Chess Datasets
3 items
imagewidth (px) 512
| board_state
stringlengths 19
| active_color
stringclasses 2
values | castling_rights
stringclasses 16
values | en_passant_target_square
stringclasses 16
values | best_continuation
stringlengths 2
r6k/pp2r2p/4Rp1Q/3p4/8/1N1P2b1/PqP3PP/7K | w | - | - | Rxe7 Qb1+ Nc1 Qxc1+ Qxc1 |
5rk1/1p3ppp/pq1Q1b2/8/8/1P3N2/P4PPP/3R2K1 | b | - | - | Rd8 Qxd8+ Bxd8 |
8/5R2/1p2P3/p4r2/P6p/1P3Pk1/4K3/8 | b | - | - | Re5+ Kf1 Rxe6 |
r2qr1k1/b1p2ppp/p5n1/P1p1p3/4P1n1/B2P2Pb/3NBP1P/RN1QR1K1 | w | - | - | Bxg4 Bxg4 Qxg4 |
8/8/4k1p1/2KpP2P/5P2/8/8/8 | b | - | - | gxh5 f5+ Kxe5 f6 Kxf6 |
4r3/1k6/pp3P2/1b5p/3R1p2/P1R2P2/1P4PP/6K1 | b | - | - | Re1+ Kf2 Rf1# |
r4rk1/pp2Bppp/2n1b3/q1pp4/8/P1Q2NP1/1PP1PP1P/2KR3R | b | - | - | Qxc3 bxc3 Nxe7 |
r1bq3r/pp1nbkp1/2p1p2p/8/2BP4/1PN3P1/P3QP1P/3R1RK1 | w | - | - | Qxe6+ Kf8 Qf7# |
3r3r/pQNk1ppp/1qnR1n2/1B6/8/8/PPP3PP/5R1K | b | - | - | Kxd6 Qxb6 axb6 |
5r1k/5rp1/p7/1b2B2p/1P1P1Pq1/2R3Q1/P3p1P1/2R3K1 | b | - | - | Rxf4 Bxf4 Rxf4 |
8/7R/8/5p2/4bk1P/8/2r5/5KR1 | b | - | - | Kf3 Ke1 Rc1+ Kd2 Rxg1 |
3R4/8/8/KB2b3/1p6/1P2k3/3p4/8 | b | - | - | Bc7+ Kxb4 Bxd8 |
4r3/5pk1/1Q3np1/3p3p/2q5/P4N1P/1P3RP1/7K | b | - | - | Ne4 Kg1 Nxf2 |
r4rk1/5ppp/1np2q2/p1b5/2p1B3/P7/1P3PPP/R1BQ1RK1 | w | - | - | Qh5 h6 Qxc5 |
2kr3r/p4p2/1p2p2p/1N1p2p1/3Q4/1P1P4/2q2PPP/5RK1 | w | - | - | Qa1 a5 Rc1 |
6k1/5ppp/r1p5/p1n1rP2/8/2P2N1P/2P3P1/3R2K1 | w | - | - | Rd8+ Re8 Rxe8# |
2r2rk1/pbq1bppp/8/8/2p1N3/P1Bn2P1/2Q2PBP/1R3RK1 | w | - | - | Rxb7 Qxb7 Nf6+ Bxf6 Bxb7 |
8/3B2pp/p5k1/6P1/1ppp1K2/8/1P6/8 | w | - | - | Be8# |
N6r/1p1k1ppp/2np4/b3p3/4P1b1/N1Q5/P4PPP/R3KB1R | b | KQ | - | Bxc3# |
2r3k1/2r4p/4p1p1/1p1q1pP1/p2P1P1Q/P6R/4bB2/2R3K1 | w | - | - | Qxh7+ Rxh7 Rxc8+ Kg7 Rc7+ |
7r/6k1/2b1Rp2/8/P1N3p1/5nP1/5P2/Q4K2 | b | - | - | Rh1+ Ke2 Rxa1 |
5r1k/pp4pp/5p2/1BbQp1r1/7K/7P/1PP3P1/3R3R | b | - | - | Bf2+ g3 Bxg3# |
