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4, 2006; T.D. TTB-91, 76 FR 5480, Feb. 1, 2011] § 44.3 Delegations of the Administrator. Most of the regulatory authorities of the Administrator contained in this part are delegated to appropriate TTB officers. These TTB officers are specified in TTB Order 1135.44, Delegation of the Administrator's Authorities in 27 CFR Part 44, Exportation of Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes, Without Payment of Tax, or With Drawback of Tax. You may obtain a copy of this order by accessing the TTB Web site ( or by mailing a request to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, National Revenue Center, 550 Main Street, Room 1516, Cincinnati, OH 45202. [T.D. TTB-44, 71 FR 16952, Apr. 4, 2006]
Where articles are so lost or destroyed the proprietor shall report promptly such fact, and the circumstances, to the appropriate TTB officer. If the proprietor wishes to be relieved of the tax liability, the proprietor must prepare and file a claim on TTB Form 5620.8. The nature, date, place, and extent of the loss or destruction must be stated in such claim. The claim must be accompanied by such evidence as is necessary to establish to the satisfaction of the appropriate TTB officer that the claim is valid. When the appropriate TTB officer has acted on the claim, such officer will return a copy of TTB Form 5620.8 to the proprietor as notice of such action.
(b) Routine requests for information. Routine requests for information should be addressed to the appropriate TTB officer. (c) Matters under ATF jurisdiction. For rulings on matters under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (Department of Justice), contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Office of Public and Governmental Affairs, 99 New York Avenue, NE., Washington, DC 20226, or view the contact information posted online at [T.D. TTB-91, 76 FR 5482, Feb. 1, 2011] Administrative Remedies § 70.481 Agreements for payment of liability in installments. (a) Authorization of agreements.
Snuff $ 0.585 $ 1.51 Chewing tobacco $ 0.195 $ 0.5033 * Prorate tax for fractions of a pound. [T.D. TTB-75, 74 FR 14482, Mar. 31, 2009] § 40.25a Pipe tobacco and roll-your-own tobacco tax rates and classification. (a) Tax rates. Pipe tobacco and roll-your-own tobacco are taxed at the following rates under 26 U.S.C. 5701(f) and (g), respectively:
ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-301, 55 FR 47658, Nov. 14, 1990] § 40.167 Prepayment tax return. (a) To prepay the tax on tobacco products a manufacturer shall file a prepayment tax return on Form 5000.24 showing the tax to be paid on the tobacco products prior to removal. The return shall be executed and filed, prior to the removal of such products, with TTB, in accordance with the instructions on the form. A manufacturer prepaying the taxes on tobacco products under the provisions of this section shall continue to file semimonthly returns as required by § 40.162.
After inspection and lading of the shipment the customs officer shall note on the copies of the notice of removal any discrepancy between the shipment inspected and laden under his supervision and that described on the notice of removal or any limitation on the quantity to be laden; complete and sign the certificate of inspection and lading; and return both copies of the notice of removal to the district director of customs. The district director of customs shall execute the certificate of clearance on both copies of the notice of removal, retain one copy for his records, and forward the other copy to the manufacturer or export warehouse proprietor making the shipment for filing with the appropriate TTB officer.
§ 41.235 Articles of partnership or association. Every partnership or association that files an application for a permit as an importer of processed tobacco must furnish with its application for the permit required by § 41.231 a true copy of the articles of partnership or association, if any, or certificate of partnership or association where required to be filed by any State, county, or municipality. Where a partnership or association has previously filed such documents with the appropriate TTB officer and such documents are currently complete and accurate, a written statement, in duplicate, to that effect by the partnership or association will be sufficient for the purpose of this section.
For purposes of this provision, an individual who is the only remaining member of a family and who lives alone is not the head of a family. (3) Books and tools of a trade, business or profession. So many of the books and tools necessary for the trade, business, or profession of an individual taxpayer as do not exceed in the aggregate $1,100 in value. (4) Unemployment benefits. Any amount payable to an individual with respect to that individual's unemployment (including any portion thereof payable with respect to dependents) under an unemployment compensation law of the United States, of any State, or of the District of Columbia or of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (5) Undelivered mail.
(B) Relates to an unpaid tax liability of the taxpayer, and (C) States the taxpayer's name and the address of the taxpayer's new residence. Although it is not necessary that a written notice contain the taxpayer's identifying number authorized by section 6109, it is preferable that it include such number. A return or amended return filed by the taxpayer with the Bureau which on its face indicates that there is a change in the taxpayer's address and correctly states the taxpayer's name, the address of the taxpayer's new residence, and the taxpayer's identifying number required by 26 U.S.C. 6109 is sufficient notice under this paragraph. (ii) Other rules applicable.
Pending such final action, all provisions of chapter 52 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall apply to such applicant in the same manner and to the same extent as if such applicant were a holder of a permit to manufacture roll-your-own tobacco under such chapter 52. [T.D. ATF-424, 64 FR 71931, Dec. 22, 1999] § 40.62 Application for permit. Every person, before commencing business as a manufacturer of tobacco products as defined in § 40.11, shall make application for, and obtain, the permit provided in § 40.75, covering operations at each proposed factory.
§ 40.215 Notice for cigarettes. Every package of cigarettes shall, before removal subject to tax, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely affixed thereto, the designation “cigarettes”, the quantity of such product contained therein, and the classification for tax purposes, i.e., for small cigarettes, either “small” or “Class A”, and for large cigarettes, either “large” or “Class B”. (72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5723) § 40.216 Notice for smokeless tobacco. (a) Product designation.
(2) Rules of special application—(i) Constructive sale price. If, in the case of a taxable sale, the tax imposed by chapter 32 of the Code is based on a constructive sale price determined under any paragraph of section 4216(b) of the Code and §§ 53.94-53.97, as determined without reference to section 4218 of the Code, then any price readjustment made with respect to the sale may be taken into account under this section only to the extent that the price readjustment reduces the actual sale price of the article below the constructive sale price. Examples: (A) A manufacturer sells a taxable article at retail for $110 tax included.
