stringlengths 32
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stringlengths 55
| context_en
stringlengths 54
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stringlengths 54
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int64 1
| option1_en
stringlengths 6
| option2_en
stringlengths 6
| option1_de
stringlengths 6
| option2_de
stringlengths 6
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stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 2
3QGHA0EA0LEF3763UFDW1H183TXBWM-1 | The hunters had to wear the bear fur coats in the valley, but didn't need them on the mountain, since it was so cold. | The hunters had to wear the bear fur coats in the valley, but didn't need them on the mountain, since _ was so cold. | Die Jäger mussten die Bärenpelzmäntel im Tal tragen, brauchten sie aber auf dem Berg nicht, da _ so kalt war. | 1 | the valley | the mountain | das Tal | der Berg | Tal | Berg |
3QGHA0EA0LEF3763UFDW1H183TXBWM-2 | The hunters had to wear the bear fur coats in the valley, but didn't need them on the mountain, since it was so warm. | The hunters had to wear the bear fur coats in the valley, but didn't need them on the mountain, since _ was so warm. | Die Jäger mussten die Bärenpelzmäntel im Tal tragen, brauchten sie aber auf dem Berg nicht, da _ so warm war. | 1 | the mountain | the valley | der Berg | das Tal | Berg | Tal |
3EQPA8A374UALWAD9WYK6BQV474ZJM-1 | The group decided to make some donations to the group instead of the building because it was needed. | The group decided to make some donations to the group instead of the building because _ was needed. | Die Gruppe beschloss, anstelle des Gebäudes einige Spenden an die Gruppe zu leisten, da _ gebraucht wurde. | 2 | the building | the group | das Gebäude | die Gruppe | Gebäudes | Gruppe |
3EQPA8A374UALWAD9WYK6BQV474ZJM-2 | The group decided to make some donations to the group instead of the building because it was unnecessary. | The group decided to make some donations to the group instead of the building because _ was unnecessary. | Die Gruppe beschloss, anstelle des Gebäudes einige Spenden an die Gruppe zu leisten, da _ nicht erforderlich war. | 1 | the building | the group | das Gebäude | die Gruppe | Gebäudes | Gruppe |
3SR6AEG6W77TJP4P985G8PPNBN0HYR-1 | The procedure was more dangerous than the surgery, because it would take very long. | The procedure was more dangerous than the surgery, because _ would take very long. | Das Verfahren war gefährlicher als die Operation, da _ sehr lange dauern würde. | 2 | the surgery | the procedure | die Operation | das Verfahren | Operation | Verfahren |
3SR6AEG6W77TJP4P985G8PPNBN0HYR-2 | The procedure was more dangerous than the surgery, because it would be very short. | The procedure was more dangerous than the surgery, because _ would be very short. | Das Verfahren war gefährlicher als die Operation, da _ sehr kurz sein würde. | 2 | the procedure | the surgery | das Verfahren | die Operation | Verfahren | Operation |
3DGDV62G7O7G1WAZF2UQGW20SWP2PT-1 | The man wanted to store the book on the table but it was too small. | The man wanted to store the book on the table but _ was too small. | Der Mann wollte das Buch auf dem Tisch aufbewahren, aber _ war zu klein. | 2 | the book | the table | das Buch | der Tisch | Buch | Tisch |
3DGDV62G7O7G1WAZF2UQGW20SWP2PT-2 | The man wanted to store the book on the table but it was too large. | The man wanted to store the book on the table but _ was too large. | Der Mann wollte das Buch auf dem Tisch aufbewahren, aber _ war zu groß. | 2 | the table | the book | der Tisch | das Buch | Tisch | Buch |
3LXX8KJXPYNOA5I4598QTHTXEX4O92-1 | The pot dropped on the table and got the table broken because it is strong. | The pot dropped on the table and got the table broken because _ is strong. | Der Topf fiel auf den Tisch und ließ den Tisch zerbrechen, weil _ stark ist. | 2 | the table | the pot | der Tisch | der Topf | Tisch | Topf |
3LXX8KJXPYNOA5I4598QTHTXEX4O92-2 | The pot dropped on the table and got the table broken because it is weak. | The pot dropped on the table and got the table broken because _ is weak. | Der Topf fiel auf den Tisch und ließ den Tisch zerbrechen, weil _ schwach ist. | 1 | the table | the pot | der Tisch | der Topf | Tisch | Topf |
3XDJY5RK5SJ3WFXI02C8JHMXKSJ4UV-1 | Henry fixed the door and not the wall in the apartment because it had been broken. | Henry fixed the door and not the wall in the apartment because _ had been broken. | Henry reparierte die Tür und nicht die Wand in der Wohnung, weil _ zerbrochen war. | 2 | the wall | the door | die Wand | die Tür | Wand | Tür |
3XDJY5RK5SJ3WFXI02C8JHMXKSJ4UV-2 | Henry fixed the door and not the wall in the apartment because it was just fixed. | Henry fixed the door and not the wall in the apartment because _ was just fixed. | Henry reparierte die Tür und nicht die Wand in der Wohnung, weil _ nur repariert wurde. | 1 | the wall | the door | die Wand | die Tür | Wand | Tür |
