Goodbye, Norma Jean, ich habe dich nie gekannt Als du gegangen bist, da war ich noch ein Kind Und jetzt frag ich den Pförtner vom Filmatelier Ob er mir sagen kann, wo ich deine Spuren find Oh Norma Jean, du hast gelebt wie eine Kerze im rauen Wind Deine zarte Haut verbrannte im heißen Studiolicht Du warst zu schwach für den Sturm, der auf den Hollywoodbergen weht Ich hätte dich gerеttet, doch ich kam viel zu Spät Die Rеklamelettern, hoch oben über der Filmstadt Haben schon viele erschlagen, die stärker warn als du Ach du hättest aus Stahl sein solln Doch du warst nur aus Fleisch und Blut Selbst im Tod ließen sie dir keine Ruh Und weiter wurdest zu gejagt von den geilen Pressehunden Und die Schlagzeile war: Man hat dich nackt gefunden Ja du warst zu schwach für den Sturm, der auf den Hollywoodbergen weht Ich hätte dich gerettet, doch ich kam viel zu spät Ich hätt dich gern gerettet, doch ich kam leider viel zu spät Goodbye, Norma Jean, ich habe dich oft gesehn Vielleicht erinnerst du dich, ich saß in Reihe zehn Der Junge mit den Pickeln, für den du immer noch viel mehr bist Als irgendein Sexobjekt, das man einmal benutzt und vergisst Oh Norma Jean, du hast gelebt wie ne Kerze im rauen Wind Deine zarte Haut verbrannte im heißen Studiolicht Du warst zu schwach für den Orkan, der auf den Hollywoodbergen weht Ich hätte dich gerettet, doch ich kam viel zu spät So gern hätt ich dich gerettet, doch ich kam viel zu spät
Mufasa heeft jullie altijd beperkingen opgelegd, wat de jacht betreft Met mij als koning zijn jullie vrij om te nemen wat jullie willen Want een hyenamaag is nooit gevuld Mufasa is te machtig om te verslaan Mufasa, zijn macht is verdwenen Zijn regime verouderd, verzwakt Het is nu hoog tijd voor diegene Met een plan en visie en tact Het leeuwenrijk staat op een keerpunt Een kans voor hyenas als groep En ik hеb een plan met als speerpunt Geen honger meer voor jullie troеp Sta paraat voor een greep naar de macht en Doe mee aan mijn duivelse plan Na jarenlang wachten, met wraak in gedachten Is dit het moment, ja, dat ik word erkend, ja Als koning aller dieren, een naam die zal sieren Zal ik laten zien wat ik kan Wij zijn samen tot alles in staat Sta paraat Sta paraat, sta paraat Sta paraat Sta paraat Wij zijn samen tot alles in staat Sta paraat
Daccord vos pouvoirs de réflexion Volent plus bas quun derrière de cochon Mais bête comme vous êtes, Faites attention ! Rebelles et lion font rébellions Je vois à vos yeux sans expression Quil faut que jéclaire vos lanternes Nous parlons de roi de succession Vous êtes toutes impliquées dans laffaire ! Soyez prêtes pour la chance de votre vie Car enfin va venir le grand jour ! Nos ennuis sont finis Nous sortons de la nuit On fait quoi dans lhistoire ? Rien, croire en ton seigneur Faites-moi confiance votre récompense Vous laurez quand viendra le grand jour Quand la gloire couronnera ma tête Soyez prêtes ! Ouais soyons prêtes, Oui oui on est prête ! Pour quoi ? Pour la mort du roi ! Quoi, il est malade ? Non crétine nous allons le tuer, Et Simba aussi ! Bonne idée ! On vivra sans roi ! Sans roi, sans roi, la la la la la la ! Idiotes! Il y aura un roi ! Hé, mais tavais dit que... Je serai le roi ! Suivez-moi, Et vous naurez plus jamais faim ! Ouais ! Youpi ! Longue vie au roi ! Les hyènes : Longue vie au roi ! Longue vie au roi ! Quelle joie dêtre bientôt les sujets De notre nouveau roi adoré Bien sûr, en revanche, jose espérer Que vous exécuterez mes ordres Jassure un futur plein de captures Puisque je suis roi des chasseurs Par contre sans moi je vous lassure Vous mourrez de faim pour la vie ! Soyez prêtes pour le coup le plus génial Soyez prêtes pour le plus beau scandale Je dis compromission Je dis conspiration Je crie humiliation ! Trois mots qui me feront Un grand roi admiré Respecté, salué Le seul dieu vivant qu’on acclame Votre roi vous invite à la fête Soyez prêtes ! Notre roi nous invite à la fête Soyez prêtes !
Tu sei lì, io son qui E fra noi cè un mare di silenzio Sbaglierò, forse sì, ma già sento Lamaro delladdio Sono freddi gli occhi tuoi Cosa cè che non mi vuoi? Faccio il primo passo Ma che ho? Faccio il primo passo Tremo un po Faccio il primo passo Tu sorridi un poco Faccio il primo passo Forse è solo un gioco Faccio il primo passo Già si rompe il ghiaccio Faccio il primo passo Tu mi prendi in braccio cado giù E scatta un temporale in me Ballerò, forse sì, ma però Un dubbio mi rimane Sono freddi gli occhi tuoi Cosa cè che non mi vuoi? Faccio il primo passo Ma che ho? Faccio il primo passo Tremo un po Faccio il primo passo Tu sorridi un poco Faccio il primo passo Forse è solo un gioco Faccio il primo passo Già si rompe il ghiaccio Faccio il primo passo Tu mi prendi in braccio Sono freddi gli occhi tuoi Cosa cè che non mi vuoi? Faccio il primo passo Ma che ho? Faccio il primo passo Tremo un po Faccio il primo passo Tu sorridi un poco Faccio il primo passo Forse è solo un gioco Faccio il primo passo Già si rompe il ghiaccio Faccio il primo passo Tu mi prendi in braccio
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba Sithi uhm ingonyama Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala From the day we arrive on the planet And blinking, step into the sun There is more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done There is far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be done But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round Its the circle of life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Til we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life Its the circle of life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Til we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life Trumpet Solo Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Its the circle of life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith and love Til we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba Sithi uhm ingonyama Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw enamabala
Its a little bit funny this feeling inside Im not one of those who can easily hide I dont have much money but boy if I did Id buy a big house where we both could live If I was a sculptor, but then again, no Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show I know its not much but its the best I can do My gift is my song and this ones for you And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that its done I hope you dont mind I hope you dont mind that I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss Well a few of the verses well theyve got me quite cross But the suns been quite kind while I wrote this song Its for people like you that keep it turned on So excuse me forgetting but these things I do You see Ive forgotten if theyre green or theyre blue Anyway the thing is what I really mean Yours are the sweetest eyes Ive ever seen
