trapping technology for a period of about one month for counting tigers. Bed Kumar Dhakal, chief conservation officer at the Reserve, said that the counting will be completed in two phases of 15 days each. He also said that keeping aside the usual practice of counting tigers at conserved areas nationawide, this year the counting programme will only be conducted in wildlife reserves and national parks where tigers are less. Dhakal also informed that tiger census will also be carried out in Parsa Wildlife Reserve and Banke National Park. As per Dhakal, the programme is conducted annually at conserved area with low population of tigers. Last year, 11-17 tigers were spotted during counting sessions. And this number was 27 when the first counting and monitoring programme was conducted around 15 years ago. National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), Reserve officials and Nepal Army personnel are extending great help in tiger census. Further, proper training classes are being organized for participants for counting tigers. The number of these big cats is constantly decreasing in all the dwellings of tigers in the world. This prompted Tiger Range Countries (TRC) to start conservation programmes with a sole motive to double their numbers by 2022. A report rolled out by the Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation stated that the number of tigers in the conserved areas of Nepal was just 176 till last year.
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There are 349.14 miles from Cape Neddick to Avoca in west direction and 467 miles (751.56 kilometers) by car, following the I-88 W route. Cape Neddick and Avoca are 7 hours 36 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop. This is the fastest route from Cape Neddick, ME to Avoca, NY. The halfway point is Stuyvesant Plaza, NY. Cape Neddick, ME and Avoca, NY are in the same time zone (EDT). Current time in both locations is 4:09 am. A car with an MPG of will need 21.64 gallons of gas to cover the route between Cape Neddick, ME and Avoca, NY. The estimated cost of gas to go from Cape Neddick to Avoca is $61.23. During the route, an average car will release 423.88 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile. If you want to meet halfway between Cape Neddick, ME and Avoca, NY or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 42.689301 and -73.864653, or 42º 41' 21.4836" N, 73º 51' 52.7508" W. This location is 233.66 miles away from Cape Neddick, ME and Avoca, NY and it would take approximately 3 hours 48 mins to reach the halfway point from both locations. The closest town to the halfway point is Stuyvesant Plaza, NY, situated 235.32 miles from Cape Neddick, ME and 236.01 miles from Avoca, NY. It would take 3 hours 54 mins to go from Cape Neddick to Stuyvesant Plaza and 3 hours 52 mins to go from Avoca to Stuyvesant Plaza.
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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. All opinions are mine alone. We've had several rainy days lately, and all it makes we want to do is bake. Scones, cookies, bread, donuts. I want to bake (and eat) all the things. My mother-in-law is a fantastic baker, and her snickerdoodle cookies are delicious. They are a holiday staple. But since it's still fall, I'm not quite to 'holiday' baking just yet. I am, however, a little obsessed with apples at the moment. So I'm taking some classic snickerdoodle cookies and combining them with fresh apple for a new fall treat. I love the fall. Life is back to a routine (even if I'm still struggling with the alarm clock in the morning), my favorite sports are on television, and the heat of the Texas summer has finally broken which makes me happy to spend more time in the kitchen. Turning the oven on when it's 100 degrees outside just isn't that enjoyable. But the hustle and bustle of the holidays hasn't quite set in yet, so life still feels fairly slow and leisurely. Yep, this might be my favorite time of the year. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Cream together the butter, shortening, 1 1/2 cups sugar, eggs, and vanilla. In a small bowl combine the 4 Tbsp sugar and 4 tsp cinnamon. Drop spoonfuls of dough into mixture. Place cookie dough balls onto the prepared baking sheets. Bake for 9 to 11 minutes. Cookies will look puffy when done. Remove from baking sheets and allow to cool. When you create a delicious new recipe, it's only fair to share it with friends and family. So once my cookies were baked and cooled I could start putting together my gift baskets. I used a 12×12 sheet of scrapbook paper and folded it to make an origami box to hold my cookies. Watch how I made the paper gift boxes! After my paper boxes were made, and filled with cookies, I slipped the boxes into a clear plastic bag and tied a gold ribbon around it. While I am crazy about apples, and these Apple Snickerdoodle Cookies, pumpkins will soon be getting plenty of love at my house as well. What are your favorite fall flavors? This recipe has been around for years. The only difference I see is I make it with dried apples. It's a great recipe and people love the cookies.
