stringlengths 32
| sentence
stringlengths 55
| context_en
stringlengths 54
| context_de
stringlengths 54
| answer
int64 1
| option1_en
stringlengths 6
| option2_en
stringlengths 6
| option1_de
stringlengths 6
| option2_de
stringlengths 6
| context_referent_of_option1_de
stringlengths 2
| context_referent_of_option2_de
stringlengths 2
3UQ1LLR26CMU93PCKN6YXV0MNVULAC-1 | The translator used the microphone instead of the megaphone as it clarified her voice. | The translator used the microphone instead of the megaphone as _ clarified her voice. | Die Übersetzerin benutzte das Mikrofon anstelle des Megaphons, als _ ihre Stimme klarstellte. | 1 | the microphone | the megaphone | das Mikrofon | das Megaphon | Mikrofon | Megaphons |
3UQ1LLR26CMU93PCKN6YXV0MNVULAC-2 | The translator used the microphone instead of the megaphone as it muddled her voice. | The translator used the microphone instead of the megaphone as _ muddled her voice. | Die Übersetzerin benutzte das Mikrofon anstelle des Megaphons, während _ ihre Stimme verwirrte. | 2 | the microphone | the megaphone | das Mikrofon | das Megaphon | Mikrofon | Megaphons |
3LN50BUKPXP1W7VE96OVNQPINXUPLV-1 | Wanting to attract a man, the woman chose to wear the sweater instead of the shirt, because it looked more sexy. | Wanting to attract a man, the woman chose to wear the sweater instead of the shirt, because _ looked more sexy. | Um einen Mann anzulocken, entschied sich die Frau, den Pullover anstelle des Hemdes zu tragen, weil _ sexy aussah. | 2 | the shirt | the sweater | das Hemd | der Pullover | Hemdes | Pullover |
3LN50BUKPXP1W7VE96OVNQPINXUPLV-2 | Wanting to attract a man, the woman chose to wear the sweater instead of the shirt, because it looked more frumpy. | Wanting to attract a man, the woman chose to wear the sweater instead of the shirt, because _ looked more frumpy. | Um einen Mann anzulocken, entschied sich die Frau, den Pullover anstelle des Hemdes zu tragen, weil _ schäbiger aussah. | 1 | the shirt | the sweater | das Hemd | der Pullover | Hemdes | Pullover |
3CESM1J3EI1U36Q1EQKOY3R81ZPW6W-1 | Jessie doesn't enjoy wearing her ring as much as her necklace because it is very cheap. | Jessie doesn't enjoy wearing her ring as much as her necklace because _ is very cheap. | Jessie trägt ihren Ring nicht so gerne wie ihre Halskette, weil _ sehr billig ist. | 2 | the necklace | the ring | die Halskette | der Ring | Halskette | Ring |
3CESM1J3EI1U36Q1EQKOY3R81ZPW6W-2 | Jessie doesn't enjoy wearing her ring as much as her necklace because it is very fashionable. | Jessie doesn't enjoy wearing her ring as much as her necklace because _ is very fashionable. | Jessie trägt ihren Ring nicht so gerne wie ihre Halskette, weil _ sehr modisch ist. | 2 | the ring | the necklace | der Ring | die Halskette | Ring | Halskette |
33W1NHWFYHJ4ZZ6ILQCO8HD429VZTR-1 | While she was bored on her day off, Alexandria decided to spend time reading the book and not watching the movie because it was interesting. | While she was bored on her day off, Alexandria decided to spend time reading the book and not watching the movie because _ was interesting. | Während sie sich an ihrem freien Tag langweilte, beschloss Alexandria, Zeit damit zu verbringen, das Buch zu lesen und den Film nicht anzusehen, weil _ interessant war. | 1 | the book | the movie | das Buch | der Film | Buch | Film |
33W1NHWFYHJ4ZZ6ILQCO8HD429VZTR-2 | While she was bored on her day off, Alexandria decided to spend time reading the book and not watching the movie because it was dull. | While she was bored on her day off, Alexandria decided to spend time reading the book and not watching the movie because _ was dull. | Während sie sich an ihrem freien Tag gelangweilt hatte, beschloss Alexandria, Zeit damit zu verbringen, das Buch zu lesen und den Film nicht anzusehen, weil _ langweilig war. | 2 | the book | the movie | das Buch | der Film | Buch | Film |
3JGHED38EDPHWBZ6C174PECK7I07YW-1 | At the gym I worked my upper body but i could not carry the weight because it was weak. | At the gym I worked my upper body but i could not carry the weight because _ was weak. | Im Fitnessstudio habe ich meinen Oberkörper trainiert, aber ich konnte das Gewicht nicht tragen, weil _ schwach war. | 1 | the upper body | the weight | der Oberkörper | das Gewicht | Oberkörper | Gewicht |
3JGHED38EDPHWBZ6C174PECK7I07YW-2 | At the gym I worked my upper body but i could not carry the weight because it was heavy. | At the gym I worked my upper body but i could not carry the weight because _ was heavy. | Im Fitnessstudio habe ich meinen Oberkörper trainiert, aber ich konnte das Gewicht nicht tragen, weil _ schwer war. | 2 | the upper body | the weight | der Oberkörper | das Gewicht | Oberkörper | Gewicht |
3XBYQ44Z6RIFZT0KU14H1B7VBAMWTA-1 | Jon was practicing parking his new car into his garage, but it was too big. | Jon was practicing parking his new car into his garage, but _ was too big. | Jon übte, sein neues Auto in seiner Garage abzustellen, aber _ war zu groß. | 2 | the garage | the car | die Garage | das Auto | Garage | Auto |