Thank you Look in my eyes Youll see the soul Underneath my celebrity skin Im not afraid To open up wider Please be my guest, come on in Youll feel right at home Inside my song Shelter from the stormy weather Body and soul, body and soul Blood will mix it all together Im gonna live it up Build it up Higher Dont depend on luck Be driven by what you desire Gonna build it up Lift it up Higher Dont depend on luck Be driven by what you desire
Mufasa hat sich in Punkto Jagd schon immer zu sehr in Zurückhaltung geübt Bin ich mal König, dürfen sich die Mächtigen nehmen was sie wollen Denn der Magen einer Hyäne ist niemals voll Mufasa ist zu mächtig um ihn herauszufordern Mufasa ist fast schon vergessen Die Zeit seiner Herrschaft vorbei Er war arrogant und vermessen Doch mein neuer Traum macht euch frei Das Löwenreich wird sich bald wandeln Und das solltet ihr besser auch Wеnn alle Hyänen jetzt handеln Füllt ihr euch bald richtig den Bauch Seid bereit für den Coup des Jahrhunderts Seid bereit für den teuflischsten Pakt Ich plane seit Jahren trotz aller Gefahren Gerissen, verbissen, ganz ohne Gewissen Als König geboren, zum Herrscher erkoren Erglänz ich in all meiner Pracht Meine Zähne sind blank wie mein Neid Seid bereit Seid bereit, seid bereit Seid bereit Seid bereit Eure Zähne sind blank wie mein Neid Seid bereit
Wheres your hand when I need your touch To fold my fingers around and holding your love Was there a place we tripped and fell Where we lost something we thought we knew so well Golden days they always favored us Wed laugh and say the days werent long enough The stars above were never out of reach With you the ground was so secure beneath my feet Everywhere I look and everything I see I see a little bit of us and a lot of you with me Its plain and simple clearly that things go so much better With you and me a while and were doing things together Wheres your arm to protect us both To slip around my shoulder when I need you most I never felt the slightest doubt Love builds a strong foundation when you talk things out Love your smile, your sparkling eyes Your laugh could drive away a cloudy sky I reminisce on every little thing As my memories make plans to see us ----- Doing things together is better than doing things alone I wanna love with you I always find I felt like home I ---- without a care lighter than a feather And knowing that the two of us are better together And knowing that the two of us are better together
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba Sithi uhm ingonyama Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Przychodzimy na świat tak bezradni I Słońce posyła nam swój dar I z każdym dniem nowy spełnia się sen Z każdym snem życie nabiera barw I każdy z nas już czuje zew Z każdą chwilą i ze wszystkich stron Przybywamy na znak, wiemy, że właśnie tak Wiruje w nas, wieczny życia krąg To początek i kres Miłość, żal i gniew Jeden mają rytm Jak noc i dzień Tutaj każdy z nas Swe odnajdziе miejsce A krąg życia, krąg życia niech trwa Ingonyama nеngw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala To początek i kres Miłość, żal i gniew Jeden mają rytm Jak noc i dzień Tutaj każdy z nas Swe odnajdzie miejsce A krąg życia, krąg życia niech trwa
Аз знам, че загрявате бавно Като стар, изгорял реотан И тъпи сте знам, но помнете При мен не вървят номера От ясно по-ясно се вижда Че нещо не сте много в час Но щом за царе заговорим Своя план ще разкрия пред вас! Чуйте днес новина сензационна Наострете докрай своя слух Епоха различна Започва за всички Какво туй ще значи? Че има задачи Коварни бъдете и с мен останете Ще разчитам на вашия нюх Да сразим своя най-страшен враг Чакай знак! Да, чакай знак? очаквай знак, За какво? За смъртта на царят! Що, болен ли е? Не глупако, ше го убием, И симба зъщо Идеално! Защо ни е цар? Без цар, Без цар, Ла ла ла ла ла ла! Идиоти! Пак ще има цар! Хей, но ти каже че... Аз ще бъде цар, Стой тез мен, и никога не ще изпитате глад Да! Добре! Искаме цар! Xиени : Искаме цар! Искаме цар! Съюз за победа изградихме Завинаги ти ще си цар! И пъклено зло споделихме Ще имате нов господар Приготвил съм много награди За лъвския прайд съм роден Но мога да съм безпощаден Щом някой върви срещу мен Чакай знак за съдбовния удар! Чакай знак за върховния план С решителност дръзка Настъпва развръзка. Години смирени Ще бъдат сменени. Ще стана законен Hаследник на трона И цар превъзходен ще съм Ще сразя своя най-страшен враг Чакай знак! Ще сразим своя най-страшен враг Чакай знак!
Come on over, baby Whole lotta shakin goin on Yes, I said come on over, baby Baby, you cant go wrong We aint fakin Whole lotta shakin goin on Well, I said come on over, baby We got chicken in the barn Woo, I said come on over, baby Really got the bull by the horn We aint fakin Whole lotta shakin goin on I said shake, baby, shake I said shake, baby, shake I said shake, baby, shake I said shake, baby, shake Come on over Whole lotta shakin goin on Oh, lets go Well, I said come on over, baby We got chicken in the barn Whose barn, what barn, my barn Comе on over, baby Really got the bull by thе horn We aint fakin Whole lotta shakin goin on Easy now, shake Ah, shake it, baby Yeah, you can shake it one time for me Yeah-huh-huh-ha-ha, come on over, my baby Whole lotta shakin goin on Now lets get real low Shake, baby, shake All you gotta do, honey, is kinda stand in one spot And wiggle around just a little bit Thats all you gotta do Ooh baby, whole lotta shakin goin on Now lets go one time Shake it, baby, shake it Shake it, baby, shake Come on over Whole lotta shakin goin on Shake it, baby shake I said shake it, baby, shake it I said shake it, baby, shake it I said shake it, baby, shake it Come on over, whole lotta shakin goin on
Ya, bonna kwensekan-ni Ahuo habaz slutho Bazo thanda neqcineni Sbathatu, sesbabili. Uma bekonene Kumnandi yonke indawo Njengasolisimbo sokuzwana Ingozisembo yeni Uyez uthando naflanje Ugutule fusugu Ilih swelisha lifenengo guzwanna Zomkevhe bilaa yo Gunimgingi namusho Gingende njannena Igenso nam agens amjielaa Uzogitu va Kukole, gufifaiyo Angazi nina Engab inkosi ngi yoziyo Inkosi e yemi Uyez uthando naflanje Ugutule fusugu Ilih swelisha lifenengo guzwanna Zomkevhe bilaa yo Uyez uthando naflanje Honnave igute Hemsovini oguna koleni U thando nunavo Izzi thanda ninam klanje Ginne prinni soh Ingoklule komi veli inde Izzi tchee zizo
Ill give you stars and sunshine A rainbow at your feet each time you rise So dry your eyes The house of yesterday, is crumbling at my feet But I dont mind, Ive had my time I am but yesterday, and you my child - tomorrow Theres nothing I can give you - for you have more than me You are the truth, within your youth I watch you dance and play The little prince of all that you survey Each night, each day I am the good old days, but you my child - tomorrow If I have any future, it is within your eyes Each time you smile - my child, my child The hand of life will rock you I brought you forth, and then my task was through I give to you this wondrous view I am but yesterday, and you my child - mm, tomorrow And you, my child - youre tomorrow, mm...
