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While no official data exists, Ardit Gjebrea is allegedly the highest selling singer in Albania. | SI bien no existen datos oficiales, Ardit Gjebrea es supuestamente el cantante con más ventas en Albania. |
Abrams Municipal Airport | Фурудгоҳи шаҳре обрмос |
Pharmacokinetic tolerance (dispositional tolerance) occurs because of a decreased quantity of the substance reaching the site it affects. | La tolerancia farmacocinética (tolerancia disposicional) se debe a que una menor cantidad de la sustancia en cuestión alcanza el sitio donde afecta. |
@jonjensen: U.S. Embassy Cairo: State Dept. to begin evacuation flights for Americans living in Egypt starting 1/31 #Mubarak | @jonjensen: Ambasciata USA al Cairo: Il Dipartimento di Stato darà il via ai voli di rimpatrio per tutti gli statunitensi presenti in Egitto a partire dal 31 gennaio #Mubarak |
Stop Howling Dogs | Dogs howl for many reasons. Many dogs howl because of separation anxiety, others due to an environmental trigger, such as a siren or thunder. Others simply howl out of habit or to get attention. |
"Copa Libertadores: Flamengo beats Coronel Bolognesi 2-0 to win Group 4". | Consultado em 14 de agosto de 2008 «Copa Libertadores: Flamengo beats Coronel Bolognesi 2-0 to win Group 4». |
are fitness bootcamps worth it? | “If you stay within yourself and have a good instructor who can modify the training to your ability, I think anyone can do them,” Porcari says. ... But if you're in shape and confident that a class is within your training abilities, boot camp workouts are a fun, effective way to train your entire body. |
I just CAN'T cut this product out in a professional manner | How do I trace an image and place it over a different background? |
is there a magical way to lose wieght ?? :P? | No magic, just diet and lots of sweat. Check out the link you will find all the info you need if you are willing to purchase their courses. |
First, a state that is dissatisfied with the amount of security it has forms alliances in order to bolster its security. | En primer lugar, un Estado que no está satisfecho con la cantidad de seguridad que cuenta con las alianzas ya formadas con el fin de reforzar su seguridad. |
Percy then went to another of Northumberland's properties, Essex House in London, and spoke with his nephew, Josceline. | Percy begav sig senare till en annan av Northumberlands fastigheter, nämligen Essex House i London, där han talade med sin nevö Josceline. |
are a and b independent events explain? | Definition: Two events, A and B, are independent if the fact that A occurs does not affect the probability of B occurring. Some other examples of independent events are: Landing on heads after tossing a coin AND rolling a 5 on a single 6-sided die. |
After enacting austerity measures and tax increases, the economy recovered by 1976. | Après l’adoption de mesures d’austérité et d’augmentations des impôts, l’économie se redressa en 1976. |
Massachusetts car donation program Recycle for Gold is kicking off their annual spring clean up awareness campaign to raise money for Special Olympics athletes in Massachusetts. | Massachusetts car donation program kicks off spring clean-up campaign |
what's billy currington's age? | According to Wikipedia, he was born November 19, 1973 \n\n- so he's 32 |
His novel La Traversée du dimanche (1987) was awarded the Prix Sainte-Beuve. | Für La Traversée du dimanche (1987) erhielt er den Prix Sainte-Beuve. |
what county is eastvale | The City of Eastvale is located within Jurupa CCD of Riverside County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Eastvale population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2016. |
Afambo (woreda) | Afambo |
Edwards's long-tailed giant rat | Leopoldamys edwardsi |
In his first year, Walker created the Department of Sanitation, unified New York's public hospitals, improved many parks and playgrounds, and guided the Board of Transportation to enter into contract for the construction of an expanded subway system (the Independent Subway System or IND). | En su primer año, creó el Departamento de Sanidad, unificó los hospitales públicos de Nueva York, mejoró muchos parques y áreas de juego, y encomendó al Consorcio de Transporte la ampliación del Metro de Nueva York (el Independent Subway System o IND). |
Guymon Municipal Airport | Фурудгоҳи шаҳре гий |
what is uncontrollable spending? | Controllable spending is the type of spending that you decide to do. Uncontrollable spending is the type of spending that you have no choice about. Budgets are typically d ⦠ominated by uncontrollable spending. |