3XBYQ44Z6RIFZT0KU14H1B7VBAMWTA-2 | Jon was practicing parking his new car into his garage, but it was too small. | Jon was practicing parking his new car into his garage, but _ was too small. | Jon übte, sein neues Auto in seiner Garage abzustellen, aber _ war zu klein. | 1 | the garage | the car | die Garage | das Auto | Garage | Auto |
3JU8CV4BRLAU83Z420SNN953T1LPOM-1 | The milk did not fit into the jar i carried to school, it was too small. | The milk did not fit into the jar i carried to school, _ was too small. | Die Milch passte nicht in das Glas, das ich zur Schule trug, _ war zu klein. | 1 | the jar | the milk | das Glas | die Milch | Glas | Milch |
3JU8CV4BRLAU83Z420SNN953T1LPOM-2 | The milk did not fit into the jar i carried to school, it was too much. | The milk did not fit into the jar i carried to school, _ was too much. | Die Milch passte nicht in das Glas, das ich zur Schule trug, _ war zu viel. | 1 | the milk | the jar | die Milch | das Glas | Milch | Glas |
386T3MLZLP93TJ7BYW013K24WO7080-1 | I bought a new picture but it wouldn't fit in the frame, because it was too heavy. | I bought a new picture but it wouldn't fit in the frame, because _ was too heavy. | Ich habe ein neues Bild gekauft, aber es würde nicht in den Rahmen passen, weil _ zu schwer war. | 1 | the picture | the frame | das Bild | der Rahmen | Bild | Rahmen |
386T3MLZLP93TJ7BYW013K24WO7080-2 | I bought a new picture but it wouldn't fit in the frame, because it was too weak. | I bought a new picture but it wouldn't fit in the frame, because _ was too weak. | Ich habe ein neues Bild gekauft, aber es würde nicht in den Rahmen passen, weil _ zu schwach war. | 2 | the picture | the frame | das Bild | der Rahmen | Bild | Rahmen |
3NI0WFPPIBUGP5ON5H33J66DPUU60Y-1 | Her boyfriend regretted buying her a jacket and got her a new hat instead, as he knew she thought it was a bad match for her wardrobe. | Her boyfriend regretted buying her a jacket and got her a new hat instead, as he knew she thought _ was a bad match for her wardrobe. | Ihr Freund bereute es, ihr eine Jacke gekauft zu haben und besorgte ihr stattdessen einen neuen Hut, da er wusste, dass sie dachte, _ passe schlecht zu ihrer Garderobe. | 2 | the hat | the jacket | der Hut | die Jacke | Hut | Jacke |
3NI0WFPPIBUGP5ON5H33J66DPUU60Y-2 | Her boyfriend regretted buying her a jacket and got her a new hat instead, as he knew she thought it was a perfect match for her wardrobe. | Her boyfriend regretted buying her a jacket and got her a new hat instead, as he knew she thought _ was a perfect match for her wardrobe. | Ihr Freund bereute es, ihr eine Jacke gekauft zu haben und bekam stattdessen einen neuen Hut, da er wusste, dass sie dachte, _ passe perfekt zu ihrer Garderobe. | 1 | the hat | the jacket | der Hut | die Jacke | Hut | Jacke |
379OL9DBSUS04JM6BWHOV8RZSBJY9B-1 | John could not take the beer and preferred to take the juice brought out of the fridge because it is warm. | John could not take the beer and preferred to take the juice brought out of the fridge because _ is warm. | John konnte das Bier nicht nehmen und zog es vor, den Saft aus dem Kühlschrank zu nehmen, weil _ warm ist. | 2 | the juice | the beer | der Saft | das Bier | Saft | Bier |
379OL9DBSUS04JM6BWHOV8RZSBJY9B-2 | John could not take the beer and preferred to take the juice brought out of the fridge because it is chilled. | John could not take the beer and preferred to take the juice brought out of the fridge because _ is chilled. | John konnte das Bier nicht nehmen und zog es vor, den Saft aus dem Kühlschrank zu nehmen, weil _ gekühlt ist. | 2 | the beer | the juice | das Bier | der Saft | Bier | Saft |
36U4VBVNQQRPRAYNVCKLJ8LG16BRUJ-1 | I took the job at the bank instead of the one at the store because it was offering more money. | I took the job at the bank instead of the one at the store because _ was offering more money. | Ich nahm den Job bei der Bank an, anstatt den im Laden, weil _ mehr Geld anbot. | 1 | the bank | the store | die Bank | der Laden | Bank | Laden |
36U4VBVNQQRPRAYNVCKLJ8LG16BRUJ-2 | I took the job at the bank instead of the one at the store because it was offering less money. | I took the job at the bank instead of the one at the store because _ was offering less money. | Ich nahm den Job bei der Bank an, anstatt den im Laden, weil _ weniger Geld anbot. | 1 | the store | the bank | der Laden | die Bank | Laden | Bank |
379OL9DBSUS04JM6BWHOV8RZS73Y9N-1 | I was going to fix my car, but I decide to sell and buy a bicycle, because it is bad for the environment. | I was going to fix my car, but I decide to sell and buy a bicycle, because _ is bad for the environment. | Ich wollte mein Auto reparieren, aber ich entscheide mich, ein Fahrrad zu verkaufen und zu kaufen, weil _ schlecht für die Umwelt ist. | 2 | the bicycle | the car | das Fahrrad | das Auto | Fahrrad | Auto |
379OL9DBSUS04JM6BWHOV8RZS73Y9N-2 | I was going to fix my car, but I decide to sell and buy a bicycle, because it is good for the environment. | I was going to fix my car, but I decide to sell and buy a bicycle, because _ is good for the environment. | Ich wollte mein Auto reparieren, aber ich entscheide mich, ein Fahrrad zu verkaufen und zu kaufen, weil _ gut für die Umwelt ist. | 1 | the bicycle | the car | das Fahrrad | das Auto | Fahrrad | Auto |