What have I got to do make you love me? What have I got to do  to make you care? What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that youre not there? What do I do to make you want me? What do I do to be heard? What do I say when its all over? Sorry seems to be the hardest word Its sad, so sad Its a sad, sad situation And its getting more and more absurd Its sad, so sad Why cant we talk it over? Well it seems to me Sorry seems to be the hardest word Its sad, so sad Its a sad, sad situation And its getting more and more absurd Its sad, so sad Why cant we talk it over? Well it seems to me Sorry seems to be the hardest word What do I do to make you love me? What do I do to be heard? What do I do when lightning strikes me? What have I got to do? What have I got to do? When sorry seems to be the hardest word
Nigdy nie pojmę, po co Mufasa ustanowił te głupie prawa łowieckie Gdy obejmę władzę drapieżników nie będą krępować żadne zakazy A hieny jak każdy wie, są wiecznie głodne W walce z Mufasą nie masz żadnych szans Mufasa odchodzi już w przeszłość Z reżimem co czystym był złem Gdy słońce wolności nam wzeszło Od dziś żyjmy innym snem Nadchodzi tu czas dobrej zmiany Więc hieny niech zmienią się też Bo ja dość ambitne mam plany I dla was też miejsce w nich jest Lada dzień będzie pucz tysiąclecia Dam znać i zrobicie tu dym Szczegóły mam wszystkie gotowe I bliskie są dni Gdy po latach gnębienia przez brata To mnie w majestacie hołd razem oddacie Bo wart jestem tronu jak nikt Tak, mam kły i na władzę mam smak Dam wam znak Da nam znak, da nam znak Dam wam znak Dam wam znak Tak, mam kły i na władzę mam smak Dam wam znak
Mama, just killed a man
She packed my bags last night, pre-flight Zero hour: 9:00 a.m And Im gonna be high as a kite by then I miss the Earth so much, I miss my wife Its lonely out in space On such a timeless flight And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone Mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids In fact, its cold as hell And theres no one there to raise them if you did And all this science I dont understand Its just my job five days a week A rocket man A rocket man And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time
O Mufasa sempre impôs muitas restrições no que toca à caça Quando eu for rei, os poderosos vão ser livres de levarem o que quiserem Porque a barriga de uma hiena nunca está cheia O Mufasa é demasiado poderoso para se desafiar O Mufasa é uma velha mensagem Já foi um aplaudido regime Os erros forjam a miragem De um mundo repleto de crime A era leonina está de mudança E as hienas não podem estar sós É a minha visão de abastança Também inclui todos vós Preparemos o crime deste século Preparemos o golpe mais baixo Bem premeditado E bem calculado Que um rei rejeitado Será coroado Por isso eu disputo Por isso eu luto Pelo trono que terá de ser meu Nem Mufasa, nem Simba, mas eu Serei rei! Preparados, preparados Preparados Preparados Nem Mufasa, nem Simba, mas eu Serei rei!
Theres a lot of ways to go And a lot of things we never said Ready and waiting Anticipating Looking ahead Let me see beyond your smile Come to me before I fade away I ran to the helpless Childishly I yearned Could it be that I was finally touched by love In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return Think of all the life we love to love And feel my spirit soaring high above Once in a while, wont you tell me All I need to know I need to know I gotta know Youre leaving me speechless Childishly I yearned Could it be that I was finally touched by love In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return In return, in return, in return, in return, in return
Its a little bit funny, this feeling inside Im not one of those who can easily hide I dont have much money, but, boy, if I did Id buy a big house where we both could live If I was a sculptor, heh, but then again, no Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show I know its not much, but its the best I can do My gift is my song, and this ones for you And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple, but now that its done I hope you dont mind, I hope you dont mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world
I got bands on my wrist You can’t see what im feeling Keep it a hunnid I got it im keeping Shawty say she leaving got mixed feelings Feel like im vibing I got mixed feelings Drugs in my system they keep calling DNA like im missing a chromosome This aint no game like it’s Warzone Lately been going home and its empty Seeing the signs there’s not plenty Got all this jewelry still feeling chewy Just wearing Louie smoking a doobie Cannot see clear I smell theres death in the air But you don’t care doesn’t seem fair Nothing is, whats the price I gotta pay Sold my soul now I fear Thinking about how the end is near I got bands on my wrist You can’t see what im feeling Keep it a hunnid I got it im keeping Shawty say she leaving got mixed feelings Feel like im vibing I got mixed feelings Drugs in my system they keep calling DNA like im missing a chromosome This aint no game like it’s Warzone Boy this aint no game You know A.T got no shame Still rocking all the fame Neutral like ph zero You an actor Robert DeNiro Do not bully Arve Or you’ll catch these hands with that one punch Man I feel like Bill Gates way I got these bands Honey, honey you know I stay sticky Found the right path Never come last always early Real rockstar minus the guitar Switching lanes like tory Know I never say sorry I got bands on my wrist You can’t see what im feeling Keep it a hunnid I got it im keeping Shawty say she leaving got mixed feelings Feel like im vibing I got mixed feelings Drugs in my system they keep calling DNA like im missing a chromosome This aint no game like it’s Warzone Hmm-hmm Hmm-hmm, hmm-hm Hmm-hmm Hmm-hmm Hmmmmmm Hmm-hmm Hmmmmmm
Quando eu for um grande rei Ninguém me vencerá Mas eu vejo um rei sem pêlo E a juba onde está? A juba que eu vou ter, vais ver Será de arrasar E todo o mundo vai tremer Quando me ouvir rosnar! Mas por agora digo não sei Eu mal posso esperar pra ser rei Ainda falta muito pra isso, amo, se pensa que Ninguém diz faz isto Ora, quando eu digo que... Ninguém diz já aqui Tudo o que eu quero dizer é... Ou então para com isso Ninguém diz para aqui Não mudará! Livre pra poder viver Isso não é bem assim Pra fazer o que eu quiser Acho que agora é a hora da gente conversar Um rei não tem que ter nenhum chato a aconselhar Eu vejo que a monarquia assim não vai vingar Eu vou-me embora daqui da África, eu vou-me aposentar Cuidar dessa criança eu não irei, Simba Eu mal posso esperar pra ser rei Todos pra esquerda Todos pra direita Olhem pra onde olharem, Eu sou a vedeta Todos os amigos vão vibrar Quando a boa nova se espalhar Que o novo rei Simba vai reinar Eu mal posso esperar pra ser rei Ele mal pode esperar pra ser rei Eu mal posso esperar Pra ser rei!
Yeah im going to rip and Also Filp wo yeah you got a lot in your mind wo who is Joyner wo never have a rapper so bad That is 6IX you have problems like the other too yeah oh going to logic content and fuck the company who use that when they feel like a man I wanna the company never mind I’m not logic yeah I’m not BOBBY BOY who have all of them I never got a wait who have a toy when I Rap so who give a good person a joke and back to 1990 should I never say that yeah let skip that part and the party when a little boy who got nails mails and fails so now we don’t care about what you are saying we say THAT IS NOT TRUE you are not a Captain you got 2 spirit and got the web from Fnaf this is probably why we can’t get sleep going for everything and the flew you got a warm bed the next day you feel like you got them and the others like who is that you got wind lose and who go get it and you know you know you got lies so should I No flipping around and the entire show now you got BOBBY Boy that’s not how that goes and then when get village and that VR a clown is not who is that go with that and I have time clocks and got that filp film that film was not Rap yet haha that not funny go laugh but that is not going to change a thing that’s back it lock now it’s gone what it have to do about anything and that god I don’t to get that again and the cake and that phone call that why it was short but why I’m talking about those single you got jack you you got jack and you filling things Oh no that’s not what La-la-la-la-la-la, no I don’t say that so I don’t know why I write that you got a mode that mine game is like it’s that no it’s not that well that’s done so I THINK what that real life and that all what I was going to say I got another message from Lil Ga him again so yeah bye
In the quiet silent seconds I, I turned off the light switch And I, I came down to meet you in the half light the moon left While a, a cluster of night jars sang some songs out of tune A mantle of bright light shone down from a room Come down in time I still hear her say So clear in my ear like it was today Come down in time was the message she gave Come down in time and Ill meet you half way Well I dont know if I should have heard her as yet But a, a true love like hers is a hard love to get And I, Ive walked most all the way and I, I have not heard her call And Im getting to thinking if shes coming at all There are women, women and some hold you tight While some leave you counting the stars in the night
I got stuck in a sticky jam Mightve stayed there too But LA couldnt pin me done So now Im sliding through to you Getting harder to hide But I cant seem to worry inside So lets get on the slide Lets get on the slide And slide on through She was cold and down on me Sometimes I made her mad Now shes sold every share in me And all the times we had, too bad Getting harder to hide But I cant seem to worry inside So lets get on the slide Lets get on the slide And slide on through Now Ive stopped trying to see myself The way the rest would like to see me Once a gypsy, always the same No other way to be for me, for free Getting harder to hide But I cant seem to worry inside So lets get on the slide Lets get on the slide And slide on through So lets get on the slide Lets get on the slide And slide on through
Turn to me, turn to me When youre lonely; Brush them aside, gather your pride And baby, turn to me Turn to me, turn to me When youre lonely; Brush them aside, gather your pride And baby, turn to me Dont listen to the people Who spread lies about your name; I know it hurts, but baby Ive had it too; Ive learned to live with their abuse Ive learned to live with those who choose To disregard my emptiness and lose me Your laughter has died in the heat of the night And the people, they pretend that your company is bright; But brighter youll wait by the phone that has died Dont build up your hopes Theres no one thats left for you to confide in
Mufasa byl vždycky příliš zdrženlivý co se lovení týče Až já budu králem, budou si mocní moci vzít co se jim zlíbí Protože břich hyeny není nikdy plný Mufasu v souboji porazit nelze Mufasa je ze staré školy A váhavě vládne, to vím A selhání, ta všem nám škodí Chcem víc, vizi především I časy lví s dobou se mění To šance je pro hyeny Má vize je jasná a dravá A v ní jste už provždy i vy Připrav se na převrat epochální A ber i tu nejhorší lest Mé pečlivé plány, a mé vyčkávání So let přemáhání, mi splní mé přání Být král všude známý a mít dvorní dámy Být vážen a k bohům se vznést Brousím zuby a jsem na ten den Připraven Připraven, připraven Připraven Připraven Brousím zuby a jsem na ten den Připraven !