30IRMPJWD1XBOETB1YGJDLCHY37KRI-1 | Susan made the decision of getting in an airplane instead of train to go to Miami because it travels fast. | Susan made the decision of getting in an airplane instead of train to go to Miami because _ travels fast. | Susan traf die Entscheidung, in ein Flugzeug zu steigen, anstatt mit dem Zug nach Miami zu fahren, weil _ schnell fährt. | 2 | the train | the airplane | der Zug | das Flugzeug | Zug | Flugzeug |
30IRMPJWD1XBOETB1YGJDLCHY37KRI-2 | Susan made the decision of getting in an Airplane instead of train to go to Miami because it travels slow. | Susan made the decision of getting in an Airplane instead of train to go to Miami because _ travels slow. | Susan traf die Entscheidung, in ein Flugzeug anstatt in einen Zug zu steigen, um nach Miami zu fahren, weil _ langsam fährt. | 2 | the airplane | the train | das Flugzeug | der Zug | Flugzeug | Zug |
39O6Z4JLX4B91L9Z910I4C9MFNIXV6-1 | The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as it turned out to be uncomfortable. | The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as _ turned out to be uncomfortable. | Die Katze mied das Bett und schlief auf dem Boden, da sich herausstellte, dass _ unbequem war. | 1 | the bed | the floor | das Bett | der Boden | Bett | Boden |
39O6Z4JLX4B91L9Z910I4C9MFNIXV6-2 | The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as it turned out to be accommodating. | The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as _ turned out to be accommodating. | Die Katze mied das Bett und schlief auf dem Boden, da sich herausstellte, dass _ zuvorkommend war. | 2 | the bed | the floor | das Bett | der Boden | Bett | Boden |
3Y3N5A7N4INFB35005LT0UXIQRMMYO-1 | The blade was not working in stripping the varnish off the table because it is too thin. | The blade was not working in stripping the varnish off the table because _ is too thin. | Die Klinge hat den Lack nicht vom Tisch abgezogen, weil _ zu dünn ist. | 2 | the varnish | the blade | der Lack | die Klinge | Lack | Klinge |
3Y3N5A7N4INFB35005LT0UXIQRMMYO-2 | The blade was not working in stripping the varnish off the table because it is too thick. | The blade was not working in stripping the varnish off the table because _ is too thick. | Die Klinge hat den Lack nicht vom Tisch abgezogen, weil _ zu dick ist. | 2 | the blade | the varnish | die Klinge | der Lack | Klinge | Lack |
3R868ACW4SA0UUKC1QDH9YYFCF6ZG1-1 | Bob tried to fit his card into the slot, but it was too wide. | Bob tried to fit his card into the slot, but _ was too wide. | Bob versuchte, seine Karte in den Steckplatz zu stecken, aber _ war zu breit. | 2 | the slot | the card | der Steckplatz | die Karte | Steckplatz | Karte |
3R868ACW4SA0UUKC1QDH9YYFCF6ZG1-2 | Bob tried to fit his card into the slot, but it was too narrow. | Bob tried to fit his card into the slot, but _ was too narrow. | Bob versuchte, seine Karte in den Steckplatz zu stecken, aber _ war zu schmal. | 2 | the card | the slot | die Karte | der Steckplatz | Karte | Steckplatz |
36FFXPMSTB2HPB0N3LWI6YRLXACOHS-1 | We returned the drill and opted to purchase a hammer, since it was useless for our building project. | We returned the drill and opted to purchase a hammer, since _ was useless for our building project. | Wir gaben den Bohrer zurück und entschieden uns für den Kauf eines Hammers, da _ für unser Bauprojekt unbrauchbar war. | 2 | the hammer | the drill | der Hammer | der Bohrer | Hammers | Bohrer |
36FFXPMSTB2HPB0N3LWI6YRLXACOHS-2 | We returned the drill and opted to purchase a hammer, since it was conducive to our building project. | We returned the drill and opted to purchase a hammer, since _ was conducive to our building project. | Wir gaben den Bohrer zurück und entschieden uns für den Kauf eines Hammers, da _ unserem Bauprojekt förderlich war. | 2 | the drill | the hammer | der Bohrer | der Hammer | Bohrer | Hammers |
3KA7IJSNW63AP9AVYVN1HP54M2ABPC-1 | During an accident while cooking, Joe had to use a microfiber instead of a towel to clean up the residue because it was available. | During an accident while cooking, Joe had to use a microfiber instead of a towel to clean up the residue because _ was available. | Während eines Unfalls beim Kochen musste Joe eine Mikrofaser anstelle eines Handtuchs verwenden, um die Rückstände zu entfernen, da _ verfügbar war. | 1 | the microfiber | the towel | die Mikrofaser | das Handtuch | Mikrofaser | Handtuchs |
3KA7IJSNW63AP9AVYVN1HP54M2ABPC-2 | During an accident while cooking, Joe had to use a microfiber instead of a towel to clean up the residue because it was dirty. | During an accident while cooking, Joe had to use a microfiber instead of a towel to clean up the residue because _ was dirty. | Während eines Unfalls beim Kochen musste Joe eine Mikrofaser anstelle eines Handtuchs verwenden, um die Rückstände zu entfernen, da _ schmutzig war. | 1 | the towel | the microfiber | das Handtuch | die Mikrofaser | Handtuchs | Mikrofaser |
3D1TUISJWKECYBV45PQC5GKOD35IU2-1 | The man put the watch in the safe but not the bracelet because it was made of real gold. | The man put the watch in the safe but not the bracelet because _ was made of real gold. | Der Mann legte die Uhr in den Safe, aber nicht das Armband, weil _ aus echtem Gold bestand. | 1 | the watch | the bracelet | die Uhr | das Armband | Uhr | Armband |