2r3k1/p4pp1/Qq2p2p/b1Np4/2nP1P2/4P1P1/5K1P/2B1N3 | w | - | - | Qxc8+ Kh7 Qb7 |
6k1/1p4p1/1p3p1p/2r1p3/2n5/r3PN2/2RnNPPP/2R3K1 | w | - | - | Nxd2 Nxd2 Rxd2 Rxc1+ Nxc1 |
1rb3k1/q4rP1/4p2p/3p3p/3P1P2/2P5/2QK3P/3R2R1 | w | - | - | Qh7+ Kxh7 g8=Q# |
6nr/p4p1p/k1p5/1p6/1QN5/2P1P3/4KPqP/8 | w | - | - | Qa5+ Kb7 Nd6+ Kb8 Qd8# |
r3k2r/pb1p1ppp/1b4q1/1Q2P3/8/2NP1PP1/PP4P1/R1B2R1K | b | kq | - | Qh5# |
r4rk1/p3ppbp/Pp1q1np1/3PpbB1/2B5/2N2P2/1PPQ2PP/3RR1K1 | b | - | - | Qc5+ Kh1 Qxc4 |
k1r1b3/p1r1nppp/Bp1qpn2/2Np4/1P1P4/PQR1PN2/5PPP/2R3K1 | b | - | - | bxc5 Bxc8 c4 |
8/4R3/p4kpp/3B4/5q2/8/5P1P/6K1 | w | - | - | Rf7+ Ke5 Rxf4 |
r3kb1r/pppqpn1p/5p2/3p1bpQ/2PP4/2N1P1B1/PP3PPP/R3KB1R | b | KQkq | - | Bg4 Qxg4 Qxg4 |
r5k1/pp4pp/4p1q1/4p3/3n4/P3Q1P1/1PP4P/2KR1R2 | b | - | - | Qxc2# |
r7/2p3rk/p2p1q1p/Pp1P4/1P2P3/2PQ4/6R1/R5K1 | w | - | - | e5+ Qg6 Rxg6 |
8/8/kp6/p4pQp/q7/7P/3r2P1/4R2K | w | - | - | Qxd2 |
r3brk1/5pp1/p2qpn1p/P2pn3/2pP4/2P1PN2/5PPP/RB1QK2R | w | KQ | - | dxe5 Qe7 exf6 |
r3k2r/ppq1bppp/4pn2/2Ppn3/1P4bP/2P2N2/P3BPP1/RNBQ1RK1 | w | kq | - | Nxe5 Qxe5 Bxg4 |
7r/p4pk1/1pp3p1/8/6q1/4Q3/PP1R1P1r/5KN1 | w | - | - | Qe5+ f6 Qc7+ Kh6 Qxh2+ |
3r1rk1/1b3pp1/3p4/p3nPPQ/4P3/3q1BN1/8/2R2RK1 | w | - | - | f6 Nxf3+ Rxf3 |
r3qrk1/2p2pp1/p2bpn1p/2ppN3/3P1Pb1/1PP1P1B1/P2N2PP/R2Q1RK1 | w | - | - | Nxg4 Nxg4 Qxg4 |
r3kbnr/ppp1qppp/2n5/1B1pP3/5B2/4PQ2/PPP2PPP/RN2K2R | b | KQkq | - | Qb4+ Nc3 Qxb2 |
r4rk1/pp3ppp/3p1q2/P1P1p3/2B5/2B2n2/2P2P1P/R2Q1R1K | b | - | - | Qf4 Qxf3 Qxf3+ |
8/8/1p6/k7/P7/1KR4r/8/8 | b | - | - | Rxc3+ Kxc3 Kxa4 Kb2 Kb4 |
8/6p1/2B2n2/3b2k1/3B4/6K1/4P3/8 | w | - | - | Bxf6+ Kf5 Bxd5 |
4r1k1/1p2R1p1/p2p2Pp/P1pP4/8/1R3p2/1P1q3P/5B1K | w | - | - | Rxe8# |
8/7p/4k3/pb1p1pPB/1n1P3P/N1p1P3/4K3/8 | w | - | - | Nxb5 c2 Kd2 |
r6k/q1p2p1p/1b2bPr1/p1ppP2Q/3P2p1/4B3/PP2NRPP/3R2K1 | w | - | - | Nf4 cxd4 Nxg6+ fxg6 Qh6 |
r2r2k1/1p2qppp/2n1p3/5Q2/p2P4/P4N2/BP3PPP/2R1R1K1 | b | - | - | exf5 Rxe7 Nxe7 |