6, 1985; T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996] § 71.117 Permit privileges, exceptions. Pending final determination of any timely appeal in revocation, suspension, or annulment proceeding to the Administrator, the permit involved shall continue in force and effect except that, in the case of industrial use permits, any time after a citation has been issued withdrawals of tax-free spirits or specially denatured spirits by such permittee may, in the discretion of the appropriate TTB officer or Administrator, be restricted to the quantity which, together with the quantity then on hand, is necessary to carry on legitimate operations under such permit.
If less than the entire shipment is returned to the warehouse, the form shall state what disposition was made of the remainder of the original shipment and any other facts pertinent to such shipment. The customs warehouse proprietor shall retain a copy of such form as a part of his records for 3 years after the close of the calendar year in which the shipment was returned. Such copy shall be made available for inspection by any appropriate TTB officer upon request. [25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF-421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999]
The bonds referred to in this paragraph shall be drawn in favor of the United States. (b) Satisfactory surety—(1) Approved surety company or bonds or notes of the United States. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, a bond shall be considered executed with satisfactory surety if: (i) It is executed by a surety company holding a certificate of authority from the Secretary as an acceptable surety on Federal bonds; or (ii) It is secured by bonds or notes of the United States as provided in by 31 U.S.C. 9303. (2) Other surety. Unless otherwise expressly provided in 26 U.S.C. or this part, a bond may, in the discretion of the appropriate TTB officer,
For purposes of this paragraph, a loan or purchase is considered to have been made in the course of the lender's or purchaser's trade or business if such person is in the business of financing commercial transactions (such as a bank or commercial factor) or if the agreement is incidental to the conduct of such person's trade or business. For example, if a manufacturer finances the accounts receivable of one of its customers, the manufacturer is considered to engage in such financing in the course of its trade or business.
§ 46.272 Issuance of summons. Appropriate TTB officers can issue summonses when there is no referral to the Justice Department under the authority stated in § 70.22 of this chapter. The summons will state a place and time for such items or person to appear. TTB will issue a summons to require: (a) Any books of account or other data pertaining to liability for floor stocks tax; (b) Any person liable for the floor stocks tax or having possession of books of account or other data; and (c) Any other appropriate person in connection with the books or tax liability.
(26 U.S.C. 6501) [T.D. ATF-251, 52 FR 19314, May 22, 1987. Redesignated and amended by T.D. ATF-301, 55 FR 47606, 47641, Nov. 14, 1990; T.D. ATF-331, 57 FR 40328, Sept. 3, 1992] § 70.224 Collection after assessment. (a) Length of period—(1) General rule.
No bond is required if the tax is prepaid. (d) Proprietors of customs warehouses. Every proprietor of a customs bonded manufacturing warehouse, Class 6, who desires to remove under part 44 tax-exempt cigars for exportation (including supplies for vessels and aircraft), or for delivery for subsequent exportation, is required to file a bond. However, removal of cigars for sale or consumption in the United States is subject to customs regulations. (e) Drawback of tax. Taxpaid tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes may be exported with benefit of drawback of tax. Drawback may be allowed only to the person who paid the tax on such articles and who files a claim and otherwise complies with the provisions contained in the applicable regulations referred to in § 70.431.
When there is any change in the authority furnished under § 40.63 for officers to act in behalf of the corporation the manufacturer shall immediately so notify the appropriate TTB officer in writing. (72 Stat. 1421; 26 U.S.C. 5712) [T.D. 6840, 30 FR 9311, July 27, 1965. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975] § 40.104 Change in control of a corporation.
§ 46.14 Termination of liability. Bonds on TTB Form 5620.10 will be terminated by the appropriate TTB officer on receipt of satisfactory evidence that the person giving the bond has disposed of the articles covered by the bond and that he bore the ultimate burden of the amount claimed and that no understanding or agreement exists whereby he will be relieved of such burden or shift such burden to another person. [T.D. 6395, 24 FR 599, Jan. 28, 1959. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF-472, 67 FR 8880, Feb. 27, 2002]
If the proposals of settlement are considered satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer, the permittee shall be notified thereof and the proceeding shall be dismissed, unless such proposals of settlement include a monetary offer in compromise considered satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer, in which event the proceeding shall be held in abeyance pending final action on such monetary offer in compromise. [T.D. ATF-244, 51 FR 45762, Dec. 22, 1986, as amended by T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996] § 71.37 Notice of contemplated action.
Foreign-trade zone. A foreign-trade zone established and operated pursuant to the Act of June 18, 1934, as amended. In bond. The status of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, which come within the coverage of a bond securing the payment of internal revenue taxes imposed by 26 U.S.C. 5701 or 7652, and in respect to which such taxes have not been determined as provided by regulations in this chapter, including (a) such articles in a factory or an export warehouse, (b) such articles removed, transferred, or released, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 5704, and with respect to which relief from the tax liability has not occurred, and (c) such articles on which the tax has been determined, or with respect to which relief from the tax liability has occurred, which have been returned to the coverage of a bond.
6871, 31 FR 39, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28083, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-251, 52 FR 19340, May 22, 1987] Subpart J—Suspension and Discontinuance of Operations by Manufacturers § 40.331 Discontinuance of operations.
B filed Form 5300.26 for the second preceding calendar quarter, the look-back quarter, on January 31, 1996 reporting tax liability in the amount of $2,700. (2) Deposit requirement. B is required to make deposits of tax for each semimonthly period in the calendar quarter because B has incurred more than $2,000 in liability for the current quarter. B may use the safe harbor rule based on look-back quarter liability to determine the amount of the required deposits (§ 53.159(c)(3)). Under this safe harbor rule, B's deposit for each semimonthly period must equal at least $450.00, 1/6 (16.67 percent) of the tax liability incurred for the look-back quarter.