3D1TUISJWKECYBV45PQC5GKOD35IU2-2 | The man put the watch in the safe but not the bracelet because it was made of fake gold. | The man put the watch in the safe but not the bracelet because _ was made of fake gold. | Der Mann legte die Uhr in den Safe, aber nicht das Armband, weil _ aus Kunstgold bestand. | 1 | the bracelet | the watch | das Armband | die Uhr | Armband | Uhr |
3FW4EL5A3N2Z3E80X2VECHIF57B22X-1 | More blood came from the cut than from the puncture wound because it was deeper. | More blood came from the cut than from the puncture wound because _ was deeper. | Aus dem Schnitt kam mehr Blut als aus der Stichwunde, weil _ tiefer war. | 2 | the puncture wound | the cut | die Stichwunde | der Schnitt | Stichwunde | Schnitt |
3FW4EL5A3N2Z3E80X2VECHIF57B22X-2 | More blood came from the cut than from the puncture wound because it was less deep. | More blood came from the cut than from the puncture wound because _ was less deep. | Aus dem Schnitt kam mehr Blut als aus der Stichwunde, da _ weniger tief war. | 2 | the cut | the puncture wound | der Schnitt | die Stichwunde | Schnitt | Stichwunde |
3GVPRXWRPHSV6BK18JL13QIWHZMI7L-1 | She didn't like reading with the lamp compared to reading with the flashlight, because it was dimmer. | She didn't like reading with the lamp compared to reading with the flashlight, because _ was dimmer. | Sie las nicht gern mit der Lampe im Vergleich zum Lesen mit der Taschenlampe, weil _ dunkler war. | 1 | the lamp | the flashlight | die Lampe | die Taschenlampe | Lampe | Taschenlampe |
3GVPRXWRPHSV6BK18JL13QIWHZMI7L-2 | She didn't like reading with the lamp compared to reading with the flashlight, because it was brighter. | She didn't like reading with the lamp compared to reading with the flashlight, because _ was brighter. | Sie las nicht gern mit der Lampe im Vergleich zum Lesen mit der Taschenlampe, weil _ heller war. | 1 | the flashlight | the lamp | die Taschenlampe | die Lampe | Taschenlampe | Lampe |
335HHSX8CFJQLE9YDCI2V4FMSKCDH2-1 | As the house was being remodeled, the roofing had to be changed because it was ancient. | As the house was being remodeled, the roofing had to be changed because _ was ancient. | Während des Umbaus des Hauses musste die Überdachung geändert werden, da _ uralt war. | 2 | the house | the roofing | das Haus | die Überdachung | Hauses | Überdachung |
335HHSX8CFJQLE9YDCI2V4FMSKCDH2-2 | As the house was being remodeled, the roofing had to be changed because it was modern. | As the house was being remodeled, the roofing had to be changed because _ was modern. | Während des Umbaus des Hauses musste die Überdachung geändert werden, da _ modern war. | 2 | the roofing | the house | die Überdachung | das Haus | Überdachung | Hauses |
3E24UO25Q141SMG6725E972VOWWO6R-1 | He liked to clean the floor with a mop rather than a sponge, because it always ended up leaving streaks. | He liked to clean the floor with a mop rather than a sponge, because _ always ended up leaving streaks. | Er putzte den Boden lieber mit einem Mopp als mit einem Schwamm, weil _ immer Streifen hinterließ. | 2 | the mop | the sponge | der Mopp | der Schwamm | Mopp | Schwamm |
3E24UO25Q141SMG6725E972VOWWO6R-2 | He liked to clean the floor with a mop rather than a sponge, even though it always ended up leaving streaks. | He liked to clean the floor with a mop rather than a sponge, even though _ always ended up leaving streaks. | Er putzte den Boden lieber mit einem Mopp als mit einem Schwamm, obwohl _ immer Streifen hinterließ. | 2 | the sponge | the mop | der Schwamm | der Mopp | Schwamm | Mopp |
3ZTE0JGGCG6Q83P7HTIHV7U5KFAOCG-1 | She was hesitant about spending money on the dress, but was fine with buying the purse, because it was so cheap. | She was hesitant about spending money on the dress, but was fine with buying the purse, because _ was so cheap. | Sie zögerte, Geld für das Kleid auszugeben, konnte aber die Geldbörse gut kaufen, weil _ so billig war. | 1 | the purse | the dress | die Geldbörse | das Kleid | Geldbörse | Kleid |
3ZTE0JGGCG6Q83P7HTIHV7U5KFAOCG-2 | She was hesitant about spending money on the dress, but was fine with buying the purse, because it was so expensive. | She was hesitant about spending money on the dress, but was fine with buying the purse, because _ was so expensive. | Sie zögerte, Geld für das Kleid auszugeben, konnte aber die Geldbörse gut kaufen, weil _ so teuer war. | 1 | the dress | the purse | das Kleid | die Geldbörse | Kleid | Geldbörse |
3A520CCNWPEG3XFK31JUK0A3GHXEAS-1 | To properly install the frame, we threw out the screwdriver and used the drill, as it had little utility for this task. | To properly install the frame, we threw out the screwdriver and used the drill, as _ had little utility for this task. | Um den Rahmen richtig zu installieren, warfen wir den Schraubendreher heraus und verwendeten den Bohrer, da _ für diese Aufgabe wenig nützlich war. | 2 | the drill | the screwdriver | der Bohrer | der Schraubendreher | Bohrer | Schraubendreher |