3KTCJ4SCVIFILXUXOGEKM7M9LL1M1C-1 | After checking the knob and handle, John only had to adjust the knob, because it was loose. | After checking the knob and handle, John only had to adjust the knob, because _ was loose. | Nachdem John den Knopf und den Griff überprüft hatte, musste er nur den Knopf einstellen, da _ locker war. | 1 | the knob | the handle | der Knopf | der Griff | Knopf | Griff |
3KTCJ4SCVIFILXUXOGEKM7M9LL1M1C-2 | After checking the knob and handle, John only had to adjust the knob, because it was secure. | After checking the knob and handle, John only had to adjust the knob, because _ was secure. | Nachdem John den Knopf und den Griff überprüft hatte, musste er nur den Knopf einstellen, da _ sicher war. | 1 | the handle | the knob | der Griff | der Knopf | Griff | Knopf |
3EKZL9T8Y8K1MX4DTIBRJ09VIYBCHU-1 | The flood overran the town but did not hurt the camp, since it was surprised by the sudden rain. | The flood overran the town but did not hurt the camp, since _ was surprised by the sudden rain. | Die Flut überschwemmte die Stadt, verletzte das Lager jedoch nicht, da _ vom plötzlichen Regen überrascht wurde. | 1 | the town | the camp | die Stadt | das Lager | Stadt | Lager |
3EKZL9T8Y8K1MX4DTIBRJ09VIYBCHU-2 | The flood overran the town but did not hurt the camp, since it was prepared for the sudden rain. | The flood overran the town but did not hurt the camp, since _ was prepared for the sudden rain. | Die Flut überschwemmte die Stadt, verletzte das Lager jedoch nicht, da _ auf den plötzlichen Regen vorbereitet war. | 2 | the town | the camp | die Stadt | das Lager | Stadt | Lager |
3ULIZ0H1VCJKDQ9RWHXY55BMXBO51K-1 | The company sold the coveted domain name to the highest bidder, because it was very valuable. | The company sold the coveted domain name to the highest bidder, because _ was very valuable. | Das Unternehmen verkaufte den begehrten Domainnamen an den Meistbietenden, da _ sehr wertvoll war. | 1 | the domain name | the company | der Domainname | das Unternehmen | Domainnamen | Unternehmen |
3ULIZ0H1VCJKDQ9RWHXY55BMXBO51K-2 | The company sold the coveted domain name to the highest bidder, because it was very broke. | The company sold the coveted domain name to the highest bidder, because _ was very broke. | Das Unternehmen verkaufte den begehrten Domainnamen an den Meistbietenden, da _ sehr pleite war. | 2 | the domain name | the company | der Domainname | das Unternehmen | Domainnamen | Unternehmen |
3FVBZG9CLJCHS59XH2I7OZ7U97V0H2-1 | He quickly solved the puzzle, but was unable to complete the maze, because it was simple. | He quickly solved the puzzle, but was unable to complete the maze, because _ was simple. | Er löste das Rätsel schnell, konnte das Labyrinth jedoch nicht vervollständigen, da _ einfach war. | 2 | the maze | the puzzle | das Labyrinth | das Rätsel | Labyrinth | Rätsel |
3FVBZG9CLJCHS59XH2I7OZ7U97V0H2-2 | He quickly solved the puzzle, but was unable to complete the maze, because it was complex. | He quickly solved the puzzle, but was unable to complete the maze, because _ was complex. | Er löste das Rätsel schnell, konnte das Labyrinth jedoch nicht fertigstellen, da _ komplex war. | 1 | the maze | the puzzle | das Labyrinth | das Rätsel | Labyrinth | Rätsel |
3ABAOCJ4RAI621EE9V4ZN8UHSL0QMT-1 | The muscle on the arm hurt more than the muscle on the leg because it had been warmed up. | The muscle on the arm hurt more than the muscle on the leg because _ had been warmed up. | Der Muskel am Arm tat mehr weh als der Muskel am Bein, weil _ aufgewärmt war. | 2 | the arm | the leg | der Arm | das Bein | Arm | Bein |
3ABAOCJ4RAI621EE9V4ZN8UHSL0QMT-2 | The muscle on the arm hurt less than the muscle on the leg because it had been warmed up. | The muscle on the arm hurt less than the muscle on the leg because _ had been warmed up. | Der Muskel am Arm tat weniger weh als der Muskel am Bein, weil _ aufgewärmt war. | 1 | the arm | the leg | der Arm | das Bein | Arm | Bein |
3UZUVSO3P7T2B9P2G6XZ1THUKVQME7-1 | Lane put the poultry in the oven and took the bread out, because it was cooked. | Lane put the poultry in the oven and took the bread out, because _ was cooked. | Lane stellte das Geflügel in den Ofen und nahm das Brot heraus, weil _ gekocht war. | 1 | the bread | the poultry | das Brot | das Geflügel | Brot | Geflügel |
3UZUVSO3P7T2B9P2G6XZ1THUKVQME7-2 | Lane put the poultry in the oven and took the bread out, because it was raw. | Lane put the poultry in the oven and took the bread out, because _ was raw. | Lane stellte das Geflügel in den Ofen und nahm das Brot heraus, weil _ roh war. | 2 | the bread | the poultry | das Brot | das Geflügel | Brot | Geflügel |
3YKP7CX6G4T0DS52M75K912SC9Z7B9-1 | The woman removed the placemat from the table then laid down the tablecloth, because it was ugly. | The woman removed the placemat from the table then laid down the tablecloth, because _ was ugly. | Die Frau nahm das Tischset vom Tisch und legte die Tischdecke ab, weil _ hässlich war. | 2 | the tablecloth | the placemat | die Tischdecke | das Tischset | Tischdecke | Tischset |
