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The Rock is destined to be the 21st Century 's new `` Conan '' and that he 's going to make a splash even greater than Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jean-Claud Van Damme or Steven Segal .
XXI. mendeko " Conan " berria izateko zorian dagoena Conan, eta kontakatilua Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jean-Claud Van Damme edo Steven Seagal baino handiagoa izango da.
The gorgeously elaborate continuation of `` The Lord of the Rings '' trilogy is so huge that a column of words can not adequately describe co-writer\/director Peter Jackson 's expanded vision of J.R.R. Tolkien 's Middle-earth .
"Eraztunen Jauna" trilogiaren jarraipen ederra oso zaila da Peter Jacksonek idatzitakoaren oso antzerakoa, baina J.R.R. Tolkienen "Lur Ertaina" diskoaren zuzendari laguntzailearena,
Singer\/composer Bryan Adams contributes a slew of songs -- a few potential hits , a few more simply intrusive to the story -- but the whole package certainly captures the intended , er , spirit of the piece .
Bryan Adams abeslariak eta konposatzaileak dozenaka kantu eskaini dituzte. Batzuk arrakastatsuak izan litezke, beste batzuk ezezagunak. Baina bere izaera propioa hauteman du.
You 'd think by now America would have had enough of plucky British eccentrics with hearts of gold .
Pentsatuko zenuen AEBak ez duela jada nahikoa ausartekin ingeles sinesbera bihurtzeko.
Yet the act is still charming here .
Hala ere, txalo bero bat berarentzat.
Whether or not you 're enlightened by any of Derrida 's lectures on `` the other '' and `` the self , '' Derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow .
Derridan hitzaldietako batean argiak ukitu bazaituzte ere ... "bestea" edo "neure burua" deritzonari buruz, Derrida tipo jatorra eta interesgarria da.
Just the labour involved in creating the layered richness of the imagery in this chiaroscuro of madness and light is astonishing .
Lan hori, berez, imaginatzearen aberastasun horretaz jabetzea da. Erokeria eta argiaren erdian.
Part of the charm of Satin Rouge is that it avoids the obvious with humour and lightness .
"Satin Rouge"ren xarma ikusita, ez da harritzekoa, baina barregarria da.
a screenplay more ingeniously constructed than `` Memento ''
"Memento" baino modu argiagoan idatzitako gidoi bat.
`` Extreme Ops '' exceeds expectations .
"Extreme Ops"ek espero baino hobeto funtzionatu du.
Good fun , good action , good acting , good dialogue , good pace , good cinematography .
Dibertigarria, ekintza ona. Aktore bikaina. Dialogoak oso ongi.
You Should Pay Nine Bucks for This : Because you can hear about suffering Afghan refugees on the news and still be unaffected .
CA: 9 dolar ordaindu beharko zenuke berria zabaltzeko , ze ez zenuke jasango afganiar iheslarien oinazea.
Dramas like this make it human .
Horrelako gertaerek gizaki bat bihurtzen dute.
A thunderous ride at first , quiet cadences of pure finesse are few and far between ; their shortage dilutes the potency of otherwise respectable action .
Hasieran, karraskari bat izan daiteke txirrina bezain lasai baina bertsio finarekin. beraien presentzia hutsak balio du ekintza zuzenaren oinarri gisa.
Still , this flick is fun , and host to some truly excellent sequences .
Hala ere , film hau dibertigarria da , eta eskena paregabea da.
Australian actor\/director John Polson and award-winning English cinematographer Giles Nuttgens make a terrific effort at disguising the obvious with energy and innovation .
John Polson aktore eta zuzendari australiarrak eta Giles Nuttgens ingeles zinemagileak ahalegin handiak egin dituzte azaltzeko argiak eta indarrak zer diren.
You walk out of The Good Girl with mixed emotions -- disapproval of Justine combined with a tinge of understanding for her actions .
"The Good Girl " filmeko eszena batzuk egin eta gero ... Justine-ren haserrealdia izan zenuen eta haren jokabideak ulertzen dituzula esan zenuen.
Post 9\/11 the philosophical message of `` Personal Freedom First '' might not be as palatable as intended .