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At the individual level, you can take steps to activate the unification process. This involves having a love affair with yourself. This is not a narcissistic kind of love but a love that embraces your woundedness, your missteps - all that you have held against yourself and all that others have held against you. It is time to love all of it into the light. Set an intention to do so and hold a ceremony or ritual to dedicate yourself to fully loving and assisting yourself and your movement toward healing. This is not a selfish action. You have vastly more to share with others when you heal and love yourself. If you are holding judgment against yourself you will judge others as well. Undertake your own healing for the sake of yourself, all others, and the universe. We have said your intentions raise the obstacle field. Now we will further distinguish the different forms and degrees of the obstacle field. The lesser obstacle field is raised for an intention such as manifesting a new car or other material item. Inside this obstacle field you will experience questions around deserving, abundance, and any reservations held by younger aspects of your consciousness. A more complex obstacle field is activated by the intention to bring about profound healing at all levels. This intention activates all the thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions, beliefs - everything that has entered into the equation of your inner wound will be raised to help you heal and work with it. This can be an extensive process that for some takes years. However, the energies now are working with you, allowing you to take great steps toward releasing resistance, raising your vibration and incubating the timeline where you are living along a life track of inner unification. During this powerful time, new energies are filtering onto the earth plane, seeding times of deeper awakening. Seers and other light beings are receiving visions designed to bring awareness to anything that has held them in limiting scenarios. Transcendence is a primary theme now as we are asked to move beyond old identities into new and often as yet unimagineable realms of being. The new energies allow us to transcend limiting beliefs that exist at the root of limiting careers, relationships, identities and much more. In a sense, these energies are even assisting us in transcending ourselves – or who we believe ourselves to be. Post-eclipse energies are lifting us higher than ever before, offering glimpses of timelines of transcendence where we're living beyond our present limitations. This is not a fairy tale, not a too-good-to-be-true bedtime story. There are steps to take on the journey of transcendence. Those who adopt the intention to transcend limiting beliefs will face various tests to insure their readiness for a limitless existence. We are not alone in this journey. The universe is with us every step of the way, providing the resources needed to energize timelines of transcendence. All we have to do is be willing to believe in ourselves, to trust our footing on this new path, and to heal and release the past at a deep and profound level. Any choice to transcend limitations raises the obstacle field. Any time we set an intention we activate everything that stands in the way of reaching our intentions. This activation helps us recognize and clear unhealed emotions, limiting beliefs, habits and connections that anchor us to third-dimensional life tracks. Inside the obstacle field any fears we still hold kick in and tell us we are not up to the task. Some turn back at this juncture. Instead of turning back, we can choose to see obstacles as opportunities to reaffirm and strengthen our belief in ourselves and our spiritual connection. Transforming obstacles into opportunities allows us to fly over situations that previously tethered us to dense, lower-vibrational life tracks. Self-love and self-forgiveness are essential in transcending limitations. When the obstacle field activates, younger selves within your repertoire of selves may become fearful. Selves still mired in unresolved emotions may throw on the brakes. During this powerful period you have the ability to heal by working with your repertoire of selves at a very high level. Unconditional love for yourself and others is essential to transcending limitations. Be gentle with yourself as you transition to unconditional love. This transition will bring before you memories of un-love to be loved and released. When you feel gratitude for moments of un-love, you are ready to step into the real love that transcendence brings. A high level of awareness will help you past any hurdles you encounter. This allows you to observe yourself without judgment. Forgive yourself if you feel sad, depressed, lonely or fearful. If you resist or pull back, forgive yourself. Let whatever happens be as it is without judgment or blame. Your thoughts hold the power to lift you up or knock you down. When traumatized feeling states kick in, send love to yourself. Sit with your younger selves. Sit with any selves that feel abandoned and unloved. Be willing to serve as a loving, understanding parent and guide to these younger selves. A willingness to re-parent your younger selves brings about inner unification, which is essential to activating timelines of transcendence. Many lightworkers entered this lifetime with the intention to complete past connections. These completions are instrumental in awakening us to our spiritual purpose of helping with the transition to the New Earth. Past life connections serve to awaken you to expanded dimensions of your being by weakening the barriers between lifetimes. The shift to the new earth is built upon a vision of oneness with all others and within ourselves. When we see through the veils separating our various lifetimes, we establish a conscious connection with our parallel selves incarnated simultaneously throughout various timeframes. When we establish oneness