Chicago, nothing here for me You got to set me free, Chicago Chicago, aint a home for a girl alone Chicago There aint one soul in this town that I ever found Who cares if I live or if I die One of these days Im gonna pack up my bags Put a smile on my face and say goodbye Say goodbye to Chicago Chicago, got no hold on me You gotta set me free, Chicago Chicago, streets are cold Chill me to my very soul Im gonna go somewhere where people arent so scared To show that they care And theyre likely to bе kind Im gonna erase evеry memory of this place Get it out of my mind Leave it behind Chicago Lord, how I yearn to be able to turn And not to find somebody waitin to shoot me down Its just more than I can take Makin a break from this town, I wont hang around Chicago, aint a home for a girl alone Chicago, aint a home for a girl alone Chicago, Chicago
Io, straniera, ho dormito qui Anticamente ho sognato di più Il tuo viso di sera mai Perde luce, luce, tu vedrai Io, straniera, pace troverò La scogliera, sì, mi accoglierà Pregherò con la mia voce che s’infrangerà Un gabbiano dorme in volo, la mia anima sarà Io, straniera, piano soffrirò Amico tu, pescatore, gli orizzonti miei Si oscurano, non vedo più Dammi fede, la mia rete è vuota È l’ora, dimmi tu cosa pescherò Io, straniera, pace troverò Dopo il sole non mi fermerò Spiegherò che cosa sei e ti perdonerò Veglierò lassù sospesa una mano ti darò Io, straniera, pace troverò Io, io, io, straniera, non mi fermerò Io, straniera, io... ti aspetto qui!
When are you gonna come down? When are you going to land? I should have stayed on the farm I should have listened to my old man You know you cant hold me forever I didnt sign up with you Im not a present for your friends to open This boys too young to be singing the blues Ah, ah ha ah ah Ah ah ha ha So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You cant plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling, old owl in the woods Hunting the horny-back toad Oh, Ive finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road Ah, ah ha ah ah Ah ah ha What do you think youll do, then? I bet theyll shoot down the plane Itll take you a couple of vodka and tonics To set you on your feet again Maybe youll get a replacement Theres plenty like me to be found Mongrels who aint got a penny Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground Ah, ah ha ah ah Ah ah ha So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You cant plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling, old owl in the woods Hunting the horny-back toad Oh, Ive finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road Ah, ah ha ah ah Ah ah ha
I cant light no more of your darkness All my pictures seem to fade to black and white Im growin tired, and time stands still before me Frozen here on the ladder of my life Too late to save myself from falling I took a chance and changed your way of life But you misread my meanin when I met you Closed the door and left me blinded by the light Dont let the sun go down on me Although I search myself, its always someone else I see Id just allow a fragment of your life to wander free But losin everything is like the sun goin down on me I cant find, oh, the right romantic line But see me once and see the way I feel Dont discard me just because you think I mean you harm But these cuts I have, oh, they need love to help them heal Dont let the sun go down on me Although I search myself, its always someone else I see Id just allow a fragment of your life to wander free But losin everything is like the sun goin down on me Dont let the sun go down on me Although I search myself, its always someone else I see Id just allow a fragment of your life to wander free, yeah But losin everything is like the sun goin down on me
„Sorry“ ist für uns das schwerste Wort Was muss ich tun für deine Liebe? Was muss ich tun, dass sie mir gehört? Was tue ich, wenn ich erwache Und ich weiß, du bist nicht mehr bei mir? Was kann ich tun für dein Vertrauen? Was kann ich tun? Wirf uns nicht fort Was sage ich, wenn es vorbei ist, yeah „Sorry“ ist für mich kein leichtes Wort Komm, sag, komm, sag Es ist traurig ohne Ende Gehen die Gefühle über Bord, oh Komm, sag , komm, sag Was hindert uns zu reden? Kommts dir auch so vor? „Sorry“ ist für uns das schwerste Wort Was muss ich tun für dein Vertrauen? Was kann ich tun? Wirf und nicht fort, mhm Was sage ich, wenn es vorbei ist, oh-oh „Sorry“ ist für mich kein leichtes Wort Komm, sag , komm, sag Es ist traurig ohne Ende Gehen die Gefühle über Bord, oh Komm, sag , komm, sag Was hindert uns zu reden? Kommts dir auch so vor? „Sorry“ ist für uns das schwerste Wort, oh, oh-oh Na-na-na, na-na-na-na Na-na-na, na-na-na-na Sorry, yeah Na-na-na, na-na-na-na Na-na-na, na-na-na-na Sorry Was muss ich tun für deine Liebe? Was kann ich tun? Wirf und nicht fort Was sage ich, wenn es vorbei ist, yeah Was kann ich für uns tun? Was soll ich für uns tun? Oh „Sorry“ ist für uns das schwerste Wort „Sorry“ ist für uns das schwerste Wort
I remember when rock was young Me and Suzy had so much fun Holding hands and skipping stones Had an old gold chevy and a place of my own But the biggest kick I ever got Was doing a thing called the crocodile rock While the other kids were rocking round the clock We were hopping and bopping to the crocodile rock Well... Hold me closer tiny dancer Count the headlights on the highway Lay me down in sheets of linen Ya had a busy day today And I think its gonna be a long long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh, no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone Shine the light, shine the light Shine the light wont you shine the light Philadelphia freedom I love love love you Yes I do But you misread my meaning when I met you Closed the door and left me blinded by the light Dont let the sun go down on me Although I search myself its always someone else I see Id just allow a fragment of your life to wander free Cause losing everything is like the sun going down on me But Im still standing better than I ever did Looking like a true survivor feeling like a little kid Im still standing yeah, yeah, yeah And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to when the rain set in And I wouldve liked to have know you but I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before your legend never did Can you feel the love tonight It is where we are They said, get back honky cat better go back to the woods But I quit those days and my redneck ways Shes got electric boots a mohair suit You know I read it in a magazine oh Bennie and the jets And I guess thats why they call it the blues Time on my hand could be time spent with you So goodbye yellow brick road where the dogs of society howl You cant plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plow Dont go breaking my heart I couldnt if I tired Oh honey when I get restless Baby youre not that kind No, no, no, no, no Altar bound hypnotized sweet freedom whispered in my ear Youre a butterfly and butterflies are free to fly Fly away, high away, bye bye In the circle the circle of life Dont give us none of your aggravation Weve had it with your discipline Oh, Saturday nights the night I like Saturday nights alright, alright, alright Oo Oh darling it looks like Daniel Must be the clouds in my eyes Oh, I believe in love its all we got Love has no boundaries costs nothing to touch But love I believe in love And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that its done I hope you dont mind, I hope you dont mind that I put down in words How wonderful life is now youre in the world