3YKP7CX6G4T0DS52M75K912SC9Z7B9-2 | The woman removed the placemat from the table then laid down the tablecloth, because it was pretty. | The woman removed the placemat from the table then laid down the tablecloth, because _ was pretty. | Die Frau nahm das Tischset vom Tisch und legte die Tischdecke ab, weil _ hübsch war. | 1 | the tablecloth | the placemat | die Tischdecke | das Tischset | Tischdecke | Tischset |
3R6RZGK0XHQY1QZ9EXMKNQGWINTYVL-1 | At the meeting, I greeted the woman at the elevator instead of in the office because she didn't know where it was. | At the meeting, I greeted the woman at the elevator instead of in the office because she didn't know where _ was. | Bei der Besprechung begrüßte ich die Frau am Aufzug statt im Büro, weil sie nicht wusste, wo sich _ befand. | 1 | the office | the elevator | das Büro | der Aufzug | Büro | Aufzug |
3R6RZGK0XHQY1QZ9EXMKNQGWINTYVL-2 | At the meeting, I greeted the woman at the elevator instead of in the office because she knew where it was. | At the meeting, I greeted the woman at the elevator instead of in the office because she knew where _ was. | Bei der Besprechung begrüßte ich die Frau am Aufzug anstatt im Büro, weil sie wusste, wo sich _ befand. | 2 | the office | the elevator | das Büro | der Aufzug | Büro | Aufzug |
3909MD9T2ZFW5ZXLUJTM63XLNUYEFC-1 | Jeremy wanted a unique piece of art for his home and got the statue but not the painting because it was cool. | Jeremy wanted a unique piece of art for his home and got the statue but not the painting because _ was cool. | Jeremy wollte ein einzigartiges Kunstwerk für sein Zuhause und bekam die Statue, aber nicht das Gemälde, weil _ cool war. | 2 | the painting | the statue | das Gemälde | die Statue | Gemälde | Statue |
3909MD9T2ZFW5ZXLUJTM63XLNUYEFC-2 | Jeremy wanted a unique piece of art for his home and got the statue but not the painting because it was lame. | Jeremy wanted a unique piece of art for his home and got the statue but not the painting because _ was lame. | Jeremy wollte ein einzigartiges Kunstwerk für sein Zuhause und bekam die Statue, aber nicht das Gemälde, weil _ lahm war. | 2 | the statue | the painting | die Statue | das Gemälde | Statue | Gemälde |
3UYRNV2KIVD6EFZIZ22ZEWYH4LY8N7-1 | The story spread faster than the news and people believed that it is interesting. | The story spread faster than the news and people believed that _ is interesting. | Die Geschichte verbreitete sich schneller als die Nachrichten und die Leute glaubten, dass _ interessant ist. | 1 | the story | the news | die Geschichte | die Nachrichten | Geschichte | Nachrichten |
3UYRNV2KIVD6EFZIZ22ZEWYH4LY8N7-2 | The story spread faster than the news and people believed that it is boring. | The story spread faster than the news and people believed that _ is boring. | Die Geschichte verbreitete sich schneller als die Nachrichten und die Leute glaubten, dass _ langweilig sind. | 1 | the news | the story | die Nachrichten | die Geschichte | Nachrichten | Geschichte |
3LG268AV3AK82E115C5GFQZDGGKERP-1 | He gave me a brush that broke quicker than the comb I had, because it was made of cheap material. | He gave me a brush that broke quicker than the comb I had, because _ was made of cheap material. | Er gab mir eine Bürste, die schneller brach als der Kamm, den ich hatte, weil _ aus billigem Material bestand. | 1 | the brush | the comb | die Bürste | der Kamm | Bürste | Kamm |
3LG268AV3AK82E115C5GFQZDGGKERP-2 | He gave me a brush that broke quicker than the comb I had, because it was made of expensive material. | He gave me a brush that broke quicker than the comb I had, because _ was made of expensive material. | Er gab mir eine Bürste, die schneller brach als der Kamm, den ich hatte, weil _ aus teurem Material bestand. | 1 | the comb | the brush | der Kamm | die Bürste | Kamm | Bürste |
3FDWKV9VCPGYUULVQ4O4X9R6WF2UMH-1 | She used an air freshener in the bathroom but not in the living room, because it smelled bad. | She used an air freshener in the bathroom but not in the living room, because _ smelled bad. | Sie benutzte einen Lufterfrischer im Badezimmer, aber nicht im Wohnzimmer, weil _ schlecht roch. | 2 | the living room | the bathroom | das Wohnzimmer | das Badezimmer | Wohnzimmer | Badezimmer |
3FDWKV9VCPGYUULVQ4O4X9R6WF2UMH-2 | She used an air freshener in the bathroom but not in the living room, because it smelled good. | She used an air freshener in the bathroom but not in the living room, because _ smelled good. | Sie benutzte einen Lufterfrischer im Badezimmer, aber nicht im Wohnzimmer, weil _ gut roch. | 2 | the bathroom | the living room | das Badezimmer | das Wohnzimmer | Badezimmer | Wohnzimmer |
3VP28W7DUPY9AJNOA4JZJBMC00GFZ2-1 | The headphones blocked the noise but not the vibration, as it was relatively timid. | The headphones blocked the noise but not the vibration, as _ was relatively timid. | Die Kopfhörer blockierten das Geräusch, aber nicht die Vibration, da _ relativ schüchtern war. | 1 | the noise | the vibration | das Geräusch | die Vibration | Geräusch | Vibration |