with parallel aspects of ourselves we deepen and complete our spiritual understanding on many levels. This concept of inner unity ushers in a new kind of self-love that transcends the love we have for our present identity self. As you open to inner unification with all aspects of yourself you adopt a new focus self that is capable of embracing and working with parallel aspects of your consciousness. You may experience initial resistance from your present focus self in this changeover. Be kind and loving but persistent in this transition. Inside timelines of transcendence you engage with yourself, with others, with the environment and with all living creatures as the limitless, divine being that you are. Timelines of transcendence bring many powerful breakthroughs. Creativity greatly expands and your powers of perception expand. You experience radiant health. Your desire to assist others expands. As you seek to help others transcend whatever binds them to limiting life tracks, you transcend your own limitations. This allows you to step more fully into your role as a wayshower and guide into the new time. Waking and nighttime dreams are preparing you to embrace more fully your true identity as an infinite and divine being. Working with dream states now helps you develop future vision, a tool that can help you chart your course into fifth-dimensional life tracks. This tool helps you intuitively see where a situation, choice or idea will take you in the future. It helps you look at a situation and see straight through to the intention that created it. Viewing potentials before they manifest allows for course corrections and fine-tuning of intentions and visualizations. Opening to future vision makes it easier to "plug in" to the expanded energies now abundant on the Earth plane. These energies are helping an ever increasing number of beings experience moments of expanded vision. Future vision is possible because each being is multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-connected. When you open to consciously embrace the many-layered nature of your being, you are able to tap into a much wider and deeper range of conscious perception. All moments exist parallel to our present and become accessible to us when we enter fifth-dimensional consciousness. Energy flows in all directions so events crystallizing in your near future are always sending out waves of energy that cast a sphere of influence extending in both directions – past and future. Future happenings affect your life and awareness as much as past events do. In some cases, you are more affected by future events because they exist in your subconscious and are not always accessed in the way you are able to "pull-up" past times and understand the influence they are exerting on your present. This and much more is available to us when we choose to stand in the truth of our infinite being. When you bring your focus to the images future vison brings, you are able to perceive events setting up in your present moment and follow their development through time to view the shape of the New Earth. When you better understand the changes currently taking shape you will understand your role and purpose within the transition times ahead. To make the most of upcoming energies, its helpful to begin an intensive introspective period in the weeks prior. You may find it helpful to journal if you don't already. Journaling helps you gain perspective and insight into your "waking dream." Daily journaling also helps you bring awareness to stuck emotions so you can clear them. When you journal, give yourself the freedom to write whatever flows into your mind. Journaling is a good housecleaning tool to assist you in processing emotions and bringing awareness to the landscape of your mental and emotional bodies. We will all feel the effects of the upcoming Mercury retrograde and eclipse energies. The exact way in which you experience them can be understood by examining your astrology chart. The type of impact and its intensity and duration depends on where an eclipse falls in a person's astrology chart. If an eclipse falls within 3" of a planet or an important point in your chart by conjunction or opposition, it is of special significance to you. The nature of the planet impacted by the eclipse offers clues to the experiences that lie ahead. Each house in astrology points toward an area of your life. Knowing which house in which an eclipse falls in your chart will help you get your affairs in order.
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McIntosh, James McQueen James McQueen McIntosh (1828–1862) James McQueen McIntosh served as a Confederate colonel in the Second Arkansas Mounted Rifles and as a brigadier general before losing his life at the Battle of Pea Ridge. James McIntosh was born at Fort Brooke, near present-day Tampa, Florida, in 1828. His father was Colonel James Simmons McIntosh of the U.S. Army. The elder McIntosh served in both the War of 1812 and the Mexican War, during which he was killed at the 1847 Battle of Molino del Rey. The younger McIntosh graduated last in his class the next year from the United States Military Academy at West Point. Serving on active duty with the U.S. Army on the western frontier, McIntosh was promoted to captain of the First Cavalry in 1857. At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, McIntosh was stationed at Fort Smith (Sebastian County). He resigned his federal commission when his native Florida seceded, and subsequently he was given command of the Second Arkansas Mounted Rifles. The regiment joined other Confederate forces organizing near Fort Smith under the command of Brigadier General Benjamin McCulloch, and they moved into southern Missouri, where they joined Missouri State Guard forces under Sterling Price and Arkansas State Troops commanded by Nicholas Bartlett Pearce. They were attacked by a Federal army under the command of Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon at Wilson's Creek on August 10, 1861; the