§ 40.527 Authorization to package processed tobacco. A permit to manufacture processed tobacco does not authorize packaging of processed tobacco. Packaging of processed tobacco may only occur on the bonded premises of a manufacturer of tobacco products. § 40.528 Suspension and revocation of permit. Where the appropriate TTB officer has reason to believe that a manufacturer of processed tobacco has not in good faith complied with the provisions of 26 U.S.C. chapter 52, and regulations thereunder, or with any other provision of 26 U.S.C.
(11) The name and address of the consignee in the United States to whom the products are to be shipped; and (12) A notation identifying the particular TTB F 5000.25 by which the taxes were prepaid. (b) Noncommercial mail shipments. Noncommercial mail shipments of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes to the United States are exempt from the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, except that the taxpayer must provide a copy of the TTB F 5000.25 upon the request of an appropriate TTB officer. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0108) [T.D. ATF-444, 73 FR 16757, Mar.
[78 FR 38571, June 27, 2013] § 41.194 Articles of partnership or association. Every partnership or association that files an application for a permit as an importer of tobacco products must furnish with its application for the permit required by § 41.191 a true copy of the articles of partnership or association, if any, or the certificate of partnership or association where required to be filed by any State, county, or municipality. Where a partnership or association has previously filed these documents with the appropriate TTB officer and the documents are currently complete and accurate, a written statement, in duplicate, to that effect by the partnership or association will be sufficient for purposes of this section. [78 FR 38571, June 27, 2013]
ATF-301, 55 FR 47606, Nov. 14, 1990] § 70.112 Failure to collect and pay over tax, or attempt to evade or defeat tax. Any person required to collect, truthfully account for, and pay over any tax imposed by the Internal Revenue Code who willfully fails to collect such tax, or truthfully account for and pay over such tax, or willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any such tax or the payment thereof, shall, in addition to other penalties, be liable to a penalty equal to the total amount of the tax evaded, or not collected, or not accounted for and paid over.
See § 53.174(b) for the circumstances under which the allowance made by the manufacturer, producer, or importer upon the return of the first article constitutes a price readjustment of the sale price of the first article and the extent, if any, to which a credit may be allowed, or refund made, of the tax paid by the manufacturer, producer, or importer on the sale of the first article. (c) Readjustments in sale price. Readjustment in sale price (such as allowable discounts, rebates, bonuses, etc.) cannot be anticipated. The tax must be based upon the original price unless the readjustments have actually been made prior to the close of the period for which the tax upon the sale is returned.
Alternatively, cash, postal money orders, and certified or cashiers' or treasurers' checks may be furnished by claimants as collateral security in lieu of corporate sureties. (b) Treasury Department Circular No. 154 is periodically revised and contains the provisions of 31 CFR Part 225 and the forms prescribed in 31 CFR Part 225. Copies of the circular may be obtained from the Audit Staff, Bureau of Government Financial Operations, Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC 20226. (July 30, 1947, Ch. 390, 61 Stat. 650 (6 U.S.C. 15); Aug. 16, 1954, Ch. 736, 68A Stat. 847, as amended (26 U.S.C.
§ 71.108 Suspension, revocation, or annulment proceedings. (a) Upon receipt of the complete certified record of the hearing the appropriate TTB officer shall enter an order suspending, revoking, or annulling the permit (on TTB F 5000.5) or dismissing the proceedings in accordance with the administrative law judge's findings and decision, unless he disagrees with such findings and decision and files a petition with the Administrator, for review thereof, as provided in § 71.115. If the appropriate TTB officer files such petition, he shall withhold issuance of the order, pending the decision of the Administrator, upon receipt of which he shall issue the order in accordance therewith.
(iii) In making the computations under paragraphs (b)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section, credits or refunds under section 6416(b) of the Code of tax paid on the sale of any such articles are to be disregarded and articles sold tax-free by the manufacturer are to be excluded.
L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1421, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5712)) [T.D. 6840, 30 FR 9310, July 27, 1965. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 44 FR 55854, Sept. 28, 1979] § 40.64 Articles of partnership or association.
§ 44.141a Use of premises. Export warehouse premises may only be used for the storage of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, upon which the Internal Revenue tax has not been paid, for subsequent removal under this part, and for the storage of processed tobacco pending export. [T.D. TTB-78, 74 FR 29419, June 22, 2009] § 44.142 Records. (a) In general.
The predecessor shall make a closing inventory and closing report in accordance with the provisions of §§ 40.434 and 40.426, respectively, and the successor shall make an opening inventory and opening report, in accordance with the provision of §§ 40.432 and 40.423, respectively. (72 Stat. 1421, 1422; 26 U.S.C. 5711, 5721, and 5722) § 40.397 Change in location. Whenever a manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes contemplates a change in location of a factory within the same region, the manufacturer shall, before commencing operations at the new location, file an extension of coverage of bond in accordance with the provisions of § 40.407.
If the tax base is a constructive sale price computed under section 4216(b) of the Code that is less than the actual sale price of the article, the portion of each payment subject to tax is the percentage of such payment equal to the percentage that the constructive sale price bears to the actual sale price. For example, if an article is sold at retail for $100, and the constructive sale price for such an article computed under the provisions of section 4216(b)(1)(A) of the Code is $75, the percentage which the constructive sale price bears to the actual sale price is 75 percent. Accordingly, only 75 percent of each installment payment is subject to tax. (c) Sales on credit.
Product Tax rate per pound* for removals during the following periods: 2002 toMarch 31, 2009 April 1, 2009 and after Pipe tobacco $ 1.0969 $ 2.8311 Roll-your-own tobacco $ 1.0969 $ 24.78 * Prorate tax for fractions of a pound. (b) Classification.