3A520CCNWPEG3XFK31JUK0A3GHXEAS-2 | To properly install the frame, we threw out the screwdriver and used the drill, as it had great utility for this task. | To properly install the frame, we threw out the screwdriver and used the drill, as _ had great utility for this task. | Um den Rahmen richtig zu installieren, warfen wir den Schraubendreher heraus und verwendeten den Bohrer, da _ für diese Aufgabe sehr nützlich war. | 2 | the screwdriver | the drill | der Schraubendreher | der Bohrer | Schraubendreher | Bohrer |
30IRMPJWD1XBOETB1YGJDLCHY8QRKI-1 | The two boys planned out a game and then went to draw it on the paper, but quickly realized that it was too complex. | The two boys planned out a game and then went to draw it on the paper, but quickly realized that _ was too complex. | Die beiden Jungen planten ein Spiel und zeichneten es dann auf das Papier, stellten jedoch schnell fest, dass _ zu komplex war. | 1 | the game | the paper | das Spiel | das Papier | Spiel | Papier |
30IRMPJWD1XBOETB1YGJDLCHY8QRKI-2 | The two boys planned out a game and then went to draw it on the paper, but quickly realized that it was too small. | The two boys planned out a game and then went to draw it on the paper, but quickly realized that _ was too small. | Die beiden Jungen planten ein Spiel und zeichneten es dann auf das Papier, stellten jedoch schnell fest, dass _ zu klein war. | 1 | the paper | the game | das Papier | das Spiel | Papier | Spiel |
3OREP8RUT4PJ6LG3FA9EFEFLAZNGBZ-1 | The theater always did much better than the cinema because it was very popular in town. | The theater always did much better than the cinema because _ was very popular in town. | Das Theater war immer viel besser als das Kino, weil _ in der Stadt sehr beliebt war. | 2 | the cinema | the theater | das Kino | das Theater | Kino | Theater |
3OREP8RUT4PJ6LG3FA9EFEFLAZNGBZ-2 | The theater always did much better than the cinema because it was very dead in town. | The theater always did much better than the cinema because _ was very dead in town. | Das Theater war immer viel besser als das Kino, weil _ in der Stadt sehr tot war. | 2 | the theater | the cinema | das Theater | das Kino | Theater | Kino |
3VGZ74AYTGENM1929CT9Y0XU3UNCGC-1 | The manual is always better than a catalog because it is specific to what you need. | The manual is always better than a catalog because _ is specific to what you need. | Das Handbuch ist immer besser als ein Katalog, da _ genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. | 2 | the catalog | the manual | der Katalog | das Handbuch | Katalog | Handbuch |
3VGZ74AYTGENM1929CT9Y0XU3UNCGC-2 | The manual is always better than a catalog because it is non-specific to what you need. | The manual is always better than a catalog because _ is non-specific to what you need. | Das Handbuch ist immer besser als ein Katalog, da _ nicht spezifisch für Ihre Anforderungen ist. | 1 | the catalog | the manual | der Katalog | das Handbuch | Katalog | Handbuch |
38O9DZ0A641NLFR1K47H2UZSNO4621-1 | When I saw him in the mask I felt more emotion than when he had the hat on, because it was very scary. | When I saw him in the mask I felt more emotion than when he had the hat on, because _ was very scary. | Als ich ihn in der Maske sah, fühlte ich mehr Emotionen als wenn er den Hut auf hatte, weil _ sehr beängstigend war. | 2 | the hat | the mask | der Hut | die Maske | Hut | Maske |
38O9DZ0A641NLFR1K47H2UZSNO4621-2 | When I saw him in the mask I felt more emotion than when he had the hat on, because it was very normal. | When I saw him in the mask I felt more emotion than when he had the hat on, because _ was very normal. | Als ich ihn in der Maske sah, fühlte ich mehr Emotionen als wenn er den Hut auf hatte, weil _ sehr normal war. | 1 | the hat | the mask | der Hut | die Maske | Hut | Maske |
3566S7OX5FXZ0UNAKACV3PPJPZ071L-1 | The tubing did not fit around the car due to the fact that it was too small. | The tubing did not fit around the car due to the fact that _ was too small. | Der Schlauch passte nicht um das Auto herum, da _ zu klein war. | 1 | the tubing | the car | der Schlauch | das Auto | Schlauch | Auto |
3566S7OX5FXZ0UNAKACV3PPJPZ071L-2 | The tubing did not fit around the car due to the fact that it was too large. | The tubing did not fit around the car due to the fact that _ was too large. | Der Schlauch passte nicht um das Auto herum, da _ zu groß war. | 2 | the tubing | the car | der Schlauch | das Auto | Schlauch | Auto |
37M4O367VLWH9FVGP3GWPXZPVQDM5B-1 | The man took the stairwell to the third floor instead of the elevator because it was clear. | The man took the stairwell to the third floor instead of the elevator because _ was clear. | Der Mann nahm das Treppenhaus in den dritten Stock anstelle des Aufzugs, weil _ frei war. | 1 | the stairwell | the elevator | das Treppenhaus | der Aufzug | Treppenhaus | Aufzugs |