combined Confederate force defeated its Union opponent. During the battle, McIntosh commanded McCulloch's brigade of Confederate troops, while McCulloch commanded the entire army. Eventually, the Confederate and Arkansas forces moved southward back into the state, while Price and his Missourians moved into central Missouri in an effort to gather recruits and supplies. In the winter of 1861–62, McIntosh moved against pro-Union Native Americans in the nearby Indian Territory. The Native Americans were attempting to flee to Federal-held Kansas, while troops under McIntosh and Colonel Douglas Cooper worked together to stop them. Under the command of Muscogee (Creek) chief Opothleyahola, the Indians defeated a Confederate force led by Colonel Douglas Cooper on November 19, and McIntosh's brigade was dispatched for support. Cooper won a small victory at the December 9 Battle of Chusto-Talasah but endeavored to completely drive the enemy from the territory. The two commands planned to attack the enemy from different directions, but shortly before the attack, Cooper informed McIntosh that his men would not be ready in time. The Creek and their allies were at Chustenahlah, and McIntosh arrived on the field on December 25, 1861. McIntosh attacked on December 26 without support and successfully drove the enemy from the field. The Native Americans who escaped were able to reach Kansas and did not pose a threat to Confederate forces in the Indian Territory for the remainder of the war. In recognition of his success at Wilson's Creek and Chustenahlah, McIntosh was promoted to brigadier general on January 24, 1862. The command structure of Confederate forces in the Trans-Mississippi was not clear during this period, as McCulloch and Price did not work well together. Major General Earl Van Dorn was transferred west to take command of the department. Moving to meet a Federal invasion of northwestern Arkansas led by Major General Samuel Ryan Curtis, Van Dorn commanded the entire Confederate force, while McCulloch and Price each commanded a division. Encountering Union forces near Pea Ridge (Benton County), Van Dorn attacked on March 7, 1862. While scouting a Federal position near Leetown (Benton County), McCulloch was killed by enemy fire. Command of the division passed to the senior brigade commander, McIntosh. Within minutes, McIntosh was also killed by Federal fire, and confusion spread through the division, as the remaining commanders did not take command. Eventually, the Union forces under Curtis prevailed, and the Confederates retreated. The bodies of McIntosh and McCulloch were taken to Fort Smith, where they were buried in the Fort Smith National Cemetery. McIntosh's younger brother, John Baillie McIntosh, served as a major general with the Union army during the war. Warner, Ezra. Generals in Gray. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1959. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Series 1, Vols. 3, 8. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1889. David Sesser Civil War through Reconstruction (1861 - 1874) Individuals / Individuals and Units / Military Science
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The iconic Paperbark tree, its name is derived from the trees bark that flakes and peels but has a softer texture than paper and also thicker. Known by its botanical name Melaleuca meaning black & white, which is derived from the Ancient Greek melanos 'black' and leukos 'white' and Genus a name referenced by the European settlers by the way the bark was black at the base and white at the top due to bush fires. The Melaleuca genus includes over 200 species most of which are native to Australia. Drought and fire hardy plants can range in size from 2-meter shrubs commonly known as a honey myrtle to 30 meters high being the iconic paperbark. They are evergreen and produce beautiful flowers ranging in colors from yellow, greenish, pink to red depending on the species. All of which attract wildlife due to the high nectar content of these flowers. Australia's spiritual indigenous peoples erected a simple rainforest dwelling called a Bayu (pronounced Ba-Yoo), made of various rainforest materials including the use of paper bark from the melaleuca trees. The paper bark offered warmth and protection from the rain, the igloo shape made from the Calamus ( wait awhile ) made the structure extremely durable. A small camp fire placed just outside the Bayu brought warmth and protection from the mosquitos as well as being a convenient place to cook meals. Australia's Indigenous people made great use of the paper bark tree using its soft bark for bandages sleeping mats, cradles and for wrapping food for cooking in underground ovens known as Kap Mari or Kap Mauri. Oven temperatures are high but due to the lack of oxygen, the paper won't ignite, keeping the food moist and tender. In some clans, they used the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia for its anti-bacterial properties commonly now known as Tea tree oil. Melaleuca alternifolia is the main supplier of Tea tree oil which is a fantastic antibacterial and anti-fungal used mainly for topical applications. Growing in the wild from south-east Queensland to northern New South Wales. This tall shrub or small tree grows up to 7 m high and produces white flowers. Melaleuca quinquenervia was commonly known as the broad leaf paper bark, grows from 8 to 20 meters in height, has light-colored bark, creamy or greenish flowers, and broad leaves. Found along the east coast of Australia between Sydney and the top of cape york peninsula east of the great dividing range. Melaleuca leucadendra or commonly known as the weeping Paperbark or Cajeput is a tall tree that produces white to creamy flowers has white bark and 20 cm long leaves. Found along the Australian coast from Rockhampton to east Broome but will grow in most parts inland and as far north as the Solomon Islands. The oils derived from this tree are used in many pet fish remedies relating to bacteria or fungi.