about metal detectors? | since the detector is looking for conductance (free electrons) wet soil is generally worse. |
He was a virtuoso on the trumpet. | Foi virtuoso do trompete. |
Jupiter is classed as a gas giant , because it is so large , and is made up mostly of gas . The other gas giants are Saturn , Uranus and Neptune . | Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn , Uranus and Neptune . |
Because it applies to the argument's form, as opposed to the argument's content, it is classified as a formal fallacy. | Dato che si applica alla forma dell'argomento, in contrapposizione al contenuto dell'argomento, è classificato come un errore formale. |
A Facebook event ostensibly organized to protest the festival instead became a space through which to personally attack and vilify the activist as well as to promote hate-speech. | Un evento en Facebook organizado como protesta contra el festival de cine se convirtió en el espacio a través del cual atacaron e insultaron al activista, y donde también promovieron un discurso hostil. |
Sujarinee, together with her children, moved to England in 1996. | Sujarinee, bersama dengan anak-anaknya, berpindah ke Inggris pada 1996. |
He also competed successfully in an Antoinette motor yacht in the power boat racing events at the Monaco Regatta, April 1905, in association with his cousin Jules Gastambide and Léon Levavasseur, the inventor of the Antoinette engine. | Ele também atuou com sucesso com um barco motorizado da Antoinette na Monaco Regatta em abril de 1905, em parceria com seu primo Jules Gastambide e Léon Levavasseur, o inventor do motor Antoinette. |
Now, one more time, and -- finger, finger, finger, finger, finger, finger, finger, finger. Open. | OK. Agora, mais uma vez, e -- Dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo. |
Juuso Pykälistö | Jūso Pikeliste |
how many faces does a dodecahedron have | The dodecahedron has 30 edges, 20 vertices and 12 faces. Dodeca is a prefix meaning âtwelve.â. The dodecahedron is the only polyhedron I know of which is composed entirely of pentagons. |
Inside is Charlie Matheson Jr., a boy who had disappeared years ago and is now deformed. | Dentro está Charlie Matheson Jr., um garoto que desapareceu recentemente e agora está deformado. |
What is the math behind the microgravity on the ISS? | 1.Set coordinate system to earth 2.Idealize the ISS as a point mass, neglect friction and gravitational influences of other planets, approximate that the orbit of the mass is a perfect circle around earth 3.The tangential speed of the mass is kinematically preset 4.Cut the mass free and draw in all forces (D'Alembert's principle) 5.Gravitationforce points to earth, fictitious force points exactly the opposite way 6.Set up the dynamic equilibrium F_g - ma = 0 7.F_g is the gravitaional force F_g = G*(m1*m2)/r² 8.Rearrange "ma" with the centripetal force formula, ma = mw²r , while w is the angular velocity 9.This equation must be correct to achieve microgravity G*m1 = w²r³ or G*m1 = v²r G: Gravitationconstant, m1: Mass of earth, r: gap between mass and middlepoint of earth, v: tangential speed, w: angular speed Edit:typos, oh and btw, centrifugal force is not a real force, its actually the fictitious force |
Since May 30, 2014 especially the credit card business with around 800 000 customers belongs to Targobank. | Seit 30. Mai 2014 gehört es, insbesondere das Kreditkartengeschäft mit rund 800.000 Kunden, zur Targobank. |
Handball at the 2018 Central American and Caribbean Games | Piłka ręczna na Igrzyskach Ameryki Środkowej i Karaibów 2018 |
Nottingham is set to play host to The British Art Show 7 which will be coming to Nottingham Contemporary this October as part of a tour around the UK to exhibit some of Britain's most exciting new talent. | Nottingham hosts the British Art Show 7 |
Aristarchus is described as Paul's "fellow prisoner" and "fellow laborer" in Colossians 4:10 and Philemon 1:24, respectively. | Aristarc es descriu com a "company de presó" de Pau i "col·laborador" a Col 4:10 i Flm 1:24, respectivament. |
what city is union county new jersey located in | Union City is a city in Hudson County, New Jersey, United States. According to the 2010 United States Census the city had a total population of 66,455, reflecting a decline of 633 (â0.9%) from the 67,088 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 9,076 (+15.6%) from the 58,012 counted in the 1990 Census. |