37M4O367VLWH9FVGP3GWPXZPVQDM5B-2 | The man took the stairwell to the third floor instead of the elevator because it was congested. | The man took the stairwell to the third floor instead of the elevator because _ was congested. | Der Mann nahm das Treppenhaus in den dritten Stock anstelle des Aufzugs, weil _ überlastet war. | 2 | the stairwell | the elevator | das Treppenhaus | der Aufzug | Treppenhaus | Aufzugs |
3VMHWJRYHXUK5ON99MVEMQ60RFDFXR-1 | The chef took the vegetables off of the table and put them in the pot until it was full. | The chef took the vegetables off of the table and put them in the pot until _ was full. | Der Koch nahm das Gemüse vom Tisch und stellte es in den Topf, bis _ voll war. | 2 | the table | the pot | der Tisch | der Topf | Tisch | Topf |
3VMHWJRYHXUK5ON99MVEMQ60RFDFXR-2 | The chef took the vegetables off of the table and put them in the pot until it was empty. | The chef took the vegetables off of the table and put them in the pot until _ was empty. | Der Koch nahm das Gemüse vom Tisch und stellte es in den Topf, bis _ leer war. | 2 | the pot | the table | der Topf | der Tisch | Topf | Tisch |
32TMVRKDGPCKS7PCHXN3FNSGBPT844-1 | The wedding was held in the banquet hall instead of the ballroom because it was better decorated. | The wedding was held in the banquet hall instead of the ballroom because _ was better decorated. | Die Hochzeit fand im Bankettsaal statt im Ballsaal statt, weil _ besser dekoriert war. | 1 | the banquet hall | the ballroom | der Bankettsaal | der Ballsaal | Bankettsaal | Ballsaal |
32TMVRKDGPCKS7PCHXN3FNSGBPT844-2 | The wedding was held in the banquet hall instead of the ballroom although it was better decorated. | The wedding was held in the banquet hall instead of the ballroom although _ was better decorated. | Die Hochzeit fand im Bankettsaal statt im Ballsaal statt, obwohl _ besser dekoriert war. | 1 | the ballroom | the banquet hall | der Ballsaal | der Bankettsaal | Ballsaal | Bankettsaal |
3B6F54KMR4QLJS728DA6YGLFDAJS1U-1 | The boy was crying to hand over the bag in his hand to the elder brother and collect the box because it is heavy. | The boy was crying to hand over the bag in his hand to the elder brother and collect the box because _ is heavy. | Der Junge weinte, um die Tasche in seiner Hand dem älteren Bruder zu übergeben und die Schachtel abzuholen, weil _ schwer ist. | 1 | the bag | the box | die Tasche | die Schachtel | Tasche | Schachtel |
3B6F54KMR4QLJS728DA6YGLFDAJS1U-2 | The boy was crying to hand over the bag in his hand to the elder brother and collect the box because it is light. | The boy was crying to hand over the bag in his hand to the elder brother and collect the box because _ is light. | Der Junge weinte, um die Tasche in seiner Hand dem älteren Bruder zu übergeben und die Schachtel einzusammeln, weil _ leicht ist. | 2 | the bag | the box | die Tasche | die Schachtel | Tasche | Schachtel |
3NCN4N1H1IVPGDXP2EM95YOICRJBN9-1 | Mary scrubbed the tile floor but thankfully didn't need to clean the toilet, because it was filthy. | Mary scrubbed the tile floor but thankfully didn't need to clean the toilet, because _ was filthy. | Mary schrubbte den Fliesenboden, musste aber zum Glück die Toilette nicht reinigen, da _ schmutzig war. | 1 | the floor | the toilet | der Boden | die Toilette | Fliesenboden | Toilette |
3NCN4N1H1IVPGDXP2EM95YOICRJBN9-2 | Mary scrubbed the tile floor but thankfully didn't need to clean the toilet, because it was clean. | Mary scrubbed the tile floor but thankfully didn't need to clean the toilet, because _ was clean. | Mary schrubbte den Fliesenboden, musste aber zum Glück die Toilette nicht reinigen, da _ sauber war. | 2 | the floor | the toilet | der Boden | die Toilette | Fliesenboden | Toilette |
3HO4MYYR142W5R033OHN8DUK6H06U0-1 | James can never know what was written on the envelope in the box because just it is visible. | James can never know what was written on the envelope in the box because just _ is visible. | James kann nie wissen, was auf dem Umschlag in der Schachtel stand, weil nur _ sichtbar ist. | 1 | the box | the envelope | die Schachtel | der Umschlag | Schachtel | Umschlag |
3HO4MYYR142W5R033OHN8DUK6H06U0-2 | James can never know what was written on the envelope in the box because just it is hidden. | James can never know what was written on the envelope in the box because just _ is hidden. | James kann nie wissen, was auf dem Umschlag in der Schachtel steht, weil nur _ versteckt ist. | 1 | the envelope | the box | der Umschlag | die Schachtel | Umschlag | Schachtel |
3FJ2RVH25Z4V99USYDYTU62LNQG293-1 | The hunter wanted to shoot the target with the bow but it was too fast. | The hunter wanted to shoot the target with the bow but _ was too fast. | Der Jäger wollte das Ziel mit dem Bogen abschießen, aber _ war zu schnell. | 2 | the bow | the target | der Bogen | das Ziel | Bogen | Ziel |
3FJ2RVH25Z4V99USYDYTU62LNQG293-2 | The hunter wanted to shoot the target with the bow but it was too slow. | The hunter wanted to shoot the target with the bow but _ was too slow. | Der Jäger wollte das Ziel mit dem Bogen abschießen, aber _ war zu langsam. | 2 | the target | the bow | das Ziel | der Bogen | Ziel | Bogen |