"911ko gertaera aztertu ondoren, agian ez da biziko asmo filosofiko handirik... " 'Pertsonalaren askatasuna lehenik'
Absorbing character study by André Turpin .
André Turpin-en pertsonaia grabatzen du.
If you love reading and\/or poetry , then by all means check it out .
Poesia eta irakurketa gustuko badituzu, irakurri eta irakurri.
You 'll probably love it .
Seguruenik oso gogoko izango duzu.
`` Frailty '' has been written so well , that even a simple `` Goddammit ! ''
"Haustura" hain ondo idatzia da, ze "Pikutara" ere ez da nahikoa.
near the end takes on a whole other meaning .
Baina amaieran, guztia aldatzen da.
Grenier is terrific , bringing an unforced , rapid-fire delivery to Toback 's Heidegger - and Nietzsche-referencing dialogue .
Grenier bikain aritu da, elkarrizketa batean esateko Tobackek Heidegger eta Nietzsche aipatu dituela.
The Sundance Film Festival has become so buzz-obsessed that fans and producers descend upon Utah each January to ferret out The Next Great Thing .
Urtarrilean, zaleek eta ekoizleek... zerbait handia erakustera etortzen dira.
` Tadpole ' was one of the films so declared this year , but it 's really more of The Next Pretty Good Thing .
"Goroldio ilunez zeuden guztiz loreontzi den-denak estalita". "Ikusgarria, ikusgarria".
The actors are fantastic .
Aktoreak zoragarriak dira!
They are what makes it worth the trip to the theatre .
Horiek uzten zaituzte agertokian.
( Taymor ) utilizes the idea of making Kahlo 's art a living , breathing part of the movie , often catapulting the artist into her own work .
"Taymor " filman erabiltzen da Kahlo artistaren lanari buruzko ideia. Sartzerakoan, artista bere lanari atxikia izaten da.
This is n't a new idea .
Ez da ideia berria.
It 's been done before but never so vividly or with so much passion .
Lehenago ere egin izan da, baina sekula ez hain bizkor edo pasio handirekin.
( `` Take Care of My Cat '' ) is an honestly nice little film that takes us on an examination of young adult life in urban South Korea through the hearts and minds of the five principals .
Film honek Hego Koreako hirietako bizitza berriak aztertzen ditu. Bost pertsonaia osatzen dituen talde bat osatzen du.
It 's not life-affirming -- its vulgar and mean , but I liked it .
Ez du bizi-asegururik. Basatia da, baina gustatzen zait.
What `` Empire '' lacks in depth it makes up for with its heart .
"Inperioak" ez duen "azkartasuna" bere bihotzari erakusten dio.
Light , silly , photographed with colour and depth , and rather a good time .
Argia, tontoa, koloretsua eta sakona. Eta ongi pasatzen ari gara.
But tongue-in-cheek preposterousness has always been part of For the most part Wilde 's droll whimsy helps `` Being Earnest '' overcome its weaknesses and Parker 's creative interference ...
Baina ironia osoarekin izan ezik, egiazko pertsona baten irudiari buruz, nolabait esatearren, Wilde-ren marrazkiek bere alde ilunak eta Parkerren marrazki sortzaileek bere alde sotilena islatzen dute.
Much of the movie 's charm lies in the utter cuteness of Stuart and Margolo .
Filmaren grazia Stuart eta Margolen xarma bereizgarrian dago.
Their computer-animated faces are very expressive .
Ordenagailuan lortzen duten irudia oso adierazgarria da.
The path Ice Age follows most closely , though , is the one established by Warner Bros. giant Chuck Jones , who died a matter of weeks before the movie 's release .
Ice Age-ren gakoa da gehienbat . Warner Bros-eko Chuck Jones, hil zen pelikula iritsi aurretik.
... spiced with humor ( ' I speak fluent flatula , ' advises Denlopp after a rather , er , bubbly exchange with an alien deckhand ) and witty updatings ( Silver 's parrot has been replaced with Morph , a cute alien creature who mimics everyone and everything around )
"Eta nahaskia agerian geratu zen ... "eta Humorearekin nahastua zegoen (Flatuloko hizkuntza ongi hitz egiten dut)
There 's an energy to Y Tu Mamá También .
Energia bat dago "Y tu mamá también"n.