(3) Taxpayers required to file monthly returns shall make semimonthly deposits of 100 percent of the liability incurred during each semimonthly period by the 9th day of the month following the last day of the semimonthly period. Taxpayers required to file semimonthly returns shall pay any tax due for the semimonthly period with each return. (k) Examples. Example 1. One-time filing or occasional filing. (1) Facts. On October 18, 1995, A, an individual who lives in the United States purchases a custom made rifle outside the United States and imports it into the United States. A uses the rifle on October 20, 1995.
(2) Definition of passbook. For purposes of paragraph (j) of this section, the term “passbook” includes: (i) Any tangible evidence of a savings deposit, share, or other account which, when in the possession of the bank or other savings institution, will prevent a withdrawal from the account to the extent of the loan balance, and (ii) Any procedure or system, such as an automatic data processing system, the use of which by the bank or other savings institution will prevent a withdrawal from the account to the extent of the loan balance. (26 U.S.C. 6323) § 70.232 Protection for commercial transactions financing agreements. (a) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by 26 U.S.C.
Redesignated and amended by T.D. TTB-16, 69 FR 52424, 52425, Aug. 26, 2004] § 41.74 Notice for cigarettes. Every package of cigarettes, except as provided in § 41.75, shall, before removal subject to internal revenue tax, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely affixed thereto, the designation “cigarettes”, the quantity of such product contained therein; and the classification for tax purposes, i.e., for small cigarettes either “small” or “Class A”, and for large cigarettes, either “large” or “Class B”. (72 Stat. 1422; 26 U.S.C.
Search costs include only the total cost of personnel time directly incurred in searching for records or information and the cost of retrieving information stored by computer. Salaries of persons locating and retrieving summoned material are not included in search costs. Also, search costs do not include salaries, fees, or similar expenditures for analysis of material or for managerial or legal advice, expertise, or research, or time spent for these activities. (4) Third party. A third party is any person served with a summons, other than a person with respect to whose liability a summons is issued, or an officer, employee, agent, accountant, or attorney of that person. (5) Third party records.
TTB-78, 74 FR 29410, June 22, 2009] § 40.216b Notice for roll-your-own tobacco. (a) Product designation. Every package of roll-your-own tobacco, before removal subject to tax, must have adequately imprinted on it, or on a label securely affixed to it, the applicable designation “roll-your-own tobacco”, “cigarette tobacco”, “cigar tobacco”, “cigarette wrapper”, or “cigar wrapper”. (b) Product weight. Before removal subject to tax, roll-your-own tobacco must have a clear statement of the actual weight in pounds and ounces of the product in the package.
§ 53.183 1545-0723 § 53.184 1545-0023, 1545-0723 § 53.185 1545-0023, 1545-0723 § 53.186 1545-0723 SUBCHAPTERS D-E [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F—PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES Pt. 70 PART 70—PROCEDURE AND ADMINISTRATION Subpart A—Scope Sec. 70.1 General. 70.2 Forms prescribed. 70.3 Delegations of the Administrator.
However, for purposes of the taxes imposed under chapter 32 of the Code, certain collateral charges made in connection with the sale of a taxable article must be included in the taxable sale price, whereas others may be excluded. Any charge which is required by a manufacturer, producer, or importer to be paid as a condition of its sale of a taxable article and which is not attributable to an expense falling within one of the exclusions provided in section 4216 of the Code or the regulations thereunder is includable in the taxable sale price.
TTB-80, 74 FR 37552, July 29, 2009; T.D. TTB-104, 77 FR 37303, June 21, 2012] § 40.257 Processed tobacco. A manufacturer of tobacco products may be required to obtain authorization from the appropriate TTB officer with regard to the activities involving processed tobacco. See § 40.72. Such manufacturers also must maintain records and may be required to submit reports regarding such activities. See §§ 40.182 and 40.202. [T.D. TTB-78, 74 FR 29410, June 22, 2009] Subpart I—Claims by Manufacturers General
or suspension is necessary to protect the revenue; or (5) The registrant failed to comply with the requirements of paragraph (c) of § 53.140, relating to the evidence required to support a tax-free sale. (b) The denial, revocation, or suspension of registration is in addition to any other penalty that may apply under the law for any act or failure to act. [T.D. ATF-308, 56 FR 303, Jan. 3, 1991, as amended by T.D. ATF-365, 60 FR 33671, June 28, 1995] § 53.143 Special rules relating to further manufacture. (a) Purchasing manufacturer to be treated as the manufacturer.
Thereafter, the tax shall be computed for the entire year (July 1 through June 30). (b) [Reserved] (c) Each place of business taxable. A manufacturer of tobacco products incurs special tax liability at each place of business in which an occupation subject to special tax is conducted. A place of business means the entire office, plant or area of the business in any one location under the same proprietorship. Passageways, streets, highways, rail crossings, waterways, or partitions dividing the premises are not sufficient separation to require additional special tax, if the divisions of the premises are otherwise contiguous. (d) Payment of tax. Special tax must be paid by return.
ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986] § 44.64 Responsibility for delivery or exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes. Responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this part with respect to the removal under bond of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, for export, and for the proper delivery or exportation of such articles, and with respect to the exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes with benefit of drawback of tax, shall rest upon the manufacturer of such articles or the proprietor of an export warehouse or customs warehouse from whose premises such articles are removed for export, and upon the exporter who exports tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes with benefit of drawback of tax.
The right of redemption of the United States exists under 26 U.S.C. 7425(d) even though a consent to the sale has been made under 26 U.S.C. 7425(c)(2) and § 70.205(b) of this part. For purposes of this section, the term “nonjudicial sale” shall have the same meaning as used in § 70.204(a) of this part. (2) Redemption period.
25, 2000, as amended by T.D. TTB-78, 74 FR 29420, June 22, 2009] § 45.45c Package use-up rule. (a) During the period from June 22, 2009, through March 23, 2010, a manufacturer of tobacco products may remove packages of pipe tobacco or roll-your-own tobacco that do not meet the requirements of § 45.45a(a) or § 45.45b(a), provided that such packages bear the designation “Tax Class L” (to designate pipe tobacco) or “Tax Class J” (to designate roll-your-own tobacco)) and were in use prior to June 22, 2009.