Its a little bit funny, this feeling inside Im not one of those who can easily hide I dont have much money, but, boy, if I did Id buy a big house where we both could live If I was a sculptor, heh, but then again, no Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show I know its not much, but its the best I can do My gift is my song, and this ones for you And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple, but now that its done I hope you dont mind, I hope you dont mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss Well, a few of the verses, well, theyve got me quite cross But the suns been quite kind while I wrote this song Its for people like you that keep it turned on So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do You see, Ive forgotten if theyre green or theyre blue Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean Yours are the sweetest eyes Ive ever seen And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple, but now that its done I hope you dont mind, I hope you dont mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world I hope you dont mind, I hope you dont mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world
Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary I’m just Mary, just Mary, just Mary...Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary...Mary The problem is for many years I’ve lived my life publicly So its hard for me to find a man I trust I really trust And every time I find someone I like, gotta worry about If its really me that they see And I thought you were the one, ohhhh... Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol’ Mary...Mary I don’t have a lot of friends And sometimes I have to wonder Is it cash they see when they look at me? Cause they’re lookin for a ride thats free So I made the choice to be Good to those who are good to me Dont judge me or think I’m bitter For the evil does allow me to see Im just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that they could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that they could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary The car I drive, the clothes I wear The diamonds, the furs, and the house Dont make the woman See, aint nothin changed but the rain, and it goes along with it So, I need someone to stand by me and supply my needs And Im just plain ol Mary Why cant you love the person inside, and stop lookin outside Deep inside I wish that they could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that they could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that they could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary I need, I need, I need someone Why cant you love the person inside, and stop lookin outside The car I drive, the clothes I wear The diamonds, the furs, and the house Dont make the woman All day, all night, Im Mary, Mary, Mary, oh So I need someone to stand by me and supply my needs And Im just plain ol Mary MJB, yeah The car I drive, the clothes I wear The diamonds, the furs, and the house Dont make the woman If I could give you something else But I cant give you nothing but me all day and all night Im just Mary, Mary, Mary It cant be the clothes or the car I drive Nothin matters more than being me Nothin means more to me than being me Im just Mary, Mary, ooh oh oh Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Let these people know that I I cant help cause my voice is raspy I cant help it cause Im just me
Music by elton john Never released
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba Sithi uhm ingonyama Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Desde o dia em que ao mundo chegamos E abrimos os olhos ao sol Há mais para ver, mais que imaginar Mais que o tempo pode permitir Há tantas coisas à espera E locais que queremos desvendar É o sol a brilhar, é o azul deste céu Que mantém este rio a fluir É o ciclo sem fim Que nos guiará E com emoção Pela fé e amor Até encontrar O nosso caminho Neste ciclo, neste ciclo sem fim Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala Ingonyama nengw enamabala É o ciclo sem fim Que nos guiará E com emoção Pela fé e amor Até encontrar O nosso caminho Neste ciclo, neste ciclo sem fim
Como voy a lograr que aun me quieras Como lograr que quieras escuchar Cuando este fuego me desvela Pero despierto sola una vez más Como lograr verte de nuevo Como he de recobrar tu corazón Como aceptar que todo ha muerto Si ya no hay forma de pedir perdón Que mal, que mal Este absurda y triste historia Que se pone cada vez peor Que mal, que mal Porque ni puedo hablarte Temo que es asi Ya no hay forma de pedir perdón Que mal, que mal Este absurda y triste historia Que se pone cada vez peor Que mal, que mal Porque ni puedo hablarte Temo que es asi Ya no hay forma de pedir perdón Como voy a lograr que aun me quieras Como lograr que quieras escuchar Cuando este fuego me desvela Que es lo que voy a hacer Que es lo que voy a hacer Si ya no hay forma de pedir perdón Perdón
Vê o que acontece E o que vem depois Estes pombinhos vão se apaixonar Ficamos só nós dois Há troca de carícias Há mágica no ar Enquanto houver romance entre os dois Desastres vão chegar Esta noite o amor chegou Chegou para ficar E tudo está em harmonia e paz Romance está no ar São tantas coisas a dizer Mas como hei-de explicar O que me aconteceu? Não vou contar Se não vais-me deixar O que é que ele esconde? E não quer revelar Pois dentro dele um rei existe Mas que não quer mostrar Esta noite o amor chegou Chegou para ficar E tudo está em harmonia e paz Romance está no ar Esta noite o amor chegou E bem neste lugar Para os dois cansados de esperar Para se encontrar Final feliz escrito está Que má situação Sua liberdade está quase no fim Domado está o leão
Now the world has turned away My life gets colder every day You dont know how it is I lost all my will to live Youve taken the love I have to give You dont know how it is Thank you Mama, you ease to please again You know Mama, you take the pain away Oh its sad but not so bad Make me lose the blues I had Thank you Mama, you ease to please again Well Sunday comes along with the wind Every Sunday was spent with him You dont know how it is We would watch the flames burn higher Tеll me Mama started to cry You dont know how it is Thank you Mama, you easе to please again You know Mama, you take the pain away Oh its sad but not so bad Make me lose the blues I had Thank you Mama, you ease to please again Thank you Mama, you ease to please again You know Mama, you take the pain away Oh its sad but not so bad Make me lose the blues I had Thank you Mama, you ease to please again Well Sunday comes along with the wind Every Sunday was spent with him You dont know how it is We would watch the flames burn higher Tell me Mama started to cry You dont know how it is Thank you Mama, you ease to please again You know Mama, you take the pain away Oh its sad but not so bad Make me lose the blues I had Thank you Mama, you ease to please again
Já vím, že je tvůj rozum tenčí A pár vět pochopit práci máš Však pozornost přej mojí řeči V mých slovech je teď osud náš Je jasné ze tvých očí spících Že stojíš si na vedení Je řeč o králích následnících I ty buď na vše připravený! I ty buď připraven, šance láká Čekej na spoustu senzačních zpráv Je blíž nová éra Jsem za režiséra Kdy přijde náš výstup ? Jen naslouchej mistru ! Buď žákem v mé třídě, tvá odměna přijde Až se konečně dočkám svých práv Skončí bezpráví a ty buď jen Připraven ! Vždy připraven, Jsme připraveni ,ale na co ? Na to že zemřе král Proč ? Marodí ? Nic, musíme ho zabít, a simbu s ním ! Dobrej nápad. K čemu jе král ? Nebudem mít krále, nebudem mít krále, tralalala Idioti ! Tady bude král ! Ty jsi říkal, že... Já budu král ! Buď se mnou, A nikdy nehrozí ti hlad povídám Jó, hurá, Ať žije král ! Hyeny : Ať žije král ! Ať žije král ! Je krásné být zván za spojence Toho krále co dlouho by vlád Něco za něco, vždyť to jen chce V mé hře vaše úlohy hrát Vždyť zítřky jsou dlážděny dárky Já dostanu jich trochu víc Za zásluhy udělám čárky A beze mne neslízneš nic ! Připrav se na převrat epochální Připrav se na tu nejhorší lest Mé pečlivé plány A mé vyčkávání Sto let přemáhání Mi splní mé přání Být králem všude známý A mít dvorní dámy Být vážen, až k bohům se vznést Brousím zuby a jsem na ten den Připraven ! Brousím chrup a už jsem na ten den Připraven !