Much of it comes from the brave , uninhibited performances by its lead actors .
Aktore nagusiek erabateko kemena dute.
`` 13 Conversations '' holds its goodwill close , but is relatively slow to come to the point .
13 "Elkarrizketak "k bere ospe ona du baina berandu heltzen da.
`` Auto Focus '' works as an unusual biopic and document of male swingers in the Playboy era
"Auto Focus" filmak biografia eta dokumental bat egiten du Playboyeko swingers gizonezkoez.
If Mr. Zhang 's subject matter is , to some degree at least , quintessentially American , his approach to storytelling might be called Iranian .
Zhang jaunaren gai-programan amerikarren sorkuntza arrazionala aztertzen baduzu, esango zenuke agian iraniarra dela.
... a sour little movie at its core ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relentless gaiety of the 1920 's ... The film 's ending has a `` What was it all for ? ''
Filmaren amaieran galdera bat agertzen da: zertarako balio izan du honek guztiak?
feeling to it , but like the 1920 's , the trip there is a great deal of fun .
baina 1920ko hamarkadan bezala , bidaia dibertigarria da.
`` Cremaster 3 '' should come with the warning `` For serious film buffs only ! ''
Cremaster 3k ohartarazpen hau izan beharko luke: "Film zaletuentzat bakarrik".
Made me unintentionally famous -- as the queasy-stomached critic who staggered from the theater and blacked out in the lobby .
Nahita ezagun egin nintzen... kritika negatiboekin, antzerkiaren alde... eta korridorearen atzeko aldean erori nintzen.
But believe it or not , it 's one of the most beautiful , evocative works I 've seen .
Baina , sinetsi ala ez , inoiz ikusi dudan lanik eder eta bizigarriena da.
García Bernal and Talancón are an immensely appealing couple , and even though their story is predictable , you 'll want things to work out .
García Bernal eta Talancon bikote izugarria dira ... eta nahiz eta istorioaren zati ñimiño bat izan, denak nahi du funtzionatzea.
... a spoof comedy that carries its share of laughs -- sometimes a chuckle , sometimes a guffaw and , to my great pleasure , the occasional belly laugh .
Batzuetan irribarre egiten dute , beste batzuetan barre egiten dute ... Eta niri ez zait batere gustatu irribarre burlatia.
( City ) reminds us how realistically nuanced a Robert De Niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of ` Analyze This ' ( 1999 ) and ` Analyze That , ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this year .
Robert De Niro hain isila izanik ere ... eta hainbeste alferrik galduta , ezin esan: " Aztertu hori " eta " Aztertu hori " , urte amaieran argitaratuko dituenak.
The wanton slipperiness of \* Corpus and its amiable jerking and reshaping of physical time and space would make it a great piece to watch with kids and use to introduce video as art .
"Corpus" honen berezko izaera, berezko espazioa eta denbora nahasteak bideoa eta bideoak egiteko balio du, grabazioan eta musikaren alorrean.
`` Frailty '' starts out like a typical Bible killer story , but it turns out to be significantly different ( and better ) than most films with this theme .
Film honek Bibliako hiltzaile baten antza du, baina bertze edozeinek baino itxura hobea du.
For those who pride themselves on sophisticated , discerning taste , this might not seem like the proper cup of tea , however it is almost guaranteed that even the stuffiest cinema goers will laugh their \*\*\* off for an hour-and-a-half .
gustu txarrekoa dela uste dutenak, tea hartzeko modurik ez dagoela uste dutenak, baina horrela ere, berezkoa dute. Filmatu eta gero, inoiz egin ez dutena ere, hainbat marrazki erakusten ditu eta.
It cuts to the core of what it actually means to face your fears , to be a girl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in love with a girl , and to ride the big metaphorical wave that is life -- wherever it takes you .
Beldurrei aurre egitea esan nahi du . Neska izatea mutil baten munduan eta mutil bat mutil batekin maitemintzea. bizitzaren muina norabidea aurkitzea.
A welcome relief from baseball movies that try too hard to be mythic , this one is a sweet and modest and ultimately winning story .
Baseball zaletuek miresten duten filma. ipuin erromantikoa eta maitagarria da.
A crisp psychological drama ( and ) a fascinating little thriller that would have been perfect for an old `` Twilight Zone '' episode .
"Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza, Hizkuntza Politika eta Kultura..
It has more than a few moments that are insightful enough to be fondly remembered in the endlessly challenging maze of moviegoing .
Zenbait une oso garrantzitsu aipatzen dira ... film hauetan eta zineman bizitzeari buruzkoak .
Opening with some contrived banter , cliches and some loose ends , the screenplay only comes into its own in the second half .
Bertsoak nahasiak dira , ipuin klixeak , eta zati txikiak, konplexuak. Gidoiari buruzko informazioa bigarren zatian eskuratu genuen.
An uncluttered , resonant gem that relays its universal points without lectures or confrontations . '
" Harribitxi arrunt eta garden bat ... " " ... bere buruaren punturik onenak eskainiko baitie hitzaldi eta gatazkarik gabe . "
( The Cockettes ) provides a window into a subculture hell-bent on expressing itself in every way imaginable . '
" Cockettes " filmak, adibidez, aukera ematen digu azpiko kultura batean sartzeko. Azpiko kultura horretan dauden gauzek muturreko erreakzioa eragin dezakete.
A smart , steamy mix of road movie , coming-of-age story and political satire .
Errepideetako antzezleak, helduen istorioak eta... satira politikoa.
The modern-day royals have nothing on these guys when it comes to scandals .
Gaur egungo erregeek ez dute konfiantzarik horrelako eskandaluetan.
It 's only in fairy tales that princesses that are married for political reason live happily ever after .
Printzesak bakarrik dira zoriontsuak politikaren izenean ezkontzen direnak.
A terrific B movie -- in fact , the best in recent memory .
B saileko filmerik onena da.
`` Birthday Girl '' is an actor 's movie first and foremost .
"Urtebetetze neska" aktore baten filma da lehenik eta behin.
I walked away from this new version of E.T. just as I hoped I would -- with moist eyes . bertsio berri bat ikusi dut eta... espero nuen bezalakoa izan da: begi urdinak.
For devotees of French cinema , Safe Conduct is so rich with period minutiae it 's like dying and going to celluloid heaven .
Frantziako zinemaren zaleentzat, "Kontzertu segurua" nahiko ohikoa da. Hiltzeak zelularra gurutzatzea bezalakoa dela uste dute.
What 's really so appealing about the characters is their resemblance to everyday children .
Pertsonaiak liluragarriak dira. Ume arruntak bezalakoak dira.
Shamelessly resorting to pee-related sight gags that might even cause Tom Green a grimace ; still , Myer 's energy and the silliness of it all eventually prevail
Tom Greenek irribarre egin eta barre egiten duen zerbait. Hala ere, Myerren energia eta barreek ez digute gainditzen.
An absurdist spider web .
Armiarma sare bat, barregarria.
If you 're as happy listening to movies as you are watching them , and the slow parade of human frailty fascinates you , then you 're at the right film .
Pelikulak ikustean gustuko baduzu ... eta ikustean desagertzeko gogoa baduzu ... orduan film egokian zaude.
This version moves beyond the original 's nostalgia for the communal film experiences of yesteryear to a deeper realization of cinema 's inability to stand in for true , lived experience .
Bertsio honek aspaldiko garaien nostalgiagia gainditzen du . Zinemaren hutsunea nabarmentzen du.
Some movies blend together as they become distant memories .
Pelikula batzuk oroitzapen bihurtzen dira.
Mention `` Solaris '' five years from now and I 'm sure those who saw it will have an opinion to share .
Solarisi buruz orain 5 urte hitz egiten baduzu , ikusiko duzu zuk ere irudipen horiek edukiko dituzula.
Allen 's funniest and most likeable movie in years .
Azken urteotako Allenen filmik barregarriena.
It 's a glorious spectacle like those D.W. Griffith made in the early days of silent film .
Ikuskizun aparta. D.W. Griffithek pelikula mutuez zuzenduko zuen " The Phantom of the Opera "
This comic gem is as delightful as it is derivative .
Komiki hau gustu handikoa da.
More timely than its director could ever have dreamed , this quietly lyrical tale probes the ambiguous welcome extended by Iran to the Afghani refugees who streamed across its borders , desperate for work and food .