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What's the Olympic Long Team anyway? The "Long Team" selection is the first round of cuts that USA Cycling makes for the Olympic Team, so it isn't a guarantee of actually making it to the Olympic Games. For mountain bike, they selected eight women and seven men from which they'll further pare down to just two each for the final "Short Team." Posted on December 8, 2015 by Chloe Woodruff and filed under Mountain Biking and tagged Rio 2016 World Cup Olympics.
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Q: Netlify and React Vite: Netlify says "Page not found" upon reloading in Vite and React site I have the site built in React JS where I am using Vite as a JS Bundler. The problem is, when I deployed the site on Netlify and when reloading the page it says "Page not found". I tried adding changing vite.config.jsfile. import { defineConfig } from "vite"; import { resolve } from "path"; import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react"; // https://vitejs.dev/config/ export default defineConfig({ build: { rollupOptions: { input: { main: resolve(__dirname, "index.html"), }, }, }, plugins: [react()], }); I also added .redirects file. Please provide a solution for this, I see this as a common issue but it hasn't been addressed much. A: I see this as a common issue but it hasn't been addressed much. Addressing this issue can only happen through documentation, which unfortunately if not referred to, cannot be helped. Without seeing your site and the description of this being a common issue, I can only "assume" you're talking about the 404 on refresh problem, just like the another similar question posted about yesterday: Routes not working properly in React using Vite (ON BUILD) The solution is documented on React docs (well, Create React App, but valid in this case too): https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/#netlify You need to create a file, public/_redirects with the content: /* /index.html 200 You already mention you've done that, but unless it follows the exact placement and syntax as above, it won't work.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
What Are the Emotional Benefits of Volleyball? Female Gymnastic Workouts Importance of Exercise in the Military by Eva Talent Activities to Improve Dexterity OSHA Regulations: Wearing Shorts & Long Pants in Construction A Workout & Physical Conditioning Plan for Gymnasts Importance of Gymnastics Military service members know the saying "Physical fitness is the cornerstone of combat readiness" by heart. Physical exercise keeps soldiers, airmen, seamen and Marines in top condition so they're always ready for any mission. Service members who don't meet military fitness standards run the risk of an early discharge or disciplinary action. Through carefully planned and implemented physical training exercises, each branch of the military is able to maintain a high level of combat readiness with healthy, capable service members. People who exercise have more energy than those who don't, so daily exercise helps service members stay on top of their duties without dealing with fatigue. The military minimizes personnel losses due to chronic illness, disease related to obesity and injury by using standardized physical training programs to keep service members in good overall health. Strong service members, particularly those in fields that require heavy physical activity such as the infantry and military police branches, are able to perform their jobs more quickly and efficiently than those who lack muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Additionally, soldiers are required to maintain high levels of fitness during deployments to ensure they are able to carry their personal gear and conduct routine operations. Overall military performance is based on a combination of individual strengths that create a network of productivity, both mentally and physically, so service members who are in peak physical condition can contribute more to their teams than members who are in poor physical condition. Combat operations require high levels of cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Service members can be subjected to excruciatingly long foot marches, hand-to-hand combat and navigation of rough terrain in war zones. Maintaining a high level of physical fitness helps service members perform at the military's high standards throughout their careers. Service members who are physically fit can endure tough living conditions, hard work and stressful situations more readily than those who are not, notes the U.S. Army War College. Strong muscles and high levels of cardiovascular fitness can help prevent injuries. Healthy muscles are less prone to injury, less likely to tear and less likely to give in to stress than unhealthy, underdeveloped muscles. Service members who are in shape are less likely to become winded, suffer from cramps and debilitating conditions than their less-fit counterparts, which is particularly helpful during deployment operations and during routine physical fitness testing. United States Forces Korea: Command Philosophy and Priorities U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command: Standardized Physical Training Guide A professional writer since 1994, Eva Talent was trained as a journalist by the U.S. Army. She received two Army Commendation Medals and an Army Achievement Medal for journalistic excellence. Her press releases are frequently featured on the websites of the Department of Defense and the Army. Talent holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Michigan. How Cheerleading Keeps You Fit A List of Types of Physical Trainers Good Exercises for Cheerleading and Tumbling Gymnastics Equipment Names