(2) Amount of payment—Safe harbor rule. (i) General. Taxpayers are considered to have met the requirements of paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section if the amount paid no later than September 29 is not less than 11/15ths (73.3 percent) of the tax liability incurred for the semimonthly period beginning on September 1 and ending on September 15th, and if any underpayment of tax is paid by October 14th. (ii) Taxpayment not by EFT.
(2) The term “Manufacturer of tobacco products” includes any person who for commercial purposes makes available for consumer use (including such consumer's personal consumption or use under paragraph (1)(i) of this definition) a machine capable of making cigarettes, cigars, or other tobacco products. A person making such a machine available for consumer use shall be deemed the person making the removal with respect to any tobacco products manufactured by such machine. A person who sells a machine directly to a consumer at retail for a consumer's personal home use is not making a machine available for commercial purposes if such machine is not used at a retail premises and is designed to produce tobacco products only in personal use quantities. Package.
15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF-421, 64 FR 71926, Dec. 22, 1999] § 44.264 To export warehouses. Where cigars are withdrawn from a customs warehouse for delivery to an export warehouse, the proprietor of the customs warehouse shall forward to the proprietor of the export warehouse three copies of the notice of removal, Form 5200.14, covering the shipment, for execution and disposition in accordance with procedure similar to that set forth in § 44.200 in connection with a shipment of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from a factory to an export warehouse.
(h) Has not engaged in any of the operations authorized by the permit for a period of more than 2 years; He may issue a citation for the revocation or suspension of such permit. (72 Stat. 1349, 1370; 26 U.S.C. 5171, 5271) [T.D. 6389, 24 FR 4790, June 12, 1959. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 44 FR 55846, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9196, 9197, Mar. 6, 1985; T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
85-859, 72 Stat. 1419) [T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9489, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 44 FR 55855, Sept. 28, 1979; T.D. ATF-219, 50 FR 51389, Dec. 17, 1985; T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28083, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D.
The bonded manufacturer shall file a return on TTB F 5000.25, and make remittance, for the period September 16-25, no later than September 28. The bonded manufacturer shall file a return on TTB F 5000.25, and make remittance, for the period September 26-30, no later than October 14. (2) Amount of payment—Safe harbor rule. (i) General.
(c) Last day for filing. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return and remittance shall be due on the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. For purposes of this section, “legal holiday” is defined by section 7503 of the Code and 26 CFR 301.7503(b). (d) Late filing. The taxpayer is subject to a penalty for failure to file a return or to pay tax within the prescribed time as imposed by section 6651 of the Code, if the return and remittance are not filed before the close of business on the prescribed last day of filing.
The deposit due on June 10, 1996, would ordinarily be due on June 9, 1996. However, because June 9, 1996 is a Sunday, under section 7503, B has an additional day to make the required deposit. (3) Filing requirement. B must file a return on Form 5300.26 for the second calendar quarter of 1996 reporting B's $3750 tax liability (§ 53.151(a)). The form 5300.26 is due by July 31, 1996, the last day of the first month following the calendar quarter (§ 53.153(a)).
ATF-312, 56 FR 31083, July 9, 1991] § 53.101 Limitation on aggregate of exclusions and price readjustments. (a) In general. The sum of the amount excluded from taxable price in respect of charges for local advertising, as provided in section 4216(e)(1) of the Code and § 53.100, plus the amount of the readjustments for which credits or refunds may be claimed in respect of local advertising, as provided in section 6416(b)(1) of the Code and § 53.175, is subject to an overall 5 percent limitation.
For purposes of paragraphs (c) (1) and (2) of this section, the term “day” does not include Saturdays, Sunday or a legal holiday within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. 7503. Failure on the part of the taxpayer to submit a timely statement of exemptions and filing status will result in the computation of the exempt amount as if the taxpayer were a married individual filing a separate return with only 1 personal exemption for the applicable pay period, except that the employer or other person levied upon may accept a statement of exemptions and filing status not timely submitted in accordance with this paragraph, and may prepare a disbursement to the taxpayer based upon the information properly verified therein, if payment to the appropriate TTB officer in accordance with the levy is not thereby delayed.
Examples. The provisions of paragraph (e)(1) of this section may be illustrated by the following examples: Example (1). B, a manufacturer of shotguns, bills its distributors in a specified amount per shotgun purchased by them. Thereafter, B issues to each distributor a credit memorandum in the amount of X dollars for each demonstration by the distributor of the shotguns at a sporting goods exhibition. The credit which B allows the distributor for demonstration of B's product does not effect a readjustment of price.
§ 70.437 Rulings. The procedure for rulings in tobacco tax matters is set forth in § 70.471. [T.D. ATF-301, 55 FR 47654, Nov. 14, 1990]
Tobacco Products, and Cigarette Papers and Tubes Lost or Destroyed 41.165 Action by taxpayer. Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes Withdrawn From the Market 41.170 Reduction of tobacco products to materials; TTB action. 41.171 Reduction of tobacco products to materials, action by appropriate TTB officer. 41.172 Return to nontaxpaid status; action by taxpayer. 41.173 Return to nontaxpaid status; action by appropriate TTB officer. 41.174 Disposition of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, and schedule.
Where it is not feasible to apportion such expense on the basis of relative weights or tariff rates, the expense shall be apportioned on another reasonable basis; for example, in the case of a shipment including both taxable and nontaxable articles which are subject to the same tariff rate, it may be appropriate to apportion the transportation expense on the basis of the relative sale prices. A charge for insurance in connection with the delivery of an article to a purchaser is considered to represent an expense actually incurred only to the extent that an amount equivalent to such charge is paid or payable by the manufacturer to a person authorized to assume such insurance risk. (3) Transportation, delivery, or installation services performed by manufacturer.