They are painted in a colour chosen by the operator, so are not necessarily red like London Buses, and most of them do not accept Oyster cards. | Sie werden in einer vom Busunternehmen gewählten Farbe gestrichen, so sind sie, anders als die London Buses nicht notwendigerweise rot, und die meisten von ihnen akzeptieren keine Oyster Cards. |
what does it mean when someone is not in the mood? | to be in the mood means to feel like doing something. I am not really in the mood for shopping. to be in a mood means to be not friendly to other people. Ignore him - he is in a mood. |
Most families of entoprocts are colonial, and all but 2 of the 150 species are marine. | La majoria de famílies d'entoproctes són colonials, i totes, excepte dues, de les 150 espècies conegudes són marines. |
KattenKabinet | Kattenkabinet |
Does breaking a mirror really bring bad luck? | No but if you really believe it, everything bad that happens to you will be blamed on the mirror. It depends on how much you believe in it. I have never broken a mirror but I walk under ladders, spill salt without tossing some over my shoulder, etc. and nothing really bad has happened to me. I think superstition has more to do with unfortunate coincidences. |
when you get to a pool, are you brave enough to jump in? | obviously!!! if it's too cold, i'll just get out asap, but i always just jump in,... hoping it's not to cold, haha: don't think, just do,... that's kinda like my motto when it comes to sports, haha |
Additionally, Greece is the 15th largest economy in the 27-member European Union. | Grecia este, în plus, a 15-a economie între cele 28 de state membre ale Uniunii Europene. |
can epoxy be used on wood? | Epoxy paint is a 2-part coating, consisting of a catalyst and a resin. When combined, these two components harden into a durable coating, able to withstand a great amount of duress. Epoxy paint is ideal for concrete surfaces, such as in basements and garages; it can also be used to coat wood floors. |
how much water do you use to wash up? | Dishwashing by hand: About 8-27 gallons. This all depends on how efficent you are at hand-washing dishes. Newer kitchen faucets use about 1.5-2 gallons per minutes, whereas older faucets use more. |
These guys were geniuses." | Эти парни были гениями». |
Japan is the second largest music market in the world, behind the United States, and the largest in Asia, and most of the market is dominated by Japanese artists. | Japán a második legnagyobb zenei piac a világon az Egyesült Államok után, legnagyobb Ázsiában, ahol a piac legnagyobb részét a japán előadók uralják. |
This doubles the theoretical amount of bandwidth of the bus. | Ez megduplázza az elméleti sávszélességét a busznak. |
how long is recovery for hysterectomy | It takes about six to eight weeks to fully recover after having an abdominal hysterectomy. Recovery times are often shorter after a vaginal or laparoscopy hysterectomy. During this time, you should rest as much as possible and not lift anything heavy, such as bags of shopping. |
Efforts are being made to control the plant's spread, however complete eradication seems unlikely. | S'estan fent esforços per controlar l'extensió de la planta; no obstant això, l'erradicació completa sembla improbable. |
He was excited to see the beautiful scenery. | Dia menjadi bersemangat setelah melihat pemandangan indah itu. |
The throat is black. | Гърлото е черно. |
Bisette published "Le Mulâtre", Séjour's first work, in 1837. | Bisette pubblicò "Le Mulâtre", la prima opera di Séjour, nel 1837. |
After the departure of a certain Jacques Buret, he became bass violin player with Les Vingt-quatre Violons du Roi in 1720. | Après le départ d'un certain Jacques Buret, il devient en 1720 basse de violon aux Vingt-quatre Violons du Roi. |
The papacy did not, however, recognise this formally until 1814. | Paavstivõim ei tunnustanud seda aga ametlikult kuni aastani 1814. |
She married with Mr. Bujar Nishani in 1994. | Ajo u martua me Z. Bujar Nishani në vitin 1994. ^ |
With encouragement from Lucy Foot, Dr. Peck, and her close friend, Clara Osborn, Shaw agreed and gave her first sermon in Ashton, Michigan. | Avec les encouragements de Lucy Pied, du Dr Peck, et de son amie Clara Osborn, Anna Shaw accepte et donne son premier sermon à Ashton (Michigan). |
Reviewers encountered issues with its outdated operating system, Android 1.6 (which was not yet optimized for such a large screen size), and the device was commercially unsuccessful. | Рецензентите попаднали на проблеми с остарялата си операционна система, Android 1.6 (която все още не била оптимизирана за такъв голям размер на екрана) и устройството не било комерсиално успешно. |