3AQN9REUTHUC79ZNNCMQH4APJWZDY8-1 | The man used the rope instead of the vine in order to survive, because it was weak. | The man used the rope instead of the vine in order to survive, because _ was weak. | Der Mann benutzte das Seil anstelle der Rebe, um zu überleben, weil _ schwach war. | 1 | the vine | the rope | die Rebe | das Seil | Rebe | Seil |
3AQN9REUTHUC79ZNNCMQH4APJWZDY8-2 | The man used the rope instead of the vine in order to survive, because it was strong. | The man used the rope instead of the vine in order to survive, because _ was strong. | Der Mann benutzte das Seil anstelle der Rebe, um zu überleben, weil _ stark war. | 2 | the vine | the rope | die Rebe | das Seil | Rebe | Seil |
32CAVSKPCG31Y5Z6XI56DH32W1V1UU-1 | The woman had more success throwing the axe than the dart, because it was easy to aim. | The woman had more success throwing the axe than the dart, because _ was easy to aim. | Die Frau hatte mehr Erfolg beim Werfen der Axt als beim Pfeil, weil _ leicht zu zielen war. | 1 | the axe | the dart | die Axt | der Pfeil | Axt | Pfeil |
32CAVSKPCG31Y5Z6XI56DH32W1V1UU-2 | The woman had more success throwing the axe than the dart, because it was difficult to aim. | The woman had more success throwing the axe than the dart, because _ was difficult to aim. | Die Frau hatte mehr Erfolg beim Werfen der Axt als beim Pfeil, weil _ schwer zu zielen war. | 1 | the dart | the axe | der Pfeil | die Axt | Pfeil | Axt |
3FCO4VKOZ4BJQ6IFC0VAIBK4P657ER-1 | I tried to use a new chemical to clean the wall but it didn't work because it is weak. | I tried to use a new chemical to clean the wall but it didn't work because _ is weak. | Ich habe versucht, die Wand mit einer neuen Chemikalie zu reinigen, aber es hat nicht funktioniert, weil _ schwach ist. | 2 | the wall | the chemical | die Wand | die Chemikalie | Wand | Chemikalie |
3FCO4VKOZ4BJQ6IFC0VAIBK4P657ER-2 | I tried to use a new chemical to clean the wall but it didn't work because it is stained. | I tried to use a new chemical to clean the wall but it didn't work because _ is stained. | Ich habe versucht, die Wand mit einer neuen Chemikalie zu reinigen, aber es hat nicht funktioniert, weil _ fleckig ist. | 1 | the wall | the chemical | die Wand | die Chemikalie | Wand | Chemikalie |
363A7XIFV60X5816YR84K4YPFBCVAO-1 | The money couldn't be used as currency at the store because it wasn't local. | The money couldn't be used as currency at the store because _ wasn't local. | Das Geld konnte im Geschäft nicht als Währung verwendet werden, da _ nicht lokal war. | 2 | the store | the money | das Geschäft | das Geld | Geschäft | Geld |
363A7XIFV60X5816YR84K4YPFBCVAO-2 | The money couldn't be used as currency at the store because it wasn't foreign. | The money couldn't be used as currency at the store because _ wasn't foreign. | Das Geld konnte im Geschäft nicht als Währung verwendet werden, da _ nicht fremd war. | 2 | the money | the store | das Geld | das Geschäft | Geld | Geschäft |
3LCXHSGDLVKK3T1EK15L50492MCESU-1 | I couldn't wrap the shipping box with the newspaper because it was too large. | I couldn't wrap the shipping box with the newspaper because _ was too large. | Ich konnte die Versandschachtel nicht mit der Zeitung umwickeln, weil _ zu groß war. | 1 | the box | the newspaper | die Schachtel | die Zeitung | Versandschachtel | Zeitung |
3LCXHSGDLVKK3T1EK15L50492MCESU-2 | I couldn't wrap the shipping box with the newspaper because it was too small. | I couldn't wrap the shipping box with the newspaper because _ was too small. | Ich konnte die Versandschachtel nicht mit der Zeitung umwickeln, weil _ zu klein war. | 2 | the box | the newspaper | die Schachtel | die Zeitung | Versandschachtel | Zeitung |
34R0BODSP3DJXR3385SDCPUHNY35E9-1 | My teeth hurt more after eating the apple than the pudding because it was crunchier. | My teeth hurt more after eating the apple than the pudding because _ was crunchier. | Meine Zähne taten nach dem Verzehr des Apfels mehr weh als nach dem Pudding, weil _ knuspriger war. | 2 | the pudding | the apple | der Pudding | der Apfel | Pudding | Apfels |
34R0BODSP3DJXR3385SDCPUHNY35E9-2 | My teeth hurt more after eating the apple than the pudding because it was softer. | My teeth hurt more after eating the apple than the pudding because _ was softer. | Meine Zähne taten nach dem Verzehr des Apfels mehr weh als der Pudding, weil _ weicher war. | 2 | the apple | the pudding | der Apfel | der Pudding | Apfels | Pudding |
341YLJU21KD3EZM2M5G6ZXPXV40I2L-1 | We kept the gold in the safe rather than the drawer, as it was more secure. | We kept the gold in the safe rather than the drawer, as _ was more secure. | Wir haben das Gold eher im Safe als in der Schublade aufbewahrt, da _ sicherer war. | 2 | the drawer | the safe | die Schublade | der Safe | Schublade | Safe |
341YLJU21KD3EZM2M5G6ZXPXV40I2L-2 | We kept the gold in the safe rather than the drawer, as it was less secure. | We kept the gold in the safe rather than the drawer, as _ was less secure. | Wir haben das Gold eher im Safe als in der Schublade aufbewahrt, da _ weniger sicher war. | 2 | the safe | the drawer | der Safe | die Schublade | Safe | Schublade |