The problem is for many years Ive lived my life publicly So its hard for me to find a man I trust I really trust And every time I find someone I like, gotta worry about If its really me that they see And I thought you were the one, oh Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary I dont have a lot of friends And sometimes I have to wonder Is it cash they see when they look at me? Cause theyre lookin for a ride thats free So I made the choice to bе Good to those who are good to me Dont judgе me or think Im bitter For the evil does allow me to see Im just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary The car I drive, the clothes I wear The diamonds, the furs, and the house Dont make the woman So I need someone to stand by me and supply my needs And Im just plain ol Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
Is it cash they see when they look at me? Cause theyre lookin for a ride thats free Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary The problem is for many years Ive lived my life publicly So its hard for me to find a man I trust I really trust And every time I find someone I like, gotta worry about If its really me that they see And I thought you were the one, oh Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary I dont have a lot of friends And sometimes I have to wonder Is it cash they see when they look at me? Cause theyre lookin for a ride thats free So I made the choice to be Good to those who are good to me Dont judge me or think Im bitter For the evil does allow me to see Im just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Im just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary The car I drive, the clothes I wear The diamonds, the furs, and the house Dont make the woman So I need someone to stand by me and supply my needs And Im just plain ol Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary
She packed my bags last night, pre-flight Zero hour: 9:00 AM And Im gonna be high as a kite by then I miss the Earth so much, I miss my wife Its lonely out in space On such a timeless, a timeless flight And I think its gonna be a long, long time Till touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home No, no, oh no Cause Im a rocket man Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time Till touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, oh no Cause Im a rocket man Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone Cause Mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids In fact, its cold as hell And theres no one there to raise them, well, if you did And all this science that I dont quite understand Its just my job five days a week A rocket man, Im a rocket man And I think its gonna be a long, long time Till touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, oh no Cause Im a rocket man Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time Till touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, oh no Cause Im a rocket man Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time I think its gonna be a long, long time I think its gonna be a long, long time I think its gonna be a long, long time
Though the moon may catch the sun, if she bides her time Ill not go to anyone, if you wont be mine I said, if you wont be mine, my love If you wont be mine Ill not go to anyone, if you wont be mine Though the sun may touch the land, if the weathers fine Ill not be holding any hand, if you wont be mine I said, if you wont be mine, my love If you wont be mine Ill not be holding any hand, if you wont be mine Though the stars may touch the sky, looking for to shine Ill keep my love hid till I die, if you wont be mine I said, if you wont be minе, my love If you wont be mine Ill keep my lovе hid till I die, if you wont be mine
Theres a calm surrender to the rush of day When the heat of a rolling wind can be turned away An enchanted moment, and it sees me through And its enough for this restless warrior just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are Its enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That weve got this far, ooh (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) Theres a time for everyone if they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn Theres a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are Its enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best Can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are Its enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That weve got this far Can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are Its enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things
Муфаса винаги е ограничавал твърде много лова Когато аз съм цар, силните ще ловуват каквото поискат Защото хиените никога не се засищат Муфаса е твърде могъщ, за да го предизвикваме Муфаса е песен изпята С изтекъл, негоден режим Сега е различна играта И е време напред да вървим Но лъвскит стил се променя Хиени подхода е друг С мен всичко най-важно се сменя И ето започва от тук Чакай знак за съдбовния удар Готви се за зловещия план С решителност дръзка, настъпва развръзка Години смирени ще бъдат сменени Ще стана законен наследник на трона И цар превъзходен велик Ще сразя своя най-страшен враг Чакай знак Чакай знак, чакай знак Чакай знак Чакай знак Ще сразим своя най-страшен враг Чакай знак
Its getting late, have you seen my mates? Ma, tell me when the boys get here Its seven oclock, and I wanna rock Wanna get a belly full of beer My old mans drunker than a barrel full of monkeys And my old lady, she dont care My sister looks cute completely nude With a handful of grease in her hair Dont give us none of your aggravation Had it with your discipline Saturday nights alright for fighting Get a little action in Get about as oiled as a diesel train Gonna set this dance alight Saturday nights the night I like Saturday nights alright, alright, alright Oo-oo-oo-ooh Packed pretty tight in here tonight Looking for a tramp who can see me right I could use a little muscle to get what I need I can take a little drink and shout out, Shes with me! A couple of the sounds that I really like Are the sounds of a switchblade and a motorbike Im a juvenile product of the working class Whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass Ooh Dont give us none of your aggravation Had it with your discipline Saturday nights alright for fighting Get a little action in Get about as oiled as a diesel train Gonna set this dance alight Saturday nights the night I like Saturday nights alright, alright, alright Oo-oo-oo-ooh Dont give us none of your aggravation Had it with your discipline Saturday nights alright for fighting Get a little action in Get about as oiled as a diesel train Gonna set this dance alight Saturday nights the night I like Saturday nights alright, alright, alright Oo-oo-oo-ooh Saturday, Saturday, Saturday Saturday, Saturday, Saturday Saturday, Saturday, Saturday nights alright Saturday, Saturday, Saturday Saturday, Saturday, Saturday Saturday, Saturday, Saturday nights alright Whoo!
Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I, deep inside I Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Mary, Mary, Mary The problem is for many years Ive lived my life publicly So its hard for me to find a man I trust I really trust And every time I find someone I like, gotta worry about If its really me that they see And I thought you were the one, oh Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary I dont have a lot of friends And sometimes I have to wonder Is it cash they see when they look at me? Cause theyre lookin for a ride thats free So I made the choice to be Good to those who are good to me Dont judge me or think Im bitter For the evil does allow me to see Im just Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that Wish that they could see Im Mary, yeah Oh, oh, ooh Deep inside I wish that Every day of my life I wish Oh, I wish that they could see That Im just plain ol Mary, yeah yeah And I wish, I wish, I wish, hey hey, oh oh oh It dont See, aint nothin changed but the rain, and it goes along with it I need, I need someone Why cant you love the person inside, and stop lookin outside I said Im just Mary, yeah yeah All day, all night, Im Mary, Mary, Mary, oh oh oh Said I wish, and I wish, and I wish, and I wish I wish that they could see that Im Mary MJB, yeah yeah yeah If I could give somethin else But I cant give you nothin but me all day and all night Im just Mary, Mary, Mary It cant the clothes or the car I drive cause I... Deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I wish that they could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Deep inside I, deep inside I, deep inside I Deep inside I, deep inside I wish that you could see That Im just plain ol Mary...Mary Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary
I remember yet before we met With every night and day I had to live the life Of a lonely one I remember meeting you Discovering love could be so true When shared by two Instead of only one When you said you love me And we could not be parted I built my world around you Im so thankful that I found you Loving you, has made my life sweeter than ever Loving you, has made my life sweeter than еver Each night I pray wed never part For the love within my heart Grows stronger - from day to day As best I can, and how I try To reassure and satisfy Cause Id be lost - if you went away Cause I really need you And I need for you to need me too Ive built my world around you Im so thankful that I found you Loving you, has made my life sweeter than ever Loving you, has made my life sweeter than ever Cause I really love you And Im thankful that you love me too I have built my world around you And Im truly glad Truly glad, that - loving you Loving you, has made my life sweeter than ever Loving you, has made my life sweeter than ever
Ecco che il tempo cambia già Comincia qui un nuovo ciclo ormai E sento che la mia stagione è qui Fa freddo, ma cè il fuoco accanto a te Di fuori no, un suono non cè più Le stagioni stan dormendo intorno a noi Scorre acqua nuova dentro agli occhi tuoi Com’è strano essere amanti io e te Eravamo solo amici io e te E così la vita cambia in me Io amo te, la mia parola è sì Impazzirà nel buio la città Che chiaro cè, che pace insieme a te Ma come mai il tempo fugge già Le stagioni ora sono realtà È tornato il vento e lamore va Comè strano essere amici io e te Eravamo ieri amanti io e te
When are you gonna come down? When are you going to land? I should have stayed on the farm I should have listened to my old man You know you cant hold me forever I didn’t sign up with you Im not a present for your friends to open This boys too young to be singing the blues So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You can’t plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling old owl in the woods Hunting the horny-back toad Oh, Ive finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road What do you think youll do, then? I bet theyll shoot down the plane Itll take you a couple of vodka and tonics To set you on your feet again Maybe youll get a replacement Theres plenty like me to be found Mongrels who ain’t got a penny Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You can’t plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling old owl in the woods Hunting the horny-back toad Oh, I’ve finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road
Peering out of tiny eyes The grubby hands that grip the rail Wipe the window clean of frost As the morning air laid on the latch Whistle awaken someone there Next door to the nursery just down the hall A strange new sound you never heard before A strange new sound that makes boys explore Tread neath so small those little feet Amid the morning a small heart beats So much excitement yesterday It must be rewarded, must be displayed Large hands lift him through the air Excited eyes contain him there The eyes of those he loves and knows But whats this extra bed just here His puzzled head tipped to one side Amazement swims in those bright green eyes Glancing down upon this thing that makes Strange sounds, strange sounds that sing In those silent happy seconds that Surround the sound of this event A parents smile is made in moments They have made for you a friend And all you ever learned from them Until you grew much older Did not compare with when they said This is your brand new brother This is your brand new brother This is your brand new brother
Blue jean baby, L.A. lady Seamstress for the band Pretty-eyed, pirate smile Youll marry a music man Ballerina, you mustve seen her Dancing in the sand And now shes in me, always with me Tiny dancer in my hand Jesus freaks out in the street Handing tickets out for God Turning back, she just laughs The boulevard is not that bad Piano man, he makes his stand In the auditorium Looking on, she sings the songs The words she knows, the tune she hums But, oh, how it feels so real Lying here with no one near Only you, and you can hear me When I say softly, slowly Hold me closer, tiny dancer Count the headlights on the highway Lay me down in sheets of linen You had a busy day today Hold me closer, tiny dancer Count the headlights on the highway Lay me down in sheets of linen You had a busy day today Blue jean baby, L.A. lady Seamstress for the band Pretty-eyed, pirate smile Youll marry a music man Ballerina, you mustve seen her Dancing in the sand And now shes in me, always with me Tiny dancer in my hand Oh, how it feels so real Lying here with no one near Only you, and you can hear me When I say softly, slowly Hold me closer, tiny dancer Count the headlights on the highway Lay me down in sheets of linen You had a busy day today Hold me closer, tiny dancer Count the headlights on the highway Lay me down in sheets of linen You had a busy day today
What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to make you care What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that youre not there What do I do to make you want me What have I got to do to be heard What do I say when its all over And sorry seems to be the hardest word Its sad, so sad Its a sad, sad situation And its getting more and more absurd Its sad, so sad Why cant we talk it over Oh it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word What do I do to make you love me What have I got to do to be heard What do I do when lightning strikes me What have I got to do What have I got to do When sorry seems to be the hardest word
Its a human sign When things go wrong When the scent of her lingers And temptations strong Into the boundaries Of each married man Sweet deceit comes callin And negativity lands Cold, cold heart Hard done by you Some things look better baby Just passin through And its no sacrifice Just a simple word Its two hearts living In two separate worlds And its no sacrifice No sacrifice No sacrifice at all Mutual misunderstandings After the fact Sensitivity builds a prison In the final act We lose direction No stone unturned No tears to damn you When jealousy burns Cold, cold heart Hard donе by you Some things look better baby Just passing through And its no sacrificе Just a simple word Its two hearts living In two separate worlds But its no sacrifice No sacrifice No sacrifice at all I gave my heart I gave my heart I gave my heart I gave my heart I gave my heart I gave my heart I gave my heart I gave my heart
There was a time I was everything and nothing all in one When you found me I was feeling like a cloud across the sun I need to tell you How you light up every second of the day But in the moonlight You just shine like a beacon on the bay And I cant explain But its something about the way you look tonight Takes my breath away Its that feeling I get about you, deep inside And I cant describe But its something about the way you look tonight Takes my breath away The way you look tonight With your smile You pull the deepest secrets from my heart In all honesty Im speechless and I dont know where to start
Si frantumò Ci ... La paura fatta di no Un vuoto e poi Tra noi e noi Barriera non ci fu Vero amore Sempre sì È sempre stato sopra di noi Un contatto e poi Frequenti i miei Sospiri senza dire no Frammenti di scintille e poi Sconfinato luniverso in noi Senti, chi mi libera sei tu Dimostri quello che sei Convincendomi di quello che vuoi Senti, chi mi libera sei tu Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei mai? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei mai? Coscienza di difendermi Lho perduta solo qui Tremendo sei, colpisci e sai Che un giglio diventerai E sai che dolcemente vorrò Farneticare un po E resti qui, ore in più Contemplando laria che ho Frammenti di scintille e poi Sconfinato luniverso in noi Senti, chi mi libera sei tu Dimostri quello che sei Convincendomi di quello che vuoi Senti, chi mi libera sei tu Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei mai? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei mai? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei? Ma tu chi sei mai?
Well, youre stirring up hatred and you make me ashamed I really do think that your soul must me maimed Youre trying to tell me its them or its us But I tell you theres no way, if we dont build on trust The world has gone rotten, so do what you must But dont forget love, Mr. Rubin, oh no, dont forget love Well, to your kind I know Im just one of a crowd But I hope that youll listen, I dont like talkin loud Theres a strange lack of vision thats driving you on Theres times to be here, you say, and times to be gone And the timеs that we live in must surely bе wrong But dont forget love, Mr. Rubin, oh no, dont forget love Theres a change due to come, and you know it And you think its your duty to fight But its people like you whos gonna blow it While youre standin there blocking the light Now, theres pawns of the devil, who dont know his name Its him that theyre fighting, youll hear them all claim But the devils in you, friend, when you say we must kill And fight for our freedom, and take what we will Its been a good year for losers and you had the bill In a world short on love, Mr. Rubin So dont forget love, Mr. Rubin Oh no, no, dont forget love Oh no, dont forget love Oh no, no, dont forget love Mr. Rubin Mr. Rubin Mr. Rubin dont forget dont forget dont forget Mr. Rubin dont forget Mr. Rubin Mr. Rubin youre a fool keep forgetting Mr. Rubin youre cruel you keep forgetting Mr. Rubin you keep forgetting theres no way without love Mr. Rubin Mr. Rubin dont forget dont forget Mr. Rubin Mr. Rubin...
If I could have my time again Id choose to love you just the same I think of you and know its true Youre not to blame, mhm... Hurtin me, youve made me find I could see but still be blind The change was meant, your love was lent And truth was there for me to find, mhm... Rainbow games, rainbow games I never thought that I would see The sun come shining out in me But spring is here and now I know Flowers need the rain to grow The futures bright, Im in the light Im at the way, and every day Fresh winds blow, mhm... Rainbow games, rainbow games Rainbow games, rainbow games Rainbow games, rainbow games Rainbow games, rainbow games...