Sahamiyeh, Ardestan | سهامیه (اردستان) |
The club submitted the required paperwork and were officially founded as Kayserispor on 1 July 1966. | Ο όμιλος υπέβαλε τα απαραίτητα έγγραφα, και ιδρύθηκε επίσημα ως Καϊσερισπορ την 1η Ιουλίου 1966. |
However, as von Bülow once remarked to him, he was a "harte Nuß" ("a hard nut to crack") and despite the quality of his works, he would "never be popular among the ordinary". | Tuttavia, come disse una volta von Bülow, era un "harte Nuß" ("un osso duro") e nonostante la qualità delle sue opere, non sarebbe stato "mai popolare". |
Although the track was his most popular to date, its very success had the incongruous effect of distancing Bowie from his new fans, with Bowie saying he did not know who they were or what they wanted. | Embora a faixa tenha sido a sua mais popular até aquele momento, o seu sucesso gerou o efeito de distanciar Bowie de seus novos fãs, tendo ele dito que não sabia quem eram nem o que queriam. |
The club has retained this colour since. | De club bleef daarna deze kleuren houden. |
Mariana's story is a harrowing and gripping story, a surprisingly complex plot of intrigue and dark secrets that dominate the life of a small mining town full of unforgettable characters, superstitions, rumors and legends. | A história de Mariana é uma história dolorosa e emocionante; um enredo complexo e surpreendente de intrigas e segredos obscuros que dominam a vida de uma pequena cidade mineira cheia de personagens inesquecíveis, superstições, rumores e lendas. |
how much food should i feed my mini pig? | In general, adult pigs should be fed a daily amount (including the pelleted ration and other foods) equivalent to approximately 2% of their body weight. |
why omr food street demolished? | Chennai: Sholinganallur zonal officer (in-charge) T Sugumar said that the structures of OMR Food Street were unauthorised (built without planning permission) and the officials demolished the metal structures based on an order issued by the Madras High Court. |
Richard Johnson (rugby league born 1985) | ريتشارد جونسون (لاعب دوري الرغبي) |
We are baking cookies. | Kurabiye yapıyoruz. |
Armenians and Azerbaijanis, representing conflicting countries, have long been denied the chance of mere communication, which unfortunately has resulted in two-sided hostility during confrontation anywhere on the globe. | Por mucho tiempo, a armenios y azerbaiyanos, que representan países en conflicto, se les ha negado la oportunidad de la mera comunicación, lo que desafortunadamente ha resultado en hostilidad por ambos lados durante confrontaciones en cualquier parte del globo. |
He was scheduled to fight Lion’s Den fighter and owner of one of the most vicious knockouts of the time Pete Williams at UFC 33, but the fight was postponed until UFC 34 due to an injury suffered by Williams during training. | Ele era esperado lutar contra o lutador da Lion’s Den e dono de um dos melhores nocautes de todos os tempos Pete Williams no UFC 33, mas a luta for remarcada para o UFC 34 devido à uma lesão sofrida por Williams durante os treinos. |
You're driving like an idiot. | Arabayı mal gibi sürüyorsun. |
what questions should you ask before signing a lease? | ['How much is the deposit? ... ', 'How do I pay the rent? ... ', 'What is their policy on pets? ... ', 'What about subletting? ... ', 'What happens if I want to leave before the end of the lease? ... ', 'Is the property safe?'] |
is burping bad or good? | That's a good thing -- it helps clean the air you breathe and helps prevent you from getting sick. Most of the time, you probably won't notice it. But if a lot of mucus collects in the back of your throat, you'll swallow more often than normal to get rid of it. This can make you burp. |
Stroganoff | Stroganov |
And, most importantly, we can reduce food waste in our landfills, creating a better environment for all of us. | И, что гораздо важнее, мы можем сократить пищевые отходы на свалках, улучшив тем самым окружающую среду для всех нас. |
why is paolo guerrero famous? | He later played in Brazil, scoring the goal which won the 2012 FIFA Club World Cup Final for Corinthians. Since his international debut in 2004, Guerrero has earned over 100 caps for Peru and is the nation's all-time top goalscorer with 38 goals, representing them at five Copa América tournaments. |
Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush - both 32 - are not registered as Republican Party voters .