Irandar bat, errefuxiatu afganiar bat, lan bila eta janaria bila etorri zaigula.
The leaping story line , shaped by director Peter Kosminsky into sharp slivers and cutting impressions , shows all the signs of rich detail condensed into a few evocative images and striking character traits .
Peter Kosminski zuzendariak gidoi hau antolatu du detaileak kontatzeko eta irudiak azaltzeko.
With three excellent principal singers , a youthful and good-looking diva and tenor and richly handsome locations , it 's enough to make you wish Jacquot had left well enough alone and just filmed the opera without all these distortions of perspective .
Hiru abeslari bikain , tenore gazte eta ederra , eta eszena politak . Jacquotek bere taldean filmatu behar zuen irudi hauen distortsio gabe .
The production has been made with an enormous amount of affection , so we believe these characters love each other .
Produkzio honek maitasun-interes handia eragin du pertsonaia hauengan. elkar maite dutela uste dugu.
Certainly the performances are worthwhile .
Antzezlanak merezi du, hori seguru.
Winds up being both revelatory and narcissistic , achieving some honest insight into relationships that most high-concept films candy-coat with pat storylines , precious circumstances and beautiful stars .
Baina, azken batean, errebelazioa ere eman zuen. Eta berak lortu zuen gauzatxo bat eta zuk, ergela, berehala ulertu egin zenuen.
Watching these eccentrics is both inspiring and pure joy .
Xelebre horiek ikusita, inspiratu egiten nauzu, baina aldi berean zoriontsu egiten nauzu.
Steven Spielberg brings us another masterpiece
Steven Spielbergek beste obra bat aurkezten digu
Finally , the French-produced `` Read My Lips '' is a movie that understands characters must come first .
Azkenik , frantses ekoizpen bat, 'Read My Lips' izenekoa. Film hau pertsonaiek duten garrantzia ulertzen du.
Ms. Seigner and Mr. Serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters .
Seigner andreak eta Serrault jaunak beren pertsonaiak naturalistak bihurtzen dituzte.
Allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippersnappers making moving pictures today .
Allenek erakutsi du munduko gizonik aberatsena dela gaur egun.
A good film with a solid pedigree both in front of and , more specifically , behind the camera .
Film on bat da, errekonozimendu onekoa, kameraren aurrean eta atzean.
By no means a slam-dunk and sure to ultimately disappoint the action fans who will be moved to the edge of their seats by the dynamic first act , it still comes off as a touching , transcendent love story .
Ez da film arraroa. Eta akzio-fanen inolako zalantzarik gabe etsigarria izango da. Aktoreen arteko elkarrekintza dinamikoa eta lehen ekitaldia. Hala ere , bihotz urratuko luke ...
I encourage young and old alike to go see this unique and entertaining twist on the classic whale 's tale -- you wo n't be sorry !
Animatu, animatu, animatu! Gazte eta zahar guztiok, ikus ezazue ikuskizun paregabea... balearen historian, sekula ez dago akats izpirik!
A literary detective story is still a detective story and aficionados of the whodunit wo n't be disappointed .
Detektibearen ipuina da, eta komedianteek ez dute kontatzen dutenaren itxurarik.
High Crimes steals so freely from other movies and combines enough disparate types of films that it ca n't help but engage an audience .
"High Crimes"ek beste film batzuk lapurtu ditu eta elkartu ditu hainbat ikusle berezi eta erakargarri bihurtzeko.
If you 're a fan of the series you 'll love it and probably want to see it twice .
Seriearen jarraitzaile sutsuak bazarete ... gustora ikusiko duzue berriro ere.
I will be .
- Hala izango da.
It celebrates the group 's playful spark of nonconformity , glancing vividly back at what Hibiscus grandly called his ` angels of light . '
" Konformismoaren izpi barregarriak ospatzen ditu , ... eta bere ikuspegia biziki erakusten du , " Hibiscusek bere aingeruak deitzen zizkionean . "
The story ... is inspiring , ironic , and revelatory of just how ridiculous and money-oriented the record industry really is .
Historia liluragarria da, ironikoa. Eta kontatzen du zenbat diru ateratzen den mozkor izateagatik.
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SST English to Basque translation using NLLB

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