If an article subject to tax at the rate of 10 percent is sold for $100 and an additional item of $10 is billed as tax, $100 is the taxable selling price and $10 is the amount of tax due thereon. However, if the article is sold for $100 with no separate billing or indication of the amount of the tax, it will be presumed that the tax is included in the $100, and a computation will be necessary to determine what portion of the total amount represents the sale price of the article and what portion represents the tax. The computation is as follows: ER25SE06.035
Inventories § 46.201 General. (a) Date. The dealer must take an inventory to establish the quantities of articles subject to the floor stocks tax held for sale on April 1, 2009. The dealer must take the physical inventory or record (book) inventory not earlier than March 26, 2009 and not later than April 10, 2009. (b) Reconciliation. If the dealer takes a physical inventory on any day other than April 1, 2009, the resulting records must be reconciled to reflect the actual quantity of articles held at 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 2009. These records must include all supporting records of receipt and disposition. (c) Method.
(6) Meaning of “magazine”. The term magazine, as used in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, is limited to those publications which are: (i) Commonly understood to be magazines, (ii) Printed and distributed periodically at least twice a year, and (iii) Published for the dissemination of information of a general nature or of special interest to particular groups. (iv) The term does not include handbills, circulars, flyers or the like, unless printed and distributed as a part of a publication which constitutes a magazine within the meaning of this subparagraph. For purposes of this subparagraph, advertising is not considered to be information of a general nature or information of special interest to particular groups within the contemplation of paragraph (b)(6)(iii) of this section.
The amount by which the overall 5 percent limitation computed as of the close of a particular calendar quarter in respect of articles taxable under the same section of chapter 32 of the Code exceeds the sum of the charges for local advertising excluded in computing the taxable price and the amount of reimbursements for local advertising of such articles made during the elapsed calendar quarters of the calendar year, in respect of which credit or refund has been claimed, represents the unused portion of the overall 5 percent limitation. Such unused portion is the maximum amount of reimbursements for local advertising in respect of which credit or refund may be claimed at the close of the particular calendar quarter, subject to the applicable conditions and limitations governing the right to claim a credit or refund in respect of local advertising (see § 53.175).
The application shall also state in what particular the provisions of this subpart, respecting the proofs of landing, have not been complied with, and the cause of failure to furnish such proofs; that such failure was not occasioned by any lack of diligence on the part of the claimant, or that of his agents; and that he is unable to furnish any other or better evidence than that furnished with his application. Each such application shall be supported by the best collateral evidence the claimant may be able to submit.
Cigarette paper. Paper, or any other material except tobacco, prepared for use as a cigarette wrapper. Cigarette tube. Cigarette paper made into a hollow cylinder for use in making cigarettes. Commercial bank. A bank, whether or not a member of the Federal Reserve System, which has access to the Federal Reserve Communications System (FRCS) or Fedwire. The “FRCS” or “Fedwire” is a communications network that allows Federal Reserve System member banks to effect a transfer of funds for their customers (or other commercial banks) to the Treasury Account at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Computation or computed.
Package. The immediate container in which tobacco products, processed tobacco, or cigarette papers or tubes are put up by the manufacturer and offered for sale or delivery to the ultimate consumer. For purposes of this definition, a container of processed tobacco, the contents of which weigh 10 pounds or less (including any added non-tobacco ingredients or constituents), that is removed within the meaning of this part, is deemed to be a package offered for sale or delivery to the ultimate consumer. Person. An individual, partnership, association, company, corporation, estate, or trust. Pipe tobacco. Any tobacco which, because of its appearance, type, packaging, or labeling, is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as tobacco to be smoked in a pipe.
6961, 33 FR 9491, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975] § 44.86 Bond. Every person, before commencing business as an export warehouse proprietor, shall file, in connection with his application for permit, a bond, Form 2103 (5220.5), in accordance with the applicable provisions of § 44.88 and subpart F, conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of chapter 52, I.R.C., and regulations thereunder, including, but not limited to, the timely payment of taxes imposed by such chapter and penalties and interest in connection therewith for which he may become liable to the United States.
§ 53.177 1545-0723 § 53.178 1545-0723 § 53.179 1545-0723 § 53.180 1545-0723 § 53.181 1545-0723 § 53.182 1545-0723 § 53.183 1545-0723 § 53.184 1545-0023, 1545-0723
The application for an extension of time for filing the return shall be addressed to the appropriate TTB officer with whom the return is to be filed and must contain a full recital of the causes for the delay. It should be made on or before the due date of the return, and failure to do so many indicate negligence and constitute sufficient cause for denial. It should, where possible, be made sufficiently early to permit consideration of the matter and reply before what otherwise would be the due date of the return. (c) Filing the return. If an extension of time for filing the return is granted, a return shall be filed before the expiration of the period of extension. § 53.156 Extension of time for paying tax shown on return. (a) In general.
(b) Articles subject to floor stocks tax. All Federally taxpaid or tax determined tobacco products (other than large cigars described in 26 U.S.C. 5701(a)(2)), cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes that are held for sale on April 1, 2009. (c) Cigarette paper. Paper, or any other material except tobacco, prepared for use as a cigarette wrapper. (d) Cigarette tube. Cigarette paper made into a hollow cylinder for use in making cigarettes. (e) Controlled group. A related group of dealers under common control. Controlled groups include: (1) Controlled group of corporations. The term “controlled group of corporations” has the meaning given to that term by 26 U.S.C.
and you maintain the original along with any other records required by TTB and make it available or submit it to TTB upon request. [79 FR 17033, Mar. 27, 2014] § 73.32 May I electronically sign forms I submit electronically to TTB? You may electronically sign the electronic form you submit to us if: (a) You have registered with TTB to do so and have certified, prior to the time of such use, that the electronic signatures or digital signatures in your system are intended to be the legally binding equivalent of traditional handwritten signatures; (b) The electronic or digital signature meets the standards of this part and is authorized by TTB in accordance with this part; and (c) The electronic or digital signature is sufficiently trustworthy and reliable that the signing party may not repudiate the signature.