8/6k1/1R5p/5p1P/5P1K/6P1/8/r7 | b | - | - | Rh1# |
2nk4/8/2PBp3/1pK1P1p1/1P4Pn/8/8/8 | w | - | - | Kxb5 Ng2 Ka6 Ne3 Kb7 |
1r5r/p3kp2/4p2p/4P3/R4Pp1/6P1/P1P4P/4K2R | b | K | - | Rb1+ Kf2 Rxh1 Rxa7+ Kf8 |
2r2rk1/5ppp/bq2p3/p2pP1N1/Pb1p2P1/1P2P2P/2QN4/2R1K2R | w | K | - | Qxh7# |
8/3pk3/R7/1R2PK1p/2PPn1r1/8/8/8 | b | - | - | Ng3# |
6k1/Q2bqr1p/2rpp1pR/p7/Pp2P3/1B3P2/1PP3P1/2KR4 | b | - | - | Qg5+ Kb1 Qxh6 |
1r3k1r/pNqnppb1/6pn/2p3Np/7P/2P2Q2/PP3PP1/R1B1K2R | w | KQ | - | Ne6+ Kg8 Nxc7 |
2r5/pR5p/5p1k/4p3/4R3/B4nPP/PP3P2/1K6 | b | - | - | Nd2+ Ka1 Rc1# |
8/6pk/7p/2pq4/3p4/5PP1/P3QK1P/8 | w | - | - | Qe4+ Qxe4 fxe4 |
r1b1k1nr/1pp2ppp/p1pb1q2/4p3/3PP3/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQ1RK1 | w | kq | - | dxe5 Bxe5 Bg5 Qd6 Nxe5 Qxd1 Rxd1 |
6k1/r1b1q3/2p3p1/2Pp4/1P2p1n1/2B1P3/NQ6/2K4R | w | - | - | Rh8+ Kf7 Rh7+ Ke8 Rxe7+ |
rn3rk1/p5pp/3N4/4np1q/5Q2/1P6/PB1P1KP1/2R4R | b | - | - | Nd3+ Ke3 Nxf4 Rxh5 Nxh5 |
r3kb1r/p4ppp/b3p3/2pq4/3Q4/4BN2/PPP2PPP/R3K2R | w | KQkq | - | Qa4+ Bb5 Qxb5+ |
7R/1p2k2p/p2n2p1/4K3/8/6P1/P6P/8 | b | - | - | Nf7+ Ke4 Nxh8 |
r1b1k2N/ppp3pp/2n5/2bp4/7q/1B4n1/PPPP1P1P/RNBQR1K1 | b | q | - | Ne4 Rxe4+ dxe4 Qh5+ Qxh5 Bf7+ Qxf7 |
6rk/pp6/2n5/3ppn1p/3p4/2P2P1q/PP3QNB/R5RK | b | - | - | Ng3+ Qxg3 Rxg3 |
r1bqk2r/pp1nbppp/3p4/1B1p4/3P1B2/5N2/PPP2PPP/R2QK2R | b | KQkq | - | Qa5+ Qd2 Qxb5 |
r2qr1k1/ppp2ppp/4P3/8/1nP2Q2/2N2N1P/PP3KP1/R4R2 | b | - | - | Nd3+ Kg1 Nxf4 |
2r2rk1/6pp/3Q1q2/8/3N1B2/6P1/PP1K3P/5R2 | b | - | - | Qxd6 Bxd6 Rxf1 |
3r2k1/4nppp/pq3b2/1p2p3/2r2P2/2P1NR2/PP1Q2BP/3R2K1 | w | - | - | Qxd8+ Qxd8 Rxd8# |
rnbqkb1r/pppp2pp/8/4P3/2B5/4pQ2/PPPP2PP/R1B1K1NR | b | KQkq | - | Qh4+ Kd1 Qxc4 |
8/1N3k2/6p1/8/2P3P1/pr6/R7/5K2 | b | - | - | Rb1+ Ke2 Rb2+ Kd1 Rxa2 |
4r3/p5k1/2R4p/2Pp4/1P1pr1P1/P6P/8/3R3K | b | - | - | Re1+ Rxe1 Rxe1+ Kg2 d3 |
4qk2/1b3R2/p7/1p2Q3/4P2P/P2P3K/2r5/3R4 | b | - | - | Qxf7 Qh8+ Ke7 |