30ZKOOGW2YKHJWL8RDOFDGR8PY3A1R-1 | The car sailed over the bridge but crashed into the road ahead, since it was so low for the jump. | The car sailed over the bridge but crashed into the road ahead, since _ was so low for the jump. | Das Auto segelte über die Brücke, prallte aber gegen die Straße, da _ für den Sprung so niedrig war. | 2 | the road | the bridge | die Straße | die Brücke | Straße | Brücke |
30ZKOOGW2YKHJWL8RDOFDGR8PY3A1R-2 | The car sailed over the bridge but crashed into the road ahead, since it was so high for the jump. | The car sailed over the bridge but crashed into the road ahead, since _ was so high for the jump. | Das Auto segelte über die Brücke, prallte aber gegen die Straße, da _ für den Sprung so hoch war. | 2 | the bridge | the road | die Brücke | die Straße | Brücke | Straße |
3SCKNODZ0ZU2E1UZPXAT0W2LRDK7NV-1 | After the divorce, the man sleeps on the couch instead of the bed because it is more comfortable. | After the divorce, the man sleeps on the couch instead of the bed because _ is more comfortable. | Nach der Scheidung schläft der Mann auf der Couch statt auf dem Bett, weil _ bequemer ist. | 1 | the couch | the bed | die Couch | das Bett | Couch | Bett |
3SCKNODZ0ZU2E1UZPXAT0W2LRDK7NV-2 | After the divorce, the man sleeps on the couch instead of the bed although it is more comfortable. | After the divorce, the man sleeps on the couch instead of the bed although _ is more comfortable. | Nach der Scheidung schläft der Mann auf der Couch anstelle des Bettes, obwohl _ bequemer ist. | 2 | the couch | the bed | die Couch | das Bett | Couch | Bettes |
3K3IX1W4S85K0O4ACFZ5EC96S0RAPL-1 | The industrious chicken keeper took eggs from the nest and put them in her basket until it was full. | The industrious chicken keeper took eggs from the nest and put them in her basket until _ was full. | Die fleißige Hühnerhalterin nahm Eier aus dem Nest und legte sie in ihren Korb, bis _ voll war. | 1 | the basket | the nest | der Korb | das Nest | Korb | Nest |
3K3IX1W4S85K0O4ACFZ5EC96S0RAPL-2 | The industrious chicken keeper took eggs from the nest and put them in her basket until it was empty. | The industrious chicken keeper took eggs from the nest and put them in her basket until _ was empty. | Die fleißige Hühnerhalterin nahm Eier aus dem Nest und legte sie in ihren Korb, bis _ leer war. | 2 | the basket | the nest | der Korb | das Nest | Korb | Nest |
34F34TZU7YDZ9A684N16BY4X9XKJ2M-1 | Because the message was sensitive, Jason chose to make a phone call rather than send a text, because he thought it would be a poor choice. | Because the message was sensitive, Jason chose to make a phone call rather than send a text, because he thought _ would be a poor choice. | Da die Nachricht vertraulich war, entschied sich Jason dafür, einen Anruf zu tätigen, anstatt einen Text zu senden, da er dachte, _ wäre eine schlechte Wahl. | 2 | the phone call | the text | der Anruf | der Text | Anruf | Text |
34F34TZU7YDZ9A684N16BY4X9XKJ2M-2 | Because the message was sensitive, Jason chose to make a phone call rather than send a text, because he thought it would be a good choice. | Because the message was sensitive, Jason chose to make a phone call rather than send a text, because he thought _ would be a good choice. | Da die Nachricht vertraulich war, entschied sich Jason dafür, einen Anruf zu tätigen, anstatt einen Text zu senden, da er der Meinung war, dass _ eine gute Wahl wäre. | 1 | the phone call | the text | der Anruf | der Text | Anruf | Text |
3OPLMF3EU711TMJ1TRB3J1KMM6NLNY-1 | The pistol was quieter than the shotgun when fired because it was more powerful. | The pistol was quieter than the shotgun when fired because _ was more powerful. | Die Pistole war beim Abfeuern leiser als die Schrotflinte, weil _ stärker war. | 2 | the pistol | the shotgun | die Pistole | die Schrotflinte | Pistole | Schrotflinte |
3OPLMF3EU711TMJ1TRB3J1KMM6NLNY-2 | The pistol was louder than the shotgun when fired because it was more powerful. | The pistol was louder than the shotgun when fired because _ was more powerful. | Die Pistole war beim Abfeuern lauter als die Schrotflinte, weil _ stärker war. | 1 | the pistol | the shotgun | die Pistole | die Schrotflinte | Pistole | Schrotflinte |
3TLFH2L6YB2TND2DGHFAD4R6624T2Z-1 | I picked up a book at the store on how to find love at 50 but it was too old. | I picked up a book at the store on how to find love at 50 but _ was too old. | Ich habe im Laden ein Buch darüber abgeholt, wie man mit 50 Liebe findet, aber _ war zu alt. | 2 | the store | the book | der Laden | das Buch | Laden | Buch |
3TLFH2L6YB2TND2DGHFAD4R6624T2Z-2 | I picked up a book at the store on how to find love at 50 but it was too crowded. | I picked up a book at the store on how to find love at 50 but _ was too crowded. | Ich habe im Laden ein Buch darüber abgeholt, wie man mit 50 Liebe findet, aber _ war zu voll. | 2 | the book | the store | das Buch | der Laden | Buch | Laden |