Jenna is registered to New York's Independence Party .
Barbara is not affiliated with any party .
Survey in January showed a major drop in support for the Republican Party following the Bush administration, especially among Millennials . | He was a Republican president to no end, with some political pundits even arguing he may be the last, as support for the right-wing party - especially among Millenials - continues to wane. And now it seems that not even the daughters of George W. Bush stand behind his cause. Neither of the Texas-born twins - both 32 - have registered as Republican voters, it has emerged. According to The New York Daily News, Jenna Bush Hager is registered to New York's Independence Party, while Barbara Pierce Bush is not affiliated with any political party. She is however registered to vote in Texas, where she lives with her family. Family divided?: Both Barbara Pierce Bush (left) and Jenna Bush Hager (right) - seen here with their parents George and Laura Bush at Jenna's wedding in 2008 - do not consider themselves Republican, despite the staunch views of their father . 'Free thinkers': Jenna Bush Hager (left) and Barbara Pierce Bush (right) say they prefer to avoid the labels of political parties and consider themselves Independents . The Daily News reports that Jenna's registration was actually accidental. The newspaper said the younger twin intended to register as an Independent, however mistakenly ticked the Independence Party. 'Jenna registered to vote in New York soon after her daughter was born, and like all new moms, she was functioning on very little sleep,' a spokeswoman said. 'She mistakenly registered for the Independence Party.' In an interview with People in 2010, two years after their father was succeeded by Barack Obama, the women said they chose not to embrace any party. 'I don't really label myself as Republican or Democrat,' Barbara told the magazine. 'We're both very independent thinkers,' Jenna added. In January, a survey ranking the social and political attitudes of different generations showed that each successive generation had become more politically independent, according to Mother Jones. The survey, by the Pew Research Center, showed that 50 percent of Millennials described themselves as political independents and about 29 percent said they were not affiliated with any religion. Crucially, the study showed that voting patterns had been relatively consistent for the last 40 years, however after the George Bush presidency voters left the Republican party en masse. Major changes: A survey released by the Pew Research Center in January showed a major drop in support for the Republican party, mostly among Millennials, following the Bush era . In June, first lady Michelle Obama and her predecessor, Laura Bush, joined forces to campaign about the importance of educating women and girls worldwide. 'You have to change attitudes before you can change behaviors,' Mrs. Obama said. She noted that some 60 million girls, including 30 million in sub-Saharan Africa, do not attend school. She also said that until global leaders understand that educating girls is as important as educating boys, 'then we will have a lot of work to do'. 'We do need to make sure worldwide that all women are valued,' added Mrs. Bush. The two were appearing at President Barack Obama's U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. Joining forces: First lady Michelle Obama sits with former first lady Laura Bush as they participate in Investing in Our Future - a discussion at the Kennedy Center in Washington, Wednesday, on August 6, 2014 - as part of the US Africa Summit . |
The frontal styling of the 407 – which had been a carry-over from the six-cylinder 406 and 405 – was discarded and in its place was a rectangular grille with pronounced horizontal bars. | Le style frontal de la 407 – qui avait été reporté des six cylindres 406 et 405 – a été écarté et on trouve maintenant une calandre rectangulaire avec des barres horizontales prononcées. |
These Olympic marathon runners look like they have no body fat. Where are they getting the energy to run 27 miles? | Generally speaking - Energy for the body is stored in the body as fat or as glycogen, which is a complex sugar, and as glucose in the blood. The fat is stored under the skin and around the organs, and the glycogen is stored in the muscle cells and in the liver. During exercise the body uses the glucose, and when the level starts to drop both fat and glycogen are used - the amount of each is determined by loads of factors like how hard they're working, the temperature, their own metabolism etc. For Olympic endurance athletes they are mostly using glycogen in the muscles and glycogen in the liver is being turned into glucose to keep blood sugar up too - giving them energy to work. Additionally energy from food or drink consumed during or before a race is digested and goes straight into the blood ready for use. These things might include energy drink, or foods, though there is some debate about the efficacy of such supplements. |