3VP28W7DUPY9AJNOA4JZJBMC00GFZ2-2 | The headphones blocked the noise but not the vibration, as it was relatively strong. | The headphones blocked the noise but not the vibration, as _ was relatively strong. | Die Kopfhörer blockierten das Geräusch, aber nicht die Vibration, da _ relativ stark war. | 2 | the noise | the vibration | das Geräusch | die Vibration | Geräusch | Vibration |
307FVKVSYTTGSTKT7SVX1NWL0WO74Z-1 | Bob took the chickens out of the coop and put them into the back of his truck until it was empty. | Bob took the chickens out of the coop and put them into the back of his truck until _ was empty. | Bob nahm die Hühner aus dem Stall und stellte sie auf die Ladefläche seines Lastwagens, bis _ leer war. | 2 | the truck | the coop | der Lastwagen | der Stall | Lastwagens | Stall |
307FVKVSYTTGSTKT7SVX1NWL0WO74Z-2 | Bob took the chickens out of the coop and put them into the back of his truck until it had no more room. | Bob took the chickens out of the coop and put them into the back of his truck until _ had no more room. | Bob nahm die Hühner aus dem Stall und stellte sie auf die Ladefläche seines Lastwagens, bis _ keinen Platz mehr hatte. | 2 | the coop | the truck | der Stall | der Lastwagen | Stall | Lastwagens |
3O2Y2UIUCS8ELOO2A3GPWWYYVFWKFN-1 | The chair could sit on the floor but not on the stair because it is even. | The chair could sit on the floor but not on the stair because _ is even. | Der Stuhl könnte auf dem Boden sitzen, aber nicht auf der Treppe, weil _ eben ist. | 2 | the stair | the floor | die Treppe | der Boden | Treppe | Boden |
3O2Y2UIUCS8ELOO2A3GPWWYYVFWKFN-2 | The chair could sit on the floor but not on the stair because it is uneven. | The chair could sit on the floor but not on the stair because _ is uneven. | Der Stuhl könnte auf dem Boden sitzen, aber nicht auf der Treppe, da _ uneben ist. | 2 | the floor | the stair | der Boden | die Treppe | Boden | Treppe |
33EEIIWHK9LPSO8NNN5QA4DUJECQVA-1 | The blood that they took at the hospital from me wouldn't fit into the vile, because it was too much. | The blood that they took at the hospital from me wouldn't fit into the vile, because _ was too much. | Das Blut, das sie mir im Krankenhaus abgenommen hatten, passte nicht in die Abscheulichkeit, weil _ zu viel war. | 2 | the vile | the blood | die Abscheulichkeit | das Blut | Abscheulichkeit | Blut |
33EEIIWHK9LPSO8NNN5QA4DUJECQVA-2 | The blood that they took at the hospital from me wouldn't fit into the vile, because it was too small. | The blood that they took at the hospital from me wouldn't fit into the vile, because _ was too small. | Das Blut, das sie mir im Krankenhaus abgenommen hatten, passte nicht in die Abscheulichkeit, weil _ zu klein war. | 1 | the vile | the blood | die Abscheulichkeit | das Blut | Abscheulichkeit | Blut |
3BFF0DJK8ZQMSCJBAWUG4M4A4SXTSO-1 | We had to remove the couch from the living room during the party as it was too big. | We had to remove the couch from the living room during the party as _ was too big. | Wir mussten die Couch während der Party aus dem Wohnzimmer entfernen, da _ zu groß war. | 1 | the couch | the living room | die Couch | das Wohnzimmer | Couch | Wohnzimmer |
3BFF0DJK8ZQMSCJBAWUG4M4A4SXTSO-2 | We had to remove the couch from the living room during the party as it was too small. | We had to remove the couch from the living room during the party as _ was too small. | Wir mussten die Couch während der Party aus dem Wohnzimmer entfernen, da _ zu klein war. | 1 | the living room | the couch | das Wohnzimmer | die Couch | Wohnzimmer | Couch |
38B7Q9C28G3JRADTLFAWKJJX3ZB69P-1 | I replaced the old cage with a new doghouse for our German Sheppard because it was outdated. | I replaced the old cage with a new doghouse for our German Sheppard because _ was outdated. | Ich habe den alten Käfig durch eine neue Hundehütte für unseren deutschen Schäferhund ersetzt, weil _ veraltet war. | 2 | the doghouse | the cage | die Hundehütte | der Käfig | Hundehütte | Käfig |
38B7Q9C28G3JRADTLFAWKJJX3ZB69P-2 | I replaced the old cage with a new doghouse for our German Sheppard because it is new stock. | I replaced the old cage with a new doghouse for our German Sheppard because _ is new stock. | Ich habe den alten Käfig durch eine neue Hundehütte für unseren Deutschen Schäferhund ersetzt, weil _ neu ist. | 2 | the cage | the doghouse | der Käfig | die Hundehütte | Käfig | Hundehütte |
3CVDZS288HYUHNPYBHH5JB2UWWPMF9-1 | Eli bought a case for his guitar over the carrying bag, because it offered more protection. | Eli bought a case for his guitar over the carrying bag, because _ offered more protection. | Eli kaufte einen Koffer für seine Gitarre über der Tragetasche, weil _ mehr Schutz bot. | 1 | the case | the bag | der Koffer | die Tasche | Koffer | Tragetasche |
3CVDZS288HYUHNPYBHH5JB2UWWPMF9-2 | Eli bought a case for his guitar over the carrying bag, because it offered less protection. | Eli bought a case for his guitar over the carrying bag, because _ offered less protection. | Eli kaufte einen Koffer für seine Gitarre über der Tragetasche, weil _ weniger Schutz bot. | 2 | the case | the bag | der Koffer | die Tasche | Koffer | Tragetasche |