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Latest court reports from Kirklees Magistrates Kirklees Magistrated Court in Huddersfield. (D525A439) Published: 06:00 Thursday 26 January 2017 The latest court reports as published in the Reporter Series January 26 edition are published below. Numbers refer to the defendants' ages. Jay Glover, (29), of Wyvern Close, Batley, Jailed for four weeks and £80 compensation for assaulting a police officer. Jacob Rose, (29), of Partridge Crescent, Dewsbury, Community order with electronically-monitored curfew for 10 weeks, £85 victim surcharge, £85 costs and £50 compensation for assault by beating. Peter Fisher, (63), of Queen Street, Dewsbury, £120 fine, £85 costs and £30 victim surcharge for stealing an iPhone. Carl Robson, (53), of Moorbottom, Cleckheaton, Community order with Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for 30 days, 80 hours unpaid work, £85 costs and £85 victim surcharge for assault by beating. Haroon Khan, (38), of Fir Avenue, Dewsbury, Community order with electronically-monitored curfew for 22 weeks, £1,160 costs and £85 victim surcharge for failing to ensure health, welfare and safety of employees in work environment. Laura Quinn, (30), of Raventhorpe Road, Dewsbury, £2,500 fine, £1,000 compensation, £510 costs and £150 victim surcharge for failing to comply with abatement notice. Naseem Risalat, (38), of Slaithwaite Road, Dewsbury, £540 costs, £500 fine and £30 victim surcharge for driving hire vehicle without appropriate licence. Simon Branwell, (45), of Birkdale Road, Dewsbury, Community order, £85 costs and £85 victim surcharge for stealing beauty products from Boots. Krystian Tarnawczyk, (35), of Berry Hill Close, Liversedge, Community order with 100 hours unpaid work, £120 fine, £85 costs, £50 compensation and disqualified from driving for three years for assaulting a constable in execution of duty and drink-driving. Samuel Day, (20), of Common Road, Batley, Committed to young offenders' institute for 12 weeks and £200 compensation for causing criminal damage to a car and racially-aggravated assault. Mohammed Ishfaq, (33), of Heron Close, Dewsbury, £85 costs, £40 fine and £30 victim surcharge for causing reckless damage to private property. Cardow Ali, (36), of Ouzewell Road, Dewsbury, 12-month conditional discharge, £100 costs and £20 victim surcharge for resisting constable in execution of duty. Children's recipe for brilliant buns Nathan Burton, (39), of Whitehall Way, Dewsbury, 12-month conditional discharge, £100 costs and £20 victim surcharge for stealing a payphone and loose change. Rukhsana Razaq, (39), of Ravensthorpe Road, Dewsbury, 12-month conditional discharge, £300 costs and £20 victim surcharge for assault by beating. Waqas Hussain, (30), of Savile Road, Dewsbury, £130 fine and £30 victim surcharge for drunk and disorderly behaviour in a public place. Anthony Gittos, (30), of Bunkers Lane, Batley, £220 fine, £150 costs, £30 victim surcharge and £4.20 compensation for not purchasing a train ticket. Fehnaz Hussain, (27), of Scout Hill, Dewsbury, £220 fine, £150 costs, £30 victim surcharge and £4.20 compensation for not purchasing a train ticket. Simon Reece, (43), of Myrtle Road, Dewsbury, £220 fine, £150 costs, £30 victim surcharge and £4.20 compensation for not purchasing a train ticket. Josh Regan, (24), of Calder House, Mirfield, £440 fine, £150 costs, £44 victim surcharge and £2.20 compensation for not purchasing a train ticket. Jack Seddon, (21), of Popeley Rise, Cleckheaton, £220 fine, £150 costs, £30 victim surcharge and £4.70 compensation for not purchasing a train ticket. Daniel Blackburn, (24), of no fixed abode, £150 compensation, £150 fine, £85 costs and £30 victim surcharge for causing reckless damage to property and failing to surrender to custody. Jake Simmonds, (20), of Headland Lane, Dewsbury, 12-week sentence suspended for 12 months, £115 victim surcharge and £85 costs for possession of a bladed article in public place. Paul Bennett, (21), of Foxroyd Lane, Dewsbury, Community order with 120 hours unpaid work and £260 compensation for assault by beating and causing reckless damage to property.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