I pulled out my stage coach times And I read the latest news I tapped my feet in dumb surprise And of course I saw they knew The Pinkertons pulled out my bags And asked me for my name I stuttered out my answer And hung my head in shame Now theyve found me At last theyve found me Its hard to run From a starving family Now theyve found me Well I wont run Im tired of hearing There goes a well-known gun Now Ive seen this chain gang Lord I say let me see my priest I couldnt have faced your desert sand Old burning brown backed beast The poor house they hit me for my kin And claimed my crumbling walls Now I know how Reno felt When he ran from the law Now theyve found me At last theyve found me Its hard to run From a starving family Now theyve found me Well I wont run Im tired of hearing There goes a well-known gun Now theyve found me Lord I say at last theyve found me Its hard to run From a starving family Lord I say now theyve found me Well I wont run Im tired of hearing There goes a well-known gun Lord I say now theyve found me At last theyve found me Its hard to run From a starving family Now theyve found me I wont run Im tired of hearing There goes a well-known gun
I can see whats happening And they dont have a clue Theyll fall in love and heres the bottom line Our trios down to two The sweet caress of twilight Theres magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disasters in the air Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things So many things to tell hеr But how to make her see The truth about my past? Impossiblе Shed turn away from me Hes holding back, hes hiding But what, I cant decide Why wont he be the king I know he is The king I see inside? Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things Can you feel the love tonight? You neednt look too far Stealing through the nights uncertainties Love is where they are And if he falls in love tonight It can be assumed His carefree days with us are history In short, our pal is doomed
Grab a line, love someone, then hurry past your time Never stop to touch the things you want most Take a look and run Wear a smile, hide behind that masquerade awhile Dont you know I looked, and then I saw you Crying in the sun And though Ive tried to find out how you feel You just looked through your shadow And tell me it was real Now theres nothing much I can do Now theres nothing much coming through Play the youth, till you find theres no time like the truth Holding all the love you could be giving Till you stand undone And though Ive tried to find out how you feel You just looked through your shadow And tell me it was real Now theres nothing much I can do Cause now theres nothing much coming through Play the youth, till you find theres no time like the truth Holding all the love you could be giving Till you stand undone Cause youre not very sure No, youre not very sure...
Já vím, že je tvůj rozum tenčí A pár vět pochopit práci máš Však pozornost přej mojí řeči V mých slovech je teď osud náš Je jasné ze tvých očí spících Že stojíš si na vedení Je řeč o králích následnících I ty buď na vše připravený! I ty buď připraven, šance láká Čekej na spoustu senzačních zpráv Je blíž nová éra Jsem za režiséra Kdy přijde náš výstup ? Jen naslouchej mistru ! Buď žákem v mé třídě, tvá odměna přijde Až se konečně dočkám svých práv Skončí bezpráví a ty buď jen Připraven ! Vždy připraven, Jsme připraveni ,ale na co ? Na to že zemře král Proč ? Marodí ? Nic, musíme ho zabít, a simbu s ním ! Dobrej nápad. K čemu je král ? Nebudem mít krále, nebudem mít krále, tralalala Idioti ! Tady bude král ! Ty jsi říkal, že... Já budu král ! Buď se mnou, A nikdy nehrozí ti hlad povídám Jó, hurá, Ať žije král ! Hyeny : Ať žije král ! Ať žije král ! Je krásné být zván za spojence Toho krále co dlouho by vlád Něco za něco, vždyť to jen chce V mé hře vaše úlohy hrát Vždyť zítřky jsou dlážděny dárky Já dostanu jich trochu víc Za zásluhy udělám čárky A beze mne neslízneš nic ! Připrav se na převrat epochální Připrav se na tu nejhorší lest Mé pečlivé plány A mé vyčkávání Sto let přemáhání Mi splní mé přání Být králem všude známý A mít dvorní dámy Být vážen, až k bohům se vznést Brousím zuby a jsem na ten den Připraven ! Brousím chrup a už jsem na ten den Připraven !
Utilize the bolt keys to move Fireboy and the W,A,D keys to move Water girl. They can each touch their own component, yet cant contact the inverse. Neither can contact the green goo. Utilize their remarkable abilities to get past the level and to the ways out This game has three every single new sanctuary: Fire, Water and Wind. Select them from the fundamental menu to complete the new Fireboy and Water girl experience Components Temple is the most up to date game in the Fireboy and Water girl 5 establishment. In contrast to the past games in the arrangement, this game has a blend of 7 unique sanctuaries, each with 5 or 6 new levels. The sanctuaries in the game incorporate the 4 past sanctuaries in addition to 3 new sanctuaries: fire, water and wind. To approach the new sanctuaries, you should initially finish a couple of levels in the backwoods sanctuary The game methodology proceeds with similar ideas as in the past games in the establishment. Fireboy and Watergirl should cooperate to finish each level. Fireboy should stay away from water pools and Watergirl should keep away from magma pools. Each level is a kind of puzzle where the members need to sort out the correct moves they should do to finish it. As you complete each level, gather however many jewels as you can to improve score. On the off chance that you discover a level to be too hard you can find support in the walkthrough video, later in this page The Fire Temple levels are remarkable in light of the fact that they contain just magma pools that Fireboy can stroll around in and no water pools. Despite the fact that it appears to be a simple sanctuary for Fireboy it precisely the inverse. Fireboy should do all the difficult work to clear a path for Watergirl to have the option to arrive at its entryway. It is a joint exertion all things considered The Water Temple is a similar idea as the Fire Temple just with water. All levels of the Water Temple have just water pools where Watergirl can stroll around openly. This doesnt mean a simple sanctuary for Watergirl. Watergirl should run in any event twice as much as Fireboy to track down a protected entry for her red pal Visit here : https://madboyhub.com/
Its a long long journey When youre on your own Its a long long way to travel When youre all alone So be careful and youll find That youre sure to make good time Cause your home Is the best place you can go Im going home, going home Im going home, Im going home Im feeling tired, sad and all alone Im going home, going home Dont you try and stop me I made up my mind I have been to many places Where they treated me unkind So be careful and youll find That yourе sure to make good time Causе your home Is the best place that I know Im going home, going home Im going home, Im going home Im feeling tired, sad and all alone Im going home, going home Its a long late evening And not far to go You have traveled many miles But its nice to know Youre careful, youll find That you always make good time Good time To the best place you can go Im going home, going home Im going home, Im going home Im feeling tired, sad and all alone Im going home, going home Im going home, going home Im going home, Im going home Im feeling tired, sad and all alone Im going home, going home
The old gates are always locked By the daughter of the keys Sad eyes are fixed on the world From the balcony While the six oclock procession Take their prayer books to the hall Its sad to see them shed a tear Inside the convent walls Red mountains around them Keep out those whod come But only birds and wild deer Share the lives of nuns For ladies who in kindness Burn the knowledge they have found Their knowledge lies inside a hole Buried in the ground For the Sisters of the Cross Seek the shadows that they have lost In the walls where their lives Are protected by God But the feeling of love Is somewhere in your bones Your body is wasted When it should have been owned The Mother of the mission bells Has lived here all her life She never felt the hands of a man Touch her in the night And the canopies that cover her So cold and so afraid Thinking holy mothers die Like spinsters in the grave To be single in the chapel Praying knelt down on your knees Where the corridors are echoing Their proud solemnity And the candlelight against the glass Plays shadow chasing tricks As the young girls fall, their eyes in tears Beside the crucifix For the Sisters of the Cross Seek the shadows that they have lost In the walls where their lives Are protected by God But the feeling of love Is somewhere in your bones Your body is wasted When it should have been owned