8/5k2/4R2p/p7/5rPK/8/7P/8 | w | - | - | Rxh6 Rf6 Rh7+ Kg6 Ra7 |
r1bk2r1/ppq2NQp/3bpn2/1Bpn4/5P2/1P6/PBPP2PP/RN2K2R | b | KQ | - | Ke7 Qxg8 Nxg8 |
3r4/R7/2p5/p1P2p2/1p4k1/nP2K3/P3NP2/8 | b | - | - | Nc2# |
8/7R/5p2/p7/7P/2p5/3k2N1/1K6 | b | - | - | c2+ Ka2 c1=Q Rd7+ Ke2 |
2kr2r1/1bp4n/1pq1p2p/p1P5/1P3B2/P6P/5RP1/RB3QK1 | b | - | - | Rd1 Qxd1 Rxg2+ Kf1 Rg1+ Ke2 Rxd1 |
5rk1/5ppp/1p6/1q3P1Q/2pp3P/6R1/6PK/8 | w | - | - | Rxg7+ Kxg7 f6+ Kxf6 Qxb5 |
1r4k1/p4ppp/2Q5/3pq3/8/P6P/2PR1PP1/1R4K1 | b | - | - | Rxb1+ Rd1 Rxd1# |
r4rk1/5pbp/p1n1p1p1/2p3NP/1p1q1B2/3P3Q/PPP3P1/R3R1K1 | w | - | - | Be3 Qf6 Rf1 Qe5 hxg6 Qxe3+ Qxe3 |
8/4kr2/R2p4/1p1Pp3/5pp1/3K1P2/PPP5/8 | w | - | - | Ra7+ Kf6 Rxf7+ Kxf7 fxg4 |
r2r2k1/2q1bpp1/3p3p/1ppn4/1P1BP3/P5Q1/4RPPP/R5K1 | w | - | - | Qxg7# |
4rr1k/p1Qn2pp/3p1q2/8/8/2P5/PP3PPP/RN3RK1 | b | - | - | Qxf2+ Rxf2 Re1+ Rf1 Rexf1# |
5Q2/8/1bk1p1p1/5p2/3p4/5qPK/7P/8 | w | - | - | Qa8+ Kd6 Qxf3 |
3q2k1/3r4/pp3p1Q/2b1n3/P3N3/2P5/1P4PP/R6K | w | - | - | Nxf6+ Qxf6 Qxf6 |
8/2k3n1/K2p2p1/2pP2Pp/2P4P/7B/8/8 | b | - | - | Kd8 Kb5 Nf5 |
6k1/p3b2p/1p1pP3/2P3P1/2np3B/P6P/3Q3K/8 | b | - | - | Nxd2 c6 d5 g6 Bd6+ |
4r1k1/ppq3pp/2p2p2/4r3/4p1Q1/P5RP/1P3PP1/3R2K1 | w | - | - | Rd7 Qxd7 Qxd7 |
2q3k1/4br2/6pQ/1p1n2p1/7P/1P4P1/1B2PP2/6K1 | w | - | - | Qh8# |
5rk1/1p2p2p/p2p4/2pPb2R/2P1P3/1P1BKPrR/8/8 | w | - | - | Rxg3+ Bxg3 Rg5+ Kf7 Rxg3 |
r1b2rk1/p3pp2/2B5/2Qpq3/3N2pp/4b3/2P2PPP/1R2K2R | w | K | - | fxe3 Qxe3+ Kd1 |
3r1rk1/1p4Rp/p2bp3/1q2Np2/3P4/1P5Q/5PPP/4R1K1 | b | - | - | Kxg7 Qg3+ Kh8 |
r6k/2q3pp/8/2p5/R1np4/7P/2PB1PP1/6K1 | w | - | - | Rxa8+ Qb8 Rxb8# |
5k2/p4pp1/1qn3r1/3pP2p/3N1P2/2PQ4/Pr3RPP/R5K1 | b | - | - | Rxf2 Kxf2 Nxd4 Qxd4 Qb2+ |
2rr4/5pk1/p1Q1N1pp/1p4q1/3pP3/1B1P4/PPP3PP/6RK | b | - | - | fxe6 Qb7+ Kh8 |
r5k1/2p1pp2/pp4p1/1q5r/5P2/2QP2R1/PP6/1K4R1 | w | - | - | Rxg6+ fxg6 Rxg6+ Kf7 Qg7+ Ke8 Qg8+ Kd7 Qe6+ Kd8 Rg8+ |