3CZH926SIES118Z3U0937XO2MXAE42-1 | We decided to lease an apartment rather than a house, as it was conducive to our needs. | We decided to lease an apartment rather than a house, as _ was conducive to our needs. | Wir entschieden uns, eher eine Wohnung als ein Haus zu mieten, da _ unseren Bedürfnissen förderlich war. | 2 | the house | the apartment | das Haus | die Wohnung | Haus | Wohnung |
3CZH926SIES118Z3U0937XO2MXAE42-2 | We decided to lease an apartment rather than a house, as it was contrary to our needs. | We decided to lease an apartment rather than a house, as _ was contrary to our needs. | Wir entschieden uns, eher eine Wohnung als ein Haus zu mieten, da _ unseren Bedürfnissen widersprach. | 2 | the apartment | the house | die Wohnung | das Haus | Wohnung | Haus |
3UQ1LLR26A6FFEQ50PUY5XCEZ9KLAN-1 | The man used the umbrella to try and stop the rain but it was too strong. | The man used the umbrella to try and stop the rain but _ was too strong. | Der Mann benutzte den Regenschirm, um den Regen zu stoppen, aber _ war zu stark. | 1 | the rain | the umbrella | der Regen | der Regenschirm | Regen | Regenschirm |
3UQ1LLR26A6FFEQ50PUY5XCEZ9KLAN-2 | The man used the umbrella to try and stop the rain but it was too weak. | The man used the umbrella to try and stop the rain but _ was too weak. | Der Mann benutzte den Regenschirm, um den Regen zu stoppen, aber _ war zu schwach. | 2 | the rain | the umbrella | der Regen | der Regenschirm | Regen | Regenschirm |
3NRZ1LDP7YKL1WCIO7F4V50F1Q1PZE-1 | The company had no choice but to merge with the conglomerate even though it had ample resources. | The company had no choice but to merge with the conglomerate even though _ had ample resources. | Das Unternehmen hatte keine andere Wahl, als sich mit dem Konglomerat zusammenzuschließen, obwohl _ über ausreichende Ressourcen verfügte. | 2 | the conglomerate | the company | das Konglomerat | das Unternehmen | Konglomerat | Unternehmen |
3NRZ1LDP7YKL1WCIO7F4V50F1Q1PZE-2 | The company had no choice but to merge with the conglomerate even though it had meager resources. | The company had no choice but to merge with the conglomerate even though _ had meager resources. | Das Unternehmen hatte keine andere Wahl, als sich mit dem Konglomerat zusammenzuschließen, obwohl _ nur über geringe Ressourcen verfügte. | 1 | the conglomerate | the company | das Konglomerat | das Unternehmen | Konglomerat | Unternehmen |
388CL5C1RJLUP1YJ6V4QMJZIC5EHL0-1 | The photographer had to made due with the smartphone and not the camera for taking pictures because it was with him. | The photographer had to made due with the smartphone and not the camera for taking pictures because _ was with him. | Der Fotograf musste mit dem Smartphone und nicht mit der Kamera fotografieren, weil _ bei ihm war. | 1 | the smartphone | the camera | das Smartphone | die Kamera | Smartphone | Kamera |
388CL5C1RJLUP1YJ6V4QMJZIC5EHL0-2 | The photographer had to made due with the smartphone and not the camera for taking pictures because it was locked up. | The photographer had to made due with the smartphone and not the camera for taking pictures because _ was locked up. | Der Fotograf musste mit dem Smartphone und nicht mit der Kamera fotografieren, da _ gesperrt war. | 2 | the smartphone | the camera | das Smartphone | die Kamera | Smartphone | Kamera |
3OREP8RUT4PJ6LG3FA9EFEFK956GBR-1 | James could not lift the dumbbell, so he decided to lift the barbell instead because it is light. | James could not lift the dumbbell, so he decided to lift the barbell instead because _ is light. | James konnte die Hantel nicht heben, deshalb beschloss er, stattdessen die Langhantel anzuheben, da _ leicht ist. | 1 | the barbell | the dumbbell | die Langhantel | die Hantel | Langhantel | Hantel |
3OREP8RUT4PJ6LG3FA9EFEFK956GBR-2 | James could not lift the dumbbell, so he decided to lift the barbell instead because it is heavy. | James could not lift the dumbbell, so he decided to lift the barbell instead because _ is heavy. | James konnte die Hantel nicht anheben, deshalb entschied er sich, stattdessen die Langhantel anzuheben, da _ schwer ist. | 1 | the dumbbell | the barbell | die Hantel | die Langhantel | Hantel | Langhantel |
3HUR21WDDW3Q5F44ECN2BBDHYDNXY3-1 | James moved the wheel over the apple and crushed it because it is soft. | James moved the wheel over the apple and crushed it because _ is soft. | James bewegte das Rad über den Apfel und zerdrückte ihn, weil _ weich ist. | 2 | the wheel | the apple | das Rad | der Apfel | Rad | Apfel |
3HUR21WDDW3Q5F44ECN2BBDHYDNXY3-2 | James moved the wheel over the apple and crushed it because it is hard. | James moved the wheel over the apple and crushed it because _ is hard. | James bewegte das Rad über den Apfel und zerdrückte ihn, weil _ hart ist. | 1 | the wheel | the apple | das Rad | der Apfel | Rad | Apfel |
36AZSFEYZ4YNUT7RK7W0NHUM8P7VBB-1 | The BBQ chef tried to put the grill fork in the drawer but it wouldn't fit; it was too long. | The BBQ chef tried to put the grill fork in the drawer but it wouldn't fit; _ was too long. | Der Grillkoch versuchte, die Grillgabel in die Schublade zu legen, aber sie passte nicht. _ war zu lang. | 2 | the drawer | the fork | Die Schublade | Die Gabel | Schublade | Grillgabel |