(d) Time of application of tax. In the case of a taxable use of an article by the manufacturer, producer, or importer thereof, the tax attaches at the time such use begins. If tax applies by reason of the sale of an article by the manufacturer, producer, or importer thereof on or in connection with his sale of another article, the tax attaches at the time of the sale of such other article. (e) Exemptions because of other statutory provisions. Tax does not apply on the use of an article by the manufacturer, producer, or importer thereof if under the applicable provisions of the Code the sale of the article for a similar use would not be subject to tax.
If the constructive sale price is not less than the actual sale price, the actual sale price shall be considered as not less than fair market, and shall be used as the tax base. In determining the highest price for which articles are sold by manufacturers to wholesale distributors, there must be taken into consideration the normal industry practices with respect to inclusions and exclusions under section 4216(a) of the Code. However, once a constructive sale price has been determined by the Secretary, no further adjustment of such price shall be made. The provisions of section 4216(b)(1)(A) of the Code and this paragraph shall not apply in those instances where the provisions of section 4216(b)(2) of the Code and § 53.96 apply.
ATF-446, 66 FR 16602, Mar. 27, 2001] § 41.72a Notice for pipe tobacco. (a) Product designation. Every package of pipe tobacco shall, before removal subject to internal revenue tax, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely fixed thereto, the designation “pipe tobacco.” (b) Product weight. Every package of pipe tobacco shall, before removal subject to internal revenue tax, have adequately imprinted thereon, or on a label securely affixed thereto, a clear statement of the actual pounds and ounces of the product contained therein. [T.D. ATF-289, 54 FR 48841, Nov. 27, 1989.
Subpart E—Packaging Requirements 45.41 Packages. 45.42 Mark. 45.43 Notice for smokeless tobacco. 45.44 Notice for cigars. 45.45 Notice for cigarettes. 45.45a Notice for pipe tobacco. 45.45b Notice for roll-your-own tobacco. 45.45c Package use-up rule. 45.46 Tax-exempt label. Subpart F—Records 45.51 Supporting records.
(d) Evidence required to establish—(1) In general. The exemption provided in section 4221(a)(3) of the Code and paragraph (a) of this section for articles sold for use by the purchaser as supplies for vessels or aircraft applies only: (i) If both the manufacturer and purchaser are registered under the provisions of section 4222 of the Code, or (ii) The purchaser or both the manufacturer and the purchaser are not registered but have satisfied the provisions of paragraph (d)(2) of this section. See paragraph (c) of § 53.131 for the evidence required to establish exemption where the purchaser is registered pursuant to section 4222 of the Code and § 53.140.
§ 46.137 Time limit on filing of claim for refund. No claim for the refund of a special tax or penalty will be allowed unless presented within 3 years after the filing of the related tax return or within 2 years after the payment of such tax or penalty, whichever of these periods expires later. (26 U.S.C. 6511) § 46.138 Discontinuance of business. A dealer who for any reason discontinues business is not entitled to a refund of special tax for the unexpired portion of the tax year for which the special tax stamp was issued. (26 U.S.C. 5732) Subparts E-F [Reserved] Subpart G—Dealers in Tobacco Products
(13) Labeling and advertising of wine. 27 CFR part 4, issued under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, as amended, contains the requirements relative to the labeling and advertising of wine under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, including standards of identity for wine, standards of fill for containers of wine, the withdrawal of imported wine from customs custody, and the issuance of certificates of label approval and certificates of exemption from label approval. (14) Establishment and operations of breweries and experimental breweries. Part 25 of title 27 CFR contains the regulations relating to the production (including concentration and reconstitution incident thereto) and removal of beer and cereal beverages.
(D) A purchase order will be acceptable in lieu of a separate certificate of the ultimate purchaser if it contains all the information required by this paragraph. (iii) Certificate of ultimate vendor. Any certificate executed and signed by an ultimate vendor as evidence to be retained by the person who paid the tax as provided in paragraph (a)(4) of this section may be executed with respect to any one or more overpayments by the person which arose under section 6416(b)(2) and § 53.178 by reason of exportations, uses, sales or resales, occurring within any period of not more than 12 consecutive calendar quarters, the beginning and ending dates of which are specified in the certificate.
(2) Minimum claim. No claim of less than $250 will be allowed for losses resulting from any disaster or damage described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. (c) General. Payment under this section may be made only if: (1) The disaster or other specified cause of loss occurred in the United States; (2) At the time of the disaster or other specified cause of loss, the liquors were being held for sale by the claimant; (3) Refund or credit of the amount claimed, or any part of the amount claimed, has not or will not be claimed for the same liquors under any other law or regulations; and (4) The claimant was not indemnified by any valid claim of insurance or otherwise for the tax and/or duty on the liquors covered by the claim.
Payment of taxes on tobacco products, cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes in any other form of remittance, as authorized in § 40.355, is not authorized for a taxpayer who is required, by this section, to make remittances by EFT. For purposes of this section, the dollar amount of tax liability is defined as the gross tax liability on all taxable withdrawals and importations (including tobacco products, cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes brought into the United States from Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands) during the calendar year, without regard to any drawbacks, credits, or refunds, for all premises from which such activities are conducted by the taxpayer. Overpayments are not taken into account in summarizing the gross tax liability.
(7) Operating within a foreign-trade zone, established under 19 U.S.C. 81b, when the cigarettes involved have been entered into the foreign-trade zone under zone-restricted status or when foreign cigarettes have been admitted into the foreign-trade zone but have not been entered into the United States. Contraband firearm. A firearm with respect to which there has been committed a violation of the National Firearms Act (26 U.S.C., Chapter 53) or any regulation issued thereunder. Director. The Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC.