r1b1qrk1/pp1n1pbp/2pp1np1/4P3/2P2B2/2NBPN1P/PP3PP1/R2Q1RK1 | b | - | - | dxe5 Bh2 e4 |
3rk2r/2qn2p1/p1Q1p3/3n3p/8/8/PP4PP/5R1K | w | k | - | Qxe6+ Ne7 Qf7# |
8/8/1p1k1p1p/3np3/2B2p2/PP1K1PP1/7P/8 | w | - | - | Bxd5 fxg3 hxg3 Kxd5 g4 |
8/8/4Kpp1/7p/3N2kP/8/8/8 | b | - | - | g5 hxg5 fxg5 Kd5 h4 Ke4 h3 Nf3 Kg3 |
1r6/pp2kppQ/2n1p1n1/3p2P1/5P2/2PqP3/PP1N4/2KR3R | b | - | - | Nb4 cxb4 Rc8+ Nc4 Rxc4# |
This dataset contains 124,999 chess board positions in JPG format, derived from Lichess puzzles. Each image is accompanied by a shortened FEN string, indication for the color to play as, castling and en passant availability, and best moves in standard algebraic notation. The fields are as follows:
: image
, A visual representation of the chess board showing the current piece arrangement.board_state
: string
, A shortened FEN (Forsyth–Edwards Notation) string representing the piece placement on the board after the opponent's move. This state indicates the position from which the player must find the correct continuation.active_color
: string
, Indicates which player's turn it is to move. "w" for White to move and "b" for Black to move.castling_rights
: string
, Indicates the remaining castling options for both players. If neither side has the ability to castle, this field uses the character "-". Otherwise, this field contains one or more letters: "K" if White can castle kingside, "Q" if White can castle queenside, "k" if Black can castle kingside, and "q" if Black can castle queenside.en_passant_target_square
: string
, Specifies the square in algebraic notation where an en passant capture is possible. If no en passant capture is available, this field contains "-".best_continuation
: string
, The solution to the puzzle, consisting of "only moves" - moves that are significantly better than any alternatives. For mate-in-one puzzles, multiple solutions may exist if they all result in checkmate.