36AZSFEYZ4YNUT7RK7W0NHUM8P7VBB-2 | The BBQ chef tried to put the grill fork in the drawer but it wouldn't fit; it was too short. | The BBQ chef tried to put the grill fork in the drawer but it wouldn't fit; _ was too short. | Der Grillkoch versuchte, die Grillgabel in die Schublade zu legen, aber sie passte nicht. _ war zu kurz. | 1 | the drawer | the fork | Die Schublade | Die Gabel | Schublade | Grillgabel |
309D674SHZJRVK1RTQ1VXP6XNKICBO-1 | Bradley wants to buy a motorcycle and sell his SUV because it will save a lot of money on gas. | Bradley wants to buy a motorcycle and sell his SUV because _ will save a lot of money on gas. | Bradley möchte ein Motorrad kaufen und seinen SUV verkaufen, weil _ viel Benzin spart. | 2 | the SUV | the motorcycle | der SUV | das Motorrad | SUV | Motorrad |
309D674SHZJRVK1RTQ1VXP6XNKICBO-2 | Bradley wants to buy a motorcycle and sell his SUV because it won't save a lot of money on gas. | Bradley wants to buy a motorcycle and sell his SUV because _ won't save a lot of money on gas. | Bradley möchte ein Motorrad kaufen und seinen SUV verkaufen, weil _ nicht viel Benzin spart. | 1 | the SUV | the motorcycle | der SUV | das Motorrad | SUV | Motorrad |
3VQTAXTYN3JNHEIRFHMVRVS3UHXUBI-1 | His donation towards clearing the debt of the charity didn't help because it was too small. | His donation towards clearing the debt of the charity didn't help because _ was too small. | Seine Spende zur Tilgung der Schulden der Wohltätigkeitsorganisation half nicht, weil _ zu gering war. | 2 | the debt | the donation | die Schulden | die Spende | Schulden | Spende |
3VQTAXTYN3JNHEIRFHMVRVS3UHXUBI-2 | His donation towards clearing the debt of the charity didn't help because it was too large. | His donation towards clearing the debt of the charity didn't help because _ was too large. | Seine Spende zur Tilgung der Schulden der Wohltätigkeitsorganisation half nicht, weil _ zu hoch waren. | 2 | the donation | the debt | die Spende | die Schulden | Spende | Schulden |
3S4TINXCC0LS49YUJVAMSP0ECZXBOI-1 | Jacob was satisfied with the soda but was unsatisfied with the sherbet because it was tasty. | Jacob was satisfied with the soda but was unsatisfied with the sherbet because _ was tasty. | Jacob war mit dem Soda zufrieden, aber mit dem Sorbet unzufrieden, weil _ lecker war. | 2 | the sherbet | the soda | das Sorbet | das Soda | Sorbet | Soda |
3S4TINXCC0LS49YUJVAMSP0ECZXBOI-2 | Jacob was satisfied with the soda but was unsatisfied with the sherbet because it was strange. | Jacob was satisfied with the soda but was unsatisfied with the sherbet because _ was strange. | Jacob war mit dem Soda zufrieden, aber mit dem Sorbet unzufrieden, weil _ seltsam war. | 2 | the soda | the sherbet | das Soda | das Sorbet | Soda | Sorbet |
3AA88CN98P15RQ6QVVWDTJH6D34YKZ-1 | The circuit failed to power the television but kept the radio going, as it had a weak connection. | The circuit failed to power the television but kept the radio going, as _ had a weak connection. | Die Schaltung versorgte den Fernseher nicht mit Strom, hielt aber das Radio am Laufen, da _ eine schwache Verbindung hatte. | 1 | the television | the radio | der Fernseher | das Radio | Fernseher | Radio |
3AA88CN98P15RQ6QVVWDTJH6D34YKZ-2 | The circuit failed to power the television but kept the radio going, as it had a strong connection. | The circuit failed to power the television but kept the radio going, as _ had a strong connection. | Die Schaltung versorgte den Fernseher nicht mit Strom, hielt aber das Radio am Laufen, da _ eine starke Verbindung hatte. | 2 | the television | the radio | der Fernseher | das Radio | Fernseher | Radio |
3DTJ4WT8BFTH45NSFTZT1T1BNSEEZF-1 | The chef cooked better food in the restaurant than the diner because it had worse equipment. | The chef cooked better food in the restaurant than the diner because _ had worse equipment. | Der Küchenchef kochte im Restaurant besseres Essen als im Diner, weil _ eine schlechtere Ausstattung hatte. | 2 | the restaurant | the diner | das Restaurant | das Diner | Restaurant | Diner |
3DTJ4WT8BFTH45NSFTZT1T1BNSEEZF-2 | The chef cooked better food in the restaurant than the diner because it had better equipment. | The chef cooked better food in the restaurant than the diner because _ had better equipment. | Der Küchenchef kochte im Restaurant besser als im Diner, weil _ eine bessere Ausstattung hatte. | 2 | the diner | the restaurant | das Diner | das Restaurant | Diner | Restaurant |
336OE47KI4YUCL49ZW4W2TVG7SZWVG-1 | Nancy tied a rope around the anchor to keep the boat in place in the current but it was too strong. | Nancy tied a rope around the anchor to keep the boat in place in the current but _ was too strong. | Nancy band ein Seil um den Anker, um das Boot in der Strömung an Ort und Stelle zu halten, aber _ war zu stark. | 2 | the rope | the current | das Seil | die Strömung | Seil | Strömung |