3ICOHX7ENEPK2KH2BZM1VUYP5CHE0R-1 | Jennifer took food from the bag and put it in the pantry until it was full. | Jennifer took food from the bag and put it in the pantry until _ was full. | Jennifer nahm Essen aus der Tasche und stellte es in die Speisekammer, bis _ voll war. | 1 | the pantry | the bag | die Speisekammer | die Tasche | Speisekammer | Tasche |
3ICOHX7ENEPK2KH2BZM1VUYP5CHE0R-2 | Jennifer took food from the bag and put it in the pantry until it was empty. | Jennifer took food from the bag and put it in the pantry until _ was empty. | Jennifer nahm Essen aus der Tasche und stellte es in die Speisekammer, bis _ leer war. | 2 | the pantry | the bag | die Speisekammer | die Tasche | Speisekammer | Tasche |
30Z7M1Q8UYIK076M60LU0SQ8FC88AH-1 | The sailboat reached the shoreline more swiftly than the schooner, so it is likely the faster of the vehicles. | The sailboat reached the shoreline more swiftly than the schooner, so _ is likely the faster of the vehicles. | Das Segelboot erreichte die Küste schneller als der Schoner, daher ist _ wahrscheinlich das schnellere der Fahrzeuge. | 1 | the sailboat | the schooner | das Segelboot | der Schoner | Segelboot | Schoner |
30Z7M1Q8UYIK076M60LU0SQ8FC88AH-2 | The sailboat reached the shoreline more passively than the schooner, so it is likely the faster of the vehicles. | The sailboat reached the shoreline more passively than the schooner, so _ is likely the faster of the vehicles. | Das Segelboot erreichte die Küste passiver als der Schoner, so dass _ wahrscheinlich das schnellere der Fahrzeuge ist. | 2 | the sailboat | the schooner | das Segelboot | der Schoner | Segelboot | Schoner |
3P4ZBJFX2XH5GOIJZHZSK7SUJWLWFY-1 | Adam was summoned to appear before the court to testify in the trial, but the lawyer called a recess and it was delayed. | Adam was summoned to appear before the court to testify in the trial, but the lawyer called a recess and _ was delayed. | Adam wurde aufgefordert, vor dem Gericht zu erscheinen, um im Prozess auszusagen, aber der Anwalt forderte eine Pause und _ wurde verschoben. | 2 | the court | the trial | das Gericht | der Prozess | Gericht | Prozess |
3P4ZBJFX2XH5GOIJZHZSK7SUJWLWFY-2 | Adam was summoned to appear before the court to testify in the trial, but the lawyer called a recess and it was evacuated. | Adam was summoned to appear before the court to testify in the trial, but the lawyer called a recess and _ was evacuated. | Adam wurde aufgefordert, vor dem Gericht zu erscheinen, um im Prozess auszusagen, aber der Anwalt rief eine Pause an und _ wurde evakuiert. | 2 | the trial | the court | der Prozess | das Gericht | Prozess | Gericht |
341YLJU21KD3EZM2M5G6ZXPWU732IB-1 | The used a box instead of the trap to catch the mouse because it was more humane. | The used a box instead of the trap to catch the mouse because _ was more humane. | Sie benutzten eine Kiste anstelle der Falle, um die Maus zu fangen, weil _ humaner war. | 2 | the trap | the box | die Falle | die Kiste | Falle | Kiste |
341YLJU21KD3EZM2M5G6ZXPWU732IB-2 | The used a box instead of the trap to catch the mouse because it was more inhumane. | The used a box instead of the trap to catch the mouse because _ was more inhumane. | Sie benutzten eine Kiste anstelle der Falle, um die Maus zu fangen, weil _ unmenschlicher war. | 1 | the trap | the box | die Falle | die Kiste | Falle | Kiste |
37J05LC5AXH7IV5HHE9NFJ7SGNCDJF-1 | The family chocolate recipe had to have the root and the brown sugar removed because it was too bitter. | The family chocolate recipe had to have the root and the brown sugar removed because _ was too bitter. | Das Familienschokoladenrezept musste die Wurzel und den braunen Zucker entfernen lassen, weil _ zu bitter war. | 2 | the sugar | the root | der Zucker | die Wurzel | Zucker | Wurzel |
37J05LC5AXH7IV5HHE9NFJ7SGNCDJF-2 | The family chocolate recipe had to have the root and the brown sugar removed because it was too sweet. | The family chocolate recipe had to have the root and the brown sugar removed because _ was too sweet. | Das Familienschokoladenrezept musste die Wurzel und den braunen Zucker entfernen, weil _ zu süß war. | 2 | the root | the sugar | die Wurzel | der Zucker | Wurzel | Zucker |
3W0XM68YZPT81KVNJ6P4FW6W6EDK1X-1 | My hammer that I just bought was better than the screwdriver because it was the right tool for the job. | My hammer that I just bought was better than the screwdriver because _ was the right tool for the job. | Mein Hammer, den ich gerade gekauft habe, war besser als der Schraubendreher, weil _ das richtige Werkzeug für diesen Job war. | 2 | the screwdriver | the hammer | der Schraubendreher | der Hammer | Schraubendreher | Hammer |
3W0XM68YZPT81KVNJ6P4FW6W6EDK1X-2 | My hammer that I just bought was better than the screwdriver because it was the wrong tool for the job. | My hammer that I just bought was better than the screwdriver because _ was the wrong tool for the job. | Mein Hammer, den ich gerade gekauft habe, war besser als der Schraubendreher, weil _ das falsche Werkzeug für den Job war. | 2 | the hammer | the screwdriver | der Hammer | der Schraubendreher | Hammer | Schraubendreher |
Subsets and Splits