how much money do you make if you work at google? | The average Google salary ranges from approximately $31,157 per year for Security Officer to $152,259 per year for Product Marketing Manager. Average Google hourly pay ranges from approximately $12.97 per hour for Customer Service Representative to $86.44 per hour for Senior Software Engineer. |
He married Sophie Schlumberger, pastor and Biblical scholar. | Il est marié avec Sophie Schlumberger, pasteur et bibliste,. |
Plutarch ( c. 46 - 127 ) and Suetonius ( c. 69-after 130 ) introduced biography as a branch of history . | Biography , although popular throughout antiquity , was introduced as a branch of history by the works of Plutarch ( c. 46 â `` 127 ) and Suetonius ( c. 69 â `` after 130 ) who described the deeds and characters of ancient personalities , stressing their human side . |
Another controversy cropped up in the tournament was the decision of Korea Thomas Cup team to throw both of their group matches to get a better opposition in the knockout stage. | Kontroversi lain di turnamen adalah keputusan dari tim Piala Thomas Korea untuk menyia-nyiakan kedua pertandingan grup mereka untuk mendapatkan lawan yang lebih baik di babak sistem gugur. |
The specimen was formally described as the holotype of a new genus and species, Bajadasaurus pronuspinax, by Gallina and colleagues in 2019. | L'esemplare è stato formalmente descritto come l'olotipo di un nuovo genere e specie, Bajadasaurus pronuspinax, da Gallina e colleghi, nel 2019. |
Albrecht Pfister | Пфистер, Альбрехт |
He later spoke to MTV News and revealed that Believe would surprise people in different ways, since it is musically a departure from his previous works. | बाद में उन्होंने एमटीवी न्यूज से बात की और पता चला कि विश्वास लोगों को विभिन्न तरीकों से आश्चर्यचकित करेगा, क्योंकि यह संगीतिक रूप से अपने पिछले कार्यों से प्रस्थान है। |
He won election defeating two other candidates. | Ele ganhou a eleição, derrotando dois outros candidatos. |
Tom is behaving oddly, isn't he? | Tom garip bir biçimde davranıyor, değil mi? |
Æthelflæd, known as Æthelflæd of Damerham to distinguish her from other women of the same name, was the second wife of King Edmund I of England. | Æthelflæd, dikenal sebagai Æthelflæd dari Damerham untuk membedakannya dari wanita lain dengan nama yang sama, merupakan istri kedua Raja Edmund I dari Inggris. |
This is his first article, in which he provides an introduction to the Honduran blogosphere. | Este es su primer artículo, en el que nos brinda una introducción a la blogósfera hondureña. |
I need to find a orange county choppers pool cue Can you help? | hi , just go to and they will take care of you , good luck c ya |
what is the difference between a licensee and a tenant? | A license is said to be revocable at the will of the licensor, [and] creates no estate. ... In contrast, under a bona fide license agreement, the tenant-licensee owns no estate in the premises and has no right to possession. |
As a true disciple of Samuel David Luzzatto he was a strong opponent of Cabala, which involved him in a heated controversy with Elijah Benamozegh. | Come un vero discepolo di Samuel David Luzzatto fu un forte oppositore della Cabala, che lo vide coinvolto in una accesa polemica con Elijah Benamozegh. |
i think i like a guy i know him for 2 years we'v benn buds and i like him now and he likes else what to do? | Find out from him if you guys have a shot at being a couple. If yes go for it if no date someone else. |
Zlast | Râul Zlast |
is now a good time to visit paris? | When To Visit Paris – Summary The best time to visit Paris is from April to June and October to early November when the weather is mild and enjoyable and the tourist crowds are smaller than summer. The cheapest time to visit Paris is early December, January, and February. My favorite month in Paris is June. |
After 15 years of electing to live in Gorom-Gorom without electricity, his “woodless construction” mud hut leaped directly into the 21st century with the addition of electricity supplied from the town grid and a telephone link with an internet hook up, too. | Tras 15 años de vivir sin electricidad en Gorom-Gorom por propia elección, su cabaña de barro "construida sin madera" dio un salto directo al siglo XXI con la incorporación de electricidad, suministrada por la red de suministro del pueblo y conexión a telefónica y a Internet también. |
Subsets and Splits