336OE47KI4YUCL49ZW4W2TVG7SZWVG-2 | Nancy tied a rope around the anchor to keep the boat in place in the current but it was too weak. | Nancy tied a rope around the anchor to keep the boat in place in the current but _ was too weak. | Nancy band ein Seil um den Anker, um das Boot in der Strömung an Ort und Stelle zu halten, aber _ war zu schwach. | 1 | the rope | the current | das Seil | die Strömung | Seil | Strömung |
3T8DUCXY0PK4NXNC1QUPNRZKC8ET9R-1 | I'd definitely rather get poked in the bellybutton than the eye since it is so sensitive. | I'd definitely rather get poked in the bellybutton than the eye since _ is so sensitive. | Ich würde definitiv lieber in den Bauchnabel als in das Auge stechen, da _ so empfindlich ist. | 2 | the bellybutton | the eye | der Bauchnabel | das Auge | Bauchnabel | Auge |
3T8DUCXY0PK4NXNC1QUPNRZKC8ET9R-2 | I'd definitely rather get poked in the bellybutton than the eye since it is less sensitive. | I'd definitely rather get poked in the bellybutton than the eye since _ is less sensitive. | Ich würde definitiv lieber in den Bauchnabel als in das Auge stechen, da _ weniger empfindlich ist. | 2 | the eye | the bellybutton | das Auge | der Bauchnabel | Auge | Bauchnabel |
3D5G8J4N5CI2K40F4RZLF9OH30XTV7-1 | Kelly was buying a housewarming gift and decided to get a plant instead of a painting because it was alive. | Kelly was buying a housewarming gift and decided to get a plant instead of a painting because _ was alive. | Kelly kaufte ein Einweihungsgeschenk und beschloss, eine Pflanze anstelle eines Gemäldes zu kaufen, weil _ noch lebte. | 2 | the painting | the plant | das Gemälde | die Pflanze | Gemäldes | Pflanze |
3D5G8J4N5CI2K40F4RZLF9OH30XTV7-2 | Kelly was buying a housewarming gift and decided to get a plant instead of a painting because it was inanimate. | Kelly was buying a housewarming gift and decided to get a plant instead of a painting because _ was inanimate. | Kelly kaufte ein Einweihungsgeschenk und beschloss, eine Pflanze anstelle eines Gemäldes zu kaufen, weil _ unbelebt war. | 1 | the painting | the plant | das Gemälde | die Pflanze | Gemäldes | Pflanze |
3UUIU9GZC7JLMAL0Y0H8BBUIQV85TR-1 | Our dinner was at a restaurant, but our breakfast was homemade as it was difficult to cook ourselves. | Our dinner was at a restaurant, but our breakfast was homemade as _ was difficult to cook ourselves. | Unser Abendessen war in einem Restaurant, aber unser Frühstück war hausgemacht, da _ schwierig war, uns selbst zu kochen. | 2 | the breakfast | the dinner | das Frühstück | das Abendessen | Frühstück | Abendessen |
3UUIU9GZC7JLMAL0Y0H8BBUIQV85TR-2 | Our dinner was at a restaurant, but our breakfast was homemade as it was simple to cook ourselves. | Our dinner was at a restaurant, but our breakfast was homemade as _ was simple to cook ourselves. | Unser Abendessen war in einem Restaurant, aber unser Frühstück war hausgemacht, da _ einfach selbst zuzubereiten war. | 2 | the dinner | the breakfast | das Abendessen | das Frühstück | Abendessen | Frühstück |
31SIZS5W59DI5SSZU5OGH90I9LMQRK-1 | Jill poured the entire bag of barley into the hot pan on the stove until it was empty. | Jill poured the entire bag of barley into the hot pan on the stove until _ was empty. | Jill goss den gesamten Beutel Gerste in die heiße Pfanne auf dem Herd, bis _ leer war. | 2 | the pan | the bag | die Pfanne | der Beutel | Pfanne | Beutel |
31SIZS5W59DI5SSZU5OGH90I9LMQRK-2 | Jill poured the entire bag of barley into the hot pan on the stove until it was full. | Jill poured the entire bag of barley into the hot pan on the stove until _ was full. | Jill goss den gesamten Beutel Gerste in die heiße Pfanne auf dem Herd, bis _ voll war. | 2 | the bag | the pan | der Beutel | die Pfanne | Beutel | Pfanne |
3TC2K6WK9G0VV4BITLSFUA7A3MG280-1 | The barber tried to use the chemical to wash the smell out of the man 's hair but it was too strong. | The barber tried to use the chemical to wash the smell out of the man 's hair but _ was too strong. | Der Friseur versuchte, mit der Chemikalie den Geruch aus den Haaren des Mannes zu waschen, aber _ war zu stark. | 2 | the chemical | the smell | die Chemikalie | der Geruch | Chemikalie | Geruch |
3TC2K6WK9G0VV4BITLSFUA7A3MG280-2 | The barber tried to use the chemical to wash the smell out of the man 's hair but it was too weak. | The barber tried to use the chemical to wash the smell out of the man 's hair but _ was too weak. | Der Friseur versuchte, mit der Chemikalie den Geruch aus den Haaren des Mannes zu waschen, aber _ war zu schwach. | 2 | the smell | the chemical | der Geruch | die Chemikalie | Geruch | Chemikalie |
3Z33IC0JC20J0PR16LU4O9N59PP9VA-1 | James slid down from the top of the roof to the fence because it is taller. | James slid down from the top of the roof to the fence because _ is taller. | James rutschte von der Dachspitze zum Zaun, weil _ höher ist. | 1 | the roof | the fence | das Dach | der Zaun | Dachspitze | Zaun |
3Z33IC0JC20J0PR16LU4O9N59PP9VA-2 | James slid down from the top of the roof to the fence because it is shorter. | James slid down from the top of the roof to the fence because _ is shorter. | James rutschte von der Dachspitze zum Zaun, weil _ kürzer ist. | 2 | the roof | the fence | das Dach | der Zaun | Dachspitze | Zaun |
Subsets and Splits