by Jessica Davis One of the ways churches can be most helpful to extremely vulnerable populations is by doing outreach to/with new immigrants. Because congregations often have members with different skills, passions, and schedules, they are well-suited to be in nurturing relationship with people who are starting over and need multiple kinds of help. Some basic guidelines for forming an immigration support team are below. Learn about the types of immigration in the U.S. There are many types and subtypes of immigration in the U.S. and it's important to know which kind(s) will be your congregation's focus. Often, congregations will want to help whomever it is that they see on the news and, while this makes sense, it's often not the most helpful approach. For example, in light of the recent increase in asylum-seekers entering the U.S., many congregations contacted me wanting to sponsor them. Often, I had to tell them that their efforts might cause more harm than good. Asylum-seekers are by far the most vulnerable category of immigrants … they cannot work for a minimum of six months, cannot receive help from the federal (and most state and local) governments, and can be deported if they inadvertently ask for help by filling out an incorrect form. To be useful to asylum-seekers, churches need to either be very experienced with other types of refugees first or work as part of a larger team that is headed up by people with the appropriate experience/expertise. But there are many types of immigrants needing many types of assistance, so there are always places for churches to be helpful. It's important to also be aware of the ways in which our biases show up in whom we feel called to help. By far the most common demographic of new immigrants to the U.S. are single males. However, congregations almost always want to sponsor families with children. In addition, white immigrants are exponentially more likely to receive assistance than POC immigrants, and Asian and Latine immigrants are exponentially more likely to receive assistance than Black immigrants. Talk with recent immigrants in your area about what they most need. The only way to know what people in crisis need is to ask. In some cases, this will start with case managers who have had contact with immigrants before they arrive but, whenever possible, the best source of information will be the people themselves. What patterns do you hear? Do folks have access to lots of services but no transportation to get there? Are they being hassled by the police? Trust the people directly affected to tell you how to help them and what to expect for the people coming soon after them. One important role churches can have for new immigrants is being a hub to connect people to already existing services. So often I hear "I've been here six months, and I never knew there was help available for xyz!" Gone are the days where a single agency can be a one-stop shop for everything immigrants need. So churches can do a lot of information-gathering to know who in the community is offering what types of assistance. Determine what you are called and able to do. After you hear from recent immigrants what their needs are, take a breath before agreeing to fill them all. It is easy to bite off more than we can chew; not meeting our commitments to immigrants can have very serious consequences for them. If we promise to provide transportation to all appointments for a year and then realize in three months that we don't have enough volunteers, we can put them at serious risk of homelessness and deportation. Be honest and clear in all agreements and be willing to say "I don't know," rather than give incorrect information or make commitments you can't fulfill. The "good news" about this situation is that there are many ways to provide help at every single stage of the process, from committing one hour a month to working phone lines or greeting people as they arrive in the country to committing 20+ hours a week to meet all the urgent needs of new asylum-seekers. Provide trauma-informed care It is crucial to understand that many immigrants, especially those who are coming through refugee/asylee processes, are fleeing horrific situations. Congregants who are interacting with them will need a basic education in trauma-informed care and know when to consult with church staff and refer to other professionals. Because immigrants are such a vulnerable population, it is crucial that all volunteers undergo criminal background checks, child safety trainings, and not work alone. Do frequent check-ins Often, new immigrants are so thankful to be receiving help that they won't tell us that the help we're providing is no longer what they need. There may be cultural misunderstandings that lead to frayed relationships. (One common experience I have is churches contacting me saying that the immigrant families are "letting their children run amok." After conversation, we often find that the families are coming to us from cultures where raising children is a community endeavor. Parents assume that those who know the rules and norms of the community will tell them to the children; volunteers assume that individual families are responsible for raising their own children and that it's rude to tell other people's kids what to do.) It's also important to expect some major theological, political, and ideological differences with people who are coming from cultures very different than ours. Decide as early as possible which things are simple differences of opinion and which are non-negotiables (e.g. homophobia, misogyny, physical disciplining of children) and what you will do if/when they come up. Also be open to the possibility that people will not be thankful to be here. Many types of immigrants coming from extreme situations have no choice about where they are sent; the U.S. is a very, very hard place to live. They may have lived in places where they had access