(12) Assistance under job training partnership act. Any amount payable to a participant under the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) from funds appropriated pursuant to such Act shall be exempt from levy. (13) Principal residence exempt in absence of certain approval or jeopardy. Except to the extent provided in § 70.166 of this part, the principal residence of the taxpayer (within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. 1034) is exempt from levy. (b) Appraisal. The TTB officer seizing property of the type described in 26 U.S.C. 6334(a) shall appraise and set aside to the owner the amount of such property declared to be exempt.
22, 1999; T.D. ATF-420, 64 FR 71944, Dec. 22, 1999] § 41.140 Taxpayment in the United States. Every manufacturer of tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes in the United States who receives, under its bond without payment of internal revenue tax, Puerto Rican tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes not put up in packages, and who subsequently removes such products subject to tax, must pay the tax imposed on these products by 26 U.S.C. 7652(a) at the rates prescribed in 26 U.S.C. 5701 on the basis of a return as prescribed by part 40 of this chapter.
7652(b) plus penalties, if any, and interest, for which he may become liable with respect to these products exported from the Virgin Islands and removed from customs custody in the United States without payment of internal revenue tax thereon, and must comply with all provisions of law and regulations with respect thereto.” (c) Receipt by manufacturer. Articles received into the factory of a manufacturer under this section are subject to the requirements of part 40 of this chapter. [78 FR 38569, June 27, 2013] § 41.85a Release from customs custody of returned articles.
6323(i)(2) (26 U.S.C. 6323). § 70.148 Place for filing notice; form. (a) Place for filing. The notice of lien referred to in § 70.145 of this part shall be filed as follows: (1) Under State laws—(i) Real property. In the case of real property, notice shall be filed in one office within the State (or the county or other governmental subdivision), as designated by the laws of the State, in which the property subject to the lien is deemed situated under the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section. (ii) Personal property.
ATF P 1850.1 is available at no cost upon request from the ATF Distribution Center, P.O. Box 5950, Springfield, Virginia 22150-5950. The Director shall make an allowance to the claimant not exceeding the value of the property destroyed, if the claimant establishes to the satisfaction of the Director that— (1) The property has not been used or involved in a violation of law; or (2) Any unlawful involvement or use of the property was without the claimant's knowledge, consent, or willful blindness. [T.D. ATF-363, 60 FR 17449, Apr. 6, 1995] Subpart D—Remission or Mitigation of Forfeitures
Such statement shall be kept for inspection by the appropriate TTB officer as provided in section 6001 of the Code. (4) TTB I 5600.36. A preprinted statement, TTB I 5600.36, Statement of Manufacturer's Vendee, which is available as provided in § 53.21(b), when completed, contains all necessary information for a properly executed statement. Extra copies of TTB I 5600.36 may be reproduced as needed. [T.D. ATF-308, 56 FR 303, Jan. 3, 1991, as amended by T.D. ATF-344, 58 FR 40354, July 28, 1993; T.D.
§ 41.236 Trade name certificate. Every person that files an application for a permit as an importer of processed tobacco operating under a trade name must furnish with the application for the permit required by § 41.231 a true copy of the certificate or other document, if any, issued by a State, county, or municipal authority in connection with the transaction of business under such trade name. If no such certificate or other document is so required, a written statement, in duplicate, to that effect by such person will be sufficient for the purpose of this section. § 41.237 Additional information. (a) General.
For purpose of determining the amount of wages, salary or other income exempt from levy under 26 U.S.C. 6334(a)(9): (a) Regularly used calendar periods. In the case of wages, salary or other income paid to the taxpayer on the basis of an established calendar period regularly used by the employer or other person levied upon for payroll or payment purpose (e.g., daily, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, or monthly), that period is the taxpayer's payroll period. (b) Amounts paid on recurrent but irregular basis.
ATF-301, 55 FR 47616, Nov. 14, 1990, as amended by T.D. ATF-450, 66 FR 29025, May 29, 2001] § 70.126 Date of allowance of refund or credit. The date on which the appropriate TTB officer, first certifies the allowance of an overassessment in respect of any internal revenue tax imposed by the provisions of 26 U.S.C. enforced and administered by the Bureau shall be considered as the date of allowance of refund or credit in respect of such tax. (26 U.S.C. 6407) [T.D. ATF-301, 55 FR 47616, Nov. 14, 1990, as amended by T.D. ATF-450, 66 FR 29025, May 29, 2001]
§ 53.178 Exportations, uses, sales, and resales included. (a) In general. The payment of tax imposed by chapter 32 of the Code on the sale of any article, will be considered to be an overpayment by reason of any exportation, use, sale, or resale described in any one of paragraphs (b) to (e), inclusive, of this section. This section applies only in those cases where the exportation, use, sale, or resale (or any combination thereof) referred to in any one or more of these paragraphs occurs before any other use.
(b) Citations for the disapproval of an application for a permit shall set forth (1) the sections of law and regulations relied upon for authority and jurisdiction, (2) in separate paragraphs, the matters of fact and law relied upon for the contemplated disapproval of the application, and (3) that the application will be disapproved unless a hearing is requested within 15 days. [T.D. ATF-244, 51 FR 45763, Dec. 22, 1986, as amended by T.D. ATF-374, 61 FR 29957, June 13, 1996]
(d) Extension by agreement. The time prescribed by 26 U.S.C. 6501 for the assessment of any tax imposed by provisions of 26 U.S.C. enforced and administered by the Bureau may, prior to the expiration of such time, be extended for any period of time agreed upon in writing by the taxpayer and the appropriate TTB officer. The extension shall become effective when the agreement has been executed by both parties. The period agreed upon may be extended by subsequent agreements in writing made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon. (26 U.S.C. 6501) [T.D. ATF-251, 52 FR 19314, May 22, 1987. Redesignated and amended by T.D.
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