to a robust social service network; it can be a massive blow to arrive here and find out that life in the U.S. for the poor and vulnerable is often terrible and terrifying. The only way to know how things are going is to ask and then give people permission to be brutally honest. Working with new immigrants requires emotional fortitude, humility, commitment, a sense of humor, and the ability to adapt. It is also one of scripture's most frequently repeated commandments and a true gift of community, for us even more than for those we serve. Jessica Davis, MA is a church consultant, organizer, and freelance writer and speaker living in the Philadelphia area. Her ministry passions include: youth ministry, church music, community visioning, and education and advocacy re: diversity, equity, and inclusion. When not doing churchy things, she can usually be found knitting, volunteering with refugees and asylum-seekers, or working as a freelance makeup artist. You can connect with her work through Jessica Davis Church Consulting on Facebook. April 1st, 2022 | 0 Comments
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Help make a difference in a child today. Your gift of $300 will sponsor a child in Camden to attend a safe haven where he/she will learn and grow. Invest in our future. Any donation size helps. Please note: SAC on your gift. We can't do what we do, without supporters like you! Thank you for making a difference.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Dataframe fill up a column values by finding the occurence of an other one in an other Dataframe As you may have understood, my question is quite specific... So I have 2 dataframes with a column which could be seen as a "Pivot" column. All the values of this Pivot column are unique. Our goal is to add a new column to the first Dataframe containing the value of a column in the second one. This is what I tried for now, it unfortunately didn't work :/ df1['NewColumn] = '0' //I created the first column and set a default value df1.loc[df2['PivotCol'] == df1['PivotCol'], 'NewColumn'] = df2.loc[df2['PivotCol'] == df['PivotCol'], 'ColumnToMergeTo1stDataframe'].iloc[0] NewColumn is the newly created column in df1 which will be containing the value of ColumnToMergeTo1stDataframe which is in the df2... I hope that my problem is clear, don't hesitate to ask questions if it was not. Last but not least, sorry for bad english :) A: df = pd.merge(df1, df2[['Col Pivot', 'Col to Merge']], on='Col Pivot', how='left') A panda merge made the job :)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
The 2019 Acura MDX A-Spec completes the introduction of A-Spec variants to Acura's core model lineup that includes the ILX A-Spec, TLX A-Spec and the all-new 2019 Acura RDX A-Spec. The 2019 MDX A-Spec adds a dimension of sporty, aggressive and youthful appeal to attract new buyers. Available exclusively with Acura's torque vectoring Super Handling All-Wheel Drive, the 2019 MDX A-Spec features a more athletic stance highlighted by larger 10-spoke, 20-inch Shark Grey alloy wheels wrapped in low profile 265-series tires. An aggressive new front fascia, body-color lower sills, larger-diameter exhaust finishers, as well as gloss-black and dark chrome decoration for the headlights, grille, window surround and rear tailgate spoiler further distinguish the MDX A-Spec. Interior enhancements to the three row SUV include sports seats trimmed in rich red or black leather with black Alcantara inserts, high-contrast stitching, unique A-Spec gauges, sport pedals, carbon-look console trim, a thicker-rimmed A-Spec-badged steering wheel with paddle shifters and an exclusive A-Spec door step garnish. As with all MDXs, the A-Spec features the AcuraWatch suite of advanced safety and driver-assistive technologies as standard equipment, including Collision Mitigation Braking System, Lane Departure Warning, Forward Collision Warning, Lane Keeping Assist, Adaptive Cruise Control with low-speed follow and Road Departure Mitigation. MDX models include standard Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration. In addition to rapidly expanding the A-Spec sport appearance variant to all core models, Acura has re-affirmed its intention to bring back the vaunted Type-S performance variant over the next few years, alongside a dedicated turbocharged V6 engine in development.
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Neighbour pays tribute to tragic road death man A NEIGHBOUR has paid tribute to Edward Devine who died after being hit by a car on Wednesday night. Lorraine Howard Maisie Scott said Edward, or Eddie, as she would call him, was a "great neighbour." The 51-year-old, of Broomlands Place, was struck by a Saab while walking on the town's Long Drive just after 9pm on Wednesday. He later died in Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock. The driver of the Saab was uninjured. Maisie, who lived two doors down from Edward, said: "We looked out for each other and I am sad to hear this news. "I know he spent Christmas with his mum in Renfrew and I thought he was still there so this comes as a real shock. "I would pay his window cleaner and quite often give him his lunch. "It seems very sad that this has happened, he was a great neighbour."
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